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The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-03, Page 5
Thursday, December 3, 1903 m r_ THE�fl�'I �1"G� �M ADV A �'O�* $holburne, Nov. 20.--A meeting of � RAI) �1��.���� � farmers was field lit Mulleur `Township ' 1'he Men's Store r� � this Week,when ac ritirrtl3ex of them rain is n signed all agl'eeinent giving, tile Dom V(]11 - L' Hundred thousand bushels of pauy that is drilling for coal in t}lo e tv co E e Evefling ';dill 10 O'clock, K aW Afloat otl elle way to Owen township mining rights, the company ; Sound. to pay specified rights on any. minerals A Tflucaxdine dealer is importing a 1 n dose of Ayers We give the citizens Of Willi ham and surrounding coull a cox used, x}le drill has been sunk several One Cherry g g y dial oar of potatoes frons Wellington County ben strreduck foot, and sista seams have Pectoral at bedtime prevents invitation to Gall and see our this week. been atruo . As one kind of siato is a• night Coughs of children. 04 sure indication of coal, tete oompany NO croup, No bronchials, A Up-to-date Bran New StOCk o1 Xmas. Presents In all theLondon, Nov, 27.—••A cablegram from is hot on the track of option. , Latest Novelties is Men's Wear, Australia by the new Proific cable yeo• torday reaolied London it) 21 ininutes. Stratford, Nov, 2G,--IaZx. N. M. Can• Cherry Just to liand-•-.$200.00 worth of New Neckties in all tho latest . till is in consultation with Mr. A. x+', ers Ill this city styles ---Four-in-hands BOWS POITS Shield Puffs, Tecks and English i.re he about $$25,0 0 from t the Cargill rreegarding h e radial Drailway between -Pectoral i i Ceire about `2y , z , 75e, estate as succession duties. bake. Ilurou and Stratford. Oantizi = doctor's Medicine for a l l • oc 3v"e BOWS, xn Silks lks, Satins and F:tinops ;it 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, ;i;l.2v, $1,00, �i. "Tile Walter barna Rt VPalkgrville 4jolla q big hotel at St. JDsepli'a and has .= affections 9f the throat,lTrAn+ Now Mufflers - 75 _ are filled with 2800 head of cattle this Option on t}ie routo for half the way. thiel tubCs, and lungs. Sold winter. Tile fattening process will fie wishes a franchise from Stratford for over 60 years, A nice present to give would be one of the following;— cost $80,000. for both city and radial roads. The tamnv torofB tYoai� Cherry lPectoraegToy —The H:irvester Trust is to reduce ua Oily Council incl Board of Trade con- dgeu."_for Xsshiand HtBa its � elti�, &�i•. A SMOKING JACKET, A DRESSING GOWN, A BATH ROBE, furred with Mr. Cuutiu this afternoon. zse, sot.,sl.00, X. sy$z;�q„ a its forces 25 per cent, About 7,000 mon l A. NEW SUIT OR AN OVERCOAT, will be dismissed. This means a saving Goderich, Nov. 2G.—.Toho `Cott, a - ];o,vcu Mann. i ! . 5 of $4,000,000. well-known resident, mot instant death 1 rufislate. Big Specials Fqr Friday g between nine and ten y a►nd Saturday.—Fifteen tbOnsand five hundred dol. O'clock morning � � Night, C 0 U 9 h S" �, 3 Alen's Pur -lined Overcoats, heaver Cloth Shell, lined with large marmot lars was the price a cloclt by COtnfng in contact with a J e � + � �: ,, f tore, lar o Meredith for a oea ton the DZo treat oaupliug on a piece of shafting at the Ayer g ppl soa't Ibedt me Itlt one of Sormnn Otter collars, double breasted coats, .. .. up•to- date, an� worth $iD.00—Sulo baso ............. ................. .......... $27.75 hill Of the Lake Huron acid Manitoba r Just o11t3� 10 ilo5s' odd Overcoats at COST,.,. Stock Exchange. Millin the fart of his ..............:......................... g s clothing was 25 Men's odd Tweed worth $1,00 and $1,50—Salo, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,, A00 —.Negotiations are in progress for the torn off and the unfortunate man was 25 Pairs 1Kca's Tweed Pants — Snie....................1.1.1. annexation of the town plot of Brookti thrown over the 1.81.15 shafting. Corner 14 Alen's and Youth's Overcoats, regular $7.00 and;$8,00—Salo,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $0.00 to Owen Sound, which would then have Holmes decided an inquest was un- .� A population of 11,000. necessary, Mr, Tutt was A middle-aged Every Box of • Cro 4�• —The Standard Oil Company has do. man' He 18aves a widow and two step- • �• olared a quarterly dividend of $12 en children, The its stack, which makes $44 per share I paid this year in dividends, - Not if It Cost Ten Dollars —The Canadian Pacific will shortly A bottle would I be without Poison's inaugurate a system of retrenchment Nerviline writes J. A. Ruth, a farmer 1 dak z and lay off many mon, the force being living near Trenton,' out. Nerviline is , out down in every department. the best household liniment I know, We use it for stomach troubles, indiges• —A herd of Ohio cattle worth $50,000 tion, headache and summer complaint. - y a Crown Point, Ind., on the I know of nothing better to take in hot was killed at ' water for to brisk or a cold, or to.rub guaranteed to give + is way to St. Louie by a railway wreck, on for rheumatismor neuralgia. Every 1 g L caused by a blinding snow storm. farmer should keep a few bottles of i entire satisfaction in all Nerviline handy and have smaller --'.Che Brantford Expositor has made doctor bills. Large bottle 25c at drug• 'cases of Stomach trouble a canvass which shows that the manu- gists, —if not, money refund- facturing industries of the city employ.- ed. Try a box and be Those who do their holiday buying early get .the cream ed 1,438 heads in 1$98 and 3,820 in 1sos. :convinced. 't' of the holiday offerings, while the holiday stock is complete —l1Sr• George Dickson Of Mt. Forest `While workmen were making pre - got put Of bad the other night and broke ,Orations to excavate for a furnace and at its best. Our assortment is larger and better than 6 under the Bank of Commerce house one of his toes while kicking a chair I have roan for two - ever, easily discounting anything of the kind il'ingham has g Seaforth, occupied by Mr. Parkes, the students in Telegraph 1 which interfered with his finding of .the manager, they struck a real curio, in ever. ollered. stove shaker. allies. , We are showing a line of Easy Chairs and Rockers that are designed the form of a petrified cat. The skele- _ to afford the greatest Comfort both to the eye and hod 36 Leather —In the washing sluices of the wiar• ton of the animal was perfect in every { y). ton sugar factory many stones, some detail, and the skin covered the belies as seated Rockers with high arm and back, regular $2.00 and $2,25, weighing 150 pounds, have been found, completely and perfectly -as in life, , reduced to $1.75. 2 'dOAM more of the same style expecTed in a few which, it seems, have been shovelled in. while the carcass was as rigid aA. DOUGLASS s stone, days. Children's Rockers at 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1,50, to the farmers' wagons with the beers, In.was found lying in it bed of lime left + '40W A. fine assortment of ,Ea•sels in Oak and Bamboo, from 70C to $2.50. evidently On purpose. there by some men, who had been. mak- See Chemist &Druggist Norwood, Nov. 28.—There is a swamp ing repairs to the house some years ! See the handsome exhibit of Pictures in colored photographs, framed ago, and it is thought that the cat had elm on the farm of Mr, Patrick Fallon Office G.N.W. rel. Co. with the newest mouldings, at prices within the reach of x.11. Don't ' then got caught under the house and forget that this store is called "The Picture Fra•uiilt Store"—so called about two Inelea west of Norwood, had been dried up and hardened by the j g which measures 23 1.2 feet in circum- for the new and up-to-date moulding and neatness in making, Goods ference, four feet from the ground. The lime. purchased will be stored, and delivered any time before Xmas. tree is as straight as a rule, and it is in ---The total output of minerals and the naigk}borliggd of 00 feet to the first mineral products in Ontario for the limks, year was $13,391,634, a gain of $t,6GQ,- C. HAMILTON k1NDERTA{iIfVCE AP�� 64$ over 19Q1, Thele were 11774 em • AUCTIONEER Re�ldenPP—AgttlsiC Ottawa, Nov. 27.—The name of C. M. , St., sth house west Bowman, M,L.A. P ployees, who earned the total Slim of BLYTH O. T, Of 1`14re. Ni ht Drug Bros• , Southampton, ie $4,459,228, engaged ill mining or in the 30 pears experience, I have conducted over Stora. prom salts mentioned III connection with the Sen- 3000 successful Auction Sales in the County rection prompt at- manufacture of mineral products. The of Huron, and as a rulo get better prices and tenttan. ate vacancy created m the death of Dr, sell to better men. Orders loft at ADVA1•CE . , , , , _ ... • . The Peoples i?urnitare Store values of the principal minerals aura Landerkfn. The names of Dr. MCDOn- Ocoee, Wingham, Nvill receive prompt atten- aid M.P., James Tolrgie, M. ',, and mineral substances produced during the tion. Terms reasonable. satisfaction guar - year were as follows:—Nickel, $2,210,- anteea. Phone or telegraph atmyexpenso, Mr. Zuechtel of I4anover, qre also hien- tinned. 981; Dopper, $650,28.3; iron ore, $515,445; pig iron, $1,653,051; steel, .1,610,031, , A gentleman. living in Palmerston Of non-metallic substances, the values v c A j� i sold a cow a few days ago for beef, but were: building stone, $1,020,000; lime, MASSEA H til lie .H r the purchaser instead of getting t}ie $617,000; petroleum products, $1,431,- F" AGD1 NOY animal intended to be sold, took by 054; brick, ;�t,697,171; Rud Portland mistake a valuable thoroughbred Dur- cement, $916,221. Have you a Cutter? If not, call hamham cow and slaughtered her. The and examine onr stock. before buy - cow caused s loss of about fifty ChicilRO, Nov, 27 --Four years ago ing elsewhere, John Alexander Dowie was getting Op- If You tviit he needing anything ' Chr*stm dollars. in the line o£ Farming Implements liana on his 21ou City property. Now or 141achinery for the coming sea- 17lnuertr411s, Nov. z� —Tqe l�auuer says., ho Is staving off creditors who are son, place your order early and �'heertran} apd sous Company havo swarming there. Yesterday's grist of get the best. just received payment for a machine suits foots up $4800. There are rumorq Massey-Idarrls goods are leaders sold nearly30 , everylghet•a. years Ago. The man that least one Bolder of a mortgage on Agent for the Kemp Alanure A could not pay and moved away to the Zion City laud is preparing to foreclose. Distributor, (- z C 11 United States, �bnt now that he is able This creditor, said to reside in Chicago, S 's handle the Wni. Gray to settle he has not for otters his obll - ki f � Sons Buggies and Cntters— Q g g As a $,$,000 olaim on Iaud in the heart universally acknowledged to be the atibn. CanAcjir}us qr$ haziest, of Zion City, including Dowie's re- best and- most durable to be had. --A protest was filed on Friday with sidence, the bank, general stores, col. T. H. Murray, registrar of the High logo tabernacle and other buildings. A ALF. GLOVER But our stock has already Court of Justice at Sault Ste. Mario fear ago Dowie failed to pay tine in- AGENT WINGHAM against tile- eleCtiOn Of C. N. Smith to stalments dile many wild oavneI9, BB- �^�•``y`-`i`M� 8.20 come, and we have something the Legislature, General charges of all curing a year'$ eX-tension, which he may kinds of bribery, corruption and the use ;lot obt. i•i now, Much of the Iand in 6.. L18W t4 show the people this undue in4tionces Eyre zniade, and dis• Z}ou City was mortgaged by Dowie, �' .. ' cluAliilcatiou is asked as well as unseat• and owners of houses thele havo only year. to buying a present i°' IGases. It now develops that Dowie transferred the title of leis residence to N T —The Grey and Bruce Oil & Gas his wife just prior to her departure for always buy the newest—you will Co's. well near . Hepworth, is down Europe. near 1300 feet and witli a good show- 1? get It at Patterson's Jewelry Ing of gas, things are beginning to take an interesting t1.urn. A mootiug. of the A Study of Old .Age, lit � � Store. It pas to come early. PirectOra C file n Wlida evening at �'"� � pays • e � � d A 3' g Reveals tllo fact tklat the blood fe us• i;; \ 1 the Ro al Hotel to arrange for fprther ualiy thin And Racking in the strengthen- . ,y developing the #field and tp secure all ing Properties Of young folks' blood. C fire of youth, build rep your strength new options ppssihle bgpiaes rozaetviug It you want to fill your blood with theOp You should see our large stock of the ole} goes; restore your nerves, just use Ferrozone. Wiartou, Ont., Nov, $A,. --The list of It's the roost potent tonic known and , p rt i gccidents throgg$ acetylene gas has in• • will renew the flickering flame of an aged life by imparting nourishment to goMebo'dy gala © (�,"/ creased by an explosion in the store of enfeebled organs. Ferrozono fortifies ��1 B. D. Weber, Mr, weber with several weak system, feeds the blood, brain and "Be as wall dressed is you can 49 others, was removing the gas plant from nerves with new life. Try FerrOLOnO afford, and its good advice. L Price GOc per hos, But cinthes cost atone o all kinds this ear, sellar u a ng th storehouse in the rear, and in less accordingto y (if &br or — G y disbouueating the parts brought a lamp l mono or lessaccordingtolength4of too close. An explosion at once follow wear,--ntore or less according to the ed. Mr. Weber, Mr. J. Tilley, and Mr. Kir1rPING IN TOUC$, thornughtiess of the unseen work, Manvers were badly burned. This inside part is the life of t}ir We 7, Ili these Jaya Of blstory.making in cue ofI-met. thelfeatltYpAai it In Y9 a are showing. a 'fiery —Mr. and Mrs. Weathers, of Proton, the I"lupire, and of great national do - ,y �r Station, wore bereft of their throe , velopmeut and political growth in can. its appenrltnee and neatness, fine hlt7le Of SOLID GOLD iii ooiD)s manths� old baby" recently in a most Oda, all classes of people ora realiziu; have von ever tt•ied us for men's the necessity of following the world's grtlments? It would be worth your peculiar manner. They were , driving doings, da; b (lay, e than ever be- white. of the newest atterns ~ aid y g „ between Meaford and Owen sauu8 with fore The pghlioyinusthRve the news I'd'l ave it immediate) and so the ty the infant, which was closl.v ivrappod, ; y,` Maxwell O �t r�,et�i r�'�i i��l ' •tr'P'S r7 r!✓ toprbteot it front th cold. flu reach• tally noivspapet' supplants rho airy!i !J weekly atuong all Mases. The kale}do, 40t, ing 4' ctQaford they: were horrified to scope of human affairs is rapid in its Hill art Tailor - jjnd p find the baby dead, having boon ac. movements, A vteeli is too long to wait, shah ofdeutAlly smothered in its wraps, for the world'g news. Ili these days of Been business competition merchants 100-N---- •{ - And farmora niusb havo MArket quotr. •boost°s Pho,%_Pliod[£tnc9, swe tious titin day t0 day. Moreover, It :s "d@eAtetEegiiea€tbctedy, What Is Catarrh? now possible to obtain ane Of Toronto's is au old, rvolI ostab. U.� groatost dailies—Tho Nows--for tile.y ,. w. Iished and reliable It is an inflammation of the juncous pride Of the city wackly, $1.00 a ear bt✓ Z preparation. Hasbeon; Y y �+� Y prescribed and t:sFt? 1 , lining of the throat, brouohial tubes and mail. Tile Nows sets forth the Vows prerfOYearsand jj.n;. nasal passages excited by germs that of the day in an attractive form, Its gists in tho Pon1mor. The Watc- h Doctor ban Only be destroyed by fragrant heal• political reports are free from party 1a ` laic iii acncal n�1lY ini� Ing Catarrhoxauo which is breathed bias, and its inarkot reports eomprchon- Pefor# and After, the pnlY modicino cif ' direct to the sent of the disease, and sive And acourate. Every day n chap, gives nulvnrs;l nntiafnetionhi lti hatcutlaas d Opp, Queen's Hotel witl illlirri has never yet failed to Cure, Pleasant for Of a first-class serial appeals just perruct�eutivcuroinllicrms oe rcirotts IlcaX� g to use, absolutely certainly to cure, enotigli for, say, a half.11011 s reading cs.9. loutlycus, .st>crhrtatorrhrcei, IsTI9 7eney, Oatarrhozone always since slitisfaatibn, Noithor sloes 'Tile News lack the 9-ndalloffeetsofabuseorosces�os, thooxeessva "I suffored from nasal; catarrh as badly mitgazino features of the eit woof 2'0bu0t0, Ot,r¢6nBor.VttmimlrolO, llienta?' that I couid'ut breathe through my The Saturdayedilioti. •'� ri nii�Zu� q`l'�raenllcrrtr,altoelvh:ettleacttnanttrmity, nostrils, writes G. X Wilmot of MO• twenty-fotii' Pigeb `�a e.P �pOCiAi illtl'xest �usricoallitl Cons --koa and as or t-- tII,Lvo, X rico t par eckago nr relit for 3,. U 1 :ci1d c• rideti," I used Catitrrhozono for a, fow i to vomoll, t:ud, I'(100d, to ttvery idem• wean papa, t e dear ,rade pirp eptyAon s minutes And was relieved, It cured ill liox•at'tllo family, Everyono silonlil The Wood Catnprriy, tk short limo. Nd ,t4or rolixecly ' list Vnita for A satnplo Cbpy of Tho News, wtudear,out" Canada, liko CatArrh0�0110 It to the best. WO and particulars Of their generous Club `Cv oo(IA I't:bsphodine, Is sold in NVInghain Month$' trUititentf $1.00; trial size 250, Bing offerd, b C. A. gaol bell, �v, Aicliihboti, A, L, I atuilton and 1 , A.bOuglass, Dru,rgir,tb, M. Slim Prices, Small Profits Stout: vsluel�, Th Lose Stogy R 0 9:ti�l+[eturtte Quick Sale's Sm'ali Profits That's the sort of business we like ----brisk sates, quick returns and Constant activity, There's an en- thusiasm about it. Buyers tell their friends, and they tell others, and so the news of goodness and cheap- ness gets generally known. THREE FLOORS well stocked with just the kited of goods you want, at moneyasaving prices, The Basement for all kinds, of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fur Coats, etc...,. ... , SPE'CI'AL VALUE in Men's and Boy's Overcoats. See our l cn'fl Grey Raglan. Overcoats, worth $10—fur, . , , .. . , , , , $$,00 A lige of Boys' Sults to clear at ............... . . . . . ..... . .. 4.50 Men's heavy working Pants, strong.1 ;,61 -made --Bargain at_ , 1.50 EXTRA SPECIAL. —Men's all wool dark tweed Suits, worth $7.50—our price. ...................................< 8.00 MEN'S FUR COATS—the best kind, well lined..........,, .'..........•• ...................at $15.00„ $10,00, $25,00, $80.00 First ;door Departments Dress Goods, Smallwares, Hosiery and Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Staples, Wrappers and Waists, ' Flannelette Underwear, Boots and Shoes Groceries Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps. 1 ' SPECIAL OFFERINGS in every department. We have many lines of goods bought below value whole- sale, which will be sold to out' customers at about the. regular wholesale price, Second Floor Departments . Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Jackets, Tailor-made .pop Skirts, Underskirts, Waterproofs, Carpets, Oil. cloths, Curtains, -Blankets, Quilts, etc. See our leader in Top Skirts at $3.00—worth...,', .... , , .. , . $3.76 l.,adies' Jackets in Black, nicely made, latest style, to clear..... 5.00 Ladies' Fur Coats — $20.00, $25.00, $27,50, $30,00, $35,00, $37,50, $40.00 — good values. 14 Isa d CLD. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Ir Bros, TAILORS and GENTS' FURNISHERS There's Satisfaction in Homuth's Clothes for Men. S Not just because they've that smart and attractive 've all the elegance of fashion—in but for the I-efact all on that the elegance of the beet -to -measure Clothes. We have the largest variety Of exclusive styles in the History of this store—you'll admit it after an inspection. Suits that none but the very best tailors can equal— elega, v tailored garments of fine imported dark mixed fabrics—single breasted sacque style—they show at every turn, the mstster tailor's handiwork. .Prices from $15, $10, $I$, $20, $22 to $40. A WORD ABOUT UNDERWEAR.—The season is right' for the changing of Underwear and this store is rightly prepared to supply the Rants of the season for Alen. Alen's heavy Shirts and Drawers of wool and of fleece lined—at 50c, 7+5c, Doe, $1.00 and $1,25 each, IN NECKWEAR—we always Have the newest designs and patterns, In COLLSUS—our stock is elways COm- pleto with tela newest shapes. Sizes from 121 to 17j. IN BATS A.,gra CAPS,—Wo always lead the style, and anyone buying a Iint or Cap can feel assured that it is right lip -to -the -minute, 6�i1.':W.s.dY4eL8 �rh1 „n�4,YL1 ,are Stock of .iron enc Brab-va^ Beds On Hand, These are the conlimy Bed. Out prices are. $3. Vi, st:1.00, $6.00 and . 6.50. A good lane of Dressers ana =_ Stands to match. �. .A. fine line of Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Couolies, etc., at the lowest prices. .YnrMn.vti�� WALKER BRCS. & BUTTON tlollle Furnishers and Undertakers owe 0