HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 8.t SHE WINGfiAM ADVAN C• JTb ursday, Nos earer 26, l9O T.. ., j r,, o oh"111AS WFWC10S . CLOTHING SAL 1t++ .i,.1i.;ilW +yt,4wl.a( it +sh:. ,aTM.r;;7,.,bi:I, _. II6, JIa6 i. r UAM 4 Misses Aglrie and Mary Gorman. There was. a positive, abyplute, auc- l" P, visited Miss Nethery last week, tion sale in Toronto last week,of part. "'x*` 11RoPO$RD WATERWORKS AND Miss Roland of Hamilton, is $pend of the well-known Sh4rey'e readyto LADD °R° ASMN e i ` SEWERAGE SYSTEMS. • ing a few days with her mother at wear clothing (Montreal) of cancelled present, orders, all new for this season's trade, _ '" NOTICE is hereby given that thebilrnlol- Miss. McConnel, who has been the Clothing way aped cheapp--Rt what You are sure at all times to find in this store the cor-• 'l , w tai Council of the Town of Win ham propose • nest of 141iss Mary Uorley, has return* prices it would bring, i3oy s' Iiagla• o enLhmiG to the oleotora nualiI to vote g nettes, boys' Overcoats, boys Reefers, ' thergon,forthelraasent,aiiv-law toauthorizq ed home. boys'2and8pieceSuite,boyy'knleker sect u -to-date materials and trimmings for Costumes, In I'll+ , the Issue of debentures of the Town of Will pante, also men's Raglan Overcoats, ' l ;ly, j p, t , hate, to the amount of $35.000, for the Purpose MI', and Mrs. coulter of Morris ,f ; rI77 of ham. of 335ingthowaterworks visited A,,'.r, and Mrs, Win: Nethery men's Overcoats, Reefers,xneBooScotch Tweeds HomespunS Zibeline, and Flake effects, No jI, '' iii l I evslCm of the said Town and for the construe• : last week-, Tweed Suits and men's Frieze Pante. > > (I' ! f l,j l jI I tion of R trunk sowohora vit4 vRnd rho toll Tom. Tttnn o£ Hamilton is at home A. R. Smith, the lucky loan of Wing i7 g y Iijt/," I I works in concoction t T y barn, attencleci the tLbovO sale, and trouble to display tl e goods and'trimmings and give you the ! j( J+ .I I lowing are the estimates of the proposed ex, . for the present, owing to the illness nolo Ilan those goods in the Chisholm I' I ',y, t +, , ppndtturo for the said works: of his father. ,ll very latest ideas, + 1! jiI + ' -i IMPROVEMENT AND EXTENSION OF THU block.. , He will sell. these ilt'at•C1aSS 1 ' wJT IRDS oars SYSTEM, Messrs. Norman Walsh, John Hal- goods as cheap as the cheapest for the 13 2 Artesia) wells .............. $1200 CO lalmn and A. Vint spent Sunday with next 30 days -no space or time to give Have a look through oUl' Corset, Hose sand UL[del'wear cC Air Compressor and connec- Durt annpn friends, gaotations this week. Call and see 7 tion with wells ............... 1500 00 g for yourselves at A. R, Smith's, Qhie• Reservoir ............. 1000 370000 Mr, A.OarcofWestfield has rented holm block.. Departments—we know that it will pay you. a Addition to building.,..., .... 1200 00 his 100 acre farm to J, Pickett of Mor - Removal of and repairs to ris for it term of 5 years. A Shipment of fine Furs to hand to -day --early •or re- maohinory..............•,... 800 00 2000 00 Mr. Win. Leishman of Michigan DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. who has been visiting friends in. thiAN ALL-ROUND NEWSPAPER.',, peat orders ; well, quality .and our prices tell the story. 2572 ft, 10 in. Malas 0 $1.42... 3652 24 vicinity for some time, has returned The cable and outside service which TRO V 1250 118 ,, u 1.'. 1.10,.. 1372 oo hem@. .. . . :. 7150 " a " " 75.,. 5302 50 the Toronto Daily Stax has built up .. . • • I . . 7425 " 4 " " " .54... 4009 5o Mr. A, Qoultes of Buffalo and Mr. " "° "' Special Castings ............... 392 s Ed. Uoultea of Wisconsin were in this gives it as full and comprehensive a .. ... gathering of outside news of the day Valves and Boxes.,.,.,..,,,. 409 00 as can be found in any other Canadian ,,This is the first bread I ever hydrants ....................... 438 00 vicinitylast week attending their 0"4 B NO T L Omu"r M w N — lsess 52 father's funeral. . paper, In addition to this, its many11 A Mi Inade," remarked the young wife ; Stand Pipe and Site..,,,,,..— 6300 00 ° ° s ° ! ° ° a ° ° s ° "well," remarked the optimistic hes- Engineering & Contingenoiea. 2661 48 Mies Annie Densmore is home special features give to The Star a band, "there's nothing like starting $29600 0000 again. She has been nursing Alex. particular character, and make it a /y with n solid foundation." sEtvElraaE srsTEnl, Leishman of Marnoch, who has been specially readable notivspapor. It gives We invite qoL to visit pLlr Ready -Tailored Clothes •. That's bow we started our bust. ill with the fever, for about Il weeks, more attention to "Woman and life J A Trunk Sewer on Josephine Home" than any other paper, recogniz ness-on a solid foundation. 'foe dont Street from Alfred Street to Jackson Wightman of the 0th line, in in that fact that half of the readers Department. ° Your needs can be easily and quickly ,sup - believe there is a business in Wingham 6 nth branch lof River with 3022 00 has purchased the farm belonging to of a newspaper are women, to whose in - that sells more Pants (some call them sewerngo Disposal Warks, Newton Campbell of Westfield, and tercets adequate attention should be died, and we will not punish your pocket very severely. Trousers) than we do to 12 months. con tin of a hair of Septic will take possession in the coming paid, In other departments -editorial- 1 . We certainly do try hard to please our Tanks S, , and Filter Bede... 2373 00 spring. ly, in market reports. sporting, general Trouser customers. We keep as many Contingencies ................. 605 00 P g Good brand new Overcoats for five dollars and up. -- 6000 00 John Petts, fortnerly of Westfield, and city news -The Star is no less of the different lengths, widths, shapes complete and attractive. ... " and styles, as it is possible for one Total Expenditure ..............$35.600 0o is now in Hamilton Hospital with a ; - • • • .• . - .. - • --._ 11.11-........._ _. house to carry. and we make it still And take notice that a poll of the electors severe attack of pneumonia. His The Star's subsoription price is $1.00 a more possible for you to get a correct qualified to vote on said proposed By-law will ,nany friends wish him a speedy re- ,year,. with the balance of this year fit by making any needed alteration. be taken by wards on Monday, the fourth day covery. thrown in to new Subscribers. Notice ran a of rices -$1 00, $1.25, of January, A.A. 1901, from 0 o'clock a.m. till Mr. Tunny Sr., of We is very Stocks In every Department new and fully aSSOI'teCl. .y[ g p 5 o'clock p. m. of the same day, and at the l • C $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $'2,50, $3 00 - the places mentioned in the proposed By-law, a low at resent, and but slight hopes A, good organ for Sale Cheap. best value at these prices. copy of which By-law is published hereun the are entertained for his recovery. Salem. Get familiar with our uarantee And take notice that on Monday, - .... , • , g eleventh day of January, A. D. 1904, at eight He suffers from a stroke, which he Miss Edna McIntosh is visiting ... that goes with every transaction. o'clock p.m. tbeMunicipal Council of the Town received last Thursday. '" of Wingham, will, in the event of the said pro- l friends in Essex. M. OOK posed Bylaw being carried by the electors, finally consider the said proposed By-law in Miss Edith Mitchell spent Sunday open Council. West Wawanosh. .lest with friends in Ethel. "DON A° R. Doo ted Clerk's Office, Wingham, November r 26th, 1903, Tile telephone extension to Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Armstrong of J. B, FERGUSON, Clerk, is now completed and phones have Fordwich visited Mr, and Mrs. Weir DIRECT IMPORTER Gents' Furnishes been installed in five business places. last week, Big Prices for Trade. and Clothier . - BYLAW NO. • • • • A number of men from this vicinity Rev. Mr. McKelvey gave a very im- • cin for the winter11 J i 41 ,nlol,id lJWd,s!L, 1Y 1,;tl1 W LW n+.ii.3 +d W.A9!.t, hI Ajai,J' Chisholm Block Wingham -- are intending going pressive temperance sermon on Sun - Bylaw to authorize the issue of doben- to work in the woods near Wiarton. . day afternoon last. tures of the Town of Wingham to the Mr, Cornelius Smith has sold his We are sorry to learn that Mrs. amount of $35,600, for the purpose of im- farin in West Wawanosh, near . Robt. Mitchell is very sick, in Wing- HoWlck. DEER HUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS. proving and extending the waterworks Fordyce, to Mr. Phillips of Ashfield ham, at her sister's Mrs. Oliver, i system of the said Town, and for the con- and intends moving to Lucknow. The anniversary of Newbridge ! ; ,Sstruction of a trunk sewer and sewage A large number attended Mr. Ben- church will be -on Dec. 13th. Mr, Martin Oummings moved to nett's sale on Fr,Lday last also Mr. Mr. J. ft Swan, Trucial photo- I 1. ,Fruitsdisposal works in connection therewith. Goderich on Thursday last after a Brown's on the ninth con. of Howick. Mr. John Topham finished thresh rather of the Grand Trunk Rahway residence in Westfield for nineteen ing his grain last week. He had threeystem, has returned to Montreal Whereas it is deemed expedient that the ears. He has sold his farm on the We are sorry to hear of the illness • Ing to clean out to complete his job. from a ten days' sojourn in the hunt- S # waterworks 11 system of the Town of Wingham p rile, T. can b0 numbered as cue of ing regions situated on the Company's p l1111 should be improved and extended so as to OLD. hnonBaof nfordewho now has to fine foimlerl of thisholacen OWehoitebto linea 'in ''rhe Hi blends of Ontario." provide the ratepayers and citizens thereof y p p large farmers of Howick. fi Our new fruits have arrived with more efficient fire protection and with a lace Of 125 acTea, bear of. her recovery. Mr. Swan made the trip with a view supply of water for domestic use and for other P We are glad to state that Thos. of securing an additional collection of IM purposes; and also that a trunk sewer and On Wednesday last there occurred The Trustees of the Methodist Dane and Miss Clegg, who have been negatives of deer bunting pictures to for Xmas. Trade. sewage disposal works should be constructed at the home of Thos. Woods one of church here held a business meeting seriously ill for some time past, are add to the already large series which in connection with said waterworks system. y g naw able to walk around and it is con- £ And whereas the total estimated cost of those events that always give its plea- on Thursday evening last, when Mr, the Company have now, and which t `' the proposed waterworks improvement and sure to record. His daughter Mary Ed, Palliser resigned his wasofficas fidently expected that ere long Doth of are being utilized to exploit the great - ,' , _. - Finest Selected Raisins. extension is $29,600, and the total cost•ot the was united in marriage to Dr. Gem- caretaker, 11Zr, W. Weir was ap• them will be entirely recovered. attractions which are found in Out- , proposed trunk sewer and sewage disposal Currants, Peels. works is $6,000, making altogether the sum of mell, of Whom The wedding core- pointed and has accepted the position. Messrs. J. W. Spence and J. Top. ario for the sportsman. - " 66 $36,600, which is the amount of the debt in- mony was performed by the Rev. C. { ham have erected a wire fence along He was most successful in his quest tended to be created by this By-law; and in H. Owen, of Lucknow, assisted by the the west side of their farms, on the and has been able to obtain a number 44 Shelled Nuts. i order to protide the said sum for the said Rev. Miles, of Kincardine, in the purposes it will be necessary to issue debent- Grey' second line, which no doubt was much of excellent views, not only depicting 46 Prunes, Figs. ores of the said Town of •Wingham for the presence of the immediate friends of Mr. Robt. Weir, teacher of S. S. in need of to prevent drifting snow, the hunter in the tact of securing his said sum of $35,600, payable as hereinafter the contracting parties. No. 4 spent Sunday at his home in which has caused this road to be im- quarry, but several scenes of the game 66 Dates, etc. provided. Turnberr passable sometimes. being hauled to camp, camping scenes And whereas the total amount required SUDDEN DEATFL,—The Citizens of y, Ha Thought Ranges Jams and Jellies. by "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually St Helena were terribly shocked on and views of large numbers of deer Happy g g by special rate for paying the said debt and Miss Susie Pearson, who has beeb The township Council met on Nov, at the several stations being got ready interest is the sum of $2031.35; whereof $1424.00 Wednesday. morning t0 learn of the ill with ulcerated throat, is able to be 18 ; members all present. Mrs. R, for transportation, Crown Huron Ranges is to be so raised annually for payment of sudden death of Mr. lames Todd, a Stinson asked to have her taxes re- y y tonne man of 23 years, and son of around again, The Grand Trunk Railway system We always carry a large interest during the currency of the said de- Mr, Thomas Todd, a that village. Rev. C. P. Wells intends starting tnitted, and this request wall on mo- have made a specialty in the last few New idea Ranges bentures, and $610,35 is to be raised annually tion of Messrs. Gowdyand McKee and well assorted stock Of for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for young special services at Roe's church next ' years h advertising .the many or th - the payment of the debt secured by the said The deceitsed oun man had 0111 granted. A large number of accounts tions that, Canada holds forth for the [deal Favorite Ranges fano $iSCUlts and iOnfeC- dobentnres, returned about a week ago from Mani- Sabbath and will continue them on passe for L mPnt and qhs Ouuncil And whereas the amount of the whole toba, where he had spent a few every night during the week. p p' y tourist, angler and sportsman, eapi•ci• tionery. Quality and prices rateablo property of the Town of Wingham adjourned t.0 inlet eta Dec. 15th as per ally disseminating the information Base Burners, all SIZeS according tothelast revised assessment roll battof's spirits good health. He The hour of service at Roe's church Statute. for the delectation of the increasing guaranteed. thereof is $6:0,337• P g Cole's Hot Blast Coal Heaters aP" And whereas the amount of the existing retired to bed as usual on Tuesday has been changed to 10 o'clock t order A souvenir of the Newbridge Metho- brotherhood of .travellers fr•ntn thi debenture debt of the said municipality is night. in company with a young man to give justice to the services at Union dist Sunday School in the form of an United Slates.' Thousands of dollars Toronto Bread—Mondays $11 TherePo Therefore .municipal is Ci arre of the named Thomas Pennell, who is em- and Roe's and to the pastor• attractive folder, beatu.ifully executed' have, been expi•nd`ed in this dirrcL;on . fjlC Tights, all sizes and Fridays. Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts ployed at Mr. Tudd's, and nothing Robt, Weir, teacher in S. S. No. 4, in blue and gold, was presented by the' with Lhe result that the traffic is has as follows:- was known of his death till the boys purposes holding a public examination pastor, Rev. D, Rogers, to each officer, increased phenomenally. It is safe Guaranteed to give Satisfaction and 1. The sum of $29,600 shall be expended by g on Dee 18th, Teacher and pupils are teacher and scholar iu the school on to say that the Grand Trunk are doing Prices to snit. Call and examine Orders filled and delivered the Town of Wingham in improving and ex- were called on Wednesday mornin Phone 58. tending the waterworks system of the said The young man was highly esteemed working hard to make it a success. Sunday last. This stet of thoughtful [pore than any other factor to educe them, it will a you, at promptly. Toren, and the sum of $6,660 expended in the in the community and his sudden death attention was duly appreciated by all ttse Canada as the Mecca for the pay construction of a trunk sewer and sewage is a severe blow to his bereaved parents Mr.. Ed. Smith who has been in the members of our school, summer visitor and the sportsman. disposal works in the said Town. of Fishleigh's d 1 2. For the poetess of baiting the said sums the eanest and to sympathy sof t the [whoahome last week. s He ie much impress- Mrs, and Miss Mahood o. oP $29,600 and $6,000 debentures of the said b J. flumberstone - Town of Wingham to the said amount of section. - ed with the country and will pro ably left oo Tuesday afternoon for Toronto $35;6o0• in the whole, shall be issued in sums move out there to snake his home, and on Wednesday will proceed to T u C MARKE' - of -51000 each, on the first day of June A. D. i Mr., and Mra. John McLennan of the Chicago, thence to Webster City or THE 190T, each of which debentures shall be dated Blyth. Sioux City, lowa, where they will Tudho e's old stand, Wingham) on the day of the issue thereof, and shall be Blyth. Grey boundary, have moved their spend the winter with either Dr. D. WIN6HAilf atAIiSETB Hardware Store, illhaIl1. ( p payable on the first day of June A. D.1934, at The Epworth League of the MetbO- household effects and part of the stock G Mahood or Rev. W, Mahood. Mrs. . the office of the Treasurer, for the time being, P g to their farm on the. 2nd con. (former - of the said Town of Wingham, dist Ourch will hold else-meetin on ly owned by Jas. Lynn) and will be- Mahood is very weak and the journey Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 50 Smith & Pethick's old stand. 3. Each of said debentures shall be signed Fridayevening, Dec. 11th. will try her strength very much. Fall wheat per bush new 77 to 77 NOTLCTi.-The question is how can by the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham Mrs. Mary Curtis will have a Salo on come residents. We welcome theta Oats per bush........... 0 28 to 0 28 or by some other poraon authorized bw Bylaw Mr. Geo. Gre of Sorin bank, has Robt. Mclndoo loan his money Cao to sin tanastihe'Clerk of the ole 'Ire surern of Saturday of all her household effects, to our community. sold his fine farm of 180 are to his Barley per bush........ 0 40 to 0 45 y 4 . -cheap on notes and mortgages.Wingham sball,attach thereto the Corporate together with a large brick residence John Johnston, who has been assist- son George, and his son-in-law, Mt, Peas per bush......... 0 55 to 0 00 to 4 a and see. ROBT. McIND00. seal of the Municipality. and ten acres of land adjoining it. C. in Ben Jackson, 0th con„ this sum- D. A. Harkness, of Redgrave, for $10- Bran ........... 18 'JO to 18,00 4. The said debentures shall bear interest Hamilton will conduct the sale. mer, left for his home at Chesiey, on Shorts .................. 1 00 to 20 00 One way 'Until Excursion Tickets aro on . - at the rate of four per cent. per annum. paya 000, This was n fine property, Mr. 1 '25 to 1 '20 1 1, Monday. During his stay here, John $ •kness has since rented his half•to Chop............ sale Daily Until November 30th, to points in 7 00 t 7 00 t ble annually at the office of the Treasurer, for Mr, and Mrs. A. Taylor left ere ax , , o HOUSE- the time being, of thG said Town of Wingham,morning or made many friends and will be greatly his partner and accepted the Listowel Ha'y "" ' ' • ' British Columbia, California Colorado, Idaho, REXUL HOLD DYES on the thirty-first hin ar during of December ec a e thereof Wednesday C wherthey w ll reside in future. missed especially at Roe's ,E,pwoive a enc for the famous Deering Gael Futter per lb....:: :.... 0 17 to 0 17 Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, oto. y League, in which he took an active Eggs ........... 0 20 to 0 20 p The be wishes of their many friends g vesting machinery. Mr. Gregg will gg These Dyes will dye wool, Cotton, silk, Jttto except t e last payment of interest which art, probably retire to Cli#iord to spend Lard ........ .. 0 12 to 0 13 or Mixed Goods in one bath -they aro the shall which eco debentures Eayable sleet and paOilya g0 with them t0 their new home. P Potatoes per bush new 0 30 to 40 Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, Ill. latest and most improved Dye in the world. which and the said debentures shall have On Tuesday evening of last week, the rest of his days in ease and quiet- A les per ba (new) 0 35 to 0 40 $13.50 Fare for Round Trip,fromWinghant. Try a package. All colors at and s ste ' ble;attached to them coupons for the payment of The Directory of the U. P. R. at the Epworth League at Rue's church nese, and Mr. H. will oto Listowel pp i? g ' • ... •.. store, Bluevale, and C. B. Mo the said interest, which coupons shall be meeting recently held have decided to was well attended. Two excellent soon after his sale to begin work and Hides per 100 lbs::::::... 5 50 to 0 00 Good Going Nov, 20th bee. Dec. fat. Valid Belgrave, Ont. Lamb skins • • 0 50 to 0 05 returning on or before Dec. 7th, 103. stoned by the said Mayor and Treasurer, build the proposed extension from, a ers were given b Robt. Weir and the family will follow after New LambDress hogs........... 5 50 to 0 00 e. During the currency of the saidy deben- Guelph to Goderich. What we would papers g y rates there all shall be eablo raised Annually the Town like to know now is -Which route will L Frain, on "How wa, may help to Year's. Live hogs ................ 4 40 to 4 50 Ontario Provincial Fair, Guelph turerate a on all the r said sum of $1•P4.00, for the they take? A special meeting was abolish the saloon," Mr. T. Strachan Tallow, per lb........... 05 to H DEC. 7th To DEC. lith, 1903 R payment of interest on the said debentures, called Friday evening to discuss what also gave a very instructive talk as i Wool . • . , ... , • , • . . , , • ] 0 to ]$ $2,45 -Faro for the Round Trip from Wing - A& I and the said sum of $610.35, for the purpose of our village could do towards the right Temperance, and the discussion was (thickens per pair.... , ... 40 to 75 ham. Good going Dec, 5th to 11th, yalid for creating a sinking fund for the thepa pu s of the g Conducted b Rev. Wells. The church Morris. return on or before Dec, 14tb. debt hereby secured, making in all the sunt of Of Way in this line e , r ssR. is come choir rendered appropriate music, as- Ducks per pair .... , ..... 00 to 75 $2034.35, to be raised annually by special rate b wa of Listowel, Brussels and sisted by the orchestra. Tho young The Council met on Nov. 10th, ac- Turkey, per ....... . 10 to 31 as aforesaid during each of the said 30 years. Blyth. 0. This By-law shall come Into operation and 1 - people at this appointment are tem- cording to adjournment ; members all Geese, per Ib. ,........ 0 to 07 The 'tSt. Catharines Well." PoDular :take etPect on the day of the passing hereof. penance workers and we wish the present ; minutes of last meeting read The waters of this famous well aro a seat 7. The votes oftheelectors of the said Town and passed. TORONTO STOCK MARKET. spa iftc Por nervous disorders. Situated on of Wingham shall be taken on this By-law at (ferric. society further success. M . Michael Kelly appeared in ref- the direct line of the Grand Trunk, eleven the following times and jilaces, that is to say, Mrs. R. H. White is visiting friends in l create to necessity of cutting hill and For full and accurate market re- utiles from Niagara Falls. ' on Monday the fourth day of Jaitilary A.D. Fordwich. 1901, commencing at [tine o'clock in the fore- Mt. Forest. otherwise improving road on sideline ports see second page. For tickets, and all information apply to noon and continuing till five o'clock in the between lots 5 and 0, con, 7. Moved Agents. Write to J. D. McDonald District '. afternoon of the saint day, by the following Chas. Armstrong and wife, of Clif- Mra E• Rhiem, after s months visit b Taylor, seconded by Jackson, that _ Piassen er Agenni, Toronbto,efordescriptive 6ames deputy returning of kers : ford were guests of R. H. white, this with her parents and friends, rtBurned Councillor Code be instructed to ex- literature t above regarding e v In Ward 1, at Albert Ford's Office, Minnie eek to her home In London on Friday Street, by James Flouty, Deputy Returning w , pend ie in improvement of said road CASH FOR YOUR J. ss MC Agent, ^^ ' ^ ^ , Officer for said ward 1. Mrs. Jas Shera, who has been spend- last. -carried. i - In Ward 2, at the Advance Office, Josep h- Geo. Johnston, who has spent the On motion of Shaw and Code, Coun District Passenger Toronto. ` Agent, T tont ' ino Street by Theophilus Hall, Deputy He- ing two weeks with friends in Mildmay, Ave a REALL ESTATE turnip Ofncer for said ward 2. returned home on Sunday. est throe months in Manitoba, xetnrn• a ulard fence placed at foot of hill on 1 g on r lor was instructed to h < < Flinch ! 11 In Ward 3, at the Town Hall, by J. D. For. guson, Deputy Returning Officer for said The Methodist Sunday School hold ed last week in improved health. cad leading from Belgrave village to It is my business to fled tl.>t other man , Y' ', 9't. `wJ'rg'W '•' ward U. their annual concert on Xmas night. Sol. Strome has secured a general railway station. for you, and my methods will do it in the The new and fascinating gr cphIn eWard Str et' by William Robertson, Deputy The English Church hold their'e on the agency for the latest and beat windmill On motion of Jackson and Shaw, the shortest possible time. It you find a buyer be. • game. More simple the Returning Moor for said ward 4. 23rd. made by the Centrifugal wind -mill following Deputy -returning officers fore I do, you will owe me no Commission. I More scientific than Whist. Some- 8, On Saturday the second day of January p Tinted to Caye a ell be reulous fancy cannot sell a property at a - thing entirely new in card games, A.D. 9ot kho 10°vn H 11 in t11o1saicioTown ail so$ noMwilc OnElliottndxy •llmremain Jack- urtri of Guelph. quired at the ensuing.muni ipal else- pri e I will not try. If you h avooAnything to each paelt consisting of 150 cards, ; attend The 13th anniversary of the Metho• tise ars absolutely accesses to S ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons after the holidays. He looks well and y tions: R, Bewley; ; o 1-0. Laidlaw; sell, let to handle it for you. Write or call at - which y y to attend at the various polling places afore- y dist Church will be held on Sunday No. 2-R. Bewley No. 3-C. McCrea; '- play the game successfully. The - said, and at the final summing up of the votes W0 believe ie doing well in the Staten. Dec. 13th. Rev. J. W. Holmes of No. 5 -Wm. Els- onto for terms and full particulars. GLUZ+:LPH by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interest No. 4—T. Miller,just a word a the Real fferEstate before yer- : combinations resulting, while simple, - ed in dna promoting or opposing the passing S. A. Proctor was absent on Friday (}orris will preach morning and even- ton; No. 6 -Joseph Jr.,Robb. Have a look at what I have to offer you before DECSEDTI3 ' R 7"1.1. d"g0$ ' are no intricate that the game has of thea dy•law, res eor op y, at Barrie, attending the funeral of his ing. On motion of Code and Taylor, the you buy, I have just the property you want, Single First -Class Fare tot Round Trip. 'been pronounced by many to be more 0. The Clerk of tie said' Own of Wtn ham nephew. who died from the effects of a in the forenoon. on Wednesday the kick from a Gesso. He was a young Mr. Jos. Wade, who recently sold his Reeve was instructed to attend the CLYME MAGUIRF GENERAL PUBLIC sciontifia than whist. Flinch is an - shall clock in at the said Town Halt R ten harmless ame, which may sixth as of a form, A.D.0o4, to sum up the man of great promise, and his sad death stook to Mr. Humberstone of Wingham, County Council meeting re propose Ttokots good going Dor'r. 6 to lt, inclusive; innocent, has bought the general store hero, improvement on western boundary, gc od rets good up to and'rnc6 to 11Dcc, 11.'03. - be played in any home by the whole - number of votes given for and against this was a great grief to his parents. which has been carried on for the past providing the municipalities of Wing- Real Estate Agent From all stations in Ontario, Sharbot Lako : family and enjoyed by old andYoung_ Byhated at tiro Town gall in the Town of and west (but not west of North Bay). alike. Each pack In fancy bo w,i„sham, this twenty-third day of November, Prof. Larngey has now, without 7 or 8 yearn by T. J. Nichols. We have ham and East Wawanosh also send Office: Upstairs in vanetone Block. P doubt the fastest horse in town. Pro• not learned where Mr. N. purposes to representatives. JUDGES AND EXHIBITORS A.D. 1003' Mayor. viously, there were a few who thought go. Accounts were ands d d rb paid as i Clerk, they had, bat now all are willing to give follows ;-Jas. Evans, underbrushing On surrender of proper certificate, tickets on sideline, 1; R. Stubbs, re airin TO FARMERS AND good going Deg'r. 4 to la good returning until • ! ! wa Mr. Earugey secured this fino, BIRTHS. $ repairing .r+ rieq'r, leth,l9os, From all stations in Cataria, • Fitt NOTIC 143. fast Gesso from the noted horseman, Sommerville bridge, $11; M, Kelly, S l lvl FEEU I S. Port Arthur, 8.8. Marie, Ont„ and East. Take notice that the above is a true copy Robinson -4n -Past Wawanosh, on Biting and widening roadway at lot 8, CLOSING NAVIGATION For an age -for few or many ' of a proposed Bylaw which bas been taken Mr. Swans, of Wingham. Nov. 22, Mrs. Thos. Robinson, a son. Con. 0, $38; Corporation of Blyth, hall Y ere harmless, ex- into consideration, and which will be finally $ C p The Cho in Plant Oi the Last steamship, Upper Lake steamship Lbiq layers. pit is p + , passed by the Council of the Municipality (in 1' Patterson -In Wingham. Nov. 21, rent foe Division Uaurt, 7,50 ; or or- pp g leaves Owen Semtd Saturday, Nov, 28, and titin,fanny. The jolliest game the event of the assent of the electors being Jamestown. Mrs. Mckenzie Patterson. a son. ation of Brussels, halt rent for Division Fort William, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 1003. g Court, $0 ; N. Brandon, drawing file Sl ♦ ♦ '"IL For foil particulars apply to nearest C.P.It. ever invents$ for an uiformal good i ohtiined thereto) after one month from the Weekes -1n Lower town. Nov, 23, and puffing in Culvert on west Oun- a„fl JV Agout, or to 1. time. Prise 60 Cts. first publication in the Wingham Advance, the Mr, Sam Snell is suffering from an date of which first publication was the twenty- abcess on his leg at present. Mrs, S. Weekes, a daughter. Gary, $3 ; Wm. Isbister, expenses re A. H. NOTMAN sixth day of November, A.D. a 03, and that the Mr. W. A,ison of (Ire will reach votes of the olectora of the said Municipality y P 1lolmea-In Wingham, Nov, 23rd, Mrs, Lamont drain, $5; Jay, Thyne, gravel, Josephine St., North Assistant general Passenger Agent,a(r• will bo taken thoreon on the dap and aC the in the hall next Sunday eucaine. Dudley Ilolmes, a daughter. $2.75; W, Clark, clerks fees re Lamont Is now running in full swing and Icing St. East, Toronto, $ "Ping . !! houraandplaceathereinflxed. drain, Corporation of Wingham, ppg tong Town clerk's Omco, Wingham, November y DtAl2RIAGE9. g 23rd, 1903, Quite a number in this vicinit have Morris phare of en rneex•'s survey on Farmers and Stock Feeders aro J. B. FERGUSON,Clerk, purchased cream separators and seem Tpphanr-Chapman.In Fordwich, on ,est boundary, $8 6 ; Thog, Code, at- assured of entire satisfaction in hav- "rhe most popular game for to be well satisfied with them. Nov. 18th, at the parsonage, by Rev, tending meetings re west boundary ing their grain ground at the Net, IFQr D r[i akenness oars. Sold in sets varying in price --_- - ----- Mrs. Fs„ Mulligan is under the doc- D. Rogern, Mr. Geo, Topha r, f improvement, $•1; r1. Grant, damage Mtll, as the machinery is new and tsps dd j from 600 to $1.60• WANTED .. S+'AITJiPL'Ii PERSON lox's care these days with blood tai- Miss ilosetta Chapman, both 4 Hauling gravel, $1, A, Shaty, pt. Coun- to•dato and only lira •ctasy lvork wilt `PH g' and, to Call on retail trade and agents for soninaa in one ariri ; wo hope elle may Newbridge. tiller s fees, 9115• T. Code, pt •. Council• be done. We solicit your patronage , . ,.,,,,,. .,.,• manufacturing r Genas Having well: soon be better. DEATHS, lor's fees, $20; Jas. Kassel, repairing and trust you will give its a trial.ffm A a4 US' q Nov. 23rd, Clegg's bridge, $3,70; It, Youill, gravel. Chopped l eed of all kinds kept ” a le • u z established business; local territory. !L atxrp`o' stlisnalary $20 paid weekly and The Jamestown stare in at present I.emmex--In tlarriston, ling on sideline, 1.0, R.'Youill, repair- on hand,Over 3ty0,OQt1xnPnso money advanced ; previous [loin s esharaidreon [find bit litiieult to Elisha Lemme>t, aged 70, ink Bodmin bridge, $10. Cosecs CURLS P• Toad -In St. 1lelen9, Nov, 18, Jamen O ' rienceunneceanary; ppoaitiau per Mt Un motion of Jackson and Sh w, tCCiPe41r puna• Adders manent; business auccewsfnl, Enclose wait, on their numerous cnstomexs, Todd, aged 23, the Council then adjourned to meet D. en:a Kaley Institute 17055 I self•addreased envelope, Supperinten- The trade is fast increasing. liberal Be11--1n Morris, on Nov, 24th, Tred- again on 15th December next. k THE Will$ lh1ll con ay Successors to Alex. dent Travelers, 006 Monon Building', . Innes no doubt deserves t 'W, CLARK: Clerk. andel. 766 rOt St. West " , patronage, prick William 1ie11, aged 20, sacral. toslonro. att,r >r Chicago,