The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 7F 1 _....... -i. ... ,, _. , ..-.„, n...w...M. _ ”' : Ila lutEclt trltaro nal- "A0`Iloz , of Bouton Trail$(, !, anti r tolids that TbIbot s a �'l r -*4r--# W"-4 '� , t)ftloar 1Yolfe, groin aivre, were Ixttll t'ARD' "'KILL nlraon piG Yl 0M P i .� St;,....a, rv,.,t,t, wuc t4rltlrw * ""•� wile°D In Lloytilmhnister. C�I� aha Russiatl s here, urxu that. tkiej Q� N �t $Nolte roxtAtteci fie aunt uotltlllz ova' J ALl Ki tspv's flravernr°�nt ue;tat not be per, �1 It S IN B91E� wrostt; titrtre than, and Tllomlhat hilt NO S"aaltted to act u,s it fiho cpntrary were givotl ta. public tttatetnent that tilt.,. E E E H 7 -: . ` tft5i•�Se. SttttlQnt.e of tha. oltuatio[x g#�,� r ,,,,,�V.,- 40-#-,-Xq--4&%. ,le ;Lrtmaltt Iles all the xue*.t@t • D, E " wi a.x•otsly await rho uttaranc bang 1i'rtsldngton-$atnuel 1. kalltlllp°, clor9ely 1n Band. Ijo trot thing tl,oraS CKS4 I L 1 u, o ' • ltuasin, boUt as to the i'ourgll is is any, truth in the despatch ,Yon ---I'- .,m,_ T _ r_ . expeditly:? and tho spectacular Pro- Colioltor-Gcnoral of the United $Latey refer to, or likely' to be ,any in Ili m_.�.. pxass of Lord Curzon and lila tulto und'3r PvchIrl@nte Grant, HIYOs, Gar Coro, Travel fairty, conti11uoUs be- alang ilio Persian Gulf. field rind Arthur, is dead her(', Vigo$ tween. Lloydmintator and. $attlefurd ?0 years, c.ndI sliouldoortaltllyhaveheardiia Murderer Killed, Mrs,. Patr4 Last Year in a Dl�.�lAe Wooers Troo S """""` wire it there was the siigiltost A Five Days' Bat -tie at Jolo Between Gen, p 'CURN :D TtiCs` Pf�LICi; Ut;T, New York.•- Har�'� J, Rose, the aa• unrla for :such a despatch as ion Over MQI7Eyr and "Insurgents, -" tor, who allot aha killed his woo, Is- menttO[u. ptaorderly Scenes tit li+lections iter' abella, i11 their apartments In t4lii ,.-••_,�•,,,_ .. itueslawt 1 let. city' aril Sept. ;.20th, -1902, was to -day �----- , son to X1.9 yoa,ro in States pri• VICTIM OF MADNESS, Berlin, Nov. 24. -The final Prue- -• �e Deceived the Highest Voltage of Any andel ned Man sian plot elecL}ons, which are usu- fin' tallidentlo of l,ztuacy Arno)W th• - During the Fi ilt a United States Major and Five Privates --� ��� (, ally quiet assemblages of Cha Qlec- Bogota-7ttte Colombian Cavern- Arir;taeraoyoi tiungal•y• YWhO, Ever tat In the Ghalr, tors chosen at the polls, were t - meat will protect the American Were Wounded-. .lay In many tliotr:ats disorders Berlin, 11ov. 22.—A singular epi and even violent. The Socialists III legation and American citizens tr here, •lenzio of madness seems to he tnLtk Csslntng, N. Y'•, Nov. 2u, -Carmine -Huai mcetittg of the I•oderatian. The . - :'hu Vie-ogntl and fourth districts ' of Pitelo is no fear oY a d ng its way among the 11101101. *911a Ialmari was put to death In tie buslneam not tranoactod, related for Nov. 23,-A fight lasting literally destroyed by Idle opera -1 1 refused to participate in the tion against thlom, t som p Lite most part to conflicting claitu4 1eanlla, v tions, and General Wood says the I it oS i i P ___ ar.an nobility and titl,g 1@atria chair ilt fihag Sittg to-daJ ,of tho jurlodlotl4n• over local uillotls, five days, and as the result' of vvhloh Indleations alc that there will b•. •lection until the police left hire (auutllesnt OP George ge beat ties, notoriety. oresrnted byl various international + Moros ware killed and many' O extonelon of the uprising, wlA.Ir halls. Tho police heretofore had Kingston, Jama}rti-Tile ed - At Count Count Pelle os, the eldrk :,r the murder of airs. City toy .300 Ala a wound- n 1 ltdloa without• difilcutty. always been present by tolerance, Statim cruiser Buffalo arrived : a! on of Count '1'asailq %osteLnai, n "Tanta i?atrM In l\�ew York City oU twdies. Great forest f!'ires, others carried alt dead and w was l a t 1 General wood aatarte hitt tO-clay they warn compelled to , o bOtween On Nov. 18 t n Port Royal yesterday And alter 1'o Lady Llrury -Hamilton, a I1 jot. 6, Ifl0 , ad, has taken place in Jol niltion against a body o. • withdraw when it was pointed out calving tolegrapiltc deepatchas pro- :Ommt1,te t suicide lit a lunatic say Three shocks were given before Dallas, Texas, Nov. 3,- b?e forests Leonard Wood',[ command and 2, an -opt t, ttoA 2,000 Moroa•; vvho Vico len the mautu- Lfter a controversy that the law seeded southward itt the dirLotign i1! nlutn UY hanging. He was only 20 latluarl was pronounced dead. 'l la, to tho southeastern phne lands are insdr cuts, laths btLck of 'Pablibi, No news has :lid not permit theta to be present, Colon, +garb old. t. ourning. with no. proopects of stop- .tho g The disturbance began In, the - Another Iiun ar'an magnate, Count oltag@, 1,8.0, wale tiro highest ye ping; or being controlled, In churches Major H. L. Scott,. of the 14tH as yet hroen received as ten. WQOd . oo c district Ovvin to rho over- - - izabO of 4'trard ,tile owner of nearil aced 1•zl an osaeution in Sin Sitt. • d live Amorielirl privates,. suit of this movement. G se n t g ICal ka, micii,-Three men were g ra.prayers vera calcarea .yesterday for Cavalry, an ticks tinder him two M,tttalions of the crowding of a ,meeting hall by Iron- y ttaa prb- it, Gaimarrl entered the dea'Ll attiA, No ono Can got to the fire Were wounded. ' a „ killer! and one probabl fatal: ill half a onfintt a s a of land, has uaL b. mL)or at 6.58 a, re. IIs walker, .twerp districts and estimates or thel Were d near Shot Lake, in `28tli Itegiment, one of ,tire 23rd -Xie- 400tors, vvho obstinately refused tq Gen. Woolf Lando t Captain Sat- vacate their lacca forelectors. The of dynamite to -day by Vitt oxpioslo '• t be confined as l dangerous Incurred1 1t Moros were glment, a platoon o P a A p of dynam. in a burning store, til `Ic. IIo hal L latarid was laboring firmly d the , til He svLr rl s up ,:stent act damageknown are }Hero 1lAossl ameg Nolo, Nov. ]'Lilt. The " n }m- lay's battory, two troops of thL ,lection authorities summoned the !a trapped down, lite elec'Lrodrls up Work. It I4 known that the flama'4 soon located and t' untied began and a detachment O Sharon, a village of .0 pitrsous, Iti osses h play. d until Nov.14th Cavalry n noitco, but rile electors Vinci °ufisid- miles. from Stere, •ilsder Clio InuPro8sio11 that hQ. court erred, Anda cuFrent Of 1,8=0 vol'" tray@ orogsed Sabine river at several ulediately, and continued engineers. Major Scott assisted i>ire Ars yelled lit chorus- Out vvlth talc --- °t pay his debts and that his orad- '.,,til 8 1 1. amperes was turned on points, a,ld aro burning large arearo 17th• With a fore@ coM Osed of three com- blueooafi8;' :Lad banged t}Le tables �1its continued for saven seconds an Vernon and Calcaselu parishes of • t as attacked by late t p Manila -Tho situation In Moro in Lotb wore pursuing him tttght an Major Scot w antes of the 17th Infantry, a Pla• with' beat- muga until Tram Subaila, ::Iron this current was reduced to 2„U Loutplana. Smoke is becoming almost s::an the Moro leader, who p *h' bat- t Persuaded arca tLvv several weeks Ot f ght}ng. Tilt lay with rod-11oL irons to brand him Ian Hassan, o. Loon of Captain Rumboug s member o1 the Reielts ag, P Morrus generally are in it. otato O% a,s a swindler. v°its and continued for about a min rutting at and treyond hlacOgdoehes. had been taken a s1rl,>oner to Jol for and a troop of the 14th hilt- ,•Ile police to retire, whereupon aw. Dr, Irvine, the prison PhYk d in , Many .persons have been ,made sick. �Vltile enlaute HasceIr asked to be tory. unrest. Many prisoners have escapes- A thirst notate Count I:aCllaby, hay- p,op,orts reached here last night family. appeal y quiet was restored. at Can;ayan ,Among them are a num • n;� largo scat Lte.s at TcaltsYivanfa, "limn macro an examination, ti[te. ,allowed to see •h'e y Bonibardnzant Or San Domin;;o, In other districts, both bore and bar of desperate characters. tar, fallen n. victim tO rho mania ,viltoh a frecond shook of the sami that extensive :crest and prairie vvas granted, and lie thereupon led Republic of Santo in the provinces, ilia Soc}+allats oc- - Lfter a Willi career of dissipation ox trongth as tIe first vvas given. Thi. :ares are raging in the Indian ter - Major Scott into an ambush, whore San Domingo, Poo •-I'reaid@nt cuplecl 1,he halls b@forehand anti oc- Lottelou--'Fhe 'Clmae this morning ending over say@Tal years, dutIng ryas repeated again after a secont rltory In taloicoutttry, eclat and vv@st the American detachment was fired pomii,go, Nov. 2Z. N n �asioned similar scenes. Tile Social-saminatIqu. At 6.03 Cha man war of Antlers. rrMa or Scott war, shpt 1n both Woa Y. Gil, in his efforts to bring ovv@War, will probably not win says fl anderstiinds that thQ re • which hQ sold every ristick er fern!- declared to b@ dead, opo j port o[ the Labor Commission, ,are in the castle iLtLd every tree Shot a Marine. hands. Hassell succeeded In escaping tivuInsurgentoPforces,Lttgwhich ware at single seat. P which hoes just been signed at Jo- an hint extensive estate. Like Dr. G�itimari kilted Mrs. Josephine Lan during this unexpected attack, but Chu g htannesUnrg, approve the employ- - Dowla, he now regards himself as it to Patro on Oct, a3, 1902, In from, St. Louis, Nov. 23. Ja-as Finarines, is ,supposed to ,Have been killed the besieging this city, to -day coma- •ofitoarnation of various Old Testa. ,f her home, fib Roosevelt street, sergeant of United States marines, Er - following da9l• missloned Palated States Minister 100 DAYS iN A SMALL BOAT. mens. of Asiatics. - I .nenl• personages, sometimes Mosta Yew, yolk, ,A, cuspate over money seas mysteriously a t shot and r ilea last The P} hting took ,place in a tCoun- Powell, tho Belgian Ai1n}stQr, Lhe T-• _ rue Galmarl from the woman's hus- `:lg :t. At the o ty dispensary Dr. I r - T g g ,eat pronounced Ferguson's condition t covered with swamppa and rocks. .lilulster of Hayti, and Life $Pan Capt. BrOw,r Sails Fico 110stopr to .two llafour has clerers wlt°ht were ti 1 t Y SOIOmOn�ant ittit ntos 1@ _ utund, led to Ills send}ll three bit!~ due to carbolic acid poisoning, and ry.._-. - Tile Moros were driven across tate [sh COIrsuo to vntl talo insurgent Gibraltar in 10 -Foot. Boat- " advised his removal to the City Hot•- cauntry' from Suet •Lake to the town ream,,. Consequently an armistice garroted at Amalag, province O: , " 1n foto her body. The woman clic Happen orad@ his iteadquart- wits Agreed upon, to expire at noon,I i� A� I�l"vfai) MURDER. Fergital On the way to that lnsthLulon W, Has Gibraltar, Nov. 24. --Capt, Nelson Cagayan, Oct.Oet. 81, and who were de- .n tits I%uso of It.ailef. Gaimar I+'ergnson died. d bore it vvaip repoxied the anti the peace commission cOusult- grown, who left Boston un Aug. 11 °laced dead, ware alive. Condemned 11. t%roekforel Under Arrest o„ ,; eves colteeLabo: colvr,tly„la8t Tate aiscvery that Ferguson had Moil an a oil with thQ Insurgent leaders. The mon were •Left in the garrote sigh >rioxos wore 2,000 strong. in th'e 19 -foot sailboat, Golumbili II., n (lied from a bullet wound, and not of • }tion was attacked in latter, However, refused to bnter arrived here to -clay, after a voyage posed minutes. s bodies ,were their n Very Grave c;h,tL• c. IloeLoo; Nov. n the 23,—Efforts of dele- 1`he rebel pos Edgar iI. 6 po son, wIIs r.Ot made until after mid- b rho American troops, ' th t peace proposals, and demand°cl 01 100 clays. 'fb;a L'umarat ltuor 1Ltru- n°church. Three o1 tbem later show- PeterUoroix h, Nov. 2''.—' "ate, a adjourn the convention on ! the flankY g Saturday, having failed, the repre- night Talo bullet entered the bnor. who occupied the town and inflict- the sarrender of the cry; bur:lthe� ria, On tier azrlviit ALLQ to s1�oO2viad ed signs or lino. Two Waro re.qusct- 'ror.•kford, arrested iu Toronto on ed a loss of fiftyl killed on the prolonged Cafe armistice on Oct. 17, reported tb•L. tated, but two died. instructions of the Chief Of Police molttativea o2 t31e various 'unions ra- bed ranged diagonally through rho Moros. Hassell, with a small Party, o'clock this evOntng, after which spoken the steamship Greenbrier, here on a •tharge of sending a letter 'itonilia,La)cl vvitlp rho Amer}eau bled I- body. red. The rest of the Moroa hour the bombardment of San Do- bound for Jamaica. Tho captain Of oma -,l report has been x2°els- co Mrs. (Rev.) Wm. Tindol Lorymer, Fan °d Labor, again as°embled in A colored woman r whose house surrendered. Il raneiiii Hall to -day, -to IcomPlete, if Ferguson had been early in the even - went into the swamps, out or which mingO will be resumed Vinci will be :h'o Greenbrier elated thin rte Kaci ad b tho Vatican authorl:ttes from A ,Sorel, Quo, threatening to mur- possible, the work o1 the 28rd `an- Ing, wag arrested on suspicion, thoy'were driven on Nov. 16, lean- continued until the cap:ttal falls. spoken Captain Brown to his sail- y saying the lar her husband, a Baptist mints - int; 76 dead behind them. Tlfe United States Minneter s real- boa on Sept. 17, and trail invited the Philippine Ialitncls, � — _•_ _ .. y g h'im to abandon Ilia little craft and May of Manila th,inka that witb @r, spent ]coat summer bare work - Nov. 17, the American force dense vvrLs destroyed aurin take pre- the exception of a raw', Who are ,ng Vie a carpenter. It appears 4rital�all: RaA•i.B�T\T scramble down the stairs, and for renewed the attack on the remaining vluua bombardment. come aboard. Brown refused, but irreparably compromised in the that Crockford's vvifo came to Pe- R NATION 1't a time the fire escapes were jam- Moron, of whom forty more were The inhabitants of this city are accepted some provisions, eyes of the n•at}ves, the news Amer- Lerborough early to the summer and . mad. Tills forty-eight families turn - killed. The rebel forces have been in a state of panic. loan bishops ought: to make effort boarded, but was employed by Miss ad out into the street in their night - RURAL SCHOOL GARDENS, for the retention of friars in ,the Robertson. Rev. IV. T. Lorymer, Was Not Allowed to See Presi-• clothes, and suffered intensely in the �?'O �� l islands, as thb aversion of the Tit- wry° previous t° his marriage lived dent Roosevelt. cold. 11% II ipLnos to tliem is gradually -(lying to Parry ,Round, lodging.w,ith Crock- le .one was seriously, dLlq� fojured, and tt•egutitLlO:,•t OI' E:2ne•11t.ion Uepltrt outt ford and ltis )vlfo, came to Peter - went Approved by Governotrttt” borough in An est to furnish sup tion wAs IOSClllly o3sgted front the . The regulations of the Bdueation- Chicago—To-day marked the 40th ply for the pulpit of the Baptist 9,,Wcutive offices this morning. 011e FOR THE FARMERS. ��tl� �� E� l� �d ��1 ��ad S5 at Department, approved UY Order- year of a consecutive service OD Jhureh in the abspneo of the pastor galtatl ithere early anti demanded to - Thirty ���� ail .n -Council, with reference to school taw bench in Chicago by Judge E. 5n his h°lYdaya. Ha boarded at M'la? Feu ,the Pi esiden,*. aocretaxy Loeb Annttat bteeting of Ontario Agricul gardens, provide that any rura. Gary. Such a lengthy public career whe daet.xled ,to sallow bor tto Fee Mr. turat and Experlmental Union. Wages ��� ,;drool board which provides a 8011001 in said to United without eiraGr@atLf $rig Robertson's olnoil h35iewdre,Io lsoldtlodged i;gal,oveLt, Vitra t;h t 4tacam@ so demon- garilen with rho necessary equip- thinthe among elected officials. Judge .1.bout this time Mrs. Crockford left ,tra'tive itba,t ha -Balled Un').1 two offs- Wie twenty-fifth annual meeting of nmalk—The NOT- nouneecl in xper- rho cotton till -tile of tnent•and accommodation shall be en- Gary has presided at many mem- Lo take .service, as cook ata Stony mere: rLo .remove her. hue tOtvname- lied tl;o Ontario Agricultural and he On- ''XW' .Cupenhiagen, Do I nouncett Neve Lie 1.ci incl at halt Litect tO a',e}fare of witafiov-r money �, to srlogU 80 loud tthat tt was ngcea- finental Union w.11 be held at the On- e vvegtan barqu- Capella, Capt. JO_ oral@ trials, notably that of th. Lake cO ag a dozen points outside that terri- may be appropriated by the legs-- Anarchists who were executed for Crockford charged Rev. M'r. Lory- Dalry to tta@ bar out of the grounds. Carlo Agricultural Ciliege on Mor. ay hanneson, bound for Arondal, Nor- tory, went into effect in all but Attire; every board wltieh provides the bomb throwing In Haymarket titer with allarleting ilia wife's affec.. .Ls she refit -tho 'builditLg silo ellouted: and Tuesday, Dec. 7 and of, starting lvvLy, for Table Bay, Cape Colony, one Fatl River Corporation to -clay, a school garden shall be entitled flare• tions, and on August 8th Issued a "I am doing to Prov for a prohdbi- at 1.30 p. m. on the gri 'Vie been wrecked off Cape C, Jut- and Fall a er Cor of outsid@ mills. Vitt initial grant not exceeding $100, _ _ writ, cla}ming damago. Tho officials .tion!+st P+reBLdant ; one who wil rep- Experiments in agriculture and @1 Although about 3'3,000 tsideills. Vinci a subsequent annual grant of yf the Bapitist Church. inquired at 1•asantt tthe paop'e, and not the dis- horticulture have this year been con - land. The crow. of 13 mon were Rome -The Patric announce, that parry feting, vv*horo Rev. M'r. Lor tillers -arid (brewers." ducted on nearly 4,000 farms drovvneci. head their pay Out down, no general p10, or I.f tire appropriation does not there will soon 'be signed a treaty y: throughout the Province. The results strike occurred in any mill, the tax- warrant that sum, then the grants of arbitratl°n betw'•een Francoand mer War; given a very high character of the carefully conducted work will Storm !n Germany. fire vvorltore recognizing that the ,rha.11 bo mat!° pro rata; tit@ area Italy slip r to tlilat recently con- and Cr+oekford was lightly esteemed ue summarized and presented at the Berlin, Nov. 23.-T11a) high winds great elacknass and nn tinsatsfa0- of the ,school ,garden must be at aluda(1 between mall and Great rat@ latter and his wife Hved very SIi®� vv �r annual meeting, to which all lnter- w1hieh have been sweeping over Ger- tors goods market Would operate east ono acre, in addition to the Britain. It acids he "that Denmark, unhappily together. Nothing has t cored in agriculture are Wiese 'wil many for thirty-six hours, accomi• against the susses of any radical regular school grounds; the torts Sweden and Norwiwy desired to be- cruse been heard a)f the writ. Trace paraded by a heavy rainfall, con- step. To -clay's cut averages 10 reap must provide tools and }mpl@- oomr! parti@s to this agreement, has been Lost of Mra. Crockford. Iter Opens Fite On Her as She programme shows that ada•+esaes will be delivered by Prof. r V. James, To-. tinuo to delay traffic and interrupt iter cont., and places the pay ached- ments and a abed to be erected for but 1,lrese latter countries suggest husband left Peterborough about Leayes Church. Tonto ; i�•' J fipittmr n, Washington, telegraphic communication, and tiles oil a basis wiLlti those paid ttso as a n:�orking laboratory, and ea certain variations and nvodifira Nov. 9th. Airs. Lorymor forwarded D. C., U. b. A.; ei:ss Azartha Van Rent have caused several railroad accl- previuoa to the advanco of March, for storage of ,Leers, ofic. ; the grant tions, vvliteh Ar. Doacasse, the French the, threatening letter to Mr. E. B. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 28. -John selaer, Cornell University, Itbac4, N. dents. At Schlobus0lt the vvincl 1cJU3. Tait. r@chictton affocLeci 7zy well bapayable Rn the report of the Foreign Minister, r@fused to allow. Fiwarcl-3, li. C., a prominent maul- Tracy, 66 years old, a blacksmith, 1'.; Prof. G. E. Day, Agriculture) ^:ri- etarted several freight Carse which mills in Fall Rlvor, and about a inspector that rho condition, have bar or the church where h@r hus- who had been confined twice In an lege, Guelph ; W. H. Mul? ;.w, Dea t, ran on to the main line and col- score of corporations elsewhere in been complieii avitlt. Macdonald Institute, Guelph; Jr. ilded with' an express train. Nevv England, PAYS FOR ��IE LrS riOSSIP• Gdwarls saysthe letter seems tobe 'And treemtc-d�' neuro le Sacred Jas, Mills, Agricultural •e+s,tege, Tire Deutschland is now at Cux- Tire bull River Iron Works, oyer- Heart Church, and shat his wits as Gutlph ; G. Ti. Clara _.¢parEinent at Maven Vinci will go through ttte I:ai- atyng four print clotty mills, IV PASSING OF �iOI�GAN. Married WO111143's Property Act noes that ai a than mentally unbalanced. she came out, Wounding her In the Agriculture, Ottawa, and others, ser 1ViltLelln Canal,prubably,,Lo Kiel ca clown wages Host Alonday and Not liieite:ve Husband. left bip.. A little girl, Ballo Smith, Ladies' sessions, under the auepicem se S1 llhel for repairs, abl Deutsch- on tato flay also nearly all .Rhode ! ROBBED , was also hit, but not seriously in- of tate Women's Institutes, will )e land a duo to pail for e D York Islami and Cono pearl manuYaa tioelcufeller b Heavy Hand flies Fallen Toronto, Nov. 28• -Chief ,Justice. EDDY'S t-OME i` jured. held on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Xan. 6.• oll Curers will adopt ill's ill be tower salted- Upon His Throat. Meredith! and Justice AlthiliDivl- Monday even,ng. 3s \1'a•"es Cut. ' ole. New, 'f ork, Nov. 24: Zine Journal ltiandedC ow a (Saturdayecision ,( ph'olding Burglars tUlu istian Seien°o Followers. Tracy swill arrec recover. For months at t a Of special Interest to veryone sod Mill Operators'tt-e Airs. Tracy hats been a prisoner will be held in the large Convocation Boston, Nov. 23,-Td1e firs of the ?the cut in Now Bedford will oc- says ; ,1o.,n ll. Rackofeller's heavy title which judgment Concord, N. Il., Nov 2L'. -Pleasant numerous reductions 1.11 w,a.gop an- our in two weeks. land fell Upon idr of J. ' cork Balend hOyr linslyand,( RIN acrd in her home because her husband, gall at the College. The ladies' ,tea - num I itont Morgan y Bike the Eddy, ttce to 'errs. Mary nursing a fancied wrong, had threat- cions on Tuesday and Wednesday will ---�-.-.~_..._ 77;._ -- to carr and drag him to a (los- ousa from the clutches of the master Rulto es, wore av ear Orta pay Biker G. I'"day, was Centered by a r..ned to kill her and their family Of he held in the Macdonald Institute. �: S�t�7`7•R- ed carria y. lie fought furiously+and manipulator of steel stoconversion Lerecl by tL•e first mentioned. Ali burglar un Tracy night and many ten children, Arrangements have Ueen made for OFI"ICiERS called ioz htllp. Iris father, who is than $1:,,U00,000 of bond c three parties reside in I'e1,erboro'. articles of Value, GULS to the Chris- Tracy lead two revolvers. He tired single rates to Guelp'.t for the Expert- OFFICERS i1, the profits. tiara Sciericz leader from her follow* rive shots in all. He is again in cus- mental Union meeting and the -Pro- A, Gteneral Rous a blacksmith, ran to 111-3 Qssistanc.., i ers, were slo a;t. Entrance was of- tody. vinclal Winter Fair. For full partlen- st at Brockville. and routed the kidnappers, some of !%t J contract $o1O000 0a.1U pr Morgan er ed that stile 'marries! 1V°man'ts Property ;cerci! from the pLazza through a w!n- Lars in reference to the programme 41 vahom were recognized. Young ,:O., Acttow in ilia east ,trout, and the two BRITISH FLAG DOES FLY. and the excursion rates, write to C. Brockville despatoh; At tile 6311- I�Isiter's wedding clothes were `torn ottpak Into bonds vva:e cancelled. but court relieved diem it lieLUiltty. d [rout rooms ttncl the sitting -room A. Zavitz, Searetary, Agricultural cluston of reglmental inspt):Aioii and lie was badly bruised and beaten 11e'ie[feotitvvas volcan:on Was i�c.It marks the tba•taltWife tcould tbe sued separate- were thoroughly ransacked. ---- College, Guelph, Ontarlo. last evening, Col. Hodgins "CCL}le:i before he was rescued. During the BtCB! com= hurband, instead, affording Vitt ad- \Mien a list of ,,tire missing property A St. Lox -Lis Alan's Ai,swe+r to Toronto I. every officer of the 41st I�..L L•ztcat excitement the bride fainted and the passing ling power to rite steel coca- lye but , In }t olid not release a, - was made out it shoved a large num- Cadoaait society / SALARV. into rile officers moss and heli! a mother od ,Lite young man was at- bar of gold and silver articles, a®CI�EFfcLI.ER'S SALA�tY. private conversation with t}tem. It tacked with • heart failure, from tleet is oveand r dD»(tnI in Wall ilut husband when the wlta liadalaid valuate Bible, and numerous other The St. Louis Globe-DomcerAt in - was learned that all• the utfirels which -silo wits resuscitated with dif- . He must hereafter report to Rocks= herself Orion to a claim for Ilam- things highly -prized by +Mra. Eddy ervrewou 5. ev..u.-um, .vrestaent of the of the regiment, With the c'-\%'31) faculty,', teller. He was cut off from, making ages. were carried. away. The plunder was til'.r.-, CvU,l�.a AsnOcl,t'On Ot tine Profits From Standard Oil are tion of Lieut. Col. SparbLim, have placed In a bag made out of a costly ;;position, in Tabard tea :icapAfLi[ ,-, micomo. Ila may be called on 'te BAN PE F ON - ORSETB ostrich feather rug. nlacej their resignations }n (:Ole rastore tilt] millions. .his syndicate :rum Toronto, s t ma e c ntributionu Fairly Good This Year. Hodgins' Nanta. It is a+Ltd Cpl. ARAB RAIDE1?S PUNISHED. ,swept, into. its Duffers b9 buying steel 0 - Eddy vvas aroused 'by noises ;oc]ety wou11 not make contributions New yogic, Nov. 28. -With kerosene HodgtAs requested thls aatiOn, i tl tratiun Cbabiazliie.itts ,tock at starving prices and turning on the floor below and arose to Ln- cocoas ScOteilmen lA the United oil retailing at the highast piles in Whoa t' will be done is not known British Adm i s each certiticae into a bond ,reaping I;t,;tiali eVulinen fir' �ric�l ArCrle d� vestigate. them, but, hearing nothini •,tiLt@s had in times Tact rr fused t° many years and John D. Rockefeller at present, but It is known that to the liotaib!Tribe. an average profit of $16 a hundred, figaiu,t 7'itxloli 11101•°, thought it tL galea alarm and hoist trio I3titish flag as parte a declaring thn,t. the natural supply of Lieut. -Col. Sparhatn's 1,11110 limitor about $2;1,000,000. London, Nov. 22. -Perhaps it is too retired, occtitttons vvh�n Canadian delegates the bast grades of oil is rapidly be- at have been completed at the Aden, !Nov. 024. -News has beer' ,r@- :Hoch to say that the -new v, Oman" r,sitad i.o.hestax And -titer cities. Ing exhausted, the Standard Oil Co. end of the year, when 11e will re- served from alta hinterland reporting on thLS1100IS HIS PARENTS. has Inaugurated a campaign against WAS ASPHYXIATED. Mr, ,Dick says th.Lt the soctevty is has delared a dividend of $1" ton the Iinquish rite command of the regi- kota� t itr tribe wdlotreeefntlyabesieged feminine traditions, but it la certulu n error in its statement that the stock for tiro quarter. Ment. It is int}auated thla,t all these It titin Llo•d-Jones and lits small . •h Student bills illln cif After that from La@a!s and Birmingham British ill has mot 1toLn rfcthe h a This makes a total of $44 a dlvi- resignattoop will be placed in Ilia Lap 5 tt i� blasts have been sounded upon 1,lte Bradford )rich Foe of 11rat? !tt it ,_ac° in ill., doors in B of the halls monde pa [d on sharps this year. resignatio hands, , and he can ae- force at Sulalk• the Dreadful Deed. trumpets of the anti -corset crusade, 7Loionto hotel• luring conventions In this country, John D. Rockefeller collects a divi- oept or reject them as he sees fit. eaten vilingeftweroPthe enemy Sur- Virg- and Tolunto, Nov. 23.—Riclllard Alar- Lv lie has attendild conventlona a•li dead of 86 per cent. or the capital le a very strong effort Br}titch, a y „ aoditton London, Nov. 21.-A setts,,Lienal rwtol�vi rainy -day s lot, lvahich uwitl in All,) on t Any of the pro -Brit- stock of $1,000.000,000. It is probable tragedy oaaurr@d early yesterday uu, wh'o lived Hoar Bradford, vvan. •ver the country and never was at it will be made to Induce Major Walsh', redercde with heir arms 1 captured the last levy months has been seen found (lead on Saturday at Lh'o Par L con This will make this income from ex -Governor of the Yuidnn, to take 7,000 1 s quantities a grata de- anornlug at Dalyclare, a thr,v}ng in largo number's, is already working sit scale,Lica at which the British t1t@ oil trust $28,000.000 for ltua charge of the regiment. and enormou q r .own near Belfast. llamenl House, Parliament rant ant Bing „ag was GmlttO:l. Tha only conven- past year. a + stroyed. A. dfvinit+ student named John a. reform in teaching women to be streets, ilia res of aepltysittion• tion that he rcmambered having been p y 'tae pritisll casiiaitles are three itobinsun Uarltkle Loughran, and his caxe[ixl ])ow they walk, Marlin came to Toronto last 'Aloe- Whit -.Y • f -ss f re he income from da3 to salt n lnorpo and concluded he'd at IlacUeblar was that of the the oil Uurinres for the year amounts liAL6N'5 13�UkDEltEIa officers Roandea, Cline men killed, Orotuer, remained up studying ibiltea s pteo�sion es have t been firsttuman�iort@d 'OOttish Clan -,about fourteen years to $280..'0.000, his associates and GLORY W trial deal that afternoon. Upon re Vinci owls men wounded. 71:t- Q-nin Lor father and mother had lot L o, but he say, that the British r Offence acknowledge a loss of thirty -Hina LO rest. John soon afterwards went article, as ©bsenti,al to feminine dress, tirinq On l`reclay night Ire N'll word , Qg vvas in evidence there. He also the year of will collect n total for Given Fourteen Years fo Oilto bo called at fl a. m. \Viten tht the year of $14,75U,000. Committed }n Gni land, !tilled. _—� to 1116 pa..rents' bedroom area sired two mild porter went to call h'itn 110 caught oxhil lte.l relpotts of the ceremony In The profits paid by the Standard shots intu.tdto head of -ash of them arta ,nen are .being enro:led nm0ng wll.ch the Burns cottage site was Oil Company are the largest of any WAR p as they iffy aslenpp. t)2e mit-bars. !Jte odor of gas coming fropu tit@ London, Nov. 24• -'William JOE01311 ,N1NG WAR CLOUD. next descended the stairs, sat •----- iceepwa Fh Mbit that• tDi British corporation in the world. In the past . Curry, who confessed to the murder THREAT . Jo�,ln room, and, Opening tyro door, Foch , •lag was exhibited. Air. t be said five ears ar Rockefeller has rant b in. Canada of 1}ttto Glory Whalen at iIt the arinchair which he bud just BARB Cr\LONV* Martin dead, the body lyi.n,, 'LcrJSa .ayt nipht iblit stella WOuld be taken y p tett, and fired a bullet through his v tll,e bad. DoCcasecl had partly un- a convince ilia society of its error, °d as }Lia harvest from the business Collingwood, pleaded guilty in the Trouble iifuy Arise Over the Armee r dresses, Tho gas jet .was wide $141,7.00,000. Manch,ester Assize Court to the Eng- ' Expedition to Thibet, oven stead. Ilia died at 6 o'clock yes- — rind to try to I1ave it rescind its Leh charge laid against him, and :orday morlih,g. lits parents are both action, I USED CARNEGIE'S NAME. was sentenced to fainst n years in London, Nov, 24.-Un-asiness Is ap- recovering, though their wounds are Police Report No Danger of oven• the penitentiary'. Since Curry has pearil,g in journnitstl0 and pollLic i serious. Suffering. WOUND 'D DE .R F®UGH'i 1s1[ �1l�e2 ! �+ C been apprehended, lite strange ways quarters last Col, Yourgal'usbands •. _ v NEW YORK ['IRES, Bc,--,aa vedagoge I'aicl Advances On (,ta.�: i. \ ; ,,,:.i Ll) -Tata _ '• IMy Son John's" Baggage. 1•.aVG been noted by the authorities•, armed• expeditior, to 'i111iUet brine; A SETTLEMENT IN SI(�fii�. following despatch has been receiv- ' who do not attach much importan ie BritIIibl It lr am-eis iopasl� that iiln iia -- 5 ed by tb(e Interior Department for. Woman Had aTerrible Struggle Drove Nearly Fifty F'amllfe London, Nov. 22, -Thee Brussels to Y„is +prleon-mado confession. It -'td -the GOtnlues.oltor of Im-igrntlon at for Life, Out in the Cold. novepallurn nnGe recently- contain- expa0ted that the prlsc•ner will has already 1V►ibeLdby dli itt aatof a Chica;tO Strikers Submit Now Pro- r eel advortiYa,nanta that Andrew, s1:Ort1 bo removed from AlaneitesLer vantage vtdin*for joint posat toI"pitway Company. 'Winnipeg.ni'L8 of sLarvALtol in Barr San I'riLuoisc), Cal., Nov 28-W)1i1� Nepvv York, Nov, 23.-7'lle first cold Carnegie butt decided to send his t London, and tY,•etro charged vvitll treaty with Chi eta pz o trot . over the o iv'o•, -_r. -,Tho strike on the N l h'unttng; one day recently Airs. q om- - Russian and Chinese con ChlOag , colony Wive reached Onion Lalde, t murder of the girl at Coiling Inasmuch as •;t Ila,ilway Is still �nsMt- tt1L'ford or }Winnipeg, from the line 11, Philo, had to fiight for leer ,nap sipP the season brought with it son to IZatgiulu for t send o and >:o m ad over to Dala1 Lamas country. In Chicago L y the customary faros from over -heat - wood askew ,r' teachers to send proepec- wood before being hand, chat dlsorgantaation and tied. Peace degotiations, vvl,ich. have Ba tus A,w! terms, Tire perpetrator of ie t chinas national nearly a weak; colony or any other source. Por- life r to n wounded doer. the Canadian authorities. @boss prevent it from teen In progress for Y feet arrangements for patrol by Ileo clog raced a 1}ue four pointer r d stoves, and, as a recurlt� the tan- I mldtary_ feebler ); st ned it work its g ,vote con,iued to -day to tan . consul- lollao from BAttleford and a de- and Mrs. Tolnllnson ilnmrdlro � a illi Idlynte ( rpopulatttedm@ tit houras disc cant }ng the Hanel filing John."ed O date for tit@ carrying Out the w. ROOM • tial treaty, it follows thaiti erasion try the Board of Directors of taoh:ment in ilia colony. In addition, dropped flim, As It lay o trfets war- driven into the streets arrival of my so TRIED TO STEAL E3t�1UEG ,,-der rho road of a proposition submit1,ad tusaia praettea:IV succeeds to tlf-., rho fih'a land agent at I3L,Ltlafard and ground illrp. Tomlinson ran up ,LO debar- com an 1tLst night by t O}al immi "gator agent a! cut th'e animal's throat, but at early to -day.. Abdul Tanore and his delivery tiistaLtlonerya1,�gnying,lihej llelolos Club Ang'r'y nolo mastery, of Thi'bet unless c to the P y !tion }t }s said, t1Lo ,special ntti°ret to ,Lh'o first prick of tho' knife It wile were severely burned f ottt babe tvere forwarding baggage and en- 1V1Y1}anisport r3aL0 ovv. red by Great Britain•, strikers. 'Hats prop.ls , at'111an \vhO Broke Ills t e fact that trovidCs for rho arbttratlon of the loyuminlstel, halve iL1 Y 'fills, together « ith tlt t c, y.- afford instant relief by abettor sprang to Its Leet; full of flghk. their nineteen months' f till) f `the uulun on tile [y t txuvQrntricut ex- Iler dolt Wats killed by n blow tvlioso cradle stood near a red hot ! closing a bill for advance payment, ov. 124.-'1111- Sou to ITrltiab'a.nd Japanet;a iniereLt in i grdalvAncas O With rind provisions, a O( the. tLnimal'e hoofs, anti Stove. rl`Ile fix -at fire was in a five I In every Cis° the professors, priests iVew york, N Itttns- n that Russia's attena tem that struck in syMpathy 1 following from Will 1 ar T:IIsL uetn L d tori rite tri- ponce, and il'Lv'O t101te their work flop etre dayi.hus the t t; o h ten. ghat n,ct uch nowiodty ]ata ihs,n It c1:LHltad furiously at bar scores' tonentont Olt Nnshini tori ' mtone . They rage Qstill waitin far rL Pa. .Because he broke the tion be engaged elsewalev, haves . tit() teal o ri t..Is domand is not vvlLer@ any p on Viceroy Of "rectors took o arisen. rerlia,ps four families veer@ ebb grlippe, Circ Uig antlers l� a sic �ritoroy�vatoborear use,vfllled hich gwitl iht Uaggngo cool "mp son 7hn.,, vows of his bachelor club and de Impressed Lord, Curt , member; , t t'rOAi h hill!- the British known, ns their answer w311 net tie aotied It to be married, me , Irditt, and 1 i; lion until to -morrow brought in unci cared for. It'^}d ou, nnri avoluan and door w --• triad th.Lt talo near future Is given to the uz All: colonists are covered, by a ra- ted back and .forth In y �str:igFte baled cotton and Iughly lnPlammale of the organization last night (,-overiment, ttev'Olol� morning. < < ,• • pro- , •itneps sttikinl, g alar patrol and roll -f of all kinds that eoixlci enol only in tiro de+Lth stuffs. Tho Tt,rtC t�ydi� opCulnc�11L»giishtnatt. to kidnap Glenn it. I iai1O1 and p IIkt1J 1,U iv , is o. - A basial -of settlCmetii OP all rho g to t Asia. Gutzon > a is ranted wherever needed. TWO rpt one of tIt!i1-, Tliey batttlp on z'0T1ebrO tvrCror�itl eiartadh© ta�ie vent the Ceremo:rty, bailing in tile. m,otltsIn Centra ussiitli titer differences Is ilia contloverey, g lies of fterc(ily for several mi lm from tho ed to tire extension of R o ort and largo storey with tLinp}c Supp ned b thO lass 6f "ire Spread rapidly to the third floor, 1 Tho Englishman is the last than attempt ttlay enticed h posed of Ilrlttoll Iri- It is sa;d, lilts been agra( up i was • ,Chs; dir@t.tion d all kends aro lin the colony, and I ilrr+n. r,:eal.O Sank to the grntlnd The 'vvarahOixae want 'saved, but the' among civilized races to Ua an artisfi, l.ouso while the Wedding 9nppoC r.c% et I[, an n ttitla±ss ChM cOlilpany 1'eftise t0 aC-C o i Ili hteet fear 1,liat ally blood. {lt; (100r San fait to car- tile rata and le paid to be urging urlioiu, nn ,have not rho g linson weak incl bruised tenement was damaged to the extent tr to tof bar a gOr a entlerman. but Ani Eng- belnt; Cateri and attempted i rrcenL coalman- to this ncnv tte,natid of tiro have sir tared, if a olive or department Mrs. Tom , • !t in a closed carrlag-. Tho gteS63io po dry. Ii 8 e,'ment of The wh l ells ha P them. ii`a1m !h't horns ttncl hnOrs of Lhe oftfi,000. Tata seooricl fir© luau lir it ty him o ea rile Tns,1a Offioe. ton nml .abto 1Ldjd 1, t Ln on thci,spot>Can hent of or gees :L honk. Ilor s}x 'storey, _ drputpt4) tenement, .. at llsllmari think coldly, loves Cnlclly, first attempt was made at tl,e hoc tendon to a r+Tin olio shotuld b, readhed n°t later lit oubtful eCuuiary Ticar, n1:1do her Way be •c lam u;tga abo.It t;ath g p naik� Lvary Pam}ly ofd p ,, d to the spot and A3onroe rend Clinton rt,Lreeta. TherQ and P1ght6 Cold19', but he Bata phare .of the bridegroom, but failed$ be , g Him L- to•m°rraty night. There was a,i dart stir rvlaed. Buaki i.nel tr.Iurlte left for the aiorar}s to the region o[ rho A Tena o to•d+y alitli,Ly, a regi y ! t Uod oP Cita drat, Af" are eltzlit familleti living on each just tile ratite• There is cut h a, �causo he had already a ,, r , ed increase 1,1 the pat g fnscinatirig timoatlinese tlUout hint, iti a Cora Cornet- ltiyap. ^n opern,tedL Re"lved telegram via Cn1ou Lake Secured . h Y , to IVtiva the floor. Tho nolaa of the n.pproaehing tomoof Lila bride, >. a , „ c' o o trmn, uvluoh an t.lo tour tines g oun }itt,.bari l 4 1 • from ;Lloyritnintster ng lit, also ones 'fOattUtlrieu tri to 1%; �iuH. Tltat�i, after rho ceremony, he Cal. � g n , bl and esti three arrests wet- made. d a e t four h`eAii iueunted as 1t menienfiO of leer ftrr •nppara,Lupe novvred'thtt tent>tn-nip aria he worahipni three goddw-llt,� was called to thaj front porch to 'lit Aclvancing tltt Ong1i flu. him gg gago from. thin ~vron drone V. four fight for life, and thorn was h torriflo ritalt and flag, brim trade and lit" top Itat, sign for a decoy telegram. Eight V siegee0ttt:g !tL�I� Cnrroritycou� ptitn�tAaaslatsmc+3 orr little$ f rite �txir©rs, tO rlrs Vigor ZToBottgloYorcig g ri , 4,noa bounced upon him and attempt Vi S F •