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The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 6
• . .,. �..,_,.,. l lid JUlI1llll way t;l waafl ` i i y 1 i LOOSEN THE BED CLO ChE$ � requires little or no ISSUE NO 48, 1903 a r,' I cc, gilded thrill , las tel ttlel-Itt- 1� ROAD ME Nightly Duty for i Mrs. l7Vlnalows :eootht �.,! .+ a bright enough. ',palero )a ,wttsia lret'u, : • � • t its ]tlgit Ipriepft a.pd its tc►u 11esF ll R !T{� A K y y v +�i'� ' ,cl. >~ 1 �. z a> ,,y4 it V. tie tin templeri scented w.t., x`aor'ldth �) S TTI' AUEL IJJ ed Chnntherulald. rubbing. You should try always be used for Ckildran aI'eet�tlus. At 1 r. .,.{{i�A,y,. %� �.. r' Sr c tvat9r` Gy,r, qe¢ 1 ; pthe 11 en:eeo wlCd coat tna ohl d soften g 0 , � The till town 90110111194 bey`011d fulfill dile chambermaid makes bir :211- and is the beat remedy for Dlarrgttls, Sunlight Soap. +� 3' �+ this, but the lower end la Hileut. $0. rival rounds in the bedrooms tot the t3I1tI,�1 1VANTl:L Ih[hiED[AT]C4X !','° . �` ` silent t1.Ltt you inlgltt drink , Ou Lad They Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for slight, lighting the gas, turning down will not injure �O toreonlectlonery and blucult depart, er r` Y �+ by accident happened uporl it cOlullyVmenta; Tod wa es. I). S, Perrin & Co., , "_.,• _ liting nix to tltO •standard ret byy tit° the Troubles Brought on file 1)cid clothes with Liu inviting tri- dainty fab- K u, nt. Liwtted i.ondou, O •..:ti ,{ �� molal Mr. Franklin, k;ariy to bed b (heir Work angular turn, and removing trig___1_1___________ p Y '•C7L'TANa'II) AT ONCE, GENER41, .1 � � ,, .a v tltcjy, alilutl-ently- are. NO sound breakil � }ltavy white spread and bermod pit- ries. t) `� % " t the site ace of the quiet night, no; -- eervaut tar tamttY of two: must T` , ° 3"Y'1 light gleams its any windoty, 11° ! They Profit by the and All- low anti bolster tops, whioll :ire the sit 'rrl be reliable. Apply to hi1SH P'LI1TUIiI It, )j I G Walnut street north, llamtlton, Ont, - I smoke* rlex's from the eraz- court- Viet, of N1r. In{w Dake, of the Duke glory of titer bell toilet by daylightl h ; « �: ` , yalds. 'Early, to 1110©, Yeu kLIOW, thoyl Nouse, st. Thoulas-Dodd',a Kid- tlhe has other• ditties yet to pe,rrorm• : RE YO[t [JNOCCUPIk,I)'7 wkl WANT 4. - — are, fol' daybreak seell this littl0 A all or at least part of someone's time p , colony alb's, with bamUOo rod and trey Pills Cured Hint. She has deposited the pitcher of in every locality, IIyou are mala Arg;210,00 drinking water, wllh' Ito tinkling rube per week don't writs us. 15 a only guarantee '�" _ �� ` loud n ba,iti tradichattering, gt Ibin t,htrttletlthe St. Thomas, Ont•, Nov. 23. --(Spee- of ice, on fife 110th lde table, tvhoro iu .-. `1'lla Discoverer of ice errant. ori makingu'I Thirty " of Ofrcourse� theytartei I ; " C`hine,ge quarter. ial).-lir, L. Dake, file will-kuowtl old timet, pistols. and a "nighteup" A Fr,:nch chef, who prepared the hustlers, that is the kind t1•p want, we have - IirrPek .aYottly on ono of the iron . proprietor of the Dake Rouse here ivoro once in order. Site has laid out the goods that sell fast. It you want to and poo o[ the luost popular men it1 dressing gown and slippers, �'andle- dish for the Duc de Chartres in 1774, n1-1co money wette us a Poot card quick, gates. There is no answer. Elere is i, is said to have 1nadC the first ice quick. The J. L. Nichols no., Limited, Por. Blue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon tea, a door, "The Tlokl Laundry•" Knock this railroad centre, is completely} Alck and matelteo, or electrical sub+ cured bf Backache and Kidney dts- cream. Lord Bacon was aware of the onto, Canada. (hientton lids paper.) The best tea because it rows slo�al in the cool mountain air here, and It allyUCdy a°mea, fn- , case a,f five yearn• standing and lie stitute tvlUtlu reach, and she has proem of oongulattop by' means of g y , vent some laundry urgently requ'ti- opened the window by lowering tri+- ,now find salt, but to him it was a and obtains all the fragrance and deliciousness the plant, can has •iso was eton att stating that p cKa by a fictitious client. fiat t10' i the cure was effected Uy. Dodd'e Ktd- upper ash behind the r+lased ,inside scientific foot of greater or less STAMMERERS extract from a soil rich tit? these properties. body will Come. n ,Pula. bhuds, Interest, and lie had no Idea of the : But I have not brought you here �, „ But all is pot ready if she has for- deli t A nerve-nourishin tea—a sense• leasin tea -invaluable for Yes, Mr. Dake says, speaking Of g tfnl posslbtlitles Ot this pro g g for unresponsive osdoor� I kknetkrinill along lits cure, "I ata perfectly. uatisfted gotten to loosen the heavy bedding. c Iced lldvarlousinks a twales. tees were brain-worlcers—solacing and comforting, that would not boo opened to you. that the flue lthleeb lid I lzitDoaaq from tileper etotllieLket and [Olds whichvhave known to the Persian epleures a I ►(tlipnt rie for OTT treatT entof BERLIN, But in a fc*w minutes the gateti of ;iCkdpey Pillar cured m , a made the bed smooth by da s Chinatown will ba opened to us, a.nd been 'troubled by. my. Kidneys since Y• century and a half earlier, the lain- I Tt SPEL.( ll i)l.l l.<,ih, Wet ore pr duc, ensisa,I took them. An invalid or old person is sOme' ties having probably, come from the ' not shnply the habit and therefore produce Chinatown, obsequious and smiling. times made to rt.el like it prisoner Far East by.: the hapci of some tray- tutturul speech. R'rfte for paxttculara, Bluc; JKI b bon will greet its with injured surprise ! "I lead been, troubled bwithack for Kid- tshen engulfed in ri tightly made bed. I Itgys and pains In n1y; back fes• over it takes some siren W, to pull +tut eller, twho had tested sherbet. rhe , and lamblike, Innocence. For the p°- ' flue ears and nothing I used gave g English knew or Cared nothing fol• i licO are very close at hand, all 'the i3 and loosen the bed clothes wh!°h such artificial refreshment till the i Extra �z� fico a have been walking thlswayt me any relief, till I took the advice have been dragged tight attd folded present century', Even nolo they. do a..a they have been shauowing us on oY a friend, and tried Dodd's Kidney) by a vigorous chnuiber•matd. 7111e not regard the "ice..d }ntdding'' with Ceylort. either hand. You ma , not ha.vo seen tthe I adsIse all my,! friends to try; , well -instructed chambermaid shouldy especial favor. v u'� Lob them, but they have been close en- . 1'Man, W, the railroad men have tak- i loosen lila clothes gently at the t tbo - augh. And now, watch. They ap- � v leaving thein well tacked to at the : , ralswll, Minted Sbou]td be Ar ii for trio pear like magic from side streets and on Wr• Dake's alvioe, and are using endo, so the blanket may not be billiards Liniment oures Dlph•- 1C• 311, inesea unsuspected alley's. In ones, in twoes, Dodd's Kidney Pills. This work is jotked off the feet by an Inquiet therta• By the accompanying illus- '0c• stou iced l6abwl in threes. And they are coming to- partleularl „ -hard on tile Kidneys and „ 3 sleeps Attention to this detail tration we can but suggest wards us. Did I tell you we have they, find Dodd'e ICtdney, fills bring makes a bed more comfortable. Tho Indy a,d the License. gg . ra 04w -e one of the chiefs of police with usf? them culls relief. "I want a, lleense." the exceptional values offered - There is no noise, no melodramatic I "A license to get married, ma'am?" by us in Brooches. - I - whistle. A whispered word of com- I The 'Whining Nuisance. ••Trip you tht'nk I 'want a license to mand, and two men have sealed the + Medical Talk. When you think you have cured catch fish ?" - iron gateway', and have dropped in- "No, ma'am. You have evidently . h Rasp a nd Lily Mere isn t anything in trio world a cough or cold, but find to darkness on the other side. A caught your fish." second more, and the gate grater, more dlsagreeab.e than a whining >Z dry, hacking cough remains, "What's that ? Let me have the bber open on rusty h'Ingee, and we are In y person. Re wtines if it is hot. He there is danger. Take license without any further words. wihines if It is cold. Ile whines at F - side. Ii a rather nothing suggestive ming at this, he whines at that, he whines at Fi"B mush Is It?"' A lALB OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND first. There is nothing suggestive of "But there are certain prellminar- i I � �u - � the Flowery Land -no pagodas or everything. `thine, whine, whine. It + s , WOMAN'S PERMOV JR .r ,M 1s just a habit he has fallen into. , Shiloh's les, ma am." tea houses or joss houses, only three There Is nothing the matter with I I'U pat for those, too." _ ,�, ",.,�.�,., ,ye,�,,,.....,w_ ,sides ai a garbage-atrewA square, him. It !s just a bad habit. Mile ' "You don't understand me, ma'am. ! av#A"#).tlp.eh,J►i.r1� I ranged around which are the sordid CC)I°ASu�[lpi1C7Ii Iva want to b emarrted, don't you?" I tea shanties at Tohn. But 1t strikes wltjner is generally an idle person or l "1`'ha said I did'7'' a lazy one. What lie needs is to be i "I Inferred you did. At least you' x.. ria-p:<`e'trs°° "Oh, but you've never seen Yilatus I was at his age. We're gcoing you immediately that nobody Iq set to work—at real, hard work, Cure The Lung Tonic You want t° be married, don't you In better form than he is to -night," I to make a soldier of him, sir. Yves! }cep, In fact, ever -weedy ie wide mental or physical. Some work that you , y In this here are Sunburst Abe went on eagerly. "You mu: -,t go " Clever, too 1 Took up a. billiard sae awake. A dozen Chinamen of all size -4 . fast to please me. You don't know will Interest him and engage his Y , Brooch there are 65 Pearls, Yesterday, and made a bridge far It and ages are sitting around a red, whole attention, and he w 11 not have at once. "well, I dont want to wrap up flow proud I am of that particular nn If-ae it he'd been playing foo• hot brazier, on which some mesa time to whine. Get the whine out of naffs in it." mounted in 1411. Solid Gold. bit of scenery." years, by gad I Spoil him ? Certainly iS stewing, and all the little houses your voice or it will stop the devet- It will strengthen the lungs "That's give met what I thought. And And stopthe cough, now, give me the names." Order by mail, If you ,rte not pet• i "Of course I will go," he said, smll- not, sir. His mother would, and the, that have no lights have smoulder- opment and growth of our body. It g Ealy satisfied. with re it your .Honey ing' up at tier pretty, eager face till- i signor, if I'd lot 'em but I won't. I Ing wicks -which is slgalfeant, y "What's that? whose names?" will tw promptly refunded. auapectingly. don't spall you, do I Glen ? Boy's, Somebody flashes an electric toroll ' will narrow and your your mind. It "Yours and the gentleman's." will drive away your friends. It will Prices 26c., 60c, and tZ1,00 ,,Say, have I got to glue the Write for our handsomely "Yes. And while you are gone Ge -r- I fond of me, air," the old lean will run. ,over th'e deserted hovel, The hast- make you unpopular. There is noth'ng names ?" illustrated new Catalogue. a d will hunt up the organist, won't � on, and f upraisedwfon ace the golden Never I and ilea smele fllla n}le spates. Thiers ll the matter with you. Just quit your S. C. WELLS & CO. "Certainly. And your age." Ready for delivery Nov. 15th. you, Gerald?" h whining and go to work, "YereS," assented Gerald, who was i is a closed door in one corner of Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. S "My age t You want too age I My turning hot and cold with nervous happy if Ian out of his sight. Good age, and the names, too?" P_YWE Bid©S• boy, too. Like itis mother, air. Best dile apartment. The sergeant- puts . Of course." apprehension. "0h, yes:' daughter a father stet hod, God bless bAs shoulder to it, and the ser- DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25011 "well, you don't get them• If JEWELERS "•Very well," said the marquis. "I'1! derg' And wt er away the tears ;geant being a man of many pounds, Toxin;; and (living. there's going to be any cheap notor- II8. 120, 122 and 121 just climb up to the seat and conte from hie brave old eyes, the major it gives. 7lhlere Is a passage, and CATARRH CURE ..a tety about this affair, young man, Y n;ta St., Toronto back to you. I shall not be gone- •tb'ere are some steps leading down- is sent direct to the diseased New York Herald. you can make up your mind that Its, well, ten minutes." males his military salute and tod- T, minutes. I'll glue him an hour dies off with the young Glen's hand ward, and there is another door parts by the Improved Blower. „you can't;' said the philosopher, all oft i Qood day. Philadelphia " outlined in light. This yields to a Heals the ulcera, clears the air -twos" gasped May, clinging to Ger- fast held in his. passages,stopsdrnppingsinthe "take from a thing without making Telegraph. Y $ Not only my Lord Glen, but every- pushl throat and perunaant! curea it less." ald's arm. We -that is, you, the police, and CatarrhandHayBever-YBlower "Oh, I don't know," the fool re- , "Oh, Gerald, Gerald I" body else is proud of the old major;, I, --do not apologize, even though free. All deatera, or Dr. A. W. Chase IT'S EASY TO LET pt cold hang on. Fluatiy Not a Matter of Money. 1Yie gtargaia went slowly up the and it is worth travolling through _ Medlaim Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. plied. "Have you ever tried taking , the cough becomes hard and dry. Even then New Orleans Timee•DemOCrat� •lope, When he came in sight of the tiro snow to see him at Christmas we hlave obviously broken up what a light from one candle with an- allen'e Lung Balsam will check Its advance meat he saw, that some one -a lady time, when the big house is filled ingmisTheteurio sly -colored board Painting Out the Difference. offer?" and restore health, cle RAtaplantreceive fromhGwerndo- -woe sitting there, and he stopped with guests -Lady Dorman, the Ban-; supported on a trestle table, and Washington Post. Smithers' Mistake. . lyn's father? and hesitated. Then suddenly Ills nesters, the Lulwooas, the Rradleys, p pieces sca ' Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant-ill strongly Jean -Nat more fh'an a mWton fife weird, pawn -like pie.' tt ICxch-e a beart gave a great bound, and the the griffin, to a more wonderful tui- tered at our unceremonious lntru- Son of successful editor -papa, what &safeg and a bythei medics} profession as „ dollars. You Seo It was almost a color entirely deserted Ills face -for ban each year, and, of course, May ' ; ' Is journalist ? Smithery is seas at the weather love match. he lead recognized her, For a mo-: and Gerald. It Is then that the "tile game of Fan -tan. it m is' an I* ,The Father -A journalist, my tion, s safeguard against infectious diseases, as forecasters meat or two he stood still, hesitat- major "eumes out strong,"' as Ger- stitution thlat Ho KI, the CliO`w to a newspaper man out of a job. Welt, ate Isn't alone. Every one Minard's Liniment cures Gtarget In tug, vacillating. Should lie go on, aid says; and not Ono of them can •carries away from his fatherland, I - Getting Too Near Home. knows that the forecaster doesn't Pre- CORS. or go back? He telt that if he went tell a story, make a salad, brew a It is the outward and visible dem- I diol trio weather right once in a tack it would be forever. He could , bowl of lunch, or play pool onc�halt A Yorkshire Socialist, explaining Social- thousand times." I P •onstration of that patriotism. I Believe lLINAILD'S LINIlPENT i , "That's the trouble, S1mtthers bet The Speculator's [dart. not. He went slowly forward. i as w,,lt as the major, who, though .Johtn Ho Ki, Wunhi, He Ku and to a friend the principles of Social - Elaine • w,r,.v leaning back, leer has hair is as whito as the snow on toil!;? wKe, in no wise perturbed, sit will cure every care iE BAKER. ' Smothers b that the latest predie-. Lite. hands looselyclasped in her lap, Iter Riverdale. MRS. REUEtENBAKEII. ism, remarked that all possess'ons tion would be wrong, and it wasn't" Mrs, Tickerly-Don't you think the hills, still keeps a. heart as ;around the wall of the dog -out. in should be slurred equally. "If you had _-,Exchange. eyes fixeca dreamily oil the great I young and gay as a child's. : w,hhclt tills classical game is play- ; two horses," said the friend, "would we aught to buy a pew in church mountain. As for Elaine -well, Lady Dorman ,ed. There are four vacant places I Believe •li1NARD'S LINIMENT , „ frits year, dear? Hie ca,mo near enough to see her ' will produce growth of hair. you give So one?" Of course; re- hjinard's Liniment cures lllstem- T}ekerly-Do you think they'll go face distinctly, and at the sight all puts rho case very neatly. at ihr near tlYo and there ra i a trap- MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON. plied trio Socialist. "And it you had per. up ? his heart went out to her with a ! My' dear, said the old worldiLug ,door neer the roof to which a lad- Stanley, P. E. I. two cows, would you do "the same?" great longing. Go back. Give her on her latest visit to Giengowrae, crier ascends. Th.e banker hoe de Y, "Of roarer+ I should:' ''well, euppos- I Shyloeks in the Capital. tip without one effort. Ah, e was "your happiness would be annoying,parted. (rambling is a cri)ue, even Ing- now," said the friend, slowly, I In Going to New York fm'aasvibie ! if It were nut so exquisitely absur, ' 13, Johannesburg, and the players I Believe 114NARD'S LINIMENT ,,,you had two Figs would you give Philadelphia Record. lie sura that your tickets read via Grand she heard his footsteps behind her, here have you been married nearly I Tall In, outsid , the wh�nce they IB earth best household remedy ori me one of them Y'' ' Eh ! that's gettin' official Washin• ton, .. comprising Trunk and Lehigh -Palley routeotthe "Black Washington, Diamond Express•' Thiele the direct and and thought that it was Gerald re- seven years. and still in love w!tli•, Will ms P ower near home," said the others same `.:5,000 goverUment employeov, best route from all Canadian pointe. B this Burned with some message from your 11sba.nd P „ -w1thl great docility. MATTHIAS, FOLEY. slyly; tha knows I've got two pigs. Oil City, Ont. upon whom are "dependent about rout: baagag@ is how checked] in bon and "And ho in love tvlth me !" put in " There is another door learling from -V. C. about 125,000 persons, or nearly half from Csnadtnn pointe. The Lehigh Valley. Mnweil ?" she said, without turn- I Elninc, piteously. "the gambling den. It is locked, evi- has three ass hots s and York, up town near the population, is Said to be sof- all three eta hotels ^lid down town nearall Ing her }lead. Hos lfay forgotten `f "Just F.o, Well, I say, it Is unique. i •dently from the other side, but the PROM faring under the grip of the money European steamship gdocks, Paving paaseu- aomething?" i Yo; ought not to shut yourselves up sergeant's shoulder Is better than a No Cajolery About it. Newspapers THE Old Counfry lender. The average rate of inter- f rrs 8or Eur you lo,j an o pe and aTrunk "Elsa a ," ho Bald in a lots voice. its tiffs out-oi-the way place ; you skeleton key. Crash l Z he room to .,RI}tyi did j:au lot that girl cajole eat an loans by the Shyloeks is not agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger She rose, pale and trembling, and owe a duty to society"-"saaetety," flare except ,for a frame bed and a you into subeoribing for her book?" and NAGAMNES; PERIODICALP, BOOKS. etc., far from 120 per cent, Agent, Yonge street Toronto, Ont, aato(xl before him, her eyes dilating, � she pronounced it. "You ought to go itable• On 'this is a candle splutter- . • ,-Cajole, me? She didn't cajole me- dispatched to subscribers by first mails by her 'lips quivering. I about and show yourselves as ex- Fnkg in its socket. Ott the bed lies c}•,•e jugt looked 1pto my, eyes and ,WK, DAWSOr-, & SONS, Idmited, Cannon s,oiatica put him on Crutches.- Great Crawlers. "Elaine!" he repeated, his voice vI- " amplcs; you ought indeed. I never ,a� man :wjta does not move, his eyes drew one or two long breath's(" ' House, Bream's Buildings., London, ]England. Jas• Smith, Dairyman, of Qrinisby, Out.,. Chicago Chronicle. brating with paselonate love and en- i met with such a couple. Why, the ,are hall closed, his hand grasps a : The largest Subscription Agency in the world. ,writes : "My limbs were almost useless teraty ; and 1)e held out lite arms. : man is quite foolish about you still; ,pipe, and the sackenlng stench of Send _tor our list. Free on application. Est. 7iv, o k a y which has element utt 1809. Prompt and reliable. from sctattca and rheumattem, and, notwith- belt•. York city which has no count - Still she stood motionless for a he is indeed. I sate him look after opium fills the, room. President; standingmyosteam for physicians, I must erpart• elsott•Jtere In Ameriea. When second, as of she dared not trust you when you left the dining -room , "Wako up, Johnny, w,here's your C'e give the credit where It belongs, I am a it is not attempting to lick th'e her ears and eyes; then with a cry last night as it you were sweet - I ,pass, ell ?" Dog Mourners. iri°umatie Clue itmusttrhn egad the mcredit boots of persons of wealth' it Is,in- she was On Ills breast, and his arms lleart;rL" '' Leave them to arouse him, and tol- were round her. "So we are,"' murmured Elaine. ;!,ow the police captain, to the joss A Slt�ve to Catarrh A peculiar scene was witnessed It's anurrvel,-8k, dinging its envious assaults upon t ; e - •- - " Lady Dorman grinned and nodded. house. The priest opens the door recently at a funeral at Norwood, persons- of wealth. It covets and They heard the strains of the glor- "'Pon my word, I believe It 1 Sweet- ,of a 'tin shanty, in Po wise "differ- + it hfateS, but It crawje just the g hearts, and seven years married! in from the dozen about, except that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Re- 'England. 7.ltt'e occasion was the in- Little KrOwn Noyes. same � i I , ions old organ floating up the 11111 N. Y. Herald. to them, and, with her hand fast q g lieves in t0 Minutes torment of a Bermondsey dog fan- Uni Unique -it's worse; as I say, It's ab- . trio interior resemb;es for all tits ; offer. Among th'z mourners in trio Little Brown 'Egos from Babyland Deafness of 12 Years Standing. - linked in his, they went down the Hurd !" 'tvarild a large-sized tea-chest turn- D. T. Sampple, Presideii got Sample's Instal , p o wereIs ,winking and blinking at me. produces deaf ess In slope aur. past the quaint burial The Encl. , `! od inside out. Here gold, on black, "For yearsLlywasmafflicted',P h Chronic ' t}�rrassplendid n to tl.,ewfoundlarave nd dogs I feel a thrill iram his tiny hand ni,ny cases.Protracted Ccapt�iBen Connor, of Toronto, ground, and into the dim cathedral; I vertatn moral ''precepts or Confucis and softly he led her to where Gerald . Catarrh. Remedies and treatment by specof As he clambers upon hiy knee, x and May, with the major and Luigi, i r. • : crawl up the walls like so many wino inauceclgfo use Dr. Agnew s Catu r11u r to wearing mlatchtoOns the top of thecoffinHis tiny fingers tug' at my heart L t eatments fulled to relieve. Ag ew's y auriferous spiders. On the altar is were standing, Powder. It gave almost instant repot. twd/ro placed two stuffed toy terra- ,to I fold him In my embrace. ( ,LtarrhalPOwder gave him relief In one day, It was the blind man who first , a small image at a black bearded Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure is for the ars. These were pets of the de- The sweetest picture in all this him ientirely short t will do las much for you 160 heard them, though the music was J Seente.s i h gOv1. rrefore the attar, joss sticks, Nerves, Heart and Blood. ceased fancier, w,ho had expressed world cents. -88 Pealing out a marriage hymn. He wooden swords, spears, and tinselled the wish that they +should follow Is Brown Eyea' dear little face. , turned quickly, 'his face lighting up baubles. Not so very Inspiring, and him to Ilia last resting place in --'-�- _ . with an unspeakable joy, and as lie Johannesburg ., certainly nothing to justify the un- Obtase Brinianoy' tine manner described, MInard's Liniment cures Colds, oto. The Deadly Automobile. took her hand he murmured brokenly: !pleasant scowl of the priestly cue- Detroit Free Press. Statistics for the year ending Aug. "At last! At last! Nairne, we are i todian. Julia -Is Clementine really} so in- Go Ps Sunshine. In God's house; let us thank Him ! 011, ^^r^ -r^^^^^' E Now. back again- to the opluni room. tellectual ? I !ASSESSMENT SYSTEM 31 shotty that automobiles killed week let us thank HIM I" , Take my arm and come with me.'. There, is a group of policemen round Aurelia-Oh', yes; she never can tell Mark Guy Pearse. many persons in England in a week - " " « " Swiftly through the streets of Johan- = the fled of ten dreamer. ;you a thLng any, other woman hats on• The Rev. Mark Guy Pearse, during as railroad trains did In a year. Lady Blanche is still unmarried. nesburg, past the shops ablaze with - trio course of an eloquent ttddreHs The acotdents enumerated in England The world forgets as quickly as It 1'ght, past the loitering crowd that I "Can't you rouao him?" I ask. `x Purely Canadian ; in Trinity M t.",o:.JA Church, Toronio, and Wales during the period men - travels nowadays, but the words ut- tettunters Idly, past the thro, god the Then I Look and see how, unneces- HOW'S THIS ? yesterday afternoon, said: "Canada timed were 8,981, and the deathe tared by Judge Rawlings are still re- fitreH where bursts Of melody and I sary was my question. Tito Chinese is a wonderfully beautiful country. 411• The figures show an average membered, and her ladyship feels this ,spasmodic cadences of applause: have a pretty little cemetery of We otter One Hundred Donors' Rerwnrd for Never have I experienced such a cli- or 7x.75 accidents per week, with whenever she finds courage to inter reach the ear through opening doors. their own near Braamfontetn.-Wd. g yy came of Catarrh q Cure that cannot beenred by CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN mate, I -speak without exaggeration 57,5'2 personas injured and 7.9 killed society. She Is still beautiful; she is Xpep Out of the light -the Cold, gar Wallace, In London Niall. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. FRIENDS when' I any tllalt in the six weeks of every week, During the last twelve still an earl's daughter; but the ter- white, steadfast lights that line the We, the undersigned, have known F. r., beautiful fall weather I have ell- months the total number of pass- rible censure passed upon her in in streets ; ids us creep away Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him t joyed here, I have seen more Sunshine engers and railway officials killed open court hangs over her head, Into the sideways where are the tum- Vice. Presidents. perfectly honorable in all business trans- Its a Good Thing. Better Take It, than in any two years In England. by accidents to passenger trains on slid. acting like a beacon light bINlown tin shanty of Ramsammy of the Vice -Presidents of the United obligations wade b thable s nano carry out any You speak of the 'Ludy of the Snows,, British railways was eight, the In- light warns the mariner from a and the dirt -begrimed windows of g Preeentmembor.hip....•.....,•.........•......90,00° why it's 'Lady of (sod's Sunshine,' jured being 224. -Kansas City Jour- �atateH who have succeeded to the WAruggisLDING, iToled a MAnvtx, Wholesale IPresent number of councils ......................470 „ dangerous coast, keeps men a't a 1'etrifskl-Istrac, the, 9011 of Joseph- Druggists, Toledo, U, you should say. nal. rrby distance from her. That the behind which this terry man Is Ieffice of thief magistrate on the Hall's Catarrh Cure to takeniaternally,act Present Surplus Funds..............;400,000.00 - _ world will forget In time is certain, threading a needle by the light of a , death of she President not one has Ing directly upon the blood ano mucous sur- t Amount of claims paid.,........•.;1,489,000.00 i r_ -'a but It will be some years before flickerin candle. You will see him ' trice of the system. Testimonials byi all sent tree. Sick benefits it you want them. 1 , , , . . Laxly Blanche can enter a ball- g been able to secure a nomination price -7^c per bottle. Bold by all constipation. fit° AM at work when you return, thS4 I Take Hail's Family Pills for constlpntion. , Write either W. F. D(ONTAGUE, Grand • a room without feeling that walicious Hallie Petritski ; well Into the night i for the presidency from his party Recorder, or W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand ` Wisp�iisable y N �sp�+ Ile will work, plying els needle and p organiser, Hnmilton, Ont., in Winters tongues are whisperingdome, such at the os tration of his term. }„ the Parlor, Toe. s wordo a. these; dreaming alone of-wbho knows what? Tyler, who succeeded Harrison, did N. Y. Weekly. "Do you remember the N1lirne Tihen tie will draw a filthy blanket I not receive a vote in the Whig con- inactivity or rhe Filipino. I There's a need in every home for ease? • That is the Lady Biauche over his greasy form and Bleep till i New. Boarder -what is the land- , tvlto eauaed all the trouble, incl vention of 1844 lie was not even , lady's daughter playing? the morning Sun awakens 11Im, and Give tho,native Filipino some bnm- whom• the judge was so ,severe with. teen again the needle and the day- complimented in thi reHolut}ons Old Boardor-A mixture of airs And her own cousin, too; that sweet long dream and the candle's succes- twhich were adopted. [tram a lot o[ old operas -a sort of boo and a bolo (which lakes the ' P 0� RED SPRUCE GUM Lady Nairne, you know : It i wet(` t.or. But our businesa as not with him;, Fillmore, who succeeded Taylor, musical hstsh, you- know.- - place, of saw, axe and knife), and GRATS Sy R�Lady! Blanche, I should ,lie of shame only we must paxH the road in whiell hall a formidable support in the Whig .. - __ his requirements are practically every time I met her!" ht dwells before we get to the east. I convention o; 1852, but lie waH de- � • • • I feated by W.ott on the fist, third . `� tilled, for with talose h° can almost A few doses, at tate first sign of a (old, will allay all throat But Lady I3lnnehe and not tie hits to o filth and his boundary and y' P Mu.rahionestf of Nairne, do not oi- the memory o[ IYolfin<1 is a boundary ballot. Don t pay a as rl' CYna,it entirely build his noose, Tho Uam- Irritation -take away hoarseness --check the iniiamutation-- tea meet. TLC marchioness la3 not post between east and west, between Jebason, 'tee successor of Lincoln, boo gives hlm his timbers for the strengthen the lungs -ward off the cough. often Aeon in London society, nut- orient and Occident, received 65 votes on the first ballot who takes all clay rubbing tpute life frame; lie splits It tar the floor and i All the healing, soothing, etlrative properties of Canadian sprtn;@ withaatand,inq that, It Elie chose, Hite Beyond, the housea grow bewilder- In the Republican convention o1 1868 out ofyourclothestoget them clean, _ walls, and then finishes his house i Gum—combined with aromatics, Pleasant to take, 25 cts.botile. could take her place as onn of its ingly var.ous. 81-OP3, leisurely start- and ou 'the twenty-first ballot, the you can do the washing yourself- - with a nips -palm root. The bamboo I sitting down --with a ! . teaciers, IL Is at Glengowrle, t11L' p,1 tvjtll 601tie. dim idea of being beau. laHt !hetero 'tU,, nomination of Cien,, g also turntshes l.ts bed, it ha has elle, greet house In the. Highlands, tvilh tlful, ltavO finished by becoming errant, .he had five votes, - New Century and Ilia chairs, tables and such her husband and thr it dearest f1•irnrl patchily tins The builtler has never In 188-1 Arthur, who served out other furniture as he may need. It ATC'HES the blind musician, tlra.t Lady Nairne finished. Unsentimental nreesoll,y Garfiold's term, ha.d a considerable : - Washing even supplies malty or his dishes tend ALWAYS SEE THAT THE YOU BUY BEAR TME NAME is happiest ; a,nd May, who, with grnr,}ped him by the throat, thruert-' Hu},port tram :hit Hoath wtlleh Ltd- Machine - kitchen utensils, as well as his hat, (Ierald, spc ndH every vacation Lhrl.', ing ]rim aside to make room fora hcred to him uutii the fourth bates : and apso provides him Wlth food, for - declares that Elaine grow'1 yonnger hundred aliens. Jolt. when '81atuo was nominat;;d. or you can bamboo sprouts make a very palls- Our Parlor Bra Intend Of oldr'r as the yearns fo-1 l '1` ivy dict riot Objee"t to unfinished i It lir, Roosevelt kh'111 be nomin- make t h a table diah. Fruit in sufficient quart• ^�" Oar iulNlw MasAe pp, work. The window sashes were never ated !by Ills party for the precideney waihw'man's titles to satiety bin heeds grows I "KING EDWARD" t, for the major, for tvhout "a },uintrd, nrd route u! the pauesltve110Inoxt sant without opposition It will work eabier I readily without cultivation. Rice . "HEADLIGHT" "Telegraph" treat by thrd clllmney eorn.�r," its tie never put in, and to -day, behind red- be, as ills been pertinently Hatd, In and better••-• / �in and tlah Constitute the rest of leis "EAGLE" "Telephone" 1, h pato it, has been found, even 1110 painted sasheH find 911LHEleH8 waidowH violation of an unwritten late which leavotime for diet. The former must be cultivat- "VICTORIA" Telephone grantUon. aged fli,e, c;tnnot in`ike the proserltx+d fat Poland live happily haH proved quite as binding as that other cleaning ed with care at the best results are "LITTLE COIET'O ts*"kt«aes nwteu him look oid. Tile two are 111,90114M. p1loug,i. Wo fire out of range of the 11hich forbids it third consecutive -and naive the wear onyyoutelothes, to Ile obtained, but It is needless iris, and it lH :t ptr:tsanl r+i�ht to white, mor:+ilesa urn light -that dig- term for a President. Buy a New Century and throwaway to Fury that as a kine the beat re • 1= erttared EVERY time Holdieri Old major eiple of Truth that emphasizes our 'There are 1Lve c r Hi' men In the our useless wash board, ask your stilts ars not obtained. 'thus it Cau A QUICK, SURE (�6ilT sae the trent, q ftlon twit;, tint child by Ills side, fend wrinkles and traces trio patches nn C.oputyllcan party ty who can prevent hardware ricalbr to tphotv,t to you oasUy be aeon that the average na.up. � alp 1A 0118 III} � kilds ii it :1 g tis lit^:1.11 the r)td nt:ln sptiak o1 hien our tbreartbare Coat:,. Ilcre the fight bfr, I.00aevert F, nOminpiilt>rt., No Ono or write t6 us for bawklet. live a simple wants tire readily Eup• y y d 1 ,� :�t^ ��••r.�.Y�i• t" need be aurpriserl it they shall pre- 'Tp1t flowswtw. Mt<n. Co., tterrs, plied by Mother Nature, and that �--_ r I j ql»� F flet 'tt grailli;rn, Lord G1e.l ow- is more mellow, lu(prt pteas,ng. It is n HAMr41ONr,Qkf. Y " C%"� rie, future, 3111(p,ls (of Nalrnr', then not ellist,--Ftetttlrstr Workman, L� by "'Ifie ehllal ° I'd r:. �jr, ; inert wLat and ligurirv, hire li ip ; ,iv, , it i, They ti re ( hrooteldCOuotudr tO rlc) it, t�htelxgo M I 40e neo lf for lt Sr?) Work Urn 1@`011 BA - r