HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 4THE NGHAM , YANCB, Thursdays November 26, xg�l 4 3 , rte. /.. { Is ;�plig I,lhthf�SttattoflT�zdiana Iinttc�oli- - 110 ,,i,OtC dueted til at A nolli 0.111- ' y � � t,� a git �a THE PEOPLES POPULAR STORE Y$ » camo bell It is ann pally, '.Phis plaalU (lura buHiuer�:� iia ounced at Montreal mammoth proportions; it turns �I� h� out about four thousand well -fill- Macdolxal�i Dlock Wingham. Rthat the Canadian exports of dairy fished fowl ever week. Recently, ' products this year will be the larg- 3' Wingham's Dress Goods and Trimmings House. est in its history, reaching a total it contracted with a Liverpool of over $22,000,000. buyer to supply 500,000 pounds of ,,,.,,,,....,.r,.... prime chickens, This would seem i to bear out the oft -repeated state & JASO tie KEwKK - --The Owen Sound Board of meat that Britain can take all the JNOo WINTER Trade, following the lead of the Poultry that Canada can send her, y, AUTUMN D Toronto body, has passed a resole- provided it is the best. tion declaring in favor of the Tweed and Cloth Su><trn's Chamberlain fiscUnderpriced. al policy. _Most of our readers are aware New Groceries, R � •1 that a tariff movement is now the —The McBride (Conservative) exciting topic in England, with Silk and Wool (QVnlCS . -�-.� ,�• .. .. _. __. :.._: Government in British Columbia Hou, Joseph Chamberlain as a has been sustained b the election strong advocate for protection, 7 and a specially fine display of y Oue of the novel clevelo menta in New Raisins, selected Valencies We aro clow ready for the Our stock of Rubbers and Over-'. p y P 3' of Attorney -General Wilson over P per lb,,,,,,,, .... ..,.8 to 100 y shoes are all underpriced, and that; Capt. Stuart by a majority of 971, connection with the movement is P Holiday trade. Dyer de - Evening Gown Fabrics Silks Etc. in the form. of a post card, which pa•rtment is full of new goods. right in the face of a rising market, Silks, i' is being sent broadcast over the —It is learned from a reliable country. On this post card there Now Raising, California, nine- Never before had we such is printed, "What sa eth the Scrip- eatel seeded per k 13e for �'P source that all details have been P y P- ' ' P P g""' " variety. Never before had, Stripe and Plain Silks Waists, tures, Genesis, 41 chap, 55 verse." a we such elegance and excel- Men's Snag Proof Rubbers arranged for the Grand Trunk When those receiving the post g Paeifle to hand over their deposit laced, rolled edge, 4 ply...$2,50 . , ........ C cards turn to their Bibles, they find New Currants, recleaned, choice lence in Dry Goods, China - of $5,000,000 to the Dominion this verse: 41And when all the fruit, 3 lbs. for.................25c ware Boots and Shoes etc. A worth 75e and 85c—extra value 5 Trimmings of a!1 kinds and at a!! Price Government on the 24th of this month, land of Egypt was famished the A Men's Snag Proof Rubbers, 2 �. g s l people cried to Pharaoh for bread ; buckles, rolled edge, 4 and Pharaoh said unto all the NEW I'MMs--Choice drained, ......••••••.......,,••„g2,5 —It was not a Conservative Egyptians—Go unto Joseph; • what , gYP, ” P , English Peels, Lemon, Cie � � � � � � � � � ply ® � 0 We Lead in Variety and Quality Of paper, but a staunch Liberal, the he salth to you, do. ron and Orange mixed, p Brantford Expositor, who declared lb.................................20c that—"The political methods of i '�1q ® n�y� Snag Proof Rubbers, regular i �'t1)1"�' �ti�° ��fS and Muffs. the Ontario Government have —.Many Liberal newspapers de- � Our Pd lUUs �r41 �V 11 $2.10 for .....................$1.75 i brought the blush of shame to the serve credit for their protests New Figs, choice, clean, cook- —ON— cheeks SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK, -20 Fur Ruffs, politics of every honest Liberal." against the present condition of ing Figs per lb ................. 5c politics in Ontario. The Leaming- Snag Proof Rubbers ............$1.50 ton News (Liberal) says:— regular $6.00 and $6.00—for.................. $3 60 i . ® Winter • Dress Goods 4 i - y1p" n _ —The possibility of developing a "We Lope that the leaders of the White Icing Sugar per 1b ......... lOc Winter Waist C100ds ; A Great Clearing 111 D1LSS Goods trade in breadetuffa between Wes- Liberal party can shake off the The kind that does not get :• Boys' Snag Proof Rubbers, . tern Canada and Japan is gradu- barnacles and dare to do right in hard and lumpy. Ladies Winter Underwear regular $1.15 for ........ $1.00 ally becoming more apparent. In all things.' Sullivan should not Misses' Winter Underwear A August last, the Raymond Milling be recognized as apolitical power. i , Goods worth from 50 cts. to Company,Ra mond Alta. made Jackson should not be rewarded Children's Winter Under- youths' Snag Proof Rubbers Raymond, > s Icing Powder in packages— g $1.50—to' clear at........ 50e a shipment of twenty tons of flour Taylor who took advantage of his Chocolate, Vanilla, Lemon, wear regular $1.25 for ............ $1.10 to a company in the land of the position for his own gain should Strawberry, &c. per pkg... 10C Men's Winter Underwear Mikado, and upon its arrival a fur- be dismissed. Renfrew should '® ther order for seventy tons was be enfranchised and West Elgin A►. Boys' Winter Underwear Men's Overshoes, 2 buckle, RITCHIE �� cabled, and forthwith despatched, repented of. If G. W. Ross regular $2.25 for ...........$2.00 3 Following this, the representative would only put away the political Jelly Powder...ang ,.....nil ...lOc All Wool Blankets g of another Japanese firm purchased harlots with whom he has been Lemon., Orange, Vanilla, BEAVER BLOCK WINGHAM 250,000 bags of No. 1 hard flour consorting of late years, Ontario, Cherry, Calf -foot, Pine- Flannelette Blankets apple, etc. Men's Snowexcluders, regular f in Winnipeg. the fair and happy bride of his Union Sheeting, etc. $1.80 for $1.60 youth will tak9 him to her arms '•�®•���•��• �••� i as lovingly as in the long ago." 4.1t,alien of Mince Meat..- ......... I ........... 1(1c r THE ROYAL GROCERY Xmas. china. The rush is on, only a few more weeks until Xmas. You will be wanting to get some fancy China for your friends. We have got the choicest assortment of goods ever opened up in Wingham, consisting of Bon Bon dishes, Fruit dishes, Fruit sets, MufFin Bowls, Celery dishes, Butter dishes, Jam jars with plate, Biscuit jars, Rose jars, Chocolate jars, Jardiniers, etc. V To make the Xmas. Cake and Plum Pudding, Trevor's Select Raisins, Seedless Raisins, California Raisins in pkgs.,. Vostizza Currants, extra cleaned, very choice, Crosse & Blackwell's Peels, and pure Spices. at0"'riffin9s �1��l111;ltltt�ltlltt�t�11t111t1�1lilgl�4111t1�1111111t11i3�i111ii�l11�11� w 3oo,t &J-oe L .-�- 4.- 5LEO T. A. Dulls has decided to w clear out his stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber goods inside of 30 days. Every pair is nisi w ed down to a clearing price-- = cost is no object—they must go. Call and look through the stock, and I am sure you will buy your Fall and Winter supply at prices that were never heard of before in Wingham. w FUR GOODS must be cleared out in 60 days. A full line to select from. To A. MILLSw �. �tiii1�11�Itl;�i�llltlY�til�litiitlillii�ltiililllil3ililtilllltl1t11U1t� 0 e-'1 � —Just before a prorog Parliament, the Senate came to an a IMen's Antics, reg. $1.75 for...$ L00 agreement with the House of Com- mons, and decided to ratify the DISINTEGRATION. y � provisions in the Railway Act ap- Shelled Nuts. Overcoat Sale. Men's extra wide Aitics ......$1.60'. plying to cattle -guards as they The following is from the To- _ were originally received by the ronto News, edited by Mr. Willi- - Senate. This action will obviate son, formerly chief editor of the I T the difficulties which were sure to Toronto Globe :— = New shelled Almonds, Right at the beginning of Fine Rubbers. arise had the clauses remained in The Ross Administration is full- new shelled Walnuts, the season we offer Men's the form amended by the Upper ing to pieces of its own weight. and Boys' Ulsters and Over - House, which made it necessary Clinging to office by so insecure a coats at 25 per cent. discount, For men, women, boys, for the owners of stock injured on a tenure, dependent for its life ' Also new Nuts in sbell—Wal- a railway line to prove that there upon the miserable arta of the heel- = nuts, Almonds, Filberts, cash or trade. Come early girls and children, at was no negligence on their part., er, it long has been at the mercy Peanuts, mixed, per lb ...... 15C and get first choice. was prices. Now the onus of proof rests with of every supporter who chose to the railway company. profit by the situation, and of every N 1' `1' .1d`11 a 161 .i. influence, however corrupt. Reali- zation of such a condition of affairs —Rural Mail delivery is extend- comes slowly. Liberals trained by ing in the United States, and is the Mowat Government to look Get �ttlaa best—It Pays. now past the stage of experiment. upon their party as inseparably CEN�'R�L It is announced that the Postmas- associated with honest administra- ter General will probably ask $20,- tion have been reluctant to admit?***l�?r 000,000 for rural free delivery next that the old ideals and standards STAATFCiRD. ONT. year. He is now getting $12,500,- have been abandoned. But the r � Best place in Canada for securing a then- 000, and a deficiency appropriation bulk of the party seem to be at �� ongh business education or a superior of $7,000,000 e 000 or $8 000 000 will last convincedf and the last few b' shorthand training. Our graduates are ' always successful in getting positions. likely be asked to take care of new days have seen a species of upris- _'� y This school invariably gives its students more than Choy expect. Write for cata- routes put on this year. By the ing. The Gleba has served notice �" i loguo. Enter this month if possible, conom end of the current fiscal year there oiiMr. Ross that the dominance of + will be about 21,000 free rural the parasites has alienated decentS W. J. Elliott, Principal, L t routes in the country. Congress- Liberals. The Ottawa Free Press Y s men have found free delivery the has advised him to reorganize the most popular thing the Govern- party, bluntly stating the alterna + In The �+ ', 1 Make up your mind to attend ment has undertaken in many Live to be exclusion from office. years. Grave uneasiness appears in the L/STOWEC _I. comments of many staunoh Liberalt,t ,� newspapers, notably of The Wood- �;3rrCL.S. —The Eganville Enterprise, pub- stock Sentinel -Review. The bet- Kitchen ; lished in North Renfrew: says:— ter element have got to the point :b + Fall Term Begins Sept. 1, 1903. "That the bye -election in North of public asking for a cleansing— Renfrew will take place within a P g g— —Two Courses— few weeks, is now almost an as along way for stiff party journals. + � Commercial and Shorthand. to go. Surely when such guaran- Is one of the first essentials to domestic send for college journal, sured fact, and while there is much tees are given of the impatience of speoulation as to the relative than- est rank and file Mr. Ross success. Therefore begin right by selecting C. A. FLEMING A. L. MCINTYRE the hon ces of both the candidates now in should es able to head a movement + President sec'y. the fieldnothing is heard regard- a Range that is economical on fuel. A com- ing ing the possibility of a third Candi- against the mercenaries of the bat- + LIFE FIRE lot box, The worst feature of the parison of the amount of fuel used by the + date. It will be remembered that whole situation is that Mr. Ross isINSURANCE some time ago an Independent Lib- unable to move hand or foot to eral • was freely spoken of: and it drive out the machine element. + Lowest rates consistent with would not be at all surprising if The official leadership is in element. absolute security. All claims something should be heard to drop + Crown Huron promptly settled in a few days—or as soon as the hands. By the heelers the Premier y holds his post. Every move he + � Abner COSenS writ for the election is issued. It makes is dictated by political ne- ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS will be remembered that Dr. Chan- cessity. The cowardly refusal to nonhouse, of Eganville, an Inde- open North Renfrew continues, pendent Liberal, announced him- galling as Liberals feel that public + self as positively in the field when g g P Range as compared with other makes of the vacant occurred. flaunting of the white feather. a y The machine is defiantly looking Ranges can be seen in the illustration. The_t1141it11�1ltiltltl�ltli�Ztlit�lT� ;1 after its own -, it has scoured help + small scuttle representing a day's fuel for the from Ottawa, and is sending to w —C. C. James, Deputy Minister England, of all places, to represent Crown Huron. of Agriculture for Ontario, says :— Canada, the Ingersoll corruptionist a iiWe produce on the farms of this who drew from the party head- Remember every Range is guaranteed + Province, from our live stock, our quarters in Toronto money to buy � absolutely. dairying and our poultry raising, a perjured evidence, The heelers sum that aggregates nearly ninety rule the Government. They do millions of dollars every year. not altogether rule the party, rig - During the last four years the live orous as its discipline has proved. stock on the farms of the Provinee The support of the Liberals who + .UADF BY x We are sole of Ontario increased in value by an desire upright administration is , Y amount, not less than thirty-six being gradually withdrawn,. The Western Foundry Co., Limited .� * millions of dollars, and the sales WINGHAM ONT, a gen 6s for from the farms of live stock and �» their products increased in the 1050 dollars made by one man last '~ " same cried no leas than eighteen Bear selling our household necessities. ur N. HESSE9S millions of dollars. This would li Dade yo Always selling. e as much?Write oG. seem to point to the fact that the Marshall & Co., London, Ont.� R r 50 LD BY Province has not merely been hold- STo(I FOOD =.: ing its own, but it has been steadi- _ A. Young & Son of dollars is a largo sum; it ly advancing. Eighteen millions Your �iG'r is-- -- equal to the entire gold output of Is it Actin well? Bowels � the Yukon ; and when it is dis- tributed over the country, you will regular? Digestion good? _ �" ,. see that prosperity has come, not not, remember Ayer's Pills. from the towns and cities, but to a The kind you have known all large extent from the farms of thisyour life. r. a.nr�:oa. Zowen,xa.., + v'� N G H A M Colin A. Campbell �... Province; and the key to thesitua- tion in regard to the prosperity of Want your moustache or beard,, , ,,,,,, THE DRUGGIST our farmers has been the great de a beautiful brown or rich black? Use creasevelopment, improvement and in. BUCKINGHAM'S- DYE �ltilttt�tl;tiitlitlililtillililit�� crease that have talc©n. place in our live stock industry." ,,, tKux oo.g! a, r R 4, i ,SOW* /J