HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 3I 1�1�0<� .1 '�w 1%.4--, j I- . I .1, � 11, i � WA."AlK �, I " I . I .1111111.111 ... In � ­ ­ ­ � I I I I . I I I I - - . -1-11-11.111 ­.­ I I . I wil-0 . M., I � , I , - I I , I I.P., I 1. I.. . I 11 � , , VWA-0--#*"WP"*" I . . . I 1, � I I ­ I . - I � � I , , 1.1,11", . I . I I'' I I"', � I I I I lll"W'!"� � AA^Ar#WVy0~f*W Such A course they lowar the ballic I I . . . I I I 11 11--__1-- . .1 ­­ ___-1111____._ ---. � - � I , 1. "' ' . 1. - ' � ­ ' ' � , I a . : , I � I I _�_ _ I ­,_ /r I,". L , �_!Wlm @.,Illol wilix4mo�.1 111!0"I I .111744 . I Vw^ V�l aeoure 130me of the Corn meal, salt And water do pot ,0OvoraIW,. -on tuoin, return At this a, � bUSIllebN going. Tbo other Alternativol I "U, 6- & gply 411 the elements essential to *V40wo Of tho,year In the Rhape Or: '" ' a IIIANK Of : ; Is one which You should remember. Which Will You Take ? ; bu Mar a, normal fr4ma work of qpIrite, ,qlaa seek to take, vengeance I I It Ill wbut Is WIM17)) 44 the Book Of bono and muscle. I 0 t4eir (ollow, creatures who bAd I NEW FACES oil 'consols.", Artificially oolarec * oglan(I "borros � 0 Japan tea or 1tesult wit" Pige living On c0ril trOAted thtor roxtlaloa w1th such T III& that the batik 041 with or ,Without b.one meal and , scant respect. What happoile j, Lit I m ENGLAND RULES I " y And voe betide tjlei 9 - NOUN 4 ,Oortatn proprotloa of I hardwood ashes In addition. Willoon. FOR OLQ, . Ing& of eoloiolli for Cash and � � , unfortunate wretchea who dare to L. VVV 1l~A01~ kAMAAA0%A I � %'11'11'.; On Btation. I : mime t11110 bil,rN 140 collects [lack for = 100k 4041100 at,thesio spirits o I , the monthly coasol account. You - I neglect tile piarAmoujit duty, wIlich ! Mon When When . t w� 0 1111110401.0+04+0+"." '1110 actual colilleution botwooll tile if MMM bono, meAl asbos neltbor - jo incumbent A ladT witilo ling roqQA%tj+y 40or. 134Uk Of England ji,ad tilo other war- 01.1ing for cash, the barill: I I I ' were Wit upon them, of making t Nee .0, I "" I 4etS. ill(! reasons for Its changes of I 0 F-11perlilliono money of I � Corn =eat required fed I fed � re Atonement for their neglect in tho.� KOX10 tile Process, recently Mention. I rates 4114 lot- th'j, reallits which Wor �1114,-�P`U`1,111P,1'11 0�, th"I money which on. I past. "Thay lilhitil. bo wtro,pgled W4110 ! ed, by wUlch An American descend. 0 ables 111D Dflier bankii to underbid i to Produca IW ibgl I Interes"I told to a lecture re.4 of gain, lba . ...... 487 in their b6mes," or somannadenm1a. (ertly (T,91�1�crcd Ill Lonclon by F. E. it. Ono rostilL ch tills is tbat people SALIDA 401- 029 fortune will overt4l. ; But Of the MOL11014 of Italy pro. fteele, Ri M10 ,would ,otherwise go t A .o them fittrinliqt1lo I vidou now, empfaxions for ,Ojd� I V 6 tho I I ver4ge breaking � pirit oil �eartb. , 0 exi'lallattoo of various I I PrON0110 Of tile ,h 'At 1:014to which perplex fureigner:3 Is Other lbailks to borrow mono,y have iOEYLON NA*rvRAL QRSIEN teal which Is absolutol strength oftbigh Divers pains and ,penalties will be, given the following Itecount of bar partloillarly clear, W Alit back On the Batik of England, y Pure boneill lbe . ...... 680 - 581 801 their portion tbroughont the course '� strange experience. It seems a little it,.urjous at first w1th -,tile conse(luciieti tha,t till) bank and 01.9 delicious to drink as the Famous so Saluda pr Average aah In thigh of their earthly cArvor, Axid they'll I TA11t:patlent, whose Complexion I# eight, he says, that tile bank rate rAto, Will tilt! market rate draw )noro 131ack tea* bone. gramrs ..... 160 150 107 rue, tha, idAy they treated the spirits � flo1w. rogtored to tile Softness ( I -tVe rAtO At Which Ono bank 1,3 010801Y togmbiav- The bailli; arbitrar- hold only Ill scal*d lead packeto,, By ft, U grocers, � Yours very truly, with such barshae8s. I 0 ey-Ohould be a ng,, thc, MG "I" rates bY "borrow. I W, A. Clemons babyh000, with Its charming; ttlit,w I . willing to leod DiOn I ly raises out ­. I.. . I ­ I I . 11 � Ili mmitection with thlo ceremolty . I ey which w6lil otllel�. ­ ­­ ­.- __ .�� I . pnblloatr�" clerk* and Smooth, vootour,- W . Matter or slich' hul;ortaoco in tile wls(, ,,)�, f' - ----- V_ � I . I I of propitiating tl;e, opirltif of tile 40. . AN of. hard, - - -_ '--'-'- --'- money market. jr yott want eyl(tence , ,,hed In Outbidding It, 2211d, 180.1. that 11 Tho IN"earing of will gonerall7batell UO many clj'ck*- I . I Parted, there watt also that of wor� Orosii-oolintry rider, ,wg,ope, lace that tilt, bank rate still is 4111 And tow wol volno to out last point tile Qreell�', Ill Its present form, wss, eno asr 1:!0 Sitting liens. The most got- ohipptng the, dead aucestors-tI10 mAPY $tills blad ranneti * . el 0 lentil- , (Lilst onlig. T116 Way was PrOftf'etl IsfaOtOrY wetho of roar;ag 2(;O or Cal) one Sat- at Lha Princess Theatre,, Soon nlrtejp more alljokelip a year is with theso Fang $hut, the happy -favored ones or -Ake texture, Moored witfil 400P portant factor you ,in" -41le, ipfrect ,of batik rate upoil the d A WOMAN'$ FACE J.Olot "y stock markets. lVily 40 people - Isfy yourself Ott IL-1l'o bl�� -- of tile earth, w1lo have loft this turrow# about the eyes, on tb4 1119 Into title corridor of tile Dan)igo'f Stock 4=110,1190 people -brokers, In- PI'lRoll wito blown up. movable houtios and Indoor breeders, Ur.gland vostoro, And nillnulators, borrow 1�'Ylarkov!,Tel�ll tali R. There was a Storm Tho house and brooder are cheap "vale of tears" for S,notlierllcQuntryll bro.'W. and 't -bio throat. are or 1,idl . In with a ouperabundsn(,�o of wettgll Truly wIlleti I entered 49, U'4014 when tile directors I gn ten lit Loudon, an,j Butir- construction and can Plainly Indicates t - with them, unlike thell' poorer terrace, said tills , liolditig tljeir wccli,)y meeting money 1� T.herp are two reasons. , be built at. .ault" L�,� Th , wIllen there Is a, )A - kefillood of an and . ore are some p3ople _y*tj readl glibit associates anti ,ad. home. It Is profitable for almofft I . he Con 1447, my cour,age L al- about, but rarely not, who borrow ni'mrs ad0sed him rmt to sing it,, every former near a lal.,go city to brethren, in the shape or prodigious tivi entered any boots, and jW^0 rules toration ill the rate. Look around to order to ,,,,,, Int iiecurlties which but Sing hP Nvoitld and did, and It , and lAtten from _11U0 to 1550") dition of Her Health, quantities of Joss papers Secreted In painfully oozing from my finger. you than and you will see a most . no. F.aven days were set tips, and ,by the tjlli,�. I had tnikou le of' It the Cabinet mirilstera of the late T!je chicken rearft Stations —_ . clir',011t; assemblage; peop twilt bring In it higher rate Of In- almost Valsal it riot, It resulted Ill Oblokens a year. their cofft Pori$ and ail occupations, 06 m.1ca torest that) they are paying On tire Apart for 'the observance of thig Off all Oat, Surveyed my (wirinkle4 co,sm of the world or f aro' Queen Issuing an edict prohibiting tile ! operated at Chicoutimi, (jue., Ando- fjow to ohlaill Bright k,, even t, An'd throngb6at tile length 4nd end discolored countenance in tIV4 Inance, aw It- t110 lamas with which the atocks Are Singing )of tile Song in I . ' purchased atill w.) ji-rofit by the dif- the Britialk ' V e, X. B. ,and Vernon Raver Br;dge, yt's% "Osy breadtli of -the "Flowery Land" tile glass, and generally patted myself '1119 the result of the directors' dellll- ellecus nod the Wilitstio titep ol ,eratiops, anct -,vlV.,n tile Messenger rerence. dentialons, and for ycars, aiti,onfrii.' P.,E. I. They ca,cry Ott tho same work ceremony of W,orehipping the (lead' 0 It 4 desperate woman. thrilled the heart of every IrI.',7j-- " the Poultry breeding staCons, ex- Perrect, JUL-alth, ancestors and the propitiation or His "It, IJ1111 It 1114 r, I took my courage 14, 'comes Out With the placard announc- Mallir and the Stook Btlolcillirs. man, it was never heard in n 109 an alteration in the rate. 6r It to a inatter to be regretted,oll. , public. cePt that the eggs for hatchIng are Satanic Majesty and tile band of In- both, lin do and wialt�ll In patleno It Voticloatilt, Could have. lived llntil bought from farmers who possess "A w0mun's law," said a well- fuPlatW 1119 , , '"No change," as the case may be, ' 11191) moral grOU-11de, Oat by., fall, -the tile Queoll made lie... lv.f;t Viet t to the g domona followIng In for Ume, do Medici to appear ano 'thbre is a general helter-skelter Rtd arred Plymouth kiloNyll p-jysiclan, ,,It? a n1ji,rol. which wAke, Is observed -witli,great pomp. inaugurate the first stage of )ter - , larger pi,oporttoo of bor OWer$ (10 Emerald Isle, whian she consented to U'-OZe�kea, aox'e n"o Specially select. ";Iacts uniallin I gly tile conal'(fou Oj It might also Pe stated that at tile lv;j�inerful operation, of removing ,back to tile various offices, and the not ,borrow oil account orl'the, Inter- the AN-Oftrilig of tile shaturociX, lie od Plymoutiol Rook pulloto at these I tlw skin of the face. ,result Is cabled and telegraphed over est at all, but because they, hope would hiave Seen, as tile roval party Stations. : , I I liar liealth, 4une can tell at a glance 00d Of thO �!eVeAth Bloons after a I expected an operating chAir.end .1be whole of the commercial world, that 010 Stock tboyl havil'bought The chicken fattening dtatio I lall'0 Is NMI orloot, and usually one good feed Of "tils Bon( -Of makan," 130 closely connected nowadays ara with the borrowed iiiOneX , landed from the Albert- Viciorta, Hor no are call tell wital the trouble Ili. it so the dreaded in,onstora of the bot- inatrumentil of i.Ort%lVe, hut In- , will In- Majesty's y ed stead there ware just two email ,the rinallLinj centres or tile worp! ere I value. We find that goolls, fug(,kiers a 1phur- � a" to co.pita .acht, at the dock, tile dra� i 10cut at SoindwIch, Ont., Stanford, often llaPPelld th4t Instead of brigh-c tonflow pit returo to tlielr . and lancers, drawn, Quell Rogersville, N. B., Mist Am- eyes, rosy cheeka and tin clustle step, Otis, abode.-Ponag Hernid. u medicine glasses a quarter full of Iblat tile rato In one center affeote ,continuation,, a,,Ato& are directly af- up In full uniform to Salute their beret and Northeast Margaree, N,S,, there are dall eyes, pale, Sallow, or liquid, with. a camel,s; hair pbrumb, Aht rates Ili every center; London feloted by' the Bank of algland'a ruler: a sprfg of sliamroolt was on Atherton, Glenfinuan, 11011tague a greenish complexion, apd. a Jan. Placed on a small table at th�tistdo xates being u specially Important minimum rate of discount Bankers eiery -breast, and the Queen was Bridge, lilount -Stowart and Eldon, guidueRs of Step that bespeaks tile. ######*#*#"#*9#####*##&&& Of a most comfortable armomair.1" lactor, inasmuch an London Is stI!j twho lend money on the *Stock Xr, greeted by tills sata,e old Song, "The P. E, I. These illustration stations ,zasa, and perhapa an early death It __ willich I was Invited toi recIlAo at -the only oren market for gold In change regulate , tbeLr rates by back Wearing of tile Oreen.11-Ex. ! 1. Purchase clitekens from the farmers the right l,roatment 1.9 not rehoited ease. W411ch 'being accop Enrore, . rate, and when sou realize what a for fattening, The stations have an to. The whole trouble lies with tile Aflada a In tile Wn .upliebod, ITIfere to no doubt, then, itbouttlie mass of speculation Is carried on I DUTIES Of A I 113 , dileet way � told Interest whiall, a change In the with the aid of borrowed money'.. you, To GJKLA-UGN 11 DIAKOND HALL". equipment ,or fattening orates, ellap- blood, anu until It Is ent i.fted and in, -1 010 WINAt She was goQug to do. _ . Ing boards. etc. The chickens are "I ors' I'd there will be no release i MAID of' HONOR I "In thlif small glass," she ex- lbank rate aro'nses and whb,t we can Dee how bank rate affects the - fatted for 24 day!a In the craten, and fr.91 111'rering And dlso,kma. Unquas� . plained, "is cocaine, Ana I lujm, filret Sy;ant to find out now Is the ground , h8tock Ex,ohlange. I Ityrle Bros. Purchase Flu"ding in at the e0vaPletlOn Of that time are tionably the greatest of all blood l;,####+"#+#**#*#+#4+"#+## goingto Paint your face with, itto 'upon wMell tills Interest rests. The You will have *Potloed.'If you he,ve [tear of Present Stcro. starved 86 hourls, killed by: diRloca- ren-ew0l'o Is Dr. Williams' kink Pills. , deaden thle smart and then apply Mrst cause of It Is, I Mink, to be studied the nowepapers just 'before a A tion or tile neek, pressed' into jL Good blood means hea4th, vigor, I te 'found In the fact that *tile bank rise In tile bank rate, that " 9tc,ck9 .Massrs, Ryrle Bros. have just con� square shapa and packed Into boxes, and beauty, and the one sure I Since tllo death of Queen Victoria, tiv) blistering fluid. It you feel R This �ear It 19 the Intention of maid of lionov have �v to make your blood good in to. take But keep quite still, especially -rate to the foundation of *bankers' were nervous, because it was feared on Adelaide street west,. Immediately I the Dominion Department of Agri- Or. Ny,illitins' Pink Pills. . varied considerably, but those.under , eluded a purcha'so of the property I way the duties of it too mimb at any time I oil stop. ich:arges for accommodation, both there would be a rise in the bank In rear of their prevent premises, on to willyen I Paint under the eyes. 'Yolu by way of loan and discount. Th'ose rato.11 Many people who have bought the corner of Yonge and Adelaide : culture, to sell fatted farmere, chick. Out or many cases Which illustrate the Impression thAt the post a may sWolat and scream aliflinuctl all lot you 'Who may have OcOaslOn to Stocks wltli borrowed money- cannot tiding on this pro, 1 elitl on all the Principal Canadian sinecure may abandon title mistaken you like. but don't move.,, iborrow know fb4t If you ko to Streets. The bu the truth at this way be cited that . orolur -banker and ask blui for an afford to pay, higher pricos'tor the Petty is at preseut occupied by the ; markets and to ,jilow the 3ansumers Of Xiss Amanda, Damplilousae, .Ste. Idoa. at onm Am I lay still, nor (lid I feel inclined to � loan, and so they rell their securities, Map and Cchool Supply Company and tile improved ll"Llity of crate -fed Anne do la Parade, Que., . who says: a matter of fact, advance and ask him what he is with tile result that Stock Exchange scream, for with tile cocaine to 90509 to chlarge you for %lie lie- Ili to be vacaited by them on Jan. :I, chickens. UP L43 the present time no "For. more than six month -3 I Surfer- n, maid of honor goes oa duty as deaden the pain, it was Simply like a cofm=odatlon ho very rarely gives prices fall, The effect on the ,Stock wh-m 31 ears. Rjrie Bros. will illor- ehickorre have been exported by, the ad greatly' from weakness, bordering soon l:Q� her U-1a.losty a4ses, and takes wild mustard Plaster. the smart last- Exch�unga of bank rate is more mark- oughly overhaul t1l'o bulldlng,�od add Department Of Great Britain. The almost on nervous proatri%tion. I suj�. it in turn until afte retire& at 11.90 Ing about halt ail hour, during which yota a fixed rate, but protectshim- ej,j, and immediate than It lit In* the It to their present establishment. price, received, per pound, Is from 10 felled from headaches, Palpitation time a maid tanned me delightfully, tile money market to 18 cents, Plucked weight. or 3.2 o'clock, says London Tit-Mts, self from possible fluctuations of casoof the markets for merebittidistz This will give them some 10,000 This ie pains in all 133yj and will6n It was. over I was allowed by a quoting or goods, because on tile Stock F,x- . Queen Alexandra to content with ,w;hlch bears it distinct and fired square feet for altow-roome, exactly course will be pursued go thht farm- limbs. I h,'Ad no energy, no appetite, four nlai4a to do as I llkcd until evening, wIl4ou, - change there Is, on the whole, .% doubling their present ground floor ore in any' part of Canada fattening no color, and my nlg�ts were fre- of honor, whereas the after a good dinner (and you way be xelatift to batik rate. larger proportion of Speculative bust- s I I their lablakene can roll them late queeli had eight, . Th . Bankers lend t1wir money -pace, and is to be utilized largely to deal. quently, sleepless. At different times eY are tbL' surei I Inade a heaxty one, as I walt Oil a - ness and It may, be taken as a geii- for tile extension of theit fine china ers who recognize the value OT fat� I 1.00111sulted three doctors, but none of Milorables Dorothy and Violet Tlv� warned that it would be my last allding scale, and that sliding scale oral rate that a j?lse to the bank art goods and optical departments: � tod clilckens and pay' an Inoreaged titem seemed Able to cure me. -A tan, .Sylvia Edwardes and Mary Dyke. for five days), my face having by thii lo ,based upon the RAak of England rate tefido to lower the price of ,�e- The first floor Is to be added to � Price Per pounil for tliem. i , ' friend strongly, urged me to take Dr. It to customary for the daughters time swelled as large a6s two, I was di official m1nimum.11 * For thris rea- curitles and a fall In the bank rate their mail order department, which ' . . Wllllam,i' Pink , Pills, and I finally fol. of peers to be appointed to tllfj again placed In the armchair. Son bank rate affects all classes to raise them. once more, however, has grown sjo rapidly during the )uBi lowed her advice. With the use of the Post, but should they have no title Ifadame was armed with Plaster � of business people -the =om1dL?rr, the qualifying Phrase caGterle Par thus tow years as to'make the Increased first box lay, health began to Ila- they are permitted to adopt the Pro- this time, which she out Into Short this bill broker, the wh _ must bo kep well In mind. , space a nepossity. The tipper floor ABOUT THE HOG. Prove, and fl�e boxes completely re- fix of honorable. The malds of stripe of different lengths and ar- chant, the Shopkeeper, the private stored me. I. now, have a �good ap honor are under the mistress of robes tistleally applied t the hole f ce Individual; . will be devoted to manufacturing, --- Pe- 0 V7 a all classes of people WHEN THF, NERVES CRY OUT and'the whole and will be furnished with the'raost tite, headaches and pains have Meap. who is at present the Duchess of a,nd ned' ,c, w!hlo. to any exterit carry on trans- system is set an edge ny those sharp cutting improved appIl&40eff- .. Condiments or CorreotiveS- peared, and I never felt better In in Duccleuch, and for their servicesthey "M1119." she told me, "is to remov4e enthol yj ,ftetioliin with, the aid of capital bor- neuralgia pains. 11 The D & L " .8f When completed this will make Various Kinds, life tha I do now,. if I ara ever Welt receive a salary Of 6;300 it year. the difi-actloring pigment from undel ro-wed from ,banks or front discount Plaster given rellel. This 00311bMation of "Diamond Hall," with perhaps' one Uie, skin; you must keep it on to- !Uouses. When there to a change In otMentbolwith medicinal gums has never . a-walu you may be sure that Dr. Wil. If they marry during their tenancy tire rate one class rranstults the been approucileti in Pula rdilivin, capacity. Now York exception, the largest and ; Department of Agriculture, . Rams' Pink Pillo will be m.yj onI7 of the pDsltlon they are given a night, and to -morrow -we will set itiffect of th'e change directly. or . best-w.utplied jewc-try establishment doopor.11 I , dowry of MOO by tile Queen, pro- how It has worked." , on the continent, ,, Commlsoicinerle Branch, If you have any "I must say I didn't like the plas� ;Indirectly, to anothie� class; tile " Fitted liftn. . disease like anae- v1ded they have previously obtained ter. It tickled and smarted, and noge that are closely! confined and 'Ilia-, Indigestion, 'heart palpitation, tier majesty's ,approval of the imoney broker to the stock broker, l Yes, BrOwn Jotnetl one of those Why swimme—rSDro-1vD. neuralgia, rheumatism, or an, I twery now and then there wort ithe stock -broker to the speculator, co-operative communities, wh,lRre I'Lli, I highly fed require a corrective of r of the match. funny little, exploolons, where tile Ithe wholesale firm to the retail work for the common good at that A long-illatance, ' swimmer, correm- SOME' kind to maintain the digestive. Other host of troubles caused by bad It would be impossible for any one akin was opening under the strap, itrader. particular task Ing ,popular errors, states, ,according- blood, Dr. Williams' Pink pIlle will to become a maid of honor who Ping So I got little Sleep that night, It In tbs fact that prac- for which );e '" to Reaftli, that accidents to 6wim- system in a normal condition of surely cure .You. Be careful to get had not received a first-class edu- alld*m), eyes, too, were *,tically no one carries on business beat fitted, and th�ey made him mere are seldom due to. cramp, but ' health, and tile tatter the .pig tile the gen-ulne, with the full on cation, for tier duties are ext , so swollen W,bblly with Ills own capital that may*'O I to apoplexy, resulting from sudden ' greater the necessity I "Dv. Williams' PInk'Pills. f me, . re -e- that when I tried to light my eandt4 9 Av*o to this bank rate Its Import. "Was tills because lie was best cooling. The sinking three ., says Live or Pale 11, varied. After breakfast Queen I saw not one liglit, but three. .4.1 . a�, V, -l"What does bank rate F3t&u(l fitted for thlat job?" times 'a a . Stock Commissioner. F. W. Hodson. People," printed on the wrapper Alexandra, when at Sandringham, tart morning came, and with It tht curious error, as some persons swal- I around the box. k�old by all medl, goes for a walk around the grounds . maid, witli my tea in a. feeding cup at ?,.' 01# thbre to, be a change ?" "Not exactly� It was because he low wn�-Ler and strangle an first Im- ! When the digestive orgalls become � cine dealers or sent Post'paid at 50 1 ,%P�� pot morply banking �jues. wasn't good for anythring else." and visits her pets, always In com- ' for w1lich 1 was tbankfifl, a& My PhoBe tuarslon, sinking but once, w1ille oth- 1 clogged With fat their ability to cents a box or six bo,.cps for $2.50, pany witli tile of her ntalds, after molith Seemed to have disappeared tions; tbl�y ,are questionsforevery I ere may sink and rise fifty times. A ' digest and assimilate is weiikened. by� writing to the Dr. Williams, Xledl� rey —2ifedical mclunce by uceldent discovered tho q NVIlon a 1109 Is Tunillng at large, lie , I which size usually attends to tier ,11,hat day I was kept In bed until Inisiness IMAIP.- Dr. Von Stan"a Pineapple 'rablets. mail who has saved SIXty-five live ' I eine. Co., Brockville, ont. I 0 at the drowning person � — ..­. ­ - — — .1 P u rixere is ,:%*. . er, another class of has f und th, correspondence, and It Is usual for the afternoon, when tho plasteri People lbe �'jd,,� -lboyrowers affected by potene.y of the pinlodliple as a pauncea, for cannot be stunned by a blow In taie i does not root up tile Pasture from I Ono of her maids to be in attendance were taken off, a rather allif I pro. , - charWes, In the ba,Xil� ratfe, I refer to stomaeb troubles. The Immenin pereelitage face, but that he ca:n be handled by : pure I and land tier assistance whenever ceoo. and my fLtee was covered wifl- . love of exw-clse, nor doe -i lie V6,%,-%.-%,vA�,ow&,.%�,%,.%,AQp,�.W,,,�I depositors. ept,"*it irAte.8, al- a rule, of vegetable pepsin couta,ined in the fruit Pressing tile thumbs under. his ear's do it because of Innate cussedn I required a though the (Ineen's pri- It Strange guin and then plasterell: rise nnd 1114pla c,ipfergqIt­v. with tile makes )tan ,41moot, Judispoll4fible reme and ducking Ills head until ma a �- hing for vato Secretary Is allsz) present. This with niedleated tissue -paper, layei ,h, Y ,of England cases of 'dysp alit and ludiges#011. abl% this being done from b " d!L """ ' � CHINESE FEAST $ ' I upon la.yer, till it was like a mask I lie roots to obtain tiomet L fluetnatIGns of -A%I)U 117 in . I lylilch his uy,siein craves. It Is tills . done, she, will either go for & drive 11 ,one I-tti-es. Of course tllt��e tole ,parts of tablet after eauT meal Ivill cure tuQst ch'...1, Fxbba-nge. ,` I o a maid When It became too stiff It was wet- #IIOW it cases. 110 in a box, 85 cents -32 . , . I craving that cattaeu a confined pig I or sit In the grounda whIl ted on the oillside with the Saint the country where k'laultv I . to gnaw and �tear at the trou OF DEVILS. $ 1 ot honor reads to her from the Eng- ,,,Oallllg gum. I ,Wh. and ., eall, "11111d On . WHIR$ BABY oftl rs. sides of tile pen ; and hogs have been � tish, French or German new,epapers deposits, lbut this is Ith a 0,:.-qoPtlon. @1'%W'%W%'1ft 1%W%W%W'W-AW1q%l11%W1*1% At la,st tile fifth day came, ani .. known to tear apart brick walls In -4N6,Vj,-%,-qh,.q6,qjk,,. -%,-%,.jb,,lj�.,b,.,W,# . and ni.,Lgazlnee. with it the Process of pooling off the In London and In most Pa.rts, ,6f tile . order to get at the mortar. The , During the afternoon there Way be paper and ,tile Shrivelled skin at tht provinces Ilia rate allow'ed ci�, de- " THE WEARING when a �aby cries almost contlnu. cause of this unnatural craving Ili : Thi! latest Una,tese, cereatollY Ill- 00nic state function to attend, all'Is game time, and until I Saw, it I nevel posits for fixed periods, and in s*,'ne $ $ ally it Is a ,certain sign that there Is i not well understood. It may be due I variab.y seents th;_� most remarkable, however trivial It iiya.), be, it is Could have, believed that the discol- partR of the provinces on cui-rent ti solnething the ma.ttor with Its Stool- I in part to a lack of ash in the food, I and the Fealit of Devils, claboratel X necessary for at least two of the -. -1 OF THE GREEN* for, as hau already., been Stated, a - celebrated Ili Penang, was no excep- Queen's nja1dFj of honor must be pre- like skin liad ever been on my face account lbalances, bears a relation . . . ach or rjowele, and ille mother I tion to the rule. oved, brown, freckled, parchment �iblp to the Bank of Unglamd rate. � $ - � - should 'at once give It a, dose of 1109 may ba getting all tile grain Pared to appear at the meal anti After It was all off I was Scarlet In London that relationship is yer.y 4"O'l"�'%v"liii""',�'qh""ll' 'ilb'�'Q'�'& ]Baby's Own Tableis, which sweeten 1 lie can eat and yet be partiallyi i lNumerous tables were to be Seen Sing or play to the guests after- for tbree, days, but the skin hard, d1rc(it, Inasmuch as the advertised 1j.j)G Origin of tile Irish Song, "The the ppur little stomach, j�romoto dl- ) Starved, because certain requirements � In Deach street, fa,it evening, an.t ward. All tbo wfalds are very ac- ened by degrees, and when I left It deposit rate of th,d London joint Wearlill; Of the Green." is not easy gestion and gently relax the bowels, 1 of the systern are insufficiently sup- I upoi.. these were rows of platters conipUshed musicians, and good wa,g w1th a perfectly dell0ttful con? stock ,banks Is 1. 1-2 per cent. below to trace. As sting by Andrew Mack Mrs. Fred. McInto4h,'Wabigoon, Ont., 1 Piled. It has been attribilted' b , I and deep bowls o*t food, also ta ' I - 'bank rate for the time being. To in "Arrah--Xa�Pogue," the Avorcft; aro wt,o y Ido.s and Incense burners. Smou ill: y . horsewonjen, while at If.-ast two of plexion, which I am now going t4 Ila$ ,�ad experience, writes, SOme, to the presence of intestinal Ider- fficni have exhibited undoubted tal. take, care of. I shall not go huntin the fact Visit depositors, as uvil as aLex,pilited to Mou Boucleault, and ,,Wlien my i,,tde bay was two months � worms, and by others to Some, form 11,9 Joski slick's pratrukled from each' " borrowers; are affected hy jjjo fig- were written -by him. nearly forty old he began to cry, and aept it up � of indigestion, Whatever may be the dainty dish., groaning with cakL-s, eat as aniatour actresses, ftou!d a tills season in . an cast wind witheal ure at ,which bank rate stands wast years ago. Tilt we4-kept 'Welsh almost continually day and o'g!it fog I part Played Ili tile animal economy frults arid meat. gliere were only 11141d not have to (line with tile a, T('Il. . I I lbe aserlbod some share of the ;ln- C.&onle(6ji; of tile EistLddvod lur"(114 several weeks. I gave Nut medicine, ; by! these substances, one thin,- I� th"'ec' kilids Oi mcat proper, 90fit ,'� ' Queen She Is allowed to spend her . ,torestilrith whicl) that r&Lo has coi�ve it, clevir to the genealogy of -most of but It did not seem to ease *him it jelear, that, ivhen tboyl are �,�Wlied, lle&ll, mattol-, and pork. "Devils aajj_� evening as She chooses, and takes Observations. 1c, ibe reggardled. I thle sold songs of England and Scot. bit. I had not at this time used ! hoge are healthier, eat better, riot eat f , esh bulls." Noticeable were )ter meals with tlie other membery It is to be noted .th'a;t at goin. land, tile well as thb80 Of Waics, 13"t Baby's 0#*I Mablete, but the poor I thrive bptter, and, consequentl,X pay. largo, qaniititiou of dried prawns and ', or tile household. It Is astonishing hoir few bookli . we need it those few be the right 1-imov lbank rate is very �uueh­ mor� t1yo .beginirlogs of TrIalt melodies are little feltvw was ,suffering SO touch better. var.oas MiAds of salt fish,. Thousands once. ' that that I sent for. a box-, .He obtained Charcoal Is I probably one of tile - tht t0ftective thall at others. Thorn ,11.e I lost Ill tilt! )iaze or traditions or dacks, and cbrickens must have been Free 10004 Story. 0 O e (lose, and best correatives ; and, when It call boiled whole—the colabs ofthe cocks, Buffalo Coupler, more ,desiraMe seems th'e world. !upasoas of Ilia your at wMel) itia,ticet faerge into ro!k-lore, Anilituailano are. Pase alm St fr in tt flr St I The surther One is out of it rate Is muc)l ll�nrer to the bank va-te � Or tllv 01"Alli011 that I" first the t"116 'ed with! Cochirical, akid their I - In at few days wits quite well. Since be readily Obtained, It w.11 Pay lo were i . -od by ! I then lie has grown Splendidly, and is 1,eef) a supply to some ljlace IvIleve beaks opo-,, as if crosvIng! Tbo Ilene' ClIz ,than ut otber perjods. Ott some ocen- was a "k0F'r."—aD licreditary funeral Mile British workm ask Mr. Only a end sort of vanity can relial mions itho market rate will sag x1ght Song Of 0110 Of th-3 rOYaI houses Of I the Lmberlaln to burrender his cheap - a complimerst that has been f1sheQ Om. I . ,hogs can get at, It wberiever they bouds wore In easy attitudes, a. if f 0%,way and leave the bank high and _19,�utr,pi.' ation is - tbo'days of Cil ' 'j.otoid 1'. sittiag oil nests. 'Fine geese, white cod for certain problematical ad- for. Ric Island Mort b'ab.,�'g.'r't�,.I"d"'f�','.'n gl�ab like Tue following prepar vantageo, may be reminded of the I Cynics may well hold that a we. d1rX, Whell thig happons—when -the Well. -CPrtalik J� la that it was ,,,4 lj 'lost regard, and cheEr.'u,jy recom- that used by Mr. Thoodore Louis, and terider, were much in L-xidence, r to bong of the oauil� when Jarnes made I n o,', d a of the ballet confronted by a man's wes,16jess for sympatily 14 idlirw.torsr of Ili,.- l3ankof nng-liand Pind " ti.ent to all mothers. I one of the most suice,,s.ui Ilog. feed- Countless cakes 0; every color un- smart little girl, The little girl -came I based or, the fact that 6y . ,Wpathi 14 Oret tile Public, InAtead of coming to j*,, Ilopeleas stand. But the wordH 'Mis is the verdict of all mothers ers In the United 8tateR, and Should der Ifell,veh, save only White tind , them Sor accommodation, go tothe are lost, anti It Is not until who, have used the Tablets, Thby ' be an excellent tonic. blue (white Is deep into the shop and asked for a penny I akIr. to love. 3.745 , mourning and roll, which was given her. 1, No, I I T�he more beams the .average per. banks and disewunt houses and leave tIllat it to round linked with stanzae for children of all ages And "Take si-v bushels of corncob ch.%r-. blue secoridary mourning), were think I'd rather have a bun." alLe, son haK In hiff own eyes the inort - good on char. livapod tip everywhere. Sunset yellow ,� ' 0 t1lem Wth money comparatively un- thht 11bogi n ; lt�'va ure all their minor ailmen to, coal,or three. bushels of comm said, handing back the roll. Havin ' does I le, q'well upon the motea in the q ' - employer..1—they have two courses .91 Tjg_- pikes must be toge'ther Sold 71sc medicine dealers or sent by chal ; eight po ,,tills of lialt ; two tit.(] " nigger head" predominated. eaten her bull, she was laving th,� I o hers. : open to tjiem. If the Stock of goicl %,%Vllen ,the moon to on the green."I mail at 443 cents a box by, writing rjunrts at alr-blakwl I me; one bu,J). I 'Phirty-flye kinds of fruit figured In shop whian the bnker reminded tier Quito tile best thing about betall .In the banking department viarr4pt-7 :It wjjj; lila the evening of Mar3l) Tho Dr, WilliamEe Medicirle Co,, of WOOCI ashes. Brettic the charcoal all. libvre were watermelons, ttiN that -lie Ilacf not got his penny top the 1 too ibusy to talk is th,o Certalfit . , key red and p jr n I I I � . Brockville, Ont. I jr 11 down, -with Shovel or other itu- .1ti,40y %vi,tell, nle bu . "I gave you tile roll. for tile thlat one Is not revealing one's weall .— I I - I I . � e . . . — — __ pleuient itnd thoroughly, mix Then and Some gt-cen (rll,e) app!os: ]Vatted 'I d' I NEW -111 41 , 1. I 110flly Shells" I . 1i 11 � - — , WIV45 AND MOTHERS — , - � L *" -t-� 1 1 1 1 - READ THIS., ` I � '. " 1! I cli . �_ ` i A A Ll I , :;�. ,,, Lawyer tBruce, Thorn. . . f -.,,.'�!.!� itoo I,% examining Into itho' - � — . .I.. . ^ I I ,lairs of his laite friend 10 . a.nd lallerat, ,A. It. -Winston, L4;::f;0 He tibn('o ithalt his Life Inisuraniae Pol'alois are h re all mortgaged to ithe moneylendom for advab.'" used ' In �,.4pmuliutlojj. There to, Itherelfore, northing left for Ithe dead inwillij family, "A very rilaid favae, a very lead on -so, indeed." remarked Liawyer Thormton. I- I 4wksh ,the poor follow had learried a, 011dy In ithe Indopendmit oeder of Formlteris;. tb&t Drdor would ,licit have ,Allowed him Itol moritgage Iti,alrid Ilia 1family twool(I now ber able ,to ,onjoy it," . �, Your Pamily's Daily Bread, I ­ . I , - � .. I ­... . ­ , � I . I It Ila ba,114Y to have a life Inisurtmoo Policy upon ! whilch you va-li borrow- mancy. � Remember, hoWever.that It 1% your tnmty�s Jaity brand thilat you are Mokling. I .. Ever.t man 1phould oearty a We Inauratioe polley wh:oh Is "pure I'do Infauvame," %and Atroll. m policy to I the p0ha.v Otithe L 0. A . . '' � i , .6 'll, ­_., ­ - - , , � - 1. I _11 . . I .� I . � 1. 11 - . � � � , I I T ATIONSO I I I . take one and a quarter pounds of copperas and dissolve lit hot water, from Australia; Minn. furnished years, ty-cliecs ar.1 yellow rind oil. bun, said the girl. 'But.' -said the rfoints. . baker, "You didn't pay me for tl o Ub further back some �persons Ta -Of . - and with An ord nary watering Tot anges: also pumpkins and large And roll." course not: I haven't eaten It," was the reply. , for their Information the more pronli are they to claim it Is original. Different Kinds of $tatlons and - . , Sprinkle, over the whole mass and tJlen aga,irt mix thoroughly. Put tA 'its rOsY 11orsimillol-8. Tainpines, cat's - -.rway" ar,d "buaiT salal;" rep. 0VTO 'b' I . I - I , I . I Their Location In Canada, i Department Agriculture, mixture into the self-feeding boxes, and place w1ere hogs of all ages can r6e�jtcd the Malay Peninsula. "Tam pine"' IS about the size of a. 0ma brown "Cat's ' IV I of j Coin in Iss,loner's Branch, eat of 1:1.1eir conteuts at pleasure." The charcoal fut ni. lies the r,!qul& ed lurnip and ail it nut. eyes' are a tropical variety of IV- I . l The Pominton Department of Algri- culture has In Operation In Canada mineral mattor w.hich. may ba,ve Leon lacking in the food, and Is also an Chloe. "DirivaY" 1.4 a fruit with white pulp. T,ht seed is unique, It. to cov- VO**A'F T EIMI P E R A T U R E threopou,try breeding , three StAtIong eXcellent corrective for ' dige9tbe , L,retl with, whaL might be called a sort chicken rearing stations, and ten troubles, while the copperao Is a of "forketl excelsior." Salak means chicken fattening staltlons_slxteen In all, � Xhc breedIng i;tatlons �ire valuable Tonle and stomaeli'o. it the charcoal Is at all hard ,to get, taken b 11%vicked.11 It is covered with' brown settles, like arsake Skills, reminding Madam-, Tussaud's Bring HoStS Of CoUghs and Colft --- Serfout poultry located In Holmesville and Bowman- Ir Its place is almost as well sods or earth rich in humus. It Is one of Ch'amber of . Horrors. I Results Are Prevented by the Use of ville, Ont., and DondvIlle, Quo. At questionable, Indeed, It ti.cre is ally- TM, i,ative fruits were r.incapples, each Of those stations a modern thing better than sods or vagetable gralic.s. bread fruits, 0ocoanuts, groca � Dr. Chase's Syrup I PO' I ' erecittid, and about '�'ry "Ouse " mold taken from the woodlot. If a r1rat oranges, finger oranges soq I of Linseed and Turpentinell 1-' 0 Barted Plymouth - ItIllty typ Small quantity be thrown into vach (Wl,d. because thp, rind Is N,vrinkled RLk' - kept. At 11olmes- I Pon daily, It I 0 astonishing to so�� )low it I It looltiq like fingers), bananas with . - vIll, a1n)1,'1I1B',isvmn1,'11vIlIo double poultry houses are bul.t. These houses are I much ot It tht- hogs, will consullie, and tho Improved l:enith anti tbilift rv-.1 skiiis, banan" with sk'na thin as papt,,r, barignas with golden flesh, anti Coup;IB aild co'.ds usually arise from i ko large as it Is to -day, is surtl6leill ; 80 feet long a,nd 10 feet wide, and of tile anfulalff wAl b3 a revelation bal.Anas liefirly a foot long, tried in Ridden rhangos of temperatutc, It, may be oliange oL' weather, passing proof of its merit. I,, tit\. great ma. flority of honv?s It Is kept on, hand contain ter breeding pens oi Barred Plyniftbi .111ocks, Tile roosting quar- I to the feeder that ]tau never b-ofore tried It. rt,cooLut oil before eating (sic), treel lue;onfj, rose, fruit, quince, chte-kov from a warmor to a coldor room ot, for cases ot emergency. tare 4ro separate([ from the oVer. GrOund bone, wood ashes, soft coal, nanka, Jamboo, suntoi, ren rumboo. P�-pop.urp. to a draught. 10% John (71ark, ;�Oachmau, )?art t l2lilling pens, and are p!auned to wl,h- old mortar, rotten wood, etc., are tans, rambar, ll'asan. mour-sop, Jack It Is r.ot alway6 posk.till-3 to pj*ev(,nt Efolie, Ont., States; "Veing exposed t4 Stand the cold; tho fowls are kept also among tlick rmbstanceff used, and fruit, ohnuilwda, maugostees, and thts c\jsosurc in tivi,sp ways, but it is poig. ail Forto or weather I frequently Warm at night. The sloglexulti-y relcommendel for this Purpose, Prof. malodorous, ever-tire8elit duriftn. sibli! to prevent serious results by tie. V01ch cold. Last winte,r, I was so !)ed I . house is erected at Borldvil (Inc., I Heary reports Home Interesting ex- Mar..y 'trays ))ad little flags ovor ll�g Dr. VII'Me's Syrup of Linseed and wItIf a cold that I tould not sp,60 I and Is 100 foot long and 11-1 feet perimentH to test tile �alue of bone t1t(m, aod the tables were ablazu TurpmAhw. above a M-lifelier and had great pajoll I wide. During cold nights the roost. I Ing quarters tire closed by a clionp meal and liard wood ashog. when given as a supplement to an cx- with, )j,tilts. t)pIllin, and Intoxicants. , �ro In luelt. abonodild. Vne devils we Th'i,; gront, m,.dI-,.;1w lvis saved thou. It, tlio chest. At last I Seared It V.0111d develop into consumption If I � burlsip-covereil frame. T]w fowls are -Warm at alsbt, On accollot at clualvo corn ration. 14oue of ilie pig,; shlowed ail entirely ,,atipfactory Tfi'n Cline waa indicated by Staid, ina. ellillo-juadt. continental clocks, nlit] - ""s by I'1!0ventlllPZ P11611- var-ds Of monia, consluint,tion antl oth,�r forms did )lot pucoved lit gp.ttlng proper trPlitment. % ikept %he cold winter WVathbr tbroughout groWtb. but tile difference Ili favor ntiv amoun . t of melolly was discoursed atid linig Aronbl(,,. I "IL fri.-ind advised jlt,� to ttiv, Dj-, Canada it warto roostbig pen E-hould of t1ioici getting bone meal or asheg �_V, 1,*uropeau gramophones, grin,l- It in motlicir's favorite remOdY tOr Cli!ft8e'Fi gyruli Of Linsoed and' Tur. lie built lit every Alogle r Poultry was very, marked. The pigs fed ex. Ing alvay wdrd cantont'ne 11111sle till It.,;, broi.clittle, whoop, trot ,lig cough, tit(' licatine anti I W,gan to improve be. 110118e. I It to the intention or tho Dopart- elusively on earn were most Plainly, dwarted. When slaughtered file ,sev. th, devils thpin,;eIves must haev cried -, jjlold ! Enotigh 11' A linn;1wr of tl,,,. al'e, 001191's and colda to NI'llich elit'dren are bubject, Being pleasant fore I qi�ad taken halt it bottle. Out bOjtIc curell Iny cold which I beftivit nient, Of Agriculture to develop tile oral lots sljow,ed no difference In the atrols were Ill flill owing, anti Inr�c to "It) ift8tel thi' little Ones 'IrIl9l't wOuld 114VO J�rovcli vibry aerfolia It I =ty-type, strain of Barred Ply- provortloo of fat or leah, nor was bonfires of Joss papers buraml In tjlp , to' t alco It. bad not used'thlR joidtolne.11 I tit Rocks and to distributo them to Vic Tartoors at a noinInal price. there Any difforence in the Piss or. ellarapter of the v4rlouq internal roqd. 11oworer, tlicie wite not it .pound of fireworks, crackers bottig It If) I.lrUed 1by tho old people be- Canso of t1w rrblupt atill thorough l -Q,., I)r, tj-llase*K ,�41,ruj; oj, 1,1 '(( a t14 , use(, Ttirl'.'entine, 125_;ents, Last y0ar all,nit $X Ilarred l;lly- moutli -]Rocks were sold to the farill- orgatis. Tha boor'111, howeVelIll WPM a in,ogt Interoating i4tudy. The tablo PtIPP690d to scare Away tivo devi(i, and for that mattpr le,se Important li(st It bringa for aRthlina. and OtIlIM, chroMe albuont�; of thp brol)(1111:11 a bottle, fol*11y ,4 ite (01'ree U11108 Ili, much) 00 Centk at all dealers, J."llionoson, i ora. *tile demittid for Plymoutli, Itoc-Ics given Wow 811,043 elnitrlyl tj)o more, linim above. tub, -e. of, Bates j (10., Toronto. iball greatly Increased thin �tear, Title, polattry breeding stacons Are 0colloulteal gains, and the greater "llen I lot bonoo In tile case Of the . Thr traditional b�jjef is t1lat thousu 0.11dO of 'unfortuna,te Chine", dit" Tht I -Ors' fAet thItt tll,q Rldift Of Dr. 11hir- To V,roteet ,vnil tigitill.st it j 1, equipped with Incubatoes, broodets, 4nitan'ttal filrill0led Ifith ashos -61' Igho d0otlfttO, Unil Who have been hitld� elmod's, .A',��rur. in� Lloe-�PA nad po.ritine la loorf, till -11 tIll-pe 11111eq that thill rortelijit till � 1�.jj ju -,' r pi"""il' 11y, Cline", ill,, fnljj!jt, I A44 moVaIlle Itousoo, One Inclibatop ll)Ono jileal. It is qllltp pvjdOnt thAt IM U) 01PIr 91`ftve(i with birely ally bf Any s1mi it - I i 111' '.v. alld IVILH ntlytlr . _ . , ­ I ontIvor, are o,i i itq.� � 11