HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 2I . . ­ .1 I—. ... I .� I I � .­-, �. _,_,____...____1_1_11_- ---- -_1_A.---`_ 11 r__�­7�.-��_,_­ � - I 1; _lr -6 � I ___ . . --.,_4 1 __:�_,�,-­ -�_- .�___ �_ I W- � , �- � 1. I I . . 1. �. A,," . . _. _ --- I _�­..P.�­_�­ , - V hoArl, to I .. . , ... ­ . _:% -­_', - _�_�iv­-­ �-­ ­_­w�.w;.___.rnl�l . . -, SC�001 cods lwork. It was In 11,10 arit, I . -, .. . ­:_.. __�__._.� . ... ..... . -1 ---- 1:1 � -.- - _ , I a Ild, no a conoul -urtlY put It, A 8 000 build a house of rest for thO _ , _ , . .X �jje"i ;iLt the average of '�� _ , -or 1 ,"**""**4,00*.Oto***O fni,jull 00, ro, ,.i i ij �j a y of tile Covenant or tile Lord, Ord I � **"*# . , I t. , are now sk" , had e flarketso i I - -N, -.t(. .I ) - _" ,vo, persons to the family In t�ii %W u t 0 tho rootato.oi or our God, Goo h , , - -Ilk I .� - I I-Omeleno ancl entire, 7 dest3uto I . dellsed him tilts privilege. Still lie . . . - , , , , , - 1 : I I - - � - - ; , instance � I 11,10. x0i Inountalow, ? , t6 got all tIVIOW .11,1111, - - - - - - - - - . . . - - Ot " W. but I, '.Svalm I --- - - -i., I . I of took gront ear� I %^0_N0__1-^ . ­ � 11 7 W , - : . 'a wa(- . THBO, HALL, PAOrAl=01 . - - � . � 14. 1 6miloyo if). but alle 'OL ready for the bUildt"R, and 1 Tor()uto 11'armoris' bi I � It , . , . I, , A . is< . Illiloty. hold.or�. 114d, come ti 41 from Ix i4ndo glad been -clay was in � . W - - - . m � I . ills. and had slid. , i.i1t,,U4NAWt0NA1j X-14-SBON No.). Lilco thle people JOIXII30 r , ore , . It � 0 On, � no 0 heartily And .rho grain market to � - I . I r t In tile hi flovirltililug INOV10tUb"It 20, 1003. In the preparatio a ���____­.__-_,_"�9 ; IN �11* clouly surroundied the . gave cc � goneronoly. � 1 4� _- . village, Setting (Ire to tile outer ring -,-- hIf) son, Thp rcoalpti Of about 8,500, bushels. 7 , I' . tollo(I Ila- 1.10 A fathorla advtCo to is Of SW . ­mai�, �. - - '' -� - , j � 0 'Active than foil come, time past. with ,B � i of lZaSON. Tilell, 46 the Ulgil, `8: C. J. MAGUIR I I 'l : *+** , D401's Cliki to l3o)ol 11011 - t 041714- � ar and 0011 Whoat steady, with gale *" I . the streets, tile relattolifillip between fatli REA1, ESTATE, INSQRANCF, AND ,04440090 1 Inateff ruallod Into - . � ill ,.he highest Ile- bushels Of Iva ,%vIntor at. 80 to Sle, I . st ilia Sol- Coinjuentary.-I. Vic assembly Of 119 d(wigilo(l to b -, Boo b . upliels of red Winter at ,80 to these aro lost 110 must dr,aNv others shooting bcgall. and whil l ant, balp . a tormented, the ac: so J-�00, and LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING - Tbore are two kif,d* Or blOwFlPed jvor and plug them. Ile diers, killed . lid I lirlaues (Vs. 1-4) 1, 2. And D�Ivld Pi grec mutually e0JOYv6bsI8 600 bushels of goose Coljoo�on at Routs aud Accounts a Specialty, in Coo among 'Ilia Indiana of Guiana. from tile qu tills ranew,ked. cavil Ii 1 fal. The 14119111%go of Rorlpturet tit at 7,2 to 74o. Barley fairly active, , I I I to. always tries thom repeatedly be- Dashl-ba,40 ork i1rue done, sembled, otc.-,rAls rotors ,to the it again and again rotors to - A fm � 8 000 bushels t 44 � I 4;10(1 tile poocoona, Vo Ilse, and porhaps novel' sue. Igulting It wh011 thlu W and offices th clear- witil fialog Of a ;�eaker, therolholng . . � � lid pardons IvIlOse "allIcs erls, love, brings out this it , word to OM, Cato ar ASSIGNEE4 AcCOUNTANT. I 740 I'li a �orah reed., This re- to: i Ali, how mOrt'lly ,they raa to a I omee-in Varistone Block. ; mado of the O is only found In the OeOds Ill .getting Ono to fly per- vo, soreaming Wildly B0 the circle are mentioned In t1w =celifZd !Y. JeOus. 1140 Oxalt-I M110 sales, of 8,000 bushels 'It 31 1-20 to . I M;arkable rood I But if It in only a I f atspurt olli An assembly gold at ,jrjo a bushel for Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. , ,,a on jy at cer- teotly true. - of flameo KIQWIS smaller I Wit � I f tribes 'I'AthOrl, to tile litelwt place In tile 82o. Eye � . I ; Orinoco River, und tile' out of flight. like a ANZOLI gold � tore t vonalstLng of th,a prinoom 0 , t siop hat . 1. I . I t6i spots. The oorah growo to the few , Inches � I or beginning u. jz,atlicr." T I I a rsd rifleman, Ili a4iling ke makes nl- to CIO Par o It It r.ljwiy oe,ptalus and subordinate officers pray - , loving fath- Ono, load, In fair supply, with n-0 1 height of at least thirty facts, anti it and Wit,., Impunity I 'Tie verily better 04 tha army Stewards or tile ,loyal I�Nvld had tile heart of A Dalry produce A, DULMA blow. low,ance for this WaOcuraey, , ills, - generally firm. Choice -dairy �,X-U i tb)e basal JOIfit, Of which the fun ttlan being dynamited in the b I - Le made very apparent In numer _ � on proves. to be of little m0ulent- I lousoliold and nobles of the land., 1 Eli coo meutionetl I In Ills Ilia- P pound, ,is made. lij foarteer, or fIft6 as to mud accuracy Tilley tol,ke the sword-bayonetg now 'pba nation WmN well represented, I oils Instan , manifests- b= ould at 20 1 to 23o per REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. � iM ! nil Tbe d1stan - Clan and tory; but and strictly new- aid eggs 830 per I (Let long, utrall1bit, AS ail arrow 96 I b. these darts are allot for four of shooting each Otheu, and, tllv. occasion was so] chiefly In his , In or (lead growu allol or his dozen, CONVEYANCING- MONEY TO LOAN without & knot. The inside of the with whic s;vondorful, though the It"'Llgh as the lit , ant, Stood up -4-10 was Ilow tionn of grief at the death , 1 ared to as 4MOOQV am &ls^ hence the any great higher. into the flames With tile, lit- import, o6crined to Ilia w,myward sells Aboalom, It Is doubt- Ra3 is lincliainged, with receipts 01 . a. "" very old and Chiefly I . on Town mud Farm Property. � tsi lylth. -,ybich the dart tr am'.4"do"not strike with .a is ranta I it IS good -to . e more Vivid 80 loads, which sold , ACCOUNTANTO the reed force. TUB death of tile gmm I tit.ar ttle 3jlt)tb4*r?4 Sbriek, bol,11 and whdla he Was addressing fill If hisi I he ad- a ton for timothy, and at $7 to, P ASSIGNEE. ; verses it. Very little Of In occasioned, not by th'O impact, but his So,. ;()jumon, Ile continued oil picture of heart a�gutgll. T -,ad. Straw sold At 1$11 a tot' L,at the p1pe s ey I)ut whou all tile princl- vicfj f ouch. a f . OpplCH.-In the Xant Block. � Is out away, fio ti tile dart and to ClAt thom r � 0 ather Is tile expeeR- ter mix Resiclonae.-Catherine St. 1 nil anti so strong by the poison Nvith 1i nil LIVa bed ^, osult of a life- for one load. % about twelve fact 10 lodges In A blildly at t1le butchars, arni only kingdom came be- plon of ,Wisdom, the r steady on free , . 0 IS is tipped. Tills POIS011 , 11 . pi nobles Oct his lice, coupled Dressed hogs are � I . thht when bold horizontally Ther tiny groove cut, or, rather, scratch- %vitil ti,eir tcoth and nalld. ,.lsolv It Coro him lie rece;ived 9t;rongth. to Lima, %-f Personal experlo rn- offerings and sales at $6.50 to $7. 1 � r.ot the least bend In It. rpose, of is , gil-every bouse is ia flames. ago of a heart yea M. road having been c-refully as- ad, In thlo, dart, for the Pil Onou arise adn address them, istandW19-- with thO, OutgOl Wheat, white, bushels 80 10 Steil , 0 - -Although Dm- Ing with solloltude, for the vtiry hIgh- 1 -20; THOS. HOLMES *'I leotelf,, out and T.170parad, is encles d affording it a lodg Ularko. Ikfy brethren Suall ad- goose, 72 to Ir4c; red, 80 to bO I ,ment, and also and not a thing of value, fort the sur BANKER, ETC. I ill a small thin, gaim trunk, Which in tha notch out noar ilia tiP. ylvora except ,%vbat they stand up III, via to thoix superior and speaks clot Interests of 1119 ellikl- 72 to 75c; peas, bushels (3,50; a paralyzed %vith; dignity nd authority, Yet big vice is w,ortli heading. spl��sn Cabal, 8.1 I-V, tQ 82c pointed is tile olart that huddled together in a oa ,% -, barley, Marriage Licenses Issued. NO witness" ill si open for the purpose, scraped So finely n a group outside, ,some be.ye run for Lbe dplrit is humble t m� ig to 11113 busliel, 44 to 500 ; hay 1, timothy, ton, I it will PC otrato the flesh on and affee ionate. It Ll tile advice Of a kin required. I jIVIn as a water, and thun rejolupil if any animals bills, a row of tile men have escaped V 7 to $0; Money A% large amounts', smaller in pro, With This more touchi, and Irritated b3 the,st.-ower of bullets, but most are I h'ad In mine hoart-David hadln� stibJeCts, it is diffleult for 5OPle $10 to $11; do., clever, .$' 1 . palm "he leagth� stralghtlle;s I monkey, tended to build, the toulplo, until . who live In a republic to aPPr0- straw, ton, $11, sz�o.oIg, alstice, bushels portion, Easiest terms, , for and ouell) as a dilaw It (lotting tbo wasted crope, . ,ego, and ver of a king'$ ext"111110 $4 to $5,75; do.$, rod clever, $i')-25 to 00 the the prIck, ondeav -they are God denied hibia tile privil elate the ?pol RICHARD HOLMES lightness is ar, remarkable from the wounds it breaks sit the Vie Boldface loi thom promised tilin a' son who glic,uld It wo, apprectate tile power of I' -reed, Tjio wilove Vipe, when finished, d leaves tile futal jag be, tired erou of tills work -and there and re. $6; do., tilliothY, $1 -to $1-50; [LP- . never weighs more than a pound and notch-, an a a few. short build it. To build an Wus0_j,DavId kini exampi It IVD stop ples, busliLl, $1 to $L3 -, dressed hogs. BAARIsTza AT LAW, SOLICITOR. XTO., RTC. & gaellf Or s, pound aud three-quartors. hInd. they stand, robbed I, Iliad accomplished nearly all of ilia fleet A few moment$ oil the mall- dwt.; $e,5o to $7; eggs, new. 144, I 0mce,-noixt to Holmes Block now buildIng Muzzle and tile TtOra is a knack In blowilng the hours of rather, motber, husband, 111LAart's desire as to his kingdom, h this pipe. I have sue- wife or children, their bolue, m.. d nor In Which tile president's OP'n- dozen, So to 35c; butter, dairy, 19 breecit are bell-moutiled. the bell darts from am about a ever�thlng that was theirs. And th � ese I-Iti, had found it small, Wid left It tons and words affect tile masses to ,28c; do., creamery, 22 to 250', coadjed in propelling th but a handful or survivors that great. He found It o4mos, and left of tile people, oven those Of an On- chickens, per lb., 0 to 1001t ducks, miss SARA T1. MORE fleees are ballig fixed on. can un - and back Sights, liundred yards, and I have never are OW It fl.liely organizod, posing political party, We per lb,, 1.0 to :L2c', goose, per lb., . Tbero. are front 1 Curved -tooth soon a European oend tit-cim further, Crowd around no, tai treaty 11 3, 4. A man Of 'W"r-The wars of darotand Something, about It. Will" ' 0 ;, turkovs, Par 11ii :LB,to 140; pota- Theory the latter formed of th4 but th�e Indians Puff them double that thcy are satisfied - Teacher of Piano and 've are' not David wore not Carried on against a 4ioverelign Is highly Ostcemed- as toes, pjr ag, 05 to 70,1 ; cabbages p,2r, of the asprocti acouctil, a tipealela uf 4tance, and nt j0O jo 1r)o Turkish ispieg, showing us pieces of )Vill. Ili many oases th@Y were My Irger in stzo thali that dif rk only, a few chavred bags, skirts, and othAvr arL'.- God's vr.j." Victoria, even a rely 800111111 dozens 1.0 to 500; cauliflower, pov rodent some"rIN't It is, NN -111 hit a ma. rolared by Jehovah, and Unimportant words Spoken by her to dozen, 5c to $1; Celery. Pei' (IOZen, yare Ole& or clothing, out and slashed to OxPvOqr,IY 0 s or tile Lord." ii 64 0 .1 Dm a wild rabbit. Two of the Incisors of often called tho "wart I tile throngs that greeted Ilf'r, when- 8 to 45c; be -or, hindquarter $ t , DLIJ &I are fixed on tile brcooh inch -m squar-, I hlsV0 ff'fll nRtIve yonets of the Sol- I in W - `>01101 I . USS CARRIE 100 ' this &ill= � Ile or wax. The m1arltsmen W& could hit parrots diers. Their lot, miserable 068 it Is, in order to establisly ,15raO n , ever they had an opportunIty, wart- 8; beef, forequarters. $1 to i , te - Teacher of Violin and Guitar. of e the PLPO by Hi parallel to each and, lounan at th�! 1,-Lat (list-ance is heaven compared to thousands of Cannan, wars and bloodshed co Id lerjohied as'a j?realous beef, choice, carcass, $6.50 to $7i te th being Placed I R to Ule not be, si yet thts was not pri7ed and a) - lose together, the once In two or tbreo allo - Others. Tjje same sigglits, the Sa beef, ni�edluin, Cei $0-30 'to $6 ; other anu Tery 0 When a dart 'han been 8110t, If It Doily with tile symbolism of glift, $G to $7 ; mut Lon, -in Stone Block, NVilishAm- a taken between them. Some- ALS, tile same mlsel%y is hidden Ii Ili liarl bi were to be ThIS w" David's last advice. BONY lanib, yearling, to $c), 0 ; veal, pev Roonts tigh, tli4 in tile ni its mark, tile I"(140 takes StO ot only from Smit- I)eaoa and quiet vv Impression per cwt., $5.1530 5 � Inion the foresight Is made on account hind every wall -i,. loyal'. deep and abiding the ml%- great Paing to Clad It, a dozen other vIllageu embodied in the house of Jel by made by thO last WoTas of a friand I cWt., $6 to $Q- � so wei but it more often t, of the danger It Id to rilons walk- evo, but from IIenco it could not be ,done - hapa, in tholuselvos, yet Tile oneeso Markets. AUSS DyLIA. "PARLING Bar'. or t1te ,Ingle sharp tooth of a Pe wed'to them also, 01 obst for if trodden on too. We have Rate tition of David In ills tima.-'Whedon. Chose Trivial, P -r tioll'. it iw placed about ,.$ footbask Iiig near tile sPs�t, fatal as tile and heard the wearyi.:g rope ni 1. Sam. xvi. 1-13. Notice o%rol they treasured up and repeated Belleville, Ont.. Nov, 21. -At the A T. C. M- from the mui tile b"k sight b8- It i'J as 1*01Y to be ELS j�j(.11disU A(js of Cl't1i mentioned heli again and again. These w1ords of lain uncese Board Of the suason. hc;d at Piano, Theory and Flet0holl Ing affixed four feet along the tubl, bit(. of tile most venomous snake, th1c, different steps -a tribes the . of wisdom. Tboy are here to-cle,y, there were OrLered 2,00j Teacher rmad the opinion that the too awful ever to tell In the coluinns David refora to th fam- David are Kull at 9 18-itsu, ai 91--110 was b.d ;' no Njoledol Method, Simplex aud Kindergarten. so that it Is & considerable dimtanoe I have to :) tip tile darts of a refined press, and of acts Of the Ily mad tht individual. one aftor r thO. iting and, 0 --the. be- .ojim illo eye when tLiming. i woorall, poison need til IL is no wondej Worthy 0 Factury men si:11ii On ill(' ii.tory exam- , f, I ce to the basest ti-aftO11017- - another was got aside and at. last cuali and thf,y qre well Worth oull sales. . Pupils prepared for Conservil Ttvul Dii used with tbir tube Is owes Its -great virullon that the majort ty of ill Zi r, fugeog � Ire- . � street for 9 18-160, Inations. I riiiaily a voll,oul of a snake, whiall, I think, tuo mcliilltain'� rather ill awas Chosen. . -L-C141y atlu consicieration. "And Cowansville, ,6(,)jue., Nov. 21 ....... ro- I juls-ila,med an arraw, It is I ,%Tltll it. but I need not far to.die in I ill Solomon declared gueeeiagor-ye. car -&,"j] ;; . scarcely bigger th'an a Cargo is Pi romists or LIM lie died in a 90001 old age, full Of day Delixig Elie last meeting 01 tills . , dart but matter here. than trust to tile p. . 5-8. nor." ,T. Emery namn,n, -t; jolat,rias orfered. 1.2 a t darning need:e, and 'with, a l'iciffit discuss t lesty in illimi Ilacha's latest Pro 5,6. Many inils--Soa Chap. Ill. 1-9. dai riellea and ho � AUX. KELLY I qu)te an fine. The dart is made o� Although it is op light, tile bi I boxes at clicese; 23 Orcamuries Ot- I on to handle, clanlation. It havo'beeil ipsued -;olomolli meaning of Solomon Is coleman. - -terect 1,jits boxes of butter. Wilex, ja ail good f "I V peaceful.,, -He was so called be- �. - cooreetO ra!m leaf, pipe is Lt ctl,umsy weall ait, but the soldlarm , ar nk ,eat length, and - .-auva nis reign �ncl Mle.y Ijoug..t 2,.o boxes of ollecole, for Huron COUntY the rib of the coo n these feeb's was to be a peace - Auctioneer . 0 I,q so b;eavy that it WEI of n an account of its gr eat I11uv(. 0 wish to escort AN K EE S. r,, 9 9_jC;,, Mcjjliers�n 8.05 boNes foil I water. It to about seven Inches In it is easily damaged. The slight remnantS to tile nearest towns, 80 rul one, and also becAuse, being JABELJO '[ft y . 9 ii und BrIto 70 boxes &t 01 I length" ,not thicker than a large wrGnch or knock renders to useless, tj­,io nien preii to coo their wives and peculiarly associated In prophecy - I I have secured an Auctioneer -is license for needle, and tbe Usual number that find tile Indian to moot careful to daughters die OIL more morciiiiistar- with David's greater son, in whom Tells Thein, Souxe Truths Straight 9 16u. and 85 boxes at 9 1-2c 1 ; uu- am prepared to conduct .sold Ulls boxes. Allen boug.+ I'll - Huron county, and ith him when avoisa accidents of this kind. Ila car. y4tioll than In ilia bands tile throne of his kingdom should be About VvOlilll in "i 3ni at 21o, and "-I oxcial sales at roasonable rates. an Indian carries w U Mee. : &ootin.g. to frolu. 8�O to 500i, ready rIes the tube In a vertical PDSILIOn, most brutal soldiery In jll�e world, established, forever. He Wtvs:lto be a boxes or I Sales arranged at the Advance 0 ting 01 tile NationaL a, -t 2C, 1---Ic ; unsold, 8 31) boxe: t. , ; poisoned, -but not prepared wit4) tlicl liever loans it agalnfft a tree or It vv,s one mai Ili Bulgaria that figure ol".,"that gosisLah w1.40 113 thO At IthO 'nee '', . teri;own, N. y., Nov. 21.-Choese ALEx. KELLY, Wingh&m P-0, . too, bold In "s Wa . nelvessary cotton plugs. Those darts V,ucos it On the ground without be- set Europe in a blaze a quarter of Prince of Peage.11-Whedon. Upon tli�, Grange lckr tile United'Sta . t 9 IAO to, arc Strung togetiver something ilke LnLT var . . I Robinson. -gales - Two thousand a .a tj t it will lie perfectly a eeniviry ago. Now a 4ozell equally .hrono - Note tile qualifications twoLodtor last weeit, Jabe I - to m Aegate from 95-s: for'large; 08-1 to 100 10" . '- only leaves us des1ring the jecessfully do God's 11. p., Wmu a Visiting do b soft cbee888 are 9i teVrl4.( acedod AbuuL GTON 'X'UTIJAL the readi oil Witte flat and w on it IS n<)t ll; Ilse It to . . �Vorki- 1, Tho: �, ant 0 1-2c for twins, WELUN on a stisir, suspended In an upright position to lntr6ductloif or 1,the Reforms"' Nay 3 presence and help of tIls Wa-ovineei, and 'Win.v called on amai placed, and then rolled up- seek- perfect heart.va. 9. Ill ior an addreeia gave the Uulteu 8,000 unsold Ili Jefferson coi CO. knd Ceii In a quivers points tile bough of a tree, or to post more, our I;h,ijantbroplsts are the Lord. 2.A. FT*D INS. . 11 Le Lot do 1H most. it being requjalte-to protect erected near ithe hut for tile pur- Ing to rmove tile Bu:aarlans gulltY Readlnass andab I'ty to do it States Cirang-ors fli straight Ii 1,1verilooll Apple AlLkli Establisillad 180. them from every chance of being of eclual atrocities, wilach are abso- kyork-v. 6. 4, Perfect obedience to _ Ljob -talk. The Racheotsr Denli Messrs. V�oodall & Co., cabled Ellen Head oince GUELPH, ONT. i broken or dulled. To protoot t#8 pose. fit tile tube a! - r3lomon ...... shall build- ports him , sold. LverythIng , The darts musit OselY lutely false. Iliave you, good read God -v. S. 81 anti 011ronlold tbull re - Ub James- s5,C0j blils enough to realet the passage of the 'o do thla "Thope is a great gulf between r by 2a to So. 1W Risks taken on all classes Of insurable pro 1 hard when bandiing tht�m the top of ern, ever tried to imagine yourselves tied had appotictOd Solomon t but Dent IOWO ; thi stick Is furnished with a small, tInlest stream of air, and Yet So for oue moment In these poor wrotr?ll- work, and nothing could encourage and I 110PO it will remain, and that I ,CjL%tj 11 . %V I jtjj% t, Ald t' &(Aiii party on the cash or promium note system' wh,Eolllka Shield. iowledge of this wo ,Vill be milowed t�6 work. out our Following are tile clClalag quotp- IN CHAS. DAVIDSON, I The fine point# are given to the loosely as to traverse it cagily, ani� Go, pqsItler, ? Dtd you ever think of 11,jul more than a kr colOns PrOm- I &MRS GOLD, , . the attaching 6f tile cotton p',ugs your Sweet Nylves and tender daugh- fact. '9y sc,n-,-A most p, Own aialvation. politically. WD have a' S at Important Wheat centces; secretary. I I I joe to. David that lie Eon should re- population of only., 6,000,000 at pre- ti011 . - I President. . darts by means of tb:e tooth of in 4 trouWlesomp -briolcii which tere In tljk� llands of-po,. it isn't even are from the Lord, T.o.-day -. . . . the deylifish . (Sarranalmun PLravl), t or hours to _be Tqelltioued, to It I Yet I lVave iii a father's o sent, ult just now Nye are making Cash. May'. � JOHN RITCHIE andthecotton with which theyare (A an ocouillQ9 the Indian f . .wd a Most cheering message to Of- - , -_ 8,1-4 WING11AM ON141 at a sli When the dart IS pi seen t1jesf, pl)Oi, -rough, bmlr-'."V`l1- mat istrIdev forward. The wheal, ... A,GINT, . jugged before use Is found grow- d tip 'with Ized juen weep- like little children to Solomon. His father -'What a Ul .01 Manitoba are the 14,rges in Now York ... ... I 11 Ed In the tuba, It 113 Pushe 0 great white house, wonderful promise is this I And yet rialcia ellicaigo ... ... ... :." *W,.,- -- 785-9 Ing wild. It La bound to thle base -call stick a distanee, of About . tile world and tile wheat cOmi- Sa, 857-B : of the dart with thread made of a si t Greek Hoapital, are perhaps tile this same promise is made to every- mands tile bo9t price in the market. Toledu ... ... ... ... ... . - DICKMON & 'RO'LIES : silk grata, t1jis thread, Nvtth wax fourteen inches from the mouthpiece. he . except in the ,,ina.who will turn to God and serve Duluta. No. i north... , - 75 5-9 : trees, being At this distance,from the mouth tile worst sights Of all, 'Ile" is J11 t no 1m. y , I Gre;3 � A . at Unt . ,on are tak- I obtained from fjoYpral r � ke Ellin faithfully. An oi.LrthLy Cat .0 Bradstr3evs OIL Irade. Barristers, solicitors, etc. � greatest force of the breath Is ob- P 'roll- It W full of victims' t, 3d to (1) care fcir, (p) provide IA, � from , Trade at Montreal N110 -mg improve - largely used also in r4akIng the tained, but it Is a matter of much und Sorvians and WaIaeblians, bu correct his In - rout all o or territory .der weather. There 'hie line at '3;xl I -oil will all a over Mont witil the col vinglialin. blowpipa. The okill used in binding c.liaritable as It Is, draws t , �2a�3e) protect, and (4) 0 Mee : Mayel, Block N tbs plug of cotton to the dart ]practice to manage the breath pro- 3LI will do at or this for us, I U has been clulte a rush or goods to . 1, c)t fly perly. A steady, 9=3what P Bulgarians. There many tortured ouildren. G 11 Nye have c,onles from tile -. Iva will lye Y &crab ro- r,l- ills children. A I ; lonty of fill .orders before the close of Ili � B. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes muot be great or it will ni puff 11 n a rorpriants from Arni from Of I each, an still ba ountry, retilittances; I true and far 1wbon Shot. The In- longed ,as mqre effect tha jpshij� jind froig Snierdes are to be Gad, gation, Whi,o c . !as more than five short, sharp one.-Longman's Ma -g- . cotablish-.kdaed to his Land left. dlau never carr foui3O, Wo 1pave s6en thenv all, and 77, S. Will -you took a clice from Mexico 'some have .not been tip to expectatiousil or six ready plugged, and wblen azlile. left siO4 and with, oreeping flesh tonder calla should bo the strength, at VANSTONE w-wor and authority Of the Lord. years ago. you took ji,ome, islands 01 In some, departments nee the first . : There -was that wretched woman tr'llare could be no nation gr8ZLter the sea, Ana now. Dii -,vant our share of tile month, It is thought they I BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR with a shoulder cleft to tile lung . With 1.n-otrudinfr ,hall Ijjc,a,,3I, for Goj was thair King. Q1 Alaska, Watiare proud of tile United Will Improve ,LvIth the target, deIIV- L 2an draw tile lice erleal of grain nowi being made byl M h arf(I tht, won es -good Inat loan at lowestr .r skull snimalled n'l in 'this allot blonoT TO Oul NIA brain, he ol.parned, is pau.d-- uoudi,l-t ng of territory some- tho stes. Offics by five sabrP ,-'orover Title P. 0110i ag WHAT I SAW IN MACE"' a . far as So -sve muut farmers. There to it cuts, and Ifer left hand lopped off mon Is E, � not PrQpDse to give UP quiry for holiday goods. BEAVER BLOCK, ull his cib-diancoi, BJ c,matant-I'L IS W110VA), WO d -O I i . ;who oj,�Ili -DOM1111011 ; We are Toronto w,holesale trade has been WINGRAM. VieNre:1 from a little distance, Men- - mostly Wounded soldiers, with fiere as she,tried to olut, "'Coady obudlence that the of � -ii ,he�coi4stl . , ,re apt al, never shall be." fair for this season in spite of the .%��,a 745. I14ted Bp1jarlans ,44,aLCh R-1- Chit(I U'ronk tile Butch God. To do, etc.-T11L 's an I and 't . l 9 .asms tQ . . tI. - ni weather at the opening Of tbP, astir presents a ansiling picture of t here h mut Ing but m6re Is are little ehlldren rid- is pie Eerliloli ri NuOoOkis At .0 cloau of 1dr. RobIns6n'8 re saved from a finger Ill! ti-qse roon is no wiy. to U, manter o. weatber green trees, MboTe which tower a I out witlif knives, (]iq4's m ork e4copt. 14y a care- mt,.rks, overseer Gardiner, Weeks and the cold winter -r J. A. MORTON merciful death on ,the bills for some died by bul.bts an, 6rs saved ,n doing f 'bialne, gaidthat later (>a has stimulated tire ir,qnlr, row minarotg. Scare -sly a house can lleason, *perlli to give Information These are sonfe Of t`110' Pro .ul olii to His law. UAY posRE138 the ,itate Grange O AND SOLICITOR. be cil.utinguibiled, except an Goes- against his loomrados or as a trophy. I , . . t' gaiiist -,rho Lgra designed and promised the *Ajaine orange had been invited for Bortlag parcels of - Reasonable BARRISTER " * 0 J)y )c Almiglity to test ty a on, but It must many, times to instal Granges In New go (Is - Tile conditions of, business, 0 , .. a I pj�ojiai glimpse W a rodAlled roof and * t1u�'Voodi'Turk, and rLool,ding some prosperity to $010111 Scotia, and In- -inumuce! a small guard )�onsn . ilsociii we � truot, of the not be expected on any other oondl- Brunswick land Noya are sound, and w1th a cont MONEY To LOAN. Half -way of the 1,ni nocilenoo to -the same (1,1ried Of Mr. Robinson tviiet'llor ac- of co'.d woathe� trade' will develop 'ttlo blue, upiralo of smoke ascelli . lid the WjOS% I I 'jillor'.451 I tion thall 0 Would be agreeable more activity, There In 'little or U breaks ibe line of trees, a .1 ITtj 1'.1 "" IV, s 0MCe.-Morton Block, Winghaln jjng Into the clear mountain a,tmO- ventry In a slovenly manner I - Ai ho have seen those things law of Government that had fixed tion of that kind .rwbin- I �ents arni for Ills Instructions are the Konak by tile gen- Llici st-andard-for otherA. to the Dominion Grange. Mr. cuttlUg, Ili prices. Cotton and, j,phore. Oreat hills rise gently from war(., told Ili a, to Solomon (Va. son replied, saying that such aid no . �groupi Of to isaluto all consuls, as we ride by eral columanditig the troops in '%'Ila- 111. David's charga ' %oqIlan goods are firmly field. ilits ibecl of green, with that the, duties of the 1), 10). 9. Know thou-Bef--ale tholl- i-ould be greatly, appreciated. i At Quebec, wholesale trade In the with slightly accelerated Pace. There yet Mollastir 1;1!7 jo-nto 1dotted 'on 1113 slopea, and ,Ire so raw* Europeans here beside the Turkish soldiers were very Itrenu, . several branches is reported fairly , i,ug-11), tw(jusinted w1th, G:)!t. Of DR- ApGHNyFS'1`!IAN, SURGEON across the still air comes tile hiound Consuls that we are Invariably one. They bad three duties to par- Cattle . r -Goa had been tri,v to D-y d 06Ctive. ­ . - ,is only a few iture or disperse and sustained and ekpt hinni ror 111"' AY . Business on ! Vise Pacific Coa%Z is Gf pug'.es, ,Var away, lurid flames saluted as such. It w, form; firaLlY, to car mrs. l", I've Alm, etc. -N%.0 can ii vj, gA MYSYERIES- I 1. ACCOUCHEUR. ,04) 111), burIli ilare and !hort weeks ago that the Russian the bands', secondly, to extinguish ye, a wov have 4 . - quiet, but payments are rathoix. more. I ,Upstairs in the .Macdonald , .-,Iy . ,=sal drove I)ast this spot 9 villagers, joeptably only as The conditions Or tradeD office :- ba,�)Jcgroupid, be- tire flames of the burnin G-od ac, W Block. against the ,aonibro . I to escort tile wonWn perfect heart and a W111-45 4111,1111. Lftulet; of Sill PG Il'ich I-jave Vanisheo prompt. Night Calls answered at office- t7��,cjlg the .be,oved ha�ndivvork of Anol ngt ilis A-wful Val.-, aml, thirdly, 0 places of safety. Cast thee qfr-The Lord Is nj ro- un(k Left NoTraco. generally are healthy. . . . ancl children t . . . . Trade at Wifintpok thlb week Isms . ilia Turkiiiii 1"Adier. Even the faint " .. . gpecior or persons, and So ujnoU tI* can be Prom tbls Yory ppiard-liottue came t- v isteamer Kick, aft0l -shown Some improvement Nvith the and di"ant bo.om of cannon ra:tal allot, and it was under this 111 Fdj!gjrjj4 TO-daY- I Ang would 1!m`VO no favor shown Wool Tho Aust.1a heard, and to -morrow lye shall be ilia it lie failed to obey the Lord- He having been .officially advertised as dolder w,eathQ%,.* There is still com- CHISHOLM & CHISHOLN extermination of an- ireo illat 110 foil and tile zaptleb 11 Dur I" (Halt I) - Id fa.re no better than the Ir,01- ovorclue, was liosted at Lloyd's last plaint in w�ftolesale trade circles of DRS, t9tild(w oiblanAtbaelready kl.led thrice o-rer. unatffied I -a tits skill as he lay, On ::I�jm dir 0 is: (Who goes there 1) won to the eat subject ILI his kingdom. Take heed night as ,-mik;sing," and the ulidel- Rbsortm,90 Of supplies from the manu- CIANS . SURGEONS - ETC. A.,,Oa,W the broad and cluvky avellue the,sc, two trees, tile next Geri Ill (Uo back 1) ., �Notica, 1. Mile anxiety of wr,te'ra Wl 1 'now haVO t"O'418 for fjmcturei especially In footwear and. PHYSI a Q;rant Concourse of POOP,c Is guard -house, the blurderar and lj�q A dial figure can be faintly distin- 'low- a moral and spiritual Certain lines 6f dry goode.'' Comrade (wkOF;* only orline was that guished In the g-oom, that Of a ,.r,urk- David lOr tt red first her total logo- Business at Hatillit,Lvii this 'Week hafir Josephine Street - Wjughsi &trazIm�,nX iowards the little staVoll tiler shoot. Ish. ji If Ills commands -which �Velfara or Ills Eon. David ca The Klek viras a bteel screw steamer D., tho very outHkLrta of tile tOWU. lie did hat preva"It tile 0 for oha,racter, and next for clr(,-um- � and th.thaj, we gatiop Our borges, Ing) w0j.0 11,Lni a few days later, he %vi:I Probably round off with a of .3,84,2 tons, built In jj)0I., and car- been, fairly active, and tho.-demand of a I calling to thO Boldlers to save them, Vic-iono Kopek ! (Dog 1) -are not obey- Anne". lie believed that It the lical't ried a urew of between twenty and-han Shown Improvement with the - P, KENUDY, M.[)-, M -C -P -S-0 lor the distant woreara OCOmO- :m.ying, " Ye made us do ilia deed; ed 01, tile Instant, you will see his Wave rightwAll Gold things ivou;d of thirty men. 'Uho I -oft C010111110 WWI cOldco' weather. Tile . allipmentro tLVC loan be already board beraldlag i us it ye be men." 0*,i Ili(- low rifle come down to ',tile ready," and themselves go tight With Men- 2- cocargo, bf sugar oil Jilly ja last, lior now are large. Values are firmly, i 4s (Member of the British Medical tile ,appromoli Of tile Salonica, train. nave LOS. scarcely high enough to tile magazlile or Ills mauser -%vl:l 01011 Tile willingness of Solomon to re. dostination -be�ng lilort Said. Since t.014. Tile outlook, a,s, reported to, W: load 9f misery and bralli ,!eIve cuo,.) counsels. Ilow different s R-radstreet'a, is ilatistactolly for ark ,th itw daily - mvi them clear, they were stran- ,rously. We know that Ile has '.oattlig" port, holvvOr, nothing 1XI, Association) Omj was tile spirit from thdt of Soo, . lijah - yiA�e. TurklWk Wfloarm fn­�ypii Tar tiged, " _ , , dllrin� thu bal COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. iiiii- glpd, and Holy Russill, was reve stringent orders not' to fire under (I. Nlars 1. 51. beer heard bilf liar. . Ircre"ed movoinent, I toty and extreme of ml-ItarY A few 1jundred Yards further we pass any circuixistances Oil a European; . I CxqLpa proni,.Eas contain She, called frora ,Colorabo Ili the ance, of the year. . Special attention 'laid to Diseases Of WOMON L �rms aild smartness, rmgged Sol. I "Itary ba4ehouda and Its guard. Teav-;111&8� rning U.a people. G,;dlm tooth -of the soutbive2t monsoon, and There, to a be'6L,er demand I'll whole - an children, but tile igan is ail Anato'lan, tot- Elis irill cionce ctilar Ves,iie!s at tha't time passing Sale, trade circles at London tills �.'crs. gtately kavassi keeping an I a nil first hougo of thp town, . oum --I to A p.m,; 7 to 9 y,=. tiver,wati.liful eye Upon their Mae- It i4 the ally SaVL �,e, mild of in lenials tG us Only open up the wal - 0171on H I 6io Europemns, and a ,!ufl ilia I)I;IOP where most shots were Igellne. trilat oom,'ort It In t6 Ilk to greater bleGisings. Out* beat wish across the �rabitmn Sam reportc.,rl.ter- week and ilia pro,spects - are' -for an . - I � I tera, one ur. of portorm throng tile fired at tbo aaaa consulls carriage to know that he would be 11"Vol .�or others Is for tl.eIr spiritual Pros- . rLflc tweather. .:. . Ircreased movement In the IinmedL- . . .t. rcTA>r10 ,came to litand thwt a largo ate future. Where to more activity tf Cas Very fAlowly tho long, as It drove furlowly by. with much pomp after our Ambassa- , at advice to others 19 � . perity. Our be ad been seen ashore on the In heavy -Winter -goods mucl the sales " . I il"It:11orr"0111 y barred Alen page us witli scarcely a glarce dor at tile Porte bad enel.gaUcallY that"t1i obey tile command of the 1�t 16111 11 otlboldiday articles are increasing. - ,,, ". 'k acizall clouel 11t,'XIG-r" Socotra, but, altho . 11low ,,43 engine and pass Us, of recognition, Yet Who daily Elt rj�innnddcl retribution for our murder' Sorlptures.'W'p should sD I!Ne that cjjr 1. T. Hollo'WaY vii to . r,pecial vessel was sont out and Ottawa wholl"'ale, 'trade Is allow- ' U"t tLlw tbrea ()I,, f9gr oarriages draw with up ,a secret places. We l'.1cewIsc No, it Is better to obey, and quick worfri,; will be P_ blessrug to thdoe who he IDoast for wreckage, ing home Improvement. , The Sales � D.D.S., L.D.S. I . AltzLtioll 11011se, Ignore them, for everywhero thjore ,,3,, oroking a doubtful comfort In ,,Iva after us. We ri take God w.th searched t � - J.'ll a posite tha 1. - th'abg furthol, was tclund. .. vy X - --morrow we ,,,, ,,, &I, wo do ter Hill,. A. I Is rather on exceritional thing and are expected to make a steady Graduate of RoYAI I'' w with gendarmes, go:d�ers, _,ro,gpIcs, mud Lve know that a care I ,thoUgI no of so&sonable goods are quite hes, 'I 0, led ,Ibo knowledge that I College of Dental . 1.0 lfj, all fully armad, j,rbi nolutlY !ego 11,gocid event 9", would be en(ugli NvI3 report the Insult of "Dogll' to Nye inay be ignorant and often ham- It is-LearAer to disappear, leaving Improvement wJth . a continuance of - . d tb,3 second-olaos to Sand . tl!pm to prison and to ban- -110 will duty jjjjperf�ict Illinois. yet live ma,V bAY0 to): V� onto and Honor scend, Jostling . no, �srac -mithoug Surgeons of Tor our Terspiring Consul, %v h It is ' compara. de Consisting bf officers and Islini * relave to U6 tile mpqjogies offordol by, -,V,rfect hearts.". . 0 :iase of .sailing bold weatfier. 'The outlook lor, Gr2uate of Dent. tglosengorss 1 an Yet all In orderly and quiet. A I Tjj!C wise learn by the Qxperionce tivoly tommon In th o I . � bubliteas Is promising. I I I i 1 k cv at Do tile first v . the all. ."els,. anxI, lie British steamer of ylt. of Toron. I _,,ficlai Toi Labs, and it Is t well Ima9:De himself oBotter not go Out at nlaj�t," .re, of 6thie-re, TI'lis to N�IIY blowrapily. Is ve . I � .. to Un vitrisity. a In a I branch lad of zaptl vtranger mig'T _r - .. La"mt Improyed matil Oi warch a 1341 III it, moot Well-cOmduoi',ed Turkiti �qul 1 flany�hlng call hapi- very prqfitable reading. nib lives any size Itas been offiLlally Noted mi ' , " e ate. Sattstaotio; ujl�Ocjted, ollsoloving a mass Of wild, . r4,trkq this con - 1, misi,iing" Since tlia Allan line Hilton, 1, hord of tho. Vill- 1"Itst. Dentistry. Pricesi In , ,,a not know tile SIghto . at tilt -se ttines, and Men are of th, great and nol3'a help the care- gli,.V6 or guaranteed. Ai I eave Block. ani,empt Imaies, blinking pitecilmly in city, for he do( a liospital Dell . it Imn disappeared eighteen months ago. -It Alexciff In hi the E0 ; the eudden light. A ro)y sharp cow- I!Idden by the pillson-til ollot wit1l'seant eerenWny. ful reader to be great and noble. Ukiially, by means of wretkago or strict convention L , . mands, ri, plisk or Walls or In the Bulgarian quarter. I has been truly said tIlhat the litiltory ilia report lat some passing ,vessel, -and w,e, know that . 4 Tbrust Wilb Itifla dlyou goo pow exaggerated are all - L 'L I - - of tilt- grout ji of any time or ilia -fate "Uf n, m(seing ship' Can at h.',s 60" ra wi� r.) i ani it), Lhlna mardb- A RT111JR J- IRWIN I (1 -slow- the r jl,b..-.nc8s and cruel. I .- . country to tile history of that Ing under umbrellasi knows how I � 2.nd Its bolli are disgorge eportg of dial'! ay or two before, : .. . ,- .. . . . �, tilae 'oast be Surmised. This was the 11-1 D.D.S., IslD.R. i ly,itecause t)j,- men thervill. are chain- � racha suavely, 06 d eliness on . or country. Every. man who Writes L E, of the French steamer Doi to flt in freelloM ivith brflatency. It. n. . their arms - 17110n we admitted a blogrAr-byt If left toj otiooso for cas -, Doctor of Dental Surigery of the IE e ell ,to well Other, or have ter lie which Wii Posted as "Inl8ghill" �l waa probably he of whorn a travel - behind their backs, tile 49treotu, "Now, CO'lfcss that YOU hi writes -01 a obarai sk Ili- Was thlnkinw when him wrote 11OW& noylvAuip, College m6nd Licentiate 01 tightly :bound days expected to goo yary different things I �. �oveg and admires, Because this IS t,hort 'time ago. that All have seen hisch Russian of- ,_ . 1, Dental Surgery of Ontario. .;, -they are yory weak from rude With 'Pg." 1 N ((,. true It in easy to know What a E%0 IPft U41rgellleS fOr tile West floors jok4i� and laugli with tnuir Bot- ,,, I ef li;taryation. Some 0196V at 11: pjilj� -Ind coast of Africa oil March 28, her I they- had been chaill1i Ch spite Of all that we had heard, ",# L writer most admires in others, , - -s of low- dlers as I, -WINGRAM. bund.es, all their worldly belongings, ley, we did T,ot OXPPOt ( N11i, " . , what Ilf, wouldl Ike to possess In his cargo yet.the same traveller wrote that OMOO over pogis 0mot (�i,s-,4, , including Torty ton ` �__, 11 . In - Exceller . , N , I .It m(xA are barely clad rags. yout - I I We Y) 'i nolo gunpowder, whinh w4o Qarfled I I . ,1!1�` ) gr. , whose to Pao what we have seen,- we're . " . ,�,� I own character, If it were possill'.e. hot(]. She sil on the trying March to Ik'jktn, "wh`rcl L They are i3ulgariau peavall-, sponded trut,ijully. I-Tliere is a, very I . -\ � God bus written many blographlea. n t% ii ould have ooldiers ot all'6thew nationalities WINGRAI S�W " rnt, their y6TOS . n r . . I VI 1�41-o.,; linyo been bu, false impreaslo:1 I !.Uropo as to tile - .. 11 Prom: theiiii It is easy to learn what ,,,con In 111ii Straits of Gibraltar three oollapwd' In hundireda along tile road Ivan into _ , V r.nd ic-hildren murdered or dr do, - - _ ; nothing d0fillito has from 911114rokci or dysei or op... I - .ve,witither they .Dgs llare, and we aro dolng our � clim-acters lie loves and What lie (lays later, Uut I MILL ill.3 mountallis to stax best to correct It-" lIfO 1".xCelleacy -'- f I , . I- . would have us be. it is wall Wortil singo be6 board of liar. h heat, I never pLui Wltjj pjemr,ur4L%, and handed . , captain of a small coasting q4vV a Ingle Russian fall out Or 1. I t -� while to study the charatotars The ,mye follo.,wed Cll bulle,101! has drivell Our McLOAN * SON : illem onto inord Into 010"Valldys and IM .1nother 6igarette. I .. . . that God has ,rayed. 'rho C!Ogfrig y0i hawever, ,repoitod that w]Aen tip ios left L I h , __ I f froln MajigeyJOS'. tile Ila ka.11 When the alll ! . _, , Into tile hands of the soldiers, - I'll. - - ty In I:eff oil t a, ord first gave Avberi- Fiellil,4 114 -vel. - ... .. t.hic.14-Il in GoofloA history of David Is ali if China, the C7qr sout A!Oxjeff a V i Were More I study It Min- .at MI.Inight oil March 28,'bo a, -,w a thomsell,og up, but til6se silere $veak Painfully and slowly ti -e old woman I � . nur i�'asvn. Lot Ile . brilliant f1g6t, followed by a loud ox:,� stib"n with gold and diamonds. and ,gl kinds of rough and draelled.0.1 le ovIl-amell ng bandages I ,tpl* Inscribed, "For victories at the meal, I reblai tj . , . * bara sbolui(l havc 'N I rLild .could not I;OeP UP Oil fliat 10119 I 'ad. ,,;Ile had jq1st In- � .19i In order. 1pl"Itkn. Jks IYAe Bftn of W-ar In 1--ohilli 1001O." , . I A.Y Sta- itylkin lipr Cray .9, I no Set his bj ./� Tjjs ' . tile nearawt, ralwIr ;;- t Lain iftL,out tko spot Indlentod by the I plarch t6 I io:cyor(,� prods cultota On 0 pivil 0 ,q,q ri. terrible Beall)- I Limo conics w1joll killg ana -subjpo alneC t1i3n ilia E,mperor bau lili LUMBER9 LATH9 SHINGLES 41-.3-0, h) Spite Of tho 1. - . ell 110k Olt tlip I Must band tbdir temporal affairs, I'll It Is be loved that the gun. Illm lord -of Rugglaiig Fall J.,untorri RV I Va With tile rMe, butts. wound wantbillY 91V , . 'r- - -plooled, blowIng che . i 1,10 boAtL-11 - gkoat Or mall, IMPOrtant or 4the cargo ex Emplin, with pnworn almost AbPOlUt" � al,cf jus,argellii o,jptnro�t W, HaPPIs 'he undo, tile Czar- himself, and m. speclat �n officer exp!aIng to 00 - I NV(11101111110 I L . " thit thexe burl,111V Of p,milevo by a, Turklob 001 vo,'01 t �Atces, and dog ELSO in a reient tiler, wnere the only er'li Of tile Tit I ,SON over to Some One 0186. tl,,Iylng t APPLE BARR i We know better, poor lagers had been their Vicinity to tile . I tile man wliO (lots this gracefu!lly ,tvim of thl twenty-tivo persons who committee, Tile Admiral 11-ts becoMP, 1�,_,bi but jig Infost#4 by "the brigands." Ali- L , ,ly, To set In order the Were 01, bo4rd, as & Russia,, pailer paid, thi) inqtru- ,,,, I ji%dirlour Hard and Soft Stabs, also 9i ' ili Possessed a Ill I V .Ei wi"otchpu, they , Voull, not Ila here, oi old wolykan liari begun to sob A L �11 , -', gpiritual libuse is of first and greatest Tilore, Iq iiow no doubt that (110 mont of tlw will and purpose Of ilik' large qmntity of dry hard. rif 0. elw 010 tly-ono of us remintIff her of �-,_ �, c torritorl"n L "Zi In till. P.,Igllt. Few arwol 111,- vloltn -1 -1 I vit importance. Tills, Of Coursti, is roll t0alner Irene, Which left 201VIlOrt Czar, antj that Ili th I at amw backed to I.' _�__ to.-n!zcd by a!j ClITIStini Ylf.�t this for Dublin on ,140pt, 10, wont dOwn wliere Itussla,a movements ii th(" ' ' . I -s are OVOr OnVtilred , Lye, Ron 1%om Rho - _., , � , lie - L[ Ehe I 1 -""� ;�] ft.~= 9 Is re I&I I ,, . 4tb g IN. . I Ob�a.,h.� I Wood fot sale, delivered I gurgeni, �tjme#,, rilt tile �rajjflpor wonten do in not all. �Vor4pors,l affil,tra are to be, In the M stol Channel. all the hari greatest uneasiness to tile rest OF! , tillilocl proeendo if; obviolumly halt . nrranr 11 boing drowned, 91% bodlex ha� � Oar mn; j1plome,tically not wt%ep or inow-i. only olIP, L �. _'L. � . . 7 '13(l. I)LaVid -appoilited Ills OW _a been the world. first recAvot, lian. iiii ariftlY as Poll Solomon to reign Iii tits Otoad. WaRhod UP, from the 00a Within tile lit is g, wo I .11(l Who and 'n hi to it ft,o 1%Tits ve,ry aming' Telephone Orders Proi "we"'emel I rpoint of Valli wall pirl, britl W611 ItoldlerS VVIln tore the w,thdraw ' Lila trees. Ilaro we ReO mbA told Of the W161; TPIACHP&R. vartle'll'ar to proviall past tow tlays, t4.) last W111011 was hig t1mg AleXieff had M con(! not It .10 I f . Swan. L atteaded to. . hidden tit I ;bt innvites ollild from liar armo and tone Alons of Ill'il 161119- l6und ,vot-torday hiornIng near PS,aslon for "Rusclan, brld"." AWIWAS I ill, V_jlIg U %*aeh6r,­'WIIY didn't you 66ble tck rOl' all the, minor div! I t. )!tit th,it !:a,'& 1:1,11119 Idelitifled AS that of itbe thi Irgt ill yor on tbo 'Paelflo sta* . illon,de(i. and I SlIdd till Into t,lo flamepr of Ltir burn'tig bolffie. � to & neigh,I)oring What %po thoNe poor wrelelion do- School yesterday ? dom. Inlim WAS , rig I u for "brII1116" � (r"rL,-.r: h? lu'l I I )jttr-1 atrAln0d MY f00t- whi Dayid regmtolod aS of supi se,cond onginowe bf the Irene,._j,.plN, *14n. Mut lie has no time ' Willoin tho AMIA116111i Will 1K Ill tIja OChtfdh ItIld DIbrA dit. SOIX g a ," c&jigo, t%tkd (Ion gxprass, '' " I It 14 Correct .0 110 An'(1'eltrii thom to the &IlOrll It ty villages mm baknt, TenobOr-ThAtIm a lame e16080, Invp ttatico, wall (461 I . toi loapebt4l I If, McLean & SO .. , "a,Wdod military k0xliftdi�v T111 Itro trlets' W"ero Sl_'