HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-26, Page 1■., T e Win h am -1 I I 'C I 11 . h 1. - � - A-, ... 9. ... dvan", 0 .. '' ____ ___ - ___! ------.,�..rn=!==r�!�11----.----,-����-- ,,,-,, 1. . P I 31ST YEAR, N0, 13. '. WINC�rHAM, ON`A'ARI4, THIIIiSDAY> NOVEMBL''R 261 1903. 11.110 PF.R Vltdu inr AnvAwmr . .•, _.._.�__ -.._ �.� �..a_ Ttfxilberry, �.�-.-`�,-.,�..-.-._ �. .._.�-..._,�._��.a�.:�...,,:_.s..�..w.�....,..�,�,_w-.�,�..._�._.� Invitation, __:_' __�...,„,.. r oatpffice, WATERWORKS EY -LAW, $luievale. . DOMINION •BAN .. rn erhave had ci hold the minutes of Tlrp Chapter of the Brotherhood of A ;;fleeting of .Liberals, invited rep Tttrnberr' council over ti)[ next weak. St. Andrew will meet in St. Paul's reaentativas £tarn the four wards a£ -- - via tare i quit villageper�t�b Farmalpa The Tax collector for Turnberr will r As will ba seen by reference to the)O Y lie ,tory on Friday evening, at the town, was held at Dr. 1tlacdonald'a on minutes of the Town Council in an- Institute heist Last Thursday was poor• be at the Queen's hateI, Wingham, an class of the service. A cordial invite,• Monday evening, to discuss a site for other column, a By-law will be sub, ly attended" The principal speakers WQ . Capital �(Ial( ll } z,980, Saturday next front I0 u,nt, until tion is extended to the young men of the new postofiiee, From one vita mitted to the property-liblders on Jan. were Dr. 1�, G. Treed of Guelph and T, �., H P' tn• the parish, to spend a social hour at was there, we learn that nothing was c payl Jelctiatxs� tThishe rtl3ylawto of ilvovidrs spo � einhthe leauof grtdation IrinCR led CAnITgz pAln ,•,_-. $ 2,000,000,00 Re$�rve (a d profit$) $3,330,00 Died. , n , the Rectory ,Eton, 8.30 to 1,0.30. done, as those from the north and the for the construction of a system of of aucaysafulstock breeding," and" This+ [tl,srrRVE k"uI'n,......... 117001000100 Mr. Rlisha Lemnter;, of Harriston To New Ontario, With could not agree on a site. Two Waterworks to supply water for do. development and training of young ToTAr, ASSETS ........ 21,95f1,594,54 died an Monday last, at the age of 79. Four Mor its boys left far New On- a)tes, the understand were su ested- tnestic purposes and additional itis horses, Mr, f3ntitft spoke on -,,From Y-- - -- -_ _ Farmers' Notes discounted, Deceased was well,known in this vicini- tario last week-Athel R. Macon; Geo, suggested- of atvetiou ; also for the construction uctIart saii to plant" and ntlemenitarai edu- BOARD op DIRECTORS. the Tamiyn lot on earner of John and a# a trunk sewer and six inch cellar cation," I3atlo gentleman are goad -- Drafts sold an all paints iii Can- ty having lived for a number of years Garniss, Chas, Garniss and Reuben Diagonal streets, and the Gregory pro- dt•ain, clown Josephine street to sew. speakers • • .; ..Anniversary services of Ron. Ww, Qibson •-- president ada, the United States and Enrope• In East Wawanosb, Recently he has Garn]ss, Word Perty, .apposite the Town Ball. The age disposal works to be located near ue Aletliodist Church will be )laid next Coe � Roach John Proctor A. 13, Lee Lias been received price placed on the first named ra• the Maitland, at the southern extrema Sunday, and rias teantevting the Fol- olio S. 1lendrle Geo. Ituthorford resided with 11ir, Beck of fieri istpn. from them that than arrived safely at P ty of the town, lowing Monday..., The children of the J• Turnbull, vice-preo, and General Manager SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interment took place on Wednesday Now Llskeard, We hope they will PKC is $1000' and on the second, The various items in the estimates village Sunday Schools are prep;rring H. S, Steven, .Asst,, fi n •M a er Interest allowed on deposits at �t1,00 and in Brussels cemetery, fled the new county u $ . At present, it looks as though may be found in connection with the for their anniversaries Mabe! q ` an g upwards, and added to principal 36th JuuO P to their g R, M. Watson, Inspector, sad Slot December each Yoar. Man's fleece Shirts and Drawers all expectations, the north. and south will never agree Sy -law which appears in this Issue, Oliver has returned from Toronto...., and will a e rforfour issues, Bence Miss Beatty, of Seaforth, who has Deposita of $i and upwards receiveXovd Int - sizes, 90c a suit Crowder's, t de a site Perfect l in ever is not it is notnecessarytorepeat them here, been visiting here," has returned to arestallowedan andup wardsd on SOceived mbor Gants l Have yea seen "Peel's ad- deemed an essential in every move, further than to say, that tine cost of her home.... Chas. Coultas has secured and 31st May each Year, mud added to principal A. E. CiIBaS(DN, lHapAgeC The Best, made. IePrice $1,2La to $1,75, v See�b ixgt The removal of the postoffice to its the proposed waterworks system is a position in a mill in Listowel, , , . Miss Special Deposits also reeelved at current estimated at Ma ie rates of interest, Yanstone, Solicitor Rev, J. A. McLean, pastor of lite at W, J. Greer's. present location was by no means the trunk saver and rasewagee aft�r�berCillnesrfran� gaining strength �, CORBOULIJ, A�BIlt Wtngbam Baptist Church, was in A Peace-o#ferin result of A unanimous decision on the disposal works, $0,000; a total of Nal•thwbst, .. - ' Guelph on Monday, at the Agricultur- part of those interested. Yet removed $35,000. I Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors ELU ,at College. He carne in conversation Referring to the appointment of W. it teas, Differences will be noticed between U with some of the Fall Fair expert F, Scott of Brussels to the newlycreat. the estimates submitted in January Overshoes far $1.25 at W, J,1. • � tolx$ judges. They told him that Wing- ed Office of Homestead Inspector, the If the Boys' Shoes are bought here, last, and those now presented, By ,Alen'sreer's, ham Fair was the best they attended SeafarLh Rxpositor says:_"This�Is a You'll never have a complaint to those now before us, the distribution Men's Red Undershirts and Draw - make, Remember we sew all rips free systitn is more efficient, there being a ere, all sizes, $1,50 a Suit. tv ,st of Toronto.. This should be en- position which was made for Mr. F, S, in Shoes we sell,—W. J, Greer, greater length of water -main I � ��� ��� ' , Four weeks couraging for the directors and of- Scott, who was an applicant for the service, covering the town to a much —at Crowder s, From to -morrow ficlals.vacant Registrarsbip in this county, A Faithful Official. better „degree,Sthan did the scheme I submitted in January last. i N DOUBT and was intended as a peace -off ing At a meet)ng of the Trustees of the bmitted important change is in the BS1�C,�VC, Until Christmas day, Sudden Death, to Mr, IlislO M, P, P,, and East floc• Methodist Church on Monde evening, supply. The idea of utilizing P, y g, sourr a of su g Rev. A. E, Jones and Rev. Cosens of Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Very sudden indeed was tlxv death on on account Of the two best offices a matter neeltacted for some time was and collecting the springs west of the Brussels exchanged pulpits last Sun- ' y p young ' town basj.%,en abandoned, and the da Mr. Cosens Have you read the advt, of A. It. of Mr.. Jay. Tadd, a respected oun in the county having been given to acted Upon, Tho Board have always y . Preached a very fine Smith this week; if not, see it now, t source 6f any opposed to he two artesian missionary efb german. , dayfo, W. Law- about the kind of Fer- man of St, Helens. So retired �o bed West Huron. The Position, we under- felt that they were deeply indebted to veils, -Many apposed the Bylaw pre- Fence leaft on Wednesday for Buffalo, J. R. Mulholland has re -opened the Ona night last week, in apparent; good stand, was offered to Mr, F, S. Scott, Mr. W. H. Green, for his kind, faith- vlously submitted on the ground of ,where he intends spending the winter, . fume to bay, tired of the Corrie Photo studio, and promises health, wind was fennel dead in lila bed but was declined by him, His brother fu) and efficient superintendence of the source&of supply then favored, and ....&Its. Chas, Birney of Exeter is at old fashioned odors, come something handsome for the Christ. the noxa morning. Deceased teas a Dar. W, F, Scott, has, therefore, been the bnElding of the new church. The these will approve of tits change. present visiting her parents, Mr. and and see what wa have to mas trade, . brother of Mrs. D. E. Macdonald, of appointed. realized, that the excellence of the posed byWith rthe By-lawresent , Winghaiino shand those ould 01 �wiho Inas spent the last two Corbett, in offer. �'e are not prem Wingham, and was 23 years of ago, workmanship, have excellent fire protection 3udiced, our line is large. 4 Alen's Fur -lined Overcoats at Isar- Delayefj. p, and avoidance of mis- p taction as well t)tv yS•est, returned home last week ; gain prices,—.Crowder Co. Quite frequently, the aged are called takes; was in no small measure due to as efficient domestic water supply. he appears to think a great deal of the very like we'll mention suddenly by the messenger of Death, Trains on the London branch were Mr. Green's watchfulness and interest In brief, the scheme is, as follows :— West, as he intends returning in the The Standard Oil Co., have shipped but it l not Often that the young are match delayed on Saturday, When To secure abundant water supply from spring..,, Walter Allison has disposed an outfit to Shallow Lake near Owen y g in the work. He spent weeks of time artesian wells ; the water to be pumped of his blacksmithing business to John 66 A'7 thus summoned. Fairlie; particulars the morning train from Wingham at the work and made no charge what- pip Stewart, possession to be given next 1�ELMA Sound, and will commence develop- of the sad event natio be seen in our reached Hyde Park, it was delayed b g from the reservoir to a stand -pipe e p g• ing that section for petroleum• a fret ht y y ever for either his time or work be- erected on the hill at the easterly limit week, We have not heard what Mr. n% West Watvanosh items, g engine off the #rack, and the of the town, and thence distribated Allison intends doing but think lie in t aides being a very liberal cgntributot through the mains throughout the tends going west... R. Gallagher is !i] because that is the most 4% Mr. S. Youhitt has negotiated the train did not:pull into London station to the Building fund. On blonde town. sale of Miss Mortes' bons e and lot On LEGGINGS—Far Ladies, Gents and ❑ntil l2 30, The main line teas clear, g y now wattling a broad smile ; the cause Popular Perfume we ever r Children, in every style—Jersey cloth, evening, the Board voted him $I00 as The trunk sewer on Josephine street of the smile is twins .... Mr, and Mrs. sold. We want to please Alfred street opposite the L pholstet•y caativas and leather, 40 cents to $1.75, and about 11.30 the passengers were a recognition of his work, Mr. Green ie an urgent necessity. Its construe- John Bell of Morris is mor7rn the lass of factory to Geo. Wade, for x990 cash, at W. J. Greer'a, transferred to a passing train from the tion would remove the inconvenience their son .Frederick William, who died y°°' and if we can't, it west and reached London at 11.45, full was completely taken by surprise, and and prevent the lass, caused by the On Tuesday. The funeral took place will be the first time the COTTAGE TO RENT—Apply to C. P, Lights. Y at once announced that Ire would Em- flooding of cellars by heavy rains or on Thursday,the C. U, F. of Beigrave ever failed to please a Smith, Teeawater. two hours late. On the return trip an mediatelyspring in freslxets. It would allow of Supt. W. H, Green and his men are old wheezy d donate the full amount to e g livoth following the remains of their deceased yea patron. The election of offers for Wing- y engine was put on, and by the Building fund, Since then we permanent improvement of Josephine brotixer to the grave. Se was 24 ears busy installing the new lighte for the hard street which in spring y ham Tent, No. f18. X. O. T, M. will be , afore wank it reached Tldertoit, ping and fall presents of age. ' '� streets, though it is not easy work at where it refused to go any further, understand he has decided to place it anything but a creditable appearance. held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 1st. to the credit of the Organ fund, in the It would also do away with the scares i�o t11V��� Comatander Sell would like a Pull at. this tittle of thti y e;tr. Air. Green in- Here the train had to remain until an hope t of Unsanitary- closets near the Main lily farms us that Lhotigh sorne changes engine p that the Organ committee may Y STOVES. --Wood Stoves, Coal Stoves, tendance. gine arxived'ftom Stratford, The be able at the r street, which at present are an awful you may re- DRUGGIST have been made in the location of the approaching anniversary menace to the health„of the entire Ranges and everythingy Mrs, (Dr.) Kennedy was called away passengers, as well as Conductor Quirk, to resent the fine hire in the stove line lights from the first draft, the arc took the delays npd-naturedi P pipe organ to the community, q ,both new and last weak by the death of her fattier, Y -good-naturedly, and y' second-hand, at rices that will sur - lights will be well distributed, and Trustee Board, entirely clear of debt, The possession by the Town, of rho p' Mr, Ross, a respected resident of reached Wingham supperleas, at near- Electric Light works, its waterpower, prise yon,—A, YOUNG & SON. Next Door to Post Office. where they do not cover, incaandes- )y eleven o'clock. Four disabled en- PIANO TUNING.—R, S. Shaw, piano engines and machinery, will make the Dr, Ovens of London M. R. C, S. L. Strathroy. Deceased was sixty-nine cents will be placed, so that the town tuner from Heintzman & Co.'s, To. cost of an efficient system of water- ' .years of age, gives on one branch in ttven'ty-four ronto, shall be in Wingham this works much less than it would other- R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and will be much better provided with hours cause travellers to wonder whythroat, will be in Wingham, at Camp - Just arrived, several consignments light than it is at resent, A cam- month. Leave orders at D, Bell's wise be. Should the proposed B law g P the G, T. R. does not const P P Y bell's Drug store, Monday, Nov,N30t of high-class Chocolates at Buck- P put gn some Of music story, be carried, the same power in use for Grasses properly fitted. THE COL Tete line will be installed for the Iey'a. _ the old machines to the scrag heap. the electric light will be available far pose front the power -house, requiring i pumping purposes. Did you ever think what you would .. .... . - y y six miles of wire. Bring, BoXs 1—Starting Tuesday The Town Council deserve credit for COMMUNICATION. da if you had we h v e oft income wonder- evening, Cro,ening a ill stere will be open their enterprise, and should the efforts �� ���� Well, no; but we have often wonder- Hockey• every evening till 10 o'clock up to -p�t they have made for the public good lite admission of a communication in these ed what Vanderbilt would do if he The annual meeting at the Northern Jan. 1st. PE1l /7UNAL daring 1903, not all be approved of by columns does not iraitlq that we endorse the the ratepayers, they have the con- sentiments of the writer,—Editor, M- '' - Fa our income, League was held iu Palmerston on Our Attitude. v., sciousness of having done what (after _..• —'-”- ----I R' The newest thing ont is co-operative Friday, Nov. 20th. The following Prof. Locbead of the Ontario Agri- Miss Ethel Hall is visitingfriends due consideration) they deemed in the THE NEW POST OFFICE, m V4111 SOOri be Ihere, but blacksmith shop which the farmers in clubs compose the League :—Listowel, cultural College has compiled the alti- in Owen Sound. best 'interests of the town. Men of 0.1 Palmerston, Wtn ham, Harriston, progressive ideas, even though they To the Editor of the Advance 4) we are here ahead of the vicinity of Paisley have opened up. g tilde above Lake Ontario of the sta- Will, Moore of Toronto was in town may err in judgment, are preferable ip them With everything lIl This is, we suppose, in protest of the Mt, Forest. The schedule has not tions west of Toronto. The Unibn over Sunday, to men who block the way t° improve- "Now, ere I die, allow me 'but one 0) g increase in the price of shoeing. been received from the secretary of station, Toronto, is eight feet above Mrs. Barney of Welland is visiting ment and progress, The Council of rhyme, /it the line of foot rOteC- the •Lea League, but will a friends in town. 1903 have certainly had the best in- To mark the faults and follies of my ' p Special prices in all furniture far g appear in next cake Ontario, which is 255 Peet above terests of the town at heart, tame; boll, �i'lle best makes sixty days at Walker Bros, & Button's w'eek's issue A list of the subscrip- the ocean, so that to find the height Miss Cook of Clinton spent Sunday The question of increased taxation One hit at vulgar Impudence, Furniture Store, tions has been handed the Advance of any place mentioned above the .with her sister, Miss Cook of town, may perhaps prove a bugbear, There And one at fraud and false pretence." er from the best makers, 111 Wm. Deyell has sold his dwelling- for publication, but the Waterworks' ocean 247 feet must be added to the Mrs. Allenby, sr., is spending a few should be a good surplus from the (Lines found in the room where the, house on Alfred street, which he oc- By-law and other important matter figures given below:—Thus Winglxam weeks with her daughter in Toponto, electric Eight annually, even after pay- Poet Chatterton died.) Felt Boots and Slippers, copied when living iu Wingham, to Prevent its insertion. The subscrip• is S35 fent above Laine Ontario 835 247 Messrs, A. Cummer and Jas. Cum tnont of rile debenture and allowing SIR,—The little story of a Govern- Rubber's and Overshoes, for increased street lighting. In three Jas. Armour. The sale was negotiat- tions range from $5 downwards, 'gives 1082 which is the' height of m]ngs of Listowel spent Sunday in years or less the waterworks should ment post office for Wingham had Leggings and Qvergait- , ed by C. J, Maguire, Real Estate Agt. and the local team should feet en- Wingham above ocean level. Follow- town' be a self-sustaining asset, Until this Diunicipai Co tea)) an ting effect somewhst si noun, err, and ever thin ou eoltraged at the response. [ng are a few of the laces in Western Mr. W. Snell of St. Thomas called Point is reached, the surplus from the to what a boy would feel on gettia a ilar Dr. and Mrs. Gandy attended the P on his parents in town during the past electrec light account ought to prevent new whistle. About election tiara Will require in this Tine. Conference Epworth League Convert- NOTICE—All accounts due J. J. EI Ontario with their freight above Lake week, an undue increase in our taxation. such histl . are quite common, 'Yrration in Chatham on Tuesday and liott. V. S., or to Elliott & King, are Ontario, as given by Prof. Locbead :— The question of Waterworks and Thoughtful • to be paid by December lata ---J. J. Toronto ..........., Heb. Thornton of Stratford visited trunk Sewer is now before the pro- g people considered the Wednesday. On the return trip, Dr. Elllott. • • • • . • • • • 8 feet• at bis home in town a con le of da s l story to be what Artemtis Ward would SPECIALS Orangeville ....... ... . . .1151 P y perty-holders for thoughtftit discussion „ „ Gundy attended a Board meetingof this week, and for decision at the ballot box on calla goake Orangeville Jet..............T3a9 Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas. Explosion At. $ippell. Dundalk , , . , ... , . , , , , , , ,1454 Miss Ireland of Teeswater was the January 40h next. "Give tie your vote Sir Canvas, cries, Women's Rubbers_ .... . .. . . ..... 25c Men's Shoes that fit the weather The Presbyterian church at Kippen, Summit (near Dundalk) ...... 1402 guest Of Miss Minnie Higgins _ And I'll take care your boy shall rise; Fine Rubbers, lined..,, 50n and the feet --$1.50 to $3.00.--•W. J. a sinall village on the Buffalo and Owen Sound ................ 3311 over Sunday. The vote obtained he leaves the door, Men's Fine Rubbers lined........ Goo Greer. Arthur .......... ...........1278 Deserved Success. Nor thinks of boy nor promise more" ' Goderich Division of the Grand Trunk Mt. Forest...,,, •, „•,,,,...1t03 The editors the Advance and lois But our wise Council did not think ' The Weekly Sun," the farmers' Railway, about eleven utiles from Harriston ,,, ..,.... „flog last Saturday. Miss Edith, were in Landon it was a g' business paper, promises to be even Clinton, was wrecked on Tuesday•' " last Saturday. The Famil y Star joked an election dodge. It Teaswater ....... . . ..... . . . . . 777 Y 1•Ierald and ZVeekl of Montreal is meeting with an cher• never occurred to them that when this s� ytq s� niers interesting to the farmers in Tf104 evening by an acetylene gas explosion. W ingbarn , •,, , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , 835 Mrs. Geo. Hancock, who has been g election was over, it would be shelved fA � n flat Listowel .....................1010 visiting with liar sister, Mrs, Arch, mons increase of aubscriptipns this and made to do duty at other elections. Cols. than in the past, The Sun is one of A tea -meeting and entertainment for Palmerston..................1007 Robertson, returned to her home at year. The success is well deserved, They considered it important, and SHUE S'r'�R� the few papers that places the farmtrs' the benefit of the children had been in Kincardine .................. 335 Galt, for they are giving tate biggest dollars that it should be acted on at once. interests before all ethers. subscrip• ,progress in the Sabbath school for Walkerton .................. 080 worth ever pfEered rias pubifc. Their To show here useful the could be to BaYext door to Post Office tions may be left at the Advance about tan hour, when the gasometer London ....................., 508. I two premium pictures this year aro its in other matters (as well as in boy Stratford ................... 9114 beautiful and their Dominion rr:up ing scrap irou) they considered the 4 _ Otlice. burst, Several hundred persons were STOVES,—Call in and see our asbort- should be in every horns, The gaener- first and best thing to d° was to select --,— The Corrie Yidette sa s: -�V, J, Present, and a scene of the wildest es- The best stock of Picture Mauldin ment of Stoves and get our prices, We osity of The Family lierte)ci publishers y present, prevailed, After the removal ever shown t b'Ui f Pict may he Moulding have a very large stock and will sell this season is winning them tbousands tete site. Without e, they ban or C. ITAMIL�'UN- Earngey, our popular barber, purchas- F y them tit a very low price,—A, YOUNG of new r•eadevs. In alinost ever hOtile request from any one, they bravely 1 V LY ed of Mr. John Swarts, of Win ham of the wreckage, it was found that art our store. Bring along your Pic- & SON, pee hears pf The F<unit ileratd's grappied with the ticklish snhject, AUCTIONEER the trotting g ' tures: have thorn framed of the best y They intimater] that the g gelding, Lake Erie, record nine persons, mostly Children, bad moulding,—Walker Bros, & Button, beautiful Premiums this season, y y might have BLXTII ONT. , I to call in a past -office Inspector or two, 2;13}. This is one of the best road received injuries, which, in several or perhaps even Stratton or Gainey, 30 years experience, T have conducted over horses in Canada and was sold for eases, are expected to prove fatal, Into Wholesale Trade, to help then) in their difficult work. 3000 successful Auction Sales in the County The clergyman in char The Woodstock Sentipet Review TOWN COUNCIL. They were so earnest and intent on of Huron, Land as a rule get better prices and $7500 and went to England, coming gY charge Of the church, (� Zztx� (,• rile thio t y sell to better men• Orders left at ADPAxcE back last year, Rev, Mr. McLennan, was among the gives an account of a new wh°legate 45 iOl W Fj g hat the could not see that Ofllco, Wingham, will receite prompt atten. tine people were laughing at them, tion, Terms reasonable. Satisfaction guar. WANTED.—Car load of large onions wounded. He is about 40 years of age firm in which ». M. Tudhopa, former- Council met on llnnday eveYltng, many thinking that they would be nuteed, Phone or telegraph at my expense. for Xmas, trade, Freak a and has a wife and famil OF three I of %Vin ham is a pursuant La adjournment; members better employed in tr )n to devise eggs 20c ; Y Y g partner, The Rev. J. Bill, M. A., of Dundalk, has all present, some draiagplan fox• the town. The dried apples and fowl wanted, small children, and is very well known Review says:—In the very near future been appointed by the Bishop of Huron The question of submitting a 13y -law people at the north of tile, town are (leo. R. Ding. and highly respected. tin extensive wholesale grocery es. to Ripley, On Saturday Iasi, a deputation from g yfor the extension and improvement of quite twilling th< it dra.in,lge alxould go = y P AUCTION SALE—Next Saturday, at tablishment is to be conducted in Rev, Wm. Lowe is the Waterwoi ks system was the runt- south, bat tile post office, no, never. ` - y preaching SPecfal ter under consideration, There is no likelitiood that. the Council the district of Owen Sound visited To- one o'clock, the undera)gned will eller Woodstock under the management of sermons through the Advent season, on The amended estimates supplied by will pursue the rr)attet• fm-ther. There ronto for the purpose of inviting To- for sale on the Market Square, all iter Tudhope Bros., who for the past five "`rhe second Corning of Christ," the Engineer were read• is no present occasion that the Council •--THR— ronto Orange lodges to participate in F o elsd effects. Terms cash—Mrs, years have been prominently identi- Next Sunday will be the first in Ad- . The proposed Ry -law in the case or any one else need worl•y or lose any the big demonstration to be held In fled with the grocery business in this vent, The Sacrament of the Lord's was then read the first and second sleep about the thing, The site may ' Owen Sound on July 12. They met l city. A joint stock company has a1- Supper will be administered in St. time, Or may not be required until the heads Corner p�f with a cordial reception and much FOR SAI,M —G°°d frame house and ready been formed with Messrs. Geo, Paula both morning and evening. It was then moved by Conn. Dul- of the members of this Council are ��JJ�lyj1 �U1 ���� ����� mage, seconded by Coun. Bennett•--• very ivllite (but I hope no thicker than i encouragement, stable, flue acres of land, a large claau- H. and Hebert 111, Tudhopa as the Rev. J, A, JYlotean, B. A., of Wing- That By-law aeltharizing the raising at present). The 0overnment have ' City of fruit and shade trees, trice lard- ham, conducted services in Guelph Of $35,600 for the construction of already decided upon the post•ofYice , Daniel McKenzie, of Wingham who tion, To be sold at once. Apply to pzincipaI shareholders, The capital Baptist church on Sunday last. Mr. iiTtttexlvvrlcs, a trunk seisat rind site, or at least limited the choice to a ; has been brakeman on the L. H. & B. C. J. Maguire, RCal Rstate Agent. stock of the new firm will be $80,000.. John Kerr supplied Mr. McLean's pul- sewage dfsPosai works, be siibrnitted small space. A short time ngo our . is the place to get freight train, has been promoted to Tile Mricardine Re'view says—The The active members of the campaity Fit fu LVingham in the forenoon, and to the ratepayers fpr confirmation) Post office teas at the south end of the l brakeman on Conductor Quirk's pas- greatly P y Mesgrs, Geo, and Herbert Tudhope the editor of tho Advance filled the on the 4th oay of January next, and town, but the Government ordered Vel'yti1111 tiiflt is senger train. R; A. Dinsley, of •Win these s R. is recti pushed with vete. vacancy in the evening, that the Clerk be instructed to havo it to be forthwith removed to a point . - have been in the retail racer bust:• p11Pe 11t1d �r85�1 3fl ham, will take Mr, 14 cKenzie's )large these dayp, Every day recently the ness byre for five ears.gDurin this liluevale Methodist Church ant- the usual notices published according on JOsePhinc ,street, north of John • l craw of the 2.30 p.m. train tvhfeh y g versary aerefces twill be held next Sun to statute --carried unanunouslt. slit et, as bein more convenient for Place on fire freight train, So aafth usirally aL'rEVa9 shout 4 etas to turn to time they have experienced. exception• day; Ttvv, J. C, 'Pomeroy of T�inaardine The Executive committee reportr)d the public, The Government will not the London Free Press. g • g y y at success. They are enterprising will preach the anniversary sermons, having made aarrangemeuts with the, stultify Itself by abrogating or going _ . bring in freight, On Saturday they men who thoroughly understand, The toauleeting oil J1lbnday evening is I,)ectrie Light met) to vortinue until back on this order, and whaat the north The best and largest stack Of Iron went back as far its Listowel tend did every detail of the grocery trade, sere to ba a success; wa era informed tiro curl of thin year, lilt. Green will tree, they'll hold. It tttay 6e yet as i3eds ever spawn in VVinghanr may not reach Xineardine until Sunday The that a good pr°gram h in store. supervise the work its before at a hard to say who shall ebpnse the site, t ire' seers in Our stare, at pprices from afternoon, • question of a site far tlztt now saliuy of $100, until the ifrst of Jan- as to cleeitle the great debatable (Ines• ` $3.75stocis $4, $ ,tai 8, son y`bed carry T.heveit aeras Olt Tand int E store is now under consideration brit lAt the last General Synod of the nary next; further arrangements to Lion of Who struck Billy Patterson," y , astnar no place hag yet been decided upon, Sol; P l;ngland, it was decided to be maids then by this iticaniing Coun- I tin not wish t° sty ail unkind ward %4 S -7 & hu,rs and stands,—Walker trost tOw"11)p, 31ruceCb., produced 107tObs al the tfor before less ant as a ell of 1901. about our Council, but a )ittle gentle M W rN Dr �i! &But#on, in voted, of Oona buildings fortes been special prayer £°r the Careless and inx• The necessar Of beets ; the outlay for rant and labor P F J y Permanent improve- erittetstn Occasionally, may do ttxem - inspected, As soon as the wholesale penitent, and .for missions. Tn accord, MOMS made by Mr. Groan since the some good, We have some excelient 1 wits $600, and the net profit $1000. The business is in operation Tudhope, Tiros. anCe with this decision, special servipas agreement rvith .t.he (Youneil, were men in °lir Town Canned, and some .NOTICn.—Pricea of Saw logs aro Wiartort Canadian says o•--•Uloae to will relinquish their retail trade, are being held each evening this week valued at $$till, The cornmittee air- not so goad. T:very strange titan who - xnuClt higher than taut season. The $10,04(1 was paid put on Monday for Herbert; q'udhapa It, is already disposed in St, Pauls church, at 7.30, tangeel tvitli Sl r, CJreen to accept $430 Carnes to WEnglr.lnt thinks ire rennet Canada Furniture Manufacturers are the beets delivered at the Sugar file• The anniversar O£ Win Tram Metlao- it) ptyment thereof• be properly aeciirnatizeri until he bets prepared to pay the highest pride for g of ixia retell store in Wingham. y fi It was also decided to tit up a room bzanself elected to the Council, Then . A. L. Hamilton ail kinds of Hardwood to s, as well ay tory in October. Tlta December pay of good dial C1ourCli will be held sit December in the Town tial) for the stitrage or Ire writes to tvltere il° eanze from, that I3assAvaOd, delivered at lila IillttOn & will total over $.30,000. tobacco tot, 25 pCt9,a Cr li for asEhaRev. lJOliver Of Listowelin 1tilCitl•ic &l1pplies Instead of tile build- Ave were so impressed with Ilia r $1,00, preacher for the day, He is one In + w1lere the ex DRUGGIST Passant Chair Factory. Wingham. MONE'v' TO LOArr--At 4J peri cent. �bll ' Also some of our lint sada drinks, bP the bCst SpoitkarS iu ihp l;bnt!°u (7uti• � Y are at itrereut, tranrdittar•y abilities Lhat rya instated ' I''arnlet's alxould gat the Inggs in, early improved farms. Easy terms if t'e- s toed elderberry, tomato 11ttllion, fpretuae, tXnd is Sure to by listened c noun, Mcludoo moveil, seeonded on hint brr ( ming a tnember of out, while roads are .good,.Attcl et the ayment; expense, light, A pl A. chocolate, beef tea, etc. 'Oysters al- tvitll interest and r fe el to by Cnun. Bennett this Council t'ounell. Tlrirs rye have ;lot in years j�l� q p p y i profit, I'rxrliaulars will not rent the TaAvrx Ilan t° Mr. past, sorne of our moat useless Council. }� � � � A `" highest lrldo,-'1'laas, Bell: Managrr, IJulrriage Real Estate and Loan ways fresh, 44 els a quart.•-•` . J, of the entertainment on the following Dowie or any of his tigents.--carlied. Wren. "ours, t7nnada price'-Thos, M'frN.. WinghaW, Agent, toot I#iodk. Scott. Monday evening will be given later. Tha Counatl tllett ad'Ourrled, J AN Oii$Lftc rix,