The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-19, Page 7IR " . - __ I , : . � ____ , - I 111"..- I �,_ . , �..Zti - ".. , � - I ­­ - - I 1: , , ,� , __ � ,I I - 1. .- � � . -_ - -:.- I7�_ � I-, �'. - , , : ,:.�­_- ,- - - ,__�!I", , , � � -- ." . - , . � - -, . - - . . - .. I � I . .1 I . � I - I .. . .. 11 . I I . I I I . - ­ ., I I.: � I I I .. - � I - . .. ".. 1� . v I , 1�1 I —1— .1 I I I I. � I".. - - I I I � I I I I I . A HOLD ROBBERY. , tile ...... r' .11 d,n-lalaox,rr,atoe'noQo"o',&104"4'*4t W*J'Q'1010koaqua� r P40(iPollco 110657101tv li?,11gli0alco, in t 10 It . - LORD 'KITCHENER HAS , WE 9 M9N OF' "kh" "a 1110 IIAQ "alpted In W.00LOMBIA PROTES'S W`110 Walked Away 'WthR110,909- w , r0co r d .a connected , . _ Wth this cQn. ,,,,Ar,o, Nov. V.—The poltoo have xrogil,ttoli for ,one $Abba,th and four ' ^1. 0 even,,, g, we, Ine m4na ,,went of tho. vS* voluntarif arrooW three E uglialimen, whO, G4YO , obu,ch y , M9111 PUTS �rlo,� tato. 9 the va,mes of John Mahon, aged 27, " , 0 HIS LEG BROKEN , ,rij WA4 not an AQAINST UNITED I P rod SmIdt, alla,s John SuIlIV1311, aged i,'Th4t Dr. JudkWs bTAH stranger tQ us waou ,,, . , -------- __ I.. - - - 20; arid Goo. B a secured for t) on, I L . ­ . ,Qw&rd, aged 800 On Ila oas, 1) fraud a,04 robbery. All, Checkered Career of the g'ro'g'at"loorl'illimsmuoli as,, for many , t Was Jammed Against the Wall of a Tunnel While He O0t1'i`erfcarr"*'ot, tW. (9 n, man, giving Weeks, Ills panic Nta" In tile 10041 0 the, name p 11 Rey, 'Dr. Judkins," = to connelitlon W,Itll linton Vays Main Responsibility for the Secession �of Panama .f Thom&.& Martin, aged I a betwpoo the MQthg,llgt ,and - Was on Horseback, ob, NY49 madO at wioeaux, . - Presbyterian churches at Severn Rests With United States. Those four men are alleged bX the Arldge arld Ardtrea, w�tere much _____ - I poll" ito mt,yo Well. concerned in the Taken to Iowa' to Face good Was reported as a result of - I .... .1 - A robbery.,, noa ra &go of his wturk with the pastors thereof, rl 11:4 Railway . . ` Three- Firemen L I . -16,006 rrom ,&,"0,u,`r 4114 through thisklkowwge our B,ai-�- 1 .4f Nationalist. Meeting Calls Upon William O'Brien Not to F aay� and of ZW30 from the V30- Charge of Fraud. tist nrwighbours sought, or Intended : .o8e Their Lives in a Disastrous Fire a �C'11`otllp dea Alletaux. 1111he latter r0b- I to se-ok his asaletance lit their work; I Resign From Parliament, bor.y: was co.mmitted, or% Oct. 15th, 11% OD that 10 OWPIOY1116 this 01allger,4 . Cleveland This Morning, . the large public IIAII of the Copipto.ir , � . let, wo Were dealing With, 'One who I . d% scom .. . i ngelist was well known and widely V. . . � I . pte. I I I raised Martin,, It Is alleged, was caught for tile earnestness of his aWlt ,and The Pope Disapproves of Rationalistic Interpretation of lit the act of stealing &.11WO at 4 at Orillia. for the good that lie has. done. 11ordeaux: bank. I I He Shot a. Little Girl Just Because He Wanted to Kill � 112, In a4dLtIon lo nowopaper pub,, . I - The theft from the Northern Rall- Iteity %nd Personal report we sought . . the Scriptures, way-CQMpally was one, of thO most Orlijilt I fiespatelt-Sheriff J, 0. Information oil aJI necessary polpts, , aid a Young Lad. I , S.omebody, S daring ever known In Paris,, Tho Shvemaker, or Maroballtown, Iowa, by personal interviewis with Dr. Xud- I I Simla, India, Nov. 1G. -Lord XLtol),- ,tIons existing with Its great libera- money stolen, was part of a sum of ' came to town, last night ang tool; king himself and w1th others who London, Nov. J6._IZh,a Colombian - troua fire broke out In the Ilolmden ener, commander-Iii-oldef of the tor, Regain, and with other great 925,200 which the oompano was put- . _ po-svers and peace with the neighbor- Into tho Bank of France On &Way the Rev, A. J. Wheeler,. alias know Ills manner of life and work ailthorttI04 have cabled to London. a aVenue car barns. of tho Cleveland l3rittalf forces in India, had met i,g States, � thlg In this country -further, we Electric Railway Company, on I March 20th, 1900. Dr, J, A. Jgdkins, against whom aA tc,tAnd, lengthy protest against the United . � . have superior Imonla.le from mill- Pearl street, early to -day, reoultm wltb a serious acoldelit while rid- U1811allyptho money bags Were abut indletmout Is helil at that place for States action towards Panama, In . William O'Brien's Resignation. vd chute dire t from laters of various dqpomIn&tIons,. one Ing In a, property loss of nearly Ing bbme alone from a country Limerick. Treialid. N down V. covel 0 obtaining money untler false Pro- as late as October 40nd, 1003, from which they claim tha.t the 41main ro- $500,000, tile <)eath of throo fire- , blouse near here. As lie was ov. 16,-Addrees- the Nrludow or the stittipli coutItIng- tences, and whose arrest here a weak. th�o pastor of a -1 I n of Pan - Passing lnt,- a Nuxionallet demonstration here house, Into a,van in the 6tatiori vard. Qaptfat chilich In sponsibiltty for tile secoos o men and serious injuries to two . . . through ii, tunnel lils horse -became 'yesterday John Redmond said that On this occasion, however, th . e yard ago w1i.iia conducting services In the Boston, or a gliberb theroof, with ama Iles with the United States Gov� othlers. I frightened and collided with the had lie known of tile intention of was under repair, and the van, .9tood evangelistic , services in tilt M,�Lho_ , which lie Is connected in member. erriment, firstly by fomenting the They were caught under falling William. O'Brien to resign from par- outside In tho,itreet, the moneybags Whit . r�hlp ,and which, being read,on Fri- walls Rud crushed. Tile car barns, wialled aide. -One of Lord lCitchener's . I L'Illarell cailseel such a senda- (lay evening last, need not no,m be separatist spirit, of ivibleb, Itheto w4lich cover four acres of ground, 1* legs wAs broken In two pInces, tiolpation W the -work (if the party being mrrieQ to It oil 'trucks. U011. 61lierlil �Slioemaker . re4clieLl repeated; but the ;ollow,ing are of ooplus tQ be clear evidence; seco � lidly went up like a flao,b',, destro,y1rig Some time afterward coolies page- lie would liavo beseeched him not to The bag containing the &16,000 In Ing t1frough the tunnel found tile Pitt lite intolitlon lil,tQ effect. Mr. question was ,Placed on the box t.own at 8 a. im. anO left at 4 wivii. interest. (I -Tore Mr. Locke read four by ha Tily apkii 0. 100 cars, valued at r . .9 , owled,glug the Ind more than $5p" . commander-in"otilef lying therolielp. lledmond,�ald he hopsd that the core- ,� alongoldo the driver for a moment ulas prisoner. brief recommendations from Mbtb- gendence. Gr the reyolied province, 000 each', -eeier, altliough oWy 39 y odist, Congre' ation 1, Chri ti n, a d "llie fire to T lit Whave been less and brought him to i�lnlla. He Ing meeting of the Irish parliamon- � while ,the oblef walk clerk Went back NVIi ears of .g a, a a ii I -of Incendiary hou Is now reported to , be dOing well. tary party and of the directory of fbir Iiial hb.t, a .subordinate being left Lig,:,,lyas hau a C&r%..Lr filled wilh. titir- Preebyterlan ministers with wtioin and finally by preventing t.h.e Co.oli;- or U. WrAlon first Althfough' accustomed to the twinel, the Ulliteil Irleb League wuu�d be suc- ill charge In addition to t1te drIver. l-ALw im.ilients. born as a twin in the gentleman in question has Work, I)I&II U0,yerAlment fro ' ill ilff.ng proper discovered It was burning brIskI7. Lord Xitolverier's horse w�ts fright- (;easeful In Inducing Mr. O'Brien to , The -clerk was -not absbnt more Uart-liage, Idaine, tije son of the Rev. ed, all of a high order), means -to repress the rebellion. In an unused open car standing in � reconsider Ills determination. Tile JOIK. I;. ali,.l ELLItlah 1). Wilower,lia 'IS. F urther, we gl,a4ly affirm that 'Aao cable messago goes oil to say thb.. yard. There -was a strong oned, by suddenly coming upon . a than two minutes, but shart as was . that President Marroquill Iiiia onei- wind blowing at th�e time( andthe liative. TUe animal swerved and � majority of the Irish party, the the time, it was quite sufficient for LiAered, the inaittiLly and tile ,Seootid everythilig we have seen and known I Jammed its rlder agaLnst a beam speaker saP, suppol- Led Mr. 0 Brien a t1ro, moll to attract the atten- wAveiA ulinum.-naLlon at tile age of of Dr, Judkino, In personal into , getleally proi,estied to, the United r�l . . I Immense wooil of the structure was I' of conciliation in the adminla- tion of tire driver arid the other man, .L9, Witll Ol.1Y a common school edit" eGur&e,. and �,ta4aer, and wls.,es that )lie protewL soon. a mass of flames, .;&t 8.00 in the aide wull. His log wastwist. Po ley pa.blic effort, has been diould be know, , Li througho . ut tile clVI, o'clock the fire had gotten beyond I tration of the British 0overnment's while [an aceb-inplioe seized the bag UatIOL. M- wak, a natural born or- ibeautlfully In liarmony with tile best 'I 4��- ed and bothl bones snapped above Irish laud act, but the irreconcilable and ma,do off with: it, I ator, anu was immeulateiy success- things uttered In the above tesLI- ' ized world. Mile Pres,dent contends control of the firemen and the � thle ankle. ve�,tlon of the landlords were meanly The affair was voryl simplY and fill. 1:1is first pastorate was over mdnWfl. � that tile United States lip.& Infringed � flawers -.woro sweeping across Pearl . article 33 of the treaty Of 11016, street on tIfe west side Of the Upou discovering thin identity of trying to counteract that po3cy, and cleverly done, Astramger, belle�ed to tile Second Ativent Church in tile "4. And while not , entering Into no e tile Injured nran the coulles bolted were . ill . w,bloli, lie asserts, implies the duty barns and liad commu I at d with and left h5m. lying on the stifying their attitude [by be -an r,,ngltghman, tapped the second e,9111,1e6, at Lakeport, New Hump- the merits ,of the case now In pro (in tile part bf tlio United States to several frame stores and dwellings. w1h1ere lie suffered greatly f ground, reference tb lite (Rodmond's). (WIck- clerk on -the shoulder and,asked him sbirQ. .1VIii.c.) there he inet Miss .LoLe cogs of law, we lia,ve nothing to .jolp Colombia in maintaining her so Or half ford o,tute. That prop3r,ty, however the to, the Boulevard Magenta. L. Plummer, of that place, a nati,re y- Mh�e flames also had swept acroso an hbur. The broken bones have e.al . . I say as tio, Innocence or guilt, at the ereignty over the Isthmus, and adds BrIghlon street and burned several I d Mr. Redmond, w,as sold on terms At Z same time we freely accord that that tile "Colombian Governinent re - been set, and, after hfaving pa -ns. li:4me time another man asked of Mouttonborol. He romaineU in ed a good night, tho general io !ai Wilton gave ,the tenaritH reductions tho driver the way) to tile Boulogne Lakeport about a year, and then ac;. Cbriatian and British fair Play pudlate the assumption that they houses. All the available fire ap- t two . Uepted the pastorate of a chureli in paratus in the city was called and of 4.0 per cent, and wiped oil train, , condemns no nian untried, but cou- have barred tile w%y to carrying ou� , a cheerful mood. . years' of arrears In the rentals. Both men turned to repty4 and at Now Haven,' Conii. While there he " firemen are still searching the It appears tblat Lord Kitchener Resolutions In favor of home rule, thlat Instant tho accomplice went off was married to Miss Plummer oil Suly alders him Innocent until proved the canal," asserts that shice 18-ju ruins. . Wad Informed the members Of Ills a Catholic university, and requesting witIj ithq bag. Tbo.other two thank- 27th. 3885, lit Lakeport, Ills father guilty." . chey have granted canal pilvileges to Negro Boy Killed Girl. . , - different people no less than nine staff that he wAs not going out Mr. O'Brien to reconsiderhis resigna- ed itlib driver, and went away'. I being tile officiating cierWillan, the - times, -and cilaime that the treaty Indlanapol.i1s, Nov. 16. -Michael In - for a ride, but, later, clijangod Ills tion were adopted. - I bride; being eight years his sentor. STAINED WITH HUMXN BLOCD concluded wita the late General Hut I;. grallain, :it years old, a negro, Is In plans. Hence lie was alone Nvilen Whve er remained in New Haven four — . - thle accident occurred, The Pope oil the Bible. [)lit, when he was United States Min Jail, charged with the murder of Vrauce and Shim, Rome, Nov. 16.-Ba,ron Braye, who VOUNG MAN SHOT HIMSELF. years, big pastorate being a bril- Czar Suniniarily Dismissed tile Ex- later to uolurrioia, at Bogota, July B MIla Childers, 5 years old, 'He stole . - — dant success. Governor of Kleff. � 1870, has been ignored at Washing- hl1s rather's gun and went to )the London, Nov. 16.-A special do- Imb, arrived here from America, was ky. . J. Scarr Worried Over ][loss of Left UxtioiLed Front leastorate. ton. After giving the previoul,ly home of John Childers to get the Spatch from Paris says there is no presented to the Pope yesterday. H , and and Atoney. Moscow, Nov. 12. ­Gen. Dragomir- stated reasons for the Colombian Childers lad to join -him in 9, hun't. confirmation of a diplomatic rUptur,! The Pope spoke strongly, on the ne- . . .About 1,1488.Whccier accepted a call off, the retired Governor-General cf We failure to approve the Hay - between France- and Slam. . cesalty of biblical research, and con- . Thronto, Nov. 16­11orbort John to tilk-, Contre Street 6econd Advent Kieff, lias left here for his estates Senat; Mrs. Childers refused to let her lboy The Daily Mail's Rangoon corre- demned tile efforts of modern 'writ -Scarr, an onip!oyee of.011ristle,11rown Uhurell, Of CoucoiU. He at once be-, tile Czar having no further use for bi',' Hervan treaty, and asserting that go hunting, and Ingrham loafed Q - came ,very popuiar, and began tile services, � the delay in the negotiations had se, evidently 'In bad spondent says i� to rumored at Bang- era to eoperate the supernatural from & Company, Limited, ended his lire . ' zinie, ffected the ultimate Issue . kok that the projected French se- the historical narratives of the SSerlp- On Saturday afternoon, at V2 Der- pub-ication lit a religious maga I Uie circumstances of the summary a Ot th(I humor. cret treaty with Stain demands the tures, He in-31sted that to do so would illott p.*ace, nv,liere lie lived with life ent,t.ed t1re Lhiie,tian .tieporter, waak- dismissal of the General have just. oanal project, the protest of Prosi- ,Mila alsked the Ingraham lad to let handing over of Chantabun and much bo as futile as to dony, the qxistenc6 parents. On his return home froni ly. HL,j Concord pastorate, beg"ll leaked out, and strikingly Illustrate dent Marroquin po.nts out that her pass through the (;oOrway. say wlth, huch bri,liatit prom,se, ended af- %�olombia had "constautly endeavore.-i .12 territory also. of the soul while accepting the ma-. iviork he Nvent to his room and almost the Jiumanitarlan ideas of the 11us- . �he was afraid Of the glin. Tb a It Is reported that a Mingood Prince . terial fact of the body. immediately -.tile roplorl: of a revolver ter three and oue-halr years. Itle- stan ruier. Dragoiniroff, who enjoye�. to, act in a friendly manner with the .;,eomed to anger the lad .and be fired cause of charges of improper con- unbouncied favor United States, even asking for the a, load of buckshot into the child's has established his headquarters in The Pope declared big disapproval was heard. Upon investigating, his . at court, and was tile neutral zone. - of kt rationalistic Interpretation duct Tpie church conducted a hear- the most popular man in the Russian assistance Of American marines to head, killing her instantly. He stood _ of father, w1io was downstairs, found 11L.g �lld clik:missca him. army, lost favor and big office 'be- Insure free transit across the isth- ever the body for ii. few moments, Opened the Sobvikoje. the Bible, not onlyl. by laymen, but ne,rbert lylug oil the bed wIth a bul- For Some time -Prior to thiEr, cause lie did not show moderation In inuu," cays the rising occurred whe flourishing the gun and threatening . � Sofia, Nov. 16,Pilzim Vordinaud by, clergymen, and conveyed the Ira- letwound In. the head. no cipired Wheeler had been 'prominently con- quelling the recent strike riots at tile Government was not prepared, the others of the family, and ,than . , ; i; prosolon ;that be ,Intended to tbor- before the arrival of Dr. Alexander. nectecl ivitir the cause of tempar- Xleff having withdrawn most Of it,s trOOPO ran ,to the woods, ,flome distance V-yesterday opened the neir Sobranje ouglily repudiate the views contain- Searr Is said to have , which practically involved al and received a great ovation on W& worried a ance, and bud gained a reputation as the working people of the town. IvIllon Peace was re-eatabli8hed lasL-laway, warning persons whom he -viay to and within tile chamber. In Win tile latest -,v,Drkff of Abbe Lolsy. good deal over a real estate tnvcst� a,temperance orator. At the time of Hearing 'Chat t& 9trikers mlglit year, and concludes: I -Mae hastiness Passed that he would kill anybody tile speech from the throno, after ' Brafil rag. I) nient writch lie made recently, and his (demissal from the pastorate of cause a repetition of tile Kiglil,self .n recognizing the new governtaeiit who tried to take him. congratulating the country on the London, Nov. 16. -Is "Brain fag tile loss of I)Js left hand In an ac- t-,htu Couc.ord 0hurob, the Law arid Or- scenes, brago,miroff called out the i"lich sprung up I& under these condl- A osse followed the boy to tile result of the recent elections, Prince. to be regarded as a distinguishing cident a little Over W year &go- der League) of New Hampshire, re- artillery and caused a wholesale tione; all the more surprising to tile WO&I'Tut It was several hours be - Ferdinand sald that events had cc- I feature of life in the new century, Since the accident he was more or cogniziug Whecler'e alillity, elected slaughter of the rioters. Jolomblan Government, as they re- fore he could be induced to surrender. Curred during the shrummer which i 11s, a question propounded by, the Daily love irritable, despondent and ner- him secretary, and for four years or, It is said that several hundred 0- collect the energetic Opposition 0�1 Several men were witbin 6peaking compelled the ,Government to have Mail, which says it has received hun- vous. Deceased was 24 years of more- hy, held the dual office of secre- them were killed. When the Czai Araghington to the acknowledgment distance of him, and rwere afraid to recourse to an extraordinary, but dreds of le,tters from all classes of ago. tary and prosecuting officer of saw heard -tile faets be at once dismissed of the belligerency of the Couleder- advance. When lie gave himself up, . Inevitable military expendltu�e for tile 'community', indicating the Pre- league. In this r.osition lie won mul5h Dragomlroff, witli the words, "I can- ates I by the powers during the civil and nrae asked why he had killed the the purpose of securing the Integ- 'Valence of the disease, tile chief . r.otoriety by hir,i vigorous and fear- not have that man at Kieff any WAY, I child, he amid he just wpAted to kill r-Ity and Independence of the Father- 9,viliptoins of which are a pain JACK HURST AND BRUIN. less pr�secuUons alf over the State. longer. His handa are stained with Three 51en l(Alled. I somebody, and did not leare who It land. The Prince said that lie re- around the sockets of the eyes. and — . � In h195 the finances of the organ., human blood." . I I Cleveland. Odic, Nov. 1G. -A d1saa- was. % . i lied upon the patriotism of the, depu- a (phyisleal condition so languid and Au old Uumer [kilts it Bear by Stone Ization hud met with reverses on : ties to seriously study the condi- lifeless that onlYthe use of alcoholic .1 Tw 3 I.. account or - ill -luck in prosecutloni tions which necessitated this ex- stimulants restores the body- to Its CANADIAN GIRLS' LOOKS. penditure and to shoir their appro- normal babits, I - . ivancouver, B, C., Nov. 1T.r-There . arid froln'other caused. Tile Execu- IIHS PRIEST KiDNAPPED? . elation of the course of the Gov- This Is "Brain fag," and according nave been many strange encountev.9' tive Committee decided thlat it was. — ll rl WAS Th . cot advisable to pay Wbuelar the Statis(ician Believes Powder 11 ernment. TheGovernment, the Prince to the Mail's correspondence, It. Is N,Vltl-. ;joai a v.-i1r:PL-Leu ill "ri Lum 1-oium- salary which he bad been, receiving I Causes Hom Difference. . -_ _ added, *ould do Its utmost to main- chloriy, tile higher stratum bf so- bla, but not t�ho least remarkable unless lie could make the Tecefptq . napperied *tile other day, when Jack pay the -bills. in June Wheeler was t1cian to effectivoiy reply 'to the tain and to develop the good rela-,,clGty J1143 disease is attacking. .Hurst, or )111mer, pelted the life out derosed as secretary. He went to th's Ottawa., pfov. 17.-Xt takes a statiff- de Was Chlorformed, Rfindfolldedq Bound . - I- _ __. I... - ­ - _- . I ___ - J. . : I- . I—. - ­ - __ � I rude English criticism about Cana- - _­ . w__ of a, big brown follow with rocke. i14DMe or his parents In West Leede, Is. George Johnson, Dominion . Hurst Is an old hunter from Wyo- Maine, where he remained for some than g1r. I I alK --, r, -T 9 ming wbo has settled in East Koot- months. I otittistician, has been figuring GuL and Hol'obed. � the sugar eating problem, and It's - � , enay.. He went out after prairie. Goes to Dfaisic. � up to the fair writer In the Leadei � LIPI'"TLE RunnY WHALEN S chickens, armed Nvith only a double- 1wheeler wus!aext heard of as pas- to gb hence. Mr. Johnson, being in- Now- York, Nov. 16. -Rey. Jos. Cir- Fathers Hughes and Ferranti .-webt barrelled shotgun, so willon the bear, ter of the Second Advent Church in terviliwed, said: "I do not think Ithat rouge, rectoF of the Italian Church to tile sta.,tion house, ,and as they I K. R is f1 rose up �wltblu U few ya.rds of hini Auburn, Maine. For a time lie was the English woman's idea, that "sat. Ill entered Father Cirri agione 'started � I he was nut exactly prepared. As popular, botli, as pastor and preach- low complexions" are caused by eat if the Immaculate Conception lip from the stretcher und held ou,t X1 PR 11D. the aninial showed me signs Of, r07 . on. Williamsburg, a suburb of this city, his arms tGward them, crylug out, � treating, the old . hunter found itwaa 0,r, a-nd he remained in Auburn some Ing' confectionery is correct. C � tip to him to put; bruin hors do com- 'two 1years or more, when his pa,s- fectlonery Is deemed by a good many svho elleappbared from his home un- ,,Pray for me, for 11 fear for ray Ille." � torate ended as in Concord. people to be bad foi- the complexion, der mysteridus circumstances lae Father Cirringione, when he left Ills l bat. Therefore he fired both barrels ed. evening last, had a .Jnto the side of the bea,rIa head., The .While in Ualue Wheeler retain and -it Is t�o deemed because Its basis ,,'riday night, has been found. He was house or. Friday sinall sliot b1ludea the bear In .'one big connection with temperance is -sugar. Bat if the English women discovered by a policeman In East handsome ebony cane, gold mount - William Joseph Cary SVarks' Has ' [Aadel eye, and the pain so enraged him that work. At one time he was isent to have eudli superior complexions as FIfty-first street, raving wildly In ed, a igold watch and chain and sorno . . . ii -o charged furiously at Hurst, .who Durdpb as a delegate to an Inter- 'Engliell Lady' thinks, it miust be In [tallari, and is now in an hospital. money- '.�Nrbon found to -day all were I . took to lite heels, reloading as he ran. national convention of the Indepen- c,plte 6f tile all " * eating, for the father Cirringlone, when found, fell gor.e. . I , . ,r Confession. . . people of Great BgM exhausted into the podeeman's arms, Wher. Father C'Irringlone ball told, � At a iavorable Opportunity the dent Order of Good Templar&. Alter r talm lire 91 potincIb . -1 - . I.,unter turned, and gavothe puiPulug, the ending of the Auburn pastorate, of sugar per head in the year, wlille .:rylng out in fear !that lie was his story arid had been questioned - Ottawa report-Xnrormation was wood,' on May 128thl last. Detective Infuriated beast 6, couple more -ahells Wheeler began to devote his, entire Canadlans use only 52 ponnds per ec-bbed and would be killed. . His by thb police at some length he be- .., received at thio Department of the Greer ]lad investigated the case oil , ,Ieo to temperance work. He head year*,y. Perhaps It I,; the sugar � ol small allot. � 'rho 'chase beeanic energ -e- they eat thrill; gives tile English wo. wrl,sts ,bore marks .is Ithough they came more hysterical. and on the Attorney -General, Toronto, yeate?- behhIf of the Attorney -General's sfow& as tile numerous wounds In its established 1a home first in Zrldg had been botuid ,w1th rope. He said advice of th-e police surgeor, lie waa day, that William Joseph Cary Department, but had been unabl6 to nead affected the anlinal and Huv3i, Port, C01111-, and later at Cralge- men the pin�k and white; possibly two men, reprasentin;, themselves as taker, to St. Vincent's Hospital. clare, N. Y., at- which place, A town of tho complexion comes from the Jotectiyos; called at Ills home -on Wher, Capt. Moddy, of the WakefielEA 'Sparks, now on trial .at Manallea- secure sufficient clues to trare- the I was able -to got in vmot�er charge, powder, Puff." . ter. England, for ail unnatural of- crime to Its perpotrator.� I which put Bruin on tile knew. Then some live I'Madred'popul6tion In the Friday ni�611t, and asked him to ac- Police Stattion, learned t1fat the I fenae, lias confessed that lie mar- Asked yesterday as to - the likeli- . , thlo hunter Joe his gun amd was fore- County of Sullivan, Ills home now Is. I company them to the polioe etatIon. priest was tound, hie said; "It Sim- dered Glory Whialen, near Coiling- hood of Sparks' confession. being a ed to turn to na.turo-for ammurilt,lon. Beside his wire lie has two daught- DISUARCH AND SUICIDE. When but a few eteps from the house ipy bears out what I have said all wood, In June last. true one, Detective Greer said: Big stones and rocks Jay around, and era, kine about fifteen and the other .hey seized. and bound him and cb'�Oro- itiong that the man had worried over, - financial troubles and simply wan, Steps -are being taken to lkavo "It Is impossible for � us at pro- jvItl) theso'Hurst pelted'ibe bear con- O'bout twelve:y;eara at age. Lieuteliant Stole:71)itunonds Froul -,'cprmed lilni. .1 Sparks held for extradition sliould sent to do more thlan theorize on tin-ilottely for several Minutes Undl During the early, part of his -stay When be regained consciousness dered away. Any story thht lie may. . Quest and Was Detected. the Charge against, him in Man- that point, as the information th.o lire was pounded out of the In this district Wheeler was ac- . Father Cirringiona eays he rwas in tell about being kidnapped Is all chiester fall, arid At Lorn cy-Gen oral which we ]lave received was so itlea! brolvil feltow.'Ono,well-almed missile compa;nied b'VI a Lyoung %woman, whom Bucharest, NOV. 17. --Some weekL a dark, dismal cellar with his wrists l,onsense. it would ,be Impossible fol Gibson wA1 do everything that can gre thlat we could base no opinion weighing several pounds cracked tile he Introduced as his sister. but whose ago Alme. Greclanu, a la,dy of well- 1)ound. He waos led Into the street arty One to Icirlilap.tbe pvlest at that be done to Uaxe him, brought to upon It. Tlic Attorney-Goileral has- boar's head open. � I ! . real name to sald to have been La- known family, came oil business to blindfolded and given a push. He hour in the night, as the Italians in Canada to answer for his crime. cabled for more details, and until . When the corpse was examined the , throp. I i Buchlarest, arid at the Invitation had Leon liberated about fifteen min- thht neighborhood would kill the %Id - The iniformatlon came to Ontario a reply arAves, which should be skull was found dented In several Cau%ed a Sensation. of Lieut. Mildesku, w,h-o was her utes ,when found. Archbishop Far- r.appers." Itr nIon Government. by to -morrow afternoon at latest,- places, r,overal-teeth Were missing, an . kinsinan, and Ills wife, stayed at' ey Father Lavello, and Fathers Carmine CIPP011a, a Williamabridge, ' ' t ough the Dom' gre .lVb.eelr% short careeer In OrIlIla th-eir house. On returning liq�ueslie 11�' -anti, the latter of cor.tractor, filed a mechhnics' lieq in , inercly stat- It will be impossible to decide upon CYO was g0110, ullots were flattened e rgotten. Ever discovered that her dianio ghes and Fari, I very 1, ea bad TRIN, WhiCh wilom 16 a personal friend ,of Father to -day against Fathtr -Cirringione. aq � . lvtb?'t Spa� a confessed IlLs willat c.ourse to follow. It Is alto- out all over the left side of the head. since Ills arrest it has been the prin- were worth several thousands of Cirringlone, were notified. reetor of the church, for work. � In _ - or me. It 1, taken for granted thlat geth'ar likely that I will be sent to Mho size of the bear inay be gb6uged c1pal topic of digolisslon, both In the pounds, Iliad bben replaced by tin- - . hb Is the uran wanted In Colling- England to see the prisoner. and, when It Is -known that It Was hard town -and for many, miles round. At . ------- - ----------- __ -­­_......_­.____ - . ­_ _­ _. —_ WOOd, for no, man would, lay ll(.iu- if deemed advimable, to bring Win work for'two monx to lift the corp�e , first iWileeler averred that his arrest Itation stones. I LE SHIPS. ont 1;olnt, and &hould this preeau. . SHe accused Lieut. XUlklesku ofthe I NON=SINKAB tion be neglected the entrance of Relf open to conviction ot murder to Canada. If I Wds bh tbio spot on to a horse, to pa4ok it home. wa,s 'drie to mistaken identityl, alled- th,,ft, but there appeared to be no . -_ Just for thle full of tile thing. I could soon ascertain, by question- . I . . . . Ing that If , ,there had been any real proof of his guilt, arid enquiry A New Automatic Device Successfully water into any one or more com- Thle Attorney -General has illready Ing the prisoner, -whether lie had xe*-.�, JoIng it Illad been on the part ments would automatically close th,a ATTACKED FHE MOURNERS. w, was on thle point of being conolud- TrICE] ht POrtSITIOUth. bulkhead, doors or those compart- Cabled to Scotland Yard, asking the over been at tIV.e scene of tile mur- . — . of q_1 )agpliow (proba,blyl a nlytblcal ed when it ,became known that . officers there to communLoatowi,th der, or w4lethet Ills confossion was Wedd Ing Party Breaks U p Vituera Individual), ,whose name ivas Wbeeler, Mlkle6ku I�iad Pawned * ono of tile LOndon, Nov. 11-1 large, )-irty of ments. "ie system obviates all risk 1t1he Police of Manchester with .tile merely the result of hallucination Procession. While bts Was really! Judkins, But be- missing stones. axr,erts journeyed to SoutEinipton of failure from, any conceivable cause. 1 aim that Sparks will be held,* It or deliberate misstatement on has RM fore leaving he admitted to Ohlef He was Ilibreforo summoned to - recently to Inspect a new patent A warning bell sounds before CIA% is probable ,thi%t It will be neces- part. Alexan,dria, Nov. 1!7.-Wlille on its of Police Drey�Br, to ,whom much ere- door commences to descend. Thlo door " . Jkl case, appear before the magistrate, and litted or. the Hamburg -American liner descendki gradually. Tbo violent vary for an Ontario ,detective to � own theory of the murder is way to tile cometery a, Greek funeral dit Is due tict Ills conduct of the on arriving was declared tinder ,,it- I OrOss thle sea to bring Sparks back. t1fat the a6tual shooting was elther procession was obstructed at a nar- that be was the Inan, that was want- Dcutschland by an En gtsh firm, by metliod in other systems of allow - Pg doors to fall by their on weight yo ed, though be stuck to lit feNv minutes, lie went Into ail d'(,I- It order that the imr.etus may be At the Parliament builaIngs I, ,a- accidental or committed wItliout row sokak by aln Arab n0ptlal pro- 13 assertion rest. Asked to be excused for a means of which a steamer call be terday It was said that William premeditation. The scene of the cession coming: the opposite way. tha,t lie w�luld be able to -clear him- joining room and shot lil,tilself dead. rendered pract.cady unsinkab.e. The 11 Greer, Nvilb has h.ad whold charge shooting wing too near tile rallway The superstitious Arabs, judging sell. - , 1 t , I ! . I%Ilklesku belonged to tile Ist Ilus- method is or.e known as tile Stone- sufficient to crash through obstacles Of tNe ease since Its incol)tIon, track and the path across the ad- the circumstance as 'an onion of Charge Against Him , sars, an exclusively aristocrat tilva demons Lratiot% in ilit path of the descending door Would likely be chosen for this task. joining field to make it a suitable Ill -fortune - for the no*ly-married k piace In pori'eot smoothness, and Is entlrely Obviated, and the doors ic L.Oyd system' abd Whboter .w1as Lildilited at the Ang- regiment. too . lose 1-10,00uld -not be seen yesterday,and placo for elthbr a inutdor or ail couple, loi�t no time In attacking the at, f1903, term of tba District Court I r fully showed the value of the, inven- ol at a regulated arved under It IF, said thlat he anti Joe Rogers outrage. It looks as th:ough the friends and relatives of the dead ill . pressure amply powerful to out are, up north door hunting. being carded into the mail, and for some minutes Arabs of the State of Iowa, at Margliall� LENT? tion. Ail steamers are nowaaays di- through three or four fect of coal. girl wgts town, Marsh'all Gounty', the Indict- BRAND FRAUDU vided Into watertigIlt compartments ,IV the A despatch frbm Collingwoo,d s.- wood by hbr -assailant, when the and Greeks fought desporately with � event of a sudden mtshai:-say .1ys ment being dated SapZ' 12th, :1903. — by buthIteads, and for greater tie- a colllslon�thfe officer In charge on thlat Chief Wilde, although Institul.- gag slipped from Ifer mouth, and fists, sticks and knives. In the end the police arrived, and The Indictment charges Wheeler BrookvIlle Cho.6e lViLakers Clatul curity passeLger steamers of!'the first thb brlige by moving a. lever sounils Ing a -s-Igorous search! around town, vhi.� began to scream, and In order with having obtained the sum of Theirs is Being Wrongly Used. oiass are so divided Into numerous warning bells throughout tile ship, making Inquiries at hotels, bor V1,000 by, Xalso pretences from Caro- b q4 -d- to silence Ver, ]ter assailant was the' combatants withdrew. The Ing h6usos, and at the Vhk6us threatening her with tile revolver dead body -was lying on the ground, Brockville, Ont., Nov. 17,. -For a compartments. For th purpose of and at thle game time releases tho ac- PlaCcS ,%#b&6 such it ,man might whien It was ,discharged 6-thor ac- having been trampled upon, almost line Strain, of 1A Grand, Iowa, on or long time charges have been .made workmg the slAkp these bulkheads tion which set6 all the bulkhead � seek .employment, could find no cidentally or In a sudden ri-t of, side by side with the bride, who about Feb. 25, fl.903. Thb substance of against local cheese buyeril that b4vo to be p.etce.l wIth opening& for : doors In motion. Within a few sec. trace of a ma Tifo bruise on the head was fainted, I the allegation 1.9 that Wheoler,with m h ections Is* being the, passage of officers, or.gineers, , on4s all are offectively closed. .& n, n by thfat namo hav- rage. . Intent to klefraud Caroline Strain, firemen and others, which opaninge Ing bf-nn in Collf,ugwood. It In probably caused by it blowi from . regularly s1lipped witly the brand automatic Indicator fixed on thb thbught by the ellief tll.%t, Sparks th(i revolver about the same V11100 falsely represented to )ter tlmt he "Brockville" stencilled oil tile boxes. - are fitted with water -tight doot'a, i brilge sho-Ms the position of every ' ' BARS GFRMAN TROOPS. sed Igood credit and consld- TJils 1.4 regarded as a fraud, as the 11U,ere fi�ro twouty4our '01 these in , bulkhead door, to that Cho officer In I "'Vas a 'tramp and coninlitted, tbe and lit my opinion tile club found . I eproperty), including three bun- d. *At tile approac I 0 I fted while Wandering through the neat? th`e spot ]lad no connection — = Brockville brand can only be d9od the Deuts0blan I f, elfritgo can never be in doubt as to Berlin Bitter Over Brituln'silefus&I to drod Shares tir a dompally' Which In the boundary llnos defined by dat.ger orders are issued for all bulk- - vh�ether one or all are open or c0untrY. After lie lia(I 11,00011111IN1164 with' tile tragedy. manufactured tmd sold a Positive its heads to be closed, and If these or- closed h1s flondtah purpose hn hastenol " Tlit, story told by Mrs, V Inley, Pass Thent Over Her Terri tory. the Doinlilloir Government in . . curo rfor emneer, and that he was the corporation of the Brockville Board. ders tire, carried out each, comport- . � I Out of Ithb country. Tile offence I of avolng thle, strugi,�Ie on tile rail- BarlIng, Nov, 17.-ISeeing tile gr0at discoverer of the remedy! and need- Tho board claims prote0tion in this ment Id -tendered Individually Witter- wIthl which lie in �h&rgoll, In Man- way track, was lirobabl,v trite, its is tjj�! (jernians took In annoying od 01,000 1(o, secure thb controlling matter. and at to -day's ineeting a tigNt anti secure. Oil the Other had -f! 810 APPLE SHIPMENT, ChOstel' Would itrguo that )to 14 it slib appears to have told It tO gav� It),,".,, E,ngJJsI1 In every way during the interest In the comp(my', that upon resolution was Introdueed aild lahl. vbbuld ralsbap occur suddenly or any � (1090n0rato, an(I just stich; ti, mail an Pral people at tho times Oil being late war, the extraordinary bitter- these represlintations Caroline Strain over for discusslon, etLIling atton. other cause prevent tile 0:08ing Ol X mtmal, Nov. V7,TIve largo.at Win- Ould kill little Glory Whialen. a4vised by hor Son to s,ty no more yl.(�gg now silown at. the D e hm $1,000, all she paqgesged. tioll to frautlulent branding, and tbb bu. thexd doors th i d,% Ision of the ' glo cargo of apples ever shippe.d from I '*fw about It, for fear of being mi-xOd fusal. to get German, troops through Sheriff Shoomaker's papers sbowod appeallng to title Min'ster of Agri- - Elli p's liu.1 Il.to watertight coMp&rt- C,a4liadit went to England to -day on 11� __ . Toronto, Nov, 1G.-Proyinotal 111. ull lit tli;n case, site became reti- tljc�r territory scarcely 133,80111" klla� that there were other obarges of a culture, Iforl. Sydney V1811br, and monts Is Ineffective. 7116 list of did' the Allan Line steamer Tubislan. The FJPC6tOr William Greer, who return- sent, an(I it IN -as (Ille to this tbat sou�ble. ImIlar Inaturo against Wboolor. Prof. noberts6n, Dominion Dairy neters arlsIng from a failure to close � ed On Saturday from til,'o hunting tife crown alithorltles (lid not 110- Vio staid v6saleho Zeltillig io-nIght. a The Chift-oblig Action. Conlivissioner, for an itiumedlatt In. thie bulkhea:3 openings to the measilre - lot consisted of. �64,900 barrels and grounds of J-11to north, IvIag so como awarer ,or ill-i3f, story tilt noarly wAn acrimony, says I "Germany dOve boxes. .on yon- ' " ' R6v, Ilrolin tocke, va,stor of the v'estigatlon. Tlio question Is likely of the inigiortarC6 of a AYHtOni that -11089 terday by a reporter witle. refer. ft week after thO milt,dor. flot need to land ltc� troops at Port removes the rossiflIty of falittre. , London _��iiWiWrl_6Zd'C`61un tees of Phee to tile ottlile'd report thn-t .— Szoilotii, Friendly and spontaneous M61:liodlot Churebs read the follow,- to create n . 6 IlVbly . time. . Dy means of t1i'd Stohe,Lloyd eyatotn I . Willift.ii prl. jnotrolt# ,�1Icll,_D0,,qp4tcll0a from assIstaneo from the Cape 0,6NONiment Ing statement TrOm the pulpit of 1119 . p storm all tile wattr-tight ,doora in a lihip Yarmouth will bb pAgnong6re on the A $0flepli Cary Sparks, it y Xpeo ff. bliurob On 8unday night: rwatertowil.-A, bloavy, rmol Star Lint Steaffitir Cddrle, b Who a, sell in a fe�v seconds, Pitt WhIto , 00110r In MAnclibster, England, had Northern 'HiclillViln tell Of U blizzard 1'0 trial) Ill th0con tr e� t "Whereas, 0 ,valled thmigbout koitbern New cani b(I ,O reri Vlnfesr4eid tllht be WAN the slayer ano r4l," ill<,b Ii.di�-.1dug,11y or collectively., from 006 which Is ix) #ail from Liverpool, Nov. ., . p,4 of allow at Calumet knows wJ)At jilfficnItieig ),I,ngland is o arrest of Dr. Ind. p,rc I of little Glory Whhleu, who was Aind tilrougil thn vepppr collutry) and preparing for us Ill Our C010111al tor- king, oil last Priday,at the luatanOo York, to -day. Snoiv fell to tbe dAfAb ow Tork, � found dead Ill a alvamp at Coiling. the stime 0onflitions at Cadillac, r1tory ?II I of parties lit the 8tato of Xow4, on Of 'two 11101109 In thl" clt$.'- uVitainlo brldSc Or ally other lao,Avenl- 18tt,,, for X . . .