HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-19, Page 5uraday, Navetllber t9, 943. 1 THP wIG &M , )". () . (a ('" i ' a ort x IliustratiQA C . ckeani n Fattteni.W ng.Always , The Dominion Department of Agri. ' Always Greatest Values, Always jP Eight Prices. -at Crowder'so11lture curried on illustration chicken - ,3`01111 MoNaughton of Varna sold a fatt@ning work for three years at Iten. Once Olt buy !lore you realize inxnadlately the 11oHftiVO CClka cow for ;100. Y94 certainty of securing quality frees', Out, When the work commelio- lrarutonts at prices that meth all Important saers ving on every putchoso,-and Lila satisfaction A Torr@liter of Clinton reports ed' Mr. i0hn T+'POgd, the ep0i'A0 OY the buy4YOU gat at the i nkagt grows as you wear the garments --there's novel' a regret. Our large 45 tons Of Marigolds to tho acre, i buying and selling, our stall cash husitless, with our low expenses, gives us opPortunittoe " 9, farm station, was requested to Interest x11@ i01f can depend on Ayer's . ^-D• Cantelon of Clinton shipped farmers about Renfrew ill OlLicken fat• 4,000 barrels of apples last weak to telling and to inform thele of the logit lair VIgor to restore color to no other stela pWINTER�of which ou et Yba benefit. g GLQT� Liverpool, prices paid for fatted ohlokens in Mont- your gray hair, every' time, FOR , real, Mr. Frood loaned two. farmers PoilQw directions snit it never -, -s N. Hayter, Postmaster fox 00 the fattening crate$ and showed them - falls to d0 this work. it Stops MEN'S SUITS. MEN'S OVERCOATS. years at HarplOy in Stephen township )tow to feed their 0hi0keiLs. These Suits of the latest in tweeds,'and orgos, etc., All the now styles in Raglans, both !n has resigned, ty,Acola * for men of all aues,� tasted and Waterproof, Cloth, ghoviots, oto...,,. -Mabel, daughter qF ThOs. COIe of Ohms perOhIckells p 1e sold in Montreal at 11HZI � conditions .,.,......$5.00 to $12,00 ........ $7.00 ko X20,00 I 'g , Plucked weight, and VgorGoderich township rued last week at the one of the farmers wrote the "LDepart• MEN ,$ flTH S PUI 1. LN! D C l ea E >p T f O SIY N s a R HE BOY. 4 n Dumb _ u Y mb In. ti s tut o Belleville. Men's T'looco undorwanr .....,. 4�a to 76e , e levill@. mout that he suss well Plea$ga with the fallingofthehaIr,aiso. There's Thoaomplatetleaa of this dopartutout just[ Atoll's Nvool Undorweat,,.... ,.,,,,u0o to $L,Ot] -Miss Annio Amos of Waterloo town- price he obtained. This y@ar the 1ArIn• great satisfaction in knowing f►os rho old reytr+g ,The boy la father to Tile Saleut Shirts, white and colorod.... 750 to yL,25 ship was topping sugar b@els when she it oultry man," for Vera ygll'Jl find cverytlllltti fir 1110111, colhns, all latest makes and allsizos, 12 to Oi` elected p ltou$3 Costing $200 011 ale not going to a t3's just as for their elders- Sults, Ian torts, [or .... .........................loo and 20e 0111 ono of her iing@rs; lockjaw sot in And is engaging is the business o' g 1_ ap- OYercoats, ate coapy, ail ahaPea...............25q 35a, 50c, 750 and at last aCCOnnta she Svna In a OritiCal Y+ lie a Oak$ very favorably of p"M Isn't that SOl� Good School quite............$1.75 \1019 heavy fleeced Navy Top Shirts, all sivel p Dat so? Sivas It Odd Tutt elle'„ .....'....4 00 to o to $1, 0 Heal, 13lnek Serg© i'op" ....750 and 1'� OgnditiDti. #AtteniL7g w@rl[, 3@ has chickens ill the ieitgia iw toii°hfoctmo AeRr1c rkh color. Your 15 to is ................... g1,00 -Last week J. M. Moodie, of Black fattening orates and is shipping regular- t ipR;r Q4c o oaaaaaRocIV t ng am; °o for _- Bank, doliveied a quantity of mai, ly to Montreal. It is learned that the ; $1.00 a bottle. a.n.wxan oo„ I4 Big Bargains For Friday and Saturday. tuoth clover seed, for which he received second (armor and three others are also ' Au araq�tat°• for xoweu, Mase., It Men's heavy nark Grey Storm Ulstors, sizes 30 to 41, bit; storm collars, double $45I,39. He still has 42 forwarding chickens to Montreal, One = • ,{� 1�ry� breasted, tweed linin $ worth At of them realized for his shipment 760, ■ j xe g.guatanteed not to rip, regular$7.75-Sale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SG 00= item@, T11is is the prodttet Of flbout Is 11 Brea' Navy red Pea . gual'a, sLcs 22 to 28 -Sale.,,,,,,,, , 12 Yautlla' Navy ffiue Pea Jaulsots, aizCH ?$ to 35-Salo..,,,•,,,,,;,......""'•� y.50 20 Acs@6, P@r Ch101iell, another 6C cents @a IG Men's Heavy Grafi Pea Juekots, sizes 35 to 14 -Salo.....,,,,, P e 2l Pairs Boys' Odd I ants, sizes 22 to 32 -Sato .................... S• chicken. Three years ago tileae Yarm - 20 Pairs Mea'a Odd Pants Sizes 32 to 40e ................ 49 -Through the interv@ntiou of til@ era' chickens, unfattened, could not 30 Pieces Men's fleece lined Shirts and Drawers. reg, price 5oc to 750 -Sale....... 1'3� Lord's Day Alliance the ColIiugwood have been sold for more than 50 Cents r Men's Boston Calt Shoes, sizes G to 10 _ Sale , 1,19 , $Ii0E3 j Youths' Boston Calf Shoes, sizes 1 to 5 -solo.::::: ::.::............ .19 'Ship Building Company $ works, which per phis, It was tt 13078' Boston Calt Shoes, sizes 11 to 13 -900 Salo ............... '9999 !Lave been operating seven daysIt1 the #hstclasa chickens.then great It to buy, number week, will, hereafter, be closed down on of Leghorns and scrub chickens were Every Box Of The R. H. Sundays, raised by the farmers. This Crowde.� Co. most ever Year al. -Some of the veterans of 66 are not y farmer owns a firstclasa satisfied with the character of the land flock of Barred Plymouth Rocks, Since�u��Gll,s75� granted to them in Now Ontario, and the chicken fattening business isestab- have asked Sir Wilfrid Laurier to set fished at Renfrew and promises le de - NEW apart tracts for them in the Canadian velap into an important industryto , the�S'pe�S1,a DESIGNSNorthwest. Department of Agriculture decided not -South .Erne@ Conservatives moot to to operate the station another year. - '�abtets F rt�tT select a candidate, at Walkerton, Dec. The work will be transferred elsewhere. 1� �� -L H I9Gh. Th@y expect to Diu til@ next The Renfrew poultry business received TT EW el0ation lArgely ons to w of the num• a great impetus on account of the op - SEASON ber of barnacles attached to the ship of @ration of the illustration fattening 15 guaranteed t0 giVe AL 11 s'at3 in this part of the Province, station, the farmers aro,pieased with entire satisfaction in all the increased returns 'received from cases of Stomach trouble The Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co., their fatted chickens, and are in a good Our new deli n , original an completed Inst week the erection of a way to realize a substantial poultry ' ed. ]f Tr not, money refund - bridge at Benmilter which has been in revenue. What has been accomplished y a box and be g s for Frill, 1903 are 'g' d course of construction for about six In Renfrew can be repeated in other striking. We have been busy placing into stock new weeks. It is built on stone butments convinced. with a span parte of Canada, Goods (polrchased before last advance) and the rush for. P of 370 Peet and the contract W. A. Clemons. these goods is best evidence of the splendid value that is price was in the nbighborhood price of Publication Cleric. I have room for two seen. $8000. students in Telegraph Zn Bedroom Suiten and Sideboards people say the -Mr• Robert Govenlock, jr., has dis- 1 office. priPPA are right. coverrd an extensive bed of marl on his Heart Palipitation At Night. t farm, on the 3rd -concession of MORIllop, Rattles even the strongest man, but to I„ tits cheap, Medium arid higb-class Couches, they which he thinks is suitable for the the Average woman it means a taste of '• ldavr ht'c+,tnta RO ltepula,r that you rl.re sn1c� to Seo one in some making of cement. There are two dif- sweetened water little @gvi oes @tin he ' ° A. DOUGLASS +,f tutrr 1ic:igitltOry' hOn1Pt�, fereut vartoties of the substance one Palipitation. You be saved Iota of 1 Our Iron and Brass Beds are sellers. The mann- underlying the other. The property is worry by keeping Nerviline on hand. r t within two miles of Seaforth station. which is a trensnre for all sorts of pains Chemist & Druggist facturing firm wonder how we sell so many in a town the and aches. Nerviline cures headache, size of Winghatn. The completeness and the design of the --The twentieth annual Ontario Pro. stomach and bowel troubles quickly e held aft Costs 25c. for a large bottle. OiHce G.N.W. Tel. Co. vineial Winter Fair will b Beds, with the very reasonable prices, increases the demand- - ) Goose Feathers have advanced in price. We pay Guelph, Dec. 7th to lith, 1903. Thiswill be a combination of bath live and � - ' " °�' "`' "• •- the highest price for good feathers, dressed cattle, sheep, swine and poultry, -the in are reported to be complete for the ncorporation of a million dollar also a dairy show at which over $6,508 Low Rates To The West. is offered in prizes. This is an agric11lt- company Having for its object the ap- L1N1)Enca-Pa NG I ural exhibition which no farmer can oration of a train k 8ve rolling palaces Until November 30th the Grand R, Stn ouPatricbetween New York and San Francisco, Trunk will issue tickets at reduced St,, am hop's Drug afford to miss, with so many improvements and con- rates to points in Montana, Colorada, Of Hamilton's Drug Utab, Washington State, Store. Night cons Edmonton, N. W. T., Nov. 12.-A veniences that a Fifth avenue hotel lumbia, Oregon and California,Call Co- receive prompt at. tentton. t proposition was laid before the Town Patron 'will not know he is out of New on nearest agent or address J. D. Mc - The Peoples t�urniture Store Council at its last tweeting for the es- York if he doesn't look out of the win- Donald, District Passenger Agent, tablishment of a large linen factory dows. The train will consist of five Toronto, for full information, maps, in Edmonton immediately with machin- cars and its patrons will be kept ex- etc. - ery to cost not Iess than $15,000, The elusive by the fact that passengers will factory proper will be built of brick be booked froni the one best hotel of MASSE and will be 500 feet long by 100 feet each city through which it passes. •� _ l S wide. The Edmonton district is pre. It is planned that the train shall have �¢ eminently suited for the growth of the every convenience froth a palm garden AG11 NCY very beat flax, to a laundry. Have you a Turnip Puler? If 1 -There is a potato question in Ger- not, see our Conclave Cylinder Young Ladies, Read This: many, caused by overproduction. Ger- Pumper before baying elsewhere. thing many spotato crop is now nearly 1,600, in thif e line of Farminou will Ile g Implements Chrl*stm IP yon are bothered with pimples, 000,000 bushels a year, more than five or Machinery for the coming sea - rashes or ugly blotches i your face if your complexion is sallow, it, an times the crop of the United States. son, place your order early and evidence that you require Ferrozone In many rural sections of the empire the get the best. to tone u Massey -Barris goods are leaders p your blood. One omp exion people live mainly on potatoes and cof- everywhere. tablet at meals makes the complexion fee. Almost seven -eighths of all the Agent for the Kemp Manure ®1 Ilk@ peach bloom, cheeks soon become resp, coos bright, you'll be the picture alcohol ProdnOed in Germany is obtain- Distributor.We also handle the Wm. Gray of health. Thousands of ladies keep up ed from potatoes. Potato distilleries & Son's Bu _ their youthful appearance with Far- are found on many of the large farms, universally acknowledged to be the rozone, why not you? Price 500 at drug- and are worked under close governoreut best and most durable to be had, gists, regulations. Besides this,. Germany's t potato crop enters extensively into the ALF. GLOVER But Our Stock bas. already Brussels, manufacture of starch � AGENT glucose, etc, X20 WINGHAM Rob!. Thomson. has so far pnrahased NoverElioless, there aro too many pota- come, and we have sometbin9 about 3000 turkeys. toes in the Kaiser's domain, and the new t0 Shoal the people this Interesting evangelistic services are in People are' much concerned to fins a p p progress each evening, excepting Satur• way, to dispose of them. Many prizes �f� �r da are being offered to any ingenious per - year. In buying a present Y, in the Methodist o cIaOk, The pep castor is inomment` Tug at 7.30 o son who can discover new and useful ' charge, ways of using potatoes. The American _f , always buy the newest -you W ill The many friends of Walter Smith Consul at Leipsi0 reports that a Ger- i who has been laid aside for the Luau has discovered a chemical prepare- get it at Patterson s Jewell peal 4 tion which poured over potatoes, will months from a stroke of paralysis, were .i P Y , preserve them in good condition for without 1 Store. It pays to come early. Pleased as see him able to get about years, If this is true it will be of im- aistanc@. portance to all countries, and @specially - The new large dynamo for the ]aloe- to those P ieh, like Uugland, are de- ;, ICS S Q \ 4 11 tris Light plant came to hand this Sve@Ic Pendent u bn sea -borne food supplies, oP q 'I i_ and will be placed in position forthwith, It would enable them to keep a large Y. u should see large stock of There will be an opportunity of inoreas• stock of preserved potatoes on ]land as - lug the circuit as there will be ample an insurance against famine in war powerand capacity time. Somebody Said WATCHM, The apple @vtipdratiug factory is in full swing. There is about 20 hands em. `4I3e as well dressed as you can ployed. Owing to the scarcity of bar. SECRET OF SUCCESS. airord, and its good advice, of all kinds this year. rels the apple buyers cannot handle this But clothes cost money -More or Tho success whioli !Che Toronto Star less according to quality of fabric - season's oro and consequently,more has achieved during the past four more or less according to length of P apples, even such that aro ilt for export, Years has been the subject of much wear --more of less according to the find their way to the evaporator, P comment in the newspaper and business thoroughness of the unseen work. world. From an average daily, cironla. This inside part is the life of thn The sugar beets grown in this vicinity tiotl of a little over 14,000 for the year garment. It keeps it in shape, and is We are showing a very have nearly all been shipped from Brns• 1902, The Star has nowanaverage daily one of the features whic]t determine �y sets and .'Ethel stations. 15 cars were circulation of over 21,500. It has so its appearance and neatness, fine �.ine Of SOLID GOLD GooDS loaded and ehippsd to the wiarton Este• grown in favor, too, with the general Ilavo yon ever tried tis for men's publia that it note carries more adver. garments p It would be 'worth your, of the newest patterns and tory under the supervision of W, b, tiling than any other paper, everting or white' i Forrest the Cols. efficient and obliging morning, in the city. don't foxget that �Ur pi'IeeS ai'e representative, The Crop has been a The reasou for tbo po pnhirity of The , good one and in some instances remark. Stilr, howey*or, is not far to seek, 3`f .Rent. Maxwell you are a reader of The ,Star, you will right. able results have been achieved. b, have noticed that its news columns aro McLauchlin's drop amounted to about Put UP in a Way that makes the news High gl't Tailor Wtlighain 23 tons per acre, and it is thought; that easy to road. Its daily woman's gaga, thb Crops of .Messrs, Robb and Walker with its fashion outs, is very attractive; � /��3"� ff� ��""'�� P its market reports aro eanoolally full Wood's s ]Ph-ctp}zacl<iiueti vi Af / �a..i. �s/.d{,.L Dili even voytoed that yield, and accurate; its o(lstrong, Tal columns aro t�� is an aldawehijeaic�q, Tho servo ora of the C. P, R. reaohod fair, sane, and strong•, and free from '• ""� - is an old, Doll nst•tti+ partizan bias, while its sporting coluuills �^� .». Belied one reliiiitla Erusseis last Friday irate the oast. Dover Cita whale field of vpart, tri',, 9 A* pYepa'ptttion, Has been xltoy rata one lino with southerly on. '.Elie Star's'success therefore is but `*�' Ovev40yea and used �, , 1 x over40yoar9.All drug. The Watch Doctor tranco to the viilago, crossing the Metit• the natural result of a uoW3p'lpar policy > i gists in the Dominion !. land Borth of the Stewart & Lowlelt which consults the taste of all classes. of Canada snit and roebmniond ns being flour luill, running over the northwest. Its subscription price is $1.50 a year, .5'e Oiv attct After, tho only inedicduo ai Queen's 9 with Lha balance of this year throlvn ill its kind that curios and �ij QLllet~ti'.S lYOte i�Vit} halm Orly cornor of 'Victoria Parc south of ^ to new subscribers, gives nniversal `satisfnctlon. It promptly and pormanontly cures all forms of ficraous IPMA 143wan & CO.'s Carriago Works past Fast > nesk Btnissions. ,Sltcrmatorrhdttr a3»yi0lettrj/, Master l.Wrow'.s rosirieneo towards the audallgffactsofabusooroxoetisos; thooaeessivo usn of, 2 dbaeco, Opiubi or .4tiyynrrulanta, Dlenfal Salt R?orlcs, 'Another survey qt Ehbpt t1i8 $ltglltSt Uallgerw i�n3i Ilretlr! iVarr,p a[laf tvhieh l�hd to Inflrrility, northern part of Brgsselq takes the In tient Dr, Hamilton's Pills of niau• inarice iCWpaekag Dior rin or $5,tly [{rave. f{ ]?rico t pegpt,laekngo or sit for $5, t'7ttetuiil pleaab, six toild Cure. Mailed prompty on re- M's"i!°1/" K road across Tt}rnli0rry street north of dialed and 11atteruut for eonstipnttoil of ooiptotJpric©. SolsdforiroAY>anlrhlot Addroas til@ C#. T. It, tr4610 nod aoross the Strot. Piles, Highly, recommended because xuo Luted colntfany. ton property, The Iluestian oY route in they cause nd' griping pains. For W1.de1r, oat•, canail% prompt and certain onre tree only Dr, h�qWnoa.% 'Conplb ]l,ttiV.4011 blino,tl. L expected to be settled shortly, Hantiltan's Ptl1s, Price 950,A. ilatniltdn And I . A. DD119108, Druggists, 5 Slim Prices. $Iua11 Proats Stout Values, Tho Loaag store .And Quick Returns November Bargains K. E. Isard & Co. . .1 ­­ 4- �� � ­ "­­, � - -­ ­ ­­-­ 11 ­ ; Bargains in Dress Goods, Underwear, Furs, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots & Shoes, Jackets, Carpets, Cur- tains, etc. Winter weight goods at Summer weight prices. Such seasonable Bargains as these mean big Business all day long and from Monday morning until Saturday dight. Dlivery day is Bargain Day at this store, I'LBAsE RBD r,('IIN LIST. UNDERWHAR, ROSE, 15 deren Ladies' Vests and 36 Dozen REEFEILS, Drawers, sizes flue fleeceWish' Z5G all wool hes, ribbed Hone, alien 8}, 9.99 , raluq Men's Heavy Grey Frlezo Reefer, well lined. reg. 350 -Bargain Yrice.., god at 10c- argain price,,...... OC value $3.76-Bar- $3.00 gain price. ..... WAISTS. Ladies' New Walstr, lined, good patterns, fast colors, DRESS GOfu?t`. _5 �pfeces hoary all wool Homsapun, UNDERWEAR, 5 Dozen Mons Wool fleece good value at $1.25 t `Ila -Bargain Price.., �1 00. 64 inaken wide, regular 1 value to 5JC ShirGri and Drawers, rest, value 50 cents - to clear at.. clear at,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 910E FLANNELETTE. 10 pieces extra wide Fian. nelatte, new patterns, reg g WRAPPERS, GO extra ilea Sura v3' Wrappers, Lined sleeve TOP SWEETS, ' Men's Fina Knit Top Sbirts, ' alar value 9 cents -to clear at,,,,,,,,,,,,,, %C and waist, good patterns, reg, $1.50 S2 -Bargain at..... ,P new patterns, the regular value Is 65 conte - to 50C clear at..,........ GOWNS. A line of plain Flannelette ,15 Gowns, full wide skirt -to clear at.. SHOES. pr, Ladies' Oxford Shoes, Dongola, new toe, regular OVERCOATS. Men's Fine Beaver Over. Coate, well Lined, • 75C ..... .... regular $1.25 lino -1 00 to clear at ......., " velvet collar, reg. $7.50- 00 Bargain Price. , HOSE. 10 dozen chiI dren's heavy wool ribbed Stockings, h WRAPPPRETTE. 6 pieoes new pattern 'Wrap_ peretta, double width, the P ANTS. Men'' gaavy Tweed Pants, cents -Bat, 25c gains regularis I5c- Lt1G well made, and worth wells our Bargain to arprice $1.50 JACKETS. 10 Ladies' Jackets in Black, Greyy or Fawn Frieze elate, this SKIRTS. Ladies, Fine Mercerized Sa- teen Undarskirts, Patent MEW'S SUITS, YO Good strong tweed Suits, season's Sp S yle-Bargain..... " Waist Band, reg, W 0 -Bargain....,. •25 . at ron linin e, reg, value 0 an Bar Bargain 7 Doliare - $4.95 ain Price..... DRESS GOODS. CARP14T. 35 yds. Grey Zebiline Dress :One piece Union Carpet, Boys' Navy ABluo Sor Red Cloth, 50 inches wide, reg, value 75 cents -Bar. gain Price... , „ 50C, yard widenew pattern, hood value at 35e- Bargain ZJrC Sweaters, regalar price is 50 ots.-to clear out , , , , Price...,.... , 356 CURTAINS. 0 pairs fine LaceCurtains, toed, 3yo . s` HOSIERY.150dpEe R. oz.aHow!ofribbe Aspcialiof Men 'fine value $1,00 gaolPrice- �cad value at 35c- acol and Draw.regular worth 65 cents-- ereaSpcial argain at,,,,, ...Z5c Price........ 50C1 Also a great number of other Bargains which we have not room to quote here. Come and see. Money saving opportunities almost beyond the Of imagination are here. power i.. Ho-muth Bnous, TAILORS and GENTS' FURNISHERS There's Satisfaction in Homuth's Clothes for Men. Not just because they've that smart and attractive elegance of fashion but forthe factsoall that the legnee of th've all e best -to -measure Clothes. We have the largest variety of exclusive at in the history of this store -you'll admit it after an inspection. Suits that none but the very best tailors can equal - elegantly tailored garments of fine imported dark nlixed fltbrics-sIngle breasted sacque style -they show at every 1 turn, the master tailor's handiwork, Prices from $15, d $20, $22 to $40, A. WORD ABOUT UNDERWEAR, -The season is right for the changing of Underwear and this store is rightly 1 1pylen'ared to a heavyShirtsand Drthe awers f wool andthe season fof fleece lined -at 500, 75e, 90c, $1.00 and $1,25 each. i IN NECKWEAR -we always have the newest designs and patterns. In COLLARS - our stock is always com- plete with the newest shapes. Sizes from 121 to 1-1j. IN RATS AND CAPS, -We always lead the styl@, and anyone buying a Hat or Cap Can feel assured that it is right up-to-the-minute, A LaA 61C Steck of I100n and RtaSS Be ds On Hand. These are the Coming Bed. Our , _ priers are $3."757 $4.00, $0.00 and 6.50. A good Bile of Dressers and .,Stands to match. ` A. fine line of Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Cru lies, etc,, ill the lowest prices. nswMn WALKER BROS. & BUTTON 11OMe Purnishers and Undertakers a ago am a