HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-19, Page 44
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..:a•r+.4... _... .f.. A J113 WINGHA)f A3v.TCR Thtrstay, November 19r 1903
_ , , .,I, 1H leading out of St. Paul, and all
along its line will be found that
s► the unimproved. Jami exceeds in
itc i It is said that North Renfr tivattign lire n great numb c! to ell]-
j'�P L A S1`0 1 E
_ , � Campbell •ear tivaGian, In great numbers cif iii- a•-•rVx Vl �J L'# tl i�•
stances there has been no thou ht
Conservatives are considering the g
+ advisability of applying to the of improving it by its present own- Macdonald Block, Wingham.
1>ll lfalll S Dress QodS and Trimmings House, advisability
for a mandamus to compel, ers.They have bought it on Spec,
the election there to be held. A ulation, and when they sell, it is
_ later report states that the Govern- an even chance that the transfer
ment has decided to bring on the will be to some other speculator.
election early next mouth. Drive the speculator out of the field JINUo JAS9 He KENNAUTUMN and the vacant stretches between
1 villa '
g aril soon be occupied by ,
--A special to the Toronto farms,
Tweed and +Actio Suit ngs World -from Ottawa states that the d
date of the Dominion elections will -The $untiug(lon Gleaner, for HOSIERY,APPLES, FARMERS,be announced shortly, and after years a strong Liberal organ, Com-
Silk and Wool 0owriiligS reviewing the preparations, adds- meeting on the extravagance of the
i There is no longer any doubt that Laurier government, which voted
and a specially fine display of an appeal to the country will be away $256,250,704 of the people's We are offerin
f, ��++ made at an early date, and the offi- money in eight months, Says : g splendid value We have n tint, lot of win- Wo want large quantities of _
EYe>a>Itig Gown Fabrics, Sl i s, Li C. ed soan,cial ouncement maybe expect- "The man W110 has some proper- in WINTER HOSIERY, ter Apple@ in barrels, ail hand Chickeno, Ducks, Geese and Tar-
ty asks himself-lIf this extrava- picked And carefully packed. keys. PLnasR DON'T SCALD TITIM.
'I Bance goes on, will Canada remain We buy direct from the manu- Good sound fruit, 13 pocks of They look much better and sell '
-The report recently issued by a country for the workingman?' facturers, thus saving the middle- apples in each barrel, (You for more money when tory plucked,
Colored, Stripe and .Alain Silks for Waists, the British Government giving the Should taxes be doubled, ,will the mans profit, which is given to our know the regular apple barrel starve them for 24 hours before
strength of the naval fleets of the farmers be able to make ends meet. holds only 11 pecks.) Price killing, Take the Treads off and
5c 85c—extra value. , ... .. Oc world furnishes a rather surprising Is this not a time to consider whe- customers,
wort 7, , ,
a barrel, 13
commentary on The Hague Peace rhes it would not be good for the $1.25 petits, leave the tips of the wings on.
- an5
Conference. It seems that in ten great body of the electorate to drop —�� Do not draw. We will promise
f all Kinds and S ears the mons sent annual! Party lines for a time and unite in _
Trimmings o a� all Price y y P y to take any quantity of good, fat
by the eight chief powers of the electing a parliament, a majority All Wool Worsted Hose very Poultry if dry plucked.
We lead in Varlet and y of whose members would be g
world on naval munitions of war pledg- .heavy, will Riva entire satisfac• O'�GS'
Variety Quality of alone, has increased from $236,- ed to kill the Grand Trunk Pacific
250,000 to $461,250,000 ; the Unit- Project and put an end to bounties tion to the wearer. Women's -
and subsidies? There is a size ................. . . . . . ..... 5oc This cold weather you'll need to
Furs, Fur Ruffs and Muffs, ti States is spending nearly three grecs- wear warm glover. We We also want largo quantities
times as much as ten years ago. dent for such a course. When of Roll Butter Fresh
Mercier brought have a s Diggs, Good _
g y, Quebec to the All Wool Worsted Hose, medium splendid assortment, Potatoes, White Beans, Dried
SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. -20 Fur Ruffs, I verge of bankruptcy, electors, who weight, great value, all sizes, _
regular $5.00 and $0.00 -for .................. $3 50 -Two precious cargoes were cared more for eeouoiny than party Women's and Children's, prices Apples, Dry or Green Wood, &c. r
shipped a Short time ago from New lines, united to accomplish his 20c to........... ...I .... . .. 30c Women's Cashmere Gloves, A quantity of good Oats wanted. ,
" York, in the steamers Nubia and downfall. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is
GreatrYpfl t(� {�j}�nn just as reckless in financial matters Womeds tined Cashmere claves
V�a! 1llg� �1 jI n�� Sagami for the Philippines. They s Mercier was u Women's White Ringwood
u" L V U !!! 1 ldlJ consisted of 1.0,465,000 silver coins, , j st as impulsive Plain Cashmere Hose, good color, Gloves, ��ii
aggregating in current value and as easily hoodwinked by de- Women's Colored Ringwood 11Ufj�'y.
1, y good quality, all sizes, Wom-
Goods worth from 50 Sts. t0 $1,075,000. The coins were peek- arguing men, and his fate will be en's and Children's, prices Gloves.
ed at the Philadelphia mint in little that of Mercier s -he will fall by 20c to.... , .... , , . • ... • • • , • • • . 25c Women's black and white Riug-
x,1.50—to clear at........ 50c iron bound kegs each containing the vote of an electorate who are wood Glover, with fastness. Pure white Clover Honey in glass
$2,500. To nerd against possible determined they shall not be tun- Misses Gloves and Mitts, g
} g g P P + jxra, pints to , cliche. Also
.�+• . attack by pirates both ships were dered." Ladies' Cashmere Hose, plain, , in 5 1 tin pails, each..........4oe
equipped with six four -pounders. heavy, pure all wool, price per Infants white and colored GPooI CAUPBELL
There Was also a heavy supply of pair.. " �c Man's lined Rid Gloves, 60c to
small arms aboard and a special CONDEMNED BY ITS FRIENDS, $2•00 a pair,
guard will watch the kegs until Plain Wool Hose, heavy, all sizes, Men's VDooi Gloves.Cheese.
BEAVERBLOCK WIN(iHAM the money reaches the government Referring to the s'distress" in Women's and Children's, Men's lined Driving Mitts with
�. wharf at Manilla, the Ontario Government, the Globe prices 20c to .................. 25c cliffs•
of November 9th said :- Meds beau FVool Mitts with We certainty have the very best
y Cheese that money can buy.
The present distress. has not - cuffs. Just the kind you like if you're
-An eccentric clergyman in come by accident or chance, or as � Ribbed Wool Hose, heavy, all Boys' All Wool Gloves, a laver of Cheese, per 15 , , .... 15c
New York has made public the the result of k change of Govern- - sizes. Women's and Children's. Boys' lined Sid Gloves.
peculiar view that it ought to be ment policy, and not at all because .1 prices 20c to .............. permissible for physicians to put 2'c Bops' lined Kid hints.
P 1? y P of any growth of power or prestige _
THE ROYAL GROCERY patients to death in certain cirenm- in the Opposition. It has come -- Boys' lined Leather lliitts with Cr
through the cooling enthusiasm 4. Men's Black Cashmere Hose, cuffs'diiilES a.
stances. He thinks that after - .
thorough study of the conditions, and the slackening effort of not a winter weight ................. 25c -
after due authorization from the few Liberals. And the secret of = We are again handling that de -
This is the season people sufferers and their kinsfolk, with it all is in the discredited election I licious Cream Candy that was in such
careful deliberation and consulta- Men's Pure All Wool Worsted
make Boston Baked Beans, methods sometimes resorted to Caps. demand last season,
tion, it should be allowable for and the activityof Hose, 25c to ................. . 50c
and to cook them properly you require a Bean Jar; surgeons and physicians to end b political para- Walnut Chocolate Cream
g P y y sites who make party service a ..
we Have them in all sizes—Quarts for 20 eta. painless methods the lives of vic- means of private gain. Because= We have splendid_ value in Walnut Maple Cream
tims of incurable and agonizing of electoral corruption here and ' Men's Wool Hose, colored, plain Caps for Men and Boys, Pineapple Chocolate Cream Drops L
= or ribbed, heavy, great value and Caps, Tams and Toques Orange Chocolate Cream Drops
diseases who linger with no posai- the prominence of party heelers
ble hope of recovery, But there 15e to .......................... 25c for Girls and Children. Nut TatBes, eta
Stone � .o�, �. We've just opened have been many instances of mar- there, Ontario Liberalism has lost
u a crate of Stone velous recoveries from almost the respect, something
of its old-time self- ,
last as and u respect, and its note of confident ,;,
ware, including. Butter Crocks, Cream Crocks, gasp, public sentiment, in and public-spirited enthusiasm has
Churns, etc. Cheaper than earthenware and much this generation at least, will not lost something of strength and
better—Gallon Crocks for 10 cts. favor such a plan. resonance ........... There is but one
i' thing open to the Liberals of On- Get the Best -It Pays.
tario, and that thing is their first CENTRAL -A scientific periodical gives and most pressing duty. The CENTRAL
the following: More than one hun- barnacles an the chi must be
Sweet �:1C���'• You will soon be dred ears ago Sir William Hers- P
�✓ y g treated with an iron hand, The
commencing to pre- Shell declared that the sant planets
system interests of the Liberal party are � + STRATFORD, ON's.
pare for Xmas., makinglura pudding and mince —the sun and his attendant planets �` Best plaep in Canada for seouring a thor.
p p g superior t0 those Of any individual +. ough business edueaton or a superior
meat, and of course a little 'Cider in the mince including our earth -is moving in and the interests of the Province �' - shorthand training. tour graduates ara
meat improves it ver much -10 Cta. a straight line approximately to- are supreme over all. Half mea- GOOD+ Always successful in getting positions.
l} y Quart. ward the constellation Hercules. P This sohool invariably givesJts students
sures will not avail, ire% +more than they. expect, write for cats.
That was merelya guess on SirThese are wonderful words from , rogue. Enter this month if possible.
= (c
William's part, for there were no the Globe, and they practically ad- „ C� '" i �. �,ljl0ft PI'jllCIpQI
'means then of ascertaining the ity. mit the charges of 'corruption ";.� = y % j,,,�, ' '
lances of the stars or their velocity. brought against the GovernmentGrinin Later discoveries have shown how- by Conservatives. The Seaforth t''�(
ever, that the statement was abso- Expositor •(Liberal) in referring to • " y - _•.• + Make up your mind to attend
at Ouse=
Intely correct and that the solar the Globe'a article says:_ +
system is moving to a point either "The absolute truthfulness of
in Hercules or in Lyra. Herschel every word' it says is known to [
put the speed down to about ten every person who has paid even a
#9 miles a second. Recent lengthy passing attention. to Provincial + Fall Term Begin Sept. 1
observations and calculations at g , ll)�+
years It far the past half-dozen --Two Courses_
the famous Lick Observatory in years." :° �-• + Commercial and Shorthand.
California declare the speed to be Not only the Globe, but that ', e
w twelve miles a second or forty-five staunch Liberal journal, the Otta- ` send for College journal.
thousand miles every hoar, wa Free Press now denounces the C. A• FIAMIMft �. (.. tylcilYrylzg '
1, methods of the Ontario Giovern- �ViIC appreciate the Many excellent
Freeidept sno�r.
meet. In the course of a strong ,,.. fel;tpres of ,,,, +
-Says the Toronto Tel : editorial it says :-- LiFg INSURANCE FIRE
3oot -SIt is not a question now of whether "The lack of virility in the polio-
the Ontario Government will go cal life of the province of Ontario `� -•-�--
out or not. Muskoka settled that.' Lowest rates consistent with
is just now the cause of consider- �,,1
It is a question of how the Ontario able misgiving. Gorruptioniats absolute see It . All claims
Government will o out. If Hon. promptly settled
`- 45 • ^+ G. W. Ross could take the Globe's have attained dominance iu tore
«- party that rules, and purity ofA Ranges> Abner COSenS
wadvice he might at least save his administration is seriously men. And
own and the party's future. If aced. The advice which the Free i ACCtbgNT PLATE CLASS
the Ontario Government goes down Press respectfully tenders is that that are not found in other makes of Stages,
.» T. A. Mills has decided t0 with the Stratton flag flying its Mr. Rosa should rid the party of
members and supporters, from Hon.
.� clear out his stock of Boots Pl; will never again the grosser elements and rally Special attention has been aid to cleanlii-
? G. W. Rasa dawn g aro>1n� him the best of its forces, ness, durabilityptttr�itititftitt�#tt1i11t�ti��t�
�. . see sunrise in their political careers. the beet i4telligence and the best and eCon011Iy* with a
Hoes and Rubber goods inside Ontario Liberalism cannot wrap effort."..:.."Should it be found � view of meeting the requirements of the pause-
: of 3 0 days. Ever air is mark- itself in the report of the Royal that he is unequal to this, there is wife who is particular about the comfort and
y p Commission and go to the Province only one course to be adopted- *'
ed down to a clearing price on lire Gamey issue without meet- the Government must be turned eEanoy o >� pestle. They will do more
. e ing a defeat that will retire the out, and the party restored to its work with. leSs fuel, and last lWicp as fang ~^
Dost 1S no ob,� ec�t----they must go. � leaders and followers of the old pristine vigor, by, exclusion from
Government, and keep the party office." as any other Stave. .w• -�
Call and look through the stock 4trt of power until Ontario Liberal- -
g Surely when such papers as the .„�.
• ism secures representatives abso- Globe toe Ottawa Free Press and ...
and I am�c�sure you will buy your � lutely free from all relationship to the Seaforth Uupositor .4dmit the �� �r�` ����
{ �, and Winter supply at rices the erns of the present Ontario rottenness of present Gonditiolis,�U1�G�A# karanteedply r Government. Vsb �•
c' Is Time For A Change, It
that were never heard of before aaents
ill VYiugham. 1010 d 11 d
must be cleared out in 66 flays. A full line
to select from,
o are ma a by one man last
-In. accounting for the removalyear selling our household necessities.
of thousands of Americans to the Did you make as mucic? Try our
lines. Always selling. Write G.
Canadian Northwest, the St. Paul Marshall & Co., London, Ont.
Pioneer Press says :--The recent
migration of thousands of Ameri-
can farmers to the regions of Wee- r
tern Canada has not
been through OOPI11
any lack of opportunity, fa the
regions of Minnesota and neighbor* That, s what YOU needy sdme-
ing States, created by natural carts- thing to agre your biliousness,
ea. Whatever lack of opportunity and regulate your bowels. You
or room exists, anywhere south of need A�yer's Bills. 'vegetables
the boundary line, is the result of genth, laxative. J• AjorCc.
conditions wholly artificial in their- aAlt:a.
origin. Chief among these is the 'Wath gout` Moustache oreaird
tying up of large bodies of the best
lands in the hands of Seculators s beautifulttfnl brawn or slots black? Use
r ` A l
who aro holding them foil a rise. n
Take a trip on almost any railroad rrrir tra r r.u- , rtuav r+. w.
& Son
J.Bugg & Son
For Sale only by
COHR A. Campbell