The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-19, Page 2r-_
emttv elw"- . , . - " , I " - \1 . I 1-i ; V=,"::!=_—"_ . 4, i i 9i ,;;; .01 P 11:1=1= , !=, 11 1111=== 7 F'. , I . F9 , :. P", ;: I , 7`7, --,,-,. 9 , " _— _;,_ ,_ .4 _ _*F, I I . . a
.; 10 ______._-__ - __ 11 7- !_ ,! _ I I . 11, . I - - - — I - I 11 .. ,: .
0 ,a lyrittea from, tile ats '_ _ . , . '..
I I . ' , , ndrmiat tile gellOral CondItIonts of bustilees' __ __l . - w , '.'- _,,
I __ ___ _____ ____ tile vision of the world's redomptloll
,, I 0 0ce A C11114 Of Goal.. Clod Is waltIng to. are bound. ... I . ,, .9 I " __ _ I I 1. I I I I . I . I .1
.1ov. .j I a 0 __-T IS[ rpiowbig more certain and bright,
wurkt the rotoasod followers of - -7 ------- WOO'-, , then you can be more bravo; you call
bt,&-I"Iyi-qb.tllltl bb,ti-lite Supday kho 19 , "' I , -, ______._
Titao. 11ALL, PAOpRjUT0R. I (IMINt NVIII fie fit ron)oying this curp.a. britielk Appli Trade. I 9 .
I . I I WO teack that It A MAll WOU14 be a Ucwrs- WQQdalI 4 VO -N of Liverpool, dilloph In every task, In oVQVjr Nag.
' .
,""___. __ _. " ,, * I 841rt, TM 4ust forever gqarate him. cabled gben jalveo- 1"Ifty-livo than,, vifleo. Xour crow hag won 4jor"o,
- .. -- "
- _ n . TT ". P _ ,, ._ -, I VNITJ IVN,=oNAX 141,"81sox I melt from two Y110 and Alenn And I-lov. 4and barrc4i s ij.d. garket active 11, thing of tile beauty and glol'y Of
VE N()' !" A I Itish and then too often by Our vote spite or lleavY 9 IMP . art, at rather your Lord'a. Ilojolco and be glad
Q J. ATAIL.T V I x0vurilux"At 90. 4904, Vro In"Ito ItIVe plan who has no Moral. lolvor rigurve. Oreanillge, IdS Od to THE LABOR WORLD for 011 it"() Oru0iflOtl with QbrI,;t._
backbone to spend b1i; pyellingo in 190; BalowIng. 140 to ,Go; 8p, 0, 14a
REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE I . , Q "Vill!lp Brooks.
AND ! companx low, vilo.anil degrading, Iya to ies u(I ; Itusucts, -_-_-__-_1____. .
LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING The Curso of Strong DrIlik-41rov.20: U. 23: 9Q 'I fit" AULD SC01-0 SAN05
001100104 4Pt Rents sA440counts 4, specialty. 1 21,20-3, teach that it A 140,11 would follow KleV, 20s to 214's Oil; ficcoudu, 118 I . I I 1. _ __ . _ 4
1 ORIst. Ile %110t live A temperate Lire lose. I ( __ _- I
and uItist rractlso 11 9 - I -_ I 9 . — The 0angko that wore sung by tile
ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT, 'I COMI"OntarY. -1. R.tronW 'Irluk, seir-denIal, and Messrs. 1%1. Tannes & Son, r.,inilte 01),10 Of 890ttano.tIVIO or three ling,
t1for bx our ealiction, tile glittering, ,or T.ondon, cabled, At wl No 1 t (1, Mhore are about 10,000 union jilon I companies to this number of doo have pe
Ofilce-Ill VAndone Block. I causeb poverty .(ys. 1. 20. 141). I. A golii jettored Sign is hung oat th I; a a 0 to: In I)AXIT1110. 111. , gono on Strike, because the demands droll _X041% ago cannot fail to ba a
CA Satur I at Vs. Orveninge, j.,ts to, Ids ; IVIlga, Intore or
Op 0ay evenings, 7 to 0. , =>cker-Itatlipr, a Scorner.. The thing; h4s unwary Steps play be halted. a. Labor unions, tit NIngarn, FaII&I- N, of the Pacific Express Companyis re- sit to their deseendAntfl of tile
nd ION to 17a; Itills.tone, j.6s to 20a, , . ncroaso of IQ per PrOgent (lay, 6,011dol It
.. 19 9. ' I aw A I b o i g
' - rs,Dnifiad ill Ito victim. TU, be be induced to LOA p, ovoii;ptuoug Manchester Fruit Brokocs, Limited W., are working hard to erect it I quest for 11, wage I .OY
-4lear hs a class of defiant minute lire." Adam ularics, of' UnacheStar, cabled: Market con.' labor temple. f was it man namoil PatrIck U
ornors al and orfe oort. ling not 11--- Tjlo
'I "' . blat Pain Mi,kes a niall coptemp- tinube -very (,tr ?nQ Tilio first atrIke of workmon be,:ausa
A. DULMAGE 'o qa,ys t _ ( g, Greeningo, 154 to X0,11sagr City, .Mo., brass workers . aegi-eg.
REAL ESTATE AND LOA I freo-thil)kors In eoijtralit to ,tile ttbls, in, life. nilecrable'In death,, and ITS; Baldwins. 14s Go to 17s ; 8pips, lial'o secured a,, 111110-ILOUP (lay with- of tlio Qllegation that machln,3 made or, but more famillarly' 01111aroy,
N AGENT. ! vVi,je,-; :Vhoy tire prouLl, self-auffl- WtetClMd toall otermity. , To It not ION to 183; Russets, 15o Od to 18s. Out a strike, I wiridow glass has cause4 a decline (the red-lialred lad) twile, after M, -L
CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN; %A811t, and hava a eq,litomptuous d -on, Toi. . I In prices for glass, Ifas been or0red desperate courge of southrlof and W.
l s, Ptl'allge. th that m0n Should love t .
03) Town 4114 Farm 1"roperty. I rAWW'd 101- 00d "Ild Mail WrOV. XXI. It ?" And It may be added, 'Ile I III shipment,$ sIIIc0 Pcas011 OP- Watsonville, Cal., boxinaherg jjava I opproshlon Practloed for some Years
_ t ,lot cited. 1,601.600 barrels; Same time, at thle factory of the Union Window
R4). 1w tlacotved-o.rrotlz-"Ileeletli.l - jMt gone on a strike becauso at -tile head or a bao(l Of followel-S,
ASSIGNEE. 118 strango that r.r 190;', -L,004,000 barrels; vame time, Illation Against in . ember Or dis"I'll- i GlAss Company In Anderson, Ind. .
ACCOUNTANT, . I H. %',, Ina,rgint Noc wise -It Is the roll or God will rwrialt one of tipi IQ01, 29.0,544 barrels, union. i a I A r,ettlement of difflopitlea betweel) uIllefly III tile 111glilall4l; of Abordooll,
0FIP1V?A*-IA the -neut Block. . 4eight of fotiy for a mau to degrade. 'worst for I wo or Sin to be porpoluated'. The Choese IK-o.lct-ts, I I the Milwaukee Barrel Co. and the lo- Shire, ivAs hanged with IIIS -,VIID',e
Reddence.-Cathertno St. 41msel,f by lithing strong drinl;. We BAY the man who drinks is weak, . ito,.leville, Meoliantes' and laborors' wagOo Lit - Vill. Coopers' Union, No. 85, has bcei party, ton In number, lit tile Crow
I Out., Nov. 14. -To -day Little Itook, Ark., iiavo inureased' VEachlail by tile union men who went of Ndloburgh, oil Xuly 1 7th, 163d.
I 1.1 !:O, 2I. WinoMbbors-INch of this UIN no Ee t-coaW-gand or c I -,a fie Nvoq d there Ivere offoreil 2,860 boxes of from 3 to 5 IDents all hour over last Tlio ballatI, w ilolj Is an Im
: 1,11,11)tOX' 14 wilaut III Giving directions BrIlrA 44 tI1O 'Wille when It Is red," 114 Whito and 290 Icollored October and year's settle. . , out wo a strike at the plant about provemont
TROS. HOLMES cozicerialug oatilig, UrInkIng and an- IN A, man, nevertheless, an are 4), Mollili'ago, wV1 return to work. opL)n a. rude contempcikary one, waij
I d Iva .November make. $ales* Watkins 00. Napa, CaL, boot and Shoe workora As a. result of tile eotusal of
BANKER, Mo. : teLlainin.nts 1.1 gojjt ral. fXha rea-sGus resr-onsIble largely for lit's colidl- Alex.tuder IOU, i first Printed In I)urfoylfj "PlIls, to
I 11oftson OL15, at liavo gone oil stvIko because at tile , Purge Melancholy" tn 1719. it hali
I Cnr giving Lhestl directions were: 1. t'011- Most Assuredly we are It 10 -, _80, dud I-ludgeo I t IU 5-100.
"capacity And opportunity are the Watertown, N. T., Nov. 14 Cb '1060 and Its Interests. employed by tile Lolligh Coal I&
'Marriago Licenses issued. No wltllesse 11 210 a , bout 4,000 of tile mine workers
required. Tll*, d4ug Or O" contracting employers' antagonism to thp union a been ooveral times printed as tile
Atelier 47 large amounts; small,or in pro I habIts ana bf being Indu<,,ed to lead mpitatiro Of duty," WIsd a , InpocItion of a air Atoxaudor Tjal
I act_, ,,too hIgh fo , & Oin may be In- (iales livere 8,500 boxes at 10 to '11110 11110018 Sta,te Board r Navig4tioll Co. at Tamaqua, Pat., to 00
portion. F"ost term4. -. A 'l.olupicuolls; and offemillate life 2 d fool," but It In 10 1-40 for lArge and ismall, O Arbl- I Obey ill's company's , or.ler and work 'Cat' but entirely tIlrougli a Inda.
. j The dangoi! from bad oompaa ,. a, rij Our business to rescue tile lost and Canadian Tradt. tratlon iias decided not to make an . am Al le da 0 !IV 'boo Pre be n n ran, no, 6
ww-to of money and time. atut,toilong do ivhht ve can to bring him. back InVostigation -of tile grievances of Susponded for two days. person. That Gilderoy had per-
RIORA,RD HOLM13$ I OnA01--Eatin- move than Is neces, to God. D kq)"Itc-IlL,; tip Dun'$ Ite"low from employees of tile United """ " "' th y " 'I o "'ka, "' I g I I" na",
I Will we do It f Tile ,oat s Tbb prevalence of strikes Ana the Fjunial attractlonst above tile com,no,,
IIARIUSTSH AT LAw, Sowerro,R, jK=. XTO. 1 Sary'. Drowsi'lless-Wiligh colll,,,3 as a Ylrgil Vad It rl,-bt when be saij: th"r, IkIIII1111011 Indicate that traile press Co. I r I ( I Increased cost of builit1ugs .*.,I Chi- IS InudO OvIdOnt, AD wall as lit.-) land-
office;-noxt to 11olmes; Block now badldln ro:,uit r,f G.vo3ss arid gliattony. WLth I conditions are satisfactory and !,fly- A dearth of tea ohcrs lit Kansas r& cago 11,41ve practically stopp' j All fiet a for dress. .
9 1 ,; waRs--Sucli it course w1ij, not imily "SMOOtll' ties tile road to pluto,s ment.s are Prompt. "Idild weather suits ft0n, the low Average wages of i 00110tilletton wark, Th'o brick roin- "011, sic tWA charming call jig lia(l,
bring- poTorty and rags, which it la - gloomy shade, faollitates,21M)fnieniq Of Produeecild $10, a moutil. Opportunity Ispresent.. panjes U,avo on hand enough stock 4 breath as sweGLIs tile rose;
MISS SARA L. MOORE 1 :;.r. to tio, but will unfit a por.Ion 'And hell's black gates forever stand coal t I 2 it.", but GPOrates ed for labor on 1no farms At better to last for montl9s, AnLI %lo not In- lie never wore a Highland Plaid,
for work, so 'that he cannot 'be - displayed.1t against trade 11) clutbing anti fur- wages,
Teacher of Piano and Theory trilstOdo anti ha Will. be no longer, n1h;bIng goods, Prospects are bright tend to Increase ilia supply, . But costly silken ,clothes;
Co" (1100 ga.v,
Imself . -_ Mobile, Ala., among the jrallroad : of Cincinnati, O., NTaAo e'er to lilm way coy,
capable of providing for hi Tit a certain town t'llere reilles It In fruit, diatricts, but less favoi T110M 10 it movement on coot at Ile' gained the love or la
nd I TIIP American Type Founders
for those Who inay, loo dependent la saloon-keoper who has two sons un- ab!e in fithing Sections, Large or, olerks o lon to has filed A, out
him 111011 der twelve Years of age, botht of ders for spi-hig t1ollvery are ro2!erv. Ill the Superior Court, wilicii vogko 0, IV -to IN inel Imourn the (1,ty,
miss 0 A affiliate witli a national body now For my dear Glideroy. :
11.114 destroys 114PPI. odlunju it you will upon the wicked tioilN Are unsatisfactory for our- . I 01's' Union No. 4 from ontarforIng
VARRIE MOOK" , - IT Strong drink Whom are hard drinkers. Bbap Your oil at St -Joli i, but .-weather coil"'- bellia formed. i to OnJoizi mew4orti of Type Found,
I ' '
Teacher of Violin and Guitar, nei3q (vs. 2>1% 80). 29. Who -A. (Ill"no father, but what about the citizen rent business. Trade continues fav- Men to Ule number of Mi employ, 'MY 011dercoy, balth far n
camm'sa'an to every,! man to Inves- who sanctions the bublness and by orabl ed In the extensive piano maullfac- i With! Its business, anti froln -intlini- n,
t1gate ilia prevallinj cause of 0 at Quebec and collections . dating .no'n-unlon wOrkinoli. ,Was toatr%]. in lika tou
Rooms -in Stone Block, Nvingliam. and sorrow and Strife, and thusvOO MO vote makes It legal? How long prompt. Trade Is good at .1 jojltreal, tOrles at Astoria, L. I.. Who were 1 Wk triko of tile Allentown, PA—
Ile i J., I*" Q And bauldly bare away tile gear
deterred - from wVI these -tMngs continue ? W001i w1t), especial acti,ifty Ill shipments expected to strike, have voted to ro- D,L)INrinakers' Union, No. a5d,
. taking the wrong will Of many a Lowland loon;
11ouroe 11, life. -Smith. Rath ,svoe.- - the COn-slences of professed of heavy merchandise by boat be- Imaill at work. I against tho 11ellman Boller Works, Wano o'er durst meet Illin llaljtl to
MISS DELT—A. SPARLING space would,be needed, to Ile- Ch'riattAns be so awakened that they fore tive close of navigation, Ivillell TIIG average wages recelved by lilas been declareil off and the man . hand, . I ,
card the names of all who can finderstand? Ldt this prure sed Is due Ill a fortnight, Collections each laborer in Iowa per allnum have jlj i,%_o . ?-*".
To C. M. could 'It v . returned to work after an 110 WFLE) Sao bravo a boy ;
A tM - .mperanco" man vote as Ife prays! are well maintaLavd, Wifolegale Increased from $352.71, paid In 1296. Idleness of Six Nveeks. It Is under- At length, wl' numbers lia was talpil
anufacturing are active to $4284L paid In 1VO!',, a gal') Of i Stood that , the difference3 ]lave My handsolne Gilderoy Ill
and 0,3tcher WOO --Direful distress; both the coil" 'of tit* guilt of his brother mun I MY at -II(ImIlton, but retail bus'noss is $73. 70.
Teacher of Piano, Theox7 thf"lly* guy "I" to this i1nestlaill - Let tjlo reformer (1) cease.partaking trado anil in
U11110 MOthod, Simplex and Kindorgarton, dellinati,on for a ilia committed,and Prayer Is t1fat tile voters or our land " ' boo" SittlosraetoTily adjusta1. AN Irith m9st aukl kkppots Sanga tile
Pupils prepared for Oongervatozy exiam a eel-tain awful condition of suf backward, wltlf little demand for Mile threatened strike In the stock *. verses are numerous, numbering 110
Inatious. i fering. Sin of all kinds brings Its "'Ill arouse to tye true pitnatloll of winter goods. Ratildin ateria18 yards throughout the country would ' D,-')s1LO1 is to lihve a now, labor lews than a baker's .
fooff = I -(
01VIO punishment, : ut there is no Bill affo-Irs before we shlaro ,the fate Of sell freely, prices of Stuffs 06110 L111.01vo 60,000 workerd in tile granvt orgaillwitl.ti) . to' be composCI of dozen
which go speedily Babylon and Rome or old. G. B, firm, and collections prompt. Or- packing centre&, includIng nearly 1;O,_' WO"kinell In tile structural buildlng T.'Ie elvir war, I deeply as i;cotland
. and relentlessly .9 traden and to be knqwn as the was 1111'Olv0d in t, hau handed down
UOR Its vietlia an ths,3 son. of ; ders for spring goods are being ne- UOO Ill Wiloago.
ALEX. KELLY pairs ,- - . ,c I building trados leagues. It is ex. extremely little Of liolig. Tuie genius
I .......... , -,I ;
drunkenness -Pentecost. Who hath Ff , I curcal by Torolato li'air,,es, and tile Tile C.Xe3utive officerS of ilio Brick. , pectc,(I .tj,L,tt tile illembersIllp of tile of Pregbyterlan Ism, wilich. enlisted
Auctioneer for Huron Cou.qty Borrow-Tba Hebrew word means, . '11 outlook Is brtglit. but tile move- la,yers' wid Stoiiemasous, interna-, dIffricni, unlons, whIoli W.11 join tile tile Soldiers, And carried them into
first, poverty', and then misery, The luent of grain continuosslow. Trade tional Union have selected indian- I new bo(ly will aggroglato 10,0oo, tile bloodiest struggles. was not 11
. '
drunka,rd has Narrow of his oWn* mak- remains unelietiged at Winnipeg, MP011s, Ind,, as the headquarters (Oil any way kindred to t,ho mil a. Nye
I have secured an Aliefloteer's licen Ing. Who hath contantiongL- Those . he Narkets. . with collections mproying. TrZ 1, the international OfIlailale. i Fourteen hundred bvIckmakere is
oulity. and am prepared to o 80 for who respond to the first two ques- . brisk at Vancouver, and collections 4. hiave just been laid off in Cook do not hear of tile Covenanting;
11 .1 ub IT.0 I 1. le c ladalot 1 LT ::j Under the workmen's compougat: . armies having even required the or -
able rates. tione will also respond to this. Nine- - I good from outside points, but a lit- act F44,3fia aoyl ' cOlintY, Ill., ,Ind NvITon given their
soles reason ~. _,- were awaided In 3.902 pay were told that there would dillary stimulate of music to Accom-
Al I "'I", tle Slow locally. Ill tile county courts of England and Pany their marches. Wicre, Is, bow -
arranged at theAdvance Office. tenthe of all the brawls and rights, Toronto 1041 Vill e 1'.4, Alark W be no more work until late next
quarrels and misunderstandings are '
traceable to drInk.-Pentecost. Who . 't Walou to the dependents of workmen . splo.11g, 1, ur Itu ever, one rudo legendary piece, which
ALEX. KELLY, Wialgham p. 0, The offorilig,j or gralu on ,tile FAILURES THIS WEEK. 0 lialre(I will be dia- Allan Itainsay lias published undov
hath babbling -This refers to -the strEei tO-daY Were fair. Wireat 1,, 'I . wh'o had been killed. chiarged In December, anti thb In-
' a trIfte ircalcer, with salos oil Lori Faiiluret4 contillue numarous. ,Xdtal Woman wage earnere other than dustry in this district wIl be alos- tile name of "General Leslie's 1%farch
I tendency of strong drink to roolleb commercial 'failures report 11 11 Marston Moor", and Which
, Od to - G- lbse In doatiestio serrim coustiLut"t ed iricAvIl. . .
WELLINGTON MUTUAL * and Inoessant Zalking, revealing see- btislielu of white at 81,19 to 8!,'c- Dun & Co. for th'z week in the United - tmoayat',f &CCOPtCE1, thOUP
I .,
0, i rats, vilo conversation and nolay 00 bushels of red w1l)tor -it 81% are 283, agallist, 216 1 hb subl,let Of a ,rxe al InvostigaVon Nina Jamdred garmcnt workers em- .,'It Still wItIj
FIRE INS. C i 82, and 21-00 bushels of goos,3 tit ast Elfat has been inaugurated by ' by the Int . ornational Tallor sonle, hesitation, as a 'peno or that
; demonstrations, which are com-i 7 t- week, 253 th-a preceding week .1 era. An all' afterwards ap-
I , to the ployed - terrible
Established 1810. . won In different stages of, drunken- 75%c. Oats are lower, witil ,) nd Minnesota Burealli of Labor. Ing Company In C:Iicago, who struck
Read Office GUELPH, ONT. 1104a. Wounds without cause -Wounds sal0d 0 .41 'he correfjponding Week last peareal In Oswald'o- u,. Ioad calico-
' to yo-ir.' V last Friday t,o roret.;tall ,tn effort
f 1.0-00 bushi-As 'It 8 !12 abilltle-4 O commercial fall- r1jb[i %on] branch or the Am(,r:OjLI) .tioij, under tho 11,11,10 of "Louile1a;
Risks takert on all classes of Insurable , received in whollY.' unprofitable dis- 3so. Barley Is Steady. thare be llg uros xcpotted for the first Iv,eelt or Car & Foundry Compally,, in Torre on tale New York branch of the con- 11arch," The fil,pt ver::c rulls:
proj ales of 500 bushels tat 45 to ' cern t)6 cliecl, a me- mant there
IlPtes, such as oi6me of the Drawl& s ,00- November are $4,235,582, against HInute, Ind., givill a ., e'
D Iry produce ill fair supply, IviLLI - -
to, ,lilg,per- 000 men, Is o:osing down and only chargod members of tile Garment yo march ?
perty on the cash or promium note system. . of drunken men. -Lange. Ilednesa of $8,863,9721 for tho c0l"'iWpon" g mployment to L have roturacd to ,v,ork after dla' "1 arcb, inarch! why tile (Ir j,. 11,pl,a
I AXES GoLnut, OEKAS. DAVIDSON, t eyes -Bloodshot, blurred, or bleared choice butter fLrm. at 20 to 2" Lod last year. Failures in Canada repair work will ba done after thIs "71,orkers! Union Ill Now York Ila Stand to your, arms, lads ; fight. jj Ill
ProoldeAb. Secretary. : ' eyes. "The traveller in the drunk- and strictly new laid eggs at 32 t.hL, liveek number 27, against 22 last week. . d
, to 85a per dozen. Vegetables Ill been relmetatLml by ilia company, good order, .
JOHN RITCHIE I ard'a broad road to deafh bears a good supply ac uncht n wook, 15 the preceding week, and 24 Light hundred, laborers, members of Vrout aboul, yo- niuskeLeomi all, .
AGRNT. VVING11AX ONT great bundle Of -Woem Among them god prices. !a6,t your. Or fat'ures 'this week In th;a Laborers' Protective Union, to. The Grievance Committee, repre- I
. Are losses of time, of talent, of pur- Ifily In- unchanged 'with Sales of the United Sta,t,g' sentjng 12,000 or the trainmen ol .
s 102 were In the cal No. 10,283, of thlo American Fed- the Paiinsyl van lit R tilroad, vrlio have
. 20, loads at $10 , Till To come 'La t!ie 1,1tigii6l, b,jr_,__1tK
Ity', of a elean conscience, of pelf- to $-t"501 a to" ll,'q,lst 91 South, 75 West, and 15 In era,Con of Labor, III Sr. Louis, '11favO been In Philadelplil.% for more than . der ; I .
respect, of honor, of religion$ of the for timothY, and at $7 to $9 for the i? Iflc States, and ,122 report quit'work at the World's Fair. . Stand U111 ard figat jjkj! jjl( jj,
DICMSON & ]JOLAIES : !1 E*uI,1'-1k)ardtnalr. mixed. Straw sold tit $10.150 a tat' liabilities of $5,000 or ,more. a month, hoUlilig almost dally coil -
9 1 ,;O. They, that tarry long - This for one load. , True gospel to m-,11;italn ;
Barristers, Solicitors, etc, ere the above 4uestions. He Dressed.j)ogs- are unchanged, witli ? I . At J?ortlancl, Ore., thle plumbers' rerenc.10 with General manager At- V10 Pai'llament, La blythe 'to set3 its
I all6w . sales Of I eaVY Mt $6,50 to $7 ,and OLD ENO strilte, which was on for h:Ix weeks, torbury, have returned home. lt .Is a-Goming-
I who begins to drink *ciittinues to l" LISII SIGNS, - blas been declared ofr, the men re- iinderstood that the c3mpany has
Office: Meyer Block Winghaln- I drink, tarr,ying often a whole night, light At $7.21,5 to $7.50. turning to work at th)e oid wages made several minor concessions . The bishops, it Popish breed,
Wheat, white, bushel, 811-0 to 82o- - , but
X. L. Dickinson . and night. 5tally Geliclations .10, but -1.5 has given a most . Whelf you have e,rossctl tile
Duailey Holmes ' and from that to day goose, 7.5 to - These 1.1t.- of $ 0 a day. TAiley demanded $5 . positive refusal 9 .
' They that go -To plac' 75 1-2o ; red, k I-:,, t;, . a day, . . to all the leading demands, made by Tweed, .
. as or among 82c Spring, 75 to Soo,, peas, Ozic; Remain. the trainmen. . , I - .
people where Intoxicating drinkff are More than thirty-two thousand ,
made or stored or used. Mixed wine Gatg. 82 1-2 to 33c ; barley, 455 to :'O- -, Nothing better Illustrate& tb.s in. Will fallit to hear YOUL, Sanctified
VANSTONE Ijay, timothy, con, $10 to ' stock yards cmployces now stand The inspectors 6f ilia State La- I drumming." I
Spiced, drugged. medicated wine, .$11.-jo ; tary bonciage or custom than ready to support Lhte striking can- an In- That extraordinary getting, tite,
-, vW,un bar Bureau. have completed
R. ll&.V, OI,v e,, $7 to $9 ; stra SpeCtI011 Of fifty alti-19. irf
the Intoxicating power of which III . w, ton, aIO
SARRISTER AND SOLICITOR to $10, O. Seeds tile enoracter oT tile pul,)r1c or Semi- ilers And sausagemakers 97)utllcrn Maxquls Or MO"tvOjx;-,z11A1l0ln Cardinal
NlonaT to I' Increased by! the Infusion of drugs --A.h4'4,e, bushel, $1.25 , asked till increase of -wages from the Minnesota, known as "ill() first (Its- du Itetz deemed tile most like Pltt-
Gan at lowestrates. Office and Spices. Saab men drink the c!kp to $6 ; red clover, $5 to $5.73 ; tim- Public namee applied, to Shops, mines, various pacing plants. triot.11 Tho Ing-pectors iiindo 1,1.03 In- tarchiall liero of all Ilij contelupo-
of a costly. death. - OthY, -$I to $1.50. Apples, bushel, rj.,5o Streets, horses, etc. The o'd -Eng- spectionR -where 12, 0 6 9 workman
BRAVER BLOCK, III. Stro g drink ruing character. to $1.25 - drei.,sad hogs, $6,30 to 1181i stlop and Inn signs, such as the Tjhbugh no 4efinite action has been work -men were I -arias 11ad. in addition to -his otIlgr
7-95, WING11AM. (vs. 81-85.) $7.00,; eggs, new laid, dozen, LO to "Pig and Thistle," taken, it is probable iblat a request employed' of t1lose b-0111a)"I 9,1tv, a power.of veme-nial,-_ .
: , k , tile "Dog and 10,715 were men, 1,220 women and Ing iviijoll lie exereiund a-.] varjoull
35c ; butter, dairy, 19 to 2!;c, butl6r, Pot," arbo incomprolienslVe for an inerea.93 of wages wI*1 be mad ! 88 boy n, .
. 81. Look not-Tbim prohibit& mod- creamery, 2-1 to 25o; clacL-ens, lb., 8 to an Soon by tile Wisconsin District Coun-A K a d 40 girls. or tile total I re;;-rkable occaslons-lor, jt
Crate drinking. Do not put yourself to 100 ; dkiroks, lb., 9 to :[:Ee; gee,so, lb.. ' Inerican of rills generation. , a oil of the International Association ,r 5 - nIghts, and 488 will be remeiiibered, In -addregsing the
He who Sundays. Sanitary conditions
in V -p way of temptation. Th numb, 351 work
J. A. MORTON _ -" o fantastic names Of some of the of Rallway Clerks., were portrait ar
o S to, Do , Illn'tIc'e: G, lb., 13 to 3.40; P * - found excellent and child labor oil uIgj1,j- before illfj own e
goes freely into temptation to al., th,a martyred Charlea. the
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. ready more than half fallen. When it tmtOes, bag, 65 to 70c , , cabbage, ........... - Driveris of tile S. Louis Express , the decroag6. . . - . xecution . He,,
Is red -The br.Zht co'or of the wine dozen, 40 to COO ; cauliflower, dozen, . 171. . appears to have become 'acquainted
75c to $1; celery, dozen 85 to 400! 211 --.-----------------.-..-----z,- -______--___-____
MONPy ,rr-. 1-rii-i - giv It an .++ f4l I 1. .1 rr111/_/5 - with the Dopular ,r,,-,, r IAT
El y "ear
and Only Love, Make Ifeeil," and to
have been compulled to compove
solnetiling of the same ,;train, but the State for whJob he
made suoll exertionri and such Sao-
r1rices, Instead or a flesh and blood
mistress. Tile result was a piece, the
Opening verse of w1deh runs,:
. ie an aduj beef, forequarters, I - ? r
'r case, $6.50 to $6.75 ; 'med' . ,__ X'1,
to its fascination and Its dan $1,50 to $5; hind ,
bffice.-Morton Block, Wingliam. rtff co.'or-Literally, its eye, the cf-,' ' quai-ters, $7.50 to ,T8ZO ; choice, Car-
on lum, Gar- , .
. brightness, or the beaded bubbles, Oase, $5.50 to $6; lamb, yearling, 86 0
wailch. the w1no-drJnker looks with to $6.75; mutton, cwt., $5 to G; L_ '. .
Pleasure.-Plumptre. When it goeth ', gx
. AGNEw down villoatlily-"TOila verse ple- VW, owt., $6 to $9. W/1
DR PHYSICIAN, SURGEON tureff tile attractive side of wine, , . Lettding Wheat Alaricete. . . I- Ai
whon It seem& perfectly haridless to :: I No"
1,0110171111- Are i- CIO - I. ! /.
Office :-Upsbairs in the Macdonald
sit) -I little. At Buell a time, beware!
82. At last it Vtetb-Zlio
. a quo A -
tiOns at important "Weat centres
. . . , The Thought. or Ood.
, JoVng flitting around. it, either
11 be
"My dear and only love, I p,ray
7) little world -ot thee
will be attended at last with Intel-
. Oil, how the thought of God at-
wl wings -of pra yor Or the
pinlons of delight; and there Is no
, -hat
Be govern'd by no otiler sway
Night calls answered ab office.
arable pains, when It works I!
Ike so
mucli poison In thy veins and -,astg
New York ...... ......... __
8 3-4
I I I % Trauzs
_ [ And dra,iys the heart ironi earth,
Lz"! ___ ' - -
end to the humming about this Flow-
er both daX and -night, In the true
But'purest monaxeiiy; ,,
For If Confusion have a part '
thee into dlEeases as hard to cure as
the Wing of a serpent. -Pa trick.
...... ...... ......
TaleQu --
Duluth', - .N, o ... ...... ...... 848,4
I N ...... __
75 1 8
_ 1 And sickens it of passing si)uws
Western mines of to -day are per- And dissipating rufrtil.
& uroh. From It we derive our lion.
cy every diy_ forgivellIenn, peace,
II'llich TIrt"Ous souls Abhor, . I
I'll call a synod In Illy heart, - .
33. Eyes shall behold -The loving
[laps aqually dIfflouit of comprehen- ,Mis !have
00utlage'and strength; and Its full-
And never love thee more."
wife 'rill be forgotten and bar good-
- ' Ito- llkl-h -
not enough to our souls,
sloil by an Englishman and even to
ness I. 1 -1, 4+41,1 .Ir
The 90 9, "&1ch a Parcel -,
. f F. I To shun The eternal fires I - e. any wirls- ' R T
PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. ness despised, and av:1 des1res spring Eastern trained ears have a foreign The tholl,ght ar God will roalso the dano are, in -deed, Only working bees; Ogu6s In a. --Nation 1w embeidics
UP to fill her place with others, or Itece'.Pts Or hog,i were fairly large, bound. For instance, we have "The . Pretty fairly tile antj'
JOsephine Street - Wingbam to go from her with others who have 1,868, which were bought b heart day after day they iwInl and flut- -u n 16a feal.
Mr. Har- . Of 960ttand, ivli'cli was '"sell -
.30 forselects and- Lglits and
'19 at $3 Y, Crackerjack," "The Buffalo Hump," Tb In are sublime desires. . the about the'rote, and m6yer pro "I,.,;,
. fallen Into the same pit of drunken- 1 1 "The - Wiseboy," etc. I perlY 11ttaill to redt. But how great t IY a JaeoNta fabling, tb,.)ugli
ness. Homes are broken up. Utter Cat? at $5.05 Per owt, .'air, 1-larrise '
i th-19 coming week. The sign of the "Dog and Pot" God only Ig p4i '%.all Itcs, Witt echlbad by, the
per,rerso t! Ings -When men Stated that prices Would be lower the creature's home Is their ifollyt I I _ t - k -, of -by many - -w)o, .Nvere
P. KEHEDY) m.o., mx.p.s.o ' ' . Gat 040
Or'%V'4Dmen showin herewith Is still to be seen Though rough and straight the Observe on a0ummer's. evening how
W indulge In tile use of Strong drink r . . 0 vast proppi-ticon of ill;q populace,
i (Member of the British Medical they let down the bare to every rill i BNPOrtGrg-Best loads Of cxp )rters "'n BJ-ackf riar's road (which itself has road; ther bees &,at, and then go and do Walilu-Ill 1'6 .Rty, for'anjrthLjIg ih.11;
Sold at $ J,25 per cwt., mcdlum, to a medloval sound), Lobdom It Yet nothing less can satisfy likewise. Wearied bx the heat and hLis Yet appeared, the sobor goci.1
Association) that fo,lowg In the train. I good at about $1.00. adorim tit& promises (A a hardware Zia, love that longs for God. labo-r of the day, they slumber ppace- Sol
COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. 9L In tile mldst of the sea -To - . I firm, 49 it has done for.generations, fully In' the caly I "
make one's bed on the waves of the .x of i 10 f lo WeIF . The 18C of th B country was willing
,vet's pit Trado 7, t 'the
special attention Vd to Diseases of womex Bradstl latter inclose illoni I jjj,Pac long-pontemillated 1111 -
Sea would be to be swallowed up in Il , . having been faithfully reproduced by Oli, utter but the name of God n tbbir tender .r
an children, succeeding proprietors - J)own In your heart of hearts, 1petals, and the , htc tla,hd and Unglanzi of -
death. So IN the drunken man. Top of Wholesale !It Montreal has been I - The canine gentle whispers of feqted. - T4W USUILl" Charge of eel, -
Orr= HOUPA:-1 to A p.m,; 7 tog P.m. a mast-I'T.he drunkai,d Iff utterly ro- fairly active in a number of branches figurD Is Of toak. While tile vessel And see ]low from tile world at once thD evening vephyr rock the repos., . ruption
gh-rdlesc Or Ilia, '049 Is as one falling Ill NPIto Of tho unreasonably mild Lnbo which Its iniizzle, is Inserted Is All tempting. Ilght departs. Ing and well -secured Inieot on As against tile majority of
. I . asleep, ClagPing tile masthead ;weather. Tbr shipments are heavy a, three-legged Pot of the .convell baliny couch. How sweet the resti "" Parliament is ollibod-
, stil - A truOting heart, a yearning eye, Zo d 'also sliftaber in the calyx "iO So solig-,
henCe In a few minutes he mus now, as they &-Aways are at tills Sea- tional Scotch pattern. L 1 Old. '
W. 0 thou " 11.0 a charge, how-
ritlier fall down upon the deek'an I Fail. The retallors a xperlencing oil Sign, probably ]larking back to Can win their way ateve; bf the 31,063 Of Sharon. Forget tby " It Is but fil,ir to- Hay.
IN. T. Hollmy .; , If mountains Dan be inoved by faith, self La tliimklng of jesus. 336 He t 'e _'
ra a- " -i!' '
i be dashed in P'eCev. or fall Into the a g,:od trade, and torting orders ]lave Mizabeth's reign, Is here also Shown. lly h4t, n-VI.Irch6en borne out by eloar
11 .
D. U.S., Lox. , I I I _!_ sea and be drowned.11-Clarke. ; been numerous. 'There Is a good de- Tho unusual combinatior of callings. Is there less power In love? all., and His pisomises and merits the evidence:, , I .
I i , 8Z. I was not h1urt-With consol- I nia Ii d [Or Molloy for tile crop move- Smith, (it not being necessary In . -Frederick W. Faber, , covering Over 06-e, and "the pillow ,yarejvo)l
ences seared and self-respect gone,, Illont now, and ,is the inquiry for those days to specify : boneath thy head. 0, - thong what
Graduate of Royal - . . to a', Our Scottish fame,
College of Dental . blaeksqllth), God in Nature. . Farewell Our ancient glory
Surgeons of Tor- . Z , the drunkard boasts of the things stock exchange business is small, Carrier and'Cow Leach,. with the The Soul's development I , does It matier it tile tempest howls Vareivell, ov,11 to tile $0OLLigh name,
"_ I A there Is no stringency in the mar. 8 dIrOct- Without and croaking night -birds
onto and llamoi . whM011 should make him blush with, unique spelling at tile last word, all ly pioportionate to God's reveirL_ !flutter woned tbeeg Sao framed in ancient story I
GraRuate of Dent. _ I . .. _. sh;mme. Because he did not feel kat, Havo an ancient significance.' The tion to it. . '% ft Is th-1 NOW Sark ring Ower Solway Saudi;,
&I Do I f T . _;__ 10 How. Can wa know co'doli, and the bitalliol: over t4bee is A
to U y;I.. o it oron. - - che hurt of tile wounds lie cares not I WI letTAIO CIVY 900ds firms -lit To- Brotts as A ftLintly llavO continue(] God ? AY IC1106N-1119 hvi Son. Anti Loya.-ICrummacher's Elijah,
- - I ronto are now engaged in taL I'd Tweed ring -to thte aoajj.
-wat improved methods in brane es I for the soars. I felt It not -Angry -Ing In tlI6 blacksinithing business in Ww kno,w Christ,., From tile Holy ; T
Dentistry. Prices modomt companions 11%vo done their warst Stock, and report good Increases In stanst,e'l, 1,; I The va'IyAge 0jr Life. 0 mark WhOre England'a pro-Oneal
SiLtisfa ti r business over that of 100,2. asex County, until the Scriptures. This Is the grot t medl- stands;
guaranteed. ArOfflee In Be r loc . to and my life, says fte, but their Business precent da.y, tile ElLzabeihan records ator between tife human mild tile ' It d0cl) not call fortli Ily ull(Ille '311011 a T)arcel of rognog 'in a
- I blows did noL affect me, W.Ven shall hem this week has been good. Ito- a a
. I awake ? I will flook It agaln-Itti- pnrts of the retail trade are encour- Flimving that father and Son were Diving. Bat there IS another Way attention, nor Is any great (loolon- ,,,,, n' t"Gri I
RTHUR, J. TID aging, galas naying kept till very thch engaged In the Same calling. Ill which (;ad roveals Himself to the 8trUtiOn made, whon ilia oee At force or guile oould Ilot
IRWIN ther, When I 811-11 awake I will an liner
A Yaek It again. -Cook. Self-control1q. well. Cotton and woollen goods are - I Foul. It Is in nature. is thera a that has flad' to face no rough "as .subdue,
D.D.S., L.D.S. I held with Increasing conlijenbe in m1all wilto cars look upon an autumn a)' tompebto ottil into tile p6rL- oil TbrOlIgh mAnY lvarllk6 agom,
11 gone. Me drunkard Is a slave I boro Pudidligs. sulibet, dark -crimsoned nud gold, Unto, but W-han -ilia vessel t Is Wx0lIgNt now by a c-,)-,l;r,1 few,
values. ' 8
Doctor of Dental Surgery of t to Appetite, Ile Is as Inselisiblo to At nobee t, i "at 'llas _For lilrellng traitors' wages,
he .t et , 'ado during the week Pare. core And Stew, until soft,sI3 %vjlQ can hear tile great winds been driven fal' from her course, long
ntylvani& College and Licentiate of the pleadinga and warnings of tilose fin& been fairly satisfactory. ',Cho large, tart apples. Pipins are the Probably given 111) ior "It) L'nglisll Steel Ave emild disdain,
Who seek his salvIttlon ag lie Is to souglilng through the forest, or *" X' r
Dentsl Surgery of ohtArID. the beatings of his comradeA whan flamand for veagonable 'wear Is on beat a gaze upon thle weirdness of a moon. 1"' t 0 duo'
the Increase, and ilia outloo ,nd .3rou only w4n t ,(t)fl , Showing Secure lir val6ur,g stdtiull; ,
00106 over Post Olftft-WOrGaAm lie is dolirlous. k Is an- half a lit Nvater expense, wItIfout feeling, , i plainly tile storm's (10' But 1',nglishlr' 90)11 has Imen our
lie ire far,
I . I coukaging. Remittances are report- OuPful of, Water to stow them in, tVat Indescribably longing, a wj t- 11 i,bor, the 0, ihoveo slowly up tile bAlle, . I
, I PRAOTICAL StMVtY, I I ad fairly satisfaetor . o a lor throng tile ..
. Y the lose *tat better. 61ash them fulneso for I kiio6v,. not wh %t high- wbarveu and Po") Buell a Parcel of ragues III a
WjjGgAl SAW Me ION of woo hag boen pleturel i In HanlIltbu tl,16r ck , reported t a riorz, and it migilty
to Bradstreet's, there Patj been a ""'17 beable to expresff tlOse feelingaris
often and In Its Yarloue forms, yet 11"Onlrb. 6, fine colander or er and nobler things? We may not 9 Illy, and tours of joy are nAtilon I
good demand from Wc tartar -pound or till 1111=91100 : Would, Oro * I led seenj the dny,
the halt of this gtory of Intamper- country retall VMS " add b6 qu oil 11 tile disabled ship comes In, I
a Wq;dswortht. Such mail ,ire rare. Heaven WArillest. -,yeloome Will not That, treas n thus could sell us,
ance, can never be told, foit It can merchants to Sort stocks. The V61 -Y best butter And, SIX large t.aDlo. But thb game aesthetic Pleasure is be 'a thOge iwIlo flora oil earth .
MILL ,glven Is My auld groy Itead had lain In clay,
I never be seen. The Bible has par- tirm malkets for manufactured goods Spoonfuls of granulated sugar, 311-i Okirg In contemplating God its re- Iva CrA410d amid religious eandtu. . WV Bruce, nnd IOVII WiLl ace I
McLOAN A SON trayed the awful sinfulness of Sin keep& the Situation In a healthy con- Well and set aside to ,got solid. vealed In.nature. Too the Christian ro . I
- and Its consequ6neoe, yet hbw lit- dItIon, ano. handsome profits are Grate 4two milk biscuits op tile It giveff it Stimulus to!' U19her arlegi W1110 were constantly alleltor. Out 61th). (Ind palver, to wy last
tle Is It lidnerstood. This lesson being made on goods purchased at $ama% quantity of stale broad, t000 ach.lovement and more 'ChrIstILka- cd alld,pr otectod 'from tile flarce libur , -
A.11 kinds of rough and dreaed .... is a, Striking one, atid its Woll,11ing tit(, opening of ilia season. I the yellow Pool Of A large lemon nops of ailiaraoter. . L Storms of tile world, SOL t1lat . I'll M41CO this declaration,
the Business in London I'Ad lit tbey We're bought and sold top J!',11glish
cannot be doubted. SureIr I'liell" t continues Of and Squeeze tile juice. Beat six We Is not all Rorrotw, anti not tlo `L0 t'08t thdir manhood or
I . L air volume. Sorting orders lmye eggs -,,cry tight, and, whon the ap- all work. Muchl of poetry in tn It W-0111"llOad A, but It Will be givon t Such! & pare
q which drankannegir has caused, and trold ,'
LUMBERt LATH, SHINGLES still produces, ,,in Itil ocean lot tax- been fair, and call for good ranges Ple 14 4rerr cold, stir In tile eggs., for thle onquiring mind. Ifalco your- th,000 Who Ila(] to .face tile fleroo 'elL Of r,%jjeN in IL
sing, whirling, raving, feStatjnX, well dlotributed, showing that re- , 0 .
tat, a lemon and 9kated biscult. Allit a Solves .stronger ChIrIgtians, ; oro NtOrnlS Of PaS9IOn,'Av)to, beaton It )nation I
9taghattIng Iforrors," brings a, pal- tres toek9 in tlw country trads can- nd , a ---. . I
APPLE BARRELS. rvej- our checks, and must be getting pretty well "'In ,e la,ss ol, rose Water and a refined young men And Wmnon, and dishbi0d, wore driven far from their
we shrink gi ,
for a , in, CLI.Illrso, but who 1111ally ie
trom IMY Night. T116 silo litts beaut broken into. Values Pre very fIrm, tj liff , g. Line value saucers Toore, Chvistlike, by studying tile W11141t a shootuig Coi(s.
7 t p ate. 1,1111 them with poetry of life, striving tv know pilot, on board and mallo tile.
Hard and Soft Slabs, also a and a faecInation for th-a drinker, At Victoria, Vancouver and other Ito all , har. Shaking rents tn Scotland have
. . put a. border of I)nff I-Okir 00d therein. qla,ice long f4ttolls -11101101. )LIeS, friends Who , I,&
large ut w1fat a hopeless doom P,3611c Coast distrIbuting,psints llywl- 1*1' ve reached record'figutes this y,ear. Two
quantity of dry hard. b AWAItg neoff IN reported ag good for t jff past tile edge and bake Into t1fo coontry,durlilk the lovely lDiag boon %valtilIg will be thore to th0118and P-ounds for two , Onths is
wood f6t sale, delivered. a "' 'No difference whether the veason.-And payments are g "etally Ii t forty-five in nutog. When antunir moDtUs. Soul tile great them, and a loital tillotit of Ill considered a ljormal figure to pa,3j
' abo I _Ot our
ern diluted. Polaroned drink froln Ant, e wIll ,love Is o; f6l, a moderate "boating, white some
hochar of the anolontm or tile mod., more Satisfactory than 11 previous gold grata lbaf ilugat over them tip to God. Zmli 'jop SlIoll bilation wIll go Up tLnd tile, I)bl
years at thle time. and ornamont Ill fanciful deligna oaall power and IMON a Ikeon ap.' lkeul'011 W-111 ring %vilen the Ship- 00=0 Moorn and fopogtg f6tch. high.
erlea'a; Raloongo thle rosult Is woer The with, thill 'AtIfIN or citron. prootation of his Iliffnitelibmtv tjI%t wrocked . ,learn, whIch Ivae
Teleplicne Ordets Promptly , title OPPn weather In Unnitoba, Sep] comea In.-INtorley L. Or Prices. Colgan;
atorn-Al. 'for edme woepks-, while It onablod tile ' _ you ;vouroelt will be stirpelsd(j. Try fiwArt lot In 'tire thlettoo at 91-15, In flow 0
-at teaded to. corsitteuey Is demanded In deal. farnlora to *got on witil fall work, !q6W 176rk-Preddrick 3*. Haas Who It hod Soo,- 1 . . Out, Cros,q,' ' 9200 frIlooting. It to elftlinat,od that
. Irg *Itiv thin eurhe that to a W.Ot made mortantile trade smaller than 010,11heil toli4ve been the first browdr Itest or soul, You havo your cross, Illy triond Scottlelt laIl4OWneTo will be tn-
I or. WIttary"m I Iagre. It is tru6 J.11#,t would Otherwise have been the t,ahe. of Ingoi, beer tn America, Is dead Ohrlmt In the "Inose of f4barion a-vd Tfir-rtv I .... 1110hod fo tbo extent of 9500,000 ,Vf
ceordanoo The amount of burflnoss papaing In h1ri home In Trehion, X. .T. 110 c at fl- tile duty W,1110.11 Y6 ,
WOL0967a 090 S o.0 TAI th'w brcl'gldlOtehklnt-oO*tljiAgdtoirlyringht think* IVIjolexale trade itt Ottawa Is saip-1 tpoln (lepinflay In 1848, in coulpa,"00 the VIY Of tile Valley." Belleir(itif aro deo. i'11111t,"'111P Ill All YOUr !Yaln 11 thA VkOntillm Of shootings for thla
o, nY the boeg that mwarm about ilia roAe, know illAt (;O(Vj) lov(* Is YOuNc&9O1I'A 61YOrt, WIT110 Tialmon and
trag d0ed 110t att Adoordhig to volAdotbi - fActOry, All 4111119'y 00nfllder(d, Anti with tile late GenorAl Vranz Siggel. 01ghing, rojoicing, hungoring And en , bec'01111119 tt trolit flethingn .brInK In ovo
I - It.aror a,litl V,,ainer truLl, to .VGu ant, ()oo,_Und6,d frit.ulto, ,r g000,_ .