HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-12, Page 81 THE WING .kDY, C Thursday Nevem � . .,�. . E t bar � z, I yo3 NOTE AND COUMENT. East Wmwanosh., ,. Our Business- E�j�� ot��'�j)� � J'as, Noble vleited Olinton friends on There were 901, mortgages made ����"�� Wednesday of last week. ' � itlert?asiug daily, also our in Bruce county last year and 1,X03 The trustees of $, S. No, 10 have re. Stock- We Are secul•ing Now discharged, The Bishop of Huron has appointed enga ed Miss Thompson as teacher a w r M M �L A D P WS M o ti N o o Qopds almost daily, and parties * * * Revs, J, Hilo, M. A, to Attwood and for I�I. , favoring us with, their patronageHenry Cargill ranged, until the mission Is rear- We are pleased to say that Mrs, a 'Cita will of the late l3enr g' >onfr c� rent assured of securing everything has been probated at $50#,000, Fie Robert $hteil has stiMcleutly recover- You are luxe at all' times to find in this store the cor- carried insurance to the extent of ed from pert recent illness to be able 1 � for iJostUI�2e he Chapter of the Brotherhood of in the Grocery and Crockery line. St, Andrew will meet at the Rectory to be out again, ., +* Our desire is to satisfy the. wants $20,000. * * next Friday at 3 p.m. A cordial invite xect up-to-date materials and trimmings s, in of lite public in our lines with -The ", tion is extended .to the young men of the ln�liis stone stables l yhavi .cepme at P Tweeds oma puns, Zibeline, and Flare effects.. No gt)eatfon- �� Where did the stick, g Joseph Stone - fresh, Olean goods,. bought at the flooring pili in them, . money come from"? is distanced in Rev. D. X. A., was sir• house is doing the work + lowest cash prices, and will be Bola Davidson,x • trouble to display the'goods and trimmings and the you the at a, close margin. We will quote Wingham by the query -"Whore is dained and inducted as a missionary of A. number from the 9th line attend- b J a few interestingItems this week, the postoflice to be built"? the Presbyterian ohuroh at a meeting of eel the fowl supper given by Mr, Stret. very latest ideas.. • * * * the Stratford Presbytery, He will go ton in Belgrave on Thursday of last 0lbs. Cookin Figs, new stock.. 250 to Central India. week and report a good time, �gg , �' --Arrangements have been made to 3t`7+YC a look through of r Corset, Rose and L[ erWL'�'�,� $ Ihs, Select Ratstns.......... .....25c Nothing humbles the soul lime sacred Mr, John $radnock, who had lila 1 ., 125c hold over 850 Institute meetings aur- and intimate communion with the head severely cut by the smashing of Departments -we know that it will a ou 2 pkgs, Uno (new Breakfast food), „25c Ing the touting fall and winter. These - Lord; yet there is a sweet joy in feeling '4 cutting box at Mr, W. Andrew's t pay y ry commence on November 10, that He knows all, and, notwithstaud• farm, near Blyth, some time ago, is shipment of Ellie Furs to 1jal�d to -day --early eaI'1 for re- ` We invite every lady in the ing,=loves us still. -J, Hudson Taylor. able to be around again, p y----- y town of Wingham and surrounding * * * The Ministerial Association of Owen Mr, Wm. Jobnoton has entered into eat orders • well quality and our prices tell the story country to call and have a Iook at -The Advance is informed on good Sound have decided to take a religious partnership with Mr. JohmArtnstrong 7 l our stock of Crockery and Glass- authority that a general election for census of the town to find out how of Be)grave, in the live stook shipping ware. A shipment just arrived the Dominion may be expected Boon- many people do not attend church, and business. Fanners will find Mr. John- „ „ consistin of a large assortment of that is within eighteen months, the number of children who do not at- ston au hottest, energetic buyer, and ' . g g fond Sabbath School.. Mr. Armstrong is to be congratulated Toilet Sets, Celina, GIassware, etc. * * in securing him for a partner. �i11 "�"f' TLEMB Last Sunday was Decision Day in the �r-q T We keep the Toronto Bread for -••A. W. Robb, editor of the Walk- .Methodist Sunday Schools of Canada. The closing meeting of the beef -ring ■ . s ■ s • sale, received daily, erton Telescope is the Liberal candi- In Wingham School print4d cards were conducted on the Bed line during the wN s a r a s ! d Two shipments per week reeeiv- circulated in the classes. TheA when past season, was held at Mr. R. G. , p P date in South Bruce, The Wiarton signed, Indicated the purpose of the cGowan's on Thursday evening, %' p C ed of nice clean Celery, Canadian says --"Mr, Robb is a pretty person whose signature was attached, when all business for 1003 was settled. , r e inVltP'�7 you o YXalt our Ready -Tailored of"ed lllothes Highastpriceaforproduce, good man, hitt ex -Warden Donnelly to serve and acknowledge Christ. It was decided to continue this ring Department. Your needs can be easily and quickly sup - Cash for Butter and EgKs, and a few changes were made in the Quick Delivery, Phone 5s, will down him, and Bruce will have This week will probablysee the close g officers for 190#. two Tories in the next parliament," of the evangelistic services now being plied, and we will not punish your p # * * held in Wingham Methodist church. ) a pocket very Severely. Humberstone These services have been as lab red West WawanOSh. Good brand new Overcoats for five dollars and up "'we sincerely hope, that when the of mush good, Tlia pastor has labored s naw postafiice is built, no citizen will faithfully, and the meetings have been ' Potatoes are badly affected with the 1-1 with -hold his patronage from it, or re• well attended. On Sunday last, the rot, - ..I .. ,..--7:1------:, 1d ('I`udhope's old stand, Wingham) fuse to receive his mail from its new services were especially profitable. Township Council meets on Wed. - and handsome wickets, simply because In many places fit the United States, nesday, October 1861), at 10 a. m. Stocks in every Department new alld fully assorted. - ehureh-going is much neglected. In a Evangelistic services are beingheld the building was not erected on the city of 18,000 population, on a recent at Donnybrook by Rev. Couplan. TO FARMERS ANIS identical spot, he bad (in his own mind) Sunday, there were only fifty persons A good organ for sale Cheap. marked out for it, present in the Presbyterian church, with The Ladies' Aid of Dungannon Pres- T�CK * * * a pastor able in his pulpit ministrations, hyteriau church raised $205 last year. ' " ' "" ' . Business then seem to be relegating Threshing is about over, the root -The Conservatives of the new rid- church attendance to their wives. The crop pretty well in, and the apple crop"h' 0 N ing of South Bruce will hold an organ- following verse, credited to Rev. Dr, O. harvested. The field of tarn was , yield g The Chopping Pant o r Elie P. Gifford of Buffalo is expressive of ,D ization meeting in Walkerton tGO ,lj A 1% his the facts in the case in many places in very good, • NEVI" MILL Thursday afternoon, Nov. 12, The the States:- I Some suspicion has been aroused re- Big Prices for Trade. dt. �• VV new riding comprises Huron, Kinloss, In the church's field of tattle, gat -ding the burning of the Auburn � DIRECT ���PO�TE� -Josephine St., North Culross, Carrick, Greenock, Brant, In the bivouac of life, flour mill last summer One of the - You will find the average Christian Goderich constables paid that village Is now running in full swing and Eiderslie, Paisley, Chesleq, Teeswater, Represented by his wife. a visit ast week, but the matter is still Lucknow and Walkerton, in the A'ark. Farmers and Stock Feeders are The young people of St. Paul's assured of entire satisfaction in hav- * * * church will hold their first social with the near advent of winter., Bast Huron Farmers' Institute to o + - , r t . in g their gran ground at the New -,The Bruce Herald gives this item meeting next Monde evening, in the .stove wood is nearly .is high as ft lose t � � � r Mill, as the machinery is new and up- i; g Y gr last year -$2.00 and $2.25 being asked Meetings of cast Huron Farmers' Institute to -date and only first-class work will of news: -There is some mention of ached xoom at 8 o'clock. Refreshments now for a short cord, Not so many for the discussion of Agricultural and kin• o* 'w One way Special reduced rate Tickets are On will be served and a good programme dyed subjects will be held In be done, We solicit your patronage an Independent seeking election for rendered, A free will offering will be Years ago 90 cents was considered a Blujecte ......................Nov. 19 Sale Dally Until November 30th, to points in and Ctrust Q Felll d ofvall akindstrial. ke t the Dominion House in North Bruce. taken up to defray expenses. Rev. C. fair price. .. Fordwich..................... ' 20 British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, d. P The name of Mr, Dan. McTavish of R. Gunne, M.A., of Clinton Treasurer John H. Ryan has purchased a new Molesworth ................. "" 21 Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc. 5 P Ethel ......................... 23 on hen Bruce township is being ire Scutt of the Y. P. A. A. will address the met• twenty -horse power J. J. Case engine, bvalt.n.'.' ................... " 21 P g q Y Ing and explain the nature of the or- made at Loraine,,Ohio, with which to Harloo..................... ... " 25 CLUBBING RATES 1903.04. Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, Ill. mentioned as a possible candidate. . Constance .................... " 26 D. McGregor Mr, McTavish fs very popular and ganization. Officers for the ensuing ruu his threshing plant. Recently he Manley's School House....., " 27 Nov. 28th to neo. 5th. Single Fare for yeas• will be elected. A cordial invita. added it Sawyer & Massey blower -to . Murdie's School House.•,... " 28 �- Round Trip, Plus $3.00, Good Going Nov. 29th, would make an ideal member of Par- tion is extended to all the young people his thresher. St, Columba .................. 30 The ADvar7cE notes the following 30thec. 1st. Valid returning on or before THE NEW MILL Wingham Y Each day at 1.30 and 7.30 gm. To attend q g Dec'. 7th, 1903. liament. in the country connected with St. On Tuesday, the two large barns be- these meetiegs a cordial welcome is extend. cesx IN ADVANCE clubbing rates, * * * Paul's to attend the social meeting and longing to Messrs. J. and W, McPher- ed to all. Order at once and secure the most �+jt, Clemens Mineral Baths. -Warden Kerr says, that owing to spend a pleasant evening. Those who son, near St. Helena, were totally de T. MOMILLAN, Pres. . G)RO. HOOD, Seo, for the money. the large amount of work to roads and have kindly promised baking will please stroyad by fire, together with 1500 Fa' 1.00 The Wingham Advance till Unexcelled treatment for rhenmatism, nor, have it at the school room on Monday bushels of grain, hay, straw, and near- December 31st, 1901. vous diseases. etc. Situated near Detroit. bridges in the county this year the + P Quickly and comfortably reached by the i afternoon at 4 0 clock, and those who ly all their farm im lements. The fire ,Morris. The Advance, and Weekly Grand 7.`runit. I probabilities are that the expenditure are willing to het in this way will is su y <i number of horses are laid u with For $1.75 P p g P Y pposed to have been started b Mail -Empire, both until Dec. I will overrun the estimates by a good kindly give their name to any of the the children while playing in the build- distemper in this township. ' P Victor a Or with Mail premium picture -"The The "St. Catharines Well. II t j man dollars. Three new steel bridges following young ladies, Misses Griffin, ings, There was an insurance of $1700 6 y g Houghton, Diusley and Davis. on the property but the loss will be Fred Beyans has been re -en a ed as 75 The AdvanceeSu and Week]y The waters of this famous well aro a ,15 on have been built this year, the one at 8 g For ape Sun. The Sun is an excel• specific die far nervous dnaordera. Situated en +tT y far in excess of that figure, teacher in S. S. No, 5 for 1904 at an iu- lent paper for the farmer, the niiect lino of the Grund Trunk, eleven P Benmilier being an unusually big con- l COUNCIL 31EETING,, crease in salary, miles from Niagara les,118. The Advance and Montreal S tract. Br]dge building will Have to be Dr, Ovens of London, M. R, d. S. L. The Counci] wet till November 5th, For $1.15 Weekly Herald until Dec'r. continued for a number of ears as R. C. P, specialist, eye, ear, nose and ursu ,nt to ad ournment; members Alex. Cn and new horse is nearing a 31st, 190. Samples Office. Herald can be seen For tickets, and all information applp to N y P 7 completion and will be one of the best at the Advance Office. Agents. Write to J. D. McDonald Distrito 1 man wooden structures have about throat, will be in Win bam, at Cam all resent. Minutes of last meetin y g P' P g dwelling houses in this section of the Tho Advance and the old Passenger Agent, Toronto, for descriptive r served their day. bell's Drug store, Monday, Nov. 30th. read and passed, A communication country. FOC $1.75 favorite, The Montreal Fami• literature regarding the above resorts. Glasses properly fitted. was ,received from John L. Rae, re- ty Herald and Weekly Star, for one year, ` * * * questing the Uouncil to. take action, Mr, and Mrs. L. Williams of Morris with throe premiums -A large map of the ►• D. mcDONALD -A respected citizen has asked the NOTICE. -The question is how can and arrange to have his sister, Ruphe- purpose taking a trip to the old land. Dominion, and 2 beautiful colored pictures, Dietribtl?aesengerAgenb, Toronto, Robt, McIndoo loan his money so mia Rae, at resent an inmate of the Rtunor has it that L. J. is heir to a Heart Broken" and '"Hard to Choose." see Advance for an opinion on the Alas- thea on notes and mortgages. Call P these premiums at the Advance Office. P House of Refuge at Clinton, removed snug fortune, kan boundaryquestion. Certainly, and see. ROBT. MCINDOO. The Advance and Toronto , q y" from there as he (John L. Rae) and For $l.$5 Daily News, from now until , " "� •' with great pleasure, Lord Alverstone another brother he said, were about to John Craig, 7th line, and Miss Ida December 31st, im. " a ' t was probably prompted by benevolent .1. °" move and take a job of cutting wood Smith, 8th line, were married on I in some of the new settlements awe Wednesday of last week'at the resid- Others will be added shortly. En- Happy Thought Ranges motives. Knowing the Yankees to be 57-62 The Critical Age. north, the sister to go along as their ence of the bride's father. We quire at the office for rate on any hotpheaded creatures (see Venezuela Height of vigor past -nature's power housekeeper. After considering this wonder who will be the next happy paper you desire. �+ Crown Huron Ranges . case) be no doubt concluded that they slowing down, vitality Iess, endurance matter over, it was moved by Mr. Wil- couple. �t�nter'SXCl4rSUnS New Idea really needed all the ice available in less. Stop the progress of decay, tone son, seconded by Mr, Ellis -That in Ranges up the weakened nerve centres, impart the opinion of this Council it is advisa- wm. Hunter, 7th line Intends going THE MARKETS that northern territory to keep their to college in a few dave at Newark; N. FROM ALL STATIONS Ideal Favorite Ranges vigor to the tiring brain, prepare for bee to allow Euphemia Rae to remain „_„ g heads coo], so he gave them a vast the crisis. A means of remarkable pro- where she is at resent, for the coming J. His removal will be felt, parti• P p g Vs'ING!]3AM MARKETS Base Burners all sizes source of supply, and threw the ]and fancy in the renewal of decreasing winter months at least -carried. ciilarly in the Sunshine Sabbath Sharbot Lake, Windsor, Wingbam, Tees- ' vigor is found in Ferrozone. It bright- Co of report of engineer appointed school where he has taken a great in- water, Owen Sound, and intermediate stations; into the bargain. g g PY P g PP terest for years, Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 40 - Coles Hot Blast Coal Heaters * * * ens up the whole being, imparts a sense to examine grave] road south of the Fall wheat per bush new 77 to 77 also Hamilton to stations Mattawa to Nipigon Air Tights, all sizes of power and strength, By the use of town of Wingham received. The Ohas, Taylor, of Kansas, who a bats pair bush........... 0 28 to 0 28 and Garden River, intlugivo, Kipawn and g t -The experiment of lighting passer- Fexrozone, old age fs pushed back twan- Council after carePally examining the short time ago was here on a visit to Barley per bush........ 0 50 to 04,0 Ttmiscaming, on OCTOBER 9th To NOV- ger trains with acetylene gas, which ty years. Ferrozone gives strength, same, concluded that the cost of fixing his brothers on the Rh line, since re- Peas per bush .......... 0 55 to 0.00 EMBER sth, inclusive and to Havelock to Guaranteed to give Satisfaction and has been tried b the C, n R. for some vigor, endurance, vim, Your druggist this road in conformity with engi- turning home has • disposed of his Bran ...................18 00 to 18 00 Sb Lake, inclusive, on October 24th to Prices to stilt. Call and examine y has it. Get a box to -clay. neer s estimate was too heavy an out- farm and purpos returning to this Shorts ..................20 00 to 200o November ath, Inciusive, theta, it will a you, at time, has proved so successful that the lay for all the benefit to be derived (if pay y part in a short ti e. Cite 1 `L5 to 1 •Lo order has gone forth naming acetylene fixed) for a few days in the spring of Ha """ ""'""""' Single Fare For Round Trip the year -recommend that no action The following is the re ort of the y " • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • " " 7 OO to 700 g as the illuminant to be used in future, Blyth g P Butter per ib..,,.. .,... 0 I7 to 0 17 be taken at present. standing of the pupils of S.S.No. 5, C, s Tickets valid for return until December 12th, All the new cars being built by the b. Mr. Ben. Gerry of Brussels is visit- Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Morr)s, for the month of October :5th gg 0 18 to 0 18 1903• fn his son N. B. Gert Lard , ..... er bu h (ne . , 0 12 to 0 13Flkhleigh P. R. are equipped with the acetylene R Y• Mr. Beecroft -That Reeve McCallum Blass -Martha Armstrong, ctober:ole, Ask or write sour nearest Canadian Pacific lent and ft is expected that b next Charles Flood returned to his be authorized to meet delegates front Sr, 4th --Lana Parkinson, C!a ton Potatoes per bush (naw) 025 to 30 aRent for copy of "Fishing and Shooting" and P P y y Y Appples per bag ...... , . 0 35 to 0 40 Sportsman a Map. spring 300 cars will be so lighted. This home in Detroit on Monday. Vila more and Morris is try and came Proctor. Fred, ter, Frank S, Trane Hides per 100 lbs....,.,. 6 00 to _ 6 50 Hardware Mare Wingham. to a more satisfactory solution of the Clegg, Edith Procter, Frank Stratton, Lamb skins .... , . , . , . . will include all the passenger trains Anniversaryservices in connectionnson, 0 30 to 0 40 A. H. NP Passenger Smith & Pethick's old stand, . on the C, P. R.'s main lines and man matter of repairing and the also Watson. Jr. 4th Gra en Ferguson, Dressed hogs... , . M . , . , . 5 00 to 7 5o Assistant g St. E Passenger Agent y with the Methodist thatch were held road, and if neceaaar g Live hogs . ........ . .... . .. 5 50 to 6 75 Ding St. East, Toronto. on the branch lines. Gas reservoirs on Sunday, attend the next meeting of the County Maggie Irvine, Jenny Jordan, Lizzie Tallow, per Ib......'...,. 05 to 61 will be supplied to each train, capable C. Hamilton conducted a stock sale Council at Goderich to look after this Gallagher. Jr. 4th -Lawrence Arm- Wool ............... .... 7a to 18 on the farm of John Barr in Hullett matter -carried. strong, Noble Wheeler, Edgar Galla' Ohickensperpair........ 40 to 75 _ of holding sufficient gas to run the on Wednesday. The Treasurer reported cash on hand gher, Jennie Anderson. Alvin Arm- P� ��[i1S y Ducks per pair .......... 00 to 60 train until it arrives at the next gen- at date, $204. strong. Jr. 3rd -Lizzie Ferguson, Turkey, per lb...... .... IO to lI - crating station, Geo. Powell is having a new stable Bylaw PID. 10, 1903, appointing place Mdry Irvine, Rennie Wightman, Thee. Geese, per 1b.......... .. 6 to 07 B erected in place of the old one, which of nomination and polling places for Frazer, Murray Johnson, Bert, Young, PH 14 * * * is being pulled down. Isaac Barr has the next ensuing municipal election, * '" p Q¢ t g p Willie Watson. Sr, 2nd -John Goul- T i1 Prettiest b -The Globe on Monday omitted a ,the contract, duty read and passed. R. G. McGow- `tes, Leslie Wightman, Andrew Proc- TCRbN70 STOCK MARKET. lfklov P11 terrible wail. It has at last found out Rev. T. J. Allin a former pastor of am'was appointed D. R. O. for polling ter, Leslie Bates, James Vancamp, --- - that "there are barnacles on the ship of the Brussels and Goderich Methodist division ion 2,o. 1, John S. Scott Jct for Hestefor Jr. r Johnson, n Norm Annniie Biel, For full andpacgcurate market re- Over GWRE5bp - China in town is to be found „ churches was a guest at the Methodistports see second page. Correa - State, and adds that they must be parsonage for a few days this week, division No. 3, and John Gibbons for Maggie Wightman, Irvin Ferguson. pond' division No. 4. Sr. p g ' g QO00 AdK toy Institute at � ,00per's•-so say those who treyted with an iron hand." The or- p rt IT -Scott Irvine, Morley Jor• strictly an also sa s 'To The members of the L. O. L. cele- Accounts were ordered to be paid as dan, Charles Coultes, Bella Wigbtman, oo,ifia- 786 Queen St, west (Uiee have been the rounds. . g y -' give the province a brated the 5th of Nov, by having an follows, -Henry Toil, 1J days' shovel• ,John Tasker, HenryArmstrong,Vic- CASH FOR YOUR aOt1sl TORONTO. oar thoroughly competent, aggressive and ,,At home" in their Lodge room; a ling gravel, road Div. No. 5, $1,25; for Young, Horace Irvine. Jr, rt II , Honest administration is the first duo lti was reuse has th rchased the No. $8,05;IDav]d Cook, 45 r ds, Albert Tasker, CaProcter. i1lst class { { 6d YE'ARS' , y P Y gGallagher,I1CAL IMSTAT of Ontario 1 "iberals." After its p YE30 EIVCG friends have been in power for thirty handsome residence of Mr. S, ased the gravel, roast Div. No, 30. $3.15, and -Cameron Geddes, Charles Frazer, It is my business to find that other man ;. - , ou, and my methods Nvill do it in tbo years, bas the poor old Globe only ton; we Congratulate Mr. Beene in se- 117; George Dale; on hill 3�7, Cards gravnd el Willie Gertrude Armstrong, neo donlaFerguson, shofor rtest possible time It you flnd s buyer be- �a��a�ese��na curia one of the ettiest homes in ' y y just now discovered this "first duty"? Blyth. PS 18 yard g gravel, , r ,$1.90 ; Isaac , $1.2,l, Average attendance $3. F. T. Brgana, ford I db, you will owe mo no Commission. I JZ The Globe's editorial is an admission J yards grave], road Div. No, iia, $Load teacher, cannot sell a property at a ridiculous fancy The Scottish Concert held in In- Joseph J, Kerr, 30 yards gravel, road _ that the Government of Ontario has dustry Hall on Thursday night was Div, No. 57, $2.10 ; Joseph Ruddy, rie - moll not try. for you. It you have anything grto Is always in popular de- NOT been "competent, aggressive and a decided treat the Company merit- drawing pipes and building Culvert callat mend, and we have placed iu = honest," and witlk this thousdn s of ed a much larger audience than was ]ot 39 con. 10 and Il $3• Christopher Belllnbre. onto for terms and full Particulars. TRAt)K MARKS P Just a word to the ileal gstate Buyer- DCSiaNS stbcl� a very Choice assortment - Ontario electors agree Mr. Stratton present. g Skinri, 14 yards gravel on sideline 33 Rev, D. Rogers assisted in the re- Have a look at what I have to ofYer you before Anyonb sending a sketeCaOnd dosOorH L onn mol of dainty odd dishes as well as is probably one of the "barnacles" Donald McMullin. son of John Me- and 31, non. 9, $5.00; John Beecroft, 72 viva, services here, last week• you buy. I have Just the property you want, gutcirly ascertain our opinion free w iother an the more staple lines such as „ Millan is vary low at present with yards gravel on sideline 30 and 31, con, Invention fe r°olotIs pr bablyratenn�auo Comm unless.' p that must be treated with an iron tun 1) $28, and drawing plank and repair. Bishop Baldwin of London was here Cupt? and Saucers, Berry Sets, 'hand." But who is to apply the treat g trouble. Dr. of Wing Ing culverts sideline 30 and 31, con, l), recently, opening an English church C "YME MAii[rIRI intents taken iiou°yhf Aiiinn'gCo:reo0i7S Sugars and Creams Tea Sets P y ham and Dr, Ttirnbuq of town enter- $7,50;. Hugh McBurney, 72 yards gra• service in the Forestei'e Hall. Bev. Real Estate Agent►pcCtaittasicc, wit}h�ut cG�argaa, tnthNo g i r ment, the Globe does not say. HVi- talo little hope for the patient. en� A�� ./lif &A& �r�n Plates etc. You will find our P P vel, $5.04; Jas, McGee, drawing plank Dr. Smith of Deseronto will have Plates, dently Mr. Ross does not want North Rev. H. M, Mannin preached, and repairing floor on bridge on river, charge of this field, with appointments 6ltloo: Upstairs in Vanstono $look. t values to be extra good. ; Renfrew to try its hand at the "treat- morning and evening to urge congre• con. 10 and 11, $0;" Jas. Sutherland, at Lakelet and Teeawater. Rev. Dr. . Aha» dsomelynlustrated weekly. i�.arReet air culatiment." Suppose, however, that the gations. The offering on the occasion drawin tile and building culvert, lot Smith we learn will also year; r ahyeoictL S 10 by orma,Lsa pp , g g , practice , ear i four months, $L so d by Ail i5owat1oalera "barnacles," was sufiic]ent to wipe the debt on the 20, con, 12 and 13, $4.50; Peter Leaver, medicine here, West Huron Farmers Institute ���� � Coggigroadwa �8W rk barnacles, by whose work the Gov- Y" French i church propperty, The choir, under widening , road sideline 30 and 81, coil. larauoti oiAae. b6F st,1 w48blustot4 :71, t � ernment exists, should object to the the Ieadership of .Miss Ftgody, sang Il, $12, also repairing pier on bridge rhe death of Mrw, J6bn Chittick, supptemenoary meetin a of West Huron r. "iron hand" treatment, what then ? several flne hymns. . on river, con. 10 and 11, also building lusts nd Vtrroketer, took lace on Farmers' Institute will lid aafottowa:- ----- .---�y-- wife of the mail carrier between Bet• eid Londesboro,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dec, 1 Imported frb1Y1 the cele. As they have the Government by the l` 1683;tRobt�Shirt �i1, Ir,ci3 IO and rnr Stindaq morning-. The cane of her St1 Tolens:::::::::::,::::: s r „"' y s° a'' y � � brated town of Limoges and . throat, something will happen if the y g death was anal si , � ■ situ " BIluevnlle. vel an sideline 30 slid 31. con. It. Sic; #) y s this being her Delegates-11.Holmesvilto............... " 4 p decorated by the renowned iron hand treatment is attempted, P. Porterfleld, revising Voters' Iists, third stroke. Deceased was t0 years of subJtg"'Toundn ion ' rein t Icegofo ue fd A I Charles Field Havfland. Fou'r The monthly meeting of the Wom- attending coupt at Beigrave 1003, by age, and hag been a resident of Bel- eessfut stock broedinfl." "The modern harness distinct ' utterns to choose from "�"'"`�# ell's Institute will be held on Wednes- order of county judge.,$14.41; Alex. more for quite a number ,of years. and caddie hosts, xnd halo or breed tti.m;' p day, Nov, 18th at 2.80 in. at the Porterfield, services as constable serv- The funeral took place on Tuesday d sen a lationn between i otocloir f ce i u with uh f � and a iscore of different rshaped The St, Catharines ''Weil. home of Mrs, Y. Ral;.v, pT,he subject Ing notices, attending � court at Bel- afternoon to the Morris cemetery near view of rbvonttng diseases" venin sub• ��Q�pTa � �+��iiREr� idisheb. The Etaviland China . for discussion will be Economy in the grave, revisingVoters lista 1903, b Wroxeter, jecta- q y 3lie Education of thf Horan and write for our Interestingbooks"Invent- • • The admirable train service that is Home," A cordial invitation Is eft- - order of count 11arming as a Ilrbf6aslbn, Jr. "T3•""Smith, of or's HOP" and ""How u are swindled."i h5 considered by experts to be ;_ , y judge, $7; win, itch- fast. week Mr, Wm. Hays sold his I,Angban"k ," subjects -- " Weeds, Irecd and send us a rough sketch you cost of cutin. the best that Limoges produces. ' . operated on the Clrand Tritnk Railway tended to all the lades to attend, inson, assessor, attending court at Bel- farm, 130 acres for 3000, to Mrs. Jos, FCedaig, Good Sead. From ■oil to plaint,' vection or rough m y lt` p - System makes it a pleasure for travel grave, revising Voters lists, also se. Nett who liver on $the ltd Ofnin 50 Evening subjects --"Choosing an oeoupation:' tike out opinion as to whetherwtu ie prollm�ily leas to reach this man ointti located '131EtT$s. lectin urors 1003, j g "'A��aloulture Education.' P many g j $0; Dari` Geddes, acres. Win, intends to go next week ]Vlbmbership tickets cost only 2Go, and be• bei,iItxnccesafnilly pfoAccutedonshay. Wt ori its linea. Clue of the prominent p+elis,_ tri pVinghatli, Nov,7, t0 Mrs, Relgrav�, use of house for hold]ng to look at some farm property near sides the valuable litot,ture Obtitles th4 hold conduct fully y p eeuice in 10 wr �rOfnd ki and see the laces is St. Clatharines, Oubirio, where i my Cquippppca offices in bfoutrcal p T. Vella, adaughtet. Voters ]tatCour87903, $2.50; Wm, Mc{ Dundatk, and five wish phitn well ertcfiredadmtaglbu to life'atstook stow At andwashiugenti; ttiisqunlifieaunto prompt assortment. the famous St, Catharines' Well, Can• Ltisty, dxawing tile anti building Co. Guelph 3 times daily, Tickets can be procured Ifurn ly di Mob work and quickiyy secure rateuts ads*s great health resort is located, Bradwin. In Myth, Nov. "o, to Mrs, went culvert, sideline 119 and 40, con, 3, wherever he goes. Mrs. _ Neil Will from rho local direttora or from rho secretary, as broad astltdinveatlon, lilahcstrcfcrdnccs - "` It is noted for its saline baths, and A. 9, Bradwin, a daughter, $10, also Cleaning but drain sideline 39 leave a fine farm of Hearty 200 screw, Lalied. thousands of �'"" Patetits procured through Marlon & Ma- people p Andresva,�»In Blyth, Nov. 3rd, to Mrs + repairing g ...,.._.,�, �• HOYTSI>:- cion rdcelva spectai notice without Chario in l' America have been cured or read ' fit. Andrews, a�daughter, , , , �!, over loo tierors AW5 distributed throughout ' � N $alt f {neo trlb tine de9c>wi of ivy Y deer tt�8ltlAt}) S, $ The co I ck r g01?oud ftir$1 re etrecl S" ( HCL'b D '`' 211M, aullon riatct,t bueinesse ut lltannfac. p k 10th Oct. last, being satisfactory, vas These Dye* will dya wool, Cotton, $ilk, Jilto hirers iand vngifteers. Successors ,and,all particulars may be had on a Iladea•-Ames.'--•At �'Il`oodgreeh Manse, accepted, Mrs. W. henry of Fordwinh, nee or Mixed Goods in one bath «- they are ttie Successors to AleX. Rohs plication to G. T. Bii.I,L, G. I*, & T, A. Toronto, on October 14th, by Rev, The Council thon adjourned till Tues- Mim Thompson of this lace, died on latest mil. niost Im roved Dye In the world, MA1�0N & MAR101�' rand Trttnk B4[Iwiq J$ydtem, Mon- Mr. Mooch, Mr. Ino, Hades to Mies day, 15th Dec, next. Sunday last, after an illness of IoVdral Try a pnekat� e, w l colna nt tiv, Moomets p p �' Pa>~ert4 1=xgorkI and Salloltowd, B614r wo, oAit and O, B, MCCioItAud's *tore, Q11ICea t �hft�remrc� w :e" „ ra°.ni Q c� treat, C3antula;V+ Emily Awes, �+ P. Porterfield, (perk. tYlotlLlxw, store. gl, bat. All .ME `!