The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-12, Page 4sY Ritchie Campbell �. ...... . . ..... toroth Dodd" Has an arch of Steel This arch of steel has given the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe world-wide :fame --if the shoe hadn't a single other commendable feature, the arch. support alone would make it a better shoe than any other ever made. A woman can walk for miles in "Dorothy Dodd " shoes without fatigue. They are not expensive shoes. $3.00 and $3.75 pair, a few special models at $4.00. ' 11tchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McINDOG. * >� THE ROYAL GROCERY n,vwvh n ��.�� This is the season people .Beanmake Boston Baked Beans, and to cook them properly you require a Bean Jar ; we have them in all sizes—Quarts for 10 ets. Stone Crocks. up a cp a c aratete opened of Stone ware, including Butter Crocks, Cream Crocks, Churns, etc. Cheaper than earthenware and much better_Gallon Crocks for 10 cts. Sweet Cider. You will soon be �/ commencing to pre- pare for Xmas., making plum pudding and mince meat, and of course a little Cider 1n the mince meat improves it very much ---10 cts. Qinart. at GrITTIn9s We Always Have Made a Specialty of Fur Goods and this year is no exception .... -rte. We have now on hand a large stock of M Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes, and Men's Fur Coats at very reasonable prices. We are con&den better value cannot be had anywhere than we are offering in these goods. ComeZft e~ now and have your choice while our range is compete. ,Also Ladies' Cloth Jackets, any style, very special value; and Men's Cloth Over coats, the latest: make. BLANKETS, Woollen and Flannelette Blankets ; vie guarantee the Best value in Blankets. Handsome Comforters for $1.25, $I,40 �. and $r.5o, .,�. .. See our Stock.. before buying elsewhere k r T. A. MILLS a T {'WNGILM AD V"A Cz Thurs4ay, November 12, J 9(),J —TI petitions agaillst the elec. tio ns of T. I. Thompson In North � r+ip+IJlriY�4lYFIIICymi,6� ,euCiI.IVI iI� Y�I{I, ul Grey and G. 1). Graut in North y �y �., lantana, for the rd on Perlia- r sH PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE hent, will be heard on November —• -110u. J. A, Davidson, Provin- 14th It is understood that no cial Treasurer of Manitoba, suffer- evidence will be offered in either Macdonald Block, Wi1nghain. ed a relapse, and died at his home case, and the protests will end at Neepawa at noon on Friday last, thusly, --Twenty-eight surveying par- ---At the present rate of the con - ties, numbering 050 men, who have centration of wealth, in fifty years 9 JAS* H. KERR been during the past summer sur- fiftyfamilies will own the value of IdiM'yl . n 6n. �Ilayl l.,il...r all :Q..w.W w+p...l«.y.►',:I ..,. ,w ,u.r I.ynA.. ,,I :i J..,. it it i III, II .I: II AW uLiii n ii I:. li: dI: II ❑ i.it l it illi. i..III'.. veyiug fifty new townships In Nor- fully one-half of the United States, I i 11. „j thern Ontario, have completed and the billionaire will have ar- their season's work and returned. rived long before the passage of HOSIER1 APPLES, FARMERS. that period. Til the race for ten ( figures the Rockefellers have along ---It is reported that the Ontario lead, and if John D. Rockefeller, Government will call an early ses• Jr,, lives and carries out the pians sion of the Legislature, The exact of his father he will probably win - We are offering splendid value We have w tine lot of win, We want laxge quantities of date has not yet been fixed, but it the race. The Rockefeller wealth in WINTERIIOSIERX. ler Apples In barrels, all hand Chicken>r, Ducks, Geese and 'Cux- wiil be, The Mail and Empire un, is estimated at four hundred Hill. in some time during Tan- lions- The only rival to the Oil picked and carefully packed, keys, PLEASE DON'T SCALD THEM. nary or about four weeks earlier ling was the Steel Ding, Andrew We buy direct from the mane- Good bound fruit, 13 pecks of They look much better and sell than the meUibers are ordinarily Carnegie, who took off his crown facturers, thus saving the middle- tipples in each barrel. (You for more money when dry plucked. summoned to transact the business at three hundred millions of which mans profit, which is given to our know the regular apple barrel Starve thein for 24 hours before of the province, amount he has given away One- k l holds only 11 pecks.) Price killing,., I third. The Astors are worth 275 customers. hog�, Take the heads oil and millions; then there are the Goulds, $1.25 a barrel, 13 pecks, leave the tips of the wings on. --The Northwest Grain Dealers' the Vanderbilts, the Whitneys andDo not draw. We will promise Association has issued the follow- others. Plerpont Morgan's wealth _ — -' to take any quantity of good, fat ing estimate to -day of the wheat is not easy to calculate, because be All Wool Worsted Bose verya Poultry if dry plucked. Glove and grain crop of 1903 for Manitoba does not pile it up, but keeps it heavy, will give entire satisfac- s. and the Northwest Territories := moving. Ifis great power is his - Lion to the wearer, Women's —~ Whe4t, 3,123,663 acres, at 16.1 per control of other people's money, acre, 50,290,974 bushels; oats, and of this he has more than any size "' u0c This cold weatheryou'll need to 1,101,333 acres, at 36.5 per acre, other man in the world. Mr. Mor- wear warm gloves., We We also want large quantities 40,198,654 bushels; barley, 381,- gan is a potent factor in the ad- have a splendid assortment. of Roll Butter, Fresh Eggs, Good 135 acres at 29.7 per acre 11 319 - ministration of properties amount- All weigoolht, Worsted Rose, medium Potatoes, White Beans, Dried > > > } p p weight, great value, alt sizes, Apples, Dry or Green Wood, &e. 709 bushels; flax,- 64,639 acres, at ing to four billions ; that means Women's and Children's, prices 9 per acre, 581,751 bushels, four thousand millions, expressed - 20c to ......................... 3oc Women's Cashmere Gloves. A quantity of good Oats wanted. by the figures $4,000,000,000. Women's tined Cashmere Gloves —Only900 in 1,000,000, Women's White Ringwood persons 'I Plain Cashmere Mose, good color, Gloves. according to a medical authority, good quality, all sizes, Wom- Women's Colored Rin wood H0►ii£ die from old age, while 1,200 suc- cumb to gout, 18,400 to measles, 27,000 to apoplexy, 7,500 to con- sumption, 48,000 to scarlet fever, 25,000 to whooping cough, 30,000 to typhoid and typhus, and 7,000 to rheumatism. The averages vary according to locality, but these are considered pretty accurate as re- gards the population of the globe as a whole. --J. B. Jackson, the barrister who figured in the South Oxford election trial, has been appointed trade commissioner at Bristol, Eng- land. The St. Thomas Times says of the appointment --that when he is brought to the end of his tether as an agent for political dirty work he is, like Preston, placed in a good comfortable position in the Old Country by the Liberal Gov- ernment and paid a good salary by the people of Canada. —Statistics furnished by the British Government show that dur- ing October 1903, 2,971 English persons emigrated to Canada, 149 Irish, 762 Scotch and 2,122 foreign- ers, or a total of 6,004. During the previous ten months 45,794 English emigrants, 2,495 Irish, 10,139 Scotch and 34,644 foreign- ers, ora total of 93,072. The total number of emigrants from Great Britain to Australia and New Zea- land for October was 1,657, and to South Africa 7,411. :I: Referring to the Sault Ste. Marie election, Goldwin Smith, in the Sun, says :—"In short, the Government made merchandise of the misfortunes of the community, and deliberately used the public money and the public authority to buy votes for its candidate." Such is the opinion of an independent Liberal, of wide experience and carefal observation. Yet this is the Government that persists in forcing itself on Ontario in spite of an adverse popular vote of 7000. a: ---The Conservative Leader, J. P. Whitney, has written an open letter to Premier Ross, demanding by what right or pretence of right, he has interfered to prevent the issue of the election writ, for North Renfrew, for which the Speaker of the Legislature issued his warrant during last session. J. J. Foy, M. L. A., says he would not be surprised if the Legislature was summoned to meet in January, and North Renfrew's disfranchisement continued until the next general election. —C. E. '.Tanner; Ili, P, P., who', has the organization of the Con- servatives of Nova Scotia in hand says :•---"There is a growing opin- ion throughout that province that the days of the Government are numbered, and moderate Liberals are doubtful of the result of the next election, Mr. Borden stands very high in the estimation of his party throughout the province. Everywhere I hear expressions of confidence in him as a leader and unqualified admiration of the splen- did fight he made during the last session. THE DUTY OF ELECTORS. Regarding the defeat of Dr. Hart, the Liberal candidate in Muskoka, the Toronto News says :— We have Dr. Hart's word for it that Mr. Gamey's campaign made a deep impression upon his own friends. Among the moderate men of Liberal leanings, by his own statement, there existed a pro- found distrust of the Government. "Gamey may be bad, but so is the Government," seemed to be the feeling in Muskoka. It is the Gov- ernment, and not Mr. Gamey which is on trial, although parti- sans may refuse to admit the fact. If it is bad, it should go out, what- ever Mr. Gamey's character. The balance of evidence seems to be that throughout -the Province there exists a deep-seated feeling that the honesty of purpose, the rectitude of administration, the fairness of fighting of the Mowat Government has vanished. There seem to be many men in the country who are Liberals, but who are not satisfied with the Ross Administration. The Ross -party has control of every vestige of organization, and the anti -Government feeling seems to find expression only in the canvass and the ballot -bog. Public life in Ontario is in an unhealthy condition when the King's Evidence is not only list- ened to, but cheered, The imme- diate dnty is to abolish the evil organization whose prowess has driven proper discussion out of the field. The Liberal party has been so long entrenched in power that it has attracted to itself a horde of camp -followers who Dave usurped influence and authority. Drive the Government from office, and we emancipate the Liberal party. Let the moderate Liberals, the men who take pride in the fine constitutional record of their party, the men who rejoice in the honesty of the Mowat Administration, lay this to heart. The objection is eagerly raised by partisans that a Whitney Government would be worse. Which is on trial, the' Government that exists or the Gov- ernment that might exist? If the Whitney Government does wrong it will be expelled from office far more easily than can the Ross Gov- ernment. The duty of the day is to drive the present administration from power, to deprive the machine element of the sources of its strength. Then real political issues can be discussed in the country, and Mr. Gamey will lose his at- tractions as a campaigner. 1950 dollars wade by one man last year selling our household necessities. Did you make as much 2 Try our lines. Always selling, Write G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont, .apples Wanted. We are pregared to buy any quanti- ty of Apples delivered at our Evapor. ating Factory on Alfred street, Wingbam, Parties having Apples to sell will do well to see us before selling, as we contraet for the whole orchard_abak� en off --suitable for drying purposes. We buy windfalls, if not too sma11 or soft, IMahler Bros, —Oneof the wonders of the age in which we live is the Electro - ✓ 0 phone, it m mug fir, Chtd 20c to... ............... ugh loin's Birmingham speech � the tho Dizz London (England) papers, the electrophone and the tO'graph 0 Appetite poor? B o W e1 came into competition and the_ constipatedr? Tongue coated? eleetrophone won by one hour and dead ache' It's j Out liver) twenty-seven minutes, Sitting in Ayer':? PfIIS are liver pills, all a London newspaper office, 113 miles sYway, the reporter Caught vegetable. 9.1d f.* r.b.x eroc., mt ti tr ♦bnre IT ,alae . Mr. Chamberlain's speech, and it Wfllllt your tno115t11G fir beard was printed in full, land the papers sale on the streets of n bellutifu l browp or Hch blitek? Use tw twotltyrlle'treil minutes after tlt6 ter the BUCKINGHAM'S U C K I N G H A M lS D Y sfseeach was delivered, � * �., s�I x en's and Children's, prices Gloves. B - ✓ 0 This cannot be done, when no judgment or 20c to... ............... 25c Women's black and white Ring- which in a great many instances all the cause of domestic unhappiness arises. wood Gloves, with fastners. Pure White Clover honey in glass to us. We have many lines to choose from, Ladies' Cashmere Hose, plain, but above all we recommend and guarantee Misses' Gloves and Mitts, jars, pints to I gallons. Also in 5 lb tin pails, each .......... 40c heavy, pure all wool, price per Infants' white and colored Wool pair ........................... 50c Mitts Men's lined Kid Gloves, 60c to ,Made by The Western Foundry Co., L11NIT<3D ...... WINGHAM,..... J $2.00 a pair. Cheese. Plain Wool Hose, heavy, all sizes, Men's Wool Gloves. Women's and ChiIdren's, Men's tined Driving Mitts with --- -_- prices 20e to .................. 25c cntfs. We certainly have the very best ; Men's heavy Wool Mitts with cuffs. Cheese that money can buy. i Just the kind you like if you're ; Ribbed Wool Rose, heavy, all Boys' All Wool Gloves, a lover of Cheese, per lb ...... 15c I sizes, Women's and Children's. Boys' llned Kid Gloves, prices 20c to .................. 25' U Boys'ned Kid butte• Boys' lined Leather. Mitts with cuffs' Candies. i Men's Black Cashmere Hose, i 3 winter weight ................. 25c ----- Men's Pure All Wool Worsted Hose, 25c to .................. 50c Men's Wool Hose, colored, plain or ribbed, heavy, great value 150 to... ...................... 25c Caps, We have eplendid value in Caps for Men and Boys, and Caps, Tams and Toques for Girls and Children. Young Housekeepers newly starting out in life should first of all study the question of economy in the kitchen, This cannot be done, when no judgment or care is used in the selection of the article from which in a great many instances all the cause of domestic unhappiness arises. Therefore when purchasing the Range come to us. We have many lines to choose from, + but above all we recommend and guarantee + HURON " Ct Moves and RainAges f � ,Made by The Western Foundry Co., L11NIT<3D ...... WINGHAM,..... J They are the standard for Excellence, Economy, and durability ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,« SOLE SIMLING .AGENxs A, Young & Son �f J. Buggy Son We are again handling that de- Iicious Cream Candy that was in such demand last season. Walnut Chocolate Cream Wainut Maple Cream Pineapple Chocolate Cream Drops Orange Chocolate Cream Drops Nut Taffies, etc. 1 Get theuBest-M—It Pays. STAATFORp, ONT. Dest place in Canada for scenring a thor- ough business education or a superior shorthand training. Our graduates are always successful in getting positions. This scbool invariably gives its students more than they expect. Write for cats. Logue. Enter this month if possible, 1. J. Elliott, Principal. c 1.� f "1144 Make up your mind to attend ' Fall Term Begins Sept. 1, 4903, —Two Courses— Commercial and Shorthand. send for College ,journal, C. A. FLEMINO A. L. WINTYRE President seo'r. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS war .ham. We are sole �A a ff ents for DR4 HESS E'S -16 seer STOCK Fool Far Stile only by iA w. n A, Campbell THE DfttlGG157C