HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-12, Page 1in Ok 3ic The W,, i.nghiam A,dvan.ce., 31ST YEAR, NO, 11. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1903. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A85 andaxton, aged $5, and Matildit, 83. 5tFuc. Sparling found salt at the now ck Salt, LoThe 0. Poking Aheadhas laid off bet , Turkey For $65.o0 THE BY-LAW CARRIED.,B D � � John Cl, R, ween W. J. Bell, of AncAster, Ont., has B A NK. � Reid, aged 83, widow of the late Win, welt he h�N� as been drilling, on Friday 1,500and l,800 men In the western di- received $05 for a turkey weighing 85 OF HALIPQN Reid, better known as Orange Billy last, at a depth of 935 feet, Mr, Spar- vision during the past few days, pounds at nine months of age, The By -Law No. 400 Carried By .were joined in the holy bonds of ling has had many delays and much They are chiefly trackaten. About 200 purchaser lives in Boyle, Ireland A Majority of 176. WINGHAM. Capital (paid up - $2,980,000 wedlock on Wednesday of last week, expense in drilling this new well, and men have been laid off at Winnipeg. The bird was firs.4 in his class at the. CAPITAL PAID UP....... $ 2,000,000.00 They tire certainly a spry pair, The at last perseverance has been reward- The latter are comprised chiefly of Dorninion Exhibition, Toronto, (and undivid- . R9813RVR FUND .......... 1,700,000.00 Reserve ed profits) $3,330,000 groom's first wife died last spring, ed, Drilling was continued to Racer• machinists and fitters.- The reason as- Operation. On Tuesday last, the property -hold- TOTAL ASSETS.........., 21,950,500.54 Both were residents of Orangeville. tain the probable thickness of the signed by the company is that they ere of Wingham voted on By-law No. —[Shelburne Free Press. vein. We hope there is a never -fail. have no work for the men, OWe are The Advance regrets to report that 400-1003, authorizing the purchase of BOARD OF DIRIXTqRS. Ing supply our young friend P. S, Fisher was Farmers' Notes discounted. Merchant of Venice, looking forward to hard times" said obliged, to return from Toronto on the .Win ham Electric Light Co.'s Ron, Wm. Gibson President Drafts sold on all points in Can, Shakespearo's well-known comedy Sold His Farm, Mr. Leonard, Saturday, on account of serious ill- plant, and the -issue of debentures pro. Gen. Reach John Proctor A. B. Lee ada, the United States and. Europe. —The Merchant of Venice, was pre. Win. Wray of Belgrave bits sold his Curlers Organize. nese. An operation was performed on viding for the payment of the purchase John ff. Irendrie Goo. Rutherford sented In the Opera House on Monday farm property, consisting of 150 acres The Wingham Carling Club met in Sunday morning, which was success- money. J. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and General Manager SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. evening last to a comfortably -filled of land Situated on the 3rd line of the Council Chamber, November 10th, ful. As we go to press this morning For the past few weeks. this By-law H. S. Steven, Asst. Gene Xanager Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and hall and an interested audience, The Morris, to Robt. Maguire of the let for orgaifization, The following of- (Thursday) the young man is progress- 'has boon before the property -holders H. X Watson, 1-wispeotor. up.wardii, and added to principal 30th Juno corn -1s; for their consideration. The question an 31st December each year. company forgot the customary preps line of Mort price $7,150, This [leers were elected:—Hon. Prosi—Dr. lug favorably, and we hope will have Deposits of *1 And upwards r000lved. Int• courtesies, but that shall not prevent us is one of the finest properties in Mor- Macdonald ; President—Thos. Bell ; a speedy and permanent recovery. was not sprung upon them. There ore" "'Owed and computed on 30th November from saying that the caste was excal- was ample time for thought. The ad- and 314 MaL each year, revalued toprincipal A. E. GIBSON, Manager ris township, and Mr. Maguire is to Vice-President—R. Vanstone - Seers- riteftoefetal oposits also received at current lent, the characters being well sustain- be congratulated on securing it. 0. J. tary—A. J. Alderson; Treasurer—F. God Save The King. vantages of municipal ownership were a Interest. R. Vanstone, Solicitor ed. Elmer Buffham as I'Shylock" was Maguire, Real Estate Agent, brother Patterson ; Managing Committee— His Majesty, Xing R dward VII pas- discussed, and the figures in this par. W. CORBOULD, Agent really fine. He seems to have Inter- Of the Purchaser, negotiated the sale. Messrs. D. Holmes, Van Vannorman sed the sixty-second mile -stone of his titular case were well presented, in Dickinson & holies, Solicitors preted the Jew, as Shakespeare in L. life on Monday last. He was born in the press and at the public meeting. n. The Town Hanson. It was decided to join the Buckingham Palace, London, Rog- It was quite noticeable, that as the tended to present hit Fatal Accident. A. Crawford, H. Jeffrey and Band rendered during the intervals, Mr. Robert Code of Trowbridge met Ontario Association. The member- land, on November 9th, 1811. Cana. day of voting drew near, the believers some choice selections. The Band is a with a serious accident on Monday of ship fee was placed at $2, The pros- dians, along with others of the mil- the principle of'municipal owner - in E credit to Wingham. last week, which proved fatal. He was driving along the 2nd concession pests are bright for a good season, lions of King Edward's loyal subjects ship increased. On the day of voting, Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Death of Mrs. T. A. Mills. of Elma, with a cow in the waggon, and the rink has been secured, wish for him many years of life, to there was activity on the part of both IF YOU ARE rule wisely and well, the empire on supporters and opponents of the By - There is an unusual scarcity of As we go to press this morning, we The cow became unmanageable. This FOR SALE,—As I have decided to which "the sun never sets." God save law. The result was a sweeping Vic - poultry on the Toronto market at the learn that Mrs. T. A. Mills passed frightened the horses, and they ran move to the city, I offer for sale my tory for the former. IN DOUBT Our King. brick residence, on the corner of present time. away last evening, (Wednesday) about away. The waggon was overturned Shuter and John streets. This The following are the figures for Listowel. Nov. 10:—Wm. McMillan, seven O'clock. Sht� had been a great in a ditch, and the cow fell across Mr. 9 Is One STOVES.—Wood Stoves, Coal Stoves, of the most desirable properties in Rang�s and everything you may re" each Ward a well-to-do farmer, was found dead sufferer for the past few weeks, and Code's chest. One shoulder blade and town. Possession given to suit Par- quire in the stove line, both new and FOR AGAINST Per- in a corn field to -day. recovery was not expected, The several ribs were broken, and internal chaser.—Hugh Taylor. second-hand, at prices that will sur- Ward 1.... • ....... , . 53 8 about the kind of Per - 11 2.1 ............ 40 8 fume to buy, tired of the 10 cent cigars are still going for 5 forieral takes place on Saturday to injuries received, He lingered until A Good Concert. prise you.—A. YOUNG & SON. 1. 3....... •...... 54 15 old fashioned odors, come cents—at Buckley's. Elora. The deceased lady has been a Thursday morning, when he died. A most enjoyable evening was spent Former Resident Dead. .............. 79 25 and see what we have to The exporti of Canadian Dairy ex- resident of Wingham for very many He was in his Slat year. years, and enjoyed the esteem and in the Opera House on Friday evening Word has reached us of the death 2a3 66 offer. We are not pre - ports this year will nearly reach the yea FOR SALE—Good frame house acid under the auspices of the Westminster of Herbert C. McKibben, formerly a Majority for By -law -170. judiced, our line is large. six million dollar mark. respect of everyone. She was it, stable five acres of land, a ]urge quftn- Guild of the Presbyterian church. The resident of Wingham. He was a Sol) The actual cost of the water power, Very like we'll mention Canadian fresh eggs were selling faithful member of St. Paul's Church, City Oi fruit and shade trees, nice loco- entertainment was furnished by the of the late George McKibben, at one engines, and rest of the plant to the and while in health, was very active tion. To be sold at once. Apply to in London (England) on Thursday, at a L. J. Alugulre, Real Estate Agent, ScottiablConcert Co., and was quite up time Mayor of this town. Deceased Co. Is placed at $51,456,77. The prea- 213.5 to 221.5c. per doz. in church work. She leaves a hits- to expectations, Miss Burnett, so- was well known in this section of ent estimated value by the Council is ,THELMA" band, who is one of Wirigham's lead- Toronto Stock Markets. prance Miss Malcolm as accompanist $29.726.05. The purchase price is $28, - On November lOtb, the street water* ing merchants, three sisters and one country, having been in business in A year ago this weak best export and soloist, with Miss Thompson as Teeswater, and incre recently a travel. 000, to which $2,000 is added for pros - Ing -cart was still doing duty, to pre' brother (Mr. Win. Helo of town) who M because that'is the most cattle were going in Toronto at $5.25 violinist rally sustained the deservedly ler for the firm of Thompson& Co., pective improvements, making $30,000 popular Perfume we ever vent the clouds of dust, were till with her in her last hours. and even so recently as mid-July they excellent reputation of the Co. as on- shoe manufacturers, Montreal. He authorized by the By-law. sold. We want to please To LET.—Roorns suitable for dwell- She bore her intense sufferings with were fetching $5.15. On Tuesday of tertainers. The moving pictures were died on Friday evening last at his real- With propt-r management, there you, and if we can't, it in H. H. Wightman. patience and Christian resignation, this week, the best price in Toronto very good. There was a $75 atten- clence in Toronto. and leaves a wife should be no difficulty in furnishing Guy Bros. had a $415 audience in The sympathy of the community is for exporters wits about $4,30, Best dance, and the Guild will have a pleas- and six children. . His funeral was the town with plenty of street light, will be the first time we Listowel, and several score of People extended to the bereaved relatives, exporters sold at about $1.25, with ing balance to the credit of the Organ meeting the debenture as it falls due ever failed to please a could not gain admittance. - conducted by the brethren of Zeta patron. Rooms To Let. poorer ones at $3.85 to $1, Good heavy fund. Lodge, A. F. & A. M. annually and paying all expenses, The Western Foundry Co. have had Furnished or nrifni,nisbed as re• export balls sold at $3.75 to $4.25, and How He Worked without increasing the taxation their Diploma neatly framed ; it may quired, in the healt,hiest locality of inedium, $325 to $3.50. Butchering It. be seen in Ball Bros. window. Wingham.—Apply to A. W. Websttw, cattle sold at $3,50 to $3.75, with SODie- The Kincardine 'Review gives the Comma Worth $45,000- The first year of operation on the WALTON MCKIBBON The value of correct punctuation is principle of municipal ownership will The choir of the Methodist' Chnrcb YOUR FALT, SiToips.—We hnpP,, to thing extra choice tip as high as $1.25• following account of the origin of a seen from the following:—The Beatty be carefully watched. not only by rate - has been strengthened by the 'addition have the pleasure of selling them to Dry cows sold at $2.8.5 and common quarrel between two fartriers:—Two DRUGGIST of several soprano voices, and a third Ton. The best Shoes we know will case, involving the omission from payers of Wingham, but by other any- cattle frown $2,75 to $3,25. Short -keep farmers in Bruce Township have been the instrument of a comma, which, towns throughout Canada, for matil- thing about are here—at prices a little feeders range about $3,85 to $4.25. A neighbors for many years in so far as a had it been inserted, would have been cipal ownership is growing in public Next Door to Post Office. alto, lower than other stores ask. W. J. Men's Shoes that fit the weather Greer. number of cattle intended for export feud which existed between them worth $45,000 to John Beatty, has been favor, and the feet—$1.50 to $3.00—W. J. are going back as short -keep feeders would permit. The story the decided against the latter by Judge The Town Council will meet on the Greer. I W. J. Henderson of the Blaevale on account of the present demoralized feud originated is interesting, F�wrm- Hord, of Columbus, Ind. The will is 16th for the final passage of the By- Robt. Mooney will be pleased toroad, had one eye severely hurt on condition of the British market. Stock- er No. I had collected a lot of stone that of Joseph Beatty, who made it law. meet all his old customers and many Tuesday evening. While tying the ers are $2 to $2.50, with $2.60 for some- which he had piled in the panels of in ungrammatical fashion, and the The ownership of the Electric Light THT E COLD new ones, in his new location, second cattle In the stable, one -of them threw thing very nice. Sheep are 3J -c; bucks the snake fence which separates his construction of it has caused much plant passes to the town of Wingham door south of T. A. Mills' store. 21 to 3c; and lambs $3.60 to $�.85 per farm from his neighbor's, expecting to up its head striking Mr. Henderson on trouble in the courts. The court on the 17th, but the town receives the Another advance of three cents in cwt. use them in putting a stone founda- termed it the case of a $45,000 comma, revenue from November lat. one eye with one of its horns. A ET DAYS tion under his barn. Farmer No. 2 as it was merely the insertion of a Now let the other streets be lighted, V . -11 . . the price of crude oil is announced. New rules are being drawn for the Strange Bet. wanted stone for that same purpose comma that would make the will clear. as well as Josephine street, so that we 4% The price now rules at $2 21 and 2.31, Ontario jails, by whic� the jailers are A strange election bet was paid in and offered to buy his neighbor's col- The plaintiff asserted that this pro- no longer walk I M and $2.26 and $2.33. n t ff, n darkness that may Will soon be here, but forbidden to allow newspaper men to Sault Ste. Marie the other other day- , lec!tio I bu the o r was declined. Party was bequeathed to Emma Beatty be felt. The Fordwich Record has entered interview the prisoners. The jail of- During the beat of the recent election What then did he do but change that - pq we are here ahead of' during her natural life and not in fee its eighth year. Though a little late fici&ls will hereafter wear uniform, contest George Russell, a well-known part uf the line fence which belonged them with everything in simple, and that, at her death, the in doing so, the Advance wishes the and be given two weeks holidays a citizen �'f strong Conservative ten- to him, so that the panels Included property should go to him and Mary Entertainment. the line of foot protee- eigh- Record under Mr, Watters' care great year. Aged and infirm people are to dencies, agreed to wheel Con. Knapp, the stone piles belonging to his D Brown. The court said that a comma A very successful entertainment? success. be treated as if in'a house of refuge, proprietor of the Algoma Hotel, and twor, Then be used the stone to build a in tion. The best makes WANTED—Ex per! enced housekeep- and they will be obliged to wear ori- an ardent Smith man, tip the Main foundation for his barn, and it cost necessary to the easy construction of was held in S. S. No. 11, Howick, on er. Apply to J. Buckley, Star Res- son uniform. street for a distance of a half mile inhim nothing. the will bad been omitted, that, had Friday evening last, on the occasion from the best makers, ill taurant. RUG FOUND—On Thursday night case of the defeat of Miscarripbell, it been placed in the will, would have of the opening of the new school Felt Boots and Slippers, I Dr. Bethune has removed to the settled the intention of the instrument house. This school is taught by a Sixteen Chinamen ranging in ages between Wingliam and Belgrave, Knapp undertaking to do the same Brick store, Josepiline street, next and his ruling was made on the pre- Wingham young lady, Miss Ethel Rubbers and Overshoes a Ii I front .50 years to 10 years, paid their Owner can have it by proving pro- with Ras el n event of Smith's de- tax of $500 each at Sarnia recently, perty and paying cost of this advt• door to Pattison's grocery (opposite sumption that the comma was omitted MuOv Musgrove and the program rendered Leggings and ergait- feat. The contract was bound by a the chinese Laundry) where be will be for coming into Canada. and proceed- Every foot in your family should $15 deposit which -was to be forfeited found ready to attend patients from or rather that the intention of the tes- on Friday evening was evidence of err, and everything yon ed to Montreal. a Rubber. We have Rubbers for in case of either side failing to.. fulfill either town c-,• country at all hours. tator was that the comma should be her interest in her work. The pro- will require in this line. everybody -25c to $1.00.—W. J. Greer, Night calls answered at the National left out. gram was interesting indeed, and was If the old Indian sign for a cold win" his part of the contract. And so Mr. Hotel, after eleven p.m. much enjoyed. Addresses were de- ter be true, we will have a genuine Mr. Kenneth Cameron of the 14th Russell appeared with a bright red If the Boys' Shoes are bought here, freezer the coming winter. The husks con. of West Wawanosh, brought to wheel -barrow and Knapp mounted a Seed Control Act. you'll never have a complaint to livered by Inspector Robb and Princi• on the corn are thicker than have been the Sentinel office 12 of the largest box. At each . post, in accordance A copy of bulletin No. 15, entitled snake. Remember we sew all rips free pal Musgrove of Wingham. H. H. SPECIALS noticed for years. Northern Spy apples the editor has with agreement, Knapp removed his "Bill No. 200, reprinted as amended:-- in Shoes we sell.—W. J. Greer. Wightman of our town gave exbibi- Women's Rubbers ................ 25c The Tilbury Times says hog cholera seen. The twelve apples weighed 01, hat and spoke as follows.—,'Ladies and An Act respecting the inspection and A Good Citizen. tion of his dexterity, which delighted I, Fine Rubbers, lined.... 50c threatens to carry off every hog in pounds and were beautifully colored Gentlemen—Hurrah for Smitlit This!, sale of seeds with explanations and the audience. Citizens of Wingham Men's Fine Rubbers, lined........ 50C Tilbury North. J. H. Macklem has and perfectly free from spots. From to announce the immediate starting comments The following from the Ripley Ex- wish for Miss Musgrove continued min rits" has been received, This press, refers to the gentleman who has succus. lost 73 hogs, and all of his neighbors the same tree from which he took of the works. Three thousand inen pamphlet is issued for general distri- purchased 11. M. Tudbope's business. button irr t tit, 0 serving have lost more or less• these apples, Mr. Cameron got 18 bar- will be employed. Mr. Smith will b On f he p pose f erving as a There are four good 5c cigars for cels of hand-picked apples and about turn the first wheel, and I ani sure notice to the interested public, and — Mr' John Humberstone moved his 10 cents—at Buckley's. Hanna & Cols. Australia has, as the result of last Wfe and farully to Wingham on Tues - two barrels of fallen fruit. It pays to you will all appreciate it." also to provide means for closer study day morning. By this change Ripley year'irdrougl�t, bought since January, take care of the orchard.—Lucknow of the Bill in its relations to the opera- 0 1 SHOE STORE 7,000,000 bushels of wheat, or its equiva. WANTED.—Fresh Eggs 20c; packed tions of seed producers, seed trier- will lose one of the pioneers and pit- SCHOOL BOARD. lent in flour, from the Pacific Coast Sentinel. Eggs 10c. Also Fowl (undrawn), dried lars of the village, and the Methodist &rNext door :to Post Office and 1,000,000 bushels from New York: The Markdale Standard has recently apples and butter. Our stock of dress chants and seed consumers. The Bill church will lose two very consistent 'been enlarged, and a new Cottrell press goods, bilks, furs, etc,, is not excelled. as amended by the Committee of the and energetic ruenibers. For twenty- The School Board met on Tuesday REMOVED.—I have removed my tin- . GEO. E. KING. smithing shop from the Meyer block, installed. The proprietor, Mr. Rnt- .-Whole during the recent session of seven years Mr, and Mrs. Humber• evening in regular monthly meeting; across the street to Jas. Haugh's shop, ledge, is one of the most progressive Parliament, provides that seeds of ce- stone have been residents of Ripley, present—Hessrs. Howritith, Douglass, C. HAMILTON and invite my patrons to call on me, newspaper men of Grey county. Ills ORRYSANTED31U111 BLOom.—Choice, reals, grasses, clovers or forage plants and during this period they have as- Abraham, Griffin, Lloyd. AUCTIONEER two doors south of T. A. Mills' store. which contain the seeds of certain sisted socially and financially in r)ro- Minutes of October meetings were BLYTU OxT. office is one of the neatest and best. Stock at Wiughani Greenhouse; also —Robt. Mooney. assortment of floweripg and de- rnoting the best interests of ouv'citi- read and approved. 30 years experience. I have conducted over fitted up, that a traveller will find be- title assor noxious weeds named in the Bill, will corative plants for winter. For the be prohibited from sale. It further 3000 successfitl Auction sales in tile County A peg -legged colored t�amp has been tween Toronto and Owen Sound.., The convenience Of Our patrons we have provides for uniform methods of grad- tens, Air. IL has been a large ein- The accoont of H. B, Elliott for post- f Huron, and as a rule got better prices and arrested near Windsor, wbo from his editor himself' is the most genia and placed a stock of plants at Misses ployev of labor, audit �u as largely cards and printing, $1.75, was passed sett to better men. Ordors left at Ai)vAxcn conversation, is supposed to be. the fraternal scat you could possibly wish Graham & 0 ing, according to fixed standards of through his efforts and Office, NVingliam, will receive prompt atten- utinner, Chisholin Block ; capital that and payment ordered. tion. Terms roagonable. Satt.-faction guar - murderer of Glory Whalen, near Col- to meet: The Advance wishes the orders left with them for cub flowers, purity and vitillity, the Timothy, At- the Ripley Flax Co. was organized, INSPLCTOR'S REPORT. awiLeed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. lingwood, three months ago. Standard and itsgentlemanly proprie- wieaths, decorations, etc,, will receive sike and Red Clover seeds offered for Ile hits built some beautiful houses in To Burd of Public School Trustees. A moose weighing 1175 pounds was for many years of continued success. prompt attention.—T. C. Graham sale in Canada. A copy of the pairipli- the village, which reinitin as mono- GENTLLREN—1 have the honor to rilport that I vi-ited yone school on shot by J. B, Miller, near Byng Inlet. Rnh&ov.En.—1 have removed my let may be had free on application to merits of his enterprise. The Ladles' Nov, 3, 4, 6, 01 The rooms were clean There is some talk of preserving the dressmaking shop to west side of the Seed Division, Branch of the Conw• Aid of the Methodist church presented and comfortable, and none were over - skeleton and hide of the immense Frances street, second house from ERSONAL nussioner of Agriculture and Dairy. Mrs, Humberstone with a beautiful crowded. 40 is about the right ntini- creature, which is one of the finest Victoria Street.—Miss Wynn. ing, Ottawa, Letters addressed its silver cake dish cis it slight recognition het' of pupils fora Public School room. —THE— ever shot in Ontario. Fou SALE. --A comfortable ter). above do not require postage.of the services rendered the church for The work of the School is perfectly roomed house, on cornet, of Edward satisfactory. You have an excellent The Clinton News Record Says :— and Alfred St.. Wingham. Apply to Mr. J. A, Cline is visiting in town Funeral. over twenty-five years. The (Barter- School. Mr. Musgrove and the other Colonel Varcoe of the. Huron Regl_ J, C. Currie, Wingham, or to W, J. this week. The funeral of the late Ell Fleming, ly Board of the Ripley circuit, on be. teachers well deserve theit, increased merit has been placed upon the retired Doyell (near Zetland). Miss Minnie Fessant is spending a whose death we reported last week, half of all the appointments, present- salaries. I am gentlemen, Col D ug Store list, having reached the age limit. Parry Sound Nov, 10,—Tho steamer ed Mr. Humberstone with a beautiful few days in Clinton this week. took place to Lucknow on Friday last. Your obedient servant, Major Young of Colborne succeeds to Atlantic of the Northern Navigation Mr. Sherk was in London this week Deceased was a member of Wingham gold-licaded cane, as a recognition of D. Robb. the Colonelley, while captain Dudley Company was entirely destroyed by attending the funeral of his father. Brass Band, the I. 0. F. and St. An- the faithful services rendered in start. The report was received and filed. Is the Place to get Holmes of Wingham and Captain H, fire at 9 o'clock thio morning. The Mr. and Mrs.B Gerry of Brussels drew's Brotherhood, and these organi. Ing the church many years ago and On motion of Messrs. Douglass and B. Combo of Clinton Will be Senior Atlantic was on a special trip from visited at Mr. H. Ball's on Wednesday. zations all paid their last tribute of serving the Board so faithfully for 19 Abraham, Trustee Button's seat was Everything that is and Junior Majors, respectively. 0611ingwood to Byng Inlet with a Mr. McGregor of Seaforth was the respect by attendance at the funeral. years as Rec. Steward. Air. Humber- delayed- vacant, on account of his rc- Pure and Fresh in RIGURST CASH PRICID.—I will pay large cargo of merchandise, including guest of W. T. A. F181ileigh on Sun. The Band beaded the procession and stone received another surprise on moval from town. the Highest Cash price for all kinds a hundred barrels of coal oil and day. the sight was impressive its they Monday evening, when the members PRINCIPAL'S REPORT VOR OCT -11. of dressed fowl. persons wanting a quantity of bay. A heavy gale wits Mrs. J. B. Ferguson is visiting marched past, playing the "Dead of Ripley Lodge, I. 0. U. F., presented imi,T. BOYS 0IRLS TOTAL AVFIt, meat in large quantities, either pork blowing. The vessel was taken in on friends in Toronto and other Places March Ili Saul," Many friends of the him with it beautiful P, Ws. collar; 1 20 42 71 61 qNpqjhk orbeef, can a supplied atr!Kht prices. the Parry Sound channel to escape e"t- family in Lucknow and &ISO the 1. 0. many kind words were also expressed 2 10 22 41 36 T, T. FIELD, 3 32 14 46 43 9 the severity of the storm, When Mrs. Free Carr has been visiting the F, of that village met the cortege near as to Bro. Ilumberstone'o faIthfnIno,;s 4 2L1 is 42 40 about 14 miles from this port the fire past week with her son and daughter Whitechtireb, thus showing their sym• as an Oddfellow and his integrity .18 5 27 26 53 45 Vru S An incorrect map or a map not up- broke out, and in a few minutes the in Acton, patty with the bereaved relatives, a citizen. General regret was also ex- 22 2Zi 47 42 to -date Is little better than no map at steamer was enveloped in flames. The Mr. G. Millikin returned on Satur. CARD Oil TEIANXS. pressed at his removal, and the best 7 20 .45 ot 54 all, The new map of the Dominion of passengers and crew, who had all day from a western trip covering The undersigned wish to convey to wishes for himself and estimable lady 8 20 48 74 02 Canada being sent as a taken to the boats, arrived safely here eleven weeks. um to the citizens of Wingham, the Band. go out from the members of the 1. 0. subscribers of The Pamilyp8elmrald and Mr. and Mrs. A. Dyson Morton of the I. 0, F. and 208 230 438 893 this mornibg. St. Androw's Brother- 0 Ili Lodge and all citizens of the vil. Toronto have been guests of J. A. hood, and also to the I. 0. F. and lige surrounding country." The A. H. AluaRrove, neoetkll Star of Montreal this season . L Respectfully submitted, only correct, but !ago up-to-date ):OR SALE.—An up-to-date new two- Morton this week. friends of the family in Luelinow, our Prineipa as to allow the now Alaskan boundary Storey brick house. in.a fine location. Mr. and Nfrs, W. D, Pringle Spent appreciation of the kindness and sy1n. Advance welcomes Mr. and Mrs. The report was adopted. A. L Ha milton lines as awarded October 20th, It 19 Apply at once to 0. 1. Maguire, Real Sunday with .friends in Belfonwitain. Pathy shown to us on the occasion of Huniberstone to the thriving town of the nnly mtw� to -day to -.show that In. Estate Agent, From there Ali-, Pringle went to Tor- our late bereavement, by the death of Winglintri. The Chief Engineer of the Boiler In. DRUGGIST formation. he publishers send a ort. onto on a business trip, our eldest son. We trust that when spection & The. Co, reported the boiler copy, Free along with two beautiful STOVES.—CAII in and see our ass Death visits the homes of those, who MONEY TO LOAN—At 41 per cont. on all sound and in good order, pictures to all Subscribers of that merit of Stoves and get out, prices. We The Advance is pleased to report were thus kind and sympathetic, they improved farms, Easy terms of To - great family pit oil. The price of the have a very large stock and will sell that Geo. C, Hanna and Miss Priscilla May meet, W11,11 the sante kindness and )ayment; expenses light, X I A On motion of Messrs. Donglats mid W I NGHAM paper to one dollar per year, including them tit a very large price.—A. Youxa Ilarma are recovering nicely from sympathy. Milmage, Real Estate ww,nTp Loa� Lloyd, payment of Teachers' and Offl• all three premiums, & SON, their recent serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming. ; Agent, Kent Block. cera' salaries was acithoriaed,