The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-05, Page 8THE WINGRAN ADVANC Thursday, November $, 19o3
Mot -ria
Our Wedding, bell$ will be ringing Ili �1 oi', 41 IR RWAWWIP
.4 E:PERSONAL Our ulidot •shortly,
Miss Mande, Code spent Sunday
The Prettiest Bus John 'Reid, a former resident here, with Belgravo friends,
Was In town this week, GORDON
I We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
C> iva Will. Leatbordale of Brusocla was R, Stonehouse Is very low at present.
111 town is to be found Thus far has been a de- In town on Wednesday. The C. P. R's survey through Mor-
'kt 090per's—so say those who . Mrs, Robt.. Porter of Irvine, X. `W, ris cuts some of the faricas. in 'b44 We're reminded by the chilling winds and snow flurries by
cided success, and I purpose T. is visiting relatives in town, shape, I by
have been the rounds. giving those who will favor A. M. Fisher which we've been visited, that its time to talk of
lir of Tordnto is spending Misses Mabel and Flo Jackson were
me with a call, the benefit of , few weeks with relatives in town, at home to a "few of their friends one
cut prices for another week Mrs. D. McLachlan of Chatham i$ is day last week.
only. I will add to last visiting her father, Mr. John Rider, The trustees of S. S. No, o have re,
an increase of salary. She will
's list a few more inter- last week with her parents in Blyth. reeelve $3,95,
week, Mrs. Wes. Walker spent a few days engaged Red Miss Jamieson as teacher for
knanese China esting items which it will not Miss Bessie Husband left last week
ap for Otielph, where she has secured a A big contract is being gone through
Is always in popular de- pay y011to miss. situation, on the 0th line in the shape of road
making, It has astonished all who We have a very larize and Carefully selected
moud and we have P140ed in - New Layer Figs, perfectly fresh, Mrs, Tribe of Brandon, Man. I,, have seen it so far, I stock of Furs. In Ladies' Fur
stock a, very choice assortment anteed pure, regular price visiting a, Jackets, we display quality, tlste,
M �.T her uncle and aunt, Mr, and
of dainty odd dishes as well as EZ"rib,this week only., .. ..... 12� Mrs, L. Jobb, Richard Armstrong and Fraser, style, fit and value, that will be hard to equal, J
Embary will leave shortly- on their Why ? Because we understand Furs;
the more staple lines such as New Raisins, Selects -3 lbs.. Me Mr. and Mrs, Win. Grewar of Brus- annual bunting expedition to North- We know where the best values are obtainable I
Cups and Saucers, Berry Sets, cels spent Sunday in town, the guests ern Ontario, They take great sport and being in a position to command the largest discounts, we are able to give you the
Ceykon Tea, good value At 35c lb., of Mr. rs, arre. these excursions,
Sugars and Creams, Tea Sets) thia week for .................... 250 and MBttout of thibest that tFe trade offers at very reasonable prices. Our guarantee goes with every
Fred and Lottie Creighton of $chNext week Peter S. Rose, Stb line,
Plates, etc. You will And our Have a look at our Toilet Sets just berg returned home oil T I Tuesday last will remove with his family to Rinia jacket. These Jackets are in Persial� Lamb with Alaska Sable collars and reveres,
values to be extra good. arrived; 20 Sets to choose from, all after visiting their uncle and aunt. township. He has purchated a fine Electriq Seal Jackets with Sable trimmings, Bokharen Jackets with Sable and self
different Prices and patterns, and the Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Brandon, 3rd line 100 acre farm, lot 8, con, 10, fron, Ino, trimmings, and Astrachan Jackets in great var
latest designs out. Morris. HIlacott, who intends going West. ietY, also Ruffs, Muffs, Scarfs, CoIjar,
The new Breakfast Food The price paid was $0,000, ettes and Gauntlets ; in Men's
French China "UNA" just in ........... Miss Mabel Mitchell has returned and Boys' Overcoats a splendid showing—colors and
home from a month's visit with her The Pie Social in tile stone school, styles, as well '• as values, the latest and best.
Quick delivery to all parts of town, sister at Plattsville. Mrs. Mitchell 2nd line, on Tuesday evening was a _11
Imported from the cele- highest prices for produce. was called there on Monday, owing to success. The program was good in
brated town of Limoges and cash for Butter and Eggs, the illness of her grandchild, but who every respect and everybody had all J-111
decorated by the renowned is now reported better. the Rle they could eat. 'Proceeds, i
Charles Field Haviland. Four $222.6 BLANKETS Pure all wool Blankets, splendid]), made, pink and
distinct patterns to choose from John Jackson -and family, 0th line, blue borders, sold this week as follows :-6 lbs.,
and a score of different shaped Humberstone Increase In Price. will remove short] . y to the 01-ozier size 6ox8o, at $2,�5-7 lbs,, 64X84, at $3,25-8 lbs., 66x86, at $
rarm, in McKillop which they have 3 -75 -
dishes. The "Haviland" China On account of the increase in price )eased for a term of years. Mr, Cro-
Asconsidered by experts to be (Tudhope's old stand, Wingham) of material and wages, we are obliged tier will retire and make his home . . ....
to raise our prices on borseshoeing. in Seafortb, Tbe Tslc.Killopeople
the best that Limoges produces. will find the Jackson fain ily first-class Underwear for ladies and gentlemen is booming, as also
Increased prices will prevail from people, 4
November let.
Come in and see the Win. Holmes The Council mot according to ad-• Shoes and Rubbers.
assortment. A. Nichol j9urnment, in the Ooilncii room, Mar.
A. S. Murray. r1q, on Oct. 18th. Members all present;
T. L. Jobb the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting read and passed. On
motion of Taylor and Jackson, the 1k
*Farmer's Advocate Weekly. for drain on Centre sideline con, 1, sLN
Council agreed to Tarnish 5 inch the
COOPER & CO , 1, 1, "0
From 1865 to 1003 the Farmer's Ad -
r providing the interested parties draw Big Prices for Trade.
vacate and Home Magazine was pub- pl�e tile and do the work of
M* GO wl
Successors to Alex. Ross putting -DIRECT IMPORTER
liqlied monthly, establishing itself as in the drain, On motion ofCode
the only nat.ional agpicilitl1ral paper and Shaw the bond presented by the
In the conntry. Since January 1st, U011ector was accepted as satisfactory. A0
I893, neariv eleven years ago, it has Moved by Shaw, seconded by Code
been issued semi-monthly. Still inthe that all Pathmasters in the munici-
lead. keeping abreast of the times, and pality be instructed to have all nox- CASH FOR YOUR
i'® FARMERS AND awake to the growing demands of its tons weeds cut or destroyed in their
STOCK FEEDERS. try, 04 - were ordered to be paid as follows:—
that, beginning with the 1st of Janu
readers, the publishers now announce -respective beats. Carried. Accounts BEST OF T'r7E SEA45ON
bey,,29 , the Farmer's Advocate will -811 Elliott, tile on N. B. $1.65 ; J. A, It Is my business to find that other man
sued every week. The splendid Anderson, Hall rent for Voters' list
Courts, $2 00; John Colclougb, gravel, shortest possible time, If you find a buyer be- TOWN HALL, ONE NIGHT
Somebody Said record of the past thirtv-eight years for yoli, and my methods will do it in the
The Chopping Plaut of the is a sufficient assurance of the increas- $1.75, A. Hughes, gravel, $1.25; selec, ONLY
fore I do, you will owe me no commission. I
ed practical service which its readers tors of juror each, $100 ; Mr. Hill,
"Be as well dressed as you can may expect. We congratulate the plank, $0.76; J. McCaughey putting cannot soll a Property at a ridiculous fancy
NEWTV MILL afford," and its good advice. Advocate upon its enterprise, and ad- in culvert, $7.16; D. Pipe, cleaning out price—I will not try. If you have anything to
But clothes cost inoney—more or vise our readers to s - Jao. Wallace. repair sell, let me handle it for you. WrIte or call at
end at once for a ditch, $2 00, 1 onday, November 9 t h
Josephine St., North less according to quality of fabric— free sample copy to the publishers, culvert $2,00;J. McElroy. underbrush- once for terms and full particulars.
more or less according to length Of London, Ont. Ing $3,25; M, Kelly, ditch $12.00; M. Just a word to the Real Estate Buyer—
will bo running on and afterNov'r. wear—more or less according to the Healy, ditch, $5.00; J. McMillan, Ila" It look at what I have to offer you before
10th, Farmers and Stock Feeders are thoroughness of the unseen work. FLETCHER & STRONACH PRISENT
assured of entire satisfaction in hat/- This inside part is the life of the, MARRIAGE$. ravel, $2,10: F. -Martin, repairing Y011 buy- I have Just the property you want,
ing their grain ground at the New garment. It keeps it in shape, and is Grewar-- Walker.— At Drayton, on 00; Wm, Wells, gravelling,
Logan, inspectingCLYME MAGUIRE
Mill, as the machinery is new and up- one of the features which determine Oct, 27th, by Rev. J. Walker Shilton, 0 IL A
cu v -r
-'too 11 T
Lewis', t-Til"�and work on Pa drain, MR. ELMER BLIFF11-11 1W
to -date and only first-class work will its appearance and neatness. B. A., Wm, A. Grewar to Mrs. Annie $7.10; S. Johnston, repairing bridge, Real Estate Agent A
be done. We solicit your patronage Have oil ever tried us for men's Walker, both of Brussels. $20,00; John Miller, culvert, $14.00; Office.—Upstairs in Vanstone Block.
and trust you will give us a trial. garments � It would be worth your DEATHS. R. Mathers, cleaning ditch, $2,25; A. Canada's Favorite Young Tragedian, as
Chopped Feed of all kinds kept while,
on hand. In Morris, Saturday, October $19b Clark, cleaning culvert on sideline,
Andrew 0. Henderson, aged 46 $1.00; D. Farquharson, tile and ravel SHYLOCK, in a fine scenic production of
years, $3.91; J. Smith, gravel, $2.38; gravel
D. McGre(rinr
Robt. Maxwell Stewart, work and gravel on N. B.,
"N $6-75; Jas. Hall, gravel, $7.56; Denbow
THE NEW MILL Wingham High Art Tailor Salem. Bros,. gravelling on East Bdy., The Merchant of VeJnice
WlghaM Mr Jae. Bulger, inspecting on R. Bdy.,
Mrs.'J and Mrs. H, Davis called On $0,56, R. B. Alcock, repairing culvert, Hunter's Excursions
last. * Gallaher on Sunday afternoon $3,i10. On motion of Taylor and Code,
Mr. Shaw was instructed to have a
The Quarterly Board met in Salem needle beam pub in Somerville's FROM ALL STATIONS Supported bY Miss Annie Lovering as PORTIA ot
church on Monday afternoon last, bridge as soon as possible. By law
and was well attended from the No. 7, 1003 was duly read and Passed, Sharbot Lake, Windsor, Wingbam, Toes- and a select company of players.
tnree appointments. The Council then adjourned to meet water, Owen Sound, and Interinediate stations,
The special meetings will be con binu- again on Nov. 16bli, , also Hamilton to stations Mattawa to Nipigon
ed In Belmore Methodist church this W. Clark, Clerk. . and Oarden River, Inclusive, Kipawa arid'
week. under the faithful labor of the TImiscaming, on OCTOBER 9th TO NOV., Shakespeare's great masterpiece. Sumptuotl
Rev, Mr, McKelvey. Low Rates To The Wept. EMBER Sth, inclusive and to flavelock to Beautiful Venetian scenery. Magnificient CostumesSly mounted and Costumed.
Sha�rbot Lake, inclusive, on October 24th to Special 15rices for this
yi Owing to the Quarterly service, Until November 80th the Grand November 6th, InciusIve. engagement of this fine company -25c, 35c and 50e, Reserved seats on bale
which was hold in Wroxeter last Sun- Trunk will issue tickets at reduced at Douglass' Dinig Store, Don't miss the big event of the season,
day morning, there was no service in rates to.PoInts in Montana, 0olorada, Single Fare For Round Trip
the church in this place, Utah, Washington State, British Co -
Miss Charlotte McMichael entertain. lumbia, Oregon and California. Call 19 Tickets valid for return until December 12th,
ed a number of her young friends a,, on nearest agent or address J. D. Me- 03.
Thursday afternoon Donald* District Passenger Agent, a Ask or write your nearest Canadian Pacific THE MARKETS
on last. They all re- Tor
Onto, for fall infer tion maps, .,gont for copy Of "Fishing and Shooting" and
port having spent an enjoyable time. etc. SPM L �Mau a ALUP, WINGNAM ]WARKHTS
Some of the young men enjoyed T A. H. NOTMAN . GO WEST.
themselves very much on Hallowe'en Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 40
night. Their music was charming, Assistant General Passenger Agent Fall wheat per bush now 77 to 77 One SPecial Excursion Tickets are on
while they were resting after their East Wawanosh. King St. East, Toronto. Oatsbush ........... 0 28 to 028 Salo Daily Vntil November 30th, to points in
long carry of gates. Barge y'er Brit! h Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho,
Mrs. D. Cook spent Sunday with Pper bush ........ 0 50 to 040
friends in Clinton. 'a"per
tana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc,
Mr. Orval McTavish, who has been FARM WANTED, Branp bush.......... o 55 to 0 00
visiting in this part for some time Mr. and Miss Coulter of Morris ....... I ......IS 90 to 1800
bid his many friends good bye last Sundayed at Mr, Win, Nethery's, Shorts .................. 20 00 to 20 00
Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths.
week, nd le Wanted to purchase, at once,'a first- hop,_ * ............... 1 25 to 1 &� Unexcelled treatment for rhouniatlem,
w for his home in Essex Wesley Quinn. who has been visit- class farm of 100 acres with good Chop,
m returned buildings and well watered, about 5 per lb...... ..... 0 17 to 0 17 Quickly and comfo tilated near Detroit.
Saturday morning last; we hope to ing friends in Parkhill, has i Hy .............. 7 00 to 7 yous diseases, etc, 81
see hi. visit this part again in the home. Butter
comfortably reached by the
near future. or 6 relies from Wingham. Address— Eggs ....... I......... 0 17 to 0 17 8-nd Trunk.
Miss Quinn of Blyth was the guest P. O. Box 105, Wingham Lard .................... 0 12 to 018
of the Misses NeLhery one day re- Potatoes per bush new 0 25 to So
cently. Ap per bag ........ 0 35 to 40 The "St. Catharines Well.#'
"HURON" Jamestown.
Mr. Jae. Nicolson find his mother, Turnberry. per 100 lbs........ (3 00 to a r3o The waters of this famous well are a reat
Miss Maggie Taylor spent Sunday Lamb skins ........... : 0 80 to $900111c for nervous dhiorders, situatew at,
with Miss Kate Wilson of Brussels, Mrs, Wm. McGill. visited at Mr. Wm: The following is the report of the 0 40 t e dilect lfile,, of the Grand Trunk, eleven
Nethery's on Sunday, standing of the pupils of 8, S. No. 6, Dressed hogs ........... 7 00 to 7 50, miles from Niagara palls.
We are glad to hear that Mrs. Geo. Turnberry, for the month of October: Live hogs ................ 5 50 to 675
Eckmler, who has been under the do Miss Lizzie Rowland, who has been 5th class—Fred Homuth. Sr. 4th— Tallow, per lb ..... .... 05 to 51
eek, is recover- Guelph, has returned home. 16 to The Past Up -To -Date and Convenient Ser-
c- Miss
friends in Hamilton and May McKague, R,0,9sie Xing, John Wool ........... • - - vice of the Grand Trunk is unexcelled for
Stoves and Range' s
tot's care for the past w vi 18 1
ing nicely. James. Jr. 4th—Edna Chandler and 0 hickens per pair....... 40 to 75 those travelling to the Eist, West, South or
The following is the report of S. 8, Edna Dickson, Minnie Linklater, Edith Ducks per pair .......... 00 to so North.
Messrs. Joe Coombes and Turkey, per lb, , ..... .... lo to 11
Jr., left last Monday 'a's' Cult, No. 0, East Wawanosh, for the month Homath, Albertena Showers, Earl
MADE BY for Stratford of October:—Sr. IV—Stanley Elliott, Porter, Sr. 3rd --Velma Chandler, Geese, per lb .......... .. 6 to 07 For tickets, and"all Information aRly, to
where they intend taking a course at Ella Walker, Willie Shoebottom, Sr. Kittle McKinnon, Hazel Little, Charlie Agents- Write to J. D. McDonald Istrict
the Central Business'.0ollege. James. Jr. 3rd—Stella, KinPassenger Agent, Toronto, for descriptive
III—Laura Currie, Tessa Anderson, g, Hazel TORONTO STOCK MARKET. literature regarding the above resorts,
The Western Foundry CO. nes went to Toronto last Annie Leaver, Harvey Linklater, John Mitchell, Sadie King, Maggie Crowe.
Saturday to attend the Central Busi- Kerr. Jr. III—Katie Shiell, Mggle, Laurn. Elliott, Sarah Gay. Leonard For full and accurate market re- J. D. WDONALD
, Limited 'r""n
ness College there. He is a bright Shiell, Wilfrid Pocock, Garfield 8 Oe. Rush, Effie McCormick and Genevieve ports see second page, District Passenger Agent, Toronto,
young man and we wish him every bottom, John Abram, Maxwell Abram, McCormick. 8r. 2nd—Maggie Chand•
success in his studies. Jas, Ferguson. Sr. II—Geo. Walker, ler, Stanley Dickson. Annie Crowe,
WING111AM. Mr and Mrs. Walter Huggins are Gordon Rintoul, Mary Elliott, George Violet Showers and Norma AleXague, West Hurou, Farmers' Institute
back'from the Sault and are staying Carrie, Givendollne Currie, Walter Fred. Foxton and Roy Gay. Roy Por -
with the latter's father, Mr. James Pocock, Pearl Deacon,- Earl Elliott. ter, John McKinnon. Jr. 2nd—Viga Supplementary mcatin of West Huron k
Part 11—Ver-no, Taylor, Richard Dea- King, Robert Oraik, Della Miller, Via- Farmers' Institute Will botlid as follows:—
Wrjght. It is understood that they con, Daniel Fer uson. Part I—Harold Londesboro .......... _....Dec.
do not intend returning to the Sault, let Miller, Ruby McKague. Annie Me.
Walker, HaroITCurrie, Bernice Shiell 'Kinnon, Bertie Little, Berlin Elliott,igBol
19 ave. ... .....
Seaforth ad- Russel Salter. Average attendance: Wilfrid MeXague, Bella Fallis, Pearl clens ............
Mr, A. McKenzie of Holmesville
dressedthe audience in Victoria Hall 24. Alice Duff, teacher. rallis. Willie James, Robert Vallis, Delegates—H, G. Reed,V.S. Georgetown;
We beg to advise our many friend m' G. ... ..... ...
last Sabbath evening. Mr. Paul and Ella Fallis, Part 2nd—Albert Paxton, subjects— The foundation Drina
cessbil stock, breeding." log of gue.
Earl Dickson. Part I—Bertie Holmes, "Tile mol'Xiern harness
and patrons, that we have been appoint- drossesmme McKay
I y of Brussels will give ad- Bluevale. Bertha Chandler. Johnnie N and Paddle horses, and how to breo4 them."
in behalf of the Bible Society exague, the relation between impr or feeding and
next Sunday evening, Susie Elliott, Edith Elliott, Charlie dlsftsea." "Managementofolat eattlowitli
John Haney of Hensall was visiting Showers, George Dalgleish, Average view of eventing diseas s." lair
ed sole selling agents for" the above well at his home in the village. A F,
C.1i Attendance for the month, 87. Agnes , Gets he Education 02 the Horse and
knownand popular line of Stoves and Blyth. Mr. Chester Pugh of Palmerston S. Orie harming as a fessloh. J. Ir. Smith, of
ve, teacher. Lan a 11.11 Cots— "weeds" "Feed and
spent Sunday at his home here, Feeding.. 1 00 eed.11 "From 9.011 to plant,"
Jas. McMurchie is moving Into A. I" veno; a ect —"Choosing an Qcoupaifon.1
loea house on Dinsley St. Master Fred Roger's of Pordwich do itur cation."
we shall be glad if intending purchasers Tay was visiting Ili Bluevalelast, weak. * NOTICH.—The question is how can
S. H. Gidley attended We funeral on Robt. McIndoo loan bis money so
Sunday of the late Mr. Win. Wren to Mr* Obag. Coultes from beat, Lis• cheap on notes and mortgages. call East Huron Farmerst Institute
w'11 consult us before buying elsewhere. of Xinburn, el spent Sunday at his home here, and see. ROBT. McIND00.
e0tID94 of Mvst Baron rarmerW institute
Chas. Floody of Detroit is visiting Miss 13eatty of Seaforth is visiting.: 10536 dollars made by, one mail last foMhe discussion of Agricultural and kin.
We carry a -fall assortment, and 9 at the home of her uncle, Mr. Frank household necessities, Bred nubjeotiq, will be held In
Our his aged Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. as much? Try out Bluerale.". 9 Happy Thought Ranges
prices are exceedingly moderate. Every Floody of tow"' Mrs- At, 11, Elliott and children of selling. Write G, li'ordwich...*.*.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.::::'O.Y- 1 ,
Hallowe'en passed off quietly in our I Molesivorth. .... 20 Crown Huron Ranges
burg; the small boy and bis tick tack Wingham. are visiting Mrs. Robt. London, ont. " 21
Mason. F, .... ........ 23
Stove guaranteed absolutely. arrangement was much in evidence + waltoHarle�j ........ ............... N New Idea Ratiges
1. 2
that evening, ...... ...........
Mrs, Anderson Anil daughtbr Ann 0001:4��Co. . I ...... — ...... . i(I Ideal Favorite Rit
Herbert oung and bride of Sud- Jane are visiting friends in East Wa. Howick. Manior g School rfouso ...... 27 ng@s
W Murdle's school Houge .... 2g
Bary are spending part of their honeys ahosh, Mr. 3&s. Lynn intends moving to the St. ColUmba,. 4 30 Base Burners, all sizes
mch day at 1,30 ...
jes Annie and Belle Richardson Wade property on Wednesday, which these mostlegs 0, coftl1i4iX To aittild
parontsi Mr. and Mrs, 14. H, Young. f Brussels were visiting relatives he purchaued some time ago, ed to 411, WO Wine in extefid. COle's Hot Blast Coal Heaters
A. Young & sp'q" moon at the home of the formeeta mist here this 'Week. T- MOMMLAN, Pres, Air Tights-, all s'zes
A gang of raeft have been engaged X". Robb. Musgrove Of Toronto GVO. ITOOD, Ste,
of late in putting in now telephone Pelton, from near Woodstock. = who has been visiting friends In this
to , u. INIZ visiting ,her son Roy, who
ales Alid Wirea from It has vicinity for tht, past month returned
Eurnt, they twill complete theft ark is Station AgenCliere. home last week. Ono Guaranteed to give SatisNetlon ittid
Bugg & tson in a feta days in out toWn. Am it, Prides to 8111t, Call and examine
Miss M. Spence, and Me. Spence of Mrs, W, A. Edgar and family of ii tbelb, It will pay you, at
On Stindity Nov, 8th, the anniver. Brantford have been visiting at the Ingersoll are visitors at the holne of Tklt. and,
nary of the Methodist 0hurch trill- be home of Mr. M. Spence. RObt, Musgrave 0th con., Mr. Edgar 1%9,
held, Rev, 11. H. Manning of Clinton having gone to Muskoka on A deer
Mr. and Mrs, John McIntosh and hilutine
.6106 g exp
WINUHAM will preach morning and evening. children Of Molesworth visited At , D
The eoneregation is being asked for
Miss Ethel Musgrove intends hold. HAI
an offering on the occasion of $I Thos, Coultes, this week. over:§06,000 eigh s
the, church property, The choir will children of Brussels Fred McCracken And Menton Friday of 018 week. Arflt&,!,n,-
the entire amount of indebtedness o Mr. and Mrs i119 110r school opening aud, ente corres.
were visiting Mr, class programme to being prepared ve'sidy ItIstitatil Hardare Store, Wingham,
supply special muslot t%ftd mtm� John this wAfti, A '? 0 r
'94,11 $6 good is expootel Quoiku St. WtAt Pothick's old stand.
L lro"ONY4, atit