HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-05, Page 7. - :.- -1_ . - ,
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oluo. w,ho Statement Oat Sir lit$
and 4 were Inse-ily 1840,poa t I0)pO-
Vito , onds otp% )lep, n it toont, I
Of tile litlel"Orrienit, appear to have
tpeen experienced In France, bu_t Der-
,nx Po"JI: Sayo t1w majority of itua.
kin wxia-uot Affected, and apparently
Anil warshipo lit QlAnese waters
our location was the natural
ire between Tallon Wan and Ilay-
suffered, In Switzorla,n(l, bo.wayer,
wro"plog''altortLO11111 tlklyoretorlo and
secretary Roo I,,, a
oa auddo4ily and remallte(l ' suspended
3nt goes on, fo,!r thile iniouilli Of tile
central 1��rilts, to which, as chairman
and Son, oomml$[$IonQr from the
Yalu River. This constitutes an in-
widered unintelligible
41-0110 were re �
11,111genient or Corean rislits. '
.Ind useless. In Geneva all the oloc-
trical street care were brought to a
Elultod Sto"I'll, reTaoll"t 0
sudden ,standstill, and the unexpected
Dist Of tWO Dally A111,11 Says Ile
entitled. There W 0 u0114110111111wil,111tL
Pat discourtesy Est the 0014011IR116'
cork hinted, We at- (
___ __
=141:1r,"lle"Big") to meet a number
cover the cause were fruitless. The
avers should the negotiations fall.
of I ot"017 per.10 Bland we were treat-
He Tells How
Lord Alverstone
ed like 1111, ag
,rile Ichig Was Kind.
and Scotland. The telegraphic dig-
turballoo was one of the most extra-
,4,Thero I's no foundation for Saying
d -*t a . I
unanged His Mind.
the King tried tQ porsuade us to say
,we were satisfIedwIth the award, He /
beria Is et I rongly suspected.
was most kindly towards us,aud re -
called some pleasing inciden a of his
vialt Ilore, Pir " IS 01A OX 1,110 JOY
BO.Stoit, Nov. I. -More than otio sufficient to colidemn tile boundary it ,would, give Canadians to greet tile
i:Ojr,j 11, a hifitorical parallel could the tribunal Is wakin
I "Questlon---Vitat , , 214nnel Is the possibility of big FOturnlug- He
be recognized In the arrival of tIM Portland Channelp : laughed, and said that If eaoll day (
, I bad nvo timea twenty-four hours lit$
Dominion Line steamer Mayflower at , J14401vur-, vue onannei wilion runs time Would All ,be taken. He then
Voston to-OaX, bearing it . k dlottrigulele- to the north of the Islands or iiat. referred to the recent visit Or tile
oil colonial citizen, rVife liner or to-% klan and Kannagliunut, and issues pyinsto and Princes sot Wales, and
day carried to the 0038i Of Mass- Into tile Pacific between Wales Ism said that from their accounts he
I land anti alt%lan Islands,'
aeblueeit% Oil IIIS way to Toyouto' I "This language,,, the dissenting onvied them their pleasure."
,,what to your ,view as to tile Sot. C
ills bome, Mr. A. B, Ayier,worth, K -C,, 'Judgment continues, "Simply disre- tlement of ruturo disputes of this d
OrAe or the Canadian comints0iOnOyO, garde entirely the relative Position kind ?" Mr. A,yLesworth was asked. t
, Irom. serving on the Of 00 Islands In question. The 0%'%'at Is a matter for politicians
W'ho ill returning :, W111010 truth of the matter is simply
A,IAE_ka Tribu Cable de$114tell')a to conbider," tie replied. "I thinkthe I
. nal. tills: that Us to Portland Channel suggestion of Sir Wilfrid Laurier v
liave reproseut6d Mr. Aylesworth as tile Calls or Great Britain before um , - . . . .. .1!
the Stalwart, even aggreolvet. Chum- hao been dommatrated to us to be ,- I ��� . t. I 9
I 0 -gr. unanswerable, By unanimous vote o "I'll 11
Pion Or canadiau Tirl)ts; tit ., I I
this tribunal It has been so declared. 0
AvIcalvoytif, who arrived to -day. IS It Wag, therefore, Impossible to avoid
. a clyampiou of his awarding to Great Britain this IS- I 11 la
Just a Strong as ll,o is portrayed. lamis called Pearce and Wales. it was - . a
c-ountry's Page . equally Impassible upon any Intel- 0
rS ble )f urip"easant wrang- - ligIble principle for a tribunal act- IC,,,- 11
, Impression ( I Collis , nisoloners must, Ing Judicially, to hold that Portland I -"-*. - ,
tinge among tble
be revised, however, for, While 110 is (Illannel, Immediately on passing q 11
guarded in -Ills remarks about the Wales Island, makes a turn at right .1. .k. I
C,umnsission's Internal IdIscussIO118,110 angles to itself and runs between ii
empoSatlCallY declares that from liest the 1910,1108 of Wales and Sitkian.
; jk�sj the Canadian,$ -were treated Tile 'WIIO1O question presented to us F
I I � t
t, for decision On this branch of the - . t
NN jtl� the ,greatest courtesy all'I III
0, most gentlemanly manner by. tho c1l,93"was whether the Portland chan.
Ll"�riglishlmen and Americans aiiie. On nel Of the treaty lay north of the 11 .., 1,
VV01 L-wo great iSS1100 Of the Inquiry, ' a or south or tile four, . .". V
To"' "'In' ,
- � andu tit "(')!, It has been uniform- I
" tile -he mountain along ly day 1:
. location or Portland Channelitald, "p
,-Ow ed of t 'd by everybody that all
tl;6 0111glea firtno four of tho I I V
the Coast, the Canadians 110111 SO stands belonged al- �
ly to tbe view previously expreis- together either to Great Britain or I
� I I -ates. Instead of so
ed, that the award was hot madl- to tile United St . t
01, judical grounds. On these powtR ruidilig tile lisajority, of the tribunal t
respectfully and rirmiy die- have determined 'to make those Is. I E
they . . lands valueless to (ireat Britain or to , I
agree with' tile I�ajorlty or tb-_ trili- L!anada
ullal, and in thdr dissenting Judg� by giving to the t
in-ent Mr. Ayleswortill says 110 will United States the islands 11 I
stand until Ile dles� . . call2d SlIklan and Kannaghu- MIZ. AYLE$WORT.l-1, K. C. I
hanges. il I..j 1�.Iisid. Out. Tile latter Islands are or the .. 1. � - - __., I
AlverStOnc 40 wor lit litmost conse-quarice, 'for they Ile dl- that- 'L;anada sh6uld'havit her own (
oil tile arrival or .the Mayflo, reetly Opposite to, and command the treaty -making power was urged by ,
hot-. 4-QQX at; tt O'clock this Inc.)rA'I'g entrance to, Port Simpson, British the late Sir James Edgar for years.
Mr. and Mrs. AYI&SIVIOL-th-AvOnt direct bOlumbia. Upon, such fifidings of fact I h1avc not really thought about It
to tile Hotel Essex,'W,110170 they rest- as those above described, and After so far." I
ed somewhat (luring tile (lay before a -Solemn adjudication that the Port- The Veelisig' In Britain. I
leaving by the six oclock train Top land Channel of tile treaty lies to I
Toronto, whore they will arrive at tile north Of Pearso and Wales Is- "British feeling, so far as I Could 1
I:Lolclock on Monday morning. Wholl lands, the taking of the two Import- hear I'-," said Mr. Aylesworth, in re� I
Been at Ills lifotel by Your Corres- lint Islands, Sitklan and Kannagllu- piv to a further quesilon, "wits in I
Pendent, Mr. Ayiesw.ortli aid not feel nut, from Canada and giving them to favor of Canada's case lit tIfe recent I
w . tile United Stattes by a proceeding -
.),at occurred tit award. but, or course, I would natnr
free to discuss � ' ff3id to be judicial is, -according to ally hear that side more than the I
the secret meeting; of tile commission'
but on a numbe�'Of Points 01, IvIlloll 111Y Judgment,' nothing leas than a otifer. I do not want to leave tile
of tile grotesque travesty of justice.,' Impression," he added, "that I was I
there was doubt oil tilts Side I
el valuable explana- A"OthVI "'OtLI-Ce 0l'DJS8atiS1`&CL1oII. the yurticular champion of Canada. I
Ocean he offer 4. Sir Louis Jett(i was fl, perfect Col-
tIons. Tile first suggestion oX tile b Would you ,hfavo signed the award league. Etc in one of tlm finest men '
Agreement of tlic three British cent- 'ad'the disagreement not arisen that can be found anywIlere In the
illissionors oil tile Canadian Coll- with regard to, the Portland Chan- worid. Taiougbout the whole ease we I
tention respecting the location of ,let?" Mr. Aylesworthl was Asked. jilave been proteffting against the case �
ade Oil "AnGtItDr source of dissatlsrac-
- tile Portland Channel WAS In tion oil any part," hb replied, "was beInd put as Canada on thle oneside
)4_�IvrsdaY, October 12, at the first and the United States on thoOtI101
After tile avgnment ilfe manner lit which the -mountain and urging that the Interests of Cau-
Secret meeting I boundary was selected. We were ad& and those of Britain were ab -
had con eluded. .rhoulatter-,vAsthell not able to discover any judicial Eolutely identified, and that It wam
discussed by ill() commiasioners, anti
tile Canadians Were -given to under- VrIIIcIPI0 upon whilch tile selection' tit, British case on the one hand and
stand that Lord Aiverstono agreed I rested. Our own view was very thb United States on the other."
stromg that tile negotiations which I
tyltil them that tile Canadiall Coll ten- preceded the treaty, as well asthe
tion was "abuclutelY -unanswerable." languago of thb treaty Itself, ro- BUNCO GAME DIDN'T -WORK.
t o be sought
g0rurtiler opinion 'WA8 t at In- forrod to, tlf,e mountains nearest -
or given after Ithat. The ill' tIrb Sea. The United States conten- sharpers Tried to Arictituize Wide-
timation tile Canadians had that .
,,, hall chasige(I file tention was that there ,were no awalce Peterborough Partner.
Lord Alversto ,, Satur- mountains answering the deserlp- Poterboro', Ont., Nov. a. -There Is
mind WAS On the following tiom In the treaty, and 'therefore rB,,o,n'to uolieve that a gang Of
(lay, October 17, the meetings hav- that the line must be draw,n Lit a swindlers aye -It wo-rk on the farm-
Ing continued daily meantime, and uniform distance of ton marine Ing community of this -Y.IcinitY- On
tile final decision was made 01, the leagues Inland, measured from the Wednesday afternoon A man repre-
following Uorsday. Tile Calladiang head Of every Inlet, that being tile tenting himself to be a brother of
at once took issue and expressed nearest salt water. Sir Louis Jette HOn. George A� Cox called on a .w�ll-
therneelv0s strOnIgIv. and I agreed that Inlets wofuld be I o -do, Tarme? of OtollAD09 with a Pro -
An, Traportant, DiscreptIncy. Inland wators, but as to; thlat I position to Imy Ills farm. While look -
Mr. AylaRWOyth' did not care 'to Admit that lawyere may .properly " ' ' the property thOY were
discuss . a137.1 further Lord Alver- differ. Further, the whole six com- j�'finec!',`Veb'y another ruan, who said lie
fitone's Changlo of mind. but would inissioners a -greed thlat there were was from j.he Southern Stu,tes and
jet tile mattel. freat where it was, mountains near the coast, because was looking lor his sister, also that
having issued A signed 9tatement th10 line decided upon winds around 110 had reo�ntly lost $300 in Toronto,
and a dissenting Judgment. The lat- finding t1fem. However, we objected but th,Llt it was of no consequence
ter aPPeaxs In The London Tim3o 011 to much' in connection With tile as he bud plenty of money. He
October 22rid, which arrived ,to-da,v- Portland OlVannel that we had lit- Lhowed rol;s containing, he said,
re is an thb to Say about the mountains. about $9,000 in all. The man who
r,,rom this it seems that tile e [is equially uneatla- called himself Cox en,quired how be
Inif,politant discrepanag betweefi Lord
AIV orstone'i 'official judgment and the factory, as, If thlere are .mountains made his money, and the stranger
copy thereof published In'The Times. within the treaty, that negatives �roduced four darog I on one of which
thb United States' claim. Wag -tile pl-Altre of a Mall. He shut-
In the official paper )Rls.Lorduhip's he would give Co.x $10
answer to tbequestion ; "What cliall- Not It JiLdicial Decision. fled and said
nol is 13�Drtlamd channel?" .16 " The if he drew this card. This ,was done
channel Which runs to the north of "Tjib, award cannot be justified on after a CO'11)10 Of unsuccessful at -
the islands of Sitkldh and Kannaghun any judicial principles, IL was not tempts and, unnoticed by the
nut, and issues into the pacific, be- a. judicial determination, . but a etraliger, Cox marked the card.
tween Wales and atklan islands," In compromise divillLng dsputed terri- Tile thrmev also drew the correct
tile rtlmes the ,%VpTdg "Island of SAtk- tory between the two contesting card. To Eh.ow bow easily money
were Omitted. parties. Sir 'Louis Jette and I said might be made, the stranger offered I
y'' jan and Kannagbluuut" has uh If we .could look Co,�c $1,000 if he drow the correct
The Londoli Daily, Mail, which ie farmer likewise
Strongly Supported Canada's .case at this thing as diptiomatai and card, and lie did. TI
throughout, pointed Out that this tive, and take, we Ifad no objection; took a hand ill the lesson and drew
was a serious discroV11,110-Y, and bold- but we were 74tiore hold down to .tile card. Then, meaning business,
. it Indicated Lord Al- a judicial interpretation of the the Yankee -asked them if they )lad
ly hinted that treaty, and we could not say to any money of their own. Co
verstone had.changed big mind at-
ter,writing his document, fa,voring thia, United Stateff representatives ilittlo, but lihe farmer had norie with
if we gave them Skagwa him. He had it considerable sum In
Canada's contention, and had ,nei- that Y ever, lie said. Thereupon
looted to go over tho judgment and they were tol give us a port so;mo- Toronto, how
make It correspond at all points. Oil where else. It was purely a ques- Cox proposed that it lie wished to
tit Mr. A.y.loswortri bad no ln� tion of w1fat tile treaty Xneant." double his money it wOuld'be a good
11O would venture 110 "Why (lid you sign the maps, If. riot filall to dmw from the bank and
=on, and tile award T1 gather In the stran-garlm pile. Tills
Opinion whatever. i the farmer with good sense refused
I � , Not Argued Before Tribunal. "We signe(l the maps merely to to CID. Both men went away and
t,Wag anyl argument Or !nap pre- Identify them a6 having been used haye not been seen since.
suggesting in before. the commission, St,nd In order
any way that the channel passed be- that there might be no dispute over
tweAh Wales and Edtklv-n Islands?" them In the ,future." LABOR EOSi GUILTV.
I Mr. L�ylegwol?tll WAS asked. . lit reply to it -further question Mr. —
"No one ever Suggested In any way Aylesworth �;aid the work of the tri- Walking Delegate stinx Parks Coll -
run between bunal was over, although the bound- viett(I ef Extortion.
that the line should long tile monn- N,ow York, NOV. B.-FOr the Be
thoge two 'Islands," lie answered, ' It ary for 120 ml!ou a cond
was not mentioned In the case pre- taino between the Dovll'o Thumb and time Within two iiiOnthe Samuel J.
pa,red Ill the written arguments by Kate's Need!c had yet to be surveyed Parks, walking delegate of tile
counsel on either side, or In the an- And agreed upiall by- treaty by the I-lousesmiths' And BrIdgemon's Union,
swer, or In the final summing-up. The twc. countriesi. Ho Anticipated no Local No. 2, w,as convicted of the
.,�tribunal gat for tbree� -Weelts, a"Al troublis over that, unleet; a gold Crime of extortion, In the Court of
both parties had the case PrOsclltt�d mine were discovered, .rendering tile General Sessions, tills afternoon. It
_ by the al)lest well thOY-COuld occur(,,. land of great value. took the jury just twelve 11111111t0a,
Ttile only referel101WtO it I find from (luring which they took two ballots',
tile shorth&nd zreport was s111140 by A Famn.us Dialogue. W agree oil tile guilt of Parke, -%Vito
I Senator Turner, This wall When At- A number of . other points of losser thif; time wg,s accused of extorting
torney-Goneral'VInIbY Wall discuss- Importance, wore then'brought to ),Jr. s5oo from the Tiffany ZSitildiciff, it
-Ing the routtl which Vancouver had A-yleiiwortlilti notice. Ile said t1le i'��tl firm or contractors, under
ta.,ken during Me exploration -In that aiiiier of Lord Alverstoria'a asking threat of keeping them front continu-
summer of 1703.' Ills 111
region In the ... tile Canadtalla to Sign tile award was Ing their Mrk on bull,dlngs. .
narrative allowed that he elitered-t1le ey
tit of all not, so brusque As the cable writers, Parks claimed that tills mail ,,,,va,,
south channel, pa.001119'8011 0,
four Islands, went up to tile head Of according to despatches istiblislied In a fine levied, by Ills labor
the parttand canal and Veturned to Canadian anti American papers, had During tile trial tile tact developeO
the ocean by the channel n(3rtll of rainted It, which Said it (tile award) that Parkst had beery (110-10Yal to IIIE
the four IBIands, .1-16 then Sailed -back Nv4tFj 11shoved under their noses." union, inasmuch as lie permitted tbr
to Obsorva,tory Inlet. Juere his inall' Mr. Aylepworth described the In- Tiffany firm to crnV,OY non-untor
ship bad re4ained at anchor, but hN oldoilt its follown. men afior having received the $�00
rent, is 0 m big narrative. I "Wimt's title?", Sir Louis asked. Tills accusation was not denied W
it ,was Itere, then, that Senator Tilr- "It IS the Award," Lord AlVerstone I tilt, defendant Or �118 counsel durin�
course for tile channel. X'Etannot add replied. � tile trial. i I
towlimt I have already said by Way "I do not sign it," said Sir Louis. - in ilia Charge, judge Now.burgei
of Opinion respecting tills decision." 'll nit(lorgtood you were Willing tOit' Bald that It made no, difference Nvala,
The Dissetiting Jul:19111031t, Lord Alverstone replied. disTosition Parks made Of the monel
Tile dissenting judgment Of the "I illought we had made it quite After Ile obtained it tinder a threat
that ,art% (lid riot intend to sign dirret or implied, as that fact wbuh
Canadians as printed in the Times W-ftln tortion.
Contains these bommenta:."ITOW Call by reitoon, of tile courga taken with coaRtituto ex ,
such a determination be. reconciled regard totho Ite,atift In tile Portland A Tier 110ft'rl jig tile regult Judge New
with Our daty to decide Judicially ClIft'lliel," ' was � Mr. �Iylosworth's re- Ps remanded 10
up011 the question submitted to Ug ? VIV. sentence . folf A Week. ,I .
it IS no decision Itildil Judicial PrIll. ,�Pnntor L(idgii tifen said be had
' ciples, It le a more compromlse #.IIVld* underr,tood this Canadians would not Died Willit' 1111dVesslillg-
"�L-W Ing the field betWoell tile two con- 110 that lie 1111dergtooil tholl,
Toronto,,NOV- :1.-D,ire. p!annio 191,
V,9n , it Tit 11 11, IV
, nor suggested that perhaps lie passed ,..�Itlon, o matter then dropped, I - Wow of tile '16tO Charles S11
between Wtdoa and .flitkIan Jelands. With. I
� anti ill(i Canadians had )lot Inin, tor thirty years 11108801190V V
I o one paid any special attOnt,1011 to drawn front tile room. the Toronto CUStOWN IlOnSO, WE
tile remark. Thore Warl 00-010 little I * tit, )top resiftne6p V
o4o 1,;tcle,ol courtPAY. found dead
dimusslon, tile Oanadian counsel tak- . . It W�Ifj *ill carried out In the bc9t Silaw Ntreet, on Silturda,y night. :
Ing tile view that Salleouvoc prob- `f(�QlITIg,,,, r 0 e I 14
,nI(I N
,it,,. Aylegworth ; w,1,14 apparent that at th tills 0 1
ably got back to bleF ship as bobt lie (if - �jc of collit0%
� y. of dpEtth fille Wag preparing to go I
could. Tilloro Was no map proselitot) , " thore , Wits no Ill( . 1100B, having been uftbu
". ly tip ,,elptio.11. NVo were treated In bed, I or a
nor even dr&wn Bug Ig such a al . ,�,Ir janly toned. Life wag extinot wlion one
, geattil nl�i,F;L r,ordlill and ReiRlelf to the rom
testantr. Tbe formal answor which tilt, Ity prrryboily, quite as Much the household went In
tho Pro�jldontlg istentorandnin niakes WaY 'Americans its by everyboday finding tho, body lying on the fIOC
to tile quostion Submitted 19 0.10110 bY ilia . . I
;�, - ,, � -, I 11—�_ I—. ��6:.�"
. , -
LMH U11110M0
I ., t Combination of Em-
ployers and Employees,
I National Organization
Begun at Chicago,
It � I , _. _rp ... ��.v___'_ . ;_ I 0I.- I " 1 -, � ,. �,.'.,��,
. _. - _ _ _��
. I
t10 latter Amount did Ot Include the
Its Twin (�
nooQuilts or t 'Ity Syndicate.
"' "O' '("Voyor, the Atlas Loan had
dplitileF'(i0t) Into tile, %1win City, OYU* 1
Mr. TV allace way quoutionod as to
tho trallaactioull 110 "OIAIII16aelaly&""("Ilolcln� I
a margin basis witi, ". . - ,
"It"', '71", IIrS,!osm%r deal of tile
r A n was to To ,to 41,111way on Jan.
tt� the Atlas LOB
.�JUq8p4D8'1aJ)0qn1X&Jroq on 4 mar"Sla"O'i
Tboro was a profit gh thlo
$5allm-otion of $612.60. After tbat
i there were many margin. trang"-
�tlons, T,hese wor4'dorte through Amen
& comp"Y. I .. - I I __
MorpethVitit-well T"Vallia the Qr(luild
Ine . Hundred Cities Repre- '
sented at the Meeting. r
Oiloago, Noy, si-With the election r
I D. At. Parry, j of 1111nole. as prosl,
ent, the formation of an orgailiza..
iolt to be known As "The C1tIzer18' t
idustrial Association of America" �
. � , t
,As compacted to -night. The or-
aulzaption to national lit Scope, and o
icludee.representatIve manufactur� d
re, tradesmen, other employers of t
Abr, local general organizations, n
lid Citizens' Alliance, having among 0
ther tbingo as Its object the deal- t
ig with tile labor problem In all 9
;g phases. DoIega,testrom 57 cities, d
.1ons. San Francisco to Now York, I
icluding several in Canada, were t
resent At the convention, and at V
[to concluding session . all details .of I
lie Van of carrying on and extend-
ig the pwirk of the organization I
rferes completed.
A convention of thA aRrociation,will e
c, held in indianapolla next Febru-
,ry. The manner of assessing and
sollitating the many associations In I
he organization took up most of tile
line of the delegates at to-day'o
ession, It was decided that all
aembers of tile association Shall pay
,n Initiation fee of $25, to $100, and
A members Shall pay dues at the
ate of 50 cents per annum per orn,
Ploying member, the amount In no
ase, to be less than $10 nov great-
ir than $200 per annum.
Protection for All.
Resolutlona were then Adopted.
Dhey refer to the strained relations
totween emVloyer and employe, and
heir W effect oil bustriess condi-
Jons; demand ample protection for
LII seeking to earn a livelihood, and
iontinne in part: ,
"in Carrying on a firm and un-
*mpromising contest with the
tbuses of unions, as now, conatitut-
KI and conducted, a,t the same time
wknowi,tedging tile free right of
viorkmen to combine, and willing
liat the combination w,liess rightly
*ustituted And conducted way
wove lilghly useful, we earnestly (le-
dre to act, and believe we are act.
ng, in tile true Interests of working-
rion themselves."
Air. Parry, who Ig'-prealdent of the
.qational Alan ufacturers' Association,
ivias then elected head of tile organ-
.zation, there being no opposition to
lint or tile other officiate.
War on labor unions layJ a combina-
Lion of employ.ers, employees, amd all
persons opposed to union principles
ivas urged in 'so forcible a manner.by ,
Rev James C, Boedtke, a Presbyter-
* .
[an minister from Shelbywille, Ind.,
[It yesterdays' meeting thiit lie swept
Mwwyl the oi-Iginal plans of the con-,
volition. Instead of a federation of
Dinployers lassoclationg there Is Con-
eaquently, a huge nati4slial organi-
Between four and five million per-
sons In the United States will become
members of the organizatlon, the ad-
vocates of theplail believe. They ex-
pect that tbousand� of men tp everyi
State will leave their unions grid Joil-k
the -now 'orgAmization, which Will
pledge them protection against un-
Icals. . I
Rev. Mr. Boedtkels Plan.
ReY. Mr. Boedtke proclaimed that
an organization of employ,lars alone
would be a class organization, which
would not win the aMroval of the
public. Then lie pleaded for a feder-
ation, built on broad lines -one that
would Include all who belbeved labod
unions Were oppressive and would.
pledge t1lems,elves 'to oppose them.
Ninety pier cont.*of the working,
men in the eofdntr,v,- are opposed tZ�
labor. unions, was one of the asser-
tions lie made. It the organization
would allow employees to join, as
well as em#"OLyerss and would as-
sure them protection I rom the unions,
he argued, many workingmen would
� f I
1Delegates from tbe Kansas Cityl
Citizens, Alliance, that claims a inem.
borship of 11,000, from the Denver
01tizenal Alliance, which Plaims 5, -
Coo msembers and from oth!.e�r Alt
liances, cheered the minister's words,
and tlfeiyl won favor also with manZ
of ti-,,, delegates from central and
eastern brilployers' associations, un-
. til tl;,on opposeA to the idea.
he Na-
tional Manufacturers' -Association,
who was believed to favor an exclu-
sive employers' organization, said:
,,I don't see what difference It will
make wItly the federation, on what
basis the Individual associations are
formed. .
others were more enthusiastic.
i Some nf'51r. A. E.'W`&1I&Cu'8 Fillft,110 01
Toronto despatell-601110 Of the ex-
traordipary financial transactions ol
tile Ailau Loan Company worc
brought to light by tile examinn,tiOt
for discovery bf Mr. A. E'. Wallace
tile mallagor of tile company, wbiel!
wag takeb before the Master In Or.
dinary on the 21st, 2,.Ind and 24Lh 01
the present moillit. The examillatiOl
was held in secret, but tile ofrlcla�
r a very peCulial
dealingg oil the part of the AtIaE
Loan Company. in connection Wltl
tile failure of the Atlas Loasto Mr
A. E. Ames wIlI be examined Oil .M011
� da.y at 11 o'clock before the Alaster
and It is understood that tills tim(
. tIlo examination will be hold It
� public. -
I in the examination Of 'Mr. WaIIA0
It wits admitted by tile latter thal
I lilt% on the �Ilqt December, 1297, tit
I wi
amount Invested by the Atlas Co. 11
mortgagosr wan $71S,820-19 and they
. vVero Do investments In Stocks 0
� bonds, at the end of 1001 the morl
gaget; were reduced to $343,102-3:
while the investments Ill stobul
bonda and debentures had risen I
i. $1,G8'%330,3!l. , Mille Indicated -
I. change Ill tile policy 'Of tbO COmPall-'
t tile conversion of tile' ln-vostinonte (
8 tilo Company from lantl InOvtgag(
n bonds,
[t Dealing with tile transactions 4
�r tho. Atlas Loan with Ames & Coll
:0 pany tip. Walittee answoreiLl questiol
C. I showing thil't the purell"es Of stoel
)f I tbrougit AnIoN & Company wore !
n, 1898 $4.11,050, in 1801.) $97,426.50, bi
r. Ill 1001 they Were $1.025,006.103, al
u s4ss Aettownent. .
Alilgoto,wit, out., Nov. S.— Wesley
.SI the MorTth farmer, Who
111=011 on C,
Vag 0 tted ,argo -
ed by ]Ile Wife that lie ad (I
ow(lorcil glass to her, And, whose
worn couression of tile crime Was
ruduoud tit the trial, declaroo em-
batleally that tho charge le, utterly
i i ndhasa- and is (Inc to tli,e on -
A baimpinations or Ills w for to
julet which lie appended his name
o the extraordfnj%r� (lootiment.
Impeoll Say$ tile trouble between
hous commenced at OrIlda Tully sIx
rears ago, when. during the Illness
I 111H wife a girl named t3tella Hayes
vorkad for them about a TUOUth. 0130
ay tile girl brought a jai' of fruit
o tile table to serve. Mrs, Slippson
oticed that tile glass jai, wi, a
racked, and ,ordered the girl to
brow it out, saying that the broken
lass might get into the fruit and
stake It dangeroue to eat, Simpson
eclares that since that time, owing
terbaps to the peculiar nature G1
ter illness, his eire has from (time to
line accused him or g:Tlng her brokcri
lass, declaring that StellIt HaYeo
lag been following them about
c-eeptsig up an undue Intimacy with
Conetable Conn, or Morpetb, was
ngaged by Mrs, Simpson to lool� for
�tella Hayes, whom she declared to
)e prowling Around the house mak-
ng signals to her husband. Conn, -who
was furnished with a minute de-
scription of Stella, the clothes F.Ise
was wearing, etc., Ecoured the neigh-
boritood for tracee of such a 1yer.wit,
but In vain. . . I
— -
`.1 or
venteelith Bulie'till or tile Census
Con(alasValuablo 11116VIIII1,0011-
Ottawa report; The ' seventeenth
iietin of the census of loot, giv-
g tile statistics ar.agricuituve in
itario, haa just been issued. it
ves thn total area of land In the
rovince as 111.125,880 acres, O�
hich 10,b(16,281 acres were under
op in the census year, 4.8=079
ores lit forest und 8.259,322
ores in swamp or waste land. Com-
tred with the census of :L891, there
an apparent decrease of 1,153,8013
ores iq the area under field crops ,
wre i� a decrease of 23,769 acres
orcl%rd, an increase of 80,988
ores lit small fruits, and of 484
ores in vineyards. I
Th,o table of agricultural values.
Liters for the first time In 1901, for
rins and lots of under five acres,
Iowa the value of land and build-
ga $747,962.569' implements and
achinery, *52,697,731); live BtOOk,
$181,827,761. Tire valu
rops and animal product for the
ensus year was $196,052,862. Th,is
equivalent to $1010-19 for tile
verago farm, which Is nearly 21.
r cent. of tile investment.
The most noLmble Increase Ill crOPs
lit tobacco, thto yield or which Was
r IcOM
,�05,739 pounds in 1001r as -
red -withi S:L4..080 in 1891. The
timber of horses decreased from
71,8&-, to 721,138; mijok cows Ifl-
reased from 876,117 to 1,065,703;
ther oattle increased from 1,06,i.-
06 to 1,422,013; Efheep from I -
21,719 to 1,01,GA56; swille frO;�
121 396 to 3,566,6911. Tbo produc-
' ' I
jon of eggs, enumerated for ill'(-
Irst time In 1901, -wai§ 19,779.815
ozens, valued at $5,756,221. The
awn or ,dalry products in 1901 WAS
31,776,330. In thrls is included the
allk and crentri sold to cheese, but -
or and condensed milk factories.
mounting to $15,070,922. .
ujl�ere -were in operation In tile
roTlace during the census year I.-
86 factories, of which 172 mada
,Veeso and butter, 1,o6l made cheeae
nly, and IDa made butter only..
The cheese p . roduct -,Vag 181,967,612
ounds, -worth' $13,440.981; tho but -
or product, 7,559,542 poundsl-worth
L1,527,935, a total value Of $lC-
T8,922. In 1891 thlere were 893
cheese and 65 butter factories In
)iitario, tbe total value Of the Pro-
duct LmIng $7,569,338. Tile Increase
n t1fe value of factory dairy r,rO-
ducts was therefore nearly double.
Tait, average rent of farms Is given
as $1.6i per acre, and the wagea
for farm labor fp.15, includIng
board. TAic value of hired labor Iq
39011. was $12.1512.915.
, 11,�
41 . 'AL,
. _. . _�__%_, L _�.� �.: � _ _ _. ___ - � �t I
..W�-��; _"_�'�I�� 'L� - — F;�_; I
The Spots on the Sun Cause Strange . lectr ioal
Disturbances. �
, I � -
Sheriff, Three- Deputies and Three Indians Killed in a
, , lu- worat vffocO
London, Nov. :.'.-Cabling from CliV;- horo to Bull apoto, r
Foo, t10 Correspondent of the Morn.
Of tile litlel"Orrienit, appear to have
tpeen experienced In France, bu_t Der-
,nx Po"JI: Sayo t1w majority of itua.
kin wxia-uot Affected, and apparently
Anil warshipo lit QlAnese waters
nelther Austria, Italy nor Denmark
ire between Tallon Wan and Ilay-
suffered, In Switzorla,n(l, bo.wayer,
ingtaQ. Three Chinese cruisers left
. -
them, occurred a, most Strange Phu-
inexion. Tile telephone Berviob Castor -
.the F6o yesterday, the correspond-
oa auddo4ily and remallte(l ' suspended
3nt goes on, fo,!r thile iniouilli Of tile
for ' half an bour, wbilo the tele -
Yalu River. This constitutes an in-
widered unintelligible
41-0110 were re �
11,111genient or Corean rislits. '
.Ind useless. In Geneva all the oloc-
trical street care were brought to a
Tlie St. Petersburg correspond-
sudden ,standstill, and the unexpected
Dist Of tWO Dally A111,11 Says Ile
COSSAti0t), Of tile electric current
learrIB tlfat the Russian Uovern-
cauged consternation At the gener-
atIng works, where all efforts to dis-
ment does not expect %var with
Sapau lit any before Spring,
cover the cause were fruitless. The
avers should the negotiations fall.
meteorological office reporto a mag -
notle otormt accompanied 'sly aurora
The Correspondent At Sbaugbal o(
orealig, in Beveral parts of Ireland
CIA> Dally Telegraph sayti lie has
learned from roilable sources in
and Scotland. The telegraphic dig-
turballoo was one of the most extra-
roklo t1glat; d1t1rungli tile ia-
tiotif, botwpors Ruasla and Japan
ordinary on record. 1�arly tills worn-
oontinuo, Japan IS inflexible. A
Ing It had riot becri discovered where
the disturbancou originated, but Si-
,onfllot is regarded as Inevitable,
. I
beria Is et I rongly suspected.
Japs Do Not %%ant War.
rho Bechtel Case.
Tilt, Associated Press "'to recaly-
od Infolralatlan lr(�m some of the
Aillentown, P.a,, Noy. 2 -Two lives
leading diplomatic Authorities,
have already 'peon sacrificed to pay
sho4ing that the gravity of Rus-
. tile penalty of the illicit love of
ivaywar,l Mabel Bechtel, and there
sla4a,liall ,situation lias not; been
exaggakated in ud,ble;rams, Thbre
IS every probability that the aged
IS prevalent, however, a strongde.
mother will not ;survive Shock
sire lit Japan to preserve peace If
OIL the; douW.e tragedy, but will also
only that course Is made pogs&,.
pay tile rorreit with tier life.
It mlp.� be Said thlat the Idea of
At tile Coroner's. Inquest- to -day,
the existence of a war party, so
witen in an unguardea moment all at-
untied In Japan, 19 wxong, and that
torney referred to the Buicide of tier
the I Emperor, ilia Cabinet and Ills
FiDn Tom, tile aged mother collapsed,
advisers, are favorable to comprom-
uji(I lier life io despaired of. f5he is
[so, of tire diffloult;cs, It Is argued
resting to-nignt under the influ-
th!at the conflict; between Russia
ence aff opiates in an upper room
and J'allan for tho mastery of tile
or the City Hall, and her condition
Pacific must assuredly- come and
to go critical that it Is not likely
must; Inevitably leave a gre&Lcr
thEl.1; sbe will be moved for some
Corthootining conflict between Rus-
sla, and the- United States, unlese
it wai§ the first intimation that
somo.-lialting ground of Russian
the poor old mother bad of the death
expansion be found. Japan is con-
of tier son, and the shock was too
vinced thfat the first; halting ground
severe for the frail little woman.
Should be Manolluria, and failing
Tile verdict of the Coroner's jury
thiat, it must be Correa.
waR rencligKI toLtilglit, but so far an
There is undoubtedly it strong
the evidence wina concerned no neir
feeling lit Japan thatt If Russita, be
light waa thrown upon the tragedy.
allmned to overrun Manchuria, and
There were a great inany witnesses
also' overrun Corea, tile knell of the
examined, and each one of them who
empire Will have been sounded.
was permitted to testify, in alarge
11ght With Indians,
part brougirt out what ]lad rbefore
,Cheyenne. Wyo., Nov. 2, -Sheriff
been developed. I
Allier and three of his deputies are
The verdict did not pidee. the re-
reported killed, one deputy wounded.
oponsibility of the murder, but it
trad three Indiana, killed and several
hel(I nearly all the members of the
wounded, In the fight, which has just
Beclital family as accessories after
taken place near the Bad Land Creek,
the fact. It is us follows:
forty miles north of Lusk, Wyo., with
Wo, find that Anna Mabel Bechtel
a roving band of Crow Indiana, wbo
came to tier death At No. 627 Cedar
had been slaughtering game, and re-
street, between Z5unday evening, Oct.
stated arrest. �
Via Indiana who participated in
25, and Tuesday morning, Oct. 27.
arid that death wag due to a frae-
tho battle near Cheyenne River are
now hurrying toward the Bad Lands,
tured.skull from a blowi inflictod by
near Virso Ridge Agency, and It Is
some person in the house, unknown
to the jury. We believe that the
feared there may bb a general upris-
Inmates of the houge-Mrs. Cathar.
ing. . I
Ine, B,eclitel, Miss Martha Bechtel,
The Still Spots.
John And Charles Bechtel and Alois
London, Nov. 2.-Scleittlat-g attri-
Dickstein, are accessories after tile
bute -the recent magnetic disturbance
fact of the crime.
___.______,__. '' ._.____.
T!-,Sg ,,in
� N P 04
Reduction of Wages Also Causes a
� Distu , rbafice.
Niagara Falls, Olit-� Nov. 1>._� - thtre being only some dozen %ticii
strike occurred . this morning at- affecLed On thjs contracL, as the
order only affected surface labor -
footing th'a entire work of pon- erg. They did not quit, 'but the men
struction of the three big Cana- from thia other works swooped
dian ii&�-or companies employing d6win on them about 8.30 o'clock,
about 1,500 �lrien. being thlo result U00 strong, pelted rocks do-wri th:e
pit 6n the men 170 feet beloiw� and
or art order issued by all tlYa Coll- chased them off the wpirk. A. C�
- tractors, taking effect yesterday, Douglas, contractor of tile Cana-
- reducing tlf,e wAges Of tile m(n) 25 dian Niagara PoWer Co's. tunnel,
cents per day. The order principally has Ills work sa far advanced,
roostly employing skilled labor, tba
effected the muckers, Italian and order (lid not . affect tile men. Nelth-
RS, BOOTt'-TUCKER BURIED, Ilarigariall laborers. When the men er (lid it affect tile loo men an
— arrived at the different works this , Barry & MeMordle's anil batter crib
servicesin Carnegle Hall-1511ssl Eva; morning abeigt 11D per cent. of work contracts. Tlio Ontario Pow -
them refused to go, to' )work for er Company have closed down ,'their
Booth Overcome. I . y
, $LtO per day, the new, per dlem ontire work to avoid, violence b
New York, Noy. J.-Funcral ser- Of wpges, and wanted Lheir old tit:-., men. Chief Maine, of 'tile On -
vices over the remains of Em"Ift Wages of $1.75 per day restored. tarioi polloo force, and men .have
Booth -Tucker, latd Consul of tbO -S','.I- on tho contract of the!Niagara con- clifargo of the fracas, and Are get-
vation Army in America, who wad 15trur,tion Anil IT. D. Symules, 'who ting tli,,,D unemployed men out of
recently killed -III .1 railroad wroOk, I are constructing the Ontario Ca's. the park And off the wiorks, and
wore llplcl to -day in Carliegle 11all. w,o,rk, about t`00 mpn are vmplo�rod- it is not expected tNare Will be any
Tile hall was crowded, and hundred,,, xboilt 50 per cent. of theso inen further violence. The different con-
walte(i outside until af,ter tho core- quit Work. At 11. P. Davis' contract tractors claim they have been
mottles, NvhLli they were allowed to . of tile Toronto li'lectric Develop- over-priving the laborers, on ae-
vlow the remains. . inent Co., about 1.ryl) men are em- coUlit of 'Llis stringency of the la -
The serylePs, which were conducted i pIdVed
� . ; abokit 2X) per e(,)it, quit bor market the past year, and now.
. .
by Col. J. Iligging, chief secretary of i work. At I%Lwsoll & Rlipy's wli,eel wal'en they can got any number, of
the Salvation Army lit Aincrica,'WeIT pit contract, tilb Canadian .Niag- men for $1.5-0 a dtiv, �tLbY cannot
most impresbive, and consisted o'L a! ara Po!wVr CO. emPloY 200 (olell, Affc,xd to pay $1.706.
musical programme made tip 01 the I I � I
favorite hymns of the deceased, a I
loatle.r, and of eulogies of her life, I
. 8
commissioner Evil Booth Wit to .9
have spoken, but 'wa4 overcome by i DOWIMES LEAVE FOR CHICAGOO
grief . At tile close Of thO services :
the ren(lered a prayer. - I I I - . - . .
__ 0
51iss tlor,thls conditiol". I .
Toronto, Nor. 2- Commissioner n
li,vangelino Booth left oil the 11 a.m. mr& Lrowie a nd Son B oth Arl,ive in
G. T, R. train oil Saturday In great .
physical ,weakness And Itrostlated Liverpool.
with grief, to meet Commander I
800th -Tucker at Welland, and Jour- I
,tit tile t ANew York, Nov. ,-I.-Two thoumind a. rua;41011 lit London, all([ confirmed
uey from there In compar.y w I thru. rv1Xl,rtf; th�.Ijt E;he will ultimately
commander with the remains of of Dowin's "71011 1ION0 Ieft tile C ty pi-obeed to Amdralla, wharo Dowle
Consul g1mma Bootlik-Tacker to Now * m ia tile New, York Will Jain her and conduct a great
york City, ,-where memorial services, I
� (.,ontyal & 1111ligo,.1 River, Dclavvate. I m1f;sIon. �
woreo hold last Qvellillg. I ' Gbitletolle Dow10 was vory bitter
Miss Booth Nvas in an exceedinglY ! I,nckawan lilt & Welitern, Lchigh Vitt -
I I I 11, bj�q (10111, Ilet,it ton of tho American
dcliL,ato et,ito. of heal,th when leaving lay, NeNv York, Ontario & NN Otdcrll, nowupapers,
Toronto, ,so 'much so that It was West ,,�Iloro and Pennsylvania 111111- I
, notaosary for her phY-IcIan to ac- roads. Only ,about it blindrod of callsed. ills Death.
company her. . New 1111yon, ct., Nov. 21-Aftor bellix
I nowlo,s followers Are loft In .Ntln' rr,scll(�d ryoul 11 perilous position on
i York, and the..� Include murniters of a Is,
Good Prices lor Onandidn St-1111PS. I ,jig,., 01-01,1111rigill.- it sbeer (loseent
London, IN'ov. .ry.-A.t a recent I , the choir, ettl0ts And l4lib-clyerseers. � c,f ,_100 fcot lit Easrnock Cliff, wIln.1*
)to remallind for tAr
, Son at WAvOIT001 '01vo hours, Frank
sale Of rille stamlys, it Canada twelvo, airs. Dowl. and. - dled to -day front tho
onny, black, 18511 brouglit,918, a I Liverpool, Nov. C. -Mrs. D011VIO, WITO I P' Jo.hllson
I Otii-ck caused by lils vxporlenc-A. Ila
=, ' Brunswick Shilling, red lilac, of the Motlist INWE'V; thOly sosY wz,4 prtrtly rovivod, and said he
1851, and a flyo-cent, bisown, 1800,
with head of Connell, brought t2i; Otidstolle Dowto .. it lild'y's inall and I .,,t,.IIte,j t�) rilli, down tiv� drlyewa.v
a Newfoundland sixponce-billflienny. it colqre,i valet arrivml lu,re tO_,I,Iy ; (In Ills blevelp, At 0 O'clock On &-tt"r-
. _ " t1AY Ilight, lint fixi'm that time until
1857, and a five hAitpensty. 1857, 05; flous Boston (lit the stp4liner SA.- I lie follnil himolf Ill tilt, PC-,.I,!e '4��t.
a 811111ing, scarlet, 1857, 98; a abil- onta, and were beslegod by rejIorti . , . I'S. 1 tion Ila rpluembered nothing. Ills
I , Ing, orange, 1860, .0, a x6va Secitin, Ily hatleally dellb'd tilat I I)ir,ycls, with tile chain broken, w.1 I%
slitiling, Violet, 1851, P-14; it (41IIIIIng. 'Mrs. Dowic, I'll , I
violet, 97; it sibilling, plirplo, ivltb 010 had b0wl�'s tioatiure 01-H ' AvIth I round AgAllist a low Willi on tile efto
oinEill marging, 44. - ber, or tb4t sher interide(i 6 start I of tile 61iff.