HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-05, Page 6t_ j 4 wall 40 More than give Wird life
• r'r icllt` tjtle 19at11t1t4 !td 10\'4'H ire
# ; *� ' 1i r "Atter insulting War by 41040tng
t bur honor anti truth!'' 210 said„
( 1, 1" - neartliully. 'FA1t, but .fru do not till*
fi I - tlttrst4lld hbr. It is only { b� , ; love 1110x --•lave )ter, trod lielp rag !^'
"r'�u. ""wa.,,
11 _ I _�n .. - �._ .a,_,�
MANITOBA 41� � ����•r I~�ET,
Elnw co tiCprlster to to Aliiitct .ltalee4sea Sunlight Soap will 0
STRIKING PROOF and a Addy )F'mtigued, burn �> nap tai WOOrLCta
On the authority of a medlaat son- tivi the swiliCe o line s,
-� "Len,ve Wlnl tot rnek" whls""d Than Rodd's Klciile telnporliry we are bidden to believe
"" 4 :.rN' 1 Luigi, ural I,ady ta,cott l; rt thoiu. y Pitts Curs that Shakespeare wag ontlrely wrongSUNLIGHT
The ulargnls fell Its }ntl?ltlg rap slid when Other Nieaps Fait.
i o %1T Itgttirl. when 110 sluestioned the power to
' ` "1:1Kr'v noble ahc looked," ire mur. -�- -- minister to a mind's diseases. Care
muteti, tis it communin;, with himself, lf1\•.J, J.>E't,Ikins U1Slabletl! Icy ldney It Wag, actoiding to lire old adage,
° �:�,, r "There is none like her, iianit l .Anti 'PAItls, `P141da Now I:iemitb in the that U1110d the. cat, anti though sur-ARW
7 I. In my brutish folly, ftuag that Greta (.airadiati ]li ldrley 1;e,uedy, geans mtly sttli[It1iy patch u t our de- F"� C
a ' rat '__ - � GI 3irCiX'fE`!f Bi23e 1 le\Vel ttslcte, trampled it In tiie miret 1
No. I ani nut lvorthy of her, )y. Tyndall, iifatlr, Nov..•--(Spertlat),=. ttolet)oles and repair tile most alttrnl-
r �iA , ,fu angel! And 1 ,ala tightly punished; AIt over nitalt dl F1XP1
. Xh a utl tht) Terrltor. In bodily dam NSii
k Bl a ,ii�bon Tea b11t ,aIle, how she had SuffOrcd I" Itis les Peopie are telling of benefits re» g y age, yt t ub worry
b Afflict aux allude and trouble \Yelg11 ask far the Octagon na,r, vas
0 cllaiitis fill's and sane; Into a low oelved imm the use of Dodd's ICfdney down aux souls and, so ,we generally
??lila, and Wt, Viace furnishca m st11k. '
.any tea that contains an, aqui ono , knocked At tile door, rile - !ng examp.e of lio'v they will caro believe, there As no balm or medicine U4111)lest 041Y i3elore iholTfrc�[ling,
` I'll marquis can not appear to (lave wW10n all outer means have failed, In that wilt help us. however, the medi- Dolton Globe.
Of #ailtlin and of&t rizljt#rrtous ingredients heard o , and L11(li gA fait( ).!s \way to the persalt cif UP, .T. J. Porkina, cal mind thinks otherwleo nowadays, The Ol(l Man -Well, illy Ind, I swish
will hurt the:tit0inac r, vitiate t�rC tTgGd the dour, rutentting tO blond whom- "Icor two years 'f was troubled and as ire oats grappto with once you eery possible happiness, and I
a r
o6ver it 1u!,ltt be awaiyi Re started With my kidneys,,' Mr. Perkins says. t<ait,Iso l too, call nl vo keep worry from ti that )'Oil, as a :man of experience,
and stoat the growth a# children. Tn As Srluittlera voice fell on Itis ear, "I. of so ball that the footer at- you will always look back upon
ttltiinlett lordship-Is
oSau der,, breie athlessly. ssly. de- te"At
d ng me declared Ice Incurable. ins andumlei k0t1 ng glmatm Inflammatory
symptoms hied a as, the happiest day of your
I u Eli RI'* b b o ncoldly, ftiluiiot -R Jilin!" said
In li ytbackRthat aI ouchSevere
ZewAuttl We Only
follow tIleVatadvice given
tle aThe Young Xtn•-I. are very much
tat bed." have to give up hoPOO and die- I patient to do? Tho course of .treai.t-but-)OUti d' , for good o0d wishes,
r`I wwat see biul !" exclaAtited Saun. w,aa unable to work and was becom- intent is simplicity Itsoif and involves of aro a ]Attie mistalfen. it
dens, unci Ile almost forced his way Ing destitute. nes incozlvanAenee. One of the first iii not till to-niorraw; that I am to
Into the room. One dkty a friend asked Inc,`have steps, It seems, !s to et be married.
999rrr g gait. tear ,
(W e"Popw
The marquis rose and looked at you ever tried Dodd'a Kidney I'lUa?' of symlriatlllkel's and advisers, and The Old man -Yes, I know That's
him, not sternly, not resentfally, I answered 'No,' and lie persuaded seek solitude. Having Insured tilts, a avllAt I mean.
on Te ,a bit 1a•ttlt cold dtspleasure. !lie to try theta. (oompieto change of raiment into easy, . - ---
I--I beg pardon for thio Intrusion, "The first box made me fool like "comfy" garments are advised ; then Dllnard'a Liniment cures Diph
the tannin has beat extracted and only the nourishing and MY lord," said Saunders, evAdeutly a ne;%v man; flys- boxes eared we the patient must "curt up" into a theria,
appetizing qualities retained. The Red Label Brand is a atruggu)Ig Bard for breath and corn- j completely. Dodd's Kidney Fills thoroughly restful position, shut the
nlat;ui#hent tea--beauti#uI bouquet and delicious taste. aoa 1I)OPUil•e,. ".delta.. -but Bowetbing has ilap- 1 saved my life." 0� es, draw in anti thell exhale long, Pity the Uverlacl lxttn.
paned, and -for Gods sake cOme at , Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid, deep breaths quite ilulotly,, and, hey
BIWOU. Mixed once !" I neva. Staund Kidneys take all Am- presto 1 black Care •trill softly and Atchison, Kan„ Globe,
'rUr#;r+ Cents Alli for the "Something hale happened?" tllr)' purities out of the blued. Thus atlelltly vanish Away, or, at all The women should complain fess
Ceyloxs Green S1Esorxlsl l,Q l y Red I.rzbel marquis sold, starting, "I [alae i Miss Dodd's Kidney Pills euro Ilheuma- events, its vt'etims will be able to about their lot in life, After they
Delaine !" get up and have a hand-to..hand h'AVe eaten a big Sunday dinner thay
"No, na, my cord !" xeaponded Saun- tlsm, Sciatics„ and other diseases struggle with !t, havo to hustle around and do "rte
dere quickly. '"But wo have found Fused by uric acid in the blood. dildlea, and this activ!'ty is good for
her i Fanny Inobley !" IREMEMBER that Allen's Lung 1111184M does their health. A man, }raving Ile
I'.1bc Iuarquts frowned. One Sicced Mutual ,Admiration. not merely put the tievres to Sleep, It gots dlsllea to do, gets i;luggt>3h aftting
'`Well. what is that try me r' hie Household hedger. to the root of the trouble and aa cures even around and becomes inlserable, We'
_ demanded steely, deep-seated affections of the throat and tear that rho women da not a! prem,
e Saunders seemed staggered and dm• rLet's formI'- society for mutual cage, ate, all tli10lr advantages over the
ThtiDn admiration I f i t
ISSUE -NO, 4 , 1963
..•..-�,,.. — ..-.-; ---• ,.-»„a..- , ✓ ,_. I ;.tpp.,,,,,ee. i,1' '
91wwape be useedw forbCLildeon S .etgur9 outh
soothes tray child, Eoftolls the. u cures whirl
coli. and. is kite beat remedy or Diarrhpaa,
cl Q for confectlortc ry and hiecuht depart;.
)nentsh good uadda 1) 8. Perrht & 4o.,
Llmfted, f onclon, tent
cal. Yf)(i IINOCCCJI'11301 wl, WANT
ill .or at !east paart of someone's time
In evor;tr locality. It you aro rucking y WA10
;er'' eek don't wrlto its, 114e only guarantee
1%1,11, thotigh,Some of cur representatives
ar) ianklnu ,•Thirty." Of course, they are
hustlers, that is the kind Nye want, Ave have
the goods that sell fast. If yon waut to
snake )coney write us a t'ost card quick,
quick. The;L L, Nichols CO., Limited, Tor.
onto, CauaQa. (Afeatlon this paper,)
III a 116. I' I it ,,,. _
- II :I.. IFlII I, Ijbi Ile
- Whether for immed-
. _ "sate or future consider.
- _ enation our prices for
_ Copper Plate Lngrav»
ing are worthy of`
For instance$ we an.
��grave a plata like this
for Uoo.
From iiia plate we print
Ioo choicest quality cards
for z.co, ,
r The "plAte"will last a lifetimes
, or nes ante, admire men, Write for a copy of our _
Ov un l la repulsed, but only for a greatest
your beautiful eyes, And what da i, t new handsomely illustra.
�� Sample of Scotch coolness. ted catalogue, a -
riiy lord, It is of .the greatest you admire in me? N. Y. Tribune. a gue, read Nov.
Importance to you --say every ,She, -,Your good taste, 11. L. Doherty, the .English tennis Lever's'V-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant 15th, On request we will ,
A 1Ai.f3 OF 4gr+01VIAN'S LOVE i6Nt) one!'' he dared not say tiles De- chtampion, wvis oomplinionted one Soap Powder ishetterthanotherpowders, sand it to any address q
tains. We -my man, Blown, has day at Newport upon his coolness as it is both soap and disinfectant, 31 free of cost, a
WAlViAN'S PERFIDY ,ya .AN ,y>i �► been looking for her everywhere, !n play "Yes, I mlana
s.,,.^,.. %... r. �.......�w and has only Just found her. For coal,' said Mr. DoherLge to keep n�r��� - _
heavens sake, come at once 1 The y. but I The Neighbor's Hope. Rc tt
''a'�r'°6,'*�*�1 , r.d?).wY,..pl,e► whole mystery can be cleared up! fancy I should ,do better if I had XWE1.ERS
But bhe will not sPPak until you C. C. RICILUWS & CO, Sootob blood In my velus," Philadelphia Ledger, IIB, I20, 12`2 and 124E
He Lanni utjilhimself borne toward the even as we left the registrar's office. come, and--'' The young man then told a story "I'm the dealer }n pianos, ma'am," Yon$e St'.,'I'oronio
door, and out into the open air; a Slle arae my, avife only in name. We The marquis turned away with a i thought I very
sick with lQulnz� used ilivatrative of Scotch, coolness un- Witt the pian at the door.
free ratan. hada reed u Ft der trying oiroumataucea, "11 yttria- But I don t %v,lnt anything, re»
g upon that. I purchased cold, haughty indittereli e, but lii1NAT2D'S 7.I1�IMEN11 and It cured bar t ing ci }IIs said, ewers work- Plied tlla lady, '•1 have a pia)to."
The court cleared as ii by magic, her seoreey-her absence! -and so Luigi caught his arm, me at onto. i am never without it
and three leen alone remained -the that she haul m�aney to fling broad- "Nairne ! Remember Elaine 1 Do A0. !ng on a 1u -story building. One, Yes to , the man next door said het ;„,�.== ^Ozi
sergeant, Saunders and Gerald, cast to gratify every foolish whim up near th'e reel, lost his foothold lt'aPecl I could induce you to soil it.”
I con , , you forget what that woman said Moura gratefully,
granulate you, .ng Locke' she was satisfied. I Meyer saw her -drat aha accused Elaine and fell, But ,even In his awlft de- dao Girer+,t.
said the sergeant, holding out his from the mbrning of the marriage Th'e marquis took up his hat and Nauwigewauk, Qat: C2: I.. PB E, scent through the air Ire remain- Alluard's Liniment cures Colds, etc.
hand. " I wish I could say the same to the hour alta diad. I had not mar- signed to Saunders to lead the ed quite Cool and Salm, In fact, Toronto Telegram,
to our friend here,; and he nodded sled her for her beauty, but because way. as he shot past a friend, on the The fellowt who has nothing of im- Uncle Sam would invito Lord Alver-
de iredna grimly; not because I I had won bar m,nd pledged myself "I'm -I'm dee,! . twelfth, story lie sang '.'tit, 'Ell, stone to make a triumphal tour of
desired a tile; but because
I knew to marry Iter 1 You understand -1 It I y grieved ence o .h41v, - Saundy, she a fail as I Wall has., partflnee to say generally marc- the, Li.. $• A„ only he Is afraid his
wouldn't Came; but because he IIAS' }.a a•}most too much to expect of you, my lord,Q1CstalnmeredsSaundersg as - c ages to Bay It at great length, lordship might blow out the gas,
allowed fire guilty to escape !" - but ao it `vas. i" 1 IU iii
Saunders looked before him with Ire hurried through the halt. "I -I our Reward. NGI.ISO SPAVIN IaiNIMENT,__1_.___.-
_ .__ _, .
tightly-elosed lips for a moment, Luigi touched his hand soothingly. know your lordship acquits me of Toronto Telegram, �•I• r:ya�l.,slsaoia.l7wl'Ityly.�:ulyll:.i7 a 7a I, nca,in.,,,.s ,:-,a.r :.�o: 1 E,sa.ls,` Itl;lu,.l,.
then he mid: I bore her no ill -a Ignill, I did not anything worse than an endeavor, To, think of beim `treated (thus liemoves all hard, soft or calloused lumps You 1f oney s • Do you Find 'aur -
"We shall sea I Gulley, yea 1 But not hate her, I simply lgnarad her, I to do my duty," g , and blemishes from horses; blood spaviu, � �'13"� � tL Se Y 3 s
even you could went abroad• concealin m • address Luigi touched hint warningly. when all thTautrh the South African curbs, splints; ringbone, sweauey, stifles, . e111 r;';d to .6C d3 awl if sub act to sud-
grove her sot There ' S y g g Y• war this large-hcaartod (generous Bpralns, sore and swellea throat sou he, aotou,� J
was notot a bagged his hand on the from her, Isom ever' one .give her "Be silent,- fie whispered, and country raised hay and sold it to a Save #50 by use of one bottle. 'far. � Glen attacks of dizziness with black Spots floating -
tabie -not a lot or tittle Of ev}_ the lawyers, ho were to give her take, uy where you w13il urs to go the em ire at market prlDes, rented the most wonderful blemish care ever I , before the eyes? 11
denee against her till Luigi Za.nti as much moats as she demanded, and quickly. Where-rwhere-Is she?" p - yes. It -
brought out about the scent • and they gave It ta'her, She was not un- -"Where we ought to ave looked ' -
You, not even you, air, could t)aPp'• It was not me she wanted ; for her at flrst I"' said 'Saunders in (� �( � SebOol litarsn Preached; s Means . Kidney Trouble
convict her on that, What could I the separation cost her nothing, atone of sett -reproach, and he spec- Dr. Agnew s _, "� f -
do lout• arrest the marquis and wait? not a pang' thotlgb now and again Eel his lantern and flashed It along Chicago Chronicle. and that you require Gist, Pills. The best
And I've got to welt still!" and he in her letters, aa)d Just fora tile b Cr1te31'r�lc'i� �O.W��1ir Seventh DB. Saunders,
walked out. spear- path through the shrubbery, pastor of the t:. "� known remedy for all forms of Kidney __
once sake, she expressed a pulite de- pDApT�g KXNI y Baptist Church of Shi- '' �ia� �iXS �6iiA� (ii$Y"� ey�j�. _
CIiAI?TEIt XaggIlI. sire to see me.,, c is a Catarrhs Cure that Cures lot), N. J., was taken suddenly All last ,1. =
He paused and sighed heavily, im- tiauudex ted the way to t}1e Saturday, and members of the con- 11'' t/!;'1;'', :."-t',4 They act promptly and do their work thoroughly, A11 _
The marquis, still surrounded by patientip, bridge. As they neared It Luigi Colds and Catarr'r. t;regatIon were at a toss for seine• ,,.�, druggists Socts;perbox,6boxesfor$2.50ordirectfroml
rite excited crowd, found himself out- heard voiced speaking in suppressed one to act as substitute. The church Tlaa Bol® Dry Co„ Winnn 0F.
Bide the court. It was .lark now, "When she died and I zeas free, tongs, anal his *res netuany poatttvety,indtsputabl irrefutabi 1;;; T .'...:•' p g. Man.
I tried to efface the memor . b sp of the marqutt; Cures Glolds and Catarrh I y' y 'vas well tilled when Miss Marg y ; j.
and the light from the tamps at the fall from m mind. I swore thaihl aFinanne%xse ]shed hlaSlt ht upon application, altheagh Dixon, aoP�pular teacher In the Pdb- "•� "; la ,,,,ti I,riull.wlu.ls i,llu ,wirautllutltei lilt,.i
,entrance of the Building felt garlslrly y y Not always with first a 1 --mminumofto
upon his haggard face. He had passed .-
'would have nothing more tq do With tile bridge, and the marquis saw two .".)' eA�t invariably bringa relief in to pulpit and there,walked
excellent ser- Into -. ._
through the Galley of the ,shadow her sex. I had beton married -mar- men kneeling beside something; oat) I p yi:2 .. tis
Of death, and he bort traces of the Smon. So aces tab! slid lulus Dixon t ,t
IIetl-anti tliere was an end of mat_ was Brown, the detective; the,oth- ' preach that her man friends are ad- . i't 9 Z r `
dreadrintarny for me f Titan -then-" his cr, Dr. Simmons. But it Cures, it Cures Colds and Catarrh i
earl journey. There was nes Castle voice broke, " I saw her—I :ElainB, They were kneeling beside T anny � Dr. Agnew's Liver PitfB acre Liver Ills. vistng her to abandon her profEdasfon �1
carriage %vaitin� for i)im-who could I meant to tell her. Yes, as lnchley. She lay, her head rest- &F, school -teacher and enter the min -
have expected th%t anytbina
but the 40 doses t0 cents 10 Istry. '
SirprJE van would Be required 1 -but I sald! to -day, I meant to tell her I g upon the doctor',s knee, her white why ®t Bu by Nail
Sir Edmund placed his at Mr. In- that night. Ono night, long be- face drawn and distorted as if Ail Advertising Age. , , res
$ItamSs disposal. Toro then, when it was first borne - with agony, leer eyes closed, A Veterans Story.-Qeorge Lewie, of Whether you require Silverware or - Cut Glass for the table,
"Get him home ars soon as sou can, in upon me that I w:as falling in love "Is slle--" tasked Saunders In a Phitndeiphia Llecord. 5hamoktu, Pa„ writes; "I am eighty years r or Jewelry for your personal adornment, or a good Watch or Clock
Ingram," be said. ,"Get him away with her, that I hats at last met the htushed whispEr, "They who believe most in news- of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh for utility, you will find that
from the crowd," and Ingram, almost ono and only woman I could love, The doctor bhook'hIs head. I paper Publicity," says Printer's Ink, for fifty, years, and In my time have used a
forcing the marquis and Luigi from I remembered that woman whom I "No i M3' loris, I am glad you haVe ` are they who have proved it most." great many catarrh cures, but never hail any �O� Can ���� ��Q��@�
the encircling ip,ab, Pitt them In the had married, my wife in name only; come. I.lere Is the last chapter of ' In Speaking of the elements of sue,- relief until I used Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal
carriage and Jivmped upon the seat and ca.mOhomeand took herminial- this awful mystery!" And lie in- cess In business, recently, one of the Powder. One box cured me completely." �►�% Qir'�r�'ap>�� ��+C, ��
beside the drovellan.
turo and her letter, the only letter elhned his head to tine still figure. leading merchants of America de- 50 cents. -25
As they drove away, the marquis of hers that I had preserved -the The marquis stood and looked down erased thst "the courage to advertise Send for our Idevv Illustratecl Catalogue, givinglum
saw Elaine and the major pass them were SIT tike that one, money, money, at her its silenOe, his lips compressed, persistently and to 'the extent of his am
a on Bradley's brougham, and with p ' abhllty is Indlspensabid in the case TOO Crich to be Cross-eyed, full description and prices of one of the largest and best selected
a long breath he fell back. took t was their only burden !-I t)is brows drawn, of the man who desires to succeed, stacks On the American continent. Our prices defy competition,
Not a ward Passed between the toot` them from tlria drawer--" he Why true alio sent for me 2 ire Boston Transcript.
two men during the homeward drive; vent to the drawer and opened it. asked grimly. '"What has b agpen- ' `Ta
but now and again the blind man Sce, the miniature is here still 1" and ed to her'.,', M To prove to you that Dr, . Tate -Oh, no, Miss Mintner is not AMBR� pga �
touched the marquis' arm timidly, as 110 held It up. "Tile letter -.you know t The fester held up a smut[ via(Piles Chas.'s Oint cure for ea h cross-eyed, but site is only afPecC- ' F�� D � � Um3nD
if to assure himself that his beloved it was the vial site had gstolen and absolute caro for each
What came of that 1 Nanny Inchley ! from the chemist's rile morn3n Lad r bl eat ary f rmttudiittt pi K, ed by strabismus. �f'
friend and must }gave come in soon after me and Brady -Well, whist's the difference;; i YoNr, 1510) �33'r ��ve�i�.°���R1100VE, �',f``IA S.
protector was realty stolen it, It Is Blanche had followed her there, the manufacturers have guarantee TORONTO.
there, safe and Out of danger. lroasible I left the "Polson f" he sold in a Tow voice, timonials In the dally press and ask yournoigh- pray R
The marquis passed through the: cita%ver unlocked, it Is unlocked still! Luigi caught the word. borswhatthoythfukofit Yoacnnnseitand Tate -Man alive.' Aren't I
eine of pale and sympathetic ser The girl has the acuteness, the burn- �' lying y y get sour money back it not cured. CAa a box, at you aware , b� -r ,
wants, an.t went sti taight to the i}b- ning of -- a fiend t I knew, even as tak her home 2"r2te aSkeddo you not all dealers or lrasaxw= x,BA2r s& Co.,Torontd, that M184 Mintner's father is a rich
rary, Luigi leaning upon his arm. „ `p- - _... _
site uttered the lying words against It IS of no Ilse," said the doctor, a% onase s wintment men. -
But when he had got there it Elaine today, that It wa.a she -she still In the Bushed voice. "She would
seems as It he would not take the who had killed Sherwin i Luigi, do =die before we could carry her a hon- y htrti; to be L'arretdered.
Only T 7o Starve eatenle a Fallacy. have
at.tant r �. U FM "'0lY o u
tiadiy needed rest. He paced up and you remember ilia clay I s}lowed deed yards. It Is tmly a question of a Ien,t,ie-Came and sit in my neq� to crap Dating because you, have indigeatfon
t7o\vn with feverish haste. Elaine the dagger, the first time Ohs' few minutes." Brown got up, and ad- pew this morning. has long since been exploded. Ar. lion Stan's :ro protect your loved ones to the best of your abtt[ty.
"HOW cruelly I wronged her.'" fell came here? You said you heard � dressed the marquis apologetically. Anna ---I can't. MY hat isn't trim. Pineapple Tablets Introduced a new era in1.
horn his parched. llps. "Oh, foot, some One pass behind the portlerre. `Im not t0 bla.me, my lord, I'm not mart for titer side of the church. Tkl9 CANADIAN URgF�� ®� C�:o$�loi �Rf�lO1D�
fool . [Jr cap by of her 1 Yea i To tyle treatuient of stomach troubles. It line will tarnish ,vote^with an insurance from $500 to o 00 at as low a cost as is
deem her capable of treachery and 11 a gin} as drop in our faotatorys, raised I" he said. "When bis. Saun- proved that one may eat bin 1111 of anything consistent with safety, ru 0 ' _
falsehood i Luigi, I could almost listening' eavesdropping. Slice heard ders told me to follow. her, I left the "- - and everything he rellshes, and one tablet Canarttan Order of Chosen Prion (Is is thoroughly reliable. _
wish that they had made an end of the secret of the dagger 1" court at once, and went to tine Castle taken after the meat war old rho stomach lu lire Canadtan Order of Chosen Friends is; purely thoroughly
Q'16I To suspect her pure augei Yea i said. Luigi, solemnly, "No and bid just outside her aunt's door, doing its work. OO In a box, S5 cents. -24 The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends is registered. -
-of Such baseness i No, Tam not fit : need now, to ask who is guilty or the meaning to Intercept her, But she .Neglect a cough and contract The Cnnadian Order of Chosen FrlenAa 1A growing rapidly.
0 live!" murder t got in by tile, floor of the small tur- , The Canadian Order of Chosen friends has 4 T 0 councils.
ret. I fouodl the key on her," And he consumption. The Hinistor. a Ctepiy. The Canadian Order of Chosen F riends has 25,000 members.
" Be, calm, Nairne I" murmured The marquis sighted, held uP the key Fanny had had made, The Canadian Order of Choseu friends has $&00,000 surplus.
Luigi. only
4mptorffew Rest -sit down, "But of what avail is the know. "S}lo must have case$ tli{s key to get r Detroit Times. JCS kl Iy Io,ga�, Local members, show this ad. to your friends, If
It only for a few minutes; you must ledge? Call it lessen my dear one's in and out of filo se Castle aIl the night �V ri It IgoeaiLatehurcliltrOmale borne minister
you ate not amember, full lufoimationn willTAMUB, be
furnished nd byItecorwriting
Hamilton, to
on or
have food, Sir!" tie of Bufferin i.� hit® a wbo
g tip and felt g? Call 1t NOI N over the of the murder•. ,She had At this even « a carriage on Sundays received .in W. F. CAt1PBELL, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, ,
his way co the sideboard and took girl[ between us ? Na! Nothing can Ing, and got to her room whilet I was � ��11 �H� anonymous tetter recently calling Itis .
out a decanter of wine. Drink some t I misjudg- wafting outside rhes. for her. She __ :.`.. . _
da that t She Itnoas that attention to tine fact that the Lord
wine, Nairne ! Remember, you need tel her, that I was base enough to couldn't (lave been in more than ten never rode to church In a, carriage.
sit your strength Stilt 1" deem her tapable of treaeitor', Of minutes -=fifteen at the meet -trot C"� The Lung Tonic The minhater read the letter from the YOU Btl
"I cannot !" lie groaned "I feel never
eehood ! She can never forgive, when I went just to see 1f she had pulpit and than said i ALWAYS SEE THAT THE r� Y BEAU THE NAME y
us If to oat or drink would choke navel*! I slipped In Some other way, I found "If the writer \will ebme to Inc next .
Me t Oh', fool, fool i ^lb Lhlnk that Luigi uttered nes contradiction. He ' elle had been and grins. Look at her cures consumption ,Sand
It I bad but aliolton on that night doomed It best to let the bitter tele , dt'eas, lily lord. !" but don't leave it too lots ay, properly saddled and bridled, Our Paris? Brands- , Our Sulphur Broads
avhett I found her lying on the sofa, Or self-r0proacil have its away anal The mlargn'l,s leaked, and stared, Try it now. B amplc,rat ll of ofolle the orHe en- " tt
Crushed# mind and soul b that let- exhaust itself. '`KING EDWARD"
y I It wao not the dress she had worn r cerci the Oity of Jarusaiem.' "HEADLIGHT" TB�AgCBji�f'
ter; it I bad but said to her, `Tell Her father -the poor old man !- In tile court Your money back if it deem t "HEADL„ b' N
sae all I Tell Inc everything 1 that ,, g i > lint another of same benefit _ - 11,.
must be cuxreilt me even at tats mo- ! light iitaterlal, and there was a dark you. Minard's Liniment cures Garget in "VICTORIA" ttTB�e�1llQiie"
etre would! have been spared all thlsh muni, he groaned, "Anti tshe l What Iced ,stain on the sleeve and on the cows. "LITTLE COMEF,r aaT.sc,,ao
This terrible mffering I But I was Balt there be In her heart but eon- boagom ,.ar,twr.
'vrapJrttil up In my o'vn conceit t I
tempt anti loathing for tine man who' "It i,v the dres9 slue ware than prices 25e,, 50c., and $1,00
thought her falser and So deceived sa cruelly wronged her! 1Ty Elaine, , night, Illy curd," continued Brawn Buggy. A QUICK, SURE LIGHT Is ensured EVERY time
myself and her I It will kill her 1 I my angel of purity wind goodness, in at whlgper, "She'd S. C. WELLS & CO,
Ali, Pitt it on be- Toronto' Star. by nsing any ons at these brands ;: :: :;
ynyl, death in her face tofu yes, such n gulf Stretches be. c4utvE••-well, YOLI see," and lie looked Toronto, Can. LeRoy, • 1 TliEre w,as a lire in the iesitienee it
Clod I am Justly y-011, tween you and me its divide the blest round, "ehtt waia half out of Iier
J punished! But shah from tha lost l)' mind. `Phew tlo thtn*r o" that kind " joP rife, Bntgg Yesterday and the fire-
What had she fano that she sliotthi "" "'-*--`""`^ 1 men went to the Bu house, house, FOlEt SHIM by Dealers Hvarywhez*
be made to allffor so cruel} ?" i Hush, lush, Nairne I murmured when 'they ve been brooding:over • 1
,t y „ Luigi. "'Sit• dawn. If TOtl could but thing,g Anel got fascinated. Halt out ' + _
If sire, too, had sixrken out mur- „
mureti Lurgi. i rest t 1 Of 'hoer mind, that's 'what she i' �- � "' i fn Going to Now Y k _
"She diff i At least elle held out
`'hest !" A laugh of self-seorn and Iook+ea for her all over the place, It
� l Be sure that Your tickets road via Grand
tho letter to me I IJ,ut I Would not
look at I
(oathing brake from the city 11pS,
heat! lkr you think I ahonld sen
, dlliere t o Saunderq thought she'd
.. -e Trunk and LehigbValley route of the "Black
I Diamond Express.,, Tills le the direct and
I Was sb blinded ndr,
d b y my
vile suapicionS, so convinced that it
rte r ale face
}y anyi the less distinctly
If I ciased my eyes I Na, It Iia burnt
1 ,
at�ce ,
p„ + here 'Vc foun:i her,'
Ssildt'VAO lenn,ning over the
1 boat
s rout. t nom ii a
A Canadian d
a tan t
Points. B
p this
� Canadian
ryas eamo letter that would cOm»
promise, her, that I rOfuseti to take
into MY. heart:a
' The floor opene(i and Lady Acott
rail Just
Oto Mr. Locke gain Iter the other flay,"
�sald KA-unflors, taking tip tine tare.
♦ paltnts.TheLehigh Vailegha.sthree
KeN�Q� stations fa New York, ap town nearall first -
t8n hotels, And oCkainLWn hear all Euro•
It t
73is flung ItlH htantla• belieso his face
came In, ttrembiing and fearful.
. Ile took iter outstretched band in
"Brown „tint! I stole upon h. r a -s
quietly as 'vo could, but silo ))card
l5��v�l`1I C �� e g passengers for
�/, l:nt.1003 a long and ospenslve transfer. Sezuro
1 :your tickets of Grant! Trunk agents, Itobort
Alld groant'd.
"Tour marriage, Nalrno?"' f�aiti
bath Illus.
. "Dtrn't speak t" Ito said hoarSety.
Ihs--entad esus like to cart, and a
Ealcpe:i and
f K. I,ewls, Cauadfan Passenger Agent, 83
- 11'onge street, Toronto, Oat,
Lulgl, haPtng to entice him away, if
"Lexvc tris--lOave are al(ome for 1a
_ _ ;
only for a moment, from clWollhng
ninon Zaino and her suffering.
little while. Sta.,y i slow, how__
She understoodl him,
ftp» -Z cacti ,roe that 1x,9 C] a loottvas
1)t�r [ac's-ld O' as we s r oil
prank, lorwaril
rIt!rtnalt eta Chu
��1 y Church Census.
The ��Ii��l� I��i�ledy I
"Illy marxiagc P' he laughed boarse-
I ha=vO ,just ,left her at the vicar-
'Bile put Iier 1)411:] lip tet her
and h.V tlir ,we
v�Ci }trllgioas Statiatics of the Cletman
„ r
IV. tlllta question sauntls like a • sage 'vlih' tray. Site ie bettt±r,
mockery i lafarrlat eI Well, yes,. iti strliger, than eatrkl have been
tfnte htatl teaehed
h01* A11n 'vas falling, Poison," he
Jerkeal leis licadl ttywardq the
sari>ire, acenr'ding to the recently;
for 13 av}tie $4tigbDrzen. Sblinte,
Cutbsl'and A$ forms of Larnenens. Tilt: tabulated resulte of the Census of
use of a bottle
*40 aa. Marriage f Site was my wife I
Poor woman I DO know. how
rithet ha Od Or et acted"
p p
lit, drooped, anti ho drewrt
vial In
thio doctor a hanil. " i070 for the meat•-
stains maydouble ihd telling . t �
pticeof your horn, 1000, Show that flu% Per abut. of the
you silo
bech.mtr my wlfei" bitterly, "I ttrott
tier the -d
lani:� bread),
�j aulcl to f;arl 7 eb))Irl Haynrl rtes
slits managed to say, Brown
t. I teggetl her tdr "Take a elaan
OOOD Ver., AV.IRXT11lbTG, p'')Pulattan aro PtOtestant, find tat-.
nit. '. mast all niemixars of one or another
at ea -table. We•••-thc men
With JnO -wero all Mad, mad with 11' i
a m,F,Fa eI It allolfl<L tt0 only encs
g f ,
l'orgive I'
. breast tri it to its, but that tt'as all
,we could got wilt or her, "sent! fa)'
n, J, xr: vnsl t co.,
near sirs:.» r,ati(0,6,11A.,Juno ,s,102, 6 of tile various state 011urCheS, and
rvicek's t*acitement, and no inorti re-
+apetts}blas for our actions than an y
. orgive . But I dare
. :
the+ marrfluhs; only Win 1, I Cain( it
trttee, my larch, lint I'm xafrhfd it, tau
tnrntor Rome ntimltrrtng In all hG,�3l,iii�. 'JClle
- It nnezzriewnt ". t^etvntomreenur,nr^¢ „rt ea and lint
r m dear n AOtite. aWBeneq. 611116 RDmali Catiwliea rlr)Iltber 'x(1;821,¢41.
thtt'at madmen at
eel VA 1 k,
And YOU think that 1+he llas far-
g`ot;tbrt that yon) risked your 'lite to
r : on,°neaisvaa npa, r hnva tarn ):nadeed t)P (iroOk ICtrtltalics theta AM tl 4'72
s tahina6 a % l'. for your '+rrcatl:e on the horse °and of s'OtiiOr Christtaha"
Up Ill Iianat+elllpr0
is y�
44 J trot for hlotley, W, were
save even Iter irrntl the shaalnw Ot
rauapl0loyl ?"'
marquis salt! natlrini;, but
Iooketl Clown at tt10 avretcherl };trT
lOG 7i)�.
andnirniueu.", l ,
Vos+sverprr:.fi)•. Il,'v, t,Alrzn, - In till wl)o10 001"11nit Omplre there
of that, but to ascertain who
o±l ttrc fft)atttd tnrllttt IlOr fa t)ropbsat
nnirinnretl Lady Scott,
lire tears, rolling ilolw:ll her cheeks.
with sari abstraction. It seemed 111-
utast inrreallbic that this phos 0rea"
TtrouAaaeisnt Men report acre only G}J0,£1",$ who register them-
ltrorlorro,fi tsrf 2nf s epo tertlnll tf..tf .est;• ' (Whey as 3'0ws•-- felvOr perhaps than
of marriag+r,. I 'vYan. NO MA,fl Cali '
1 n1Er a tietauit0r, and I :'vlpe
waved Itis hand Jtnptltiently.
"Anil tit► yon t111nk ihn.t rale will
fur@, even 'VltTr t}ttt
IJlanchc l a old of Lady
Blanche, a t haws lin0n able to
Asn)11110'entforfKM°':,iu..icinnn?icsl'intorABisii Ili ilin borough Of Mtltth attan, New
your arusalet for M.6tlsit'n snsvin pre, alio = Ynrlt. UATy 1 t,GSIJ Germans
A Creeuee on t1ro stares," a N prOreSH
tM tub Imam, ;Oar woman 1 E1Tiff
Out tris avrrrit� I rlicl htsr?'' be,
rletor"tccl, bitterly,
'work ffO ntunit init;ritic_f, and 'eauHO
t11e bock irrb, or ,. tifetiitrelves LO
address ro possess Ile faith.
lk*1K' t1lat I W4,5 afili med of her
I'Vesrr, she oxelalnwd. "Wil at #ail
such hntenrrfr misery,
(TO bo Coiltlnued.)
S. 1. K1cN0Alt Cttr N
r h` Osettltd r AtCeT, VT, 14Aihnrd's Liniment enrrs DI ti,pX4.
Y*sa.:r.a,wrr, tier.
. - I
b__u _
.r,,, _.._
Girls, ..o you wish to earn a beautiful Bisque bail,
also a lovely Brooch i If so, send tis your FULL,
name and address and we will send lg Collar
Buttons, postpaid, sell them at 10 cents each, and _
return us $1.G0 and we will sendyou, all charges
prepaid, one oft the most beautiful Bisque Dolis =
everleen away, together will, a beautiful Brooch, -
Thisoll is neatly ane -half yard tall, ,
I86AUtIfully dressed lik lar t,st
StY16 with Nat to matelt
and looks a perfect beauty, with Blsq..a head,
lovely curly heir, pearly teeth, natural eyes, real
slippers, stockings, etc and hs completely dressed
from head to foot. Jndtrstand this is not a -
panted cloth or rag doll, nor cheap plaster of '
Paris dolt, such Its some concerns giver but & real -
together with A beautiful brooch. Positively these
Tlresents frvcn riot selling only 16 Collar Buttons.
ake notice t We prepay all t xpress and matting
outpremtuttts, remn on $1000 REWARD tcawntI y.
out t1
who ran prove that Weare notdiving these prem(-
ums described above, for soiling only 1K Collar "
Huttons, Write today and Ito sure in send your' ;
FULL name and address, if you %visit to rani
Iessautiful pretYtinmS,
49RMAN DOLL 00., ilea, Ter6nE6, Canada,
,fit: W