HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-11-05, Page 4WINGITAN
.,VANOR Tbiliocldy, November r, r9o3
of Mr, Fielatca hlhad
tiing'e estim
been, brought before ole astonished"ul;h.�11�{iIWVi,,i,,Ivyp�{,,Ip�Vtl t4ild,ko ¢�..11ayh„HL.I w
gaze wllen, 1Q IS than c�igilt yearsRitchie the Ontario '�Y. C. T.' ago, he was denouncing au annual rr ?� (`� p �' (("�'� jj��
6 _ . TJ, Coll- axpeuditure of $37,000,000 as wild- T. P O 1�r o POPULAR STORE
Lamobell _
ventlon at St. Thomas decided, to ly extravagant. _
- .,..ta.. municipal
for enc extensioneto .11a the � 1 Macdonald Black, Wingham,.
, . municipa>, franchise. to all married =
women property -holders is the The Toronto Telegram puts ;
province, the Muskoka. election thus :-.Mus-
'1• . koka's choice was not between the -
- Six hundred people killed, one alleged 'Tory theory that Mr. _4JN0e JASe
hundred blinded and Gainey is An angel and the Globe
one thousand •g
theorokaatbeisaflond incarnate.
; .rr a�.V.w,n y.,., .:,.w�uw.l,n.,. . ul aU „rl�np ;1 1
j� Dorothy Dodd�} wounded on the Fourth of July Y ,
is the record of the toy pistol ac- g
cording to the statistics collected that, so long as the money came 9 There's riot :t more comfortable shopping place in Wingbaln than the "Peopl-e's
by the Ohio State Board of Health. from where Mr. Gamey says it Popular StOrO.” We want you to feel it a pleasure to shop at this store. Our busi•
came from, it makes. no public dif- w aces is steadily 1
i ference whether Mr. Gainey is a 3 y grooving, yes growing; as never a Wingham business grew before.
(' , ` �"Adh - ---Dr, Hart, the defeated Liberal hero ora devil. Muskoka left tine We want continually to add to this store's reputation for.quality, which means goods
candidate in Muskoka, admitted to irrelevant details of list. Gurney's you Can rely ou perfectly.
the Toronto Telegram regarding personal conduct to his constituents p er3
his defeat, that "Gamey did it," and to the courts, and cutting loose ., .
Iu 'liis respect Dr. Hart is more from all side issues repeated in the
This arch of steel has given the honest than Mr. Ross, who Attrib- tones of its majority ;---"Where
"Dorothy Dodd" Shoe world-wide utes it to other causes. did the money come from?" Mus-
fame—if decision in favour of Mr.nWINTER APPLES,
:fame—if the shoe hadn't a single = I. Gamey de the main issue does not � _
--A high official of the Canadian relieve him of any responsibility, 5
other commendable feature, the arch -
Pacific Railway announces that the moral or legal, for the faults or
support alone would make it a better company is about to inaugurate a crimes he may have committed,
Goods no
movement in the direction of re- The election of Mr. Mabaffy de -
shoe than any other ever made, trenchment in operation .expenses, ,
which will result in the laying off dares My koka s conviction that We -have a fine lot of «•inter Apples in
A woman can walk for miles in y g the moue came from where Ur, barrels, all hand picked and carefully packed.
- of a large number of men. the
says it came from. cr Dorothy Dodd " shoes without .,. Good sound fruit, 13 pecks of apples in each.
.fatigue. They are not expensive —The practice of intimidation 1 Rich, handsome and stylish goods, barrel. (You know the regular apple barrel
shoes, and bribery in elections prompted > —A prominent labor leader every piece guaranteed perfect in dye, holds only 11 pecks.) Price $1.25 a barrel,
the introduction of the secret ballot speaking of the prosperity that has 13 pecks,
for the protection of the voter. attended working men in Canada, weave and knish.
Now in consequence of the preval= and the general increase of wages,
$3.00 and $3.75 pair, a few Special once of election irregularities, which be figures at five per cent., "
a Hon. John Haggart proposes a re- says :—The satisfaction felt is ac- Farmers
models at $4.00. turn too en voting. FRENCH CHEVIOT 56 in, wide, guaran- •
• - p g• centnated by the almost contrary teed absolutely all pure wool, beat French dye
l conditions that prevail in the Unit- We want large quantities of Roll
ed States. Organized labor there and rich, soft finish, Suits or separate skirts.
ed oticesoforbiddang empints have oyees post- is facing one of the greatest wage Price $1,00 to $1.25, Butter, Fresh Eggs, "White Beans, Dried
g p y erisises since theanic of 1.893. Apples, Onions well cured, good sound
in from playing the races or gambling Mills are shutting down, hands are Potatoes, dry or green Wood, etc. Oats
a kept other book on varrious tracks and an who has b FRENCH BROADCLOTH 56 i
been on the inside of the business and other employers of labor, and pure wools, a beautiful m n• wide, taken 1n exchange fQ
cin cut off b the manufacturer al,
r acme
says the smaller race tracks would plants are beinrn with the small- material f°> suits,
_ be forced out of existence were it est possible number of workmen.
skirts, dresses, eta ts,
Everything indicates a determiria-
sal far the small investments of tion on the part of the employer to VENETIAN WORSTEDS SERGES Boots Shoes,,
salesmen, clerks and mechanics. retrench. The hard times, if they , ,
I come, are due solely to the abnor- HOMESPUNS and FULL CLOTH iu black,
successors ,o c N f II
--Treasurer Roberts of the mal and unreasonable demands of gray, navy, brown, etc., 56 in. wide. These
Bankers' Association of San Frau- union men, which were acceded to goods we can recommend to give every satis- We mention just a few lines. Come
cisco said recently :--'IIn the at a time when it would be dieas- faction to the wearer. Prides 75 cents to '
U it d S trot t f
in and we'll tell you what s acs in thi
n e tabes at the beginning of Is o re use. But now the Unit- 0p s
the month of October the gold in ed States press declare the tables p yard.
adv, will not permit us to tell yore here,
stock of moue was $1 077 362. are turned. The cry of over- ro-
y ,y p _ .� +~r.._. _ _......._ ... _..__ .. _ but we must mention 3 ue�v lines of •,
651; the amount held by the duction is being heard, and the FANCY FLECK TWEEDS 42 to 54 in. extra good value.
Treasury was $654,811,'716, and workman, especially the unskilled,
in circulation .in coin and certifi. is no longer the master of the situ- wide, very serviceable and stylish material,
cates was $1,016,048,693. If this ation. Unionism is about to lose adapted specially for tailor-made suits. Women's Donggla Kid bal, patent leather
association could order this stock its power to procure for its mem-
toe cap, a beauty, and splendid quality
brought metal here in solid massefore it and ttwe should and in ld get the bers m many cases employment. FRENCH FLANNELS CREPE D more increases of wages, for only..........................................$1.50
have a cube of nearly sixteen feet, Cg
i � ' E � Misses' Dongola Kid hal, patent leather
4 INE, FANCY SILKS, etc., for waists, toe cap, perfect fit, great value. Price $1,35
weighing 2353.9 tons and requiring very stylish, very pretty, and prices range
147 freight cars to move. —I rof, GoIdwin Smith writes as Misses, Peb. Leather, patent toe cap,
follows :—Sir Wilfrid Laurier an from 600 to 80e. We'll be pleased to show splendid school boot, handsome, and
I hardly have meant to say that you these goods. will give good satisfaction. Price ...... $1,35
—The Toronto Star says :—In Great Britain ought to invest a de -
the clay belt of Northern Ontario pendency with the right of making
there is a stretch of country six treaties. Such a concession, if it
hundred miles long and containing were desirable, would not be possi-
about 16,000,000 acres of fine farm- ble. No foreign power would ac- ALEX. I�EIALY
Ing land. The ground is lightly sept the signature of a dependency. Get true Best --It Pais, WELLINGTON MUTUAL
timbered and easily cleared; the To ask for the treaty -making power p�{ Auctioneer for iitfroil COtintj' ���� INS. CO.
soil is entirely free of stones. To is to ask for the power of enforcing C T A
make a farm up there requires but treaties ; in other words, to ask forEetabiishod 1840,
I have secured an Auctioneer's license for ,
a fraction of the labor that was im- the ower of making K��dGK/ Goad disco GUELPH, ONT.
posed On the pioneer old Ontario p g peace and STRATFORI7, ONT. sales at °reasonable rates reputed to conduct Risks taken on all olaseos of insurable pro
p p , war. The utmost that Great Brit- Sales arranged at the A.dvanee Office.
who found the hardwood bush so Ain can do is what she has already Best place in Oanada for scouring a thor. perty on the cash or premium note system.
much his enemythat he ave n0 ough business education or a superior .ALEX, KELLY, wingham P, O, JAtulas C}oIDIE, CgAg, DAVIDSON,
g t0 a considerable extent done, by shorthand training. Our graduates aro
quarter, but hewed it down •and aIlowin Canada raetieall to take always successful in getting positions. Presidenb. Secretary.
g practically This eohool invariably gives its students
:burned it where it fell --walnut, -part in negotiations in which Cana- morn than they expect, write for Data- THOS. HOLMES JOHN RITCHIE,
oak, and other valuable woods be- than interests were concerned. logue. Enter this mouth if possible, ACCENT. wINGHAM ONT
Ing consumed in big log -heaps. Canada in short, has to make her RANKER, ETC.
�I. J, )+J1140tt, Principal, Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses
T choice between the status of a de- required. , ,
pendency and that of a nation, she Money 4% large amounts; smaller is pro- WINGRAX
--Inthe eight cities of New cannot combine the two. To ob- portion, Easiest terms, MILL
York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pitts- tain the treat -making ower
Make tipy0tir mind t0 attend
burg, Minneapolis. St. Paul, a da must become a nation and hoist �`,�'jpyf/� RICHARD HOLMES McLHAN k SON i
Louis and Washington there has her own .flag. But . is not ineVit- BARRISTER AT LAW, SoticrTOR, ItTc., azo. been a falling of during the past able that in becoming a nation she Office;—ne:t to Holmes Block mow building
nine months of $42,500,000 in the All kinds ofrough and dressed,.,.
extent of basidia orations should part company with the Brit -
g o p r as ish monarchy. You may have two Fall Term Be ins Sept, 1 4903 AGNEW
compared with the same period monarchies'under the same gin g p DR- LUMBER, LATH, uH11UGl.ES
last year. It is needless to add g' —Two Courses— PHYSICIAN, SURGEON,
that the cause is strikes. Most To suspect the British Government Commercial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR. APPLE BARRELS,
of indifference to the interests of
of these have been unsuccessful, Canada or of not havingdone the Send for College journal, office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Hard and oSoft Slabs
and the chief anfferers have been best that di lomac culd do to lock.
We Always Have Made t . A. P48MIN0 A. L. IxcINrYItB ,also a
�' workingmen, though, of course the preserve them, would, as has been President sec'y. Night calla answered at office. large quantity of dry hard-
a Specialty of suffering could not be entire] con- wood for sale delivered.
••,,aP y said before, be unjust. But so long ,
fined to them. For the entire LIFE FIRE
country the loss from curtailment
as' Canada remains a dependency INSURANCE DRS. CHISg4Lli1 CHISHOL) Telephone
.,.., she must expect that her interests p Orders Promptly
of business enterprises this year will be held subordinate and will PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. attended to, y
Fur Gmust have reached tremendous sometimes inevitably besacrificedLowest rates consistent with
..,. -.. proportions, absolute security, All claims Josephine Street -- Wingham
.� �-.. to those of the Empire at large, promptly settled
+ py }i+n - and especially of the Imperial coon- McLean
and this year Is no eRception � p try which is the heart and main- Abner Cosens P EENNEDY
,.� ... —Tile final report of the House s M.D•, m.c.P,s.o
stay of the whole. She has not Cha
Committee on Agriculture makes ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS J (member of the British medical
We have novo on hand a large stock �. reference to the great increase in means of defending herself; the Association) 66 YEARS'
.: • wildest of Jingoes does not serious- COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. twltAER1ENCG
F exports of Canadian farm and dairy 1 believe that whatever the al- A. DT7I.,MAGE
"'• g of products during recent years• It y r g s special attention paid to DiseaseA of women Y
w Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes, and Mien's Fur » is pointed out that the export of lantry of her people, she could slope REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, and ohildron,
p J cheese and butter has risen in value for success in a war with the Unit- CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN °rrlca H0URS`�-1 ted p'm,; 7 to9p^ t,
Coats at very reasonable prices, W e are , on Town and Farm Property.
*•�- » from $12 700 000 in 1892 to $25 _ ed States while to Great Britain
confider better value cannot be had anywhere 300,000 last year, and that $12,- war with the United States would ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, W' T. Holloway
�:.. than we are offerin in these oods, Come be ruin, TRAott INtARK$
... g g 500,000 worth of pork and bacon aPPlas.--Tn the Eoat Block. D.O,S•,L,D,S. D¢elaA
now and have your choice while our range is —W was exported in 1902, as compared ResfdonQe—Catherine
St. Graduate of Royal GOPYFkICiHtme
B C.
complete, .. with $600 000 worth in 1890 the Coll0ge of Dental Atoad a0ndfnq a skatob Ana oescrl tl n mer
w+ t s Apples Surgeons of Tor• o. r gnlexty abcortain our opinton free wgWierr an
W .rite* J J. MAGUIRE onto and FT ant- • ° do of ton Ig probably yyntentnble. Cpmmuritba
Also Ladies' Cloth ,packets, any Style, total exports of farm and dairi, onto andto Dont- tioa.scrtotrvicenfldentiaa Htubie. koymmuni to
very special value; and Men's Cloth Over- products having increased from lel Dep't. of Toren- w Stan a, tnddeat ig ner'forse tin�CoSW valva
$24,000,000 in 1890 to $80,000,000 REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND to Univerafty. !ptc'�t{ abbot, wtthantehar a, toet:e
" Latest improved methods in al branahea of��r
... a latest make.We are pr@gated to buy ally gttanti� LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING I3ontiAtry, Prices
moderate. 8aanchesof i '
«« COatS,
-- last year. The report attributes
ty of Ap les delivered at our Evapor. Collection of Rents and.Accountsa specialty, guaranteed, RwoniceinBeaverBlock, !
thin excellent showing to the favor- ,ting Factory on Alfred street A ltandeomoIY innptratsd Hoa&ly, artiest off,
able conditions of boil and climate, VVingham, ' ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, ontatton of anyactenl,ag �el1ttrAn11 flert�a,;S a
_ ir,��7�7� �*T Dart fourmonths, 4L do dpyali news oalcra,
the enter rise Qf Canadians schen Parties having Apples to soil will db Otllco—in vanstone Bioak R1HUR J, IRWIN $8lgraadway,
BLANKETS, -"' p ' well to see us before calling, as vvb Opelt Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. A Iliif11i1 & Ca New York
""" tifiq instruction in agriculture and contract for the whole orchard—shah-
WAAett office, 66 r st» wasbiniiton.D.0Woollen and Flannelette Blankets ; we utilization of cold storage, en off—suitable for drying purposes. r � _
p J. A. MORa.ON Doctor of Dental surgery of the Fon-
_ guarantee the Best value in Blankets, We buy rvindfatIs, if not too small etc nsylvpnia Coilegd and Licentiate of �19PROMPT4
soft, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Dental Surgery of Ontario,
Handsome Comforters for $t.2, 40 --The total expenditure for the Bros.
$ t, ""°` fiscal year 1896, which ended just a eC �3i'�I MONEV To LOAN'. Orbe over post office-.vvrxGHAM and).5b, before the prevent Government oAlceo--l4iorton BIoeI:, ginghamtook Office, amounted to ratherless than The osti- MISS S.�U L. 9OO11E . REO
mates this $41y000,000.
ear0exce d this sum byCross?
Teacher of piano and Theory or', rrelp�, and
�+ �+4 before
i�pr)} ,C�f �)�rn�, p1 ,ham t,�t �ts�y�i� Write for our intetesybookx"lnvcnt�
w7el : oiil' 1IUCi befolre b — ]DELTA SPARLIN ^ 8t ti us a tough bket Yd are ewlddled.-.
, . more than $26,0OO,000t. Thesb A T, C, Ma --- g g oO or model of your 14
• buying elsewhere . . . .. � a�ntlonorimprovcn�cittnuda>evrilttettgsiN.
+ ^ estimates mean a Dirge addition to, �o0>rt h1S>l @ CRfl t le1p it• xeaoller b! Piano, Theory ane letettet rr(1�t CAR -nit MO
tide our opinion ns to wbetber it is propnbly,
Mtt3t3 0+ Atentpble, Re toted pppllen#lobahaveofta4
oar pudic debt, which, instead of He et5 bilious. a >OOedg gartea,'ae�l 'aneotsafu l d
y bTriele Method, Sinspioz and Kindery prdascute by us, q+e_
w l)t;rtlg increased, might well have p�} iiVer pill---Ayer'3 Pills. I'ttpila prepared for Canaerratory exam.'Teacher Of Violin and Guitar. tOndact fusty equipppped offirss !n MouiroAl
Amdwashfugtou; tUisgtlaltfiiesustdprdtnpk
been reduced in these times Of pros- a inationa, 1r,,PAt0%tx
fparity. When hatrd times Colne "hey},act directl ` on the li a ry �ieonte--In stone Block,Ivingham. As broad tip thetnveutiott, S gltostteferenees' the biliousness s b Ayorbs., �r A�T{� �t t, futniandd. MILLS a and we want f Acal burdens taken ` Low.11,Masa.Y 1I11i3i0NU' -�. . procured through Nfarlon g hilt.
T , li yti � n reaelva special t�otice without obar a in
off, bre expenditure vyo are now - j t � over roe 'AWSs distributed tbro'ughoat
making will be used as An effectiY'e
;a n�r m�ustnG�ie tr3r b� >I`d VARRISTER Alva SOLICITOR NSON $� '1101,MES the nouliwwt,
•>nitbautiftiibravvnor•trtahbi4t0*1 i)se Monelrtoloanatlowestrates* office Darriste of Solicitors, ett. g�eAny. rattnt tu,inesa t,f ztannxmw
argument for keepi>yg them on, tnrtrow z?nghletrr,
How sir x�ich&td Cartwright would j� t�
U Y K I N G H A M �S DYE 139AVnn .LOOK, C 104 t Meger Plock 'V{ ingbttra, t EXPO kMARION & aM
11a"Ve blinked ilio eyes If the Sguret� r...°rs..i.• A, r,alfaaaa:,itlpem�.x•u 7.�a, y.�r r PelE4n! Exp�r#s tprid $ollottora.
WI GUAW, , 4 niokitlrgft affittsl Now York Life blid1 , nontrakl
1Judieyotigodr . awls &ia wrahn tots D.Ca