The Wingham Advance, 1903-11-05, Page 3t"'. - .I , - '-,, , , I I - . — . , `1 . I - . I ".", -1 , ... 1- ..... ..L I ` 11. ! 7,- ... 21-11 . ,-, ..", ." _ - 1-1- _,.__ _ 1 11 , , I , 10"
I I., ... I .,..' , . I I I 11 - . . 1. 11 . . I . I . .11 .. - - - - , _ . , , _ , " :,:, ..... . _. - - - ! , _', - _. _- - ..---. .. _ '_ "' " - -, , _ . : _ ,
. I-.---,- _ _,'' ,.; . ___ ,. ;W. , w__ -1. - . . .., .I I - ... , __ . . . I . I I - 11 .. . - I - " - I I . ... I 1. I
, I I . I 0 I .. A. . A A0_& the federal irovernment and 4 num- P.A I PNn I D M A VPQ% R1 ICV
W - - ' V --Ad IN, like a .—
jamA, Ounces, or, it procurable, poto - number of other i4ations, oil the Igany A41111ons gro VI*bIhjbed_K1#kq
_., - ooc*w I Ounco I 04 a " M.." * If * '14 . %ff Ili ` ory" * .Turgfrau Itallway,entirely excayAt- PrIO00 010turea W somo a . rTboap.
;;, ;Q .1f;* l.,VOOIW 000*.,",Q*09000"0001= ;:2"., rg
, " ffl y I milk (I tin to 20 moil), 4.4 OUACI, -A "wd 475t bOl'of 1111"ted gliewtv-
toes or other fresh vegetnbles, 6 .
IAKING A ONDON BODO ounow; bacon or lierman sausage ed in the rock, Its calling all wait
I (breakfast), 4 ounces. I . 0 OFTEN. " its wAlla boln,g, bare rocks, To OrA Amert , t M
, , paten, . q4tolue firm
. ,
QC40Z 1 410TA) lusuelij 7,00Q.000 wext"wo it
, *--C,C,Poo-.,C c*=*=Ooocpowm000p=cft--1:4000Q",EI T:l, coox I'llp i'll;Vh"o,ur, all Allowance One side soveral rather large holes
(Froln.1,1011doll "PIt-BUB.) to arrest a burglar lit thodark And of 1.1 Pounds of fuel wood iw,e niall is 11111111111111 Ar bove been cut through rock, which , yesx—rwarly qua In ton to the Wp*
tried(% (fully, or III Vio Alternative I. I serve an windows, and wbonete 'Ono .
"Awl what, 'Air, Lowell, 40 .You 611(44t Watch" of tile night' pou'ld or coal, with *1 pound of klud- 11" & op _.h
, , Willdid vle% of the surround. , amv-orik 10 the United Statax ft, t
couslilor tho ipobt; roivark4ble sight 11cro wti will leave him, to lull on. ling Wool] to overy 1.10 poultdo of coal. Ing pano . rama. In good weather and Is the rocord oriter, ,out ioatlas of ,*
I JpAmolit at lite 215s, Od a weoll:, pro- No less I I I I ,
w# . ,
Ili London,;" I Illg J-WwArd once its i;- , then 1.3-0,W)o rations, consist- I I clear air one cat) vee the far-off Ifill1lor, or 00 Aronot low, wid 049
greosing by a o'lilling a weelt yearly ing of tile. ab9vo Itemo, were ordered
od tha, gren't Avlortuall autilor all(, to a weekly mashiluxii of J la Ott. with lox, ilia manoeuvres of thn.101rst Army M V0690 UQuIltall's. 0110 Of tt)060 9411- big Iwatiranoo Ce=-1xtaI,V seumU out bo
I I tortes leads to a terrace, on one side . _ ,4
itir", Mr. tile Pr4 Ing some day I Corps alone, bat -'ed, Oil the Assumption . twoore 3,00U,000 and 40*,00.00() Anna-
d1ploalatist. "Notlillig. )spoct of devtalop I closed by an Iron railing, a. PQIIlt
Lowell anww vod, ,,bau pleased And Into 4 8611cant, All 1118POO'Cor- oil 4111,011 tbat provif4on for twelve (lays wan I ally.
1i I 14 suportutoudell t oil 9,100 a year, an(] I . , which .also atfords the most magnl "What b'Vorne'S of tileini Sit, I;WO40b
'. - to be nlad( for 1.10,000 men. It Is e5tl- .. n A
surprised ule ill4re than tile London a certainty of a conifortable Pension inated that a large proportion of the SIA, L A- ' ' ' I ficont and greatest, vle,mR. der?" WO We ilead'of A larke 110.
polleaxuen- , After trom' 3.5 to 1216 yoarg of faithful gum of g. j()(),(g)o which tile nittnopu- CEYLON tea Is the most delicious tea In the world, - All the work on tile. road le, prac- O'Craph 100,11cern. 4117,40 Otbter f4%.
, r
And Indcoll Mr. Lowell was by, no service. . i vres of tvo two Army corps are ox- tically.done from the. Eigergletseber I saw I111tsestimatod, that' a hundred
means alone In We opinion ; rot, Ulm I I I . .1 pected to entall will be expended oil Black, Mixed or Natural Croon. f;tation, where quite A colony time millIon, caltendpwo e,rd Issued In t14
stalwart, intelligent, and courteetra tile supplies. And a still larger 811111 sQI4 only in scale Coco a At that Point United States annually. M4
.4 joild pacgetil, a 30c, Goopor lit, B r been .established. ,At's Axl
metropolitan coustablo bas thou- , CALWORNIA. will be ow(tilowed tip by tile trails- , . . 6c, 30o, 40c, r y #Ill g tivere are extensive ramtr shops, it, abstircily, low figure. The tot(xl muot
sands of friends and Admirers all Chu Tive -great pro'.Porltyr of this land port to tile fighting line. 'Viere will .11. I , , I . I -_--_-_______, 1-11. large restauraat and spacious rooms, bo at least enough to give evor,y
world over. and Ili lit many ways of opportuntty JILIU recently bee" be, a colisIderable excass of ratio, 0 WtND OOLIC, to ill(., classification. TbLq -year the WIlCre PrOT1610110 4nd foodstuffs are M,4u, wonjull, all't ebittij in the United
O,Qe of the most vernarkable produotij marked by a t-lstlngulkhOd visit(>!!, packed up at Aldershot and ready for — I average price to the farmer Ivill; kept; four large dw-elliagEll for ext- Statev threto, or four calexidars.7
of our thlio. But nothing in coorce.. ffort. Iffintilton Visit, Ast;tstailt Witted travel willob. will riot be 1,equired, "In nvy opinion," wrltoa Urr). be, Just about twenty canto per glacers and workmen, a locomotive , Thia IN the buoy aeasoo or tile vAl.
tion with him is quite so wonderful, States Treasuree. Mr. Vbih 11 saw seeing that Sir . John VrOnch's force Phillp, Vollials, of lilartindale, (Zile., dozen for tUe season,, or fullydou. shed, a transformer prAnt for the eLmlar tualcoro, 96meof tile orders go.r.
as the process byl which A raw coun- nothing that Impres.4od him. more Is lests than 20,000, and that the wen ,,tl.oro Is lie medicine can equal blo IvIlat could have been pIttalit. electric Current and a powder maga- 1901 calon1are were Placed last
try,maxi, freab from the farm or vll- Qvin the LARGH, DUJSINJ ;SS being L will bo back again In barracks with- - 1, , ed locally. About 60,000. 4dozou will zipe. It In Itore wliere the englu- ),oux- It Is necessary to order early,
lage, workshop, can, in a fe* weeks, done oil ilr Pa0i".10 (!Oa:st, tile AP, In ten days at the most. Apart from Ba, y a Own Tablets. Before I began be handled. Last year 21,000 dozen epro and men building the tunnel live, because tile or4ers are so gigantic.
be transformed Into a bmart, well. parent PRRMANENd5: o4' its prover- the expense of surplus packing, how. ilia no of the Tabletq lily baby. orled were bAndled,, and the town of summer And winter. The dwellings As a generi" rule, mallufacturors
.. set-up, well-Informad and tactful of- tty, and the NEK0 of more WORK- tiver, no lose will be sustained, all(, all, the little. with wind colic And got Calgary consumed tlioiu all. Ship- provided for them. 'have been erected and rat.,rehants who send out calon-
t$," . hern- little or no sloop, And I was nearly,
ficlal; and a description of the me 14 4 tile authoritiss will recoup .r giving ping first-class eggs greatly I - with spincial consideration of the Oars to their customers wimb: to, ado
thods by whIch this revolution Is The basis or tills prosperity Is selves for Td,rilray,s grocery bill by worn out ln.yflelf. ,h:bon afte i;lroases consumption,. and It w11111 climatic con(litions prevailing at such vertlws thelir bustness directly. But
" - In- flrst.,pof all CLIMATE, then jii,'LECTRI, the somewhat drastio measure of do- baby the Tablets the troulole disa.p- be some t
worked .can scarcely, fall to be line before this trade can elevated regions. .U1 the baildingli; this Is by no i4earis an Invariable
I toresting... .. I . . . CA.I* ,ENERGY and FUL OIE4 ,for ductIng 81-20. per day from Ills. Poared, and, sound natural kileep re, , possibly be crowded, becausethere are lighted antl heated by electric- rule. ,
. When ,the ambition to become a nianufaeftlirers, wid finally 11113,10A.- wage, -1 I . turned. I Irave Also proved the Tab- Is a inarket lit tio Kootenay and 1`orrw caleadal . - buyers like fo oat
Given W4TE'R to turn.ou at , r hives, and a groat re- i tty. Tile bullellroat (Fox, tba storage
member of the great blue army. of TION, Meat and ,bread for tile soldier lets a cure TO I v,,ould an ever growing market In the of provisions contain foodstuffs for the prettiest and most artJotle 4e.
the metropolis liar, taken possession will, In a ,country so fall of ,%UN. are Issued from the 'butchers and Pef wbein baby Is teething. f North1west Territories. Your Rig
Ald- not feel that irly child 8 very about 200 men for from seven to ,nu procurable, and they only.
of the young mail dr Co*Mwall or SHINE, And growth 16 continuous. bakers of tb'e Army Service at truly, W. A. Clemons, Publication eight months. A bakery has aJso I print tlipir names upon the calendar
Yorkshire his first step Is to fill SomitihIng Is grt:;N ing EIPRY MONTH erslfot, .but the remaining Items If I did not have, a box or tile Tab,, Clark. been established, which furnishes fir t -mall. and Inconspicuous typs, Parr -
up a, form of application; which Is to put on. the, table, to fatten stock, are supplied by this civillan con- lots In t11011011fle-" I atpa Olt thp back.
sent to IxIm f rom New Scotland Yard, or carry to market. ONE ,.kCRE Ot tractors, Tlib latter Coral , noticed All mothers who have tired Baby's frush bread every nvorning. Water Big corporaVons, especially, ,to thin,
And a searobing form It Is. He must alfalrA, will support one cow as work r,o,me weeks ago In two 'nuall Own Tablets sp. ak just as biglity.1of AT DEATH'S DOOR, 1.3 obtained during tlto winter montlift- a obvious adver
I them as doeR 'Airs. Collins. The Tab- by ineltIng lee and allow, by means i They arg%Lo that a
give a full personal description of pa re, and for hay can. be cut five tents at tile base, whenco they re- . tit-'ement vrill be thrown Into th'a
himself ... mbls age, which rodst be tirst"81 a year. Larger than E ngland moved as stores accumulated to a late cure -all the little 1110 front . of -electricity. witate Vaper hasket III- nine out of
between '->:L and 217 ; lite beigilt, which arid Scotland combined, California spacious drill Nail. I had the ad- willob infants and .young children That the rallway It; a paying en -
has ROOM for a INJILLION MORE vantage of seeing and tastingthe suffer, and the mothe haft a solemn te-rprige may be seen from the fact tell, ptprmns who rac.el it, while an
may not fall below 'live ;Bat little peo, le,., ,Onld tp ,,,T-algi,i ,n 'L " suraltoo that this medicine con. The Story of the Recovery of attractive calendar will be lised to
Lnehiss without Ills socks, and no on; an,po T Y ' .T AFIL Y ' groceries, and can gaarautee that as - that already, during the first few - (le-mratv the office or the home -tll
, L and lie must say whether lie Is war- V!A tits samples were excellent. They tains teeltber oplate nor any barm- years, when only a. portion of it year through, and thus Insidl-
1 A SUSTAINING' home, tho VALUE of were packed In brown 'paper par- ful drug. Sold by all medicine deal- had been opened for traffic, nearly I tile
, o ried or yingle, what file trade Is, and NVII1011 will h.&PIDLY INCREAISE, can - are lor fidnt by., mall at 25c a box by Miss Falford, of St Elie, OuFly prwhicelts advertlalng effe2t
I - _tLaiawer a ni-imber of Eilixillar queft- Cuts suitable for messes .of live,, ten, 20,000 touriote were carried to tile The Men, of calendars Is being ac -
I t1bdo, To these answers are d4ded EASILY be secured where life nleans twenty. and fifty Men, and these writing Mile Dir. Will1ama' Isfedlolne Rothatook IStation. I repteil more and more every year.
two testimonials from householders COMFORT as. well as COIN. parcels were ineased In strong CO., 03rockvllje, Ont, It is,boped that the entire line luid the direct advertisements are
who have known him for at least rrhus, IG14tinta County Aarms avar wooden boxes, which will e . SheSayA "I Am Confident That Dr. will be completed in the latter part , Ekeoiulng fewer And fewer. One rall
five years, with A character from age 1,595 i ;Ires.each, and there are Jolting at. this regimental wagon Williams, Pink Pills Saved rdy of 1905, when it to expected that I road company, which Issues a fine art -
410 last employer,. . but two children to the square mile. Some boxes contained only 256 Life"—fiopefor all Weak, Stokly trains will ran to the, summit or the calp.ndar, charge -ii twenty-five cerittit
if ali-thlo. ini )rmatiou proves sat-! Yet Glerin County bas Plenty of train parcels, and others as many as THE ER . Jungfrau, whore the Elsineer (Ice Sea) for It, ama witti many thousands of
tufactory lie Is summoned to Lon- and can support as denso a popula- 1,0(30, according to the require- I 9 43 IVIS, Statlon will Ila erected at a 1101911t COOP% even though It Is an &liver-
don, And, In company with perhaps tion as the valley. of the Po In Italy. ments of this unit, for which they .. — To be well, to be strong, to pos- of 14,164 feet above tile loyet, 'Llepment of the compary's business.
00 to 60 other candidates, presents Forty families can be provided for are intended. .Messrs. Dicketion & I I That ti it clever move. Obviongly
himself at New Scotland Yard one where one now lives. 'Ills great Co., the army contractors, describe Ho'W the Creameries Help the sees a clear complexion, bright eyes a. Man- will valuo the calendar he ban
Tuesday xxiora;ing for, examinatloh ranches are now.bellig broken up and tile bacon As smoked rolled shoul- and An elastic step, tile blood must ANIMAL INTELLIUENCE. L'ought much niore than the calenfUr
of A varied fil searching nature, tills makes land choap, Dooks about ders, and the cheese As best Can- be pure and filled with life-giving — wlsleli ]I" been given to hirv. But,
First comes the m4dical scrutiny, California 'will be sent free to any ,dian, while the janf. line been ,9pe- Pioneer Farmer, energy. When you see pale, sallow, Bruin Staffed Leaves it% Wound W of course, tills calendar hAs to reach
and after unro-bing and covering address. Tito San Joaquin. valley Is clally prepared In sealed title. Eacu sickly girls, easily tired, subject to Stop Plow Or Blood. tit(.. tolv notch or attractiveness.
I himself with a cloak, which gives .21140 miles long py 60 miles wide,and cheese weighs 80 pounds, and, like — headaches, backaches and violent
palpitation of I the heart, It Is the A. renl%arkable bear story Is told by The making of calendars Is a pro-
. . h l oe o.r a brigand In tile book describing It has 100 P Lges, bacon, biscuit, and jam, In dlutrl THE COLLECTING 0 F EGGS' blood that Is at fault, and nziless J. A. Pi'(1-1-y. of th!O city, WhO bete been fitabIct business for artists who know
- ,
I a transpontino melodrama, he takes wall illustrated, An easy all" com- buted to the troops rioit In parcels, tile trouble Is speedily corrected the bunting tit tho reglan of how to lilt upon, popular Ideas and
his place In A long procession of for -table living can be made on 40 but "in bulk," according to require- ver. The evidence u, tile tl.tltll of , Rubjects. Ali effeethe design will
shnilarly* attired novices, And in his acres ,by keeping; cows or raising ments. A man-of6w1ar' with! Dei:artment of AgriculLure,- Cout- Patient passes into that condition RI R Jet- retell anything fron., $W ti $250,
tarn . spends ten minutes In the core- alralla, for market. Water Is plenty suchl a daily ration would deem raler,jonev,s Branch, known as "decline,"' and death rot- tile tale ties to the office of R, . ilia ' and there are historic cases In the
pany of tile chief surgeon of the hnd terms for kind are easy. li ;mself lapped in. luxury, but ilia lows. 'Die one sure, positive way to fory, a local attorney, where
[Groo. After (or before) he has prov- COLONIST RATES now make It , Ottawa, O -A. 122, 1903. obtain rich, red, health -giving blood SkIii of An enormous black bear Is calelidar UapIness whpra as iruch as
sailor Is taken In bland . by his
ad himself to be perfectly smind and MIRY i*,O.see ho,w It is yourself, They Owing to the uecwsi,,lt,y of breaking Is to take Dr, Williams, Pink Pills. rea(ly to be tanned Into a pultablo ' $100 or $500 have been, pold.
are based on it rate of $83 from elli- country mucit earlier than a sbi- t1fe new laud, the lack of capital an, Thts medicine has saved thousands of rug. Mr. Perry. and & companion os- I 'Som3thilep," said a publisher. "a
free from physical blemish his height or $25 from Missouri River dier, arid consequently Is trained tlie distance iroui market I e. caped with their lives crily through I CuRt011ler will come to us and sav
is takon, and it ,he ,falls by an eighth to a. diet 'willien f,tt sea which would 8, many young girls from a premature grav h n alendar designea
of &it Inch to reach the standard he =-(I s via Southern J>&olfIc, Call- it Northwest naturally 9trorig proof or this Is offered in ilia of a'bulitilig d0g, WIIIJM
-n t1c),cet forpla, books can. be had of any agent. rather staggr Mr. Atkins. in (,%to the mire or Mleg Zenaide Falford, of attailiked the bmr wlipn he was bit- by a famous'artist, whose work lie
a l ui owever, the bluej-10ket find the first fe%v years rather try -
Write to F. B. Choate, Gen. Age ally Allow- Irg. Ili order to assibi; Lite DIoneer. St. Elie, Quebec. Miss Falford tells the Ing at tile llmb.3 of the r,vostrate haittPell-S especially to admire. He
home, for there is no place for lilm 11' , fares better; story of her sickness and recuvery maga. . I . ,will take nothini else, and even it
In the force. Detroit, Mich. , m Ilia has a d
I ance Of orie-eiglilth of a pint of 40,mors to "at; a few dairy cowHJ as follows: "Like many other Can- On M011daY Mr. Perry was bunting the Artist Is willing to do the work,
Then follows an exhaustive ex- - rum, mixed wlthi two-thirds of wb,oL yield a Modeot catill income
aminatlon In the three R,s., In -which - morltirlY. tbe Dairy DivitAun Or tile than girls, I went to the TTnIted In the w,OO-.1,s obout three ralies frow ' whicli! Is not always the case, lite
. BRITISH SOLDIERS. water. The soldier, except 0`11 'Zo- E tatfis and found employment In a Brulnon, on tho Doomwillup,5 Itivev. I coRt Is frightful.
Izar- he In-ust prove his prolliclency. and tive service, enjoys no suchl con- JJCm.11ion bel,art,m hlt of Agricultuvel
, ' after passing this laut -ordeal one- __ cash,lon, though lie is allo-wed to severai ybLl,rb ago ebtablishad a nlim- factory at.Wcousr,cket. Thaulose, In- HCR companions Nyare 1). J. Smith, I "I heard of a rich' 'Chicago ma -an.
I , door work proved too much for me who, owns a faxm In 'that vicinhy. I fv,i;!iurer 'Who Paid $1,000 a Rketall
cossfully, .our tyro may consider Roj a Viold Force is Fed—Da I ly Fuel duy during the manoeuvres as bar of oreamer,oki under Government and nearly onded ,Ili my death. At and a hunting dog, to W111011 lie Is to a well known French artist for
himself praotliea) Ily assurad of it blue . Allowance. much as two pints of beer per da,y. LOIltrol. AL the r,reoeut- thus there first I was taken widi lieti-ilaches, grm.tly Attached. At 3 O'clock ill ilia I A very Ordinary calendar, which made
uniform. But lie haft still much eo would tire very easily, had no appe- afternoon a bear wAls seen Arid Smith i no Impression at all on the pabile.
go -through before lie call wear It. There is an Impression among T,hk! rations having been proper- Are eighteen creamarles of ttffi F sort
For the next three -weeke. he takes soma People that a British soldier ed, we come to, - tb!3 task of forward- Ili. ol eratlou lit tile Terr!Lorle;j, 6(L -f tits, And no energy. I tried to ocii- firel twoalioUs, th. first p:nctrating - Arother man went to a rival of mine
. up lite quarters at the' candidates, _' cat' carry enough XOOd With III,u Ing and distributing thism. For this uated ill Calgary, inutlifail, r'dul'"' tinub the work, but grew worse and the langa, while the second brok, the 1 and demanded a calendar Illustrated
section-bouse In Lower Kensington to last A week , but, unfortunate- work the Army Service Corps, one ton. 1.17dridw,toll, WeLasidvin,' Ited worse, arid filiv Ily was compelled to rorel g. Tills b3ar, however, got away by Leighton, the forix4or President of
lane, in company with his ouccessful ly, no ground exists for the belief, of tife few departments which Deal,, Black Fields and Lacolube, lit return to my Udoa. I Avps somuch In the brm-th. . I tiv Royal Aoadprn.v.
has emerged withl credit from the war life Territory or Alberta, atChurch- , elf,anged and so emaciated that After following tile anlinal for all I 'It was linTiossfbie, to get it. A'
follows, and here, while he under- despite the progress which Inquiry, filas made special prepara- bridge, Moobe JAw, Whitewood, lte- my friends hl_-%r,1Iy know, ine. Two hour, h., wais ,Uwarned In tba wocdo repicHontritive. was sent to England
goes the process of being licked Into been made In tile art of compressing ation. Tails troops under Sir John glua, Moosomin, SalLcoats, riunthl . weeks after my return home IL ah:a,d, and tb , two bunters w -.nt rot-- ' to see Leighton-, and to offer him,
shape, lie Is most comfortably erf- nourishment, both solid and liquid, French, left Aldershot with two Qu'Arpeilfi And Grenfoll, lit Lit-) Tet- I wa,rd rap,:dly- Brull, w&s quick, r, I or I abig prioe. ni had too much, on, hand
tertained with excellent food and a intDa minimum of space. Apart front rAory of Aasinlboia, and at Prince i wAs forced tot take my bed, I Vail hind
billiard -room, ,readlug-rooin and tile questloas of strategy, tactics, days ,supplies carried in tife trans- Albert in the Territory of Saskatcho. ; a bad couglf, was distressed by ter- Ilet came toward them on tits i and refused tile cominisslon."
. . games for his recreation when the and ilia Individual training of tile port wagons, and later tire "sup -1 wan. Tifree cieameries of the cream -1 I rible dreams,# and sometimes pass- 1-g.v, mad with ragge. When lie wais —
day's work is done. Part of his no- soldier to tile conditions of -field ser- ply park," or magazine, left for the eries formsily nianagk;d were closed I ad wthble nights without sleep. Two within ton feet of Smith, who w:1,141
vitiate lie spends In learning tele- vice, tho army manoeuvres are e - front twith! a reserve. — Loudon by the Department, Ili 10021, owing doctors trea.ted me. but without lbe only 0110 armKI, the look on h;S I HOW THE ANT RETIRES.
x rDelegraph'. avail, as I -waii steadily growing gan snaPPod, and be was knocked
graphy at the section -house, and an- pected to teach some valluable lev - I . to tilt lack or kiliff"clent patronage. I wpa, or; in fact, I pould not hold Cown b -fore Ila could eXi LK18 'ill.! 0 c- -_
othar part In dally drilling At Wel- vaint regarding the supl)'y of ne- 311,,(I Uzi fallure of the farmers Ili this dli- I k ontl It irrel. Mile bea.r fcized -Lite mail a Little Insects Go to Bed Like Human
lington Barracks, while rro,m the cessaries and transport, ' AT THREE SCORE most; of its are remli my ,liand above my head for more thigh, and b-xgan to tear the flooh. I Beings.
oblef surgeon at Scotland Yaxd lie two coll- that imell EL thing as stiff Itheumatism and Uicts to support the creamerias do ,4 t1fan three or four seconds, and At olloe tile dog wa.s upon the lit -
learns the mysterlss of anatomy, sideratlong wbloh enter so largely'. , Neuralg,n are %ry actual realltl(s. Tile rIot appear to arise froul, any lack, )f had to be turned in bed. No bile u bed, and It
, into ever,y problem of war. It Is a . I)est means of subluing these patils sind confidence in ilia dairy business, but, - flirriatod balqSt, and SO dlLtraCtP1l Ills
bee Is by the - pp c4btloll of "The D. & L.11
ambulance work a,nd how to admin- true on,ying that a "soldier marches ac surer cure exists. sImply becaubc they. are now Ili 4 i expected I wpuld get better, and
ister first ald, o the injured. Menthol Plasterh So I , I Ituought Inyself I ,was about to attention that lie left Smith and at- you watch 1, them you .may see them
. . . pot.41tion to go into Cite stock raising. tacked PEwry, w1bo wa,' atil-ndIng 11 do it.
Vius'lls 'is kept very busy during upon his stomach," and his fight- ; die. At t1ils time my brother came rew feet, away. helplesq. He throw An ant bill, you know, Is made of
his brief apprenticeship, and tbat'lic Ing power depends upon the prompt I A Society Note. and grain growing. and because they, from .Montreal to see tac, And d 6 -118 -
may not become too Inflated with hill arrival of bread and meat, as well prefer the latter means of livelihood, strongly grged me to, try Dr. Wil- one arm about a sa.pling An tiny pebbles, which are plied about
. new dignity, he is revatooltiated and as ammunition, from hit; base of sup- Exchange. I I-I'Aib changes of tht: past few years I'llams' Pink Pills. A supply of pills tallied the ftili welght or tlie War, .
undergoes the chastening of n sore ply. A portion may travel by train, -
. ,Towns—Biglied had a single article lihve altered the aspect of farming who tried to tlir;, him to Clio an entrance hole.
but tb(A . -ansport operatlonri In many parts of the ; was Procured, and I now blessth: aw, und' At night tile ants take these peh
regimental ti by; In the paper yesterday ; printed as lie I . - ,It Is ground with bi, great forep
Arm. After the probation bomes an . Noit'hwest. Last year five car loads , day I began taking ,thl.4m*.
.1 road is the service upon which lie wrote it. by tit* old In ens of getting & death beis Ili their ni-outhe and, carrying
Inspection at tie barracks by w ch at Brown—I suppose be's ,very pleased. of butter from, 'tile Governmailt enougir. to say, that before three 0 il, Ovat tb4 walst. Tilt, faitlifnl
constable ; and If candidates satisfy must usually! rely when operating in w,ere used dog made *to then build them,
the critical,eye, of this Intrortant of- an enemy's country. In the came of Towns --Not exactly. Th * article oreamerles were exported to Great I boxes , I began to feel , another Attack and pre. them to tile 110%e P,
ficial, they are summoned to appear tile FIVJ Army Cc . rps, which has reads: I'Dear Editor,—John Bighed Is 13-iltain, one carload was sold for , rented Perry's fall until Smith had
.)x. better, and from th a,t on grew upon the other, as men build a wall.
. Just taken 'the field, the base of snp- one of the handeomest and most port to Queensland, Australia, and stronger every day. By tills time I, 1,,ovs,,d ,wliff1pi:nitly to oboot tho At ter the hole Is filled up, except
I before one of the commissioners, at ply Is Ald6rohot, to which a, force popular young men in uptown society. diipments were albo made to China, - wad taken nine or ton boxes Iwas tLnima,l through the heart. one tiny plAce at the top, the last
.Scotl,and Yard—thlo time lit till the re_. ; once more enjoying the blessing cr ant Crawls Ill and with liar ]lead
glory of their uniforms, newly don- of nearly 20,000 men must now look Please print this In your society col- Japatt and tile Yukon. The The dog Nva.% prwi'Lically unhurt.
ned—and there eaell man makes a for the supply of their daily, wantn, umn and oblige, yours truly, John mainder was -disposed or iri local and i perfect blealth. No symptoms of owing to Ills agility. but t0tv wou"48 pusiles sand up agatns the bole from
solemn declaration well and truly to and it will be the duty; of the Army. BIghed." %. British, Columbia markets. I this old troluble remain, and I am Of the hunt ons are serious andbar(ly 'Lite Inside, thus stopping it tip ell -
Service Corps to see that every unit . I fident Dr. Williams' Pink Pills clsoaped b,,,Ing Intel. The bear was a tively. Then all night n
serve the I lng in -the responsible 94- , Up to Oct. let of this year, the ! 0011
I I of that force Is provisioned, no met- . output of butter from tile Govern- I saved any life.", la,rge, one. and ]its hl,le-th'ck and of will be seen, buL about 8 o'clock
fice of constable 11for'prefigi-ving tfie Pure blood Is th19 secret of health fine fur. aLxt morning, if -one loiiks very close -
peace and preventing r4obberlee arid ter to what part of the manoeuvre Plies cured In 3 to 6 nights—One ment oveamerles exceeded that of last ,
area of 1,600 squai-e miles the sol- application gives relief. Dr. Agnew's Oint- year by. lofi.000 Pounds, The Increa, a ; and It Is lbecause every dose of Dr. Wlxmi thi bi,dy WA'; shinned a. re- ly, one may see a..Pair of tiny feel -
Y' other felonies, and Apprehending of- Pink Pills make new, rich markabl,, evillence of tile benSt's sag- ors thrust 'out through the Chinks
fenders against the -peace, and In all diers may! be called or 4riven by the ment Is a boon for Itching Piles, or Blind, hars been mainly in Alberta. This year WilliamW
rortunes . of war. It Is possible In Bleeding Piles. I.t relieves quickly and per- all the butter has been taken by bl000, t1fat they cure such desper- acity wA,; ishawn lit the fact that lie between the stones. Then an ant
. respecto to the beat of my skill and real warfare to feed your troops on manently. In itkin eruptions It stands. with. the markets of Western Canada, or ate cases ,is thiat above related. bad stnfrettl half it bucketful of uia; Iul pushes its way out and begins to
I " 9 lel. Ire Just be -
knowledge discharge the duties Of the country," or to billet them up,- out a rival. Thousands of testimonials it bas been exported to the Orient, Thtse Pills cure all the trouble. a,vQ3 In the first wound lie Ila, ,- carry the Pebbles Away.
the said office faithfully aa.d.aocord- on the population; but In tills you want evidence. 85cents.-28 none have been shipped to Great Bri- . iluat arlso from, poor blood -and oelvaI. Itinnn!ng along through *lilt! hind the first comes another, and
. Ing to law.kl I' i I rl .. 1, 'o. I I . tale. The exhibit of Canadian dairy i that means most of the allments treet,, lie had evidently 6;wooped tuo another, until the who'.o family. comes
. Title doclarati9p. completes the per- September campaign Tommy. Atkins " . I that Afflict mankind. Olvp 'these leaveiv up from tile ground with lit; journeying out. But an ant does
must rely, upon his friends at Alder productu Lit the great Tapailene E,x-1
lod of robatlo&jftnd now, our 11- - was ILI, excellent , pills .it fair trial And they will not uninjured faraftaw And crowded them not sleep through' the whole night;
7 shot and some, miles of -wagon traim-i Couldn't Trust tile BishOPs- position at Osaka
didate'ihay 00tialaer himself it fcU[,Ll, Advertisement, and lieu already I disappoint you - &)ld by inedle'We into the gaping wound In hiv 614e, to site takes a nap two or three hours
fledged cons -table of the metropol- * , -a everywhere,. or sent by story the flow of blood. Finally, Wh?ll long. \ 4
port . Argonant. g out born D fruit ; three now custorriero for dealel . -ess. but
Mite manoeuvre ration Is fairly lib Once LOW &LIsburY WA$ 9Otn &I(l, at 502. per box Ito saw escarye waf; ImI.O.Rsiblo, lie. She does not have to ulidt
liar, police force, equr ped with all er l. It consists of five Wg biscults buttei, have already! been secured by, I mall, Post P be -
kinds of new,rosponsibilitles and POW- and 2 1-2 ourilies of Canadian cheose, to lunch Ono rainy day, wjien his the department in that country as I or six box" for $2.5% by address- camp mail witli rage, and turned back whenever she gets tired site lieu down
ers. Ire Is dr' secretary ran After him with an um- a direct result of that exhlblt'lon. I Ing 1he, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., to forez the hand-ta-linjul battle with on the ground, curie liar six legs
afted off to tits d I,ylslon carried in the haversack. in Addition ell.
and after tw,j weeks of station work brella, which lie had forgotten. The The trade In butter far tbe'Orlent is I Brockville, Ont. 1 14-7 pirsuers.-S.nittle Post-InL close up to her body And goes to
to bread And meat of excellent qual- I ge.neer. sleep so soundly. that you could brush
--"*,-,, -, and Attending tile palice courts to Ity, sent from Aldershot, the soldier premier rejected It, saying, 'IN -6. no; for tho Europear. realdenin there, I ]let, with a feather without waking
., learn tile ropes, lie Is sent out on is Allowed the following quantities 1,vo lost too *many at the Athenaeum and not for natives, and Mr. J. A. RAILS AMID GLACIERS, libr manufacturing an(I tacking tip her.
Ant , ready equally to emort a timid , per day: Tea, 1-3 ounce; coffee, 1-3 Already. You can't trust those bisb- Ruddick, Chief of the Dairy Division, Eignil bearing kociatistie expressions
y ops 11, When (she has had her- f;Ieep out
old woman, over a busy crossing or ounce, sl igarj 2 ounces ; popper, 1-82 . hopes also to develop an extensive —
I trade with the warships touching at Opening of the Third Section or the Benjamin Adams, .18 'years Old. was site gets ul'o, stretches liar legs arill
. . . . .1 Nagasaki for coal. It Ili a good Jull-trau 11allway. sent to Jail for fifteen days by Judge .yawns, Just as you or OL might do.
I . . . . . thing that this trade with the Orient Kimball, of a; Washington police Then she washes herself carefully all
, ... .. - . I .. .1 I : ,...... ____... . .. ...... . I . I... . . - 1. I 1 TX& construction of the rallwa,y UP court. several friends volunteered over. ,
(r,ititiozone was formerly knoivii I a Canada as Powley's r.iquified Ozone.) has been worked up by the govern- to the sunimit; of the, Jungfrau, In the to pay Adams' fine of $5, but lie re- After that she is ready, for. her,
I ' . - , " ment crearnerles, as It requires some ; Ight of 14,161 f t
j .. financing, and could searcely , flismi to let them do it. Re preferred dily's work again, and a busy day',
.1. - I . S wjla Alps, to A, IK tlL
. 1, I be li,a,g attracted, tile greatest aLteillon to -go to jail. The offender Is a she ling, too -tending tile babies.
I 0 Nalu handled eo. well.Uyj private enterprise;1 ' ever ,f;Ince work oil thlog inCtresting direct descendant of President John making new rooms or getting food
. as It IN necessarj., to have every fa- line wa, ;,%tarte% A short illue. ago at, I I
V V ollity for studying ill,) inarkets'and CYDS Were a . ,gain -turned it) tile j,lig- Quincy Adams. forthe big famfly,. . .
4 also to be In ii poRitlon to F3111P at 1. frail railway. oil till. completton tit . 1;'l .1
I W %g W k I Will BU once On receipt of cablegram. In the i opening or ill(% tlirl(l, f5action of the
A . - . y case of the trade with the warnlilps I 'We. wilich. terminate'
. 1. 11 I I . . for Inetanco. They, oometimes 9tay I j * At Elgor;-vand
7 '.1 . at Health and Vigor
; , A 50c. 13ottle of IfiquoZone and Give it to You to Tfv. several weeks at Ville coaling station' I i IT 11_ Ij!,,Igel-Nvantl &tatlon Is situated -
. N ,.VA, . I-- and in that time it would be possible I At tL height or nearly 10,000 fact
-i it . stomach TrouOlet to got a supply, of fresh butter to ii,bove, tile level of 'Lite aaa..
f -A T,qwmu -Iiquiil oxygen-is,the only form into the blooA that no germ could - Dandru -DrOPsY , them front Citnada. Part of the but- . During the ..ullllllcr to[ tile year For Sickly Women
Dyspepsia Throat Troubles
product that qayu kill gerins fit the body live in any membrane or t1satie. nezema-Urrolpelas Ttiberculobis ter oblpped thin sa%so-n, Pepeclally In 110D,3 illo 11, Igergletz cher 'Station,
without killing you. No man knows any :T,filuttzonedoe,stbat. Ther"tiltnare Fevers -Gal Stones , Tumorr,-Ulcers the summer monthly, went forw'ard ' which li,,:iq at it height of 8,100 feet,
offier way to destroy the caute of any Ito certain that we Publish on every bottle Goitre -Gout V.r'cocle
Gonorrhea--Gteet woriten's Dimme- In 'tIns, but a conniderable quantity,' war, opened for public traffic. ITP to
germ disease. anolTerof$r,000foragernithatitcan- All disonscathat begin with fever-allinflam- bho also been sent In boxes of as-, that point ilia road, hus boon bailt. In By Supplying anAbundance of R1 - ho Red, Life -Sustaining
It is mew to America, and millions wh6 notkill. Yet oxygen is Nature's greatest mation-all catarrh -all contagious disagaes-all sorted nizes. It stands tilt% Journey. 1 is. saition tront Liger-
source of your vitalit the results of Itupure or polsoned blood. 0 and System -Building Blood,
I heeditiloftItkn6wofit. Vortliatreasoit tonic the very Y. in nervous debility Liquosone actit Its a Vital- very, well In the latter, And has been : 9112ft%111 uor st.Lti,)n to th.0 next lite;',
we make this retuarkable offer, NVewill Its effectA tire exhilarating, purifying izer, accomplIshintwhat no drugs can dO. reported in very, good condition ()It 1 itottoelt siation, i.q .1,000 feet in .
buy the first bottle arld give it to YOU if vitalizing. Butgernisare vegetables; atia at -rival Tito Yukon trade Is I Ili,- i length, of which 2,401) feet are In A. DR. CH ASE'S NERVE FOOD
need it . we will ao it witilu i , this excess of oxygen -the very life of all I , - ,leasing, And rblonients bavp lop.n tunlic.l. T.11( o,joning of the Itoftoek
Isloaudly, to MrVilice you at once arid 101y. anitnal-ii; deadly to vegetable matter. 5pc. Bottlb 'Free. mado to that district In bomm alRa station oo, Ilrred Oil Aug. ", 18 0 T f,
eVer that 1,iqu45zoue does kill germ$. 'We spend 14 days in biaking each bot. COLLIPXTING !.1qi;1-1._Tn conn,,n- . I!ltter IN situatc,d at & belght of 8 010 Thoroughly Cures the Ills Peculiar to Women
tie of Liquozone, and the result is liquid If you tieed I,Iquozoue, and have never tion witif the system of creamor- feet, and wlipn the train comes out
. . . I en -the best thing ill the worl4 for tried it, please send us this coupon. We Is% tive Aepartniont has adopted ' cf llv tunnel one reachei it terrave rVae fenifnine organism Is an Intri- the utomach after meals, nervous
thic ptaxi -,>f cotioeting k1glis front i of ro,-k,, from whIch One POWS sliell CatO Wass Of (1011cato hild eerialtive sick headaches, Irritabilliv, sleeplege-
Witt Paid '$100,000 "`yg - ill destruction to disease will then mail you all order oil your local W! o.zZlixess
you, yet certa it
erms, wherever the LiquoZone-laden gist for a full-size bottle, and we tIfte farinerst of tit(% Torritoric-14 and 1 I,, ds-it,irib view of hn eternal glaellw& nerves, which ie,lulre An enormous ness ; spells of weakness
dru" h6ldIng thein in storage. It wor-k- I of 41.e A11 3 its can srarcoly b- fina- amount of pure, riah blood to nour- come ever you -, you feel (11 1:. arteriet),
for the rights to Tjquokoue fOr America, glood goes. . wilrpay your druggist ourselves for it. '
We tested thift proili:tct for years hi the , This lit our free gift, inade to convince ed well ilia first sp-ts,,ri, and haiq gtn Z it we,; oxI:ort-,d that the isve- Ish them and supply them -,,vIth tile ,discouraged And despondcrIt, and fear
!*, v
itiost difficult germ dift6ares; theft We I ,1., you; to Aow you what Liquozolle is, arid *0 ed over alnep, Init ttrorttor , tl.)Il to IPIgm'w.III,I !,tat*oll would bp vital roree necessary to propprlyper- prostration, paralysis or -.11saitity.
, tin
bought these riglits for ttid highest prite - Germ MseaSea.' ' ,%vhat it can do. In justice to yourself, Ill 1211ovoin oil t Is notlepablo, in tlti c ini- I I al a i far ba, k a,s Ili 10l'.0 but forill thell. functions. But there Is now Ilope for You ILI
tver paid for it adientific discovery. I please necept it to -day, for it placeb you eggs, ;tfils year thin ever before. I luc I . lillin it a oug1r%,,er:x)g Off Lultlt!s When tIto., blood 114 tacking lit quall- thev use of Dr. Chafes Nerve Food.
T'll: plan ailopted Is its followR: - wt re one Mlitot c I Lit it thl 3 klea, had tity oi- quality tile nerve cell--, waste Not tho false hope Which 18 aroused
We paid thfit price beouse Lifinozotic Tlxese are the knovn germ diseast.4. under Ito obligation whatever. l, tkit's colilrosod of alcohol
does what all the skill in the world cau. All,bbatinedicluo can do forthest troubles Liquozolle costs 56c. and $t. niftelf crealbery Patron has it 11,1111- I s oojl to it given ill. ,The, niagnitule all(I slisivel tip And by means of pain by niedle
' I . . . . . - . beri and to Is rpq,,ilr,,),l to tirt-1, ' ct t1w, worIx t(, Ili, cirrleil out w!II W and trre44'u'ArIt*o.,i make known their -,I,nd other Rtlrunlunti- , but the hope
t I riot do witkout it, Any drtig that kills is to help Vature overcome the germs, I t.bls number lit pinell ou till tit(-, b-itor un-.1flisLoo-I When It Is Coull*d- starved and depleted eondition. xvhiell finds foundation lit adiled flesh
- g6ruls ia a poison icl, on and it eatinot be atid inieli results 1116 indirect and"U11- CUT OUT THIS COUPON eggs ire supplies. No driver will no, (:rc.,, illat tilt, tlinnel ivIi'vII stavie 1:,nless tho nervous systelil is put and tissue, Ili WALer appetite, More
. V taken interwilly. ' he' btfit Physicians -Gul .* .glvtieller ctatloa. Ili proppr condition all the medicine buoyant feelings and gradual 1111360-
q t certain. Liquozolle killfl tile gernis, fortbisortetmayrotAft earAgain. Viltout copt ill',, egrgeR, w,11:11out tiv 1111*1111or , Cl tit*! Elgel
the world over, employ Liquozone alone wherever they tire, and the results are tile blankfi tind tnttit it r, ilia 1jiluld Ozone (,y torna.
Iltiag being on. Tilinso oggF; art, hvItl at , when colunlete'l, will lixve a tot,al In the World will never cure the poavancoo of annoying mp
ter germ- troubles; and any Ph siciau inevitable. , By destroying the cause of Cc-, 221-22 Xt"216 St -1 Cl 0- the, creabiory for a rlho -t thilp, T 1 ,Ilgtil of a 1_ ,, utilt-, its width belul- wotkkneps and 1pregIttlapitIps Peculiar AR a blood -builder- and llerVO re-
Chnie's storative. Dr. (INwOo Nervo Food it!
i who doesn't is altuOilt helPltsg 111 811Y tile trouble, It inVarlably ends thV disease, Mir diseltse III .......................... * ...... and ithen sent In refrl: nralov caps I 1.,, 1 .:., f e 0 1 ea ly 15 to -wompt). II.Peautzo Dr.
, t 1111;1 Ii.q 11 lgl t n r
I germ distiaso and forever. t listvt nevtir tried Vquozone tir raviley's WUN the butter to tIls Fltora.,-Xent i fcolt. . Np.pve Food contallIN itio olvitionts of bound to befterlt your whole system.
! tell
. Alithma Iray Vevitr-Indflanza T-14ulfied Ozzno, but if you will 9upply Ifte a Calgavv 1,P.hvrp all !Ito mggf; dre - Proin ill,- .t;Lo,v at 11e,orglPtoollev it n-ti,urn wIllell go to forru new, ri 1,1y noting your W010-40 In Weight
; . 5$.c. bottle free I will tAke it. _ I a-? b -on 'et . it along 'Lit(, bloed rifill create npw nerve force It while 118111gr it ,volt Call prove this be.
[ Abscem-AnenflA Xldney Diseases Oxambied ,and clanpli'll,t) Im it" vx- ' fO041,011,
: . . JUtt O.Vyden. l3ronthlils 11 14A GV1 C 4*6446.*. pert,, ,w,bb Ila" the tu_og' IlAts In roclo; to th- amlimit of Itofstock is the most certain (,tire tibtainable yond it doubt.
Mood potion 11 romeorr te. ...... 4*..4..4.*66*..*64b.**1..66 ..... 4
. aright'A Mflettse Liver Troubleg front of Idin, atul nVery f-11,141101-1.14, I'MR, q;,_g,) tppt, %j-h,,IIcj, out i3iijoys Cop r4liell ailments. . Fifty Cents It box,Nix. boxes for
L.,quozotte is slitiply 111fitilA oicygell-HO now6l Trotjble4 mitlarla-xentitigia a ;.y *.6 .... 6*..V446.1.1%1 ... * .... .6,%*M ore ' a ' I 50, at III) ttvalert,; or V'dwanl0n,
., any Ileatt Troublem ,ditod -with the ex et numbox of a w011u-411-fill V1V`w Of the Jurfl, 'Moull- NV11,011 tile nervous ciystmu beconlot $2.,
glis-Colda If I To protect
druga,uottleoliolinit. it Is the discovery (!O rues-riltul"612itv D C A .6.6 ...... v ................... oto.i. oachl elass of e;xpp Ill .1111.R 140;1 t talill; aill till% Inally littlo Itiolintaill px,ilaustell tile wholo body Is more or Blites it- CO.. 'ftltrolltt).
Cc witiptibit "' , I ngalll ,t lnlilaj o -1; tit., Portrait
'at, who r Glvb hill tultItem-writa plAtAlf, fib department advilllep s 1.3 eislitf, IaLa % less affected. and the various Organs yet,
,of VAttli, the grdat GerMtkil t1leml CAfe-Croup leorlsy-QuItINY - - . , .. z ant
Rhounittilin per doyen on ill:., (1,4ga aL the Chile. I Np!.rw-,Ird 'Kiatioll, NvIlich wao fall to perforlu tile dutl4PI; devolving 'Niglintilro 1) I).% A. W. Cliltwo
spdflt 20 years oil it, Ilia object wait to c"notipation tone -our ttadetna Ars 014 fabloll.; re,14.. ',-o k nuthor, am
catikTrii-Capter Skill DISeA668 A,Iquc rk narnt-nbw appe great tereinonleg and In upolv them. Ift
get such an excess of oxygell In Ateple Dygentery-Diattibea S .rafui*-Syphllis an every bottle of geaulne! liquided ozone. tb,c4y are reenivoil, ftnd later tile OP011041 With _,PStlon 4; 1111PAIMI ,
fitmer aets t4o balance ate0i'dinit the, prestalice of representatIVOK of, Otte are feeliumi of 0I-,%V0Iuf0Vt Ill , Oil PvtIl-V I))\.