HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-29, Page 8r.
`,t 'Thursday, October 29, 4903
,Jamestown, Howick.E:
Are You PERSONAL Mrs, Cutt,of Goderich is visiting her Mr, R, 11, Carson sold his farm to his 40 "
son, Mr. Jack Cott. brother Alex, and will ,have an auction '1.
Mr, Pero Richards of Brussgls a ent sale on 27th,
,lid, is w ek. a returned from the y p west this w ek, Slznday with Jas, Innes, .mv,
c Mr, James Sudden, who formerly = .' .' , , , �,.
Miss M. Tibbs is recoveringnicely lived in Howtek, but who has been in -
Mr. want, Wilson of Brussels Sun-
from an attack, of typhoid.. � dayQd with his sister, t`1ra, J. D Mi1iCz•. California for 20 years, was :n thisCoated
Miss McKee of 1'eterbaro, is the Mrs. Riesce of Fort William is visit- vicinity visiting old scenes recently,-We1 , �° t 7
r guest of her relative, Mrs, Lang, Ins; berdaughter, Mrs. William Moses Mr, John Hooey sola his beautiful �£' z'en�]nded, b the chilling winds and snowflurries b
Mr. Frank 13nehannau of Toronto is At present. home at , Akelet to. Mr. Jas, Wright = t
spending this weep in Wingham, We are pleased to see Mr, W.m, Bry- for about $0,000. It is a lovely place � i�h�clz �YeTVe been V1Slted, that its 1vII11e to tally of
Percy Htce of Welland visited his cion of Morden, Mau,, back- in our = and Mr, Wright is to be congratulated,
Over For brother Frank in town this week- midst for the winter, It, J. Deachmaii, who has been tra-
Mr. Thos, Lind of Lower Wingham veiling in the Northwest ill the inter- ,
returned from btauitafia this week, 51r« Raba, , visited is Saskatoon, � �
Saskatchewan, visited his Sister, Mrs,' est of the 1�'ai'mors' Advocate of Will
The Wiliter Mrs. Cyrus A. Iiirgo of Hamiitop is nipeg, has again resumed his studies a S aA&
visiting friends tend relatives in town. Len• Rattan last week, at the 0, . . C. In Guelph, Mr, Alex, Scott, who has been in a ph, s
X. Vannarman of Mucloc paid Manitoba far Ilia past three nionths, If the good Methodists in this vicini-
his brother, chief Vannorman, a visit 17�e have sl v( ry sail
last week. returned home last week, ty keep Taping away the church here � ..e and Car"efUll Selected' stock of Furs, In Ladies' fur
Mr, and Mrs, H. Gibson of Wardner, Mra, I3artt of Chicago, who has will become very sparse indeed. There a Jackets, we display gtlality, taste, Style, fit. and Value, that will be hard to equal,
B. U., are visiting Mrs, Gibson's par- spent thepaettivoinanthsatLen,Rut- are' threw of the leading fazniUes in Why lit C1t1$t tiS.e under
StanC% Furs; we know were the best values are Obtainable
Is your Inst year's Overcoat cuts, Mr, and Mrs, Seymour Thornton, tan's, thepa t to her home last Tues- connection with the church here mov and being in a pasUlon to command the largest discounts, we are able to give
Mr, Jas. Begley lug away soon. { :� �' you the
going to see you through, or ey and daughter Mary day. best that the trade offers at ver reasonable rices. Our guarantee goes with every
were in Dungannon a few days this What might have ended in a ,fatal - J y p
will you deed a new One, week attending the funeral of Mr, . Misses .Marjorie and Elsie Strachan Jacket, These Jackets are in Persian Lamb with Alasiea Sable collars and reveres,
Begley's inothSr• entertained accident happened at the farm of Mr.
The Style o£ Overcoats is quite a number of their N. Cook, Lakelet road, the da of his ' Electric Seal Jackets with Sable trimmings, Bokharen jackets with Sable and self
T Or arida W. G. Strongwas intown friends last Tuesdiiy evening; all re- threshing, It seems the ban door trimmings, and Astrachan Jackets iri great variety, Ruffs
something like ladies hats last Friday, and attended a special port an excellent time. y Muffs, Scarfs, Collar-
mt•ating of Court Maitland, U, O, was partly open when thastrong wind ettes and Gauntlets ; in Mens and Boys' Overcoats a splendid showing -colors and
ttwhatever Suits the fancy." Four candidates were initiated, Mr.. W. sones haw stopped his pedd- blew it with such force against Mr. St les as There are several styles, and Mrs, Olendenning returned last week ling waggon for the winter months, Caok, who was gassing, that he had y well as values, the latest and best,
from a visit to friends at Blenheim. He has had a very successful season, two ribs broken, besides being other•
they are all "it," so to sneak. Her son, William, also returned from and we wish him continued success. • "
a trip to Manitoba And Minnesota, wise bruised about the body,
A. R, Smith has them and The musical which was to have been ,, BLANKETS Pure all wool Blankets, splendidly made, pink and
Mrs. John Nicholson has gone to held at the residenep of Mr, Walter
call either tiCtat oI'- Suit from visit friends at Waverley for a few Y,an side. blue borders, sold this week as follows :--6 lbs., ,
months; she expects to take up her Simpson on the 7th (but on account of Size 60X$4, at 2,
the Amall bo u to the bi Miss Minerva Carter is home a ain, the disturbed state of the elements, 75--7 lbs., sante Site, at $3,25-$ lbs,, Salve SI2@, at x•75•
y p'" permanent residence in the spring in g
the Northwest, was w man, aI1Cl his guarantee iS as Miss Maggie Taylor spent Sunday Postponed Until the 14th) was a
nae travels r a few weeksn while with Ashfield
in the drilled and eautiful. A very lar e nsimber 3 ladies and
sound. as the rock of Gibral- And �� Underwear for 1 r
Anew uni, bOQm�ng, as, also
tar. �.'1' A. R, Smith Cllig- peninsula of Bruce P g - booming
Try county, north of Wiarton, and Lion's well of S. S. No, S last weep, were present; so much so that the Shoos and Rubbers.
holm Block, for your neXt Hpad• They expect to be absent three Mr, Jas. Taylor spent Saturday and ,beautiful residence was' taxed to its
or four weeks, Sunday last visiting friends near utmost capacity by people of different
Overcoat or Suit. Wm, Drummond ]eft on Monday for Wingbam. denominations to listen to one of the
Sttrnia, where he joins Jas, McKelvie most interesting programmes which
in the Restaurant business. William's Mrs, Win. McBurney and Mrs. T. we have heard for some time. -
favorite paper. the Advance, will give Hill, who have been visiting in Mani -
him the weekly happenings of Wing• tabs, for the peat two months, are OOTINCIL MEETING, M
ham and vicinity, Howtek Council met in F l Mo GO DON
home again. p present-
I .Big Prices for Trade.
Oct. es of -members all resent ; -DIRECT IMPORTER ,
Gents' ]Furnisher Mr. Albert Taylor, and sister Mag- minutes of last meeting confirmed. - � and Clothier Dr. Ovens of London, M, R. C. S. L. gie, attended the wedding of their Spotton-McKee-That the Reeve
R. C. P. specialist, ape, ear, nose and friend Miss Eva Garde f A hfi 1 and Colin. Gowdy see about the road
throat, will be in Wingbam, at Camp- ' ra r, o $ e d on con, 10 as some parties are digging
belI's Drug store, Monday, Nov, 2nd. on Wednesday of this week, bolas and the road is considered to be
Chisholm Block r Wingham Glasses properly fitted, Sacramental Services will be con- In a very dangerous condition,-- Salem.
ducted in the Methodist church here, carried, A number of the farmers shipped Mr. L. Murray waited on the Coun- cattle on Monday morning last,
next Sunday, and the week following oil asking them to have the road op•
F� revival services will be held, posite his property straightened. A large number attended Mr, No, V~40 4VV1%0%411V
V_U �� x Leet Sunday was the date for the ton that ed ytheeReeve Spence
and I Councillor DougaIl's sale on Thursday last,
(�j�' G anniversary services in the Presby- Gowdy be a committee to go and in -
John Jardine of Gorrie spent Sun•
terian church here, and on Tuesday ,,,act and if they considered it advis- day anhe home of Mr. R. McIntosh.
Rev. D. Perrie of Wingham and Rev. evening Lime -light views were shown able to have it straightened. Moved Frank Mitchell of Wroxeter has
J. Ross of Brussels exchanged pulpits in the church. The roeeede are to a in amendment by Messrs. Gowdy
Last Week's on Sunday Inst, o p g and Spotton that the Council be a been engaged in building a chimney
towards the repairs of the basement, comtnittee as a whole to look into the for Albert Gallaher, A 4W
The masons and carpenters have cam- matter. The Reeve voted with the Miss Fanny Longley left on Mon -
Advertisement ,was a trade winner, plated their contract of the new Presby- 1. amendment and declared it carried.
terian church at Bervie. By-)aw No, 11 to borrow money for day last for Chicago, where she in -
We were very much pleased with Knox church, Stratford, will support Belgrave. current expenses was passed. tends to spend the winter,
results. All who calve in received a missionary in the foreign field ata Jay Clegg shipped a car load of The Reeve was authorized to have T �j
the benefit of our cut prices. We cost of $1,200. Mr, Davidson, a graduate cattle to Toronto this week. repairs made were
the Township Han, Mr. g Palmer is at present busy ij'a ��� a Watch From
know the only way to became ac- of ]Knox college, has been chosen. Accounts were passed amounting to drawing roots to the place he lately
uainted is to et the p Miss Robinson of Vancouver, B, C„ $386.48, purchased from Mr, McDougall.
C! g people to A Farty•hour Devotional service spent Monday with Mrs, W. g, Council then adjourned to meet
come in and see us, 'We'll treat began on Sunday last in Wingbam Whaley, again on the third Wednesday in Wm. Musgrove of Gorrie, and Mrs.
'them so as to bring them back Catholic church, ending on Tuesday. November, in the Tp. Halt, Gorrie, R. Musgrove of Toronto, spent Sun -
again. Rev. J. A. Hanlon was assisted by Rev. Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Whaley spent L. WALTER, Clerk, day last with their aunt, Mrs, J. Gal-
Pin Of Goderich.
c Clinton and Rev, Stan. Sunday sbo Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Bruce saber. PATTERSON Have you been in2 We have lap of GOderich. of Londesboro,
some interesting bargains in China, Last Sunday and the revions Sun- Mr. and Mrs, Win. Jobb of the 10th
All goods, including the NEW day special collections were taken in We are very sorry to hear that Mrs, East Wawanosh. concession of Turnberry, and Mrs.
GOODS, at a discount of 20 per Wing�amPresbyterian Church for im- R, Stonehouse is very iii at present Mr, Alex. Leishman, who has been Tribe of Manitoba, spent Sunday at The Je►i`i[7-eivct�w
Cent. We also have some Extras provements. The amount contributed with pneumonia, very ill, is improving, the home of Wm. Weir, ,1 1r 1r1
in Fresh Groceries. Remember, was $26tale We are informed that $1000 Mrs. Chas. Birnep of Exeter -is at Mrs. Geo. Westbrook visited friends �
� was the amount desired. `�
we guarantee anything we sell. present visiting her parents, Mr, and in Goderich last week, io
The specialservices are being con- Mrs, Rich. Stonehouse,
3 pkgs Vim for ........ . ...... . .... 25c tinued in the Methodist Church this Mr, and Mrs.. R. Corley spent[best
A S T�% ; R S'
t3 Pearllne.................... 25c week. Next Sunday the Quarterly Chas, McClelland Jr, has returned Sunday with Morris friends,
2 Shredded Wheat......,.... 15c Sacramental services will be held,' from a visit to Manitoba and reports Mr, WesleyAG�r7CY Because he has the largest Steep
" Silver Gloss Starch.......,, 25c commencing with the usual Lovefeast having had a goad time, Quinn is the guest of n
4 lbs, Choice Dates ................ 25c at 9.45, followed by the preaching ser- friends at Parkhill at present, not,
you a Turnip Pulper? If choose from. Our watch
3pkgs Blue for .......... ,......... 10c vice at 11 a.m. At the close of th- Miss McGillivary, graduate of the Mrs. Rantoul of,Fullarton is visiting, see our Conclave Cylinder to
3 cans Gillette Lye..,-. ............. 25c morning service, there will be a Re- London Hospital, has returned home her daughter, Mrs, Thos, Lever. per before buying elsetivhere. �,
China Butter Dishes .............. 2iic ception service, and all who wish to after nursing Mrs. Munshaw through 1VIr, and Mrs, fi, Masons f you will be needing anything stock has never beer so Cont --
China Cups and Saucers, nicely join the church are invited to be her illness. pent Sun -the line of Farming Implements?
gilled„',.,,.,,,,.,- 20c present, day with friends on the 5th Line. Machinery for the corning sea• Ie'te' ryS. it l this year. YY (,'
Mrs. Munshaw. who is at the home ,
Rev. Dr. McLareW, Presbyterian Miss Nellie Anderson of Dundalkplace your order early and
These are ail Special Prices of her brother, Dr. McAsh of ,Belgrave, the best, t Watches
and good for one week only. sHn°ria Mission
fim es Secretary,
ar seals ent,%elt that the
' ,thou ]� was the oast of the Misses NetheryMasseyHarris goods are leaders keep* all Ands of tr at�'iltes and
y, pp y is quite on the convalescent Iist g I� e'e •
quate this season. In the Synod of not able to be out, g last week. rywhere, �T
British Columbia there are 13 fields gent for the I£emp Alan tire SII grades. The best of SII 1,5 ---
Mrs. Ge°, Henderson has returned +
�� &Mberqor_ fl toba nt supply, th the Synod to Mani- a. tribu�or, Il tuba and the North-west Territories 16 home after visiting with friends ine also handle the Wm. Gray
fields are vacant. Unless they can be Bluevale. Hensail. Son's Buggies and Cutters -
Rev, W. H. Geddes °£ Ailsa Craig versally acknowledged to be the h
filled, these 29 mission fields will have Quarterly services were held in the g and most durable to be had, U(jl1] j1pCt �j1p �j�t{
to forego religious services for six Methodist church, Bluevale, on Sun- will preach in Calvin church on Sun- ~ u i1VU1J !V Right
(Tudhope's old stand, Wingham) months.
day Oct. 25. The day was fine and day at 2,30, ALF. GLOVER
Last Sunday's services in the Metho. the attendance large. The pastor Mrs, A. Youn who has been visit- � AGENT
dist Church were very profitable. Dr, g P g' ;,,," - W i N G H A M •" -. .. , ... . ,
NOTICE, --The question is how can Gundy preached two vory impressive Preached from a John 3:2, and was as- )ng her son James, �viII leave for the ..,.,,.,x,.,.,.,.,8;20
Robb. Mclndoo loan his money so sermons, to large and attentive con• slated in the service by Rev. W. W. West next Tuesday, F
,y���� ��cheap on notes and mortgages. Call gregations. Dr, Gundy stands very high Leech of Toronto, The official meeting Mra. Samnal Walsh who has been� d�j,�(�(�,
in the estimation of his congregation. tian, on Monday afternoon was well attend- visiting friends in the vicinity of REAL E
' His sermons are plain, but earnest a ,.....Tb rNe,,,..,
1 P ed and very harmonious, Landon, has returned home, $TATE BUYER
an see. Mc NDoO pis ser sof the very pith of the gospel,
and cannot fail to be edifying to the stere Located
congregation, The young people of the vale circuit has been undergoing ex- Gee and Jas, If YOU Want an up-to-date Present in SILVER -
church The Ebenezer Church on the Blue- Misses Lizzie Menzies and May 14dc- No Matter w
are very fond of 'their aster, A g g Menzies visited friends in ' ' �-
P tensive repairs, and was reopened on Bayfield and Clinton last week. I ani sero I can save yon some nioneq,
and he takes a very active interest in Sunday, October 18th. Rev. A. E. WARE CHINA or NOVELTIES, we have it.
the .work b£ the Leagues and Sunday unless the crecumstanoas under which you ,
School, Jones of Belgrave preached to large F ❑ To the Ladies, Ever buy are very exceptional. No matter what
l i I~REE l FREE l y y kind of a property or business you want, write
and interested congregations both in Bluevale is invited to IV.
StorO victili331uet
The report submitted last week at the ma or call on me before closing a doss.
Baptist Convention in Owen Sound, the afternoon and evening, The vale, or to C, T3, McClelland's Store, Beli crave, I can and shall'make It profitable to you
to receive a sample package of REXALL to buy throu
showed a total Of 2,052 baptisms in on church has been painted outside, and HoueoiioTd DYE'S. q gh mo, My extensive advertis-
N tarso and Quebec, a decrease of 140 over These Dyos will Dye Wool, Cotton Silk, {ug kegps ine constantly In touch with ro-
z 1V ; painted and papered inside. The ef• p �/ / teioson
the previous year. There was however, Jute or m{Ted goods. They are the latest party owners in Query part of the country, and
an increase in church membership, the #cot is very beautifal and the members improved Byes fu the world, I can find exactly the report
t a of the congregationW, Msssrii Bluevale Ont. Fat
and C, B. vie- q p y you want in a
I number of .members now being 44,319, are delighted with CLa nnNn, I3elgravo, ant„ Soio Agents. very short limo,
Compared with 43,04.0 last year. Three the improvement. Wm. Stoneman of rg,*_ Watch
= ,�
\1„ associations --the Eastern, Guelph and Hensall had the contract, The cost MUt riS. CLYME MAGUI]RE [ h j/�/ Doctor,
Owen Sound -lost in membership,Real Estate Ag
The Petbrboro' association had lar vas met by Subscription without the
g usual teameeting, Miss Laura Fear is much improved
1p ��T," gains. The church lost 606 members in health, O(Kce--Upstairs In V'amtono Block: �
during the year by erasure and 147 by
Opp. Queens Hotel Wingham
exclusion, Ono hundred and fifty-two R. McLeod finished threshing in this
r-- churches reported not a single baptism locality last week,
;t„l 'i • . 1
7 _ coAv,t i I during the Year. The repot suggested Grey
r$1 " that discipline should be exercised more Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Spotten of Wrox-Frank Kelly arrived home from
carefully. There was a very marked Star visited at the home of Geo, John. Cypress River, Man., last week, " n
advance in church contributions for the Mr. Aleft, McCall, sen., has been very r»I'jln
V(jur Needs year, $41.6,515 being raised for all pur. Ston on Monday.
Poses. This represents a gain of 24,060 The Rev. Pentlatd of Bethel circuit Poorly lately, but is slowly recovering.
over the previous year, occupied the pulpit In Roe's church Ross Stubbs'sale on Friday was well Hunter's EXCUiSioni
1' last Sabbath morning. dais discourse attended enc# everything realized a PROM ALL STATIONS
Stationery AUC'l,I4lY SA1;E E(}Z$'pEg. u'as highly appreciated and we hope goad price, ,I `
to have Mr. Pentland with i s again in N. I''latt has moved from BeJgrave gbani, Toes- * 1 i Y ' • r t . MARKETS Sharbot Lake, Windsor, win 1 1Yi �t y�T
water, bweli Sound, and lnterincdiate stittions qS
Can be supplied at this - Saturday. the near future. to to Wilson farm, 5th line, now .
y Oct, 31st,--�-At lot 8 Cob. awned b Alfred J. Lows 419013amilton to stations Mattawa to Nipigon Ir t +r
Store to your entire satis- 10, township of Morris, farm stock and Quilting bees are ,all the rage now y and Oarden tzlver, inclusive, Kipawa and HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS. WINGIUM h1ARICruTs
faction. Try- us and See, implements; all will be bald as the on the 2nd, Last Friday Mrs,,John Mr, and Mra. D. Farquharson re Timiscaiiiinx, on OCT081ai2 inti TO NbV�
Proprietor has rented his farm and is McEwen treated the ladies to one; the tired to thein , new residence in Bea• ISM812P, Sth, Inclusive and to Havelock to Flour�ier 100........ _ $1 85 to $2 40
NOW Shades and Colorings _ removing, C. IiaCriiltnn, auctione8r; h bot Lake, inclugvo, on October 24th t0 g Fall wheat per bush new 77 to 77
in Society Stationery..... Robt. Cockerline, proprietor, work being completed early, the rest forth last week, Their son, James, is Novambtr 5th, Inclusive, Sln la Rate #or file Flound Ttip Oats ver bush, , ...... 0 28 tO 028
wa of the evening was spent very pleas. left to work the farm, Froin sta'tians in Canada, I3roakrnla and Barley per bush.,..,, ,. 0 60 to 0 40
Large Variety of office Wednesday, Nov. ll,th,-�.A.t lot 21), gi,tl Sqn t�'est, Inoludin 9usp4nsion r;ridgo, Niagara Yeas per bush ,.,..,,.» • 0 60 to 0 a0
Stationer Con. 14, Tp, of fiunett, farm stock, y' Miss 11deLyhail, who itas been visiting g1e Fa#8 Eor Round 'Grip l+alis, I;ixifalo, :v. v„ to Bran
1' ' ' .. . " , thoroughbred Durham cattle and 40 The new shed at toe's church is in hor uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Mt Tlokots valid for return until December ... ' - ' , • . • • • » .. » , . IS 00 t° goo
School Stationery and thoroughbred Leicester sheep,,leas C erz2th, The Highlands 0# Ontario. Shorts ..,,,,.>,,,, ,,,,,,20 00 to 20 ()0
all course bi erection this week, We are a Callum, returned to her home in Iiuron Muskoka Lakes Ulstritt, Lake o 'Chop.. • .. • . • • . » • • ... » .. • 1 25 to 1 25
Suppliew in abundance,.,. Without reserve, C. Hamilton, gue' COutit 11A1c or writs satyr nCarest Canadian PaciRa nbtowan TtivOr, Lake Nipis i t Bayo, n fey r. , . , ..
t►oneer; John Barr, proprietor. pleased to see this move taken, ae it ib yi Michigan, on yaturday. North 13av in p H ng• Severn o • • . , . , . , . T 00 to 7 Co
Rave you triad aur leader in Lead a
step n901 for copy, of Fishing and Shooting" and dints air Y.snadit [ve, Lindsay to 11411barton, d3itttelc per 111, „. „ . , , , 0 17 to p 17
- p in the right (direction, and was Wednesday of this week John Budd At&litlo xy., llalny Lako to Eggs . , . , ........
g y sportsman s M4p," Luka dct1it, on (;,1', R H4veloek to sharbot ] , , 0 17 to,,, 0 17
l?encils� called "Cloaper's Book much needed, as the present Sheds are and family, wall known and worthy A. �1. NOTMAN , inclusiv,6 Ord .,.........,
fori�tx�rigis,. , ..... , 012 to 4 13
and a will
1igive if not,COYne in lob small for the neCes6ary acC41niti6- residents of the 3rd sibs, moved to AoistautGlenoralPmNengerAgant ilood (401119 Oetobdr Wit to POtatoew per bush (naw) 0 25 to 8o
2;leacoii,--;:n East 1Wawanawh, on Oct, .
and we will give you i sample, 27th, Mrs, H. Deacon, a son. datigsl, Brussels where they purpose snaking ° Xing St. Vast, Toronto, November 5th, Inelusive.,...,, Alrples per bag ? 0 35 to +1 40
They arts the heel, value in Canada Shipman - Ah Mount Rase, Fenn., On Sunday, tvliilA Mr, dJonald 141e• their liamL, xlielr old neighbors wish Hides per 117C1 lbs. , , ..., , Li Ob to l3 b0
. _
letoher 10th, Mrs, H, l4. Shipman Donald' wife and; two little bb s were them many ha Pallitts on t;aT7 Odtobdr 0th to 2Jay. 0th J.am)i skins ,.,,,, 0 30 to () 40
to points an C. I . R., lila,ttawa to Nlp{gan Dreamed hO w
- Y4rdCrs taken here for the (ties Milts Mary ,Ritchie) of a won. °{ i y ppY years. and. mdmTskamin . tC • • • • , • , , • 7 iHT to 750
C111I131'D1A3 C<L0131,.,., going to church, their horst, took The C,P,.U. surve'in . contingent ��� � anAL4rdon Ilivdr, inclusive, aT$a ltipkw4 Livelibgtt,,,,,,,,,,1 a50to fr7C
f ;>rAlzTilAb s. fright at a large stone an the roadside. numllerin 0 Hien g g "* T, TWItF s VAUD nBTUltY11�(1 "Callow, por ib, 05 to G}
fi r were at work across r r (I 7 (1It BLNOItTa DEC, 12iit for darlt0r •» •, .,..,,
At St, Fiauls Rectory, by 1Zev. 'grit, The buggy vwAw upset and the occHughu• Morris last week runni 1H� Wool ..........:.... .... 10 to 18
and r from I,aka tioint$ if navlgatlort Close$ befora 10hickens per Pair.. , . , , 40 to 75
Lowe, eo October Mil 28th, Jas, . IMA7, ants thrown to the round but not line in connection with ng a +"' ..e DCe,12th, i603; So
(�'�} - 1i.obertsan to Milissa Leah ,Finlay, P g proposed (� Ducks per pair .,.,,,.... 00 to 81)
(0*0 P COe - both of Wingball), sexi°ust hurt, Mt. P �l "� �� ,. �� u1'0$`Ing � 'Turkey, (let- Ili...... .... 10 to 11.
y 113e11onald re• i'auiefar the much talked of 0, R, fit. IV rite for liandsamdliliistratelibook ant!tied GeesS, eriii.,,
NSAIN19. calved ASlight 1njtlry on one Ankle, 'theyhavebeenWorking•alongthe 7th (5V60300000 atI�auntsotFt9tinirdGlalitn, gitingall lnform• p »»•w•»• ,» Oto 07
and little Alex', a t`ort*$- on pertaining tri amd law$, the reaiond to
11C eS oil t0 AIM ROSS Smith -Tri lt.atwt Wewanawh, on Satur• gash in the fbrebead, and 8th lines thiol are not giving much ptiad- curls ga to, snap$ and ate ilarticuTars. copy $0nt
day, October ,Sarah Jane Smith, Which was drowsed by a physicfarl, information As tb Where they are a� i fly � Asadre l y fostiiate on +ppllc4ttaii to TORONTO STOCK MARKET.
Aged � gears, �"he bll Kee,e
ggy was b>tokao some, �• D. MCDONAW -. going, toned» - 7etl tl,iara at. rUist Vor full and acCnratb :market to.
iintial T OAONT4i !1N't . >io)$tr1ti61y'a$40190 Agsttb, "1'bt'G1ito.
iib lee wecarsd palgl5,