HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-29, Page 7I � — I V...O...""I. - � , , , - . , I ... . �. I . . 11 .. I I.., . . I.". ­ ­­ .1, I I I .. .. � -1. � ­... ­ I . . 11 � � I I I . . � ­ I I . - . � - .. . . I . ­� � , ^"� I . I . '­ . I . . I I � � I I - . 1. . I � . - � - . --- ___Omm ________._!_.,_ _ 4 — 1. I I to"- . .1. I— . , I - I - I ___ — , ___ — � V-A R , �, "� ,ft 6 , , i ot. 3,01, bufficlontly oduoute(I to i,bq "a '00' , ,,,,,,,, e�bt,1111010dt�l� 1�11;JJQII,1`111 � I I I ' lij,1.11's �.14U 'so A Me , ,d�an� ,a , � I I I Q -, I, wall BIG H100 . I ' I The question of the, Part PA"11AAE r 0 u uto � Arat aunoulAued, Ieaml unitod. states, 4" C*ntell' the mall) points nave been fully a= talned �� NT own d,�qaglont,18 11, CANADIAN- COMMISSION Canal waw fairly dt,,111,0a tm,, b lo�t : 11 t the Mr. ebamborl"In's tr and ,,;lit 0 0 - all Rlis admirable orga,litzatlon lias a ill, N, ehoogh�olrstjlAolwero with tll6sjn�tod beet, at work." I Stalo", I `;11vo` tr 11 4blitty Q1 the 'It I 10,111, sallamt 'Cc 131111 w toll . In the Intw Ity na I I Ole Alo to, 11111� wal Gat .14 Ili;" 44011gorul . triblinal to qu�atl Ifnialoo to be done by.gr. Vhl%MbOr- MS ' ontro inn THE KIM'S SPEECH`* 100 MISSING W111 STATES ITS REASU lll 0 Idcnoo - aclu, got all she C,,�>u,,,,Iltl,,,al",6"tlw,,,L,t.hcaauny, lain's follower% but It ' reason expected, and will no doubt ­ I— -------- - - co ­­ � I. I to time W reconciled to Its Wisdom, to afford it trufitwoj�.til�i'e'l'n'dol,Qt'�4tol'o�n Court Decision.Throws 16,0100 1, the nationlo 1,11141 verdict 10 - If the co-litrovers likely to, be. I ' - ' a' "vl;a decided It probat.%'r"'w',')u'l'd'wb"tt"ye,'t "" . , . , , Signing the Alaska Ill fruitful source or very aolltotl�,,'-': Close, of a Long and Very Bus Y Tvochroillelo says the Leamington Men Out of Work, For Not values peace and � � , r ­ - were received b7 tbe Veneer- — bles. No man " ho 1V`u`t111V11e101 In blank astonishment. The � the friendly rellationa, which should I result Is 4 . rebuff to 11) , Of tile I exist between wrob. closely allied and o to W4 J� Boundary A.Wdrd. Session of the House. Government, an(%- rurti(l urioalrlolyy . . IrIndred countries should, when the . I Qf4imberialn, I I Captain and Crew of Five first feeling of (IlsappoIntmont has in Will. We Tolegrarb doelareq that 00. assed fail to rojoloo at the fact that - Tho, loagno-4 session ill the blato 1 - common .railway 111911w&Z, fro � . # P.n R.qOd Frnm WrApk London Cable —2-20 P.m,�VIille ell. , sixth question no an- this in I utter ha,s been determineW of Canaaa was prorogued at 11 O,'-4 ulpeg to tile Maritime p6rta of Can, UO was t;wor af;ex; the 1711111tllquc,111�101111'tlou had I ada, It will be the of my Mials- tI, Crossed copy of Alaskan award ' Wen answered Ili the affirmative, I�Ifty Not ("boose Pori. Sillipsoll. clock b,y,,Lord Minto, Parliament met ad Im dla'( -Va , I � tors to proca modately With tile signed at 2.10. The Canadians de, 190yelith Ion. Answer,—The lqr. C. M. laays, ifecond Vice-Presl- on Murolt :L20, so that tile sesjulon llcccso4ry� surveys so that'the work fe to at Pe ellned to olgil the award as previous. majority of"11,10110 tribunal have 80- (lent aud General Manager or tile has lasted seven calandai, months, of colistruction of that portion of lyj ca.bled. I looted the line peaks starting at Grand Trunk Railway, said last night and nearly, two weeks. For over two the line which extends from Mane- W . I Ullat th" Stfiltea (ietsl the head of � Portland Channel and to tile Alontreal correspondent of the months there have been forenoon ult- ton to Winnipeg, be prosecuted with Q ,Londoa Ca.bie — The mountain running along the high mountains, Globe tb&t tile change In the Alai;k4 tings of the Rouse. � and the general a ssIble speed. do . I . 11 r. line Adopted as 'tile boundary.. lieu on tife outer -edge of tile mount- boundary would ha,ve, no effect In, the thing was to sit until early, ill the Th`Q0 act authorizing the transfer , so, we from the. coast as to give tile aivs, shown on the maps of survey selection of the terminus of the I oronoon of the powers heretofore excrolood I United States substantially all the made in .1S93, extending to Blount Grand Tyun% Pacific Railway, Port following morning. This J Railway Committe I e of tile t prorogation took place with! the usual V the W territory in dispute. The line OOm- Whipple, and thence along whp,tis oil tad not, lie said, been defl- coramonles, Lord Minto delivering - prlv,r Council to a permanent board Sluips . pletely clears all tlie bays p6lid In- known as tlie Hunter line, of 187S. nitely ebose-n Circumstances plight the following speech I rom the throne- of commissioners, who: will ba,ve HUP- lit lots a4d means of access to tile sea. crossing tile Stikine River, about ltill" w1doll would make it advisable Ottawa, Oct. 24.—II-Ionorable eon- reme control over the administra- from the Portland Canal to Mount twenty4our miles from its mouth, to choose some Other location. There tlemen of the Senate, Gentlemen a, tion of rallwayis of Canada, -will It if' . at� aas, Around the bead at tile thence northerly along tile high were three possible termini w1thIn a that House of Commons-, no doubt be hailed with much satis- Lynu Canal the line follows tile peaks to Kate's Needle, from Kate's stretch of about a hundred miles of In relieving you from further at- faction. .1 I I 5 . watershed somewhat In accordance Needle to the Devil's Thumb. -Tile coast line, viz., Port Simpson, ,Kitl- tendance after an unusually long and Ro2rd of Coll) tilissiollers. with $he present provisional bound- tri.bunal stated tiYal, therewas not may Alvin and Bellacocia, an one of laborious session of Parliament, I . ary. sufficient evidence, owing to the Whicb, might yet be the extrIle We3t dealre to convey to you my best TbG difficult task of readjusting I Uouldn't Stand lbr It. , absence of a complete survey, to end of the new rallway. Air, Bays thanks for the assiduity you have the representivo of the people In the D Identify th'o mountains which car- was confident that the presence of shown In, the disc.-zarge of your 'du- House of Commons In accordance q Loudon, Oct, '�P,.--124.1. P. m,-111 I rospdud to ,those intended by the American islands in the vicinity ties. Tile, session now closing will with the British North America Act consequence of tb;o a . tUtude main- treaty. Thfs contemplates a fur- would not affect the choice. on, a basis not open to fair criticism tallied by the Canadian conimls- I.------- — ln , not only 0 has been accomplished In a manner tiler survey of that portion by tile Its great length, but also for ll,ro slopers. Lord, Chlef i'llatice Alver- two governments, From t1fo vicIn- niany useful and Important measures that I trust will prove satisfactory stone decided this morning not to Ity of Dovil a Thumb tile lines run that have been, enacted, all tending to the electorate. - . A itbld the propo5od public meeting oW to -the continental w1aters' here, WSH HOUNOM MHO - 1,L) advance the prosperity of the rAne of' Strainers thle Alaskan Boundary Coin allool') n, thence through White and T.alya, eduntry. The unprecedented namber TJie subsidy granted by Parliament but to bund its decision to Messrs, or Chilcoot Passa, westerly to a , of 13rivate and public bills that have for tile establishment of a line of Foster and SUton, respective agents mountain, indicated on the map =O,presented during the past ,steamers affording direct connectlon 0 Of tim American and Canadian Gov- attached to the treaty. United States Papers Figure may be taken as an evidence %vIth France w�ill, I haver every rea,uoi. 6 " _ ,e rnments. The Canadian commis- Alverstoue's Explanation. of the great Industrial development to believe, result in a, largely ircreas- ks Arnioners ndt only declined to sign Special opinions were submitted t . that is going on throughout -the Do- ed trade with that country. L . tUD awArd. but Said they would 0 on 1huir Losses, J publicly witildraw from tile cOm- tile tribunal on the second and fifth minion. A steadily expanding revenue - Natavalization of Aliens. .1 s well as all tile questions by Lord Alverstone, Bee- .. . has enabled my Government not only, The amendments to the law relat- - mission. Thley, a to materially reduce tile debt of the _ Canadians connected with tile case, retary Root and Senators Turner il zation of allonji a are very bitter. Telegrams from and Loage, which will forw� glart of LONDON WEEKLIES ON AWAHD Dom"flon'but ULOD to submit I or your will havo. the effect or removing the L Premier Laurier and other promin- the record, and In which t rea- approval numerous grants for use disadvantages under which Cana- i Was - fill public works In addition to lib- ent persons in Canada allow. that for their conclusions are ex Nciv� York, Oct. 27.—UW Tribune eral subsidies for the extension Or dIans desirous of returning to their p this sentiment Is shared generally plained. As tile Associated Press has - nutIvo, land have hitherto labored, - a, throughout the. Dominion. been officially Informed that Lord h&9 tile following special from Wash- our railway system, which con- and will also materially facilitate a . ,am- ington : �3st o��tl- tributes so largely to,the clovelop- the naturalization of- the niany set- W canada's 1hiterest sacrificed. . A.Iverstone and the American C According to the b, ent �,* our country. � raissioners rely upon tbese opinions w&tes obtainable from the official In- in tiors, seeking homes in Manitoba and U London Cable — Messrs. JOtte to answer the criticisms of the formation so far Ili possession of tile Tho Gr.tnd Trunic Paelle. the Territories. and Ayleswortiv, the Canadian com- Canadian members of the tribunal, View Zf tile flow of imial uto 11 In gra Gentlemen of the I -louse of Columolls: L missioners., An a statement of their these opinions assume more than a State Depa-rtmeut, the United States now beekIng homes In Manitoba and I thank you for the liberal provI '� I reasoliv for refusing to sign tile legal and technicai interest. Lord Al- apparently loses' about one-sixth of in the Nortliwast Territories, and of slon you have made for the public I award. SAY tbOY consider the find- verstone, in dealing with the second the territory it claimed in the dis- the rapid Increase of products, re- service. I ( Ing of the tribunal regarding tile question, recites his reasons for be- ted region of Alaska. Tale ter quiring facilities to reach the mar- Honorable Gentlemen of tile Senate , Islands, at the entrance of Port- Iloving that the entrance of the Va r1tory urope, via Canadian parts, Gentlemen of the. House of Coin- I land Channel, and the mountain Portland Channel was at 54.45 north iost, I.owever, is comparatively or 110 and In order to promote the settle- mons, . , line, is not a judicial one. Tlfey add' latitude. Lord Alverstoue says: "In- value, as It is a,long the extreme Ili- ment of the great areas of agricul- In taking leave of you, may I ex- t ,,We urged our views as strongly , asmueb as the questions submitted land line and not important from tural, m1neral and foreat lands still press the hope that the sacrifices you as we were able., but we have been to us, only Involve the determination ' , " untouched in the older provinces, mYj have been called on to make by an compelled to witness the sacrifice at tile channel described in tile treaty any Point Of vl&lv, Gitllcl.. from that 0 or tive Interests of Canada, We by tbB words Ithe channel called tile of navigation or for ni'meral re- Ministers considered It essential to attendanco7 on tills protracted sea I quent history source, As the line agreed on Is a, obtain alltIlOL-ity from Parliament for slon may be rewarded by tile reflec. Nvore powerless to prevent it, Portland Canal' oubse fixed Ill the construction of a second trans, tion tha,t your labors have been pro- , tirougn satxstied that the course, can throw no light upon this ques- compionuse und iiecobaarlly continental rallwa.yl the eastern dt- ductivo of great benefit to the Do - which the majority was deterinin- tion, 'but I think It right to say that naute at tile last iffornent, all its vision of which should serve as a minion ? , , I ed to pursue in respect to -the the use in i853 of the name 'Port- points axe not clear to officials of matters above specially referredto land Inlet' in the British Admiralty the, Coast and Geodetic Survey, who ___.- _ -.-----.. ______ _. - ____ _________ - - ___ � ., � ___ - ____ - ignored the Just rights of Canada." charts, upon which the United States are familiar-witii the claims or the ' much relied, has In my opinion lit) Wilted ;S�Lateu and Canada, and who . Canadian Collalalssi011er-3 R,vPia'n bearjpg oil the question. I thereby have all tile 'mountain peaks uum- THIS YOWNG FARMER WAS 'INLRVY )Jj�_,L.mdon Cable — Messrs. Jette and answer the second question as fol- bored and charted with precision. Tile I Ayiesworth, tho Canadian ­,Ommls- .OWS: ITh! t!'-annel which runs north line, a,s it is figured out from the -, -.,— _____ - ____ sloners, made a statement regard- ,)f rearso and Wales Islands and the cabled award.. is approximately 850 �, Ing the award, as follows: Islands of Sitklan and Kanagliunut miles long. It Is to be fixed for all' Novel -but ziuccessful Mode of Stoppineg a rrho decision of the Alaska, Ilouil- and issues Into 'the Pacifia between tIMB by Tile erection of monumentv. 114 dary ,tribunal has beengiven, and In Wales Island and gltklan Islancl." Manse monuments will be placed at ' view of its character the people Of . dIstanaps varying from one mile to � � Canada are, in our JudlEniont, entitled Thu Word ,, Coast." five allies apart, according to the 1 Runaway. to suc.h e --planation from us as will oil the vital clucatioll, No. 5. J,ord nature of tl.e territory, These monu- - . alriablo them to,comprehend fully the ' the AlverBtone submits seven priniced ments will be a, Iron, if , policy - London, Oct. V27.—A young farmer The hill at this point seemed to rilanner in WhIch their Interests have Among other things 'he salym: adopted with reference to the North-' who was returning to Welitminster check tile 4Veoa of tile horse. very We take up -tile Pages- boundary is followed. I i little and the driver recognized t -bat been dealt with. "in my. olidillon it is correctly point- weat Territory tile city with a young lad points of the decision Ili the order ed out on behalf of the United . States Tale survey and erection of those: Iron' Y I comething inunit be done. As the 11, which they were presented by the that the word 'coast' in an ambigu- monunientig ar mplished I the other day, (lid a trick which en- horso was making swi*Zt bounds to - treaty under which the tribunal was oua term. There 19, ,%a far as I knows under the direction of a joint BeIL-11- - titles him to ,honorable men�tion wards the top the'llian rose in the , constituted: . rule of 'International tific commission, or which the Amer- I among men who have presenbe of buggy and dellborat-Oly jumped over First—The Portland Canal—There no l'6cO9ui`od capileation give loan members Will be selected frocu the dashboard onto the horse's back. I are two channels, parallei'Witli each Jaw which would by) Ji to the word the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and' mind and bravery to back It 111) with. This made the animal more furious, . m I a recognized meaning other, with TGUr Islands ,between icoast? as applied to such sinuosities undoubtedly headed by 0. n. Titt- Ifust as the Lehigh express, which and it redoubled its speed. The young them. The Canadian contention was Iner of that ser-rica.-Thlo­work generally gets in -to London about 12 follow !).r?vo,d to be a good rider, that the northern channel should and such waters different from the mall, a r 'an lie ;gradually pulled be adopted. The United sta4tes coo- coast Itself. After a most careful la to begin, under the terms of the Welook, was pulling out, the farmer I howeve . ion, I am unable to find treaty, "at once," but Is likely to last himself ill) on the horsoI8 shoulders. . tended for the southern channel. On eXaminat e negotiations con- severw years. drove weskalong Railway street. He Then bo did the nervy part oll' tll( the result or tile decision depended aMY'll'assage In tb 1925 which I i had a horse that had not been thing. Taking a firni hold of the I tile possession of tile four Islands-- nected with tile treaty of One Mime Betrayal. � tipper part of the horse's neck lic., SitkIan, Wales and supports the view that Great Britain Jiltelled up vary often, and the anl- I .Kanniaghunut, t After was directly oil indirectly putting London,, Oct. 27.—Wlilif the oxcep- alai 'became frightened, started. mild i deliberately awnug himself over and Poarse. When the tribunal me a the shares or tion of tile Saturday: Review, the under its front feet. People who saw the arguinout and considered this forward a claim t of the Inlets. I weekly papers in their comments on reared as the train passed. It made I the runaway thought that 'the young .question. the -view of the three Bri+,. parts at the heads y to express the the decision of the Maska Boundary several breaks to get away, but the IoVoiv would surely be trampled to rs was thk tile Cana- have, felt It nim dut: young man alloweci Ills good liorge- possessed rernarkablf fall commissions: reasons which led rn� to the conclu- Tribunal adopt fairly, Impartial views manship, And succeeded Ili keeping i death. , He and keeping liti y un" , . t hough than ,coutention was absoluteL - along to which I I have come, that auddeclino to believe that Lord Chief the animal 4o -*n tile road until the bit , strength suddenly answerable. A memorandum was pre tile answer of h question ,Justice; Alverstone was actuated by broke and the couple were left in ' body tense, he in Some way ed and read to the commissioners, betwcen those or the r . - I because other thaln honorable and judicial �11�dylng our vi�wg, and showing should be Ili the affirmative the buggy apparently unable to help put Ills 1898 Lam constrained to, take a view con- mothes, or that lie was guilty of the themselves. 1 horse and tripped It tip. Tile animal it to be beyond dispute that tile trary to that presented on behalf breach of faith charged agai�st him. : The borso then started o4t a terrific .: Want down bko a log, and the young Canadian contention. in this branch the pipe ' 1114111, Who bad. gotten out of the wa'y of the case should prevail, and that of Great Britain." The considera- The Saturday, Review, however, do- clip and turned towards tions urged on behalf of Canada," clares that "One more betrayal of Line road at the first corner it was 'upon his feet In an Instant, and the boundary should run to the. g 0 northward of the four islands named, continued Lord Alverstone, ,,strong the saine nature will strain the Im- reached. Several times the ocou- the nOxt wiis sItIt'll calmly oil th thus giving thom to Canada. Not. as they are in favor of a just -and Parini connection to the breaking pantB of the carriage had liarrOW horse's head as if nothing had I liap- . equitable modification or the treaty, point," and congratulates Mr. Chain" escapes from being thrown out, and , poned,. . standing these* facts the mei�- lt, in m,v opinion, enable one berlain upon big being out of the : when the maddeTied horse turned at . Not a strap was broken, and era of the tribunal other titan do nc onstruction tp- Government on such an occasion, - the d to go east the 1 neither man nor horse were injured giving to put a different a Pipe Line roa I I .. raelves, have now bigned, .1v . All the Weeklies naturallyi sympa- - - I In the least,. . i two of the islands, Kannaghunut and on the, treatYl , buggy ran on two wheels . I . meesils. Root, Lodge, and Turner thlae with Canada. I I I . . Sitklan, to the United States. These t opinions on The Spectator believes that after two islands are the outermost of the also submit long join . . Ing. lie was found Ili an unconsel- four. They com . mand the entrance of questions Nag. 1; and 5. Tile opin- momentary, expressions of annoy - the Portland Channel and the ocean ion on question No. 6 is a judicial ance, the Canadians, being a sensible . r1-nr%."ft%0WbC­-.9C---W0r3 I ,,,, tonditlon on tif,, stops or Dr. . o, to Port B.Impd6n. Tbeir loss axposition dealing with the conten- people, will realize that they: are as glv%4 Cotton's house, oil spadina avenue. pa'sa,ag tion or counsel on both sides, with much bound. by the docisicin as they d ed within a few who ly destroys,the strategic value would have, been had it been whollM I- NEWS IN B Ur minutes, to Canada of the Wales and Pearse thloregult: favorable to them. . � BeaconsfichIt WhO Was Ill Isla,nds. There Is, 113 our opinion, 110 ,,It in Impossible to resist tile con- . C94A4%%XCft4ftV%.%CN4%JC*1_496"42 Lady ts a Mrs. Maln,pfop, al - process 401 reasoning whereby the line , elusion that tile construction of tile Alaska 14,pi;jilains. many respoc thus decided upon by the tribunal can trc,dty now, contended for by Great Saturday Night: A lady reader of Judge Hodgins has ordered the though a most kind-hearted '%Va- be justified. It WAS never suggested P,rltaln is all alterthought, never oil- the front page Of Sa.turda,y Night - Kitty D.- returned -to her Owners. man, NvAs sli(awing one dav Sir Will. I by counsel In the couprae of axgumen t tertalned by any officer or -tile Brit— - se�ds me tbo following "Alaska, elli- ! Sir Charles and ,Lady Tuppoll have Vernon Harcourt around !ler house, tba,t such a line was possible. Either isli Cvovernmont during the life- I and calling file attention to tile . grams I - . I fr and. fly rob - the four lslr..Iidg betong to Canada, or tiluc of the makers of the treaty, Tile Lord gave and Lord Aiver- arrived In Montreal, am Eng, picture of a rather sCalAl belong 'to the United States. In the Lin(l which Q.riginated at least 60 stone hath taken &wa,y; blessed be Some Toronto dealers propose rals- ed lady oil the wcill of the library, . Ing tile price of milk to seven 'cents exclaimed" apologetically, ,lit award Lord Alverstone agrees With years after the treaty was signed." the, name of Lord Alveratone. l # - the United States Commiss'011ers , of Mr. Aylosworth Ila's The Eagle ina,y be expected to got a quart. I oughtn't to be here, I know, but divided, The opinion that the Islands should be t - t been turned in. the Lion's sharo; but It has taken Dr. Gideon Laroeque, formerly Ser- it's llothing to tile Venv i3 ,, that giving ttie two wllc�ah possesfi stratm ao N, 0 the Beaver's also. gmnt,at-Arms of the Quebec Legis- Dizzy has tip Ill Ills bodrown I lS,r egic value to the United States. %%ould 11mve Signed Anyway. It Uncle Sam would possess our IlatIve Assembly, Is dead, William Vernon Harcourt, witif a Second—The line northweIrd from Landon Cable — Senator Turnell, [And, lot lilni have ,our Waterways Prairie fires have caused enormous courtly bow, replied : "Tli 'it, madal", Portland Channel—Substantially, the Interviewed. by the correspondebt of t1kowlso; 11 lie gompol Ila to give him daina -goo in the cattle ranges West I can well believe." � Canadia n contention regarding tills tile Canadian Assoalate�d Press, said: a mile, lot us bestow upon him our and south of Mildleino Rut. ____ line was that there are mountains ,tW, are well satisfied With the Pacific coast Into the bargain. parallel with the coast, Within the &ward. I like Sir Louis J(3ttO and, The quality of arbitration is twice Mir, Almond Reid's saw, and allingle DIED OF WINE BATH. . meaning of the treaty of 18�25, aud Mr, Aylerworth, but I cannot see blessed; It blesseth Englund tba,t lullis at Flo%borol were destroyed by $tblalt the tops of such mountains Why they (lid not sign tile award. gives and ullein, Sam that takes. fire last night. Loss $5,000. . should be declared tile boundary, tile We AnierlcanS would have done so God save ilia King I But who will Tile King bau approveil tile a11VOInt- mountains nearest t1lb AM being ,,a(, wo, ,lost. Had I been! judge save Canada ? . nient of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand taken. Tlie United States contentioni I wiould have given' tile same verdict. Faithful are the wounds of a Doer ; as 11rItish A:nibassador to Wash - ,was thfat there are no mountaing I with. The but the hisses of a commission are Ington. parallel with the coast, within the There were facts to dea ,-- I ,at tile next thing 10 be done Is for Amerb deceitful. meaning of the treaty, and ti I(I Canadian surveyors to mark, Lord Alverstone, makoth a cheerful The SandwIch Town Council has boundar must therefore be fixed can, ar appointed Mr. George E. Stmeaton ,r,d,p th� lginal the It miles long between giver. (. . a late C- 0 provision Of the or no 1.20 'a povills Peako "Thou lahatt not arbitrate" Ili the Town Clerk In VI cc 01 tile . treaty relating to ten leagues, and Phtillm Glacier an nd safest commandment of all. 1-1. Ashdown. . R vrhiorj is not defined at present by last a 0 bo run a distance of three .miles E'ligland expects every commis- . Rev. C. 0. Johnston, of Wesley from thle share, Including In tile term the decision, I do not Anticipate sioner to do his Canadian. Church, Toronto, yesterday request- . ' sbore,' the heads of all Inlets, baysA trouble-" And now allicleth these throe: Ash-, c(I ladles to PLake off tilell, hato'dur. etc. Me tribunal finds that the Can- Tile Two CallRdlans. I burton, Alvoratone and Ayles-worth, Ing thd service.. . adian contention. Is correct,as to the Mr. A$Icswortai's career as Ono 0 and tile greatest of those Is Aytea- a 0 .k little ton-yeall-old daughter Of existence of tilb mountains within tll,o leaderr, of the Ontario Bar I t 0 worth. . . I of Niagara V al I a, wag tbb terms of thef treaty; but, the well known to require extended no, I . -1 George Brooka, fruits of victory have been taken. tice, lie Was born at; Newburgh, Ont., burned to death, her clothing catch - from Canada by fixing an, a moun- in 11154, educated there and at To- HOW A BRIDE WAS; JILTED. Ing fire from a. stove. taln; line a ro-%v of mountains AO far ronto University. Where he t6ok E.%cavations li� the contre of form the coa.st As to give tile United many lionors, and was admitted to — Hairy oille,,s is, Rome 11ave brought to light re- Agital !oil for Alor�, ItOA maing of it,ife Arapacls, it illonuniont States gubstantially the terrltorylil t1lo liar Ili 1878. In recent years he Germany. . 'Alopute. I has taken tile place of former Bar liamburg,.00t. .,'/.-Writing from a to pence set up in D. V. 9. I Official' I)Igest of Deoisloll. leaders like Mr. McCarthy and Mr. III De 1,1oreat's wireless telegraph ' 13. Ogler. suburb of Hamburg, a. fathbr of - system will Ila tried by tile Pritish Lou -don Cable � Following is am Sir Louis Jetto Is a former college vevoll unmarried daughters cOMWA1114 anthorlties betWN't) 11017 - official digest of the Alftskft, decl- frIpild of Sir ,jvji�rld Laurier, And ()Ila Lo 4), local paper that there to no Ile- POStOfficc Idon - , , offico Ill tivo district, aud , ifedd and How,til, near Dablin. of tile most eminent lawyers Of 'Auc- 6v,1,(AtrY,t ,,, necessary to go into 'ument's revenue The dabloloil of tlic, tributlAi is inahe bee. lie entered the 1101180 Of Can'- il % Zfe Xudlau GOV01 r) Upon angwdrFv tfl, tht- ptoven t1iloetinna ill s over thirty years ago, defoa,tm clilothet, part, of tile tow" to get mllr- from Ophlul 111119 Year Is -t 00,000 contained In the, trea.ty of ik011, con- me -a Cartier, and went on ,.led. . above tIfn estlin,%te. The Blanciluv- ,-4-,, 91tatill gtbe tribunal. . Ing Sir Geol`9 , lie hold Judicial A p1lort time Ago his oldest da%IgII4 ,all 91t.n.%tion qf,n,s raised the price tile Bench In 18T& A, and thd of ,tifo drug. ,r First � questlon.-Answor-1W line, of'rfc(� until 1,308, Whon lie became ter was about to be marrie eonlmencj�a'at 'Cape Muzoll. Lieut. -Governor Of C, an office father wab congratulating An .-Anarchist of the naluo Of questlob. till holds, Ills (11,10 Ilavi g ro- I I on getting One Of tile flook Blichael CrIstl Nv,as arrested In Rome Second -Answer - The tollr I= . of 110, q 11 off his hands. F riday. It Is believed ttIfIt 110 hat' Portland channel pftsses north cently been extended. ,Sir Louis Ilatte Of- ' PoMrSO and Wales IsItulda, and en" Ill sixt_v.-sevcn years of age. oil tbo ,wa,y to tile registry , made preparations for till fttt0luPt tOrg tho odown through Tongas PaS- I Ti. s. Coluinisgionrlri rleftsecl. rice, howevp Xing Vir,tor Eal- and T I ,%,, tile -bridegroom. found to assassinate Eftne, betWe . ell Wales hild Sltklan Senators Lodge 'urner salt I the Way too long and VlgitOd It res" Manuel. x8lands, I * on thoitfturant to get tome refrosliment. Thoniftit Grttngel', 05 St- Jftl"A' I Third queation.-Answer-A stralght for A;ow york to.mijrrow w-�Thoro 110 met some 01(l bacilulo"* venve, Voronto. 11',as A fractured line to the middle of the entrance at White istar 11110 rAeA.Tiler 0�dt R for friends, and Was finally persuaded td skull received by a fall of elght Tougarl passage. Sacob 11, DickillsOn %Vill F;tart give up Alt )doa of marriage and re. I P01irth question.- Answer - A lionie on Saturday` on tile American toot 430NVD an elovatot, ell'06ft lit tile Arafght line between Salmon and line Atoalllfl,r philadolphla, All tile hlqti% with 't."em' walthig throe William Rvall Company. Ile Is N ollers mild counsel Tale bride, after years of 40. Barr Rivers dIr"'t to tile 50th par. Americall e0111111198i hour,,,, Was OW190d to vctlirn woop- Alle, of latitilda. 0 ,caq satisfactioll At the award ' iting to libr rather's William powjel,k carpenter, Ter- '�'Ir. PlokID10-11 said: "Tile docl8lon Ing ana iamei led suddenly Saturday evell- 1"Ifthl qdeatioll.-AnsWertc! 11) 06 minus it husband. 1 i onton d , Affirm4tive. 6hould be very gratifying to tile house still cjcenl4eg have ayalt0JA �,"CiaSeLl UP - e opportunity of a,pPea � ling to I osar and had been handsomely de- I ated. Lea , 11, luilT01011111gln 11115" nd arly all tile ro 1. ,I �.Ingw=ll Chased a Dog With Dynamite ere Tory, rent peel, v, Radical, (a � :a Houfqe of Commons WItb Ilearly ' in its Mouth, uble the majority received b7 Ur. . yttelton ye sterdaly. . TUr Standard says; "The result Of. c - Dig Ztoao Gap, Va., Oct. 26-prol, it, Leamington cloctlon Is tile first - vloau rewards offered by W. D. arnilign that the country will not I Wexitze, brother of Edward L� Wentze, ve its food taxed." I t) a I lilladelplila millIonalre who , . Id'i"',allpe'ared elf Wednesday, Oct. 14, 10111 COLLEGE BURN III[O 1 not having brought forilk the (lokired , results, all rewards offered by'l). B. ' Wentzo have been withdrawn and I the follo-wing rewards offered by the ,. isastrous Sunday Niorning VirgInla Coal and Tron Company: First, If the parson or persons ,who 1. " Fire at St, "a harim. abducted Edward Lelnerlug W.entza, oil Weduead 1903, -will a"I'.01tic ,,,, - - re I y will be paid tura him LL THE PUPILS LbCAPtI, twenty five thousand dollars by tile Virginia Qoal and Iron Cimpany, 8,Lo- St. Cathai'Lnes, Oct. 25--0,1e Of the that has 00- and, a rc�%rard of thirty thousand dol - laraw.111 be paid by the Virginia Coal lost cliliastrous fires uvred In 6t. Catilarinel, for .wine an<] Iron Company for Information wlacit will seepre the arrest and line, took place early tilia mo.rfllug, Ilea tile line building, Oc6upied by conviction of the murderers of Ed - he genlar llldley� College on Yate treet, totally destroyed. About ward Lelnering Wentz, who disap, peared on 'Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1903. was . 8Q this morning one of 'the I'tud- ' ';,tF Third, suitable reward will be pai,l I I � or Information leading to the recov- %van awakoned by, tile slafte, nd Immediately tile alarm, but cry or the body of Edward Leinering gave he fire had got Huch beadway.� that Wentz, who disappeared on Wedues- 'Oct. t was impossible to stop it. The day, 14, 1908. upils and ininatea were all (Illicitly Crew Safe. wakened and got out of the building t3authwect 11.4rbar, Ala ' Ine, Oct. 23, ,was injureti, although �Captaln 11. C. Kiel and tile crew, orno of the boyo bad narrow as- of five moil of th;,.� schooner Avon, apes, and had to, get out in their of Pyt. arohn. �NT. B., arrived to -clay ight clothes, a.nd almost all of them from Cranberry isles, where their ostoverything theyliad. Therewero vessel was wreaked (luring tire . early,seventy stucl�nts In the build- ilight. The schooner tiont down . ng at tile tlrli�, and, with the teach- In ton minutes., (but the men got ra alad help, made up nearly., une awgLy with, a tboat, reaching, till- lundred, and it iR.a, great wonder other vessel nearby, -ow they: all escaped uninjured. A Big Shutdown. There was great excitement for a Butte, Mont., Octl 2A.- Bvi tbet line, but tile roll wa,a quickly call- ed, It was found that all li�d els- - shutdown of the Lknialgainatea Cop - and aped. Tile five was first discovered per Co., a pay roll of oser $DOI000 a day is Put off In Butte. Repre- if tile upper part of the kront, in to called the triifik room. The sentatIves of thin Amalgamated what Wind at'tile, itime was blowing a gale, - Copper Company declare that by the decision rendered by Judge which swept the fire from one end of tile building to the other, and Clancy yesterday, the Amalgamat- tbere was little chance of saving auy - ed Company is practically wiped out or existence and cannot drA portion. The clialy,*part saved was the the fire started is business Ili Biontalla. AlIthe urines gymnasium .How unkno-wil, tie the room In Which it discovered was kept locked and and smelters of (th13 company have been orclored closed, and 15,000 waa no one had 'bean in It. The building workmen are tly.ro,wn cat of work. now.. long Ithe shutdown will con - was erected in :1864, and for a num- bee of Nvau run, as a sanitarium tinue is a platter of doubt. it years by; tile late Dr. Black. In 1889 it was may take nine or ten miontlils be. fare thie company can get a hear. opened as, the Bishop Ridleyj Col- lege. with Rev. 0. 0. Miller as Prin- Ing before thle Supreme Cdart. . elpal. The pupils In attendance were Dog With Dytiamile. from all part& of Canada and the Now york, ()at. 26._4W1tb! life 1vor- United -States. Tile loss will amount lea gripping death- and destruction, to about $50,000, ,with, Insurance of "Bill Devery," a mongrel, yesterday 623,00o, principally In the North rAn through crowded streets for a; British & Mercantile In.suranceCom- half hour, and frantic women fled pany. only part of the walls ard . . from his path on Pouring the shouts left standing. . of his sdarce, less -excited pursuers. A number of firemen had narrow The little beast bad found a stlek escapes during the process of the of dyinamite, wra,pped In brown paper ire from falling walls, and chimneys. somewhere .and was gnawing at it Tile students -were all well taken cheerfully when detected. Finally, a care of, some byt friends in tile City, policeman doused him with a bucket - game at the junior college had at rul of water and big master seized the different hotels. Steps are al- the dangerous stick. The dynamite, ready being taken to rebuild, and a with marks of the brute's teeth on more modern building will .soon take one en'd, is preserved as a curiosity., the place of the one destroyed. In the bureau of combustIblep. : , Dr. 11111or, Principal of the kbool, %aid tile Origin of the fire was un- ascertained. It was stated that the TOYS FROM IRELAND. - ftrat blazo had been seen In the — trunk room, which Was on the upper 'Joe . .r, and upon which some work- men had been employed on Satur,­ day'. These Tvorkmen might have drapped a spark from a candle or a match, and some hours later the fire broke out. Althofigh the fire occurred oa,rly in the morning. Dr. Miller said that the discipline of the boya was remarkable. They marched out of the burning building like a file of e . ! � f FISHING REGULATIONS. —_ A Satisfactory Conference Held at . Detroit. An Important conference on fi6lY- cry reguiaiiona oil the great lalces Was held Friday in Detroit. 'The ,_,Of,forence %vaa held at -tile request cif tile ontalrio Fishery Doparl,mant .1fict Nvaq alubt .successful in secuLing tile practical adbeLdon of MI States officerfi presenC to tile necesbity for - proper regulatioll'a On the lines of vhoue cluforeed in Ontario. The lose to both' count,rieri through the lack of h.axincirly in -the regulations was admitted to be very .uorloas- TIM question of a, close season, or its duration, and also or tile Implement.q to be used in the capture of fish were fully discussed, and a practicat Pgreement arrived at, but which, of course, cannot be enforced on thti, United Staters side without further legislation. I. (' ­­ will be held at' — Xno liev ... e Italian's Sister, Trying to 11(scuc Will, willelt all tile States bordering on son named Stainhhusen wits Also Killed. the great lakes, ancl St. Lawrence denly blinded In a drama n 4. A— th will be rerresented. trugle manner In the pulpit London, U01- I.,O­-Ale 13 I—— . or -ebarrore, a wine -grower of AclAn, ch'arch at OrIlinte, near Schoe may iliterest tha drinkers of ltallan( CHINFSE FOUND GUILTY. Ili Ills sermon on Sunday -,V'necl. Each scabon, while tile new __ ing lit) fulminated against t ! ,11 to Wallets, declaring t1fat the wille wa,, warm under fermentation 11slurderers Paid a Coll"ItrYWil - Churrere was accUbtomed to take A� Shoulder the Crime. of God. would fall upon tIms buth in t.ba frothing Juice, �vith the Vanvoueer, D.C., Oct. 27. -The two supported Socialist candida object of scouring a year.or prosper- rich Chinamen at Big Bar, on the parliamentary viections. Fo Ity for,111mlicif and faintly. Tills Yeall hhlf an hour lie continued I ollar an,usual. -Uls V Pager, who paid a 110vertY-strickOrl etrain, le,cludemning, dencli sleter I later. , countryman to take the onus or tile and t1ireatening, followed him Some thilL murder of Ali Choe, In which all three Scarcely had lie conclud and In a search foillid him uncon- participated, have bad tlivir FS(lheming sc�ous In the wine. In all endeavor brought to naught. To -day at Clin- sermon whon lie 'became bill to rescue him she was also overcome , ton Assizes tile three wove found moment. It took several by ific fumes, and both died before guilty of tile crime and Cliter Sustice for him to grasp what Ila assistance could be summoned. 1, Ituntt-r sentenced thera to hang on polled, duri.noz phlell. lie round Ili darkness; thion, r ----- Dec. 4. , tho awful truth, lie uttered LYTTELTON'S MAJORITY CUT. Sack Chun, thb iniin -%v'ho wag pa-ld shrink of despair, and fell , by Ali Gum and Gum Tal to swear Into thn arms of Ills purist — away Ills own life, stuck to Ills story Now (,Ole)) ial Secrel ary Ite-elected bv 1-111) who came hurrying to life a at the trial. nut tile little, W'zene( The tragic occurrence � A%rar',viekalld ri.-aillingtoll. old fellow was obviously PhYsl0ftIlY London, Oct. L'I.-COlOulal lecre-1 Incapable of slaying 00 L,00 -pound (loop Improsslon on the rur tary Lyttleton, Liberal-VillOnbit, haS Ali Cillpe an(i drugging Ills body itnald. Illation, and will be of gre been re-eleated a member of till' (!d- a considerable distance to illrOW to tilf,' Socialists at tile n ex H,ouse of counnons fron, Warwick ancl It Into tho-1-1raser, as Was done on tton.rl I I I .1 I 1�onmillgtoh, with it 11111JOrItY OC the, night of the niurder. Circulustall- 100. . tial evidence went strongly to R1110W BRITAIN MUST ACI At- tile latit elcoLion Mr, Lyttelton that Ali Gura and Gum Tal had no — secured a majority of 821. small part In tile c -rime. Superintend - I qlikl reduced majority of �,%Ir- T,Y14 ont of 1,011ce Ruagey also told of Oally Slail's Special Man lit tolton in LvainingtOn and WarWicko damaging gtatemelits they had made Size"'Up Opinion, occurring a(i it did Ili BIr. Challibet- to h1m. Landon, Oct. 20. -Edgar V laill,H all dIf,jrlc,., -'a taken by the No witne.spes wero� protliloed for the tile Daily Mail*fi special cOrr , t ollly ,20 ent ill Canada, wivoa,� "Winulp Unionist tress tills morning ," an In- defence. Tho jury was oil ard& the Alaska verdict as d1c,fttiop that tho foo(l tax argument 11111111tes, And returned with a vord'et gi � of free tradern NVIII figure heavily In Of guilty- I matte MtOiba. Ili Uritl6bi C tile general election Whenever tho _____ thle feeling Is so bitter that I Gwovinnont goes to tile country. �rllio Domiliftin Coal And Dolulinion . possible t,Q prodict tile rogul The Mall sayS; "The SOMONVII�lt "A Iron And Steel Cordliftnt0g, 80JOCt to avrard pufn tile question, of Ratisfactory regl1lt of the Leaming- t1po power to be given tb(,m. by A, terolitiAl tariff in a llelv IIgI toll election, Ili whi011 Mr. T,Yttf`It011*a sifeelal Act at tho T,eglslaturo of land must take same decial mplorlty wag reduced by 01-1, Is evi-, X01 A Scotia, are flow tWO COMPIOAM�A to WIP0 Out the unfOrt(IIIA, deneot We t1link, tll�jt tile country to 4eparato coftlPallION. f , I dent.,, I . New industry to Compete With German Makers Establiihed. Loudon, Oct. 23 -Dolls and st,irfed animals are to be tho,products Of the latest new industry created foil the good of the Irish peasantry, The dol's-of the linen or Ilunbreak, able" order -aro being made in the neighborhood of Dublin, and the par- rots, the swans, the cloggs and tile horses come from the southwest of Ireland. I Lady Dudley, at -11 the vice -regal lodge, and such we -known support - era of Irish bottage, Industries as the Duchess of Abercorn, Lady Water- ford, .and Ladies Bective, Cadogan, Bandon, Lucan, Bla,yo and Castle- rosse, and many others are giving their help to these indus,tries. The fire.' consignment Is expected to arrive In London shortly at tile axhlbition and sale of Irlsh manufac, turns, which is to be held at Wind - soil (luring the visit of the King and Queen of Italy. it Is hoped that tile Irish peasant girls will at last be able to produce (lot's and "animals" capable of com- peting in price and finish with those which are being poured Ili from Ger- many and the United Sta,tes. POLITICAL PARSON BLINDED. Becalne Sightless in Pillpit '%%hi:e Denouncing Uernian Sootali.sts. Berlin,, Oct, �17.—.'L political par- slid- t1cally of Ills nbeck. even. lie So- on ran a who tes at r flilIv n tills acing, ed Ills ld Ina ninutes d hall - groped eallzlng a long sobbing lioners, upport. nude it at Poll - At' lipip t olec- Canada allaw, espond. eg re. olumblit, t 10 lin. t. Tile it pro -1 it. Eng. Va step to Inel.1