HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-29, Page 4He NO F M, $ r • THE WING15 —The Grand Trunk nwifzc deal Dress Goods, has been under disetissiou ill the Ritctlie Campbell Silks and Trimmings. Ritchie Campbell Sedate, and the debate there b4ls developed a remarkable situation House as to the estimated cost of the en- 1 . + I _ ,. � terpriae, In the Commons, Hou., , Women's s and Mi Z;all Women's Standard W, S. Fielding' fixed the probable cost at a little over $13,000,000, Winter Other cabinet ministers in the Kid Gloyes Lower Rouse accepted this as a fair computation, although they: ,��-c h abandoned it, when. at became ap- j'�jLIB ill all the leading shades, parent that the electorate would Quality and wear guar- `..,�. not tolerate such arrant nonsense, Then Mr, Fielding patched up his Anteed. prices from 75c first figures and confessed that the 0 $1,75, Prices to Suit ]Everyone. government's railway policy would involve an expenditure of $57,692,- 030, Ron.. o. W. Scott, Secretary y Headquarters For The VVONIE ly S of State, who introduced the gov- ernment bili in the Senate, refused Most Up-to•dateSTYLISH to be guided by the estimates made by his confreres and struck, for one Dressthat himself, Mr. Scott has decided the new railway " " •AS j j 0 1E will not cost $13,000,000 $57,642,030, but AS or yy��;�ss $85,410,000. This is certainly a remFieldingble of tMr. JR ii Y S " Dorothy Dodd" and Scottwere•both using official figures, yet they were not able to agree within 027,713,- 27, Have Have you rd of r1 of ? It has = oil tees the 'se in Wo s increased 970 as to the east of a work, con- on- con- ih , the e value of our stock of Woollen Goods 1:0 per cent, since cerning which Sir Wilfrid Laurier we bought. Put as our prices remain the same, the added claims to have the fullest informa- value is yours, The rise in wool thereforejust interests tion. Surely no such spectacle would be presented to the country, you to that extent, if the government had properly in - OS s 72 WOOLLEN BLANKETS for.,; ...............$3,05 00 x 68 WOOLLEN BLANKETS for 3.50 formed itself as to the task upon whish he had entered, Yet in the .................. 60 x OB WOOLLEN BLANKETS for .. . . ....... . . ..... 2.75 face of soca, absolute ignorance of the scheme, the administration re- fuses to listen to the prayer of 100,- t 4 ,�t Specials For Saturday: 000 electors, and delay the work until it is possessed of necessary • data. 5 dozen Ladies' Assorted Collars re 25 to 75 f 25 &M "VA.�TOrR Thursday, October 29, 1903 srG.' THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE N Macdonald Block, Wingha.rnl, 3 JN0e JAS* - J11 I .I ,II,Y til , . II.I.� illil l•fl I.IJ '� Ilni. II Y III I. II SII II II ,Ili III Inlll, i 1. II I There's not a more, comfortable shopping place in Wingham than, the "People's Popular Store," We want you to feel it a pleasure to shop at this store. Our busi. - ness is steadily growing, yes growing as never a Wingbam business grew before, We avant continually to add to this store's reputation for quality, which means goods _ you can rely on perfectly. )ress Goods MITER APPLES11 We have -a fine lot of winter Apples in barrels, all hand picked and carefully packed. Good sound fruit, 13 pecks of apples in each Rich, handsome and stylish goods, barrel, (You know the regular apple barrel every piece guaranteed perfect in dye, holds only 11 pecks,) Price $1,25 a barrel, 13 peeks. weave and finish, - FRENCH CHEVIOT.. 56 , g - in, wide uaran- Farmers teed absolutely all pure wool best French dye p. c A • and rich soft finish. Suits or separate skirts. We want large quantities of Roll r0 Far Ruffs, regular $5.00 and $8.00—fpr...... . ......... . ... . . 3.60 Butter, Fresh Eggs, White Beans, Dried 6 pieces Flannelette, 36 inches wide, reg. 10c—for............. .08i —Each year the Rev, Dawson Price $1.00 to $1.25. 4 pieces Towelling, regular 10c and 12je—for..... . ............. .081 Burns sends to the London Times Apples, Onions well cured, good sound 10 Women's Mantles at.........., .....HALE PRICE a letter on the amount of money 4 Potatoes, dry or green Wood, etc. Oats spent annually in the United Ding- FRENCH BROADCLOTH 56 in, wide, taken in exchange for Oatmeal. ' dour for drink, with a comparison of the amount spent in previous pure wools, a beautiful material for suits, compiled and has gained the re u is dresses, years. This statement is carefully skirts, s, etc. i tchie Campbell p, g p Shoes. ishan of being almost gi officialEaots and. statenient. Ineonsideringitstables VENETIAN '4VORS1'EDS, SERGFES, ��++�+IIMAA Wingham's Dress Goods- and Trimmings House a we lave changed lump sums in HOMESPUNS and FULL CLOTH in black, pours s into Canadian money, on gray nav aro t 56 ' ' TETE ROYAL GROCERY' r`innan Hadd es, The Finnan Haddie season is now at hand. We have them shipped to us direct from the curers at Digby, Nova Scotia, twice a week. lY A � SY,IPVl s This week we start handling Maple Syrup --the kind you can rely on as being pare and unadulterat- ed --will make you think when you are eating it that you are right in the maple bush. r_7 Z2 CELL! L� l We have made arrangements with a grower to ship us Celery three times a week, and we can highly recommend it. at Griffin's We Always Have Macre aSpecialty of ,0 Jg Fur * Goods and this year is no exception J. We have now on hand a large stock of Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes, and Men's Fur Coats at very reasonable prices. We are confiders better value cannot be had anywhere than vine are offering in these goods. Come now and have your choice while our range is complete. Also Ladies' Cloth Jackets, any style, very special value ; and Men's Cloth Over- coats, rhe latest make. BLANKETS,' Woollen and Flannelette Blankets; we guarantee the Best value in Blankets. I4andsome Comforters for $1,25, $r,q.a an I, Yee our Stock before buying elsewhere r . . e To A. MILLS the rough basis of o to the pound, ' y, wn, a c., in. wide. These 'fit', p goods we can recommend to give every satis- We mention just a few lines. Come but wi v the.,pre closet figures we faction to the wearer. Prices 75 cents to in and we'll tell you what space in this •�. have given more closely the exact • r equivalent of English money in our $2 per yard. adv, will not permit us to tell you here, , x�xzX17� '� own. The first table presented shows the quantity and cost of the but we must mentiolr 3 new lines of liquors consumed in the United FANCY FLECK TWEEDS 42 to 54 in. extra good value. The session of Parliament just " Kingdom, 'This estimates the con- wide,• very serviceable and stylish material, ended began March 12th, and was sumption of British spirits at 35,- adapted specially Women's Donffola Kid ba] a the longest session in the history of 339,523 gallons; other spirits, 8,- p p y for tailor-made suits, tae ca a , patent leather - barrels; wine 15,348,242 43ons l beauty, and splendid quality a was in piles when the session be- 'gallons, FRENCH FLANNEL � far only..........................................$1.b0 ranadzan Parliaments. The snow 778 200 gallons beer, 35 243 472 gan, and tiny flakes had fallen, be� S, CREPE DE Misses' Dongola Kid bat, patent leather and British wines elder, etc. 15 - CHINE FANCY SILKS etc, for waists toe 'a perfect fit great value. Price $1,35 tokening the approach of another , 000,000 gallons. q.he spirits were > > , p, p , a winter, before the members were figured to cost $6.44 per gallon, very stylish, very pretty, and prices range Misses, Peb. Leather, patent toe cap, at liberty to return to their homes• the beer $14.60 a barrel, wine $4.38 from 50e to 80c. We'll be pleased to show Three in of the Commons splendid school boot, handsome, and a , per gallon, and domestic wines, you these goods. will give good satisfaction. Price.....,$1.35 a and six Senators died during the cider, etc., 49c per gallon. On this A session. showing the expenditure for spirits i l' in the year 1902 was $292,270;.916; —The Huntingdon Gleaner, com- for beer $528,662,080; for wine, menting on the last list of railwa cider, etc., and for British wine, ALEX. FELLY rc y cider, etc., $7,500,000. This gives Get the Best—Xt Pays, subsidies,,, says :-- It might be the enormous total of $897,499,080. WELLINGTON MUTUAL thought after carrying his gigantic This total is, however, $1.1,192,140 CENTRAL Auctioneer for Huron County FSE I�ijs, CO. scheme Sir Wilfrid would have less than the figures for the previ- • Katabllahoa isle. spared the taxpayers. Not so ; oils ear, 1901. The reduction I have sty, ad an m pre arod o con for tread OfHecd GUELPH, ONT. ' with the following obedient to the y ' Huron county, and am prepared to coudnet Comes from a decrease in the STRATFORD, ONT. dales at reasonable rates, Wake taken on all classes of insurable pro crack of his wasp, he is resolved to p spirits, Sales arrangod At the .Advance Ofdce. amounts spent for irits $7,516,660 Hest place in Canada for securing a thor- perty on the cash or premium note system. plunder them up to the hilt. An- and beer, $3,979,980,while there ough business education or a superior ALEX. KELLY, w'ingham P. 0, 74xns C{oLAIs, CztAs.DJtvzneox, other way of putting it would be, ' shorthand training, Our ggraduates aro ' was a slight gain Of $304,500 in always successful in getting: positions. President, sooretary, that he is now trying to make his the wine bill,. This school invariably giVesit9 students THOS. more than they oxpect, write forcata• ..[.11 S JOHN RITCHIE, supporters wild with their eonstitu- rogue. Enter this month if possible, AGENT ents by granting local favors—brib- BANKER, ETC. wrxctHAlu Orrx • ing the electors with their own sf �, ll, Eiliatt, Principal, Marriage Licenses iaeuod, No witnesses money," The Gleaner is a Liberal THE POTATO CROP FAILURE.. i.,.� required. �g�pa14loney 4% Largo amounts; smaller in Pro - paper. j1r/1� j SAW per. Curiously enough the portion, Easteat terms. 11!l�'�1ATtJItj[` Cleaner's estimate of the huge harmers' Advocate.) Make up your mind to attend votes is verified by the Minister of The potato crop of 1903 may be ,, RICHARD HOLMES MaLIiAN Q SON Agriculture ---Mr. Fisher, This fairly characterized as a failure, neftltlsT$ft .T Lev, solaozTos. Era., xra, Minister has just delivered a speech Over the greater part of the potato- place; -next to Holmes Block now building '---- in Brome, in which he claims sup- producing area, the tubers have Alt kinds Of rough and aressaa.... port because he has captured arail- rotted in the ground, -and in many Fall Term Begins Sept.1, I9Q3, �R. AGNEW way subsidy for the constituency. cases been scarcely worth lifting. 1J LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES The shortage has greatly enhanced —Two Courses— PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS 1; Commercial and Shorthand, the price, which there is reason to ACCOUCHEUR., , —Says the Weekly Sun :--It is fear will yet go higher. The potato- send for College journal. Office:—Upstairs in the Macdonald to be regretted, however, that the growing industry has come to a c. A. pLam,Naa. L. lYIcINTYRB Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a Postmaster -General has not yet stage where something must be President seer. Night calls answerer! at once, large quantity of dry hard. seen his way clear towards at least done to prevent the rot if a crop is wood for sale, delivered, making a beginning in a rural mail to be insured in seasons that are LIFE FIRE DR8. CHISI{Ob�C C�ISItOLdelivery service, The contention not the most favorable. INSURANCE Telephone Orders Promptly that the countay is unable to afford potato rot is caused by a disease : --- PHYSICIANS SURGEONS ETC, attended to. such a service cannot possibly be. or, rather, may be caused by one Lowest rates consistent with maintained, A Government that of several diseases, all of which absolute security. All claims Josephine Street .� Winghaw can provide Ina single session $12,- may be prevented by the use of promptly settled McLean �h Son 000,000 or $18,000,000 as free gifts fungicides and a judicious selection ,Abner Coserts � p, I�ENNEDX, M.D., nM.C.P.s.d •1,�'�. .1..1 CX; for the promoters of railways, of the land upon which the crop is many of which run through the to be grown. Where diseased pota- ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS � (MemborOftheBritish Ifedioai very best parts of the Old Canada toes have been grown, the soil will Aeeoo:etion) f 00 YEARSs should not find it a difficult task to be infected for some time until by . A, i� TLMAGE COLD MEDALLIST IN hMEDIcINE. EXPERIENICt furnish the money necessary to the action of light and. chemical spacial attonti Aar stella: niaoaees of Komw, inaugurate rural delivery service. Change in the soil the spores of the REAL ESTATE Aye) LOAN AGENT, OaTlan HOURS --Itolq.tn,; 7toSp,In, "Millions for millionaire railway fungus disease are destroyed. Rot CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN 4 kil promoters, but not a cent for the of different kinds also may be dis- on TOWn and Faros Prepepty. W. T. Holloway carrying of mail to farmers' homes'I seminated by spores which Cling ASSICNEE. ACCOUNTANT, TRAM MARKS is not a popular plank to place in to the seed tubers. This fact indite OPPICS. In the Hent Block, d'D'S•� L.D.S. Dgtelantt a party platform on the eve of a elldeaco—oatharino St. Gradusto of Royal cater that it would be well to treat Colloge of Dental Anyonesendtnr a sketo ;C00PyhJ4Ht9 oomgn e WAY general election, tho seed before planting. A good % surgeons of Tor, qutokt7 ascertain sur Opinion l0, whether as purpose V• j ` /f �yy Y vy onto and Honor o tnvbntton le probnblp patonandb kommunloa• fungicide far this ur ore is forma- j� tJ spa tai J 1 �1} Elractuataof Dant ttonantrtotlycOnAdaMasi IIanQbookonPatonte al De,,yy't. of Toren• sent free, Oldest a error for scouring stmt. :1' lin one-half pint, forty per cent. to UnV. ofty, Patents taken tgrou h Munn x t o. roOdY4 siren th to fifteen gallons of water. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND syearalnoti", withoutoliarao, in*0z g r g LOAN AGENT, GONVI:YANCING Latest improved methods In a brant tisfa sof ����i��* Awriono -There 9s greet dissatisfaction _ The tubers should be soaked in the RuArA try. Prloaa moderate. satfafaatiob 11 LAR 4iR in Canada with the award of the Collection of ttenta and Accounts a epgcialty, guaranteed. tb Offiae in Baavor BIoak. A handsomely lllustratod weokly, Laruast eir. solution for about two hours before A5SICNEE, ACCOUNTANT, bulawon bf any aetanttae ournai Torms,$sa arbitrators in the Boundary line being out for seed, After this tar • roar months, $1. So 4 byali nowsdealem hero that Canada's interestswereed soil, nothing more need be done Office—In *ranatono Btoa b e. MT-u1j't ;J',11t�'IBr�� & Cooao,66 rrSroaa "h ngtou"Aq p p treatment and lantin in uninfeet- Open Saturday avaolngs, 7 D.D.S., U15.s. Bisset, atAco, 823 >i lit washia ¢too, #>, . sacrifioed for diplomatic reasons. until the cropis u when it should . v up, J. A MORTON Doctor of Dental Sur ,,,y of the of The Canadian oommissioner:i have reC6ive ori application of Bordeaux: asglvania College and l iceth ern of refused to sign the award. The mixture when the Paris green is RARRISTtR AND SOLICITOR, DcnW Surgery of Ontario. cost of the arbitration is estimated being applied, and also several o xo over a?at,t omao- wli\+ctndM it at close to $400,000. Canada spent later applications may be necessary MONEY To LOAN` _ nearly $200,000 in preparing y the i until to keep a leaves s past @flaeg:--Marton Block, Winghaln , + GQ ease and in fees to British lawyers. ' MISS S.& A L RE The United States expenditure �tL.Y ��CUD��CI was about $100)000. It is a one- seasons >aaa air rows in favorable MISS DELLA. SPARLr�C Teacher of Piano and Theor o� ite tor our interesting books '1invent- Crops y g i seasons witiiolit these recantions, y l , and 14 How yon era swindied.r' sided decision certainly that causes but in order to insure a crop it will A T. C. M. Rend us a rough sketch or model of your In-' Canada to lose her territoryand YOW0a,orituproveu,euteudweWill tell yon. be necessary to give this treatment, Tolkoher of VIAno, Theory slid Fletohor ti fret our opinion as to whetbor it is probably MISS CARME MOORE ,attotable. Relcctedappticatlottabavaaftcn $200,000 in hails Cash besides, all , ., Xvtusio Method, SimplaX arra Kindbrgarton, keen aurcessfully pp,yrbsceuted by us. We to smooth the pathway of friend- pnpila prepared for Conaerratory exam• Teacher of Violin and Ouitall. conduct futg oaquftttti poicasi no to i tour al ship between John Bull and Uncle C. HAMILTON and waaDit, inatltonA' Iy dial:etch work and quick! acture Prompt, Sant, who appears' to think be owns } Haollte -in Shine 221oak, winghays. ae broad as ihC ittaention, tlfgisctt references AUbTIONEnn •�� �t (��T furnished, everything grin sight," A recent R 1' A STONE � J= .,�, raicuts procured Ehrough Ntarion &leis• J L"Yrii r, C ribs nealvr gimp ! Etc ism acted t titArgr in cartoon represents ` "Mile Sam" as �- ONT. MUNSONV1iiJ Gtr�r ovtr ec AdwlvispiciAl otice*1tcdthroughout rejoicing avec* isle decision but at years exparienta. r have conflaatad over 1�A11RISTEi AND SOLIC(TCiR the nrnttal0tt, t 11000 eutaaeahtl Attatien Sales in rho County 1b Spe+ttett :�i�alant business V MaoufAG diol same tilil0 l sing " V slat an of ifurni,, hnd as h rule get better probe and Money La saes tit laweabrfttea. Ofsted �al'1'1319i'S SOIICitOI'3f EIC, turars at:dY3Fmgiaet fa, W1 to Dotter risen. ll ro a loft at pt attan. i �ON �O1� tot raore.l elalxt I Was tlbt to ask * �aoa,t Phone ar taablt. hat fns estpngam n Clinic i skid iPaMt+snt >~xlser l «rid S t,Iloltbrts, tot iiROrt?.I tins. rbrli,a r&asonhble. BAttrtaotibn krlar; 131i<A V1�1t #3I,C)Cl , yb>` 13Toek i ingliawt W>r1+I (iE#.<il1f, . 3tY ilr 11i4kit,doA 6010"1 A{I »tis 81 9,W*6hrnJ ori �.ci budloy #011 zdt .,.-... ...... .._,-.....,.:,.,.., ..:. ..... .Was... .. ._...__. ... ,. ?1'