HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-29, Page 3- ­­­- "M � . .. . . ., , . , , ak �*Woql 0 0 i ow4wo. - -- - -- -- . 11 6 1 I. .1 I ______W"K, I - � _-�`!�t,:=,,=`7-, _:.­­�--l.- - -"I - - I � " _4 � , - . _ . I, , � , � , , � � , I ..­____ � SNOW. � ,, � , , - , "I 0 1 . . 11 I , I . I ­� . , i - . . I -1 I _.­ - � ­ ­ -,..,---,- — ­__ - _ , , -_ , � . I , 1116 . I 1 6 .1 r , � ­ 1 1616 16 ,� 6 � I I . I., .161. -1 I I I I � -1 � I Samples of extramoix loly %Itallty V4^N , doubtieso wero, principally, Old 4W � I .1 I . 0411111111110VVVVW.410� ,v^VVVyVyNPV�40.fyVV0A Vk ilto llji(w (if Lilt,, wilverse," and I i held over I I'D ' Some I it a, I"I'll,isik (!o",! 'i . to ' I ..orOHN "rowailtol,ca , " HOMES NO ROM VeCeptions of 519bt trautor. of worldveldo fit'll1h, It' 10t- Not Simply Passabiy Good, . Muds of ooei�'Odmoj4yeoe'1'4'� ln",�al% vorY FRAUDS ON _' �Ing it great railway tit roadtinoon . I rapidly and In a low years are val- - e e, ' 7 f Matched by Those. of Aor lilt proom"we Ir.1"I.. . tiolorsR, go that the praotloo of Nomo " c - Tleo Iffiximan who hi blind to 1118 Isut incomparably the best. Care in Growing and Selection scaomou of 1M THE SENSES Toach alid Soutnid. country'n giorlout, future ww'),oan- lit 0o, hands `o("r'Q'fAIlQ`f`o".T.c`ar, ort'a'r a 1 J . not He— wII.,t 1118 chlltl�`011 aro to 0=1 4 Year cannot be.commended. , 1. ,L 0 ~ 0 ~ AN~" �&~w " ,01 � w . LrA "h o It Iiis,=rtant that 4 bla,viltr Of L ^AM possps;4, Ili blind loilood. 'Vila tlinea �, hi , f 8 eds, I It I v r I t I Reeds koow� at leAlit ,approxt- Is wonderful how madily wesare - Ili ail P,v(,Il more Strikilig way by� ill;- demand ill,, (ontlll I I " 0 1 I( lE W - -_ ,,lately what per cent, . IS vit4l, but Xt , � broad statesmanship that haq obar- 'I I I Cheated bW those live senses or ours, lag three Jars—tho first vOlitaillin' � me I I UPOP NIACII W0X*Iyj With Such colill. Will tile third Ilikewitrin watev. �C4 voteriz-1 tit � Di,t,v adi'll-liNtritti011 '�QATwA� Aq', ount of seed. hand, Into the liii;�­ tot, tli,, past LwORLY-EIVI) Years, TESTS OF SOME COMMON SEEDS ow'nK to th` limited alu denoo. The ease with which our eyes . you put yuur left . It Is Impomilblo for him to make 44 -1 t t. *Tile case to different with the . a I .- '11 -it In - '0 % 1; .4" 01 f,� - � I ,� 44`_1*' 1 . � I. 21 ,7% C0�--A. , , '� I - � �. . I I .1 . " - -I t, ` I Ely .. I 10' ;! � , -.1, - I , ... I .1 , ­_ '. �- .4.� 1^ .. . �, ­-, I ­ .. . -1 �.-' . . . ­ . I I .1 For Liquozone—Yet We Give You a 50c. DLOttle Free - * This company, after testitig Liquozoll e for two years,in tile olost difficult gerin diseases,�,aid S100,000 for the American list i, st price rights. s by, far the higlie over paid for similar rights On ally sclen- tiric, discovery. We publish this fact to show you the Value of Liquazone. The most worthless product May bayb great Claims inade iltbout it', buit nien, don't pay a price like that save for a discovety' Of reinarkable worth to. humanity. . . Kill$ Inside Germs. . T,iquazofte aT011e kills germs ill the body without killing the tissues, too. It is SO Certain -that we publish oil every, bottle an offer of $r Coo for a disease gerin that it cannot kifi. Liquezolle destroys At once and forever thc caltsc Of tiny gert" disease. And there is - ria. other way to do it, Ally dm h kills germs is a poison to � 1. yt at ba taken internally. fiis an it cannot q �Pwooe alone equ attaek a trouble thr.t fit caused by inside, germs, nua It cures diseasts which Medicine never cured. Liquid 0 I,Iquozono is simply drup, noalcohol i I% it - If Pikull, the great Ger spent *0 Yeats oil it. gibt buch All excess Of form into the blood that no gertit Could live in a I tly inetiabraile or tissue. Liquozoue does -that- Oxygen is Nature's greatest tovic-tht very source of vitality, its efTects are exhilaratin - purifying, vitalizilig- Nothing elsegitl the world is,so gooti, for you. Butgerms are -vegetables; atid this excess of Oxygen -the very life of an animal -is deadly to '"getable matter. We Sliend 14 days in winking each bottle of LiquoZolle, but the result is liquid oxygen—& product which will cure diseases which uo medical skill can cure 'thout it. It is llow tinployed in every wl great hospital, and indorsed by -every medical authority; the wotid over. I . Germ DiSID&SIDS. These are the.kilowil gernt diseases. All that medicine call do forthese troubleil is to help wature overconte the gerfils, and tuch results Ate indirect and tit' - certain. Li(Ittozolic 1,1118 tile gertiss, Nylittrever the� are, and the results aN inevitable. By destroyilig 1116 cause Of tile trouble, it invariably ends tile disease, , and forever. Asthma deceive us Is notorious, and, It "ties- -warill Ninter and your right, Amm Versonal aill"Ll,ons a �. - we are Surely liewin I It olloul(I be unnoceso,try to urge -wholesale dealer, who lifts seed III Ing to believing," vie- Into ills bot ivitLer, tile tPl III water 1:110 bi-.1:111CO (11411p3red to tile I no Absees-01—Atitentlit , �Ims �or a confidence InISPIaCed. , but will feet (-Oktl. TranKfor your light of tho Islexteall nation. To develop I � upon the growor.,� or garden erotib' tit(' biilk, and should know within at, least five or too per cent. the vi- .4� leaving optical Illusiolia aside, there, hand to-tho 0(jtl water, and the tvWd thlt% latent wpillth of tile 0011 and water ivill reel hot. III other woldr, of J11D 111111PET, to add. to thollatimial I I I importance or uslug thoroughly rQ- tality' of the Seeds he handles. To I are deceptiono of tile Other Ii011ses- 4tt.lrill Green tiubto tastef hearing touch And smell - Ivater at it, givell tealperature f(It'113 w,ealtif-theso Should be tile prime CEYJ�ON tea. Plack, Mixed or N . I reed, or to riervint tile lirax,- , Stamp the vitality olI each package Inall (1-hentist, NvIto 0&k—Crotari , Constipation . . I ml f n. twilliell are not loss Interesting, anti, bot or voi�l according to virenni, 6bjec-tS of every patriotic 51L C.t. -, 30c, 40c, lius-, 60c per III. all grocers atallovis. Mexican llerald. Sold only lit sonled lead puelgets- 25c LOY tice Of Je6tILIg 60 -Mid before sowill'All would elitall some little trouble to theill. seedomen, but not necessarily any., Ufa Distases comparatively,, speaking, uniform. , _' i OAO 1111101011 Of touch that to COm- Ono or tile simplest; and 1110131; , . . � _. ­, - _­.. I . ­ -or I I .1 . I . I I � -1 1___-___ I - 11 � I Fur ulany y earl, all tile se#,dS jl�gajl rlsk�,ao no. objection could be raised to margin. Such a prao. weeid a garden and care Tor tile plants than tIm women of the last parattvoly, well-known, Is tile "Pea strilillig or N,XI-,'LtIT BACKED By HNTT',KPaIS21 - that . other acconiTPUsliments which, added RHEUMATISM CURED. I aveasonable lit tlllu country Nviere, 1141VOW,all tice would be or inestimable benefit are, witting ep . time In doing N11011 onei wark as crocheting and knitting. called because -Arlatotlol'-so Illusions of' Vvellifg — to beauty, will cause them to sell ancient saie ano philosopher Is Suit- Ono of thi; surest Signs of aPproach- for h1gli prices to the rich inimil(lar- A' I I grown, alillOugh tits early as 178:1 to tile users of tile seed.. ., yours. Tor,v truly', � , plant Ilfa haF; Ilot more attractions posed to bave been first to make note has to do wItIr ,tile relative weight trig winter has com, in tit ho- Ins. These girls are chiefly tile . I holue attention was given to their I . . .W. A. Clemons, , , L.; bt�lllg listro,juerd Into tile thible . of things. Two objects of tile same of the phenomenon. . t1tape of I Dodd's Almanac," publia ,re of poor people or tile roil a pea (a Pellet Of breaQ, glimpe and color, but of Uffereut . of To- daughtL it ,by the Dodd's Medloille 00, A RightWay and a WrongWay I In tile United States- Ili I . C . I Publication Clerk. I growtil . �er Y fair suburban and, country I limu ed. daughters of slaves. will do as well) oil a table between Sizes (one being, s,ty, eight. or ton roulo. For thirteen Years this ukle, the of the forefinger A nd mid- times, [to big at tile otheg), weigh fill little book hali ,,little an annual It Is common for a man to pur- I - J that country the trade grew Stead- . I 1 ily until about iatio, when, owing to Treat the Trouble, one word concerning any of tile ends . , chase Ills NvJfo. Indeed, there are , A le, flogetr of "ur right hand it will exactly tile Hanle number of ounces, allpearance, and tlIo1,k3 are rely more to the interruption In trade duo to ,%'low 1'111�'1110�4%1�"1611 ed quietly over. Titio is God,s world, and a goot, . I I niore wives acquired In tlilff way than feel, of course, )Ike one pea, But; If When asked to Judge WWCI1 is tile familiar or welcome vNitors to the do heavier, ninety-nine persons out of data StA- In any other, Every man In China — t1w civil war, lye,-)ple began to look Nevers. # r hanio-mado bo"(1110t, the i)III-tilig gift "u croso the two fingers and I�omes of Canada. Its and it will feel like two a hundrod will filly tMat tile little has a right to as ritany ivives as the same thing, tisittes are Carefully prepared by title filiOutents and Out -ward ApPlIcatiO ,gliply and home produo- 118 fur a hoolo o tion was greatly stimula,ted as a re- # plo In It, but the hible Ili In It, eas, and the Illusion will be so per- one Is sul�crlor In point of avoirdu- best knowif' authorities all(t have he oan ittaintain and a Secondary _P , wif(* Ili cheaper that a hired scr� Cannot Culre-The DIsease Must be 'p �ult Tile inereaml demand enco��- , � yJohn. Xrn eat NeCane. In HerAld. $ has al,6101 PaSH03 ILWftV. Cut floworS from the greenhouse for beautifying feet that you Carl hardly. realize that polo, . - been found uniformly l3orrect. is not a secolla peji,� The pben- The first Subconscious. Impression In addition to this Dodd's Almanao vent. The first wife Ia the legal Treated Through the Blood. ageti growero to Produce Now York 0 and kinds Butted to MI, ,01- it &190. Itight Is stronger than ,there ontenon affords a mOHt interestliligg on pielcing thera-up is t1fat the big Contains oluch that Is of ilitereet to oneu, but the others have their rights Illustration of tba case 'with whiell one must 'weigh more because of its th,'Canadlart reader, it giveH in con- although they are practically Slaves. IS oll'o of the must Rheumatism n- Common aIlm.,.ntH with which baula bi.edn e,-WA,�qw.�IW*.A%W.qb.-�-%,.Rb,-a,.*.-*��I illtions of growth. .k fair trial of . I peop:o Never misproitoun(XI IL Mani? name. ), la �% ot to gee of tile travall ( f Ills . ' The urtn who Iii addicted to the a sense ImPresslo-11 ma.X . greater F,ge, but t�c instant dis. flensed form tile record for the year, Ity Ili afflicted, and tbery tire few troubles cause more. acilt(I home-grown meds convinced that they were as Hatisfactory aH in Ills presence, nor correct Ills MIS ­ is to Come, and lilt; will Is to bo (lone But the senses are tile gayg4t of covery of its lightneNs ill propor- of the well-known Dodd's Rl-;med1ezA Opium habit will k;,Dll ),is children, and the things they' tell tion to Its (11"RenslOns Causes � tile first Ili Calla,da, have not Infrequently )'IF' w1fe, to HUP- which suffering. There In aL prevalent nu- Lid In [ionic casclli iaipDrtad stocks, a proxiounclatiou of a world, for .Y.OU Ile Is to reign, from sen, to Sea, and decelvers, and that prepared come to be a houIzellold us'are apt to be relled upon linjili- mental pendulum to Swing too far ' ' wovil In tile P.'Y Ifln upliv-,tiote. ITIVeR are tiou also, that if a person once (!oil- tracts It Is b3unil t-1 gave better results. III 1871L) illeru, then hurt- bts vanity', and lie will) lo bl� 7,OOU acres df�. earth. "Thin God Is our God for citly; by ally means, You know. tile o(her way, and choice is made ITOmeh of tile civilize(I world. i"Jil-lAblieff HOM by gambling ]in$. rheumatisin return lit cold or danip, weatLer. Thl i �vakj osLijriat(xl . to the production of gardell forgive %ou quicker for burtilig Ills or'J"eciftIly at tills Thanksgiving RL,m- "thank Cod and tako courage," ]lot wat6r, the second cold water, of tho small gliject as thc welght- It shows the growl,11 of tin indue- barda, bt-Ing Put on the turn of m that ,, Is an oil ier. - founded on merit and Cultivated C-Ird or 0e rakeout of the cash at Is a mitstako. Rlicumatisru can be %Oted . , smiu, bill, at that time tile Callforot�t pocketbook. I doubtless, menthol" _try derived from the peppermint plant. � The Impressions our senses ro, by enterprIge. It sliows the aPPIT- farl-fan, thoroughly 411,11,011 out of tile Rye- s eginning, and i Never envy: a man hio wealth for. " rolY It oil tyour forehead or. on colve are, after all, to a great ex- cia.tion or tile pillitic rot, a remedy ThereareslaTe brokers in all the torn, but It must be treated throughl the blood, as It is a, blood illoeas'. I Since then it has grown to onot'- having ,acquired that wealth Ilia- I k 2Y%'tbor part of Your body it' Pro- toot, relat Lye# 2i. thodfull of bripks emp- th-at they have tried themneives and ,trgo Chinese cities. Their buslnesq ' ,,tp(l joiat;fj lit Rubbing the Affec it 1 I inouk; proportions. btion -stly, Jor you ba,ve the PrIvile,90 the in colnec bane . , 1, �pt Se tied into a larger receptacle Neums act round wanting It 01011's his luct I .H at times of famine, anti the duces a feeling of joy, coldnese. - - tighten If you are sea,ted in, a room, bundri of suff6rers have starvation lately . t litabs; wi It lIntmentitrand, lotions will i Much of work 4 %-,'It" the gpowing limu to Ile, done W Of (1,13(lull'ing It bY Paying "'a PrlC4 I �� Mislead the Judgment. beialth DaH which . prevalledlu ,never I oRito walis of which are round in Dodd's Kidney Pills when North. China, Caused irtany parents This to attributable mainly to G tw1O OPP .r . cure rheumatism, though p, I- haps it may givo temporary reliz,f,l 114"Ad, FJ3 "'at labor Js ail imPOrL- for It. , n dense mail of Tile sYstel Of try,, to property of the out)- made (with the pictureu On them) in their raisery they thought (leath to roll their chikiren. With some t Dr. W1111anin' Pink PI IS Imve oure P ant Consideration. Never r0l) a "roguoing" by reli: very pecullar little to shift up and dow,n in opposite W,&s their only relief. It wiiau a queation of allowing them stance, which Stimulates tile I directions -the experiment has been And Doddlis Allitanae has become 0110 to starvo or selling them. Tile more casea of rheriluatism than pvr. pl.mottwa Lall ills pool- opinlo,is, for they, are all haps any other disease except ail- ablE. growers is necessary Ili ord,?i that he paSsesses and X,.oa take that meatIl re- "Aierves of Cold Sensation" be the skin. All over the body are dia. illustrated at summer resorts for of Canadalm national advortiselliOnt9' Halt Ili that girl babies are a drug lail- a, anti congliAn 'Inakeif aemirt. Those pills drive the rlieuni.1- to malatain the typ . wilicil not enriches you, and , hand Planti; that - tributed nerves or cold and nerv,�S- tile aniusement of tile profanum Published In many countries ani] In tile market. vivigus-you find reatl- o it Ifas made Canada a famil- tic,poigon out of the sysiont, by th(-Jr of removing by all - him %as mad;as a eatiple of rival mag on the bl:;0, and the trouble deviate from tile required standar.l. pies. of beat, the former cani only feel cool the latter can only feci will yourself Think or buying v. baby for a Milli- Justipg yourselif on your Chair to Eu,"I"woord it) those lands where tiw tagi - This IS the one. .action rarely returnm if tile treatment 1--I Cultivating, harvesting, threshing Never Salt to talk land and. "atlt ness and warmth. The Indiathol is not I price which )told ail inWgInary -balance, But great. Dominion linS heretofore stood of the Infant qsyliinis of Shanglial of forest audl persisted lit until the blood J4 In ,I and cleaning are largely lialid oper- persons lit hotel or theatre lobb!eRo' ill cares or stree tears, or people for a dreary waste but it fools W for the reason, &Uuvu tills, of course, Is ail, effect merely spow. And wherever it I'm gone It IF, Sold to Pay for thoin, Tills is a optical, and directly related to a 8 infitItutlon, thoroughly healthy Condition. ations. Ali ail Illustration of ]low even the The labor involved Is a serious will think that you out 00 fig"I's I . mentioned, class of illusory phenomena so var. ll�a,l fbeell followed by Dodd1w Kidney Plillanthrople and fill, Each set of the nerves has Its ow,,1 pills and Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab- 01 Ildren tire bought as a matter of r world. Inost aggravated form or this trou- objection to the home -g owing of In tit() I L,I(,, yield to Dr. Willinuvw Fink Pill", I Seed, which is practised by so=, Never fail to .sproad X'our nowspa- ' " kind of sensation. If led that there is no end to them. iets. No one In Canada needs to, be charity ail(] r,qllglon, They aie Pill Ion 1r 10 tile case of Mr. J. .f. Richards, of' gardeners. Very freqLiently, too, tile per,at arms' length when reading It, yen shut your oyelitio lit a dark room .RoM Your Forefinger told of their ,work. it if; familiar ', roared surrounded by Christian lit- quickly and tightly, YOU Isvill PcI`- every household. ciurrice it to .,-,.i,r fluenoev, are taught all Sorts of do. port Colborne, Got., may be cited. quaiity of seed produced is inferior to I in the cars, for tile passengers On . Mr. Itichards Says: "About three that grown by proj�essionals, unlcE;.i either g3ide of you. may not have had it, noue and ceive somethingi like a flaoll Of light. it foot in front of yoi lithas (10,10 hollor to tile Dodds Medi -it mostic duties, and when they or- Years ago I Suffered from a mosi; proper precautions are taken. Th 3 enough miGney'to have bought one is; due to irritation of tile op- look at it. You will find that more One Co. anti tile prond name or Call., rivo at the. proper age are given re- severe attack of rheumatism. I greatest dangers encountered ara and -want to profit by, year thought-. ,watich tie nerve. Any kind of shock to tile distinct objects lit tit,- line of Yisloil ada. 1 4 1 SPE-Ctable husbands. could neither lie down nor lilt up tile crossing Of v-arietles and detP- fulness in obstructing their views of auditory nerve wIll produce 0, lolld ,tire doubled. You - qui see tw,o or . Tho brokers, a si h rule, do not buy with any degrea of case, and I am rioratlon of StOlck- TO Obviate "th) the #41ilrt waists opposite. Bound. them. It is an illusion depending babies. Tile cost of rearing illent I Irritate, nio matter by ,w,liat means, upon an elementary principle of oil- Itimm "It [1,11d the risk of death., are too great. - quite sure only those -who have ".cen first difficulty small growers Willi Nevev fall to oxpeatorato tii pubila Similarly afflicted can, underatana find it lloeasSar3r to grO19' only Ono places or ladies with trailing firkirls y tics. Look at a distant object, hold- any of the nerves, and It responds b -V They Prefer to have girls or boys 7% ally one Species ; to Over- will be shy of their philanthropic cc - what agoily I ondured. I put my- variety OX I It, conve3!Ing Its ow.n Peculiar sense Im- Ing your forefinger as before, and d d. . see two fingers. Seeing I 11 self under the care of an excellent come the second, Constant caTo �upatlonq.' . . Then I w_'M be required. Only thore the the ression to the brain, Thus it is yon will filat Ili to double is no great art, as you -Will .r. 11�11N CHINA doctor, but got, no benefit. Selection -, Never dwell upon mean, .trled another and still another, but plants whilill are vigorous and ,all- base or the sordid. for they., are ro- one able admit wlibn you have tried the ex- -_Z Me Wisdow of Chief Joseph. I ,Xaste Electricity ;�i "'i * l d with no better results. Div tills time prom mation rot, denta that will makzi a cbeesii of youn that should be allowed to porlment. . rW-MNWW&WA1MWMWWMN#" 'Whon tile VDIce of a ba.ttery are , Mille press agent of the Indian It is not tile mind that Is deceived at a low estimate I .- Theiro are. I had becomegio reduced in -flesh that friendki hardly knew, me; 1: could not variety sent. ( I - Vigor of-growtband ripen their seed Never aline a,n,T.:bo-ay wbo to Ilkelar. I 'ignorance applied to the tongue. The papillae 1, ,,,,, cases as those described, of Congress at Maillson Square Gar- tile tile tongue, each GOU,000 human belngs w,ho are III dell YOuCllLs for tl le follo,'Nv.ing phil- move hand or foot, and had to be dnetiyeness In indivIduill plants or take I fa)rroe that are transmitted to detect your . oil surface.of course, but the eye, the ear, the at w -Ing. nerve end- �y Servitude In the Celestial kingdOul. osophical remurks by Chief .Tosepli, .,bich representg it It touch, tile taste or the smell. The "as turned in bed Ineheate. Tile palli I endured wAo Something awful. Then quaLities your mental mea -sure, from one generation or plants to th., Never $all to laulgh bolikerOuslY In . L- Ing, are stimulated and an illusion are merely erroneous sense iippres- China, has 80,GE)O,000 families, and translated by Ited 1111kindent' this one slave to evOrYelglft Small mothrers [lave broughtforth I wime urged to try Dr. Williams' next , so that lit is unlvisO to allow public places or .you will I jot be but the mO3t desirable, plants jig-,_� If- makes dr flavor results. slone-frands, as Ono might say, greater big chiefs. You may try an odd experiment upon tile nervolie system. Behind the ramIlles. The average IS anY thought a person of note, Pink Pill&, an(I after taking a, few, Ales that boxes there ail apprecialite to mature. Turnips,a.nd rad6 Never fail to talk to yourself In In regard to taste sensations b,sr mochanistif of the nervous .sys�tem, in south, China, -where nearly overY Bad -Deeds loses muchil sleep, differ,niL one owns slaves. 111ftere-ir, scarcely A secret Calls at a hundred wlg� was I are ,lot suitable for table use aro the FAyeet or -you will not be coll� change for the better; the Pains be- mac..11 less suitable for seed prGcluc- "deep pLacirig simultancouslY oil of tile tongue two substances of which thelbrain is the nervous Lt. Chinese family of means in Nall- jymims. gar. to, leave me, and itty jointg be� tion. Not all the seed Of even the sidered n, thInker." Never fall to look wise when 4you parts of markedly different flavorg-saY, centre (a magnificent ganglion),. kin, Canton, Macao or ,&moy but Every man knoWs hbw to make, there sits III. judgment the InteIll- slave love foi, Airlinself. I gan to limber. I kept pri taking thf, best plants Should be sown, as there pills until I had used a dozen boxes, invarlablY small and feel empty. sugar ana salt. Yon willi not taste time' nor witlo possesses one or more gence, wJilch, Acting as the final girls. Siave boys tire less Coll'- Stingy-Afan tries to w,arm jllm� are ,present by which time every trace of tile phrlyejie�l remils, and 0111Y the large, Never fail to "recite half a dozen, them both at tile same they I arbiter of fact, finds it rather are found In k won, but- the girls Self wil-W smoke. trouble had disapiJeared. II firmly plump seeds should be used- BY fOl- pooms when your hostess requests It . as a. mixture, but- w,111 alter- nato back and forth;. yon'will. taste I amusing to detect such cheats and every street and In almost every A Min i gry stomach does not quar- brand them as clever but unsuccesa- house. rot wRtlif the cook, N no believe that liala It not been for Dr. lowing this system Of selection it YOU to favOIq tile Company" vit 0 Williams' 'Pink Pills I would llay,e may not only lamintain but particular piece, for It may be your it, first tile sweet and then the Sa and . I mad tile sivee� again, and then tit& ful lmpasturpv�-Boston Herald. . Girls retch from $10 to $100 Uttle-Cantion sets big death; are trap, . gardener wove - tit I f last Chance. been a rhouniatic cripple for life." constantly Iml it variety, b to exercise such Never fall ta do moHt of tile talk-: upward Ill South China. They salt, as sense perception Jumps back Sold at ally age from- 3 to 16'alld YOU can't tell a gnn's. kill by its These pills not only Cure rheumn. he is not willing tism, but all 'other blood and nerve care 119 would (to much better to Ing, as the others must be tired of and forth betwnen tile two. It Is 8, The kick. A BLESSING TO CHILDREN. most commonly at 7 or diseases, such as anaemia, indigos- prehase his Seed from a reliable the bound of their Own voice&. ' r6ally very curious and illustrates . — prettiest girls are tile most desir- Bud-Nows flies on tlee lightning's tion, kidney troubles. neuralgia, par- soodsman. . Never fail to be witty at arother*s tile .fact that one cannot possibly . . able, as In case of ma.rriage Or wilngs. . r tial paralysis, ,kht. Vitus dance, etc. Willie it is true that to seen e oNpense in company or you won't taste more thap,one thinig at ally From this fulness of my own e%- sale they will bring met% to tile In thb dark is a good place to The genuine pills always bear the genuine garden Seeds is a more Illn- make enemies. I I given moment. . parlence," writes Mrs. Samuel Hiam- family widell, buys 'Client. MOSL Of look at zrourself, full na:mc, "Dr. WilllamW Pink Plilu portant consideration thiall tcyllftvc N -ever, If you. have a story to tell, .Tugt as it is impossible to percelval - Ilton, Of -Itilwidon, Que., "I ban say 11 tile slave girls ar, bought to ,work Do no(t -bait .-_lthi sturgeon to around every box. Sold by all ineai- ' seeds that ShOW a high vitality, 1L tell it in, the shorteitt Possible timti dse you t1fat gaby's OwA Tablets are all. about the houfje. It I c1leaper to oneell' perch. two ta,stes at oncei'so llke%i . S cloo dealerg at 50 conts a be\, or Is evident t1fat a person "Owing , and way it yon would ba considered � cannot slistinguisli two different indispensible medicine In every buy a servant than to hire One, Mhb hornet's sting feels longer , Six boxes for $2.150, or Sent by' luall, smells at the same Instant. You may - home where there arr infants n d for if take it, 911-1 Of 8 YOln th'an the heron's hooks. HecdO Ewould kno�v, approximately � a master of detail. r cent. were likely togrow. Xever fail to tell ail off -colored wlb�at Ile � .it you post paid, by writing,to the Dr. Wil- test this by makIng two cornucoplas chrildren. They speedily relieve and can have ITer services until she I d m t a . You o not 1v Ye o eat grubs liamEe Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. der 'to obtain soitne definite - in or story to a. gantleman to whom you of letter -paper and pacing the large Core all tile common allments Inel- 15, getting eight years of work for because th'ey taste sweet to the information in regard to th-equal- ! have been just Introduced, for lie end of each of 'them over r3onle dent to childhood. In fact, I think nothing but Ifer board anti clothes, bear. . . Ity of 0111, vegetablo and flower inay be no pleaner minded than your- the De- . strong -scouted substance -say, Pep- t1le Tabletsi nre .a bleisfug to dhild- and then soil hier for perhaps tell I am always afraid that clumsy 0*4,0"*0*,$*4,#0*9+$,9,0,&"0#q and a weak solution of am- price. Kridness will step on feet. ilitties, seeds, tije, seed division of rxlf. of Agriculture collected permint ren.fl' your original my monla, contained in a couple of winc- It Is suchl sincere, honest words - TjieoreticallY there are lie slaves Thie coward envies the rabbit's I., 0 0 OLD FASHIONED OARDENS : partment Never fall to neglect old folk, as upivards of five hundred samples The they have had their clay, and you are glas eH, Then put tile small ends of as ,the ter- 6 'He that litts made -Baby's Own in I -long 1��.011g, as it is British logs. nostrilo * 10 0 0 and tested th'cra for vitality. t � going to bo young and Intorestingi tile ) your cornucoplas lilt( will smell, Tablets the most popular inedicine ritory but In reality the cl L 11(s, A Frenchman seems lIolit0enollgh and notice �the effect. 'You all over the land. The full them. T,lley are tile ina, ter shlake ]lands -mith. a crab. #4***#,P***#**"04,"4,"0*" samples are secured a about twenty different points in tile Do- an(I beautiful forever. w,11thl mothers oi not both together, but the ammoula T.A;blets call -be given to all children servants and nurses Of the Chin- alternately. fluctual- ladyneeds . " What has become a Vie old- minion, and -were considered repro- Never, If you have a really fine tile Seeds on sale. watch, fail to Consult It lit conipany , and peppermint f dal tile tiniest, weakest baby to ese. Every small-fooLed Death or I unaoy seemed the only alter- faseltionedgarden?" said a suburban- Ing back and forth from one -to the r u 'thie wRil-grown child, an d . where slaves to help her abo t, and to oenta,LLVe of About one hundred of the packages at least once ever y fivo�iulnutoa, or . native for a well-known and highly respected ite to his Companion the other other. ' I they are used you find only the Nouses of tli'e rich, Av,liere there day boughit- were of sq.�(Is lield over it in ay not be known, flint Yoll Ilave Now Toi somethIng In a different lady of IvInglialu, Out., who had travell .d as both ,were, coming home front hlealthy. happy children in the home. are many daughters, It is not un- from last -year. Tho mo,it approved oile, or thought that yon have no ' . over two continents in a vain search for it business On dn.o. of the Suburban roll- line: I . I you can get the Tablets front any common to find from twenty to meth;oil wuH used Ili making the other engagement of niore Import - Plunge your right Itand Into it jar ellre for nervous debility,and d,vsPc-k),RIn. ,y will be thirty slaves in a single family. , -]tie that IS just a bit too hot dealer In niedicine. or the fi lead ret ornmended Hout Anterlear..'en 'utH � A mvai- lines. -I meah tlio gardens we used to see -such. as Our tests, two hundred seeds being used once, or that you (lid not drop lit test and each be- only as a favor anyway. - of water grandmoth- sent by mail at 25c. a box by wri- Female slaves are often One bottle helped, six bottles cured and he� for each single , 'r ov It lug Tilre Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., from one man to another, an not Ing conducted Ili duplicate. to be bearable. You will. WItIldl't' il r,�Js L own writt it testintony cloa( a ;Rth these ors took p -ride in-wid ill(- old-fagh- WNere N-evor lopologizo It you knock up� "It Immediately, and say that a, part of words. ]tits saved illy life." -20 _It Ii-rockville, Ont. Infrequently they form toned. flowers, which, with :their own ibb number of seeds in the pack- against a weaker or4on or tread f - Y - - .. . Volt Cannot Stand & bridal outfit. Miley are coil" - hands' they ,trained anti reared- age woulcl not permit of thlig, ,%It upon Ills beels, or yon may be But if, thereupon, you put yor left F. monlv bought as secondary wives Was the Editor There? I hands less adalpted to boe, and rake tli;e seeds were used. thought to b -P afraid to be respon- hand Into another vessel containing ftexico, Alerto- and often as teachers. and dig than those of -the modern T,I,,G following table gives a sum- slblf,� rot- ybur act. . moderately"wartul Nvaetr, and gradu.- exico Is building portwoorks Where are localities in China Toronto Globe. athletle woman." mary of tests of a few of the common Never fall to ntarp at pretty gIrIF) where the girls are noted for their ally raise tile temperature of tile lat- 11, on m, r. Dan Vlroet has placed Ills Can- Yes, it I,; a fact, and a much to speds : or unescorted wouten, or they may bier Pacific coast. Her long front- . ter, youlvill find that you can endure on thle world's greatest ocean beauty. .The cities of Yang-Ch!au adlan public under obligation to hill) degrecs higher than' the ago as famous for be lamented fact, that the old-fash- Seed. ,Na. or Tests. T Min. Max. Aver, think that you .are lacking In good lolled garden, with, its sweet w1l.liam onion 27 1.3 06.5 5,-) 7 to"te. It 10 or 15 Interest, afid a great and Su -Chau are itrat wAter you tried. It is natural gives her an rearing handsome young girls as *so 0110, Ili tIVe vast Bea stretchingbe- for affording them il�n opportunity .�. ... and Its Corn flowerts, Its dark red Lettu-c ... ... 10 41. lm.(I �.Kvl -to see a famous "morality play" per- velidei - - 18.) Never fall to latroiluce persons Ili- . , and. In, - hellotrope, Its I.0 ..) 6. I enough Othat tills should be ; but Georgia In the Caucasn", front right hand again In tween htr and Asia. Railways are Tlqrks so often obtain formed on the stage with appropriate I pop pies (,elery ... ... 11 -5 6,.- diNcriminately or you may not era - 04, .M. b1nek-eyed Susaus and delicate morn- Carrot ... ... - 26.. ( .,. barraso who have no earth- now place Your where rich' Jax No. 1, the temperature of wilich naw. Reading .for Mopolobampo and Manzanillo. Fleets of ocean steam- their 'wives. Tilere are persons lit setting mild good acting. ,� - � p:,rsons ing glGries, wham, pi,rph, p, ta N an, Cauliflowcr ') 2.5 87 ri 1 .5) ly intorert- Ili Pach otlier, or who shyly closed wli-en old ',liol begins to 12.5 90: 71.6 f a has not altered by a fraction O at era are to connect liter ports with these cities who make a business dpgree, and the water which I e, it P LADIES AND CHILDREN 'Yokoililarna, Of ""Rill sl� v - girls' ] a F 14 dl It ... ... 17 have been "on the ontall for years. stare too rudcAy; Its rOWS "poll Tomato ... ... 18 21 7. 07.5- 7T. Never fall to efflixively thank per - reel e0ol. Iviatilia. Shanglial tin(] ut lor : Often suffer front exceedinq nervousness. The rows of haughty hollyhocks, WIIILII, C first was unendurable will J They search the country abo ,,bb.19L . ...... 14 40-15 05.8 72. Hong Kong. As *in a vision, Baron Ion f one of the 'I) & L" Menthol when once planted, grow like weeds 1,11rs, p ... .I . 11.3 631. 40. onns for the alightest; favor, for effir- The same !Iian d that found the water ls and puttliern it .. 5 I a habase tile always for little things ,shoir, Humboldt saw, Mexico become P! 1%1111.11tll��..t to to of spinela P.iv<,. tharks unbearably hot In tile first in"tanct, Yon through a regular cours ccompanied by the niost gratifying results. and tbreat,i,n the more modet;t Morning 0.8 Such, ' good heart -and soft ]lead. - - its � 29. 6 i.3 .1 a "tho bridge of the world's com- hilve heartEcaso and bacheloe buttoas 5 sensation of the For tile relieving of pain they no equal. experiences it coolness . Aer� . Ing. They flave faring where the of the thermometer m6rce," and thio Scotsman Pat , Glory ... ... sweet Scouted migno,notte and its ;,Aw-ecj� pe ill.." 81.4 ,as 5 , 09. at same point five minutes later. I son declared, long ago, thiat th"I 11 ,,,,,, fil.,ig,lit to sing, play upon ., . Something to be Thankful for. be illustrated Tstbimus of Willant would W Musloo, Instruments and to aedulre Idea, epee never faffing daisies -Is a thing of pans ... ... i; 9.3 75.' 5 4.2 Tlio. Baldwin Locomotive Works I y tile past. The most nOtoworthy point lit turned out 901 loComotlVes to ISD9. The Same inay - I - . . . � I of The modc.rn woman does not look the results is the great variation In ,1,,-117 In 11)(10, 1,375). In 1001, i,833 - Hlow immense is the number _____ ___.______ - --,-. - . � .. I..., - �. ___., _ . .- _'.... � , . mrdp the results of different samples of In 1002, end will nearly rmlohl 2.- 1 .....­- ­­..... .... , ,... _.. ­ . ..7, .... ,... _� .., .. I - I . .(11:-.2*C) 3 In after her ig, .n its lie mother and . . . I, 1-,- - good men, and good women founi . In 1 Six ocomotives turn- the I (,.I qnomitew.isforitimy .nowitia -atifidans'10%el,.'s prandmoth,or used to (10. To -day the one kind of seed. For while ()()o ..()O�. ! - '0 % 1; .4" 01 f,� - � I ,� 44`_1*' 1 . � I. 21 ,7% C0�--A. , , '� I - � �. . I I .1 . " - -I t, ` I Ely .. I 10' ;! � , -.1, - I , ... I .1 , ­_ '. �- .4.� 1^ .. . �, ­-, I ­ .. . -1 �.-' . . . ­ . I I .1 For Liquozone—Yet We Give You a 50c. DLOttle Free - * This company, after testitig Liquozoll e for two years,in tile olost difficult gerin diseases,�,aid S100,000 for the American list i, st price rights. s by, far the higlie over paid for similar rights On ally sclen- tiric, discovery. We publish this fact to show you the Value of Liquazone. The most worthless product May bayb great Claims inade iltbout it', buit nien, don't pay a price like that save for a discovety' Of reinarkable worth to. humanity. . . Kill$ Inside Germs. . T,iquazofte aT011e kills germs ill the body without killing the tissues, too. It is SO Certain -that we publish oil every, bottle an offer of $r Coo for a disease gerin that it cannot kifi. Liquezolle destroys At once and forever thc caltsc Of tiny gert" disease. And there is - ria. other way to do it, Ally dm h kills germs is a poison to � 1. yt at ba taken internally. fiis an it cannot q �Pwooe alone equ attaek a trouble thr.t fit caused by inside, germs, nua It cures diseasts which Medicine never cured. Liquid 0 I,Iquozono is simply drup, noalcohol i I% it - If Pikull, the great Ger spent *0 Yeats oil it. gibt buch All excess Of form into the blood that no gertit Could live in a I tly inetiabraile or tissue. Liquozoue does -that- Oxygen is Nature's greatest tovic-tht very source of vitality, its efTects are exhilaratin - purifying, vitalizilig- Nothing elsegitl the world is,so gooti, for you. Butgerms are -vegetables; atid this excess of Oxygen -the very life of an animal -is deadly to '"getable matter. We Sliend 14 days in winking each bottle of LiquoZolle, but the result is liquid oxygen—& product which will cure diseases which uo medical skill can cure 'thout it. It is llow tinployed in every wl great hospital, and indorsed by -every medical authority; the wotid over. I . Germ DiSID&SIDS. These are the.kilowil gernt diseases. All that medicine call do forthese troubleil is to help wature overconte the gerfils, and tuch results Ate indirect and tit' - certain. Li(Ittozolic 1,1118 tile gertiss, Nylittrever the� are, and the results aN inevitable. By destroyilig 1116 cause Of tile trouble, it invariably ends tile disease, , and forever. Asthma Hay vevor—Influenka Absees-01—Atitentlit Kiinity Disdasca x7gen. , stobdildil BW4 Poison X,1% Grippe T'itticotrilea uright's DISeAse nowol Troubles X,iver Troubleg hIctlatti—Neuralgin liquid otygeft-110 cought-colds � hially Matt TroubIcs I t is the tII,-,dovery. Corminption riks—pneul"oniA Pletirlay—Qltitkiif Inall (1-hentist, NvIto 0&k—Crotari , Constipation Itheinuilitism , bject W,19 to CAt,0,',1I_C�Kf1&r ,.;is o Ufa Distases oxygeli Ill StAple 13yiest-ety—Diarth-ta SclotUIA—BYPI111111 the ,world, and how much occasion . for tills fact 91VO9 us I there is a gardener who att arl. that. Ile inows tho lawns, ho average Is Ill 1�10fjt cases fairly, rea� eollable, a considerable number of ed Out, V01311110", lor each working day In fire year lFt a to-ly business, gratitude There doubtless are bad people, far plarin the Shapes aiid arrangem2rit Samples germinate so poorly that a it keeps about 17,000 men on the I liable of the flower beds. And what does poor stand would bo Inevitable. The Jump. too many of them; �but we are lie plant ? In tile F-prIllp haughty love of giving, work faithfully, pray In their . . � � Dandrtiff—Dropsy stomach Troubles DyspepSia Throst Troubles F,czerna—srysipelfis Tuberculosis Fevers—Cal-I Stotics Tumcrs�Ulcerm Goltre—Gout varidoccle Gonerrhes.—Gleet women's Diseases All digensci that begin with fever—all inflaw- inatfiin�itll eat rrh—all contagious diseases—all tile resnits of inipitre or polFoned blood. In itervosis deWIlly 1,1quotone actit six a Vital. izer, acconit)1ishing what no drugs can do. 50c. Bottle 11% roe. If you need Liquozone, and have never tried it, pleasii solid its this coupon. We will then millil you ail order on your local druggist for a full-size bottle, anti we will pay yotIr druggist ourselves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince You; to show you,what Mittiozone is, and what it call do. In justice to yourself, please accept it to -day, for it places you under tie obligation whatever. Liquozone costl See. and P, � 1. . I CUT OUT THIS COUPON tor this offer nmy not npiwar ngain. Vil out lilt 111rint:s qli(l nind it in the l.icluld Ozone co., n.21-220 Witzie St., CblcAgo. my disealle Is ....... I ............... 0 ......... r hime never ttitd T.IIIttiozotie er Irowley's Mquified Ozone, but it 1-01, Will SUPIPly lilt R r)oe, bottle free r will tar- e it. .. .... 6 ........... 6 ........... **.1. 8 -t 6.40 ..... *.A ....... 016..""..064444.. 1) C ,A ...... .................. o .......... niva t1irl t%fI4lrM-WKI6rlrJ"l.V1. ­ I I I .1 , 1,1cinozone-ont. tiodeniark, . naint-now ripperts cit every bottle U gendne 11quill4d Merit. . )oil People . to forget holy, many g( tulips and awkwa hyacinths, .and later on nothIng lait stiff geraillunis Liters are. .%Ociety Is full of men -blossoms In which there is nolther and women who do J uRtlY, love gl�acc nor p�nrfumo, possps4ing only iiiercy, and walk humbly with their one attribute of ill,, truly beautiful Giod. In every Community We MAY . flower -color. . . find tllcln-peop�e Who love their it would seem ' that- the modern kind, give handsomely out of tile pure wolumin ought to take more interest love of giving, work faithfully, pray In their In gardemling. 8he b, stronger, (If moro a,tbleilo build than her , arices- Impoitunately, and do all power to put down evil, enthroile tors, and, fliorefove, better fitted to . tile 11pood, and make this-WOrld more weeid a garden and care Tor tile plants than tIm women of the last like heaven, Lot us thank God for the multitudes -of good,men and good generation. vs,110 Spent 11111C.11 of their Iivomen there are In tile WOrld-and . are, witting ep . time In doing N11011 onei wark as crocheting and knitting. tile proportion Is greater than poo. Then, too, It Is remarkable that ple think. One nlan,whto Jumps over plant Ilfa haF; Ilot more attractions Niagara makes far n1pro excitement for children, now that nature Rtudy than the thousands Who go there L.; bt�lllg listro,juerd Into tile thible . and do not jump. you hear all about mbool curriculum. And yot, In )low that man willo leaped froin Urook- �er Y fair suburban and, country )yn Biridgo not long ago, but not I,Gmo,,* dong one 'find that tile 01111 - one word concerning any of tile Airen have ehargo of littlo 911"(1011 thousands upon. thousands who pass- p ploots which tll(,T mny call their very ed quietly over. Titio is God,s world, and a goot, own ? % %I And w1th thO 1101110 gordell the world, and it IF.j -going to grow bet- hanio-mado bo"(1110t, the i)III-tilig gift ter and better. There are bad peo- of every bo%togs to ilie friend who plo In It, but the hible Ili In It, ba(I v1sitoil her Ili ]ter Country home, and multitudes of 111ble-loving, BOul- God has al,6101 PaSH03 ILWftV. Cut floworS from the greenhouse for beautifying loving Christians are In It. himself and tile Holy .1-lipirit are Ili tit(, ilinner table were, in olden tiown, it &190. Itight Is stronger than t)ilt "t thp (Illr�'tlolll "lit It bountiful' I mliply from tile gard(%,n was always wroing; good Is stronger thall evil; God, 19 stronger than Satan. Christ � cyll Igillil, so that v,t vach and ev(%r,, I -0 fr('sll bouquet ("1111(l bo niall. ), la �% ot to gee of tile travall ( f Ills III .1. blow watted the Nvery brovzo that . 1, wini and be Satisfied. HIS kil'9110111 f�o,�Ilt of holley,sAlekle allil mignonette is to Come, and lilt; will Is to bo (lone I through thro 11011141, alh, fro"' Parly oll parth asi It to (10110 In 11nav011. I (-pring until lilt(, In tile hill tllf% Ali' Ile Is to reign, from sen, to Sea, and I wno,mlalent -010 NwPot P00111110. from th6 river unte the ends of tile � bf course, it wvIl-triol"Mi. town ,ttrld earth. "Thin God Is our God for I o.-atly (1eQlgIlIA gerAnlurn, livd.4 linve ever and ever." IPt 110 always, and 1 their advartiagp:,,�, ,but llvp(l tile par- or'J"eciftIly at tills Thanksgiving RL,m- "thank Cod and tako courage," 1 11t,it bi,, ,sq,crifl�ptl to the litiYn ? Wily liot comprolillso, 11TILI, have, a little �t son, -FrOm "Tile Treamury-10 enall J-Duffalo Bx4_11141190- AnY Ulceration, Eruption or Irritation of the Skin is Curable by Means of DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT There is it() .guegswork about tile for pezema, salt rlipurn, old sores orl resulis obtainable from Dr. Chase's piles. Theide lonscareely a town, vll� r ointment. lag or I c it c in this wholo land � � With all medichileS taken internal- but Call P< )Int to srnll,� case in wIllch Dr. Cliaso's Ointment has made o, lyl therie is mare or leim uncertainty. as to tile offeet, beenitoo the Cofial - remarkable cixre, jVlltl(� tills ointment lo bmtknowa tion may, not bei exaCtlY as Indicated . all mepount of Its extraordinary suc. bY, tile symptoms, but if yon tiny(, a e(,�N[q to onelug tile luost torturbioz . Here, or wound and apply Dr. Clin,00's skill diseases and tho most dis- Ointment and lical It .-Ly.ioll call see with W,011r own eyQs 1ho definite Ile- . trossing forms of plies, It to Also useful In scores of NY&YR Ill evOrY, Gults, I . I home for the Cure of F;eftldI;, burns, It is becamv of the certain results i wounds, old eoves, chating, skill Ir- accolliparyllig the use of Dr. Chase'$ I ritation. Hero IePt, 114111111104 rOugh 01litmont that this ,great preparation 1, skill, and everythitir for ,whIell aill, limit colue, to be Standard the world ,, antiseptle, SoothIng' iWatment Is *:Oil "' over. It it dealer offers " . "';10)dC%.Il,mse1a othor ollitmont, does lie do ;'o rinalt-ii olotillont, 00 cents .1 Inorits, 01, (I(vti lie not rilitbor try to box, at all dealers, or Edmangoll. , make &,salo bY SAV1119: ... DhIs Is Just 11ti,t0s & C0111PRAIN', TlOrontO. TO at; good its Dr. ellak16's?" I , pl-otivit yotl ogmln�t lioltations Vie � W1 As ft 1114iter of fact, Dr. (,hapo,g, portialt and signiaturo, of Dr, A. ()Intment If, nC%IV. i"O 1111114ersall.V used ('.Ijage, tile foluous reeelpt book t%u- . .w &m1ppe think of offering that f(. thor, itre oil every. box of b1ii rem -i anything else whon a turO Is sought odlo. � . I