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The Wingham Advance, 1903-10-22, Page 10
KJ a THE WIN�� HAI' AT)VA NCE IThursday, October :2.2, 1903 _.,...r,,.,,,.,r..,k.. !Grey. The Nile. 1'E -R7 E.,�,The ne�v Methodist .church at the l4lr, Jonas Flood, wife and faintly of Are YOU Nile ip last Sabbath, opened for aspic Mr. Ben. are visitors at the home of warship. last Sabbath, Rev. Jasper 5xr, Tien, Jackson,. Mr. Win, Nilson, President of the London Con- Douglatlo of Markdale, Mr, Ureal McIntosh of Essex Co., GOEMON also Mr, and Mrs, Hill of Orangeville Terence, reaching the dedicatory ser- sent a few days of this week with F, . D, o R. A. Dou lass. ,Stewart $ tton of Goderich,es by b o theepastor Itervices v, BMr. and family.. coated spout the Thanksgiving holida a with onducted b the Rev. Dr, Daniels of g g Mr. Goo. schoolaviteacherofrang- a Y pastor, Guelph Dame home for the holidays nI• J. Wilson. IVot;wfthsGandiat the � aide Public school, visited S. S, No 4 ; inclemency of the weather, the open, on pridoy of last week. Will. Roderua Miss and sister, ins service was crowded, and at the directing r Ada came home from London to spend afternoon and evening meetings, the Robt. Eaket of Stratford Buoineso - 1! Or two weeks �j have f� �1 t l (i attention Q Thanksgiving .... Mrs, Ed. Bowles of basement was insufliclent to accomruo- College, spec Sunday under the par- - Over For date the crowds which flocked from ental roof. We wish him further sur=- Orangeville was a holiday guest at J, cess,in his studies. - Exclusive J. Homutha,..-Miss Bissette of Esc se quarters, and where concurrent QLIl' 11U117(:S4US customers iJQ UUI' services were conducted, On Monday Mr, Robt, McKay, of ,Ethel, occupied .. eter spent Thursday last with her sis- evening the usual social gathering was the pulpit in Roe's church last Sabbath Styles and Unequalled Values in Winter ter.,,.Mr. and Mrs. Tait of Brussels held. Immense crowds began to arrive morning, Rev. Wells taking charge of J q The were guests at Mr, II. Ball's., ..Misses belly stud re the time the programme the services at Pine River. fl began, there Were fully nine hundred Mr. William .Bishop of Komoka, ' Annie and I izzie Gilchrist of town pparsons present from Luclenow, tiViug formerly of Grey, called an many of spent `Thanksgiving in 13russels,.., ham, Blyth, Clinton and Ggderlch, his old friends and relatives last week; ' Mr. Fishlei h of Chesley visited his each Intermediate point contributing g he looks hale and hearty, rte takes Ladies' Coa S _ m son in Wingham last week, ...Geo, itst�G also was the provisionhe titan h d charge of the post office in that village. Moore of Toronto Jct. visited relatives beea made, and the ladies of the Nile The many friends of Miss Mary Pear - Is Olir last ear's Overcoat in town last week.... Thos. Cart- tr�are than sustained the high reputa- son are pleased to welcome her back, _right of Preston spent the holidays tion they enjoy for cateringto the house again, Miss Mary spent the e gratifTnman and right lon felt want," with Emerson of Minnesota., hSheuenjoyed y in which . t ` ,going to sea you through, or atltiehome here.... Mrs. J. J. Herr of y y � g -royally The way hese high=class, but wonderfully Low priced, beautiful garments will. you heed, a new One. East Wawanosh was in Toronto on hot fowl and about a hundred and one the trip very touch, Friday last.... Miss Daily Jobb spent other things. That the turkey held have been selling is positive evidence that our competitors in this department are Thursday with Ripley friends.... Mrs, . g Too late for last week, The S le of Overcotits is out to the last arrival is a tribute alike ( ) really not in sight. We desire this week to call our attention to three special lines - to the open-handedness of the Nileites, Mrs. Duncan McCallum, a fortner y Ia something like ladies hats Rose of Mitchell spent the holidays also to the successful and prolific in- resident at Walton, died in Seaforth � ' b Ladies Fine Furs cordial invitation is extended to the Ladies to call and "whatever suits the ,alley.,, r r with her son Walter, in town ....Arch, cubators that flourish in that district. an Wednesday of Last week, and was y Bell left this week for Hamilton.... After tea, an attempt was made to buried in Brussele,cemeteryon Friday, examine our stock of beautiful Furs that we are opening up, the ualit , artistic styles carThere are several styles, and Miss Edna Button was home from bers were ty out oo programme to admit all being McPhee ofclGrey tohter wnship.Thete de- and workmanship of which leaves nothing to be desired, and our past reputation is in "it," Toronto over Thanksgiving... Frank h the are all so to speak. given. Mr. Wilford of Blyth was ceased was 47 yrs. of age, ad been n itself, we feel sure a guarantee of the reliability of the Dods we offer. y p Mooney was home from Southampton called to the chair for the upper meet- poor health for 15 or 10 years and of ' ' y g A, R. Smith has thein and for the holidays. -...J. A. Agnew was ing, and Mr. Mitchell of Goderich, re- late years her trouble developed into , , , + home from the London Medical Col- aided over the lower regions. Each gangrene, and it became necessary for In Mens, Youths and Boys Ready -to -•wear Clothing, our stock is the largest can either Goat or Suit from lee for Thanksgiving da diel his duty- faithfully and evidenced her to have several of her fingers am- and most up-to-date that we have ever offered, and stocks must be cleared to enable the Small b0 u to the bigg g g y ..Mrs' great tact in keeping the immense putated, as well as both feet. The last y p Thomas and two children of London, crowds orderly and in good humor. operation was performed about two us to make extensive necessary improvements in our store. Surprisingly low prices mall, and his guarantee is as formerly of Wingham, are visit- In addition to the speakers, there were months ago, when one of her feet was will be given. Don't miss these bargains. ing at W. J. Pattison's....Mr. and standing on the platform as it was im- removed, after which she improved sound as the rock of Gibral» possible to get ,Yel sitting roam, Revs, for a time, but finally grew _orae You want to see our display of new, fashionable and serviceable Shoes and Ms, Frank Sellery of Kincardine Caine, Robertson, Yelland and Coup- until death ended her sufferings, on p }� tar. Try A. R. Smith, Chis- I were in town on Monday.... Messrs. land, who bad assisted in the Sabbath Wednesday morning,.She leaves a Rubbers -the prices will please you as much as the quality and styles. holmBlock for Our next J, Conery and J. Glenn are in Godservices, Addresses were delivered by husband, but no chiten. Y Y Block, y ieh this week 4n the jury, at the as- Mr, R. Holmes, M.P., Revs, Dr. Gundy, + • , - Overcoat or Suit. sizes.... Miss Millie Lawrence of De- J. Wilson and S, M. Whaley. Miss' Coupland and Rev. Mr. Small gave`,!• troit spent a few days with her mother splendid recitations, while beautiful EI•y "M' music by voice and instrument was D. Patterson County, Commissioner, in town....John McDonogh of Toren- rendered by Miss Patterson, g on Tuesday. Do i to spent the holidays at his home here Miss the was in our bur A. e Smith ... Mr, and Ms. Laughlin Mills of virile, the Tyndall brothers and the s0.s Hamilton conducted a very anon Big Prices for Trade.% GORDON g Nile Orchestra, The church is a mag• easeful stock sale for A. W. Sloan on DIRECT IMPARTER Oxford county are visiting T. A. Mills nificent structure, beautiful and sub- Tuesday Gents' Furnisher ...,Mies Madge Nichol of Fordwich stantial throughout, alike worthy of ' was the guest of Mies Mattie Orr over the object for which it was built and a C. A. Besse is running his flour mill and Clothier credit to the people, to whom great at nights this week in order to keep Thanksgiving .... Mr. and Mrs, C. Dal- praise is due, and to none more than up to the demand for the Blyth brand las spent the holidays with their to the untiring and indefatigable pas- of flour, To THB,,.:.. - MARKETS Chisholm )clock Wingham daughter in London.... Miss Kate Mc- tor, the Rev. M. J. Wilson. The total Mr. and Mrs, Ashbury, former citi- Kenzie of Georgetown visited at J. J. cost of the structure, including the zens of our town, are renewing old REAL EST -ATE BUYER g furnishings, furnace and acetylene wINGtHAbI3GAIiBS7S McMannus' over Thanksgiving .... Urs. plant, was aboutr$4,600, of which $4000 associations and friends here this No Matter where Located Boots week. Mr, Ashbury is engaged in the E'lour er 100.:....... 1 85 to Jas. Long and Miss Zora Wade spent was provided prior to the opening, milling business in Oakville; it is I am sure I can save you some money, )?'all w eat per bush new 70 to $2 7a Thanksgiving day with friends at God- The proceeds of the Sabbath services three years since he left town, hence unless the circumstances under which you P and the social netted about $400, so he finds roan changes. Oats per bush........... 028 to 028 erich....Misses Hattie Ward and that there remains only $200 yet to be y g buy aro.very exceptional. No matter what Barley per bush.°...... 0 50 to 040 Annie Nixon spent Thanksgiving day provided for. These facts speak vol- The party of C. P, R. surveyors that kind of a property or business you want, write Peas per bush ........ , 0 55 to o" with Bnevale friends, ...Mra. (Dr.) umea for the people of the congrega- arrived at Goderich fast week are mo or call on me before closing a deal. Bran ...I8 00 to 18 00 oil �`9 O t"1' B A R16 A I N S Holloway visited her relatives in tion and nothing more needs to be busy engaged in the work, prei]min- I can and shall make it profltable-to you Shorts ..................20 00 to 20 00and lJxeter Burin the holidays said in testimony of their worth as cry to the de[inite location of the to buy through me. 1tYy extensive advortts- Chop*;,,,*,,**,.* , , , , , , , , 1 25 to 125 g y tested by their willingness to give. Guelph and Goderich extension, ing keeps me constantly in touch with pro. Flay , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7 00 to 700 in everything this store con- Winnie ,McGuire of Brussels visited There are ten men in the party, Mr. perty owners in every part of the country, and But per Ib...... ..... 0 17 to 0 17 tains. We have the nicest her 1, Roberts, C. E. being in chargeOggs. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ran- g g . They I can find time.q the property you want in a Lard , , , , , , , , , , . , • ; , , , , , . 0 17 to 0 11 Rubbd �� kin last week... ,Mrs. A. Fleming and are now running a trial line through very short time. Lard .................... 0 12 to 0 I3 and freshest stack in town. g Belgrave. Blyth; the line is a row of stakes 100 Potatoes per bush (new) 0 25 to so Our turnover enables uS to ran Elliott, spent Thanksgiving in feet apart, and the object is to deter- CL,YME MAGUIRE • A pplea er ba 035 to 0 40 Lucknow....Miss Mary Agnew spent Mrs. D. Sproat spent a few days last mine the grades and see where the Hipdes per 100 lbs. , ......000 to 6 50 keep it fresh: In Crockery, a few days last week with Clinton and week in Seaforth. easiest route is to be found. The muni• Real Estate Agent, Lamb skins ............ 0 30 to 040 We have some nice New Goods Londesboro friends..... Mrs, J. Haugh W. Geddes and W. Whaley spent cipalities eastward are beginning to Office: -Upstairs in vanstone Block. Dressed hogs,....,..... 7 00 to 7 50 bestir themselves in an effort to se Sunday in Bluevale. Give hogs . .. . . . . ........ . 5 50 to 6 75 at prices away lower than any spent Thanksgiving holidays with cure the line, 'Tallow, per lb........... 05 to 5} _ friends in Detroit and Walkerville..., Rev. A. B. Jones is away this week West Wa nosh. Wool,,,,,,,,•,,,,,, .... foto 1$ Don't go around with store in town. Colne in and at Lucknow assisting in revival ser- 1. we will be leased to rove Miss Long spent Thanksgiving with vices. On Saturday last the Reeve of Ash- Ohickensper pair ........ 40 to- 75 11 P friends in London... ,Mrs. W. D. Prin- Belmore. field and West Wawanash met and let Ducks per pair ..... • ..... 00 to 80 cold and wet feet when it to you. le attended the wadding of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson of Bayfleld is at the contract, for gravelling the road Turkey, per lb. , , ... .... 10 to 11 y g g present visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Anniversary services were held in between Belfast and Bower's Saw Geese, per lb,......... .. 8 to 07 oil call et Shoes and Miss Kate McTaggart; in Belfountain Geddes, the Methodist church here on Sunday. Mill. The gravelling of the road has y g The Belmore Methodist church has Wednesday. daMiss Oliva Mason Mrs. J W. Kent a.. VanNorman of Wood. been erected twenty-five years, and the moscome none too soon, n it is is section, i of TORONTO STOCK MARKET. Rubbers At such easy For This Week returned u with London friends .y from a ... Mrs. Van13 Norman lash eek. w days with Mrs. S, ngntheafl first fittingly ator,le Revd M. Me- by hav- and t was sotnewhaffelled s thet�worae Ltfar _ F,or full and accurate market re• pllces, at A SNAP IN TEA. -A rattling good In- Cluff of Toronto, and Mrs. Cook and The potato crop in this locality is Donagh, of Stratford, now superannu- wear, ports see second page, diaann, worth anyway 30c lb,, this week 2io children of Clinton, are visitors this almost a complete fa9lure, about two ated, preach both morning and Dungannon Fall Fair was as good as only,week at Mr. H. Xeres.... Mrs. J. Ang- thirds of them being diseased. evening on Sunday. There was a ever, and the gate receipts were some NAIL BRUSHES. -Regular 50, 3 for„ ... IOc very large attendance, many being un- $65 ahead of last year's; in the even- CLOTHES PINS. -Price advancedrecent• ly, but yours this week, 4 doz. for..... 5c ley returned on Monday evening from a visit with friends in Goderich and bars. F. Wheeler, who has been on the sick list for some time, is slowly able to gain admittance to the church on Sunday evening. On Monday ing there was $140 house at the con- cert, the hall being ja-rnined to over. BLUE. -Laundry Blue, 4 squares in pkg., 3 packages for .......................... 10c vicinity. The "young folks at home" . apparently wished to their mother improving which her many friends will be glad to hear, evening a fowl supper was served in the church. The spread of eatables flowing. The receipts of the two days not includingmembershipfees, were PEARL TAPIOCA. --That ie generally sold at 3 lbs. for lac -Saturday, 7 lbs, give a hearty welcome, and prepared a little Mr. R. Gallagher, who has been in . Manitoba for the past two months, re. was partaken of b several hundred li y People: After supper a program was over a5 $` a weeks go the fact.that until a few weeks ago it was not de - de - for....... •....... •.........., • ............ 25c surprise for her in the form of a recep- turned home on. Saturday and is well gtven in the body of the church. The tided, owing to a disagreement with COFFEE. -The best in town, done up in beautiful canisters, ground while you tion. An elaborate luncheon was par- pleased with the prairie country. Teeswater Methodist provided the music, and all those present were de- the Driving Park Association as to the lease of the grounds, that the wait. This week, per 1 lb, canister..., 35c taken of and the "Jake" much enjoyed. Mrs. Wm, Brandon and family lighted with it. Many addresses were show would be held this year, the site - Mr, Walter Smith, of Wellington of Bayfield are visiting friends around given, buts the best of all was the ad- cess of last week's exhibition is all the W., adeBros, County visited his brother A. R. Smith, Clothier, on Thanksgiving here at Present.... Miss Maggie Ford of andEthelh was renewing old friends around lierelast week..,.Mr, and Mrs, dress by Rev. Mr, McDonagh which was tho fill1 of hunter, and ie pre- five thoughts. Many of those pre- more remarkable. When the dispute was settled and It was decided to q ahead with. the P+eir, President Bare day ..... J. Reading of Collingwood J. Munshaw of Wingham are the vent said it was the'best tea -meeting and his energetic assistants in the spent Thanksgiving day at his home guests of Dr. McAah at present.,., speech they ever listen edto, The pro- dire4tor4te went to work with a will Clocker Men and Grocers here.... Miss Jennie Rintoul is visiting Mies Bella Sproat returned home last seeds of the fowl supper- amounted to and they are to be congratulated up• Mr. A. Shiell s, at her grandfather's, . Saturday after an extended visit of four months to friends in Manitoba $53,00. I, on the happy result of their well directed efforts during the few inter. this week..... Reynolds Marsales of and Dakota.... Miss Annie McCallum venin weeks. Not only was the at - Niagara Falls is spending a week at is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Salem. tendance larger and the financial the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Vincent, of Springfield, Ont. Mr. Doubiedee of Harriston is at returns greater, but the exhibition it- . Reynolds..... Mr. Bray of Wroxeter •1. resent ret;ewin std friends in this P S self was an advance upon those of the previous years in the quantity and N021CL.--The question is how can 0 Robt. McIndoo loan his money. ao was in town Tuesday... , .Mr. A. C. Sother•an. general agent for the bias- East Wawanosh. part. Mrs. R, Mitchell spent last week the merits of the articles entered for competition. This was especially cheap e. notes and Mort�ggages. Call and see. ROBT. McI}�TDOO. se Harris Cc, was in Win hani on Y- g ed Harr Gosman Sunda ed at Jos. y Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Moffatt, at noticeable in the horse classes, the in - buuonfi C so soi'Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. . i �` a i r+ • i t BUNTERS' EXCURSiM? Single Fare for the Round Trip from Stations In- Canada, Brockville' and West, including Suspension Bridge, Niagara FalIs, Buaralo, N. Y„ to The Highlands of Ontario. Muskoka Laker District, Lake of Bays, Magg- notewan River, Lake Ntpissing, Severn to North Bay, inolrieive, Lindsay to Haliburton, Tuesday;Inthe has his eye open for a Anderson's of the 9th. Morrisbank, crease prtges bringing oqt e, splendid Inge on Canada In tic It Rainy Lake to y P array o animals. A curious eithibit oso Poilit on C. R. Irayelopk W Shaxbgt property for Gale on front street for Alf, Cook'of Clinton spent Thanks- The farmers are Quay gathering in was that of ,john F. Nivins of Blyth Lako dot.' the company's warevooms....Mr, and giving under the parental roof, their roots and apples. As the cold consisting of a y Good her 6 October 24th t{1 P (� yarn spinner and a November 4th, inolusiY6.....,, ,f winds of winter are coming, model of a threshing machine, both of _ Mrs, Reading returned to Toronto on Mise Lizzie Rowland is the gguest of g , , Monday; Mrs, Reading has spent the friends in Hamilton and Guelph, Mrs. Dan McTavish presented her which wore exhibited at the.Dungan. _ f Ticket. on sale October 9th to Nov, 5th y g P husband with a bouncing young Bannon show twenty-flge4years ago by 1, to point. on C, P. R„ Mattawa to Nipigon = a summer with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Russel -Craig of Hallett visited daughter on Saturday morning last, his brother, Alexander Nevins, since r and Harden Riror, inclusive, also Kipawa 9., = Mrs. D, M. Gordon .... Mr, and Mrs. J. at Mr. Jas. McCallum's on Sunday, deceased. Mr. Nevins also had the di- G and TemiakaminiC. ti Mrs. Chamber. of Harriatan spirit ALL TICKEPS VALID RETUR%HNG h' Thomas and eon, Mr. A. Ashton and Mr. Alex. Leishman, who has been ploma which was presented to his Late aT- ON oft BEI+CRIC DEC. 12TH (or earlier ill for the Thanksgiving day with Mrs. J. Gal= brother on that occasion. It was Oat- a frim Lake punts if navigation closes before Mr, J. Crandel of London were guests past two months, is recover- . labor who returned to heft home at ed October 10th 1878, and bore the Dco. 121h, 11303.) of Mr, ,and Mrs, Roderus at Thanks- ing' Salem on Tuesday of last week. names of David Mcllwain, , , , �ri • ,,, � president giving..,.Mro. Lundy and children of Miss Nellie Anderson df Dundalk is Jna. McTavish. who baa been in (father of'the present secretary, and �N t„write forhandsomeilludratedbook entitled 1/ 1. ; y ' Blyth spent the Thanksgiving holidays the guest of his cousin, Miss Belle` 'Toronto havingan operation perform- J. M. ) haunts of Fish and Game:' giving all iatorm- Walshh at r©sent. P Roberts, seriptary (now treasur» .tion pertatnipg to xamp lava, the regions to 1? ed oil hie eye, returned haine, having er of the $oclety,) go to, maps and all paftipular`p. pop eft (j r ,r • r - „ with. lira. L.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1.. 1J Roderua,. ..Mr. J. Trehnne of Lis- John Hallaban of the 5th line ?;at the sight of one eye perfectly restor It on applicattoR tQ towels spent Thanksgiving at Mr, Wm. bis wrist badly cut _hese cutting ed again. P g g bands at Mr. A. Vinds`thresh]ng• Mr. and Mrs, Kitchen returned T4trXlb r»y. d. ii. 9arAct it,p SneIl's..... ,Harry SneII of Listowel 1Virt4lot Pae>+ogger Agent, Targntp. Mr, and !firs. J. Armstrong of Be].lhome from their visit with their son (!Dune!! met in 131t1evale on �ictober . spent Thanksgiving at his home in grave Sundayed with the lattees in Essex, feeling much refreshed and 141; members all present, town..,,,Mr. Alex, Stable and daugh- parents, Mr. and Ms, R, Leishman,. reporting having spent a very enjoy- Mr. Kelly reported having let job of _ f- ter, blies Nellie, of Seaforth, visited at of Marnoch. - able time, gravelling on Culross boundary to R. _ Dickson at 19 cte. a yard, and a job of "" co vd� G, d. Manners last week..... Mrs. Will _,:[;___. - T. cleaning out ditch and covering stones Nappy Thought Ranges Sproule of Dungannon paid a short Morris. on same boundary to D. McCormick Crown Huron Ilan visit to Mrs. G. C. Manners this week Bluevale. for $5, Cuirass to pay half of boundary geS h Your � eeCiS ....James Langley, formerly of Wing- ThaMiss nksgiving ingr at the parental ho ome, . correction reef on ok e P rt, for the nship Votes evision and work. upland-•Rutherford- That the New l�e� Ranges Thanksgiving Day ham, now of Niagara Falls, was in let line, 9ppris. for 1903, the Liberals added I hames • Reeve and Coun, Kelly be a commit- Ideal Favorite Ratiges IN.... town this week. and the Conservattves 8; the iberals tee to have Government dpain in 1 h, 1903 Mrs, Sherman of Goderich and Miss struck oil° 18 and Conservatives 8, a Thursday October 15t Wtn- am ie Divx! plot i tea 1 1, out at Buse Burners sit sizes Stk - ;1; Robinson of Toronto have been. ills gain of 10 to the former. Judge Doyle Once -carried, '• ' ationell"y guests of Mrs. J. Brooks. praasitletj, Musgrove-•Coupland-That the Com, i 1 l$ �QI #alas Coal Heaters Round Trip 'Pickets will be sold be - Dr, Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L. C R•, C, P, s�aeclaliet, eye, ear, node and A boxy soolal will be held in the Adam Halliday of the .4th line has i mittee named at last Council to hate Air Ti hti, all S`z tween all stations in Canada, Sort Can be supplied at this throat, will be in Wingbam, at Camp- Foresters hall here on Friday Oct. void his farts and Will remove to $e1- drain on B; concession cldaned out, be g„ r es Art]ipr, $suit t9, aria, 1Siibh„ Detroit Store to Otir exitire SAtiB- bell's Drug store, Monday, Nov, 2nd. 30th. All are invited to atten . grave where he has purchased. a house authorized to employ' on Pd � a too Mich., and ut, arid' TO, 13!J•;79T Grasses properly fitted, John Neth"cry and family from the end lot .from Van VanlSiorngati for work tit clnae, Yy)}88ie 1}p, a} fettt)y pne (,�tlarantee.4 to gi a nitisfilction and PROM ${J. +'A , tt faction. 'Try us alfa see. �. 0th fins of Mathis, have come to re- .64125. Mr. Halliday is ari 014 resident •-carrted, �rtpee �q alli��. alt gild examine --T' side in blit village far the winter. Mr. 17 of Morris having lived here for the Rutherford -.Kelly -••That we allog� hem, it viii pay s;}, alb' Sit �� tl'St���$$$ Cp New Shades and Colorings H N RS EXCURSIONS, Nethery recent! purchased a farm past 21 years, Robt. Musgrove $2.50 for putting drain Good in Society Stationer y P across 4th con, -carried, going October l4tlr and gall; y 3'•-• •. near Bluevale, but cannot get posses- . The young people of S. S. No. 7 The following account# passed forFishlel* valid for re£urn iiritil ootaber if't1%, 2f10A, Largo Variety of OMco siaxl till March, Morris purpose having a Pio social in payment; -•-For selecting jurors --'W', ' Stationery'........., The Grand Trunk announce Single Noe school cod programme even evening H. Crnikshank, $3; J. S, A16Taviab, $3, �Tickots ■na full articalers train y School Stationer and First Class Pate from stations- in (Ian- BIRT$8, g P g , Jno, Burgess, $(t, J, S, McTavish, re is Dan your 3' ada, Brockville and West, also from Wheoler. -):u Tarnberr on Octalier recitations etc. is being prepared. pairing bridge, $3; A. 11. Moffat, in- ghs nearest Canadian Pa0fic Anent. Supplies •fn abundance.... Soap, Bridge, Niagara Falls, and Buf- y' Admission 15cts. Doors open at half. spectin gravelling, Hard are S p}'9, gingham, g 11ave you tried our leader in Lead Wo N. V.. to the "Highlands of 20th, to Mrs, el rtj;tl; Wheeler, a : past seven, programme at half•past Burney for gravel, $1,02" fornoravel. 1903. Full particularrssol Oct. later, y daughter. A, H. NOTMAN Pencilz9.� called "Coo Cooper's Book : Ontario"', which include the Muskoka .eight• ling --R, Miller $30.40, H. McKinnon. Smith k Petlslck'e old Aland. P Lakes .District. Labe of Bays, Lake DUTris. i -1 , 1, ,,--, �+ $31,20, Thomas Wright, M; Sant, Store 3 fts>~ 5c"_ ..If not, come in : Niplssing, Argyle to Coboconk, Severn Stein ---Tri 'boat Wawanosh Oetiobgr Vanstone, gravel and damages, $0:88; Assistant GencrMPatteengerAgent p to North Da y g Thos, Bolt, repairs to bridge, 50 cts,; $lute St dart, Toronto, and t*ro 1vi11 glue you a cam Io, y, Lindsa to lirihbnrton loth, Robert Stein, a ed Sd, ri,>liegt(}'1ii117i, - - on line of Canada Atlantic R Jrio. Kirton, . repairing culvert, $I ; FOR ►gafil,Til�rt . They are the best value in Canada ly lake to Parry Sound, 'Pickets go01 Rraatnw-fn iViorris,• ot1 Sunday, lith Mr. ramex Innes spent Thanksgiv- Wpc; ter, a, sqnivel, $5. ;work an going October 24th to Nov. 5tb, and to October, Isabella Brawn, aged 80, Ing day with friends in Craq�brook, Cylross boyntlar -John`' Gay, $1•!•.55, - --^` ID arderaa takatt here for ilio points an the C, 1z, M ttawa to Ni. Mitchell �-Zn stapley, near Varna, on Mr. Orval 911mesh at Pyssex Co, . J'as, i?orEer. Y�,Sfi, , c(7orar'tek, �� 0111tiaTM'A8 GLOBI;..... ion and Garden River inclusive also Qct. 4, irimea y { j en acres Of good land In Lower •'"f° �;sf !� , li3itchbll, aged 02 visited friends in this vieil;lty this $1� 02, Jno. Vor or $10, ; 1 , Diela;so 3 , I ipawa and Temtskamirtg; gnarl years. week, j' work ala roads, •G0l Ver, +!!tett, iii ; i°1'nghi M se;rvero 0121Y one block dis. 1 $ tntfrbKri,thm Siesta 13'0, nor . There gong October ftth to Nov, 6th. All �vn,eddle� In Seaforth, Oct, !Orli, Mr, W. Avisan, 'Seaclldr of firilith's $3'5 i P•c,aren, part salary, $50, &goad drat#;e barn'3QuxQ;�attd the tickets valid returning on or before It, Smith repairing cutvbrt $� � :6 COOPER ��� ��� Dorothy Isabella, wife of F W school in (fro will eondnot the ser• ' gronnd is free from wdeds, its the last , i ` f C Dec. 12th let, A hd "Hsu a iiof r, ist» g vice In the Hall r1extSabbath availing. Mt;sgrove, file drain. $x,50 �u y fro of nod ha will �rave. 1~ar aid s✓ +► ed atnplitet, irtlti£Ied "Haunts of I`ish Tn`aadle, dentist,a ba s4. Stewart, Ittnibeip, $3,7v; f3. ,�.nderaon .p g y pp `.. blrailBt�tl 000 „ , ' rice anti tieritis apply to 4• V111 page, Paten - ab Gagne , will be tent to application Ilarola'�.•w-in W inghatil, Optabot 90,.: . Misses Jessie Strachan and Asalgle .torte far culvert, $,1, price suCCglssOCs t6 Aid e ROS to J, D. 'MCDbnald, District kasgengor T+'iorened Catharine, dart liter of (Uldbeck returned from Toronto Last council adjourned to tinter i`ioyetsa• wingh:tni, or to the owtser, mac:" AM ONLY Agent, fel, T. R., Toronto. Par ticket_; Mr, and Mra. L. ,Iittruld, aged 5 Mdbdtt a iter spending ah Taw wooks bar 23, Cleat title given, 1�T. U. GRRRY, et�i�dr � �r ln't. W4 eoeH�! 71>d Qoesa 5t. Mywtit i+.nd All ir5latrua+►tinit tepfily to �igonte, yeitrM, wl£b frtsgda tilers. 1 J, I3urgeae, Cllerk, 5-s Birurrrlr, .at1.l.� �roMoirro, oK,r