HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-22, Page 9F
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-1. I I
YouRopo -aro Commonly fj t 4140, by the Lord 'Tosuff Himself, and - . Mani) X1ePJIW . ' ' ( I I '" _. 01111i
they wore really =411; I I I oat f#t pi"efoll't he J;glle 1
"a . 494 R M the revelation given to Ot. .
stt"PI(I offlotal nu ;b-skallu, dtilI6 be. at Ilatmom. Whou we soo tilat actillus about
. the. Idea, but added
,yond allybody'a, In WSIM DECISION ' -ough the SO M911 MEN go that Lila calladiAn Northern would
experience of SUCII, . I floalf,J110 , E ' exten
Of III any land. The la,#or is N, nor. I Cures from Mot to last"aud, that r,,?., 11 from Winalpeg to, ou(IW4
Uly own b01,10f, I think they were . no hope runs till TYPE[ 9KROEM
rIOUR Utterances of It' wore wadi) D4y- Al,reud,v their road had beet;
noodles Who I'M been given this job I Inon living 'centuries apart, and built a distillsico ofov,pr tbroo hundred
litipal Influe I mileo toward litudeop Day. ),!
who could hAuvo no, oojlual n, we, are
lox In Ordinary ways. T, v- I otroust,boned In tbe conviction that Ot%tO(l that work on thq, jig " " [LED Bf 8001
WHREN cgs[ I " , ` " `p`0v Ll. U I IT GIVINI I);
1 111"Yad Xot brulas onoluloll to earn E14 lie 11i X ilfallvnl I al
_ boy - -it Ino 80"thive4tern roa4 Ivqq '
. Der Quo 11017 upit PIrO4 all, and th4T 11 progesillog .
tainly 10*1134 like It. Ubderneath hope Is a "good hope" A faltbral POPIdly. T)baro wore jigow, g#400 men .
our rallying of tile two oludigeat vaylAWA wortb'y Of all acceptance. It I We ,will, have the road
, - O'
NowThought That Child Was tabovers"bQUI men with every sign Whitaker Wright's, Case a '" One of Bret Harte es frOTA Hallfax to Mallone con
. would liavo been sufficient It Clod, s Hero . employed iipjoti4 -
of 040Y ah-cumstancos and social re 110,Xt summer In tim for the Church Scandal Over Min,
. tourl9t
Accidentally Killed - puto-tl " ` mawllg t`ls promise to 4bra- - traftle.1t .0
flore was % leelhq,of resout. I ham, had merely eald what he wished . 4 I 6
4 Ment agallist a gonntr,y — Warning to Noblemen. who Commits Suicide, c Referring to Ilia w -at 7
- h-st could to Isay And then Jett It there. Buf In org $road.
(we its laws to play tile tool With . that OvOut Some might .have asked, --- .. Cove, Mr. Xaj n said that tba output - ister s Divorced Wife,
11, J.
WAS V _ .
. 1%tors in lilts Way. 1411QW can we be ourg tbat God from the wince gradua ,_
__ - Missing., not filtered Ills Intention and i "" creasing. =le Out t
, I tPu at present was '
d' Collingwood Man Fired the batWassacre of Piegan Indians from 700 to OW ;
Me promise to yet, to be fulfilled 7- , 1. . 8, Oar. i i
PURITANISM IN CANADA, I Street Fight Over Strike of
I I I . - . I I ,.
Shot _. , , octor. Brought on by Drink. NEW WA '
I fio Sao I'Voifillent Oir Vollgregatto.11"ll , A SLIGHT TO CANADA. . V TO ACQUIRE MONEY Chicago Pressfeeders,
' V14foll in Xiolidoil . . — !
— .1 . New York Police -WA -To flu. who Has I
The Murder Theory Said to London, Oct. 90- ]?xesident nor- The- British Battleship Prince Ow,,uet Ali RD91104-Aniericarl Love Sam Parks'Pal Has Confesse ' it Novel- Solteme. I - .
toll, Or tI1;0 Congregatlo'bal uni J.NLntst. d -. Now York, Oct. W
I WielroniAng ,the Cougrog' tion 011, I London, Oct. W,-7Wo Canadians At . . .-The police
be Abandoned, .' o a . alists, George Damaged, the Pilgrims ,Danquot expressoo sur. Everything. h'aYO In Oustody Robert Ilawthorne, A U, S. Missionary Beheaded
$aid I.M) real bond betivioog the I whose opegilaity ,deolariD to b6
Ilsown Country and tbq Poise that the Canadian represeAta. 411ttisburg, (;ct. :j9,_44,tl -a, ;I4 method of
riot . polontes W4 t,v off
. acquiring othlar peOpje,a money. lie
I Ho oplir, a L udon, Oat, 10. -After a brief lox- LIAO, OrOaxIng 01 a, trayaleL- I
; CollixigwOod., Qat. 20 -It is, report- TAUPeriallain, but 1, t Of O as should be placed so far from .0 result thia "bat no, Juo= in Poia,
0 t1fat Information, of a voryj Impor- brathlorliuOla betWOOR tile churches, secret session title morning the the head of the ta,ble. It was thought ;
tant nature has developed In con- If t1lbY W,auted to find the Puri- Alaskan boundary commissionera that Mr. Sifton should Jiave had a on tile PILtsbul-g end Qf the A Or'"o enters 11' small grocery., bets witil; Jtalelgn` J
I 11101 . Owl WA- the Proprietor that Ills high 11at N_ C., Oct. 19,_Tralle_
tant; f re prominent place. bitAll bridge ov r (OVmed into ?L anonster after 4
pection wIt1T the Gloryi Whalen Case 891 0 thia seviinteentli century drove to Auckingiram Palace,where Mr. Slftouvs JtAver, a numbs the Monongahela' '$"ill i"Old five gallo'lls of molashies, Iveek's d0ballolif Dr, ,T. V, Tay, a
I remarks regarding Canada as a r of mim were killed tries
, .11107 must- 90 to C lnada. it w%R tll Dy were received by King Ed -
during the put few days which a Oat bidlerolis thl 04 Ward, whb nation caused I,rord ,Lansdowne visible an(! illany ware Injured. It, losea, quarrels, cl,%pa tile
, 11. ng to see t1l, I had preylailtily been Fifteen Dim- 114-;; Oil tl,6 W I)IfyslclAn Of prcip)IDepeo ill tile
leads to - the ballot that the child wa.s upper classes Pat thle. colonies oil Informed of the terms ottheagree- .agitation, and none of tile Engliall UtCO after the accident nine bodies out Oper's )lead and walks
killed, not by,' tramp as been th", ba . guests ,seemed to catch the drift of had been .recovered and rive I w4b the contents of the till northOrn part of ,Uuncoxabe cauu_ *
% as li OW luent reached by the tribunal injured hAd been accou . of tile will" a tile "Whiner" wrestle
generally,, supposed, but by, some per Rev. Mr. Silcox, of Ontario, prals, The Alaska decision Ivill, not' be either Aylesivoirth's or Slfton'o ro. lited. for, Tlw 8 with tY, Yesterday drove Me Wife from
- publicly given out before Marks. The ban,quot was simply an Cause of the accident 21as not yet tilb mola%sefj.,
son living in the town, and that ad t4llo work of Noncoliforinists in to-nicyre. . . Mr. Uaw,Ulforno has spent In liOme, brutally agurderaiii Ilia three
, e,olj nectjdll witli the Education Act, roWj4 Englioll-rAmerlean love feast. beau ascertained, but am fav as can .".` nevessarily unproductive y J111 tthildrou and
death Was Aue, not to murder, by! to Canindtanil I o "Tile speeches at tile Pilgrims' din- be learned from eyewitnesses, IL was lite latest exploit involve ears, attempted 'to 6urn
' . , Ilia said, Would not be Asiolbez Boundary blecting. duo To 'tile ti,ayelZr being oVet- a some I .
Accident. , . nor Were distinctly above the aver. dolivlu juis bonse.
I)PS81YO resisters, but active, sup- London, Oct. :L9._T110 .&Illska boun 0 Pail 'Mall. Gazette, 1,and were Cox: tile question as to thb owneralilp of$Q The mail became violent tile
duce laijoh' a ;gnenaure there, meeting, It will be a public one and marked purpose of plaoing an addl- time been applied to sweeten" 01 his wife. Mrs, ,ray had put the
reeollacted, a4vaucea at the time ol. I one more th yonu the finished Part of 'the bridge this 11 IVoteh" DO molasses having nigift before, and 90111X howe Aline -
It will be posing Wat a4yo'ne dared to Intvd, dary Commission will I aye . '11ted 0 a, DO and
The accident tboor was, - age of post-prandial oratory,, says Iyelf, - Th tr voier ppoj ts be.
.. the tvagedyl, The fact of 4 bandage I - . . I . will he held at t__ + 'o by beartiness find good tion in 08,11- 11 11 1139 111h uses of the oth-- " ! m.
being wound around the little girt's
1 head was cited In support of tile con-
toiltion that, finding The girl wound-
ed and pQss!bI;Z pot dead, the party
who fired the shot had bound up tb
wound witig, his ba,ndkerchier, with
a view to statinching the flow of
blood, until assistance could be se-
44--( ouced. Doatb ensuing, the author of
the tragedyA became frightened and
left the body,1 where it was found,
and kept the fact of the .accident
to himself. - , . , .
The Bulletin spjy'a: ",Since the an-
quiryi in the Whalen case concluded
tile general interest bell abated, but
by,! a few the investigation bau beei'
continued, and it to reported that
Information or a vel-yi Important na-
tur6 has been *aecur6d within the
past few dwy.is. It has been conclu-
eivelyt'd&ermigied that the body of
tile girl was under cover duringthe
night following the ratzriler. , t
"It Is alsoxoported that theyllave
last faith In the tramp theory.-, and
are inclined to the better
girl met her death by, an accident.
"Tests have again Nen made wbich
substantiate Mrs F injay,'s story of be -
Ing able to sea tile point of the rAII-
way track wherc the alleged assault
occurred, and of discerning a Louffle.
"Those now, engaged on the case
will not give full pig,rticulars an to
thO results of .their investigations,
but tboyi Zully, believe that they are
on the right track of those,who par-
tielpated In what appears to have
I.v been am accident.11
. )io- Inspector Greer said last night
l ,h ollingwood in
Oonnbetlo)a With tile ease a few days
ago, and while he declined to deny
that certain now evidence had do -
veloped I which Indicated that Glory.
WhIalen's death might have been the
result of an accident, he was posItIve
In asserting that there was nothing
In the storyl of t)ie body., having been
kept under sholter durffig the night
that elapsed between, Glory, Whalen's
disappearance and the finding of the
bodyL tie Is, still engaged on the case
and dOVelopments may! occur at any
time. . I
Row Visiting British Journal-
ists Were Used
tlyrltlng in the Sheffield Independ-
ovt, Aft. ,31ohn Darry. gives this ac -
Count Of his Party'S exp rlencc with
United States Officers at Sault Ste.
Marie :
i -Passing through the canal which
I United Superior With I-juron at Sault
Ste. Marie, or "Soo" ai it Is univers-
X111Y13alled, we dreW up . tit tha quay
On the American side of the canal
for a 06nplo of hours, and, naLurally ,
'ill of us won.e ashore to look at tile
American town. I -rat', an hour's stro'll
,satisfied me, for there was llc;tlliug
tO 900 there that was at all distinc.
'tiN'O- ThO Plo,co '%Vill, however, peyer
be forgotten by any of us becalise of
the funniest example o'L the tolli-fool
Official It hU,6r over been iny lot to
WitlIess. Ono ordinarily credits T.Ig3
Yankee With a fair share of sharp-
ness, insight and common sense. Over
and Over again in E uropean countriev
I have watched the restiveness Or
American travellers under the r,omp-
ous, and at times childish, prying of'
frontier guards, who magnify tlicir
Office- More than once Ibave beard
an American traveller say what
Wouldhappen in ,,my country,, if Oral -
Dials were So Obviotisly litupid. Well,
7 zjad Just Ono ebance OLT noting
the Yankee official Is like, and
hero Is the result, .
.."i , ,,, A steamer's load of people, say ,100,
, - Of all sOrtS were st pping ashore
for a wali , leaving thoIr luggage
aboard, An act bad recently been
ims6ed In the Statesto prevent Indl-
gOnt laborers landing and becoming
a burden on the public, antk.. two.
lynx-oyed Yankee officials Wore On
'the landing stage to F;ee that ginjong
011.11 Couple ,of hundred people btep- _
ping ashore for, a walk there were -
Done Of thlo tlAag likely to secrete
themselves in the good Yankee town
Of Sault Ste, Mario and became
chargeabio t(y the autharttles. Wateli-
Ing narrowly the whole crowd pass
Over tho gapgWaY* these smart Yan.
kees made their pounco on two only,
And demanded, Uotebook in hall
. ! ,
-that' th0he 0vo should pr 1) tha
they had no fell, .I,,,,IFn,, 70ol the
r)oor United ata as 1111)(Ilgent
labororg." These two ,wero perhaps
the beat -dressed gentletpell who ntep
ped Adore. Ono %Vag a well-known
nOVPIIOt, and the other a, clovoi? son
ot the proprietor of a leading Brit.
tsh nowspaper. They had to give
name, 1190, occupatlon, date of land.
"I ada, 011p, present* destina.
and then were told thAt
lhlolb;nl-tllrenctte 111061` I 0 r Statements would
., be Inquire tl I
' ' 'was great joy among the rest- of us
over this clever Idenrifle4tion of ,qn_
digent, laborers", find we wouldn't
. - -, - leeLlXra. . I V __ a Owing L.110 . _ . 4 -
the Foreign Office. At that time and builders to work. While Ina men varsity. ( -ron to 'bed and WAS endeavor-
. I I 11-V '119 to (lul8t her husband. when
fflo, ro[[ f.000 [[gGU[ plaea:the 4rbitration decision which wave on This additional section this I tho 1133all drove her Out of tile
Was verbally ad upon Saturday rv-nc-..jc-,.P-nc--.xr-,.j-a amornlilg tha, projecting part ped
,nd ,,,, It 1101160. She .,went to, a lielghborIff.
J exclURIvely cab"Flyto the Associated I anded on the &a= of Z Returning h me Ill
Press, at the time, and which to- tile, bridge that was being placed in Ullb found ber IlUgb, the morning,
. I day lias been confirmed, will be read. Position and caused It to give way. GHOSTS H,10 grorous mood. jay , Dd in a daij
-were at Ir's Metal .wJlIch Mrs, Jay . had fild,
Vallfbitlike Olt the Decision. I NEWS IN BRICE 1, this section several men ; kas looking for
The Duke of Devonshire Be- work. and they. 'were carried do%,vn Pallfilg 'in his search for tbe-.pia.
3 ()
oludiarkapolls, in(.I,, Oct. 19. -Sella- ra%&90% Cftft%XVJ4#0%%XC%%S6J6 with the wreck4a, .
tor Ct' tol, il'o to
L. arles W. Falrl)anks, who was k a hammer, and ly[Ch
comes Fresiden, Massacred Irldfails. TO BT OR [9 '
I I the chairman at the American con- TOO contfiets' betweext -strikers and 0 # that chaeeod Mrs. ,Jay. Me fright-
-,- tingent of the British and United soldiers at Armentieres, France, Great ratio, Mont., Oct, 10. -Asa oned W40 ,started for tiolp. 4006m -
States joint ,high commission, that- Were renewed. result of the massacre of seven Ill- panled by several jugen able hasten.
HIS LETTER OF ACCEif"TANCE 'net, Ili 1898 In Quebec to. take up The folg.P-XiDar-old ,daughter of Mr. djans on thle Blackfoot reaerratioln ad back to her holue. Dying an tile
tile Alaskan boundary question, Is Sohn Speck of West Nissouri, was ft Ilieek ago by Little Plume. Miss Mysterious Occurrences in a pored wlith blood Oozing from their
'London, Oct. 20, Iljlo Duke of Well pleased With tile decision re- burned to death. . 4, I blen P, 'Clark, formerly county sa- IVL-ads Jay liar three children. Two
Devonshire, IVA6 Lord President of ported In We despatches from 14011- A s(a,le of siege lins been declared rarlinten(clent of schools for Lewls of thiew were already dead, wi , Ilia
don. In commenting on the decision .
,a and Clark county, has prelopred Yorkshire Home, tile baby ,tvas barely breathing.
dillonally ac- at Armentieres, France, owing 10 chlarges of maladministration 111111e.
no"' I ., 0 con ena,tor Banks said: I'Tbe deel- continued rioting. — man Who had accompanied
""" 'r 91d nay of the Free against Major J. If. Aropteatill Nfro. Jay Itook'up the three lifeless
I-epte ill- w,h!
r, 101d Leagiipr 'lCh 1, organizing slon of t1ra Alaskan boundary OGim - Provincial vital statistics for 1902 agent of tile Atackfoot (Plawan) r bodies to, place th;em In the house,
a, campaign against thia fiscal pot- mission is eminently satipfactory. show marriages a,nd births Increased so, vlal -Tay Iva& Called upon to Open the
key Of ,Mr. It sustains substantially th a an- ,jgon, -' Whole Baking Disappears
Chiamberlain and mr. and deaths decreased, Miss Clark Is a daughter of Mal- That lie refused to do, and
Balfour. . tire American claim and to essen- ' do* '
tially a complete justification of The Montreal Board of Trade has Colin Clark, the Pioneer friend of declared IiO would kill the first
a MAS important move lit tile tie- tVD .Position taken by the Arnerl- decla,v0d against all extension ofthe t", Plegans, lyho married one of Dbring the Night. one 11ro entered.
al contest developed to-lillilit at In t Mile men buret
tile meeting of the Parliamentary call members of the United -States street railway., franchise. th!o tribe and was later murdered. ht, dodr, and as It swung open.
Committee o *%I affidavits, charges T#undon, Oct. 1S. -The United at- th
f the league, when a and Britiall joint high commission, The pop,ultition of Montreal is now " is,, Clark, ,in la men Ivere greeted with, 113aello.
jetter from the Duke of I)evonslilre which -met in Quebec In 1898. The 277,829. The birth rate has increas- that whiskey Is being freely sold - forte of ten ellagnists and polioe boys, Congo In; I am Just starting
to Sir Michael 11110ke-Aaadli, United Atates will now be permit- ad to 08.65 per thousa,nd, . on thio reservAtion, and that gamli- a fire lto' get warm by.,-,
Mr. ling is common. Miss Clark attrl- me, have so far failed to solve the kTay WAB found standin
. Ritchle's predecessor as Clizincellor ted to ,hold all -. ili'd --, -torritoxy in Fire in the pTamises of the Dow- k over a
of tho-4,x0bequer, accepting the Alaska purchosed of Russia W1867 Inion Motor & Machine Co, Toron- butes the recent massacre to Lit- 111yeter-Y Of the disappeaxing loaves, quantity Of ,fburniiig clothing that
Proffered presidency of tlVe league wItlTout further dispute. our title *to,.did about $10,000 damage . tie Plume being crazed by liquor. over which tile whole of the West Jib had placed on the floor near
,)vas read. " . I A 8KIL't littete 1-1 ro Stdoides. Riding of Yorkshire to deeply excited. thb fireplace. The men rushed
upon Certain ,conditions which was ver disputed until The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pet
nD committee pasded a within the last few years, sinup tile New York, Oet. 3 -D. -A despatch upon blill. and extinguished tile
resolution to' Par nearly eight months a large flames. His clothang
I erborougb, which includes NiPisallig Lh,e World from Clililese Camp, Call-- Ivas covered
Unanimously accepting . th;e. conal- gold discoveries, is nowi quieted.?' and other parts of North patarlo, forilla, saYs: j. P, Chamborbxl ', from farnIly Ila Beverly has had to go 11,1tIV the (blood of tile children, as
on, and ilfis action w1as commun- ANhitaker .W.right. is to be divided. i ( - I whom one of the heroes of Bret bveadlese every morning because W,'erO his face and hands.
104tod I madlatelY to th:6 Duke of London, Oct.- 3.9. -The -Recorder, In the The man
Devonshilre, charging the Grand Xury at the,.Qld Xamea W. Hunter, a _,arpenter, of flarte's famous Tennessee Pardner loaves baked at ,,night had decayed Ivas "Old 'until tile -sheriff arrived,
k io substance of the Winnipeg, has fallen heir to over a was drawn shot and kWed Illmsely Married it Divorced Wotnuil.
Du a's letter folloWfl: Salley to -day, advised fin Second 'a 011k shrunk almost to nothingness. Ef-
V J.gh-t, ttlul.- million dollars by the death of an at his home' at arrote, Ili a Plilladelphla, Oct. 19,T1le ca,se or
"You Informed ,me when we last bill against Wdllttaker uncle at Liverpool. fit Of (11 Since th3 death forts to solve. the matter have ellin- a. Protestant X:Pis al clergyman
Met, that the wAsh had been ex- company promoter, who wa's extra- ' cop
I IT=, J11,11108 11. Chat- ated any question of human or ro- Who married the divorced wire of
pressed thlat I join tile league and' dited from Now York, July, 19th to It Is reported that the situatiqn ,of Ills .1
take a -leadi-ng- part in its op: --a- answer charges growing out,of the of tile Sultan of Mort)(wo !a becoming Asa, 'he had lived alone. On account dant agency. The only resource left &GOther Protestant Episcopal cler-
tions. X understand'thlat tile p-ju- falluro of the London and Globe - desperate, the imperial forces Ilaving of 11arto s stovy ChamborlaiWs nftm . gYman, I& creating a scandal in the
naumf Corporation, Com_ been again defeated, as well as his li; mo, came Into worl a, hau been to accuse spooks or liobgoly- New Jersey DIOcese.
clPal Object of the league Is to Limited. , d- .
OPPOso thle ,new departure In the menting on the noble I'dipectorate,"' Ontaxio Socialists la convention wide promblonoo.'He left a note say- .Ing or playing tricks, . Rev- Norge P. Kettle, assistant
fiscal Policy, -wbIleh how has been InClading the late Marquis of Duf-1yesterday Ili To.Lonto determined to Ing that lie had lived to his eighty- The Webster family, t,d which this rector of Christ Church, Baltimore,
definitely announced, and whichin- terin, etc., associated with Wright,faiinginate 9,andidates In West N191fl, first birthday; was getlting toofeable at -range occurrence haa been mant- U"I., married July 29th last, tile for -
eludes thb taxation of food imports the Recorder said lie hoped the facts Nortb Wat&rloo and Manitoulin. Cor Mann . al. labor, and would choose rested, Is one of unquestioned re- Mel' wife Of Rev. Clarence Frankel, a
from foreign countries'and prefor- which had bcen disclosed would serve The Montreal Militia have decid- death. ChuffeG, who was his "pard- spectability and honesty. One even_ Nebraska missionexy, from -whom she
ential *treatment for the colonies. 48 a "acloinn wW,ning to persons of ad to telrider a banquet to Me Fred- ner" In the story, died in an Oakland Ing last baked 11 -ad secared a divorce on the ground
high positiou ,against lending their orick Borden, Minister of N1 sani arlu He was bread and pdaced it on a stone floor of non-support, unfaithfulness and
- 111tia, at eighty years old. "Tennesseell Cbum- to Cruelty. Then he resigned from Christ
as wiell as it general tariff on int It I in on July 31 last.
ported manufactured goods. I un- names to comminerclal, enterprises of th6 Windsor Hotel, oil October 22nd, torlain and "Pardner" cllaflea 0001. In Ple, morning it looked
which they had no, practical knowl- bad a,a if It had been,gua,wied byt, rats or Church, Baltimore, to accept the rec-
derstand that these objects do not By lan almost unanimous YOtP been friends since 18-19, and there mice. Next .night the b 8 tOrsIAP of Christ Church, palmj,ra,
r their
Involve Opposition to thb Pollayof edge, and as a result they became latat night the inotormen on tI10 existed between them a chivalrous P.'acal on, a high obelf In a dairy before hia marriage on recommen-
thiG government - Ili so far as that wicked inen, N71110 by means o hch d been offered him
names vIct'linized tile pub,110.1, New, I,York elevated road decided in affoction. When it was found neces-
policy is limited to reserving to I favor o strike action if their de- sary to remove Chaffee to Oakland Inaccessible to rodents. The same datlon Of Bishop Scarborough. But
thto government tile right of pro- Battleship Bacily Damaged. mands are not complied with,. that lie might receive medical aid thing happened, and the crumbling arter the marriage the Bisho
posing to parliament a tariff log- Ferrol.. Soaln. Oct. 19,The Brit. Mfie Earl of Hardw1oke liar, been tile two Old men were hZ, continued. p, rQ-
fused to give hie official approval
11slatlon for tile purpose of nego- Iftli battleship Prince George, which appointed Under-Sooretary of ,State and It islaspi-edicted at,the time that Another kind of flour' was used; Of Ur. Kettle In his new church
tiating commercial treaties and was; towed here yesterday after hav- for Indl% and th-a Earl of 'Donough- Chamberlain Could not long endure the loaves still dwindled. This went charge, Which approval Is an essen-
the Mitigation of hostile tariffs.11 Ing been in collision with. the British more .has received the appointment his life of sorrow and loneliness. on for some time. There NvIere no tial to secure the rectorship. Mr.
Continuing the Duke of Devonshire battloslilp Hannibal, during the na- -of Under-Secretary of State for War. Sant Parks Ili Trouble. servants In the household. Mrs. Kettle then secured a posltlon as
eaters to the destraliffity.t -of refrain- val manoeuvres off Cape Finisterre, 1 L. f1cDonald, ledger -keeper of the New York, Oct. 19.-La,bor circiel Webster impacted a Practical joke, lustructor In tile Episcopal Academy
Ing "tile stronglyl protectionist ten- wa,s found to 'be go extensively dam- Union jDank at ,Calgary, disappear- were thlrOwn into consternation unij an(l P Iaced fresh bread In a closed In this city, pending a settlement of
donates mamifested at the recent con- aged by the Hanolbal's rain, causing ad o,n Saturday. after tonderingills sullprise this morning when It was pan, set a .rat, trap, Inside, another tlle matter. Tile Palmyra pariah is
terence at Sheffield," and say's the her to take In Immense quantities of resignation. It -lie amounts are ill leat'lled t1fat Henry Farley on the Ild, 6WInkled flour on tile divided, the majority of them, It is
duty of combating before the coun water, neceshitathig incess ., co -work-,
3 ant pump- perfect; order, and It is feared We or of Sam Parks, with, the panito , Jalry floor, and botionly locked the said, approving tile Bishop. Rey,
'a. n,
try the doctrines of the tariff Ing, that she has been beached for has ro,mmitted suicide. tiary staring him In the face. bail ,loor, but stretched twp lengthe of Mr. X-Ottle's friends want him to
form league should not be left on- temporary repairs, preparatory to The Pope has at last selected a COZY confessed. Thb colifesbion was made. cotton across It. In the, morning she take tile matter to the civil Courts,
t1rely tb radicals and members of the being towed baek,to Emgland, where at midnight to District Atto round the threads undisturbed, the which May be -done.
Cobden Club. . I she will be placed In dry dock. apartment In the Vatican as his as. rnep
'$ pg clal quarters. The choice Ivas made Jerome, and is considered a death' flour unmarked, and -the rat trap Alt AuTul Deed.
The Du,te sole be cannot.reject the Miss litekilitul a Body Folind. th blow to Paa,kB. It tells in detail the undisturbed, but one of the loaves Wareaw, O. -t, 19 -Dr. A. a R,I,,I-
Invitatior, of the Free Food. League London, Oct. 19-1A disappear- with a view to be safe from a StOrY of the blackmailing op and the Ing, of Cast -lie, X. Y., has, received
)a otherwise too frequent presence or ,orations had entirely disappeared
to beconiO its iiresident, although lie anee of a )%,Oman doc or, Miss 111ok- Of Pa,rks, and further showe'that, in, other had dwindled to half Its orig- a Communication
must accept the office conditionally,. man, wjjlch has, been it sensation here gan-rds and courtiqrs. C4 I thle .recent trial of Parks, both Far-, lual Size. Ill it, roundabout
"I understand the bodM I am asked WAY from a Persian In New York
to Join," he continued, "altbou for the past two months, bas been r1J.;omaa OIZ onnoll, a, baftender from joy and Parks perjured theluselves. For nearly three months, the Web- City, who C!,aling ltbat 110 is 11A a po-
gh , partla Ily cleareti up by the finding of Montreal, while ill a state of delir- Parley dec)arcu -that be was coachal. k?ters kept the anystery to themselves,
erjurcd testimony by a, law- but tile sliglatlon became desperate sister, Mrs. Lila CTattrInger,.who was
bearing the name Of the league * 113 li,ar body In an unfrequented part of lum treguenS, out his throat Ivith a In big r . 91tiOn to know, that Urg. Harding's
substantially a parliaiRentary com- Richmond Park. Tlho body was depom- razor an tile 0. P. It., passenger train yer, I wd uncanny, 910 they called In a a missionary located In Hatfal, Per-
mittee, I anticipate that :YOU* will posed, the liell,il having been entirely jus,t a4 IL was pulling Into tile uta- Of ,deep Interest Is Farley's recital Policeman, and put him, In sole -charge Eda, has been murdered by the Turk -
seek to broaden its constituilon with separated from tile body, apparent- tIon at Port Arthur. He if; In a CrIt- Of tho operation& for several years of the dairy. For several days the lah soldiers. Ile adds the cheerful
the object of extending Its operations. ly by the gna,wing of rats. Miss Rick- ical sta,te. . ' Pa,st of Parks and the walking del" same thing happenedv, and loaves as- Information that after the heads of
If this is done, amd I am invited to man, who was a fully qualified doc- It Ils understood t1lat Ill's L,Xcel- gates idenLifled -witill him. He tells crated In various p!acas about the tlieir -victims Were cut off they Were
accept tile presidencyJ I must ask to tor of medicine, was performing liar lancy the Governor-General has in most minute 'detail of the larga house dwiaded Ili tile same Way. Placed on polea and exhibited in tile
be consulted as 'to the nature of such duties at tile Royal Free Hospital, sent tor I -Xis Majosty a further list "tricks"' turned by these Tile microscopes of tile Chemists re. streetg.
extension, that I ina,y have,the op- on Aug. .0, ivIlen she' left U o , men, one
, I 1106- of frecolmmendations of Canadian of them being the cxtortion r about
portunity, of determining how far I pital. Since tbat tilne the pollee have 0 vealetl tile presence Of no microbes Ills description Of thf) house where
real myself in unloan with the new searched for her. The .reason for Miss civil servants to receive thle decor- $W000 from W. E. 1). Stokes, lvIl"Et Or fungus, the bread being pronounc- tile crimes were 00173MItted corres-
constitution. P also ask that ,lt be 1-fickman's disappearance Is a com- ail,un OF the Imperial Sarvice Or- the Ansonia Hotel ,tit Seveoty-tbird Oil Aeolutely pure. Ponds to the P!ace, where Mrs, ijet-
I der,' . street and Broadway was under eon '
made clear that the views I have plate mystery. r4be body wile only struction. TO avoid this lamentable waste of irlagor's, frionds kne, ,' site was stop -
above, expressed as to its attitude identified by a modal which MIS13 Napoleon Fouquet, at Montreal, Th D District, Attorney has no k broad, Mrs. Webster began, to bake ping. Sale was formerly Miss Lum
t maill( cakes for liar household. She was Moore, of I 0 'an
towards the gover,ument. are fully Hickman won in a swimming compe- floknoWledged. that It was lie ,%vho nfession publloff lum , Allag y county.
shared by the league. It must be at-- tition and by bar ambulance cross.. killed lift 28-montliff-old stepdaugh- as yet. He says th'at Parks can Ile relieved to find that, though they Chicago strike Itiots,
so understood tbat such services as . ter at La Patria, near ,Sherbrooke. sent to Jail for at least twenty years. . ay side by side with the blighted
I could render,,could only be limited, He said that he beat liar With lite bread on the dairy shelf, they Rhowr.
in character. CHWST IS LOOKED F0 IN 1914 flat in order to vex the mother. He Cblc&V1 Oct- 10-A 'Sava,ge street
IN ' 'd -no sign of harmful c6litaci, ex tight In Which 'Ono Workman was
tiollt Is 17 ly'ears since I took an ac- — was in liquor at the time. MINER WAS POISONED. eept When the last crumb of bread badly beaten, occurred last night aff
ve part Ih the campaign against VaW Is 11 d at 51cettsig of Tower , T11he 1141grim Club's banquet to tile — . . had disappeared, when. they urare, a result. of 'tile strike of the FAnklin
home rule. It Is not In ng ! riower to Biblean Tra sj3 1 Alaska..boundary COMMIU61011 In Lou- ,,vian From Wholn Ile nouglit Property attacked. Sla now, Isho is reduced Union Of Press Feeders. The as -
take the Ram4 active part now that Clilca,go, Oct. 20. -Christ will, re- don la,at. n1glat Was all lithtorle event. Held oil Suspicion. to tile necessity of 'baking bread for, sault was tile culmination of sav_
I took than. I inuat be regarded 'turn to earth 113 the year 1914 - at &n army Of Canadians Were present, Dawson Oct. .2.0.-F. W. .Rodon- the veroclous goblin, or ivhat oral day& of digorder. it gs,ngg of
rat -her as tul: adviser them a combat- Least that Is the date set by 'the Including Lord Stratlicona, Sir Louis kIrck, wK Is suffering from srrych- ever It Is, In order to have cakes mOD, declared to be 11ranklin Union
ant, It Ii with some, reluctance that members of the Tower Bible and Sette, Crirtatopher Itobinson, X. C., nine poisoning, Is doing -weil, ac- enough to go -round In the morn- ,picket4 attacked a number of am -
I consent to talco even a limited part. Tract Society at a meeting In Ori- [Ion. Clifford sirton, and A. D. Aylas cOrding to the latest reports, and Ing! . i_
In tbo, aontrovoray .. but I tpel that ental Hall, Masonic Temple, held yes- wortill X-1 C. I I will probably recove*f. 11"abort Wale- VOyeeff Of tile R, A Donnelley &
Sane' CompAnY. in thel fight which
many, Unionist inimbers of Parlia- terday afternoon, $ 14Le Pall Mall Gazette says: "Lau- ner is Under arrest, on suspl lon followed, F rank Lahew was so badly
ment whose Ideas I believe agree " Whon wilf He arrive 1p Chicago?" vier bas raised the politics of 'the .Of having administered the po'son. MACEDONIA LEADF.R DEAD.
at sacri- beatOn that the Pblice took him to
with litine, give making gre asked all unbelieVer. Dominion to a I)Iane upon which 70te sick man was seized with se- - --- flit. County HORIPItal, A number of
fleas In ordOt to Maintain their c)plh- t& sea of cloudod faces told lilin it they. have gained an unprecedanted Vere cramps, and fits partner,Folw_ Itep)rt of Death JBorls Sararkiff Has other DOnnelley ell)PIOYeea were hit,
long, and'I am unwilling that they might be well to seek the clevator. measure of attention or an Interna- ter, concluded from thle symptoms Men Confirmed,- but not severely hurt.
should ,regard, me an Indifferent to Charles T. Russell, of Allegilany, tionAl character. Mr. Will.gon's book that lie had been poisoned. Dr. El- The Police arrested three men,
tbetv political Interests." estimated tile it-Ime of Christ's arri- Is richly helpful to students of Cana- liott Was hastily sumnioned .and &Ionlca, Oct. 20- The report of Prank Ketcham, j,ohn UVelier, and
Mr ,Ritchie, the late Clidneellor of. val, "This Is the ovor lapplug per- than history." I succeeded in saving t1fe man's life. Lhe 4eath of Boris Sarafoff, tile rain- Charles ,smith.
the b-xchequor, and Lord George lod,11 jib mlit., ,,This is tile timo be- s Macedonian leader, Is confirmed With a number of
Xiamilton, late See ittary of State for i Wobjj the gospel Thu ,Auotr-,Iian 0overnmant (?stl- ONO. 4 beioNr on tqhiartv waR s ld ,i'll .
. dispensation and mates thb, area of wheat Ili New to Fowler and Rodenktrek by Weis- A despatch from Salonlea yesterday their follows they will be taken be.
India, also have, _Joln.ed the league, the millonnial period. There will be South, ',Wales at 1,81-16,918 acres, or ner. Tile latter and Weisner are Said that It was repofrited that Boris fore Sudge, Ifoldogn fox, violating the
I I . . a millt-ar;Y revolution almost serious alleged to have quarreled over a Sarafoff was killod on Oct. :12 In a IDJunct!On Which prohibits Ali In-
wtbrow all tile govern- 1126,600 (icres above -the area ,-klrnglsh at Pruva, near Flortna.
enough to ovL 2 Ill debt. Weisner is alleged to Nave terference W-Ith the mail who have
'MRS. DOW18 ROBBED. . mente of the earth. But to tuake It 19021. (rjw condition of tile wheat Mid a sinall bottle of strychnine Boris Sarafoff was the life and soul taken tile P!4ces vacated
- certain there ,wIL1 be a social up- IS (110thictly good. on him whon arrested, I -re is in jail -,of the Insurgent operations In Mace- n bers,
Loit a $t,500 i; .giiond atid Pearl heaval, It ngl ht be termed a social 0ames Lynch', of Windsor, Oil at tlib Forks. Fawler and two clonla. I - I
11rooch fit New'York. r revolution. Then Christ will come." Wednesday pleaded guilty to hav- otllb.r men had a harrow. 'Pacape - Ile was popularly believed to be t6
' rpho mcinbers of the society we Ing robbed the house of Augustus from eating the poisoned tood, real Instigator of the Abduction of TIGER POR A PET.
ad Was Crowd re
X6vv -- York, Opt, 90. -After it rest enthusiastic, %tile ro a d. Fox, near Olinda, Bose,, County, all(] I I MISS Ellen Stone, tile American mls-
Dr. Dowto lij,rocceded *to ,Nfadleofn There were as many Women as there- WaN sentenced to elgM years in alonary, In September, 1961, In order —
Square Gardon, "wh'ere abou Were. men, arfU there wore more chil- Xingaton Penitentiary, .. FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. to hh bar ransom J110. G. Ward Has Olit. Prom Soul b
of the 110st &walted - him, Wt 8,000 dran than adults. There were a few . d
lien he %Iha roport to confirmed that a pro — fun a to ellablo the Matedonlan Re- America.
Rt6ppod into the vast hall tile 4e- unbelievers and song)o missionary posal to Prolong tll,o most favored RackollZia & Mitlin ,%vill coligple.(v, volutionary Committee to organize Gult Rorormer; AU interesting Via.
aomblago rose and faced th1vover- w0rk was done during the meeting. nation agreement between Great Thoir filne. the Inaiirrettlon. I Itor In Gait LO-daY 10 John G. Ward, .
seei. nolding up hie hand, lie said, ,,".W tat Is to become of you when all Britain and Germany, lyllwit evl)lre,3 Halifax, X, S., Oct. 210. -'Ur, D. D. In 1805 Sarafoff formed a band of F,c.11 of
tl lj J118. Ward, Bram. for.
. 11 upheaval Is occurring?*' do- on .Der,, 81, will be submitted by the Mann, of Mackenzie & Mann, who lia3 desperadoes to rald Turkish terri- merly of (Jalt.
onter- - are guests at the residence
e 'be to th!ee.fl tory. Sin,ce then lie headed nearly InOthel Mr. Ward pton'
"Pead ,a be inultiptled."an. 14011, We will be on the side vfMch Counoqll. %b.,r latter body will Certain- 400 daring rulds Into Turkey. and 111a
"Pence to Ide Mandell an ul)b6IIOv6r. German Government to the Federal been looking into Ills firlais
I " - r ses In Nova geotift, left to -day for . - . Of ZOII'n Scott, Wallington street, 31rs.
swered * tile great browd In one 119 It," answered a member. - ly adopt the suggestion. Canada, as WardIR fativer.
voice, . 1. orouto. peaking to a. correspond -
1110 thtn ulade lit' Mr. Russell critiolsed the ministers heretofore, will be excluded from the ent, lie sold: "Tiftere Is no truth Ili BATTLESHIPS COLLIDE. ThU Interesting 'feature about Ir.
" WAY to tile, Who he Unlined were attacking the benefits 61 the agreement. the ort that we have decided to WO rd t-7 that lie has just recoil Ely re,
balcony and asked for a roll ottl Bible. "College trained mail$ mlnisA Etna, Pa..-Mbe Isabella blast tn — ,South' America, bring4
and aPaIgiled ,tliV audience ?to seC tars and doctors of divinity who v- abandon our project of our transron- Vessel of t1ritish chavillet Squadron is turned frong
Hans of thbu hall, animrathig them should use their influence in favor ght Indofln- tinental road. It Is our IntouLlon to Ing with him a tiger eub, captured
' ' 13adly Damaged. in, thri jungle in tile
a "' Voled la ' "' ,( -have a line from the AtIallitle to the
PecotAbir to thb tr ilne on which ng aboul 600 Man out U Orinoco, ,iind
they arriv&T, , . 'tl c Pacific. I cannot say Just when ,tv6
nao " r _
of the Scripture& are tho. ones ar- 'to'y , London. Oct, 3.9. -Tho two Brit- Amacittra distri6ts Of 13
,,mpI6,y t1n1onNV' _Plbe entire g rItleh, Gulana,
on flie authol-ity of Jrs. r_farl F, V Y - against tliom,-and so the Bible oroe r the two furnaces and Lite of- will Do able to carry,out thIg project Ishl battleships, Ilrince George and a2id which Is at present romptno
Stern, 4auglittr 4f lohn Alexander Is be3ttled by Its professional frimidg, rice force wam rele&god. to a finish, but It has 'always been 11annibal, both, belonging to tile around at Ut. Ward's, home I*
the highor critics," Ili) said. "They our obj'cvt to cohneet tbo east with (11'alillel Squadron, Were Ili colll- Btuhilltoll- Thts one Is five montllg
Dowle, and w1to of thlo chief of PO4 frcoly oritlelso, I'm it )^.tl,,td -.A Sliaepaburg, Pa. -As the result of t-
lglvO 91; tho Joke for anything. tt
I wair oven suggested ilvat 00bla wnA.,
lloo of Zion City, ,It w4e learned
lRat Urs. Dowie, had been
I L. 11, drop of $1.5o a toll ill thelir Wages,
P; tu, doolaxing their Inspiration wao
Lila West. Vve hope to connect out
Nova Scotia systegn 'with that of tile
8 " last 1119lit lioar Cape Finlatere, OLU and IF; about twice the size or ntA
And NZWO Put Into Ferrol. Thoy o?glinars, house eat, I have
004 tho Patty had S-1 first
I V1111,1104281itt"10 (I
of it $i.500 diamond and pearl
a ,ill tho entito force of puddlers at the,
different thau tIlat Which any
inan, Including the critics, may it VO lklooreboad Brothers' Company roll-
wesrt. The, charter IvIlich Ws. "
Nad been inall0euvring without oth-vor fall grown antmals.
and porsoaded the pUtY
tAe gagno for our ninur,ciment. Serl.
brooch Ili tho private Car attach-
ed to th.b train in
to7da,v. and'Aliat they erred justatO Ing luillp, Sharpsburg, went out oil
lie by the Government last'
was seaured wift +Llai end In ,view.
b g(l1fit George Ivas ' Tlile flgOr Is of the red speelee, Cite
, ,!.,,. Tho, Prince
, maged. It Is reported Urat f.ereest or any Ill pouth,
4148V, h6wai or, tbore wore only t*o
e-M)Iftnatl6ns POssiblO. 0110 Was that
Bpeol&j whIell
t1lb Dowit, party reached tile city.
Thlo theft
()fte". a. strike at midnight.
11TI)o only tat)) . ,.O, Ing of
y to mAko to %how (Ilegig -At the annual ftloot
We have not detinIve,ly d"Ided on 6,
routo.' We will first sond out an ax-
Amel,10A. it
RIM lifts nine feet of WaLer in hor was captured wll n It wan ttv
hold, She may have to be beachett weeks old. A coupleof I
the Americans Were studlousty Ill.
oeourred at 06 Grot d,
Central Statfoil during We confix.
r4$sorttons In tile plan Of God, set the st000kboldeps or the Ifallinall
, forth In tho Scriptures. Tho one hope Company, hold here,#.,reports were
ploring party. Country narbor is
(logo chase
to prevent h1or from oinking. tfik mother and she dror'W'd t1le kit,
M11ti 9, and lAckod out tilpir inell r
11 al,
that -exprogn purpose, and tile othPlll
slot, of leaving thh Care, Si fartho
inlitter JIM# liot Welt
vot b6fore us la tho GAsper, whose ut- reit(I iz,liowing total revenue to%, tile
Zkko ojrr as tile Atlantic ternillingi:0
Ilia fiflD Illid any (1011114L C-
I - - 11 - t6fl, 101'1611 Mr. Ward rlakod ap. It
, It our neighbors had gts f(,Nv faults followg 1111r.1 around like dog.
W48 that, Ingtoad of being sliarp, as
rop6ttod to
.ttf.o polloo,
. .1
I , -b I
WrAnces began In Goneslq, was takon year $20,11.10,713 ; total oxpoilsos,
uPb.Y All tho holy Prophet# alld apos- 410,022,003; not 611*1U15, $3,407,719,
tion with the proposal to build a
road from nudiron nay to Moxlco, Mr.
& It JIN
(to oilroelves, wbat a pleasant Old 130 tnmo t1fat it eleopm 01060 to him
world this Would be to live' in. at night".