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The Wingham Advance, 1903-10-22, Page 8
�w-.�n ._ ._...... . . ....... k. -.. _., �. _ .. ... ,-.4.F..-.-..-y., — 4"`W r-" ."{if"�".."t1r" 1<"tiu'tA- dist uvoll strict legal lorllx itoVq� �W�1' �j�, WAGGLE 4'Vai•S- AND SNORE. _ � ��. c��+�J �t� L� `� would Ito Incomilsteat. l AS INCURABLE ISS Q 43 1903 tYeru,z scxy;Catit attrugged dirt shout- Iiarued f . 'N Mie wlr�elaRe boothtng gy 1.p_ aIle "1Vhet1 lrzterxulrted by lite lrldis<� ``� Chea lxaitiilr ncaul �iwttnertdea11AGHT ' AlwAtrs ba ossa for Gltilrlreu oeWstnrc. `d DaggerCURED`' � ,Lily g ,- -,-,, l� `1t Pf tiro meattal doF Scce fPr w(o• colic end I8 Lhabast or Aland....1, Ilolttln© ik Cvpa ab Kerwin k ml 'Cod Jose h (30one at WN , A iR7Er�A:JCE �etltas t,ta chttd, sot anmse hvI aurevmt 1 .. , -, was tiltt C•a italphor�vin h;tcl told irl� ,sleo ]YWYa fAilod laect4tr4�ti they Volt rthieb laduccil you to. conseAt gslq hAY0 ncAOY always tried 'to resort Plod wont. )Prong. J - A TALK OP WOMAN,$ LOXR AND to 116 proposal drat: you slrould After Seven Years Illness to 11100al tri, teeth." In other w.oriA � They Kaci been married only a few WQMAN'S PERFIDY .4 .0 .:l4 ,R � brettl: raft your t'ngaaaemetlt lvitli ._ _ _, th have mace a homoe0 thio at- lE7til€�74PiSiI. mouths, and the wife stood by the ( .►1,.,.,.,.ww.�%~%0%o%^0�wrw~ • .1 -1 1 tune., x' nor, I repeat t11:tt pups- Disoharged f'rom.the, 1}?lospitAt as Ing+ tempt to stop tilinklug by thinking (iC h will bo pald by ofE}the department storee of ber husband twlndowsng into � A,' i., ioal�i•.�i A„itvih.,,Mls,�i� .d► Blaine looked steadily at ylil:m, oureable, he used ftodd'a. 1Clttnoy abRut .something olsea- a irx'P4ens pA�1�DYQ eWard Leven Brothers handsome tailor-made dress took her It WAN w letter wlttoh Captain Pills wtlh Splendid Itesutts. a +, Limited, Toronto, to sin ersgn who " I did, And heard ,them. I was brought him to the bridge, you know. Shlorwin gave me,'" she saki, vvhlc]t might slap b, ea led elim]na- can rove that this sea contains fancy, and rlr�e loft her Then she to went standingDear Ill. m, bobtail the shlnil. YOU-" the Inspiration came In a flash '"Then there Ivas A ,le'ttel' I" rirur- Cottle s Cqve. Now )3W., Ntld., tIOD by ,Svbstltut,on.' .,dot all tbinli anyfflrin of adulteration whatsoever amine of more closely. roto she want Oct. .19,- ecial),_Atter bein r lug, spontaneous Pr fines,. cltutva a back t Mat, r, s 111 talking. S berg. I heard overt' wortI. -"you were lovers ti hands mured th'e crowd. seven � �, for more or lep; b.00d to ti brain ,pre- Or contains any injurious chemicals. "You never' look at anything X " What passed? Site started, atter li@x• small t.. A letter. Gan YOU telt we the iyesr,x•$ a 12Ppelpss litvaltd,. an- v'enta Glee bibuletions, an(I are tate Asil for the Octagon Oar,. sly want to look at .any more,' she corp. She moistened her lips, but Iter elinched. ,,, contents? Porhapa you have pre- , Able to work, &lid racked bye aches p eyes did no': move, nor tier voice It t�--•1t s plot true . site exclaim- served iii ?' a Aa e, Joseph Boone, of this gate of toe kingdom o drear,nrs'. Ally .. . plitined, 'You don't earn, ]low I dressy falter. I'd, pant,in "It's aIle, whoever says ++ dl:vloo, oil the other hand, vvbleh will Av here Hisses are Illegal, • Y olr dont erre for me any snore, "'130 rtradEi lova to her. He wxtrtt- so! I -I- �" y Shy put her hand in, rho bosom -. situp Place, Tt sougds like work w trete make one take deep, long breatna IStssee are aotionablo In Southern `Pl9�you haven't kisse:l me for two ed her to break aft witlx #las mar•- "It Is ? Then why. should Captain of leer dress, and took out the lot•• but it is fiat --it was Kidaq., Disease S+pantaireousty (tlhtt tnvarlabla fore- ]tussis, but rho many oases before e t was the matter with slim. Dodd's KId- runnor of hl.,ep) relay, ba ccunted upon #Ito local magistrates. prove that the fault," I am sorry, . 1t is not Qnla and le refitt to �murry t1im: ` Sherwin, You to the bridge not your ter and }landed It to lllm, , no a geuuiuo retuec;y, for insomnia, little god of love defies law .as well my fruit, sale tads wan. Anel shp tcfuc,al? bidding? You say you did oat knotP As alta ilii so rite marquis befit nay Ill's anted ilial. Lxeut t,ee b:eatllin Iv tiah is forced Turning, ftp lady 'Poked at him "I'or a time, Yes. '#`hen Ito threat- that ire was fa love with Miss De. forWaril eagerly and saw It and It ]s something worth xoiatiug p, g l its locks. enled her, ami, she ylekled; site sou- laine and had proposed t her?" as ho recognized it an exclamation what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done, le b -iter thaw alit' purely mental at- A kilts in the street oar casts rho and gasped. Site had taken the arta g g a „ „ tempt to ruin 010011, But If the ueep indiscreet oscillator a fine of $3. ! of rite wrong man,--PltiladelPhia Led - sawed to break with the mar Tho sharp gray$•es looked round br to from him which electrified titer gladmto� telt, xr.Itad�dactataed.s ittmi breathing can be pro:ucett txtvolurt' 'Cn eznbratte one's ilancea in pain- • gex. t I , , , •1 fixe court cunnin ly, lust as those o court. tartly ane is tsuro of a pa.eeport to , 1100 on. Glve your account Of of a fox look ivuiid at the moment "My God I" he ext alined• "I see I several doctors, and after seven i Nodlad. lie is lti pr•Ivilege valttecfi. at $i..d:Q. i. - what followed. Did you hear more?" the cry, of the horunds broaks on ills it al' It, months 1n the tosFltal was sent home A declaration of a great "passion" WhersRheutntt Ismdoubtesa roan µ m incurable, � After several nights of experiment by postal card Is subject' -'to a fine up physician and sufferer alike lose heart "Yes, but not so distinctly; they ear. ( i to this end the present writer de- $:,) .Jo. spoke in lower volces, ,Hiss Delailte "Answer, please. But take your CHAPTER XXXVII, ( ''Rlch•atil Quirk, who had been cured of Tile p i and often despair of a euro, but hero's tile as agitated; Captain Sherwin, I time,°' All eyes were turned from the iet- i by' Dodd+s 10daey, Pills, advised the tP ditch to wooly tits pro, begin std thele Tha l,ubllc Ittust be protected, and oxcopt[ou. ivm. Pegg, at Norwood Uut„ ter iphiolt the ser by t1tQ utvisseurs, wlxa bebin their the disturbing influence of such says: I wits nearly doubled a with rhea. think, threatened her," "I dant know. 'When I grave hien sergeant held in his try'them, and I did. I took :;l boxed rmanfipuhations; "at they puint fair- sights is assesed At a figure talon- matlem, i got three bottles of �outh Amen "Do not tell its what youthink, the letter---" ho. significantbland ihe marquis as he uttered before I was able to go to works ! iltryst from the seat of diPfleulty," laced to dlscouragq youthful !m- loan rtheumatl0 Gore rood they Cured me. It's speak only of what you ares ,' "The letter' 'What letter?" de words, "I see i all i" ` But I can hurdly, ,)elteve it 1s my- ! vv']ttch, in 1,he close o Insomnia., would petuosity, the quickest acting medicine I ever saw. "I am r{ore ha threatened tier. She tnanded Gerald, swiftly,. and thA judge looked acroa8 at ltlm self is in it at all alter all those ho th-e *feet. Lying on the right piL0, At Milan, Italy, 722 couples paid -18 seemed desperate and hard -driven, She looked rouatd again. keenly and w,itlt. a grim senile as be years of suffering, with tire• knees together, and oonmid- last year the fine of six lira about and in the midst of the words Isaw The letter -the letter she stab- said; > �y ( i ltigots i°tknetrate Rock, her raise tier arm and somothing bed'him to get," "It may, be all plain t0 the pili i cure forms of KfidneyllDiseas�rom sj ould b glri Bio a edAli both insomnia,1 Is, foot ventit for having braved the con- t There In a trey just beyond the " F ventions and kissed each other in flash ht cher }rand. ITite captain Elaine leaned forward as if about sonor, but it is anything but plain Backache to Bright's Disease. Tbou- slowly up and down, with the movdl• public places. -New York World. Now England Railway arch on the cried out '--the voice, almost mo- to rise, but ]li'ay held her clown. to Ilio and the jury t sands of cured will tell you so. , I man'L entirely In the ankles. Tile Middlebury road in Connecticut which notonots, grew hoarse suddenly- "This Is the first time y'au have "I will read the letter," said the pcx?at1n1; should keep time with 'Lite I , has grown through a solid rock. malty "anrk 1 eaw hien tali backward aver spoken of a letter," said Gerald, sergeant, gravely, 3oir►ethintp New. natural rhythm of rewpiratiou, and LoversY-Z(Wise $ead)DisinfectantSoap tons in weight, lasing a large fis- the rail .of the bridge"' What ivas this letter? "'My Dear E,rnost'-the prisoner's b3 continued until it is followod by Powder is a boon, to any home. It disin• sure which would require a dyna- ,The crowd could not restrain its I -I dant know. name, is Ernest, gentlemen of the jury, Toronto Globe. deep a,nd s ontaneows breathing. facts and nlatins at the same time. 30 mite eNploslon to duplicate. pout -up excitement longer, and a But you &ve�it to him, you ray." Ernest Edwynd `My dear Ernest, I. An autoalefgh has been invented Several peop:e who have tried tli's ENGLISH i+I� I� LINIMENT. cry of amazement, incredulity, and I -I did natal arrived here quite safely, but very and patented by; a resident of Nome, remerd�y µeport that invariably sleep Absrnt-minded. i,'NfIi4iJIi SPAVIN then horror, rose and filled the Yea! You did. IWhat letter was ,tired, I quite agree with you that, Alaska. It is expected to carry, the: breathing invariably begins before court -house. That beautiful, sweet- It ? Came ? Por the resent our secret should re- malts from Slksguay} to Nome by way they have pedalled up and down a Cleveland Plain Dealer, looking girl -Elaine, the major's The marquis leaned forward, his p of Dawson: dozen times. In gbitinate vases of ht- "Butterby is awfully absent mhld- and bleuri i�eetatro'irt liaises �aiiivOdaspamvine daughter, had committed the crime! 'Ask her!" bro7ce from him stern- main a secret stfll, buff I toil you somata the patient may need to keep ed." curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, •Gerald Locke spr4ng to Ills feet, haggard face set bard and stern, rankly that I am getting tired of I up the white with excitement, a in this mystery and concealment. I ; Cit Giofng to New YorY gedaliing tiva or three min- "tiV11at Ts lits latest?" � e c. ae, solve and swollen throat sou Its, didn't bargain for alt this dultnese Be aura that your tickets rand via Grand ute�s, or even ,more, with intermis "Ile was driving a nail and 'tam- rtantvp°tile�most by use bl@misL cure ver shriek rose from the group S]ienge i cried the usher warn* , Trunk and LeltigloValley route of the "Black alons, If Lecesary. Tite treatment inered his thumb, He howled anti put known, of tadle�r by the bench, the usher ingly, and dreariness, and I don't think you Dimond Express." This is the direct and may also .ba varied by moving tl;e the nail in Ills mouth and tried to. yelled for silence, the policemen "Comet" repeated Gerald. IQs eat poet me to endure it much best route from om all Canadian points. By this feet alternately, lastea�d at ailuul- fling .his thumb on he floor." ' roughly pushed and elbowed the She glanced down at Wall g Please send, me some snore, ggpgeisRnowcheckgdinboudandirom taneou:sly, thou 1 As it Should Be. seething people swaying to and fro; "I don't know. I - I made a mis- money -I know you will wonder what stations in xew Yo k, Lehigh pitown Valley firset- hrao proved the though the etilca- I 14411,110 News, for a full minute, under the shock take~" I've done with that.you gave me, but class hotels, and down town near all Euro- To prove to you that Dn created by the Lew rioter words of "I have no doubt yon did. Butt I lent mousy and I are soon parted; bei3ldes, can steamship docks, t=aping passengers for oiot>te in file eases known to the Chase's OintmonGls acorGtin S,ttidtYnt-What kind of treatment Muco s a long and expens►ve transfer, 8e.ure writer. elite exi;Ianation of he result Piles and absolute cure for each tptould oil recommend dor inebriates the small, white-faced woman, every it pass, for the present. You ran it was a bar+ ain that T should have am tkketa of brand Trunk agents. Robert obtained is probably s mole. 'litre and every Porm of itching, y + person present lost his head. away wheal you saw Miss Delaine-as as much as I(wanted and I mean to C Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, s3 blood is bleedingandprotrudinteedIt.ft Piles, Professor? And yet not every one, One man my -stab Captain Sherwin ? keep you to that part of the tion- , ,'Toronto, Ont, 8 pumped from Labe here], and the nialsin tale dahypo guaranteed as your rnetos• Professor -I vvou'dn^t recommend you sa p p v'0nga street with the removal OP brain ten,stan a timonittls in filo datlgpresa and ask yaarneiglt- alone stood calm and watchful, and Which way did you Igo 7" , trap'!. anyway, My cough is just the. bore whatthoy think of it You can use it ynd any. The worst possible thing you „ " , general relazation follows, with a � �y can do for an inebriate is to treat it was the prisoner, As if be had "Yes way ? same as ever. I don't fancy 1 shall The Angry Tree, consequent deep respimtton and its all dealers or EDalANalox,BaTi a � CO�,To onto him. been expecting this statement, he Yes I like this place ; it seems a dull hole, r,multing sleep. -Goo:] Housekee in • !Mere is a kind' of Is aoia tree In Housekeeping. Dos Chase's Ointment - stood, his eyes 7ixed upon Fanny She looked down, and seemed to be Id rather.Lave gone to Paris, where Nevada twat not only is as"tauch'y" - -' "`" Inehley's wax-Ilke face, his hands endeavoring to remember, t, one can buy decent things and amuse « as the sensitive plant but as. a clinching the dock rail. He beckoned Round by the long walk by the oneself. I hate being bored, as you, „ „ /,r to 'Gerald sternly, and as Gerald lawn;' k know. You'd }letter send me a cheque i gardener put It, goes very mad. I It is ajgult B feet 'tall mud Is a 4 over heifrontyofttherdock. leaned "It tea licke Saida voice. for two hundred pounds while you I very rapid grower. When the sun C. C. RICHARDS & CO. -E��ES OF TIGHT SHOE., Gerald Locke moved his head in the are about it. Did you buy me that ready Is go to sleep, and Dear Slira,-I Have Leat falth in 'dVa�'z`a���i " Site lies I" he said, in a voice direction whence tate votes had come, Perri ring I fancied? `I`,hore was a i gouts It Issues together and coils 111•CNARD'si LINIMENT, as last year They Not Only IU Deformation of audible to those near him. "Watch, and save that he denial had sprung necklace event with' it, I think; if so, rite beet, but Nerpaus Exhaustion, watch I Be careful! Look at her ! from the white lips of Luigi Zanti. you might got that g,t the same tinge, ,the ends of its twigs just like a I cured' a ftrarse of Ring -bone, with Watches She is lying!" The blind man hats not uttered a And don't forget iiia sJaawl I raw at ;pig's tall. If any one pulls that five bottles. Women are prone to extremes of Silence!" shouted the usher. single word, had scarcely moved, the Orietutal place in Regent street. l tail -}yell, the 'tree doesn't squeal, It bli4tered the horse, but In a fashion. A few yes•rs alto every one thine cads cadaverous fe held' acehias stern xis k}s head leaxtine, be bad nteond, his had hand, h16' A profound silence followed tYour affectionate wife, its ser- by t it iluttters and movesglitetted cmu,on nen se was no ring+.bone and of them vvoxje tight corsets ; #o -day, . -�' 1 and seems to be dee ����•------ it had ever been in the moment of sightless eyes turned to the person gerant's reading of the letter, It was If it Is ever disturbed by a shock DANIEL UiTJRIOUISON. tbey, all wear tight shook. While it '.�. `-..r-�""— passing sentence, and at the uplifted who might be. speaking, listening ]n- a day of surprises, and the amaze-' such a•s .transplanting, this leaves hour Falls, N. B. used to be the custom to out the hand and ,before the terrible face tently, breathlessly, mexit of the audience was too great ; stand out in all directions and stay,' lose tat a Saluting woman, note - the tumult died away. The sergeant "Who uttered that Improper ex- to admit of utterance. i quiver violently. Strangest of all, bent down and whispered to Sault- clamation ?" said the judge, sternly. The marquis, with pale face and they send out a pungent, nauseat- adaYA the best restorative lies In We will not sell a watch that dere, then raised himself, and eyed The blind man rose, pale, but sin- now flashinf; eyes, bent forward and ing odor that is most unpleasant, oeverin'g her sliaeNtrings. Lacing her , � we cannot positively guar- I the white, set face with grim In- gularly composed. seemed about to speak, to address I It takes this Abad -tempered tree Somebody Would Pay it. ahoes 'too tight, wearing shoes too' antee. tensity. "It was T, my lord," be said, re- Blaine, who stood with tightly -clasp- an hour or two to get back into high in the heel and too narrow In You saw Miss Delaine stab Cap- spectrally., "I beg pardon. The ed hands and downcast eyes; but the ; good humor. Montreal Gazette, " Do net understand from this that we tain Sherwin ?" word,; were wrung from me." usher sternly called silence, and the 'faking all the foodstuffs imported, the toe, those are the sharers sell Watches of extravagant price p "Leave the court, ,said the judge. marquis closed his lips, o Into Great Britain in 1903 barely 20 brought against the modern womttn. only. " 3 did," Dame the reply, slowly, +' Ificart �unflinchingly. Luigi funtliled for his stick, and• "And it was this letter, which Cap- P Rper cent. was supplied by British In thowake of'these evils follow' Der. OurNo. 915 Silver or. Gun Where did she stand -before or the marquis bettt down and touched fain Sherwin gave you, that decided ,D�� Va� V colonies and posaossions. in only vows troubles ; cllronie d� spepsla, itnd Metal Watch at $6. o is a behind him?" his shoulder pityingly, tenderly. you to break off with the prisoner?" two respeota was a favorable show- • spinal neuralgia. Circuxation In tine S •' Behind blit -at the side." The poor gentleman a great said the sergeant. "You saw by it, in Ing made. One of these was tea, extremitioa IN Interfered with ana warranted time -keeper. Most Sudden and Dangerous of Tile felt at once?" friend w the prisoner'se blind, my short that that ire was -already tart- of which 9Q er cent. was British, , thereby; the ,stomach and heart ac- . "At once." lord," whilspered the clerk. tied?" Ailments. and the otbeP, fish, of which let4,;i When w►state thatweeenWatches "You heard him cry out twice?" "stay," said the judge. "Resume "Yes" said Elaine, almost inaudibly, Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure Relieves in tion. l !n price as high as $700, you can 8 than dei per cont. was supp:fed•, by The procasN of restoring shoe judge of our great assortment, "No l Once i Once only! I said your ,seat, air." The marquis seem::d again about to 30 Minutes. British colonies and possesbions. Oc , marten" feet is one of the most im- oree !" No, my lard," said Luigi, with pro- speak, but Gerald Locke held up tits stealth y' as .a thief In the ntght, heart dis- dairy products only 18 per cent, waa . portant bits of knowledge possessea Write for our new catalogue. CCha sergeant nodded. found respect. "It is Vetter tbztit T hnitd. ease heralds its comingonly by the deadly „ .. g should retire, for I, tea, shat' „ grip it lays upon it vi:ttms. 1f yoil have British', ' • } by, the chiropodist. In the first place Ready for delivery Nov. 15th. leg, you said tines. What did you b- a "Lot the jury see the 'letter, said palpitation, slrort breath, smothering sReus, If a tax wa.s imposed upon for- : tile bruised and cramped extremities It will cost you nothing, and do,r Rush!" for a movement was witness," and he let Ingrain #lead the judge. or vertigo do not delay the use of Dr, eign foodstuffs in order to give Brlt- Lite I.Jvea a bat:i in Ntrong rook salt, heard near the entrance. trim from the court. Tdlo letter was passed to rho jury, Agnew's Reart cure, It wilt relieve every tall colonies and possessions a pre- . w'hey are then suer sed in thin stack- it may be the means of sav- "•Mty lord; I must ask your lordablp Fanny Inchley bud watched tht,s and. then to the judge, who handed it case in 30 minutes and wilt radically euro ference, it would, there ore, tat' upon in ,r3 Of Ire wool, and in broad in. , in you considerable . incident under tier half -lowered lids, 1ntuoty-ave per cent. of these affected. It is a g Ft g ymoney. (and these near her noticed that she to Gerald. i perfect remedy for nerves and stomach. EO per cent. of rite foodstuffs import- valid shoos Blade of soft kid. (rove stopped, for he •eaw that was 'tear, breathing quickly, and in a con- Gerald examined it, hisbrain feeling , Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures all • ed, Somebody would have to pay- The •next stage of treatment Is c. movement among the crowd was strained fashion, but she turned at hot and bewildered. The marquis skin eruptions, 380 • 8 either the producer or the tion- that Of putting on them digitated RYRIE I3ROSe canned by the entrance a Elaine once to Gerald as he' resumed: already married! It could not be sumer. stockings, or those having separate JEWELERS and Zook and the major. Iia stopped "You cannot have forgotten the true, the letter most be a elumay Kn6w the Kind of Man. pockets 'far the toes, like glove fin - and docked art the pale,,sorrow-striek- g I I8. A o, ., and I2nl en face of the girl ivlto had Just been way you went from the bridge to forgaryi, "` Town Topics. lady In relief ! rt half an hourcare gars. Shoes with a E great toetire also I tti Cam- Yonge Si., `Catania aecueed of the hideous crime, an -1 file went raDo o estill lawn y,, that inTho sergeant continued his exam- "ger liusband is a thousand ;times kap nlnr. Ag Agnew's CNew'Yorkure a tor'theiHeartting feaysct'rI usedmonaidin r etlr the ying the irregular I �.._ �' faltered. In all his experience -and .I da„ "Tell us what Happened afro you too good for Lex•. feel like nucbraughtback Jromthedead, so shlapet of the foot, resutting from too how marvelous and varied it had YOU"Now, 'then, for the letter. What had read this letter, Mie» Delaine." Poor thing, she has my sympathy! great was my suffering from heart trouble much cramping. The daily' ma:sr4age been !-he ]lad never known of a letter was it that you gave Captain I have the same sort of husband my- add so almost miraculous my reeovery i� an important point, and the page case to equal this. F #Elaine raised hex sad eyes. self." throw h the agency of this powerful treat- Sherwin, and for the passesslon of g ettt nitugt practice toe and heel ex- The Praise of the Apple. Fanny Inchley s eyes wandered I left the bridge then, lett• Cap- ment. I owe ray life to it." -1'J , which, you say, Miss Delalne asked Iain Sherwin, 1-1 was' ill, and -1 MInard's Liniment roileves Neur- ` to re a every morning If alio wishes Atlanta Journal. front the wall at which she had been hint?" to regain the prehensile faculty, { Tie apple is the most democra.icr staring, and followed Elaine as the Fanny Inehley was silent for a bink I fainted in the shrubbery,. It' algia, Tare of a Connecting Link. The wearing of fine woolen hose, of all finita. The pomegranate I► went to her seat at the solicitors' moment, then she said: was dark, and I lost my wiry. Ito- The Darwinian theory has recent- and preferably, oboes of suede, is table: followed her with an expres- "I refuse to answer.'' member that the thorns out my Merely Obeying Listruetions. rescribed b , the foot specialist. priestly; the grape is royal; the or - table: item of hate and malevolence which, hand-- ly received more tangible support F y p rage is luxurious; t}ie peach aJtit though it `e d Electing as a pass•• The judge looked up. Baltimore News. In the Gaya District, where an in- Patent leather must be discarded, its pear are plutocratic, but the aphid "I'll tt?', T]rvI marquis started taut leas been cliaeoverd wh'o' is its nonporous character prevents th belongs to the populace. It is aynr Ing ,shadow, was seen band noted by « ., "And thon I must have fainted and Stranger -Are the waiters hero g p p many. ,o, I refuse to answer, sbb re- falletu:' attentive to y,ou 7 possessed of a tail. The case is evaporation of molsture, and It has bolle of the country store and the pealed, suet in bar face was clear- „ „ Pretty caubler-Sir-r-r 1 • reported to the Indian Medical Ga- a superior tendency, toward the cul- corner grocery. It breathes the free After you had seen did Delaine ly revealed, hard as she tried to Ilew long did you 134 in a falai? tivation of Corms. spirit of the American township tend trait the afaint cry of did you Joke mask it, bier Inward fury at the asked the sergeant, trar.ger- Oh, riA offence, I assure zoite he Capt. Chatterton, L M. S" Digitated hosiery' made of silk, lisle village. It bas a flavor of old Now ?A Cry, a taint cry of }terror, brake slip Of the tongue by which elle Silo shook her head. you. I was only, carrying out the and the infant is apparently esus- and wool #sworn by,' many wolden for England and et In upon the question. It calve from trail mentioned the letter. "I do not know.." instructions as printed on the bill Ing a sensation, and may in time, the u g y a pungency ter: o! ' Elaine; and she looked round, and « « of fare, which says, Please report for Aught 'that can be said, be weir_ a uty- of retfoot the nater- file eolith and middle wast, It IN mild, thea at I'anuy Inchley, as if she You must answer the question,', Did year Bear anything, any Cry, any inattention at waiters to cag21- shipped as the god Hanuman, the al beauty of the foot who do not palatable, notirlshing, and promo:'t'e said the judge, unless you think such as was spoken or by the other „ monkey god cohue back to earth, resort `t0 the chirapod}st. of good fellowship and long rr:;. doubted the evidence of tier own that it w31t incriminate you." wltticasce ?" ter. And I thought if they are in - earns. " „ attentive to you I would report curious t. Chatterton child as folliotvsribes this -- Famny •Inchley fixed her eyes an bier Fbasi�esyf' hmtsilldfisst Delaine under eat ofJCaptain know Sher inns' b[ the death them—that's all. "The child had whist appeared to � w ,° yourMoxeysackijGfnPi7lsDoNorCu r .. the old spot on the wall. -_ ,r, ''f "I ran away, ,, "Not IF A COLD CLINGS to you, Son should know be it kali. I made the following „ n the letter from Captain Sherwin 7 1\ot until, bread it in the paper at r ► You ran away?. You saw the de- "Yes," sullenly, Lucerne, helots m illness. I wish to that scan a stubborn and long -neglected note at the time. The spine is ver "Tis t�lE' �11�A3va�^�. ceased stabbed you saw brink fall- « , » y „ cola is cured with Allen's Lung Balsam. Lo parent ly perfectly normal. Over - - there Suss snit' another woman _ � ery good, said Gerald. Now, speak of the -dagger. she added, in not spend more of your life in coughing and the base• of tithe saeru'mr is a brawny , , Whon thero is a puffiness under t5o Eyes it is a Miss Inchley, ane question and I a low vofoe. worrying. mveilln from the lower _1!5 i certain Indication the Kidneys are not working propert a woman like yourself -and you ran „ « g, portion oft y' ,Way?„ have dans. Iiad Captain Sherwin « The dagger ? said the sergeant. � which emerges a perfectly skin- ! * „y There Is danger in neglect and the trou614 shouts bo "I did. I -I was fri hten ed." promised to marry you? Be care. Hatt you seen it before or after the Mrs. Wayback s Inartistic Eye. Cover, tai} -like appendage, about �^ Immediately corrected. The most effective remedy is "Where did you go?" tui. Take your time." murder ?" first visit to the Now fork Weekly, three and a hlatf inches long. This `� Ic do„ pfll%�� "Home -to the castle, to my, room." all 2tthathesitated. pride and cautioevident were castle; and on thre. On e day of the murder ' Fa,rmer IW&yback-Wall, of all Burn appendage is capable of a limited I Elaine sat, both her bands tight- battling together in her bosom. At I Pound 1t behind the settee in rho fooIa, drat artist feIter takes the amount of altatian. It wage slightly ty clasped in Iliy's, her eyes fixed last site raised *her white face, and hall. Signor Luigi will remember --I cake. when the Infant takes the beast. I •with wild amazement and horror on g„ There is no evidence of any bone i for they act at onto and do their work most 15oroughly. All ' the white face ai too witness, iter flashed tier gray eyes round the abovired it to him, Mrs. 'Wayback-What's he dole 2 In this 'tail." It feels too h and ; druggists 50 its, per box, 6 boxes for $.x;50 or direct from ` break taming and going in pain- court. , I The cart going breathlessly. Farmer Way -lies down pail» elastic. It appears to be 4onnoeted' ` 13e Nadi she said. He would' �Yas she sin to convict herself 1 der paintin a icture of that old THE ROLE DRUG GO., VtiINNIPso, MAN Put gasps` have married me, but---" she stop -1 "What did you do with It?",asked tumble-down barn, and there's a by soft attachments to the saarutt1. 5.• a t• The sergeant eat dawn. As he did ped but her glance at Llalne ftn- the sergeant. brand-new barn right behind hila. The ftp of the colocyx can be felt in , .. -` 3'�$t �+ _.k , so, Saunders whispered to lits fellow l,shocl the sentence as plainly as iC' "I laid it on the top o; the glass its normal situation, under cover detemade Brawn, and he quietly shit had added• -•"but for her I" ! ease i the hall," answered Maine. Min�ard'a Liniment Cures Dandruff. of the tail. All tife other parts , -' • - _ � I� made his Way from the trait. « of title 'baby wore normal. The • p� $/r - Gerard Locke rase, Gerald motioned that he 'tad done Aped I have not seen it sinee-until th it shudder parents absolutely refuse to' enter. _ �� L- lel JV "You cross-examine the Witness, (os.i'The'peopland e werern i sed close d, and lort tup Athe tthe horrible" and site thing, kithe sergeant When Leo Thirteenth 'Wept. tain :the Idea of Usiving the tail re- y �` e Mr. Locke 7 said the judge gravely. to it, brit she foarced. her way through heW it out to her to Identify One of the Guardia Nobile (the moved. e o r he b is, I s Al that ���� 1URE' "Yes, this lord cram Cbu eifelmt s luno- 'diem. P panted, I am! more ile sueKLions tU�uask ou�nits havenoPope'a noble guard) told Ise that begutile n to, spread,baandhI haveno5 S au cent of this crime, but neither he nor "Let me ass," she q y In the year 1889 he was on duty I will accept a verdict of acquittal 111 -faint 0 laine," he said, 'gravely, , doubt that, by judicious manage- IIaod it ton yenra, �� Five Canoe of apavia ort the evidence of this woman," And they fortis wily for her, Gerald rose, the latter in his hand. in the Popes antechamber the night' ineut, it trill prove a source of in- washlugro,t, tr.c., Nay. ao, Laos. I, r Abaalutely cured. A murmur of applause arose which ,� � ,. after file dedicatiou of the statute , come of It t arents.'l-Amrlta Bazar ,ho 7I,r otand )il�rbi,ca cs aH}I,ie IIt.Ralo. ^. Uat:nta, ]an. a6, Ion3. The ser, Cant arse. 4V111 you tell us, why you believed p rharo ear«i Eva hor,a4 ab,otutciy of tvvad instantly suppressed. „ of Giardana Bruno --a renegade Do- patrlaln used I:nnantrs spaVitt gore ror Ira A�ppavtn fl, the last four years with your "Thu# is my Case, my lord, he' this letter to be genuine 111ss De- minfenn, or a great reformer, ac years rad 1.1% teeHry to ltd trnrit'. Kendalls Spavin Cure, "YOU say, Iyou savv Mloa Delaine said. "After the evidence of the last laine? Did It not occur to you that 1•aunvut, Justus c,Nctw% . trm yours riarryD.xuettal. stab Captain Sherwin?" tvltnes$ I shrnilcl not be Justified in it might have been a forgery nou- cording to your politics -on the Minard'q Liniment cures liurhs, etc, y ' ry y 'I did. I sate• her. She cannot deny: calling upon Ulm Delaine to eon- coated by Captain. Sherwin for big . he very spot where in 1fl0YY Ito- was THE OLD RELIABLE It ! came from the ;thin lips, and tiYiue her evidence-•--•'' Own ur osea ?" burned at THE stake for heresy. The •,Mlle Read and tite Blockhead. - ,• , « P p , mope was much offended, felt' this And Most Successful 1Som,ody Ever Discovored for Syavins, lkingbolles, _, the gray oyes, like a wolf's now, "No," tali the Judge, gravely, bat It ill(]. But-" she hie her face to Detrol# Free Pr4ss, Splints e,nd tall 1Lomenoss, - dropped on Llaine's face. GGeratld ,sprang to Ills feet• tier hands for a second- 11the xnar-' a lurch: had been insultod; there 13 "Attend to me, please," said Gerald, ;4iv lord, without exel.an in anC� r lits admitted that it as enuhio.1, was eLven stalk of removing the seat I'ecidlor- .Ire pori `chs head of the Th'gisthounquatlfiedexperloneeofthousandsofhorsemenandcthersinthisandother Oternly. "And you went home turd 'told wort! with MI,1;9 Delaine, and ndt- 1 "lieu aa.ty him #}ren t at vrt Ut '"' of tho papacy from Rome. Tiiat house, minter ? countrf o andvthere Isnoreasoa wh�y youssould not s:taro iii these benefit#. Just read I " , } e 1 '! plan. . f it ever was derlousl• eon- ]111ster--NO, my 'wlfe's the Lead ; tthatth rite peop osayabout 'riendalls, write to them for your own satisfaction, no one of what you had seen?" withstatnding that cranny inchleyta Yes, • she rmAle,I, nlmast inandt- Ntderod, was spo`n given up'. Tao Tim the ,blackhead. 1 o c� It Ion to beiina the best table remedy "Na." eit:tbement has taken ale as much. by Illy. "I ,saw him in tl* drawlconi, , q or house. not? An innocent man watt tiurprise ,as it has my learned friend, -ard-and.-" liar voice' broken giYYto 11 w,bole mAtter Irad agitated the Pape „ hnl;tauafamilyut gold onerall�vbyall drug. . tremendously, and 'they felt anxi- Failureµ f/aNt "*Vee+lr, „leis. Price $yt nix battlges for W�,�send accused, wrongly accused at -wording L am Oonvinrel.l that a9 sx 1)ela[nr, Bob, ttG admitted it aill,, „ r5 valuxblpbook, A Tebatt9eotrtheilbCae, pro. • IStNDAiLS to your account. Thil; that you have is Wlliing-ye;:, and atnxiow, to eon-' "Nmierl" burst from the marquitr, ous about his health, When the 31, G. Dun bac Co. report 239 coni- t, cuf2e fuselyIllustr4ted,freeuponrequest. 1 urma} hour passed for tits light to inerefat failures this week in the PAVMW C d lir court to -day would have Neild- tintla+, linr evidonee. ir, pasidonate denial and entreaty. t „ i i DR. B. J. KZND.AtLL CO., ed to clear him, save him. Wily' (lid Maine rake. Tho marilu!i;, ;after a lltlaihv: Look nt me-»-" be put out they grew more and Cln.tt*tl Statep, against ;,.0 last Wer k. I )!rhos t YOU not speak out at the examinatlon loos, or doubt triol terrib:e distress. "Silcnct: ," cried the Usher. Moro nervous. I•.leven. li', 1 O'clrr;k, _1;1.". the preceding Week, and 24N) the .. . llturg lt`I is, tI t ; before the inagistratep? I'ni.x4 hilly head anal lairxr.:l tit ht'r. I The erowki swa eel to and fro. still that titin 'lite, of light under corresponding week last year, and fn "Ali, why ?" staid a voice in tl;': The jutlg(, fr ivnmi in deep tb(,jlght. i Elaine rami her ryes. to his with the door. 'Tl inalls' they knocked. Canada 17, against 10 last week, 19 -_,.,.._ . crowd. "The' deeiaion ties with Mise De» slut rPproitieh in tlu:rn, ':o answer, They gently opened the preceding week, and 01 last year. ; . Panny Inchleys thin . llp!1 set !aline," Ile salt), ;solemnly. • tile* door• and sate, toil old main Of failures this week In the# UnitP:l 1 " " tfghtl 1vIt1 Ko ort: The-, mnt'qui i<,aue:t forward and - '" .. t y 1,xpact her itI s.tv one wor,l Coueheti Go .,1141. kneelini; weeping at Ills prleelieu. lt�afeN 104 were in lite east, d7 south, I f' ALWAY5 SSE Ti117 iN + YOU BUY HiAii THE &AME I I dict not waltt t(r Ito mixo t till alre. "There iv a hilleouv bilatake "' Ilii Out' fi•Iend, a man of tile would, rig west, and 19 fn ttte Pao fie .9tr, tr tt, ; MATCHES - Ill it. I dic}n'ti want to send a fellow I:[itine drew her ItnncL�r avvfay trcxnt wl;istie'Cit hoarsely, all lits crtf,tc laic'! been deeply rntived by that and 9:i rapart liabilities of $o,00U oiti _ _ ..Mv woman to de.rth ^ nt•rc, anQ ,e;tepperl tar til piece in gang, 111`# Inwitier now agltal,od anti gl}mpso through the Open door. As more. Our pastor 'Ara6ds-.. r illi Sulphur brknds "You ty(�re no grudge againcwt ]I7s..t trliickt ,sits Batt acarol 1vit:ti Nh. vcrrs pnsaiannteiy earnP:;t. "Seo the date folk int, 'tis las if Id seen It alt. - -� "KING EDWARD" Delaines; Alving }-er evldPnvP. all -1 t►e.ugrt het or the le•ttt•r:''• -'slid Howe, In October Lippin- nilnrard's Llhiment CYtreisr Dandruff, 'I#EAOttGHi""Telegraph" "I? :�ti." tacvE* wan 1stfl1[ Iicir, there was n (Mmaltl handed it to <;lil,ln'e. Cart's. .,._,,,.,.- -- „ „ 9,1"'r,"1�1 "Yon And Captain Sht resin were ]lf;tlt in her ry(w •tvhreh inhale the S. + � EAGLE ]L frionda?" • , WVI you rf"ful Tan tilt Elate of tri Sir W111lanr LY110, Ramo Secretary ' "11100RIA11 ! IC 9f with q}d mn qr s aslt.ln,, Ir art thruli ietiP* i11LCs ttelaih(I?"„ Klnardlo Liniment far sate every» Of the AustithIlan' COMMOnWeAhlr, "LITTLE COM€t.. 6'16*0� "I es-rrienes.11 with I1rl('e. '.duly tilt. 17,.% 18sS, r4he i•otrrl. trhere. liar late' deolded that wonten stra , , + h.o.te u Dlieslight hesitation gave f;oraltl "I 1v.tNl. ter tell till I knotv.l,1("rt►:P,' r 1,. t,, (i .i. r`'t'•1 htah:�nd, eitgtblc for seats to the Cammat►- t " CtnC. t f,hn f4a d, Ili it, love, distill et vo]c r . Aa . hr, exclaimed. ' It 1s 188.3.1 "When tiro last trump Ballads, finals wealth Dt}rilament, anti Auto$ 0,01d• ' A QUICK, SuAt LION'# . Is BnSorad EVERY tint~ ";'fore• thaxt frlewla?" 'Fitt! „udgo milk bark, ,t n,} r• Zit, i NO otic emit 1;t vile", (Ivory „nr, woman will ask Elabriel to wait a t;teln, President o the Women's P(d• e Sit(- broi}tat(trl wr aln, and her ryes bis hands wit], ;tit air t)f pt-s,V!-Wi,v too 11, tour liA to r p:-ak for a nilnute. mated Pal}tteal AssoClatlori of nisi- by using any ono of ili13s8 brands:: ;: ;; bl�] behind th(I tont; lila: tis.rt, 'fh.'r(: itaEt li Pn ;Gtr utticir t i • u;r1►»r nt. `Plt:•n Ili j fill.+ 1itrlti.y»ed 'Phi, "Dead 14tarc}r" 9s not necesear• bourne,la t -- - �'.•'i,. -.. . ] s announced tier In entia t y _ .�_4.,. ._..,�_._ AnsrvEkrl Ycrtl�kYtrty f;lpt�ttlil SLer- f,rriria}tt,v triton<}y thttl It iH t.tr II' fol the• i r. ,t to titin. ify the ana tlYnt #tie inugtri'anS llltve of si&tldinrt for the. £lanais of ilio B(tII t;A7ipili win IntitnatE.ly, t.f.T you ItEz# . l'iitt ball pr(5sunlPEl els thouf;}rt tlt:tt to ia• % Dealers )Z,trerylyliolo (To be Continued.) murdered • . , , fort:heax»ing' general maetldnt?, .. I — rt.—t - 0 r LA