HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-22, Page 7Thursday, October 22, 1903 TRE WINGMAM ADVANC THE MEN'S STORE NEWS Exeter, Oct. 16,--a, sacs shooting to � I � �.� . �� n. .._� � _� �.�« r � � , .�_ �. ��� �.�• � .:, _ u ._-__ ...-_E��c1�Yz * tality occurred near Sodain about four U miles frout Exeter. Silas Staninke, Jr., and otliors were out rabbit panting. Slim Prizes. S 1 iw.04ta ��'`� A - T11e Saugeeu T;leatrio CortTpany has fir, Stalllnlce lead shat a rabbit and was 944 " ann0aaoecl that it expects to be in s going to start for liamo. FIS tack,,dAS#crit YiGue>a. Store paid[ IZe#gtz>Ifi position to sell motive power, both barrels to take out the retraining cartridge, One of the looks was de• lila you like your thin it W •-'li'Ir• X. G. Anderson, of T.uoknow, � t.o�$ festive. 'fine hammer went down And •Men's Suits and has be,,n appointed by the Domitioiithe •un s s ort hair? Of Course ou Overcoats, Government, fruit inspector for Ontario. h was discharged. The contents y New Mr. Anderson thoroughly understands' Went into ilio abilomet of JQliu $. don't. Do you like thick, otir immense heav smooth hair? Of varietytS of styles o the apple shipping business, and is a Smith, son of Jglui Smith of Sodom, Y>' f��t•� .. ' Clothing Stare is stocked As never before; the first-class man fpr the position, who died almost instantly, Mr, Stan. Course you do. Then why , ,r laic,, did not see the boy, lie having Haip * r Y f both Sults�itnd Overcoats easily surpass imy show. --Anelectric car ran at the rate of 208 c 1119 mad,, In Wtl)gttam, and Ambles us to guarantee n satisfactory 4•5 au hoax at Berlin, Germany, 0u come through a thicket unobsoxved� _ selection to any prospective buyer, 110 matter holy little or hots much SellE,. 17t1i, evhiph is said to be the Ile is heart broken over the accident a money h© may want to spend for clothing, The best manufacturers highest speed ever attained, The en- •^-Tho coming of cold weather, says f not be pleased? Ayer's Hair r �a1St" gor in the country naturally seek the greatest ontlet for their production- giueers in charge of the experiments ex. Conntr Gentleman will kill or drive T the largest dealer is p 1 Vigor makes beautiful heads 3 , g given the preference. The fact that we buy and bete that 125 itflsa an hoar will Uo out of sight all signs of the insect life sell the most clothing gives us the pick of the market and the advant• reached. that has :furnished the summer cleat of hair, that's the whole ' o ctx f .... ages of tower prices than are accorded merchants viho use smaller ' -The Grand 'Palley Vidette saps supply for the hQnS. If you wish them story. Sold for 60 years. quantities, This makes Et necessary for pen to visit this attars if tin t0 Oantfnn0 t0 lA "I have used Ayer'a xatr Vigor for a long r�.. g t , t y that W, B, Benrli Of Spruce IaOdge, y, make up this 1089 to time. It is, indeed, a wonderful Lair tonic, 3 la e �"-'! would see All that is new and most desirable in the line of fall and East Luther, has four potatoes Weigh- them in meat food of some kind, From restartile ino timotil to mR �aaplendtd alpe IIg '," t w � �;. ll winter Overcplotoats �Su will expect you, and oiler special En4lncernente 1119 0 1.2 pounds, D, Thompson of the now on your poultry must be supplied an. s. W. Terux, Uadin, ind, x, - f , °� t in Ovurcoata and Salts- 7th 00400881011 of East Luther produced with all the animal and vegetable food iliia° cr-lato. I, w Af'Rnia t } $ T ' Men's Fine Stylish Suits,. ..........$ 00, $7,00, $9.00, $12.00 twelve patatocs that weighed 30 pounds, needed for the egg supply Eggs can. �'0� for r L%dv-a The Store a y down prices and one that weighed 2 1-8 pounds, not be made in goodly number without I ��� such kinds of food, Unless the fowls Dien s, Youths Th B �eEla tytiah Overroata ttL' ttw,t ... Guelph Oct. 1G,, -The body of a roan , P yr eggs _ Y .lust received f1'olii the leading InanUfacturers Q Cverpthtng A Dian Wears, are well provided in this wn o s will �. I I f named John Stein was found this morn- be scarce and the keeping of the fowls t BIG BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR AND SHOES. Ag about? o'clock in $enuedy's quarry," unprofitable.. Canada, two •Ca,SeS Of'Ready-to-Wear Wrappers, Apparently the deceased was tetnrning CLUBBING RATES 1903.04, pp i %%��""�� Crowder home fro"r a friend's about 10,50 on 1 __ Waists and Flannelette Underwear.' We Want ■ K. ! Thursdaynight, and fell into the guar- Nervous and Scrowded leepless• The ADYANcr, quotes the following YOU t0 see our large assortment of tale above n1en- a FY, A distance of 25 feet. His nook wasorrors into one lift) CASH IN ADVANOn clubbing broken and bkull badlyfractured, the product of poor digestion, and the goods, MEN'S OUTFITTERS, WINGHAM + Jas. Kelly, who esides near the the istth t therebyformed within for the money. and secure ile rates, t10Ded C, P, R. Stntiou, Arthur, had three body,There's just one method of For $1.00 The wingtiant Advance till cure for this terrible. condition -plenty The 31st, IOoi. SPECIAL ■ . �• horses killed On Sunday evening about of food; but mind, food properly digest- Tho Advance, and weekly . . 11 o'clock. It appears that the horses ed. That's the difficulty -the digestive For $1.75 Mail -Empire, both until Deo, power of the stomach must be im rev 31st, le0i, with Mail premium picture -"Tho 5 Dox. Ladies' '6KTrappers. -Lined in Waist and were in their pasture field adjoining the P vtotoria Cross." F U1 R N I T U R Erailway iraoIt; and owing to the defer- ed, Rich, red Uloid formed strength Q sleeve; full wide skirt with deep frill, fast Col- givon to the organs to drive out poison; For 1.75 The advance and weakly Live fence of the railway company they then comes strength, vigor and ender• ]out paper for the 'farm The Sun is an excel• ors; nice new patterns ; heavy cloth; GOOD YALU7: managed to get out on the track. ante, Ferrozone does all this and more o $2.00, our price while they last $ 50 it makes sick people well; weak people For $1.15 The Advance and Dlantreat Only .................;........,,..,..,,,,,,,,,,,, . �+�9� -Tile trustee$of the Middleton estate p p ' g P weekI Herald until Dee'r. 13 1 health, Sold y all ru and you reap at t 1e01. 'Samples cPv Herald can be neon Other Lines good values at .$1,00 and $1,24• IIyy��t'�•� g� egntrolliu9 the Gordon block, Orange. health, Sold by all druggists. at the Advance UlSoo. OF SPECIAL I 1 EgC� We have succeeded in buying another batch of villi, aro suing Orangeville Town The Advance, and the old For $1.75 CoitllCi for � favorite, The Montreal Fami- > $G,000 damages, They 1p Herald and Weekly Star, for one year, Y $ hose claim the de5tiuctiott of the Gordon Clinton. with throe premiums -A lar o neap of thetete Waists, nomhifon, and 2 beautiful cOiTored pictures, Elegant j $I5.50 and $26.00 Bedroom Suites which have been in block last February was due to the ne- Mr. David Beacom of Hullett par• Fleart Broken" and "Hard to Choose," deo such demand during the past few weeks. These Suites are gleet to ilio town c0u11ofl in seeing after g g these premiums at the Advance Office. poses retiring from farming at a not The Advanta and Toronto Latest Styles in Ladies' Waists, tucked, helnstitehed, exceptionally good value, with-others,at $11.50, $14,00 and the fir,, protection and to the incapacity distant date and will take up his abode For $2. 31 Daily .Yews, from now until trimmed with the, new Buttons, etc., and made of Taffeta Silk, of the fire brigade. in Clinton. December 31st, 1901. Lustre $16.50, which we will be pleased t4 allow you. In the ,Cashmeres, Flannels, Fancy Twills, etc. Al! Prices cheap and medium priced Sideboards those at $11,50 and -A• W. Campbell, one of the officials An extra six feet of granolithic walk q Others will be Added shortly. En- from one to five dollars. Our S ecials are in Black Silk 1 Hire at the office for rate on any P of Ilio Ontario Government; Mr. R. E. was added to the twelve feet - that was paper you desire. at $4.00 i and Fancy Lustre, a Bargain at $16.00 are quick sellers. Truax, M. p, p,, E. G. Kuntz, reeve of previously laid in front of the new post ......... e Of differentWe vst styles, into stock another dozen Couches Calross, Andrew McLean of Culross, ,,elite, p y g• 1". Caryreeve GreGreenock,etaad Old Dr, Moore, Clinton's oldest and, Station Agent ussels. Ladles' Flannelette . ,•" y ,with the best unlit covering and theMeagher of workmanship guaranteed. It you are requiring one, $ earliest doctor, left for the golden ,State i hausen and his elette Underwear. Riversdalo last week for the purpose of to Bps' the remainder of his earthly bride arrived in town on Monday and a money will he saved by buying from us` devising moans for days g The fall stock of g getting a proper da s with a niece, The doctor raduat- are receiving the congratulations o1 a Exceptional Values are. here Offered, the t Window Shades has arrived. outlet to the Water in Greenock swamp ed from McGill 111 18513 and settled hero large circle of friends. result Of placing our orders early. We di- , We put them lip for you and see that they work pro- and the Teeswater river with a view of shortly after. Our grain merchants are complaining =- - l' perly. In this line we are leaders. improving the land ill that P g tett special attention to our cut prices- part of The plans that are to be submitted to of the scarcity of Dara, Alf, Baekor Greenock and Culross. As this will had 40 ordered for Brussels and 10 for GOWNS, -see our special line of Ladies' Night Gowns' Another lot Of 3 Dcze>iI Leather Seated dockers, the House of Refuge Building Commit- in pink, blue or white. full width, nicely made anti k , mean thousands h dollars to the citizens Ethel and c.0 far did not get & single - CORSET1eCO VF, sox P7a nelette Corset Covera sae with comfortable arme, high back, at $'1.75. The cheapest We which meets here ou Dec. 8th are p of the two townships it i8 hoped some ' cue. chair by 25 Cents On the market. feasible plan will be submitted to the now ready. Architect McBride, London , all Ament &greater will start men out- sues, trimmed with Lace -Special Value,,.,,,,,,, ,. Oc A large shipment Of Iron and Brass Beds to hand. government, prepared them and it calls for a 45x70 S additionthree stories high, ting logs on their timber limit on the DRESSING JACKETS. - New stylea, nicely made, , \, See what we have at $4.00, $6.00 and $7.00. -The Ontario Health department 17th of Grey next week. The swamp fancy patterns and fast colors -Good Value at .... $LSo >t has issued a report showing the births, After serving five years ,as secretary yields some fine elm ash pine and Lama - of the Ontario C. E. Union Mr, A. T. , , d marriages and deaths for the last year. ' rack logs. a UNDERTAKING �� �� Cooper wished to be relieved of the poli- E. Isarc� � Co. Bros, The birth tato shows to iucrdec and !sResidence-Patrick15all tion at the receuE C, E meeting at The evaporating faetorp is still ou the Aaof am house wast the death rate a materiae decrease. husEle and running at full osapcitp.of liamntoa's Dru¢ Last year there were 47,79fi births, as Stratford, and the retiring President, - store. Night call. Dr, V. H, Lyon, of Ottawa, was elected Some remarkable records are being Opp, Ban>� Hamilton Highest Pries Paid for Produce recelva prompt At- •bompared with 46,061 in 1'901 or An in - 1 mad,, by the workmen, Chas. urs, and tentton, to the position. The People s Furniture Store crease of 1,7$5. The number -of mar- pared 55 bushels in eight south, and riages in 1902 was 18,072 an increase of The telephone poles which have here- Jno. Cooper 529, two trimmers finishing 87 over the preceding year, The num- tofore, been so unsightly a spectacle ftp the work of each,, Last year's re- ber of deaths during the year was 27,864 about the new postollice are all being cord was 51 bus. for the same time, but removed, very much to the improve - w , while in 2901 the figures totalled 29,G08, requiring 3 trimmers. f�i�t�t�tt1114�1t�1ttit�itl?t11 showing the substantial decrease of 1 • ment in the appearance of that part of ••- the town. The wires from the south One evening recently the hostler of very Box Of 744, The rate per thousand of births " end will be run from Station t0 Isaac the American Hotel caught some farm •� was 21.1 in 1901 21.7 in 1902 • marriages lads in the sot of Lakin and exchanging in 1901 8.2, in 1902,.8,2.; deaths in 1901, street at this side of the foundry and g Hom continuo ug Isaac street to Central. Properties under the hotel sheds. A Bros 18.6, °in 2902, i2.G. In the cilias the g g p _ 'lumber of births last rubber rug and a cod whip had been TAILORS and GENTS' FURNISHERS t..•- .,.� year was 30 • `The News -Record line been informed + - lately annexed and old rug exchanged for a 641; marriages, 5,879; deaths, 7,571. y by a number off that this new one, He made the parties give up The figures for 1901 were 10,047, 5,468, will be their last season with silos. ° and 8,097, pectively. This makes They give several reasons therefore, he and swap back and nearly seared the resthft_ 1 life out of them by threatening to have the rate per thousand of the population Principal Using the scarcity of labor. �+ � ff them arrested. _ r--•ae,�` D�L+ _ as follows: -1901 births 21.G marriages The tendency has heretofore been all _ We are sole 1941 6V to 12.1, deaths 16.6;1902, births 22,2, mar- the other way, Uut iE remains to be Mr. Forrest, of the Wiarton SugarYou're _ i ringe8 12.2, deaths 15.8. seen whether there will be fewer or Beet Factory, is here this `week looking - more silos two after the harvesting of tlio beet crop > c n ,.,.�, is guaranteed to give 1 years hence, ���,7or We rejoice to herald tits Purchased by his Company. A couple ,� ;entire satisfaction in all j glad news ^.. Pain in the Joints of plows for lifting the boats have been i to inspect .,•... that our town is forging ahead. No cases of Stomach trodble may be muscular or rheumatic. The better evidence of this can be found Drought to this locality to aid the farm- p t OUr targe rause Of materials for HSS�t� -If not mons refund- joints are hard to get at, and require a er in their work, The bre is a a ecial- Y q than in the activity of the buildin o q P P fall and winter Suits and Overcoats - you ' powerful and penetrating remedy to g P 1 cod 011e and should bring satisfae• , ed. Try a box and be reach the diseased surfaces. Nerviline orations which are at present being car- tory results to the growers. cant help but find Something t0 please you, - _ _: convinced. very exactly meets the reqnirements, ried oil and those which are Using plan- s STOCK FOOD •- The t is both powerful and, penetrating. nod for. The demand for space in these 1 r, 110 matter how particular you may be. YOU Pain is expelled almost as if by t = !^ magic. One drop equal in strength to proposed new building is another fea- -The Montreal Star is authority for cant afford t0 pay less than the prices we I have room- for two five drops of other remedies.-.Nerviline taro whicll bespeaks an active interest the atatem0ut that Messrs. Brown Me.: '• students in Telegraph = --nerve pain cure. Druggists sell it. in business circles. Farlane & Co., a Glasgow (Scotland) ask -because good work can't be done for olllee. firm of turbine engine manufacturersare in, less. Everything that asses through our InkinFor Sale only by i v dian Pao fic Rut way Company forathe hands receives our verybest attention ; we insta-i ADVANCElake boats. of turbines a the Iattor`s -'� -�• lake boats, Mr. McFarlane looks for. are very particular -more so than our CUs.C�li A. Campbell. ward a the clay when all steamships on - - the great lakes will be fitted with them. - timers -to have everything satisfactory. e ,a r A. Announces the most remarkable proposition ever etude by a Canadian pub. 1 j lication to its readers: _ Chemist &. I)rtt Tendency of Catarrh is to Spread. These are reasons why you THE DRUGGIST ^� ''_ gist TIVO DOLLAR -PAPERS FOR $1.` 5 Just a alight matter At first, and be - should give us an early call r,. cause slight, neglect, but the seed sown ' Office a,N.w.Tel. Co. By sAerinl arrlingement, and nt heltvv cost-fustirlawe only by the ser- brings forth a clangorous harvest, Con- cainty of largely increasing our subscription list -we are enabled to otfer sumption, which is the harvest of death, • ,,, our paper and The Bettor spend a few moments each day , inhaling Oatarrhozone, all aromatic all tMONTREAL i - Septic HERALDseptic sae relieve,AFitre once, dents One na- C. HA MILTON : %, 41 `I 1 "� sal passages, and restores Inst sons,, of r J taste and smolt. The immediate effect tl great dt>ll#11 wockl Par 7 �:5 er of Oatarrhozone is magical, so prompt AUOTION1r,T;It �/ ; Y, � p year. This offer is t xelusive, and can be made by no other palter, as we have purchased the ,exclusive rights par and efiic Cure is certain and per - art ex Oleo this. district. '- lI a nt ; soar Cat , Poison Price SOME STARTLINGI 30 dart oxperfouce, I have conducted over �.�� � i� • RE�EM13Ert THIS FACT --every subscriber pat•ing one dollar in ad- �i at dr :1st or N. Q, Poison & CO. 3 successful Auction Sales in the County / Vance for our Litt flcr tn'M recelve The AIOl tt•eal 1Veek)y herald for one year Kingston, Out. of uron and as a rule get better prices and =' for an additional l5c. The expense to us is so great that the rest Menke no t #ell tq bettor men. Orders left at Ai)VANCM -s,. deviation from this rule -the money must be paid to advance, turd all arrear- ° _ ® {� p ;a A01. eittgh r enable. prompt atter• p ages must be paid, &p i0 F� � � ■ i � � � tion. 'l'erme rbasonabie. Satisfacticn guar- � ®8�� bR ' antepd. Pho110 or tele ra hat my axponSO. r'` ; Mry ... .... ,,, �,� ,, �, '+ -u es As a Newspaper. As a Home Paper. � t, TTIC: =.VITREAL W)I`r CT.Y HERALD T1I2 )I0,1TtZEAr, WEEKLY IirItALD LOT 1. 120 Kitchen (:ltnlrs rit11G was established in 18118, 2nnd Is the Is pro-tunhirlttly a piper for The name. e, ,tied', regular 40c -Special........ lac H I t'Ir second oldest Conudlan paper. In Its in 11,0 r•rat ltlaoe, notbing Is permitted f� All Departments Of Tho LOT 2. 75 cod Diners, perforated scats, tea, 7010 Special,,,. 600 0�, r. Old ate it has r nctvetl Its youth, and to its cnlmm�s that rnnnot be rend with g ADVAN7/���7 l �{(1t� for tasty and f.R , stands in the forefront or Canada's grvot profit and hn5lrutti:m by overy member THE CANADA SU9 NEss COLLEGE CE A VL' down•to•date Job - �i}rr � -� journals. As a newspalicr, it Is cdited of the ltauseltold, In Cie semild place, � � CHATHAM - ONT. LOT 3' 100 Rockers, golden oak and mahogany finish, regular OFFIC�1 Printing, Prices ` with espec'af refercnee to its conww- It 15 edit d w!th 9pCe�nl roference to Now In Full Swing.- trice $2.00 and $2.54 -Special price ................ 1.00 E right. t sues of renders, who d<sire t cmupre• t •r that hllorost tva»n. u. Madge LOT �. 2 only Somebody, ^�t r� (l t'] pensive sunnnuary of the world's nova 1Ttr•an•s•' wmcly uiks with hor tvmnen Our Opening day was nearly 2,i'l, ahead of p Bedroom Suites, reg. $14.1)0-�Spocial........... 10.00 \ t�j'ilte+�lld V 1�ii1 of the we( k. I:vcrythin>; is viewr3 from readers cons,luto the n10Et popular as our best previous record. Our superinr sours. (This Suite is a winner, 1GX20 mirrors, 60 inch bed) nrvvV11L1llvvIIIIIVVVo 1�1 h! ill.Al.. the standpoint of the Cnnadinn wbn pnrtnnnt of the kind lu silly c!nnadlan ea 1p1.1 the RRSt%T.% Tuxi, Vorx,r. 31G wishes to keep abrct:st of the times, paprr. Thry lr' V,r1tnble "heart to students pinned in 11 months. All our grad);- LOT 5. Now for Couches. SVe esu dnzzteyoure "Be c.9 well dressed as On Cats Without havhng to wade through Col • heart•' 1atEcv h itln the women of the atca of 1w4 torm placed. Our call •reaisfer shit yes on thein, "Woo ill 1�hOR S}11A(itiilil�, It d" v y utnns of lerel6vant tnattrr. Cirofiil cost• DII-mIniop, and are appreoitteti In tiina_ showaalarge number ofpositousofPerednsat and at prices that were never heard of before in Ttisetc#tNagli#4RttnAT, ffoi , and its good advice. sensation narks Tlt� herald's tr.atmctit scuds of lt,ur In this department nre $te to $80amouth tnntwocainnotfill. If you Winghnni, conylderingthe quality Our leader is a is an old, woll bstab• But clothes cost tnotley-mere or of every'ilne of n1w.4, Do }lqt contuse it P'ta n llhas to notbers: tune-teated are interested, write torhandsonte catalog, to (;Pt•ina seat and spring head, 24 in. twide, 6 ft, long, fished and reliable less according to qua)ity of fabric-- with Otiur papers qt sonjewhnt P'ntllat tooldng Reelp.s: tine htteat Y°ashtons, D. McLachlan & Co., Chatham, Out. done to your own choice Of covering, with ;food q prophration,Hasbeen more or less aCeordin to length of lnnllleEl. The Herald is a etnlrpact paper, Ila nand, mad n bmndred and one topica P w ptescribo�ydd ''and uaod g a nal p hlanket shcpt. et t hn.ainc tntrrca11 "" -- ` fringe (we use nothing else) -•-Prices .... $u.00, $6,75, $8.illt ' - owe 40yod;s: Alldrug, twetn'-•-more or leas according to the (Other dealers would ask you $lb far one not its good) lgiefsIn, thQ Ilominion thoroughness of the nuseen work. of f7anada '0)1 and This Inside part is the fife of the . Apples Wanted, i.coinI p�ta� bilin garment, It keeps It iu hilapt? And is TH15 GQMBINATION is a great o:tc. Your Titins liaper gives .you in ,ire .ro tdW 4fter. suis t�paodteine ogt g P , � I jLf- its �lindthatOurbean one of the features which deteruhine full the local nctvs, the torn] ut:tl'ke{s and tits 10r.i1 gcsslp. TI)e. Montreal - - i(Y ��jQ something Special klym universal eatisf etiot, it roiri tl�y�an its a iearanco and rienttless, 'weekly Iterald glvos you the general trews of I.W� w•oil•l, rcl)orts (it the 3%li h itv it ething special i"n Iron Beds pp p p Pl . We am re ared to fro any tianti• periminontlycurbgnilformh of 1Vcrvotaa il'cair op yon ever tied its for men's p'rvat nlat'lcett, rlepnrtntcnta rP infer• t to ftnmora, and, to particular, fes- t of A ))lNa delivered >xt oft I`fva Or• ,te.;i, JBm(asionx, Spertnafornccra, I»tpaieneg, tures of value and interest in The Zit)tne, ()110 i:aper iq the eoinplemeilt sof y, l l p dndallefiectsotabusoorexeessos; thobxdbsaivs garments? it woad he 'worth your the Other. Titnv dovctall into onch at�lt•1', and nr ver ovot•la,, ating' .tactor oil Alfred street, useof Tobeeco, Opiunror Mirulantl, DientaI while, f SU13SCRIPTIONS may begfn :it 1' thee. If your subscription 9s til- 6VingllAtt). y aadllraitt AToumptall otwhich l�a Early ravo. , Parties liabing Apples to sell will do �In##nity Consumptionand an Early (iravo. ready paid fn ttdVan•e, and you want .I he 3lonireal "it'cct:ly ITe:,tici at seise, /''� BUTTON 1� t Prleb it por bnekngo or nix for $5. Otte Will Robt. t send ]n IG(% and your subm riptlott w•i'1 start Immodlntely. well to see us before sell[ )g. rio wt., f ■ e t d ■ tpt please, siz toil euro. Mailed promUty an ro• XVII Address all coinnnunleatlons to-• • Contract forthe Whole orejlard-�•sh4k• �i������RIII.O lJOjcelptofprloti. send forfreapdmphlet AddrosR�/i! et1 tttf Suitable for clryius>r purposes.'the Wood Oons�l,ctwWe buy wincliulls, if not too sinAll oi' �Ofllo �trr>lyishers end Undertakers iYto Is xo, our., ingil lli 1, it err � soft. �,pivabA 1Ca p Campbell, is sold I wi, A. It High Art TWO = in am 1 H iI. A. Campbell, w. hlaI6lbbdfl, A. In � � �,� ,��, � W 1 r'� ,# C� r► ` amucangndib,A.Iiouglaad,Druggists, 1PRulAlIrl+ Bros, 1. � M