HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-22, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, Thursday, October 221 1903 Live is wade ap ar• at b bringing .,za IBX ''E on the election lin immediate Coll- " lx`0 £' uectlon with the uses of the public i j� Ritchile _ ...............,.,...,. purse to sleet the liabilities of a THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Cay bell -The Government have with- private concern, If the constitu- drawn the bill to amend the. Audit eneies cared a pin for constitutional Macdonald Block, Wingllam. Act, the, object of which was to right, they would not fail to show destroy the usefulness of the Audi» their sense of such trickery by tor -general, Only the drawn sword their votes; but it would probably of public opinion forced the admin- be difficult to find a constituency ' istration to take this step, which cared for constitutional right or tight -of any kind in comparison JNOe JASe i KERR 1 with the party badge. We must -An exceptionally rich silk car- o was recently sent rant over the not complain if the Government is .�� "Dorothy � g Y dishonest and the county is mis- ��� Dodd" Canadian Pacific from Vancouver. governed. The constituencies have - b It came by the Empress of India, themselves to blame, �1 b m UNDERWEAR a and was valued at $1,728,600. It OVERCOATSepS was sent East by a special train, 1 - speed being an important element In the old land the ex -Colonial Has an arch of Seed in this traffic. The raw silk trade Secretary and Premier Balfour are via the Canadian Pacific has been taking a stand on the "Tracie" Melt's and Boys' Overcoats -' P'`T We do not exaggerate heavier this year than ever before. question. Professing to believe Vancouver has become the greatest thoroughly in the wisdom of free- and Ulstel•s at reduced prices. Our new Rubbers aro Iter® when we make the statement, Bilk port on the continent. trade revolution of sixty years ago, R,ight.at the beginning of the and we have just put them that never was there ,better This arch of steel has given the 1 and admitting that it bas mightily all into stock. value offered in Underwear season we are going to offer "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe world-wide -The Bruce Herald is authority developed British manufactures and g g Prices are a little firmer y commerce, • Mr. Balfour holds that you great bargains in these than we offer you this season. fame -if the shoe hadn't a single for the following: -Dr. Macdonald, a anew occasion" has arisen be- y g , g this season but we have ad- _ the deputy speaker for the House, ' goods. .Po those who buy vanced a ver little and only other commendable feature the torch- says that Mr. Borden the Conser- cause :- g Y We have bought direct `, y. 1. Britain is dependent for food early we will give a discount in a few lines. from the manufactm'ers, thus support alone would make it a better vative Leader, that he is the best on sources outside herself. _ �-_-- = critic of legislation who has ever 2. She must pay for her food by of 25 per cent off all Men's saving the middleman's profit, Shoe than any other ever made. sat in the Canadian House of Com- the sale of her manufactures, and Boys' Overcoats and Ul- _ mons. Dr. Macdonald acts as S. she cannot sell her manufac- t which we give t0 you. A woman can walk for miles, in tures in sufficient quantity to in- sters. Buy early. We are still selling Ladies g Chairman of the Committee of the sure her continued growth and Rubbers in all sizes, high or `t Dorothy Dodd " shoes without whole House, and in that capacity prosperity in the face of '•univer- -- low cut at 400 to 60c. We are sole agents in fatigue. fati The t expensive he is well qualified to express an sally hostile and increasing tariffs." -- Wingham for Ladies' Un- g y are noopinion as to a man's ability to Mr. Balfour sa s -"From the very P Y Y .. Mena' Rubbers, splendid Shoes. pick out the faults in a Government nature of the case, free trade re- r derwear, made with the a or rivets bill. Mr. Borden keeps quires open in somewhere." Furs quality, sizes 6 to 12-750 pr. a close watch on all legislation and ritain has none anywhere, not �^ Patent i'tussett, which in- ' it has been due to his masterly an- even in her colonies, all of which Men's Rubbers, Fine, high sures perfect fit and better $3.00 and $3.75 pair, a few special, alyses of 'numbers of bills that levy protective duties against her Furs are advancing in price of low out, 90C to $1.00. wear. Al models at $4.00. amendments were made which are mill and factory products. The ever season. But our rices in the interests of the country, distance between his position and Y p 1 Mr. Chamberlain's, who would put for Collarettes, Caperines, Misses' Rubbers, tariff taxes on food also is one of - 'Don," the Liberal editor of Capes, Coats, &c., are not any Sizes 11 to 2. Ladies' Union Vesta and Draw - Toronto Saturday Night, writes expediency. ers. Patent Gussett............250 4 Toro 'One of the beat indica- i' in advance of last season. Children's Rubbers w thusly : -"One Sizes 6 to 10. =� tions of an approaching general Says the Weekly San: You will save In b mak- Youth's �' Draw- + y y ' Rubbers Ladies Wool Vests and D w } n election is the voting of over $12,- feet that the donations to railways your purchases at this store. Witchie 000,000 in railway subsidies by the given this year are so large, is ac-. Sizes 1 to 5. ers, latent ussett............ eDominion Farliament in the d in counted for b the fact that tate � Campbell Y g Y Boy s Rubbers days of the session. With such an general elections are at hand and Sizes 10 to 13. Ladies' Heavy Wool Vesta and�� amount of Swag in sight there will campaign funds are required, Each Drawers, Patent Gussett.....75c Ox - successors to M. H. Mc1ND00. - surely be `something doing' out on subsidy, as Mr. E. B. Osler, M. P., Poultry the sidelines besides the construct- has stated on the floor of Parlia- Womens' Dressy gid ing of railways." Don ought to ment, pays its toll to thepoliticians, ford Shoes at Reduced Prices. Ladies' Heavy Pure Wool be an authority on such matters, and since the subsidy has been in- - Vests and and Drawers. for no doubt there was "swag in creased to $6,400 per mile the rake- It will pay you to bring your Oxfords and Fashion are Patent Gussett. Medium sight" when he was sent off to off has been greater. Another to this store. We want a still the best ofafriends, and large sizes ............. $1.00 South America, and became an ar- cause of the increase this year, poultry dent admirer of those who held the which must not be overlooked, is lot of good, fat, dry plucked, well " dressed At least, it is the general the agreement with the Grand Here's some rare bargain .,, THE . ROYAL GROCERY impression that there was "some- Trunk Pacific. Mackenzie and ' Ducks and Chickens. snaps:- Misses' and Children's Under - thing doing"` about that time, and. Mann, and other powerful interests Women's Dongola Tip, regu- ^""""""""" not on a country "sideline" either. were opposed to the scheme, but lar $1.35 for ......... • ....$1.0o wear in all sizes. Splendid value, 1 are now being quieted with an ex- Hardwood, either green or dry, Women's Dongola Oxford Jest Ar�lyed tra big donation from the public Ttp, regular $1.50 for ford .20 ®� Goods -The total appropriation for or- treasury. The voter whose money taken in trade. Women's Donl,ola Oxford , i U dinary services voted by the Do- is being taken from him to enrich Tip, regular $1.75 for ....$1.40 Boys Wool Fleece Underwear minion Parliament for thisear Y the railway promoters will natural- Women's Blucher Oxford , " in all sizes and at lower prices amounted to nearly $68,000,000. ly ask what he can do to protect Tip, regular for ....$1.25 One package Tinted Toilet Sets large size, In addition to this, railway aubsi- himself from such raids. The line Good Oats taken in exchange for than you paid last season for cot- himself g p dies to private corporations are be- of action is simple. The promoters Oatmeal. Women's strap slipper reg• nice! embossed attern ten pieces .... 1.99 per set alar $1,60 for ........... $1.2o ton fleece. y pattern, p � p ing voted, which will aggregate and their -backers, both in Parlia- w ,�,�,•,�,,,�,,,� anywhere from $12,000,000 to $18,- ment and out of it, have brought 000,000. The total appropriations great pressure to bear upon the ZL BD A made by Parliam6nt--for*e ordin- Government to sebure the grants. LL 11,11II III,ary servlces,of 0 country and in The Government has yielded, be- ALEX. KELLY The new paste enamel Stove Polish. Lat- grants to private corporations (aside cause it required a campaign fund Get the Best -It Pays. WELLIN(ITON MUTUAL altogether from the obligations in- and because it feared that if it did Auctioneer for Huron County est thin out. Manufactured by Reckitt &Son A! FIRE INS. CO. i; ' cu red in connection with the build- not yield it would receive the CENTRt�L London and Hull. The name 1s a Guarantee of 840, ing of the Grand Trunk Pacific) Y Established PH strong opposition of the subsidy I have secured an Auctioneer's license for goad Office GUELPH, ONT. purity • ....... • . , , ........ • • • • • -, , • , • sloe per, box will, therefore, amount to at least seekers at election time. The men Huron county, and am prepared to conduct $80,000,000. If to this be added sales at reasonable rates. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro who foot the bills have got to show STAATFORD. ONT. Sales arranged at the Advance Office. liabilities incurred in connection the Government that their ob' ec- party on the cash or premium note system, RAISINS. i Bost place in Canada for securing a they- ALEX. BELLY, wingham P. O, JAaaEas tloLnst, cgAd. DAVIDSON, with the second transcontinental ougn business education or a superior railway, the total will come to tion to putting u the cash is just Y, P g P � shorthand training. Our graduates aro President. secretary. a* Strong as the desire Of the pro- atways successful in getting positions, THOS. 11OLMES New fruit, first of the Season, extra choice about $160,000,000, or practically meters to et hold of it and that Tltis eahooi fey expbly ect. gives ft students 11� 11JJ JOHN RITCHIE, g , more than they expect. `Vrite Por Data• ADIENT, WIN(iHALi ONT selected. ........ ....................10c per lb $160 for each family In the DO- Logue. `Enter this month if possible. r • • • • • • • • minion. they will turn down any members BANKER, FTC. of Parliament who vote away their J, Elliott, Principal, Marriage Licensee issued. No witnesses 71t MILL money in this fashion. These mennoey 4% large amounts; smaller in pro•�Tl� U�AM SAW r -Duling September 252 home- are far more numerous and power- , portion, Easiest terms. 1111 at GriTtins stead entries were made at the Do- ful than the promoters, with all minion Land Office at Edmonton. their boodle, and if the Govern- Make up your mind to attend RICHARD HOLMES McLBAN SON The number of persons settling on ment thought that they would take,tW BARRISTER AT Low, SOLICITOR, BTO., ETC. these homesteads was 85,9. Of the this attitude not a subsidy would Office; --neat to Holmes Blook new building homesteaders 98 were Canadians; have been proposed at the present All kinds of rough and areeeed.,,, with a total in their families of 347. session.x' DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Next came 44 Americans, with a Fall Term Begins Sept. 1, 1903. total population of 165. TwentyPHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS. entries were by Englishmen, eleven WHAT IT MEANS. -Two Courses- �t�tl4ttt4����tE��t��t�it��t�t1��t�tt��������t�ttt�r���til�Itttt�t��1���� by Scotch, one by an Irishman and Commercial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR. one by a Welshman, the additional Every elector should carefully send for College journal, Office :-Upstairs the Macdonald Hard and Soft Slabs, also a population thus secured from the consider what the Grand Trunk C. A. PLEMIN6 A. L. McINTYRE Night calls answered at office. lar a quantity of dr hard- : We Always Have Made Mother Country being 124. The Pacific bargain means. By it, the President seo'y. g q y Y w ; rest were Germans, Austrians, Nor- Government undertakes- wood for sale, delivered. a Specialty of wegiana, Swedes, Russians, Danes, 1, To allow the Grand Trunk LIFE FIRE RS, alsHOLl9 & nism, Chinese and Bohemians. Of the and Grand Trunk Pacific to get z, INSURANCE Telephone Orders Promptly 252 homesteaders 1$3 were farmers, over one hundred million dollars of PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. attended to. Fur Cjoods u . mons Lowest rates consistent with 23 mechanics and 15 laborers. The P Y• absolute security. All claims Josephine street - Wingham p� ,•, number of Eastern Canadians tak- 2. To allow the two railways to promptly settled McLean & Sola. M ing tip homesteads is remarkable, destroy the Intereolonial Railway `M . . and is said to be greatly on the that cost seventy-five million dol- Abner Cosens TP. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.O _ and this year is no exception increase. lays. ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS J e (Member the British Ddodioat _ 3. To allow the two railways to Association) f 60 YEARS*. 1' EXPERIENCE -Hon. J. Israel Tarte is au- destroy the usefulness of Canadian GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. We have now on hand a large stock o waterways by directing traffic to A. DULMAGE Special attention aid to Dlseaees of women _w J f thority for the statement that up to American ports. ane ohitdren, g the present Session of the 9th Par- 4. To allow the two railways to REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. Orrios Houns:--ltotp.m,; 7to9p,m, Ladies' Fur Coats and Capes, and Men's Fur liament the Government could roll CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN �' logs through the Opposition. Mr. grant lower freight rates by Amari- on Town and Farm Property. Coats at very reasonable prices. We are g g Pp can ports than by Canadian ports. W. T. if olloway confides better value cannot be had anywhere Tarte admits that the log -rolling 5. To allow the two railways to ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. Tiu►oc Manisa has ceased and that Mr. Borden DesiaNs than we are offering in these goods. Come and his forces have not only been use United States porta in prefer- opP1cE.-In the trent Brook. Graduate RoyaloQvar¢"y'�s�' .a. Roeidenco-Catherine St.A�yonp sen my na oto$ µid'tldli qn ttfay encs to Canadian ports. Couogo of Dental plokl ieepXtat ou`' aslpa'lte� hlttga now and have your choice while our range is able to meet the Government, hilt Surgeons of Tor• o e (p�pvon o� aro ably�+1'tdt�tN * N,�j 6. To allow the two railways to onto and Honor ilanetrlott liongdont al. #laua000 on afoh{� complete. they can do a little log -rolling on import supplies, y, C, J lYIA GiJIRE nraduato of Dent• rant tree, daeetteney for tsn free of duty, for at De t. of Toren - t tenni takeq roll h $f Also Ladies' Cloth jackets, an style, their own account. Mr, Tarte the Winnie Moncton section for to University, tin°c'�alnottae, wttbou4eiar¢a, Illi e • - • •e REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND Scient��c ,�m�rcan y y frankly admits that the leader of P g- Latest improved methods in a branches of very special value; and Men's Cloth Over forty years after the period of con- LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction • the, Opposition is responsible for struction. Collection of Renta and Acoounte a specialty. guaranteed, AW0111ce in )Boaver Block. A banasosaaty illustrated weekly. r arIII e1r. w coats, the latest make. oulation of any salantlno ours Tarp,., p e the good showing made by the Op- 7. To allow the two railways to .ar; renrtnonths,ai> a3c�dbyn.w.daater. position. He has marshalled his divide a twenty-four million nine ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. 881Broadway. forces with consummate skill and P Y , ' Office! in 'Vanstono Block. ARTHUR J. IRWiN SINN & CO. New l irk . BLANKETS. hundred thousand dollars worth open Saturday evenings, 7 to e. r.ntl►OmoaaraFea.vr..bbwate>,.p• like every good leader he knows Of Grand Trunk I'teific common D.D.S., L,D.6. how to direct an attack. Time and stock, on which the patrons of the h Doctor of Dental surgery of the E en-.+• - ^� again during the resent session he J. A. MORTON nsylvania College and Licentiate of Woollen and Flannelette Blankets; we g g P road will have to pay interest. Dental surgery of Ontario. guarantee the Best value in Blankets. has come out of debate with flying 8, To allow the two railways to BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. colors when pitted against the best refuse to operate the eastern see- office over Post omoo-WING RAId Handsome Comforters for l.z �I. o men of the Liberal party. Mr. p 1V�or1>a ro LOAN. •"" 5' 4 Borden has no reason to shirk a tion if it should prove unprofitable. and $r.5c�, --- office;--Mortnn Block, Wiltgham HISS SARA L. MOORE PROMPTLY S -__0 ED .�- -.. conflict with any man In the lie MISS DELIA S'ARLING Teacher of Piano and Theory ora Help • of Commons, and It is due t0 Ills Write for our interesting books"Ipvcnt� �^- splendid debating powers that t o�d ,Pains nd " How you aro swindled. ..•w +.s $end ua a rough sketch or model of your In - splendid vention orimprovement and Ne willteltyop ,dee our Stock before log -rolling has ended. A T. C. M. %Iep our opinion as to whether It is probable ...- i �r i x� L' ppaateutIble. Relected opplleattons Have anis - •°^- buying elsewhere . . . ---+: Ayers Pills are good liver Teacher et Plano, Theory and Fletcher MISS CAI�RZE MOORS 4een a,tcxQestNlly pro cµttd by us. We Y g = Ills. You know that. The best Music Method, simplex and Kindergarten. , +al+dxet fully aqui,ptd�o�ite« is Moptrptl -Though a Liberal, Prof. Gold- P• Teacher of Violin and Guitar, nndwashipgten; ttrtaqutt 1QeaustoprowPt- Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam• lydlsp4tch work and auiekly atcure Pateata win Smith has entered his protest family laxative you can buy. lnatione.' 4a broadaetheillv,ta+d 11. lilighcatFeteranaae i agsaml the shuffling with the bye- Tile keepthe bowels re alar - Itoomi-In Stone Block, Nviughom, t.mished. a•"«. ,°,,, 7 f tion II eslvi r iciel notice without eb a` electro s b the Ontario Govern- r, 6.e eros.. D Y y P g x ^ -10n Lowetiv,_Maee. VANSTONL DICI�TNSON & IIOLMES over loo newspaptrs distrlbutod throughin out went.o sa s : -Th® Stam aria cant your then .na.nlan. wTMILLS of the Ontario aGovern ent with . 3peltlaity imPattnt buatbtes ut 1Janntar or beard BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR h turersstud *uginetrst. the dates of the bye -elections for a beautiful browitorrich black? Use 0 Barristlra Solicitors etc, � MARION & MARION • its party urposo refrains nada- Money to loan at loweatiratee, inc• 1 i l Office : Meyer Dloelc'1'V`ingham Paitciit Exgertz and Solicitors. aiitl!l�tf ll�113 � 111 � 11�� ti� l� i t�l►C�li�lf iltii�l il�ll i�l ceased anT incapable O# defence. B f C K I N A IN S p Y E ,y ��� o�"�' New,�Ork ifs is id n Offices: { AtiantkBidg,Wssh D "Boo, 1 l nrtt rte %% F. tut co it � e-�15. W I1V G18AM, x, U nickineon nudloy Holmes In the case of the a�oq the mo-