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The Wingham Advance, 1903-10-22, Page 1
r 31ST YEAR., NO, 8, WINGIFUN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, x.903,1►4p PER R AR IN ADVANMIa Drilling, ' BANK, °drof, Agan, Alnputatlon.DOM"INION F. G. Spaxling reports drilling still Those who wish to consult this Mr, `.Choe, White, of Brantford, i " 'CIO�w • Iu progress at the a at well, of !bleu- specialist S will y a him at ay, Oct a October der o Secretary ot of the Canadian O - MIaIers lP Note`��� � HAMILTON slay last, they ware at a depth of about hotel, Satirr°day and Sunday, October dor of Foresters, had Itis leg amputa- Vi 700 feet, Mr. Sparling had a car of 24th and 2r5th.' , salt shipped In. ed at the hospital there recently. The Advance has collected the fol- Bracebridge (a year • ago) reporteda, W i N G H.a M Capital (paid up) . $2,980,000 Graduated, For some time Mr, 'White had been at- lowing instances Ot the adoption of profit of $2000 from the working of CAPITAL PARA UP_, _$ 2,QO0900,04 (And undivtd-Of farm chattels, on lot 33, con, 1, Brussels, tic School Inspector .Robb, of 'hicted with white swelling at the municipal ownership, with the results electric light and waterworks plant RESEI4vx' Fvxn,,...... Auction Sale Reserve qd proStsl $3t330,000, ep,npleted his course knee, and it was necessary to ampul- so far as can be ascertained„ They combined, under municipal ownership. 1'700'"00 pulrosa, ort Tuesday, October 27: and received the degree of B, A, from ate the leg above the knee to give per- certainly are worthy of consideration, <_ ToTAr, ASSETS.... ..., 21,iki(d,611$.� Terms cash; see posters. Lot 33, con- Queen's University, Kingston, He manent relief, The operation was especially at present, when the pro-` n�ance� �( the (England) Is a remarkable BOARD PT i - - - Farmers' Notes discounted, cession 1, will be offered for sale at had finished the third year before his performed with great success and the petty -owners are asked to record their t success of municipal o u RucToRS, Ownership of electric light, showing a Hoa, Win, Gibson Z Prealdent Drafts sold on all points in Can- 'the same time. appointment as Inspector and took a patient is progressing favorably. votes on November lith for or against S the adoption of municipal ownership profit of ton per cent, on the capital Geo- lin S. John Procter A.B,Zee oda; the United States and Europe. Bowling.notion to round up the work and did TO Preserve Eggs, invested, John S. Hgpdrie Geo. Itutlierford so with the success mentioned,--.Brus- One who has tried the recipe says: in Wingllam, by the purchase of the 4. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and 0eneral WanAger Three rinks of Wingham Bowlers l Electric Light plant, rockvitie went in for municipal $AVtNCS, pEPARTM�NT, sate .Post, went to 13ruesels on Thanksgiving -Have a kettle of boiling water on ry H, S. Stevan, Asst. Gen. -Manager Ia is, s obcured on depositsip of 0be' and the stove and into that di In Galt a handsome surplus Is the ownership in 189., buying the water- B. an�sr@r, and added of prinaipal 90th June and played with the !fowlers of that Social, , p the eggs, . works for $153,118.73, iaahtdin g• M 9trataon, Taspoctor, spec slat December each year, villa e, The skis Vom There were Let them remain as Ion as it takes result of civic ownership, o g seven g P Avery successful Social was Reid in Berlin re 12.,,0! costa of arbitration, In seven Deporite of ;x and upwards received. Int. Messrs Vannorman, Jeffries and the lecture room of the Methodist, you to count ten fast, g This recipe parts a good; surplus yearly years there was a profit of $21,166,66 oreetsHOIN3latMa `leaand and fl�30ttiW°voinber A. B. GIBSON, Manager Knechtel. Result -Brussels' defeated church on Thursday evening under has been in my family for forty or from municipal ownership, to sinking fund, and to capital expen- 11 lal Lepoattq Also received at currprincipal by,six shots. y g fifty years, The eggs cannot be told Essex town Is thinking of purchas• diture of $23,542,93, to other city funds rate- at interest. li, Pagrto>re, itaiiottgr the auspices An a the Junior Epworth from Perfectly, fresh eggs, as the hot in the local electric light plant. $7873.25, making a total of $62,1172.$4. W. CORBOULD, AgoDt There are four cod 5o cigars for League. An excellent P y gg ' g e gfurnished program was water cooks that fine Inner skin, and Glasgow y (Scotland) Municipalp p !0 cents -at Buckley's, The Juniors nand refresbMentS s rved, there is no evaporation. - There is no its Light supe y since 1809, and the re- ville wl.ownership has Paid Brock- Dtokins°n � Holmes, sulioitore , Public Meeting. deserve credit for the work done, dents taste of lime about thew put up this pert shows a surplus. ��Q�{ �I lE A public meeting will be held in the way, �t is a fine thin for county Aboard of arbitration recently fixed The Jtrniar League is doing its part o y By a majority of 270 the ratepayers the price to be paid by the corporation Town Hall on Tuesday evening, No, toward the Building fund. Proceeds women who want to hold for better of Guelph, Ont., have voted in favor of Midland, Ont„ for the existing Near Greer's Slinre and Rubbers. light plan vember 3rd, at 7,36 p. m., for the pur- about $26, prices, and for the city women who of acquiring the street railway, electric tit at $9,829. The pose of discussing the By-law provld. want to purchase for future use while The Pa{ -41-y Fair _l..euc{ation has ing for the purchase of the Electric Difficult Travel. eggs are cheap, The corporation of Gravenhurst, owner of the plant has refused to ac• WHY SiiF ER WITH $1400 in the frank, Light plant, ' Every property -owner Dr, Bethune has just received s let "Every one knows where his own Ont,' have finally taken over the elec- cepa the offer, on the ground that the Special meeting of Uourt Maitland should attend. ter from his eldest son, William, who shoe pinches," That's very true. Nev- tyle light plant, which will be under town's arbitrator was its solicitor and Headache 0. 0. F., No, 25, on Friday evening, Honors?d. is on his way to the Peace river. He ertheless, it everyone wore Slater and the management of Mr, Ed, Fletcher. a creditor of the town. and therefore ,1' Iiagar Shoes there would be no , The cit incompetent to act. The courts have this week, Dr. Galbraith of the Practical Sol- was on the Yukon trail, and had ay pinched feet. -W. J. Greer, y of Birmingham, England, been asked to decide. R. Christie of Sullivan had a Held of rived at Wabascarn, a liaison Bay purchased the Lighting Co, plants; + once School, Toronto, was recently no.'s oat, 1300 miles from Edmonton. Better Service Needed. result -a reduction in price of tight to Collingwood owns its Efectric Light s 37� acres of fall wheat that yielded . P I�1C Wilson's called to Queens College to have the The art he was in had to travel 160 consumers and a large surplus to the plant. The town has no water ower ,170 bushels, degree of L. L. D. conferred upon him. party A petition has been circulated in g P P P miles to make 100 miles, on account of town to be r city pearly, and hence the expense for power is I-IA.I3a�lCsH Southampton Waterworks deben- On life return to Toronto, the students . p •esented with similar greater. Notwithstandingthis In. tures have been sold to the Bank of P muskegs, eta They waded in waster petitions from other laces, asking Leeds (England) has had 23 years creaeed expense, the net profit to the honored him with a reception and P g POWDERS Hamilton at 96J. presentation of address of congratula. MOO of the time for ten days. The the Grand Trunk Railway Co. for bet • experience in municipal ownership of town for 1901 the tact year war have inhabitants met with are chiefly ter afternoon mail service, Mail from its lighting. The result is a reduction ( y Care $eadaohe 10 cent elgars are still going for 5 tion, Dr. Galbraith is an uncle of Mrs. French, The party wad still some dis- of teat to users of light and a refit the figures for) was $1,197,01, The foI• arising from cents -at Buckley's. Branston of town, Toronto should reach Wingham by g P lowing are the flgures g Lance from Peaca river. but -expected the train due here at L40 m. Un- last year of over $88,000. any cause A meeting of those interested In the to reach there safe! P• Newmarket Waterworks and Elec- EARNINGS. At Choclzie. yin due time, fortunately, this train is ver Cash revenue for year . , ...... $5,874.86 "raarin" game will be called in the y often tyle Lf The Advance Is in receipt of a letter LosT,-Between Wilitechureli and late so late that it is impossible to re- Light plants beton to the town, 3,3 arc lights at $80.,........., 2,100.00 pontes of a few days. P P g from Roy H. Forster, who is uow at Wingham, a black rain -coat (without cefve letters in time to mail reply to Last year, allowing a fair price for Public buildings lighting,...,. 450.00 FOR SALE BY Andrew Henderson, who was severe- Chockie, Indian.Terr•„ U. S, A. He is the cape) with checked lining. Finder them the same day. The time be- street lighting and fire prbtection, a ly injured two weeks ago, is doing please leave at Advance Office. profit of $8, `> .86 and likeator a t the Al. T. lI. rafltvay, tween l.40 and the departure of the P $1,500 is reported, EXPENDITURE. T. T (1 nicely, and it is !toped will fully and likes it well, although somewhat Shooting Accident. last train for Toronto the same day, is On October 12th the ratepayers of Expense, including wages ....$2,598.00 WALTO� McKIBBON recover. "out of civilization" as he says. Roy What might have roved a serious short enough at best to receive mail Almonte, , voted on a by -Jaw to ' y Y g p , Ont, I;xpenae, Yue! account ..... , . , 2,308,27 The Young Ladies' Fortnightly is longing for Wingham news, hence accident happened near Whitechurch and reply, but when, as is often the raise the sum of $5,000 for the develop. Debentures, principal and in- DtaUC><GIST Club will meet on Monday evening, he. has ordered this newsy paper to be ,on. Thanksgiving day, A number ease the 1.40 train is an hoar or two ment of the water power and the pur- terest ..................... 2,123.52 October the 24th, at the home of bliss sent to his address regularly. of young men were out hunting ; two late, reply the same day fs impossible. chase of,additional electrical appar. $7,027.35 Next Door to Post Office. Gregory. Offers For Purchase, of them Wesley Everett and Alex: To business men such a delay is an- atus, In Leaving the net profit to the town for The A. O. F. of Wingham presented Wmnoin, Button, having decided to sell Kennedy were walking near eabh y g, for in these days Of close. Civic ownership has been a success the year of $1,197.01 ; a handsome pro - their esteemed brother, Mr. Shore, his house, and block, and being out of other, the farmer ahead, when by competition, a prompt mail service is in St. Thomas. The waterworks are I fit indeed. with a locket, prior to his departure town most of the time. will be open to some means, Kennedy's gun was di,- essential. It is often a cause of won- owned b y g Those who 0 ose the y for Minnesota, recef ve by post, offers for the purchase charged. The charge struck Everett y y the cit and bring an income pp purchase of Lo res 'e Chocolates der, IV t e train should lose so of near! y and;Wingham tram Electric Light plant, may of both horse and block, or FiUter.sepp- y $5,000 annual] over and', fresh, this week. Send details of your property, and arately, np till Oct. 31st. '.Che Ftalrle, in one leg, Had the muzzle of the much time a Wing from Palmerston, above the debenture fallingdue on the g g P ' y price to C. J. Maguire, and he will and buggy house go with the House, gun been more elevated, Everett and if by any means, the mail could point to the debenture debt of the purchase, I Town, but may p find you a buyer. For inspection, apply at the residence, would have received the charge Ja his reach ns earlier, or at latest, 1.40 y perhaps forget to put or at J, Button's boot and.shoe store, g altar our business Wren would a •Brantford also shows a food record' alongside the indebtedness, the assets, W. H. Gregg of Howfek recently All offers will be confidential. Terms body, and the result would probably P' P' on municipal ownership of its water- Let us look a moment at both :- disposed of a fine heavydraught colt liberal. have proved fatal. As it is, he is re- preciate the change. works. In 1900 (the last year we have Present Debenture Debt... , . $79,394,77 p' months old, for $100; a good price, covering »feels. Boys cannot be to _ YOun retard of Hockey. e Man Be ;Good. ) the city made a profit of AasExs. for a good coli. 3r• careful y. when out hunting, $23,419 to apply qn debt and lessen , Wim' erworks . .. . ............... $13,000 Air. Bowman Is now in possession of A meeting was held on Tuesday This is the ultilritt tim. delivered t° �n Engineer's Visit. taxation. W a °r pprivilege ... • • • • • • • • • •' ; . 12,000 the business purchased froni A. H. evening in the interests of Rockey, g some 30,000 young melt by their em- ` Kingston Town Hali.... .... . .......... The following officers were chosen ;- Representatives of Wingham, East ployers in Ohicago. .Race track am- gston re orts success on munici- Land . . . . .. . . ........... ...... 3,500 Carr. He resides on Minnie street, in g g P President -W. Corbould : "Vice-Presi- Wawanosb and Morris met Engineer bling, excessive indulgence, in liquor, pal ownership lines, The city paid Park, ... , ... , .. • , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , • 3 residence purchased from Mr, parr, Wei h '40 dent -Thos. Bell. • Manager -W. T. A. Davis here on Tuesday and took mea- Immoral conduct late hours and ex- $120,000 for its waterworks • the rove- g scales . , , ..... . Mr. Haugh has removed his shoe g Cemetery .. . , , , , , , • ; , , , ; ; ; 2 000 g Fishleigb ; Assistants --W. Scott, H. surements of that part of the road cesaive cigairette smoking, are the nue has increased, working expenses Public School � ' property ........ 15,000 shop next dogrby 0. , n the shop re- Rent; Secretary -W. Telford; Treas- near town: that, is overflowed with vices charged,to the young men. The have been reduced, and the cost to Sinking Funds.... ............. 10,000 cantly vacated by 0. Iinechtel. Robt. urer-H. H. Wightman. It was de- water every spring, Reeve Isbister Western Electric Company which consumers lowered. Union Factory security ....... 4,800 t Mooney will Occupy the shop vacated ' and Mr. Code represented Morris em la s' about 2,000 men Western Foundry security ..... 7,650 tided to pay the owner of the rink $50 P P Y posted this Tile town of Berlin, Ont., recently by Mr. Haugh, for Friday evenings, and an hour and Reeve McCallum and Gavin Wilson, drastic notice in their shops and gen- took over the gas and electric light Total Assets •,,,.,,, •.•. •,..$79.850 Ripe raspberries in October are a a• half each other week -day evening East WawanOsh, and Mayor Van• eral offices ; "Playing the races and all plants, Total Debenture Debt ...... 79 394 ar`it Henryacon of East Wa stone Whi ham. The Engineer will other forms o£ p .paying $IOOece therefor, conn- , Ta after 1{) p, in, Tt was also decided to g g gambling, unmoral provements being necessary, the coon- Bal. of Assets over Debt.. $456 wanosh brought the Advance 'a small communicate with Kincardine, Luck- prepare plans and estimates, which conduct and excessive use of liquor ell has voted $70,030 to the Light Com- So that this pha8e of the matter need sheaf of bushes, loaded with berries, now, Clinton and Palmerston as to will be presented to the councils of the and' cigarettes greatly impair one's missioners for the purpose. cause no one any uneasiness, green and ripe and blossoms ileo ; this formation of a League, independent of municipalities interested, and -also to usefulness. Notice is hereby giveii 1 too on October 17th. the 0. H: A. As the team is compara- the County council• Those that claim that any employee who thus abuses PazryBoundfound municipal owner- With these exaznptes of the success "A word to the wise is sufficient" tively a new one, It was thought un- to know, say that the road has sunk himself is subject to dismissal". The ship Pay so well in twelve years, own- of municipal ownership, there appears and that word is--Greer•'s for Shoes w{ae to enter the O. ]l, A, this year. two feet in tits last Pew years. It is wave of reform has spread to many ership of the waterworks system, that to be no reasonable ground for doubt - and Rubbers, the 1pogineer's opinion that the bridge of the giant business corporations of two years ago, the town purchased the Ing the success of the system, if a The above cut represents one of The qr osa oil well is of coining gar a St0 Electric Light plant- The net profit y p' the many styles we carry in stock, of ql ?7 g i!=$e spaces should carry off all the water Chicago. The big wholesale and re- p fit plied in Wingbam to Flectric Light. the famcus ;Queen Quality Shoe for ,gout as well as the Company had ex- On Widay night last, a horse and without difficulty. tail `stores of Marshall Field & Co., of the latter to the town for 1902 was Property owners should think the women. Whether you intend to pur- pected. The drillers pumped out a buggy were taken from the premises STOVES. -Wood Stoves have the same laws in operation y $1'757'70` matter over carefull chase or not, we will consider it a barrel. or so of oil, and the supply was of R. S. Stein; near Wingham. On Ranges and everything -' Coal Stoves Pyou may re-- which the electric company is enfore- pleasure to show you these, Shoes. exhausted. The company are drilling Saturday morning Mr. Stein secured quire in the stove line, both,neiv and ing. Railroads throughout the SCHOOL BOARD If you want to save money away, and are now down about 000 ft. the assistance of Chief Vannorman secondhand, at prices that will stir- country aro waging war against the and bout started in pursuit of the Prise you. -A, Youx & SON. ICS C � •E•jU' # buy your Rubbers here.... Mr. and Mrs. L. Harold mourn the P use of liquors and tobacco by enc- G G Wfnghatn School Board met on thief. At Jerry Brydges. it was aster- la ees engaged Ipso of their slaughter, Florence Cath- OiCer EIeGt, P Y in operating trains. Mondaty evening: present -Messrs. taiiied that the traveller tried to seclirs The revolution which is being effected Homutb. Kerr, Abraham, Moore. grin°, aged 5 years, ,Florence was u he npngal tpeeting of the beet g Rev. Mr, Saunders of Listowel will .Douglass, Lloyd. Very interesting child and will be apis• a hors© lucre !!sedate the road, file elle Minster Qqild of Will Preabq- iu these respects is shown fn the new preach in the Baptist church an Sunday ® taken ft -QM Mein s beipg 4 pillt, riot rule books which man of the mana- next, Thea applications of Miss Reynolds, Hanna sod in the horns, nterigent took teflon phttrch was hold on Friday y Miss Corn n, s, ' driven very liliacjr. Findinb* np horse gers of Chicago railroads have just y Miss Unrnmfngs, bliss piaRat on Wednesday in Wingham evening. Mr. R. Maxwell, President, The new Presbyterian church at Matheson, Miss Farquharson, and SHOE STORE convenient at Brydges, the thief ap- issued, q IZ cemetery. occupied the chair. Rev. Mr. Perris Auburn is to be of cement blocks and Miss Reid for 1904 were read, and on prapriated a fowl, and went to Mr. tiro cost is not to exceed $5,500., motion of Messrs. Abraham and 4WNeit dear to Post Office The Advance had a pleasant call Nichol's near Blyth, cohere Ire of a gave a short address on the secret of WANTED, -Thy sea and Fowl of y g success of Young P all kinds. Why sell ONLY the large Lloyd accepted, anlarfes as per Bp -law from Mr. Davis, editor of the Mitchell g conte s Societies in � g The special service are being eoutiu- in that regard. horse to soft him (without leave from Turkeys for 6 or t cls alive P Our mai•- � g g Advocate, who spent Thanksgiving the owner) and left the colt. Chief the church. The following officers were ket gripe will be 10 to 121 Cts, till- ued in the Methodist church this week, On motion of Messrs. Moore and with his brother, Mr, H. Davis of elected; -Hon, Pres, -Rev. D, Perrie • draw'n. .Fresh Tub Batter !B els,, each evening, except Saturday, All aro Agents average $Q.00 a day all the Vannorman traced the felloi as far as invited, Douglass, Principal Musgrove was year round selling our goods. Always town, Bro, Davis looks as though he President -Alex. Ritchie 1 Ist Vice.- J;ggs 15cts. Dried apples 5 cts,-Geo, 're-engaged • salar in use. -lousehold necessities. not g Clinton, and went on to London Park -Y $�. J y p .Zfiss Qa4tila,ritip &lc:'avish E. King. There will be a Harvest Thanksgiving enjoyed life, Els complimented the t 2nd Vice g R y- fad or luxuries. No dull season. Write hill, Ailsa Craig and other laces bu g 13 Miss Brook was re -en a ed at B Atdvance on its excellence as a local of nd hint flet. ons ilea avA !toot# ---II, I -i. Wight man ; Ord Vice -Miss Presentation. servient hold in Zetland School house law salary $200, with custorear En- G. Marshall. & Co., London, Ont, a q}. € i' t01 Kittic Rossi 4th '('ice-Dobt, Mar;- next Friday evening, at 8 O'clock. trance class bonus of $10, and �Ppceial p )l notified t0 be on the lookout, and it is On the evening before the departure Thaukoffering to go to the funds of the bonus of $3,.50, on motion of Messrs hfoNEX To LoAx-At 4J per cent, on N R well ; Rec.•Secretary- Scott poi don i TF . �1:•,:3 W���Tlgp.--At once, for hoped the thief way yet be caught, of Mr. •F. Shore for the mission field to Sunday School. Douglass and Lloyd, improved farms. Easy terms of re. Dob of movin a hare. Apply to Cleo. Financial -Sec. -H. N. Wightman ; payment; - retwo% Lower Wingltam. y h 1O P } s �� ief spent three hard daps fir prensurer-John Ritchie Or anict� whack he was appointed by the Bishop Tbpr° wns n special collection Lakan The Principal's report was as fol- Dulm,expenses eals Estatet' ah polo a A. l g of Duluth, a number of his friends in in Wingham Presbyterian Church on lows :- Agent, Rent Block. d I,o Me. Jro. Armour and fauttl aro Miss Farquharson, The meeting was + y Have =•we [pet your feetp .[n the St, Pauls church wafted upon Linz at Sunday last, and will also be taken Dopt, Oirir Boyr fiatat Average now comfortably settled on the farm splendid new fall Shoes for Ladies and well attended, and the young people his residence, to offer him a token of next Sunday. We understand $1,000 1.. , , 32 39 11 06 recently. purchased from Mr, J. H. Gents we are showing something thava. begin .another year of Guild work their esteem, and also to express their is rerovido for improvements.llve indebtedness 2,... 22 18 40 86 Bowman. Mr. Armour will prove a suited to every foot, -W. J. Greer. hopefully, The next meeting will be kind.wishes for his future welfare, A' P 3..., 32 16 4S 42 24 good citizen. One of the first things 1 on Friday, 23rd Just, well-filled Purse accompanied the fol- The Fifteenth Assembly of re ra• 4" " I8 42 35 p 5.... 1.8 20 54 45 he did was to have his name recordedlowing kindly -worded address.-- sentatives of the Baptist churches of 0 ... 21 25 40 89 J. Button & Co., and Alf. Glover, Fatal Accident. Ontario and Quebec is tieing hold this 7..,. 30 34 at 5,q —THE— Armour the Advance atilfisciriptlon list, tltr, have new advts. in this issue. A shocking accident occurred about Wingham, Ont„ Oct. 13, 1003. week in Owpu Sound, Three hundred g To Mr. 1+. Store. delegates aro fit attendance. Rev. H. 8 '"' � 48 76 59 Armour la a good farmer and takes 600 lbs Pork (Farmers Oured) for 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon, at, the DEAR. FiaEvD,--Aa of Are bo it to — • especial Interest in good stock. sale, 25°, off. -G, E lain a y } #4 1 p Priest farogrIy of Wingham takes 217 224 411 375 � g• elevator of the Goderich Elevator and ever soot connpgtfp{i tgtila $t, Faut a part in the program, q Corner (� (3 Mr, Jae. Machell of Stanley town- James Netterfleld of Lower Wing -.Transit Company, whereby 1pngineel• 041 rep 4 o 1edao A a without we fee) I hAt ave nest of Dr. ofd from MacDonald, M. V jj(j� B�� ��y�v ship, formerly of Kinloss, died on ham Is ill with hemorrhage of n the 'Fred Love, su eri e e t p • ti;p }�vv 8 Rev. W. Lowe returned from Toronto Pt Pfi i! tessin our precfatian of our vol- for use in school, fire large maps of pressing P Y on Monday last where he' had been at• Oanndei, and one set of Metric system, October 4th, agog 62. a �vae assist- lungs, ' Aieywtgrt was ipst:441y W104! The cu,ib1,cli e`vjcas 3Y all! departments to f tondiuq the 13th Annual convention of These, ea ectal! the latter, will b. In at a threshing on W farm o ills •�t it p aC 4 1 1 t 0 g tiie Brotherhood of St, Andrew; he will F. anStone shipped s a c lea tytl of n tF#as unlp#;(IIn 4 Rat o of p y '�rot�}ef, l r. R;lex. Mitchell. 4.e of apples to the )Iarthwgz2f old Wed- Wl}eiit tot tl}e time and the steam faithful in your efforts to ndvatnre the speak of life coirvoittioir and the work very useful to us in our work. is the Place t0 get e e o e I lc sal etlLh, interest of thb Master'scause, and now A,* 73, Musgrove, Prinelpal, @f " R h it a} . s nesciny�, shovels were In use. It appeared one He has been leased to call you to a that is being done by the Brotherhood, P y D. V, next Sunda evening. The report was ado )ted on motion Everything that is tl`bggp Aip,O f4'olppic i}e egiPiltaiala.4 of p J, Reading has big puillp factory of the drops regulating the shovels wider field as a proof of ills favour y g' of Messrs Douglass aria Moore, Pepling unwell and viaent t,o the house covered with metallic aiding and it was lying slack between the elevator towards you, and also as it reward for Oil Thtinkegiving day, Rev. Dr. Mo. On motion of Messrs Pure anti• Fresh In and, di d Inside a of half an hor hour. It s comfortable office partitioned off .for and vessel, and Mr. Love must have your rearnestness oas that zeal in thricrea. Mullen of Woodstock lit tiro courao of ralzani, Miss McLean was ©ng,aged y e the furtherance of business• stepped across it, when the rope. and- blessing will pray an y his sermon, said A political thunder- at tw from Kinloss. accompany you is our storm to clear the air is necessary. A $f00' _ ' denly became taut and threw the un- goings out and comings in, and that STOVES. -Call In and see our assort- in��to takeBio work or� g�o out to�va will.k • fortunate man tip and between a pair your efforts to advanE© the Kill ringing appeal, from all the pulpits of tLaiossra ttho Moore and Abraham msrved ment of Stoves and et Our prices. We r of the Lord Jesustlltristwa be abund the uattan, rousing the public oouset- Janitor fro re•en aged at the have a ver lar a stock and will sell residence, over W. J. Greet a shoe of drums o» whfelr Chit ropes are antsy blesses]. We need Apt tell you once, and securing that the briber and same salary, $3°S- art{e g store.• -Allis, AnD. wound. N0 One a ears to have wit- how rn41ch sop all:}ll be rauased, and the bribed shall be branded with the The Secretary reported having re• them at a very low Price.—A, Si Ovrtcl pp red hot iron of public reprobation, qui nerved f Lha Provinefnl k Dr SON. RON. itdaguir°'v sale of stock and neased the commencement of the a�- how ailrry a are that you are leaving, P P $20O rain A despatch from Sault Ste, Maris Implements on Monday was a success, eident, though one c. • �Sye, pt`en'' >VrQ hal e wish to assure you that wedismissed Into, obscurity--thin rsf what Treasurer, and $100 from the County g p said to haus seen b to a that ottr lass will be Lire sin Of r than legislation, `treasurer announced the sudden death of Mr. Mr, Maguire was leased with the his ie •e aril beard a others. As a slight token and proof ti , grants. " for (,ontiuuatiort Clash Elgin Myers, K. Cl„ of Orangeville, on result, Jno, Purvis received the bids, sound aislre passed' between the drums, of what we have here expressed, we On Isriday night next, Cot, 03, Adju• >�lae aklYit tans aeC+erply crushed and itaoiald ask seat to accept this Pttrse, taut Oralzard, DistiJct oflicor of the Pet• . An account of $9,15, for gnppltee Saturday, Mr. Myers canto Into pub• Frank C}utterisl e, t swell-knownandellfrom Cooper k Co. wits regentec and tic notice when, while holding tlso corrtraetort; tr}c remav d front "Sea. hie tett lag 'WAS broken, evidently asaiehopingo 1 In Moving to s our no °v Tics d forms A pact, will conduct a espgh ecial passed for pnyment, P osition o Prawn ttorne for' of fort to arrila, tubers lie an est h where tire rope oaught hlttt• Mfr. of labour, t�'e shall over bes lan,sed, meeting in the Barracks. A goodpro-Pccynient of T'enchor4' and atftctrn' A. L. Haffl-ilton p ;t . - 11 ld 6 ' l'.ove was n lltiddle•aged Man, 01AV •led, to !tear trf your nuecess, feigned ort ,;,granimo of music stud song wilt be given salaries was ratified, and the 'Board ieria t✓ ii, an to 1$fi1, he ac vacated an- !failed cerllent Izrls k iYorks snit ereotecf an4 1pnves Polar children, behalf of St..1'aut's Church and Sit, it{l;h togsthor with the Adjutant'rl all. adjourned, nexatiar, sluff was diat)lisset�i trogd o f- a reelcteneet aris� rpill here�f Lot ulsta o da School. DRUGGIST eo b renl[er , property y , tv0 sista of leading a uteeting, °will fi y+ lifa)v6t, lie c4ntlrru• that layoff idle headquarters. Illi, (}nt• I'QIa SA7,I�.--That valuableVflliairi %awe zlsura an interesting, enjoyable and ���• ed to hrnetlep at ()ran4cv1110 for as Pew teridge, waas a large employer of labor knows as the Shaw Block. Will be Thos, A0111 profitable avenio to all who conte. Start your coal stove with elznr oat cheap, a the owner to leaving 060, Van Gt,r ;;� This will be the Asljutartt's last trip to Ten pound sack of doable isereened WIN '1'v Gr IJ" A Al yearn{ but went to Sault t% Ste. Marie rand hie removal will be torsi to Elea- town, pot,particulars ntf )1 t0 flea. 7 d, j:lah, Wingham. A silver C011actiart will. be rhatcoai, alt Robt. Alooney'a, for wte, when the bbain iltruek the►t place, forth, f3haw, or Id„ 'Vanstone, '1'Vlhkhatn, ill qty+ Sadler, taikefac at the door, Try it. w. N ,.