HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-15, Page 8f*,
Thursday, October 15, 19o3
Good, bad or indifferent are
formed at f=irst sight. If you
would create tbe "good impres-
sion,': buy up-to-date Clothes—
Wear our kind,
Our Overcoats this season are
the very bent we know of. Dark
Oxford Greys still have the prefer-
ence, with a sprinkling in Cheviots
Beavers and Moltons, The long
coat will be a favorite and many
will wear the three quarter length,
and some the short box. We have
them all.
We like to show our Coats. We
like to talk about them. Not in a
boasting way, but in a straightfor-
ward business manner, because we
know our garments will bear us
out in At, wear and all the requis-
ites that go to make up an up-to-
date garment. But if they don't,'
your money back quick is our
guarantee of good faith.
What do you say to giving us a
trial this fall ? We haven't said
anything about prices. We feel
sure that they are no higher than
you'll pay for inferior garments
Special bargain in Men's Calf
Coate, large sizes,
Get acquainted with us.
A. R. Smith
Gents' Furnisher
and Clothier
Chisholm Block Wingham
C rocery Prices.
We want to clear a quantity
of China, and to enable us to do so
we cut the prices below wholesale
cost. Come early and get good
Elegant Water Sets, reg. $1.25, for 80e
Dinner Sets, " 12.50, for $8.00
Table Sets reg. $L25 for 80c
White Plates any size, each 5c
Vim, 3 pkgs. for 25c
Force, Malta Vita, Shredded Wheat
2 pkgs. for 25c
Kippered Herring, 3 cans far 25c
Canned Haddie, 3 cans for. 25c
Canned Soups, reg. 15c for 1Oc
3 Pound box of Sodas, 200
Everything at reduced
prices for one week, com-
mencing Friday, Oct'r. 16th,
Wade Bros.
C1ockeryw Iden and Grocers
(Tudhope's old stand, Wingham)
No'rron.—The question is how can
Robt. Melndoo loan his money ;.,so
cheap on notes and mortgages. ' Call
and see. ROBT. McINDOO.
5. C•
Your Needs
Can be supplied at this
Store to ,your entire satis-
faction. Try us and see.
New Shades and Colorings
in Society Stationerq...,.
Large Variety of Ofmiee
Stationery.... «.....
School Stationery and
Supplies in abundance
Have you tried our leader In Lead
Pencils --- called "Cooper's Hook
Store 3 for Gc "-- If not, come in
andaril le.
tie will give you a s p
They are the best value in Canada
Successors to Alex. Ross
Ml's, T. 'SVatt is visiting friends in
Mrs. Joseph Gray of Turnberry has
been very ill,
Miss Martha Bosman returned last
week from a pleasant trip west.
Miss Floe Fleuty spent Sunday last
with relatives in Kincardine,
Miss Emma Reynolds spent a few
days in Acton and Toronto thifrweek.
Davi Davidson left last week for
Preston, where be has secured it situa-
Mise Maggie Tibbs, the efficient
cashier in J, as J, 13, Kerr's, is ill with
Mrs, Win, Fessant is spending the
Thanksgiving holidays with friends in
Alex. Coutts, the faithful clerk in C.
N. Griffin's, is spending a few holidays
with Stratford friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Spotton of Wroxeter
were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Allen-
by for a few days this week..
Mrs, B. Holmes underwent a suc-
cessful operation one day this week ;
her friends hope for speedy recovery.
Mrs, W, T. Flsbleigh returned borne
last week after visiting her parents at
Ragersville. Her sister )unturned with
Miss Hep. Wright and Miss Dolly
Bryon of Kincardine are spending the
Thanksgiving holiday with the Misses
Mrs. Aley and Slaughter are spend-
ing a few days in Detroit. While
there, she will be on the lookout, for
new ideas in millinery.
saris I
Rev. Wm. Lowe was in London on
Wednesday, as representative of St.
Paul's branch of the Brotherhood of St.
Rev. W. W. Leech, a former pastor,
will take the work on Whitechurch
circuit next Sunday, in the absence of
Rev. 0, C. Keine, who takes part in
the opening services of the new church
at Nile.
Herr Zeller, statistical expert at Stut-
tgart, estimates that of 1,544,516,000
human beings in the world only one-
third or 584,940,000 are Christians. The
adherents of Confucius number 800,000,-
000, of Brahma, 173,290,000, The num-
ber of Jews is given as 19,960,000.
A Cleveland Congregational church
has appointed a press agent, who will
be expected to boom the church as he
booms a theatre with which he is con-
nected, If there is no attraction at the
church strong enough to induce people to
attend, the success of the publicity man
will be ephemeral. Advertising is ne-
cessary in almost every department of
life nowadays, but something more than
that is necessary to retain the interest
that is excited.
All work on the new Methodist
church at Nile has been completed. and
the members of the congregation are
at work cleaning up levelling the
grounds and erecting fences, ',fin readi-
ness for the openueg, whioh will take
place on Sunday. Oot. 18th. • This will
be a beautiful church, quite up-to-date
in every particular. The seating is of a
specially high grade, and the church
will be lighted by acetylene gas. Rev.
Jasper Wilson, President of the Con-
ference will preach the opening ser-
Eight special trains, over as many
railroads have been engaged to carry
John Alexander Dowie and his "Res-
toration Host" to New York. City. A
"great mission" is to be held in Madison
Square Garden from October 18th to
November 1st. Dowie will be accom-
panied, according to advance notices, by
the "Zion White -Robed Choir of Hund-
reds of Voices, Zion City Brass Band,
hundreds of officers of the church and
at least fourh
t onsand members '
Restoration Host."
A sow near Sevenoaks, Kent, has
recently given birth to a litter of
young pigs, two of which have six per-
fect feet each. -
11 I
0 Lord, I come to Thee in prayer once
more ;
But pardon that I do not kneel before,
Thy gracious presence—for my knees
are sore
With too much walking. In my chair
I'll sit at ease and humbly bow my
I've labored in Thy vineyard, thou
dost know,
I've sold ten tickets to the minstrel
show ;
I've called on fifteen strangers in our
Their contributions to out church put
down ;
I've baked a pot of beans for Wednes-
day's spree --
An old-time supper it's going to be ;
I've dressed tbree dolls for our annual
And made a cake which we'll raffle
Now, with thy boundless wisdom, so
Thou knowest that these duties all
take time;
I have no time to fight my spirit's foes,
I have no time to mend my husband's
clothes ;
My children roam the streets from
more till night;
I have no time to teach them to do
right ;
But Thou, 0 Lord, considering my
Will count them righteousness and
heed my prayers.
Mese the Bean Shipper and the; Mins-
trel Show,
And pat it in the hearts of all tie go.
Induce all visitors to patronize
The men who in our programme ad-
vertise ;
1ecause I've chased these merchants
till they hid.
Whene'er they easy' ]iiia coming—ye*,
they did,
Increase the contributions to our fair,
And bless the people who assemble
These the grab -hag and the g1 pay tent,
The flower table and the cake that's
May our Whist club be to Thy service
The dancing party gayer than thereat,
And when Thou hast bestowed these
1 n s --then
We pray that Thou sails blese our scuts
aolinstou—ht Wfnghittn, October la,
Mrs, Ed, Johnston, a on
Malcolm Campbell of the Sao paid .a
visit to his parents this week,
Mrs. Myles Young was a delegate to
the Women's Foreign Mission Society
Conference, held in London last week.
Dr. Lindsay will leave here onThurs.
day for New York, He will be absent
several weeks; during his absence Dr.
Turnbull will look after bis practice.
There died on Sunday morning an
old and esteemed resident of town,
Mrs, Mary Buie, beloved wife of the
late John Bale. She leaves to mourn
the loss of a loving mother, two daugh-
ters, Mars, S. Gracey of St. Mary's and
Mrs, Curtis at house, and Captain
Duncan Buie of Chicago. The funeral
took pace on Tuesday afternoon at
2;30 o'clock, Deceased was 82 years
of age.
An entertainment under the auspices
of the Epworth League was held in
tbe school -room of the church on Mon-
day evening. E. 0. Wilford, President
of the League, made a happy chair-
man ; a good program of vocal and in-
strumental music was rendered, also
(by request) a lecture, entitled "Mar-
riage," by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Holmes.
Proceeds of eve*, amounted to $14,
Trinity Church has recently under-
gone great iruprovewente. The church
has been beautifully frescoed and
painted, eleetroliera have been put in,
and a new organ procured by Young
People's Society. The re -opening ser-
vices took place on Sunday, Rev. Mr.
Perkins of Exeter oliiciated in the
morning, and Bishop Baldwin at even-
ing service. Sunday's offering amount-
ed to $277, The rector, Mr. Edmunds,
is to be congratulated on the success
of his labors. .
Our great Fair for 1902 bas passed
into history with success emblazoned
on its pages, 'It is a common saying
that Blyth Fair brings rain, and this
time was no exception to the rule, only
it came late enough for the people to
be on the grounds before it descended.
The exhibits were up to former years,
some classes being, at least, large
enough to claim far it the distinction
of being the best fair in the donnty.
Owing to the heavy track, the races
were not so fast as Blyth Fair is noted
for, but they came off. just the same,.
to the satisfaction of those present.
-Clinton Band did"good service, enli-
vening the evening of Tuesday and all
of Wednesday with its music. The
gate receipts amounted to $700. •
The public nowadays are quick to
appreciate a good thing. Two weeks
ago we announced that The Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal
were giving as premiums this season
two beautiful pictures and a large,
coloured map of the Dominion with
an enlarged map of this province. It
is the .latter that caught the public
fancy. The want of it was evidently
felt in most homes. and we are inform-
ed the demand from this section has
been a surprise' to the publisher. The
Family:Herald and Weekly Star with
the two beautiful pictures and maps,
all for one dollar, is sufficient to
create a demand any time. It is the
biggest dollar's worth before the
David Owens left for Bruce Mines
last week.
Misses Amanda and Eva Nethery
Sana de
a e with friends here.
Mrs. C. Proctor was the guest of
Miss Lizzie Naylor on Sunday.
Mr. Russell Craig of Hullett visited
friends on the 9th con, on Sunday.-
Miss Laura McCrae has returned
from ais'
vi it to friends in Windsor•
The Presbyterian Church here held
their anniversary services on Sunday
Oct. 4. Rev. Wm. Ross of Guelph,
sen of Mrt Thos. Ross of East Wawa -
nosh preached morning and evening.
Trinity church here has been tho-
roughly renovated, and is practically
new. Over $1200 bas been spent on
the work and it is now; neat, comfort-
able and a credit to the rector and
parishioners. The re -opening services
took place last Sunday. His Lordship
the Bishop of Huron preached morn-
ing and afternoon, and was listened
to with interest and profit. On Mon-
day evening, tea was served in the
Foresters' Hall, and afterward Har-
vest Home services held in the church;
addresses were delivered by Rev's.
Lowe, Webb and Thomas. The rec-
tor, Rev. J. Edmonds and, the congre-
gation axe congratulated on the sue-
cess of their enterprise in church re-
novation. Proceeds of services, $123.
NOTE.—Items from our regular cor-
respondent reached us too late, on
account of printing on Wednesday,—
Mr. Geo. Innes of Brussels spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1Lckmier visited
friends in Cranbrook acid Ethel last
Mr. Ruttan and sister. Miss Lucy,
of Lakelet spent Sunday at Leonard
Mr. aux} 141rs. McAllister of Dun-
gannon visited at the home of Duncan
Taylor this Week.
Mrs. Samuel Caldbick, Sr. returned
from a three weeks' visit to her
daughters' in Michigan. She reports
a pleasant time.
We are sorry to report the illness of
Mr. W« Tram, who is suffering frotn
an abscess on his cheek. We hope
Noon to Dear of his recovery.
John Strachatt, Jr., returned to
Kincardine to complete his course at
Model after spending a week at home.
He has been engaged as teacher
S. No. 10, Morris. for the coming
year, We wish him success,
Miss irate Wrigbt, who underwent
an operation a week ago last Tuesday
for a growth in. her Nide, Is doing as
Well as tan be (Apeeted« 1)rs, Mae!.
vey, Ilolnier and Toole of Brussels,
performed the operation. We sincere.
ly with her a shite retolfer)',
The AnvtNc0 quotes the following
CASTS IN AI) ANCA clubbing rates,
Order at once and secure to most
for the money.
For $1•wfvDecemnbeeg$ipt, 904. o t!]]
For $1.�5 The .Advance, anti Week1Y
I Dec,31st, 190, premium picture—"The
Victoria Orals,"
For $1.75 The Advance and Weekly
Sun. The Sun is and excel-
lent "paper for the tarmer.
FOr. el. 5 The Advance and Montreal
1 Weekly Ilerald until i)eo'r.
Slat. 1901. Samples Qt herald can be seen
at the Advance O ce.
For $1.75 Tho Advance and tbo old
favorite, Pho Montreal k'anoi-
ly Herald And Weekly Star, for one year.
with three premiums --•A. large inap of the
Dominion, and 2 beautiful colored pictures,
"heart Broken" and "hard to Choose. See
these premiums at the. Advance Office,
For $2.80 The Advauoe ,and Toronto
December 81st, 1904
Dai.ly Nows, tram now until
0thexs Will be added shortly. En-
quire at the office for rate on any
paper you desire. .
Mr, and Mrs, John Douglas of the
Oth line spent Sunday on the 8th.
Miss Laura Fear has returned home
from Chatham Business College ow-
ing to ill health,
Jay Clegg, B, A., arrived home last
week from his trip across the briny
with a consignment of cattle. He en-
joyed it.
Mr. Ross Stubbs has purchased the
Jas. Kelly property on Mill St., Brus-
sell, and intends moving into town,
having sold his farm recently to Thos,
While Will. Shortreed was engaged
in cutting corn for the silo at Jas.
Moore's on Saturday, one of the val-
ves of the engine blew off, causing
Mr. Shortreed to be badly scalded on
the face.
The I00 acre farm of James Shurrie,
4th line, has been purchased by W. T,
Sellers, of this township, at $4,000.
He will get possession next March. If
Mr. Sherrie' finds a suitable farm he
will buy, but if not he will probably
move to Brussels and make his house
there for a time.
S. S. No, 7 has a notable record
for the past year. Of the five pupils
who wrote on the Extrance Examina-
tion, alt were successful, three obtain-
ing honors. Second and Third Book
work was exhibited at Wingham F'aIl
Fair taking the two first and two
second prizes. Also at Brussels, the
school succeeded in capturing the
three prizes for the maps and first for
the collection of Canadian Ieaves,,thus
taking four out of five. The residents
of the section flatter 'themselves that
they have in Miss J. Isbister one` of
tbe best teachers in the township and
are pleased to know that she is engag-
ed for the coming year.
East Wawanosh.
(Too late for last week.)
Miss Nellie Anderson is the guest of
friends here.
Mrs. R. Coupes of Clinton is the
guest of Mrs, Jno. Couites.
Alex. Leishman, who has been very
ill for some time is rcovering.
Miss E. Garton was the guest of
Miss Minnie Campbell on Sunday.
Miss Laura Bell of Westtietd was
the guest of Miss Mary Walsh over
What might have proved a serious.
accident happened at Robt. Marshall's
t 3rd,line, on Tuesdaylast
week, when Thomas Corbett, of Bel
grave, who was engaged with M. H.
Craig in cutting corn, had his hand
badly cut and bruised in the cutting
box. By last reports he was doing se
well as could be expected, and we
hope to see him at work again soon,
Anniversary services were held in
Westfield church on Sunday last. Dr.
Daniels, of Goderich, preached morn-
ing and afternoon. On Monday even-
ing a teameeting was held which was
a decided success, The choir assisted
by Alf. Cook of Clinton, rendered sev-
eral selections; proceeds amounted
to $86.
Miss Brydges is the guest of her sis-
ter, Miss Laura Brydges, of the 6th
line Mrs. Brydges, of Goderich
who has been visiting her daughter,
Miss Laura Brydges, has returned to
her home, ..Mr. and Mrs. Ir. Cameron
of Irucknow, visited with tee latter's
parents over Sunday.... Misses Lilly
and Annie Henderson visited friends
in this vicinity on Monday.,,,,Alf.
Cook of Clinton, visited his parents
this week... ,Mr. and Mr. R. Owens,
of Belgrave, and Miss Tillie Nethery,
of the boundary, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs, James Noble.. , .. Mrs. Noble
of Hullett, visited friends here for a
few days last week ....Miss Stella.
Cook Sundayed at Wm. Nethery's,
Miss • Rossio Bunter of Ashfield is
visiting Mise Maggie Taylor.
The infant child of Wm. Ifefning-
way of !Culross, was buried on Fri-
day, the etit of ()eto1ler.
A number Of our young collpl;es at-
tended the Fall Fair in Teeswater on
Thurday 8th of October.
The well -drillers are drilling a well
at S. S. No. 8 Mettles; as yet they
have been unsuccessful in striking
good water,
Mise Minerva Carter, and Miss Mag-
gie MacDougall attended the open-
ing of the Methodist church on Sun•
day the 4th.
The Methodists of Langatde have
been auccostfut in the bgildig$ of a
rc lin, h .as opened on the
new chu h w c w o d
, p l
4th of October.
.The' funeral of the late.Mrs, Andrew
Adamson, took place on Saturday
last, She leaves a husband and two
children to regret the loss of a wife
and mother,
For two weeks we have been, directing the attention of
our numerous customers to our 'Exclusive
Styles and Unequalled Values in
Ladies' Coats
The way in which these high-class, but wonderfully low priced, beautiful garments
have been selling is positive evidence that our competitors in this' department are
really not in sight, We desire this week to call your attention to three special Anes—
Ladies' Fine Furs. ---A cordial invitation is extended to the Ladies to call and
examine our stock of beautiful Furs that we are opening up, the quality,. artistic styles
and workmanship of which leaves nothing to be desired,,and our past reputation is in
itself, we feel sure, a guarantee of the reliability of the goods we offer.
In Men's; Youths' and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing, our stock is the largest
and most up-to-date that we have ever offered, and stocks must be cleared to enable
us to make extensive necessary improvements in our store. Surprisingly low prices
will be given. .Don't miss these bargains,
You want tis see our display of new, fashionable and serviceable Shoes and
Rubbers—the prices will please you as much as the quality and styles.
D. M.
Big Prices for Trade.
Established 1800..T Over 80 Years of Success in Toronto, Ont.
02 WesKing* St.
J. Y. EGAN, Specialist, X90.539, Toronto.
win 11tosT RELIABL15 and Successfnl Authority -Greatest success in the treatment of Hernia
(Rupture) Varicocele (False Rupture) of ail known agencies its modern times. 11, who manes a
specialty of department must certainly be more experienced and capable than those having
"many irons hi the lira," Don't put oft your case, believing into bo simple—Remember neglect
often, proves fatal. have your ease attended to now, and thus avoid danger. Stop wastingtime
and money elsewhere but cense to ono whose life-long study has taught him what to do. o not
despond or bo deterred from seeking further advice, or because of repented failures consider your
case incurable. Because ethots failed In your cavo you have become discouraged. This Is the Very
time you shotild consult nw as my reputation has been made in curing hopeless' (so-called) oases.
LADIES suffering from Navel or any form of Rupture should not hesitate in having their
case attended to at once. Everything strictly private and professional.
MOW IMas-Looe to your children—Now is the time to have them cured, while young.
Don't allow them to ;:ro.v up baudielppoi in'tho moot life, with rupture.
rim CHARGES are within teach of all, the poor man as well as the rich. Termscan be
satisfactorily arranged, no reason Why you should not consult ma at once, during this visit.
from this terrible affliction to some way.
There is no other affliction to which man ,
is heir that eouompletelyunfits him for the
ditties or pleasures of life as Varicocele.
The universal toadehey01 these conditions to to grow worse and more complicated—leading to ins.
potency, nervous debility, wasting, stricture, lumbago, sexual exhaustion, etc. Do you inten,d 10
allow this insidious afi:Mien to sap away your Vitality? It is deingsonmv and if net checked win
result in the above coalitions, No mater how serious your case may be, time afflicted or the fall -
urs you may have oxp_rieueod in tryin; to be cured by medicine—tree trials, or Electric belts—my
BetnosYsten will curs au ' the wormy veins s return
their r
condition i
and serethea
sexual organs receive proper nounsmint the aria boetma vitalized and manly powers return., temporary benefit, but a PERU ',NEN ions.
NO OPERATION necessary. No detention from
business. If you have Jul the 11411!1 oxparienooyou Java no d test spent large sums of money and
still larger quantities of time searching for the romedy,that I offer you hone,
Queen's Hotel
'Saturday, Sunday (all day and eve'g.)
Two Days Only • October .24=25
Out this "Advt." out for future reference
TO Tiro
i4,, Matter Wilcro Located
I am sure I can save you some money,
unless tho circumstances under which you
buy aro very exceptional. No matter what
kind of a property or business you want, write
mo or call on mo before closing a deal.
T can and shall make it profitable to yeti
to buy through me. My extensive advertis-
ing keeps me Constantly in touch with pro.
perty owners in every part of the country, and
I can find exactly the property you want in a
very short time.
a Real Estate Agent
Ofnoot--l7petairs in 'Vansten° Block.
Came on he premises of the under•
signed, lotq, con, 1', Turnberry,'about
September 1.st, a White sow. Owner Is
requested to pay expenses and remove.
The monthly meeting of 13lnevale
Women's Institute will be held en
Wednesday, Oct, 21, at 2;30 p, re., at
the home of Miss Jennie Elliot, A pa.
per on housework---" 11ow to make
work easy" ---swill be read by Mrs, Max-
well, All the ladies are cordially in-
vited to attend,
Dr. Ovens of Londob, M. I'.. 0. 8. L.
11, 0, P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and
throat w11I be in Wingharn, at CCan1 •
hells Drag store, Monday, Nos'. Zed,
Glasses properly fitted,
Happy Thought Ranges
Crown Huron Ranges
New Idea Ranges
Ideal Favorite Ranges
lase Burners, all sizes
Cole's not Bust Cali Heaters
Air Tights, all sizes
Guaranteed to give Satisfaction and
?rices to snit, Call and examine
them, it Evill pay you, at,
Hardware torr, lifighon.
Smith & Prthlck'r old stand,
wxi(c sAlif MARKETS
Flour per 100 $1 85 to$ 240
Fall wheat per bush new '76 to 0
Oats per bush 0 28 to 0 28
Barley per bush. 0 50 to 0 40
Peas per bush 0 55 to 0 60
Bran 18 00 to 18 00
Shorts 20 00 to 20 00
, 7 000 25 to 7 00
Butter pei' Ib.. , ... .. 0 15 to 0 15
5 to 0 15
Lard 0 12 to 0 13
Potatoes per bush (new) 0 25 to 30
Apples per bag 0 35 to 0 40
Hides per 100 lbs 0 00 to 6 50
Lamb skins 0 30 to 0 40
Dressed hogs 7 00 to 7 50
Live hogs 5 50 to 5 7}5
WTaoo 1, per lb 10 to 7$
For full and accurate market re-
ports see second page.
Ten acres of good land in Lower
Wingham survey, only one block die-'
tent -from the Stove Foundry. There
is a good frame barn' 30 x 40, and the
ground is free from weeds, as the last
crop of good hay will prove. For "
price and terms apply to A. Dalmage,
Wingham, or to the owner.
Clear title given. N. B. GERRY,
5-8 Brussels.
r RAI W .
Single Pare for the Round Trip
from Stations in Canada, Brockville and
Qyest, including Su pensign Brld}lp, Niagara
Fails, Buffalo, N. 1.„ tq
The Highlands of Ontario,
Muskoka Lakes District. Lake of Bays, Mag.
netewan River Lake Ni lasing, Severn to
North Bay, inclusive, Lindsay to Haliburton,
points on Canada Atlantic Ry., Rainy bake to
Rose Point, on C. P. R. Havelock to Sharbot
Lake Jot., inclusive.
Good Going October 24th to
November 6th,
Tickets on sale Ootober 9th to Nov. 6th
to points on 0.P. R„ Mattatva to Nfpigon
and Garden River, inclusive, also ICipawa
and Temiskaening
ALL 'norms
DECInn(reai ON OR i2r(or
from Lake points if navigation doses before
Dee. 12th, 1903.)
Write for handsome illustrated book untitled
' Haunts of Fish and Gantt." giving all inform-
ation pertaining to game laws, the regions to
go to, maps andn all partieulars. Copy sant
ap4. D. Ma1SpN411
D,istriet Passenger agent, Toronto.
Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, October 15th, 1903
Round Trip Tickets will be sold be-
tween alt stations in Canada, port
Arthur, Sault Ste. Merle, Mich., Detroit
Mich., and East, and TO, BUT NOT
Single Eirst-Class Pate
Good going October 14th and 15th;
valid for returnuntilOctober 19th, 1003.
Tickets anti full perthuirts from reap
nearest atoneable agnate A cyt.
(4eneral change in time Oct. 11th,
I9o3, •Fg11 n,5"artlogtap letef pill,
d• Me 1101111,41
Assistant Ormond Passenger Asset
ming St. ]$stat, Toronto..
Fogirti fikellneSS
7'H Z '
�� using
.orrsr . CUI�>a'�
iiHairr 1a►tit+rl4
aonfil• u
480 t es lit. WV ert
0014 186