HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-15, Page 791
-1 1111101P(
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!, j, ! 'il yo I ! ! I i I ! - 1 : 44 , 10i - A. , , , I.,
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I . I I "I .:,:t,!:!:
_ V ,, , , 44, 4 .
, 1--wo.
I wav arraigned before NaX,tstirA
12(1 & or V I'll'or's""g, but
to I aP It. 1o;,V,,t,,r,o,o 1,y5 Living-
t!!1!4! , ."Vl . 1 , I .
, To Amt. nevolution.
Lonilon, OCL, I.I.—Tho gloomlos li,ra"41),;
I I . I
. I
ghkiff-h's 9_ 0 F
___ _.- 4 -
. ,-, 1: Pq -0 ; I I I 0 -I .". , M
,vtono 4.- vaucill to 40tglid Ill "I and
A es I p4s beeii created in r,i I
Attempt to.lvroi;W7
131410mgbolt ( b4olle)
U ?
they do not 6tond that Ito fillAll
do any t.alklnf; Until th oy t, "
. ,,,,,,
the Prop, line has Como. Eli
IN How
, t'Is ,?a ,,, do
I IMt t
1293panet A14041110 "IV
t Both Jil "I ,Ucots "I IM con-
Ons'; to
I ill, ro'o the most poue%tll In.
C H,
. ,
I C9 G 0
0 E
I rWleof .
0 'MA "I 'A
L 11flon, oat. 18—A w4il
'a, ot11,1r,l1,1
n octalma Any knowledge
I tentionVir'blis"
r Co(iy. left Dovem for C410410 A111,0000
or ' C' 114,1,110,, 1Z PAYY be, WAR not
. V1rCP`411r11411t1
0 "I -act"10 .
to -40 Y I 0, a collavOible boat draw 4
Il lt, W low'a at all during; tile
aftornoo"4 .
, .
1 .
li"bealanins: to
PrOtost 00 lie belleyo that tho
much. TAoIr words and
by 4 kite, A good northwesterly
Russia Has Not Proposed
-a Prof. ralls Ifas'not been able to
oniploto ilia
- ,
Two Million Dollars Loss by
atits il tit u
0 1 g ggo4t that 04101), Iregoord-
[no the CQ11filot 40 I noyltable, to
COUY4111C to the ' '
Thirty-two Years Ago Mrs.
- lim A w,ao blowlag. 0-raMt Inter_
Out was manu ated In ,Qti 'n nt
so tile 011411 I WID
ton"'I to Oro a " '.'D I.':
examination or tile
P1400 0)111 -of Inlilt,114:
tIOU tho
. .
ILONVOI/er, failed, Tito kite wAs two
Partition of0orea, .
. Clothing Connection wltll tb6
Cole murder case at Drantford. I
. it
Flood at-Patemon, N, J.
01, Otbar.
: e a
t re'vA
1 am' 10yr
I 0101 1 1b 10 so O'n't A u
O'Leary'8 Cow
what on, .the pirlap,l . file of a bo,v k1to
and CAVAbIg of lif I ,
ting several tools'
wag hoped- that Ito would have it
ready for the Inquest last night,,_
0 101 301ppec a led voe'r y-
,day tl:,at since X. tte Witte, the for-
ThQ boat W041104
. four toot# AM was
but tile work was to 0 O,Xtovslve,
. 0
met, finalico. Wit
, ulster, Who is Ilow
decked with P-Anvae% It rosquibled
Ile will conclude It ill tile course
Practically the Premier, was kicked,
P, miniaturo submarine .boat. A
Of a few days, and than mako his
peport .upon it. -
UPOtalrli, tile war ,party has been lit.
control of file nueslail Policy" il ,
stfeylng sear Manipulated tile kite
""' -1 "" `0`0 rudder alike, and on
d to
. opportunity Is likely to,,;:%rii,:,
1. I p
. ab;ed Vo y
I Man oeuvro w1th coin-
. --- .
Rmu tford Courfor,
from t1leIr.p0jut or,vlew 101) tile sat.
P, to,
aratIve case. when 1, WAS 0, mae
tlexoent at arms of all loisties with
,_ —_
and 0, half off 91101-0 'the navigator
Aod SovevaU,"Uouarij Have Vollapsv,j-
X00200y 18 At last Q=me11QIn to
roallza tile terrible position -Ili W%JOh - f4likelklax, 1.3all $1400ked wal - 404oted
- Japan. %1111) Internal .0fittreas of Itu'"_
'gin threatens a orIsI5 whioll a Pat-
NtArl.V U-1914teen Tbousaj)4 110goes
al7peaxe(j to be la difflenitle"A .and
- abandoned his attem , pt alter being
b.V 411 IlInMO11,90 VcAL VIrO—JOlkit ! Ile 18, All along he has. protogtod
, 4, that
Red#1104)d 0A thO 14UIIII Ut 1`11 C'0;10 that hQ did not Ivant a lgwyer
, ARIvA--Ha,4 Just ReQovere(l Prow
flOtIc foreign war woilld, Probably
avart or o -
and the Mancha
Wkire Ocstroyed--M Ill tests oJ* Dot.
tbroe houra at sea, The boat
. wAs
t0w,cd buck to Dover. In an Inter.
geSt.cd Districti—Turkey Wants to
4 lgwyep would be no good to him,
atj lo .il. an Innocent of the olfor , and
ft" acoicielital (li4Ad4prexooiiitiolt
a$' Peath—Striko of bloulders Ott
a Istpono,
rlan sitit on has reached a polut
W1100 Rtiffrita must have a fresli ex
141's tot, Uollef Pourtd In—Uaii
vl8w Cody said the kite serve well
tilt the Wind Ialled, when ilia boat
Rvpatriato Macedonlaii liel'ugeps
I " I
did not require defendtag, I
Last n ign t, however ad a
, ,, he express
14100, Pa. .
Ouse for the non -execution of the
Pledges wbloh She never intends to
kiboor.s, U411seIr i3ecatise Ho was
Not Loved. .
drifted with tile t1dO. In favorable
*q'19 ea,
weather 1, Ifident he can go
j3erlln, oat, :14 _ t despatch from
Blianglial, to the V ankfurtor 7,oi
wish Lo' ATr. Forbea WIlson, tho,
Jaller' tilat'somothing should be done
Browning, 11olit., out. 12.— $0 von
redeem, I I
No Aid -for Jt%pan. I .
Chicago, Ill., despa t — 'Yeste rtlay
0111#11811 the trip, I
. .
tllbg 4ates t-ITAt neivis, !lag reached
ill his betialf, and this morning tile
prisoner asked that a Voutler repro-
Indians havO been killed and two
Wounded during a drunken row on
More Important still, Itussia to -
convinced tbat pit the present me- -
marked tile S2nd anniversary of
the great Chicago fire, It -to also
. I
there from, Cho Foa to the effect
thlat the Japanese- have occupied
f30ntStlTO- be sent for.
. A, Cburl6r man, therefore, Ihl,
the Blackfoot ,pegorvation.
111011t not a liand would 'ho raised-
In Protest or In aid of her antagoil-
P. day wh1en, the "old settlers" of
,t,,, . -_
a Presideut's Aodeess to sbara,
Pdaiwcwpho, and that an official de-.
mOrDlUg Waft admitted to tile Jag.
: Xenfledy, la --confined In onejor tile
. ,
A .
gumbe,p or Indians sccur04 a
QuWltlt , of, wbiskey,, and fit ft.
Y 0,
nist, Ill t1110 .Russia to probably I
right. Tile attitude or tile arm
the western nietropollEl gatherInto
big and little groups wid recount
, ,
Londo ,'Oct. Itl._ &,t a welt-attand-
Claratl6a of Wgr to expected,
corridarsi looklng, out on ilia
J411 yard. Re Was stanallig at tile
ed on a ,big ,spree, Wakeq-
I& clearly defined. Great 11,31011wtala
their thrilling expertences bn tilat
, ad batf-ybo.4rly t 8 lare
. meeting or he 1 ,
No PartItioss 11roposed.
barl,04,windo. )v when tile Rew9P4Pel:,
TJP Laot became cagagatt. -ill
would Oxt011cl tIll'at moral F Pport
willich to
memorable Oct. 9, or I801, ivil'eil a
holders of t4e GraAd Trunk Roil -
London, Oct. 1B.—The Toklo, oor
respondent of tlYLe gTitues, telegraph$
ilialt entered, looking rather dol6tully
'Qut - .Ile had his Coat off, blIt
Pow witll tile rest of tl,)Q part all
y 4
One Ilidlan, wan 6111 btly" I
she Rave tile United
9t4ces In thla, Spanish w!ar, Beyond
whirlwind of ,lame swerit fox, miles
t1frough, ilia
way to-daZr at Cannon Street ,Hotel
Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson, the Pre.
t1fat the stAtoinant t1lat'Russia lias
. pr o tht Partition Of Cereals
neatly droseed. and -saluted 1. ,,, miV_
. .
tary, slyle Wholl the party entered
the night 1. . 5 , I n
I # six, friends of the wolinded
tIX4 ell -%vJ
a , 11 iiot go, Germany, as
Well as I rance, therd Is reason to
city of 804,000 in
81 P , 114b-
Ltants, call lig a monetary loss
eldest, Presiding, said thiltrsInCe ,Tan.
nary, 1898 1 92,548,000 had been die-
U unded.,It lie generally asserted',
tile corridor.
was., determined to kill Wakeo-Up-
believe. ivill render all a
Pobsible to Russia t dalstance
approximatiag $f oo,000,000 ron-
I .
trlbuted in dividends. The tide of
,but not Xet officially confirmed,
that Japan has obtained *ilia con-
rgh6 Courier representative
. r ,$,Pont
half an houg or so Chatting to tl,Q
Zaat, althoUgli yl no meauff get:-
, it In b.
tain tj,4t 110 the
under most
liberal construction or evaglo,n of
dering tons of thousands of persons
r Prosperity' might recede, but Ile wan
'satisfied tile Grand Trunk would de,
cession for the Seoul Xalsong see-
r .
Prisoner. l
was Wounded In-
the lwyls of neutrall7sattou. 0 er-
homeless and poverty-stricken and
rive lasting advantage from the pol-
tion of th'a Sboul Wiju. Rallway and
the Uasanpbo
Ile Is all Ititelligent man, gives hle
aosallatit. Tba,v entered lite
tent through
many expeoto to realize subatan-
1.1al rew,ards in tile fan e,4, t In Co-
leaving thb charred remAins of hun-
ley, pursued In the prosperous times
Of fheY
ulso Tor branch.
age aff,SQ and his occupation as that
and s1lot him tl)e*head
dreds in its wake,
which were already reaping
1. Acres or Peat oil 1111re. . .
r of Wgroom op coachnian. I
HIS home is in, Dublin, but he ba,
while he'*slept. HIR wife awoke and
started to.run with )ter ,youdgeot
operation wItu Russia, it the lat-
a free hand by defeat-
T11110 origin nZ The great fire has
tile benefit. ffeferrIng to his recent
visit to Canada and tile .States, Ile
,Rude, Post, Oct. i2,—NI1Je tifouS.
and acres of molorlandin ilia iielgh.
workoo Ili Glasgow and other placesp
child, when the. Indians rusbail at
Ing Japan phlysically and Great
Birltain moralif -th at
been traced lndt eotly to tile Ill-
saw no reason why., the Industries of
borbood Q1 filitz,ed Is 6 n lire. Tb'
zin.l WAs, rOA: five moniths wi.th the
hav, and, placing M. revolver a
I r g4inst
,In quarter
of the wprld. I s safe to say that
temper of an, ordinary cow—"Afrs,
both countries should not a ntlnue
peat to burning to' some Idepthan4
1'1. h ijor". Jnr South Afr".a.
'Ahe, fighting Was all over when I
Child's head, fired, killing moth.
of, and child with one shot. The other
a very definite secret Understand-
(YLeary's cow ,11 as It now Is cele-
develop. The report was a0dopted.
tntonse heat
ground, 6 has loosened, the
Musing a general sub&
got thcre,',', Bald Kennedy, "I JiA,rdly
Me .tnuoli as'saw, a Boer."
two children also werre shot. Four
mrreNts have beon made. ,
Ing already existo to this effect.
( zav to Reckon Witli.
brateLl in the annals of Chlcago'r
laUtory, Vils oo.'sv, was ,kept lit a
dence of the of Boorvely,
Asked irrale
twp-story frame 'barn, Ill ) Lhe real,
Several hbuseB 4ave collapsed and
rour nersong have been Irilled
was guilty .. 110 t
guilty of tile terrible crime plaed at
. T140 Plood at ratorsini.
Patterpon, N. J.,' Oct. 12.—Thim
There remains for tile Russian
war party only tile Czar 'to, reckon
of a modest divLoIllag at 137 I)e
. .1
Troops have been sadt to try to '1111 door, Kennedy emphaticalk.v morning thoupands of men, woman willf. It in for his sake chierlythat lCoven street, Ott thb southeastside
stated, I ,. I I t and children, employ, d In mills. and Russia must, If, possible, be.put oil Of the. city. Obaitly after Id P. in.
extimgulad. the fire. .. . 14 1 Alil Not, Gul ty.11 . factories, could not . go to work on a defensive attitude in any quarrel on Sunday, Oct, 8, flames Were die-
Tbe Ir"tab Land Act. "If I wa.& guilty I would say go, account of ilia milla and ,tactories w4h' Japan. ,.%Ilia Czar, as is well ,covered issuing froM, the O'Leary
London, Oct. 12,4olih Redmond, U10 Papers With an account of thla being ollut dowti. The -heaviest know,", Is ofnly technically moster barn, Those who attempted to ex -
tile Irish leader; speaking at Tulsk, . of his OF,rvu dominlo!as. Still, lie im tinguisLi the blaze in the barn tes-
Roscommon, expressed doijbt whe. affalr Ill, have gone all over the dqmEkge in Paterson was to the man. sufficiently Independent to refuse tified 'to finding a kerosene lamp
world now, aild if I , afacturers. Conservative estimates.
t1for the 'now,, Irish land"&ct would , 'Was guilty
prove successful in -ad r wouldn.'t be'mueli use of I 'Place the loss at two nifillons. Police to permit an aggressive attack ghlattered into pieces within -Tange
tho eongest; previous to my 11vin ,11 , . I A
districts of Connaughit, but lie si ld . lai4t Wednesday - and firemen have been resCuing fam- Upon that o'r any other pawer, ,of the cdw's heels. E a worla be-
.io : thlat the caivi kicked ,the lamp
no, admittlod that lie bad,boan* illes from upper flooro or rools since henco the present Russian matfoau- ilevee
, landlord refused to Bell their PMN Ing a go( I Shturday. The water continues to vres, wbach seem designed to Incite to pieces, thVs giving Itfe to, tile
If thv ,lit k ).d deal, but' sald .-he Japan Into some act of open ag- great. conflagration w1ficli followed.
e congesto(I naver-et - ' fall. The licalth,airkborltlep dre'de,
?nducted Wiliself in 9, d'sor-,
district's liefard, it. would be easy 'derly`iv-,ay. . . I . I . ,vIslag means to prevent an ep1dom- gresslon.. Toilare- Is only tool 'much Th'oro 'was delay lit getting 4.110
in the present condition of Oe Xennecf,- places; ver great faith In to of 131oklique in the flooded section 0. reason to fear thtat tilb plan vlli alarin to tile fire department, and
English' parties to got Compulsory *; tile y of Tfie people will not be allowed to re. 9ticceed I . . Ill getting W,ater to t1fe fire Ttifter
, rostll . of the analyals *the
powers at tile next session Of- 13ar- stain s'r-build' on his clothtlig. Re per- turn to their homes until. the dis. , -It may 'be assumed tWat' Great tho alarm, T,hq nearest engines
liament. Iffe., tiferefore, warned -the gleto -11, Ole' statement -that the, tricts are In a' salittaryl condition. Britain das. strongly urged her ally , failed to get to th!e fire until after
Irisli! landlords and I'Ogh govern-, stdillis are not human .klood.. I I to retrain from falling Into th a .It was beyond control, In the dry
went not TLd prove obdurate,j The, prisoner seems to dread being Lineman Inst intly Killed. trap, and Japan Is also probably southwest gale that vv as blowing
Wan . 1:141tigitives Back.- confined in jail -until next spring, -Now YIA , oct. i2,—"teodore Ball, under no delusion in regard toh!er and the parched fuel — M dry three
Sofia, Oct. 12.—NCZottations arc w,b,lc.h will bo tlAe resiilt It he t3SP.CQiu 0, linelliall of tile New, York and New absolute Iso[lation In case' of ,war. montlYs' drouth prpueded -the fire—
proceeding between the Bulgarian mitted by the Police Magistrate. .. XCwffo3r Telephone Company, was NeverthOless, the feeling Ili Japan thht w,as ready to hell) it forward.
and Turkish Governments for the, , Re Ifir decldedl an Intelligent -man, sibooked and roastad'to death, yester- against Russia Ii so intense, ao- ' Great brands or fire ware caught
repatriation of the ,,:o 00a rug1tiver and ,his .'relatl eit In Ireland ar of (147 'afternoon In night of beveral cording to Ithle latest a vi e tiat y
. I 0 , , d 0 S, I up high In the air—observers ea.
.from Macedonia, now'In Buigs,rjar, , Lb'6.'welltor-dO Working class. He has bukdKod people u4mble to aid him an It will be dIfficii1t, if not Imposst- from 8,00 to -500 feet—and whirled
territory. The Forte offers to lake a -brother who was employed until 110 was working Oil telephone and ble.4for any Government mug long- off to the northeast, dro1pping;vIlare
f r _w.
all the refugees back under the jOial qu RoWnson Cleaver's, etectr1c light -wires under the elevat- or to resist ,title demand r_1 r thley would, and starting , fl 0,
supervision of t1fe Bulgarhun and tba, big Irish Vilna liouse, Its *a out- 00 strtl0ure In Fulton street, Brook- unless Russia'a attitude ohlctngea far to leaward at title old, Ay mid -
Turkish functionaries, but there are ter bf Shirts and, collarpr. I 11 . I qutok-ly:4 . night the flames bad sw,ept across
many difficulties In ,the way. Regard. Ilia 'father, Who was a coachman, YBLII bad a premonition 'of lite death, . UiL- south branch of the Chicago
Ing the frolitler Incidents, the I>orte and lite mokher are both dead.. Within three weeks be had two bad M[[H SHUTS HIS EYES River, and eaten into ill,, bus'lle"s
hag Informed the Bulgarian Govern- In religion Kennedy in a ,protest- falls from telephone poles. 740 last I beart of the city. Mile Mayor .re.
ment thAt -the Sultan has ordered a ant, ilia family being Church of fall laid lilm up, and lie appeared at malved In thle court house as long
commissloi! to make the strictest England. He is an Orangemall,, al- work yesterday for, the first time . . as lit was tenable.
th;ough haxing left Belfast shortly since'the accident. , . I I _ . W.his was tile supreme moment of'
Invest1gation -and punish. the guilty ,,,r h
officers. I after big initiation in one bt the A a next time it will be all over ffisaster, for that building; had been
. lodges ttillore lie has never -kept Lip with me," ,he told Ilia friends. Russia Sulze's a Town Between he storahouse, and was now tile
No Ultimatum Likely. - his connection iyAth tile order , He climbed out on the tracks and tomb ofthe public records. Tito chain
-Loado,n, Oct. 2I.—Deprecating ilia ThiD prisoner ' aii . Of title ,by which every owner held
rumo, , rs of it Japai.ieqo ultimatum to Trishl gi , rt, who Is' engaged to then, l0wered.himself to the network Herat and the FronCer. every toot of property in Cook coun-
wMe for agme. yeflriq of WI su pended from the strue- .
Russia, baran ,11ayashl, the J'arianese n1l'I'larptl IT, th antlo t1opqrtmnt ture. ,lip-89.1lesworkea he dr pped big ty, from the Government to th,c
Minister e ill 0 and lender, came to
-to Great Britain,, In an In- of al Toronto, firm .Sbb returned to, safety glove. As he reached for it his -, Latest bnyar
terview i,'6-dMy,. said lie bad no, in. Ireland, but was, to have rejoined hand. struck an electric light Wire. utter annihilation. About 3 0,.W. the
formation of such a, charac . ter, Kennedy in this , country as soon T Ja Shock Must have caused instant IROUBLE IN FAR AFGHANISTAN po-st-office an j sub -treasury were
adding that had Japan taken 1,146 as he, secured a position. . dewth, for those Who Saw him say Ills - Ij burned, the latter with some $2,-
action "tlie Allgli*4AP&nose, 'trilakY Kennedy clainiq that on body -did not so much, as quiver. To Ondon. Oat. 1A.—Advices from Cabul 000,000 in curio)iOY and Government
would have necessitated him being ful Wednesday afternocra tib wjis in add to ill$ horror his clothing took stai,e that zno Lussla" have taken sec rltlas.
notified, so lie might. InforinjIla Brit- Victoria Park alfartly- A -,ter 1 fire. .Several unsuccessful attempts possession of Our-Gaill, a Turkoman ,T,he last house to be destroyed wag
lab Clovernment." ,' . . . .o'oldck. Mliat lie tool, a klass. of 'W,ere made to dislodge his body, that of Dr. J. R. Foster, on V, ul,
1. I . I . lager lit .the : ,ark H61:61 and then williloh. finally fell , to tile streati town, situ I a I ted. In the midst of jv4BtO lerton avenue, th5u In the northern
I I I . proceeddd. along Darling street to ckushIng the skull and breaking lands between Herat and the Perqlan Limit of the *city. This house burned
Jublla6 ;PMrk. %1hat' he sat down , manor. bones, ,. , . ,,, ' frontier, Those waste lands are in- 25 hours after the time and four
there for.lialf an hour or so and - Brie 111onldqrs-,8trIkc-. halitted tribes of miLog fro'n' the place of starting at
* .by! independent tbe fire.
A .CHICKEN A . 9' OUT' tlll n 'Went down to. Verity's to ap- Zrie, Pa., 6 mans. 1 iev ral reports showing
I Oct. 12.—Late develop- Turko Seventeen thousaild, four hundred
. . - Ply, f014 work, but decided not to wants In 90'strike of the moulders that the Russians are extending their dild fifty building&, with substan-
go In t1fen, as - lie jiad been drink- and core makers or tbe.Brie foundi.v, influence over these tribes, have been tially all Ito-useliold ctfects, were
' . Ing. He than Caine up towun ,and .,%vhO went out Friday Morning, tend submitted to the t.,meor, but he has burnedi,. To help Chloago funds came
Was .That How 4rene ,Cole thlad a drink at both Uie'American to indicate that the fitrike- will be pa,ld no attention to them. Ile main- %bout as follows: From Insurers
. . " ,
; . . . a t 11'. , .:and Woodbine I-fotels. Tills wAs 11101C10 general among the moulderff of tains, however, a Be -ret correspoa- (1 ew York, Connecticut, Great Brl-
I , about 4 o'clock. all tile shop$ lit the city. For some delice -wltb. theautbO,.0rition at Ilerat. tain, 'Massachusetts, Ohio, Polinsyl-
Was Lured I o. 0 . , In the evening' lie was wIth,'s time
. . c. paA here has been a growing A,considerable number of Be vania, California and Rhode Island
nt ,
I . chum who had boarded at th6 Jax disco li .,tamolig the moulders and _poye In
I I .1 the geelvice of the Ameer, who ,were leading), between $45,000,000 and
. Ho'tel w1thl him. When the croWdo Coro maker& 'because,, as it Is clalmCd on tile border of Kunar. have .gone ,$r)0,000,(roo ; from gifts In money
VERDICT OF CORONER'S JLJRY Come up from tb'e W1,1101wis, they by the tpen, the employers ba,ve failed- into British Lerritoryl with 1heir and Other valuables, something like
,. I . I were on Colborne -straet.' He was absolutely to bye up t arms, which thay! have endeavored $4,000,000; from Chicago, herself
100 .
11gaufford despatch.: The .Cor6n6r,ii to, have met tills .' chum at 81 agreements made last spring. The to sell among the'tribegmen-, 'These about $I,j0,0of),0U0 was tiiken, after
jury ampanellod to Inquire Inio the 'next morning In front of thle Wg direct cause of the strike at the E rIo fugitives complain that their pays all ullovMtions were allowed for.
. .02 and golne withl him' 'to. Uamll- foundry, however, in field to be the which Is small, Is constalitly In ar- "DerrWIc time" is ilia nume which
circumstances sUrrounding tVaileath ' t,o to Becuro work there, as lie Introduction Of"law patent moulding rear, and that they! are reduced to a attached Itself to, ilia yearu Jmniedl-
at pighit'"yea,r-old Irene, 'Cole COP. understoo,kl WAges were better In machines, which do away with the condition of povert3r, and further, ,,Italy following the 'Conflagration.
'light Urouglit in this Verdlet._"L We .thtat city. I work 0.1 'WaPy, of the Mon. that when. some men made Pepresen- The relief and Mid society, formed
flad thht Irene Cole was w3ful6 1311117.1 t He did 'not knqm, thb name of . tations to their officers, they! were almost befolve the flames died 011t,
his chum, but lie wor)rced-at night t
dared by 9. person or.persons . Woollen tortured for having rebellions .In- ep lit nearly $1,000,000 in s rue-
un- at Slingsby Mills, ind texitions. , tueres, permanent and temporary.
known to thin Jury at present It Is thlought incist likely he had. petween Oct. IS anfl Nov, 30 the 4
thv) unanimous opinion Of , oln- to (yamilton., . UN. Who Old TO BE IMMINEN A Heport ol! Some Advice. Society )Ut lip 5,226 houses, using
. jury, rom An enquiry at Sitngby is roeulted In woliammed Russian Khan 8IrtIP, of 35,000,000 feet of lumber. The first
OVIdence p 811101 163 thb hiformat,.'on that an Englialiman * Dakka, In a report to ilia Amear,
.1roduced. that suspi . __
ljoints to the prisoner, Kennedy. We named ,,Hargreaves. IfAd been work- . gave it an ills opinion, that the poll- bulldtng erected after the fire was
' am
desire to call ilia 4tLention of tile Ing ,there at nigbts but bad left. lie ibar fostered a board Phanty put up by Willi.
Russia at d Japan May Begin tical officer of the Klia K. Xerfoot, a real estate .dealer, and
city autIforltles tor the fact that the h1ad been drinking the day Ito,got lite ' ' hostile intentions' towards Afghaniff- was begun and finished on Oat 10.
. tan and harbored refugees, where- It was surmounted by the Proud
Place known as tlfb Willows is ak PaV" This Is the man apparently i I Next FridaY. Upon the Ameer made answer that so
reli0ezvotto at some of ilia worst cliar. ref rred to by Xonnedy, - sign, "Kerfoot's BlOck?,
He and his. ollum, walked up Market far there had been no misunderstand-
110ters, and would recommend that street as far as tifo G.T.R. . station . 1, Ing between the two kingdoms, but Killed 11iniseli for love.
stops be taken to ,remedy tills evil I
WRI1`0111, 00JUJI.1' and flion bail returned, tbu prbsouer if tblngs were as reported tile Sirtip Xew, York, Oct. 13, few scrapn
A good, deal of iinportan L avIdenCe goin,g down to Hkint & Coltei's, barn ' IDES GETTING READY Could repay ilia political officer " In of paper, a reckless exclamation, aail
. . BOTH ,
'"14.8 Xecelve - to-ulgIA to sleep. I I his own coin," The royAl message a woman1k; hurried trip to Europe—
bu d at the inquest Kennedy thad the 'local papers lit Tjolldon Oct. 3.3—A despatch, to the significantl.g ended: ,,it there be thew, haXe been. pleced t,tigetlier by
110 t It was mainly that of thEl jo- the corridor wUlch he ocoulitleff and Aforning post . ,from choroo, flatod anyone faithless among tile officers the New, York !police Into a solution
0 1171fo ifta.0P the Merest, and who tthor Oct. 10, myff thatthe Russtln fleet or SepoS%, 13ond him at once to CA- of the mysterious suicide of ,Tolm
ware -ppesent at ore examination of apparently aitts; kept liftagelf
Xenneaylg clothing aud person Im" oughly J0 t.dubliwith tile whole,-Affal has el ort Arthur with a but." . D. Kilpatrick, tile New, York club -
mediately afterwards. r aq published. I . . . total strength, including auxiliaries, The Sirtip, has caused ill!$ latter man.
M bias engaged Messrs. Zeyd, Of ntnOtY E-111PH. it is reported Ili Che- to be gonerallyl known. The SirtiP. Tito police believe that Ills failure
. D11. Ashton, who was called to lex- LivingotonociL Couchl to 400k after fOO that the Japanese are landing some of whose servant# had also to NvIn tile love of the Dktroues4 do
aMine tb;q clothing, Wduld not sqjr his Interests In 'future. The'firm, .will troops at 41fo-Can-plio, tied into DrItIgh territory, and ,wba. Pallandt, ilia beautiful Cliieagi girl,
definit6ly tUmt tilara word blood Where are strong indications tbat Came to the.concluslon thit tile PO who wao Miss DUgus before site inar-
stains Upob It, but he Lbought they be. ,terresont9d at the inquest to-- it -
were, n1glit, and also at the police. court 0evnially favors hostilities between tical officer had some hand In the Mad, drove 1-:11patrick Into'the reek -
Particular streed was lat4 . . . apan, as wax,would ex-
. Russia and J,
00 -morrow. . . tend liar oplipre ol Influence in China. affair, subtioquently., instigated ilia less Illood In which 110 ande,d Ills life
UPOID the fact of the finding of an no ptisoner fo a' try civil mam Zakka Kbel Afridle t6 invade the tor &nee the death of1her bu,4band tile
onvo)opo In Xonned la pocledt Dri alkg Intelligentlyl'and Imp'eessas, A number of field guns were em- rit6ry of ilia Lowargai tribes of the Baroness, who won n6torlety some
Aohlon' thought tile stains dig ovev Re t, harked at Port Arthur on Friday.
ad oil It were -blood stains, but It everyone Us comes in contaact with Slianivarls, with whom the Afghan years ago, by wtandlng guard over
ill , 031 were they gave AvIdonce that Or the sincerity of his plan, that 110 Viciv destination Is unknown. it Is SOPOYIS had i4ore particularly taken
. I I - 1, k tated that tile Japanese have de- 1 ille otatenoom in 'which slie had lild-
thb blood had been diluted with to not gatlty' c1d6d to tleel&re. hostilities on tilt rofuge don Afro. Dan XTanna and )ter clill-
Tito raid was made on Aug. 22, and
All along Tio liae protested that4 expiration of their ultinitt,tum, the AfrIdis carried off with them five just OemplO,
" 'a _ . den, ))as been trravolling. Ric han
t T "r ' tim axaraltiation of the stains found ,t. e i'011 of tile world.
- Igh't the police subinitted. on tie Clothes would prove that they thn, Pod algo prinp a ChOfoo (lee. f tile Slianwarl women as hostages 4 M r,
- . 0 ,rom cIt5r to city, over Peas aml
ful'thel ,VVIdenee In an attempt to ITe admits patch, dated Sunday, -0,Nt, 8, 5 P.M. and security tot, the dellveraig up of r
prove beyond doubt tlfa.t Xelinedy were not hitinan blo6d, onying that the situation Is un.' across bontitionts, 'Tolill 1). X.t1pat-
ng 'the at- tlynt his fallIlIg Is drink, but proftstd ellanged and that every the Afghan soldiers. The LoWargal riek, ilia New Yorker, followed the
wag In tile Willowa dn'ri t big character has OLIlerwise 41- thing Is quiet 1 tribes intend first at all to free these
ternoon. A Witness wag called who ,bet- at Port'Arthut. The Corresp,oncloAt beatiftful noblewoman. Slit- return.
testiflod that ways 'been above repromelf. ' I women from Bazar Tirall, where they ad to Nam Tork. Ile followed her.
the prisoner bouklit I 1. — adds that hostill,tiog are bollOVOLI to are detained, and rovenge themselves
a 01110k b from liar an ilia day be- be litimiltolit. It In asserted that the - Ito eent flowori to her ,apartments
toro ZhP on the, Zakka Viols. Afterwards they
C lburder, and that Iten- a ti-xed next VrIday for hope to make reprlsals against the at ilia Waldorr Aritorla, and they
n0dr told bor, it was for 6. little STEEL TRUST INTERESTEP, , 1111110"Claol'uRmhancome lit of hostilltitiff. Sirtip, wboin they hope to be at tile were often soon together.
girl Who had been teasing him to . __ Press desImtelies from the Var H ast bottom of ilia affair. Suddenly ilia Baroneso dleappoared,
get One for her. Yesterday ,after- Application to Take Ov r Lake Sup tend to Olow tlln,t aitual hostilities Via Slrtlp kowne thle, nn(l has sent and har irlondo declared r3ho had Hall -
noon the Police found a dead oltick- erlor Propertlefi- a 1;otwepu Rueshi ahtl anpan tire not for 150 troops to come to Dakka. .It ed for B UrOPO.
oil about silty feet froln t1fe soot Sault sto. Uarlo, Ont,, Oat, 1,1—The i Immediately tuitulnent, der,l) I to possiblo. that tills quarrel may John D. Kilpatrick w" found four
Whbro t1to chifil's ,body was found-, . vtory Sent by the corresponuum, of lc acj to serious trouble. - days later dead lo Ills room. A bill
WWI) Woman who, sold tho 01116ken next .tep Ili the Legal bmilitle for 1)6%- the ',Mornlng Post. A13 In6ldent such ___ lot lind been tfired through a newg:
Was certain J.lt.%t It was tit() name f4selOn of 1110 0110MI1411 properties a's tho land , fug of troops at Mo-Saii- paper Into Ills heart, Murdor wMq
t1fat she had sold to Xonnody. of ilio Consolidated Luke SigArlor Ilbo, )lag no 1 arttoular significance. SMALL LOTS; BETTER PRICES suspected, but Investigation lell to
Sh'a said that silo had put It -In a (loulpelly will bo taken to-biorrow Motion of fliat sort would be wltbln — ilia conclusion that ilia ,Voting Iol-
bag. Thb police in 3naking a morning, wilen tho 4tiotion mado by Japan's treaty riglits, as tile CoreAn Clownworciat Agc,ntsl Advle to tie -low llatl takolij Ills own ilia.
Nearoll! of %,110, JV1116(lve on gund,ly Jamen Bboknrll, nskM9 that Judgluol't Governnient has conceded to 1apan CanadlAn Apple Uliporsors. Then eamo thedlecovery of it few
last on -W a bag tallying to t1fe da- ))a grdntetl to, obtain Possession for ti, small ple0o of territory there In
n0kiption of tile one tile wItneng gpoyer & Co., will I)o ,ht,ard bw Judge comiection with th6 building of a London, Oat. U.—GovOrtintent eoni_ - bito of a tora letter tQ atary of
134,46 silo 's'
Uve X.6nnotty, but tbay X.C4,hilatoll, That Itad formerly b6oil brAneh raltway. indrelal Apont Ball adviges that, UtrOn" de 11411andt's sudden do.
did -not 41to it away, bolng nn- tot for Satarday las?t, but WaR Post- Vio utter deflancer tit Ruylottis attl- Canadian &ppie _E1111ppOrg be tarb. PUrtllrO and. Of 1101VI ilia (left(I man's
ovvAro of th'P ehlaken V%turo at the poned. It Is, 1111lioll that tiloro will tude lavoon lit har selection of Oeto- fril. at Present not to aend too large , IOVO for hOr took him ArOUQd ilia
O'Loo. Anothor searob. was .jbadn lie (Myolopment6 of 'an Intorestlug I bar ,a., 1:110ilato Fiat for hor ovatuatlon quantities, no thbre to & glut at P"- worlkl ltv liar train.
for he bag yeaterdar, but it llatui,c In ,connotion with tile, heax- - of-Mahchurlas as tile (lay for tho sent, but lie Predicts that mat. "Ile killed himself for love, poor
030114 bot be , found. Thlo I)A, ce Ing of Ithe arg.uments on the WOMM, I Ituaslaft garrison at Now Chwang, to terg will Come right gradually . Ile fOlOW,," declared big friends who knew
tl Ink, 1101voVor, that they are like. Fh&iving 4WItethor or flot ilia xTillted parado, ilia ra-raeto, wltli ban& plar- says that shipporn will make better ,of ilia dep-P attaelimpnt.
I; I 0 got it lit od"m As the finder swtps, stovl Trn.qt ban bobil Inter-' Ing,natlonal air$(. Zia P111481an clill prices If they Bond small pumititles ' And w ill(,, iiiytjtetly of tbe doatli ,
hearm that It Im wanted. ogtkl withl t1le, OWWt of getting. ton. 1 ftdm1nI8trCtor said Publicly to Oita of ftnd weokl: % to Interior towns, W. W on(led. The pt)lleo bolleve they ,
X101medw pronflovil ,a IeW days I frol, alitt keplftp; the works, or tLt the foreign ConGuIR illat the question stead of all through Liverpool, Loll. have aolve(l it. The only woluall
A90 `E0 :M&ke a statement wheribe least tile -steel plath't, Idle. . of evatitlittlon was olmlilt o, lake, du, and Dtlettil. , I ( Who knoWN' to On .tile Atlantic.
What Happeoed One Saturday
Afternoon at Munro P,u k.
A Toronto Report—in ilia Sessions
yesterday Cornelius Illabon p'eaded
not gullLY to indecently assaulting
LUIss Martha Nichol JUDO 6 last. A
meet remarkable and certainly a I
sensational occurronea Surprised
OYOITOne lit ilia room, and even calls -
ed Consternation, when the young
woman went into the witness bo*x
and firmf4- arid decidedly objected to
being sworn. '-Take the book," bald
Mr. Dewart. I
"I won't do it.,,
"JCou mast be sworn."
"I Won't say anything."
Slia was repeatedly *Laid to takc
the L'Itile, and, amid tears and sobs,
refused ain and again. Finally the
Judge . . "If you age not sworn I
will 1, tri.,,00mmit you foi! eon -
tempt." I
"I don't care,-, said the girl. .'I
WArit to withdraw the case. I have
nothing against him,. aho 1: w-on't
give evidence against him.'t
"It Is not your cose,; it Is the I
Crown's case," said the judge, 4 and 1
If YOU refuse to be sworn I will lia,ve
to give, you into the Custody of the 1
sheriff, and you must stay In jab
until you come to your senses,"
"I don't care," was the reply.
After further command the girl
took the Bible, but dropped it while
Clerk Morris was reciting tho Oath
to her ; when she held It silo then
vefused to kiss it, merely protonding
to do eo. "RIOS the book,0 commanded
Mr. Dewar4 r>jio then kissed It and
at onQe dried liar tears and stood
Upon the defensive.
It appears. that Miss ,Nichol camc.
to, Mr. Dowart's office yesterday and
In the presence or' two wituosses
made a statement Upon. which tills
Prosecution Is based. According to it
Ila met ID8110-11 at Munro Park one
Saturday aftbrnwn. He In a farmer,
of 'York township,, and she works in
the carpet factory here. She is an
attra,etive-looking girl, about 20
Yours of age. This Particular Satur-
clay af tornoon the - met as titraugers;
lie spoke ,Silo replied and they went
IlUlvard oil the Perris wheel, wheme,
hand -in -band, they enjoyed the mag-
nificent prospect Of lake anti forest.
When they deacended to earth Hishon,
enamored Of the luke as well as of
tile girl, suggested a stroll along ,the
l.'aRch. But then, according to some
Instinct Or vagar,y of the female
mind, she dee,lined, not being In
walking mood—at least she preferred
L solitary strolli and started away
Itione. He followed, and, according
to the story silo rela,ted in tile
Drown Attorney's office, committed
tin indecent assaut Upon her.
After Miss Nichol had been sworn
to -day Mr. Dowart, told her she
must now tell "the truth, tile whole
truth, and nothing but the truth.,,
When asked about tho statement she
made yesterday silo denied it, and
r,PPOatedly denied It', until, at last,
Hr. Dowart said:
"I warn you now, that Ir yet,
1101"t tell tile truth you will ,w ar_
rented for perjury."
"I don't care - - I won't ff4y ally -
thing against him," was her reply.
"Didn't 3rou come to my office
Yesterday and say you Were going
to marry Riallon and wanted to
withdraw the ease, and that I told
Y-011 Ir YOU wer6 Ills Wife you need
[lot 91VO OvIdenCe against him?,,
, Tile girl started to deny tIlIR—
against the wOrd of tile Crown offl-
Rear, and lie indignantly A,sk,cd:
"Didn't You say that 110 offered
3rou $25 either to go away or not
X1vO evidence against him?"
when the witness disclaimed this
tile Judge Bald to her, "Be -very care -
fill; $on are on dangerous ground.0-
"It can't be, llelp,ed," -was her ire.
Ply, no sho oegan to cry again.
"Your I-Tonor," said Air. Dowdrt, "I
tilust 11,41C that tills witness be Oom.
1111tted to oustodY until tile arter
[10011 holir to we If silo will comao
to her sanses.,, -
The .Judge ordetad Do
,puty Stipriff
-7flitherland to tako Cllftrgo of , th(,
Young -,vonian, and County ConRta,blo
Mft!ter Stewart W.Re4 called to eon.
lact her to tile eell until tills af-
Toronto. Oot. 10.—Cornellus, 11181j.
On Was founil guilty by a Jury tit
tht, Genct.11 Spselous
. yOstprd,,ty of
h4ving C01113111tted an Itl(lk cvu as.
nault upon 1%f-itq-h1,.l. Nicholls, at ICaw
,',Oaeh - Ifiss Nicholls, who, badpoo-
Itivoly rcifusp(i to tPatirr the any
provicrus, el)Anged hor n' Il
(Ilia reflection 1C th,n aellq. In her
. ,
tostimolly Silo told hoir, 1,110101111a l
00ble to, Ver Atter Silo had laid the
(6,1;1;-r9O and IndUeed IlAr to .V;O, tie
ivit Attorney Dk)wartls office
and request til'At ilia obargo be
"Tlion irlip did yen not give Ovl_,
dATIC0 yesterday?" asked tile judgt!,
"r had a nervottiq Rpoll", (MnNald,
117,1111 Jury took ^,bout 15 nilnutt%gl
to . bring In a vortliet, of Alliltv. ri.11;0 k
priRoller will, rebelve sentence thIs
m,orninit, I
", ,
I .
I -
n==-1 ZM_Q11P:r` I , Hi I , I I I - :
I I . . I L I I
Will Embrace a Millioni of
- Workingmen,
. -" .
I 111,
A 8"fralob,10101-nislislo Araln"Aflock-
ea,ogt-1va, Struck by g Trolley
Pat(,'— 131shopTells y4ju jig preach
I (To to BV,war(-ofPlousWotoejm1Vb,t)
Knew NotbWg.
Ir-dianalioldg, Ind., Oat, 13,—Tbo, na-
LIOZIU , I Officers of the building trades'
national and intornatgonal urgalliza-
"Ons' haTO formulated a, general
17141) for ilia greatton or w.ftat WAI
lie knt'vl-ii as the sti-iletu,
, . X-41 BUILij..Ag
Dradee Alliance -of Amerlca It js 01 _
Quiated ilia,- one -mill.on men, wilo
are mGmtJ4i!N Of the building t-ades
will be affected by ilia alliance The
platform of Principles whIoJ1 f4Ais
u.110 pveamble of the skeleton draft
Of tile C011stitul,lou agreed upon sets
O,Vtll the folowing obJeetg or tbo
aRsoolation : .
I- I'lle'015tablIshillent of local "A
111tel-ne,tional boards at arbitration
to settle disputes as they, orlse, w
Out reWL-11119 to strikes.' . , Ith-
2- When neceffsa-ry to give Interna-
tIonal sympathetic support to all
trades affiliated, where local I boards
fait In their efforts to adjust differ-
S. To satagual,d, protect and watch
over the Interests of members or the
Organizationg affiliated.
4- TO Protect the autonomy of tile
several trades represented.
5- Too keep agreements with oulp:oy-
(3- Tie avoid and discourage iitrikes
it Possible, and to prevent Internal
I dtilfe and friction 11, the bulld'aik
trades J -du +
! 7, To o . ,.y.
ppose the formation Of dual
and rival bodies ,demand their aOm_
Plate anullillation, and assist only
6110L unions as are affiliated With
their respective national or Inter-
national Ultions.,conforming to, thin
declaxatlan of P rtrl6lpleff.
S. To encourage and maintain fra-
tornal relations with existing recog.
111zed central bodies, and to amp) I ta
blza tile necessity for a centralization
Of OPgamized wage earnere.
HscuPblg Prisuilars Shot. .
Salt Lake, Utah, oat, 1j.—Ag a re-
sult of 'a well"organized and partly,
suocessrul attempt at a wholesale de-
livery'. of prisoners at the Utah k5tate
Penitentiary last night, one prisoner
Was killed, One guard was shot and
Wounded, another man was beaten
Wiliest Into llisendbliftZ three pri-
sonars were wounded, and two others
Under sentence escaped. . I
hurt. 4 posse of prison guards witil
several bloodhounds. was prouiptly,
started on the trail of the two as-
CaPed convicts, but owing to dark
ness and the wild nature of the Coun.
trY in the immediate vicinity
, of the
prison, no results were looked for last
night. The outbreak occurred about
6-80 P -m-, Just after the Prisoners
were being placed In their cells for
the night, by Guards Wilkins and
Jacobs. Two of the Prisoners over-
powered 'Wilkins and Jacobs, the
former being shot Mild slightlyl
wounded and the latter, frightrull,v
beaten. Whe convicts took the priaoii
,i%s,fro= the guards and released
ther prisoners who bad alread.M
.been locked up. The seven Prisoners
then compelled Guard Wilkins, not -
Withstanding Ilia injuries, to March
at their head, and with the assist-
ance of ladders found near tho'Work-
shop, tbey Proceeded to scale the
wall. WIlkills was made to ascend
first. As soon as the first convict
reached the top, Guard N&ylor, who
was On tile south wall, opened fire.
This was the signal for a- general
all everal. guards, who were
In tZe'= quickly,, seized their guns
and hastened to 'the 4cone. Guard
Driggs reached the wall just as tWO
Of the prisoners were descending on
the outside. He ordered them to halt,
but, Me the,r1paid no attention to the
command lie fired, klllll g one Mild
. -
wounding ilia other In ilia lag. The,
Other five convicts had succeeded lit
reaching the ground outside the wall
when they' were fired upon by other
guards and two were bit, thoujil one
Of them continue his flight. At the
foot Of the wall were found several
cartridges, which tbO cOnvicts drop-
ped as thoy. bame over. .
Two of the -prisoners were armed
with revolvers, Where they, secured
the 'weapons in not known..
A Terrible'4, Fate. .
Buffalo, Oat, 13.—.T,ohn, RoW6. a
m P1O7 or the In-
t0r,fiatiOnal 71'ailway Co., met Itith;
a horrible death at 8,80clelook thig
morning. His head was smaubed tej
a 'PulP by coming In contact 1 vlttj
City InVOIC9. ROWe's car left the
,,,,Oak. a on Main street at 8.80,
At Center street be leatlea
Out on the inner side Of tile car and,
was struck by an Iron trolley poia.
. I
Mile blow l7endered him unconscious.
1118 predicament was unnoticed urift
tlib Car had pagied 15 polos. HIS
Ilt-ad came In Contact Nvltll Ovary on,)
of them and Ilia brains were strewn
along the street for ft Considet-Abiq
distaboa. I .
Get 51at-rje'd but 1,ake Carp.
)v'toll" ' ("t -VI Oct. 13, — '-Get alar-
Ired, and il LrrY a woman witli com.
InOft sonse.11 'Talls is the advice
'818"P Cllm'cles IL Fowler, Of -Buffalo,.
N' Y-1 gives to JVOUng men jast an..
toring the ministry at ilia sepstoo
of ilia Northwest Iowa Methodist
ZPI c()Pal Conference.
NOV0 Warry tj woman Yust bziiawa
she is P!0118," said the Bishop IvIth
great serlotianogg. ,.If It Is 'pat to
You to choose between a Woman Who,
lihs a great deal Of 00mmon gong(
nCnd no
ban pIont1'e1f9lOn 'and 4 wolUtLb W 0
y of r6llgl - hl:
on and no entmon
sengz! elf,00se th, Woman With com-
Mon 1301160, It she ban COJUInOn sense
and 110 religion pile will get tile lat
ter withl" ij va hours after she mar.
rleff You, but if Ohio ]]as religion a,14
110 eommon sense st]e might baoj_
slide tin(I 1 QIAVO go, doubt yoll would
SgIfirdoe.111ter plenty Of 006a81011 to back.
.. I—, I I
TrAW to %vork Jlilu. I
Chicalro J dqt.
"But *11y." atketl the 9trangar.
"ArO y0ft ull tr,Ylng to Cult V,to &
st,otell dinleat I
IWO,14 te , 2 119 It 961t Vt .
11 PlIed ilia hativ&
411rooll What Is it V,
11 W)"r, we sort of thougl1l, It might
UPry` Carnegie a little In tIlO W&t.
tCr 0-f glvft 119 & librApy.1t