HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-15, Page 51
Thursday, October 15, 1903
9 Big Bargains in Pea Jackets
all this week, bought at a great rednction, because they are a
manufacturer's overinake, We are offering them to the public
at about wholesale price. Come and be fitted before the sizes
are broken, aft we cannot duplicate them at these prices.
11 only Boyys' Frieze Pea. Jackets, sizes 22 to 28, big stortn collars,
double breasted ---Sale Price $3.35
10 only Boys' Grey Frieze Pea Jackets, sizes 22 to 26, double breast-
ed, storm collars, etc, -Bale Price 3.00
14 only Boys' Navy Blue Beaver Cloth Pea Jackets, donblo breasted,
storm collar -Salo Price 290
13 only Yonths' Navy Blue Beaver Cloth Pea Jackets, sizes 28 to 33
-Sale Price 3.05
0 only Youths' •Gray Frieze Pea Jackets, sizes 81 to 05 -Sale Price. 4.50
12 Men's Grey Frieze Pea Jackets, double breasted, high storm col-
lar, sizes 30 to 42- Sale Price, 3.25
9 only Men's Heavy Dark Grey Frieze Pea Jackets, sizes 30 to 44,
double breasted, high storm collars -Sale Price
14 only Mien's Grey Frieze Pea Jackets, sizes 30 to 48, double breast-
ed, high storm collar -Sale Price.... . ' ., 5,50
23 Men's Grey Waterproof Pea Jacket;, sizes 30 to 48, lined with
flannel lining, storm collar -- Sale Price 1.75
For Boys, from
$300 to $0 CO
For Youths, from, $4.00 to $10.00
For Alen, from
$3 75 to .$22.00
New Hats, Caps, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Gloves, etc,
The R. H. Crowder Co.
We have succeeded in buying another batch of those
$I5.50 and $26.00 Bedroom Suites which have been in
such demand during the past few weeks. These Suites aro
exceptionally good value, with others at $11.50, $14.00 and
$16.50, which we will be pleased to show you. In the
cheap and medium priced Sideboards, those at $11.50 and
$16.00 are quick sellers.
We have placed into stock another dozen Couches
of different styles, with the best quality covering and the
workmanship guaranteed. If you are requiring one,
money will be saved by buying from us.
The fall stock of Window Shades has arrived.
We put them up for you and see that they work pro-
perly, In this line we are leaders.
Another lot of 3 Dozen Leather Seated Rockers,
with comfortable arms; high back, at $1.75. The cheapest
chair by 25 cents on the market.
A large shipment of Iron and Brass Beds to hand.
See what we have at $4.00, $6.00 and $7.00.
Residence -Patrick
5t., Sth house West
of Hamilton's Drug
Store. Night calla
receive prompt at-
tention.,,. -
Ball Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
.- it _..-:
I We are sole 3:
agents for 3
For Sale only by
E Colin k. Campbell I
V akaws
,,.GO TQ►,6
Jewelry Store
Macdonald Brock 'Winghalni
Every Box of
D Q N.9\ass'
is guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction in all
cases of Stomach trouble
-if not, money refund-
ed. Try a box and be
I have room for two
students in Telegraph
Chemist & Druggist
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
Som. auggeetiwte for Securing Tbor4ughiy
sanitary Conditions by Prof, Fraser/
Iiliuoia Exper,rnent Station,
Two things almost universally
lacking or at least inadequately sup-
plied in dairy barns we light and
pure air. Theso are easily obtained,
and, although absolutely essential to
the best health of the herd and the
economic production of clean milk,
they are rarely appreciated. The sec-,
and cut shows a dairy barn con-
taining enough windows, Theso are
in striking contrast with others
which have been printed and seen
throughout the State. If a barn is
already built and has insufficient
light more windows can easily be.
Provided. There should be from
A'his is one of the best Melted, best ven-
ttlated and most sanitary diary barns in
Illinois. Silos In portion on left, cow
stable on right.
three-fourths to one and a half
square fent of glass for every linear
foot of outside wall in a dairy barn.
Many barns aro not provided with
any system of ventilation whatever,
as but few dairymen realize that
pure air is just as essential to the
economic production of untainted
milk as is the food a cow consumes.
Digestion and assimilation, like the
burning of coal in a ,stove, are pro-
cesses .of combustion. The stove may
be filled with coal, but if the drafts
are, kept tightly closed the coal will
not burn, as sufficient oxygen is not
provided. Neither can a cow's feed
be properly digested and assimilated
without an abundance of oxygen,
and unless this is supplied a great
waste of food as well as impaired
health of the cow will result. .
Much has boon said about the
number of cubic feet of, air space
that should be allowed for a co.!;
but this is of little consequence in
comparison with the more important
question of ventilation or ehange of
air. In order not to get a greater
degree of impurity in the air than is
permissible with good results each
cow should lie supplied with 8,540
cubic fent of air per hour. The size
of the ventilating flues to be provid-
ed will depend upon the number of
cows in the stable. About four square
feet is a good size for a ventilating
flue, and if so constructed as to
cause the air to travel' 300 feet a
minute this will furnish ventilation
for twenty cows. Two flues this size
would be sufficient for forty cows,
and five would be required for. 100
To bo sanitary a dairy barn
should be whitewashed at least once
a year. An interior with a few
boards laid overhead at irregular in-
tervals, with hay hanging through,
and with the sides in no better con-
dition cannot be properly white-
washed. The ceiling should bo tight,
excluding all dust and chaff from
above,' and sides smooth, thus af-
fording a firm surface to which the
whitewash can cling.
It is not necessary to ceil the barn
with surfaced lumber -in fact, the
We have now the host
beautiful and complete stock
ever put on the Wingham
Market in the way of Men's
In all the latest designs
and materials at very reason-
able prices. You will have
no difficulty in selecting a
snit to suit.
In fit and workmanship
we take a back seat for no
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor
-This year the Wallaeeburg sugar
factory expects to receive 40,000 tons of
beets and the Dresden .factory 25,000
-Samuel Wardell, a well digger of
Cardwell, fell backwards into a well
thirty-eight feet deep. His thigh was
broken and he was etherwise severely
-Kingston, Oct, 8. ----The Attorney.
General has written, Richardson Bros.
that all the provincial detectives are at
present very busy, and it will be tin -
possible for the government to investi-
gate •the dynamiting of their tug at
Thirty Mile Lake Bedford Township..
-A bailiff recently went to a certain
house on Maitland concession, Goderich
township, to serve a legal document,
The inmates however. barred the front
door against him and escaping by the
bank door they walked to Goderich, a
distance of nearly twelve miles. The
woman' fainted from exhaustion on
reaching that plaoe.
-On Saturday, October 3rd, Sturdy
& Co., of Goderich had four quart boxes
of strawberries in their window for
sale, 25ots. per box, and though the
price was prohibitive to the ordinary
newspaper man, they wore quickly
sold, and on Sunday a few families in
Goderich feasted on real strawberries,
rich, large and ripe.
-There are now in the vicinity of the
Berlin sugar beet factory about 6,000
acres under cultivation with sugar
beets, and a conservative estimate of
the yield places it at from 50,000 to 60,-
000 tons, which will bring to the grower
an average price of $4.50 per ton. Some
plots will run as high as 18 tons to the
acre, and very few will go below 12.
-Peter Macdougall of Goderich
township met with au accident last
week. He was assisting at a threshing
at Arch Macdougall's and while outting
bands, in some way lost his footing.
He threw out his arm to steady himself
when it was naught in the belt and he
was parried some distance and thrown
against a fanning mill. He was uncon-
scious for some time and has a broken
rib and is otherwise injured internally
but the result might have been so very
much more serious that he is thankful
he escaped as well as he did.
-Geo. Vollick of the 6th of Carrick
was badly hurt last Thursday afternoon
while cleaning up some swamp land on
his farm. He was hauling a log with
the oxen, when suddenly something
struck him and knocked him insensi-
ble. Geo. lay in the drizzling rain for
about three quarters of an hour before
regaining consciousness, and then he
managed to crawl home, a distance of
eighty rods. Mr. Vollick is still unable
to tell exactly what happened him, but
his head and face is very sore as a re-
sult of the accident. He is doing 'well
now, and is out of danger.
-J. L. Haycock, inspector of binder
twine, who was lately in the North
West, condemned while there, says a
Globe Ottawa despatch, 12 lots of twine
for short weight or measure, collected
fines aggregating more than $500, con-
fiscated a quantity that was under
grade, and, in addition his activity caus-
ed the withdrawal from Canada of more
than 250,000 pounds of American twine
of a dishonest measurement. The
farmers of Canada, Mr. Haycock says
spent this year $3,500,000 on binder
twine. On that amount even a 5 per
cent. saving would mean $175,000 to
Fresh air is carried between joists over-
head to centre oa barn; foul air drawn
out from near floor by four large ven-
tilators carried above the roof, causing n
continuous change of air without cre-
ating a draft on the cows. Ventilator
shown at A.
whitewash will adhere better if the
surface is not too smooth. Tho
boards must, however, be reasonably
clean before the whitewash is ap-
plied; otherwise it will be of little
use, for it will soon shell off with
the filth, and, besides this, filth
simply covered is not removed.
A. cement floor is the most sani-
tary for a cow stable, and when put
down it should be left rough under
the float to prevent the cows from
slipping. • An objection often made
to cement floors is that they aro
cold in winter, but as the tempera-
ture in a dairy barn should never
get below 40 degrees F. this objec-
tion is largely overcome if the cows
aro properly bedded. When a plank
floor is used it must be renewed as
fast as it wears or rots out. -W', J,
Fraser, Illinois Experiment Station.
Intensive reprising. 71
Al population increases in a coan-
try the farmer is compelled to adopt
a more intensive method of cultivat-
ing his land. high priced land means
fewer acres for each reran, and fewer
acres mean better work on them and
more and bettor crops. In Belgium,
France, Germany and to a still
greater degree in China and Japan
the small farm and intensive agri-
culture may bo seen at their best.
Under tide system more than ono
crop is and must bo raised in a crop
season; there aro no four rode roads
burdened with a growth of wild hemp,
suntlowor, ragweed Or nettles run-
ning through or bounding these
farms; if trees aro planted they eith-
er boar fruit or nuts; n0 weeds
groW; fertilisation is liberal and cul-
tivation perfect and as a sequence
folIoW tho boat of CT0P!a
How One Million is Spent.
Not less than ono million dollars is
annually spent by people seeking an
absolute cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis
and Consumption. Numerous aro the
standing re-emi-
cites but the one stn
tomg p
neatly above all others is Oatarrhozoue.
It cures these diseases because it is sure
to roach them. Catarrhozono is inhal-
ed into the lungs, throat and nasal pas.
sages, and bathes every part of the di-
seased membrane with its gorm•killing,
healing vapour. You simply breathe
Catarrhozodo and it cures. Trico tincts,
and $1 at druggists; -or Polson & Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
Nerviline's Magic Power Over Pain
Magical because it is potent -a con-
centration of the most soothing and
pain -subduing remedies known to the
medical world. Nerviliue is simply
out of comparison with any other rem-
edy. Thousands who have used it can
testify to this. Nerviline is an infallible
remedy for Cramps, Colds, Rheumatism
Pain in the Back -pains internal and
pains external. Druggists sells it every-
first prescribed
Doctors fit pr s ribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
"I had a very bad cough for three yeate.
Then I triad Ayer's Cherry Pectorai. My sore
lung, were soon healed and my cough dropped
MILS. . PRA= Erma Guthrie CentrS, Is.
25e., 60c., f 1.00. J. a. L^ran oo.,
All druggists. far Lowes
Old Coughs
One Ayer's Pill at bedtime Insures
a natural action next morning.
-By a vote of 711 to 13 the ratepayers
of Barrie declared themselves in favor
of granting a loan of $20,000 to the Bar-
rie Carriage Co., with free site, water
and light for twenty years. Another
by-law to raise $3,000 for improvements
for the fire hall and for the installation
of an electric light system was carried
by 688 votes to 113.
-It appears that there is only one-
third of the butter in cold store in Eng-
land that there was this time last year,
Cold Storage British imports are about
1,500 tons below last year instead of
3,000 tons in excess of the previous year,
as they were twelve months since. As
the normal increase of British butter
imports for the last den years averages
8,000 tons annually, there is a shortage
of 14,500 tons to be made good by the
end of December" before the country
is put in the same relative position as
last year.
-Mr. A. W. Campbell, deputy minis-
ter of public works for Ontario, has
been in Bruce county looking over the
Mud. river drainage scheme, which the
councils of Culross and Greenock have
under consideration, and towards which
they ask government assistance. The
work contemplated is that of deepening,
wideniug, and removing obstructions
from a section of the Mud river, about
12 miles in length, and will form an
outlet for about 25,000 acres of land.
The improvement would practically re-
claim and render fit for cultivation
about 16,000 acres of excellent clay
swamp lands. The territory includes
the Greenock swamp, which was owned
by the late Mr. Henry Cargill, M. P.
Surveys are being made and a report
will be made to the government.
You Feel All Used Up.
You're discouraged and disgusted
not enough energy to think, less to go to
work upon. The reason? You are run
down your blood is poor, your nerves
are like India Rubber not like steel as
they ought to be. Use Ferrozone and
the tired feeling will go, for it makes
plenty of rich red blood that feeds the
brain and nerves. The desire to labor
comes back and you enjoy it. You
don't get tired, because you have used
Ferrozone. Neglect not a day longer.
Ferrozone will cure you.
30 years experience. I have conducted over
3000 successful Auction Sales in the County
of Huron, and as a rule get better prices and
sell to better men. Orders left at ADVANCE
Office, Wingham, will receive prompt atten-
tion. Terms reasonable. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense.
The Inspectors of the Dominion Fruit
Division are now devoting special at-
tention to the enforcement of the Fruit
Marks Act. Several prosecutions have
take place in Ontario, all of which re-
sulted in convictions, and several are
now pending in Nova Scotia. These
are mainly for marking inferior fruit
No. 1.; although there is such a large
amount of first class fruit in the country
packers still persist in trying to palm
off inferior fruit as No. 1.
Mr, W. A. MacKinnon, Chief of the
Fruit Division, says that retailers are
beginning to understand the scope of
the act much better than formerly, and
appear well aware of the existence of
the law and of the fact that it is being
enforced by inspectors. They also
understand the fact that it is at the dis-
posal 0f any private citizen. A prose-
cution is now pending in Toronto by a
private citizen against a retailer whe is
said to have disclaimed responsibility.
Only a single basket is involved but it is
clear that if individuals do not protect
themselves in the case of single baskets,
they are not likely to do so at all, as
ninety per cent of their purchases are of
single baskets. It will be the policy of
the Department to hold the retailers
more strictly to account in the future
for the packages of fruit which they
pass on the public. 11 the retailers do
not themselves complain. when they
find dishonest packing it is because they
are willing to sharp in tho fraudulent
profit. Of course the original packer
will always be prosecuted when he eau.
be discovered, but that will not oxouso
tho retailer,
W. A, Clemons
Pablication Clerk.
• All Departments Of The
Now In Full Swing.
Our opening day was nearly.25% ahead of
our best previous record. Our superior cours-
es produce the RESULTS TIIAT COUNT. 346
students placed in 11 months. All our gradu-
ates of last term placed. Our call -register still
shows a largo number of positions offered us at
$10 to $S0 a. month that we cannot fill. If you
are interested, write for handsome catalog, to
D. McLachlan & Co., Chatham, Ont.
• Wanted.
We are pregnred to buy any quanti-
ty of Apples delivered at our Evapor-
ating Factory on Alfred street,
Patties having Apples to sell will do
well to see 00 before selling. as we
contract for the whole orchard -shak-
en off -suitable for drying purposes,
We buy windfalls, if not too small or
Mahler Bros.
for tasty and
down-to•dato Job
Printing. Prices
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Ladies} ravorite,
Is the only safe, reltabld
regulator on Which woman
can depend. in the Mug
and tine of need."
Prepared In two degrees el
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. 1. -For ordinary eases
10 by far the beat do1Ial;
medicine known.
Teo. 2 -Por special eases ---10 degrees
Stronger -three
per box.
Indies -ask yourdruggist 9st tor
Root GburpoUind. Take no other
as sill pills, mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
recommended by all druggistS in tho Do-
amnion of Canada. Mailed to any address
On recolpt of_price and four 2 -cent postage
ptatnpii. p,re CooTi; ComAwl:tenor6 dtit,
No. 1 and No..9 are sold in Wingham by
A. 3.. Hamilton. 11, A. Douglass, C. A.
2iunpltell and W. Ai ol,:ibbon, druggists,
Slim Prices.
Stout Values.
Tho Loa StoreSlualla�tt►
IQZick zuar
I New
Just received from the leading manufacturers of
Canada, two cases of Ready -to -Wear Wrappers,
Waists and Flannelette Underwear. We want
you to see our large assortment of the above men-
tioned goods.
e e SPECIAL e.
5 Doz. Ladies' Wrappers. -Lined in Waist and
sleeve ; full wide skirt with deep frill ; fast col-
ors ; nice -new patterns ; heavy cloth ; GOOD VALUE
at $2.00, our price while they last $1 •50
only ..
Other Lines good values at $1.00 and $1.25. j
,Elegant New Waists.
Latest Styles in Ladies' Waists, tucked, hemstitched,
trimmed with the new Buttons, etc., and made of Taffeta Silk,
Lustre, Cashmeres, Flannels, Fancy Twills, etc. All Prices
from one to five dollars. Our Specials are in Black Silk
at $4,00 ; and Fancy Lustre, a Bargain at $ 5
Ladies' Flannelette Underwear.
Exceptional Values are here offered, the
result of planing our orders early. We di-
rect special attention to our cut prices -
GOWNS. -See our special lino of Ladies' Night Gowns
in pink, blue or white. full width, nicely made and
trimmed -our Cut Price. 750
CORSET COVERS. - Flannelette Corset Covers, all
sizes, trimmed with Lace -Special Value ..50c
DRESSING JACKETS. - New styles, nicely made,
fancy patterns and fast colors -Good Value at$1.50
H. E. Icard & Co.
Opp. Bank Hamilton
Highest Price Paid for Produce
We have now a full stock of up-to-date
Gents' Furnishings, and we can assure you
that anything bought from us is right up-to-
the-minute, and at right prices.
New Up-to-date
tt 66
tt tt
46 tt
New Hosiery, Braces, and everything in con-
nection with the Gents' Furnishing depart-
ment. In Tweeds you will always find our
stock new and up-to-date, and we can assure
you a perfect fit at right prices.
Homuth Bros.
®GOP 111211MMIO MAW UM 1111=11110
Furniture Prices
LOT 1. 120 Kitchen Chairs, new, regular 40e-snect,i 2so
LOT 1. Chairs, 40c -Special 25c
LOT 2. 75 good Diners, perforated seats, reg. 75c --Special60c
LOT 3. 100 Rockers. golden oak and mahogany finish, regular
price $2.00 and $2.50 -Special price 1 90
LOT 4. 3 only Bedroom Suites, reg. $14.00 -Special 10.00
(This Suite is a winner, 16x20 mirrors, 50 inch bed)
LOT 5, Now for Couches. We can dazzle your eyes on Stem,
and at prices that were never heard of before in
Winglrasn, considering the quality. Oar leader is a
spring seat find spring head, 24 in. wide, 0 ft. long.
done in your own choice of covering, xvith good
fringe (we use nothing else)---Priees....$5.00, $0.755, $8.00
(Other dealers would ask you 010 for one not as good)
We have something Special in Iron Beds
Home Furnishers and Undertakers