HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-08, Page 7I . 10 b -AW -A* I I I � , . , .. , 1* .. . ... 11""'I'l., � I . I . � .1 I � , . , � 1- -- - � —­--­­­�.�, �-�-­ . �­ . �;,; � .. , , ,. I I 11 — � . , ; ; , �-;;i�� , �` ­ � : " ��- � '. , ­ . . , -� . I., , � I ", . . " �"d .. I I I ...­ . ­ I �, I � It � ­ �. . 7, � ,� , � � , . ,;�; n; - ", -.��,;­��z:,�- �� � 7 1. �� , !1'1�! i .. , , . ­ ­­­ !!.It�t, 000 , .0104""A ... �� f n. t; �Vaff that Of Elmer PArtOX A lWrAY01, I . " , A ... r - ­.- --- , IQ" Y1111111 ",at they absolut(ly do- r " workers Who owo-re UO saw x0fillody 000 00 ilia ar4tj t Sol_ fff PIK enter if, "Vie , moil bagod Oil t . . 0 WIllgivall aijoUt 4 010�11i . _ht IRENE` COLL' IRURDERED BY C t acts of coo , � �E fr , � r. jaNt RbQut tho time Jilt) r- . 1111](11110 apal,""On"J10"Ove , . crime, IN' 641)ROSO(Ir to, hav , a beo r. BRITISH COLUMN = Statofir. ORION NO I E 1.6 11 �IT. r ff " I r Inquest inountw to little In themselves, Z; - - .V I 11 , f �0"D colualItted. ,the 11,40 1113 X it, ww quoted Xr- WAtROD that tho oen�uj Journett until montlay nigi , �;.- of IWO allowed 210jooa poclatioll I It will bo. concluded. III Bouthorn Alaska. UP, N %, R.i T FIEN' A"" D"'RA 10L RICTIONSO a ya, son alr�l to,,.,, r r , , ,Tile 4ramatio period or tue 14. torwarda reducoil it 000. 11�.r an. RE& quest w.am reactiod when tile ,prt- — . , aly1sla tile census ,shelved less. than r ­,­­­ ­­ ­ 1-1 0ollor w.ite brought Into the cou.pt- r 11QUO I Y which VQr00bA In disputed torr torr , rom and placed In tile raillng.ilear num flr Is Increasing --- r r ,,,,,,, YQAr. Dyes. has Inclined to tile magifitrato'o deek. Ile wevs Election Uaves , Parties . lay. 10, 16t lei , and also tripped POPule,tion, And Skaguayr to J,0Q0 r I I Jos. Kenoedy Arrested �Iharged = "4'we a"ol,gr'O I')',-olrVd into tile clock. Ills to at populAtIou, of all ages'. Boxes I 0 its Is Duke of Devonshire t"Ver stepr ad,y, and his W,'eS Almost Balanced, and Patiftalitleo. Thpae facts were I T'r Q Ing , 0 wore continually afivtod from- slile very different from Mr. Watabn,,p 0 ' I nal statement, Which Was . r, With the Crime* to side wlion the wltnossoa 1001- I ado "14- . I Ilea him, autl at times 849WQd signp 1411101 A.Tlew to Influencing tile tri- I of breaking dow.n. Ile has not As buzial againot-distlijbing tile alle iO H'S Allegiance to Balfour? . ' - . . yet asked for a Is Adviser. , lanco of .so many people, � 9 - Brantford, Out., report- Half. - WO1911t 110tive011 1W And 175 role first witneas. ,;:allied was Peter MARTINr WAS DEFEATED, Irs C011011181011 SIX, 4dward said they 11aasillis, Holland, 0 t, , Submerged In the Boggy grass or a pollilds ; very red race; dark Cole. father of th'a muixiered girl, w-a"O u�proutillini; thf, end or a ,long 0 *._ The � 1181, oom.rAdea I ,, A snort. m4roh took Udell: bush of willows just wilitil or InOusta011o; wore grey suit, black JPrenoll. lugger Prcv;dOnt Caraot has the column to ,nowes Wilarf. where r r r r who qoutirmad t1fo utatemontsooil- - and ard4ou Inver ,atlotl, but tile licell wrooker, off tilc coast or fitiff hat, wMto obllar. , .,q ;ti�g tho Toronto, RawlKon & Buffalo cernina tile finding; ol- tile body al- lubor time aud cost. would be W01 1101- a Otcamell was boarded for the ftylg Ntatlon, with face deathly white road,y jiublimbed. 'rile Social ists Won Two Se4ts-V411. $-Pont It the results should succeed land. Thirteen por&ons were thrown. trip. ( I I Brantford, Ont., reliort-Tho . - it vn e ole ground Or con. ad, anti limbs and bodY bespa.ttered with Ilea woruod most diligently on Strangled to Death. . c . I , A Double TlrilgedT. rho; I . O"Or Is TOAT 41ttl Victoria Llb- talltion between the two roa 114- A tslea Jor aftifour, New York, Oct. �;.-Aft,ep a quar. 0 blood) tile dead body of little Irene Colo murder case, and at �, o'clock Dr. Palmer mubmitted, a report ol ,,t,,r V, . t Cole,was round by A party of search- Ullu morning the first I suspect Ivas the autopsy Which lie ma _ tP41-Tbe $oats Still in Votibt.. tIoDm Inter . F - , de and gave re! lasting far mveral weakrp, and MrrOst(id- Ito to .Toseplt Kennedy, an It as his, opinion that the girl had C009MMAIAtOd by I'vesident, T-Ondon, Oct. 5. -Regarding Pro. r . I. growing Out of tile gale of 4 small ors shortly after 7 O'clock to�fjlglit. jrl�,bman, from Ballast, He came been strangled to death, I biberal. President Lord Al -alior Baifour's concealment of Mr. Grocery store, a37 West Tbirty. , .Every Indication points to Assault to I�raatford about 'Wj, wookkt ago, (iordon, Potter, a 14 -year-old youth, Alberni -W, W. B. McInnes, gratulated tile 6014c1tvarstolia cojj� ­11411111'erlain'd resignation, the Times seventh street, Fritz. Schuman, . or�General, and Ills morning a:, and murder, resembling In many do. and bau been hanging around tile who lives near tile Cole home, tea- Oratibrook-Dr. J. 1-4. King. r . � PonqUerca, Ir -r , r I , remarked that baying 0. _ .1oll to r yd: "We 41.0 111 a po;!l thIrty-Clino years old,ahot and killed tails tile Glory Whalon crime at city Since, doing odd Jobs, but ob. Lifted that I'Q Was Playing with I is Cariboo (2)-.T. Murphy, u. Jon land anti annexed L I CiffJrm that tile pro,�-cotiln)W., Louis Wetti�ll, fortX_two . a r . C0111119WOOd, Which Is, still fresh In tainIng employment most Qf tho sister Ili their yAr4 at 1.80 ,NV.0 - as. Clear to ,p,r, Pugland, lie has It ilia Cabinet collnell of Sept, 14 yoSte y a is old � , -Des CbIllIwctck-C. W., Uallro. ' pro2ee prLate bar great- ,nadc- It VIva" to, th') other Writsiterh went 'd morning. '803hux�au 'then , � I I 111hr I time as M COsICAMaLl, day artorrio�)D, SuCiaeDiy a man,whLin Columbla-W, � eat col y where his. fine argument lr,tt Mr. Cham.4orlain was unable tu 4Wtiy, and killed himself. the memory of readers throughout � C. Wells (rwc.). . to a Own home, �bree doors the Colin , Tto -wildest excitement Kennedy was arrested -at R'unt & the witness identi.lia its tile prisoner (,owlchan-j. X. Evans, wW be cinuch! more appreciated, When, . . prevails and on the streets the Colter's livery stable, where ho was appeared oil tile dYke Which runs, Delta, -John Oliver, I unfortunately MP, blako,a - health icoePt for himself the po;ioy lald - try, long the river Ili rear of their house - Grea IQWR bY the Premier and Illat lie As the Dako Iludecided. 1101.0 and was taken to the PO -tirement, It was re;t might ill CODE,q ,,nce I crime to th" to A IV," -. 11 - nWOOd-,T. R. 33rown, compelled ')Its ro ,,,(,a a. pic of diacusslon, on Lougle avenue. kor a moment the a u- x1jected to London, Oct. 5. -In Posse Of poll ,,-a Ist'gtion, wbore. an examination � Tile Islands- -T. W, Patterson. IhUt'Canada bad sustained a g be reply to An ce, assisted by yokun. I reat "00 4.11 Inquiry aS to tile truth' of tile ra. toors, now surround the buall In of his clothing ,revealed a condition prisoner f4tood motionless, and lie U00sland-J. A. Macdonald, loss but Sir, ]Q40vard has done Diuch g 9, then turned apt, advanced along tile Saanich-u. T port that tile delay In settlingthe vain effort to find some clue to the of affairs that, tile police tbink, - anner, to repalr It. Aild-Civrival -Itlot. Cabinet crisis �vas due to the Ind r trator of *the awlul crime. Not stamp, Win. as the prqui-derer. It .was olbbitnkmont to a point directly ill Slmllkameen�W.. 4. McLean. Mr. Dickenson began by the obser- Paris, Oct. 5-Acco,rcling to tile 0. pofilo supposed, by reaSonror tile f&ot,,hat Ole homestead, The boy( Slooan-W. Davidson (Laibor). vRtlOn that it 'was .it satilsfaction -Orrobpondulit of tho Gall CIBIOXI Of the Duke Of. Devqnshire, Once roar or the 0 ION, some tile days Of the Quirk murder ' and hin sister carefully watched him' Victoria (4)-R Lord Proo!clant of the Counoll,who, Which Still remains it mystery, has the child's body was covered with - L. Drury, W. Q, iliht his remarks 'would bring this listurlin d LOrlent, a . . _ tini! plainly saj,w him beckon to some- Clamer It w,aS alleged, has Bent hIg Concil. Such excitement ,prevails(] in thi� blood, and tha� she. bad bled pro- . 014 Richard Hall, J, D. Me- debate te a close, He referred Ortifle-1 soQ,PQ;A In Brittany, wili-Ire tlonal resignatlo to, remle Bat - r city, (usely from the terrible wounds In- One in COWIN Yard. TwIca he went Nivell. . t'(01111he comprehensive speeches of L, Lim nd of atitl�L 101 Wals bi oko t . " n P, r The bod when found plainly bore r1loted, that ,tile through the beckoning sign, and no- YaIQ-,$.. I-readerson, 19. the Attorne� and Soliel . I co.rdon of troops nud lit� IJ Y pei,pat,rator would khrGuZ fOuP, the Duke telegraphed to,day: . one seemed to answer. The witness tor General, emptOd "I have no marks of a horrible assault. The also have blood on his lathing. The _ Conservative. ,and tile 'Taucinating, elegant argy- -0 sot firo, tf.), �up f St. inake." cominifilloation to 0 1 went to'sobool and left the prisoner . This Was UccePted In Llb- clothes were budly torn, and tile police ,Were able to obta n but meagre Still standin Atlin-Dr. Young. � ment or Mr. Robinson which was tile liculs, -but 'Were, ch-Irged by cavalry, form was a mass or bruises. The descriptions of the man, and those - in )its orl-Inal position, Dewdney-Hon. � admiration and despair or a,,l cral circles as tending to confirm ' � the report, Official circles, ho,%v. obtained would A.1ter School lie returned home, and R. XcBrIde. . who `yA0, arrested [Itteen of them. An- . police were at once on the spot and apply to perhaps X'SqUinlault-0. E. Pooley. heard b1m."'. . ,ther mob amiemblod near tile church ever, Were etllrally 33 'look at night and threw tile duka. � every possible effort -was made to twenty inen. Their -greatest hope when lie learned that Mr. Cole was Fer le -W,, R. Ross. Hb prefaced We remarks .by stating tttlo,AIGO, O'L as reticent as )40 guard .the scene of the crime, The was in rounding up searching for his daughter lj�� relat-, r I s at the t the murderer be- ad' tile circumstances ol the manse Gl.'alld Forks --Goo. A. F raser. bat this treaty sliould be later- rOOPS, Who were again . only trace of the assault was a deep. fore he had had time to remove tile appearance, Mr� Cole at once crossed Itaslo-Hon. R. Green, Preted oil broad lines, that words '0111111011ed to charge. I Tile Voreig), ,Note. ly-Implanted footprInt near ilia evidence of his fearful crime, and the ,Ivor, and later found the via- XaD1IOOPS-­F. J. Fulton. should be read In tbeir general The ministerial papers &R4 the Paris, Oct. 5, -It is the expecta. vistIm's body- A youth claims lie they think Kennedy Is the man they tim's body Ili "Tile Willows." L11100et-A. Macdonald (ace.) sense, anti not microscopically, nor, .mmi-official a,genoy, ,however r tiOn Ill Official quarters here that . 11 - Were after. Bertha Potter, sister of the former Nelson--.Tohn Houston. 011buld they be examined search. Aure 'that no disturbances occurred, the Austro-Hungarian Dote toTur. BAW a Workman, who was laboring , de, on the dyke, beckbn to the girl as Kennedy was taken to tile. pollee witnc-z;r,, confirmed her brother's New Westminster -T. Gifford. Ing for subtle distinctions that never 1'110 HOUorablo Conipil key will soon have Practically re- Alles. sulted In the creation . she passed near by between a and station and examine(]. He told hiq story. and accurately described the Okanairen�Prlca 1,;Illson. ei,terea into the minds of negoda, Boston, Uans., oct. 5.-Tbis was the of foreign I to-ey. �, -6 001181118 Ill Alacedonle, and ,other dis- � 4 o'clock, but hA dld uot wait to see name, but refused to say 'where be prisoner's plotbing. $110 REVelatooke-Thowas Taylor. �Mtll fall field day, of Ancient and viaently tile girl had been during t1le afternoon,.hiq RicbmOud-F. Carter -Cotton. 03 look up- the quebtic turbed (list what transplretr. z, claimed ( 1. she. knew the "gentleman," Tor she r. serlatim. flonoeable Artillery Company PIcts. and a council of obeyed the summons and was deboyed only reply to the questions being, had .seen him before, and Ile had" Vancouver (5) -Hon. 0. Wilsan, Hon. Regarding No, 2, he argued that by witlitheir guesis, ' r, and adrulnistration to- earry out the re - Into the bush and murdered. An In- 1,1 Was in . several places." it, G. Thtlow, J. F. Gardeh, W. j. Portland Channel r tile Honorable Ar- formatory plans of the powers, IT OVOFL traoted her attention by steadily . B was meant tile tillevY 100mPanY, of London, the 1300- ' quest will be hold to-mOrrow. The therre was a stole Kennedy was one. - on tile rowffer, A, H, B. McGowan. ObeerVaiory Inlet of Tancouver. The Foreign Office is gratified at . r . ton COMP411Y# spent tile day in a the Russo -Austrian note, as it fully - bat ilia stoicism could not savablin street. 131teamboat �Xoursloli along, tile takes Into consideration thewlsbus police do not anticipate that an tin gazing at her while passing Ymlr-Harry Wright, 19 mediate arrest will be made. Irma tin examination that brought . a Socialists. . - . � Traced to the Scene. north shore. The day's programme . The Victim. tOrtir damaging evidence. He had 32 . NanalWO-H&Wthornthwalte. also Included a recept I ton j and ban- of France and Great Britain. There- Za X TIllo victim,-Irens Cole, coilts and some other trinkets In his Undoutedly tile most imPortant te- tore, the note may be said to be was the He wore a grey suit, a timony of 'tile sitting was advano aWcastle-Parkes Williams. NNW OHIO] 10 quet In ,9YMPhonyi Hall this evening,, expressive of the desires not S -Year -Old daughter of Peter colas , 11011se861011- -� In Doubt. I A:t 8 O'clock1the members of the home only who residles In J-3a,gig,place, in .tl grey flannel undershirt, a .blue by. Elmor Burteir, a corporation am . Of Russia and Austria, but of all - southeastern portion le, print over slilrf, a.whIte collaloich ployee, who was drawing gravel Trom , Skeena-Wo report. 00111I)CIBY assembled at their arm- the European . of the city. collar. it In '*The Willows" F a 'ul' R'A"' and soon af. powers. The organt- Kennedy -was stripped to ' In a fq�rmed in line on Some few days ago she fractured her � , � . tile gvavol r. on Comox-Young (Lib.) leading. Days of Grace for the Larl�� ljv� uc zation or a council of toLward the foreign arm, and was forced to remain home the naked akin and Dr. Ashtou exi. the afternoon ,of the crime. ,While .Victoria, B, C., Oct. 4. -The latest Market SOutIl OOnsule Is already under consider - from school, carrying the Injured arm -tin closely. It W - . a- street, to receive their Ding, ' ation. - 'a unlined I as easily Ob . merging from "The Willows" at 41 returns this evening leave the r . in a filing. , $116 was a quiet eb,,d, liorYable that one part of Ills body o'cloo'k With a load of gravel, the wit- Emit of British tColumbla's Superior Shareholders, --- — —.-.-----. ­�—­--- . and seldom wandered from home. Ifad recently been wished, porbaps ness met the prisoner walking along first TD -day she strayAd, away directly Within a few hours -or his 'arrdst, the road lendiEg to the scene of the Party contest still in doubt. If Cari- - -- IrAl after dinner, and at 2 o'clock had and otbars had not. His groinand Orlute.. The witness passed him, and boo, lit which the Liberals are lead- M 11 IN , I not .returned, Her mother Immedi- the upper part of Ills legs particularly noted ,h,is appearance,, 1119 by 54 and 27 respectively, be WAR WELCOME TO CLERGUi "OUINDS SET 0"T WOMAN* --' ately became anxious, and informed allowed the effect of 0, recant for he, too, had met Kennedy on pre- conceded there are 19 Liberals 19 Sault Ste. Odarle despatch: Upon the local police of hot, daughter'a all Waf4hing, while the upper part, vlouii occasions. Kennedy walked Conservatives and two Soclailsts the application of j. L r . -. �. Iry2ng, the 910 M Is ffP LIT H sence, rX%e authorities sent an of- of Ills body, Ills arms, and his neck along the dyke and disappeared tionv. elected to the new House, witil two solicitor for tile consolidated con,- ficer to r=,gls Place, and they had felt seats still in �Uoubt- He panics, U11 P -HED fil"' KILLINO' 111FUSBAND, he madq did riot look as it view among "The Willows." , n. ,Tosepb . Judge Johnston this after- A an investigation, but was 1111811c, Watelb In many a day. AS a mat- Bruce Durword, another JUVO,-Iil% Martin a.n,d )its four associates on noon granted an order extending foi )&.ce4pful In locating the missing g r ter of fact, the prisoner stated that also saw the Prisoner in t4o vicinity the Liberal ticket In Vancouver have 1.5 days *,lie time fog the appearance �, At 3 o'clock the child was still a he had not had a baith since be or "Tille Willows" about four o'clock gone down to defeat. To counterbai- of the subsidiary companies in the sent from home, and the relativev let t Ireland. The part of the body ilia same afternoon. , ance this Is the Liberal victory in matter of the Writ's Issued aga!nst became greatly alarmed. The news that had been Washed recently was The only sensa ' tional development all four seats in this city by sub- them by James Bicknell, represen t- Man Dug a Cyrave and Lay Down in it to spread about the neighborhood, and the part most likely to have been In the case to -day was the announce. stantial majorities. Mr. Mci3rlde gets 1119 Speyer &.Co., and charging them . Intense excitement prevalled In all covered with blood on the man who ment by Chief -Vaughan that a fur -t back, but two of his MInlaters-Hon. with wrongfully holding possession quatrars, for 'the child was well -0 committed .the crime. ther search Of the prisoner's cloth-( E. A� McPhillips, Victoria; Horl, A. Of tile properties. Starve to Death. . . Kennedy's Ing Had .revealed th� fact that an E. Goodeve, Rosslarid, have been un- P. N. Clergue, who has been In TO - known and generally liked In tha-4 pants had been sponged. within a � . , rt of the city. Peter Cole, fatber few, hours, to unaddressed envelope was In h1s horml. Polito for a few days making ar- Valdosta, Ga., Got. 5.-V or Ill hours rJed Thomas Snowdon, Smitil r they were still %lamp coat 13ocket. angements Vith the Government for Yesterday Blanche Smith, a Woman clared I the clilld, who is employed at tho just below the ,legs, the spot where de - Of TAe envelope -bore , Fernie Conservative. r slight traces of blood. It war placed Fernie, Oct. J ­(Cl. p, 11, Press Des- guaranteeing tile payment Of tIlL 110 'Would kill both Snowden Massey-Harrits CO.., was at Falkland, tire greatest moisture would likely- uDder a microscore, and on closer, pateb-)­Laiest: returns give tile Wago bills of tile liclen, -returned thli convicts was chased by bloodlioundp,. and the woman. Last night he entered a, short distance from this city, and be left by the dow,awArd sweep of examination it was discovered that Eult of the very re- evening, and at the . station waG The woman succeeded In eluding the tile hall of the apartment building Closely -contested a In .which the SnOWdana live ,and a vop r- NYE48 at once notified of the girl's the sponge or cloth. There had been ilia marks on the envoloe had been rilectionu as .I Viet clogs unitil nightfall, when she Was aded up and down with, a re ver. abeence. He xeturned to the city. much blood on the trousers, but It cry for Rose, Con, gIv n a grand reception by the work Shortly after 4 o'clock a large made by four fingers. The supposition servative'-by majo,ritY. Earlier of a bero than eve� had been partially raw � . five l,g,,n, among whom he is now move forced to climb a tree to escape be- Both Snowden and his wife were oved. There � Searching party was hastily orivan- of the police officials Is that Kell- figures were favorable to, E. 0. . I Ing torn to pieces. The guards found armed, one watchin were e6me spots, however, that es- nody had blood on his hands, and Smith, Liberal. A mass meeting Of the workingmen 9 the front door i7ed, and a dozen man started oul to caped to a great extent, the spon her sitting In tile fork or a tree, ex- and the other tile scour the surrGlinding district In gas . put' his hand into Ills p ket'in or- . W&S held this evening Ili O'Brien's hausted, while the bloodhounds Were real, door. Smith . . fore -ad open the door near which the every direction. and One spot aboAt the size of a five- der to take out ]its handokcercbfuf and ­ Hall, and the place was jammed to baying below. I woman was cent piece, which had scarcely J)oen wipe the blood rrom, his hands. - tl 11 ex employees of the standing, and Mrs. Snow, I "' floor" Wit - The woman escaped from tile con- dell Shot him througil the brain. Discovery af the Body. touched at all, the blood being dried Tile prisoner's clothing has been 001�PQJYY, who were iet camp in tile morning, and tile mu, c ,:,I The Search was a, lo.ng and tedious. and clotted, Still further evidences sent to, Prof. El0a, of Tokonto, for I DUg' Ilia OIVII (;Paye. one, and continued until "i o'clock this HUM M. NOT AGH11 Pleased WIL11 the Prospect Of (109S were Immediately put on her were clearly discernible on in getting Padd to them to -morrow the trail. She took to the cane brake Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 5. -peter Os. a koSki, of Glen Lyon, who disappeared .Irt. The shirt had � - — Wages that have been due them for along the river, and by doubling oil evening, when the party searching: shirt and undersh thO expert examl ation. the willows -woro anconraged In their . several, yellow., stains such as are left SOME NEW EVIDENCE. so long, and about which, there bau lier tracks kept tile hounds at fault. � week ago after being thrashed Tor Itunt by the story told by a boy, who: after the marks of blood are sponged — been so inuelf anxiety of late. D, M. When treed she was almost nude, her Insulting a friend's wife, was found claimed. he, had seen the victim walk- . with cold water, and on the under- Statement cl Brantford's Chi Sir E. Carson Disputes Argu- Barry, Secretary Ing along the dyke in tile afternoon. of of Of thO Working- clothing having been torn from her Yesterday In a newly -made grave in 'Btu searchers continued their hunt shirt was a stain Several inches Police. men's Committee, made an address, r by briara and tbOrna, Much 1ndlgna- tile 'Woods, two miles from the town , tion Is expressed because the hounds "le was SO weak lie could not talk, with renewed energy. Shortly after w1de, which had withstood the at- I ment of United States. toling Of Ills trip to Toronto, and Ills . feet ,of a Brantford, 03t. ,�-Cljl�r of police efforts oil behalf or the Mon. were put on tile woman's trail. Tile men who found him lifted him 7 Welook the body was ftscovered In sponging. The heavier n stated this morning that All of the three hundred part ,of tile stain. was on the out- Vall"1111 a 0 r led in 11 & Slight hollow in the thick of th-3 staxtillig -evidence would be brought ' Who came to the "Sob's from TtPOOP5 Woulan Wills Tier Voriner Rusband. frOw tile 9'rav . a r lit to t 0 side, bu s out at the adjourned Inquest on, COULD NOT ALWAYS PROTEST to have now departed. oroll- nearest, house, and cared for him, In . willows. The hair was matted with tho flannel and showed a Monday -night, touching the death of . !Chicago, Oct- 5-111 ,defence of her the evendng he 'Was Out of danger. clay and mud. The chest was black througli I "-- , Own life Mrs. Catherine C. Snowden Ila said that Ila tried to Starve him - and blue as it the assailant had little less distinctly on that part of little Irene Cole In "Me Willows" London, Oct.Z.-Sir, Ed�wtaxd Carson pLAN OF RHORGANIZATION, last night shot and killed her for- self to death and had lain In the 1'ram Is victim under foot. Tile the bloth next the skin. If the last Wednesday afternoon. He re- to-da,zr resume his argument on the -- mer husband, Henry F. Smith, from grave Several da,ys. Whether remorse limbap"Vel.11111 spattorad with blood and stains, ware caused by an abrasion fucreld to say ftat It would be, ball Whom she had been divorced for dirt, And the clothes were badly on KenijedY'S body, tile stain would Ife regarcle It as conclusive proof of "coast." Re- NOW Corporation With $4o,000,000 weeks. two OVOr his deed or fear of arrest In - rent. The victim had evidently died have been heavier on the Inside t forring to Iia,nnis Taylor's I spired the attempt on his life, lie ban the guilt Of JOB81311 Kennedy, iho ae- . defin tion CaPital to Take Over Properties. After the divorce Mrs. Smith mar- will not My. i , I In convulsions, and had vomited on the outside. These are powerful eased. Kennedy'Was said that lie, of " Political" coast and "physical' I . ­ ... , . I ( profusely in her last moments, as If circumstantial ey Philadelphia despatch : VMe plan or . . .1 . . idences, and the would talk at the proper time, but coast, lie Said it was absurd to sup- reorganization of the Consolidated bad On choked to .death. . pollee feel pretty cert6la that they fiarther than'this li� would not go. plose ,a 8uperiar Company was formally more ! , -w_ . . that the .negotiators of the La k MISS ARC,flk WON SUIT. Yan heard Of them, but as i Sight 4"hat Qlgoted the 10ather, . have landed the right roan. Ho gave this information to the con,0 11,7 Kennedy was not in a talkativ4s - stable who Was in charge of him. last; treaty, of 1826 bad a pyofessor of , announced to -night. This Includes the — takes several days to got news frO2 To add horror to the whole story . 1 , raising Of $8,000,000 by means Of an London ittry A,%var(ls Ile.. $S,000 1 the north of the lake, It was expected It Was the victim's own father who . mood, but when an ordinary man night after the Inquest. International la;w at their elbow to underwriting open to all stockhold- Against Convent. thht they bad ,reached Same pollill round her. Going along the trail and ,, under such shocking and fearful cIr- It lihi been learned that before re- lfjstruct�thew In such refinements. ers. Tills hum will repay the Speyer Of safety. following the narrow path. Ills eyes curnstauces would have shown Qorl). 11rhig to the hayloft where he was Re said there was no question that loan, the floating Indebtedness of tile LOnf1011, 011t., Oct, 4­1"he jury in 01, Wednesday last, tile Rev, Jos - fell upon the dead form or Ills agitation, he remained passIve and arrasted, Kennedy liste he cpmpany, all oxpurlsos OT reorganIza- t116 M"SO 01 -ALlIss Hall I daughter, whoso deathly features calm, talling those About him tha,t stot, of tile rinclin the negotiators employed tile word yy Archer vs. ePI1 Semanens, Jndlan agent a,t Se.,, he did not rcnow how the stains got Ill. Y g of tile victim tion, and loavo about $1,000,000 for the sacred I-Icaart; Order, for dam_ kirk. left to investigate the � affalr4 ware plainly ,visible Ili thi glimmer- W as relato(4 "cOiLut," to designate the edge of wo,rkbigunpital; the 'underwrItersto age& 'for wrongful disinlasal and 71ho steamell Viking arrived from that Ing moonlight. Paralyzed by the thore. He showed what Was not-hing by one of the stablemen at Mnv the ocean, to which alone a line can reGrganizo a now corporation with wages. broagitt in their verdict on north end of the lake on Saturdao . sudden shock the father fell back Into les,4 than hic�ldnvss whou the Medical ' & Colter's. At tills time lie utter-, - be drawn parallel. It would be Im- $40,000,000 dapltal, which co-rpora- Saturday flight, awarding thle plain- evening, and the arms of big companions. examination of bla-body was being ad not it word, hearing the drelidlu� tion will take over all the property Stephen Sigurdson,wilo - made, and did not licaltato to do story of ilia tragedy without ,X possible to draw a line parallel to tiff damages to the c,vtont of $8u wa(, oil board, reported that Baldi .The co,ro-ner, Dr, Fissettes arrived . of the company under proper legal 000. They allOwP,d $3,000 on )Lie will -TOlinson li,%d found the body of on the Scene shortly afterwards, and oxactl;v what Dr. Asliton wished, Tho prelialing any concern in tife mattep. the inlets, therefore inlets could not proceedings, The Dow corporatiou claim for ,wages, and $5,0�oo an Indian in tile lake near Maulia, after an oxaminatiGn uf ofricors di(I not expect such a bear- Tills 8 for the bo4ky Nre- probably some of the testf- be Included In tile definition. Will ISL�ue $10,000,000 first filGrtg-age damages for wrongful dismissal which was In a %,cry decomposed declared that tile girl had been (lead Ing from a man who was In his.1 njorly the chlor to ready to submit on He produced a photograph of tile bo-nds, of which tile underwriters from the sor��Iety, Tile verdict came conddition. about, three hours. 'The asx-ull; and dicament, and they do not quite Monday iliglit, � bead or Ly Will recolve $7,143,000, a (I whicil I SIgurdson's son also murder must thereforo hav: taken undnrstand It yet. ," Canal, to allow. how n as a gr at surprise, inasmuch as round the body of an Indian boy, a At SpringAs%izer. - utterly, tllZt narrow channel lacks bo,nds it Is proposed shall be Issued tile Chane Place about 4 o?clock In the after. Icennedy -was a suspect tro"m the cellor had decided very de - first, and Officers Dohnolly and Wal- The Pall Ass-lzm have Just ceased the essential ell aracterls ties of the by tile Algoma Central and Huds few Yards south'Or tile HnAuga dock. noon. The remains were taken. in In Brantford and another sitting will OOO&A- Ile showed how Nersebode and 1311Y Rallway Conipally, to b on cidedly against tile case for the rMbre is no doitbt in tile minds or ' � Lace made the arrest. M has been - 0 Be- plaintiff.. tile people Of Rbausa that tile bod- charge by the -authorities. not be hold until next spring. In -case � othel- ,negotiators spoke of the Fort- cured also by deposit of the stocks His Lordship said th,at O)n tile a lea found belong to the missing MIS - 'A. man named Potter, Who IS am- quite Often during th.o past TOW days B - played at the Waterous engine works, In E,qgIa Plaoe, and it Is asserted Kennedy is conimittod for trial next land Cballuel as ha�lng Its mouth and bollds Of all the subsidiary cOm- sentIaL points .tile plaintiff st000 GiOnary party. I 'was followed when lie was going to (liat lie was fleon there yesterday, Thursday by tile Magistrate, lie will oil the oceall and its head -wItIlln the panlos. The unused $2,857,003 of cuch Practleally r.lone Tile important I . i I Work at I Osolock by his two little A,ny one who saw the man will not be obliged to remain in 3all until next continents and argued that this ties- bonds to remain in the treasul:y for point for them 't.o. decide was as. LONDON'S STREET GAMBLERS children. Their mother called them quickly forget 'him, His face Is red, spring before being tried, When lie crillti011 was equally., applicable to 1-111) flll'urO Ilse Or thO company. Thn to whether the Plaintiff Was in- I back, and when she did so observed almast florid, and. he Inclines to comes up 110 Will, not be obliged to the Lynn Canal, the head of which bonds taken by underwriters are to Bane at the -time size ims sent to B — & strangor walking on the dyke not no,rpillency,' or life c,arria.Av Would enter tile -witness bOX, of course but therefore, could not be the ocean. be offered to all the Stockholders at tile asylum, and ho added that upon 001cillakcPs Cheerl'uIly pity Pbles far from where the murAer took p;lvo one ihat Improsslon. He Is about - man wrAo, are Innocent of crime ,gall- No Trading Privileges. 70, with n Stock bontis of 30 I)`--- tilts point tho evidence of tile doc- i and Contillt., the Busi)jess. cent. Stock In tile now company will tors testifying against ,tile plain-, London ta Th hildren as they wore 30 years old, and nothing Is known orally do, In an attempt to make a Discussing article seven or the be offered to each stocki older upon tiff had rte(l. Ills -the no on here o their movements, tIVItY of -t - full explanation of `tb�a. �Jlj�.Iil spite of - -,I OIZ9 bal�alc Caaw the man ljcokon� I his past. the treaty of 38a5, which must refor makl,ng owli payment atlrcasonabl'. In .making arretita, , ng to .the Charge of 31'arder .-t,b " Lordship pointed out that there f, and in the llc�ipo or est. IlrdlIng an . tinder tile Act forbidding betting In little Colo girl, blat X elther to the whole northwest coast timcH of $3 par share of old stock was 'no religlouff question at !San(- any nbithor .Mrs. Potter nor tho, ebildrell Kennedy waB-arralguad tills morn� alibi. Kennedy has ntA as yet asked or only; tothe lialere, be said It could surrendered to 013 underwriters. One _ ' Public place, street betting In . - for a legal adviser. Ila thinks noth- tile plaintiff having come here witil London Cannot be diminished wore able to give any description 0j, 14- on a charge of murder, and re Ing of -ossibl, -ofer to the former, be- share of t k in th new company the Ilenedictlon of th;B Bishop ofl� tn not p yt i s cc ') ,III_ him, and the pollee have little to mantled for a wook. He ploadod not future, and seams to live cause Nerschode distinctly., refused to will be given for two [,Ilftres of pre- wjaulcee., .1 TilO Maxillium fine under tile law work on. . guilty, The coroner's jury also view- only from day to day. grant any, trading prIvIIijgoB north forred stock Ili ill, Old company, and' 'a ;C5, WhiCh t1113 bookmakers itlivaye od the remains this morning and Kennedy is a sick man. Ile occupiss. of latitude 5% It It did not Include one Aharo of Dow :stock for four Judgment has not been entered ! pay cheerfully. Tboy never seem to Ali At -rest Made. adjOurnorl until to -morrow evening ,17L corridor at tjlo jall, anti atays In any territory north of the latitude shares of common stook of tile for tho Plaintiff, thbre being yet a , bQ Impecunious, and have no JILS a Brantford, Oct. , , . , it . ..-Between I and Chlof Vaughan hatl Ills systo' Led all the titne. it Is thought that ol'a' number ot Doints to be argued. Ar tton lit paying tilts Bum. I in 50 It could u6t include South of lati- eDm,,a,,,,,,l - 2 this mornifig tile Police arrested Working admirably. It was a move his sickness Is the resuLt " zhe fine$ .Toseph Xonnedy, a coachman, as be, difficult to Of du- tude 54.40. Therefore It applied only Tl owing statement prepared gumOnt Will pix)oably take place at thus Imposed in tile rourEeen 1,01;ce Work Out, thbro being so bauchary and drunkenness. lie eatf�4 to, the Toronto. An endeavor avill be made Courts of the Metropolitan area ay. Ing the perpetrator of the crime. The many Ways on which tile murderer very little; In fact lie almost refuses lisleve, and Its reciprocal char- foil ilia Stockholders of the Consilld. to throw, out �Ire whole ease, oil the Orage over 9I,()00 Per week. _In Baltic arrest follow acter llecogl)lzed British ownership ated Lake Superior Company was ground of no jurisdiction, tile in- Courts they amount to a, ea Information reeWived inight have escapod. A report was to take any food.at all. The Jailor of a portion of the Inland waters issued to -day by J`ohn C. Car uth, 1111101 all (POW SoRse Willoughby, a resident, sent In that a Btrangior was seen to, Pays tho prisoner, oats aljsolut,�ly - therein. receiver : r ". reoratlon of the plaintiff IfAving E100 In all afternoon. I n , Upon hearing the man daccribed. run past the CaInsvillo depot, and nothing, and is Ili a Sorlolus coll(li- Sho .Edward Carson next took up "'The sale of the property of t' n p l Quebec, All tilts Is street cornet, betting ))y itlw tile police of Facing Xennedy got oil a train for Buffalo. The pollco tion. 111n, 11 � . I � . ,lules- comparly pledged with Speyer & Co., in t David Watson's theory of ac, small customers W110 wager sixpenct, to a Vicinity of the tragedy all at- along the line were notified, and one Ounce, and said that there could be no of New York, for ilia loan. of $5,030,- EIGHT PERISHED IN LAKE. beta ,, Mon, Xonnedy was arrested � Q, Shilling, or a half-orown, and tile on Emc,lloet was arrested In Welland. ANSO acquiescence ,whare It. coul(l be shown 000, wag to take placs, to -day, but. tire all made by laborera, fac. the outsi e When be Constables Cliapinan And Fellapr drdie DEPENDS THE INDI that the question waa left open be- Upon urgent requaNt has been post- killisgiona -- tOry git'Is, and cabman. Wag examined tIla pollee discovered ti,long the Iramilton road, it being — PY, Guide and. Silt Indian blood atains on JAB shirt twoon the parties, England was not polled until Oct. 8, ,at 3.2 o'clock, it ­- hotbing, further than to stou wl!) any thought possible that the murderer Children Drowned. ,. He Rev. Dr. Axo0ougall Itesonts Itellittrkg bound to keep on rotesting at every is necessary th.%t $280,000 8110111A -be . APPLE ily deny had gone nlong there, and ConEtablo V, S FOR ENGLAND. ' of Chriscolthet- Robinson,RX. turn. The sale of Alaska Was it t Imulsdiately paid Into tha Equitable 11111111POZ, Oct, 4 --TWO bodlealfave, -having tommitted the crime. . Croome led a search party near 0 secret from tile w2d Trust Company, of Philadelphia, been found Joseph In WInn1pog,'0o*. G.-Rpv, Dr. 110,Dou- a Pt found In Lake Winnipeg llcaio Vc.,,;sel r,0 -- a XODn1qdY, WJ10 anSWOM CalliavlVe, but nothing was revealed, (I particularly fPom England, At which pr vouchers Hnausa, and it Is believed tIl&t they ,av,�s 11alirax with, _-,3,00() very dottill to the doserlption of the . . gall, Snporintondent of Indian Allp" an t mail wanted,, came that time Canada did not exist as 11trulda a Intlebt-ndnesa of the Coli- Rart'Ns of, Board. , to Brantford Drantford demaich.- Slowly, slons and Hchools In the Xethodist n Dominion, and England had lit) po- so-Ildatad Lako Superior Company or 0,170 two, Of thooe ,belonging to thel I about eight wookf4 ago from his home Halifax, 44, ,�:%' ()at. 4. -The Steam. but BUrely, the ineshas of tile law Church, takto exception to the state� litical organivation in those Intio- Eubsidlary compailles. rhrtY that was lost in tile stol,lq OV Gulf of Ve In l3elfast, Ireland, 110 has been am, are'lielng drawn about Joseph XODL want made by Counsel Robliloong bt I nice Failed to.day for ljoy8d aq a coCkohm&n by several nody, -the man wbo Is noNv under Toronto Ili Ills address before oessible regions, P)ut the United 1� #I Tile pa-yinont of this Bum will en-� of Sept. 12. - , I I I Londull, W101 243,000 barrels . ' t there ure the further postponement of tile ' of ap. er. rate for a, 11t,riod sufficient to enable .... h lill left Berenn itiver with an 13049011, 80 far. Tile total quallitl�yj - the stockholders to accomp - ' - Iran(% Cole. The coroner's Inquest tbe"Illogianeo of any Indian can be Based 01) lit fudia';n guide and six Indian ellild-1 habits and IOVO of drink have result arrest on a b1bargo of murdering Alaskan 13oundary Com lesions that N a qjI c PINS, making 05,000 barmls for tile People In 'Brantford, but 1119 unsteady the Status know perfectly well ilia In Vag no e t as age Oal thiN data the ROV. J. A. Xc- --d In 110 also) correct Map. lish roor fo-P evort front Nova Scott& will ij�6 "OODS farga froin all his posl- OPolied at the Pollen Court before purchased for a bottle 'or whiskey a, t ,a 911,111vattOn It they act promptly and, ,4f Tho Brantford puttee- are oat- a large crowa of Intores0d, wit- .mils' report of IS14 400,000 barrlcM Shturd&SA cables re. I 'Xi and it blanket. Dr. Mol)ougall, I'll a XIO ff a I t Do ran, whom, 110 Was taking to tile 1n4 _ they have tile right innn, but llossos to-tagat. Dr. 1"Isgette, t1fe statement 111ado to -day, says that it was bastxT on an Incorrect UnItk-d favorab m&kIng tilts payments untl and rovidl, for necossiry pxponsns, (110,11 t0hoOt at Brandon. They letti litirt0d Prices 10 LoDdon' as 15S t . I tlio doctor exil,1111110"; 11113 eloth. was, n6thor %videkey nor blankets States map, Moreover, Donnis' ro- IV CIS for Graven8joills and , Nrl 011ifflon pproved It Is Initpora o that 1 -be stoekliol.&rs 5 a Ing and tho bloodstains, no detinlie �,Oro" pref4do(l, and Crown At� tile Berentl Settlement early Ili tile _)Og to .., 01 1 r0riley Wilkes conducto tile oaf;6 a jv- sailboat, and tills was tile last a it lot of ten barrels and I � aseartion can d s that kept tile Indiana of tile Caud- dittlons wero never morning In Mr. McLaughllu's small Rlbstt)1108, On board tile AteAlne 190 arfested the nlaCio' A man wag for the proseentlon. Tjfo OvIdence tho E,quit Ivlo Trust ComIN-my, an of th4em. That nit,11t It torri eeni A dian Northwest loyal to the Govern- nor acted on by tile Canadian G( E-houltl on or before, Oct. 0 to r waft n �Vtjlland. filent In 1970, nor again In 1885, ernnient. lie quoted Cameron's re- , term forwarded h.y . Vor& , �L cases, � submitted by tile saveral Witnesses assess cm ot ri . fie r ., tIl, gootli, , raged IoVor thn lak3 for ujiny I opilltiont for e% Murtierer's mseripton. .And that Im knows many Indians to. port to allow that In 1875 the Can- fty cents a tqhn,te.,1 GOV. who tordified wag decidodly damag- adlan Government called for adher- ­ I � . I 1. 1000 tal Palace, . 1111iltion at tile Cr,ys.� Tile licAlco, 11 day W11060 loyalty to unquestionable, and the stoutest boats had to r1nil — * , I , , Ave Issued the follow- 1119 to tile Peonsed. Tlio prisoner to tile terms of thn treaty, and ll)vath air Quebec Legislator. UPI for shelter, it was tile worst, � -- IV) g, .. 00011 t I not be Influenced by any OncD .. � pled P� ceat Ill Ila (1001c, and and 0cul( deolarea that P�rlooloally arterwa,rds Montreal, 0,�t. 'J. -Hon. 'T. 0. Lavlo- Ntorm axl:orlelleed oil the lako in re, 11"avottlable. NVANZ913 - Ilohvy-mt 'Englisliluan witne.of; aftor witliosiq IdentlKI(Illim consideration ot bribery, Ilowever 611SP60t6d Ot the, brutal murder of no tho man seen on tIfs dvko and In large. .. � . . E,nglAnd had notified thO VnIt0d lctiO, a luelilbor,of tild (�uebeo Legis, tent Yca,rg. Ari tile party had 01119, Afra. RnIcker-,4o she is , States that divergenee of vlows o�*- latho Connell sluto 1�87i`i, -ale rO tht) AtOTM housekeeperp I i , I 'd 110're siarto(j a few bellrg bp,f() it. 9004 11`0110 0010 At Brantford. AnnWarg the vicinity of ,Tlto Willows" on StOd In regitlA to title boundary. to-nirlit. Ile was born Ili 1,910, and up, It was hoped that they UPS. BockL,r-jres; She #4'r to tho following tie 1ption, Age tho nfternoon of ilia erlitie. . Dr. R, A. Jautlic, rublio School %rua- I After detailing tj o various asser- wita, SpIgnour of ShbprIngton, an(, 11 alla , .'s 85 to 40; 11 "Ir I Ifard"Im"anagod to put Into COM43 small bAtcli-tO think that her 4,Q, 1 eight 5 toot a Anoboo-, Tile almost dauv%ging statement too, of T.orouto, Is I dead. tioild of Uilig)and's 0.141111, $11' 21, Car- NAPIOXV1116. 110 Was h Conger'fativo, Iftbor. Time we , ht on and nothing aro'doot, , , i f, t I castorot . 9 , �