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The Wingham Advance, 1903-10-08, Page 6
s . , -s �ss _ R"s . �f'K1" % tin to start," �]] ao tunders r : �t1leaned rta forward rd to the LJ.4D GO THE R *Gl.1 C1C BRAIN, + 7 1� ` lowSunlight Soap will not C E+J O• 41, 1J0t� swiftly, faucl the aerbtraflt, rvlth a �1' The llsan 1Vfto t7aTl 1i"Rk lip at A,>y ...^"• look of relief on his shrewd face, Iy r1 11out+ fat tit r Morning . butyl the nap off woolens a bits wtnslow s booth,ng EIjt".0 '1'r i . � I He Rose a -ad Lily D?, �yv y Ayr _ 1,4 All alway" he sena for vinildron ne lnQ, Ili q bald • xIo the Surface off tine • eoothnR tela child, roftor,a 1hn la n wi`,*1pd • Ta bq able to waken sae's self at - ) Itilas Deiaine lha lady is hors ; I call colic and to the be,+t rcrnedr ro� i))arnccsa, biy lord, t ! 1 a prterfndnal and usually un» 4,I3'A1"IiClit XXXV. EalthdY hent witllor)t axt-arxaal M A '1'AN.A Ole WOMAN'S I,OVB AND ++ , „ Vffbat�mVnl If, l.aadry htxs to' l►mm1>ting is an aCcOmpltslrment of THE HORSE ,Elaine laelainol cried the .uraand r r-hlch Ana miey Well boasts I hope. � �� ! li/� �r,��� MARKET The crowded cqurt swayed to and 8a'�' of Dodd si Kidfney Pills, l 4>r WQIKAN'8 jPFiRE�lll'Y ,tt ,,lt ,p r S witia entire truth[uiTtels�., , Contiou- - Ira; every aye was fixed tyrr fire en,,,, ally to be doubting other ' RolYtangeoW„tt tiarsgq only. �,v,www�,=w.wv�,, w...i„•.,..a,•..*,. Wi40+± ptrpplOp trance ; the pale, wrri ll-tgoking luau. , rood is perhaps a bad sign-, but y' g�,.411"1 4,p ,,pp,, ,.� „ir�,,,� •�,►,+,�,yzwoon / with, the IlaaldsoTno, noble lase, who iia waalpenk,l4tuat Down And, aTptal collf sWlthat when one of tricep gilled: REDUCES L4iarP»41t19[de uioro'lr"o'ol,L,i1rr w ame�iy""d bad stoad so calmly lit the p0sottergs IVVOOX--Three! bgxeaot•lPocld'alKi4- mortala tells Ittow the tide served fseasy, Ar.whotuosof The marquis, as these wards tell in .�Icsv.+' o, dock, and had been the priuclpal ob- ,Tey Pills pint ilial W Work Allain. for weak lWhing nt 8.80 a. m„ and � �XP1��iTtSE __ .. _ - !,rave anti measured accents from Yowlivre else?" ' jeot of Interest Ill), to new, was far. IZhe appointment was for 8 sharp practiisslnent ied lips lowered Nis a est find "Not koil the (oat, ndo ?, Be e•artitul.t' gotten. theNo Dine rall with raw ite strong start hands, due v Qct. 55,s(S4pa plal.) Richmond 'Co.,Cwt at fiainml,s' pier; how lip ti3d not Ask or the o . as ' ` Y grip fa want toy 1`01300 whole trust and con- ><- . e .gtltgon �tpr. l locked aside for as moment. That he "Not an the hands, t,1r.,' or lteares the stifled groun that l,eaidry, wcstt known hare, educes 1110 fldence in the clock It would have .- might be eandemned to death lyes ;,And spots oTtly, an true coat ?'' broke trom leis lips at the itottind of testimony to thq thausaands of others been just blot to snore through Its I „ „ � t l J very possible, lie thought; but that Yeq, sir. A, smear like on the shirt the beloved mime, all ovor ,Canada ,who owe, their lon' 1♦ fake Made in Canada Creditable I r tho tritth respecting the murder of front." such r a the Fall%' policemen elearml-none too b, Wlth, And even ilte ltself, to Dodd's Impi'�sad aupon t i1d'o' mind, Two Monetary Times. ti � Ghariea Slterwlu wo d that da be A Bnioar. Just h a amen s t SPAVIN 3r gently- a limp through tlTa exovvd- kidney Bilis, 1 thlx ty,"' i eeato that would the him rJ+l;ara slioniti be a lial'it to the SPAVIN CURE revealed seemed to him very era- dagger would make as it was passed ailtl a murnlur, it murmur of soli- "`I reals btythayred for over fi, year ajaaut ileac to clxess. and g blentatscal. luta the pocket 21' got down Lubit of clapping oneself on the �•- ___ proceeded ,i, pressefl eaciteulent, raze As Elaine with Laws Bitok, Weak Baok, Iaali.l- to ilio dtlek. "Two -thirty," he said back, exon though this be pleasant, i1S '.1 i plAt•n narrsergeant tt to of t2t aesas far as "If Sous or an other mean, had Si watt loan loaning upon her father's tatian bt �� thtt Aeti1 t and Gancral tq tnLs mind ""dive -thirty, Under- y arTn. She Iva's tikin alio wh1to, but Wolakness, save air. Landry, In lotand?" And blo inlud nodded lie Road Mr. )Preston• recently called down a 1 they were knarvn. He caller! Davie pickets up that dagger and put It in supremely loves still, and the !n- Wet I ttvvlls a Itotal w,rcpk, I COLU14 not I ++ , 1 Y f and 'said : All rlg%j>k, boss, Jill call good deal of animadverslon u - •`^ ' '' ! • ' the keeper, who related his finding `iris- packet it would make just such a articulate Imurmur of the crowd grew work, a,s I got tirodl ;and w•eAk eo '. „ pian his of lite body, and the lneldetfta close- gmbar7 Into ant antsibip expression, of pity elatlity, alnd T hRtl a weakness in my Manu h fen to bworry. 7a dsle�d like road because, seeing that .Canadian Shuts°' rbs, etc.. ndr 1 forms of Lameness, ly, followingupon It. Told how, after The margviin raised his head and and admiration, Lady Darman rose ptamaplt sq thtl,t T a4uldi not baxid � � p butter sLiplled to Britain was not xccenrestitourqudt ofcnaeRannuatly+ $nth endarsslgeR4A leaving Sanders with the body at lataloed sell (Ter Gerald put p he goes- from her coat, trembling .villi ex- cSd�Ivn to dq anytiling. (tiTnepat all before, he like up rviwas tll so good as first of sonic other ppeh» aeuteogsrotlo„Isgaraagaara,uegofineru the hut, lie had gone to the mar-, tion but lie a would _ n t glance eltement' and commiseration, and I have tried different kinds of a wort of a jerk, as broad awake as, tries, lie ltad the temerity to say sq, Cured tw•oBono spavlosofTenYeorliSlandlnp, qui., and brought him to tile hut. in,ble direction, sank clown again, Clutching liar medicine without benefit, till I gave j y Y Eadvilic, NX., afar, if. tgor. He ave his evidence reluctantly, . �T,ee, sir, repAled Saunders, seen# bottle. g ' ' y Pills a trial. T•ronT the eVor lie Was In his life. lie struck Dut iras not agolt, an action mora PT,11,1.krnd,nco., nrnuemen.-sotnobears ago 1 g DO!.dlo I0dne a match and looked at Ills' watch, used youry itandall'.Faavin auto ons horse tint had two rvitlt a glance nary and again at ° That will do, said Gerald, "Poor, poor girl "' she muttered fines they did w'e good, slid I ITad and what do you tlitnk ? well, sly, likely to lead to future PQrfeetloa' sj,anmsehed°Lno un It r foe Uthein enni w4 o These the pate, composed face of his was- Tlio people drew a long breath. en brokenly. "it would have been bet- Only taken three boxes whon I was It wus ja•at 2,81, When a man tells than If !le bud taken the easter cours•3 cars ,tandin . 1 now haws caseoi x mare that eo, ter, as !f apologizing for the rte- • The young counsel had, in any rate, .ten If Isho had cried„ able to ,.'tart �work again. 'Bilety did ma thuol I look win right in the eye. of leaving his fellow countrymen in hercampet tri through ith your, Spa la Cure. °Plod Ieeseity ai saying .what he sand ; conveyed one or two distinct lmprpr- Lady Blanche, Shrinking into her me good, and no mteltake," + -Everybody's Magazine. y a feel's paradise of self-CUtnplaid- s nd me a copy, ofyour •'Treatise on tl+e Ilona ant his alone to the ,fury • T1tat the marquis, , nismsos, Yqun vary truly, CLARX O, PORT, and was about to step down a pe fL' It he committed the deed, must have 'corner behind her, heard her And Dodd ,s I�ldney Pills fire known by t' ancy, winch leads to nowhere ex- �p sigh a1 rtrief, amd wiping u Gerald dome it in the fashlon of a sneaking echoed the assertion,, but for very 'their curers in every earlier of Can- How You Call ''welt it, cept commercial distinatton, Made -in- tt halon$ s six fuss? y�n saliiniment for piration from ills face, when Crerald footpad; and that, unlike a sneaking different reasons. She looked wild- Iaft. T,h•ey cure the Rldneyo, Sound Toronto Star. Cat,ada should mean not a lnsre U{ab okrrpceror'aaldo 'A'Trestles oA the norao, rte' up' '• . footpad, he bad made no attempt to ly from the pale, lovely face toward 'ICiAlICTs ensure puge blood. I- They They grab each other by the hair, passably good article, but equal to re The court starred at the young coun- , the door, asI if she halt meditated an blood means good health', cheerful- the evidences of his crime, , They tear each other's clothes • the Very best that cAtb be made, AR, B. 1. KENDALL CO.. Enoshurg Falls, Vt. lel, who lacked still Younger in his attempt to escape; but a glance nails and abundant energy, Iftat s " wig .and gown than without It, and T1Te two theories were incompatible, showed heft ftp Impossibility, With shrieks they rand the autmnn every one remarked that the counsel But the judge and the other Iawyers p ibility, The hos- Dodd's Kidney Pill$ make new -_ _ __ �_^._ r crowd had ,surged up behind the wit- men and women out of run-down, air' where. Liniment for sale every- A trate of Sym athy, was as pato as the prisoner he was knew' that, notwithstanding this. nestles and the attendant ell warn -out pt�ple, They .break a victim s note. where. 1' defending. The judge put up Ills Gerald Locke had not succeeded la policemen, 1 1 They rend another limb from limb Boston Transcript, glasses and ,bent a keen look on the shaking or getting rid of Sauuders' and wA,e new tike a solid block of RIP off another's ear; ' ° Desk GAItor-Yon have used sev- young lean, and asked his name of terrible evidence. t human beings, Wrest iniac#,+feel Laboratory. BY those and other signs you knew, P Postal Cards Popular. oral waters beta, lift. .Swift, that are the clerk of the court. Dr. Summers came next. He would The judge looked at Elaine, then An a,ppropriatlon of $�7a",00q fora The ipq#ball season's harp. Interestingstatistics in re and to not to be found in life dtetipnary. Gerald had only two questions to have been called earlier, but be had said ,something to the clerk, and New York State eieotrioal laboratory iho use ofpostal aarda brave Utility Dfatt-Oh, wtell, I wouldn't been attending a serious ease, and hp came forward and made room just y put in eross.exa nlnation. for Elaine and the major at the at inion College, r+?henpetfxidy, is re- Gx Goin to Nero York been published by tit's International be too hard on the dictionary mak- his evidence had been, by lite agree- commelnded b g •' The marquis offered , go with ment of the counsel, postponed. solicitors' table y a commission appoint- Be sure that your tickets read via a2rana Bureau of Berne. They ali'dsv; that ors. Then h,lvo their failings the YOU to the hat at oncev, He gave his evidence clearly and She; had not raised her eyes since ad to determine the none jony for Trunk and LebighValley route of the "Black durl'ng a year more postal cards samo as other folks, i I. I , I I Yes, sir at once. Isho had entered, and she started such an institution. The lalboratory Diamond Rxpresa." Tills is the direct and are used In Germany titan in any Now, think carefully. Was his distinctly. �� la to supply information on ques- best route.from all Cn.nadian points. By this other country, the figures which pr, p ' "I have no questions to ask,' Said pedis oo Held it ,slid he hand into tion,. of electrical Isclenoe and all pauadiwngu4e)a nh© ieo ethlvfbaliedhndfromo three g p g g as acts directly and quickly, tire astimulates r the athe coat torn? Did ha look to a man throw }i h't on this point, kern Who had been engaged in a struggle Gerald' And he looked across a Ser. Y official standard for elgctrlcal mea- ]stations In New York up own near all aret• follows: Germany, 1,1.8:5;000,000 ; heart's action, stops most acuto patu,dispels with another ma?'8g gec+nt, Leslie as ii waiting for the inga3'• surfing instruments and apparatus, class hotels, and down town near all Euro. i United States, 674,000,000 ; Japan, nil signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking " No, sir, Certalniy oat, -dIr. His 'next witness. Elaine looked at her, bwt seemed together with ,stapdasda for electric pcan, steamship docks, Paving passengers for 435;000,000 ; Austria, 250,U0U,U00 ; curetheritli, stn 1piehtf U wh""Thislinrol se M The sergeant turned to the solicitor uhable to speak, and then looked wiring of bu,ldln tr ureps a long and expelisive transfer. Soatu'e v ptho Sordshtp was just -just as he usually and to Saunders, f across the court and met his eyes. gs for iho 'f,roteq» our tlokets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert Trance, 60;000,000 ; Belgium, 5a,- heart-slelt patient into the haven of radiant Is, ,quiet and calm.' Saunders took out lite watch. For a moment !they, gazed at each eroalj public.nGermaAyhhags such ad the n In- Yonge sftreet, Toronto, Passenger Agent, sa 000,000, and S,ryltzerlan$ only 48; forms of heart disenelo lit 801minutmost s B 111 uea !G n, a nodded, and Davie went "Must we go 0112" be said iu a other, an unspeakable love and stitution. 000,000. down, and vSaunders stepped Into the whisper. "I did not want to go any pity^ fur his eyes, and. awful misery boa. His evidence g need not be re- Crematories Are Increasin tee_-. tier I''rfend, further till atter fife adjournmeztt and despair In. bars a earning ten- g• M'inand'g Liniment relieves Neur- peated here, He gave a clear, a teas- for luncheon," and hei knit his brows der'nessp and reproach commingled. 1111nancl•s LTntment cures Burns, eta, .Phare were cremated last year !n algia. N. X, Heraid. terry account of every incident that a,nd closed his lips, r Them her eyes fell, and she sat the United Skates 8,158, England 452, " She's all my fancy painted her," ' had occurred under Iris own eye on y • the night of the murder, and as Ile At this moment a telegram was motionless oLd waiting for the me- " Germany 9156, Italy 822, Trance Preventive Medicine. The doting husband said, ' P handed to him, and,, after reading It, maut of torture. . Leslie had been whls. A Wasp's wisdom. 4,805 ereof are rich 305ed, a e psi clan , In this age of tension every boy 'Twas had to been ; r t goQaed ie an awful entente fell upon be said, brightening u remark, flys audience, It seemed as If they '"Call Giles Foreman" sarin to Saunders, and, as it seem- Naturalists heave decided that 21T, Denmark aka, 'Sweden 44. should be.taught some form of re- And then Ills found It almost impossible to breathe g , creation that he will cling to In sponxs-e's bosom friend, or move, so Intense was the strain An underkeeper entered the box. ed, ,somewhat angrily, and Impatf- clang insects have senses which hu- life. When the thing by which he ��ha for the swain had played, upon their nerves, As Inch by inch You were In the wood by the entiy- man beings lack. That of .location, Replied: ' Oh, really. Fancy's then bridge on 17th' of June last. Tell has made his name or h,onay tritest- 'The name of Your wifo s maid." of the panorama of facts was un- „ As a matter of fact, the sergeant as shown -by the wasp, for instance, ens lits very existence, lie can turn folded by Saunders, it seemed to most us+ what you saw. and helard.1. had lomayy read his brief coming down Ili remarkable, One species builds to this safeguard, and, while Ills k. ;P Watt a moment, I was Cured of terrible lumbago mind in pleasurably occupied, re- la�li�l�l[ SPAVIN LINIMENT. at them cubo listened to his dr please,' said the In the train -it will be remembered its nest in a sandbank that It only . methodical voice that the marquis' jadge, "We a5re going �� back, now. that another counsel had appeared apart of several aures of such sell, by 31INAR,D S LINIMENT. gain his physical poise. Ik may bo must be guilty. 'rho 17th of June, yes at the examination before the mag and when it leaves In search' of REV. W11�. BRO�FN� yachting, canoeing on little rivers, itnmovey all hard, sort or calloused, lumps There was a pause when be had Giles Foreman looked round net- istrates-and he had, like most of food it covers the nest so carefully I was cured of a bad case of ear- mountain climbing, traveling, horse- and blemishes frombo rsest; blood spaylitt' finished, and then Gerald rose. vouslyi, the famous and busy -too busy -ad- that no ordinary eye could discover ache by MINARD'a LINIMENT, back riding, bicycling, tennis, golf, s rains, lsore'ancl swollen throat coo� gba, " Were there any marks of a "I was in the opening by tha bridge, vacates, relied Ina measure upon is location. That is to say, it to CPRS, S. I{AULBACIC. flower growing or some other branch otic• cavo gt50 by use of one bottle. War- struggie on the body or the olotll cutting boughs, and I see Captain these who had had the conduct of just like all the surrounding lova- of farming, fishing or hunting. What- ranted the most wonderful blemish cure even • Ing of the deceased, Mr. Saun- Sherwin -him as is dead -and a Iady the case, and especially upon Saun- tion, and yet the wasp flies back I was Cured of sensitive lungs ever it may be, the thought and the known. dere?" talking together on the bridge." dere, to It without hesitation and finds by MINA RD'SLINIMEN'T. love of it is better engendered dur- a- "None wla,tever, sir." Tile judge looked up from his "She is too Ill, far too ill --do you it without making a mistake.. MRS, St MASTERS. Ing the formative years, if there Is No Disreputable Pr}�o,nere. "Thore were no such signs or notes, the jury pricked up their ears, hear? -to give evidence," he whir- There is another wasp that take. a a full understanding that it is to act No almost thirty years the lock-, marks on the maxlquls ?" and the crowd in the court stirred pered angrily,. ria ly locates the as running mate to tha greater work "No. air.'• g eggs of the mss in life, and Is y rix At Naritucket was unwed by any,: as if in anticipation of a fresh phase "M9 man" -and Saunders inwould on been under e, thick layer of sarily part of pr boy's and Hones- prisoner. During the past. summer, "Nor it the coat you found 0n of Interest. At last the woman, eel Brown -"tells me that aha would sun bakey clay, and deposits here Y a educatioh.- t•7ome PhIladelplitan visited the jall,! the chair ?" have come even if we had not sent Xoutb s Companion. having pr „N�,= who is at the bottom of every case, own eggs 1n the same cells that Celt and German in America. ---- g heard that a prisoner rad "The deceased was a siren was to mako her appearance. to • her, and that she is determined her young may have food when they Seventy-five par, cent. of our for- - +To Provo To you.vthab 33r, been taken. A.n old woman, who g• They were sa Intent staring at the „ g , aro hatched, e3 population in 1900 was of Chase's01 ontisacertain sieved to be tie "jailorese," greeted potvertni man ?" Well,' said the eminent se sant, gn-born , Pile •, .,Yes,, l witness that only, one -and that one ,, „ Teutonic and'Celtio stock -the very and absolute caro for each the visitors, Whert s iho ltalso,r- ., was Lady. Blanche -slaw the marquis and what is she to prove? same that mads +the En and every form of Itching, ar?++ staked one of lire i�arty. "I jest Then. if the marquis committed wart, Saunders shut his lips, and frowned. NO HOME should be without it. Painkiller'gosh. Of. r:k hieedingandprotrudin pilus; sent Y.in: down to the village on an this murder, he mu in our opt ,_ „ ` "Don't .1>d angry, Mr. Leslie, but the ll befit nt forbruises nanddv sr a made. Used n- course, a still larger percentage es t0'ildeamanufacturers, nials in the d liypresso guaranteed d asked ourelites- errand," was fire re) I shouldn't Y P I Go on, said Leslie• , the nativeborn era of these races g reply. " ' ion, have stolen upon the deceased ; I dont know. Not quite you under- ternahyfor cramps and dfarrolfaon, Avold and of their admixture, It Is an borswhalthoythinkoti& You canueoft and drink that would be wise," Ventured Like a footpad and stabbed him "fihey .toad a -talking for Dome sttyr>cs:1 I should knew it I could have : subfti'tutes. There Is but one "Painkiller"- ,>et our money back if not cured, Goo a box, is , item behind?" time -lie was u -mating love,. as I seen her befpre the trial, but I Perry Davis`. error, then, to talk of the American all t ealera orEnnaAr,sox, 3 Tss Bc Co.,Toronto, the, summer boarder. Ha mlg)tt not t'r. �i�7ca 0 5 t�6n�m��t conio back." ' Yoarr, man." exCinim� The judge looked up. thought -and thea I Beard the lady cquldnia be know. Batter let her People as a conglomeration of races, s g " Cult out, like as if she was afeared tall bar own .tor There is an American• race formed ed tLe jailoress, sonewlrat toatijy, Can "we ask that, :sir. Locke ? 1 � story." Where They Talk Much. - - --- -- --• I c! Y.are h'e said, In the soft voice for wh:clt Thereupon Ills lordship' -he made a ,_ ,+• by fusion of 't,he original races that you understand that we Is " l rueful lock at the marquis -"came Pshaw ' exclaimed the sergett nt, Chicago Post. made the English. Mrs. Noolywed's Mistake. only Dave ,respectable prisoners herejfe he"As Your l;nishedp pleases, jsatid * up on the bridge, and all in a IfP will Impatiently. A pretty ease you ," T,hat long-winded chap, is aw- Ba Your lodtshi " g j 31 will make of this ! 1Yliy on earth fl:lly tiresome , remarked the 1 1pIRt,+: Iao> }can• askeerad, But the question had been 1 like had gripped the Captain and you didn t get it up, the details, stranger. ''� Take Ocie of Dr. Agnew's Liver Ville Mrs. Noolywed-A'nd if I had really Lever's V -Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant asked, and the jury could supply hoisted him over the rail" ate., eta" Tiien ha hitched his ,Xes," admitted iP,e native. "Haws attsrdtnner. Itwtttpromote dfgeatlon and thrown you down khan, would you Soap Powder is better than other powders, the anawer. and it had told upon A thrill ran through tho crowded gown, took a pinch of snuff angrily, most were us out 'round here, but overcome any evil effects of too hearty eat- have given we up? as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 them, W" it possible that a man audience, and the judge joined the and Instantly changing Iris manner I Ing. Sate, prompt, active, painless and Noolyw,od-I should say not. I like the ma guess we got it fixed to get relief marquis could have play- tips of his fingers together and look- to one of gentle respect and son- by puttim' Witt where he belongs!' pleasant, This effective little pill is sup- Would have kept right on trying to ed so mean a part 7 As they looked ed with keen, thoughtful eyes at the blderation, said slowly and softly : "" Where Is that f" planting all tt,e old school nauseous purga- Will you, -even If you had thrown Went Her One Better. Calm, the tall, stalwart figure, the doll face�of thel witness. I ala afraid I diall have, to ask "• We're gain' to Rend hint to Con- fives. 40 doses, 10 cents. 1s mr over bels a, dozen times. Brooklyn Lite. possessed face, it seem;. Well? said the sergeant. you several questions, Mien Delafne; + e. o r half ped -My ed Impossible that he could have "I was running forward, natural but before I do so, will you permit grecs. He'll do its proud there.' , what a lot of '•I Bever saw you In such a bti•t done so, fun I missed 1 coming hat, my dear. Did like, when they stopped struggling, mo to expresq my regret that it you get; Now, as to this coat," said Ger- , and after a bit the captain went oft, should be necessary for me to do That Howe Monkeys are 'trained. + it ready made?" aid. "It was tying on the chair in • and left the lady and lits lordship on so, and to beg you to inform me Awful, R t r" Mlnard.s Liniment cures Dandruff. "I spas just thinking l,aw unutlu, acon,spicusus position, not hid-! the brill e." if I wear Breath People have offer;+ asked me the deo Aw g y you. I am sure Ills ally grotty yours looks. Aid you a,V ? It was there just as if ' "And who was the lady ?" lorship will consent to an adjourn- - question, ' Do the organ -grinders make it yourself?" 11 it had leen tl"wn dawn when ex- Amid a breathless silence came the ment it you feel unequal to the IS DUE TO CATARRH & COEDS train, their own monkeys, or is this How '%vi Play Kin n ohrxsnged for the smokingcoat the answer. done by some one else'? In its must vviKlely practiced farm _- - -- - _-.._� _ ._v r._-_ _ t examination." litly ! Possibly ' an aur- ken basis of titre fully er3e game of YOUR'FACE ON BUTTON 25TCi m�s:rgnla wa.Y3 wearing?" ".�Ilsa Elaine, the major's darter. .,ertaiuly!" said the judge, gen- YYauhaventnotloed y goes- loan is that the fully autatxetChe4 :,It wars, Sir.,, air_" tly. "Mise Delafne will please re • It, but others, have, mal 'dealer this is a very bus nnby's Ince or your lady's '•And when you took It up ta+hd the Tiro marquis was seen to grip the ++ tion, indeed. They do not. There Is hant311sdgnifieal paper; the fully closet] race on brooch,, li main ;seated. Catarrh and eo de it neglected soon develop 1=13d, a, stoma; a,nd two fingers alone dagger fell out, the marquis did not front of the dock tightly, and then "Silence!" cried *tile usher, know into the chronic forms accompanied b the a smext Italian. in Philadelphia who a ctouKLed, bhe rest being closed, scie. deaf nil. et sera sotecii . attempt to stop you, to prevent turn and look at Gerald Locke as If g " iuostnauseatin and dos uattn s m makes A busIneea of supplying and any photograph and aro you?„ !n that Elaine.a volas would be low Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder n eppeclati pplying organ. sox+s. Eac'b of the players, counting w^ warmingly. , , and taint. ,pul. send brooch exact slito No, Isar. ; his lordship was quite ' "Miss Elaine Delaine 2" said the ear- for curing colds, coughs, d. atrieaa,'hoatlache, grinders with monkeys already train- ane, -two, three, 'throws out bda hand pf cut and return your Dho calm.,' A huish fell upon the crowded•court, sore throat, tonsilitts, cold In the head, In- ed, $p settled In Plilladel is adme at the moment of ron,ouncing, three uninjured. Smaller site , geant, gravely. and ever one listened breathlewly, fluenzaAndealltiisnasesofthenosoandthroat. F i cents larger alzo 50 route.; "Tell lne ; yin say iho body seas "Yes, air; it war site; the same "Were Y It relieves in 10 minutes, eight or nine years after the civil said the one wfttrotse manual symbol is Agents wanted. rbotti warm when you found it. What time sun Ind as his lordsbl were af- You on the park bridge an war. Up to that time the organ- superior to that of the others, ae- Jeweirg blanufacturlug QVs; must have eta Sed; In p young y p the 17th of June, M}ss Delafne ? Dr. Agnew'.Ointment is withcut ith tin g wxxlfin to the tivl cry of the Tercets P• your o inion, terward engaged to marry. She as "I ryas.'' g �lers were obliged to afflict train ?; gaane, between the murder and the mar was staying with the major at the equal for all skin troubles. 360. 0 their awn' animals or send to Paries wdns the trial, qui.' appearance In the but ?" Castle---" Tlt'e answer, though' low, was per- for ths= T,he Italian, had boen in Superiority Is draiermined on the The World's iRailroads. Sauncbare thought a moment. Tile setSgea. t held up his hand. featly distinct, and tlxie sad voice Paris, where lie had learned the dif- hylpotheeW that 'whereas seissors "Art hour, sir.,, � ", y could be heard by all. It penetrat- RAT STOPY FROM MANILA feren,e between the aap�ajou and me- oatvnat aryl a stone threy'can cut pa- Sarnia bno lima estimated that the An haat. And the marquis •Inas Steayo a only want to know ` par, and whereas paper is cut by aggregate length of the w,orld's rail what you saw and heard on the ed even to ilio Uaek o2 the court, eaque in mlaLter of intelligence. PAP g quite Calm and self-possessed, not bridge; nothing of what you may where, hemmed In by the villagers How the Transport Sherman Was' Realizing •that the former could be ctitssora It Can wrap up a stone. roads was, in 190, more than halal only in the library, but In the but i have heard since, tiles. You are post- and Castle servants, stood Fanny Weared of 050,000 Rodents. tralmed in just one-half the time re- Consequently scissors Is inferior to , a million miler+. The apporttoti'- itself, in the presence of the body?" : tivo that it was Captain Sherwin and Inchley, And as the tones o1 qulred for the latter, fixe soon built stone, but conquers paper; stone Is n,ent b -f mileage to the different ::Quito, ,air." l Mats Elaine?" Elaine's voice fell upon liar ears, when tlxo United States military uV quite a business, and a few years . inferior to paper, but conquerssels.- countries was as follows: 'Europe, "If I have not been misintormel,, "Sure and sartin, your worship," those fiear by, If they had not transport Sherman arrived at Manila after he set up. shop every organ- sora; and ,paper is interior 'but eon- 180,708; Asia, 4.1,814; ABrtca, 14,+ Mr, Saunders, You have had some ; Tile seregant glanced at the jury been too intently watching and regetntly Alfie wag, as is the case with grinder in this country had a Bra- sores, but ebtiquere stone. 7.lbiere are 187; North America, 226,503; South experience in criminal Cases. Will as nine, art to say, "You see, the de- listening to the witness, would most other ships that arrive from Lilian; ring-tailed, debug monkey. Innumerable varieties of the game America, 28,654; Australia, 154649- Y'ou bell his lordship and the jury ceased and the prisoner had already have seen Fanny's hands open and or touph At Bong Dong on the WAY ''He purchases the animals from the , '-liar it is not a more rrmethod of de- x;orth America leading. The two It yore ever found a criminal, a per- quarrelled i" then sat down. shut, and heard h`er `small even [o Mellita, dertained far insipsation to dealers at prices ranging from, $25 tlloylarne constantt tly Or priority -and d fficontinents of the western heml-4 van who has afterward been ton- Gerald rase, lacking pate and teeth click with a peculiar sound. sere if she haat n,ny rata on board. to $v(}, trains them to perform a y sphere, it will be mated, have mOra slated at the grime with which rte graver "You met Captain Sherwin there?" WbtV, the big transport dropped an- number of tricks and to collect 'pen- gonitrus young ladies, play dancing- miles of railroad than ail 'iho relit W" charged, as calm and collected "Tito marquis and Captain $liar- "No !" Even more distinctly eame cher In Manila Day, therefore, the of- nies, and setts them, to organ -grind. `girl claiels especially, w71dr Play it with , of th-e world to ether North Amer+ within an hour of the commission ' +" * , exrjndts}te grage and judicious en- ' of that crime ars 7011 say the marquis win wore ilglltSng, you say. You th'e denial. No, I did not meet t1e1A,1 rat inspector weint on board ars for $80 and $125- cliantlnemt of beautiful hands and ice alone mora lien Europe and Asia lyes? l bioww ?1� all ? iVlna struck iho first sv sereh I was ftting•',e came across bhe bridgeto of nadc!nt4tl.see t. In fifteen oing imfi area he key is life at an a hard one. ThaydAre mal- arm►• t totogether, het worlds kali additions per mileage were• No, sty, replied Saunders; "I t "Tho Captain, sir. Leastwasys, he Certainly, I understand. You did h rrfot1ly Igft the ship, and, going ways well-fed, to be sure, but the Burin the six years between ''898 have not. There is always something, ' not expect bun ?'' Russia has only taken her revenge g koro or that there forced and unreal in their manner. " lfftcd. his wllil>. P bo ,rap tell iia er was he bard and incessant toll of dancing, b3, conquering Manchuria. The Chin- and 1901: 9,796 in 1806; 10,747 in You Can see that they are acting And then ? Did the marquis strike I saw hixa,; I did not wish that board t]Iar Sherman, according to the lurr•ping„ turning somQrsaults, and • case have twice sacked Moscow, once 1897 ; 10,864 in 1898; 18,530 In 1899; --putting it on, so to speak.'' Ill in ?" Irl should see me. paUmt rat enumerator In use at rt thing atter coins, fromi early dawn to 1287 and again In 12"98. ' 10,798 in 1900; 16,947 In 1901--•1901 "Anti there was nothing of that : "No, sir. Ile just clipped him in Ills "quite go," assented Mr. Leslie, tlfani)a, no rower than 590,000 rats. till late at night, Is more, even, Twelve years age, there were 2;000 having been, as will be seen ,a phe- kind about the marquis?o i arms, and. lirt d him like a Child gently. "3:ou wiashted to escape 111s 7,1lhtr r3•haxmaax W Dulnediately Or- than a monkey can stand, and they ; Japanese In the United States. To. nomenally active year in rrtllroacSl "Nothing whatever, air. lie seem and hold him over the stream." llotxce'?'r „ reply to thee quarantine0 t#t station 0son, wear out. The Italian of wh'otn' • day -there are 24,800, bullcling.=-� Varpor's Weekly. , t ad quite willing that I should ar- "And they parted -haw?" I did; but -he found me. P I fust; spoke told ace that it bad to .rest him that night=•-„ � 'Oh, quietly, sir, In the and- Tito "Will You tell his lordship .and disetme•aatryfng rodents are found be are unusually healthy and robust - Gerald stn the jury what occurred between Ile allowed to dock at Mantle, utltil &.orkey that eouW stand three Peed him with a sharp. eQptaln 3to lifted his hat, and the Y V they, axe exterminated. Accordingly, years of title bueltiehs. As a get►eraT 4 Aulbk gesture. marquis nodded, and the captain suint Elaine raised her eyes with th'e the Sherman steamed back to Marl- thing, two yen.rs is about the 111><tt, Am Wh'y did you not do so?,, ! n)> tits hilt, ob, perfectly quiet like, , tele,.. When she arrives there her 'Clxe whole Court llstenedbreath,- sir; andr 1 was it bit surprised." courage of innocence and maiden- at th6ondof which thwo Count ii'and- Gila b 1 bntchtts lad kaon opened up, t,nd tpaailington Post. ``�M�� Mealy. ! l Gerald sat down, Iia Pfelt over- y;, modesty, , cacti h su2Thur par1iCd below, to kill tour e• it J6 "1 der not mean to e)narge •yea wheimed 1>y iliis last acs at,ked me t0 be his wife,' g f With a neglect of duty; I think you sleet or Cv s The judge looked up, The crowd mlfifoom of rats. As soon as tha an- - toner °� N g dcnce. Ile saw that the chain was stirred excitedly. Char was droppod the sulphur fires The Price of l;aa+dium. ►sok i) Gin Pills are called Girt Pills because each pill acted with Propriety eller slut. r,,ti1- tightening round the marquis, and "S,tioneel" mo.Ta istarted In the hold, and in A , tettIM11 Alderatiaa ; but T ask you why, that even it he, Gerald, avoid find ," „ testy minutes the vvark at the fumes Rau .btni, di?+cov�yretl in 1'i7915, svti,§ da not possesses all the curative qualities of one and a svlth all the evidence against lr.w a weak ]Ink, he dared not attempt „Yea' and ,you --11 bt cxtme apparent. 1 valuer: at $5,G00,000 a. Found, �aays et+ra half ounces of the beat Holland Gin, AS a cure in your possession, you 'ltd( not ar-; to break !t, for In any such attempt I refused lco, Came the response Out of the hatcliog there tioured Rarpen's Weekly. Its estimated value for Xidney trouble however, they have sill of rest him there and then ?' I must drag glaino still further Into In tosv voICa, , HuAlx A 4re4m of rate as waa never lwlsf slnool bion reduced to $2,7.31,- . Saunders looked at Gerald Locke, tit, case. , Ile remained?' before seen. In the Orient. First by , , the gond qualities of Gin, with none of its bad, then lasvexed iris oyes. l 3fay, sitilitg opposite him, put liar "Yes," She pAuscd; then, as if they hundreds, and then by the than- 35,,,90 a polxnd, which, is a vary arra- Alldruggiats, 5octs, per bog, "Comr±, Mfr, Saunders," said Ger-. tr(Imbling; )land to her eyes, wait an effort, continued. title Galtds, thry al,p ared at the hatches _ tcrial reduction, but the prlm is still __ G boxes for a,5a or direct £rein There was a pause. The pressed mo to wtthdrasv my refusal, and then leaped into the water. high. Ct*e road with interest t]Irit a`}ya Ss►1s Drw> Ca., Wlraziipeg, tai,. Sanndera iti0ked up. ! Ictxned forward anti laaktari ante and frightened me. l called out, Every one tried to swim ashore, "llecnuse 1 titer not trunk him + sergeant, wile rose and jerked 1r1M anti but the dipttanoo was far torr 13u:ffata man, Stephen Tr Lockwood, . �.. .. . guilty; ho said, in a Clear, dry "Tho prisoner " great - cxf ecto to ongrrgo in the mdnufao- volce, gvrvn on to ills ahgtiitlesrs. P Soper eame uP ? said t11C rax' any rat to atsv}m, and soon the . A thrill ran through the audience. "Your Worsltip will doubtleao be learned sergeant, Yelping liar. 13'roat black line at paddling patients tore, or oxtraction, of this Interrat- - • - _ ... _:.•_... . "Judglag; by the mar nis' manner, surprlsett that we have not yet 1%lalno looked as If she did not be'g'an to thin out. Somo of them Ing h bstiinoe, twq hdpe"to lower the ,L'- 4.�.+•,M...r..s...r.� - . _ the way in wldeb he answered an * called Miss Del. incl, but I regret to understand "the prisoner;" titan she r,mohed a Polnt about 800 yards off price still furtlot. iiia hopes, iia re- 4ttestfvns, you did not think yJilin l say that silo is lying dangerously Ill started, And her eyes moved slightly tho ship, but hone got any farther. Cos�r<1 in the papers, are based on AMAYS SEE THAT THE C YOU BUY BEAR THE NAME capable of stealing behind a lei- I at Wine distanCe" toWakd the lia1;gatcl face in the . ARM the fuxua!s haat been working, thoeper ootiSlan of ciertallu deposits of law OrPflhlre acid stabbing him in At tills moms>nt a.hart, canitnou• dock. for about an Maur the rats stopped carnotite in Utrl,ti, Tram, Whieh hd ` PBrandt- . the bat(k ?'" plaev-looking; man pushed to throttgtr Tho tnargtile taints up," silo as al)Pta ing. Ari lnspect,lon of tine sl 1) ha,,q b7en Able to extract radium, and Our atrtot der sulphur ow4s - sentetl faintly. Ile --ha thought 1 teas marc an not a rat disteovore rl- Willett. he belleviss esti be induced to KING 90wAB0" i1 Il 'dilelJurvtexchan ed gl { �s,equlatly. whispered p�c�'In and, ear. Ti a c�vmn an: was hurt." T" Sherman then re-entered fifalt}la gives Its riktilum up 06MCWd14t eaisler ''HEADLIGHT" Telegraph" "•Acrd naso, txs tv lila rlag;g;er. It I>laelfwking Tnan waa #Ire •Air. A11c1 trip 'tyro men tluarfialed?" anti dllftharg ul her cargo.• -Manila tllt'In iho .pitohblent"a frdrl'r which t0a 1'9AGL0 Y droppt'rl trotu th,'! pocket of the coat Brcywn, whore we last saw at the ho- tlunrreled l No, there was noAtieratlfum sa far Obtained riffs basalt eX "VICTORIA" "Telephone" trade=:l. We hope, he sell) raitceeed, LITTLE COMETelephone you took franl the chair' ?t` tel at Lttctll•nrc, quarrel; there Wtta no time. fihe r """`"' ,r Le. Ik It Ofd, sir: " t•r'Ve at her)" he rvbls Bred lir A marquis seistxl lrlrn. Ile did not mean 1'ho legal durat}on Or a patent Rtxdlum ire th<r in :iat interesting'' suit• ,.,,,,,,,,,,,t!!q �,;,,., g P to Clbrmwly to fltteA"n yrars fr'01" tits otan0t, o:It, and, dear though it fit, ft n �"''� LL "Th6re wart bsatwl upon I't?" tont} of quiet exultation, - tO hur him. I know+ note --oh, I ld,at,() Of apPIltotton, and additional for$ little of it goes ti, great WAY, � Qlll�il�► ���� ���lf� Is enlsured EVERY tiara ". , rK she fit to nplioar'? sitid SSaun know ow It Was only to frighten • paattenias t?xpixr, art the same time as .aatd least., apparcntly, forever, We ""� Anal %oil haw opt>ts of blood otic dery hurriedly. hila, t<r punlsh 111111. Ilcs slid not hurt the analn ITat+tnt. Ifivi~ntlolo whle}r wont more of It, fpr, ultllko liquid by 'using Any one of these brands tt .. .: tl"t 1d. tsibl' tlrlrt firon;?" I "I' ell -But shod nava runic If she'd him. Tin bore flim my Ill Will then apportalin to =trtlel(W of food or air, it 660mis really try b� f tt.se for �� � - °a - n_�-nz �--••�"� "1<'ilei, l it:"' been srlthin .aft he>ur of death I L•"ver vr-or afterward." moc`ktne ealitlo Irl itented in der,. tsimilothing bestw.,Aa amusement anti VOlt tSAL111 by lDeallytl+a l.verywhoft "On dell table of the broaat pr,Ckot?" olnee 011e came to slily haft bebn fret» , (Iso, be iaontitilICci.) MAO. I , � 0AW"lon. , t , , : i , Yti.am,,,N..,rMrrwrar., I ■ .... _._ .. ZI