HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-08, Page 4THE WTNGiAM ADVANCE. Thursday, October 8, 1903 Ritchie Campbell ..•.,,1011 .^..,,10,..04 AUTUMN= Skirts, lYlailties and Waists OUR unequalled assor calculated to attract tention, and demo superiority of our collect' seek in vain to duplicate the modes we offer. Th seen literally to be ful Prices range .from 3.25 tment is your at- strate the on. You'll our values in ey have to be yappreciated. to $20.00, Specials For Bargain D Ladies' Flannelette Night Robes, $1.00, and MOO for Ladies' Wool. Vests, good value a 10 ends Dress Goods, regular $1 20 Children's Coats, regular from aturday ay regular $1.25—£or $ .75 35c, for .25 00, for .75 $2.50 to $3.75, for.,1.75 Highest Prices Paid for B utter, Eggs and Poultry. Ritchie & successors Campbell o M. H. McINDOO. oa�e....co. THE ROYAL GROCERY New Goods Just Arrived One package printed Toilet Sets, large size, nicely embossed pattern, ten pieces .... $1.99 per set ZEBRA. The new paste enamel Stove Polish. Lat- est thing out. Manufactured by Reckitt & Son, London and Hull. The name is a Guarantee of purity .....10c per; box RAISINS. New fruit, first of the season, extra choice selected ,... IOc per lb at griffin' MITAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil M w We Have The Stock wWOO servo w _ --. OW,* �"' err ---• Come and see our Targe stock of Wrapperettes, in all colors, beautiful goods, at IOc per yd. Flannelettes, wide and heavy, reg. 12 c, for lads. ; White Shaker, Very special at 6e per yard. Cheap Plaid goods for Com- forters. Muslins, Tints, Basket • Cloth, Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos- iery osesiery all go at cost. Beautiful Black Underskirts at a reduction. Handsome cushion tops. rorna M .�'".. - srar fiaeni y' s a.+.. 0 SOW 00. a n. 35 We sell Butterick Patterns. T. A. MILLS lll$l�i ilitii#1liiiill111ifl11111lll111l1tlilll11t0ltlllli 46+4.1 .00 IMMO *06 .01110 v,.* eila>•iI Rotes —At the installatioe. of the new principal of Queen's,various honor- ary degrees are to be conferred. Hon, R. L. Borden, leader of the Opposition in the Federal House, will be made a Doctor of Laws. ---It blows an amazing eourage, or an amazing iufatuation, that after a mass of experience alike de- plorable and conclusive, the rent and ragged catchword of "integrity of the Ottoman Empire" should still be flaunted in our eyes. —Of the forty-four million bush- els to be put on the market from Manitoba, the estimated loss from the September blizzard is $3,000,- 000, allowing still an increase of $5,000,000 over last year's receipts because of the better crops and the increase in price over last year. —The Toronto News asks the following question :—"Is it worth while for Liberals to condone elec- tion rascalities, and tolerate abuses of the constitution, and submit to the Stratton methods of govern- ment in order that Ontario may support another generation of Lib- eral office holders?" F —Although thirty -eight years have elapsed since the United States civil war, the pension list is still enormous. There are now 999,446 pensioners, and last year they re ceived nearly 142 million dollars. 27,842 pensioners died during the year, and it. is estimated that this year will witness 45,000 deaths in the ranks. Says the Toronto Telegram :— The undoubted drawing power of Mr. Gamey and the desire of thou- sands to see and hear him is evi- dence of a widespread public belief that he is a deeply wronged man. Ontario party organs which are content to accept Hon. J. R. Strat- ton as their leader are in no posi- tion to rebuke the people who show their sympathy with Mr. Gamey by turning out to hear him, —The Toronto News reports daily the number of days that North Renfrew has been unrepre- sented. To -day (October 8th) is the 496th day, It is reported that Mr. Hale, the Liberal candidate, though a popular young man, finds his canvass rather discouraging. The indications are increasing that when the Government dare bring on the election, the electors will punish Ross & Co. for the long dis- franchisement of the constituency. —Prof. von Behring, the famous inventor of the diphtheria serum, believes he has discovered a means of making human beings immune from consumption by innoculating them with a harmless tuberculosis serum, which can be obtained from cattle. He contends that tubercu- losis is in no wise identical with tuberculosis consumption. He agrees with the theory that tuber- culosis is not inherited, but doesn't endorse Prof. Koch's idea that bo- vine cannot be transmitted to hu- man beings. On the contrary, he agrees with those who think that milk from tuberculosis cows is the chief cause of the spread of con- sumption, especially in the case of infants. —Most of the cod-liver oil used for medicinal purposes comes from the fisheries of the Lofoden islands off the west coast -of Norway. The normal annual yield here is 30,000 barrels of crude oil, but this year, it is said, only 1,200 barrels have been obtained. The catch of cod - is as large as usual, but the livers hold little fat. This is ascribed to the unusual Iow temperature of the water on the fishing grounds, in consequence of which the crustace- ans which constitute the oil-produ- cing food of the cod have been re- duced in quantity. The result is an advance is price of the oil from $22 to $160 a barrel, as the yield is said to be only four per cent. of the usual supply. —The Toronto News, edited by Mr. Willison, until recently editor of the Globe, says :—We should very seriously consider the manner in which our institutions are being wrested to serve partisan purposes. The prospects of a Dominion dieso- Iution are being discussed without a thought as to whether the spirit of tho Constitution contemplates the extinction of a Parliament after its third session, merely to t<oefer a party advantage. North Renfrew is kept vacant with an equal mix- ture of shamelessness and cowardice because the Ontario Govertiment exalts the most pitiful and mone- tary bit of partisan gain to a higher place than the spirit of honesty and fairness upon which our institu- tions depend. The present Ontario Government seems to be past hope of improvement, and needs but ex- pulsion. The Dominion. Govern- ment is a mora t#ensitive and more vigorous body. It is to be hoped that at win resist the temptation to. tine *. 11141011g1 trust an a party »-In reference to the very sud- den death of Henry Cargill, M. P. for Feist Bruce, the Toronto News says ---Henry Cargill's life presents more direetly than is usual the ro- mance of business in a new world. The Greenock swamp lay in the heart of the County of Bruce, a waste stretch, unsettled and a hin- drance to the country's progress. He acquired the ownership, cut drainage canals through it, put to use the timber which, it grew, made solid land out of morass, found new industries to replace those that were vanishing, gave to his country some forty or fifty square miles of prospering farm land. All this has been done in less than a quarter of a century, This is beiug a captain of industry in the best sense. t —Louis Haupt, Commissioner of the New York Board of Education, has issued an interesting report on birth statistics in New York City. Dr. Haupt makesthe astonishing statement that on an. average fifteen babies are born every hour on the lower East Side, while the average in the exclusive Murray Hill sec- tion and along Fifth Avenue is but one birth a mouth. New York's great breeding ground for humani- ty is confined to the small district bounded by Houston street, the Bowery, Catharine street and the East Riven Here the 15 -au -hour rate may cast joy into President Roosevelt's heart. Still greater, however, is the rate in certain sec- tions of the great East Side, In the neighborhood of Division street a baby is born every three minutes, says Dr. Haupt. • —The St. John Telegraph, the personal organ of the Hon. A. G. Blair, which first strongly opposed the Grand Trunk Pacific, and then supported it in a half-hearted way, has come out fairly and squarely against it. The Telegraph appeals to the Senate to reject the Govern- ment's bill, and thus save an unne- cessary expenditure amounting to millions of dollars. It points out that the people have not had a chance to pronounce on the job and declares that as they will have to pay the bills they should be per- mitted t.l accept or reject the mea- sure at the polls. The action of the Telegraph has been imitated by all the Liberal papers in New Brunswick, with four or five excep- tions. That is a pretty clear indi- cation that the people of New Brunswick do not want to place .an unnecessary burden of $100,000,000 on the rest of Canada. The Weekly Sun says :—No de- fence of the practice of Government in tampering with the dates of bye - elections has been attempted, or apparently is possible. It is surely the duty of the Lieutenant -Gover- nor, if he has any duties at all, to see that the Legislature called in his name is lawfully called, which it is not, if any constituency enti- tled to representation is omitted. Injured constituencies would do no more than was due to their own rights and character if they were to vote against a Government which had withheld from them their re- presentation. It is to be hoped that the Legislature will not meet again without putting an end to this manifest abuse, and introdu- cing the British system, under which, when a vacancy occurs, the writ for a new election issues with- out delay. This resort to desperate devices .for putting off the inevita- ble will only make the inevitable more disastrous when it comes. —In the province of Moscow, Russia, the Government controls the sale of intoxicating liquors, and the Excise department has jest is- sued a report for 1902. The agents of the Government sold in the pro- vince, which has a population of just under two million and a half, 3,427,610 vedros (9,273,750 gal- lons) of vodka for drinking, in ad- dition to a quarter of a million ve- dros (676,400 gallons) of higher quality of spirits, a large propor- tion of which also went in the manufacture of liquors and other forms of fancy beverages. Out of a total of 3,427,610 vedros, 3,014,- 641 vedas were retailed from the Government drink shops, of which there were for the period in ques- tion 611 in operation. The strength of the vodka, pare spirit qualified with water, is 40 per cent. The total anlount aceruing to the Gov- ernment for the above sales was 37,664,784 roubles (43,242,301 sterling), of which no less than 22,798,140 roubles (42,410,568 sterling) was clear profit, an in crease on the profit of the previous year of 11,845,906 roubles (41,- 352,528 sterling. These figures for only one province out of half a hundred are remarkable. Liver Pills That's what you need; some- thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; vend.; laxative. 'gym i' sMe: Want your Moultdche or beard beatrtifttl browtz Or tic btfltice' ills BUCKINGHAM'SDYE THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Macdonald Block, Wingham, JNO. & JAS. K. KERR OVERCOATS 14 fen's and Boys' Overcoats and Ulster's at reduced prices. Right at the beginning of the season we are going t6 offer you great bargains in these goods. To those who buy early we will give a discount of 25 per cent off all Men's and Boys' Overcoats and UI - eters. Buy early. Furs Furs are advancing in price every season. But our prices for Collarettes, Caperines, Capes, Coats, &c., are not any in advance - of last season. You will save money by mak your purchases at this store. Poultry It will pay you to bring your poultry to this store. We want a lot of good, fat, dry plucked, well dressed, Ducks and Chickens. Hardwood, either green or dry, taken in trade. - Good Oats taken in exchange for Oatmeal. Rubbers Our new Rubbers are here and we have just put them all into stock, Prices are a little firmer this season but we have ad- vanced a very little and only in a few lines. We are still selling Ladies' Rubbers in all sizes, high or Iow cut, at 40c to GOe. Mens' Rubbers, splendid quality, sizes 6 to 12-75c pr. Men's Rubbers, Fine, high or low cut, 90c to $1.00. Misses' Rubbers, Sizes 11 to 2. Children's Rubbers Sizes 6 to 10. Youth's Rubbers Sizes 1 to 5. Boy's Rubbers Sizes 10 to 13. Womens' Dressy Kid Ox- ford 'Shoes at Reduced Prices. Oxfords and Fashion are still the best of friends. Here's some rare bargain snaps :— Women's Dongola Tip, regu- lar $1.35 for $1 00 Women's Dongola Oxford Tip, regular $1.50 for ....$1.20 Women's Dongola Oxford Tip, regular $1.75 for ....$1.40 Women's Blucher Oxford Tip, regular $1.60 for ....$1.25 Women's Strap Slipper reg- ular $1.50 for $1.20 UNDERWEAR We do not exaggerate when we make the statement, that never was there better value offered in Underwear than we offer you this season. We have bought direct from the manufacturers, thus saving the iniddleman's profit, which we give to you. We are. sole agents in Wingham for Ladies' Un- derwear, made with the Patent Gussett, which in- sures perfect fit and better wear. Ladies' Union Vests and Draw- ers. Patent Gussett ..25c Ladies Wool Vests and Draw- ers. Patent Gussett - 50c Ladies' Heavy Wool Vests and Drawers. Patent Gussett.....75e Ladies' Heavy Pure Wool Vests and and Drawers, Patent Gussett. Medium and large sizes $1,00 Misses' and Children's Under- wear in all sizes. Splendid value. Boys' Wool Fleece Underwear in all sizes and at lower prices than you paid last season for cot- ton fleece. Get the Best—It Pays. CENTRAL STAATFORD, ONT. • Best place in Canada for securing a thor- ough business education or a superior shorthand training. Our graduates are always successful in getting positions. This school invariably gives its students more than they expect. Write for cata- logue, Enter this month if possible. W. J. Elliott, Principal, Make up your mind to attend LiSTOW 1 /!. Fall Term Begins Sept. 1, 1903. —Two Courses— Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. Mc1NTYRE President Seer. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Parra Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. O1'PlC$.--In the Kent Block. Residence --Catherine St. O. J. M'A.G v TRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty, ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. offle--in Vanstone Block. Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office:—Morton meek, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A T. G. M, Teacher of Piano, Theory and illetcher 3tus1e Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. ITANSTONE • BARRISTER AND soeterrog money to loan at Iotrestratee. Office BDAV1t11 BLOCK, 744. WING 'AM. ALEX. KELLY' Auctioneer for Huron County I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Huron county, and am prepared to conduct sales at reasonable rates. Sales arranged at the Advance Office. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. 0, THOS. HOLMES BANKER, ETC. Marriage Licenses issued, No witnesses required. Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro- portion, Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, ETD., TO, Office;—noxt to Holmes Stook now building DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street -- Wingham P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.O Member of the British Medloal Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special' attention paid to Diseases of women and children, Dumais 11orn$1-1 to 4 p.in, ; 7 to 9 pan, W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L,D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor Graduate of Dent- • al Dept. of Torosl- to University. Latest improved methods in al branches of Dentistry. Prions moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed, 4erOideo in Beaver .Block. ARTHUR I IRWIN 1.D.8,,141,S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en- nsyivania Coilege and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over l'oat Ogles--WINGAAbs MISS SARA L MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Rooms—In Stone Block, Wiseman. DICKINSON k HOLMES Serristers, Solicitors, etc, Offices llteyer Bloc k Winjllidin, 111. k blokinsott Dudley Whitt WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro perty on the cash or premium note system, Js.scss GOLDIE, C$Aa. DAVlnsotr, President, Secretary, JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT, WINGHAM ONT ifINEISAW, MILL .� An kinds of rough and dressed,.,, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son 50 YEARS' • EXPERIENCE ATENT'. TRADE MAlltca Dss,or s COPYRIGHTS def:. Anyone ascertain a sketch and fee wn�eEIonman invention nsto pion our opinion fro, oml.:n er an tnventton la prbbabny 'patentable, Commnnlca- tions strictly confidential. Handbookentents.Patents soot Patent.Uldeata aneyforsnnrIs tants, Patents taken dMuah germ,, .t Co, receive *peeled notice, without shares, in the Sdelltifkk . merkCau. A handsomely illustrated weakl . rest stir. motion or any vitentlffo loamy arms, a esr1;�four months, $1: Sold i.r a1 nptysdeal f1�i:F ilen 8s ' y'If III, l QUIP York. Pi PROMPTLY SECURED Write ti)r our interesting books "Invent- or's heip" and "How, you are swindled." eioo'ioventdweltelrvnn rmvneanwillyou tree our opinion as to whether it is probably ppaatentable. Rejected "Applications have often treeri successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; this qualifiea us to pt•oulp!- lY dispatch work and quickly secure: Patents as broad as the invention. Highest references furnished, Patents procurers through Marion 8c Mit tion reesIve special notice without charge in over too slewrspapers distributed throughout the Dominion. Spaciaity s—Patent butines' t,f Mannar- tiirers and Itoginekra. MARION & MARION ►at*njt Expe ria swirl Soticltorts. Oitt t fiery York Life 1VId' , ilentrtsl Atlini;le Stdg.Wa8htngten D.C. - wvw,i.nrwvw