HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-08, Page 3E 11*4 I— �, 4 . 15 V f. — , , ,�.; ­ �� - , , -2:� �­14­1­1 '­­ . . - I ­. , 11 ".1 �- .2, , .. .. , . . ", , 1. ,I , I. *1.1-1 � � � I � .. . I I , . I . 11 � I I . , . � I -11. ­­­­''. I ... . , �, , . , 11,1111" I I I ­­— I I , I .. .. 11 11 ­ 0 . � ., � , � � � I � I . . ...... W�� . ,. [ , : � . I � � I I . , . � . I I I .1 . - I I I 1. , I , , , � . . . � � . � I - I I � . � : . � 1� I 1. I I 1 +++*+++******%,**+***+* o4gos as thex are, Kicked forth. . be formed. 1. Orouad o4t#,, o"roor Ill Atlantic va,bllj�g the Brltlomb Are WINS INSTANT AND Jiullsii removed. Z Two undo ground Likely to remain u the for front. . 0 oats, two pouti4m grou T310 are 00notantly -1:04roblug for FUTENING OF CHICKENS ' rd bueUwIteat, tlm(�sk , lyin ofies pound ground corn. 0. One pound g and 1AWr-sayllig ap. OONSTANT FAVOR � round , -oats, one POURIJ grout)(1 bar. I T U R K IS " M I S R U L E 0. +1 poratue, The Inorv"-otl facilities of, S, * U � . I � , one pound ground haawbeAt, # f6roct to tho 1) btle aro.tbe result of VITH A1414 0APAN TV -4 D�UNXERR. 1 .++4 Inistration and Information of Use for Tho4e 4. Two pounds ,ground bArloy, two , a dater, ;�ggl,,,, low gracle flour, oua pound The AIAM'do nPlIation W, 11,90 one better." They . h 4 bran. . " . , illan question, briefty 911116tor or War to wout externally have never hesitated to Adopt the . Engaged In the Business. %)be ground =Pat *lhould bt� mlwd to Vxplall)(10. Is that Turkish rule, still to 4ARoulloO 1140 Ntrict correctitti(le, tatelit so;entirlis Improvement;, '010 I � I t0a 4, orri a i with. ill c1r. i our Wm- It- lineal, cleatrIo.l.1 .upparatuo; their . milk or bUtermlik. A 4mall quantity exists over a I)Qrtloo of Southeastern W-11111) 1118 .Own d(partmont to secre a r.urO1)e, And th,tt thQ majority orthQ LY 013AVIY11119 4V"10 Alld AmMullItIOU maintgers, eLooI;rIc:4us paul operators if I I .It talould U, Added to ilia M4,01). Inhabitants: do, not Want kt an,y. , to& � I FATTENINGORATES ANO RATIONS "' "' toriger. . U10 Ansurgenttli, L1'l'QrYbQ(IY a0t& tire highly trained and liberally re� . T14o chlokens ,should remain In ilia ' , thus tit UsictX10014. Tbo.v lIft 0110 munerAted for zealous tijarvlco. The . , .. I . 1 A a for about tweaty- toplo Jiavo little idea of that I ra,tteplog orata oast 19=1 to tile hcavells In all Indignant "Anglo" played a prominent part In q,L A Department of Agriculture, Commle- four (layse. Ik1oro ilia chickens are � rATA Ity With which TurUlgh rule ill outibuiwt of national rectitude, and creating a (Ilsilbal,ky American "ar, � 00001111111 . alonar's Bx4nob, age" Market Ili Lqtsdom by, giving I 0111111111111 MN , I . OttAwa, Sept. 04,4., dustessl with kmligiur to kill, the Iloo. I-'ur a has diali'llubod. There, Arc peso� wit'll, tile QU01' I"UOO & donation ill bili . , L. D I 190a, plasceJ In the, erate9 they obould be pie ii tit alive, ,ilia only a short timo U14, 141100 Or tho Insurgents, Title Ili btook brokors a three -1 klatte ling V0111101cens. !rJs,,.4 -44rpm weel.4 tile ellivReno 6110131.4 , willuto service Ceylon GR13EN TEA Is pure, delicion sa and licaltliful. It Is as far ahead ago there loust have, been man, who the, etwee or tile prvtlont rising. There with. Now York. Tble Involvas an The crate Ifattening of chickens 6.1 Yed tho malfh OVApIngly thi ca t ,r =O."Ut' time when urkIsh have, heall maury .slaoll; every apt -Ing exciusive 9600,000 ca,ble, costly land 01 IT4pan tea As 11SALAJ)1s* black Is ahead of All other black tea. Land ls A profitable business for almost 11m,cle a CaT, In brdor to Accustom 1hebord3l, I a praoileally extended to And every antstasn they happen, anti lines, tell dliferont sets of compil- packets only. 25o and to., par 1b. .By all grocers. every farmer to engage In. It Is a taieru to the change of diet And the of Austria and Hun , , .... g,Artv, tile( 0110 1142st f1prIng was prepared pre� oataii Cable Instruments, and about � � � I � . . - a4 � o . -- I - 1. I., ­ . .1 .... .�­, 4-1-11 ­­­ .1 1. I .1 olwplo undertaking that can be ,conflne.atext. After tile first week the Anti Oven puilted back tile 4ts`Q1Y dO tile present one 113. Every A litlildLedexport operators, The two toll Manure netting should be put Porvadc;q my bea;tIng breath, OF at . � I nr�ssla )a 1. J, a a f:d 'by a member of the furw� chickens sliGuld I given W100 t d y . I *he Southwestern -plains Of Russia. Governfueul; in L'-urop3 know thAt the Amerman cowpa�silea provide a slul- In -It its thoy ,v,vlll consumo. . . ,This was at the tslose of the elgh. preoeftt one, wafl going to happen, Ilar service, alit], havo achieved a fair 11P011 thi) kitchen And dintug-rooms That thy free,4 6pivIt may have Ily IVAO IN. Sufficiently In- 40 much ma� , twoth century. . doors and ,wIndows, and a shoot or flown terested and enterprising to study Far OV4D Week U, -fore the Chi k(!"4, Up 01 nee tba Xotaltadilo, or Committee-, record for smartness. 'a - � two of sticky fly,paper, Willelf can To Ito oternal refit. I attau. killed a ismall quantity fit tftk*Qvr. . - ,, against Turkish inisrule, Would be called the Fenian Bro�- fully accept OV'4)r an liour's. delay be bought at nearly every country And all I wilso the tear away, i Ing crates. No special building to olioul-' b� addcd to the ma,sbes to In - utter rising -offlos Officials, who oboor- Than came war after war, rislag well, (who rcpresen)" WbDA In Ireland Tho,voat tile work and construct the f -war .store, houl be placed in all room$ There whLspers In my ear required In ivAdeb to place tile 01'0960 the julainess of the flesli, As It was called -though, as a matter tborbood) e rrisolved to force between Parls and London, way bo -8 d 11rcssh wnter k4lould bg given In the , of fact, pothaps It was less misrule . Atattorse , to 4% teslit. Having gone so interested to know thalt a cable, di- where food Is prepared, exposed,or A votes that opeaks of Heaven, mo- crates. Grain on hand, w1th, the , than tha'anivIVInguess of the Intimb. far, the posint Is now whothOr Bul- rector once aeaureci me that lie o4tell' Fly-trAPOP Of which! there titer, exception of corn or peas, whea t."ougli twloo a da,y, And grit 4or 1 Rants to have aig rule but. their War'& fall "Oil(' aloolf It the Oltuation WOU)141 004 an offleo anywhere Lu are several varieties upon the mar- And b1clas we 4eek thee there. finely ground and mixed with okim. g"MV,01 twico & week, At 411 the It - evil, Servia f,eLi away. Montenegro womena. All depends oil w1bether ket, are also of 1, I milk or buttermilk, is fail with.pro- lustration Stations the. chickens arc the city to, oa,ye ten seconds. After tl,OyIng . great use In do- 1 . k le firmly ostalollehied It& mortacecl lude. �, who lis, as usual, pouring this declaration I was not sur- I fattemIng porloti, M.ie cramming ma- tbo. Tatrk a those flies, which some. , DWI In the Provincial Penitentiary fit Ito the chickens. It It Is neceg� fed from the, trOU4111 tlll'Ougl'OU- tl , pendence, llwssla proosed forward, more and more troops into tbo cours- prIsad to flptloa tba,l its bad opened times. In spite of nottings, ' find at Kingston on the 26th of F obra. sary to buy grain, fine ground oats Reumanta decided to carve out Its trY, will succeed in keeping the In- an office In 'Shorter's court to ,, same their way Into roome whore tile ary last, John Browaly. to preerable. The cost of the food ellInO has not b,,en itaccl for feeding own fortunes, ai4 then finally 0 screen doors are frequently open- Thus bass died In a felonss oil one for fattening avor,ageii ten cseat,s ,cIdek,sas, for two ye%r.% . But. fillIrreCtion Within strictly reason- a few Xardo for the at ck broke Yourio vcwy tr I were ra, ed. -Country Life in America. who might have gallield all lionor- per chicken. It Is advisable to pro- g4rins, and Rountolla (1878-1886i Able tim-itig, ir b6 call -rjo this Bui, This was 'a costly Innovation, and '41''A' Clenion(f, set up as a principality which to 9&MO, will be quiet, but Ir the Insur- Ite swecess Was domoputr4t .. I I ablo potAtIon and loft an enviable (lace chickens wltb wlitte-colored - Independent of 13:.urkey Ili everythlov gouts astrike one or two blows or A 6poedy 0,penlug of a ri ad by the Publication Clerk. val, estplish- NEURY, HAPPY laADIE's name and reputation. Be was tat- fleali, as wifite-colored flesh Is Moro i but name. Tbla all happened In tile mK)1!0 oeriqlla nature the principality ment just undernea,th .the ploneer's . , entacl and well educated. Re came to palatabia than yellow, flesh'; It Is ---- - . I . a Balkan will Join, In, and this joining would Office, -- S,borbr4>oke In 1855, being then about I firm, fine In grain and exceeding- I * ,north of th penlumla. There to no greater treasure on s o harge of ly tender. =are are but It lost part of It 41 tile dlaia,a- b4nians, action more or less appy worry oar academy, and was principal of distributed throughout the flesh 'I In tile eouth. Greece galned'a little, mean action by ServIa, action by Praoticall,v, Shorterlo-court talks earth thsall a healthy, Is fat globules 4 tile Al direct to Zile Ne ore that will COD LIVER OIL, .t.roup vAr of 18J7. 111bo 73a,lanQe, of by tile Q0,ver-cine-lits or Austria. and w York Stock E�x- baby. Anything therer ear, llt� had previously kept and under the akin. When tile oblok- * chaugo.-In one cable office there fS keep tile little one tit thle oondt- t1t1l-r01=1M-y at Melbourne, and there on Is 000lwd, tile particles of fat 0 * territory wsbich.' was thus left to RissoptA, who rewly Want the main- one little Morse Instrument for tile it" to it priceless boon to Moth- had had companions. His brother melt Into and Increase the julci- ! "' WHY IT IS DEAR. I Trukey In Europe is cojte(A Mace- tOnAnce Off the status quo (from self stock traffic, working dire donla, And ,the whole, district, tit- Interest), and, wicuslileass througli� the Irish tar I at with ore, Mrs. William Bull, AlapleCre0k, Robert Brownly; Thomas Riddell ness of tile flesh,. With unfatted. : �qlmditig, Seryla, Rsounsupla, ' out the whole of southeastern Eu, m1nal station, Six hurs- N1. W, T., tells how she accomplished ania isome otlior Worthless individii- chickens, -water takes the place of 0*0*1" . Mouton- dred measages, averaging six words this 4ond. She says; "I am happy to egro, And BuJgarla, Is named front tile 110PI), Few persons, even the Bul rx- ale, handed tbolisselvas together with the majority of the fat globules 0.1sill4ran And grawn-upa who, are go each, are often transmitted in an say that Biaby's Own Tablets have the decease(i ali burglars. They com- obliged to taice cod liver oil, S44 aratral c4ala of motintAinz-ilie, Bat- Ani� themselves, lace such a prospect When Ithe chicken is roasted the Icons. In. oitdpoiZ vir.ordo .the territory. wsit'li. much equanimity, and w . lien It hour. Some big ,stockbrokers send In done ary baby; girl a wprld of good. mitted several nefarious aetEl, Which water evaporates and leaves the I shudder tit the Marc thought of it, bg,! lises to 40.0rma,1.,1ges lit than profitable, meat dry, Mile musoles of thearate ist.ratcaiAs from the Adria,tio to the com-eq to taking a stall *w,hiloli would t to 11 & She Was badly -troubled with. con- were more daring dt,'y of " Vb o , t at IPA i have reason to obeer up. If the short - Aegean and the Blapk,Seao, and ties Start '1106tilItIOS throughout thous- tion hnd very cross and peev- and.ror wb'ch thrNy Were is,00n b; o-ght fatted chicken are more edible ' "90 which has been Increasing for for the most part between .latitude 42,1140 -Or NQUAro, M,Ilea, even ,tile Most stock message looks like this: lob, 'but since using th'a Tablets she to justice. througIv lack 0; exercise. 'rp kill A 'wore thimn a lyear, keeps i � ip, there t-errlble firebrand er, bilk. to h.11 right. I gave he�r the Tablets At the Court of Q11cen's bench here lean chicken is wasteful. rr,be pro, will nolt be istuyl ead liver oil for thew 40 degreep-42 degrees north and pos,olblo feels A. K repressents 'the address, The once or Jwlee a week and site Is in February, 1850, Robert Browaly portion of edible went to bone and to ilike. , longi,vi-JE) 19 deg-rcm-'_8 degrees east. (111MIhs br Ilegitation, and this is I Its scarcity wIll put It Mo a �;rta,tn extent the Macedonian Juist bow the alltuation now Is, In the entire line, over three mIlAs long,. Pal- now, such a merry, Isuppy little Wass tried. and convicted of breaking offal Is so small. to the ra4lum cw polahlow class so qWPLIOn li ars,"Uttlandar" one -this, Ballkalte,-Loindou Mail. pitatea like a living organism, thing that there can be no doubt Into the store or Thomas Tait, of All 'breeds of chickens, w1th! the 'far 44 price 's oclncora)a�t, Of comrse� Metiming tbAt the Turktt, � through this tiny copper ffetpent Baby,q own Tablets -are just the Rolhourne, and sentenced to four- exception or Leghorns, Minorca$ I According -to a prourineirst whole - bulls and bears maintain A constant thing for little o�nes." teen years In the penitentiary. Sohn anti similar small chickens, can be ,sale druggist In, Fulton street, cod w1j,o wDre originaily colicilierors, Ili -*vEaii. AND NIORVOUS. warSare; a thrill on tile New York Hera Is a lesson for other Browilly e liver oil ,has adva,nood from $30 to the country, might fairly In counso . — motb:, p fatted in the crates w1th' profit(, i Stock F,xahaage to felt simultaneous- are w1ho want a safe and certain and was sentenced to seven years. Fatted chickens call be marketed '0130 la 03hxrel wisth"n a raw mosoths' of time bessoome regarded ale Indigen- rbousands of Lives blade Miserable by ly, In London. Big bargains are clos- medicine for the ailments from His torm had nearly expired. far as the Newt, ork trade Is -coil- outa. There are ma,ny varieties of tile a Trouble EasAy Overcome. ad In these Instantaneous. cabalistic - In Canada and Great RrItain for "�o I housan4s of peoples throughout- tlasbes, Fortunes are Made, and lost time t le ones suffer from ten to sixteen cents par pound, earned. This nailim 4s, although bell- vo�oallod modern Turk, There Is the. -T wililchi 'chair litt i �, Moslem, pure, and Minple, tile 1p,ark this country suffer continually from In* a few minutes. Tow cables vibrate o time. 'Mheso Tablets are act(] plucked weight. A great number of aficial, proidact is a crop, like wheat M11101111 *410 he was Ill the days Of tbO under a guarantee to contain no 1p,�%,�w,,%,.""41�-�lq&'44w'%,'qb,'ql,'%,'VI farmers have- engage(] In the fat- " tobacco, and the druggist refer- nervousneSs-theiv blood Is poor and with frantic orders to buy, sell.. can- oPlato or harmful drug, And they ad to aa�yo that If the crop next grelstit Sulta;yl 8oly.man ; then comes I toning business and are preparing yv�Bar is no boUter than it wax this, Tho -Albanlam,alt6gether dissimilar watery, their nerves unstrung and eel, and quate. Striking Di tile con- are good for all children from, tile 0 their chickens for the home max - from theTur inevery respect save Jaded. They are pale, weak, often trast between the howling, strug- new-born babe to the weIlLgrown # ABOUT SWIMMINO phy.siolane will be Obliged to find 00 p0saS0881011 Of & 400131MOn religion; trOubled with beadaches and dizzi- gesticulating brokers and the child, Sold at '25 cents a hot or $* ,kets or for.export. The following qome surbaUtute far cod liver oil In UOT sent �Iby mail by writing direJ to depart- tliq treatment at consumption and And. flually, th ness. are exhansted With the slight- a, 11 quiet Operator's who, a , letter ,WAs received by the -a bloplems in the mixed blivious � WITH A HORSE t ast wcok, showing the satis- est exertion, and Often feet as though o.f the ba.bel around them, hear noth- the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., .4. w skin diseases for Adults, or for 00tral districts of Alueedonia, ,wtho is t f�eenlory results of the first year's to a composite betw,aeu the two- life were a burden, There Is only Ing but th6 #ck-tack of their trustY Droakville, Ont.s whroopIng omxh aind 'wasting dig- . halt ,F�Isa,r one would eall one absolptely,cortain way to get -little Mor$6. . 4,'%-"%-"C'--'ft,'%,'%-'%w'%-'%-'qb�'%w'vh, chicken business and the encour- ea -seg DT childhood. a "Weat- agement offered e In kt grner" and half an oriebtal. Gradu- ,new health 'and strength, and that Each. man's work Is checked byl his Oidest Clock In the World. Mir. Dough the other day had some- more extensively. .. The -present .oituutlau .1a the cod Ally, however, with no fixed IcleAe is throligh the use of Dr. Williams, neighbor, accuracy, Is as essential as The great clock of Welhi Cattledral, thing to say about tile swimming '-Last year I experimented oil liver oll market is not merely.- a and according to no prepiste, system, Pink Pills for Palo People. These speed when an error ma,r, spoll a a shortage; It Is &a, absolute famine, but mexedY in the coul)-se of year-long pills make new, rich, red blood 9100,000 deal. . In Somernetahlre, England, to very - powor of a horse. Were a man to smial scale Witt crate -red chickens the wor9t known for twentyt.t,wo , . events, various paces have settled In strengUian the nerves, and brinj On both sides of the Atlantic are nearly the oldest and certainly else toll me that the average horse could ar'd t110 result was so satisfactory years. Old established Importeirs In the, rZion, and now represent Imijr a health, strength And happiness to, the stations of the principal cable of the most Intareoting of clocks In tJ-mt this ,year I am goigg to pTe- New York sao! that there to less of dozen chl,erent na,tiona, tile chier of those who Use tbem. Air. D. W. zcOlQii)116111013- PiamISIng 'that the Op- existence. It vre* built In 1322, by not swirn With A, mail on his back paxe all my fowls I& tbat manner. I It In all 1part� of the worict to-d&M which. are Sarvia. Bulgaria and Daley, C17st4l City, Manitoba, proves orations are similar In Ireland and Peter Lightfoot, one of the monkp 6f I should only laugh at him,, says Hhould like you to send me th'a tha.0 ever befoire. The pumqt odd Greece. Representatives the truth of this. He says: "I have In the Now World, let us Imagine Glaotombury Abbey, six miles from j,br,ogt and Streall, I have had too narves of some reliable dealers IR liver oil for the American maxkat thtreo, iVItn -Lbe original of these oised Dr. W1111ams' Pink Pills with ourselves at a coast station for Wells, where It ra.n for 250 years, mu,ny of thems swim with me on Ottawa or 'Alontreal to wLam, I can comes from Englaud, whence it to TurlQs, are wonderful results. Before using the until the ab,bey wAo dissolved by. Dow. and I*Avo been for years, mak- 111 twenty-four ,hours. For cable of- . their back. I rode cavalry horses ship the fatted clilekeus When shipped from Norway Wk n ous; my blood fices never close, and the Henry VIII., and'its la,st abb ready." . .. There to vi, Ing th-) Ba,lkmits tile c,oakpit of Lure- ad orvor his a " 1111119- for 20 yearm and sometimes had the domeiAgic product on; the maxket sold pelan pG,*Iticls. was poor, I was pale and suffered of the various companies have real. wn go-teway. The clock sainlo horse for four or five years; Mr. F. C. �are, CLief of the Do- very much cheaper tban, the Nv.. For yeari the muxim, or the 'Dark from WnS All the region of the ad out hundreds of thousands or miles wap then removed to Wells, where it a4 been 'the very sound one, dl- heart, Now after the, use of eight of SUP since the first one � was In has) b,im running evet� is nee. -St. ticle will give direotloas for con - h I but I never had one wAlch could - mIrAon Poultry Division, In this ar- waglan W. Alraost every, little flub not swim and 6arry me on hie back. shop one enters h" aziall bottles Vida and rule. Ili point of fact lie boxes of tile pills my nerves are vented by Lord Kelvin. About 8 W Niolsolate. I I have often undressed; then, strv,ctlrsg the fattening crates and air edd liver oil. wit'li, pan and Inb . does not used to divide. The Yarious strong; Tay blood Is pure and rich -, in. the witir operators are relieved Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Inclige- mounting my horse bareback, swam reading the chickens. A subsequent labeLs, standing an shelves. Tte Iracou 'enjoy fighl-ing among them- I have a good color, and ray heart bY.' the day brigade--4mart, fresh. tion, and kindred ailments, take wings be- him -for 15 minutes at a, time. I Article will contain Information rish. men ea,y that this Oil Is the selves, far too much to offer the least fiction Is regular. I think there Is alert. propaied to deal.witlt the fore the beaRsig cllialities of South American rode one horse lor four years that about killirfg and marketing the veAl thang, rliht frowl the cod `bwAw,- hoiso of any joint actioa against the no -medicine 6av equ,11, I)r. Wl!llams, 41ay'a traffic. This commences with Nervine. T)IOM;jfjHnelcins,oiDai-liam,Ont., I hvpuld not hesitate to swim the otlakeits. Tbe fattening crates and & number Of persona, believe Pink Pills for these troubles." a, few struggling messages from Am, took lite preacher's advice, followed d1ree- ill, use at the Illustration sta- them. But. as a matter 6t fact, oU Turku. .Hacl this not been so, the tions, and was cured Mississippi with. He was a slander, Turk would havo recroasecl the Bois- This is tile verdict of all ,people _permanently of the tIons stre six feet long, six- .bosudllt in this, Avay contains A ve prica, Europe, or the Far Eas;t, grad, worst jorin of Nervous Prostration and Dys- long logged sorrel, and a fast one, rV phorow, Into Asla Minor years ago; Wh,L> have given ilia pills a fair trial, ually developing Into a steady "rush" popaiii., Hoban recommended it toothem too. I ran, film againFit. some of the teen inches high, inside measure- large 1x-opotvtdon of oils from other . but the luLte with which each na- ad those who are sle% can obtain between 2 and 7 p.m. Londofi Time. with gratifying results. It's a great nerve ments. Each crate Is divided Into flwh�-skivte And fresh herrings being tional'Ity, Surb, Bulgarian anti Greek new health And strength through tile The entire sy'stent Is worked At builder. -12 fastest horses the cow1boys could three compartments. Each. compart- the tnoss�t promIneatt. hate3 the Turk Is nothing to the A; the stations clear . licare up, and he beat them, all. ment holds four chickens. A framia Tbe failure of the cod liver oil crop I use of this medletne, Do not Waste maximum v spL WhIob Ray Is iflesponsiblo? But I would never a44 a horse to hatred which they [eel for each money and further endanger your for action. tl;,e Duplex Is balanced, is built of one Inch bx two Inch for tWK) Yesara has oa,userd the Norwe� Ileatth by taking any substitute. See everything examined and prepared, swim- with his sadd'o on and then lumber and covered wl � th, state. Tile glan Government so much concern other. They have different rellgionu, The X-ray operators at Guy's Hos- carry Inse. In that they have AlIfferent customs, they that tile fult'name Dr. Wl.l!ajus' Pink Each is on tile alert; the Managers pital, London, where the moat CX- ,Pmse I would slats are lylaced lengthwise on three that Official bulletlas have been to. . pit carry oil different educational work, le for Pdle People is printed on anticipate, tile slightest bitch ; check tOnSIVID use has been made of X-rays muld swim behind him, holding on sides-bott,ow, back and top -and Lp sued about it. The fallurs Is no -t alto, they far,ter different race tradi- I I'lle wrapper around every bo.y. If clerks dart hither and thither -with In the treatment of disease, suggest to -,his tail. I have seen mail swim and down Ili front. TU .-laLs are gather In the supply at cod, for about . I you cannot got the pills from your messages, slips, ate. The buzz Of the that the severe disturbances repor,t- clinging to the horse'8 mursO - That one Inch wide and half an inch thick. thei same number are taken from the tionu, and they have different home- deator they will be sent by mail at recorders, tlle� tick -tack of the Morse ad by Mr. Edison as coming from the to b, poor place. There to always U,.e spacea betweeni the slats In soo, eA,ph year. but the cod that are . so to speak, of najo�allty. Their 150 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 and Recorder ,ke-vjs are hea�d ; auto, X-rays arc really tram the ultra- danger of the, horse hitting the man froil,t are two Ixotes wide to enable caught lack nutriment. Most of them Iriternicilie war�'ry no more bitterly I nhown than In regard to religion. by writing to the Dr, W113anis' Medi. ma,t a 'ptissichere and transmitters vlolet rays, for in their large expert- with hie forefeet I he ca,anot hit you tyx chickebs to feed from, the troc-gh. I a -re hall starved and do not weigh The Sultan hap played tills card clue Co., Brockville, onts,, keep up a constant clatter and onc* in the application of X-rays tit With his; hind feet it you' swim, hold- Tte bottom., back arLd top slats are ! one-third as much as they shoul(L scores of times, but its effect never I whiz as they'rush the Stock Exchange skin diseases no suqh accidents bava Ing Ion to hie tail. om and a half Incheq apart. The ' Some of them are iso thin that the * , weakens. If It were not foi'the pro- a -fid other work 'through at lightnIng Occurred. % - i � In t1losummor of 1884 1 wlasdowa top slats are cut above each r.artf- livarv. from which tile oil in taken, soly-i.Ang Nvork carried on by the f�-oe-%���vAh��-ft,�%.Vj.�-ft,-Rb�-4 spoed. Silence Is generajig maintain- on the Sabonal rivers, Texas, just ' tIon, and three doors are forivad. 1rhe � axo ba.rely dlsitingulahable. ' , d, by! tile ateAlf, and a diabiplined. or- where the railroad crosses it. 'The doors are hinged to the rear of the les i has killed three nations at the present me- e der reigns throughout the office.. A SKIN THAN BURNS Which eczema in not only . mulit, there woulti be hope 1 unsightly, but it weariness of the flesh. In river was bank full after a heavy fame. The crates are placed on a th4 Isma4iler flaii, on Which tlit� cod . time lo come they would U.M. ­ $ Afflericall Cables. $ eWhan the hammer of the Proilident such cases faithfully use Weaver's 8 raln, and tile oarrent ran like a mill stands sixteen Inches from, tllL- suballiL Cod. as wall as seals, have f th New. York Stock ExalLange ternally nnd 'Weaver's Carats ,,171r,,11.`nl11n- ; been getting along on abort ratlonos It to, there to not ilia least I�OVRI 0 . I rzalls, to)ltero Is a relaxation of the ten- 'Vhoy always cure, Y- race. There waa a' cattle ranch on ground. A light "T' feed trough, arid the present rising as It stands i 4,1%.,�l%-,%-,%-'ft-,%-,%�,mw-ft-lowl%, . our olde, but none on the other for a two and a lialif Inchesinside, are ! fOv many a moon. Mhorehais been a ,sion. About 1 o'clock the day clerks good mumy� mlless; and a stage coach placed In front ol each crate, and submaxino famine tliv.t men and at thl-, Moment has been engineered 'Elio American cables were made and Ylcl] ti,etr place-; to, the evening bri� ric,ftlftpsncl%%.)OOC-ft.4*nc..,..J es full of pa,ssengers was water h-ound Is carried on brackets nailed on the, women who huve to hustle for their by 1hu Bulgarian, section, and by laid. and are repaired an([ worked gad,,. T,v,...n 1mv, t"e'l, N,Iapo ol . I ever there, And tbeys were hungry ,,ad,, 'ol the orate. dully lirea(l on dry land know, notbIn , , thataection, alone, So far the Greeks mainly by Britl,,ih experts. Altilough w.or% to nogotIALR. rniey. handle long I A VOICE LID The men at the ranch wantoi )d caught w;itf . havo no part nor pal -eel In It', nor Abnormally smaxt, ilia Americans elphax dQsp.istcshos, from the various' VAOX d tb If only a small number of chicl, I about, Hundreds of cc havo.tho Serviana, although there to send them something to eat, but one are to be fatted, packing boxes � lines alle, found' to have, beeir bitten have never mastered the scientific, Govarnments and foreign emb"ales, said that none of their horses could can be adapted for the purpGae. The by hungry soulz. A bulletin recently a istrong possibility that owing to mechanical and operative secrets of code ca,blegrams from the principal THE PENITENTIARY. 5 swim In thiat current. open top of the box should become tFactocl by the Norwegian Government an. Indlaorlminato bloodshed, the lat- cable telegraph.)-., Orl the other ]land, firras of London, Purl.5. Berlin &m-1 s , "I have one that can," X told them. the. bottom of the orate and one says: I , i term!ay very soon, be drawn Into the German and French cAbles are fAt,ol!40,111, 8to. Pre$1i'Mossa,ges �ofi In gj 42 "Get your ropes ready." 'the front. ! I'Tj)e condition of the ooslfish Iss tile Whirlpool. , side should be removed for Worked to a certain extent by na,tive from tile Continent and L o n,,d.o,,., . They got a long coil of half-inelf Sla,tg should ;be nailed up and down - war;se thun ever. They have no livers , To understand the Macedonian operators. For "rusaill work, how- .Mbase i7sually keep the cabil �stii V The following beautiful lines wore rope, and cutting it in the middle. we; iji-e front, also lengthwa,ys of the tof speak of. It Is now requiring 40e. question it to neaessaxy to appre- ever -and cabling is necessarily a MAW 9 Or 10 O'clock, wll,�n tllflrr� 1,; found pencilled by a convict In Ono - bad two that would reach cross. o o . A ,board 000 fish to makes a fbarral of oil. T.Illel clate What Turkish rael In,, EurioPl) I I . question of "ruAss �-tbe British oper- Oftem U lull until About midnight, of the books belongi g to the Ilb- T tit king myJ he I went to tb& khould be loosened In the top of the , Is wItbOtLt Paxallol In the history of Orn whou the night brigade takes aut ly, , it J0 a. , aqgent At- I sitors stRI reign aup`rome. TIJ�>y read Y. r-ary of the Provincial Penitentiary, river, stripped to my' undershirt And crate to remove the chickens and our ftsberlaq." Is. Br1of _ 11 ben a roa toml�t on thd P3ft of tVc local anth- - Mirror, Ilecorder or Morso with equal While Europe aleaps the Atlantic �Xlnstgon Herald. . drawers, and tying an end of each a feed trough arranged In front: Dur- ! So far " tile American tradeda oritoo Ito orisitre as much general i facility. Some will read by sound at cabb)a i-lbrate, with energy. A great 'waist got MY.' 11-Orse ing the fall the crates can boplaced i with a Main- it rA t,j rate, typoWrILIfig ill,) . MOTHER. rope around m':71 conoarned. wholestalers are compelled �1) . . mas- dcal fcp truffle comos ea,stward, prin- Ili the, water, "and, using only., his outdoors in a sheltered position or i to replents1i their stock on almost Im-nn of profit to themselves. Title I I allm-1131 long commorcial cablegrains, I've wandered far away, mother, head stall and halter strap, no'bri- In. a vacant shed or born. ,I ally t"mft demanded from the other Is done by all form* of, corruption I- dnotined to raise)] Earo;pean d4lients Par from my happy home, die, swam across. I Was then readyl aide. At first it -�vAe thought that ,And -by th.-I exercise of military ralp. [ 1% ,0% n a ffm cia,rly Ili the day. Then the latest And left the land that gave me birth, ,Plymouth !,Oaks, Wyanclottes or , somebody was try4ig to get upi a cor- Thore to no question that the ln� I Ell%, V - ywo Wo to go back, but two ladies In 'the chickens of a similar type weighing Proiss Massages a,re transmitted to In other climes to roam ; I coach tried to stop me; they were four pounds nor In cod liver oil, but this proved Jiubitants have incalculable causes ! 2*�PACKAWIN k18=111 NoNviTork from London In time 'for And Time since than has rolled lite arrald vtbat my' nice ho from two and a half to to be T;,,rong. The situation le grow - of coir,Valnt� Even ilia bittgreat the Morning papers. Plitally the W.eI­ years, . ' rse would be: each, are preferra.ble for fattening. . thew 0�w, dro Wned." They., did not seem to earel I Ing worse all the time. Another crop eritics of the aalkan) races (not one I come, elgnaF, "N. N.," Is flaiih,ed along And marked on my br Whether I wiia or not. I Mt the Chickens of medium size and Of 0- . is rtot duo for several months. and ,of -Whom, gave. iscissibly- the R.oumam- I . that line, and the tired 0ablists take Yet still I think on tiles, mother- broad, square shape, with short I there is nothing on which to base I I horsao In tho)Water a,galc, then wrap- straight legs set well apart, fatten an oatlinate for next year. Thealtua- Jana, werits much to be said In Its,, - I . a� woll-oarned rc�st� The day dawns,; I'm thinking on thee now, , ping bis tall around mM, left hand t1to most profltmbly� I an early breakfast Is Indulged in ; a I I tion may be as bad " It le now. Savor) will but adinit that the pro- . ) . poriod of weary walting eusities, un- told him to "go ahead, C�arloy." I A suitable fattening ration Is one - .. , . .When by thy gentle side, mother, which will literally mean no cod liver ,wai situation cannot last, Ther .. .. � L I tit they extend an effu,%ive welcome Thou watched my dawning youth, had never u -sed a whip on him ,; be lbat Is palatabIle and that will pro- all At all. Or the cod May fattrm and Concert of Europe, as Lord .Salisbury .. -- . I did not need It'. R;a swam with the (4 1 . 1 �Uca A white flesh. Ground the catch may be unusually profit - to their morning colleagues, ,who, And kissed mo. In your pride, mother, , -colored once suld In one of ble Most famous Av-�% . ­' I current, And ,went 200 yards dowiv Data, ground buckwheat, ground bar- I �blo. I . Rpoeohoa, is fike & steam-ro'lle.r-It taking charge of the cable,s, com- Taught me the word of truth. otneam before landing, then climb- ley -and low-grade flour are meals i - Ml� - mance the day'swark In tile manner Then brightly was my soul fit up ad out, none the worse for his trip. that I In- one, of the London hospitals do. moves slowly, and thus. moves too . - aircaidy described. At Isola,ted sta- have boon fed with profit a,t- voted to the treatment of pulmor ary islowly for the Inhabitants. - They 1, With tll(�ugllts of future joy, in swimming a 4iorseAf on big back, jJlo st.&tlous. The chickens are fed disualses the use or cod liver oillhaa . tloim tbo w)mpinles dlspla.y 00111- WhIlst your bright fancy garlands I -would sit as far back as 'possible, . have suffered inuoh, and' from time .4�0—p mcmdables 001101tudo, far tile comfort , Wove I t & mash excluslvely. No wbolo grain been abandoned and petroleum emai. l to, tline they have made more or less . - . . Of their Men ; quArtera, mess -rooms, To deck thy darling boy.' : Use bo bridle, but only the halter,' is given. Several meal mixtures are olona substituted. with sa,tisfaptory. apastrodic attempts to ameliorate I . bIl!Iar4-room,% and oven theatres, are . . I let 'the horse have his head and nev- given to Illustrate how a ration can raasa;lto� - � ! , i i ( tll.i-ir litslucky plight. This caft only � 11 Pro,vidtd. %)lie aristocrats of the tele- I'm thInking on the day, mother, er burry him. - I � . . -,� graphic profaisslon, cabilats work ' ften, with such anxious care, t�o done by force of arms. Even thus r � -- 1-� . .�� � . :"-11 - tile Powers themselves call OnlY Coal- . - I . 11 fr00 from Patt-,y r0atraintO, such As YOU lifted ap your heart to Heaven 4n Method of Excluding Files. . pni Improvement, wot other . w, I at). I t ­ .�. � a,ro Imposed 0A Government tele- Your hope., your trust Was ther ;1. Stusp] , �� Alt=.� .; I gralsbIgtO. `Udst C011sts are Imigra. -a e s - 1-1 . - - : . . Ond mem'r;y brings ill parting in tho, present case, the powers have 9�-?:,�--:4 14, .The prosence, of flies In tho house Bleeding Pi I for sevoral, years been unwilling to do 1 t_.-:-- , - , tory Ill thriv liab!ts� Bat the Atlaxitic glance, . : Is a reproach. It Is a falling away an3-thing except advise, and t , be In- . .k= �i — - .. �--, tor. bAng well treAt6d and well Whilet tears rolled down my cheaki from a .high hygonle standard, for -�X. . hatliants of atl r one have gradually I . ,-- . asuftlly sottloss doWn and mar- T%lat last long, loving look toldmore 13le fly to D. pestilential follow. it , placed their confaidence less In what I . . '0.1i,1',0,,,rATbaa, little 0010-ni0s 111*0 very Than ever words could speak. must be admitstcd, however, that It � and Erysipelas 1he po-wers are wil inr , 11 popular In the region.g In Ivill-oh they I ., to do for them * . to very difficult to keep habitable than oil tile co-opoorailon ars-d direct ac.ttle, for they Invariably contributis I'm lonely And forsaken, mother, I places froo from tiles. Poisonous Aympathy of their co-na,tionaltilsts 'BapIrstellies 14 a forerunner alkd to tho'galety and 00clability of the No friend is 11041. me now, ttypapers are unsightly, and glatin- Two Sevore Cages Which 111sulatrate the Extraordinary, ' I outside the actual Turkish borders.: one of the rnost COMM030L Symp- dlobriot.-Lood,on Ma,.11. , li­ —I To soothe me with a tender word one cordi and traps are not very %hey looked to Qreece� After tile 11 I Or cool my burnIng brow. I pleasant aec"sorles In the house- � Soothingf, Hoallngt VirtUeS of . ivar of :1897 thoro ivits Ito Moro hope toms of kiduey troub16 aiad Dangerous Villes. The clearest ties affection wove hot(]. Yet It to a bmtter nolt only of In that direction. They looked to wolnb displacs6iftobnt. . Are all now tort) from me, comfort but also oflicalth thWt the SerVia. S.,)rvia was too busy to do It to most Important that flies 010Y left me when my trouble came, fly tliGuld be ex-cluded. Tho fly may DR., OHASES OINTMENT Anything " tit() oc-untry suffered froln i READ MISS NUNN% EXPERIENGE. should be kept aWay trom, all food ,T,hoy did not love like thee. onally be a Pathogenic agent owing . . %. lbterneclue. troubta, and its finances , ,4 some time ago r waa iii a very supplies, To this end, every effort to tile fact of Its choice of onviron. .Wero In 4 hopeless State- ObviOuslY weak condition, my work made, me should be made, first to do away I Would .not have thee know, Other, -ment being Oftentimes of the mogt Little was to be expected from Sov� norvous, and My back cithea irightfull with, all Places th'at Are favorable HOW brightest hopes docaym disgulitIng character. When a fly I 900'tel; Of PeOPIO (10 not think of Monte before, but none seemed to do via. Tllorc remained Uoutuatita. an all the thao, and I had terrible licay. for ilia breeding of flies. Horse The temptor with lite baneful cup walks across a suRable culture mad, nutgarla. Rounianla Is endeavoring fteltes. manuro should be kept In a closed Has (1atqhod thew 1trying Dr. Chase's Ointment for lier tiny good. I hin telling my friends . ALI away ; lum It leaves lnf;�tlon. I)PhInd It, as about tile wonderful cures, which Dr. v i ern of & good little 30 - got a bottlo of L dia pit, or tile place where J.'st is stored And shable lime left its vencint sting, Fbown Ili tile colonies of organisms i bleeding piles beoause they have used , :I Ily mothei lNinso's Ointment made tot mks. flation. Its Government wits too anti. 301xikbam's Vegetable 9,om- should be #croorsed. Metal foreona To rank With angulsh wild, Which devclop, oil ilia points witil so many other treatments In vain i§iulth and rayfielt and would say that tious to commit Itself; Obviously pound for ino, and it Ribewed to that will not rust are best fOrtifts Yet -still I would not havo thee know which the insects' IAga have been In and do not believe .their ailment It Is only a pleasure for me to re - nothing Xvilatever need be oxiltated strengthen my back and help mo at purpose, but,. unfortunately, they Tile gorrowe of thy ellikl. contact. The fly, theroforo, should be i frolh Rcumit"Ift. once, agil. I did not got iso tired as are too high-prlood to permit of � I I ,driven out of our batintg. out -able. It Is by curing when others I eommond so exopliptlt a prcparatloo.14 theIr being used by th'e majority I know -you would not clilde, mothero hat files will Would, finally, Bulgaria 110 slfsy� bdox , rail that Dr. Chase's Ointment has Wherever there Is Irritation, In- . ,a.. J cotitinued to talto it, and It It is a earions fact t , ihing ? As a matter of fact', the popti- i ,broukfii health. ana stvougth to me, Of people Who, live In tile country. Yota would not give mi� blame, not pass through netting even Iwon each a record for Itself. it I I'lArnmation, ulceration or I telling of lation of Bulgaria almost to a Inan Cotton Mosquito netting, however. But 1ROOtIlb wO w1th a tender word though the meshes be, quite large will not fall to promptly relleve and ' tile skin, Dr. rhaswo Ointment will dealroa more or loss aotivo Interven- and I want to thatill: you for the Is not very expensive, and, though AIXT bld me lio,pe again. , completely cure ally for,,, of piles, no bring qllick relief And wili Ultimate4 it has ilsone, wo.11-miss luTils unlmm tbero bo it so-uroo (it light, ly beal and oure. oil this Recount tion Olt beb,ilf of tho Bulgarians fit at. & Wales Ave. It WAl not last ag 10119 no tile Ism lovely and forsaken now, : as troin a window, behirid' It-. Thus, , matter how severe or of how 'long MvLoodonla, wli.*), are nui I columkr, 142nd * rust -proof Metal screens, it tojust Untittlol aild 11libleat, In rooms with windows on on one 1 standing. It to useful In scores of sways In every 11:1e."111, i York City. -$j000fo),,*dIf / 0491-4al no effective in keeping out tile Yet ialtill I would not have thee know . sepll, home for the cure of eczema, mit. otrongest Of all the races no r t .ye -ageourlitior proulho gshtshisnas qanoof r. pFodael�y. Edde a net over tito willoow will al�. Mr. James Uriali Pye, Marie .To f�oflan frontier, Itnt ill.,) Government tiles, Cotten nattl c ,He* soroly Pin. distressed, I F-cilutely Leep 1110 fIleg out, although G ,.nysborough Vounty, N. 8., writes: . 141011111, tvtter, 8cald head, chaflurn, ,L)'(11% 1-1. PlukhaWss Vegotable be Purchased tit it trLtle oVok t1free I , 4 awl the 1s1'yhAgt3t are wh4o 0110,11gh to . ,110 1110shes of ill(% not may be all. ,,,a,, I 11 was bad with bleeding ples for Itching peculiar to -Woman, � recognize tivit On the havard oll tile Coixispoxmd cur -es because It is conte a square yard w3len bought I'Ve walidered tar away, motilor, � tlp&Ttj. . . V I about four years and coal get no WOruls, Pile& an'l All R6rts Of AIR the would hallix t1wir fliturei ox1r,tellea. by the plooe, and each' ploco con- IF.411-eo I deported thee, . Ilullp. Dr. Chase's Ointsmoilt cared me (1101113ell And "ruPtI0110, . 4t Iturkey ctiii,lind Milgarla In A Nvftr, i tile grailitest knou,sa Ileme4y for tains sixteen square yard$. Where And lat thy tfu.9tIt1g heart to breAU ; ­�— I In a ,very short time, and I viannot Dr, ChaWe Ointment, 00 centm & It need not be txpaotod that the prin- i k1dueS, and Womb twubleff. It to not practical to nee scroone, Beyond tile deop blue isea ; I A CUrrOuil PUNN; 19 nttted in tlld!pralse It too highly for this care, z box At all dealers, or E(bliftneon. faipallty IVOU141 loso Its plitfro Inde- 1 ,.Vti WoMan Wh* IS X)UZZ1,e(1 I chlorlde, of lime, It need in 11bevat Yet, inother, W114 I love thee well, Andes. There Is an lull half wav Mrs. Thomas Smith was tkoubled Bates & Company, Toronto. To pr6. "'Ildonee, tnit 1111que0lonabl,y lt�kbAlv, I Ilantitlea and well apriuMod I 16ng to lwar 00A apmak, up 1he direct route where ar.cen(l. . with erysipplas In the feet anti legti teet you agall)"t Itultatious tile pqt� . . would be left tit a firsa,notal anti Nov- I aboiit her condiflon shoil,14 wtito itliPbUghi thO M411nrs), Will ptevont AP41 tool Agaln that balmy bwa&l ore And desem),slors fri,quentiv Meet, i and wAas all swollen gave JL)or i trait afld olgnnture of Dr. A. W. sbri'lln-01A1111Y dis4Ntrousl state the development of Any eggawbich UPOn MY 4NA,reworn obcZk. I tho foriner hair pvrlRhed with In- I some of the tllntmonl�.P�Wllssleh toak I Chase, the tainous rocelpt book tia. .110)106 thn 111111gurtall "GION-4nulpa I to Mrs. PlAlt'ham at LYn I inay be depolittod In thle manure. D'At ss,b I tylake Is a tIJ<>agIlt, Mother, crousinp. colij, tho latter Oyer-, out the Awolling and heated all tile thor, are on evory box of Ilia rorkit. , fI" olyst,sr,yed 9v4&t ooutia,oii, %ie "4 Wil h", All, in thb ,Second Nana, 190.reous or eot- wlielmod by Ine.eva8lop, hoat, sores. she had tried many treat- I diew. I I I I - � , � , ­ 4 I