HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-01, Page 7IWAVIOWZ -, ___ _ _, , " I � I .
, �..�-_w.___"___� 1 - ,i I - - .__�� � - I I I -;. - � . I . � . � - I - I I ... 0 11-1 , ,
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. I —, , .'s ........ W_ , `0
04 a 'a 0 cortex, at %ompile4tod, )b�- ' ' ,
fact th tie V lhitlaa Imilax
of Juacodunla in ront III tl�"ORGANIZED SUICIDE CLUB,
� find tl . te work I on the , UMN 09NGI "A " ap""o r1a,*y,%,,t,0a,,1,T1S"r,
I U 'by wAtor onclo I w o 4 IV I'l I 1`4 ,
41 J
fiEN9 'fim AMI L" ""' N'S VISIT# . (tit"'re"w ca"'re,lot"cly" 4401tof "'ol
vllton4pe(141�- olullf M9011 by difforo ' c
granite (law will begin. differo-noes of �x'k4l;glon,'121;ld Ili adtil.
1 � . I tl(>Il to the life luillated
depth it � width . r , by all Ili -POI "Ild I'll "ANG TO 00 UP NOMNIONISTS.
to to be )I d I 4nd Incapable a(imloif;trilt�lloeno,�raun",�lI I 0
R J) as that of tile XO. .9 '
Tit($ Ca, dlan Coal 3,"y's 1111110 11
�) reo
't loi�
,X an It
Ouc"'E" A LIVE WIRE , to sapte MITHI"Ch ONL ill, 807d 601- .
1'0111%olvoll 111nag Ito capacity � , ",cry, "I It daU1Sit11-!13ii11I , Stom 1-1 - -_1 ------ _.__...._1 .1- .- .
will 0 ,,,, ,:ra. or ;Uxatil�11111, li,yvo have to roakoa' with
. _ a0tocko, of 10 toot all tile Ilia which, III -a jp=tloll
. It' diameter, each turbine at the toot .9
capable not, Imbued with. Wcster of SuWde Club Members
a( developing 10,000 I I ( . Carr Out Rulles
I � 'Or'e Ity, XIV41 nationalities and -
00 a lotaltol-110,000. TlI.,ii So Says United States Coun- Iranian , 'y
Is now. Moro than limit excavated, sects do not ocrupto to InflIct on one
New JerseY Main Dying at thie andotr,'In ,,,, Sluices leading to two another." . I Within Three Mooths.
,Mr. Batfour adds:
I � . of tile big[ tuboa are already In, Post, sel in Alaska Case, " Tile lastiument whereby the kilt. I Bo1w, Walla, Sept. '.18.-Bolso ha,s a ,continue Its building o1wralli"'R in
, � tion. These consist of five pieces . nation May be iteatt with is tho coil- fully orgaAlza4 Aulol4o olub, three of NPAto of Sam Parkii. t ba
.4 call, and they weigh 80 tons. Tile . vort of Europe. But this, even wqe I 1.0 A Con -
Age of 132 Years, Process of excavating to done by a they all In., harmony, Is Ilece8sarily building in tile Wall street dlotrtot.
I . wh000, menbera at loa.st have ,,Uod by 'ralet to build an 18 -story office
. ! channoler, which Sawa and works by stow, and Ditty be Ineffectivo, If 111,3 t1hIr OiwA lifludit; with, a the laist three ,The Ural lias already opened A ro,
compressed. 4tr� MR. AYLESWORTH'S POSER pr?L)LOW In Complex. mont1w. I orulting station near tile Battery,
Now. York, Sept. 22S.-Liout.-Goneral being required. T,ho company is jub. — ". . . A It was - matter -f c- ""I.1
Sir Ian Hamilton, X, 0, 13-, -wbo was' liftlit. over their now, find
one of the heroos of tile Door warj At it Ripe Old Age:
and Is now quartermaster -General
Now Brunswick, N. J., Sept, 28.-
— .
at the British forces, and who nr- I
N(Yath Aaby, -,vtic, clalm,,s the dlatjnc�
tIOn 01 b,�,Aug =4
Tito Famous Pritisp, soldier Comes 0
rived here yesterday on the Lnoanla
yea,rs at(], and prob.
a.bly tltI� QIdQ.jt living man in thia sec"�
on a five weeks' leave of absence,
tion, If not Ili tho entire country, to
York, ,%.]Vt. 2T.—Vent.-Gon.
brought with him a Pair Or field
rAE4.3y onlk ng, And 1.9 likely to die at
SAII Ian 11hinittolip. X. C. Z, who wan
glasses w, hich have an Ili teres tIng Ili i�
. any tJMQ- FO`r Moral months Past,
-0110 of tile heroes 6f the Boor wAr,
tory. At tile battle a( Ma,jubu.. Hill
to tho matron at the Pic-
cAta.waX pcor Farm, wbrra Itaby has
and is now. Q' -C
� . uartermastor loneral, of
Ili the first Boer war, when Ilaiblk
livcKls Off and oil, for tile Point forty -
tile British .forces, arrived liere you-
ton, then a Subaltern, besought. Ili$
Y(�a.rl$, tke, ola, ma,n has been gradur
ally '"Iciakening, an(A able to leave Ills
terday on the Lucania on a five
commander to let him lead it 'bay-
b -',I only for a �khart time. Beoauae of
weeks' leave of absence, Gen. How -
onot charge against tile I ... preg-
libi ,enfeebled condition he in unable
',ton WAS mot at the pier by Capt,
. nable position of tile Doers, willell
was refused, lie lost tile
to tako .
. nouli-,11iniont, except in small
Rarper, aide to MaJor�Goxi.,Cbaffee,
glqsses. They were found on a dead
quantiticts. Ile appears to roal!ze his
0onditioty, arid is seemingly anxious
whe escorted film, ,to the . Waldorr-
Boor farmer after a shIrmisli In the
for tile end to come. He fornierl y
Astoria, wJiere Gen. Murree called
)3ast Transvaal toward tile end at
the war, and as Oeneral Hamilton's
sprokcia a I:ipo several times a'day,
.later. Last night Gen. Hamilton left''
name was engraved on them, the Bilt-
fall officer who had ranted ther lBoers'
Vat during the paint few weeks has
'let Asked Tor It once.
for Canada, whance lie will return
to tills city on October 5. Ile said.
Ili the skirmish returned the glasses
May Have Done it For Full.,
"I am going to Canad a mainly with
to their owner. �
Wilkesharre, Pa., .Sept, 28—Poter
a view ol ateezing a lot of the mail
General Hamilton Is fifty years
Lenouskey, who is to be hanged on
who foungt under Me, mostly In tile
old, tall and slender, and with a
Tuesday for tile murder of Andrew
Royal Canadian Regiment. , They
face much tanned from exposure. He
Zonnick, fit the J�;xeter colliery, made
were OpPendia boys and I want to see
� .
4 said yesterday that lie had been in
a remarabk1a confession to his at-
them again. When I return I "in
�". the open air all his life up: to tile
torney last night. He said:
going to accept Gen. Chaffee's Invi-
time lie became QuartermaBie r. Gen.
'1 followed Andrew into the mine
tation to visit West. Point. Over
eral. Gen. Hamilton fought In the
and � Struck, him three or. four times
In England, at our school a,t Sand�
Af glian war, ,w l a�-
w1th. an ax, Then Victor Zorambl
hurst, we have now a commandant
Jor In tile Nile expedition of 1884,
and I wont home to Zennick's house
who knows Ilia West Point llke.a
e leut.-Col. Ili tile
and remained there that night, We
book. For that reason, lie's extreme -
Burmese campaign. He fought at
Ladysmith, Elandslaagte and other
did not tL,!l his wire. I may have
ly valuab'le. He, is Col. Kitson, who
battles of the Boor war, and finally
killed 111,11i I
,lot 6r run- or for money, but
I am sorry that I killed him..
was head of tile Military College at
Kingston, Ontario, and also military
�Illiif. of
became Lord Kitchener's 0
staff. ! I
1 am not afraid to die, I am coil-
attache at Washington. SInce lie
I . ;
has assumed charge at Sandhurst lie
, Shooked to Death.
. Zorambl wAs convicted In tile see-
has made some changes suggested by
Niagara Falls, Sept. 28.—Lorclii
end degree and Is serving a twenty-
lilt? study. of West Point, and may
T. Witmer was shocked to death
year sentence. � -
make more. You pay ybur officers
at lils.home, 1,8,07 Linwood avenue,.
Buriltil to Death.
more over here. That is a good
early this morning. .
Witmer was awakened by Ills
� . 1.
.Syracuse, ;N. Y., Sept. 28, --:-Carrie
thing, The -pay of our officers In
very stuall In comparison."
wife, who Informod'.-hini that there
Schrader ruslied through tile corrl-
Gen. Hamilton said that It was
was trouble with thle electric light
dare of the' Globe Hotel thia morjv-'i
going to visit Lord Uinta at Oettawa
w1rea. �Io want to the collar ivILh
Ing with her garments ablaze, shriek.
'ad review tile 48th Highlanders of
his 'vv�fe. Sparks were lssuingfroni
Ia, switch bloolei" aind"'iWW-, Witmer
Ing ,ror belp. B. C. Whittaker, of
Watertown, went to- her ald, and tore
Toronto, and wauld take In most of
.went for a lamp., -When she return-
off the flaining clothes and was him -
the large Canadian cities.
ed she found Ofer husband dead on
ealf badly burned. Miss Schrader
Brigade" which fought with tbc
the floor, .
was taken to St. Xoseph's hospital,
Mho exact mannor in witich Wit-
w1jere site died a few hours later.
111119, Who put this latitude In tlid
draft whicir lie sent to Bagot.
nier met his deatlil is not known.
The livioman was employed as a I
I —
Sit b6cripti Oita 101- ;S750 oci Or �,. T
It is supp6seil-itliat a feed wire was
chambermaid, and It was said that
H. Have Been lal,ested.
crossed with a high-voltage electric
she -wAs a great c1garette smoker.
� light wire and Vilat Witmer iouch-
It is thought tilat her garments
London, Sept. 29—Subscriptions are
ed the w1re.s '
caught fire from a cigarette.
lavii,oil for tile Grand Trunk's Issue
.,vitmer -wAs employed as a boDk-
To lkill Ilia Wife.
of f7ZO.000 four per cent. guaran-
)*,,I,.eeper at the Cartor-Crume plant
a:nd was .% Fears old. AesIdes !its
Chicago, S -.pt. 28.—Somqwhere in
teed stook. 1111to issue price is 1;97
101d. per F100, 10 per cent., on ap-
. parents lie leaves a w1dow arid chlild
Chloago It New. York mail, who *the
Ntw York * police my has made
1,lic,tIon-, 25 per cent. on allot -
and three sisters.,
All Oil Well Struck.
threats to kill on olght, In seeking his
went, 80 per cent. on
1903, the balance on January Ist.
40hattfam, Ont., Sept. 2S.—The
wife a,ud the man with whom fibe left I
home eight months ago. But Sorne-
1904. Tk.D rate is four per cent. at-
Kipp Olt Co. struck a fine flo'wingo
where, b2twilon Chicago - and New
above P,yinerAs to be paid
January let, 190-1. Application, -with
,wlell 'this morning on the Brown
York tilo wifet and her oompa;nloil -ire
a deposit Of Z10 per F.1.00 nominal
farm, adjoining the Blall farm, on
being barno eajot again as.fast its
share applied for, Is to be made to
wbied a wall was struck a number
Steam can carry them.
Glyn. Miliq and Currie Company,
of days agd. rfkhe new, well Is as
Tbo huEbind i.4 Goarge O. Nauwe-
London. .
- -
good as, if not better than, tile
ll farm, and Is re-
lea,rts, a jeweler, with a ot ore in
BAst 83rd istreect, New York. 111he man
T%io Firyaricial Times, referring to
ported good for it liberal yield per
a,ecompAnying his wlfo Is said to
tho new Grand Mrunk stock Issue says
there IN little doubt that'at 07% the,
day. Tito oil 1fas 1101t a Particle Of.
havo bekan for years a. friend of the
stock Is Intrinsloally cheap. The Vt-
;1vater In it, but plenty of gas, �
wbicV. at present forces the oil out
family. In C_ icaga lie, vised the unmi '
ot Adolph Arcindir, And wA9. employed
nanclal. News says that In an Invest -
in a Stream without any pumping
aig cornet player in an orchestra.
. I .
or's fight mlay heartily be com-
miended to the public. .
IN171SArit River for generating clectric
powp.r it ig nopwasaxy. to bulld a, min-
taln, that tile line should start from
the head of the canal, and go so uth-
BAitabi Warns Turkey.
Over 100 Villages Destroyed.
London, . Sept. 28.—A despatch
from Sofia ,a the Times Says that
Tito Masonic building In EastBoa-
ton 'was
The answer to questions 5, 6, and
7, lie said, were included in the ans-
a document purloined from U11mi
Pasha's bas
struck and several bun -
odred dollars damage done to tile
wev 'to the firth, which stripped of its
verbiage, Simply 'asked wbetber tile
archives and which
fallen into the Minds of one of the
iatnre caitaract. Tlh.lroe thinga are re-
line bhould go around heads of the In.
nor Bulgaria must expect tile sup-
of Great Britain In resisting
consuls, ,gives confirmation of the
wliolesale extermination carriedout
Opened a gas muln, causing consid-
erable annoyance before
lets. He contended that Great Bri_
'Plotrit'ar openly or as cretly the excou-
In Macedonia. It records that 93
tile break
could be repaired. .
tain arid Russia desired that a line
tioll of the reforms already promul-
from 56 degrees nortli latitude to
Mount 10,11as should follow the crest
gated, that these reforms are In the
, of His Mnjesty's Governm(
qui rcid, an intaket to secure the water
which, is to b3 utilIzOd', a, perpendicu-
Wonderful Er Works
lar fail or at le6st 150 foot. and, a
tunnel or a pipe foi. the discharge
Jockey Wrn, Vaux Ihrowp
on the Ca'nadidn Si,&
Of the wuter After Its work Is done
It will be eqsily seen that to secnr�
the nQcqssary fall'the Intake must
From a Horse,
ba Lfbove the cAtaract and the dia-
charge, belo,%r it. If the power-houize
is nemr the Intake it is necessary to
convey the walsto wrliter to the river
Montreal,, Sept. 27.—'Awo sl*,ock-
Niagara Falls, Ont., ��OPC- Ln).—dit
by tunneling through the rock. If the
potwoc�r-houlsc, -'however, is balow the
Ing fatalities and a numilier of ser -
Niagara Falls. sa.ys tile special car-
Falls an tho. river'p edge, the water
lous accidents occurred here on Sat-
rurday. "Yorkshire Billy," a well -
4-espondent of the Mail alid EMPIVO�
N the battle of brallis against brute
inuat ba conveyed along the Surface
from the intake to a, point 150 feet I
kt'Owll local hOrseLu-11 and jockey,
force bits been colls",antly, waged
directly above the power -house. so A3
to tile reqatalte fall. Two com-
wto has been Identified with the
tLrf for eighteen, years, principally
- two -years ago
t day, over ,
- ince th' '
t lot 0 firWt piece of cribiviiek
panlro a,re a1dopting the former plan,
�d Dr. MeEacbreiVs veterinary
u rapids
t Into the roaring ,
the CAnAdjan Niagara Power Com. -
.., r
pully and tb Zuronto'and Niagara
School, was thrown, !romi his lior8e
alid ki',Ied at Cote des Nelgea. His
and anchored.
By;-.Tuly lot, :WO4, there is likely
Ontario Pa
Company, w1ille the Wer
right* name was Win. Vaux. He wav
c -so-power available,
to D . 20,UOO hot
Coingany's Nvorks: Are being call-
FArmet oel In the latter
Q yea,rs old, and had been recog-
nized as an expert In caring for
and two years from to -day 35o,000
horae-power will be provided by, thei
- ,system.
I Latest and Alost Daring.
1,.ornes. Hie staxted on his last ride
three development sompallies noiv at
Tito Toronto & Niagara Company
yesterday morning about 0 o'clocks
and at Cote deg Naiges his hors& be -
work. 2bla "IltltYJ Of POwCr is Over
equal to ten times tile total 1%m011Ilt
Is the baby of the Niagara Devel-
Mont Companies, having begun
came erottingled in a runaway tealn
of farmer's horses, and Billy waa
used by the manufacturers of Tpron-
work only In April last. However,
hurled into the wheels and dragged.
to at' tile present. t
the plan upon which the work Is
When, found he Was lying uncon-
Tbree separate companies are a
proceeding is perhaps the boldest
sclous, ana berore a pLysiclan arrived
work in the VicinitY.1 Of tile HO Be-
and most original of the t1froo. The
he was dead. A widow survives film. �
shoe Falls. The fi�it Ono 'to cOm-
mence operations was Ills, (!anadlan
features or thin work are the
'-gathering (lam' )and the tall race
Anotl,er fatality occurred at St.
13:erirl. Mr. L. Churbonneaus 23years
Niagara Power Compan.v, which two
, tunnel. This dam Is to be built
old, Ni,as out In, two by a railway
,build &. coffer
out into, the river at an angle of
train.. The accident took Place at
dam il;,o keep the -water back, to per-
perhaps 40 degrees with the share,
8 o�clook, and evidently Mr. Char -
mit tile excavation of a forebay', andi
fo the purpose of turning the wa-
bonneau: was returning frow., ItIR I
the building of all tile heavy .rIla13_
ompany's intake,
work at the coal yeards. Tiredi and
onryl of tile intake and tile power,
and providing an ample supply. It
wjtll� Ills eyes fillecl with coat dust,
house. There was much difficulty Ill
will be built of cut granite froan
he did -not notice an incoming train,
' the dam to bold water, ow,
a deep bedrock foundation, eand
which crushed hilri to death. ITO
Ing tremendous current Ot,
%vill be made firmer and more solid
was unirarried and lived witti Ills
the !ra0p1tdbsejust above tile Falls, but
than 'the vIrgla rock itself, It will
once the solution for that,was found
be 25 feet in height, Perhaps 8 to
A yotmg m1an was found about 9.80
.the work has progressed with the
10 feet above. the surface of t e
V. =,., lying opposite Bonsecoul's
greatest speed possible.
water, and every precaution willbe
Market with- botlil Logs but orf. He
A little i6bove tile Canadian Nla-
taken to keep tile spring Ice away
Ila'd beeni lying on the railway
gara Power Company, there is the 10,
train it. In order to build this
track, and evidently had been run
catidil'. 4bf. the Toronio, and Niagara
dam, even tile layman will per-
over &-train. He was unconscious
Power Company, tile concern which
ceive tile necessity for cutting the
and was hot known, br.t It was
to being run byj Toronto capital, and
water away from its side In order
fountl by Ids sweater that lie )lad
which isecured a charter from tile
to allo%j tile work to go on. Tito
worked on tile C. P. R. steamulilixg.
Legislature only. last February.
cutting aw..ty to now In progress
This morning an operation was per -
Work began here Ili April last and
by the building .of a coffer .dam
rorited, amputating botit logis and
,the most satlefa4ol-y, pj?
and timber orlb 'work of an excep-
three fingers. I
been 3nade. The doffer da to pro,
tionally heaVy clildiactor, and held
I � I I .
toot the woik at the Intake IS hOW11
In place by being filled w1thstones.
about half completed, and as Its
The building of this coffer dam,
load Is In tile middle of the wildest I wIllohl -Is Ili thd )lands of Mossr so
place of rapids above the Falls, I Barrie and 'MI11116rtle, to a marvel
5 1.
tIGA wholi Russia and Austria, acting
rl'lhO faOt Of the OX16FLOXICO Of tile or.
ganiza,tiGn b,,Ca to the
wil0re 3 Is cnllRtlllg tile services or
of the Most powerful boromen
Ue Waiiats
with tile authority of E, aropo, Pro -
posed to pnoss the oubeme of ri�(orma,
_me, po,
1!00 Ia an inyq,ttgatio'll of tile (104th
It call flild. and next week It will
build a Stockade around tile build,
to Know How Boundary
WIXIVII, while In,01141119 111, theoretical
of Grace 4uhtou, Its latest -victim
, ,
* lot tind turn It Into a miniature
141110 Gels 101-0111, tile 110141t to tile
Perri,101011,* =1110 within tile circuit - S.Illo C,10d train morl:bine on a. third at-
ilollrll? A representative of the cop
. rarallel_lsirjr� watsoll Takes U P
or practical Politics, antl would, if
more .earnestly pressed by tile Porte,
tclni:t, both of hot, Prey4OLP Attempts
- 11"Ving beall fr ,
pany 8 eaterday: I,.
"We ILI" Y
have carefully InV00tl94t0d
the Varlona Questions.
11 I
and more frankly acevrited by tho
Nacedoillall Population have spared
Another young woman Attempted
tile labor Situation here In Now !York
and we have found that there
London cable-. Mr, David Wat-
t1lo Ilia 8111010.
world tile horror' It I .
s�u'clda by taking imlsov, but recov-
c rel,and it wo,i througli, liar that the
are :L8O
men who are employed to ,(Ia up, non,
son this morning took up serlatlin
witneskl,�d. Neither of these condl-
tians was fulfilled.
ex1vtolloo of tha club. was, made
union men at work on buildings. They
the questions proposed to tiveAlas-
Meet Horrors With Horrors.
knOwn. Mho club Is rcgularly organ,
IVA, WItb a Otrolig ill embe rshIp —all
A gang and operate like the
East Side gangs. I
k4n Tribunal, On tile first question
"Ifloo Porte, ao usual, was dilatory
yOullf., woman—ana holds meetings at
"On our new building we are go.
there was no dispute, T,he second,
and failed to me that a polley or hu-
rcgul If- Ilitervali. It transpires that
Ing to provide sleeping quarters In
lie said, would be dealt with
I inanity wito a poliuy -of wisdom. T�bo
at feacil meeting a now victim Is
Order that It may
. . never be neces.
colleagues, Regarding the t
revolutionists have dot Wrately (lone
thoir b2ot to drive the Turks to ex-�
ohoq.�,aa by lot, ,vita Ia. to -pass orl"
li,�Iore thO time tar tile next meeting
sary for tile wen to leave the place,
unless they want to, and while they
asked, the tribtinal to answer and
0cpses, and furnish hlin an ex-
by Ono of the itowal methods adoptcd
are there we will See that they get
decide tii,%t the line starting from
cuw for delerrIng the execution of
1.1 ,�Uah O.;S-�S,tlle I -articular mcdo
rull protection. We are going to build
Caj)e Muzon should proceed easter-
refarni�?, to _etltig horrora -tvith. hor-
b I,ig O'Itional with ill..) candidate.
a regular stockade around the bulld�
Ing, and sball have special
IY along tile parallel of a,O degrees
rors, and brutality with brutality,
for tho di.11b2rAxte Purpose of. drIvIna
The Police, are lovestiga,ting with a
virw od breaking up the club, It pos-
oil duty day and night.
40 minutes to tile mouth! of the
the Tarld.4i, crimQi agu6mot the Inllc�
61 ble ' . . I
all the men who we are
Portland Inlet. Quoting tile %vorde
cent, and tbati 1,lay,upon. tile sympa-
tlllQa of tile -world,
. -
To Protect Noji.Uilloii Islen.
now employing have been at sea,
and are 3ust as well able to do
Of tile Treaty of 3.82'15, he admitted
.,S ucli inutho,11,; As tbese a,,re no moic
New York Sept. 2S."There Is one
firm .1
lionsesmitli work as the members of
the southernmost point, prince
morally tolerable than the mbigov-
New York that Intends to
tile Parks union are."
of Wales Island, did not- coincide
with 54 degrees 40 minutes.
A. B. Aylesiviorill, X. C.,
ornmen t. willioll, i -i their ex cuss "
Coming to the quelstion of �hii atLI
tilde or Grail; brital I a, Mr. Balfour
-, - _ - -I--- - -_ . _ -i - ---I—,- ___ ______._--
I . -.-.-.. . .-I'----- - --..- I
ig I n
H 0
100 , 'V' ILLAES 1pe
what he considered the Point of
points out that RusAa, Austria and
Turkey calinot b) In.ifferent to a
Mrm. McCabo, of Drummond
phico, 07 vears of age, Nvas Itilled
departure, tile Point or tit(-' Par-
allel T
Mr, Watson—T,he point.
texrILoilal redistr�bation Ili the pcn-
lwmla, whilo Grcwe ,11u'garia, $ervla,
Ronmatila. intereiated 1.
i r
Air. Ayleswortil then asked; "How
and are all
the, rate of tioj Province whose Chris -
London, Stqlt. 29. -Mr. 11". T. R.
Orlmls b(loame still further Intent4l.
110 b:r tho
(1008 tile line got from tile point
tlasn ,popuiAtion is madej up from a�l
-_ -
. ...... 1�
to the parallel ?11
the liationalitlQ3. Theea external
tilia Ontario Compftity Intend to haVe
flin Current and whirled Into the
OddY 130YO"d tile dftn'-'- TO I)PIng It
Mr. Watson—By tile shortest wlay,
h IIe tile line
complications are doubled by Internal
oncis boamilao of religious differenc:es,
Aan-Na-Gael Charged 10tyl i t h Misappro-
started from tile point itieftprince
the Moliammedans fearing Christian
back against tile Streaffil Wa 8 11"Pos"
billeve that tile vNit of r(Ing � i
ward to PArN brougl.t about tho in- have Justified.
of Wales Island oil the parallel and
kept to it, otherwItse the
rule, whilo, the Exarchiste and Chr:s.
tiana the P4trlarclllsta.
nriating $10,000.
what was
object In naming the parallel Ili
The Greeks, ,wflo Are Patriarchistp,
4 oombincil Movement to Ili lift-
the treaty'? He quoted Nosselrode
wOuI3 Conner find protootion under
Onsalia, Neb., Sept. 28.—Col. J. Y,
villages ]lave ba,e'n d(IBLrovea Ili the
In a letter to Lieven to show, that
Russia proposed to carry the fron-
the rule of the Sultan tban b-) left to
fight tho ma,tter,out wItb the But-
Make, Who commanded the "Irish
vllayet of Monastlr alone, and that
the total number destroyed reaches
tl.Gr dOwJI 'to 5!� degrees 40 minutes.
garlans ,who are Exarchists.
Brigade" which fought with tbc
111. Reports from other reliable
Lieyen showed the letter to Can-
.tiopt, Lie)3 I,% Kuss.a and Austria
Boers, (luring the South African
quarters represent that a much
111119, Who put this latitude In tlid
draft whicir lie sent to Bagot.
"It Is a. Jyrob1cm such as tills that
war, In an address at the Emmett
larger number of vill'ages have been
Boundaries Overlap.
one haeto deal with." says Mr. Bill-
fatir, 'land. I cannot but believe that
Memorial meeting, made charges
The correspondent con,
thlues that the attention at the
Mr. Watson than "If
the best liogo of dealing with It lies
,ga !net the national officers of the
flumane, and charitable should be
said: you
take the British line you overlap the.
in tile calltinued, co-operation of Rus-
aia and Austria, strengthened with
ClanFlIa-Gael. Re did not Produce
the docurrentary evidence which lie
directed to the starving popula-
tion. The American missionaries
boundary, Rstablislied between Itus-
sla and the United States (Juring the
the istipport and aided by the advice
of thii, other isignatories of thv
gold was in Ills possesslon, but as-
who Ifave addressed appeals to the
United States and England for the
previous 1year. Again, If tile Britt all
contention be accurate, who owns
Ilreaty or Berlin." n Pre-
"Grclat Britain liag not b
Peried that lie wan able to do 90,
He said that the organization se-
despatch of a contingent of the
Red Cross are prepared to assist in
the piece of water intervenInni be-
roin of.
olude,d b.y �110 1;olicy outlinedefe
cured ..$10,000 for the Irish Brigade
the dWrtbution of relief.,
tween the two boundaries 2"
Turningto queetlon foot-, lie argued
fca,lng euggostlonF," continued Mr.
Ralfou,r, ",valich haig already been
and announced that It had been for-
warded to th at organization. On Ills
Killed by Lightning.
that the line should be drawn from
done, and hitowJ11 continue to do 00.
return, lie says, lie learned that the
Boston. Sept. 28.—One of the most
the head of Portland Channel north-
But it would ba folly to,forget that
money had never been sent to South
severe electrical storms of the year
eaeterly- along the valley until It
thara are occasions w4en two pow-
Mrica and that officers of the Clan-
prevailed tit tills section for several
reached the 56th parallel, iihich was
exia axe stronger than three."
Nla-Gael informed him that it had
hours last night. One fatiblity and
the objective poin� called for b,v, the
"Thqso prinolplee," concludes Mr.
been retained by the ,order for tile
several .minor casualties were re -
treaty. (He bad,great yespect fo� the
Balfour, 11dIr0,.t tile policy or the
benefit of returning veterans. He
ported. I
Michael J. Tally, of Dedham,
IngenultyllivIlich could solve such ar-
British Government in the, MT ar
says that the amount has never been
killed by a bolt
guments as those made by.Great Brl-
Billet." ;
distributed. I .
of lightning,
Whielf entered his home
taln, that tile line should start from
the head of the canal, and go so uth-
BAitabi Warns Turkey.
Over 100 Villages Destroyed.
at 462
Washington street,
erlyi (sic) to meet r
Ijondon, Sept. 29.-T�lte Foreign
Office announces that Sir N. O,Conor,
London, . Sept. 28.—A despatch
from Sofia ,a the Times Says that
Tito Masonic building In EastBoa-
ton 'was
The answer to questions 5, 6, and
7, lie said, were included in the ans-
the Britih A Constan-
tinople, has been instructed to DO-
a document purloined from U11mi
Pasha's bas
struck and several bun -
odred dollars damage done to tile
wev 'to the firth, which stripped of its
verbiage, Simply 'asked wbetber tile
tify the Porte that nether Markey
archives and which
fallen into the Minds of one of the
building. Another bolt tore lip r,0
feet or Union street, this city, and
line bhould go around heads of the In.
nor Bulgaria must expect tile sup-
of Great Britain In resisting
consuls, ,gives confirmation of the
wliolesale extermination carriedout
Opened a gas muln, causing consid-
erable annoyance before
lets. He contended that Great Bri_
'Plotrit'ar openly or as cretly the excou-
In Macedonia. It records that 93
tile break
could be repaired. .
tain arid Russia desired that a line
tioll of the reforms already promul-
from 56 degrees nortli latitude to
Mount 10,11as should follow the crest
gated, that these reforms are In the
, of His Mnjesty's Governm(
ed miners against emigrating to that
particular district. I
of a range shown on
the minimum of what is reqftir�n'
correspondent writing to a Slief-
some maps, particularlyl Faden's
map, Which undoubtedl.r was before
that steps taken to effect them,
even when every allowance is made
'field newspaper says that It wan
much struck by the fairness of
them, and which ahow� the moun-
for the difficulties of the situation,
and tile desire to be helpful to eml-
tains as Canning says parallel to tile
have been lamentably Inadequate,
A Terrible Struggle Witnessed
grant. displayed by the agents of
g to follow all
andtbat more prompt and more
the Government, the Hudson Bay
Ito sinuositles. Ile argued that they,
bad In this distinct definite
effective measures are required than
have hitherto been adopted by t1w
at Coney 1s:and.
Company, and the Canadian Pacirle,
range which they] supposed to exist,
Turkish authorities.
but private land agents ,were " on
the make."
and that therefore Faden's map goes
A similar communication has been
to demonstrate that thery Intended
made to Bulgaria. ; ' . '
the line to follow round the heads of
all the boy's and Inlets. , .
Mobilizing Alore Troops
Sofia,Sept. 25.--4SImultaneously with
. 27.
New York,
IN G[�M�l
A Alythical 5to,tialtain Range.
tile issue or thd trade appointing the
mixed Macedonian Commission, the
Sopt. . —Uueled over
tile top of a steel -barren arena by
Xr. Watson read from co rrespond-
once to, show that tile negotiators
constantly ]lad reference to the maps,
reports come from Constantinople
that tile Porte has ordered the mob-
an elephant it had engaged in mor-
tal combat, Brutue, a largo lion, es -
11dustrial Contiitions
and that when they were detormin-
llization of two additional divisions
caped inti % crowd of three than-
sand at Luna Park, Coney
are Ilie
Ing the mountain line they must have
of Asiatic troops.
A large Turkish force surrounded
fsland, ys_.%terday, and then Into tile
Worst in Years.
had recourse to thern to find where
tile mountains ran. Ile quoted Lord
an insurgent camp near Prespa, and
open streets, causing a panic, In
Salisbury's instructions to the High
Commissioners of 1898, wherein lie
the insurgents had forty -men and
1�191lt women and children killed.
which men, women and children were
kEooked down and tramp?.ed upoil
speaks of a continuous range which
Th. lose was heavy. A nother
Nearly all Coney Island Nvas terror'-'
the treaty nlipears to contemplate.
,I In the same district resulted
111914110 defeat of an Insurgent band,
stricken, ,Severat women fainted,
and Jo%oph Gales, a bartender, over -
.WItsIlIngt on, D. C%, Sept. 20.—Ger-
He repeated that nothing could be
clearer than tile fact that the nego�
tall of whom were killed, Ili an en-
gagement near Kesela, Monastir
whom tile lion leapad Ill Ito flight,
thrown into hysteria.
many in now, in 'Clio *Cllroeg 01 a
commercial depression, tile existing
tiators Proceeded on the assumption
tiftat a persistent, contlnuous, ,doml-
Vllayet, the Turks lost 100 kIlleil
and wounded, while the ins
was violent
No one was seriously injured. Tile
conditions being similar to those
prevailing In the United States (Jur-
nant, fixed an'd controlling range ex-
Isted, and that such a rang -o ran
had fifteen killed and twenty-nine
lion was caught after having been
confronted by a tall picket fence, '
Ing the panic Of 1803. Consul -General
rotind all Inlets. Be stated that It
A telegram from Varna announcem
before which lie quickly linced back -
Hughes, at Coburg, In a communt-
cation to the Department Gf8tate,
ive�s equally true that no such range
ti lat 600 old men, women and chil-
and forth, wider the Impression ap-
says thousands of men are unem�
existed Ili fact.
Mr. Ayleswort'll'replied: ,,If it does,
dr en, starving and nearly, naked,
Parently that lie was in ]its cage.
Tile tirena Ili which the beasts-
[)toyed, Wages are being reduced,in-
as Is depictca on the maps, we should
have arrived there from
where they were unable to find Hhel-
fought is located on an island In
I institutions are closing
their doors, prices are failing a,nd
not be now."
the Il,ark lagoon, near tile electrical
stagnation manifests itself Cvery-
Tile president, Lord Alverstone, oil-,
tower. "Tony" Lewando, the
where. Mr. Hughes Says-.
quired If Mr. Watson meant that at
no part of the line there exists a
t"-nC-,.0r--.a41&--.1 0-.JenT3
trainer, was making a trial of a new
act. Without warning Brutasleap-
.1 Tile t1da of commercial prosper.
I ty. which has bpell steadily rising
clialn of mountains corresponding t
ed at Colunibla's th�o%t and buried
,,, ,,ermallY from 3.805 to 1800be-
those of the treaty.
Mr. Watson, said he would discuss
life tooth and emwe in her flesh. Tills
vau the signal for the other two
gan to ebb Ill the spring of 190O,
Alilling and smcltillg Industries were
that under question 7.
He discuscod tho, treaty of 1825,
,,falls, who pounced upon tile c10- �
back. Tho liti.ttle-royal -
affected seriously. Then there were
symptonis decline
and dwelt oil the word " Crete" as
of a in tile tox-
implying continuity.
Tito King has bought the house at
which followed, thrilled, and fa,30111-
tted the large crowd of Spectators.
tit() and building trades.
"Things grow, worse In 3901,11
Sir L. AL Jotto Said that the draft
treaty Was mvis6d by tile Russians,
BaInacholl, given by Quee TictorM
to tile late J'obn Brown.
with three pawerful foes,
9-17s Consul -General Hughes, "and
and it they thought 11range" Or
Orders ]lave been given for tilt'
Columbia tore madly about the. arena,
hurlJng herself against its sIdeS, In
crisis was Sharpened by tile
disproportion between the price@
essential, why did they not
put such ,words in ?
I mobilization of 61, additional tattal-
an endeavor to diallodge theill. slid-
of raw material, and Manufactured
Mr. Watson answered that tbey�
tons of Turkish troops. .
don!y Columbia halted. She reached
products. Raw stuff syndicate$
considered no discussion could ever
Mr. Andrew McCormick, one of the
I'll with her trunk and gained it hold
charged as before, and refused to
recognize tile
arise on tills point, an tile whole
negotiations assilred the existence of
d1dest and most promment nivrehante
ol London, Out., and once its Mayor,
oil I�rutus` leg. Site gave it mighty
tllg, and then _e�owly broke the lion'& �
altered conditions.
Tito ever-Increar,ing competition
a, well-defined chhln.
Is dead.
ho'd The crowd, wboso sympathy
shackled the manufacturers; no now
Industrial concerns
. ----!.--
Masked bal!9 at the Parls Cippra�
ha discontinued diirtilg
had licen wIth Columbia, ralsed a
shout of triumph, wIllell was quickly
of any Import-
ance were founded in the spring,
011SLI will
tile coming winter. For several
they lfvue beer, Inade-ateIV
changed Into Ono of terror when
Co'uirbla was scork to grasp tile lion
nor did a, revival in the building
trade take Place. Stagnation man -
,,' I
load Is In tile middle of the wildest I wIllohl -Is Ili thd )lands of Mossr so
place of rapids above the Falls, I Barrie and 'MI11116rtle, to a marvel
141rallco to B,Stal�if.qh a Protectorate .
supported. Those balls were Intro.
In 1715.
around tile middle, and, even with
tile two other boasts still on ber
08--il itself almost ovevywhere.
Wag0s fell, and diminution of tile
where the water Is not onl,r sWift
of engineering boldness. 'Dhe cur.
I .
London, Pept. :w
A d uel with Swords has been (ought
back, hurt her eneiry over the top,
Output was ,tile order of tile day.
"'In the mining branch
d0o a ,d b rocks, It can
' I """on' y' at the build-,
')u' d
* fly ' ,00d tit
00 be undopi.
i rent is simply tremendous, and one
I would think that its constant
reported I s
tabilah, a Balfour Outlines ' .
intention at France to es Britain
in the grounds ,of a country club
Biarritz, between Count Areas
or tile enelostire.
Dratur. fell oil tile gang -plank, 'ro-
a roduc-
tlOII of 1-10, per cent, was certified,
Ill (If I 1. If " wit, -he work Of a
t I U at 3
baid d da matn whose policy
� pounding -would dash the boato to
pieces. 33,ut %lot so, halt tile work
13 its been
protectorate over Maroc a 11 -
m%joh canvassed in the last few days. Policy in Macedonl.,j,
of Vlavija and the Marituls of Ar-
coWrIHP., llhv�rolf quickly, rushed
tht, German
the smelting industry 15 per
cent., in tile textile Industry from
all ati,138
IS to establiali rather than to fol-
I is done, the clam to more solid
The s'ory, whlah wan f.rbt lar.nobed .
gulda, The latter was twice wound-
bd on the wrist and the forearm.
through village, jumpw
Ing over Gulos� ]load on hIS way, antl
20 to 40 per cent., in the Paper
Industry 10
low precedent. Tilt) stonework Is,
roceciding most Satisfactorily, but
plian ever, and tile men work away
- at the and where the angry our-
by M. Jahres, tile well-known Social-,
Ist leader. and has since Wen re-
I -
Tito Utopia. Capt. Hopkins, 104
after running around the Streets tt
per cent,, and In the
Wool Industry tile allnimum output,
Fit IS bignly unlikely that power.
rent Swirls around tho cribivork
peatedly denied, la.reass-,rto.] to -day DIFFICULTIES ARE FOINTED OUT
toilf4, from Halifax, IN. &, loaded
tiliort ill".0 w,"s caPtUrNI without dif-
ficulty. Ile
Tito number of unemployed Increa.s.
� can be developed bk this plant for
and dashes clouds of blinding, spray
them, unconscious
Tho Paris correspondent of the Dall�
Mall. claims that he Is able to con- London, Sept., 110.'-�Vrenilnr Ilal:our,
,81-ith coal for Michael coil ll�illy,
went ashore five miles vastoRMur.
was scomingly badly
frightened by the crowds. It re-
M to an . ,n that the
Buell ext t
Prussian, Bayarlail, llessiall and
at least two years.
'Mile other �oncern, the Ontario
upon seemingly
of danger, and confident In the
fillill tile story On tinImpeulfable all- Ili a longtily �t,tor, to ,the Arch-
thority. JAe Says aft arrangOlt,ent blellop, of Canterbury, Dr. Davidson,
ray Day S%tiirday night. 1 -he may
be a total lose. No lives were lost,
quired the greatest efforts oil tho
Part of half a dozen keepers to got
11:14en Governments separately in-
stituted Inquirips Into the matter.
Powo Compiany, built their coffer -1,
dAm so a's to out off CIO waterf]
staying power a !tile struetilejo.
coliv.0 of months ago tile our-
ha.9 lii�on, maido by France and U�ng- cliscusses tho Macedonian situation.
Rev. Mr. McLaughlin, who left Ile-
the other lionn froll; (20111111bla,sba-k
Altogother, tit ,the end of:190isolne
f roin tho, chamnal a.round the Durferin
Ulnnds. Th(!y %eded most
ha,va Sacco
rent at oi)o Point wag so heavy that
I had, fen(lor constructed
larill with (Ito ac;IaLler.conce of Spain, Tito lotter IS a, ri-ply to the arell-
I'lld, It In believed, with the know� blehoils action tit 41'aWing fttt0I1tlOn
it, a, Hall
ron River, Lake NVinnipog, ,
beat, wIth five Indian childron for
and into their cage&. jkll the ant-
mals were badly lacerated.
some ::O per cent, of Germany'a
workmen .were without employ�
aKlmlrably, and oervepal bundrod men
I aro now blasting excavating tl:o
Mr. ParrIa a
protection J
lik. a -a tile (lam. Thin
the boavlost tlm�
ledgo of Italy, for the estali'llohment
()f a Vronch prtAectorata. A MAD of
t i� growing uneasiness ainong
churchmen at, tho apparent apnthy
(I 8 % So G
Brandon Indian in it trt. I lie I
game few days ago, Is II11891119,
Mont. Tito number of applicants
for nvery 1.00 vacancies during the
1101oky rlvc%r Wd, tile AUrfA00 Of W111011
wa.q ll�adg of square
b,r, in triangular form,, and was all-
lalid along tho coast will tic de.
of the powers, " while 111181)(341MMO
and fears are entertitine(I that tile
year ranged from :165 during thn
lo worn to &ft Inorediblo AmootlilleRf,
cliored at the danger -point by a
elarol sioutral, thus avoiding the Poe-
Intprilational ciiuiwldonla.111
atracitles aro perpetrated In Maeo-
Party ]lave been lost.
- -
saya 111t. Ilaq 'Not Ileen $tied bV
early 111011th" to 22.1 at the end of
tile ye"Ir.
by til,e, constant rail of tile torrent
for nab" past, A Inasalvo dam I of co'
one-inelt twieted steel wire Cable.
811ortly after It wag placed In, post.
nibility of arty I
, ,
filloatlons ovpr fortified Porte. ,.the Wr. Balfour says- lie Is In entire
Mrm. McCabo, of Drummond
phico, 07 vears of age, Nvas Itilled
11,11111ployl nent Agvney.
"At tbo. beginning of 190L, t ho
Aivxit has been corls-trticto"I Just, lnf Irlo
tloll� tile cah!,o Snapped like it fillk
llrltWi� Government IN In f0l Itosses- mp1l,,1,1,(y with tile feelings of horroV,
Ili stantn n (%oil lily 4Lt the eornor of
London, Stqlt. 29. -Mr. 11". T. R.
Orlmls b(loame still further Intent4l.
110 b:r tho
f!-_4 ooffer-tiam, a,nd the intake extia-
vatiolls wall undor way. But an
thread, tho feddell was darilled down
il I lIgnation, and I
i4on, of the facts, and Is quite sat� ,in ully, undor.
1,3fle(l, P.tinaids the dostro to givo expression
Quopn and Peter streets, Toronto,
Sa.turday 5Z -I). by be.
Preston Ia cabling Prouiler Laurier
denylfig that tlipro Iq any truth III
collapno of ily,, coal
mining Industry And the consequent
tilia Ontario Compftity Intend to haVe
flin Current and whirled Into the
OddY 130YO"d tile dftn'-'- TO I)PIng It
More is it good deal of roanon to In public meeting to thr) sentiment
1,A (if reprobation which rc,cent (,vonts
oil at ,_ in.,
Itir crilshed bmif"1111 tlip whools of
rt cablml to Vanidti, that. the
the "T"Ing sued by an eniployinent
diRelinvirro of a great 111an'r lialnerS.
One ,disti-I(It alone witnossed
I tbi�fi go below
- I-.owor-hotlt�o fit tho gor
flo I)all,% histoul of at the fntako�
back against tile Streaffil Wa 8 11"Pos"
billeve that tile vNit of r(Ing � i
ward to PArN brougl.t about tho in- have Justified.
rt, 1voRtbound Dundas 14trent car.
buroau for the expoiwtes of minerA
01sillIN14,11 alono of 10,Mo .1noll In
tllc* NrAtOr lnut4t bo brought to thell)
91ble, fm a now tender wall built,
eoption of the scheme, Great y3ri �t. .Mr. Balfour then procf.,eds to all.
4 oombincil Movement to Ili lift-
W110 Intelided to take the plaw of
the courrie of tivo first reiv mclithrl.
by ftimus of tL hydraulic pipe canal,
drift(S'd down to poeltion, 1 (In
aln, Ili return, will receive nnql�,11 ti�ylvs tha situation. Ito sayq:
givig-1 to curtnil tho amount of pig
miners In the coal mince of Britt -911
- - . . - _ - - -
and 06 exmvatlon tor this canal 1.9
ellored by stronger cablev. 8o ta;
i 1�
pro quo kolwwhcre, possibly It e I 11 We hayo not now to (Imal with a
ji,611 III the, t1nIto-,J state s, oNvIng to
Columbia, Mr. Preston sayR that
Thi Mot atilt of J. kearnti, ?or $&ult
mow oompitto. I "
it ling bold firm. The firat fender
dimflon of rgyp�. Spain will also simplo easo of Misgovernment or op-il
the, ovorgto.�kad markot ttud the thill.
owing to reporta of labor tronbles
Ste, Marie, agairlst Han. J, It. Strat.
I In 6rdor to utilitq tho wpi,#r of the
atilt lies 0111 the olloi,e, w1loro It was
ree.elvo cortalti a0wago". presslon by Turkish offlelals, but
nc* of trade. , !
Ili British Columbia Ito metely warn.
tell bari Eettlod. . �