HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-01, Page 6*.,-, 1 - ! - ,_i� '-� � _ __ � � , I __ - . � . 11 I 0— , I I � . � -, I , � - .
_ . I - j , - �, . I .1 � — I . .; . 1. I . . . I 1. . I .1 I � I .. . I . i I I I I . I , , . . .M , , 11 � , , , ., I 11 2 11 � , I %
. . I I I . � - �. - I . 1. � 11 I .11 ... I �� — ,
.... I .... 11 , I . xour ease. my friend. Do xou hear �, .
. *,���� " � .. ....... ooww%.�0110%^00%-� Now then-wilat to ItV, POSTMASTER 18 WOE FOR TRAMPS I . .
1. The volon vernor appeared. at - �_ . I I I ISSUI� N10. 40,1903
olill"'coll . 4.1 I . I-, -1 �, I I
- Qe door Q1 t 0 XJ% the W014t the (lentry Ave AlAde to .1 � I ,.
I I - TV "A (puirtor of ai� * I . . RM, winslow's booth" -I-
� on ,,our, my lord.11 HAVO 4 1.41V,109. 1 d'L I
Ito 10aid, gravely. I .. .. p4wayv J-1* itse& for Chit ) rI.&I.VuM
' � h t, d th it R
t . . " ::1. a * e ,% whi
0 an, . tr
. �:
- JKO--�lw er Gerald Locke turned to the War" � . (Doollelo Uouthly.) 1 I '.1 o4y "%TILZ
, Y I quis Imploringly. .. 11 ., I , .� I � I
The and U
it ' ' , After, VoArs ot Sicknoss Dodd's TIM zomeat that irintor brooke-_' . . � � : _ . I � I . . 11 I �
- � 'Marquis, I entreat pu! For . I
A TALE1 OF WOMAN'S LQYA AND 'ke, to . , Wooy WA Savo In t1to high alUtudos, win. 040 , . , 1--� Oblim's Alunt Alount0%.
) .your own oil .r—for R111,1110's, tot) , Pilis Cure4 1111m.
I , we the tinth 1.11 . tor west of the MISSISSIPPI Is a To China, about .V4 miles from the
WOMAN'S P13RIFIDT .4- 0 ,p ,,* i Tile marquis looked at blia stead, A little Sunlight Soap will deAn
__ I .
L%P%^0..1%..^~%~ PlaIlkst4toM*ylt,Q:r&No1v Urunsi,riolK mild arid comfortable thing Ili com. villavo of Tilon Chek, there Is,, ad� ,
. I I I _� ___%~%O%�� I . I Ily. . � , ass And other articles until PQrding to a, writer In, the, lAvent
lk. 4. � .. *0*^100^10104.110"�"A "I van tell you nothing," lie said. f'06(niaster Whose Kidivey Vgtna PArlson wltlx our eastern weather- cut 91 I pool Vost, a
, friend, I ]lope Your next 04ve, Goixe Nover to Ret.urlx, , the Pollee Of at, JOselih, Kansas Ulty, the 1
wat at the hearing of thts, the most '111"t"101111 � y shine and sparkle. Suni ght which, In addl"tionultalabolnegf aal=3!
�$Ojuetiweo It seemed to him ault ellea -w ;1 give ,,yoa leow troalile, As DellVer, in fmDt of all ill% towns and . u,aI ,urloeltj, to a source of ....T14th
*W 'would never regain coilselaus- sea for me--" LOW(l.il Windsor, 0.jrlotoli Co., N. B., - ther things than
isatlonal and romantle trial of He paused. "Well, I hope Sctli, " - � Soap ,%Vill wash o ntryo
UeOOs aga if -Ari it the must die. Anti 11ro last decade, your next client will also 'be less 1), �&_(.Spvolai�)_T. 11. l3elyca. cities, wage relentless War oa vag. for the Inhabitants. of the cou
then lie woultl ,cover Ills face Nvith � So numeroufs ,hu,d been the appli, Indifferent." . aimuAtcq* heXe, wit -It known and raUtv, Vie wide rollisig ly lyho dlg treat It Yearly tons of alum
k , I . fairies, the clothes, 411
U10 hands and -not weep, It weuld cations for seats -for standing,' Wliat could counsel, bowever acute wl4fky relveated, is hiappy In the dlis,,- railroads. the irdlis are all louatlable . . 1. . I 'r . L The intountain to noi leca thar, i4w
hfwe been botter for III= If Ile could room even -In t1w saiall court upd, enthuslastle, accomplish -svith oc`N'k'11`,v Of a, ly(4cmameat cure for the Ill, th011 demund for unskilled lallor. , LOCOL , .1 � . miles In circumference xt its bAO9.
bAve Idea<- so -but mean feebly us housN anti the high Sheriff had Such a elte'llt T Kidn4ey Patna that have troubled him Crops rot la Lhow fields, for lack of 10, ()five 3�111B. and has a heir,lit of neany '2,OCN)
he pletare(l hJux9elt bereft of � ror, Y . harvestoro,* it ilia are Wle for lack, ot Statistloa b foot. The alum, to obtained lix,
tile found It necessary to Issue tickets, Gerald remained Silent for a moni, .,, 413�1`4 ave been completed ro-
91ri whom be loved with a, love lie I and these had been rQught for with eat or, two, then lie 041'.I: bavo been bothered with Kidney men, to drive the heavily laden wag" eently Which kitate, tba4t the average quarrying large blooks, of Rton%
I T�I,oublo to,- yea,rs,,,, pootmaoi;ep Bel. on's to their doors, "10, Win will not IIfLN
bAd Rint'l now never auspeoted. an ardor which could not have "You plead 'Not gulttyt" . . of ill) 330gll_il eXpre.as locomotive Which am Ill.st b(Xktedj In, great lot -,t
Till**) we(qw pa,ssed, anti Elaine been warmer If they had represent, The marquis t1104911t A Moment. Y!M 0,VA; "I have, tried many medi- work so long as they can beg or to twe3lty-five years. of a local paol�- n0000, and then to vato filled with
&1111 Jay as if Sher was not -wander- ed a free admittance to paradise. I "They don't, as a rille, alloiv you villep Wild Plaftters wAllout getting Steal. In tile West they have lit,, eager 01411le twenty-five years', of a boiling water. The aluuv crystaJW
Ing lit the land or oliadows� deadyet � At an early hour the streets ba,d to plead guilty,to a oh apy la;E4111,g benolit, till, heaxlug ,tlu chalice for e4hor, fr0git locomotive twicuty-AIX ye.ftra IZOR and
living, loot to this world of ours been thronged, and at :11 o'clock der, do they?,, urge of inur, DoId's Xldne,y Pills so highly Spoken 011 ail average fifty zen a week and of it ,sivitabilia eligine, twenty- forms a layer "out mix
. I -ovel yetro. T,ha totat mileage of an Incho-10 In thlolimeso, ThAo lo.yor In
and all it holds; anti, almost desper. the carriageS of the county faM6 I "I shall p . lead 'Not guilty.." 'for of', I dotca,mined to try them. Mhey are arrested in T,cansas City during t Subsequently broken up Into blo,okof
Alto, tile major questioned the doc- fiob had been compolleit to make you," said Gerald 4oggedljr. Seoul �O have maAe a complete cure the montlis of June, ,Tuly and ,itig- express passenger engine was fixed weighing about tan pounds each. ,
-who had Watched over her aa their way at a snail's pace through' 'The marquis nodded. . I .
10r, . In my case, m I feel as *Well as ever Let. Tho pollee wkeIX refuse to bur- at from 7k.'Q.OUU to 1,U00.00U milce,
bo-goW and devoted physician As tho don,,, arowd, "As you: pleas�. Who Is tile jtl(lv Vf I 'mw- . dell. the city with their k3upliort, and and for aw'] of the other olwoon of � .1
Ile waa-had not yet watched over a "I b-31eve tha,t Doddlo Xlftey P,Ils inStead give those wall the alterna. 'cX1911"015 a mileage Or 500,000 to 800,- Eat what you I Ike. -Give the 41gestly*
patient. I Sergeant 1,ewle bad been In. "RaiVllngs," said Gerald. axe the* right medicine for Kidney native of going to work bonootly, coo ftl-1-1�,:.- ,
..IN 6he never g4o4ng to recover ? 8tructcA by t1re Treasury to ap� Tile marquis smiled Sadly, organs some work to do, These tunctious
. -
lo She going to be like this, always pear for ill's prosecution, and tile "The banging judge I My friend TIroublo amd w1li do all_titely Are and foil high wages, or breaking btojiQ In tli.,.. UnIto.1 State3 thi average need exercise am much as any part; at t1io
till -fill-', The poor old mazi could fact that the Treasury had thought everything Is 4gainst you. And th ;1 clatkined to do." . I tol- the Improvement of the aboulln. lif� of an exproza locomotive tEr elgh- human anatoiny, but It the�lro doiteate,, Stro
not flillish tile despairing question. It necessary to send him down, I counsel for the prosecution ?11 Doe4la Kidue,r Pills cure the Kid- able tcan, Yeavr. cof a local passenger
. weetern roaKlm. Tjte �Jiolce ncktr- on- them the aid that Dr, Van S. tan's Flnesp
� neya, A-A.d witli'lieAltIly Kldneyo no IY always is for the better Paving gine nineteen yeirs, of 4 Tre'gllt an- , ple
The doetor shook tits bead. evinced the Importance It attached " Leslie Bourne to 111.11 One can baver BrIght's Disease, Lunt- labor. Great w1aloix- IS showp 11, gin,o i1xteen year.,r, and of a owltcjl Tablets aftril-and you can eat Anything
"It bals lueen a long time," lie said to t1re case. IL .'Leslie'l" repeated the marquis, abgo, R,heumatlam, 'a distribtitlon, of these iron, Only .' � ' Years. Whereu,s that's whotesome and palatable -60 In 06
Wowly. 1 A -cordon of calmly and igravely. Dropsy, or Phin th tcntgk�%( t',VB`atoyTtvW0,Ji1,ngllEh expresit I
police, mounted and "A clever couil� In - the Back. Thou�=.dp Witt tell you l IMegitleage 'n box, 85 eents.-S . 1,
"Long! It -it Is Phenomenal!" ex- oa foot. kept the approaches to the 'Bel, I met film once at a public dlu� tilip out of theIr own experience. ",y one cairp� 0 11 e Nra'; an y at the ont5ijo . ,.,--.,
claimed the major. "I nerver knew. court, Uouse, and now and again nor. I Wonder whether he will I L . . V01,003 init'll Il t,worltY4.ve ye,ira, True,
- 1. � their service& were required tokeep remember me ? He Is a foeman. -Irt, the labor eamrA the tramps or tio,Q)l a YL 041" In ,the United States N. Y. Herald.
- L AN SERVANT GIRLS 1-mve a fair chance with more honest It Is Orton a.1 111gh a's 2,000,000 milt 0,
"Yeoq�" Wd the doctor. "I have In 'order an Impatfeat oraWd angry . worthy 'of your steel, Gerald." FEW ITA I irea. 'There is nothing to 411atln� ,'What did Jinks say *ban lite wife
men two such eases. One Was that a.t being denled admission to tlTo ,I "It was your fault that we bad — gulah oirse from tile other,, for under
of A young fellow who way thrown court it) which nearly every place net engaged Sir QJlarles, or Sir, Oslo Nationality Which to Pract wanted him to give up his Airship
out or his trap--4og-oart- Hestruck bad been allotted, At five minutes Edward Ill exclaimed GeralQ. Unrepresented at th .10411y tit% eagle eye -of the seetiou fore- Millard's T4tniment cures Rtirne, etc.' trip?" .
Ills head against a lamp -post and to eleven the High Sheriff's carri- The, marquis smiled. _. I a Agencies mian all work alike. I 11 Oh he told her that more people
was unconscious for Six weeks.,, age was seen wendIng-rather fore- I " Neither could do more than you Mxt toL May, September W the ' L.. . I L I . L 1. I I _L . . died In bed than wore killed by. bal-
"And died at the end of It P said Ing -its way through this mob, and cson,* he said, almost wearily, 11 and mouth In Which the employment A � . . r r l r by - # Religious Intolerance. . k0aft" I . I
the major b-pokenly. a a cheer was raised as the Nr.bite I - neither of them woulif have under, agencies in New Xork are bualeet Next month, lit the city of Gen . I
stood-coald have, been my friend as Women who b4X0 to � Not worn awltzeriand, will be erected by eve"
"no. He Is alive and well and hatred judge Was seen at the win- - the
strong. lie patient, major, and zoti- do,kn i You are, Be content, Las I am,, these plaoes note as a remarkable _ Collowere and, disciples of John Cal, ENGLISH RAVIN LINIMENT. LL .
Role yourself with this reflection. At ten o�clock Gerald I,oQke had " Tlmola up, my lord," said 6olonel circumfit"Ge, that among, tile num. Rubbing Vill, the ,great Protestanit theologian nem=all hard, soft or calloueed In
lilometlanes, I say S(lmetimeP, we Asked for a4misston to Us ar- Wa.rd, opening the door of the cell. bor of girlig to be engaged for domes- of the sixteenth century, a. mona- Me
in L and Ishes from horses -, blood spell ,
-al men would rather See It Pa- qUiS' cell, and liad found him dress- � 0
me4lo M marquis ]held out hie hand. tie service, Including Irish, Spadlah, , ment In a class by itself among. curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
tleat lost- to all conselouRi2es-9 Of ad and ready, and outwardly as , _ 00, then, Gerald," he said. "Do German, English and French malds, but Cleaned - 'existing memorials of famous events L sprains, more and swollen throat co 40.
what Is going on than Intell.gent and - whiell your best, but -remember I save me colored girls, Swiss said Russian girls I Or persons. It 19, erected by the ete. Save *50 by 'time of'one bottlq. Uoar-
calm on thia .morning on , , by Washing. I faculty of tho Protestanit College at rauted the most wonderful blemimh care ever
aware of It. God is meroltul evLln his X&te-bls life or death-wouldbe If you can, but not at the expense Canadian, Dutch, Polish, Seatch, known, I
'wh we deem Him most hard. Some
decided, " hie had been on this day
Of the Innocent.,' .
Hungarian and B�Qhemlztn girls, there
- , Montauban, France, and the Historl-
I .
sorrows would kill a,t the first Shoo.%;
but for this," a4d bet nodded toward
of his arrewt.
"Well. Gerald," he said, with a
With these -words ringing in hie
I e&Ts,. 0erald went out and pat on his
are I no Italians,
This exception lit the more sur-
New Century
. Cal Society of Calvinists, of Geneva,
.In ail expiatory sensei'as ail oxpres�
014 a President.
the white face a -ad still, ELIMOSt
death -like form. "He laysinHis hand
Sad Smile, "are thV nearly ready?:
I'm glad of lt� It has been Weary
w1ir and gown and entered the court.
Counsel for the accused as. be.was,
priaing because male Italians de-
vote -the largely to the class
. don of profound regret for the ohe
great brror, or some will say crime,
Chicago Chronic!e.
-With, Prince Ferdlnand�of Bulgaria
upon the overstrained bXA and be-
numbalt. This poor child has suffered
work wAltinu, waiting."
Gerald Locke, far nvore agitated
he had toi fight end force his Way It),
I great 'was the crowd.
ot -work most noarl�r corres-
ponds to domestic s4ry'lee among wo-
ele. ns by forcing hot
of Calvin's Ilfg-the Instigation of
. ihe burning of Michael Servetus at
Obfut uo in- h4av castle and, King Peter
of Sor*Aa making his headquarters
80me such Shook as that of which I
speak, and If the mind were free It
under h* outward and professional
, At eleven "o'clock the judge,
In his emine entered,
men. There are Itaiis.n, Walters,
- d
, ., suds forward and -
- back through the
.tile stake, tot, maintal-jilag heretical
I opinions, In October, 1553. The gran-
In a cyclone, cellar It looks as It 6
monarch these dayo had little to
Would--. B�etter to see her like this.
Mlm the marquIe, shook his
robe, and
I Made him way to the I)Onchs
Itallaft valats and: Italian Porte 1�81
'I L
z fibre of the clothes.
tie shaft will bear this inscription:
boafit of over a ObAcago non-unlon
-raving with fever, than hopelessly
Imuld, Major V1
"�It has come all too -soon for me,
1 and. every;body stood up, the barris-
tars -
not speak of Italian pedlers, boot-
.blacks, barbers and grocerymen; but
Ball bearings and two strong spiral
I "Erected in memory. of Michael Ser-
1 retu.-VIctim of the religious Intol-
caadW-inakor. , . I
The major lild his eyes for a. me-
marquis -all unprepared as I am."
I The marquts let Ills band fall -It
I making a low, bow In response
to his. k
there are n4o Italian servant girls.
91w the
I springs make it easy work. Your -
hardware dealers will show it to
I erance of his time an4 burned for Tits
Usp I,ever's. Dry Soap ta powder) to
11100t and groaned. I .
"Alld-and you think she will 'lot
was perfectly arteady-on lids Shout-
I Judge Rawlings was a clever judge,
I but a severe One. He had n a S
ideamth of these is more
surprising becafise Italy is one of
you or write for booklet. -
convictions, at , Champet, Oct. 27,
1558�by. followers of John Calvin,
wash woolens, and flauniels,-you'll. liko .
the 211
"No, I think not I I will promise-
I .
"Don't take youL, unpreparedneas
too much to heart, Gerald," hepald.
Pitthy with criminals, and no marcy.
for them. Neither w -,as he a respeetor
the countries in 'Europe In which the
number of female births greatly ex.
- NAMA.T9N. oNy. .
850 years later, as expiation for that
act and to, repudla;je all coercion In
it. � � 32
under Providence -that She aliall,not.
.But I sbaal bAve another patient Un
..It Is not year fault that you are
Of.-PerSOI19. TO him, men and we-
cede the nualber� of male births and
Italia usually do
I . I w-
I .
matters of faith."
At the PbotogrApher's. " '
mY hands It you don't take care, and
rm bury e1nough as It Is. You go down
notready with a favorable defence,
bult mine. Who could defend a man
al�li .
were a,like, He dealt out tfiat
rare commodity, justicb, -with 9,
. I
,:aigirls, precocious,
not traInlng In their own coun-
try aJ9 to the requirements house-
Toronto Globe. -
R IN MIND that a skin disease
I Life. I
,1 Have I tile pleasant expression
Into the gardens and smoke a cigar."
- Tile major up -with what a
who can say nothing In his own de-
and even haEd Bar
.. and without I!
I or favor.
hold service, *to which they devote
Jost Imagine the pass things are
may be but a symptom of bad blood. in
that case supplement Weaver's Cerate with
you need Tl
Voice from under the cloth_�'Per-
It eble movement compared with his
I '. m say noth-
ng?" cAld 6�rald, his agitation re-
The crowd staxed at his thin, cad-
averous, deeply lined face curiously,
themselves almost exclusively, there
bc4ag few. co-oo.u.nd still feworpro-
coming to. Patriotic citizens- of the
United States Smuggling British-
Weaver's Syrup daily, .1
fectly, Sir." r
"Then let her
alortneos!-and wandered down
tWet Stairs. He knew that the doutor
, ,vealln-g Itself for a moment.
and muttered comments upon it, un-
tessional women In Italy. *
made clothing Into
Ei.glavidls 111 -Paid Otergy.
go qni�k, gorv@�rnor;
face", L
It hurts my I
was right, and Chat lie was going the
The inarqtris turned away.
"Sometimes there is nothing tb4t
til the usher in his black gown rose,
and demanding silence, made a quie-
For many years the ekplanath�n of ,
this anoitraly W&EI to bo lound thiii
actually wearing the clothes on the
IF ourth of July I
(Westulhister Gazette.1 .
WAY to knock blinselt up; and,
Heavens," be thought, "It will not do
call to said," be repliei. "And that
Ls car ease, Is it not 21*
. .
t tude for the clerk of the court to
I call upon "Ernest Fklwynd, Marquis
ta,et that a large proportion of the
Immigration from Italy
Itching, Burning,
Arelidecou BInWaIr dr,%wa a vpry
doleful picture of the circumstances
for me, to bek Ill, and not able to an-
ewer her when she comes to her
Gerald Locke did not answer fora'
moment, then he In hurried,
of Nadr-n)e.11 I i 1 . I i 1,
was male,
but in recent years this disparity
crawl Ing Skin DIse ases relieved In a low
of the Church of En-gland"paxson;
"The greater number of the clergy
Baby's fftdo or your lady'&
face on Orooeb, name.
scarf cm ; behutifully
sellses, and asks me. "What shall I
said a
broken voice;
marquis entered the dGbk, and,
anild a dense
ha,E) not continued. Italian girls are
nu s y gnew's lu+ment. Dr. Agnew's
lilt eat IlevesInsitant
of the Chuxoh of Zngland have not
I d
. oname Is . - Send 80 Cents
(10 2' And whi4t; am I to answer her V
lie groaned. I
"Lord WaIrne, w1ven I undertook
Sudden., silence, with
every, eye turned, fixed g1m,le.t-like
not lacking In the attributes re-
quired for efficient household ser-
Salt an Scald on , r
'I'd !d Dezenta 'Ulcers
lo lies an all of the Akin. X;
onough, to eat and drink, hundredo
of them are olptbod In second-hand
iw and any pbotogravb and, we
rule send brooeb exact site
,As he steppbd out of the doorway
to make for the the -hotel.
this case -at your request--"
tiAt My request -right. I am
', upon llii�, stood listening to the
charge. I
vice. They Cre quick, IndUstri,
� Ong
and frugal; they 'do drink; t hey
a q,,,u M
Is soo Ing nd . oting and, acts like agic
in 0611 by Hu , Irritation of the Scalp
4), o sent to a cliaritaible so-
9 rineat
clety, and many of thern have no
ut and return your photo
- uninjured. smaller size 25
cents 12irgev size 60 touts.
Visitors who were in the gardens
quite Satisfied and content I de-
$Ire n6 better-a4voca4e. ?"
"Do Vou plead' guilty. or- not
have no toii%-Iofty social notions;
or Raies durlu t ething time. 35 cents a
box -7
fuel by -mewuo of Which, to eopk them-
Agenis wanted. turl pbow
Jewelry blauunic as Com
looked pityingly, and Some of them
came up and shook hands� with him,
"I did so In the belief, on tile un-
galarv, . .
I The marquis hesitated. All saw the
there Is little demand for their ser-
vices In such professional oceitpa-
oolves warm. Think of It I T-eave-all
the necessitous curates, for the mo.
and ma,derespeett'ut and anxious In-
derstanding, that you would ran-
der me tile assistance wblch_whlcb
hesitation ; then in a low, but clear
voice, lie said. I . . .
tiono ua typowritin,if, bookkeeping
Severe. Had Storm.
A 0evere hall Storm, the like bv.f
ment, out of thequestion. More than
7,000 Inounilbonts are bringing up
Turning Away Wrath.
quiries after Elaine.
Among thoia�w,as a short, neatly-
dressed the
an accused never fails to render."
Tile marquis looked at him. stead-'
t "Not gulltyl" 10 �
I' Tile crowd drew a, breath 'of re-
and Stenography. The fact is that
the girlb Inglined to domestic da-
which has never been witnessed be-,
fore by,, the oldest residents, 'visited
r&mfllev upon loss tb&n P180 a year.
Their ,lives a re one perpetual strug.
Baltimoro American, I �
Mrs. Enpack-Oh, you needn't talk.
man whom major could
not reqollept- blLying seen before; but
,, y-
"What assistance could I render
. list, They had feared by. the moment
of ouspeiise that the accused w ould
marry. They do not become
Brunowick, Me.. a low dayis ago.
Rhil aEofles measarIng from bile-balf
g1b -to keep. thermiselves alive and to
avoid debt-" I
I .
YoUrc not quite perfection your -
. h
"tho str"ger-if he waB a Strang-
or and newcomer a.t the hotel-
3-ou ? you know tite evidence that,
plead guilty, and so rob them of
' MInard's Liniment relieves %
-tera of an In h brok
to thooequai o . a
Eript,ok-No, my 'dear, but'WAen
touched. -hAyr;b&V&nd made respect-
will be brought against me I"
"I know that and nothing more,"
� their entertainment.
Sergea,rit Leslie got up and arrang-
algla. . .
i ' I
win.doWs. I I
Ulnar;Ms TAnIment cures Dandruff.
I . I
you're aroutid I'm' mighty ,near Per -i
ful lnqulr_r after Mies Dolable, the
major, to4chifir-his hat, assured him
said Gerald. "You have not, assisted
me by a single wPr(1 I Not a single
. ed his goWn and began Ills address.
He was as moderate as a prosecut-
. .
' Pape�r lit Japan. .
A Degrading Spbotaole �
Mrs. . Enpock-0 Henry I
. �
Courteously iliougfi absently, and
wAnt on to tho ;Lrbor to amok's the
word. You, knowing that I would
give ten years of my life, my
tng Io-ounsel In a, murder case always
- In no other country -is paper used
for so''tuany different purposes as
. Weak
Blood I
7%o opportunity to witness animal
Slaughter, on, a large scale, Is to be
Stanstead Junction, P. Q., 12th Aug.,1893.
cigar tho_d�tor bad prescribe(].
Re seardely notico4 rLe lie made him
chance of happiness through'all my
life, to
1 F or some few mInuites the crow'd
, in Japan. Sines the discovery of
afforded In, Chicago on "packing-
house" day, Sept.
MV188318 0- 0. RICHAMIDS &CO.
way bac�k � to . the house that e p-
save y6u, ha vie vouchsafed
notbing-nothing P
Abarcely listened to lum; all their
I attentli;n seemed concentrated -upon
the art or making paper by the
80thl, and no
dotilbt there will be rualtItudes In at.
Uentlemeu,-I fell from the bridge leadluff
from a platform to a lon4ed car while assiob.
per little personage was a t In
a rocktng-chair .opposito the door-
The marquis looked at him Badly :
but With the impassive calmness he
tile tall figure Standing In the pri-
sonees dock. I
Egyptians, th6usands of yearsago,
It has been used for wlrlttng ma-
Dr. Agnew,v Cure for'the heart
tendarm on that day 100,000 head
of stock will be killed at -the Chicago
lugmy.mea in unloading a load of gra"
Thebridgewent down as well am the load
wa,T; but each timeo the major passed
had maintained throughout,
"My "It
I The last few. tweeks had told upon
terial, but some of Its other most
Important have
never falls to cure the heart and
nerves, and to enrich the blood. it
9tock Ya.rdS, and tlie whole vast
on my back and I struck oil the ends of the
olit Into the garden, or went to the
salle-u,manger to try and eat his
poor Germid,11 he said. I
had been In your place I should
him, and the marquis looked an old-
'or main by- five years; but tlbodgb
uses come to IIgWt
ivIthIn th�D last century. ,Now we
relleT03 In 80,B)Ioll-teS. It is a beacon
plant will ba run at full capacity
i as a pVbllc Spectacle. It Is thought in
sleepers, causing a seriouRAninry to my Is&
luneh or dinner, the neatlym-dressed
mod umobtrusivo-looking Individual
Iluve thrown up my brief long
Ills face was pale "d careworn,
I there was no alga of fear in it, His
make many things of paper, In-
eluding heavy ratio, and car -wheels
light to lead you back to health..
H. Musselman, G.A.R., Waissport,
I Cllico-g6 that 200,000 visitors Will en'..
joy the refining and agreeable sIghLs
onw for Its being very fiesby Would have
broken it, In An hour Could not walk a
step ,ed usinit MILLAILD'S
seemed to be in his path and to haunt
"NO, You Wouldn't," retorted Ger-
aid. doggedly, 11 You would have
dark eyes were perfectly calm and
i restful, and after a slo�W survey 'of
and dighes, .
Nearly every citillzed.
government has a corps of engin I
Says: "'Awo bottles of Dr. Ag -
ew-'s Heart Clare entirely cured me df
which, can. be seen on such 11 Scale
flowlteic elco In the world.'Tbo
.,. �LIXI. ,
MENT and the third day went to 1XIontreal,
on buslaoas and irnt about,wellhY the Use of
The major got into conversation
clung to It, 11,oping against ]lope,
as I do; hoping
the court, lie fixed theta on tile face
of Sergeamt Leslie. .
Berg Investigating the possibility oi
balloons In time of w,ar; but hun- !
heart Palpitation and extreme ner-
vousnesS. Its value cannot be eati-
cess by which a live steer Is corriverted
In to "while
a cane. in ten days was near y well, I call
sincerely recommend It its the bleat Liniment
with him one day, and naturally en-
ough began to talk lite
that something
might turn up Which might help.
That one sweeping glance bad
. dreds of years ' ago the Japanese
- I
matedi" � . I . : I
Steaks arml collar buttons
you wait" Will have Itfs most St'rlklllg
that I know of in use, .
Yours truly, ;
ftlIghtOr'S Illness The little
ur client."
show,n him all the faces familiar to
, sent up' larg:46 paper kite&, to Which
Dir- Agnew's Olatment rolleves..exemplification
on that tlay.-Hart-
. C. H1. GORDON.
—n wAft very sympathetic, and
"I suppose I shoulde't assented the
him On, or nelix, the bench Bat Lady,,
Dor;�an and Lady Bannister, Miss
were suspended' human spies, whb.
thus could look into and study
. Ecizem . a skIndtotter In a day, 35c,
ford Minim 1.
1� � . I
seemed particularly anxIous
learn ,Whether Miss Delalue was Ukto
I.r to come round, and how lonK It
marquis, after a pause. natU- .
Ing can turn up, my poor Geral(L Lulwood and seVeral other ladies
And this Is your first brief I Never I .Were seated behind the ju.ry box. At
the solicitors' table SIF
walled, but roofless fortifications.
-From "Japanese Paper Work-
ors," by Jason Treboh, in
Iteat Test of Altruisna.
. I
Is I '9L A. W. CHASE$ . I
-IPM 1. .
And Johnny P6utht.
tMy Wit " said the father, "I am .
grieved to ' learn, that you '.engaged
would be before she ,
wag likely to do
so, and the major glided into tile
mind I It may not do you any was Edmund
harm," I and Mr. Lulwood and Mr. Bradley.
Gerald's Ingram had managed to fight liti;
Track Nowz for October. I
. Judge.
Little Willie. -Pa, what's an al-tru-
- :
Is sent direct to tb6 diaeased
in a disgraceful brttw� with the
little nbrn'ck bo'y." . . . .
bathit of Smoking a tAgar with this
map In the arbor or In the pleasant
pale, anxious, face flusle-
ed, and the marquis hastened to
Way to a spot close beneath- the .
Minaffs .Liniment for sale evez�s.
lot. i
it -is tatber-x man, my child, who
parts by the Improved Blown.
- Heals the elders. clears the aIT
"I don't. care, Papa. I had to
fiElit him
ordens. T119 man appeared to have
nothing to do, and he was pleasant
add :
"But I know you are not thinking
a,.nd stood there w1th folded
i arms, as If proclalmlag, by tits at-
. .
carries his umbrella all day without
aoing It, and then Is glad It didn't
passages, stop% droppings in thb
n throat ancl grmanan
& Catarrh WB =
Had to tight him, Johnny ? What
the reason ?11
and oba,tty, and very Sympathetic in
his Inclutrieg after "the major's young,
of Youreeir but me. Well I Follow i
MY example. I am Indifferent; �e
tude, lite belief In. Ills mastees in-
ZIOCeneo, and just below the dock
Llf_�' L
Abouit tile Dogs,
rain on account of the people wko
re as b
had no amb 11 with t am.
, v
and ayre eit
free. All,doalers, or be. A. W. Chase
Cal. Toronto And Aff",
"Why, lie sald something a.bout you
You Indirierent, Gerald -11 He laid
hda hand again on the young man's
Bat Lulgi Zmutl, 11. had begged them
t0l Place film 49 ,near his protector
V,oral . volume of over 2,000 pages,
that I couldn't stand for."
1%o did ? The, little rat I And yoxt
Ay�. you maklag a long stay here,
Xr. Brown,?" asked the major one
shoulder. "When you bowe got to
amd friend as they
, 0oudd and, pity-
written by Rev. t3ma. S. Adams, red-
tor of -The Chilroll of Holy SPtrltl"
In Going to New York
A Question of Titles.
licked him ?"
day. In a purposeless fashion.
110b, I don't know," 'Air
, MY Years. But no I you will not
Itave suffered as I have suffered I
ing his blindness afid griet, they had
placed a chair within reach of the
Be Sure thf4t your tickets read
via Grand Trunk and TAbIgh Valley
k bu
T,Le City r reasurer of Edin, rgh,
course I did-"
"Good fo3C. my son I Riere's ai
replied -
Brown, for that. lie had Informed ib� 1 Will not have learned to hate inxi'marquIs'
hand If lie should chance to
sely to the child to wboin
you have 'been habitually kind, and
route of the "Black Diamond Zx-
Colonel Sir Robert Cranston, Who
"s latell, be0ft, knighted by IdIng
nickel -for you. "What did. he say
major, was his name. "I'm just atay_
Ing on; the place suits! me. I suppose,
I scorn Iffe, as I do I No, you will
,rA=Pry that sweet little giri whom,
over. . I
The marquis failed to see Lady
see how surprised and grieved and
ereot,rallen It will look",
press.,, This Is the direct and best
route from all 4gaaadlaa points. DY
Edward, was called upon recently
bv a conAnercial traveller, Who wish.
about rive Ill
"I don't like to tell, papa."
I helped to meet yoa at the ])all,
you'll be moving as soon asbilas De- 1 Elalnela friend--,,
Blanche. She was seated beside Lady
same way to
"Speak In the a
this route baggage Is now, checked
od to see tile 0010481 on business.
"That's all right. You can teltmo�l
laines gets strong enoagh." , He stopped
"I -I don't know," he abruptly, and turned his head away.
Bannister, but had loans(] back its It
to Screen bBrselr, She wbre a Yell,
dog -Which you have habitually trea,t-
ed -kindly, and notice h,ovr surprised
In boad to and from CauaZlan points.
The L,ehlgh 'Valley has three Ka-
As Sir Robert, like neat of his as-
goclateg, lFj of tho volunteer corp
"Dut I danft like to repeat It. It
had eovear words In It."
You have spoken of her,
major, flushing and looking bard at no l!" said Gerald, aulckly. -Do,
benea,thwbich her face was deathly
and WrIeved and crestfallen It will
tions In Nevin York up town near all
not of tile regulat RrJL,Y, the travel-
"it did ? Well, leave otit, the o*eal?,
Mo cigar.
1#Ab, just so, sill depends, of'courBe.
Iyou know where she is? For God,s
aake tall me the truth I I feel have
if She could have done so she w*ould
look It Will look into your face to
gee that Zrou aa* not pretending,
� -els, and down -town
first-class hot
near all Eurapeag ateamellip docks,
lor�ft Inquiry was for Mr. Cranston
Colonel Cranston, ho Was forived;
words abd, tell me."
"HL- sa,ld-lle said that I was tile
Your poor Young lady still remains
unconsclougrl .
a suspicion that she -and 9healona
have kept away fro�m the court, but
She, dared not ba absent from a.
and then go a -way heitrt-broken."
"In every particular the exprea-
Saving passengers for Europe a long
transfer. Secure
waa cut. I � ... .0
- 114()h,
ba,,J wprded picture of lou.11
. 11 I
Tho major Sighed.
can help us."
scene at which every otlibr person
Alon,9 or the dog- will be alrallar. to
and expenelve
your tickets of OP"d Trunk Agents.
very W011; cNal I ,see Mr. -_
then V (wentioning another member
I .
'Yes I yes I'" I cannot," oa.ld the marquis,
-poor young lady I" said Mr. Brown , Solemnly. "Every word she would
In the neighborhood would be pre-
sent. Besides, she felt that It would
th000 of tho child, excepting that
tile ObIld; Will weep. But the' keeper
Robert S. LewJs, Canadian Passenger
of tha firri),
Major Is out, too."
A Modicat Defence of Corsets,
� &
wrzapathollcally. "Will you give rat.,
utter would tell againat us, Be con-
tent with tha.t 11, �
be better for her to be there, and
ascertain for herself Whetber there
will tell you that the mother mon- .
Agent, 33 Tonge Street, Toronto,
:., I
"And Is Mr, -- ont,,alao 211
,a to transmit
T,h,L- upe of the corset I
the prossurd of tile skirt band% to the
major T' and lie began to talk,
of the lake a,nd the Steamboats.
"I cannot Ill cried Gerald. "I can- i
not belleve It, Why
wati any likelihood of her share In
t e, night's being discovered.
key Weeps upon tbi� death of her
obAld.1, , .
4141 un.a sorry to say thut CaptAIA
_- lino just loft to attend, a a,als-
hips and the rl,bff, and so to protect
from tb,--Ir pro-suro the organo in ths
The dayswore on, it seemed to -the
major, at times with hideous Slow-
Is she not
11,are 21'
her, like the imarquis, glanced round
Taylor tells of a favor-
Its borwe, old John by name. Ile was
Rodeetiou of a Bachelor.
x0try cla'ag-11
r,oglon of tbe',W4s_t. Tho conclusion ,
ileag, at times w1th awful rapidity,
Tbo London papets had reported Liao
i "I do not know. Take carels'
and the dark, penetrating eyes
court as she biltered and took
her sent, but she could not see Fanny
In the habit a talking to tills old
horaeas he would have talked to a
Marrylog a wan for money Is at -
most as antisto,otory as for her to
T010 exasperated tk,aVeller turned
to 90o Ivilell, lit, was recalled and
Is tba,t -00 lon,9 as skirt bands are ,
E�eneA round thO w4lat, borsate
6xamination and roroner'F; Inquest,
I 1-,ced thonvelves on Gerai<llff
rnchley, for whom her eyes were
He W8,9rdiriving along a country"
mo,rry a man, to.refOrm him.
aakoLi It Ito wished to tPaVO aAY
jebould be 'Worn. They abould be
"Willul I.Marder Against Ernest Ed-
Wynd, Marquis of Nalrue 11 and pres-
anxW-9 cam "Unle9fif YOU want to
w1nd the rope more closely round ine.
1300king- . � , .. ,man.
.Uay Bradley had secured a seat,,Tolia
li-Ighway one hot summer day wh6
gave evidence, of distres&
jL womitta -will mako more fuse over
a wedding anniversary than u, it -an
it 106611like-
"Well." Ila replied, "It's of no con-
stiffer than usually ma(lo If thoy are
effectively- to P,rotetlt tile soft, ruld.
ently came tho ann6uncem'ent of the
(10 not speak of her, Knep bor name �
beside her father at the solicitors, ,,What's
tile, matter, John ?, 11,B asked,
Will ever the d"till of a rich uncle.
tell that
segtionee, but 3rou rrilght Ju9t Say If
vou think of It, that Lord Wolseley
610 portion of t1la body from tile prdff-
datei'af the trial.
"'Bio accuml will be tried at the
from your lips.,' .
Kierald groaned.
table, and as tile inarquis stepped I
Into the, dock the tears sprang to her
kindly. John stepped and held up'
oneo 0�f bia front feek.Mr. Taylor Step- �
yoa can't always a, We-
tvan, Is ma,rriod last bocause She doca
looked In.' I -Hurp,r1q, lVeekly.
sure of the walstba,lid, who front
ohould bo (lutto straight, and Clio
DoWnshlro Assizes hold at PorlIng-
1, Sce here, Lord Nalrne!" he said,
eyes, and she began to tremble as
ped to the ground, examined the foot, -
0'Aligs Silo Ought to be married to
NVALkot inca(.urement ob,oul I ba S.Vleaat
ton, find the accused nobleman will
desIM - " I have to, defend you,
. "'IttelY
thought I
f�� I
found that the oboe ,%rais loose,
a's large all the, wroarct,A Walst".mBli.
come before -Tudge Pawlings on or
, and derend you I will I I give you I
It Eltilne word here, this, would
aalnndd that a had 'got between -
It Is rard to figure out why a preet-
Gross Carelessness. 4
puml over & ,single, soft g4falont.
about the twt,mty-fIrSt. No trial for
i warning -fair warning -that, come
kilt her !" , , I
v-v pl,�,
It anx), tho hb . of. With & pat find a
ty girl -%vho could have anybody sho
Miss Blileott-Why did you dia.
Tho abu,96 of the 4,rtlole conolets in,
a eapltal offense Iras created PA) much
what 'will, I shall (10 my (luty to.
ward you ! I do not b0leve you
6(?rgeaht Leslie inade a vory plain land
, opening speech. It Was, lie said, Ills
A WOPd of' esteem, Mr. Taylor
r0m0vdd tile pvbblo and drove John
(�p.r;t(yl and be ha,Vpy will gO often
plo-k out a iu,,in -to )hxrry for the'
0114.rgo YoUr chauffeur ? 114o made
OnlPlOying It 114CO a InE.Ang Of 001uprea-
Ing tllQ,t W1114011 It Wai4veant to, pro�
curiosity sinoo, of so-and-so."
fto majo,r rf-ad the paragraph and
guilty! I say, Ido notill painful duty to produce evidence
,, Remember the evidence!" e .
x I against
to a black&M-1th,09 'Allop, Where the
0110'A wad tightonod.11
FAtell, a up'noarance, L,
9ake Of reforming him- f " n
A wo)lk tri lins wit.,h an ImagInatlai M., Mrs. LIp;pIn4!*t-t_I1ut tho r -!nn ]"ad
t4Cct from ComprCM111g, namely, the
wft wiMle portion of the ba(13�
trembled. Tile twenty-firet and it
Was now tho tenth. fi.'Ieven Aays! He
� C
'lalmed tile marquis, holding up big
a peer of the realin of the
I lipinous crime of murder. By not one I
,, Tbqro ar-4 stories without nnm�
that wboll, her husband telephones
no tatt Why. ontei w;lnp I was do%-
I . It
�'g �'raa ovot, it tat woman, and
P sol,lon In corsets ham of Into made a
almost prayta that she inight remain
warningly. " RPblIt It If You - unnecessary word would be -welgh
tan -but you cannotp, I
the, the
her ot dop. coming an4l placing it
foot In far to flaVe n, ,Splffiter
h4r he has to stay d0vVil, town at
rftllt to rlV0 AKIVIC0 to a railway :
almost jostled me olit of my oat !-
motion In tljo right dircotion, in tile
tgralght, ,qtlff front.-MO(1164.1 IN -eve
unconscious until the twenty-second,
I " We shall See 1" rot rted or I �
o G A (I bp�
case against accused, not
'would be, endeavor to .strain a Single
extracted. In the Intere3at of a man.
President sho can mtLke herself be.
October Smnrt Set.
' I � . � � .. I - .
and CirculAe. I . . I
or until tha trial Should bo over and
the vordlet pronounce
tween Ills te0th- " 19 th&t all you
. havo to, say to mp ?"
, point for the prosecution, or refuse
to admit a single that
torl.or a tbild In trouble t1to dog will
plead with you to A&ompany film,
ilove ,1tini, and Yet cry all evenlng
- -elt. -
over hig tire -Now York Press.
-. I I . .1. . � ..
1. .1 I � r I �' "' .. ,. �.
I9d0B`(1tlI-xt Dight-thO night hol
tedd Itio announcoment of tho date
"Yes$ all- W41tt You hay(,, met)-
tioned, E
'laftip Dplaine-agaln..
point migilit
Im argued for the defence. Tile
by WhItilog* (Fludking Pour 010theag,
running &hea .. The hokwo Is
- firo
. _ -
of tho trial -as lie held her harid, ail(]'
Rempniber ! I ellargo you un(3er no
ttirth, and the truth. only, ,whether
it reflulted in the coonderalr&tIon, or
, on i
and the Jutt,ster is lh.(14nj�er, The dog'
Th,.� new Lord Sallsbary, lilther to
I I , n
. . � 11 - I 11, I
looked Into lipr face, lie almost pray-
cireunint4ne(to are you to bring lier
tile prisomer or IiW acquittal, Most
pull.4 at tile brxiclothoK bark,i in biv
as Lord ,Ctanborne, is 49. H46
entered tho 11(niso of Common8 at
I .
. . ,
. �
Out 0010 Orsfids- 1. . Our Sulphur at"do
od that she might (fie b8fore that
BaMe into, t1ourt !"
"Pardon 110�1` Nald 00rald firmly.
bp the dostro o( all who that day
, took part Ill one of the most Aolernii
aft.1%lety' g6litly nlP't "I(' ha"11' T)*
master 10 &Wakened, and gaved.ol �
..." I
thO ilge of 24 its momber for the
I Darwen division of t,atioaslilre, for
*,HrAftialitl? I
I . .
I-M&Y 101,'(18 E,lall)(1-bUt
I thou�h
r4io werp my repebt It!—
fanotlons,that could fAll to the lot
I I I .
. --
Which fl o t
11 pat"until lie general olpe-
I . I I .
It was 1puemla.y, t1to 1=11nd, alltl tho
11 File were my sister, I AhOuld
of mortal mitz, n.nd that the truth
would be IqlloWn he '11,UIL overy faith
tiol 80211, wholl lie was defe&tod.
In I, 0 f6lI0WID9 116 r0turn0d
, "vlojoRlAst I
. I "Tallphone"
dar of the- R& gmvmt had
be*li Uto erowkV In tho atteetfi of the
ItIr"iln"99 her Into e-ourt It by produelng
1wr leflulel save you, my ellentill
alid conviction,
, Little wl"7116 (Just roturnod fr6lit
, year Wag
for r1ochester. As lit utellant-colorlel
.. 1. I . �
I I �
itimiso town tll:Lt & foreo of nioutitNI
1*)Jco had 1wen roquired to keep it
i 11 gave ,*f ou not- found 'hor V askvd
I the luarquiff,
IT6 W 'Conttanod.)
StUKIAr ikb604-16 It true that: evtfk
the bAlre of Out- beada are num)lored?
of tht. F(orth Battalion, &x1ford6illro
Iloglitiont, lli� eqrve,I with distinction
. —.16*_
A QUICK, SURE LIGHT . Is ensurad EVERY time
�'. I �
lit ordor.
:, No,' itnswerml (.orald roluctintly.
Thvre nro flearly 81)010 Wel,,h reo.
' Mr. Front�,-ftt—The Blble,sAyg mot
nIV P111111.
In the South African war and wa,4
Mentlined In flespatehes, re,guffling oil
by using any one of
� ,,,,, Mae brands :: n, :.1
P")ple liful comi, not only tromi
'13(01!" Aaltl ilin marquis. "Andl
dclits lit pvc,mool, %,,here It li-Y pro-
Little Winnio (aftcr A, 04tla�—It
his return tho po9t of Ua&r gpo_
— ,,------ -,
I . . — __.
the neighboring toWrIN Awl diRtriettv
trom London Itrelf to be pre.
you Will not. Take my advice; any-
J tbing Me Could atty would logo you
roow,qd to found a VdUk, abair at the
Unty,L,rhity (,o,Ic,gp.
won't ho very hard to keep track
4( It, t
rotary tor PorpIgn Affairs, Wjllell h()
, 1), I L
1"OR i%AI,V V 1,1�0*,�,_�,
DeMerm Vlverywh.6*6
% I .
)�ourpr, will paps
h4v hAI4 sib" 100, I
. .
..v I I �' "I 'I X 11 ,L � I ... ,11, -11 ,,
, I ,,
po ftW.4, ", _'.., - � _-: . , - 7 wo
-.1 _4�