HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-01, Page 4Ritchie Campbell "Dorothy Dodd" Footwear FOR FALL WEAR. We have placed in stock a splendid assortment of the celebrated "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes. The "Dorothy Dodd" models are always graceful, entirely original, and have the reputation of being the most perfect fitting shoes made on the continent. You are cordially invited to call and see the showing of Dorothy Dodd Footwear in our shop. The following are some of the styles and prices that we have in stock ;— 1 Style No. 896, patent tip, dull top, welt lace, price $3.75 Style No. 849, kid welt lace, kid tip, seamless 3.75 Style No. 919, Ideal patent kid lace, French heel 4.00 Style No. 865, Ideal Patent kid welt lace, seamless 4.00 Style No. 351, kid Psyche lace patent tip 3,75 Style No. 804, ideal patent kid welt, Oxford 3.00 Specials for Saturday, Oct. 3. 25 pairs Ladies' Corsets, regular 50c, 75e and $1.00 for 40e 5 doz. Gents' Ties, regular 25c, Saturday 2 for 25c 5 doz. Gents' Collars, 4 ply linen, 2 for 25e 2 doz. Ladies' Kid Gloves, all shades, reg. 75c, $1, $1.25 for 50e 5 pieces Shaker Flannel regular 8 and 10 ets. for 5c 8 pieees extra Dress Goods, good width, for 25c 10 pieces Wrapperette, extra good value at 10e Wawa Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McLND00. THE WINGRAM ADVANCE. A GREAT SUCCESS WAS WINGIIAil. FALL FAIR. Fine Weather. Bumper Gate Receipts. Friday last, the second day of our Fall Fair, was one of Septem- ber's finest days, The very large attendance proved conelusively that the Directors made no mistake when they secured R. R. Gamey, M. L. A., as one of the attractions for the Fair. The stock exhibited was excellent ; some very fine cattle were shown. Horses were well represented in the various olasses, The fruit, vegetables, grain and roots were good, In the Ladies' department and fine arts, the exhibit was smaller than last year. This may be ac- counted for by the fact that some of our largest exhibitors went this year to Toronto and London instead of the Township Fairs. W. T. A. Fishleigh had a very fine display of stoves, silverware, lamps, etc., very neatly arranged ; A. Young & Son were well represented by the various lines of stoves they handle, including the excellent Crown Huron stoves and ranges, made by the Western Foundry Co. in our own town. Mr. D. Bell had a good display of musical instruments and sewing machines, The Singer machine was also represented, and different makes of cream separators. The attraction to many in the afternoon was Mr. Gainey, M. L. A, for Manitoulin, who gave an excellent address on New Ontario, in front of the grand stand. Mr. Gamey is a clear, fluent and forcible speaker, but on account of the wind blowing it was difficult to hear him, unless the listener was near the vehicle from which he spoke. He expressed the pleasure it gave him to accept the invitation of the Agricultural So- ciety to be present at so large a Fair, in so beautiful a town, and to see so many interested in agricultural pursuits. In New Ontario, condi- tions were different. There was good laud there, but the country was rough, rocky and more broken than in old Ontario, but it had values that the land here had not. He referred to the vast resources in tim- ber, in minerals—gold, silver, copper and nickel. Of the latter, Canada had practically the monopoly of the world. In New Ontario last year, there had been cut eight hundred million feet of pine. He advised every young man to obtain a knowledge of mineralogy and metallurgy, that he might know his country's resources, and in New Ontario such knowledge could be turned to good account. If a man was comfortably situated here, he would advise him to stay, but to young men desirous of making a home for themselves, New Ontario offered inducements not found elsewhere. Mr. Gamey, in his address, wisely avoided political matters. He closed an excellent address by referring to the nobility and indepen- dence of the farmer's life, and strongly urged young men to stay on the farm. The speeding contests were attractive, and well conducted. The Judges were C. Knechtel of Wingham, E. Livingstone of Blyth, and J. Kelly of Listowel, The following was the result :— GENTLEMEN'S RACE—Purse $50. FREE FOR ALL—Purse $150. Sandy (Perdue) 3 1 1 1 3 3 222 444 555 Wana (Beattie Bros.) Little Jim (Hanna) Jubilee (Robinson) Dexter (Mulvey) THE ROYAL GROCERY Fiower Pots and Hanging Baskets, The cold and frosty nights will soon be here. You will be thinking of bringing in your plants and putting .them in pots for the winter. 3 inch Flower Pots at 15 Sts. per doz. 4 u cc cc 25 cts. cc cc 5 6 7 10 If cc 1c ct cc CI if CC CC cC 35 cts. 50 cts. 75 cts. 20 eta. each. u cc at griffin's w aftm Iftftft Iftfto am. w Ow,W. m.Ow* s.-.. 0 w r.. w aloftOwn w w w•» a.w. Oft. w 111.▪ 4* iftoft soft eftom digoft . Oftft We Have The Stock Come and see our large stock of Wrapperettes, in all colors, beautiful goods, at lOc per yd. Flannelettes, wide and heavy, reg. 12-c, for lOcts. ; White Shaker, very special at 6c per yard. Cheap Plaid goods for Com- forters. Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth, Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos- iery all go at cost. Beautiful Black Underskirts at a reduction. Handsome cushion tops. We sell Butterick Patterns. T. A. MILLS weal oftftil M of▪ t▪ ni mftall ftodll om011 mow •111 orate ftft- e oft• ftlf wait -..s oftftel oftOS mama MOON mmel -.... w.a MMelP ftfte Etiiiitowituutaiuwwwwititilauluiliolowilautiata Kaplin (Scott) 1 1 1 Debby C. (Cain) 3' 2 2 Marjorie Wilkes (McLean),2 3 4 Alma (Watson) 4 4 3 • Time -2.25, 2.24f, 2.27f. 2.35 TROT OR 2.40 PACE—Purse $50 Starlight (McDonald).,.,. 3 3 1 1 1 MaggieDarroh(MoDevitt) 1 1 2 2 2 Walt. Ferguson (Corbett) 2 2 3 3 3 Considerable interest was taken in the Hitching contest. Prizes were awarded as follows :-1st, John Currie ; 2nd, J. B. Tyerman. No entries were made for the Chicken Plucking contest. The attendance was large and orderly and the Fair was pronounced the "best ever held in Wingham." The increased attendance may be judged from the figures presented below (in'round numbers) Gate receipts last year $270 00 Gate receipts this year 566 00 Tile' total receipts are as follows :— Gate receipts $566 00 Grand Stand per tentage 33 00 Entries 55 00 Concert 89 00 This does not include membership fees. The concert in the evening was well attended, and an attractive program was presented. 'Ruthven Macdonald fully met the expecta- tions of his admirers. His solos are always rendered in excellent style. Those who enjoy the lighter vein of entertainment were gratified by the comic singing of Will McLeod and the songs and dancing of Miss Mc- Gill ; both filled their part of the program satisfactorily. NOTES. $743 00 Gamey drew the crowd. The merchants report a good day. A decided success, from first to last. The President wore a happy smile. The Directors were abundantly pleased. The Treasurer was tickled at the jingle of the coins. If properly handled, future Fairs may be equally successful. There was plenty of demand for "meals" at hotels and restaurants. Bumper gate receipts ; over double of last year's—as $566 is to $270. The Fair has gained an impetus for the future by the success achieved in 1903. "He's a perfect gentleman" said one of Wingham's leading Lib- erals of It. R. Gamey. Excellent music was furnished by Wingham Band at the Promen- ade concert in the evening of the 24th, and in the afternoon of the 25th, Cement "building stone" for residences, made by Young, Taylor & Glover, Wingham, should fill the bill, It looks well, is lasting and ornament. We are out of the rut ; don't let the wheels get into the rut again, or the last state of the Fair will be worse than the first. There must be no retrogression. There must be no "let up," but a stronger effort than ever for next year, and so on, until Wingham Fair is the county leader, as it may be. Tact, energy, enterprise will do it. The Directors tendered, through their President, a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Gainey for his acceptance of their invitation, which was acknowledged and appreciated by the Man from Manitoulin. The day was very free from accidents. One of the horses in speed- ing came in contaet with a colt crossing the track. The wheel of the sulky was broken, and horse and rider thrown, but no serious damage was done. Mr. R. Bloomfield exhibited an excellent model of a three -masted sailing vessel, fully rigged, with helm and redder, sails all set, and sailors climbing the masts. The novelty of the exhibit is that this pretty and complete model was made with a pocket-knife. Mr. Bloom- field certainly deserves credit for the model, so neatly constructed. FOLLOWING 18 THE PRIZE LIST: I$onsEs.--Brood mare, Thos. David- son,R. Bloomfield; Spring foal, Fow- ler Bros., R. Bloomfield ; year old filly or gelding, Thos. Davidson; 2.year old filly or gelding, 'Walter Richardson, G T Robertson ; team in harness, Thos Joynt, Ohae Taylor; special prize by Elliott & King for best foal by Prince Of Kelton, J Webster, Jno Currie. Agricnitural—Brood mare, G T Rob- ertoon, J J Elliott; Spring foal, John Elston, J Webster; year old filly or gelding, J J Elliott, Jno Mcliaaue ; 2- y+ear old filly or gelding. J Webster ; teatn in harness, W Watson, T Joynt. General Purpose—Brood mare. W McQnillian. Thos Jenkins ; Spring foal, 1V McQuillan 1 & 2; year old filly or gelding. Adam Robertson, T Jenkins; year old filly or gelding, APattereon, R Scott & Son ; team in harness, Thos Wallace, Geo Cruikshank. Roadsters ---Brood mare, T Black 1 & 2; Spring foal, T Black 1 & 2, year old filly or gelding, T Black; 2 -year old filly or gelding (1st prize by Ball Bros), H Zinn, S Morton ; team in harness, Dr Agnew, Thos James, Carriage -Brood mare, E McQuillan, Fowler Bros; Spring foal E McQuil- lan. Fowler Bros; year old filly or gel. ding, H Zinn, T James ; 2 -year old filly or gelding, I3 Zinn, T James ; team in harness, J Watson & Co. Fowler Bros; single horse in harness (by Geo Cruik- ehank. , H Zinn, J Kelly; special prize by J J Elliott, V. S., and Currie & Rin- toul for best single driver, J Kelly, I1 Zinn, G E King; team in harness, any class, Wm Watson. CA.T1111‘. ---Derham—Breeding cow, Alex McKaauu, R Corley; 2 -year old heifer, .1?. Corley, D Clow; year old heifer. D (Nosy, R `Harrison 1 heifer calf, Purviu Bros, W Moffatt; bull calf, [Continued on next page] Thursday, October I, I9o3 TIE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Macdonald Block, Wingham. JNO. & JAS. K. KERB HOIISE FURNISHINGS. Floor Oilcloth 1 yd., 14, yds. wide, 25c a square yd. Very pretty patterns. Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum at 374-c to 50c a square yd. Table Oilcloth New patterns, New Colorings, 14- and 14- yds. wide, at 25c, 30e, and 35c a yard. Shelf Oilcloth, just the thing for your pantry shelves, 7c a yd. Lace Curtains Splendid values. Prices 25c to $3.00. Chenielle Curtains, Table and Stand Covers, &c. Poultry It will pay you to bring your poultry to this store. We want a lot of good, fat, dry plucked, well dressed, Ducks and Chickens. Hardwood, either green ox taken in trade. Good Oats taken in exchan€e for Oatmeal. Rubbers Our new Rubbers are here and we leave just put them all into stock. Prices are a little firmer this season but we have ad- vanced a very little and only in a few lines, We are still selling Ladies' Rubbers in all sizes, high or low cut, at 400 to 60e. Mens' Rubbers, splendid quality, sizes 6 to 12-75c pr. Men's Rubbers, Fine, high or low cut, 90c to $1.00. Misses' Rubbers, Sizes 11 to 2. Children's Rubbers Sizes 6 to 10, Youth's Rubbers Sizes 1 to 5. Boy's Rubbers Sizes 10 to 13. Womens' Dressy Kid Ox- ford Shoes at Reduced Prices. Oxfords and Fashion are still the best of friends. Here's some rare bargain Snaps :— Women's Dongoia Tip, regu- lar $1.35 for $1,00 Women's Dongoia Oxford Tip, regular $1.50 for ....$1.20 Women's Dongoia Oxford Tip, regular 31.75 for $1,40 Women's Blucher Oxford Tip, regular 31.80 for .... 31.25 Women's Strap Slipper reg- ular 31.50 for $1.20. UNDERWEAR We do not exaggerate when we make the statement, that never was there better value offered in Underwear than we off:3r you this season. We have bought direct from the manufacturers, thus saving the middleman's profit, which we give to you. We are sole agents in Wingham for Ladies' Un- derwear, made with the Patent Gussett, which in- sures perfect fit and better wear. Ladies' Union Vests and Draw- ers. Patent Gussett ..25o Ladies Wool Vests and Draw- ers. Patent Gussett 50e Ladies' Heavy Wool Vests and Drawers. Patent Gussett 75c Ladies' Heavy Pure Wool Vests and and Drawers Patent Gussett, Medium and Large sizes $1.00 Misses' and Children's Under- wear in all sizes. Splendid value. Boys' Wool Fleece Underwear in all sizes and at lower trices than you paid last season for cot- ton fleece. Get the Best—It Pays. , CENTRAL / // STRATFORD. ONT. Best place in Canada for scouring a thor- ough business education or a superior shorthand training. Our graduates aro always successful in getting positions. This school invariably gives its students more than they expect. Write for cata- logue. Enter this month if possible. L W. J. Elliott, Principal. Make exp your mind to attend Fall Term Begins Sept. 1, 1903. —Two Courses— Cofnmercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. 1.,. McINTYRS President Seo'y. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent ,with absolute security. All caims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPICS;.-.In the Kent Block. Residence—Catherine St. C. 3. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. Office—in VW lston° Elobk. Open Saturday evenings, 7 to fl. tr. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY To LOAN. Office t—Morton Block, 'Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A T. C, M. /reaober of Plano, Theory and Fletohor Mutrlo Method, eintple t and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory' exam- Inations. R VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan. at lowest rates. Oitce BBAVE1t. 13L00Ke '7.t15. WINGUASI, ALEX. KELLY Auctioneer for Huron County I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Enron county, and am prepared to conduct sales at reasonable rates. Sales arranged at the Advance Wee. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. 0. THOS. HOLMES BANKER, ETC. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses required. Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro- portion, Easiest terms. RICHARD .'HOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, ETC., ICTo. OMee;--next to Holmes Block noir building DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office 1—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISROL" & CHISHOLI PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street — Wingham JP. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P,S.O " (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speoial attention paid to Diseases of women and children, - Oralos Horan, t--1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to o p.m, W T. Holloway D.D.S., LD.S. GraduateofDeontaal Surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor Graduate of Dent- al Dep't. of Toron- to University. Dentistry. t improved. methods eerto al branchesion guaranteed. OffO81oe in Beaver Block, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery' of the E en- naylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Offioo over Post Office—WIN'f3i:iAM MISS SARA L MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar Rooms -1u Stone Monk, 'Wingham, DICKINSON & IIOLMES Sarristersf Sollcitors, etc. Office t Melrslr Block Winghatte , . Diokfnson Dudley Mimi* WELDWUTON MUTUAL FIRE INS, CO. Established 1840. goad Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro perty on the cash or premium note system. JAnsas Goanla, CisAs. DAVIDSON, President. Secretary, JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT. WINGRAM ONT �INGHA61 SA1T �11LL MCLEAN a SON All kinds of rough and dressed.... LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders • Promptly attended to. McLean & Son 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENT$ TRADE MARES DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Sending a sketch and oeseripDtion may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au Invention 1s probably patentable. Communism tonsatrldtlyconddentiai. Handbook on Patents Se�ntfroo. oldest agency for securingypatenta.ratt44riotongaeCoreactive eWctatsotde,wthubrd, la ntific �rtrkran. A handsomely Illustrated weakly. Lam* all• et -elation of any bc'entido fournsl. Terms, tg a ear; four months, Ilii. Sold bran netvedealers. ZUNI O Cn P St, W btNew York PROMPTLY SECURED write for our interestingbooks "" Invent- or's Help" and "" How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or improvement and We will telt you free our opinion as to whether it is probably, patentable. Rejected application have often txen successfully prosecuted by us. We. conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; this qualified us to prompt- ly dispatch work end quick! eacurs Patents, as broad as the invention. Highest references, furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma. tion reeelve special notice without charge in over too newspapers distributed throughout, ill 1) ilnloa, apoCielt t --patent business ut nfaniifac-, turers and Bsgipesrl,• MA1UUO ' & l4TAR1II Patina Experts strict 801(01tOkla haj il 1 New Yet Lite ti'Id' , Maltreat —,,,..+.r� ......BBIIdg'was lion D.C.