HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-10-01, Page 2. �
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..r* SehC�QL 0401.4ted king, to at last A mighty fored IM01 boNes. bids, J),c, 11 1.2c,, *+*+++*++*+ , , -, I - I �, _ I - ,, . I., . � �,. .., � I . � , I I
Z) ". 4 Ay m*uV.rcbA and at the bolglit oir his 11 5-00� 11 :Wk) ; I 2W sold at ji. 5,8c. * +++41*1*.�lt.* a line of - -, - - "r.,
. * * .
I I �,�
wof. V�w power And popularit,y. llradotreevii iiji, 'Iradt.. ter flows 42��_ �,A I T �
The tabornaolo bad also a, . �
yarled t tile ,yeart �' .1l,
O. X ljlatory� Built b "" WZ
% - , "' 'O "ow ""'
40 , , r,
- 'Ile
X` UGK-4 from plane. Trade coittlitlons at Montreal con- liuriliti-litri'llip�,l�eati(VIlril��l.tll? t ", onter at " I -
er t ant
gwwoanu 4, Igo% and oRpecificatiolle faralabelil by God tillue fairly fiatiotactorX. Tile out. J Our Scotch Corn tuo ���tentis�0,01,9t,36eaareliTua0ftwtaotc,l., and In I I pi�
—, Illmsetf. It was Intended to be a lool; Ii; for quite a brisk i1orting' : vourfie of time close the drain. Wit. I
dwelling plaoefor God. It had gone trade for the nex # S7. AV
David Bring,%; Up tho A � . , t, ,coupla or month 4, lows, poplArs and olwa are particti-
. ru.-2 F4al S. 1-12 th , s. *+###+#i1tv.+++449�9+41i� -t++ L ;ic±,�3
rough the wilderness fort,r years There have been some uvaijzuuvk 4. r . ,4+ . ++ ...... #+ + lArly
Study V& 1-19. , 0 '�7 , , _ objectionable In this respeat *
under, Moaca, had been carried renewals of paper, but owlag to the 0 - work.7"t .) 1, ." .
. O, mew, they Illy ijutt.; Youro vary truly, IV, A. Cleojon;.' The vestre,
Tutrodwtiou.-IfAvill,ig amitten his through Jordan and Into Canaan vu- excollegi; trAtle Outlook, retailers N THL, COLLMRS' STRIKE. IZOO much will I Will YOT' "Oil, JIot Ppblioatlij,n 0-lork,
crlexaioK a.04 iortlikou Atualm ZIOIII dot Jowbua,, and finds its first rest- rival Jeents xn��C. anItlic'r hullnerwoolit, but isp-o t))e4es MY Xotbarloo Tynan.)
David most wisely,took inewsures to bavi) vAj�,ellienced little difficulty, in .
nAke, *the capl I ing-place, at $141oll In the tribe oil t , a-6n�- thv, urc.,14 twmi Del 640 Wony a'aucklostanes In then) b,
,, tal Of lits Icingu'Oin tho Ills _A that at- tlII0 time. Mr. Kaye, for tile last wo 10 D'A'n"'Ona"Y"'ry W)"t
I Epbralm. The Sixot groat calamity Tll=g- trade at Toronto con- tvnd�,,d t.40 jur;jlu, 0. ro SHE HAD A SWEET REVIENGE ("vemen
-c4mtral Place of %vorsulp for all the thxt , _ Nor arl ano gow;
0 doubtlaw knew JOAlovaWs 10]�a or .the ,trk, Willa 04 the tinues quite active. The demand for lojljla� ItIt,te timitt'd co %nik,s, 1, a
. . mp, bottor
triliv. H carpe to the tabernacle w <X)"t6' ana Lip- awful, John an' too nearly, dung the — Give me a Qh4W for all delight
.4 oqt tile grato "U(Jing at
promise to . h was captured domestic StP.Ple goods Is greatel, week or tiv.4 sluck-, 10C . .qjonj,%Vowan Slimmed lier Noig-libor 'Tuot -four yQ40. QK.
� choose Out Of all the 0,r the rhillatines. From this time than the ke"a AlYsel' ol) thfIn-trY. and wale them a wee this Slie Could Kneel )n cliarell. .
trIb-.js "a place to put :Rio Dame" it went, into gmdual I suPPIZ7 III some cases. and re. One Illebt I') MY 110, weo room, an* tlmc%,% I .
tallerfs will haVe to wait for some 0>04%te,l. I 166kQ4 at It W wa.No. up Give me no; wIngsIt rogy Shins, ,
(Deu,t. x1l. �5-01. T,liorefory tile ark antil the %Ct: ug It! weeks for deliveries In certain tin I# of course, promise " 11 don't mind . being told I'm
01 the covenant jsbould W brought ever,r way.- I , ea. an* 40011. an' back an'torrit, an' ilia I tac dao lily Nor snowy ralmlent, told oil told
. Is rasult Wis I dmAermined tue turn my
k a4k staple goods ,�t, bat rm I'DIfile.". I must fill up stout,' she said. -I am Stout and J, ,
from Ito vb3ourity aod plaped In ilia ter of the pr1eats. by� Saul (I S b% T Olve me a Jittlaboy, all uslae *,
alty of the lilug. Thus did David In- xxii. 1W. seemed to complete Its '. very firm. The demand from lula,ndj coal rea 111tao a limited Om. Dy- 1110 11191VI'Mmothlug, for I niuct g:9 might as well acknowledge It. Dot Just four years old.
Au doom. Its glor�r had departed (I. Pa full wive.11t, an, if I canna got coals I
. gurato a geijulni� revival of rell- water points Is now beginning to t110 shares Rly tae, Ile offers.l. tao the must just exercise my ju(?gment an, there to a wrong way,, to do everg- .
gloia. . . A I Sam. IT. 2-2 ; 13i4. T ., .
"4xxvul. W). Make Itself felt. general public though. Ever body 910 the next b9st I can. an, t Give me no harp and Starry
Tbo Ark. -4 -The ark was x olleat of I A new tabernacle was 'therefore , hat -0 thing and there Is a way of telling . crown,
At Quebec, weather conditions dur. Foemed to lie daelu' it, an' wIly wNhoulti wjl�;ra tile benefit ol my lang exgarl- a. person that lie gi, she Is stoilt Nor harpal nor paluiz-brAnchQu un.
tug the past week. appear to have I to b�bla, tlic. age? ro, as I all, ,X M
-half cub&U which .1 , co come,$ In, an' I can Pick. up the which always grates on my nerveg,l rolled, .
acaclik wood, two and one built by, David at Jerti-%alem Into
(3 IQ _ posed voying the axk. It benefited general trade, both whole- =It W action, I got a penter next 6tanw tba.Vo likest coals in a. way The opeaker'paused and looked over Give we a nestling head of brown
� at 9 Inabes) in length, and one be pur
aod olue-hAir cubits (2 feet 3 incheol would not have been fitting Or be- aaloan4 retail. and the sales in tile morillul. An* wbile I steadied the that wil wAorish. you that's no' ao� her auditors In a manner which ,r,Art rour 7
as width, plated I .n al Owar quant wil the trae.
In beigut " well coming to 11mve placed the ark Of rormer are reported as large as this lether, lie pented the sl- , ear$ old.
witbin a,n4 without with gold. Tliet lid God IA a dwelllng�plaoq whose glo�y, time twelve months ago, Again- plainly Indleated that this remark
%-A$ ot solldgold a4d was called tile bad departed. There is no account vancouver-yi ]ant I hope, Daille. that for a' was but the moral of a fable soon to Give me a, at coic that'A like the
, .
of tills now tabara3cle as to Its dt- tile I>aQIrIoCoA, ctorla reports from JA94!% KST4 tLimited). oar sakes reason will prevall, an' follow, Nor were the listeners die- poach, 11
nyercT_,mat. Upoz it were two golden at cities continue sat -
It iV of winged cherubim, with monalons, materials or con4tructiOn- Isfactors. The demand for fall and C!QAL .F�XPOBJUM. that the colilors-puir, hard,worked appointed. I Two arms to clasp me froin tile
-gw old Ord,,Ara for tone or bunne mortals -N011 return tao theirwork t 6, 'Eyijry� once In a while,' pursued cold,
thdr wings stretched out over the The whole account, however, wG winter goods !a brisk and the pros, ,rwechtu an' I hope It'll be
ailic aod their faces turned toward lead us to conclude that its construe- peots lilt 10 A, atead,,� mand foli promptly executed. at a gold wage., be narrator -who there was no And all nry .heaven's w4tilln ray
_ . or tile Der -11 ha, vach
one amother WltXu the ark were de,l teouple If mon ba�e denying really was stout yan*t x
ltlou marked the end oC the old An' then Im put -a lot a' turlie-vvur- time to go U611 the. way,, to my own
Posited the two tabloor of stone ea- moveable tabernacle. and the tj�glu- The weather having become more 110 fIOurl01tES at thia ends tae set it Just four yearo old.
aing of the permanent abode of God church, and so drop in at the con .
graved with the Ten Commandments settled and favorable for tile bar- aft. After I had palla him 1 lichtit across the street. There I Always
(Mut. x. �O). According to 11f,brews In the temple. vest, there is a better feeling in mY p1pB an' ga,od awn4, (>war tae tile Dettr God. You give me from You -
The ajrl� was the most sacred object trade moor or UNBEHUH91NING see Mrs. Prattleton. She weighs
Jx. 1, the ark aleo contained Aaron',o , . circles at Winnipeg. A. large al000 on the oppovite side al tile � pounds more than I do, It she skies
rotl that badtied Sad &,golden pot of that the Hebrew possesed Jor God portion of the crop will grade No. I street, w(herlA I latood Am, 4dmiro,l the 1111tX A little Paradise to hold,
maurte- ,it balonged in the holy Of was supposed to dwell on the mercy- ,Northern or less. Labor is wall ain- Imposing change it made -It was W019111 an ounce. but she seems As Mary once her Paradise,
holies, the �nnermost room of the seat (L Chron. XIII., 6i It had Its ployed and the outlook for general irunnerful lice .W,g llk�� it lookit, I yellIlIg serenely unconscious of It and al.
location In the ,,holy of holies" and Expert informatio I ways greats me after tile service Juot four years! old, , �.,
tabarnaole, and was to be visited trade for the balance of the ya felt quate, proad that my aln brains I
only by the high prl�ot, and by him contained at first the two tables of i is t,ocouraging. . ar had ever 'thD2ht Olt. A' tile nee wit)L 1%,boneyed smile and the re, - . .
stone, a pot of manna, and AaroWs bors inarL: 'You're latter than when God Leads to Victory.
only ouce a year -the day of &tone- Trade at Hamilton, as reported for 1170ro Awe-struck, an' every ane re- How it Can Best be Done. y I
went. It wag thus, the most sacred rod that budded (Heb. IX., 4). It had -Bradstreet's this week, continues to marked, "What a mouey-making .ou were here last,." Lot no be, filled with holy liope and
eymbal of th.e. true religion. alwiy3 rema-*n?d In or -with tb-? tater- show a fail, amount of activity. Fall trade the coal trade W." In antlel- - "'Tile Tepetition finally made me exultarit expectation for Jiumanity a
Commentary,"For seventy years n1lacler *untfi captured by the Pbllls� orders are coming to hand freely Pation O' All InermsW business I rather angr�r n . la
., so a mo th ago I got wo think of Gcd1.E1 ]a do
. ,a ,rslilp, Christ's
Lk seat Just by her and watched her
the axk, %a central point of relig' .ous tines; and, when afterwards returned awal orderiag twa-tbjee THE KIND OF TILE TO USE. closely. There' Was a good deal of
vroroMp. had lain In partial neglect, by them, It waa not replaced In the now, being stimulated by the strong. wrote � Perpetual Presence, the Holy Spirit's
tabernacle, and was never markets and the cooler weather. The tmt1ni tao be eant at once, but I got residence In and preparation of tile
mway from the Mosaic tab?rnacle, at again re- outlook for business Is promising, a, letter back saying tile colliers kneeling Idown, and I confess that race. In a time' of terrible trial,
ShRob. The sons of Eli had carried turned to the old tabernacle, but re -were c Commissloner's Branch, I dreaded the atteme. so much that '
the ark. from Shiloh into a battle walned at Baalah - based as it Is on the good crops and .,ot on strlk,2, an, that my or- personal and national, James Russell
till brought up by the active demand for labor. der couldna be exceuted. Here wh9 Otta*.Y,a. Sept I 1003. the first time I didn't get upon my Lowoll wrote; 991 take great comi
y for usalk'm- time, but Pin no* cuiTy daunted, so ldvalitages of lkncfer-draining were Mrs. Frattinton. She wasn't kneeling -
God would give them the victor. 'an awful Wow tae m3 jist at that I
ogalngt the Phlliwzines� hoping that David to the new tabernacle at Jer- Businilss at London is not as ac- a In A, previous aztl,,Ie Some or the knees. Then, I happened to notice tort In God, think III& IS consider -
the sake of thle symbol Of His wor- Tills bringing upl of the ark of God tive as it was last week when many I Prepared tae set aft tee AirdrIe POlDted Out; In tills case an out- either, and I suddenly.' Teallzed that ably amused somethu.,v, but an the I*
ship. But God did not r4Dwgxd wicked- was the greatest and -most consplo- buyers were attracted by tile Was- tao eco If I c<xtldua secure what I line Or*the method OtdrailllugPrac- thle waN simply. bec��use she could wholo loves us nad Wozlil not lot
Arm In that wa,v. The Israelites vvere uous religious act of David's life' tern Fair, but orders are still num- Walltlxll all' at tile isame time maybe Used by our beat farmers will be not' When the "me came to lines) 110 get r4t the matc,144box It He did
erous and the jobbing trade Is busy
defmted, and the Pblasthies captured This aut was considered by all con- Sllipp throw some oll on the troubled wa- again I got down the whole way, not know that the frame of the uti.
Ing goods, Values are firm. given. To secure satisfactory re- hard as 'it was, and then looked verse NYAB fireproof." 811ow may
the ark. bat the Lord would not per- corned as the moving of God to Ills in Ottawa the�_Tolume of business tera an' got the quarrel settled. l' Sults, careful study Should first of
mit them to retain it. Itf, the misfortutne ol w body -who all be given to the best Man Shea Co.
Their idol pem-anent ,lostIng place at Jer- In fall and winter goods continues to , A er squ rely into Mrs. Prattleton's Sa mom the progress bf the weed's ro-
Dagon Lit b:1ore It. The people were use.em. � show a fair ex works among COAIS tae b5 black of la,ying out .n system If drains, blushed and squirmed, and At domption, heavy the burdens on tlie
t he great- 0 ow hoarts Of faithful toilers, well nigh
- Connected with tills moving there of trade are bealtb.y and promising. then ill e my example. But she had to give It Insurmoulfitable the barriers of sin
amittem with severe dakaess wher panslon. Conditions ootwardly; firs 'the potir colliers, the aim being to secure t nee tried her level beat to foil
'Inally it was are many things mentioned which - Faiture,i Last Week lastly the sweep; tut although black 1 ging, and til leapt amount of dig, up; it was no use, she was too Tat. and sellialiness', but full -victory 1-9
ever lbs ark,wag sent. I , . e r tall coal merchant, aw eat fall, tile
restored to Israel, and sent up the show its great Importance as a re- a most perfect drain- From that da to this, she hasn't near, because of what Go(I Is. The
Sorek valley &s far -as XIrj&th-Je&- ilgioug act. There was a. great gath- R. G. Dun & Co. report liabilities ootwardl,y, it is tae be hoped our! age. * IV
r1m. where It ba,d remained ever of cominercial failures for September hearts are aa white as Ither fol ilier told me I'm growing Stouter -In glorious company aJ tile sajots is
ifin aring of the people, Including"all its,. I . TILE.-ror under-drainlng a fact, she hasn't spoken to me at all., with us, the Irresistible gravitation
OW, I .Israel from Shihor of Egypt even to date $6,070,068, against $7,430,- As Shakespearo says, ,,Tber,a's-mony I Is nothing better tlfan tile ordin-
L The joyful Procession, (vv. 1-5). unto the entering of Heimath" .(I. 7336tblast year. Failures this week an honest heart beats beneath a, arY round drain tile. The size to - . - of eternal truth is with us, the best
1. 2, again -A., former gathering was Chron. ,Ull,, 5). There was* also In is United States number 282, ragglt coat." Still, I must all6o that I be used can only be decided by a yearnings and affloriLtions of liuman-
at Hebron when David was anoint- a recall of all priests and Levites against 210 last week, 172 the pre- the way some (Y the collieri; have I study of the cnrkdItIons under which PHONOGRAPH BARKERS. Ity are with us, the momentum at
ed king. Thirty thousand - Repre- who had been scattered everywhere ceding week, and 207 the corres- behaved la.tely has made me ashaired the drain is ,CQ work. They ollould — , nineteen centurtes of Christian work
198ntatives of the whole people. No- after the slaughter or Saul (I. Chron, 1yor,ding week last year, and In Can_ o' my profession; but, bless me, we're be large enough to carry off In 24 $25 411'eelc and More to be, Earned is With us, the living, Omnipotent
tiee the deep reverence In this T 2). There was a great musi- ada, 19, against 19 last week, 19 a' getting rowdy noo-liberty, Is Ilb- to 48 hours the surplus water from Now by XLen Powerful Or Voice, Christ 'is bafore us. With exultant.
Phrase. The ark did not belong to �E]I`fitgplay, a great proceselon,great the preceding week, and a2 last year. arty noo-a-days wi' a vengeance- tile heaviest rains, bat It Is lm- There is a new emp'oyment ID� town hearts we climb to some great haigbt
Da.Tld or Israel; It was God's. whose sacrifices and a great feast. David Of failures tills week In the United we're fast getting on tae the time Portant that they should not be ,or tne 11201cy Possessor 01 . � of reveaded Truth, and look out,with
name Is called -Better, as In R. V., himself ware the priestly epbod, join- States 80 were in the Bast, 67 South when Tre'll hae liberty tae dae o.ny- too large, as the cost of under- . a. power- klad expectancy to the consumma.
ad In the musical display, orfered I thing -pay rent an' taxes Jlst when drain!ng is fal voice Who ca,n use it with suffl-
"Which is calbed by the Name, even 66 West, and 10 in the Pacilic States, governed largely by alen,t impress, tion of tho ages .when at the pierced
the name of the Lard of hosts." sacrifices, and himself blesaed the and S6 report I we please, an' steal, assault, an, mur- thO Me of this tile used. It ma,y be vaness and di&LInct-
labliftles. of $5000 ness. Some stage experien feet of Christ every lioul. alUill fall
Dwelleth between the cherablins- I people In thld name of the Lord. or more. . .d,r as we like. An' a' ower ths coun- mentioned that the capacity of ce as
"That sitteth upon the cherubim." Some Incidents connected with tills try the Socialists are crying, "DIvIde round water pipes Is in proportion actor or singer Is of great asslst� to loving trust and service. .
Liverpool 3farkets, evervthing; doon wl' everybody." to tile squares of their diameters. .
-R. V. "Cherubim" is the fflebreyr event dre entitled to notice., 2. The . U.nee, but not all of the men who -_
plural form of cherub. Thecherubff I ccnow cart" shows us that God abould Liverpool, Sept. 2S. -Wheat -Spot, Truly we are going Ahead, an' fast That Is, under th ns, .engage In tills vocation have an-
xod's presence 0 � arry four
represented C have the first and best of everytblam No. 2 red western winter, dull Os, becomin' in reality a land W liberty. a two-inch pipe will a Joyc4 tills preparation. God's Sweetx;ess.
a-5. They set the ark of * . The death of Uzzal, for simply taij- I 3-4d.; N'" I northern spring: no llooever, I stuck up a notice on the times as much water, and a three- It Is In the factories of tile The only cure for Indolence is
God upon G9 hold of the ark, and that evi- RtOCk. Futures, quiet , October, Gs. coat ree-- Inch pipe nine times as much, wa- manufacturers -t)f Phonogimpli rolls work; tho only cure for selfishness
a Dew cart-ThIs was contrary to dently with a good intention, allows 2 3-4d.; December, ft 3 5-8d. " Closed for a few days for aur ter as a one4nch pipe. In fact,the that tljls now, employment Is to be
the legal requIromeat (Na t9 sacrIfIce, the only cure for un-
w- vil- '3), us tilat there are no small things in annu%.L stocktaking," larger pip3 will carry even more found. Some of tile men at tills belief ii to shake off the ague or.^%�
according to which It was always the sight If God, 'and that lie wILI ,q%,.q,,,t%,�%,-qa,�%,,vA,�%,,V a.n' Iprepared tae, set aff tae Alrd- than tWs proportion, beeause of work earn as mifell, as $25 a week, doubt by 4dolng Christ's biddl 11
to be carried by the Levites and not suffer men to regulate, control ng. the
_ J ri�, when I heard agreat commotion, the grLater friction in the small and two get twice that surn. Both only cure for timidity is to phinge
rolled and covered from Sight. Gib- or ruppress the rLaantfestations of His ,Cal My SterieS J all, On 'lookino oot, whW xvis this Pipe. In ordinary cases, five or at.-%.- of these are able to enunclateelear- Into scire dreadful duty before the
eah-,t hill of Kirjath-Jearim-, called power in the work of rod, S. The 1_ � a Procession O' col:lers fra,e Rulg- inch tiles are recommended for t1fe IY and have very good voices. Both ohill comes ort. -Rutherford.
by that name. rph ;.��
Uzzab and Ablo- dancing and leu,ping of David was a � -lower part of a main drain and *have been on the variefy stage. -_
Probab;y the grandsons bf Eleazar, direct manifestation of God's � 0 them a word I! advice. I said I wid, four-luch for the upper portion;
_rwer 6",%W,*614%1-ft�l%.,%.144&lqq�l"%"�q�t glen coming in tae see If I wid gle The duty of -such an am
the son of AbInadalb, w�ho were set and of his approval. The conduct and so we A: Went In tae th3 Oddlellows' for ployee Is Lord, we are rivers, running to Tily
apart to keep the ark. Went before condemnation Of Mich,al was a sad, Are You awil-rf% that y t the branclies, two and a half to announce Into,tbe receiver before Sea,,
.9a are a sorl; Hall, an' &' the inliabitants,-after to bree-inch ate preferable, a. soxig the name of the selection
-Whi!c Uzzah walked at the side, tut emphatic finale to tills the most 01 perambulating metal mine 2 Man Our waves are rippi ",
taking the precaution tao, put tip DEPTH -%.,N;D DISTANCE APXRT. , all derived
and or the person.who is to de- from- Ttice; .
Abio went before the oxen to guide glorious day of David's life. After and, Indeed, nearly., all kinds af 11v- their shutters, an' 'row barrell; an' It is seldom neeess.Lr�y to lay drains liver it, not forgetting to mention A nothing we shbuld .have, a notli-
and manage them. Before the his lublic duties lie returned to ills Ing animals, hWs in his system a con- ,boxes up against th,air front doors more than four feel; below the sur- more emphatically than either of . Ing be, i I
Lord -The ark symbolized God*s house to bless his family and to sidera.ble quantity, of iron. It is found, -followed us. face. and in mist caaes �xvo and these facts. the name Of tile ilaaker - Except for Thee. . .
Presence, mod those -vr)lo went be- receive their congratulations, but in lit the most Important organs and A chairman was appointed, an', half to three and a half feet wilt bao of the Instrument -"as sung into tile
fore the ark are referred to r tho place of reverence he received there should also be a good deal in tills done, the widlence a' lichilt found sufficient. The proper dig- Wank -blank phonogimplill-he must Sweet are file waters of the ahore-
before the Lord. Instrume Tbl railing. She desifted him In her tile blood. Babies possess a fairly their plpeis, an' preparecl tae listen. tanCle between branch� drains less Sea,,
w-he.e proccimlon, David at the head, lip,Lrt (v, III). . ets -up an, Says, PQflds on tile quantity of de- say -with both feet on the nain.0 'of I
rroved forward with music, song and I largEi stock of Iron, nearly., three Tbo chiair.man g, water to the machine, Makes sweet our waters that make
time.9 as much, comparatively Speak- "His `Onv Chaps Onything tae Bay?" be carried and the nature or the sub- harsto to 7gice,
dance (I Chron. x1il. 8). ^0%�_ -%,%.-4^ Ing, ma adults. Then In your bones UP gets one, an' he says, "I pro- Wil. In general practice the lines Tile habit of engaging music hail
� ..Oft� there is a fe'ry . poso that 'we a, stick- tae. the Union Performers and, later, noted P011r In' ThY sweetness that our -
11. 'Uzzalfs error (vs. 6-9 [1 11 . large qiiantity, al actors
Threshl C -floor -A fixed ). 6. 7. �_�_ . or bo"41anged; I think that w1a Of til,l are usually placed from, fifty a.nd singers to use the phono selves may be
threshing- that metallic bass of lime .called to One hundred feet alyart. In graph,
floor. A . calcium, while phosphorus is also pre- tho,word. It wis something like that 0- roads the ftnnOlincer more important , Frivectnegs to Thee.
which: did not change its tenacious clay soil, however, thirty
place like tho, summer floor <Dan. The r1arkets. Sent in bones In so large an amount onyway, but 12m no gae guld at the re than 1,40 bad -ever been before. He -Chriatina, Rossetti.
IL 35); and therefore probably had that they are the main source Of hearIA27 aq I uJ;--d tae be. at would not be too close. lia.s now to pronounce correctly for. - . --- :
I :�J A, voice from the back save, "I see- DIGGING THE DIUIN.-Tbo drain I
1%0%0%0^% d's Supply ar that valuable ond the inotion." Anithar ,�oie-_ criee, -AY be opened up in the first place- different laaguagoo, and lie must do he Wise.
a. -roof and a stock of fodder, AAAA^�.. I the worl * L,Ign names and titles of 'arias In Words of t
Lange. rzzah ...... took hold. His R tile by Passing three or four times along al a
conduct Indicated irreverence Toronto I human body quite an - appreciable . 9 the besetting
0%0P% -00V%0%0%.__ article. Stranger istill, there I In the "Gilld gracloue, -what,s second .I tills In a, way that will be u 8 If -indulgence, I
and -'arisiers' Idarkets . - A. sin of the * times; but It you long
presumption. The Lovites were for- amount of arbanic, What there Is ,61 motion?" an' the ehairmanl in a tile game track with an ordiflaJey dorstood. For these reasons it be -
bidden to tuilch: -the ark On pain Tile receipts of grain to -day were L-118 Poison Iii concentrated In voice 01 thunder, cries oot, "Silence, Vow. Then the subsoil may be came necessary to lial a capable to be a strong, athletic Christian,
hem, an, broken up witil 0, good strong sub- . an; you must count the cost and re -
.5 -20). Oxen above the average, and the changes Lit,y.rold ,glu,,d. and a 6,1111,11 'ilantil-y there was Silence for a long while, soil plow, In this N�ay tile earth so tile new, profession of the plino2no-
of death (IN -um. iv. I Lbs ye, beggera." So that awed t
stumbled -The roads are very in prices were s�llght. Wheat Is eas- Lq a -so to be found in the Iwo, haic, till thoolialrinan ask��d. it I wid say maY be kjosend to a dop graph barker came into existence. UOuDcO the things Of tile flesh, It
rough In Palestine, and the ark ler, with miss or 500 bushels of white nails and also In tile bones and brain. onything. So I got -up an, mld- tlx Of two -N. Y. Sun, . I will cost 'You the Polling up of sopme
and thrown out with
brown There are lots of odd things about "Brathren ,W the game tra,de-for narrow above, The bottom of the . the outt!ng loose from so.me entang-
wa# vTIderitzy aboitt to be t feet. or more old favorite- sins by the roots and
from the cart when Uzzah took at 81Y, to 82c, 300 bushels of red our human frames which even doctors Qtbough lom a Provoot, Still Pin JiSt drain should be. dug with narrow DEATH IS NEVER NATURAL. ' 'Ing ni"Ances, and some sharp can -
hold or It. Anger of the L(>,d-,Not winter at Si% to 82c, and 100 bush- and other men of ,science have only 0,' mortal man In the coal tradD like draining spades, made for tile pur- .
passion. but rather indignation- als of goose at 75e. Barley, un- lately discovered, and Of which 'the Yor,90-s-I really dinna. ken -what tae _ flicts with -,b:e 'tempter; It -will
that reeling nw,blch makes him average person Is quite unaware. I Pos- Tile ditch ,should be kept Startling Tbeory oil a I)istijlguisll(. coat You the submittIng of your
hate changed, 0,000 bushe:s selling at iq:Y.sI feel for colliers, an' wId like Straight by means of a line stretch- U Xponelli. of soicnee. .d will to tile will of Christ; but yom
sin and compels Him to punish it. - 40 Few rxople'lmow., for Instance, that a ce, them, getting d,blg wage, fo-z ed tightly near the ground, and I will gain more than You ever gavei
For his error -The error consisted to �110- Oats steady, 1,WO buslie!s When we go to sleep the whole body they dcrerve It. They hae balth a about four Inches back from the Nobc,dr ever tiles a natural death UP. -Theodore L. Cuyler.
of touching the ark, which, as If now selling at 320y, to 33c, and a does not sink Into Insensibility JO 91
the symbol of Godls presence Same momen't. . at the dirty an' a disagreeable b, a edge. In ordinary cases, the slitch Old age, ,ilia Premature old age, -
(I. ioad of old selling at 37h,o. Dai wool ais a dailgerous ane, an, Providence hath a thousandkeyy
Sam, Ir. 7). none could look into. ry According to the researches of the jb<x1:1d a' hae, I think, a,t the veys - Mod not be more than a foot ne ' ties IvIliall Is the only kind w,e know, to 01),en a thousand doors for ther -f
GNUM. IV. W; I. Sam. vi. io), much produce firmer, with eggaselling ry at the top and four ,to Six I w'do
at French physiologist, Cabanas, it Is :z"t, 80 glid1lingo a week, My mind,s in a Path.01016fleal condition. such deliverance of His
less lay bold of without peril or W to 230 Per dozen, and choice dairy the muscles of tile legs and arms _:�Yo wand�_rs back tao the at the bottom, the,width, or course,- (k%vn, when it
life. There he died -"The reasons butter at 10 to 22c. whic lose 'chair power first, Next, dayis when the blgbwt grade happy Increasing in - tYroportion tile OPIDiOns of Dr. EIla jbfetch�- has come to the greatest extrem-
o' col. .
for this Severity were. 1. Tiut it Ilay is unchanged, with sales of those which support the head, and, lioiW had a piana, an, the second depth of the drain and the size Of nikoff, not a fakir, but a sari Ity. Let its be faithful and care
grew out of a Procedure whichwas W kjads at $0 to $11 a ton. Straw thirdly, the muscles which sustain gradc,, It they couldna, afford a, piano, the tile. Person, who studies thing Otis for. our own part, which! is to do,
of an express easier, with sa!es of two a through and suffer for Rini; and Jay
In direct TIOlation loads at the back. So, too, with the senses. could at least get a peraloulatur, 01"DING.-As a rule drainsr should a microscope at the Pasteur in- ChTist's part on Himself and leave
statute (Num. IV. 15; VIL 9) which $10 a tOfl- The sense of sight sleeps first, then and when ye a: drunk champagne- be given as much fall as possible, stitute. Each of us 6warms with It 4here; duties are olim, events
required that the ark .should be Dmosed iiogj are unchangod, 11ght tile sense Of taste and next the sense that, foreign drink wr the gold roon and the gradient should not be less tiny beasts of prey, wIlIOU travel tire tile Lord,s. When our faith go -
carried by Levites. 2. Uzzall, who sel-lz,g At $7.7.5 to IrS, amd heavy at of smell. Hearing goes fonrth and 1.1-o tacp ol the bottles -when the men than two inches In one hundred up and down our bodies seeking etll -to maddle with nt t
had long bad charge or ilia ark $7-50. last at all the sense of touch. Pro- simcw14 pound 'notes on their butter., feet, If this can be secur6d, Care- what t eye 8 and 0
should have been familiar with tll� - Wheat, white, bashel, 81 1-2 to 82--; bablY You Imv�glno that your pulse', an: the dogs got p ful leveling Is necessary IlleY may devour. By at- hold It COWet-if I may so speak-
. ope's eye steak, , to ensure a tacklug our benelloent cells, pre- upon God'ff ProVI(Ii,11oa, and' begin -
law forbidding .him to touch, it, a. gLosz� 7jo; reJ, 81 I--' to 82u,; peag, always beats Y�Ith the same rapidity. an .rings an' watches were &a com- uniform falll throughout the course viou6lY weakened 'by the unwise life notil to
Uzzah stood in a representative *1 0 to 803 ; Oa,tz,, 37 to 37 I -2o ; do., This Is quite a, mistake. Your pulse mon as tur,p:mny pies on a Saturday of a drain. 40 a simV.e method for I 8,1y: "HO -v. wilt thou (to
position. What he did was putlie, uLw, 321-2 to 33c; barley, 4U to 51v,-; varies with the temperature. There nicht. An' noo, what a change; yo," this purpose, one of our les4ing an- we all aead, %ney produce ELI, Arti- this or til.at ?,, ,"*a lose grolind-wa
ficial seallity, tile malady Wiflob have nothing to do there; It Is our
In the sight of all the people. rYcl, 54c; hay, now, per ton, $0 to Is a regular, annual rlvy.Itbm which awa� at the Ither extreme moo. The thorltics recommends the ditefier to kills (11080 auen wAfoln In on;,, ignOV. Part to, let tile Almighty exer ,so
$-L1; iiltraw. $,O; aze.;s, al�iiw, 1�1.7-� may be represented
S. 9. Displeased -Ile was mo,"ll- to $5.50, 0
, &PPI.Z. P� � by something ma-sters bale a guld deal tae say on We several eross-beads made from ance we call very ol(l,
.r bushel, 730 to like a regular curve. Most curious thoIr Fide, an' a lot of folks alloo3 strips Of One-Ineh boards, three or Looked at TrOW .D�, N
and unhappr interruption of the $L25; dressed hogs, $7.50 J (otellnikoff,s
lied and chagrined at the sudden His Own Office .and steer His O,�7n
to .$S; of all, the annual rhy:thmo of the thc7're In the richt; but If you an' four Inchas wide. The length Of the standpoint, old llellEb-SOu"101 Ituthlerford.
'triamplial procession, C99-r.k or dozan, 2i to 23-1; bitter, pulse In hien an'd women are ago 10 merely a - - - .
Ma4a n ., . quite them. canna aLgree, it is doon,rieht standard varies according to the problem for Wedical 4olonce, How' In tile ocean of life liaw, many,
breaell.-Violently Interposed dairy, 17 to 20a; do., creamtry, ILO different. A man's pulse beats more ma-ene,u tae begin an'plander baker", depth of the drain. A croas-plece Shall we
to , a to 23-,; clllek=��. per pair, 6.) to IWO; strongly In winter and fades to a vans AM' wrwk sl.iops�-Iaju,rI4,g folk about two feet long Is nailed on the Ill help our beneficent cells there are who are drifting to aTb
uudden stroke of divine 3udgment. ducki, par 13 .. thell. struggle against illb one. unknown destinatlon-that undis-
-Terry. Perez-uz,alL The word air, 700 to $1; turk,.y,s, minimum In Summer. Women's pulse, wha bave nee sa.:y In the matter, one top of the standard. These 4,ross. Iny'l One IVAY Would be to take tingoishad multitude. wlib ,are onlY,
11 V
"Perez," or "breach," conveyed to Fer lb., 12 to 1140; potatots, per bag, on t a contrary, dispfays a winter's way or anitber. Bat theres black heafim are then placed &lank the every ball -y and cut out 11113 large "(0111119 to 11,11) and living only to,
the Hebrewii the idea of a -0 to OJO; cabbage, per dort,n, 40 to minImbum and P_ -summer maximum, $1�lel-r In every f!obk. even among line of tile ditch. so tb,%,t'the cross Intest1te, 'an opgall IvIlIall! 0
great Zo�.; caullflo,wer, per dc,zin, 75u to light die" -who drag on t1frough
calamity. Afraid -Fear or terror $I; celery Behind the bridge of your nose is a b -ink d1rcetors. -M�re bale country is i ptc,cea are in line. The proper grade not t,:,, have boon Jocluded ri a wearp
followed his anger, lest the Judg- . , dozen, ,35 to 4(Y,; bjef, little cavity In tile s"ll, the origin apmklnl aboot ye, an' they're even ascertained by' the use of the or- I our Ire. wttil th'-pir eyes hair open-,
fortquartera, $4.50 to $5.30; hine- of which a w maldn' pan�try aboot ya In f) lary- spirit IeVel. When ready to, anaitis).V. At present tills Cannot Ila claf, Il.
ments Of God Were loot yet ended it be donc, as 1;ljo Operation is r, PrindiPlo, inoval independ.
and 'Would be extended to himseh qlmrters, $a to $J; m(Cium, carouse probably "was a gland consisting of 11frels three verses I read., lay the tille a standard should be Nky. elleek " Stirring
, aeolsion, genecoas - ,
�0 to $6,30; cholce, carce,ge, f�G. ' Half a =!Ic, half -a mile, I A. second ananod would be to da- resolvea, or even the slightest am -
and people. 50 two tiny lobee Joined together and set at the bottom ol the drain and . stroy tho. beasts of Prey. Bjit )vs bition ; �vhoae lives are purposeleaR.
David asked t'hH1CaA'v aft", etc' -Hat' to $7---.0; lamb, rcarling, $7 to §7..,O; Is named the sciala turclos. Half a mile forward, marked to line with the topla of the do not yet k1l .
question sooner It inutton, Per awt., $.� to $6.50; 0,
would have been better. He now Ytal, Phye101ogists believe that this Is All tbroughl the sleepy town cros&beads; this will bzr testing er. actl Ows what they 1-1-t- Aimless, defenseless; and who live'
per ew , Y a)]P- S01110 are 0, legacy left more from
exhibits humility t.,,$7.50 to V. the remains of a sixth sense which Strode the ten hundred. ory few feet, give a true grade for mere Indolence than
guilt. and admits his ToroatoPeilti, 31LvL-1t,4. was Of PractleaL value to our ante- Onward the black brigade, tw tiles. I by our nne6stOrls, Ill"lledb1to andre� fron7 caloulatlon.-,james E ills.
ill. The blessed household tv motO, WhO suffered front 11'eritable
. a. 10- diltivian uncestorr, But wbetber It Ohargo for the shops, they said ! LAYING Till,; TMR-Wben the bot- disea ace,
2" 0-12. Would r�at remove -Not Receipts of fruit were more IJb- enablvi them to r7ee in this dark Into tile Bleepy town toin of the drain Iwo been brought . Go'118 will comes to tbee and rat,
1;;r. ill Others. more Illystorlons,
10 Present. fearing he might oral and prices easier In spots. flATS before they possess-eid fire or Tramped the ton hundred. d and djape, tile haps tif are per- - In ,daily orlounistancea, In little.
make some other mistake. H,jr,se of Peaches, yellow, basket, 1.0 to 45c; heiped. them to find their way in" tile gh(rald b3 laid very, carefully to 0 Instruments of n, sort of tIjIngr,4 ,cqnajj,r -a
_udr to Tlr . as In great. MCA'
Obcd-edom-Very near tlj9 city. jae do., Crawf6rdo, 00 to 800 ; pears, has- through trat*klesg forests as beasts 'fit of them, secure perfectly close joints. With essential digease$ of tl,A,t Old age
was a Levite or the aock of tile XO_ ket, 1.15 to 30c; do., Bartletts, 40 to Pan to -day. or what other purpoge Whiskey to left of them, thO aid Of a tile hook they may b� 1011ch precociously kill" all whodo tb0in br4velY-- BO at your beat at.
arlilto.s, which Wao a branch of the 50c; Plums, 25 to 40c; grapes, small It may have served, we do not and not die stilt wa-318, 0017911 tile Oa�jlon be one of
ChOm9e in front of them, Placed rapidly and w-,cli.rately 1vItIj_ eA0161' Of t4borcolosis, th.l) Very least. DIghIfy the 01nalle t
family of Kohath. Fit io be plundered; priellmonla, 9
-Lallge. The t,ord basket, 210 ,to 25c; do., large basket probabiy Dover shall know. There I out getting into the ditch. Some pro- tile bulionle piagueo 01, 01111111jolm by, tba gro%tneas of our
9" 9 01113110d In with fiendish yell- oroup, Until NVO know Moro Iva an . , � .
blessed, etc.-JOsephtle asserts that 40 to 500; apples, basket, 11-1 1-2 to an tin olved mystery in the Par or f(V to lykaoO tile tile with the liand, .11 11119ponam-li, 13. Mayor.,
WIlat though some tripped and fell I standing In the ditch, and ato,V,ljjg only reforin out- (lint, vating littl(3 M110 IlLtI0 I h4vooeon 'of ills world
during this Interval Obed-edom, pai3s. 200. overy human be,ng� The gunetion of Into the grotery store dar-elf"411Y Oil each tile as laid. In cov. 1110,tt or none and subsisting chip
cd froir, poverty to vrealtir. ])avid 'certain portions of the Inner eat Is Itualled t*11th, a Wil(I PC,, mt.
ranges- - rrOnto, 200's, t0t)'s, per �11, ,f. teoLob 01 ,no to look upon thd errors ot
Went. Read I. 'Chron., chapters 15. box, ;kt do., Valoncla, style, am's not underston-a, 'Ditt ulerely guessed� aring It Is preferable to put the j3ur. I.V oil butter, 0110086 and sollr milki othot"s In 0OPPOW, Dot In linger. VIlen,
10. David had takerm three months r box, 3.5 . Lemons, $3 lo $3,25. at. % A. The black ten hundred. face coil next tho tiles, for If pro, lily VIM 1ll1I)crf00t meang w.a may I ta.'kO Up, tile history of one ,,cart
to study tile law, and now lie was BOMAJ:ali, $L- 'to 62. Cantelou Within the var there porly pmokoa It will prevent the fnib, 1)"010119 'Ito a 11Ittl43200 yLIA14a or that lid,aninticd and suftorod� and ra-
pes# are three tWIlen will th,eir g,�Ory fads, 1 soil from getting in at tile joints'. "Ie aO- Ull to 00, for example, wo Ina prosealt to Inyself th
orepared to bring the ark to Jer- case, 65o to 1. Watermelons, each small, glolle-shaped protuboranms. 0, tile wild fight theV*made- y t struggle 60
rltftlew Ill- a Proper manner. 20 to 250. I These bave, their inner aides cov, IA:YIng MlOuld Wgin at tile outlet of be Rig activC,ha tile Prealdalle of tile t0foPt&tlon It 11U VA06M throtigh,
ored The, soldiers they wonderod, the in,tin drain, And where cOnneeCon United states, and thoroafter, for tile briot pulsations,or joy, A,jid the
11". 'Me arik enters Xerusetem. (vs. Vegetables-Ilotatoes 35 to 40a per with small cells, each of which eon- IIC.110r the, pick and spade, 19 nvule, wIth branch. ilylpte, onough of 1W S,earff Inor(l. as Pefleotivo as fPv6rIAi Inq,41atud4) of hoVo and tear
19-10). T1110 'Was tho greatest day bush.; tomatoes, .00 to 1-156 t, as- tainf; a tiny bair surrounded by a Honor the rolack brigado, tile branch -,hould be lald to permit tile "1.11110 AllniSter Of I"Ing1,111d. Tills 00 0rossare of jt,"tA -.w ddjjartlo�
ANDAVId'allfe. Itwait6turaingpolut ket; celery, 350; egi flu!d. WhOD You Mal -,a sba*ly 1110 Gallant ten liundrecIll the main to b.1 .
. .g lant, 25c per,
In tile hl6torY of tbo nation. At ev- basket ; green Spanish oillona, $211.115 hair follows the motion, While tile artly' filloil In, would still leavo Its halt a tiontury Of frIondoi I WoTild fain 1mve the isoul
PPY few rodi of the mAmb; the pro. to $,I per large case, and to #L lymph hatural)y moves i�aa rap!dly. "Xcd, my AdvICO tao you as a JUNCTION AKD OUTLET&- All for art, pblinDtilropy, okel,
Were for afnall ; peppers, Thus, the balro arp, bent I junctions of branches with ilia multi croqn(% Blit ,,vile P Or Of Illy fOlIdW Man with Ulto from
(7080400 Would halt, and there reen, 4 ; do., n a diree- magistrate I& respect tile law; as ,,ne Fban, n death kloca fin. whose hAnA It oiLme.-Longfollow.
9 .41 be to ally drawi nc,ar will not its appl'onatj
. , - per basket. ic move- an el . eighth c,mn. angle, or where the tall Is f4urrielen't bo an dietastotItl D,fl 0vp I - ---
^11ritint 60"Itomw at "very halt. red 15c tion coposite to th,%t or ti der, remember tile mado at an non
"Zia nek n4vrweecr like the chariot LOn,ding wheta lilarl,-e inont and by moans of delicate nerves mandloOlIt', All' as A, Coal merchant, from above the Axis of t, 'I, 7 Ily 11 0 Bind togotbok rout OfAto I . fours, by
Of a, great conqueror ascending the, (s. the lrritatt6n thug ptoanced Is telf'- mak' the best bargairt ye can, but This Iq x lo main. moans ,Nn.yo tile doctoll. thider pro- 'lit) '00r(IL Of
graphed direct to tho brain. . necessary In6rd#r to provent sent conditions, (I 601no definite pu,rpoac,
IsPiCrOd hill of trfuniph."-Gelkle. Following are the closing quota At 1)y It le dinta, mak, y(%rffolis wora,j at[ than Oath IN like an and You know not how mool .
-ons at Important wl) at Mu res t,;: ruppo�ed tb means of these 0 are, an' I hope yelil aline got tile d0posit of slit and ill(% collNequent unlintural olvel), IvIllo& I i may bo
PRAMOAT; SURM, t' ,I t hairs swimming In Lymph ill IV overtalctis Item on,,l1NIjj!(J_l)p. Win.
David's lito, up till tile time of One day: 0 s6naa- your wages up.,, L-100k1fig of the ffle at tile junction, us early 11, till) day_sa"y .U. Thslor.� 14
tion we call dly7hleH3 IS Cau 1 91101ft'lly mad,o joint before - - -
.ds used, or I,hA Connection nl.�Jy ho, iii,ttle after a full mthi, When I'M *Iio owl 11mr; lu.gt A;w
1098011 bad boon almost A dontinual Ca8b. Dee. Bed who,, Tile mecting sh'?-rtly aftorwar tile may be (Illiller. Ill ,tile flIttire it will collie
otruggi .w York ...... 3*8 ,We rotate rapidly, as In (lancing. It broke un, but I Sea Lant wo
6 for tin oxiatenne. There biLd No ...... ... ... the dispute's by Cuttirl�7. a oolt in tile InnIll tila work 10 done, . 1,4 Who can hearo without Inove
been tIrM# Vkhen be geomed on the &hIca 0 ... ... ...... ...... __ 8111 has licon noticed that COMO persons, no ende(I �,et, an* I line all alvIlly; Vhb day's, lym -
,01, " 5'8 101011 T�Uffcflllg frolh our diseasing
Faro road to sup.cogs, prosperity and 0 813-4 8.11 teallt tao keep My I with 4 tile plek. Tile Outlet or tile .. .... 11 , , '. Illallt"T or tho 001.1 rnlI NvIt-h (listreas
I ... ... ... TO 70 lnr.+,Ir car, Ji'tre fc,u?ld It difffillItt or tbo rillefled hy4y b" the last, ovary y
rwaft Thoft tiflies, bowav6r, were that have VestroyNj pattg 0- drain rhould be vo, placod that t1jero 1, Wliat Are ,VOIlr 1ratcS ?9 L Oh� 490147 And ytt over a;p%1l
bg 0.
]�O. ", "'", 1-1 I've raised . %Vill lie 4 fl -00 flOw' Of witt-Or. It tim bold iran, an 'Ito 00rulon m1ty
. Dultith, of the merfl thegithcr, cust
601Y feb)Poftr.y. 11.1d *bro followed by Price ten ele0venpenco, t proteeto4t with ina6onry allkl a grnt_ i,t,alth ,,(%Or,t ()u red tile Wj 1110 final (IJp0ouree. We calinot
The Cheese rdal,ket,-4, Impotalble to tilaintain their bat- ang at that th.r�yiro gat getting the, jnN to k0tlp, Pill: abimals, so, much tile ,*Ton (101141%4 por tifty t;
1101tel! etrukglot And ftrker times 11 1.
1-11 nnOO wb,!H standing, upright NvIth 1. 11 what ;Will
than ovor. but "W ba Isfirmly. e#k� C,ornwnll, &q)t. 2C. -At tile '11 be the (Me word that
It 'Limt hao been bott6r, In this coontry glayell Newer the IR10priotor. will olcoo bill- opportu.
'"th"01WA in li'll kIn$CdOm, In at j�ft.'Jao %VaIlL Chepse Boaril to-aly 1,8i) Corn-, pyea CIO-Z&J. It Is, therefore, pos8lb! I -'d1 -,)9q all' rubbis, � r0dijondod nity. Tile days
I boxe.; th.,It t1jer,0
, pr.pullar , 0 iv,11!1e 00 .
_ _,tr C,X.(,
', 0 ll�t tile yar,f for Y041`0, but I)Ipo or glaw,(l dr. -.In tile njay ho used
with idt hiNneighbo-es, 116A f0ttiffed j "N'trO t1oarded, and all r,oldd by two I tain Fome Ino,cpIle, ,ang con- 0 nna, , - to Advallt:190 for th3 ftist ton or n, "Can't soil it -Ake ll, "lyo 41flijillIM thO OCOASIO11 IA nar-,
aill 1'r It. It"I naething bat, reductioli t pin
.1araftlom an his Permanent CAPItal; I lOtA n t 11 3-40 to 11 11.8c, 0 sense not "Wpol, Mr, itaye, wilat'n tile r.11 Powl"g, 00 9ftt*0 14 eloslng-away,-
coals fiftoon tept to provent IDIory I)y 111), I Ing towAia-4 t116 flil'at rojililot), it J#.
mod affee, fAvIng boon .three time# generally plasallifid a th . "IMItIt *
London, EOPt- 26-mT011 factories Or. ptatle senso or go,liso 8 oil - tile noo ?" 1,111-avolilmneeo mein." Almlolity fropt. Ill t-losingb It may bq well to ha# that- to eio VrIth, itill ncyt ItA elmxa rd,116 one word hiny
of baltwoo. MN Ig thAO CoIllor boMa.# no' b "Why, I tboulght. porhaij#� YOIJ ro.
to 1101v bj fttokao to Ii#; 1g,,jV
4 We ll&v,e,.
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