The Wingham Advance, 1903-09-24, Page 211 I I - –11 ... _," _ . . - 1. . 111-- I ... - .. 11. I - ; . 114 - ..".. I .1 I - .1 - I - - . - I I - I 11 —1 . . I . --1 -1-
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' r __ - - IWA*,%^ fort 'to l3wak a provIoue record Or . 11 . __ , —, — _ _______ _ _ - I ,_ ' Vr ":. . ' _;,
1. ' r. net saw that tho pooplo were Nveary, __ - . , .4p,
* (UIOOLY Sc ooL "ll"y" pet- ` ` "'Ough ` w6w6w
, ^WV_y_1_;;;,;__ %0"WOMMAMIN&M V,, bv.ry and two wliltocompaulons, who
. Of to 1.%nd hor p4asep0re wItIlin tile 1 lit 1.001-190.11, Aarting train, Vert V I , ? .,* .
. .
"4,"." Ills. Juftwblp, yot he 4111. Old att tilue limit 141,d dolira'a,s, tho Schedule I ,RO0QItitjOn, JuQa,r tho Weiitl Of A .,` _ r , .
r thou), pra,yliul S r . . I 0 rr Slavic lilvor. pAddled across Inally :.: _ 1.
16 III -WT C. U is U it atliorl,v, Instruction ' It tilek'01 Steam to move tile huge Ifl I , , - g
lie could 10 .;, for, thorn _ run Of ilia,; partioulA 1 Great i _
1 4TX1t$AT10XA1L Leaeori No . X111, AU,d g1viog,them I 11arketso , J jiOa k, _. g 1peS J jak(,li Anxi, do;ivn tboIr connecting
, 27. 11)0.8 ' Z . ,orgineel oteam. to steel, Mak of P 14, ;gp
. _,, =4 udvi6a,
__ . Saulla veJection came from various 11 . Irlake botjJ boat , steam to I rivers And final y down. the Pit -
I . I . n4d cold, elootrjcjt r . "I c3t,l _A_V. _4 "
ROVIGNI.—Read Pgollin 8. Cau'sov. %. Ile was disobedient. -1-11IR %'create Varguoro, N MMWAMMMMM I bawal: Ulver to chesterfield fillet, fiwr
"This was tho root; of big otfoaoe , 4,riceta And light. W Make It tile gang's w1401,40 they roilloillsb(at tholl, sup
8QAAMArT%—t4e0Wa 1. Topic-. Israel lie twoA dotermixied to be a j;Ing like The offering:$ of grain w,em fair Of Ivan at, work Iligow are kept buoy .. 11 pilie": thon thoy strklok across tile A Voice .111 tile Wil(lerovsh,
4LW r COntinually heaving tile coal. . '010 city is tho site of an In- Darren LAn4la and reached tile Arotlo
W&Uding A king. Samuel was those Or the nations Around 'Taracl to-4ay, With ricvp oomewhit,v vi%sior. , 'Xkl tile paissoliger tile , southwest of long W111-
grOwIng 014,. th-cire wao. no one to —a despot., untrammeled by., coaliti- Wheal quiet, 5(X) b4sholts of white thought Of What is till$? What 44110. RII411 I 0411
ti 4UOLIV which, has ami Interest torell. c0l),Rt, 4 little this ithing .
take 1110 'Place,- oltbor nations hAd tatIoU.4nd regardless. of any bigholi wiltiv At 84'. to $4.0, .100 buallolo or KI OtokOr Noldeia Arises, but to the lions of men throughout thq oollm. Ila,xv Land, where SellWatka foand oo.
king*; Israel w4atcxI to be like power. 2. Ase a result 01 thWaIn W40 : m,itl AvAnter at 84 to ", and 400 practloal-min'S&I person and to tile mally..rellos of tile Franklin oxpedl- That toga at my heart that w4rinit
'tile Other liationg; Around, them ; the, flud -p-thar istuo r Ill C out, of On p 111anthroplot t trYA 4114 One whose procefWa Are tier" and thrills
. c Op n , 4,eI9 Of gooffe M 77 to 7$3. Barley kor lie work ot the sto- lIttlo, k1lO$v.m to ilia general roil of .
elcl,aro came to Oamuel and, a which one wup vanit ', rearlag, 4 unc .vogctf, ;3.00j bus,h(,j,s selling at ;s , and trimmor appealst strongly, tile coas(; after follom- With Its Mossago of Joy from tile
sked that U "Y ,
ng; the requt*t Wellume0t In -r, I,' the, 1.1461's of tile objects which it 14.0- Z" left .
they might, have ix t , 0:1 bu hl, Ill and A 'voyap is seldom, taken b, , In tabout five Itun(lVed ivilooto the heavenward 111110,
- III his own boner (Y. 12). 0 W 1-:20. -014t g Wollk V dl,coa, Tale Industry Is th(s Anapufac. wg mouth of tile Coppormluo T)Mt -poaki ,
mml, lie took t W mat. 3. Notice also the lilb of falsehood ' theIll without & visit or two below Wra of I)rIax pilp ' stj, at t
displeased $4 1 of 44%liv, lWolling At 33 to -331-: 04 a4ld , 'Ito R tiq peace t
t OL" too the, Lard, tIlo Lord sa, docke Into tile Otok 013, It( might 1401-0 Rival-, which they asaen4ed for about - at strife .
. Id, bearlx- (V. IS). He knew t1fat big declaration 0-M I)ukb('J f Of Old at 874 . .,a hole, To those truthfully ))a statml ;is tile ll;,allu
Nt unto the vvllo(, p lot the people, they Was Talse, and none the less because SilopIloo Of (Wry pmhioa were who have not Rearp a gang of stoke sixty miles and than struck so t1l A ad Inforimp my qoul With, Its life
re laocture or woodoll pir.0 U. ,
IIAVO 130* only rejeoted Samuel, but It was balf true. A hair truth Is lar prIcep very firm, ChQIQa At work on, a, ypya rar tbQ 1. 0, for IVII110 west to the Doase River and ore%i Or life,?
thOY Iliad re)6Zte4 the Lord: the Lord garorally the we . olalf%:1111 lrtlliu ge it lu pot possi. . proper _am k-
, rat c;r Ile,$. 4, We Wilt 17 to .00c, and, freisli. lik, OillAt of money a Deal- Lake, wh1of they ,descended to Is It loyaq, Is it oprilla?
, to fully describe tile torrible gonulne brifix can be obtalued. Over riort Norman-, where their explora-
tOt-la k.",aMuDI to protest solemnly and OADO 0190 the aln at by$Klorloy (va. 14, Cxg, .1141 to Z!3c P03, k1ozen, sors4tion go.'it whom entering the 1,10 tobaccoulbts, counters, Clie t1ons eaded after thirtoon viont4s
&how wj%t. a king would expect or 15). Ue Ma4e tile pretense that Ills Ilay In fair tsnp-pty, with palqs of stoke hole from, the engine room for I I , , Afar pnd Anear them to talk of (jot.,
there, dloobedlonce tras onIr for 00 IM'Asp t $:) to ,511 a ton, and one. the first tilr,o, I 11, Ij pe,, ,a,01 are, (or tile 'most awl seventeen da,yu In tile wIlderpuss. And jvrloasln my race to tile green
Mr. 94ribury's route inktril And A do-
IlOosing a king. n ,Plans -no. y I "" . B04 ,
U. Tivo - irarael purpose. The hypocrite Is one who load of atra,wl a,t $10. 1 11 b1i; k Q t apple wooel, willell
SEtUt 9-04W to Smmuecl seeking. lufor- Dr,ewoa hogs itte unchanged, light It Is it roarlml 111101. WIth, the ot 60 aora,Wo no4 capablo or W
. uses Ill,, religion' aq a cloak for hie sat torrIf 6 is, no rip'tion of Ills journey have Just all- I 0oar, In[ 4 traeaourelcos barmo'lyk
tuation., Tile I#Ord told Samuel to own selfish- aims, ling at 17,75 lo 18, and li 'a ""at is tile 19111 01 gaAgs 10 elect" 414 rich ,at coloring, V- poured In tile (joeigrapbloal Journal. Tile germin'tbe olo(l and
11,401ut Saul to be king; Samuel im. l such oacrIfIces as tband Accepts'" $7,150. 1 cayy n't Of llalt,llakml Mon, or memblarices, Or ortilojese, very use u Ifor the pur. All through that vaoi 1`1 , tbal Sal)
ose at Saul, 5. . . th*m, for they a,ro a4s, black a's coal, pose, at region in tile troe; I
viteo Saul to 4 -loo with him; after- Next, the pin, of cowardice (vs. 2Q, Wheat, NVIIAO, bUS1101, 8! to 840 ', both clothing aAjJ akin, working the divides between the various river Infinite mumeringe, *Whisperings
. .1 ",a votoran smoker Nvilo yearly Ryotems 4 ble. At I
ward" ha a. Kid, C to, a c;gOA,1% 77 t 1 78 .. V 0 awa,y A,t tha f Ira baxq,r, Oltilor beav- goes ti,rough re,any pipos Is aware the be-aidwaters of the Ark, -11nil; till- . sirept, t
0411d tile peopl-O together to Uizpeth: ad , aost unkIngly., spirit In - 70 lo SA, ; oa t- - ,37o ; ell, L,s, zlqNv, ao'? Ing Goal through the uppor doors, tlint almost all ,of tile Love In Ito fullness allti, trust com.
noints Saul; Samuel 21). 'The people toolcll Saul show _ 0 , , to hardly pereertl
_ $ol to U31-210, 9>a,rlW, 50 to 52 . m4 are laballml IyatarX of ther Dilbawrit R,Ivor, for a% -
told thoul. that thoy had rejected lowing the multitiide In evil. Ills 1-:,'c ; bre,aking up 'Orust" with, tile "baro," 4 loxelleb briar plate. . I
God; ,ordered the tribes to arrange vveaknoo, a, bay- Dow, Pei' ton, $9 to $11, mtram, -X q1tils Is a survfval ample, tile dkvlodoo Is only a low moso
will In submitting to the $1(); no tho long pokers Are termed, or a
e pose of east- crowd when be should have ruled it isew,W, a,lelke, bushel, $4,75 to dragging out of ail, old designating which arose swala about three bundred yurds
Ing loto for a kin $5,DO; APPIes, oaahof, 7.5c to $1.21 aphris from boleNr the froxii tlle laot that noarlyi 4 ventury across. On one Side, the expi ow In m,y heart that tile
FAul had hW lit 9; Saul Is chosen: made It Manifest that he was not &4,Ased liogs, $7.30 to *.8; eg . r) ; gra,tce and shovelling them Into Ago tllQ briar ant oft which' tile tj I orers saw thing I licar,
. gs- Por 1101sta to b,, heATod overboard.
Vealed. his hiding place to Samuel; d ", 210 to 230 ; butter, dairy, 17 lApes Are Made camp frour Calabria, tor the Mackenzie and the Arctic That tmm' and jants It, 1(4
moolt, the Lord re. tit to wear the crown. 6. Lmtly, ,le a little stream. trickling westward
!be pin of formalism (Y. 2 ) He made 'ez ", the furriaga doors, a,rG throw,, whict, wn.R then it Fronq possession. Ocean, and anoth,or to ilia east, mO.V- priooned stress,
Sa"I 10 brought In and the people to 2100 -, Creamery., W to* 23C ; chick- 01mu tile red tongues of flame Irom ,
shouted and said, "God save the religion to Consist In outward ser- coo, per pair, OJ to 80c; ducks, per 11 real briar comes from there yet, Ing tovvardo Iludoon Bay and the Is a voice that 0000 14 010 wilder.
vice,, orterlugs, and forms, and Ig, thO. 6Qft Coal lick out
Idng.1- . . hungrily- to- 1r%
PAIA 7W to $1; turkcys per lb., Ill' but' 14 coul-d lie more. truturuny cau. Atlantic. In the Barren Lap,00 the Pegg,
III. Torde* The consequences of nored the weightier matters of the to 11 t t wami tile, faget; Or the stokers, light- ed Calabrian-, rather than French divides were likely to he m erely A Through Its myriad channels pro
ighteolueness and obedience to I r'O to ('-*a; Ing them up .,a thato with tj
law -1 . ' ' 't d00WZ#Qm.ea4'0ba'"'0) 000 ; caull- k, clalmllig near
Obo,ying and disobeying God, After ca6atQigi,!JO retir 10 coal wood, The briar comes to the fac, vlary lavr rldgme of a sand hilloc .
Ile vr(tr, c9zan, 73c to $1; Celery, * and smut, tba streak tory Ili blocks roughly hevr4 Into a the waters on one side flovvIng to
his elleatloon a$ king Sall) returnrKI'God. In abarp contrast shines the 0%, '& (1414t of per
spirit ,If sairival. I OPIration ail 8 . Tile 1. Ord whom tile forest hath
to private life, but soon it became dozexi, Sa to 40a; boef, forequarLers, d pa,tobco of exposed sat-pc which ,resombje the bowl at tho north and on the other to the long foretold
necesso, riga,inot Lassoins from the ilia of Saul. "A. $1., ;O to $5., kkin made toull;aore,rily cleaner by- & a V saluth -tagea from As the rue singa pralsi) train Ili,
ry to go - $4 .0; hindquarters, 8 to . TO much as al. lialt chiselled block I . Some of the poi
tile Ammon- As God gave Saul great opporLun- D; madjum, oa,rca)9e, $6 VVIX) frOul all Arm, thily appear I:ke one canoe route to another 'were
ties and Saut called the army to- i 0.30 , or inarble. looks distantly Ilitel the p
gather and gained a great victory. Itlem. and proplared him for a life cbolce, carca.,io, $6,50 to $ to a, lot Of demons working away for quito long, but others Were short.
Samuel then called the people . to- wlitch would makq bin) -a better ben 7ZO r lamb, dear life, I finished Stattle, Tifooe blocks of al. I will fa0c me MY VPrld and away
O' YCgWlillg, $7 to $7.ZO; RlUttoU, owl, . ng fea- ,
gather at 0119al for the p_urpose, of ,factor to bin. na,tion and a blessing $z to $6,5(); ye,u,i, wt,, ,57.50 to r,6' TIda !a the, process by, ivhloh most pinkish colored wond are, lm tOne or the most Interesti with fear, I
establishing Saul In the Uovern- to the. world, so he gives . . are killed Off Bit regular men mediately placed In a drying room, uree of the journey was the Meet- r, or the glad- earth eings;.pt Isaod
to every intervals, Ing with the Zsqulmaux or Northern
went. Samuel makes his farewell ad- (Me of W tile offer of a kingelom and Toronto Fruit, M trleets. for tba stoker Is short lived, hod is vvtxcro tUo moisture Is dried out in 0 —he ls here I
Inrci o.-portunitieli of U".1 Peaches, .iellovr, basket, 35 to 6CO; net 6r,-ataJ to stand any.. I about eight weeks. T14o blocks range Canada and the Arctic coa.9t, 'wh
dress; speaks of his Integrity, re- ulness and . omoll beat are seldom oeen. It was found that I EXIwArd Mayllevr Bacon,
Calls J'abovabuts past mercies and b1ciEsIng. 2. As b,-40re Saul, so before do * Cleo.Wfordll, 65 to 4 L ; pears, bas. Aq tho." stoke hole furnlfib s. It Is not IfO size from four to ton Inches in the nativag living along .tile west . ---
Israel's Ingratitude; confirms his no there are two diverging ways, ket, W to 25c; do., Bartlet1s, 30 tile aldpwrecks, the foodless and wa,t- IeDgtte, and the first process in the ,030t of Hudson Day 41-0 less nulm- The Refreshment of Joy, 1.
I manufacture consists in cutting them '
Words by a miralele--a thunderstorm and wo must make our own choice. to d0a; plums, 20 to 80c; grapes, Orions ships drifting with hall flead Into erons than formerly, and some of
3. Tha great quostioli or our lives, Is PMZ3I basket, 20 to 25c; do., large and diz,ased crow,s, thA.t furnish th3 Olzekr proper for tile longtl' In spite OX all that Is said and
In 'hurvest time; the people are earn- bowl do,tred. rmiu Is acco w1p'(:)1rs t1olde their abandoned camps were seen. written about the advantages er it _*
forted. . whether we will obey God or not. basket ; ghenkin.s. 25 to e0o; green grciateist tragedies of the sea, but by means of a circular 0 - Tho 11 Eisiquimau% from Hudson BAY vacatlon whan accustomed task& are
1. , aw, the re to t a Arctic'mare very helpful, trav- C n
IV. Topic- Disobedience punishea. 4. Life Is fall of t,..nto of our charap- 20 To 25e. 010 hundreds Of unfortunate men duotions being ruade tit eac laid aside and one goes ba k to a
Saul had been king about ten years; ter; It Is bat]) a proba.tIon and an, oranges.caitror1lia late Valon- vv ,, having b -an orowided ont of l( end so l orers fox, greater ture or out to grass, It remains true -
he Vas trowri proud and ralil adumttlon. God,bears, along with wz. clap, extra, $4.50 to 05; lemons, Ot I I 9 Of life, have, as a means r stroy the general form Or- Less distances, helped them. at the that the best va.'re4himent of strength
u 5. If wo change In character, our ca.-ge, $3.25 to $3,50. Bananas. 6i.50 of it ClIllood, taken to the boa.ts as of tho pipe. 'These p1pas are then portage [ Ca, 0 f m
0 s; he was commanded to utterly .ig, gulded them and made does not in ro the seashore or
destroy the Amalekites; be rclitic'na to God Must change. The to $2. Ca,uteloupas, case, 25 to 50c. *OkLra and trimmers. passed on to a borhip; ma.01111m, theamlsolves generally useful. Two of tll,e Mountains, 'but frorn Soy, What
brought back thle best of the sheep sa-me, glorious, sun will warm, cliver, Vegeta,bles — Potatoes, 3-5 to 40c, th Pllr yea, s 13 given as the limit to. wlllch TI111.4 Out thO holy for the to. the HuxLson Bay natt"s with their p ve than a change or
n he king; Sam- enlighten, Invigorate; or may harden, pee bushel , tomr,l,toas, 10 to 17 per 'I mall W 10` 11 felreea- to stoke, and bacco, It will be noticed that al- ,eople need mo
4anlllles travelled north to the At- 61, of djot is qim!ple liappluess__a
uel met Saul and charged bim with wither. burn. dostray. 6. The truly basket; gbinkins, 25 to ";PC; green b -,fora be takes to the flre he must most all pilpeo biLve tile saine sized Aic coast with the, explorers, As good tinle. Mile great troublo Is tba,U
gooJ are not only Indignant at s'n, c6rn,,T to 8,a per Idomen ; celery, 80c; biavo h43 come experience as a trim- bowl. Tho form or the bowl and stem
disobedience;, Saul excused himself 19 tjloj $ obtal tbay'were partly dependent upon the happiness to soometh-Ing you cannot,
and sald the people saved tile best but are grie-ved over sinners, avid egg J Iamk, 25 to '130'a Par balkic-6t. iner In transporting coa,l from. the ned by means of an In. Tame rcaourcoo of the country, the y make every I 5 E% -%
he Lord; gOnIalls machine. It consists Of a Eis'(113.4ralaux were P riolon for It and It will not coms-
in order to sacrificee to t Pray Tor them. 7. Tho worat sinners to the stoke hole, where It command. You ma
Va-muel said, "To obey Is better aro Often unconscious of the de Leading Wheat Markets. 1 1 rick:4 up by the stokers n,.nd heay- frame the shape Of a large pipe, bunte,re, .artiolarly uEerul as In fact the more you do to gain
than sacrifice"; Sant is rejected. ' of -tll,vlr w1oke-Iness. $, King Smilf"1111 171ollowing ,are fj%e. clozingm quot%. od Oil tIlG firei3, For this work they And a rapoidly revolving steel- cutting I When withAh about ten ml!as of it the less apt you will lie to have
the most unkingly Mannar, laid the Dons at Important wL Dat centped to. receive About $22.50 & montll, wjyl, wheel. The -wooden black IF] attached Ogden BAy on the, Arctic coast, tbe
V. TOPIC: The Lord choosing a , It. Like 0-Dethelo singing birds, It
king. The history of David is be- blame of blv sin oil tile people. So to-daY -. , I , tile trimmers get only $ :0,10 and to thik; model frame, and then held two 111squimaux were sent north to come& Into yohr liteart, saying, ' a
I . . ,Her
gun; Samuel Is commanded to go Adam laid the blame ou rive." I I caf h- Deci, found. They work foUr hours at ,a heavily against the wheel, with the PrOopect, carrying presents to the I aim-" But tholugh we may not 130
—, -) time and reft ejg,,,t; then delve result that the blook assumes
to Bethlehem and anoint one of New York ... ... ... ... --- 8?')i 8 four the coast natives. The next evening able to do much to make ourselves
the sons of Xesse; ll e fears to ga, Betthig all the "Log.', Chicago ... ... ... ... ... -- 795-8 Moore hours and rest again for el6ht, Sawo shaTys as the model, The styla they returned, brfugiiig with them happlar, we all call do a great deal
Is told to take a heifer and sacri- First, tiventy men subscribe Toledo - . ... ... ... ... ... 817-8 83 7-8 ma.kiug eight lleourp work out Of of p1ge desired can, thereforr% be two coast Es'lulmaux, ta.11, strong to bring Joy and Its refreshment to
ties unto the Lord; th e elders of $25- Duluth, NO. I north,. 831-8 783-8 tIlcy twenty-foux, I changed siniply by altering the shape tuen, dkfferent in no way from I'lic
each toward tile Pool. Then these others. Everybody's happiness is
the town tremble at his coming; subscribers Shortage Ill %Ileltt crops. . As they are below, deck& all the of ilia model. Tho Pipes is t ei a men, o`%',oaPt In the cut bound up in the conduct of someone
London, Sept. 20,—Mhomas Them, )veto "else, And the little. -son or daughter
- think are the neareat tw-enty num- clwtrl,, lights tba,t bang in the blaol-,- after which it is takem into tile de- timid. at first, but gained. confidence
Samuel told them Iiia came peace Agree on 'what they while and in the dilm, glare of the Ished, and the Stem hole bored out, 0-1 their skin gariments. They
ably ; seven of the sons of "8130 bers to -tile number or knots the Of the Liverpool Corn Exchange, cs- W`110 would like to send tile mother
are juade to pass befipre Samuel, t1miated. this . year,s, slhortag, , at onaft atniqsAbere like fireflies, It jig partments resronsible for the so- 94'ro Mr. Hambnrg much In'bormation away for a vacation thati site Can -
but the prophet said the L Ship will make that day, as for in- 36,000,000 buobelis, in the AD NVOII,d T that some of them lo !e lectiOn, of the various Shapes and ,ind agrO,3d to accompany h4m. not take, car, give her something
ord had stance from 510 to 529, inclus . 'we'rld's thc,lr count and confuse day with qualities. Ulgh polishing Is thou Travelling westward along thb, Arc -
not chosen them; ])avid is called Tbeso numbers are put in a Ive wheat available for Britiall. needs. night. Many of tha,stokers. are wel)* given by Pumice stone and flannel tic coast the party foun,d ,On v-squ- that will do har a& much good por..
In Irom rha field and is anointed hat Gartada7a average export of w1jeat bapq as an outilig—the beart-doeliglit
names 01 *tile during tile past six spoken and isoem very intell'gerit and Smokers have often noticed that brait camp of two show nuts, and that comes Trom. affection mud ap-
-ave been written on a yea ro was on Ly 6, ar:Pnar to be above tile po,ition they many Pipes submitted, to their in -
by Samuel in the presence of his subscribers h to Great Britain
brethren. 000,000 bush'.,18. Mr. * thlOsO buts containing five families preciation. There are more people
VI. Topic: Fighting the Lord's Sheet of phper and as the numbers Thom contends that any deficiency have, alimbleft or been forced to fi'l. spectlon are pitted with red spots, and gown visitors-aboiit -forty-five going ejown tp premllture gra,vesifrolo
are drawn they,, are placed after the can scarcely be-supplIed fr= Can- "How do they., stand it?" asked one Thdo Is particularly true of the persons in a,li.
battle. The Philistines are arrayed 110,11100, the first number dra,wn being ada, as the natural outlet for Man- had AI little further west, a lack ol lo.r than for want of any
against Israel; Goliath, the Philis- 01 1% Party' of papsengers who Cheaper gradw. Indeed, In the factol"y abolit soutli of Victoria Land, they other stimuAnt' or retfreshment.-
thile giant, challenges SauVa army assigned to the first name, and so ltdb,% and made t1fe trip below the Pipes are known as ,11irst0l - they sn:w D-squintaux who were Uie Wa. , hman. -'I*(
on. . Alberta is th boiler -and engine ro to inspect the ,, so'_0`r1dW" and "thitrdR,11 according?
to furnish a champlon to meet him; Ocean, to incet the Increasing bread onts of the new 0 strangers to the Arctic natives who — ! I
When these drawings have been wants of China, Japan and til.0 phil. White Star steamer, the 'Arabic, on the pitting of the bowls. These pits tv-Pre accompanying the party. Mr. New E'very, Morning. I I
David heam tee challenge and of- Made the numbers are sold at aue- Ippinets. Mr. Thdin thinks that those her maiden -trip, In July, last. are ,caused, perhaps, by knots or
fers himself; is first clad in a tIon to 'whoever wants to Hanbury thought these neii-,found Tile Uastor teaches us to pray
coat of mall, but lays it asideand buy. If Who expect sufficient wipp'lea from "They,, don't stand It," replied Chief "I'm. holeo, or by other Imperfec- natives bore a mbre marked resem-
takee only hie staff and sling and the weather Is pleasant and cZ ndl- Canada's Nortb-sreSt are doomisd to Enigineer Flemming, as lie wiped tile tionig in the grain. The boot and high- bItt foi- our daily bread. Yesterda,y's supl-
tions favorable to a good run, the, disappointment. eat 'priced qualities are free from oGO to tile Mongolian type. They ply, will hot avall; neithoij will yes -
five emooth stories from the brook; high numbers will, brin e , them, but tile lower qualities .have Invite the torday's supply Or grace. We must
. . I perspiration from Ills face with a Were friendly, but did not
the Philistine derided David; David .g th most 73radetrzet's Olt I?rade. clean mop of waste. "They don't them in various degreos. Tlie little white men Into their hitts. On the
while it the ooean is rough big prices Stand It'any. moTe than you or I could ed spot Ili simply the Colored pu ty live by thu day and draw on our
for any, lenitli of time. It kills them rhich tile workmen stemp Int doer live all w inter, Esquitualix were Leavea every mornfrig for strength!
answers him; David slang a stone '%vill be paid for the smaller ,
. The owner of the number Is -kills them like dags, and no one
and smote Goliath in the forehead; bore num- .The cool vrectither duxIng the first east coast Of"Kent Peninsula, where loving, Inexhai[ailble F ather In
- pa,rt of this month Improved the a *be
Da,vid then cut off tirle head at the fall sorting trade In WI)o1osale dry and then smooth over to tilde busy catching cadling with ca -or equal to the day. .
giant; the Pifilistines fled,, Israel supposed to defend it in ilia auctlon, knows it buft the Coroner who signs 11 11 . pp .
. but it It is sold to some one goods circles at Montreal and -t the im-perfectioni% Sometim2s, when hookff through holes in, the ice, I have Often said, and repeat it
pursued them. else Ile their certificates far a bole Ill pet- tl.bD
he receives half at the price Obtain- warmer weather this week did not hem bowls nwd It they are varnished Not far from tile COPPOrmine River here again, that no Christian Is
.ter'a Field. Sometimes -we bury't and polished aXter being puttied. the occupants Of'an Esquintaux camp strong enough to carry to -day's all-
VIL Topic: The dooliverance, and ad, while the other hair goes to the Materially check the movement 'at sea when they., die at the -begin-
prGsporlty of a),avid, After Ills vic- Pool. The "flelfla" dbove and below Trade continues brisk at a .Tile) kind or stem to bo, fitted to tile fled on the approach of the ties vrith to -morrow's anxictI4 and
11 Points n1ag of the tri 'but If we re out plpes depends, air course, upon the Derg, leaving everything behind, The ivorriou plied on, the top of them
and was promoted; the women sang the agetion and go to swell the pool 3 except for tile Nortliweat. Sale so four or five da yjsl -we take their bod- quality or tile lbo,wl. Only to the I
Lory over Goliath, David acted wisely the chosen numbers axe also sold h p,
far this season am considerably, tee home to their friends It theyj hap. perfect nOist stone kettles with boiled salmon NNow every morning comau oppor-
;his Saill became very angry; Tile speed of the ships to -so well re: aboad ad last ;y)eal* at this time In woodsl axe the amber Stomp. w1ore still warm-, The white men tunity: new every inorning come -i
lie David's movements with gulated that the da.X's run generally many departments. . )LID.11 I sa, .
, ,.ratchsc,; ,pen to live on tM side we axe going asfixed. To tile Gtljer grg4ea go the took some hai&-dried Imon and left drity; nosr every morning Comes; the
Eusplolon, feared jDavid would seize falls Inside the twenty, numbers and Trwtocllers for Toronto houses re- horn, rubber and Celluloid "bits.,' In payruent knives, -files, needles and sweet Promise, "My grace -Is sufric-
Everyi time a great liner 'docks The prooeas of cutting and polialiang other useful articles. As they turn - tent w ery Morning
the kingdom ; tried to kill David, by - -Lbe field rarely) wing. turned to their routes this ,we8t there to hoisted from, the barges and the amber Is difficult and delicate,
tasting his javelin at him; David The winner 'pockets a big parse, after being in the city., for the two - flumped Into bar bunkers something for the real ambar Ile as expensive Od Inland agaln they,saw no more of comes the Master offering to lead
escaped, David made captain over a since to the OrW_ n&I 6,500 -flas been Rx1ilbitlem weeks and orders have ,like fifteen hundred tons of coal, as it Is rare, and as little waste these natives, who belong to the C us -. and ere long, if we are fattli-
thousand; all Israel and Judah loved added half the- price of the num_ been coming to ]land quIte freely. which together with the reserve sup- ais; Possible, is desired. The workmen tral grollp of tile an- fal, an6ther morning will break on
. Esqulmaux family
David. bers, and all that the fields brought, - Trade In, in (manty., lines, ahead of last Ply amd for emergency to Whom ilia cutting Is entrusted and who are, More isolated MV with unclouded splendor where
VIII, TOPIC% Jonathan's last Inter- maging sometimes as much as $1, year, and tile general feeling is that, ,rnms from the
C To save Ills life nearly. all departments ivill iN; L tbo tw are all tried-. exports and are paid IvOrld than any other
assion Tor David. 000 the 7'a"Vittonnage above 0 rost of the there will be no need bf tile sun, for
or $1.200 In all. -Hartford Courant. show thousand Mark. I I 114911- wages, 'Which they, earn. The wombers of their race. the glory of God do tile lightea it,
David fled to Samuel; Saul pursued good inoreapes at tile and ol . the In'such bdats as amber comea from Germany The party had Spent the wJnter and there shall be no night there.
him; David then appealed to Jona- sea,sov over those of 1902. I the large Worth and Aus-
than for assistance ; Jonathaq loved - German the Ounard, the White Star, tr1a, and Is received in cakes weigai- of 1901-102 near Mldgon Tay and did Forgefful Of` (iod's Ulessingo.
Seasonable Advice. At Quebee the dora,and for fall the H burlg-Amerloam and Amerl- Ing from halt a pound to two pounds. net start on. their Are
David and promised to find out what - goods continues favorable and Conn. tie trip till Think and thank. And when we atop
Saurs intentland rvero; Jonathan A doctor recommends tile following try buyers can liners, and tho'se from six hun- SOQn0 to clear and other in clouded. March 9 last year, wbon, they set
, aro ordering liberally,' dre'd to seven hundred feet long, to think, hoVr much occasion we all
soon discovered that Saul Intended AmPIG cure for seasickness- Afevr Collection's, as a rule, are rcl. or .Generally tile amber its in smooth out with two sledges laden with have for thankagiving. We have read
to k.11 Dav!d; Darld and Jonathan dmcp s ty TiOm' thr8a to ight-ef satisfactory. led there are usually! eight boilers, tinder bI0c)i`, but Sometimes It is received htor-os, and another carrYing the of a father-, who, one w1fiter's night,
. I which are from thirty . In Irregular chuning called "rocks." canop. s, .
met at the imone Ezet; according to LbQ` nitrate of amyle are applied to At Ha,MIItOr1, aS reported for Brad- ,L*lx to for In which a largo part or tile, was walking along, hurrying to-
p n a s tircohl, and Ili a da,y. s Fun thby'con- much Journoy was made. The three sleds ward home, with his little daughter
i evious, arrangement arrows were - this noesle by mearilf) o;X a handkerchief. gtreet% there has bee ,ji-eady ex, . ty The cult -ting or the amber Is
David '2110 inba.latiole mUst be rapid, care phnolon In the sorting t ade. The SuMO bctwOen one hundred and fifty but, of course. Marc, diel pa, bowls, mom hauled by twenty dogs. Oil at his side. Suddeul.vj she said to him:
ihot and David was warned; . like that of shaping tile pt
Jh bave an aftec- being taken to prevent tile mi advances In staple goods b and two hundred tons of soft coal leate. The Hurch 10 lazt, Year, the tempera- "rather, I am going to count thi
tionate farewett. LuTe a atmospheric air in. any gr X_ ave had during the twentl4our hours. To stem and the bowl arv, then joined
quantity. Tale patient, It is eat the effect of atImala-ting the ,demand turn wEts 51 degrees below zero, at- stars." "Very well,' be said, "go
IX. Topic . David's noble net. Sam- said, from the trade. The large diEr- handle this coal it require cara!u'.Iy, an4 the Joint sand -papered cold as any day in tile pre -
o from until all Is flush and regular. Then. on!' B,
the flttee, day of .y and by he heard her counting -4
ual died and was %vill soon Teel a nonsation of pulsa- algliteen to- 'twentY trimmers and ions winter, the coideat _
butied In Rama; tjo,n in the tributing houses are busy, making t'wenty-flve stokers If trimmings are nolt desired, the , Twb buridNed and twenty;-tbree,
David In exile for six or seven years; telulp!av, and shipments to all the princ$al trade i which recorded 57 degrees,
loosing its deadly true, presents isb'u.nk In I
Saul pursued him with murderous In- ,light rose on C, ach man hag b Pipe jig reaA7 Tor &livery to the While the two bundred.and twenty,-Joui, two
a centrvo of tile country,. a room dealer. Unleas a particularly dark ,rrman temperature for tile wjlole . of hundred and twority.141re. 0, dear."
tent; DavId's exile a benefit*tGhlru IOr- Mh,'93 signs of sal- The cool weather at Winnipeg Ittat or compartment acconimodating p1po ls; wantmi, the bowl is lelt 11) January was 30-5. dogrees. , she said, "I had no Idea there 'were
in many ways; Saul!s life was twize Ut&rY reaCtlom continue lot, about Week did net materially lessen t front eight to twelve berths, in -
lair. an . lie tiers its natural color, but becomes dark ,11413Y Indications Of coppeir wove 00 many Ill Just so,'fellow Chris tian,
In David's power; David exhLbIted holur, after which. the pa- demand for fall and winter goods', of two, and his moala are served on ane4 rich with 110% ManYsmokers, tak- lound alOng the Arctic coa,st and on hhveyou ever sala within V
y n ng him tlaut -falbs asleep. T110 sickness may but the very* unfa,vorable Ilange in a deal table located in tI .our soul:
to be put to d+,atlx; David called on recommence In 24 Ileum or so, The tile weather which set I a ie middle Ing as initchl delight and care In Col. tile nearby 1,910.4da. At the north- "Now, Master, I am golng'io count,.
saul. froont a distance and iullialAtiOn in such a case must - 0, ,,n on Bat- of the saruxb room. Ile has only a oring a o'ean briar bowl as oth Lewis lsll:tnd copper y,benel.,,,11, and so6n found Your
coking tile daYlu leave from, tjle ship, and that do Iii tinting a Ineerwchatim. flak-wNvedgod Vertically not %vith Sorrow, but
11X11h1 In, bo arday, had the offe t of 11 ra of ser- gOnCrUY on the d.&Y before Sall- 01' all the amokerlo in tho Westeri and, Woo In small Chun th Ia
repeated as bel,'bre. trhe remedy ap- wag foand In S I
lated with him ; Saul admitt I demand, oWfng to the To. in th* ra--ki be 11" h
0n and promised to pursue David no Pe&ng Ito act more etrfleaciously .When long damage to the wheat e Ing. n I ks. be goodness, and you say -
longer. ZPPIled Immediately after tile first rep. The Hemisphere the Canadians, as aelags - TJii P,irty p'cked up between two and Ing to yourself, Ill had'no Ide'a there
seizure. The methorl w`au first tried rallwayls are crowded with freight, After a, gang,'Ilas been shifted the llaX-0 tile -01ttati0a Of understand.' , thme rmands In a, short tlms. Wher- war(; so many.111 We are all too much
X. ,I-opie, The Israelites defeated. on 124: persons. and as, very., little wheat has yet be- roilved stokers Mimb up the recondiie side of the ar rig over ii tive
In 121 onses tile over the t to per- CO.7P3r ivao found It Was Prone ta, foriet God's benefits. We
Tho Phillutines fought against gun to more, the praspeets are fol- baflers; to tile "alley," as they term roctlon. Tilde Way be on account of r 4`1 of I 6rlzontally. have excellent memories for all- our
rae tile -used difficulties In the mat. - ngliah Proclivities, for Jo ,.
. ,.!1% InZtoa.d
,one were slain in tO firaY, no efforts at retabin. 1 , to cOOIJ Offo and ofton & eomrad6 hill alsalt,'Wildcli was much 4-g- trials.and sorrows and losses, lint
I - Saul's r Is' Ulneivs WAR Stopped at once, that is !note, , their r,
hut.I_,.;1Lhj ar-h_-ra p.e,sA Saul bard 9 'veto ter of shipments next month. Lum. Bull Is a%5 far superior to tile r and ea,411
; noted. In the remaining three cases has to be helped up or perchance est T broken up. (-,,Op. fail to recall our blessings. It seems
lie wa-i greatly tlistressed, asked ,t watv negeoca.ty to repeat the 11- bar is easier. Most staple goods are Carried after the tearful ordeal, of Od Burope, In the ilso of pIpO6 that [yew w -m9 W.eo round n IUMPO 00 ntig- that the very ablindanco of God'o
I . file 1 nomethileff rep -resented In car- g -'U'- ,some of them very large, f&Vors an
,axer to kill him; the "alatiOnig two or three tim.eo lbL%rore firmly Ile 'd the last four ,hours. ofte . a their evet, unbroken flow
ilia armorbe , , I
armairbearor would not; Saul took tha desired reaullt was gained, At Victoria, Vancouver and other wI!I lie about -on the hard deck ut- 00118 as accompanied by his "bull- At on a Slace, a. patoli, of gray rock tend to Make us all the more Tor-
thel sword .end took Ills own life, , Pacific Coast trade centreS, there is do."' ao Much as 1by Ills, knobbed stick W49 f0oun
the armorboarer then took his life; Stiscar Is Good Food. a. good demand for season tfryy exhausted for ah, hour before whIo4 WAS ulte Folt and getful of the Giver of them all, f
. abib lines. and squatty top bat. Titore !a one ^ As*"I-y cut with An a-, a or knife. c
Tael fled; the Israel- Another similar experiment was Tile Lobdoll Exhibition %big week nk vet,uran pipe elmoker In TOTOntO 'Who -XV-10rors Called It kettle stone be-
tho men Of 16 they are able to crawl to their ba a q% Oil Going to Church,
attracted many Or to eat, their rations, had a pipe, for ever day In the year, the natives used It to make
Ito" came a", dwelt In the Country; tried at Metz In ISD7 by Dr. Lelt,u- , retailers to the city To ill, novice NVIlo oalmto Go early to churely. Not only be
, treat- has sl 117,P --d to and never emolip,q tile Sallie pipe .
'tile bodiets of Saul and his song .Aorfor. it was at tile ilmo of tile and business 'has phown consider- th-,ir Iq Pur,ctual, but be Ili your !ace'be-
led with Indignity; inhabitants of 4Teat manoz-urres, able activity." I . work is passage, across, thils ordeal twice. Who retwon for this, lie - S, t0110 kettles an! oil laim-.,s. The
Jabesh-gllead took the bodies, burnt acted when .tile troops hole Must be a, fearful 1.9 betamse no pipe, rock occurs in friOPAIII)a 9kallfte, but rdTQ the hour forservIce Is L'tioun,ed
tre kubj, to an exceptional Ottawa wholesale trade, as re- . of t114 stoke after being 11bro- tha, presence and origin of this pedit. to begin. Then Foll will not dig -
them and lionrled the bones. Arain, and his plan was to IONM p;ortod to Bradstreat's, is of at on- one, and while undoubtedly lie will kon In" -was Intended to be smoked 11"r formation art' not Yat expl. oabl, turb other worshipippre.
XI Tiople; Day.kl ascending the Wo &quads of ton men each; one of couraging nature. Sales have been 111"VINT ilia trip, Ills memory of the more than once a day. To amoloo It "qo Z1911 Of 9011 WON d1scovoredi but 00 In a reverent *spirlt. On the
throne; David returned from, ex- which Was to have the usual ration, V117 eatistaotory, The character of iaxporlente will remain vividly In Ilia u expert (10. trou *49 feunl Overywbom In small WaY rtmoorilber whither you go, Avoid
Ile- asked direction, or God; was while to the other a certain quan- thlYbuying haW been of the best Mind forever, elarcGo if! to spoil the tio-vor of tile . quantities, I . ' lightnells Of Mantier' Wid con'Vorsa
IoUl to f -go up to Habron : those with t1tY Of sugar Was to be Served. The flurt Rotallers are In buoyant spir- Froar tile boiler compartmenta it Pipe, and at thre same t1lif'o ruin tile Tlhl"; whOI0 rOrthelal I wgIon tion, on worldly topfC,V, . t
David located near Hebron; David , evult exceoded all expectation in US and look for a Iarge, fall aimij Is bat it short -distance to ilia ,b,ft delicate bouquet of the. tobacco, dArO30 tile Barren Lauds to the Are- Before you enter, and av ori on- .
was anointed King of Judah; he ,he proof It furnished of e . . tUnI1,019, in tile rear of the ship, 01,10 fastidious, idoVotjon to pipe 11 obows many evidences Of tell the church. breathe 1% sl!ent
tiltowed kindness to tile people of Ja value of Sugar. The eXperlment -jras , tllrOu9lI which the hugobars of metal 61moking is by no means a rarity till), = Of the great glaplal upooll. Prayer of invocation for the tntl%l- .
. .
besh-gllead; asked them to recog- ,:ontinued for thlirty-six days, and ran art frour the engines and out beyond the border .for thor are many Plitionin rooks,, Chiefly granite, I)re_ once OC the Holy Spirit.
4W%.-%,qV%- -w -%-,W,,W," through tile 11,0.11 Into the water. To pipe -for Gaoch. day of tho week.-Ro- valet. sandy, flat or .undulating oreatly In Prayer for yolle-
nizo bla authority; Abner made 104 he nl,m were carefully examined lovers of the Weed who have their vall. Irijo B%rran Lands are mainly beAml yo take Your place, bow Yonr
he *10 (m)(IF ,4 ro
bosheth king over the northern with rpgard. to th weight at ,t tl I Of thb $])-Art's tile propellers ,
. -
tribes; Abhor and ruh-bosheth were body and the condition of tile air- IN THE STOKE -HOLE . are made fast, and as their speed eh0steP Cor, X. Y. %rLbane. I , tractft, With arr&tlo,bouldera strewn self and for all otli6ro who enter the
both a6sasminatod; all Israel c4mo to ubitory and rei,piratory systeres, creates, great friction Lit the bearings I . . axdund, btu no rooslk 4COX0,9od on the 'JELfilotuary for the service about to
David and urged him to become their both 'beforo and after tile trial. it all along tile line I su,rfaee In situ. . I begIm
OF AN OCEAN LINER, It Is necessary IN THE BARREN LANDS, On the Arctjo coast I(
It! n 9 I lie Wa Ef agal n anal n Lad an d es. T1410 found that tile men to whom to koop the temper -attire very low . ba,,,alt Fl lob RoerdIve th'at 1you wIll foster bo
-. rUgAir had been furnished had the I 1,,ft, %,-%,-%,-w,-*, %,i*,, ,4 In order to keep the bearings cool. ,Jph, I — 8',TV-01 extending, with Ititerrur.1:41ro, thought, tit Your eyes on tie Object.,
tabUslied his capital at Jerusalem $ ,latest Exploromi to Cross North. fro- Xont poninstila. alm
XII. Topic: Warnings against Film- best Or It In every way. They had It Is a. remarkable expe oft to the utter be wmRi tlyat *will tend t6 at-
ful living. This epistle -waa written :Kalnel slightly in weight; they SU Several hours before the last gong enter one of (-list canada AX) Lite Arctic, cd:pn rmlno Rivet. Itland, -be holy
- In Bathurst Tillelt, Is A bal of Hit 00110 or which you have care Into
d fatigue better,th p- those tunnels just af . Near Lowl'; Vert bUr mind, Irene t . pur-
bY the, Apostle Poter, about A. D. an their Gem. sounds, land ilia final cry of "All ter hwv n, (Now York Still.) . 0- , e
164-66, from Babylon, to the Chris. ; aft. r a long March ilia puloe, '91von. to o'go boall, In the stoke bole sto,no, I5 foot thick, underlying Into this place, , I
i ,*Ir,1101 D'shore 11, Ig throughout the and rjo 0 Ili ilia last fow yelars no, more In -
'Llano scattered v,firot6d , the true life with thein was less frequent, the great transatlantic liners one at the dr,green In t .tile change of 100 t. Asr no fossils Were found In AO the m1bluter enters the pulpit.
90VOrest tasks of tile potian begIns. he tompera1ure Inside tel'09tilig geographical work has been I)rll I eartlest, silent Prayer In blgf
is the Chtlat-1114; all abotild forsake heart was quieter an(l stronger, and t ,. llneptone, ILs Ago COUI'l not be offer an
pin , Intemperance Is it deadly,. evil; the breathing lees hurried. IL wAfj A,Vv" down- In, the 4told qtl it;ici teldli of a minute. It 16(not prudent, bovv 40110'in any IyArt of tho world than determined. . t I I !, belfalf. : I I
All 'Will ber judged; Peter urges SO. .1190 retharkod that th0Y Suffered less M (guug Of half naked liuman beings 'OVOP, to repeat this experience too 10 1110 northern plart 01 V015th AMM- I 1. , In Ali the servicie take an active
briety Crom thirst And hungor, Often, as the reuult,g are to Jots,
,, watchfulness, As & eon, havo been bea,vIng, coal, into tile 0 Ill On a Severe crica. ,Tjlo ,Sua haa often told or It . is C&tIlm,a,t01 thn't th 1Xftrt; 40 hearer, and Worshipper,
_0rayer, ter- PC tile human ayetow, '110 tile TirOgrOv's 01 our Government HU raklino At tbd 6161io Of the service, after it
Valli chhrlty 110801tality, th4 pro. 10ilticneo of this denion8trailon tile Mloutho 'of the furnaces until tile ari(I should t 0 ,
- C 114 I n of Alailika) Labrador alld
oar use of gifts, IA this, lesson wtv German Tatl0l) was modified by tho tne-roary Ov*rliar.ted stoker be permitted to lit. Alaska, where mora hag be. 11 Grc .a I MOM4111t Of .pr"flll ollondo, greet
In tho stick located on tile go from one vompmrtmont to Ito OhOWnlnosa'and good.WjII itit
eta Veil yea . dr -611110d from 80,00o
Ilould dwell on the golden toxt. addition Of sugar during periods of cool Side of tile stoke bole -if th t = Ill tho past ho L r - .
"TeldPeralpoe In Its true signIfloance Ove"PtIOnal fatigue In place at th I cool a _ r to I, V,
0 a a, othoor it might clause death , VIV-1b'o"m
Ido has gradually risen few tripe, after a veal and Map Its geographl . in twofity year, , owing to
-11 1144 formerly been froir. 80 dogroca past IDG degrees, thar, all earlier explorer v tho - In Out Of Mai, bear and +11'at Chri#tlam fellowsbift ls
Ill a vel`ybroj6d ttknip and In Its Im. t1Xt11a Meat *IIIP like YOU 1111,11pen to nicsot, remem -
ranks third In the o6nst6ll. employed. It ,wAg fe,urd, that tile . I 11 -, from tl-& fik@t days of ti lit IWAir I . n , 6, bodfig,
stoadily up to i10 dogtoog. In at) . Lit ak I " I I . it part of Christian worablip.-Mallop
rtirolunIrgrolow, -which, according to Mgar 9&VO the best results, Abel hour or two tilic = degree mark e 11ditor Turils. oeoupation'. , . __
:[ Pet 1, Are the adoriftIngs, 6f truty hereafter the GPrman military 161 plasired. . Th . Tl -.-o Canadians ll'ava been almost Xt I's Olteo 011-T that there are oe(),. Vloont. i 'Ill I;v,. - ,i-lTM
Chrlaflan ebara6tet.'11 rations Is to Inobt(In 8111"'a Thoti Art aw Alam.
!oty ,,, ,(,,,,._,,,,,,(,,,r Ill it v4t- Just before the great lioe,Vs 1018- Tile XOuthful Author pocketed. big equally ImV In tho bortliotn half of C 0 known crim,.fiftiq In London, %D
I 1pilift In. , L
T10M%10AL 8tJRV,VY. . .10 0011ndS, 101on tile steam: wagen rek etcd Verses, but lie Could not UoIr country. oIboy have travorad '. 6 I` Ord9 of Scotland yard do It was IROV. XXrrIJV3r Ward no"llor ,
quirer, '. 9 nd 436 tuln In all 06 Itialer na,noso ,vlio once, Iftid: "Tho longer I llvo 4-1
Tbo&6 *he robot against dod's ' r0glgtar fall prestarb and everything Swallow tile (., djtov,o oritiolsm. thO 11111-1-01111 -t4tidu and dikicovered ail I . the ,more 0011-fidoetiod, I linve In tbuty .
is - . Y 6t thMe, hAve Won dead 06ro)Ontl Prmelted wbeft one man 10
Way and walk according to their - is k Dyod Up to tile highest Pjtoh, 0, 4, $11, " SA14 h 0 inLany takes and Forno rivers thatliad .
lOWn't'arnal dasir6N are Certain to ROL Ail Editor In Luck. 9IdlloO at tho, tberm,omoLL,r 0 " not.Wltboii dlgnitn itnvor befom appoart(I on any filap, Ito - . - tIlD Minister And 0110, mall Is the eon.
1118tray. The oblUlron of Israel worel ,Stratford, Sept, 1_,J._1sfV, T. 11, tlla,t tile 150 dog show's ,, A V'Mlt Is Jiliorn, not jutide,, , Perhaps their greatest dl6MVdry IS
'*ft^^^^_0_ % on L . "
, ,." ."N.01 r r
lie, I
L . . ::J
%~ L
$ $
, at a
ra o 04,111 has
a rent I5 C-00
a lie 0 tI In 9
In It a 11A ,
bol cm
L T1
d nyhri
-t yous,
ton Y, 'i that Of the Dub&wnt River, about t #NadL n4t . 9; 0 Its questiol, ,ft# to wilo Is ML,ant wholl
w6rldl of flin Xlt( ,Ilell Re. nachod, and tho atM16.5plioro IF, biall,
biveltMidd(m and bad boe6m,o RAN,, editor kOO Alark liftef lit,, %ung nutn,1- returned tile k)dit6r, A rlflp ballot 7PZ'rftvoII'n 0094tt0h.' whorc tboatt Is ino
ktnd proud. S&Mlftot Woo old and 0 corder, a con of T!,*11taboth Raep,L N,Arablo only to tj go Nv)lO are Im- try (1131, "it won't help your icaso to S(I'V011 hundred Allies long, whioll 0111p. r"ll s as It 1006VOO 00 tile preApher says, ,Thou art tho .
ate.11 WILOSO 11C xt Of kin lVas advertise(I umd to, it, I to 81ilft tile; Manic on to your tlob litto nudsom Day, tl,,rough tqlng all
11 Put ". to 4 but, &tab
parent Or 131:Z hul t 'on frdt ln'frbut MAIM " T116 late C. XT. gipourgl., on al.5o,
irlutallIty' Witte 06 crowning Clrtti43 for Ift. the Globe a,t Aug. 1.1thl, hall The temporaturo hangn .train 1215 g.11 torflabl Inlot, and Is liko]X some day . IZZ101 1 1 hold tllle V16w) told almost hivarlis-
In tho, life of Atitinool and to th6 ear, hPAVI Inforillod that it fortune ()r 1 dogreca to r AN 'Taln" nus"ll rx)Vrell Said' to W navigated by Steamboats` of - - - bly f011OWN1 up 140 Oarm,OuS by "r -
life bf flaul. lftib trile 11brigollan it, tt, C1.0,000 will b0 (1114(led aimong )0 degrees for till) six "There's a deal of solid Making lit conAldorabln draugl T%* total at prel. 6ut pijl.,J to the soll,ftl _(%allng wit,
1111imble 4*f0ft. Ito to Clotho famll.v of tho deecaved. I tile 'or fty" dAyff that tile 4111P IN the mepkeet-looking DrItIoll.roya.t ta.rolli 14 $160,000 a offettive M011 i efiquIrerg. This,
A *Itb ploughing her WAY aeropa in tho at. Colmp mulO."-Yotith'a Tlv) latest jouri. lt ter Y-ClAy. M)Js 1n,W,1V,,1C,@ anbultlas,and the IMOM.0 to Od Of 0h.M4tIAn IrOrk
, arijoll, ey In tortllad8
I Cadadn, was mado by Do,vid,T. VA ft 11 ,Jt it
11' UPXO*P Of 'COYAl palaces 4tl(I park#. ,Mon 1.1,1sra" bneOMO 4 LO rt
. . vesin& clhrl.vtbang.
. ..