HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-17, Page 6,VetA4,4w:
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The Rose and Lily Dagger
WOMAN'S PERFIDY of al est al
• "Moat dreacifel caeo, Mr. Locke," Ire "Yes, and that Wasn't all. Ilefcere
said gloomily.. "1 cant believe yet
that it'd true—I. mean, eir, that any'
:thing of the. kind has bappened."
"Lt is hard to believe, yes," acteeut-
en Gerald, looking at the ground that
the man might not litee hie despond -
"A is, indeed, .it. Locke. To think
that the rue:mule—one of the highest
In the land, alt—ehould be lying in
prison charged with murder ! OE
course X keow, he is innocent,. but it's
:the eiegra,ce of being suspected of
such a crime, to say nothing of being
In prison, that knocks me over. Just
think of such a noble, warnahearted
man beteg accused of such, a dreadful
deed. Why, look at his friendehip, for
Ahe signor I Do you thiele that a man
who would saddle himself for life
with a poor blind man—and you know
howattentive, and gentle, and
thoughtful he le with him—is the kind
of man to stab a fellow, creature in
the back? Oh 1"—and Mr. Ingram
ballet out with a passionate teal:h—
olt drives me mad to hear People
ealk about it. But it Will all come
right, Mr, Looke !" And bet looked at
Gerald aqnxiouely. .
Gerald looked down.
"Yes—eve hope so," he saki. "Yes,
certainly:" ; • ; ;
"Hope so 1 extlaimed Ingram,
"Weill and he swore again, "if any, -
ening bappeas to the marquis Mr.
Locke, there will be .two murders in-
stead of one! i" • t
"Hush!" said Gerald, glancing at
the windows warningly, fox In -
ram's voice hard grown terribla dis-
• Diet in his indignation. , what bappeeed. And for my part I
"Oh, y,ou needn't be afraid of any
selie heariale me, sir," he said bitter -
"Lady, eacott is lying Ill—quite
nrestrated—in her rooms in the
south Wing, and otherwise the house
hearly, empty. There was no use
in keeping a. pack ,of servants wall-
ing and creeping about the place, de-
claring they saw ghosts, and the
rest of 1 Ind I packed them off.
Not, mit. .et any, of them believed
his lordelep gul1ty,1 No, every, one
of. 'em thenks as I think. It's my be-
lief that masa of them would have
taken his place if that had been pps-
sible, far," bitterly, "with all his
;wildness and evil temper, his "hard-
ship had a knack of winning the
heart of everybody in the household.
;You never heard him bully and blus-
ter as some of your goody-goody
men dol No! It was alwaan a smile,
and a kind word, however sad be
might be, and uatil Miss Elaine came
he was nearly always sad and ab -
t ded"
Gerald Locke looked up. ,
! "Wag?" he asked. I I • ' •
menie and then he elle): ; • •
f Ingram obook his bead. "Anil Lady Scott is ill, you say?"
"Yee, sir, quite knocked over. She'a
a proud Lady, Mr. Locke, and this
carting the mamas off to prison
has just knocked her over." ,
"And Signor Zanti 2"
Ingram shook iris head.
"I'm as sorry for him as for any
one, excepting the marquis. Re—
tire s1g11or-19 juet heartbroken. It's
dreadful to see him. They. talk
about, a mares hair turning .grey in
a single 'night ; well, Mr. Locke, if
-Me hair hamet turned grey, the
signor boa grow e old in a singlet
"I am going to the bridge," said
Gerald. e,
"Yes, sir? It's pretty quiet there
now, but after the newspread the
place was thronged. :What the
fools expected to see I can't im-
agine. They just came and stared
at the bridge and the stream as if
the whole murder played haort
they expect oil to
for thein, or the dead man's ghost. I'd
go with you, but I'm waiting for the
bead keeper, Davie. Everything seems
at sixes and givens. Two of the under
keepers gave notice this morning.
There Is nothing I can do for the
marquis, 1 suppoee, Mr. Locke?"
Gerald said no that there was no-
one time some years back — the thing elr. Ingrain could do, and as he
mareene gave Um a leeeg holiday* walked on be reflected bitterly how
and said he was going to travel. little he himself could do.
He passed through the siumbbery
and into the little glade or opening
before the bridge, and then on to the
bridge itself, aud stood looking down
at -the stream, which was bubbling
along us giddily, and light-heartedly
as ever, singing blithely as it bad
sung wile the deed of blood was be-
ing done. 1 e
Gerald looked round him, though or
course there was uothing to be glean-
ed by inspecting the scene. As Ingeain
had said, there had apparently' been
no !struggle, no conflict. Charles Sher-
win had been killed at once by that
sliarp, swiftly dealt blow of the gro-
tesque dagge11 1,
The rail of the bridge was a low
one little more than two feet high.
-"Well, Air, the marquis tame back The murdered man had evidently.
int last from wherever he was, and. staggered baek against it as the deg -
'telegraphed to tbe valet; and the ger struck him, and bad either over-
time} went up to !tondo:or to him. Ile balanced or been pusbed over by the
fouvi the marquis a changed Man." hand that had dealt the stab.
• • 1
There agate 1 Gerald could not
'Weil, . to uee the valet's •own bring lib -Itself to imagine the
tereirde—he was telling me this rearquirs guilty of thrusting his
last tight in his trm a ; the poor fel- victim into the stream, or even
10)w; is as out up as if the nutequis 'leaving him there. He wete far more
afore hie own brother—the change likely to mil for treeletance, and eX-
coneisted in title; Before lie went Mahn, "I ilaVe trilled thie man Take
anVay. Ids lortisbip was gay„ and
light-hearted all lila wildneese but
Dave, after he had Memo back, ail the
light-hearterinees had gone, and lie
seemed tea years older. file still
gent about town, even pinged a bit
—all the Nitizeres were rend of cards,
Mr. take—but lie teethed to take
too' interest in any:Ming. And,
the restigemens, the Wander-
ing jew business width the peo-
ple talk 'so gulch atiOut, began. The
Vtdet tells me that it was not at
all an unusual thing for his lord-
ship to start for the Continent, or
Neirevay. -or anyWhere, at a
inelit's notice. Heel Mile sdoWle
!here at *quite as ir be meant,
to stay, and teeter feW ?emirs, or
a day or two at Moat, it Wonid
be, 'Field, peek the portinanteall
ani going teenighte"
Fitting 'With bis head Walling ,o111110
hand, lile whole attitittle elogeerit el
enclancitoly tireotilugs,
tile raievei tete head as Geralties
step; efeaeboti. ea.re, arid tier. -
aid Wars :startled by the eitange
Wrought in tire blind luau's face.
A 'woe, IngraM 110,0 said, as It
tire Italian bad grown old einee Mei
master and rriend had been taken One, More Splendid Cure Credited
Irian him.
to Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"learner Untie. he
Luigi heal rose, then sap back.
"It le Sou," Ida Loeke," he mita
thouglet. knew tee step, but my Rooters Saw Nicholas whey gag
bearing segue confused. I--" He • ge„eol , a , ale
broke off with an earnest entreaty.
things Eise—Dodd's Kidney Pills Gave
Q!,' g s efiee, or Some -
"You WS° seen him? no,S ho pent
me an l" nwereage? Sarely be has Peat Ulna the Vigor orEarly Manhood.
rale word to urea'
Cieralii sat doWn b'esido ban.
have jeet left Mut," ire
replien. "He did Ient Nene you a
nitiseage, Luigi, but you will net
think lie has fergiatten yen, beezeuse
he Iran not spoken fer you- He speaks
(4 no one, indeed, be eays very little
Mort anything'.
"The strong euffer in eilence," mar -
mulled Luigi, ills itands clasped
tightly, "and he is qtrong. I know
hem. There is no one who knowe
hein better—so well—as I • do. Ile
Will not sp•eak—e He stopped, as if
Ire suddenly rememlierea that be
was net alone.
Gerald loolced at libel thoegletfulig,
"You do not ask me how I am
.getting On with the came Luigi,"
13'e atd.
'Luigi Marti ehook his bead.
t ?Woe' he geld. "You will do all
that ean donee'
"I shall try," assented Gerald,
gloomily. "But it le! IhIard, nphlll
work, when one has So little to go
main, and when one' a own client de -
°Knee to help'.
Late dici net look startled or al-
armed, but bie head sank" still lower.
"He will say uothiag ?" Ile said,
after a pause.
"Nothing," repeated Gerald, "and
that is the very Worst course for
a man in the marquis' situate:eta to
adopt toward his lawyer."
"Yes, yes, yes!" breathed Luigi,
as if a heavy weight were prese-
ing down upon bis chest and mak-
ing it difficult. for him, to speak.
"You must do it all alone, velthout
aid, without--" He !stopped, and
Gerald, who could not resist the
temptation, sprang the question.
epee him suddenly:
"Luigi, do you knOW where Miss
Elaine is ?"
' He saw the blind Juan start and
wince as he shook his head. -.
"No. Why—why do you ask ?"
"Isn't a natural questien? She
was engaged to the marquis—his
premised ivefe—"
"She is so no longer," Luige broke
in abruptly. "They parted — there
was no blame on either side, re-
member that I She is blameless,
faultless, allee night --"
this time the marquis was fond of
the society of ladies; quite the la, -
dies' man, Field says, and a great
favorite wita therm And no, wonder.
You'd find it hard tie match his
aordship for make a,nd face, , arr.
Gerald nodded again., .
"Gof on. All this is important, and
may help me, Mr. Ingram."
"Well, sir, I hive to God it may!
Field assured me that after Ite had
come back the marquis shunned
ladies' society. If lee went to one
of their soiree or receptions or
balls, or whatever you call them,
of their soirees or receptions or
two, and go to the club and stay
there playing cards or billiards.
And he wealdn't visit at country
places as he used tel do: A coMPlete
change peopled to have come over
him. He was quite altered. Field
says that soenetimes ethen he's come
into thereon he'd find his lordelaiii
sitting with Iris head upon his
hands like a man who'd been ring-
od, Or lost----"
"Lost ?" said Gerald.
"Well, lost tbe only, woman he'd
ever oared for. Yes, Mr. Locke, 1—and
you—oan guess that a woman was at
the bottom of it. It's always a
woman. Don't the F'rencri say when-
ever anything goes wrong, 'Find tire
woman'? I'm not a Feencli scholar."
Gerald nodded.
"Well, sir, that went on till he came
down to tiro Castle and saw Mies
Elaine. And then—well, we knovr
can only say that I was not sur
prised. .Teere isn't a lovelier or a
tweeter lady in tbe world than Miss
Elaine. No, Mr. Locke, evasn't sur-
prised when I beard of their engage-
ment, but I was surprised, when I
heard that the engagement was
broken off, and tbat Miss Elaine had
run away. That worries me more
than anything. Why, air, from what I
know and bevel seen. of bee, X should
have sadd that she was the last
woman in the world to, have deserted
her sweetheart in the hour of hie ad-
versity g
Gerald Locke hung his head.
"Miss Delaine was called away be-
fere—before the discovery, of the
murder," be said, lamely.
Ingram shook hls head.
"That's the mystery to ma, sir"'
he ;said. "Not this murder; that will
be cleared up, no doubt. It must
be bleared up! But that Miss Elaine,
the kindest, the nicest lady we
know, should leave him just Let the
begiuning '01 this trouble I"
Gerald Locke was anent for a mo -
"I can't say, sir. No one knows,
!Mere was someehing in Its past
ilfe—up there in London most like
—which seemed to change a,ncl al-
ter lam. ila,unted blia, one migbt
Gerald Lecke pricked up his ears.
Everything, the smallest- detail of
the life of the, man he had under-
taken to save from a shameful
death', was of inoment to him.
"You know nothing of it ?" he
asked, earneetly. "If so—but I need
met tell you how important it is
that I should know, of anything,
Weever apparently trivial, which.
might throw a light on the dark
"I della knoevt No one knows.,
mad Ingram. "Not even the valet..
I've gone so far as to ask him if
he had fever heard of anything hap-
pening to the marquis -that might
have niacie him so quiet and gloomy
e ; •
"Well, ire doesn't. He's been with
him for years. No one leaves his
eardship's service unless he's oblig-
ed. Strange that, for a man who's
given to sta,bbing In the back. isn't
it?' he put in, sarcastioally. "The
only thing he remembers is that at
How a Newsboy Showeallis Gratitude
air a Kindness Done.
"GP eitaneed to be walking flown
Liberty tetreet," saki a wellelenogn
artiet, "when the recent burricane
smog:Vett ids stock et evening papers
from under a wee and wan eight-
year-old newsboyer arms, made •
• St. Catharine, Ont., Sept. 14,—
(Slioetal)—Nicbolae Egger, the well-
ictiown -farmer living near St. jelnea
P. 0., on, tiro elevidiper, lino of Pelham
field Tilorold toweszleps, who lute
been rastored to health after 20
yearn or guttering from Kidney Dis-
meg ban given a statement Tor pub-
Ileation. A reader
had been a, sufferer from Kldr
neat Comaialat for 20 years. I heal
the Moot diatreiseing Backache, Irri-
tation or the Spine and Headaches,
coupled at Ulnae with an exeruciat-
lag circular pain abont the lower
part eif tire body. \Watt I suffered
no pea can describe. Insoranta, too,
melded its terror"), and I was great-
ly reamed in Heels.
"Three different doctoro attended
Mo. Ono sued I bad gravel, an•other
called it Beight'e (elegise, while the
hake setieh 1 wan in a claggerous c,on-
diteon. None of them, gave ine any
permanene belp and my friends
thought. I eoula not live much
longer. •
"At thief fitia:go I geese up other
treatment and started teeing Dotidat
Kidney Pille. After taking two. boxes
I founel they were helping rue and I
contlnued till I had taken sixteen
bomea, waren I wan a,ga,in enjoying
the epleeeled Tip): a earlier man-
"The night of •the murder," put
in Gerald, distinctly. •
Luigi 'winced again, then turned
his face to Gerearns keen eyes with
dogged kind of fetuabornness.
"On the night of the murder, yes.
But what Iia ,s that to do -with las
With the—the eases?"
"I don't know. Do you?" be added,
Luigi, his face still set and hard,
Siva* his bead.
"No. She has nothing to do with
It. Let leer alone. Do you want
to drag Her innocence and purity
into the eharneful glare of a court
of justice. Lot' her alone, say!"
Hie eolce grew stern and angry.
"She lsais suffered enoug-h. Beeldes,"
and he seemed to control lamself.
with great effort, ",she could do
no good. She could not help Man,
if you were to find her o.nd drag
her into the witness box. 'Romero -
Der that
"Hove do you know that ?" said
Gerald, in a low voice.
Luigi let 11,is head fall again.
"How do I know ?" he repeate.d.
cautiously, Ms hands trem-
bling. "Hoer could else help' ?
Sire knower' nothing 'of It. Spe was
in lied. Gerald- Looke, you, have not
;sent for her ?" and be turned his
head ;swiftly,' with a look of terror
on hes white face, which was • not
lost on Gerald.
"No, I have not szent for her, for
the beet of all reasons," he replied.
"I do trot know where she is. No one
'worm, Nothing has heen beard of,
or from, her 'since she leftathe morn-
ina after the murder." .
Laigi drew a long nreath of re-
lief as it seemed to Gerald.
"But of course, could find her,"
Ise went on moodily. "I Intended do-
ing no. I had made out an adver-
tisement for the papers---" -
.Luigi raised las head and listened
free distribution of tlieni in the ;Mal
and rain half a alook away, anti
came near serving iihn in like man-
ner, As bo fought nie way to bit
feet heara him tersely eurnmarize
the extent of bis ruin in the re-
mark, 'Dot busts nae,' and be heard
mo Laugh. • I
"Turning on zue and aesuming
suggestive Terrible Terry pose, he
savagely asked, Wotyer Wenn. ?'
"'Not at you, my boy,' I hastened
to explain, 'and liege's a half a «oi-
ler to start you in business again.'
"'Money talks' with the gamin as
well as the golabugs, and in this
case its chartaing eloquence moved
its recipient to remark with fleeter -
Ing sincerity, 'You, alma snob a. Jeari
guy, after all," as he scooted in the
direction of Park row.
"But tabs was not the Latet I WaS
destined to see of ma' pigmy pure
veyor of the latest news, for, as I
Was hustling to reach the ferry, I
heard the quick patter of pursuing
little feet, and he overtook me to
make the breathless inquiry, 'afty,
Mister, does you go by dis way
every night?'
"'No. Why do you ask ?'' said a
" explained he, wants ter
give you a paper every night till I
squares de debt.'
"Now," continued the artist, "is
there a man here who does not feel
In his heart a desire to give such a
boy as that a lift toward.a better
life, or who does not believe that
granted half p, show lie would ,
velop into an honorable and success-
ful man ?"—New York Times.
Minard"s Liniment cures Dandreff,
Cork Becoming More Valuable,
So mitch: cork is now used in the
manufacture of linoleum; and in
!shipbuilding that the protection of
cork trees has became a matter of
Prime' hupirtance. Italy is taking
steps to this end in Sicily and Sar-
dinia, where there are large cork
forests, those of Calabra, having
been nearly deetroyed in the make
Ing of charcoal. It is mad th'at
Spain is show -Mg a like interest in
protectieg these trees, as the man-
ufacture of corks is a large in-
dustry there. Only a fea years ago
the exportation of wine bottle
corals from that country amounted
to aboat $5,000,000 annually, •
;The valet thinks his lordship went
abroad., but he might have gone to
Glengerivrie, the place in Scotland,
you know--"
, "1 know. Well'?"
- "His lordship was awag, wherever
he was, for gearia two years; and
all that time thifi man never heard
from him. Ills Wagest were paid by,
the solicitors in London, and they;
igld the valet to let them have ble
address. But not tine word came from
the no:Legate, though he was not in
the habit of keeping his ;whereabouts,
secret, and had alivags taken tire
man with bim."
"Yes!" said Gerald, seating lam -
Emit on the storm rail of the steps,
cad listening intently. "Well ?"
Catarrh is not a
Catarrh makes a man ridiculous:—
it makes him an offensive nuisance
and it makes him dirageromely sick.
It is pretty sure -kg-bring on con-
smnption, pneumonia, or at least a
throat affection. You can not af-
ford either, ant you -men, afford the
cure for it. It is Dr. Agn,ewls Car,
tante): Powder. It relieves a cold
or catarrh, or Cares headache
la 10 minutes:. Delft hawk and spit
and disgust your friends, but cure
youreele by the use of this remedy.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves Eczema In a dap 360
Origin of a Name.
There is a popular legend that tbe
surname of. Kara, which means
"bleak" in the Turkish language, was
given to tire founder, of the Kara-
aeorgevitch dattia,sty beeause his
akin was unusually) dark.
"But the marquis has feroidden
me to insert et"
Luigi. sighed beavieg a,nd let his
head fail 'again with an expression
of resignatian.
"He is right," he said at laett;
"leo is right. Ii—if Eiadme were your
sister, Gerald Lemke, would you wish!
leer to appear in this? Would you
not do all, risk all, rather than
her purity shouki be sullied by con-
tact withi tell this shame 7"
"I don't know," said Gerald,
watching the white, haggard face.
It depends. If I thought she could
throw any light upou it, help to
clear up the mystery, and save an
innocent man,. even though she were
my sister, I should expect her and
desire her to come forward."
Taere was silence for a moment,
then Luigi said in a low, voice:
"And if she could not save 'him 74
Gerald was silent. Was it possible
Luigi Zona knew teometiang of. the
truth, and he, too, desired Blaine's
absence ?"
"And if she could not save lam?"
repeated Luigi with melancholy. ear -
nes e
"Then ehe is better away," mad
tern peninsula would but hold to -
Gerald, With a sigh that wee almost leani.
a groan. "Luigi, I see—I should be gother and federalize their armies,
blind—oh, forgive me I" , they might found a. nation which
oven Ruissiai and Germany could bard-
catenot help seeing that 'you; leV1 crush. Theo; poesess, perhaps the
know—Yon know aonietiting. Can Moat fertile division of Europe, they
gou inot tell me ?" eit upon three setes, and it they could
Luigi shook his hettel doggedly. but Milt:free COASeription on the
Gerald Lecke Jett] les hand tmon Gorman model, them would organize
the blind mases thin arm. . ; an arM,y proven hundred and fifty,
"Copsider, lor God's sake, ceneide theme:end serong. They could tie-
er !" be said soleain•ly. "'This is not feed themselves far more eataly! than
.13.1 light thing, It is a matter' of life the Swats, anti they) are not more
or death! Of life or death 1 Yoe know, divided by creed, race and language.
the evidence tha.t has been brought They have, too, in Charles of lieu -
against him." Mania a peseiblor mic*ror who knows
"I knoeve it—yrs," responded Luigi bow teenties are made, and who hail
:with a, stifled moan'. already eireWn his capaelty to gov-
hlln eee to him! . "It is—damning I AS it et and%
It seeMed impossible to Gerald with teething further -0 strengthen
that such a man as Lord Nairn() it, it may be sufficient to—to con -
Mould come back to the Mame and dome him. You mid:wet:and V'
leave the dead man lying out in the "My God! Yea, understandee
edient niglit, moaned Leigi, the great drops of
Tile marquie might be passiOilate, tweat steutillog on ille white brow.
vengeful, utterly unable to control "And tielther he, wire know!: ail,
hie temper; but no ono who knew ,nor vitt, who know something, will
131111, hoveever ooald deem speak. leo ,you intend to remairt ell -
him capable of cowardiee and mean. ent ? Do you mean te say nothing
nee% till the verdiet —4011 ,tvg.—Iiaix been
Gerald stepped off the bridge and pronouneed ? For Heaven's sake,
Went doWn the bank, etettelinp; Ipok- Luigi ,if you Mtn sag, etre Word
ing for it minute or two et the mart that may lielp me eaVO year friend—
Wbere the body had been found; he was year friend?" .
then he Went tm again, and !Slowly "A brother Mudd net' be dearer 10
Made ins way back tewited the lantai, me r fell trete larigicii whibe lip%
feeling jast ite helpings: as when he "Well, 000 Urged Gerald.
Mai entered the groumin, and he t (To lin Continued)
wile rather startled at Seeing a
A.nother Adago Found on the Mistak
of a Fact.
Of all the animal adages founded
on the mistake of a fact, "as. weak
tee a cat" is the most absurd. Real-
ly, the eat is a menet muscular ani-
mal. Tao lion, the tiger, and other
so-called ;egg cats," as you al-
ready know, are of the same family,
with aur common house pussy; we
shall not speak of thene further. "As
weak as a cat" is applied to the house
VY ; but to say. "as weak as a
kitten!" is truer, One may then naeu,n
the new-born kitten, watch comee in-
to the. world blind, softer and more
helpless looking than even the blind
PlikeoltPtStp;lessly weak as the puppy, the Man, flour, a teaspoonful of mat, and
hbauvtingwitch, however, is not
elihrp! claws • which two teaspoodule of baking powder.
the puppy hue not. You know so Work in a, hall teacupful of molasses
ni,uch of cats, do you not, young (New Or'leans) and enough milk or
people. Water to Make a staff batter, Bake
Thse cot's muscles are extraorcia in a. Mew, oven for an hour. '
[rarity large and, powerful in hropore
tion to the animal's size. Then, Mirta,relee Liniment relieves Neer -
again, those muscles are attached o algia.
lieges, fitted together at each .
angles: aa to make "the finest sys- • Grievance Either 'Way.
tem of .sp•rings and levers," says Dr.
Cleveland Plain Dealer:
HU/dein:Ter, "hilOW*11 in the whole
Oli, yea, I like the .frequent rain',
group; the claws are etiarper and are
I'm Berry when it goes; .,e [ I
curved into stronger hooks Ulan in
any other animal, and by, the action ree. r if it fails I can; refrain- i
oE .special muscles are withdrawn From tottiag out the hoee.
under the protection of sheath -like • • e
pads, that they may eecape wear and But talon again I hate tae 'rain,
Injury when not in use." The slender, Its patter makest me sore;
supple form. of the cat makes it cap- The !gram: springs up—T get a pain
able of the higbest activity. The Frew pushing round the (mower.
heavy hey, von may have noticed, is
not always the strongest: the thin,
active boy is the fastest runner and
the quicker at games which need
both strong and limber MUISCOS.
Mhe, shoulder-bla,cle, the arra anti
the forearm, the thigh, the leg and Gentlemem—While driving -dawn a,
tegy steep hill bast Arigust my horse
th,a foot of the at lie at what the
veterinary surgeons call "closed an- steunbled and cutting himself
'tear/rely about the; head and body. I
glee." That peculiar conformation
shows that the enormous jumps used MINIAllara LINIMENT, !Neely on
which: the cat can make to the envy him and in a .feeg days he vitae as
of 'any athletic boy, are site to the vvell as ever.
great gower ard the clotted, angles of •
Gorgeete Petrovitch, grandfather of
Meg Peter 1, Was one of the wealth-
iest agriculturists in Servia, and
wheo his sister married he sent her
Aavertre beet:lives as a present. She
was 'highly: pleased with them, but
her mother was even more pleased,
and promptly) aripropriated two of
them for hereelf.
'When Petrovitch heard this he be-
came; ,furiou,s with passion, and,
seizing a hive he ran to Ms Mother
and uncereraonionsig put it over her
'head. Thereupon the old lady) burst
out alto load reproaches, calling her
on "Kara 'Georges!" which means
"Black Deorge, or "George, yen
Let the
They can do it
easily and quickly
too with the .
New Century
Ball Bearing
Washing Machine.
' Five minutes work will thor-
oughly clean a tubful of clothes—
no handling of the garments or
rubbing on the board necessary.
Your deal& can get it for you
or we will send you a booklet fully
describing it.
There are very few cleans.
ing operations in which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to advant-
age, It makes the home bright
and clean. • 113
A Case of Color Blindness,
Boston Transcript.
Withore-011, aes, I •guess Fettle is
Plaitta pO.stoil on turf matters,
hat lle'n ilott Ongo man to take tipe
from ; color blind.
illane.—Never hoard that before.
Withers—It's so, just the Immo. He
told rue a. dark bore was going to
Win, and I put up all I had en
a black Mare; it Was wbite torso
that came under the wire 'way;
ahead ol all the o•thera. ,
EVERY HOUSEKEEPER lnust often net as a
family physician. Painkiller for all thellttle
Ills, en tts and sprains, as well as for all bowel
complaints, is hullepensiblo. Avoid substi-
tutes, there is but one " Painkiller," Perry
Origin Of Names of Carriages.
Omnibuses were first !seen in,Faris
in 1827, and the name is nothing
more than the Latin word signify-
ing "for all." "Cab" is an abbise-
Viatien of the Italian ward (rabid -
°la, which was tchanged to cables. -
let in French. Both' evords have
a cowmen derivative—mai:We —
signifying a goat's leap. The ex-
act reason for giving it this
strange nriale Is not known at pre -
Rent. In some instances names of
special form of 'caeriages are de-
rived from the titles of persons
who introciaced- them. The brough-
am was first used by th.e famous
Lord Brougham, ana tile popular
hansome also derives its name
from the introcucer, Mr. ,rfansom,
Landau, a city in Germany, was
the locality in wieleir was first
made the style of vehicle bearing
that 'name..
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals Oho alma, clears the air
Passages, stops droppings In the
throat and permanently cores
Catarrh and HayPeveriaBlower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
_ Medicine Co.. Toronto end Beano.
• Grahatit Bread.
Mix well together a quart of gra-
ISSUE NO, 38, 1.903
Mrs. Winslow s toothing eyrup ehoute
always, be used for Children Teething, is
monies tiro ehild, softens shoguns, OUX08 WIltd
1010 and is the bed remedy for Dierrbcee.
Population or Europe.
During the laut :amity yearn the
revel:aloe 01 Europe haft risen 11;
round numbers from 210 000,00a to
400,000,000; that of Ada and Af-
rica lute probably increased little
mere 'thee three and a half
ire great an it was lat 1880, Altogeth-
er the world's population is now
about 1,000,000,000 tura 817,0Q0
irs 1888. I I
sure."Thought it mount death
"Mrs. James McKim', of lama
vine, Ont., saye or her almost mire. -
Woes cure from heart easeitee by Dr.
A•gnew,'s Cure for the Heart; "Until
I began taking 'this remedy dea.
pairea of ley life. I had beart fall -
ere and extreme prostration. Pee
close gave me quick relief and or
bottle cured me. The suffering%
of years were dispelled like 'eagle."
Profitable Roses.
The best melee in the world eonie
trona Itorenella and Buliraria. Tao
rose! orop} of Bouillons alone 10 worst
£200,000 a year, and the frupotax a,t-
tar do rage Is made rrom tias
veest ; 250,000 pounds ot rose leaves
ago used to mitk•e a &Ingle ounce of
tire eefeence.
A ton of orange bloesome yinkle
only 40 ounces: or the scent of 'the
Mono name, and 50 pounds of lavender
will give exactly a pollute. .
Removes all hard, eat or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horsize ;
blood. etpagin, curbs, spliutseringbone.
sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and
;Molten throat, couras. etc. Save IIES0
PY mite of one bottle. Warra,nten tbs.
naost weendertuz blemiett cure ever
Market for Human Ilair. •
Every year two or three &go af-
ter the fete of St. John n, market of
human hair ie held ca Limoges. Olga
neatront: and pid women from . tire
country • around 'bargain to obtain
the best price for their tresses,
which are grown. off in tho market
place. White hair farmer!: fetches tire
highest price because the color Rang
not Do produced with dyes. 11 18 of-
ten worth $25 per pound. Gray hair
*comae 'next in Market value; then
fin,xen. colored, golden avlarge,
and dark brown, in that order. The
chea:pest is black ,
Lifebuoy Soap—eisinfeetant—ie strongly
'recommended by the medical profession ea
a eafeguatd against infootious diseases. sa
"Only Man is Vile."
rt is a, ;lad work when One reflects
that if all the peoples ef the great
11. 130.11.110,GEMIN.
the' joints; but the conformation of Gberbro:oke,
the lege natkes the cat's stride at
a walk, a trot or a rue., remarkably
limited. The cat move.; therefore.
with ivonderfta quIcknees, but with'
no great epee& The boy who says
he feel,: "es weak as a cat,"—if he
le at all like the cat—shotild be
eplendidly muscular. The truth Is
that, in proportion to the eize of
his body, he can never hope to be
as strong as a cat. — Our Animal
Friends. ;
The Ever Faithful Dog.
Where is not a mare pathetic
story than one Mr. Hare tells, and
watch had 'to dor velth the sad fate
of a dog belonging to, Hogg, the
Ettricie shepherd.
One winter's day, when a snow
storm was gathering, Hogg Was
much: concerned •abiart his flocks.
He called ids dog and explained all
the matter to Wm, that ire ws
going ronnd one side Of the moors
himself to drive In the sheep, and
that the clog svias to go the other
way arid colleet. The dog under-
stood perfectly. When late in the Panted. There is a good deal in the
retort or the lady with the picture
evening the shepherd returned ivith •
Itis part of the flo•ck, the dog had hat, ey,ho on being. told that those
behind tier could not see, said that
not coine back. Hour after hour
they were not miesing nrucle—LOn-
passed, but still the dog did not
Man eettied oil tile raitio roe Veer talerita, and tir yoir have
Gerieiti Locke nodded. etood In little leafy' reoew but Otio, then. be all the more egad). -
1 Ws heardi at ids reg. by1 tho walk. ltd for opportunttlea ot bringing that
, 'It Witte Lida! Zatiti, and het Wail One bett; gee.
ie •
Ilis Next Text.
Philado:phin Press.
"Last Suncia.,e's collection was
miserable," said the Rev. Mr.
Sharpe; "but it furnished nao with
a text for text Sunday's sermon."
"Yes ?" saki the vestryman, "anti
what will your text be ?" '
'Tele poor w,e have alveays with
Minard's Liniment for sale every,-
A Wonderful Carpet.
OP the rethoolgra,phio mese= or
terdant may mew be seen a beauttful
carpet which the Shah ot Persia re.
ce tl presented to Queen Wilbele
anima as; a souvenir a has visit. to
Holland none months ago.
Woven into the carpet 130 the fol-
lowing inscription in Persian : "Pre,
eented hy Ilts Majesty Mozzaffer, ed
Din, &bale Emperor of Persia,' to
Her IliaJesty :Weitheindne., Queen od•
The carpet measures •136 square
amide, and in each square yard ,there
are 250,000 sititelielia ,; ,
Minandai Linineent cures Burns, etc.
Picture Ilats in Th'eatres.
It is annonaced that further at-
tempts are to ba made to cope with
the hat nuisance at matinees by pro-
vidieg cloakrooms free of cbarge.
Something also might be done by im-
proving the gitality, of the playa pee -
appear. At last whining and 4611 Pune:lit ;
scratching were heard at the door.
Then it was found that the dog
had come tarok with all Ite shege
safe, bat alga With a little puppy
in its Mouth, witch it laid at its
master's feet and darted off
through the enefel to seek and
bring in another. Tab poor thing
had littered in the snoev, but woald
not oa that account negleet one
Iota, of tto duty, It brought Wats
emend PUPPY', laid it in ite mas-
ter's lap, looked tip vvistfully ichis
face, as ir beseeching him, to take
care et it, and—died. -- Ropheeter
Post-EXpr ese,
Effect of Bedlam.
It is a prodnet of pitchblende, which
to found deep•the earth. The grata.
tity already found is ete Small that
the Tigurative pries) of a giant lute
boon placed •$10,000. It may be
that theist aro largo quantieles Of
it etorea rimier the Strefitee SOMo-
ern. There of couree, no apparent where, but tiro man wilts fourid
chance for a reaeonable policy of; quentIty of it le it gate, of anything
that kind ; hut wo do not know that , like purity would probably not live
the obi/tablet: aro !gTeatee than those f to tell the tale. The particles! Which
Wbielt Cartier and Garibaldi over- fly from it ttre ehat,geti With eleetra
cam ; Whiten the motive roe overeong
nig -there. the borror tete/roams for
tin Aelatio rule, is certainly! much
etreitger. There is probably', (gen in
the Ear mot, ,no' previnco in Which
tier neagetlen or God has been er-
eeied efo defiantly into a. Oyster* ais
the provittee, a great part of wheel, the most painful blieters evhen
but hit Logi Beeecontioldes blunder laought contact witb 'the skin,
small pitrtiele of ratliuni bait Was
sealed in a glass tube, placed in a
alititeloottrd boX, „and tied to reef.
C.uriee: sleeve; for an hear DM a, half.
It pro:Weed it suppurating gore, whieh
aid not teal for Over three mOlitita
Prof. Curie thinke tatit a persten
tering ta, room Containing a petted
Of amlinte would be bilititiod.—Theee
dere Waterit, IlVeryhodyni Magee
eine for September. , ,
city, told at night it sr nes f0
With a plasephoreecerice whiell half
been gritting sine° tlio beginning Of
all tliluge, alai which will go on
Shining untit the final extinction of
all Matter. A. small quantity of it In
tIie poKeesSlOh of M. Currie bat! caused
a the Berlin Congress!, would already
be Christian and tree.—London Spec -
3 : ••
"Ilo anya that he Mai plahl evert
rent he Mead." I i
46WhOrttl did lin get 'kite raell0Mr,
"norrovm it." ,
"Pets" T.hat Were Adandoned.
In Jane WO received over 1,100 iloyg.
crate one kittens. In July, 1,787. N
young- woman weaken -from Nortre
ampto,n ;street last: Saturday brine--
ing a little dog abe had picked 11
en the street in g alt. This dog wae
ene of the matra starvetb arid diseaseg
doge that are purpeagg deserted. 7,)
the cold etorm. or'Aug. 5 and 6 two
Bt. Bernard dogs were seen oat de
the Bay State road. A telephone mos -
sage was sent to the League staying
that the dogs had been in a Vacant
let two dogs with the rain pourina
dawn on -Mona We Ben t for them, ane
they arrived leaking very, forlorn,
a,ni.1 are with us atill.—Doston Animal
Rescue League.
Baby's face or your lady's
face on brooch,. links,
ecarf pin, etc. ; usautuune
enamelled. Sand 80 wain
and any photograph and we
will send brooch exact size
lot cut and return your photo
uninjured. Smaller size er,
cents, larger size CO cents.
Agents wanted. Photo
Jewelry bianlifactliting Co..
The Angry Angry Shark.
Judge. .
Whe man with the wooden leg woo
swimming boldly through the ivatere
beyond the lito line. A hungry shark
beneath the surface SOAP him anqi
swam silently to where he wits
eplashing about. With a quick gulp
the shark took off one 01 1119 legs—
the Wooden one. Lashin.g its sides
With its tall, and ejecting the spline
'tors from its mouth, the shark hur-
ried away growling.
" That's: the second time this year
ego been up against this new-fangled
breakfast food." ,
Write for Ambrose Kent 0. Son's
Illustrated Catalogue
Showitig hundreds of elegant articles in Jewelry, Silverware,
Gift Goods, eta It -will show you hoey easy it is to Make seint.
tion, and how enceMmical it is to order by snail from us. We
quote a few unmatched values:
3536 Handsome Pearl Brooch, 14 k. setting, " - - $5 00
6591 Hair Brush end Comb, mounted In Sterling Silver, in case
complete, - - - - - 7 50
4.338 Ladies' Solid 14 k. Gold Wattlko richly engraved, "A.
Kent & Sono" snovenient, ------3000
3979 Fine Dlaniend &Make Ring, 50 00
yoN E NAilfarTA0C71.04.v.A0,10EAWLZERS.
M MI 0 i;k VC.
Par Woo by an tirat ciasa (femora
ISISSIEVT ON colecir-romo stourseissis