HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-17, Page 5Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. ft suffers for food, starves, Then. It fails out turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a flair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dun• druft disappears. almost afraid to colmnb&gut it. Rut Ayer's Hair 'Vigor promptly stopped the filling, And also restored the natural color " Man, Z. 0. K. wdan, Landing, N..7, PIM a bottle.c J. 0. *181100.. II drugs for Lowell, Mass.. Poor Hair. NEW GOODS 1 Sort Mber 17, 1903. THE WINGUAM ADVANCE. THE MEN'S STORE NEWS Crowder's Tailored Overcoats riot Made to Order, But Made to Fit, JUST TO LAND. -The very best value in ,%' Overcoats ; latest styles at lowest prices. Boys' Pea Jackets, all sizes $2.00 to $1.00 Boyd' Overcoats, all sizes $3,50 to $7.00 Youths' Overcoats, sizes 91 to 35 $1.50 to $10.00 Men's Overcoats, sizes 80 to 44 $6.00 to $21.00 WINIMMEIMI Men's CRAVENETTE WATERPROOF COATS. Sizes 34 to 40 - $10.00, $12.00, $16.00 These are the very latest in cut and style, fall length Coats, new taloa pockets, and are the really only useful coats for tall wear, GUARANTEED WATERPROOFS. - Men's Black Raglanette • Waterproof Coats, sizes 35 to 46 chest, made right up-to-date, well worth $10.00 - your choice $7,75 BOYS' SUITS $1.75 to $15.00 YOUTHS' SUITS $3 00 to $7.00 MEN'S SUITS $4.50 to $10.00 All the latest novelties in '.PIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SOX, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, SHIRTS, ETC. The R. H. Crowder Co. Latest in Hats Latest in Caps OUR PRICES MAKE US BUSY During the past week we have been placing into stock new designs in Bedroom Suites at $ i r.00, $ t 3.5o, $16.5o, $18.00, $25.00, which will delight you if requiring anything in that line. Sideboards at $12.00, $ r 6.00, These medium priced boards would gladden the heart Pf any housewife. Ball Bros.' Couches are preferable to medicine for removing pains and aches. See what we have at $6.5o, $7.00, $8.00 and upwards ; for style and comfort cannot be beaten. 12 Children's Writing Desks with raised lid and comfortable chair to match, clearing them out at $z.75. To see these unique outfits means to buy. Try us for Mattrasses and Wire Springs. Now would be a good time to have your Lounges and Chairs re -upholstered ; we carry a good line of coverings and being practical upholsterers, can do your work promptly. See our $1;75 Fancy Arm Rocker with leather seat. UNDERTAKING Residence -Patrick St., Sth house West of Hamilton's Drug Store. Night calla receive prompt at- tention. Ball Bros. The People's Furniture Store MMIMMMITIMMIIIMMM We are sole ET agents for DR. HESSE'S ESTOCK FOOD 3 w , . E-- NO& • • • M•iim.,...••••'..1,MM*NI•la....0 For Sale only by 3 M E Colin A. Campbell E THE DRUGGIST Eiliiiilidiiiiiiliiiiiiiiidiidiidda For Bargains IN .66G0 TO.ee H. PARK'S Jewelry Store Macdonald Block Wingham. Every Box of *DoUg\ass' `%spevsia 'ab\ets is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction in all cases of Stomach trouble -if not, money refund- ed: Try a box and be convinced. I have room for two students in Telegraph office. R. A. DOIIGLASS Chemist & Druggist Oface O.N.W. Tel. Co. s r, •.GNU 5 4tons -Messrs. Vrooluan of Fegus sold their* span of driving horses for $800. -The London Time is the authority for the statement that in thirty.tour years 45,000 children have been sent to Canada. ---During the past season Messrs. Beatty Bros, of. Forgo manufactured and sold about 2400 of their celebrated horse forks, -Mr. Thos, Strong, of Arran, says that from seven Cows he received value for 224 pounds of butter during the month of July, This is a good test, which proves that each cow averages over one pound of butter each day. -The late train on Monday when going at the rate of a mile a.minute near Cargill struck five head of Cattle belong, ing to Joseph Glancy. Fortunately the train was not thrown off the track, Mr. Clancy figures his loss at six hund- red and flfty dollars, -A calf six and one-half months old, weighing 775 pounds, is not a usual thing, but J. Hiscock, of Arden, Man. is the owner of the grade calf that age and weight that won the first prize of $10O donated by The Oarnefac Stook Food Co. at the Winnipeg Exhibition, -While thirty or forty men were running in the rain from the crowded baseball grounds at Crotona Park, N. Y., a bolt of lightning struck in the very centre of them, Ten.or fifteen of the fleeing throng were knocked fiat, one boy was killed, and seven or eight were scorched. -At Alliston, on the 1st inst., $5,800 was paid out to the farmers of that vicinity for alsike by one firm. One farmer reported having got thirty-five bushels from seven acres, for which he was paid 86 a bushel. All those who bad a]sike report a fair harvest, a few exceptions being in the case of those who wore overtaken by rain. -On Thursday night of last week some cowardly thieves entered the farm be- longing to Geo. Geddes, Con. 2 Bruce where Gottohalk's threshing outfit was left for the night and stripped it of all the fixtures that could be removed and parried them away with them. Besides doing this they turned the tap on the water glass so it would show a sufficient quantity of water required for the boiler and then nearly emptied the boiler by turning the blow -off tap. The nefarious scoundrels no doubt thought that Mr. Gottchalk would lire up first thing in the morning and leave the engine till steam would get up, as is often done and thereby ruin his boiler. Some of the belt and engine fixtures were found on the roadside on Saturday at noon near twenty sideline where it is suppos- ed they were leit by the guilty parties who had them hid in a small swamp. It cost Mr. Gottchalk $90 to replace the missing artioles and had just got his machine in running order when the stuff was found. -Kincardine Review. .4• To Break up a Cold quickly. All you require is a little sugar, a glass of hot wa ter, thirty drops of Ner- viline. Take it hot. In the morning you will wake up without a cold. Ner- viline is good for other things -such as toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism. For pains inside and pains outside Nerviline is simply marvelous. Druggists sell it. West Wawanosh. Auburn, evaporator is expeoted to bo in full blast in a, few days. The remains of Aura Cozens, the be. loved wife of Wtn, MoWhinney, of Aslifield, were interred in Dungannon cemetery on Wednesday, 2nd, inst. Owing to the unfavorable weather on Labor Day, the picnic which was to be held at Port Albert, 'under• the auspices of the teachers and pupils of Dungan- non public sohool, did not take place, John Bowers, for many years a resid- ent of Dungannon, who went to the Soo about a year ago, is visiting the scenes of his former home. Ile was a memberof West Wawanosh council for several years and was also a member of the county council for some time dur- ing his residence here. On the 2nd inst. one of the earliest settlers of this township passed calmly away. Betsy Mason, relict of the late David McAllister, was born in the Pro- vince of Quebec, near the city of Mont- real, where she spent her youthful days. Followiug the westward flow of emi- gration she and her late husband hoped to procure a home for themselves in the wilds of Upper Canada, coming to this township forty-eight years ago. taking up their residence on the lot where she has since resided, The hardships incid- ent to a pioneer hfe were undergone, after the erection of a house of the kind peculiar to that primitive age, in the midst of the forest.. It was a time when she as well as others took their places logging all day and attending to their household duties at night, even long after the head of the household was wrapt in slumber. Her husband died twenty-three years ago. She was in her seventy-seventh year. A consis- tent member of the Presbyterian churoh, she fell asleep in the bright hope, through the merits of her Saviour, of enjoying that eternal rest which He has promised to all that love Him. Men's Suitings. We have now the most beautiful and complete stock ever put on the Wingham Market in the way of Men's Suitings. In all the latest designs and materials at very reason- able prices. You will have no difficulty in selecting a suit to suit. In fit and workmanship we take a back seat for n� one. Satisfaction guaranteed. Robt0 Maxwell High Art Tailor Rheumatism is a Constituitonal Disease. The pain and localized conditions are mere results of constitutional conditions. Poisoned blood sends its evil influence to various parts of the body, and to cure permanently you must treat it con- stitutionally. Nothing so completely dispels these poisons from the system as Ferrozone. It makes new blood. It imparts vitality and vigor, enabling the system to throw off the potions that engender rheumatism. Ferrozone. also fortifies the system against the weaken- ing effects of rheumatism, and cures not simply relieves as most medioines do. Sold by all druggists. Howick. John Patterson jr., 2nd line east, has the excavating done ready for the stone- work of a new house that he intends having well on its way of erection this fall and winter. Mr. Andrew Brown, of the 911i con., has bought a half -acre lot, just south of Mr. S. Johnston's, from Mr. Thos. Gib- son for $150 and will erect a fine brick residence on it next spring. Mr. B. S. Cook of Fordwich who has been using crutches for about two weeks, has laid them aside and is now able to move aronnd without them al- though still quite lame. There are thousands of bushels of oats and peas out in the fields and at time of writing the prospects for getting them in in good shape are bad indeed. Reeve Strong and Councillor Spotton let the contract of straightening out the Clifford-Lalcolet road at Mr. Hunt's, and contractor Rogers got it at $60 for grading, eto., and 22o per yard for gravel, the job to be completed by the 1st of October. The special revival services which have recently been held at Mayne under the leadership of Miss Bertha Mossip, assisted by the pastor, Rev. D. Rogers, came to a 'close last Friday evening. Miss Monis) is a very exemplary young lady, thoroughly posted in the word of God, a fluent speaker, a sweet singer, an earnest pleader, and all ]ler heart is filled with the spirit of the Master whom she serves. The Bell Telephone Co. have a gang of nine men extending- the lice from Fordwich to Harriston, The line will be built two miles and a half up the 6th con., then across to the Oth and along the Oth to Harriston. Wingham Brussels. There were 146 passengers ticketed to Toronto from Brussels during the Exhi- bition. The bricklayers are making good pro- gress at the new residence of Mr. I. Richards. Thos. Ennis has sold his house and lot to John Budd of Morris township, who is moving into Brussels to live. W. H. McCracken, the Fall Fair vet- eran, is preparing his exhibit for the coming campaign. Ile will have a fine display and will not be easily beaten. Brussels Oddfellows intend going to Wingham on Thanksgiving Day to at- tend an At Home arranged by the I. O. F. at which degrees will be demonstrat- ed and Grand Lodge officers present. Some of the night performances on Turnberry street and Victoria Park on recent dates have reached such a pitch that prompt measures are demanded from the authorities to stop it at once. A welcome visitor to his home and friends in Brussels is Fred. Hunter, son of Mrs. Alex, Hunter. He is now engag- ed in the ministry of the Methodist church in Idaho and has spent 2 years on his probation. Dickson Bros. of McKillop township delivered at Brussels station on Tuesday to E. Watson, cattle buyer of Blyth, 57 head of fine export steers. They aver- aged in weight 1449 lbs each and were sold at $4.65 per hundred. Andrew Hislop of Grey township delivered to the same buyer some 12 head of very superior cattle. This week Alex. McLennan and Chas. Broadfoot, both of Seaforth, took pos- session of the American Hotel, in Brus- sels, having arranged a 3 year lease with the proprietor, H. James. The latter did this solely in the interests of Mrs. James' health and their object now will be to seek rest and change of air and scene for her complete convale- scence which we hope will not be long. Mr. and Mrs, James purpose making their home in Brussels, While holidaying at Kincardine dur- ing the recent vacation Russell Heist,, the nine year old son of Wm. Heist of that town, but who makes his home with his grandparents in Brussels, be- came a young hero quite unexpectedly. Two boys named Oumhp, 8 and 10 years respectively, were bathing and got into deep water and were in imminient dan- ger of drowning. Russell ran to their rescue and with water well near the top of his head brought the two lads safely to shore. Consumption is Infetious. Every precaution should be taken to prevent its spread of the White Plague. Persons coming in contact with con- sumptives should inhale Catarrhozone soVeral times each day as it is a power• ful destroyer of disease germs, and ren - dors thorn inecnioas. CatarrhozOne is a most eficient preventive and may be thornu h] relied upon t o promote ex- pectorti, soothe the cough, and bene- fit in may ways too numerous to men- tion. Both from a medical and scienti- fie point of view Catarrhozone is the most valuable addition to the most arm- ament against consumption. Ite merit cannot bo too warmly applauded. Sohl at all druggists, two mouths' treatment rice 1, small size 20.px ty' mall fromN. 0. poison & Co. . FALL FAIRS. WmN: n u -Sept. 24-25. Blyth -Oct, 6-7. Milverton -Sept. 24-25. Stratford-Oot. 7. Teeswater-Oct. 8. Palmerston -Sept. 23, Collingwood-Sept. 22-25. Peterboro-Sept. 22.24. Stratbroy-Sept. 23-25. Walkerton -Sept. 23-24. Harriston-Sept. 25., Wiarton-Sept. 29. Listowel -Sept. 30. Lucknow-Oct. 2. Gorrie-Oct. 3. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladles* Favorite, Ts the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend. "In the hour and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of Strength. No g1 -Por ordinary No. / • Is by far the beat dolla>, medicine known. Nb. 2 --For special caacs-1O 4pgtee4 htronger---three dollars per box. Ladles -ask your druggist for Cook's as tail p fleet xtu es antd. Take tare dangerous. No. 1 and NO. 2 aro sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- aninion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of_vrice and four 2 -cent postage litanly.& wag OsiO3a CotnpanYR 1 VViudsor/ bear, No.1 and No. 2 aro sold in Wingham by A; L. itatgtltob It. A. non, lass. O. A. cantpbeli and w. maxtbbon,-druggists. r SHOES People are finding out that the Button Block is the place to buy Shoes. All new stock to choose from. J.' Button & Co. To The Public. Slim Prices. Stout Values. The LStore ZViet"u:1Q (Carpet Department on 2nd Floor) New Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums, Table Covers, Art Squares, Rugs and Mattings Our Carpet Department is complete with a large stock of all kinds of floor coverings ; it will be to your interest to see our big range of new patterns, at prices 'which you can't afford to overlook. Our ever increasing Business is ample proof of the sterling values in all our goods. Special Prices in Carpets. 1 piece Union Carpet yard wide, regular price 35c, Sale 25c 2 pieces Tapestry Carpet, regular price 45c, Sale 35e 2 pieces Tapestry Carpet, choice pattern, res. price 50c, Sale 40c 3 pieces Union Carpet yard wide. regular price 50c, Sale 42c 1 piece All Wool Carpet yard wide, regular price 75c, Sale 600 3 pieces All Wool Carpet yard wide, regular price 85c, Sale 75c Special Values in Curtains. A line of Tapestry Curtains 3 yd. long, reg. value $3.00, Sale... $2.50 5 pairs Tapestry Curtains 3 yd. long, reg. value $3.50, Sale $2.95 10 pairs new pattern Lace Curtains 3i yds. long, reg. $1.25, Sale$1.00 6 pairs wide Lace Curtains 342 yds. long, reg. value $1.50, Sale. ,$1.25 8 pairs extra fine Lace Curtains 3k yds. long, reg, $2.50, Sale $2.00 6 pairs Lace Curtains choice design, 3} ycls. long, reg. $3, Sale$2.50 Newest patterns of Oilcloths and Linoleums in stock . from 18 inches .to 12 feet wide. Frilled Muslin Curtain materials, different widths in stock, sold by the yard. A. large stock of Blankets, Quilts, Flannel Sheeting, etc., will be found on 2nd floor. You can save money buying here where Prices are always the Lowest. H. E. Isa.rd. Sc, Co. L Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Having purchased the inter- est -.and good -will of Mr. Ames, I am now the Wing - ham agent for the world- renowned Massey -Harris Co. and wish to advise the public that I will keep in stock a full line of this Company's make of unequalled Implements, etc. Also agent for Kent's 2oth century Manure Distri- butor, and the Waterloo En- gines and Separators. A few of the Wm. Gray & Son's celebrated Buggies were bought at rock -bottom prices and must be sold to make room for fall stock. Alf. Glover • Agent - Wingham C. HAMILTON AUCTIONEER Br.YTii - ONT. 30 rears experience. 1 have conducted over 30)G successful Auction Sales in the County of Huron, and as a rule get batter prices and sell to better men. Orders left at AnvANc1 Ofltco, Wingham, will receive prompt attn. tion, Terns reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone or telegraph at any expense. IT PAYS BEST IN THB END. THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM - ONT. With its 27 years of successful work to its credit, stands without aicer in Canada in the line of Brsno sa or Shortland training. 300 students }mused in, good }uosilioll$ in the D olot'en nnonlhs shows what w0 do fes our atudonts when graduated. College Reopened for i'all Term. Sept. 1st. Our Catalogue is the handsomest issued by sens ncss school in the Dominion. Co pa t by addressing, t y D. McLachlan & Co., Chatham, Ont. TIIE ADVANCE OFFICE for tasty and down-toadate Job Printing. Prices right. We have now a full stock of up-to-date Gents' Furnishings, and we can assure you that anything bought from us is right up-to- the-minute, and at right prices. New Up-to-date Shirts Ties Collars Hats 46 66 46 66 cc 64 New Hosiery, Braces, and everything in con- nection with the Gents' Furnishing depart- ment. In Tweeds you will always find our stock new and up-to-date, and we can assure you a perfect fit at right prices. ICIMIONIMIMMIIIMIMINIIIIIIMOSOMMIIINIIMMEMSKIIMEMMarialegarregigetaliggeteme Horriuth Bros. " SIGN OF THE BILI BEAR." waarnraloarm MO 41111111111111111111 111111.411 ENDINNIIMO 41111 Q SOME STARTLING Furniture Prices ill• LOT I LOT LOT 1. 120 Kitchen Chairs, new, regular 40c --Special 250 3 2. 75 good Diners, perforated heats, reg. 75c -Special500 3. 160 Rockers, golden oak and mahogany finish, regular price $2.00 and $2,50 ---Special price 1 90 LOT 4. 3 only Bedroom Suites, reg. $14.00 -•-Special 10.00 (This Suite is a winner, 10x20 mirrors, 10 inch bed) LOT 5. Now for Conches. We can dazzle your eyes on them, and at prices that were never heard of before in Wingham, considering the quality. Our leader is a spring seat and spring head, 24 in. wide, 6 ft. long. done in your own choice of .covering, with {mod fringe (we use nothing else)-Prices....$5.00, $6.75, $8.00 (Other dealers would ask you 810 for one not as good) We will give you something Special on Iron Beds about the 10th of next month .... ..., WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Nome Furnishers and Undertakers 1 01111111111111110 11 ISM MDS 4111.1111111111110 III 40 i