The Wingham Advance, 1903-09-17, Page 4— THE WIN'GT-IAM ADVANCE, September 17, 1903 Ritchie t (amobell ,.,....x.......01 Grand Fall and .. ppsplaY Winter Goods No better assortment of Goods can be had out- side the cities, and the prices are right. Including Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, from the best makers in France and Germany. Mantles of the latest New York and Paris styles. Fur Ruffs and Fur Coats, including Persian Lamb, Astrachan and Coon, from the best furriers in Cana- da, will be on display Thursday, September 24th, and following days. Special Prices for Saturday and Following Week 12 pieces Flannelette 30 and 32 inch wide, reg. 8c for ...... 50 10 pieces Wrapperette, assorted patterns and colors, worth 10 and 121e for 8c 5 pieces Dress Goods, assorted colors, 54 inch wide, regu- lar 75c for 500 5 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Hose regular 30 and 40c for 25c 5 pieces Table Linen regular 50 and 75c for 400 100 pairs Men's and Women's Shoes, special for 50o 50 pairs Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.25 quality for 50c 12 Ladies' Mantles worth $8.00 and $9.00, Fall Fair price $5.00 Butter 15 and 16 cts. Eggs 15 Pts. Taken as Cash. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McIND00. tJ bztorial Red THE RECENT APPOINTMENTS... Never perhaps has the Ontario Government received such severe criticism from Liberal newspapers in this county as fell to its lot last week. The recent appointments to the offices of Registrar and Crown Attorney have proved very unsatis- factory to South and East Huron electors, After holding the Regis- trarship open for years, fearing to make the appointments, the Gov- ernment at last ventured on the thin ice and has, apparently, bro- ken through, got its feet wet and is likely to have cold chills. Below we give extracts from Liberal papers, to show the dis- satisfaction the appointments have caused. THE ROYAL GROCERY A SNAP IN Dinner Sets If you are thinking of purchasing a Dinner Set, we would ask you to call and inspect our stock before buying. One hundred and three pieces in each Set, and all of them have four dozen plates, instead of three dozen. Ten. dollars to Thirteen and a half per Set. Peaches This will be the big week for Peaches. Leave your or- ders where you are sure to get good sound fruit. Try our yellow canning Peach—it is a dandy. at Griffin's --A deputation from the Farm- ars' Association waited on Premier Ross last week and presented their requests on the following :-1—A sweeping reduction in freight rates. 2—A passenger rate of 2 cents per Milo. 3--Equalizatieu of taxation as embodied in the Pettypiece bill. 4 -Inspection of loan companies' books. 5 -The public ownership of public utilities, 6—The adop- tion of the initiative and referen- dum. Premier Ross listened and did a little thinking. (SLY= STANDARD.) "In giving the Registrarship to Mr. Coates, after being vacant for four years, the Ontario Government made one of the rankest and rotten- est appointments that was ever thrust upon the intelligent electors of Huron county." Here is another shot from the same source :— "Mr. Coates' appointment is an unpopular one, and gives stronger evidence than ever, that the Ontario Government is not conducting the affairs of this province in the honor- able, straight -forward manner it should." Just what Conservatives have contended for years, brother. The Brussels Post declares that the Government has "blundered," and says :— "The assertion was repeatedly made by members of the Cabinet that no riding could get both offices, and yet in the face of this, the very thing they said could not be done was done, East Huron got it all right ; in the modern Americanism, they got it in the neck." Here are a few hard cracks for the Government from that staunch Liberal paper, the Seaforth Ex- positor :— "A nice mess they have made of it." "Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad—would seem to be specially applicable to the Ontario Government at the present time. not only in this, but other matters." "The appointments are a direct in- sult, a slap in the face, to every Re- former in East and South Huron, and we misjudge the mettle and in-- dependence n-dependence of the men if they do not resent it when the time comes." Regarding Hon.. J. M. Gibson, the Expositor says :— "He seems to be the species of pa triot who is not only willing to sacra. flee all his own relations, but all his wife's relatives as well, on the altar of his country by appointing them to public positions which happen, for the time being, to be under his con- trol. If we are correctly informed, it was this detestable nepotism that drove Mr. Gibson from his home constituency of Hamilton and sent him a wanderer to East Wellington, where he now holds a seat, only on sufferance."-_, The Expositor declares that it speaks in sorrow, and not in anger, and adds :• — "The Expositor, under its present management, has been a consistent and conscientious supporter of the Ontario Government for over thirty years. It has been so because, in the main, we believed them to be right, but above all because we believed them to be honest. It is because this faith has been shaken and that WE xxow things have been done in connection with these appointments that we know not to be right and not to be honest, that we speak as we do." = .....,-, Wo ilave The Stock M E..... ..... _.... ._..... ......- ..... ..... _.... Come and see our large stock of Wrapperettes, in all colors, beautiful goods, at 10c per yd. Flannelettes, wide and heavy, reg. 121-c, for 10cts. ; White Shaker, very special at 6c per yard. Cheap Plaid goods for Com- fosters. w Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth, 1.w .... Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos- "" fiery all go at cost. = Beautiful Black Underskirts at a reduction. Handsome cushion tops. . . . . .- . .vs! 1 MILLS T. A. ez.w We sell Butterick Patterns. fitununiotnininalitutaninintaannanaillioiniannag • —.A. census that cost $1,300,000, and yet provides very little reliable information, but a pretext for de- priving the banner province of the Dominion of six members of Par- liament, eau scarcely be called statesmanship. Yet it is a sample of the Dominion Government's. efforts along that line. The unne- cessary G. T. Pacific that, accord- ing to Hon. Mr. Blair, will cost 139 million dollars, and open wide the door for grafters of the Cap. Sulli- van type, is another specimen. 4. —At a meeting of the American Veterinary Association, held at Ot- tawa last week, Dr. Salmon, head of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Husbandry, said Dr. Foch was wrong in asserting that tuberculosis could not be transmitted from ani- mals to human beings. The dan- ger of contagion through drinking milk taken from tuberculous cows could, Dr. Salmon said, no longer be doubted. He declared that 25 per cent. of the cases of tuberculo- sis in children, or a greater or smaller proportion, are due to in- fection from animal resources. Hence the necessity that adequate means should be taken against in- fection through the products of dis- eased animals. —It is said all the Government departments in Ottawa are short of cash. It cannot be—for was there not a surplus of thirteen millions a few weeks ago ? —The anxiety of the Grits to elevate Mr. Foy to the bench is only equalled by their fear that the people will very soon elevate him to a Cabinet position beside Mr. Whitney. .+' —That "Britannia rules the waves" is shown from a commer- cial point of view by the statistics of the , world's shipping. The world's shipping consists of 29,943 steamers and sailing vessels, repre- senting a tonnage of 33,642,131 tons. Of this vast tonnage, nearly half is owned by Britain and her colonies. The rest of the nations combined have more than twice as much sailing tonnage as the British but their steam tonnage falls a million short of the latter. Calcu- lated on the recognized basis that steamers are three times more effec- tive in carrying power thansailing vessels, it will be seen that the British mercantile marine more than maintains its supremacy. Britannia rules the waves. —That old plank in the Liberal platform—"Reform of the Senate" —has probably begun. The Bar of the Senate has been closed to out- siders, and is reserved strictly for the use of the Senators. :+: —The contract for the erection of Canada's Pavilion at the St. Louis World's Fair has been awarded. The building will be one hundred feet square, surrounded by porticos, and will be two stories high. The cost will be $28,000. :+ —It is reported from England that there were 15,000 operations in Great Britain last year for ap- pendicitis, with ninety per cent. of recoveries. Sir Frederick Treves, the noted British surgeon, who has just retired from practice at 50 years of age, is credited with hav- ing performed one thousand opera- tions for appendicitis without losing a single case. —September 15th was the 473rd day of North Renfrew vacancy. The Toronto News, edited by J. S. Willison, formerly editor of the Globe, says :—The Administration for merely partizan purposes is de- fying the spirit of the Constitution, aad is deliberately keeping a con- stituency unrepresented. For near- ly seventy weeks North Renfrew has had no member. No one de- nies that this is wrong. The out- rage simply points to the fact that British institutions tacitly assume that they will be worked by straight -forward publicists, not by machine politicians. But as Onta- rio is now governed it is evident that it is becoming more and more necessary to have recourse to the American system of formal legisla- tive checks and guards. The next step must be to make it statutory to hold bye -elections within a cer- tain period after the occurrence of the vacancy. THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Macdonald Block, Wingham, JNO. & JAS. H. KERB Every man is anxious to increase his "Bank Account." You can do it by making your.,purchases at "The People's Popular Store,"' and save the difference between our "Small , Profits" and some dealers' "Big Profits." „ Telephoinne a Nohurry2ti, When EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY AT THIS STORE. Dress Goods. We have the most up-to- date and fashionable materials for autumn and. winter wear. Our variety of such includes all the latest weaves and de- signs such as Zebeline Cloths, Cheviots, Snow Flake mix- tures, Fancy Fleck Tweeds, Camels Hair mixtures, Broad- cloths, Venetians, Homespuns, Freizes and Tweeds of the rougher mannish effects which are so popular this season. They are absolutely correct for tailor-made Suits or sep- arate Skirts. These goods are mostly 54 inches wide and .the prices are from 60c to $1.50 a yard. WOOL BLANKETS. We are giving splendid value in All Pure Wool Blank- ets. Our guarantee goes with every pair. BLACK UNDERSKIRTS. q 1'y h O p See the values we offer in these goods. Such style and ua It sould bring better prices than we ask. for them. ur rices are—$100 $1 , .25, $1,50, $2.00, X2.50. Prices That Tell. This Month is Clearing Up Sale of Boots and Shoes. We have too many of certain goods and now is the time for their selling. We'll make prices that will help your bank ac- count. We lose our profit but it goes into your pocket. Read the adver- tisement through. Women's Dongola Tip, regu- lar $1.85 for $1.00 Women's Dongola Oxford Tip, regular $1.50 for $1.20 Women's Dongola Oxford. Tip, regular $1.75 for $1.40 'Women's Blucher Oxford Tip, regular $1.60 for $1.25 Women's Strap Slipper reg- ular $1,50 for $L20 Women's Strap Slipper reg- ular $1,25 for $1.00 Women's Dongola Trilby regular $1.35 for $1.00 Women's Dongola Trilby regular $1,75 for $1.40 Ladies' Dong. Kid button Boots at big reduction in prices. New Shirting. Prices have advanced on all cotton goods, but we . are still selling at old prices. Heavy Shirting, good washing colors, per yd 121c Heavy Oxford Shirting, good colors, per yd 121e Why pay 15c to 17c a yard for Shifting, when you can get it at this store for 121c FEATHER DUSTERS. We bo't. these goods from a manufacturer in Chicago at jobbers prices, and we save you the middleman's profits. 144 Feather Dusters at only 25c each. Secure a supply now. They'll go quick at that price MEN'S RANTS. All wool Factory Tweed -and Full Cloth, Tailor made, Ready - to - wear Pants for fall and winter, at the old prices $1.75 to $2,00 These have given splendid satisfaction. This is why we handle the same line every year. The Paisley Advocate says :--It appeals at present that the Liberals will have as their candidate at the ensuing Dominion election either Mr, Peter McKenzie of Kinloss or Mr. A. W. Robb of Walkerton. Others who have been mentioned for .the nomination are Dr, fitewart and Mr. Bohn Coumans. The Con- servatives will place either Mr. IL Cargill, M. P., or ex -warden J. J. Donnelly' in the field, and with either one they► ,consider there is a good fighting chance, • —No one will question the loyal- ty of Col. Denison of Toronto. When speaking recently at the Congress of the Chambers of Com- merce in Montreal, regarding the relations of Canada and the United States, he said :—"I hope we will have no war, but there is a possi- bility, there is a probability all the time, that such a thing may hap- pen. Only a few years ago there came a message on the Venezuela business from the president of the United States (a matter with which. the United States had nothing un- der the sun to do) couched in such terms that between any other two nations war would certainly have resulted, and on the sending of this message 42 out of 45 Governors of States telegraphed at once to, the President and offered the services of their militia and •forces to attack Canada. (Applause.) Well, we were not afraid of them. (Ap- plause.) Well, gentlemen, you ra- ther laugh at that. (Cries of No, no.) I tell you when they were one hundred to one they, could not thrash us, and they cannot thrash us to -day when they are fifteen to one." (Cheers.) Norwu.—The question is how can Robt. McIndoo loan bis money so cheap on notes and mortgages. Call and see. ROBT. McINDOO. Bilious? Dizzy? Headache?r Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. Soldf i.a,e eeae., Or � years, LowetT.2ras�. Want your moustache or beard A beautiful brown br rfch black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE BE CAREFUL. CENTRAL/0 STA ATFORD. ONT. ALL BUStNEBB COLLEGES are not alike. .A. school with a reputation like ours is a safe one to patronize. If you want to get a first-class position, then get a first-class business education. Oftentimes students come hundreds of miles solely to attend this College. Catalog free. Enter now. H. Jq Elliott, Principal, Make up your–mind to attend LISTOW Fall Ferm Begins Sept. 1, 1.903. —Two Courses— Commercial and Shorthand, Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. MCINTYRB President Seo'y. ALEX. KELLY Auctioneer for Huron County LIFE FIR INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPFICB.—In the Kent B1ook. Residence—Catherine St. C. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. Office—in Vanstone Block. Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9, J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY 'TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Huron county, and am prepared to conduct sales at reasonable rates. Sales arranged et the Advance Office. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. 0, THOS. HOLMES RANKER, ETC. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses required. Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro- portion, Easiest terms. RICHARD FHOLMES BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, RTO., RTO. office;—next to Holmes Block now building DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Nightcalls answered at office. MISS DELIA SPARLING A T. C. M. Teacher of Plano, Theory and Pletcher Musio Method, SimploX and Kindergarten, Puplle prepared for Censeri+atory exam. inationd. 1 VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestrate9. Office BBAVBit BLOCK, 745. W1NGITAM. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street — . Wingham T P. KENNEDY, M.o., M.c.P.s.o J e (MemberAof theiBritiish Medical COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, O rice BODES :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor Graduate of Dent- al Dop't. of Tor ma - to University. Latest improved methods in a branches of Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satfsfaotion guaranteed. saoffice in Beaver Blook. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro party on the cash or premium note system. Loma GOLDIN, CHAS. DAVIDSON, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT, WINGHAM ONT INGllA sew MILL McLBAN & 50N ♦11 kinds of rough and dressed.... LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son 50 YEARS' , EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRACK MARKS DLsioNs COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Pending a sketch and description mel quickly ascertain our opinion free whether as Invention is probably patentable. Communion. Ilona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sant free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notlu, without charge, In tbo Scientific Minerican. A handsomely Illustrated woekll. Largest elr. culatlon of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 s ear: four months, SL sold byall newadelders. (IUNN & Coy; s WasbiNew York ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the l en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post office—WINGHAM MISS SARA L. MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory ' MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. RRoomi—le Stone Block, Wingham, DICKINSON & IIOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block 'W inghain, biok1e. * Mello Balms PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books "invent - tied help" and " How you are dwindled.° Send us a, rough sketch or model of your in vention er improvement and we will tell you fres our opinion as to whether it is probably, patentable. Rejected applications have often been successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents as broad as the invention. Ilighest references furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion wave special notice without charge in over too newspapers distributed throughout the Doatinion. Specialty :.Patent business of Afanufac• Curers and Bagincers. MARION dt MARION Patent Experts Arid SolloltorS. otric e: Naw York Life Whits, Montreal Atfantke mdr Waaltln twl D.C•.