HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-10, Page 7*a"!'anla nee.
United States Cruisers Expected
to Reach Beirut.
Now Yierk, Sept. 8.—The aleabled
faciainer Barberoesa, of tlie North
Germaa Lloyd line, whieb. wa,s re-
ported by tbo taxon Prinz 'Wilhelm
belt Tweetlay and the Pretoria yess
tealaY with tail eitaft broken, arriv-
ed bore to -day muter, her port engine.
Captain atentz nays that crn lariday
last, Aug. 28, at 7 oeloek in the
weenies, tbo Stea,rbeartt might° be-
came ailaaaled, and inyestigalleu
eliesWata that the tail shaft of the pro-
peelea WIa� brokea. The *lap waa stop
(red, the, outboard ace tioa of the shaft'
WAS SC etirecl,a,nd tile Steamer proceed-
ed OD
ie r voyage. There was no ex-
citement among the passengers, at;
Very, low knew of the matter until
arterwarde. Tbo break oceurreel
when tho steamer wale in lat. 46,19,
longitude 40,57.
Coastantinople, Sept. 4.-11. S. Con-
sul Raw:Ina telegraphs' from Beirut to
Minister Lelshman that the author-
itlea there nave been ,eeking the as-
sailant of libel -Consul Magelesen, but
tbe Coneul is not able to state if he
is among the peons aireaay ar-
aritia meted,
The U. a. °rebore Brooklyn a.nd
San Francisco aro expected to reach
Beirut to -day. The report, claw -
late(' by a new agency Sept. 10t,
In tho United State, that a aal-
loon bomb had been found near the
palace, le without found:Aloe.
Turkish official reports indicate the
complete euccess of the military op-
erationagainst the insurgents in
Kliesura distriet. Owe 400 insur-
gent:3 have been killed.
The agent hare of the Hungarian
Levant Steamehip Lino has: gone to
Burgae to inveetiaate the three ex-
ploeions, which occurred Wednesday
on the Austrian steamer Vasicape
soon alter that vessel bed left the
port, on her way to Constantinople.
The cause of the explosionl is still In
tioslit. It 11: row seta that the as-
bi:,141,111. cot:elector of the sleeping Oar
'Wee the anther or the Inn3313.outrage
Attglint 27th, when the eastbound
ditiiy expreue frtein Duda Resit to
Conetentinople, was blown pp near
Burgam, about 25 miles 600t1
or adriaeople, killing neven persone
and injurlug fifteen others. Ile
lett the train fit Pialipoepolie and
ha e; been arreetea there,
Mho Sultan e.nnouncee the girt of
r0 000 woollen coats: to the troops
concentrated in Roue:1°11a, and in an
official note beued by the prefecture
of the/ city„ the populatioe is in-
vited to eoatribute flannel vette.
bootee socks, ate., which: are re-
quired by the eoldiers inthe field.
• Tot, Many Foreignees..
Berlin, Sept. B.—Influential new -a -
papers and wagazinee aro urging
the Government to limit: the num-
ber of foreigners instructed in the
German Technical Iligh Schools, or
Wore properly, techeical universi-
ties, which aro overcrowded. Out
of a. total of 14,626 students, 2,242
aro foreigners. Nearly half of these
Bookies giving trade eompetItors
the benefit of German knowledge,
the proneetere of the exclusion argue
that the overcrowding prevents the
Germans from getting the best re-
state from the instruction.
Vont Expel Dim.
Peale. Sept. 8.— le. report pith-
lisixed by the Petrie, that alai Gov-
ernment Wight expel Cardinal 'Gib-
bons, from Franoe, owing to his al-
leged statement to the Breton and
other French clergy, is officially
pronounced to befalse and absura,
The Government officeralso ex
mew indignation at such a care -
lose uso of the Cardinal's name.
Cardinal Gibbons wrote to the As-
sociated Press, August 28, saying
that Its alleged meetinge with the
Breton and other clergy of Prance
were fabrications without an ota
of truth In tI10211.
Boy's First Visit to Theatre
Proved Fatal
—The Buzz -Saw Scene.
- New nark, Sept. 8.—Seritenced to
death by his playmates in sport,
John W. Langer, jun., six years old,
was almost the victim ,yesterday in
Union II111, IN. X., Of a boyish Jest.
Cut doe* from a make-believe
gallacas ea he Was strangling to
death by' big mother, who' was pass-
ing and heard his playmates' cries
for help, the lad was taken liotne
black in the face. It is said that
he had a harrow, escape from be-
ing. literally hanged 'until dead.
With other boas lie was playing
"ceps and robbers." In casting
about for a lad to personate a
Oaring burglar, his comrades pick-
ed out little John. It was planned
that he should break into! an Ina
agleary church and be caught
redheaded while robbing a mythi-
cal poor box.
This was very -.pleasantly enact-
ed, and so was the trial which
eras the inanediate sequence. The
eleven other lads whet took part in
the gaxne constituted themselves
judge, Jury, witnesses and prose-
cutors, and little John was prompt-
ly convicted, having no counsel, and
sentenced to be hanged Wititout
benefit of clergy.
alh.e boys get a clothes line and
used a lamppost for gallows. The
ittle tea !Was told to stand upon
box, the rope was fastened
bove, and then a noose was pet
a.boat his melt. Kicking the box
away, the embryo sheriff and the
other executioners stood by, and
sawthe unfortunate lad kick,
writhe, struggle and choke until
the sight of his purple face and
protruding toegue frightened them
SO that their juvenile wits depart-
ed. They :had rigged the rope with
ease, but to untie it witlt the boy's
Seelght Welding it teat was not
so easy. After bungling in the at-
tempt at Ids release they scream-
ed for help.
Mother love or maternal instinct
drow Mrs. Langer in that direction in
the nick of them. Sim was horrified
at the sight oa her child nearly stran-
gle(' to death. His tiny hands*, which
had made futile cintches at the cruel
rope, were now hanging belpless by
hie side and his head was drooping.
Just how she got him, down and
clasped to her breast, Mrs. Langer
would find it hard to tell, but he
was unconscious when resaued, and,
after ,being taken to his parents'
home, 126 New York avenue, and
Dr. Justin had arrived, was pro-
nouncea in a critical condition. The
pollee are investigating, the effete,
Dird of Over -excitement.
- Derby, Conn., , Sept. 8. Antonio
Desire, nine years MA, dropped dead
Last night after attending the thea-
tre for the flrst timo in his life. The
piny was a reefoarame, and the boy
was wroualit up as it approached a
When the beroine was about to be
torn by a buzz saw he screamed and
frionas • had to lead hltu from the
theatre. They started to walk home
evIth him, tut he had gene only a
shoat distance, when, throsvning up
his arms, he fell, (lying of heart
The induction of Rev. Dr. Robert-
son as professor at Knox College has
been set for Oct. 7th.
The London Board ef Eaucetion
Last night appointed George S. Weir
truant afficer for the city.
file Danish West Indian Commis-
ision repeats that the people desire
to remain under Danish rule.
Ra-sain, lias asked Denmark to mai
her Consul at LOviait, Finland, be -
Mesa Of his antaltussianisra.
The Allan Lino Company complain
that Montreal policemen charge them
,ex for each deserter arrested.
.31aTlie British schooner, Maud Moul-
ton, Captain Poole, which left
Cadiz, April 11, fer Burge°, Nfld., has
been posted at Lloyds; as missing.
Ton eurveyore Toa the Grand Trunk
Paellic aro in Yorktou, N. W. T.,
awl will /tart on the trail liner 10
n'LhweL o1 Yorkton, at onee.
A deputatiOn freen Toronto and
other western points waited on the
Governneent ett Ottawa yesterday to
solicit aid tor tho JenieS Bay Rail -
The journalists or Bristol, Eng.,
have doekled to appeal against jus -
tee joycela jungle:tent, holding that
there la no eopyright 111 reporters'
Mr. Dewar, an elderly citizen of
Glen Newnan, was killed yesterday
wlille walking On 'the rallete,y
IL 0. Jolltre, classlcal easter in`
°Wen Sound Collegiate Institute,
has been appointed lecturer in Wes-
leyan College, Winnipeg.
Montreal la to losie min of Pal erack
'regiments. The Righland Cadets' Bate
411on, which luee been In eXistetice
r fifteen yeare, is to be disbanded.
Me. Prank Walsh, who has reeign-
ed the Office of 'Distrait Superin-
terident Of the Bell Telaphoine Co.
at Winnipeg, gets a life peesien of
Engineer ArinetrOng, Of the Can-
MIMI. Northern, Irite tteeepted the
positloe of *Chief Engineer el tlai
Grand Trenk MOM' between Win-
nlpeg and the coast,
M. POrderlijellit, the Prefect of Pee
lice of Viborg; M. Akersone the fore
mer Prefect of Police 'of the eame
place, - and Lieut. -Colonel Aix -Orloff
have been, expelled from Finland..
The London Western Fair officials
aro endeavoring to seeure some of
the jubilee presents for exhibition in
Directors of the Dominion Coal
Company arid the Dominion Iron ae
Steel Company have agreed upon an-
other basis whereby the existing
lettee„may bo cancelled.
Tile Duke of Devonshire personally
denies the report that he will an -
mance to the Cabluet his disagree-
ment with Mr. Chamberlain's fiscal
proposals, anti then retire.
The Toronto Police Commissioners
promoted Detective Forrest, made
Sergt. Rates inspector and 'voted re-
wards to theses. Ridout and Cooper,
who assisted in the capture of Quack-
At a Coneervative convention held
at Guyeboro yeeterday, to nominate
canditlato for the Dominion
Ilotese or Commons, S. IL Giffin, a
leading mereem,nt Of Goldsberough,
sv,ae chosen.
The engineering firms of lielfast,
Ireland, have notified 3,000 of their
employes that their wages will be
reduced fiee per cent. in October, ow-
ing to the American and Continental
Mrs, Theodore Rause, wife of a
bookbinder at Denver, Cole was
shot and killed at her home yes-
terday by Mrs. Kate .aleiner. The
cause of the shooting is supposed
to be jealousy.
The Gortran Minister ot the In-
terior has reheated the old decree
torbidding publle exhibitions Of hyp-
notism on the ground that Buell pre -
menage aro lajurions to the sub-
jects bypriOtizea,
The Governor of Colorado (nye lie
has positive information that the
miners' Strike at Cripple Creek is be-
ing handled by toarchleta, and lie
has Ordered a Deaver regiment of the
Natlenal Maeda to the seene.
It is understood that the Cora
eervative Caucus at Ottawa .yee-
terekty It WAS Stater! that Mr. R.
L. Borden *mild not be able to at-
tend the balancn. of the seeslon. Ile
Is afflicted WAIL inflammatory
Intl -Vann to unmet and disqualify
Messrs, Mickle and Greenteay were
flied by the Coneereativsle af Mane
The C.I R. late started laying
• eteei on the AreOlaaileglita branch
trains WM be relief/1g .47, Neare
At a meeting bat night the cOngre-
gotten or .8t, anarawie Oliurea, Or-
angeirille, by At ellaninlOUe vote, de-
eided to extend a oral to Bey. A, IA,
/iamb MAR ITCOntly ASPleteAt pas.
tor 01 Purval Preabyterian Chuteht
Winnipeg. Tile etlpend, altaphed
$1.000 par annum.,71th. bolus{ weeks1
&iAlur the pelage Who have been
expelled from Franee are taking up
their rasaaerice in Ottawa. allege are
principally the Capuchins/ and the
Oblate. The Dominicans+, howeVein in-
eend taking up their residence at
Lowloton, Maine.
Falivera Rearbon, 40 Years of age,
yesterday eoerunitted suleide at Ala
gads:, Eaan., b hanging. lie al-
ways Misstated that he was Charlie
1101.03, the boy kidnapped from, Gore
mantoan, Pa., many yeare ago, but
he Was not taken eeriously.
Mrs. Mary Lang, once wealtby, Is
deal from carbolic acid poisoning at
Breoklyn Hospital, Several years:
ago her Inuthand died, leaving lier
iterate° and a banasome home in Wil-
liamsburg. Soon, she begen to give
"help to all sorts of unfortunate fam-
ilies, and as the appeals for aid mat-
tlpllad her fortune casappeared.
Three St, Thotnas Loan Concerns to
Joist Forces
St. non:Ms, Ont., Deepatch. —Some
week e ago, following the financial
'trees, It becan3o n matter of discus-
sion among the directors of the re-
maining loan com,paeles as to what
might be done for tho best interests
of tire depositors and shareholders,
With tbis in view a joint committee
was appointed to dieetiss the situa-
tion. After mature deliberation, a
report was submitted strongly ad --
vacating amalgamation of the South-
ern, the Southwestern and the Star
Loan Companies. The several boards
met and finally accepted the propo-
eition, subject to its ratification by
the shareholders, as the law directs.
The new company wiLl be known as
the Southern Loan and Savings Com-
A preliminary agreement will be
prepared, and in the Meantime a pro-
visional board of directors has been
Jelin W. Stewart,manager of the
Soutleorif Loan, was appointed pro-
visional manager of the amalgam-
ated company.
The am company will start out
with a eubseribea capital of $1,000,-
000, of which $900,000 will be fully
paid, made up as follows :
Southern Loan $400,000
Southwestern Loan 193,800
Star Loan 253,900
Total $847,700
There is still a small amount of
unpaid capital in the Star Loan,
which will bring up the $900,000, or
nearly so.
Discussing Matters Rehm ive to ,Flowea
Toronto Despatch —The need ,for an
expert appraiser Imo flowers in 'the
customs °Moe at Toronto, a fast
atlantic freight service and better
pay for horticultural labor were
the main features of the address of
President Thomas Mouton, of Eglin-
ton, at the erixth annual conven-
tion af the Cana-dirsn Horticultural
Association, which preened yesterday
morning in SIE. Georges Rail.
There are about 100 delegates pre-
sent from all parts of Canada, In-
cluding Charles Webster, Hamilton.
Tile President referred to the grow-
ing difficultS experienced by garden -
ore in getting fireteetasehelp. Ee
thought fiat -class gardeners were
not safficeentlapaid,and said that he
knew of expert horticulturists work-
ing for wealthy citizens in Toronto
at less than common laborers' pay.
"It tales aears to make a good gar-
dener," he Said, "but when he is a
good one he is not always given as
good a position as be deserves."
Speaking of a fast ;Atlantic freight
aervice, President Manton said:
"The neeessity. for a fast freight
line between Europe and Montreal ie
felt by all patriotic Canadian's who
do an import business, and the soon-
er the Government arrange for one
the better Tor the basiness of the
At tile afternoon Darryl Dillemuth,
of Dunlop's gave a very; Interesting
practical illustratioa In floral art
and value% t f
Lady Mint° and Daughters Start on
Two Months' IrIp.
Ottalva, Sept. 8.—The Countess of
elinto, accompanied by her two eldest
daughters, Ladies Ellen and Ruby
Elliott, and Capt. Bell, A. D. C., let
on the Imperial Limited this after-
noon for Vancouer, en route to Japan
on a two months' visit. At Tokio
they will be the gtiests of Sir Claude
Macdonald ,the British Ambassador.
The 'Governer -General, Sir William
Mulock, -Lady Laurier and a large
number of citizens of Ottawa, were
at tbe station to saY good-bye, and
they gave Roe Excellency a rousing
cheer as the train pulled Out of the
Woman Cut Off Der Ilair rind is
Ahnost Frantic.
Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 8.—Blanche Pa-
rretti, a etalety girl of this place, le
In haaterice over tha leee of her hair,
which wale said to be the most mag-
nificent In the State. While in a. Isom-
nambulletio trance Saturday night
eliee Pacetti sheared away her beau-
tiful tremos. Res hair reached to her
feet, and was of fine color and Silky
Sa.turday night elm retired in per -
feat boalth. She is not teoultutenbults-
tie, awl oho knows; ne reason whet
oho shetatt heel& arisen in the night.
But she elld, and while Aaiun) SIM
walked to a table on winch. her Masa
sons lay, and, *king them up, Out off'
her hair Mose to he scalp, leaving
the coil on the table. The sole:sore
elm took beak to the bed, awl placed
them on the floor by the bedside. She
was horrified. SundaY Meriting when
he TOWId her hair gone.
Leader of 13ritish Liberals Denies the
Itepori to That lefeect.
Lontlen, Sept. 8.—In reply) to n. re-
aolutiOn regarding hie reported in-
tentioa to retire trent tile leader
(dilp 01 tat) Dilierale in the UMW
of Cornwell's', Sir Itenry Campbell -
Bannerman to -day telegraphed that
there Vale no truth wit/Lt.:ever in the
repent. The report weep /Waal/taloa in
tiles alvening NOW1.9 nt FAieleargb, and
bis retirement Was; meditated
on necannt of the eentinned
Or bast WOO. ei 1 r
F ,t1 Accident in One of the
Oominion Collieries,
aliouae, N. Se Deapatelf—ses a result
of an acentent at Dominion No. 2
mine tine afternoon, two men, Itnerle
MeDonalel and Elljeli Bennett, are
dead, and Ames Bradbury is at St
aasopli's Hospital 110Yering between
lile aml death.
The accident is law worst that lias
halaneneel et the mine ellice its :Well-
ies. The matrhael beca welting With
others during the morning in tbe
/shaft, and assisting to timber and
tend it, At the time of tbe aechlent.
they had returned Irma dinner to
work, Tao -three named above were
lowered deWn the nhart n the buck.,
et or cage. Atter tbey had left the
bucket it was sent up for the other
workmen to ("emend in it. When
neat tbe top the book that Con-
nects witb the steel ha.wser caught
ta tlio timber bunting, and the man
attenelIng tile engine, not aware 01
tills, °outlawed boleing. The strain
on the coupling hook twisted and
then enapped, and the cage, weigh-
ing half a tan, fell to the bottom.
IL whirled in Its rapid descent, and
fell on McDonald, Bradbury, and Ben-
McDonald was inetantig l4Iled. Die
head and body were °rushed, the
bean to a tally, and bis legs and
arms were broken. Bennett also Sus-
tained a frattured skull, legs, and
arena, and was terribly, out up, Brad-
bury, wile was struck by the corner
of the cage, was also frightfully} In -
Jared. Bennett ecion died, and Brad-
bury le now at the bospital in a
precarious condition. Re has a bro-
ken leg and arm and fractured skull.
Bennett was married four menthe
ago. The °tilers were 'single.
Oreeeed to be Ready to S4i1 tr
Turkish Water*,
Barba Sept. 8,—It is authoritat-
ively stated that in view, of tire
growing &seeders in, Turkey, a
Freecit fleet will be ordered to hold
itself in rottenness to proceed to
Turkish waters. This determina-
tion followed the receipt of a re-
port froin the French Ambassador
at Constantinople that it w,as de-
sirable to have Warships in read-
iness for all. eventualities. Similar
preparations lave been made in
Italy, Revile, Austria and Great
Britain. The officials here expect
the fleets will act together in case
of a crisis.
Cleat of Western Milliners' Strong
Chicago, Sept. 8.—At the conven-
tion 01 Weetern Milliners, in ses-
sten lusre, Mine. Runt, tbe President,
said :
'The eheaper the woman the cheap-
er her morals, and the bigger her
'Poke' hat. These 'pokes' represent a
moral feeble."
The visiting milliners gasped, and
one was seen to leave the room bur-
rierily with a poke hat hanging
over her tett ear. The president con-
tinued: , •
"Only, it delicate, beautiful face—
a face all daintiness—could be cor-
rectly eseen beneath tbe hat I am
denouncing. ,
Mrs. Drexel Reports $10,000 Worth
of Jewellery Misstrg.
New York, aepit. 8.—Two jewels,
the value of wheel] is estimated at
$10,000 have been lost by Mts. John
$R. Drexel, a prominent society
$leader, according to despatclies
raorn Newport. One disappeared on
July 4th ana the other on Aug. 14th,
but .as Peres. Drexel hoped to find them
by quiet searels the matter was kept
fewest. Both jewels were necklace
pendants, one a pear-dhaped dia-
meted surrounded by five fine stones
of rare color, and the other a pear -
//hayed/ emerald.
Animal CO:111.1.1:110C or Ontario is Now
Going on in Toronto.
Toronto Despatch— The ninteenth
annual oonterence of the African
Mi3thoelist Episcopal Church of On-
tario is beam liekl in the A. M. E.
Church on Elizabeth street. It will
conclude on Monday next. Bishop
Abraham Grant, of Indianapolis, pre-
sides at all the sessions. On Wed-
nesday night Mayor Urquhart and
alderman Rubber(' extended a wel-
come to the city to the members of
the conference. Bishop Grant, in
replying to the addresees of welcome,
stated that, whereas Bermuda has
10,000 negmes, and Blarbadoes 117,-
000, no colored me..n we over put
to (loath for a crime there, except
by the process of law,.
Rev. T. II. Inendereon It. A., Chat-
ham was elected Secretary of Con -
Terence, and Bee. G. B. Melon, Wind-
eor, Statistical Secretary. Those
gentlemen were ale° elected de -
legatee to the general donferenee of
the A. M. E. Church, to ba held in
Mexico in May next. Last night
was* devoted to the educational In-
terests of the Church.
Mrs. 3. II. Collett, Of Philadelphia,
be representing the Church' Book
Concern at the conference.
51r. al. le. IL Johnston on the Pluck
d lateral the Ola Land.
Moroni o Deepaltein—Me, �7.111.01-Jebae
Ston, I.0., anti Mee. Johnston base
Just teturned from a trip to Britain
and Europe. Mr, Johnston had some
spry Important besiteess mattore to
stand to in Britain, anti had an ex-
cellent opportunity to see a mat
deal et the ability or British Imeinais
men. fle says that their methods
are In marked contrast to that Of
the average American. The latter
starts mit With the perpose of get-
ting ahead teary tin*, right Or
Wrong. The l3rltIsh, on the other
hand, whilst exceedingly keen at
making a bargain, are alga exceed-
ingly Careful ef their honor and
business integtity, and When artee
their word la given it may be railed
upIToon. fOtnal Britain a hive of Indus-
try. 'the people 'were keen and wide
awake, and alwaye On the Mita:ink
for intelneete They 'Were apparently
net in the beat afreiti Of el:impel:le
{Ore in any part or the world. CIA°
gaternment Was eXeetallnaly good,
azmd tbe munielptilitiee Went into ,tbe
nuelnees of making publie fret:claw*
a benefit to' the Wit01.0 cenelannitY.
Oita eleOtrie light peWer atel beat,
etreet railways, water supply, parka
workmen's; dwellings, ferries, river
• steamboat traffic:, garden plots,
plcaeure resortS, babe, Watilabeturice
and elMilar Undertakings are run riot
'merely sie public: utilities:, but ae
utilitiee Winch should pay the cost
. ef operation, and even give a Profit.
The people eeem determined to bold
their own in everything* Uwe' under-
take, and the people of ail Reentries
Wire Mueli to barn frem tbe old'
Land., •.
Inveseigatiott to be Itlaae. Of the Uri -
delude at palniIirt,
guiarclai Vtaz!atileppte.086-taTx.110410:2001:01Inyuireet-i.
ilea 'broken out ,ast Daiquiri, the pint
in Santiago Provinee, at wake: ale.
American troop 'lauded In 1898,
liave arouteall a great deal or Inter-
est, Dr, Finlay, the chief sanitary
Officer in Cuba, says that during tlis
peat' year there have been five (loathe
at Daiquiri lam Aelite malaria,
edible la known ,ae black water lever
Throe deatha were teported derina
Ally. No report hate bron reeeival
for A.uguat. Dr. Finlay has telegraph -
:al to the .eanitaay °Ricer of San-
riago to report on the matter.
. niaa. says he late known ca
similar eases in Ifavena, or this dis-
eaeo among immunes from yellow
jack. The disease, was diagnosed as
yellow fever at first, bat eubse-
quently tit ware fauna to b'e the black
water eampleaut.
Dr. Ruiterate, of tile Marine Resta
tat aerviee, will leave for Santlega
to investigate tlio as there awl
report to Surgeon -General Wyman
Who wrote to Dr. Dinlay.
Wedded Three Times in. Two Years -
Charged With Bigamy,.
Toronto Despatele —Wedded three
antes; in about two eaars Is believed
by the pollee to be the reaped a
Jane efeConneil, who appeared in the
Police Court yesterday morniug
charged with bigamy. The prisoner,
who appear; to be 'about 23 pr 24
yoare -of age, cried bitterly as elle
stood in the prisoners' dock and wass
formally charged with the offence.
According to information received
by the pollee, Jane McConnell, who
Is the daughter of a well -digger liv-
Mg in East York, was married first
in November, 1899, to a man named
Piper. In October, 1901, a man
named Munson led her to the altar,
but tvIth him islet/ Only; lived for a
few weeks, for in the following
month, November, 1901, she married
her present husband, whose name is
Wesley EL White'.
The defendant says that White
wants' to marry another girl ,and has
had her arrested in order to get rid
of her. She was remanded until
Tuesday next.
Meeting of Consolidated Lake Sup-
erior Company Directors.
New York, Sept.- 8.—Tbe direetdis
of the Consolidated Lake Superior
Company hell a meeting in this' city
to -day, at the office of E. 3. Berwind.
It wale decided that the bond issue
plan should not be put through, and
that the momea for the $4,000,000
subeeribed to should be returned. No
furtheu sateen will be taken 13v the
directore until the new, plan for the
rehabilitation of the bompany, now
in charge of the Equitable Trutt
Company, 13 definitely determined
upon. President Alvin W. Krech,
the- aequitable Trust compauy, said
yesterday that the plan was still in
abeyance, pending an examination of
the company's affairs.
A Terrible Disaster 011 the Southern
• 'Railway, S. C.
Charlotte, N. C., Sept. 8.—A north-
bound passenger train on the South-
ern, Beltway, between Rock Rill and
and Yorkville, S. C., went through
Fishing Creek bridge this morning.
Eight persons were killed outright,
five or six fatally hurt, and fifteen
or sateen passengers were more or
less Ineuzed. The fireman, mail clerk
and baegageanan were buried under
the wreck. juklue Jobuston, of Toyal
Hill, S. C., is fatally imrt W. T.
Slaughter, or Rickety,' S. C., and
Coeductor Turner were seriously
injured. 01 the fatally injured four
are riegrow. Rotten timbers are
said to have caused the wreck.
..itetage for Them in Neutral
Territory of MOresoct.
Brussels, Sept. 8.—It is announced
that an the result at common action
on the part ef the Belgian and Prue-
slaa Governments the gaming houses
in tae neutral territory et Moresnet
were closed yesterday.
Moresnet is a little corner of Eur-
ope wilt:3h owes allegiance 'to 110 SOV-
Oreign, blIt in whose government
Prussia and l3elgium.retain tioine an-
cient righte. The gamblers who
were driven out of Belgium thought
they bad found a oaf° refuge there.
serious Accident to an Autrulatit at
the Exilic it am.
Toronto Report—Williare Robin-
son, an exhibition attendant, work-
ing for William Stewart, of Itenie,
Ont., was ,ba.clly gored by a. bull at
feed time last night. Robinson was
Watering 1,1to aninuti, when he was
eaddenev set uponby the huge ani-
mal, and in a trim was landed in the
next stall. Drs. Maepherson anti
Cerra found Robinson arra:ring from
a Beyer', gash in the eight thigh,
which required eight titched. Mr.
Stewart salt afterwiteds that the
bull was usually quiet, but that
Robinson Was is stranger, and was
not as Careful ba he might Invite been.
Fighting in Philippines.
Manila, Sept. 8.—Gen. Leonard Wood,
reports a, feeling of utrest among
the natiVe bilialattent.s of Mord Pro -
Vince, and upon his request an ad-
ditional battery has been despatched
from Manila. The Joie tonetabulary
leave aerial In eonTlict with a body of
insurgents in the Previnest of Cavite,
near the Teeklurta De Bay and killed
twenty of theta- during a, sharp on.
gagement. The etnintabelarly had
ono man killed -during the
P. C. Miller, alba Alfred E. Lye
ford, was arrested at Victoria yes-
terdaV On a telegrain from Rock
biland, Ill., Pence, kleatifYing iuim
as eX-Deputa COmity Treaserer of
Rock Island County, who absentia -
ed July Otb, 1002, With' $12,000
county futale. Lyford matte a tont-
pieta eenfessien and Will tattled ex.
Presiden.t of .Chicago Cooks'
tiniora Commits Suicide..
New Xorit, Set. 8.—A. despatch to
the Timeo .frOm Burge, N. Pe says:
Thingslare pretty parlous hero lunette
the Amerban Tialeing ealloanere. TIO
ack Of haat awl the certainty thel
the trip will be almeat a dead lns
hao teade many or tbe foreign fish-
ermen deeparcaely gearreleome. If all
the fleet geta away froin hero with
oat further btoodehed it will be re-
p:Makatea, says some oT the cap-
Tbe foreigners in the erOwL-
teying their beat to wake true -
ate. A queer thing hese happened to
make the oituation worse. The stadd
—tbe usual bait for the banks—bave
disappeared. Now at Grand Bank the
vea Is covered with dead captin
'Masa capita are no use tor bait tot
aornebow the cod will not bite at
Iletweea bad hale and euper-
station these mon are beyond liana
ing. They have terrorized echooner
ifeer echooner and are ready fat
anything from mutiny to piracy.
But as Exxon of the American cap-
taina bave left, the attittele of tie
eereign crewa toward the captains,
.rho remain has growe uglier all the
Nam. So far the Captains, have had
lnrenvorse than threats tbrown at
them, but a general mutiny agalnet
itmerleano may 'break out at any
Suicided Thiel:ail Remorse.
Chicago, Sept. 8,—Suffering from
remorse for having went on 'strike
against: the employer /or galena lie
bad worked lea 20, years, Jaeob B.
Smith throw himself front the
fourth stow window of bis home,
and was inetantly
Smith, who was preeldent of the
Cooks' Onion, had been chef at a
,doweatOwn reetattrant fora guar -
ter of a century, Ile went out on
strike wawa /the hotel and, restaur-
ant employee/5 were called out
two months ago, taking the entire
kitchen foree, as well as the wait-
ers with hina
The strike failed and Smith lest
Ids position. Then came days of
worry, an finally of rerneree, end-
ing ln uicide,
' 'Money for the ahilippities.
New York, Sept. 8.— There will
leave this port to -day on the
steamers Nubia and Sagami, for
the Philippines, 10,4,05,000 silver
coins, aggregating in currency
value $1,0-75,000. The coins were
pachrea in the Philadelphia, mint in
little round packages, each con-
taining $2,600. To guard against
possible attack .by pirates, both
ships are equipped witfr six four -
pounders, witichl will be mounted
as seen as the vessels get clear
of the harbor. 'The vessels will sail
by way of the Suez Canal.
Mrs. Molineux Returns from South
Dakota With Divorce.
-Washington, Sept. 8.— Leishman
to -day, informed the State Depart-
ment th'at some of the European
powers have landed marines in Con-
stantinople. If the lives of Ameri-
cans there become endangered the U.
S. Government also will send a de-
tacbmeet of Marines to Constantin-
Returned With Rey Divorce,
New York, Sept. 8.—Moe. Roland B.
Molineux (Blanche Cheoebrougla ar-
rived hi this city; recently, from Sioux
Falls, S. D., and it is said she brought
with her a decree al divorce.
Te,stimona in her case is said to
bave been taken in July before a re-
feree at Castlewood, Hamlin county,
S. D., axed the degree is believed to
have been granted a few days ago.
The first thing Airs. Molineux did
on reaching this cityj was to call on
leer attorney!, former Judge °beta
At the very time of her visit to her
comesel, Roland B. Molineux was In
the affice of a. lawyer on the 15th
floor of the same building. Whether
or not he knew of hes wile's pre-
sence under the same roof is not
Mrs. Molineux remained tor near-
ly an hour in the private office of
her lawyer. She is described as look-
ing the very picture of health, but
fleshier than when last seen last
November. • ,
Soon atter her departure Mr. 01-
eott communicated with Mr. Battle
and requested that General Mel-
ineux be notified. It was agreed that
a conference should be had at noon
testerday. At its conclusion all par -
MI the papers were carefully sup- ties to the conference -were seen.
pressed. c 1 1 but refused to talk about the case.
Calls God to Witness He Works Only for
the Welfare of His People.
Conatantinophs Sept. '7.—On the
anniversary of his accession, the
Sultan received in a.ualenee at the
palace the heads of the religious
communities and the Ecumenical
Patriarch made a speech of con-
gratulations. In reply thereto, af-
ter thanking the Patriarch and oth-
ers present for their anad wishes,
His Majesty, contrary a., prece-
dent, spoke at some length, as fol-
lows : "MI my deslre is for the 'wel-
fare of the population, without
distinction of race or religion. As
to the detestable and regrettable
deeds to which the Patriarch al-
luded, I am convinced that the
movement does not proceed spon-
taneously from the population, but
Is instigated from abroad. I hope
the measures taken will ensure
tranquility. I call God to witness
the sincerity of my declaration,
and that all my aspirations and
work are for the welfare and pros-
perity of nil my. subjects."
Turning then to the Bulgarian
Patriarch, the Sultan bade him
communicate his words to his
Next, addressing the Greek patri-
arch, the Sultan said he regretted
that the Greek population had also
mitered from the recent troubles,
and declared be would be pleased to
contribute to the subscriptions being
raised in behalf of the sufferers.
Ris Majesty further remarked that
he was sorry that some of the sea
diers had been guilty of acts con-
trary to his orders and desires. The
Sultan persenally assured Monsignor
Ormantan, the Armenian patriarch,
that his words applied to the Armen-
ians as well as to the people of
other nationalities.
The Porte's note of warning to tho
embassies and legations, informing
them that, according to pollee ine
formation, the Bulgarian agitators
wore projecting outrages against the
embassies, legations and public
buildings in Constantinople, saying
the Ottoman Government had taken
precautions, and requesting tho
heads of the foreign missions to do
Likewise, was issued in consequence
of the receipt at the Russian embassy
ef an anonymous letter, threatening
outrages at the winter residences of
the Russian Ambassador and Con-
Macedonians Slow Up Steam-
ship Killing Many Austrians
Constantinople, Sept 7.—The aura
trlan steamship Vaskapu, on
her way from Varna to Boorghes
anel Constantinople, wee blown up
bss three explosions, apparently on
her deck. No detain; Of the affair
have been received, except that the
captain, the officers, siX of the
crew ana several ot the passengers,
making a total or 29 In 1b, weee
At laet reports the vessel, whieli
Ma beet) bea.ched in :Missive' Bay
by the engineer, Was Still burning.
Due to Macedonia, losnrgents.
' London, Sept. 7.—A despatch trete
Constantinople to the Daily Mali
says there is little doubt but that
the explosion on the steamer Vas-
kapu was malicious, and Waif ar-
ranged by the Mateo:Ionian Insurg-
ents. If the vessel had not been
late in twang Varna, the exp10-
sten wOuld have occurred while She
Wee In port stt constaniinople.
The blowing up of the steamehip
Vaskapn, the wanton naso of which
Is confirmed by a limber or nor-
respowlente of morning yapper:, Fort Scott (Kan.) has' a -curlew or.
and the threats against the dinanee againet piano playing. All
baselee increase the fear that the playing must cealee at ()Wolof* at
instirgents will aot shrink from eight. The first woman to Violate
oriouseriates agattist nentrals,the law was fined $1.41 and eeete,
with the idea of attracting the at -
Mitten of Europe to their cause.
The reports watch have been cur-
rent for the past few, days,that
the eity of Adrianople has been
partly- burned, and that the re-
maining sections are Nall burning,
still come la, but they cannot be
The Vaskaptt sailed from Varna,
Bulgaria, and after calling at Boor.
alma was steaming through the
Mack Sea to Constantinople, when
three explosions took place on
board. Tub deck of the vessel took
fire, and she had tO be run ashore
at Missivri Bay, 18 tulles north of
Boorghas, Where 81.10 is still burn-
The steamer was of 1,076 tees.
260 feet long, had all feet beam,
and a depth of 16.0 feet.
'ember &vented iiIrthe Profit De-
faulting Bank to Influence Papers,
Perlin, Sept. 8.—A charge Was re-
cently inftilo that 000 01 the inembers
of a. committee of the Berlin Preee
Club bad .apeepted a secret loan of
25,00j mark% from a. defaulting Pom-
mes:inn bank, with the object of In-
fluencing the Berlin pre.
Tee lacilent wea brought up at et
general meeting of the club yester-
day, at was unanimously ngreed
that the acceptance ot the loan Wan
a, halation of the statute:le that it
Ivaa (Ione without the eOnsent of the
general Ineotlng, MA that the tuoney
eiteual b voluntaxala reftinded.•