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The Wingham Advance, 1903-09-10, Page 6
�"' i", f 1 _-- that, Ilothltl w0l1ttl lave intlu0e(! tier C ti t w a ', ,' 1 i ti :: NO PAI LIATION FOR CRIME, 1� 1��Y j � Y+( ��/� . �.�U� T: a 1` _ `y c to Ylate leftgllltll I� CE ��� . *.+ 1.711 I 11 lJ• ! (� 4 - g 4 :, e ,� "Thin ,why huts silt• r. _____ 1. �:. t t Ulle- Illstl}1- t lntoirlcatlon Cannot be Urged b ++ �t,.;l lx`ared . lie said rXutetly. j'I 3ixe. WSastoWe boothinq 6 should I 11\ j ( , 1 rJ��,,�-�'A� !YJ ' /.k .�,a�j '` w:.�, Alay Iooliej, fist flim with brave and ���"J1i�� � j tAtN t?Ba# dors to juwcape 111111tallutcut RlWaya bo wood for C'hilrlrea '�at�ing• l•7' �' ,, i, f" ;p 1 I , Ir',:""� alawat'eritlg; eUilftderl0e sillllillg ill. Ilei NONE Y V,J�11 DOUBT 1 Deis1¢; under the innueuao at drink soothes filo child, eOitCttH ihegurna, onxoe Wia4 j 1I Cot10 and is fila bort ieulo2ly or ,arrhalw.. "� 4(1i \ 'i •." >, +` 1 # 1 1 ,••,�r ", wot a , Is UH11ally canaidered no excuse for ® d b - . - '. �•IG s ;�,: ,�' �t►. ., ; .It l :� 102LI1 t IC`]l, I OrL#1't E've2t inlrag�llle, a ti " c:, q1k,, ;, „ 0 having' committed a crime, goat It o,nen'v aZV.T, _ . °� :?+ t you ars wro tried Oerald.Ea lllo knows ow thatTbak Dodd's Kidney Pills are would !went that one mtt•glatrate Is �1►� .'n''"� " . %�� +. nothing; of tho - the lander; aud the 011e Sul•a Curd for Inclined to be an exception to IIIA Western 'University i -- e� when site fines, that Inow nt elle will Unless the Spap yQll �' ...� clirco- , RhdumAtism. b,atltels oil the belch Ln this College . ..... � _ '� L'Ullte 21ntI titantl by ills Hillis" .. 5 and CVl�ege .'. tion. k, � � - '• Ttu•II shJt will Hoon know 1 Ile ° n' ' use has this brand OU t r (f ` �� said. '" u.hc* Iuuat sc() It In the papers Recently a Justice or that peace had y LONDON, ONT. I ror "" "'`?ji�!i11rglp! ��I If"�w.."hr�p1*1 !7'��!KT.N. t,I's w+'{ '1 titoy aI'c Lull of it. 11th Ttivll! not �'.F. Wills of so He Could n,9t lValk g two null area befgt'c hltA on a are not gettin the best 4`i a°'; %; i",i ��tJ";6,� "II';„� !,1!,ViI1ii;;"�X �r��!lti trust to that. Itwill lllsort=this ad- Alone or Feed tiim:aelt'•-•kis TAN of chargeoS theft. The >eadcd a'it b �'--...-_._ ,, r1 I, a �� Iii. P 1, h y► vortiHement, employ a detective half file Cit, O e Y 1 g � Ask for the 00agon dale. 245 9 Arts and Medicine �,y I, v f i , u+pp I p , } �;�Pj, ;j-.9 I+�itr� '�l / `�;f� ! y and as 1lu.,s obviated filo nccesslty 1»i �Ic , i1 I"t ?I f�?'Jori p ”' � ��n a dozen, tf nNL'eHHttrt', tit find Iter. { ' " y,;;,i l t ,r �'1 �P, ?Ilei" F"i7�J �1d" ))erltitPs the ivarttuts will ficin #no 'I"' Ceciq.i Delo, Ont., Sept. 7.- (Special) far eviAlencaa bt*ing given the malgls- Tho ArN Department otters honor . He put on Ills hat Ila Ito spoke, and • Ev,t,ry clay seems to furnish fresh trate was somewhat alt they dark as � Z ec)urs,4In classics, Moderno, Utstory The Englishman's idea of breakfast is a health one. started at onetl ror the prtHOII. proofs that Dollars lii<lniy 1)111H are to their atilpa:bilityy, �4tIFRt MAN) DFI+ICIBN7. and 1ngI!sil, y The marquis was lylug uu his pallet, tho one save and permanent cure for "'\Ve'I, sir," ho tltlitl, addressing one 9 For Information, calouaarH, etc., Toast, jam and tea—a chop mebbe just enough food far the but ire was not asleep, and ralaod Itahouniattem,; Talle village furnishes of the prisoners, "have you any- Dumb Brutes Have the Sense of address stomach to assimilate properly-_—the warmth of the tea to draw his head on his hand. aorald Locke ovi•dence that no one call doubt In tilt, Ming to slay to extenuation of your Localizatiolt Highly Developed. ' � N. C. JAMES, M.A., Ph. D., ttlC blood to the stomach and assist digestion, etltered, pelmoa or W. E. 1 11t�. Hie story at b,h,t o fence? t Prov" " I am taking a rest," he saki, quiat•, 'pur ion of W, R. 1:11•s. His story is bast xire prisoner Hung ilia head and Until recently a majority of the Bute Ribbon Tea is the daintiest and crispiest leaves of the ly, and with a faint aitltle. "Have given iu his ow,n worEts• replied weekly, ecleatints have+ lx>en reluctant to Lug- Si c, tea plant. You coals to throw up the ease, or "71tvo yitars ago" says 1<Ic. 1311ia, "Your svorslltip, I was drunk when lair filet u nuntbeg• of filo lower ani- N are you still determined to defend "I got ltfua;ioular Itheumatism. I tried I did It,'' •mitts possible, possess other senses vo+Pa t�4 rr+�4e� 444,�t*4d►++0+ Zf; is pure tea—free o£tannin--appetizing and Nutritious, the gran .whom everybody by thi@ all ,sgrt,s of medicines, but none of "Drunk,'" oxelatmod the magls- than ours. bo Much new and un- Try the Rid Label Bran. for your breakfast. time to elalling; a ruurderor ?" tatern did ane any good. trate; '"that makew the offence all denhably affirmative evidence I.% � • Gerald Loako t}iI ,let think It ""At Intel my tvtfe, t ,11 pend for a the Worse. You will go to prison 1 however, now plying orferea on tht"'i * ������e� I• B I W. 1W n necessary tq reply to this bantering do tor, Whcirl he arrived I tatad, `Igoe- for three months. And you, sir;' Ito point tlda't there elan bo no longer Z so -M &% I: question, ,but he drew the chair up ' tor. can you cure, Muscular Rhouma- continued, addressing tlto other any substantial reason for doubt- I - - "- beside the bed. I flan':' 'No.' said fila doctor. 'Taft-I'l Prisoner, '•w$la,t have you to say for I tttg that tltax five ,siotuses nun im- + „ Are you rested enough to Lan- , T eel f, `sou ease[ no use to me.' y'ouloth n" all . tI fly eso.I)<ws aro by no means Science ewer a few questions, marquis ?" he i "I ,got Iso blfl l could not food my- "Nothing, Your Honor," was fila all. tbuat aro. iaotsaible to sontfen'L -awwwsaid gravely, I self or walk Wone. ',then I was Induc- reply. , creatures. : .. .1 . "IL A04% I am rested enough to answer," j old to try Dodd'e Kidney )?ills. I toot Wero you drunk 71" pursued the Ona such sena a not possexand by said the marriuls, and Gberaid Locke calx boxes of theta, which drove all justtoe, I luanian beinge, hut- to a greater 'or will lxi given eoiferla,.l attan- 1197 tis noticed the guarded reply. "But thou R,hiaumatism out of me and left Na, Your Honor ; I was 7iever • lass degree almost universally pre I •tion, at this rooldontl'al slid I ,vlan Teawhat more can you want to know me in good hcanitlil again." chunk irI my life." I sent in maammats, i)ircls, reptiles, rich day sahax>!, 'fila) work may than you have learned ? They have Dodd's Kldne Pills care Rtlieumn- '"Indeacl," exclaimed tate magas- and Insects, is what, Perhaps, may p+ Black, r4lxecl ��� ®laoulcl b� As1G for the Y trate, raising his eyebrows in af- b3 called the ►sen•se of localization, a be tatkou In connection with Ceylon Groan o &•iffy g;ed Y,al,ol already proved ,: guilty, have they tlsm by removing the cawse-by put- fected asitonightnient. "Have you It enables its liossessor, t arently 4 not?' + ting the Kidneys In ,shape to talcs the pn lxgttitr csglloglato studies, " I want to know who picked up the lurk acid out of that blood. TUo,y al- net even that excuse? Then you by its solo use, to find a desired, : a dagger May and I left behind the' waaya cure Lumbago and Sciatica 1n u''i11 go to prLsfon�,for six months. spot. It is oviciently closely connect-! Term 9. Send _ , "4�^"P�M.,%-w-tf'°•!�'• #,e" , Caa+solY s Journal. ed with, an inatinotive and perfect' 'for eal,ondar of seat In the ball?" said Locke, thiay same ,Way. c t , g p' ��+'•• M looking at him steadily. I memory of distance and direction. E P The marquis' eyes did not droop or GOOD THING FOR SPRAINS AND That the liomll.ng pigeon exercises It' yQ Moulton }} n ay -pnp waver. q n I , Tha Laughing Doi;. to some extent, through, undoubtedly ® iTi�ll�toll �U�IGtI! College, A LAMEXZc1S. l 1 ri Gl <" ai,ded by the landmarks it recognizes, W110 else gnat I conium have done ChicagoChrordole. '"roodlanda N. B„ June 14, 1903, is in,dlspMutable; that that honey bee . Toronto, Ont, ._1 - TheRose aid Lily ae] so?" he replled, '"It•Is proved that There Wlas a little dog Inas Lt Sn its fullness AQd perfection 4• Dr, B. J. Kendall Ca, twee r my possession a}on the night of That Looked for all the world E cannot, ,after. the careful ex yc>.,t- 4 _____ lbd�r44.4•i444O4e44 ►��► - the murder. You have yS heard Saun- Enosburg Falls, Vt. 1 �___�� _.-.--.... ..-___.�..-_. , �� Like as daggio In a fog 1 gnentty of Albreal.t Bettie, in Germany, A TALIT OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND dere evidence, Gerald? +� His hair was like a cloud bank, I have used your Kendalls Spavin be doubted. . s,,4 . gj�� �� You found it behind the seat?" Fits ,ees were very pink, Cure on my horses and I find it a H Y Lsam lets or tn.seets that ceases WOMAN'S PERFIDY .f1 .W .N yl said Gerald slowly, still watching tits And ire used to grow, at ever good thing for all sprains and lame- a P �-�� a ,%.s„ww.,. . ha 1 Y ness, and it Is a fine family liniment. co X-ray rennet not only anon ; �,%'�� EQUAL haggard Paco, so noble in Its calm- thing continental, but our own 1#Ym,enop- j �a��,p,,o��a„�*�k.omoo ay�"�l ��.JMO�� nese and composure. And at himself, I 'thank 1 Ifill you kindly send me one of your tett, can be Multiplied indefinitely. , , Mia marquis did not answer. He used to bark at little, boys, books, " A Treatise en the Horse and Only ane or two or tblesw senses pe- �NMUS " ror When he glut! pastteti Lady BVLnehe been on the bench I should have had Gerald Locke drew a little breath' Until with fright they'd fall 1 his Diseases' ? 'Very truly years, oullar to the lower auimaly are P1fI �� Spavints, made a movement toward the gate, to decide as they have done. They or relief, And.then he'd lauugh to kill flim- i f " + Melehgir Jones. hx#ro .noticed. Lord Avebur.y suggests E31tt�bon® but Fanny held her. ' could do •no other." I "I am answered," he said. "And }f— that there may 'gra fifty of them.'' Splints, Not yet ! He hags stopped, and is I ""And—and he, the marquis?" she now for my second question. Where A'ncl Haver bite at all. A scotch '" I{itchon Shower." { Curbs, waiting and listening. Creep along , murmured in an awed whisper. "What is Mise Dolaine?It I - ' ' ", ane. Allfarmy of by the hedge and cross the field,"' 1 A correspondent describes a kit- Short-sighted. Lumehesa she whispered. did ho say-do? Hbw, did he look, The marquis frowned and 'Iris Lipa chart shower" given the other day at "� I i buncheear boa; Gerald ? tightened. a wedding near Glasgow. Every guest - Dotroitl�roe Prose. anlaream,ata. ) CITAPTfER 7LYSI. He shook his head. " '� Heart Disease Dr, D. 1. Kendall ,,,, y have used your sen A11, Spavin „ Ido not know, ha replied. was requested to bring a ]gift for Warden-Well, I suivpose you aro etre far 2a Kendall ala have Panna to o iKendall' rrn,sdy. The .whole country was in a blase $o said nothing, and he, looked Gerald Locke took the tdverttae- the kitchen or t}le future house, and, glad to cot out of jail, rlanaa mall mo our book at once ns I haven con Ism now of excitement Which seemed to in- —well, it is hard to 1011 you mop. from his pocket, and held it as there was about tiff I , g I Davi„{ naubw v�o+, Yours truly. L. L.ta,,vr naytan, resaa. P y guests, the , 1 risonor—(term expired)—Wall, n0. As a Iinhnent for faintly use It has na e( Dat. Price $1 • cis crease as the days passed, ,carrying just how 'I0 looked. White, and ill, out to him. RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES, shower represented a nice collection I didn't e.ommit a b'g enough oxime ' 0V1tHE, nIso'IA Trea iso onrtheHoDrse ze foo br e. With them the various rases of the' and haggard, but calm, unnatu- ” i rail Can you tiling. of anything more Dr. Ane ' of useful presents. TAte harpy coaple to miako me proinincut, nraaara:, Dr. B. J. KondalI Co., Enosburg Falls, Vt. great murder case; and not onlyf, y calm. At timep I don't, think be, likely to attract Iger attention than fy W s Heart Cure is the were brought blindfolded Into the , the county, but It, might be said , •vas even listening to the evidence that?" he said. Mystic Remedy. center of tine room, where they .stood I--_-......---- = — t e whole se kingdom. had colleeLe3 I and Once t the questions, h iso r I oke 'to him T,ho marquis read It, then slowly This remarkable preparation" gives while their viritors hung their offer- f where. s Liniment for sale Query- Not Musically Bducated. tore it across and across, and ]told perfect relief In, 801 minutes in all Ings oil their arms, neck, waist, etc., j - waehington star. outside) the Town Hall to learn the • looked up at me—they let him sit be- p - verdict of the coroner's jury, aud' side me at the solleltor's table—as Sf the fragments In }lis closed hand• cases of organic or sympathetich'eart by meatus of string. T'to bridegroom „ " Ilia thou Gerald Locke sprang to his feet, and disease and speedily effects a cure. It'ad a bucket put right on Ills bead, Ship Mascots. Your never ag:plaud at a Concert. Ofha"Will "Willful Murder against It was known that It t Ernesas © going to thoughts eshim in an hour's time. I 'tile two men looked into each other's It to a magic remedy for paalpita- with a huge tea-tray on the top of I At the review before the King of c`n jay a ,Cee well e ad r. C h )flox. e "Itur FAlw.ynd, Ma,rquW of Nairne," a kind thought it best to let him rest after over. tion, shortness of breath, smother- that. A coal scuttle, poker, and sev- Italy recently, the pet donkey of the bt 'I know by that fact that it isn't of thrill ran Lhrough the crowd, all lie has gone through this morn- i Then the marquis nnlackerd his Ing spelle, pain fn .left side and all oral broom�n were suspended rrom his ship Bacchante, marched in front of the sort of musto that mother and and each man turned and .looked at Ing." • tigh'tlyt•closed lips. symptoms of a diseased heart. it shoulders. A mouse-trap) gave rise to the men. A donkey' its rather a bulky the girls woul(I In,pprovo of my ap- ! .May shuddered. You understand?" Ile said; and al+c strengthens the nerves and loud morrtment, af90 a saucepanful sort of a pet, but probably no more „ Isla neighbor, as who should stay, : " Y Gortld Locke, white and breathless, cures stomach disorders. of rice. They hard a fish kettle and troublesome than the pet doer of the !!lauding. "After this the sky falls!" E "And worse, stilt has to come, 'Hire examination before the Ma hasn't It, Gerald?" she whispered, responded: Dr A new's Liver Pills are the best. 40 doses i0o 2 all sorts of saucepans and stow- English warship Terrible. The pri- laftrats had resulted in the commit- I "Yes," he said, "`much worse. The I "Yes, I understand." g pants. .clothes tpaskets, cord-pegs, vtlege of keeping pets is very much Two Years Abed.—" For eighb CHAPTER NN:SiII. dolly, patty-pta•rna, moulds, graters, appreciated by the bluejackets of all Yeasts I suffered as no one ever did tai of the accused for trial, and to 1 trial Will be dreadful?' He was silent i Gerald Locke left the prison feel- 'rax Fatraordinary. a very .nice wooden-tub, for bread, navies, who lavish their spare time with rheum'atigm. for two years I the opinion of many old and expert ! a moment, then he said suddenly: infr crushed and utterly dispirited. etc.—Brltigh Weekly. t aatd axone of their spare cash on lay itr bad; could not so much at, Sneed men the evidence which "May, do you remember svhaLt you did ; A tax on marriage Is stili imposed strange animals. The Centurion once feerl myself. A ,friend recommended maunders had produced before i�r Ell- with that dagger you and I took' said, mel he rtoredtheltadvertisement by the proprietor of a leading Dom- South American Rheumatic Cure.:1f- mund and his fellow magistrates from the case in the hall ?" ' bay hotel. In a revised tariff ofhad a flims monkey that used to , was alreadystrop enough to lace "Thad ib pieces, and Gerald 1)acl responded, PAINKILLER—Its C esteurs,effects are atmos. inetaa- eat with a spoon ,from a plate and tet three closes I could sit up. lb- g b p agger ! You don't mean—oh, I understand !" prices the daily charge for a single taneoue. Cures cute, burns and bruises.. drill) from a 1 clay I alta as strop as ever I was." t In the midst of the exci.i rope round the tement, at uis' neck.i Gerald- � !" ries i blg�, as o left, the prison, walking lady rupees, thetllady or gentles dysentery. set down as Takon eAvold substitutes l ThereIs b t napkin tucked twit dervIlls chin dinner -Ml's• Jo1Jn G"UOk, 287 Clinton street, �" Hush I" ata said, soothingI y w t downcast haaii, be one ' Painkiller-Perry Davis'. Toronto. -O almost amounting to a kind of . Yes, clear, the deed was done with asked bdmself what it was that lie mail be married the charge will be while. The Caesar had a pot goose frenzy, two men alone seemed to keep that, )lush, hush; be calm, and try understood. seven rupees each. No explanation for some time back. Cats and dogs their held a and remain cool. One and remember." i of this sin ul • are, of course, common on shipboard.. Another One for Mamma. By the de5trtt•,ctton ar that piece of g ar regulation Is given. How to Lut Mushrooms, was Saunders, who went on We way - "I do remember 1" silo answered, • paper, the accused had intended to Cincinnati Enquirer. ala calmly and coal, and deliberate- clYngin to him. `"I put It on the Hent, " An English lady In Japan bought Lr-ver's Y-Z .Vise IIead Disinfectan' „ Mamma," said small FIDramay, Y $ convey to Gerald his determination ( ) ly as if he were playing a game of beside us, where we sat, you know, that Elaine shaald not lx) sought forPilm To prove co youathab 11r, a can of musaixooms and found talo Sot.p Powder dusted in the bath, softeiya "I've got a question that needs an chase, rather than nutting in motion ,and it fell down , I meant to Pick St and brought forward t nnasnb Ointment etuostocertain r re h d rcpt,ians translated Into English as .lye waterand disinfects. 8 answer." + I the maehtnery which might pl+opel UP, but I forgot it. And when the be'1 Thert; could be only one reason , and every form of itchina, ^ "Kroll, what is it, finakr?" naked a peer of the realm to a shametull 'rang, the get up, and I forgot It. aud for his fiefusal to seek bar, for sand- ! tJ b#eedingandprotrudin66•pilus, Lodlows: Dirclotton—If several per- her mother. death. The authorities at Scotian'I left it lying there." Ing her away—for Gerald saw that the manufacturers have guaranteedit Saetss' sans will be east 'this In that manner The ,,ion is Cowardly. " Where does the dark go wherf Yard had left the case in Ills hands "Well?' hp said. I she had heen sent awray-and that timonialsinthe daily press and ask your neigh- they shalli feel 0atiefiednutritlon and , borewhatthey think oft% You can use it and t.my Isw,cart ar it c,llrt put in the hot aVIen wale have shat nearly all of daylight comes ?' queried the little with every ,confidence, and he was ` I remembered It afterward—the mugt Ile because—the Marquis wall gobSour money back if not cured. Goo a box, ab information seeker. ! Donductha, It with, at any rate, next evening,I think—and went to .guilty. is.lersorEDnaerraON,BATES&Co.,Toronto, t�tex for the half hour and then alta 'clerk continent's animals have, - every indication of presence of mind ;p t.a.ko off the ]id. They ,shall be proper as a rule, nothing but contempt for and acumen. He had produced at :loo,' for it, or I knew it was Yalu- ` Elaine must' ale in ossassion of some Dra"Cha$�'s Ointment to eat. It can be supply without the so-called "king of beasts," the ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT p able, anti• that we ought to have put ; knowledge whach could he foreeci putridity for. selvernl years. Lion. To the hunter he Is a cow- Removes all hard, soft or calloused the aceto ren just sufficient evi- i it back in the glass case. Ent it : from her, and tupel as evidence lionaod.y, sic the brute, far more den- ,lumps and bit tnirhes from horses; donee to render a camrefull nn- .was not there, nor In the case." against him. Perhaps he hrad confess- Gave All He Had. Brous to the horses and Dian at 'blood backlahle, and be had carefully kept , „ erg to her. Perhaps she ,tad seen Minard'.s Liniment cures Dandruff. g spavin, atir`„s, spINts, ringbone, back any nestles of one• name-. i ` You are sure? he asked quickly, something, some trace of the crime. De'lroitTin�es. night than to the human part of the �9Bonay, stifles, sprains, sore and his eyes suddenly keen. expedition, always ready to slink off of the Irst meeting nothing ; �" At any rate, she must be cognizant of " When bar. Casey died he Left all To save Time. anal escape; a flgbt if given a chance. gwollen throat, coun+ns, eta. Save SrA of the first meeting and quarrel of ; Quite sure 1" .day insisted. ' I am , of hSH .guilt, and it was because of ho had to the orphan asylum." the accused and the Murdered man.: certain of It, because I turned over ! this knowledge she was keeping out " Indeed ! That was nice of him. Noward News. There is nothing kingly about him, by use of one bottke. warranted the Sir Edmund had noticed this, and, t all the things, thinking that 'you of tho Way. What did he leave?" Cut thf"r card out, gdaste, It on a and a single man can usually put most *6hderfut blemish care fiver• remembering what Saunders had might have put Lt back. Did you?" What should he do ? He was work- "His twelve children." .board, and Bland it to peol:le you half a dozen lions to flight. • knowlk i9tated in the librsLry at The Grange, . "No," he said, slowly, thoughtfully, Ing in the dark. It would be better know when you (return from, your va- had relt and surprised; but though a "I did not. I forgot It completely. for him, better for the marquis elm- Minaret's Liniment cures Burns, etc, cation. . Minard'.s Liniment relieves Nour- ' A Cool Deck. pompous man, he was ra- Will you remember,.. keep In your self, if he would couflde In Gerald, You, I'm back. • • algia. 1 ther a sensible magistrate, and held memory, everything that happened and leave hien free to seize on zany , .+ Ye!~► I lurttd a goocb! time. Answers. h6s tongue, even when t fellow that afternoon, and In connection chance of saving him. But the mar- ROCKEFELLER S 1Ert,ONONV. Y"`b I caulgttit a lot or filth ! i "My queen 1" fondly exclaimed file ao no remarked: with the dagger?" quis evidently did not mean to speak. Yev ,the mosquitoes are bad down Flies That Pester. infatuated youth. do Hat see any abject in-any , I motive for the crime. Why should ; "`Yes,"' sho said. "But-oh, Gerald," Gerald knew that the silence which.. Shoran to the Canning Works of the there. !iilte presence olf files In the house "My Jack l" softly responded the Lorca Nairne kill this unfortunate the marquis had obrierved would be Standard Oil Company. Yes, I enjoyed the bathing. bhtebin maldenI , gentleman ?" and tie rrllbrea.th cal not me quickly, go "into maintained.-Fie was the kind of man N•o'whore does the poLtcy of economy Yes, t}le beds were hard as ever. � a t+e�oaclb. It ie a falling await Dat all tho same there will be "no' That may come out later, air," rho court, to-to Ivo evidence?" who would stand up and receive tire wrbicb Mr, Rockefeller has worked out Yas, eve Itild to fight for our meals. from a high hygienic standard, Tor cards" at the wedding. , re at the counsel for the g dearth sentence without a word If he , show beater than to one of the Yet`,, I gained ten pounds. dile fly, is a ;peatilont}al follow. it pro- He pressed her to him, and looked thought that word would drag � Sttandard canning worlo. Soveral i You, I feel much Improved. must be atimitted, however, that Lt ►iers, ,who altar a g,*lance at Saun- clown at the white, fearful little Elaine, the woman be loved, into the months ago the writer visited the IYe:a, I got badly sunburned. In ver., difficult to keep habitable dere, who sat with his walking stick face. miserable case. pressed against hie thin lips. `:4nci what if I should, May? You largest of the Standard can factorlsa, , Yea, I'm proud of it. places free tromrflies. Poisonous fly. The otlfer man, who kept his head would do as much to ,tel ), perhaps As Ile rl dist along he thoughtrihat t1ta Deva, on flue East Raver, Lon; (Yes, I'm glad to be back at work pape1ls are unsightly, and glutinous p I ha srouid dfsrogaard the marquis int•- � Taland Cit it bats a ca acit or 7O; again; cords raid tra s are not ver lea. I was Cured of Rheumatic 'Goin opal, was Gerrltt Locke. Not to save, 'the marquis?" Y' F.. Y 1 p y p by MINARD'S LINIMENT. until the examination had he piled injunction, and commence a 000 tive-gailon cans a day, and is Thank you, thank you, thank you. sant accessories in tine household' ANDREV�'KING. any clear idea aI the evidence Silo panted and citing to him, hiding search for 131%ine ; but then, again, I probably the largest can factory in Yet It is a matter not only of com- Halifax. against the marquis, but even When her oyes for a moment, then elle look- ht, feared that if lie did so, and ohe : the world: fort, but auto of health that the fly; ed up bravely. were to be produced in court, her The live-gallon can turned out at TOUR FACE ON BUTTON 25Ca should.be excluded. The fly may eas- I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis It was set forth with all the terrible ",Yes, I would I You know I would. knowledge of the crime would be the Devoo Is a •marvel of evolution. Baby's face or your lad •e fl be a auto ente agent owin to by MINARD.5 LINIMENT. distinctness of the rough, honest � Y.' p g g g But,--but Gerald +" dragged r tate on brooch nn s, , keeper, and the plain, matter-of-fact ," Gerald, think that--- gged from her unwilling lips by 1`ho present nxotlnods of manufacture scarf iu etc. ; bcautfeuuy the la.Ct of its choice of environment fit.-Cod, C. CREWE READS Saunders and hie fellow constable, I think that the person who pick- the clever counsel for the prosecu- are almost entirely the work of Mr. I unawciled. sena ao cents being oftentimes of the most ills- Sussex. , herald kept his composure. uP that dagger behind the seat I tion That terrible cross-examination! Herbert Miller, known In Standard b aaa nay photograltb and we gusting character, When a fl :walks '" IIs Kaci looked on. at, It so often and circles as the '*.rather of the five- al- A" It send broocr, exact size g g y T was Cured of Acute Rheumatislst Once only had be given a sudden where sva dropped it, committed the ( g ? 'of cut sad return your,pboto across t sti.taUle culture medium it start of surprise, and that was when " seen the r ductant witness compelled, gall call." The maelhinery for making i un►niucea. smaller alae 26 lay MINARD'S LINIMENT. znurcicr, Diay. Bush, far she had ut- bit b hit, step b step, to tell all the can has been •ao- developed that cents larger .... i 11 ao coats. leaves Infection behind It, as shown the rose and 111 da tered a low cry, "It is onlyto Y Y n p { g L. S. BILLINGY Illy dagger was spoken you he knew, and sometimes more, whtle, in 3.865, when bar. Miller bo- Agaa a wonted. Thou+ in the colonies of organisms, which "' Markham, Ont. . of and produced. I would say so much. You will not , Jet- ., DSanufuctnrlog Cu,, develop on 'the points with which the . . "Lot me see that, if you please," repeat it, dearest?" ;tio . The marquis was right. Elaine gan Ilia work, one man and a boy Toronto. Inaect's legs have been in contact. be said, and lie looked at it with 0110 clung to him In silence for a must u kept out of the case• And still so'rdered 850 cans L,t a day, in 1880 The fly,', therefore, should be driven filo question retrained unanswered ; three men made 8,000, and since 1898 out of our h,alln:ts. seeming carefulness and curiosity, moment, then rile said 311 a whisper : what was he, Gerald, to do ? Was he three men ]lave made 24•,000, It is an Lost for a Century. but he recognized it to a moment. " Gerald, where Is I,latne?" It is a curious fact that file; will to remain completely powerless, actual tact that a till alta is made A bottle, which twee hermetically, , It was be himself who had taken It ,Flo looked at her as f she had Y not pass through Hotting even though On the French Llan. If handcuffed and fettered by the mar- by Miller In just the same time it sealed, was recent, found`tloatin g trom the cabinet of which the alar- struck upon the line of his own anx- quill' tacit acknowledgment of Itis takes to walk frotm, the Voint In the Y. g the meshes Uo quite large unless Chicago Pott. quis had, givim him the key, on tilt: IouN thoughts. on flue water Haar the Island or there be a source of li ht, as from , flay before the murder i " ElalnA?" he said guilt ? factory where tine sheets of tin aro a window, lx'•hlnd It. Thus In rooms ' to u don'" (guardedly. He felt that it would he Impossible unloaded- to the point where the fin- C Nowt to.ag. When b was opened the with w}ndow,a only on one side it '-You dent turn your horses out He handed the dagger back to the '" Yea. I cannot help thinking of her to face loving, tender-hearted May lsbod article Is filled with oil. fotlotvipg remarkable Letter was ills- "N�p; I gave them their grass thv aleck of the court without a word, overy minuto in the da To think covered In it ; net over the window will absolutely) , Fren+cil way-" Y• with this terrible dilemma crush- And here fs a nice point in combl-� -• 1 '129, '11, 1702. keep the .flies out, although the +"Hosv Is t3l&t?" t however and resumed ills seat with- that she should have been Engaged Ing the life out of Ytlm. He turned nation. Not far away from the can-111111 "Latitude 49, Eastern longitude G2%. meshes of the net .may be an Inch ; „ Out t;lasicing at the niargnla to him only a fete days ago, and that away from the road leading to the ning'tworka, on Newtown Creek, is an "'Hie riiajest 's weasel Clown. Wh,7, in the barn--a la moored. , "'That'll a clever young fellow, that now-now that he Is to thta fearful re^tor and wandered, still think- it efinery, rlbio 0111 runs t-y the can- ,, y apart.—From the Lancet; }Locke," said the prosecuting counsel, trouble-she should have left him ! 1r and badgering ills brains, to- flag works, and, as the note-made Mai God help tis. We are on a raft __ "HWu young to have so big a case, • There Is Home mystery, some strange, ward thr. Caatle, to rho middle of the ocean and have � _ _ _ _ _ - -� Ir, cans 6Dme down by a chute from neither water nor food. We have al- 1 1 but I've seen some of those young, awful mystery, about it a11. It iH AS he entered by the roost ate, tho works above, where the have 'ung tomo out verymake strong sourer thus so unlike Elaine t You don't know he I;eth,aught him that he had g Hat Just been fLnashed, they acro fillet], roady, eaten one man ,and atter a r ' ' 12 at a time, with the oil mango a reel we have now decided , and I think he'll maks a hit over titin Ilcr as well or lovE her as i do yet visited the scene of the mwr- o btttor null A blashaess ; but be has got Ills work fler•aid or you would understand how der, and though 11e could foresee no few' m'Llee aaway. The cans are laced to draw Iota in order' to decide wlitch A G 1 n P111 R e a s o ri out out for him with this evidence I feel. Maine would give her life to PossIble advantage In g of us is to by eaten next. We are - Many people are veritable human interrogation of yours, Saunders," going there, at once in wooden• boxes;' st watt all like lunatics. Our vessel was . pointe. They invariably wanttoknowwhy? I save+ that of a fr}oncl-•-yEs, Indeed she he, rosoivE:I to m,ako bis way to rho rce,(iy, and, after a 2-1-hour wait "Yes, air," said .&Lundors concisely; would ,'-and be WAN more than 'bar bridge-the bridge round which a for dlgcovering leaks, are nailed up wrecked on November Salt, 1702, and y • 46 was just as I eticl,�nt with rho friend, remember I Ile was her lover, crowd of curious people haad hung . and carried to a nearly door. Thia and she went to the bottom so quick+ Task w � 7W �'+ groat counsel as with everybxxly else.. tier lf,ver ! And I know she loved from morn to night Hilteo the an- doo>' o i that Avehad only time to why EL 91 1��5 ",,, hila !" g Pons on the river, and there y' Y. put a "Yea, the caeo Is very strong. nouneemt nt a[ rite murder. very aamall quantity of water and May wap anxiously waiting for Gerald Lrw1ce looked steadily out 'Phi tl;roundw wminnil strangely"10- at anchor by art cant of that factory food on the raft. The Captain's wife are superior to other Kidney remedies. One reason is that Gerald to return to the rectory— "t tit(% ss rI(J"%s without replying;, and aert(A. 'T'heme 'were no O e vessel inaror w for Sot- Am � Gin Pills are antiseptic intheiraction, cleans}ng•,heeling, 5 gardeners at el ice or China or tvhrlrc not -wait- cooked tier little dog and after eat- where Ire seas tut "lay during the }fru- May anxionsly, itlntovt Impatiently, work--they were discussing their in to reeelve. the cattlo which a llttl•i it bzeame Insane and committed sui- more certtaiu urc. Vic m the effect is immediate. cti ng nil Diller six grecs of the caso•-anti she ran Into , on In an -IWCd whisper, nrastor s tate up at the Inn. A sots g E o Druggists, the hall to meet him with the lite. 1 Do You think Hhe-silo knew, ttary gr)r)in moodily exercising a more tjajkr 2 inulrnt •beC`or<# w e. t re tin ci' Whoever finder this letter, telling. Sects. per box,6boxesfor025oordirectfrom YOUR NONE RACK he mentors question on Ler lips; but thi>u Lt that HIMd again mustfav I Il;tvE til esEl'the marquis' favgrltel -- zvas maLrvelouy,s examplE of rer#nomy,snct I of our misfortunes, is requested to THE DOLE DRUG Cb., WINNIPEG, MAN. 01N PIL48 DO NOT CURL there was no need to frame !t, for E known, tho,wily human being in sight, and only in matorlalq b.ttt In tline and tiro Admiralty. Manner;."P.,, sate read the answor in lite grave land It was hecr�usc she know that ant lrtf came to view or the Castle footcrteps.--xcia bit '1'ar'betl in Mn- _ _ A.' " Ntle Vt,n .lWay. Cali no one find her? 110 Mw that tho blinds; had been pull. Giwre's. '"Toast" and "" fledge." _ :------ nee• il,malri Hhe must be fond !" rK1 down. It haul all tilt, appearance -. .. , W . ""Yes, dear," ]Ie said, Putting ills Sire teak a })Ieao of paper from his of A house or death. Anil only a few Tito very' word "toaFJt" shows that arm round her and drawing tier into Pcrekot and gave It to her, and she clays since It had iseen tb full of life How They Vaek Them, neltherwine nor water is the exact ISU FMOI tl ®n "I" f) ^L.La C)"H° "KEFa 3 the little breakfast-rtx)m, from the read it. and happiness. After flgs have been ciiliected they liquid essential to the ceremony; but Window or 'which she had been anxi- '",H._... D--.- Como, back to R- _-- at AN he passel Sri front of the marble - are dipped In boiling brine and then punch. Though now long dlaused as 9 oualy watch}ng, for him. 'They have once. Ile is In great peril:, steps leading. to the 'terrace, liar. dried on trays for from two to four an Ingredient, toasted biscuit tilled Et, B. ®�� Sent him for trial. "That goeao Sn all the morning; pa- Ingrain, rv)ln) was standing on the clays, according to the Weather, Tho tq be an invariable addition to tilE "Oh, Gerald," slits gasped, hiding; her Pers to-morrOw,"' Igo said. "'yes, termee reacting, the latest partlen. dipping Is supposed to bring; tho su qr ! punoh-bowl. Dy a alrnplo oonnectlob MFW. - Vice agatnaat h1w breast, and s}Itrdder- larw of the inurilor 1n the London to the surfarc and hasten tho dry ng, { CIlo person 111edged, and aftor�warde biay, you arr ri itt, r lainr�ttid knfnv! T0109rapll, came dawn 'tile steps, After boing lifted til,- figs aro ;)hto r, , Lite teat of pledging Cama to be - iilrf! „How could the ?" „ I ani+ stirs+ of thgtt; l>at why abs flyd thrusting the p.a ter In his ' I - INDURATED 'f'atey could do nothing ola4e, May," I Ciannot r+vin guess " lie paused. I pgcicot" In ' atvrat boxcts="", holding I:,00(J known ns a toast. This other 'word „ The Bald gravely. "Unleas?" broathod May. and aecoHtod Gerald with subdued pctrndq each, wh•re they remain for "plodge," too, redalln the very or- ®p WARE silo ralsed her heart and looked ckt ""Unle,Ns silo bolleved him g•1i11ty 110 (% agerltess, e,r two wec"ItP. Th'm they are washed 1gin of hol'Itll-dri-..lking. In the old F� Gii E 1fV i'' R E ' hln:. him ans%prul almost lnaudil)] •. Anything fresh, sir , he leaked, In colla Bait water to remove all Clays, When people were frequently "flat youI Alt. l see you do snot ,May looked at him almost3lndig- ;orald abo o 11 be 1k,br u)lead'. dirt, and tirf Il elt,doby Wonon and murdored whllo they were drinking, TUB89 PA6ILSo ETC think him guilty I You eanriot 1 nantly►, rio ri d and one waa obliged to 'hall soma mem- Poi' stile by All flret clean dealers Ingram sl,00k hlw head, at#d elghod, ton•ptlund boxes, in t+ryerw, being ber bf the eomp.'uy, and he waa� It 110 Paid slgwlY. ' "'I do not be-' "Oh, Gerald I" wile tatelalmed. ""You ""Most t1rf�Itrlfill baser bar. Looke, 1'nt itplit prlmarlty with a 6llgrt.1bladed gu�ara,nteo for one's safetb",v--T,lrs *Ir f ni0i�"i'" c:ok4l dill:,-rgriNciA aiC�it"Avomw -�, lieye Idm to be guilty; but If I lind (tor not knoWI If She lead bellovocl , , (�fr be, cof►tintiod.) . knife, 1. ICilyg, • . I , I .I . , 'k•, `*x 14, t.