HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-10, Page 44 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE. September Io, 19o3 w �""'"many Acts have been added to the:01iX �: statute book, So far nineteen tail- 1� way companies leave been iucor- EE cn��+nD�+Ritchle porated, while Acts respecting thir- THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Camobell -The Russian Government gives. ty;eight other companies have re- a golden medal to every couple that ceived the Royal assent. Among celebrates its golden or diamond the latter Acts are measures relit- Macdonald Stock; Wlnlgham. wedding, Last. year 614 couples i"', n to the Canadian Pacific, the (� jj^''�� received medals, Grand Trunk, the Canada Atlantic Our First Bargain li�Iay and the Toronto Hamilton and i Buffalo. Many of the Acts deal KERR -Mr. A. P. Westerwelt, secre- with electric railway projects, JN09 JAS* O A(� Grand Success. tary of the Provincial Live Stock i Association, trip returnedfroma Nigh -Don, editorLibof criticizes L.I III D the action of the Government in o f this I, A peculiarityI L I I IIII,IIIII Our Customers I'OUIld GOO six weeks' tri to the West in the = interests of Ontario live stock bice is business is its absolute regard •for the ders. He re arts that the Ontario Q Goods P the Grand Trunk Pacific Bill. He truth in advertising. We intend that you shall accept our cattle exported to the west for �+ • breeding purposes aro giving better Psays,-"Thert Liberal majority . tete .Janie as Advertised, satisfaction than the American cat- Parliament have afforded they e Store news literally, which means that we will Stick to facts Pacific a swift route to all they de- _ tle, A l g igood trade is being worked sired. If we were quite sure that and use plain English. You will find goods and rices n t Fp between Ontario and the ranch- parliament was cautions and lead Bargain ��� ins Country. This year prices for cattle are low in the West and the gone Over every foot of ground and this store exactly as represented in our advertisement. i every dollar of expenditure, we ranchers are holding their Cattle might be willing to waive our over till next year. rights as taxpayers. But we know For Salt�rdaeXt : that such is not the case and we Something You Should Know 1VIa�t Vinegar ' Saturday g Men's Furnishings l moat all think that we have been About Fashions in -At a meeting of Barristers, rushed into something not for the held in Osgoode Hall last Thurs- public interest but to afford an op- 1 day, the present cumbrous and im- portunity to somebody to effect a Fall Dress Goods We have it in stock. Its , - 10 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Hose, sizes 9, 9.1 and 10, practicable system of obtaining di- huge graft. It is not a pleasant the best Vinegar to use for When you want a New Suit regular 40c for .25 vorces in Canada was considered to thought that b means of politics pickles. You'll like your pickles g """""""""""""""""""""""""" ' be out of date and inadequate. The • y P of Clothes come here for it • � q or any other social concern we ZEBELINE CLOTHS, plain and much better it you use Malt 1 50 air Shaker Flannel Blankets size 72x68 re and following resolution passed --That tr it " ,1 Vinegar. we make it a you to come P 1 a grey g P can b® had as easy things, fancy, are certainly leaders for g pay white, regular $1,25 for ............................................ 1.00 a Divorce Court should be consti- and as the ria fruit that is 'ust here; we carry a good line of P 7 the fall season. 20 air Linen Towels 18x24 regular 15 cents for....., .10 ' _ tuted, or power given to existing falling into somebody's lap. We Import and Canadian Tweeds, P , , g High Courts in the various rovin- CHEVIOTS come in a good second, Pickling Spices g P may be all these things, and very Serges, Worsteds, Fancy Wor- 10 locos French Flannels assorted colors regular 40 ces to grant divorces ; and that a gas of procurement, but I am while other fashionable goods P > > g y P -- steds Overcoatings etc. • we :a Co of this resolution be forward- come in the following order:- b > > and 50 cents for ...................•,,.,..... ........................ .30 Py not sure that it is quite decent for ed by the secretary to the Dominion Parliament to make it so beast] SNOW FLAKE MIXTURES We carry a lull ]ice Pure guarantee quality of goods, a 5 pieces all Linen Towelling, regular 8 and 9C for...... .06 Government and to John Chari- y Spices, Whole and Ground:- workmanshipand perfect fit, "1 Government, evident that nothing is required FANCY FLECK TWEEDS P ton, M. P. but for some smart capitalist to et Whole Mixed Pickle Spice A suit made t0 your order -1 25 P g OAMEVS HAIR MIXTURES Mustard Seed, Tameric T out after us in order to procure our from Strict) High Class Pure Chiffon Collar Forms 2 for ......... BROADCLOTHS VENETIANS Coriander Seed, Mace 3; g, Butter 15 and 16 Cts. Eggs 15 cts. -During the year ending June consent to being swept in with the Anise Seed, Cayenne Wool Fabric with first-class gg 30 1903 Canada's export of butter morning refuse on the floor." FRIEZES, HO�IESPUNS CelerySeed Cloves ' ' ' P PLAIN TWEEDS, ETC. Chili Peppers, Cinnamon trimmings, is the kind that amounted to $6,954,618, as cum- - Curr Powder, Allspice Y P brings is to the - We are sole agents here for the World-Renowned Dorothy pared with $3,295,663 in 1901, and We will be pleased to show you Root Ginger Dodd Shoes. i $5,660,541 in 1902. Our export SENSIBLE WORDS. these goods and quote prices. Whole Pepper, etc. wearer. of cheese for the fiscal year ending Ilii•. E. Stutt of Forest writes to June last was valued at $24,742,943 Ritchie as against $19,680,291 the year be- pushed Weekly Sun on the wild scheme ushed throu h b Government for • ,�° fore. Our bacon and ham exports the Grand Trunk Pacific. Mr. Remnant Sale.Ripe Tomatoes Underwear & Campbell for the last fiscal year totalled Stutt's letter is fall of common R -- _ _ $15,906,334, an increase of nearly —_ successors t0 M. sense, and we give part of it to our S H. MCINDOO three and a half millions over 1902. readers. He says :-We've It will pay you to y been oin through Our men's and boys fall I • �� Our combined exports of dairy pro- Why is the Government so de- g g g leave your order at this y ducts and of bacon-which latter is our stock and have taken out Underwear is all in stock and aside line of dairying-for the terminad to push through an almost store for Ripe Tomatoes. unnecessary railway, making an all short ends and put them values are better than ever. year ending June 30th last, footed enormous addition to our already on sale as remnants. Most of That is saying a great deal in 21 up to over forty-seven and a half y EARLY CRAWFORD the face of a rising market. I heavy debt? A road through a them are Prints, regular l0c yyxl�dmillions. Herein is found the real now country over 3,000 miles long and 12 c goods, g and' the PEACHES --_ basis of our national prosperity. g A is a matter for national considers- lengths are from 3 to 8 yds. are now ready. We will be Men's Wool Fleece Shirts and a THE{ i tion, and should not be railroaded leased to fill - ROYAL GROCERY through at once. It is a tremen- All good lengths. gon't delay. Your orders. Drawers-each, only 50c =y ,...,.,. --In addressing 5,000 electors in dous stretch of power to do so. If —� Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool Shirts Quebec recently, Mr. Tarte said: - and Drawers-each........... 50c ,� "The Premier's departure could we had the initiative and referen- R'a're selling Iota of things , ry A SNAP IN P dum, this huge debt would not be _ below the market rice• Bnt Mens Rubber Collars Mens All Wool not be long delayed. What would saddled oil this country. What everybody doesn't know et, __ UN-EQUALLED A be left after the Premier disappear- moral right has Parliament to ass y Y Y UN-SHRINKABLE Dit-Julner ed ? Prefontaine Bernier and Fitz- g P _ the money to be saved buy- ���� , Will wear for months. pAl-ure UN-DERWEAR this bill? The people have not in here, ways � patriek. As far as he was concern- g ys ready. Will keep pure You can't shiink them; ed, he did not want to have any been consulted. It was not heard white. They are very comfort- em ; tele most of at the last Dominion election. able, and always look well, comfortable and satisfactory thing to do with such a lot. Field- Children's Handkerebiefs - Our Shirts and Drs. for fall and Surely the principle governing a Special price, three for........ 5c Price ..... ...... 25c each winter. Price ...... 50e to $1 each who could hold their own in their apply when the sum is up in tens If you are thinking of purchasing a Dinner provinces, and the Government, of millions. That the line is not Set we would ask you to call and inspect our stock feeling that defeat was in store for � y p needed now and will not pay is ad- them, would attempt to take ad- , before buying. One hundred and three pieces in mittecl by the seven years exemp- vantage of the short time Laurier each Set, and all of them have four dozen plates, would remain to them to snatch a tion granted the company. No part BE CAREFUL. ALEX. KELLY WELLINGTON MUTITAL instead of three dozen. Ten dollars to Thirteen of Canada would ery e pe delay. FIRE INS CO.new lease of power. Mr, parte ap- Auctioneer for Huron County and a half per Set. pealed to all irrespective of party It seems that every expenditure CENTRAL that can be thought of must be done Established 1e40. to join hands in order to secure I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Head Office GUELPH, ONT. fiscal reform and declared he was at once, lest the other party might -.n Huron county, and am prepared to conduct This well be Ill J a0.1Ce le reasonableraedrates. fiscal reform favor of Chamberlain's get the innings, and steal the plan- STRATFORD ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro • Sales arranged at the Advance Office. party on the cash or r y e b] week „ der. Mr. McMillan, good man ALL BUBINRSs COLLEGES are not alike. premium notes stem. fiscal r0 osals. though he is knows perfectly well A school with a reputation like ours is a ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, P. O, JAntss GOLDIY, OIIAs. DAVIDSON, Peaches g proposals." �" es for Peaches. Leave your or- 1 that his talk about a militar y road safe one to patronize. If you want to get President. Secretary. y a first-class position, then get a first-class y ders where you are sure t0 et good sound fruit. business education. Oftentimes students JOHN RITCHIE, Y g g is moonshine. A military road —Some noteworthy increases in y coma hundreds of miles solely to attend THOS. HOLMES AGENT, WINGHAM ONT Try our yellow canning Peach-it is a dandy. Canada's exports to distant coun- beginning at nowhere, running tale Collego. Catalog free. Enter now. tries are observable in the 1903 re- through nowhere, and ending at < RANKER, ETC. nowhere Cannot be considered a W. J. Elliott, Principal, i Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesees turn. Exports to Brazil, for exam- ,..•..,..required. le which were $490,006 in 1902 means of national defence. The Money 4/,large amounts; smaller in pro• same old ar ument was used at theportion, Eastetlttorme.r A Mt- a� GriTTIn S werent merchandise year. To Chili g GINGHAM SAW MILL r we sent merchandise worth $153,- time the Intercolonial was built. Make up your mind to attend Military roads are not wanted in �+r �// RICHARD HOLMES MCLRAN do 3ON year last year and only $6 arc the y LIS O// BARRISTER AT LAw, $OISOITOR, ETC., ZT0. V>1� year before. Japan's purchases Canada. from us, though not yet great, are Another arguments of the stock ar uments Ofnce;-next to Holmes Block now building All kinds of rough and dressed.... growing; they were $293,277 in is that it will give employment for 1902 and $325811 in 1903. Amon labor. That argument is a trans- ' g parent h oeris No able man Fall Term Begins Sept. 1, 4903. DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLESEuropean countries, Holland in- yP y creased her Canadianurchases who is willing to work need be idle -Two Courses- PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, an our, anthe highest wage Commercial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR.APPLE BARRELS. from $320,241 to $619,329 ;Norway g P hour, with �E11411i1111ttiIP11il1tlltlYtllFllltl1i14lit��t�i4t111141I11i1l11111t111t� w: and Sweden from $100,328 to $268,- Canada has ever known, In fact, Send for College journal. Oiiice :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Hard and Soft Slabs also a there is a serious scarcity of labor, C. A. FLBMINO A. L. MciNTYRB Block. , 851 ; Denmark from $106,360 to y Night calls answered at office. large quantity of dr hard- We whichHave ��� Stock 'Portugal which these resthisworks will President Soo'y.g g q y y $167 161 • from $105 495 g public to 8164 184. But neither France intensify. The rush is not for this wood for sale, delivered. nor Germany increased their pur- philanthropic purpose, but for the LIFE FIRE RS. CHISHOLM CHISHOLBI chases from us. The United States benefit of camp followers, promo- INSURANCE Telephone Orders Promptly bought almost exactly as much this tors, contractors, etc. They tell PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS ETC, attended to. year as last. us, It will open up that country. Lowest rates consistent with •^•" Come and See our large This Country will settle just as absolute security.m All claims Josephine Street - Wingha i quickly as it ought to. The most promptly settleC�•LA ea �y0 stock of -On July 2 of this year, Henry trying time for a new country is Abner COSe11S T P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P,S.O A7 ., Frederick left New York on the when it has no more land to settle J steamer "Deutschland." He re- or to give away. So long as there ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS (MemberO. of eooiafon hMedioal r Wrapperettes, in all colors, turned atmidni ht August2G after is good land to be had for a trifle, 6o YARS gCOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. MFRE having completely encircled the so long will there be room for its A. DULMAGE beautiful goods, at I Oc per yd. Special attention paid to Diseases of women earth in fifty-four days, seven surplus population, so long may and children, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. hours and twenty minutes. To be the laborer become a farm laborer ; osalGs IIoURa:-i to 4 P.-,; 7 to 9 p,m, � Flannelettes, wide and heavy, M sure, Mr. Frederick had One facility so long will there be room for CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN d . ..+ , on Town and Farm Property. unknown at the time Jules Verne's speculation and betterment of the W. T. Hollow reg. I2 2 c, for I Oets. White � star was written and that was the workers' Circumstances. Bat when ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. -,,,e 3' D.D.S., L.D.S. Siberian railway. Eighteen days the good land is taken, at once the OFFICE.—In the Kent Block. DESIGN8 Shaker very special at 6c per M s Rdeldence—Catherine St. Graduate of Royal COPYRIGHTS BCC. .,. were passed on the train from Paris conditions of Old Europe begin. A College of Dental Anyone sending a sketch and deeorfption may Surgeons of Tor• c quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an yard. to Dally, China; two more were surplus population, without hoe • • . invention ie probably vvatentable. Communlea- P onto and Honor •� tions strictlyconOdentfal. Handbook on Patents p g of independence, would be more C. J MAGUIRE Graduate of Dent. . ..... ,.,,� occupied in Cr08aln the Yellow P i ,,� sent free. Oldest a oncy for scouring atonic. e ` ""' laboring machines for the all-con- al De t. of Toron. Patents taken t�irouih Munn m Lo. receive w Cheap Plaid goods for Vont- ; Sea. Japan was traversed in an- g REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND to University. .peewMtko,withoutoharge,Inthe other two days. At Yokohama, trolling Capitalist. Lon may this Latus improved methods in a branohoIof Scientific fi�nerican. forcers g y LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING Dentistr Prices moderato. satisfaction • . •� Mr. Frederick missed a steamer by Country remain with a virgin soil Collection of Rants and Accounts a specialty. guaranteed. Aroffico in Beaver Block. �^ ^ A handsomely illustrated.-Iia. weekly. imr. teat 3 Mullins, Prints, Basket Cloth, ten hours. That cost him seven to be settled by its sons and culattonofanyes,$LIISoildbyal, ewsde aaa daughters, ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. ear:rourinottchtl,al. 6o7abyalinowsaoalore. days, for he was compelled to take g Office-in Vanstono Block. ARTRUR J. IRWIN �IUNN � Co $B1Braadway, New Ygrk a slow boat two days later which I know these views will suit Open Saturday evenings, 7 to s. Ladies Vests and Cotton Hos- neither Government nor Ca i D.D.S., _ �tilnch tilos, 'o2G F SG. waghtp¢taa. D. . spent sixteen days in crossing the p'talist. _ iery all go at cost. Pacific. Landing at Victoria, he Government` is urged to exploit on- J. A, MORTON Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fon• [PPIOMFPVTLY made the trip across North America everything in sigbt, to get the nsylvania College and Licentiate of Beautiful Black Underskirts ± in somewhat more than four days, handling of the money and offices BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR,Dental Surgery of Ontrtrlo, .14In all that time the traveller slept for the office hunters. Capitalists Office over Poet Office-wINQHAMat a reduction. in but one hotel and that was in urge the exploitation of all Canada Max>ulr TO LOAN. ' Yokohama, at Once. They want to make Office:-Morton Block, WinghamHandsome cushion to s MISS SARA L MOORE p things boom, to fill the country up 50CURE® l quickly, so that we may get rich MISS DELIA SPARLING Teacher of Piano and Theory Write fob ear interesting books ,'Invent- �-^- — —`- - -- - - -�" ---Seven new banks have been immediate) b gifts out of the ora Help and How you are swindled. w• ,""'y 3' Y g1 ___ Send its a rough sketch or model of your in- •� been incorporated during the Pres- public chest, and the use of what A T. C. M. vention orimprovementand wewultellyyou -� We sell. Butterlck Patterns "" freeouro inion as to whether it is robabt • : ant session. 10 numerOUs wer0 the Capital w0 haVe• If we cannot get Teaollor of Plano, Theory and Flotoher M[SS GARBLE MOORS pateutablc gcjected applications have often, °"" �^' applications that some alarm was Canadians, we are to fill the coun- Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. en success ally prosecuted in o we •�+ conduct fully estopped offices in Montreal .+ manifested in the House. The new try with Ga]£LCians, Polanders, PtXpiie prepared for Conservatory exam. Teacher of Violin and Guitar. andwashington; thisqualifieaustoprouipt- " •• . • Inatiotts. �ly dispatch work and quick) secure Patents banks chartered are the Bank of Doukhobors, or Asiatics. Fill it Rooms—In Stone Block, Wingham, asbroadastheinvention. highest references ... furnished. o , Winnipeg, the City and County with anything, so that we may _-__�._. Patents procured through Marlon. & Ma• ,Bank of Canada, the Northern make money and get cheap labor. YANSTUNE ot, r.Celve special patlee without charge in To A* MILLS"" Bank, the Pacific Bank of Canada, In fine, these men want free trade R, DICKINSON & 11OLMES elver too ttewel,rtpere distributed tliroa{CltciuK •••.e the too %1eon. „ e the Sterling Bank of Canada the in labor that we buy, but a mighty BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR B tnrsc Han ngiiiee ibuetnete of Manatee tt llittliililllltll rr 7}} yy!} yy! {y t s litif iillilllit�tlittiflitf ijli Rome Bank .of (Canada, an the high tariff or bonus on the products Money to loan at lowestrates. Of es arflsters, Sol�cltors, etc, MARION & MARION Citizens Bank of Canada. Private of labor we sell. This is the way BRAVER BLOCK, Office' Meyer Block Winghram,� pbtsht Exports rind Solloltore. legislation has been active ikloo, and most of our millionaires are made, 1.96, WI1�T(1MA M, lg, x,, i)ioltlnson t)udl�y ielmee ottleee I Naw York ld Lite 11;'id' , nont:real Atlanti e,waehrh oti D.CG