HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-10, Page 10 111 dr L�.. s � I , . I ,4 V I '. 31ST YEAR, NO, 2. - I 1 � � . I -I . � I ., I 0171 fqq ,---,.11-1----,-,-,----_--.,---r':--n--"----.---_____n-.�-,---c--'---'� - — _____14--__:_ _._..__:_,________�,__ I I WINGHAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1903, $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE .. , , .. . ___­__ ­­­ ­­_­­ ­ I ­­... I .__11­____.,.,-,.--...-,.:,,:-� .. .. ........ - __% --,---,--,-"---,-------,.,-,------,�--�--,-,--- ­�­�­_ ;� 0 Turnberry Council. Thanksgiving. Gamey Coming. Farm Purchased, School Board. ---,-�--__... ,. I This Council will meet on Tuesday, The Governor-General has set apart The Advance has information to the John Fowler has purchased from his Wingbam School Board met on R DOMINION BAR Sept. 22nd, Instead of Monday, 219t, as Friday, Oct. 10, as a day of Thanks. effect that R. R. Gamey, M, L. A,, has brother, who resides In Teeswater, Tuesday evening; trustees all present Announced In the minutes, Those in- giving for the blessings of the year, * t JJAXK OF RAM11 "ON a I Jil consented to be present ,At the open. the farm near thejunction, on which 0 tereated should note this change, the. barn was recently burned, The except Win. Button, After adoption Still Climbing. in of Wisigharn Fall Fair. farm consists of fifty acres, and the Of min utes the following accounts were WINQHAM., Capital (paid up) - $2,980,000 Conservatives, Last week, the Advance was obliged Corn Social. Purchase price was *2100. Mr, Fow- considered and passed for payment:- AT up. ... $ 2,00000000 ler will re -build the barn as soon As J. D. Burns, supp lea. $0.30,, McLean RE Conservatives of Winghaars and vi to add twenty4lve more to its bona- The Epworth League will hold a possible, I CAPITAL P Reserve (",1,1,11 p,11,,d,1vl4- - $3,330,000 ,I '- fide circulation. They are coming to Corn Social in the basement of the & Son, lumber, $33.01; H, Lloyd, work ,Snnv D "' I to) nity are requested to meet in the C, F FUND .......... 107001000,00 0. F. hall, on Monday evening next at voluntary subscribers : they arO gener- TOTAL ASSETS ........... 21,050,500.04 us in groups. We appreciate these church In the evening of Thursday, Pringle & Groves. at school, $17,50; A, Young & Son, So'clock, A,Dulmage,President. silly BtAYer.V. For 35cts new subscrlb- The rOW firm of Pringle & Groves supplies, $6.30; Jae. Ford, work, $13,12; BOARO OP DIR15CTORS, Sept. 17th. Come and see how many , . __.. - - - Fariners' Notes discounted. ers can have their choice of two offers: ways corn can be prepared. A good who have leased the tannery and T. L. Jobb, work,�$I.51a; Robt. Mooney - Drafts sold on all points in Can I Ron. Win. Gibson - President Coming. - let Advance and Family Herald program will also be rendered. Ad- glove factory, expect to commence supplies, $7,75; S. Bennett, dressing, : Gee, no4ch John Proctor dent 1400 - E, Pauline Johnston, in her unique and Weekly Star until Jan. lot next. mission 15r. work next week. r. Pringle is here $8.30, Ada, the United States and Europe, and beautiful costume recitals, arrow- 2ad,The Lvance and the Weekly N . __�^ev���� now and Mr. Groves expects to arrive Duff & Stewart, cedar, $0,72; John 8, Hendrio Geo. Itutherford I - Mail Euipire until Jan. 1st next. on Saturday, The tannery will b W Taylor, re alts $9.00; W. Taylor, J. Turnbull, VIce-Pres. and General Manager . e SAVINGS DEPARTMRNT. panied by W. McRaye, 1 in his iniper- PERSONAL . again in operation and the ham of -the extra work, $5,00; R, H. McKay, glaz- H. S. Steven, Aost, Gen; Manager 11 . Interest allowed on deposits of 1.00 and Donations of the "habitans" of French Quick Returns. sewing machines once more be heard Ing, $1,00; A, H. Musgrove, chemicals, L"_" 'i At the glove work, The Advance H. X Watson. rnspector. upwards, and added to Principal 31th June Canada, will appear in Witigbaul, un- I In last Issue of the Advance, an ad- L 80c. The Account and Slot December each year. der auspices of the Pipe Organ corn -1 vertigement was inserted of ,,Watch Mr. Jas, Nelson spent Labor Day in wishes the new firm great success. Found." The Advance reached White- Seaforth, � for painting and Of Jon' Rogers' $80-69 D noalts of V and upwards received. im- ripe siders,.The Board considered that and Slot Ms. each ar,and added to principal -noon, and the Plums picked to Your order for 20 cts.special ePost also received at current mittee of the Methodist Church. on church Thursday afternoon, FAAmuns ATTENTION.—Oholce * kalsomining was cola- erejopetlallowed and computed on 30th No,verober A. E. GIBSON, Manager October lot. advertisement met the eye of the loser Mr. Ross of borrie was in town on of L IV of the watch Hesse On Friday Tuesday, a basket; 3 baskets for 50 eta, -A. W. on account Of having to pay $5 for rates interest. R. Vanstone, Solicitor RE- DxovDD,-You will find mein my morning, in less than twenty Webster (near the school), extra cleaning that might have been I now shop one door south of 0. N. -four III M Tudhope spent Labor Day in W. CORBOULD, Agent - Griffin's, with a large stock of harness, hours after the paper left the press, Woodstock, . Plucking Contest. avoided, one halt of said cost should I the watch Was in be deducted from the account, and Dickinson & Holmes, solicitors whips; etc. All at reasonable prices. The plucking contest at the Fall Fair motion, were presented for deduction I I Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, rigbtftil owner, who &i0essen$a neat White-ofbe Alice Park has returned home . A call solicited . -C. KNECHTEL, church. M!, Wm. Batton was the from Sim,,e. is likely to attract considerable atten- : farmers' finder o he ;,vatch as he was driving Mrs. Sproat of Seaforth is the guest and daughters, and will be managed Dr. Montgomery of Gerrie died on ' Sold. ft ,_1 tion, it will be open to fa of'$5 and $2,60. The latter prevailed Tuesday last. _ to Lucknow. Of Mrs. Slem by the casting vote of the Chairman. Wall Paper and Shades at Cooper's. J. 1. Sullivan has sold his crittage on in. by Mr. F, C. Elford of the Huron Ex- Payment of the teachers' and officers' Miss Anes Graham was visiting well etation, competitor Frances street, recently advertised in Excursions To London. Ripley friends this week. wil three have three birdEach s each, which salaries was ordered. The question 4z'isk- Half the hun, r r vire (lie before they the Advance. The purchaser is Mr. For the 300i annual Western Fair Mr. and Mrs, R. Clegg have returnbd must be plucked dry, and suitable for of action being taken regarding truants reach seventeen .,L,u ui,!) one person Join, Leathern of town, who will pro- in London, the Grand Trunk Railway from their western trip. the old country market or the beat was introduced by Trustee Douglass ' I in 1,000 reaches sixty, bably lease it when Mr. Sullivan gives has arranged special, low rates of Canadian trade, The birds must be and discussed. The Board then ad - Imported China at Cooper's, up possession, October 1st, Mr. Sal- ain,918 fare for round trip, good going Rev. Mr. Findlay of Kincardine killed by dislocation of the neck. S,qd journed. - - )!van intends going into business for Sept. 12th to 18th inclusive, and very spent Sunday at Mr. A. ReWs, and efficleti-ey will be consideredin WALTON low rates, good going Sept. 15th and awarding the prizes. A recent bulletin Robt. Galbraith of Guelph spent from the Department of Agriculture 11. Walkerton has a 28 milk tax rate himself in a new town in the Cana- 17th. All tickets valid rettirning until Labor Day at his home in town. says: -The method of killing the chick , and Harriston a 24 mill rate this year, than Northwest. There are excellent Sept, 21st. Splendid train service and " MCKI' BBONS ' Harry Ansley has accepted a, situa- openings there for business men, and good accommodation will make this W. J. Chapman of Acton was in On by dislocating its neck is different Lower Winghatil. tion in Brampton, for which place he Mr. Sullivan, with his experience in all enjoyable visit and the many speci- town a couple of days last week, from the old-fashioned way of wring- The gypsies are again our guests. al attractions and featuresIng Or twisting the neck. when the Frank Hill is holidaying at the par - of this Frank Kennedy and D. Jerome of chicken's neck is dislocated, and the ental home. left to -day; success, Harry. business should succeed, He has been great Fair promise to make it the best Acton spent Labor Day in town. , head is pulled from the neck in the I DRU6 STORE a faithful employee of G. R. King for yet in point of excellence. Further A load of young people from town the past nine years, and ,has been a particulars and tickets from agents. manner described in the bulletin "Pro- Miss M. Agnew is home on A visit spent a pleasant evening last Thursday popular salesman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shore spent a few fitable Poultry Farming," the loose, from Philadelphia. I . at Mr. T. S. Brandon's, ftrol line of "Newish him suc- Died. days in Newmarket this week. unbroken skin of the neck forms a The Aivoung idea" has again began - - cess in the lvest, Miss Elmslie of Clifford spent a, few sack into which the blood of the to shoot at our academy.18 the �IaCe . Morris. - Mr. Thos. Jewett of the Bluevale days with Miss O. Haslam last week. chicken flows. The body of the chick- t Important By -Laws. road received the sad news this week en Is as well drained of blood as if the Some harvest still out; farmers are Pare The farm of the late Jae, Maxwell of the death of his daughter, Mrs. Anson Robinson of Simcoe spent - As may be seen from minutes of Sunday and Monday at his home here. head were cut off with an axe; the anxious for fine weather. will be offer�ad for sale by auction on Maria Jewett Lake, in Blanist*que, market appearance of the chicken is Drugs and it Council proceedings, two by- Mich. Deceased was born in J11 One of our rising yoling men, Harry Saturday next at the Brunswick hotel oron Messrs, 0. J, Maguire and Sherman improved by killing by dislocation; Ansley, has gone to Brampton to fill a * at 1.80 p. m.; see advt. on page 8. laws are in coarse of preparation. One county, December 14th, 1859' and was Dey spent a few days in Toronto this the fiesh.of the chicken is more 3tiley situation. Harry is all right, to � date Drug is for the purchase of the Electric married to Mr, Lake in 1882. They week, and edible. On the contrary, when Sulidries at C. J. Graham bore one arm in a sling Light plant from W. H. Green, and settled in Schoolcraft, county, Michi- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott spent a chickens are killed by twisting the Mr. Bradwin, the faithful attendant ' gan,,in 1888. Nine children were born few days in Brantford during the past neck, death results mainly from at the electric light works, is in To. Right Prices. for a few days. The cause of the hurt the establishment of a system of water- tot in !of whom six are living. The we strangulation. The body of the chick- roe to this week. was . being thrown from a vehicle; for- works for domestic purposes; the see- funeral 'was held from the M. E, church ek. On is not freed from blood on account . ' and is for the construction of a trunk and the attendance certainly was a Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hayes of Wood. of there being no space in the neck Our fig-) new, bridge is admired by . a sewer on Josephine street. The By- The Young folks as "just the thing "Meet tunately no bones were broken. Silent tribute of the high esteem in stock were guests of Mrs. Flood this into which the blood can flow. all. The sidewalk is voted by th Fancy Goods and Wools at Cooper's. which the deceased was held. The be- week. . appearance of the flesh of the chicken me at the bridge," you know. Next door to laws will be submitted tothe Council reaved husband and family have the that has been killed by twisting its heartfelt sympathy of all. Miss Burdette McCracken is spend . Twelve years ago Parry S6und in- at a special meeting to be held at an As Mrs. - n: neck is reddish and blood ca be plain- It is reported, Mr, Editor, that - Lake death was unexpected, Me, and in a few weeks in London and Thorn- n . Post Office stalled the municipal waterworks early date, and later on brought before 51rs. Jewett w dale, ly noted in It. In several cities in Wingliam has an eye on our chief in - plant. Since then the town has $200 the property owners for their approval at their daughter's were unable to be present Canada a law is in force prohibiting dustry, the electric light works, and deathbed. Mrs. Jas. Stretton of Brussels was the sale of chickens that are killed by there is at rumor that they may pur- erery year to the good after paying or rejection. When the By-laws are visiting at Me, John McCracken's last twisting the neck. According to the chase them and extend the waterworks expenses, prepared, more will be said on the sub- From Winnipeg. week. London Canadian Gazette, Canadian and run the whole thing with the same Verity Plows are the best; sold by ject,The members of the Council are Mr. and Mrs. Youhill enjoyed the Mrs. R. Lawson of Trout Lake, Mus- poultry is now capturing the best machinery. Oh, yoncan't get along Alf., Glover, Wingliam. unanimous in their approval of the pleasure this week of a visit from their koka, is the guest of Mrs, Lind, Lower trade in fashionable London suburbs, without as, though we are only Lower son, W. 11. Youllill of Winnipeg, Town. the specially -bred 0anadlan chickens Town. Be good, or we won't. let you The Minister of Education has an- scheme, and convinced that the Mp, Yoribill Jun. is a member of the having a great demand and realizing tipper town folks have any light, or � nounced that the question of Latin passage of these By-laws would be to 90th Regiment and has just returned Miss May Fields of London spent a from $1.75 to $2.00 per couple, retail. water either -are not the springs of . the distinct and permanent tEad vantage front Ottawa. where be took part I couple of days this week with relatives Their highly -finished appearance and the valley ours ? I .1 I and other languages in the courses for the Dominion Rifle matches. He Will in town. flavor has demolished all prejudice on An eagle has been making depreda- of the town. When the By-laws are as public school teachers will not b very at the targets and won Messrs. Alf. Carr and Fred, Thorn the score of "foreign produce," Hence e re- $ P_ tigns lately among John Ansley's fowl. I ready and figures obtainable the Ad- I ey ""cc 9s" I one being the Governor- son of Teeswater were in town last t1he 1=ance of practical illastra- Six hens and a turkey disappeared, - considered. 0� 601 r��z-s,'I.., A . vanes will lay the matter before its General's third prize, Value, $100, Ills Sunday. Proper method of pre ar- and more would have gone', but our : I ' The Postmaster -General has author- readers, skill as a marksman is seen from the Ing poultry for the old country mar et. ized the issue of $10 postal notes. The fact that out of 42 shots, he made Mrs. Sanderson and daughter, Olive local nimrod, Geo. Phippers. decided to . of Orangevile are guests of Mrs. I. I . bag his eaglesbip. On Tuesday be - $2.00 sighted him, and soon the bird of prey felt . . commission on these postal notes is EGG COMPETITION, -11. E. Isard & 32 bullseyes, and out, of 200 possible Davidson. Eggs 14c. 100 tabs Butter wanted the sting of a ball from George's . only 5 cents, and this is a convenient Co. will give prizes for September eggs points he made 191. He is now : I as follows: -First prize -Tailor-made eligible to be chosen on the Canadian Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Sadler of Detroit weekly. Farmers'Pork for sale. rifle. It is said that the bird- flew a : and safe way of sending money, a re- skirt, value $3.00, to customer being- team for the rifle contest at the ranges were visiting Mr. Sadler's mother in Geo. E. XiNG, quarter of a mile after the was dead- . ceipt being given. Ing in the greatest number; 2nd prize in England. Mr. Yorshill is well town this week. SCHOOL Snots, -If the Boys' no, after he was shot. He was a fine SHOE -pair Boots, value $2,00; 3rd prize- known in town and met many friends Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Currie are en- Girls' School Shoes are bought and . measuring six feet from tig Win, Clegg attended the Conserva- Lady's Waist, value $1.25. during his few days' visit. ht here specimen, Mee It is seven - I N 1 ti . .. I I .. . " 39ying the scenes of Toronto exbibi- you'll never have a complaint to make' to t P Of ivin He will pass throng tive meeting in Toronto. - He teports years since %he was in Wingbarn - he the taxidermist's hands. a successful gathering, Mr. Whitney Marriage. considers our town has made wonder- tron this week. -$1.00, $1,25 to $1.50.-W, J. Greer, On Thursday last, there pa�sed Is a popular priced Shoe, and we ful progress. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alteman of Lon- Full line of violins and all kinds of is in excellent spirits, and ready for A happy company, assembled at the• don spent Sunday and Monday at Mr. Musical instruments from'a Jew's-harp away at his residence in Lower Wing- have got together the befit assort - the bye -elections whenever the Gov- residence of J. J. Mitchell. Pleasant Filled At Last. John McDonogh's. to a piano at D. Bell's Music Emporium. ham, Mr. James Hawthorn, one of the . earl settlers of Morris township, at ment of Shoes you will see, at ernment recover sufficiently from their Valley, on Wednesday, to witness the After it long delay, the vacant offices Miss Loretta Henderson left on Mon- I the early age of ninety years. scare of last winter, to bring them on. marriage ceremony of his second of Registrar and County Crown At- day to spend a couple of weeks at her -,' Deceased was born in the county this price. Both for Women's and daughter, Miss Celina Editb, to F. N, tOrDey of Huron have been filled by home in Ingersoll. TOWN COUNCIL. Derry, Ireland. His life partner, Afen's wear, in Dongola or Box 0 Government. e It. IS- Earnest, Fishleigh is spending a cou- whose maiden name Was Marshall, On Monday, Messrs. Burchill, Wynn Rush. At high noon the happy couple the Ontari ove rim. i The Reg ple of weeks with friends at Stratford survives him, bearing well the Weight Calf, with heavy and light soles, and Robertson shipped a car of cattle took their position under a floral bell, trarship has been vacant since the Wingbam Town Council %with their family plain and patent tips, fancy and and three cars of sheep by G. T. R. and Hagersville. met Mon- of ninety years, 7 as the wedding march was being Play- death of the late Thos. Gibson, now day evening, Sept. 7; members all of five children they left Ireland in Me, Clegg of Belgrave shipped two ed by Miss Clara, sister of the bride, over the Charles Gandy has returned to present. Minutes of August meeting 1818, and came to Canada, settling plain tops. " three years (if we mistake not) town, after spending a month with read and approved, first in Kingston, and four years later We will be pleased to show cars of cattle and Mr. Taylor one car- when Rev. Dr. Gandy spoke the rays- and the Attorneyship since the death friends in Brampton. A petition was read from J. B. Cum. removing to Colborne township, ` . y load by the C. P. R. tic words that made the twain one, of the late Ira Lewis. It is safe to say Miss Hattie Macdonald has returned mings ,and others asking for the re- .. y 'a afterward in 1802 they re- you these lines, whether you are If you Want good Shoes for, little The bride wore the time-honored tulle that the delay was not caused by any to Mitchell, after a week's visit with naval of an old grout building on Vic- moved to the township of Morris.. in need of a pair or not. money go to J. Button & Co. veil, and wag dressed in white organdy dearth of aspirants for the offices, but her mother at Zetland. Coria street, as it was dangerous, etc, where they resided until fyears There are to be two Homeseekers' and carried a bouquqt of white roses. rathe fro b 40 a 11 Poun. Dulmage, seconded ago. Ten children were born to them, r M t e f t that there were a Mr. H. Davis spent a few days last of whom seven remain -John who - Excursions to Manitoba and the West The little flower girls, Wilhemina number of aspirants for each office, week in southern Ontario, visiting by Conn. Elliott -That this matter be lives near Ingersoll, William. Mrs. this month, namely-, on Sept. 15 and Wachsiriulb. and Etta Hart, i'vere and tile Political exigencies of the case Blenheim and other towns. laid over for report by Executive com- mittee and Coun. Bennett—carried. Hotharn and Mrs, Stewart, Manitoba, 29, good for two months. The return dressed in white and did their duties were such that the Government feared Miss Maud Netterfleld of George- The Finance committee presented Mrs. Milne of Parry Sound, Mrs. fares will be $25, $30, •$35 and $40 ac- Well. About thirty guests, immediate to launch out and Make town visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, their report on the following Saunders and Henry Hawthorn of . cording to location. . friends of the brill© and groom, wit- , lents, the appoint-* Jas. Netterfleld, during the past week. ACCOUNTS. Win ham. Deceased was a member frk thg nessed the interesting ceremony, and -1 The fortunate aspirants are Mrs. T. 8, Brandon, Miss Hazel and Goldie & McCullough at Witter- of e Presbyterian Church ;political- 0 ly he was a staunch Conservative. To FARMURS.-Farmers and others left Wm. Coates of Clinton, who becombs Brock, have been spending a works ...................... $20 0 Ills daughters, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. . requiring harness equipment should Juron, and Chas, Seager couple of weeks with relatives near Wm. Moore, labor on streets.... 14 10 Hotharn of Manitoba visited him a tZNext door to Post Office behind them many gifts as tokens Registrar of I Master call on me in any new'location, third of esteem. After a Cbolce wedding of Goderich, who is now County Crown Toronto. Jas, Brock, labor on streets..... 28 03 short time ago, but had returned door south of the Bank of Hamilton.- dinner. the happy couple left by C. P- Attorney. The county seems to have W. Pattison, draying ..... ..... I 60 two weeks before his death. Mrs, ------- - - __ ­ -.-- C. KNECHTEL. . R. for Toronto, Niagara and other got along fairly well daring the vacan- In Sarnia oMiss Gertie rday, n SatuNash let fafter spending Lied e ell iTelephone account.......... 45 Milne was present at the funeral ' c Lighb Co ................ 33 74 which took place to cu sed on Sat- Have you ever tried the New Wil - The milliners have returned to their places. On their return tbev Will re- cies, and now both Plums have been a couple of weeks with friends in A. Sanderson, street watering .. 25 00 ur(lay, Death was caused by the Hams sewing machine:itis unrivalled. respective situations in town -Mies side in the Button block. The young picked by residents of West Huron. ' Wingliam. Teatti work on streets ........... 37 70 general breaking lip of the system at- D. Bell sells them, We also handle 0 Henderson to Miss McPherson's, Miss couple have a large circle of friends, The successfni aspirants are both un. Miss Millie Agnew, accompanied by R. Armstrong, work on streets.. 1 00 tendant upon advanced years. The one of the best made American mach - Seawright to Miss Boyds, Miss Irving who Wish them much prosperity and known to the writer, hence he cannot her friend Miss Strobel, of Philadel. McMannus & Davidson, hauling following lines are in memoriam:_ ines; call and see them, to Mrs. Aley's, and Miss Bissette to many happy days. The Advance ex- express any opinion wk to their suita- phis, are spending a few weeks at Miss gravel ......... I ... I ........ 53,10 W . tends congratulations, Agnew's home in Lower Win ham. it. Rankin, salary .............. 5 67 Yee sadly miss an absent one, Wanted -Bien who want a fortune Mrs. Green's, bility for the offices, but judging from V. Vannortuan, salary........ , . 42 00 t strive to say "Thy will be done, and are willing to work to get it. Only Fon SAL,. -A good dwelling house,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green and W. J. Scott, meals prisoners.... 1 20 0 Father," though it rends the heart ambitious men need apply. No room with kitchen and woodshed, hard and Monster Lake Boat. the length of time taken to choose and family, the Misses Rose and Walter W. G Gray, draying ...... ...... 50 From our beloved friend to part. for drones. Write G. Marshall & Co., soft water, at Zetland; also it good J. 0, Reading, who is at present in the number of as to choose Rose spent Sunday with relatives near Mrs. Watson, scrubbing Town Yet we believe in tenderest love Teas, London, Ont, ,(cow for sale. Apply to Mrs, D, S. Mae- Oollingwood, son of citizen Reading, from, the Government certainly ought Ripley. Hall ....................... . 12 00 God took him home to dwell above -, donald, Zetland. sends the Advance an account of the Mr. Harris of Chicago. and Bliss Geo. Ross, labor on streets. ...., 9 00 Though all unseen from mortal sight, 1� to make no mistake, I , launching of the monster steam grain Married. Rowland of Needleville, Miss., who is R. Molnoloo, Chairman, Faith loves to trace his upward flight, : Mrs. Thomas Davidson of White- boat Boated recently in Collingwood, at present visiting friends in East On motion of Coun's. Dulmage and No more our father's vexed with fears, church underwent 6. very serious oper- The steamer is the fourth of her class A festive bridal scene graced the Wawanosh, were guests of Mr. and VanStone the report of the Finance No more of weakness, pains and tears; - ation a week ago Wednesday. Dr. residence of Mr. anti Mrs, R. Kinsman Mrs. Martin Waugh on Sunday, committee was adopted as read, The soul set free on joyous wing, Kennedy, assisted.by Dr. McAsh of launched on the shores of the Georgian on Wednesday, when their youngest Mrs. Rogers and Bliss Rogers of To- Moved by Coun's. Dell and VanStona With raptnre gazes on the Xing, —THE— - Belgrave operatedt removing a tu- Bay, she is 376 feet In length, 48 feet daughter, Margaret Ella, was united in ronto, who have been visiting Mrs. -That the Council place to the credit Tie's gone forever from our side, beam, 28 feet deep, of 5,600 tons and marriage to Geo. Cralksbank of Turnberry, re- of the School Board the balance of this % I mour over 25 pounds in weight She is Gen. Ernest Wadland, of turned Vo struggle still with life's rough tide; - , will carry ovet, N0,000 bushels of grain. urned to their hot -no this week. levy .is the same may be collected and Nature will mourn, will drop the tear; having a very smooth convalescence, Sarnia. At high noon as Mendelssohn's required -carried. and expect#,,7to be up and around The launching wits made the occasion March was played by Robert Law, Me, A. Dalmage and Miss Dulmage, Our Saviour wept when He was here Corner Drug Store of a town holiday and excursions came nephew of accompanied by her friend Miss Clark, Conn. Bennett called attention to Consoling thou bride, the bride entered attended Toronto exhibition last week the condition of fence on north side of ilit, to feel and know. shortly. , . In times of lone meas and woe, i 0 in from Owen Sound, Midland, Barrie leaning On the arm of her father, and were guestsat the King Edward, town park. The fence will be taken Our deepest griefs and vexing cares To Tar, LAMrs OlP WING11AX AND and Toronto. At 3 p, m. when every attired in white silk mail, en train and Mrs. Isaac Else and children, and down. The sympathising Saviour shares. VICINITY :-Misses Graham and 011M• thing was in readiness, the foreman The. Mayor stated that residents of Is the Place to get - mer wish to announce that they have carrying a bouquet of bridal roses. Bliss Haslam left on Friday last for Placed his men With axes to stand by, Miss Morris and Wstwanosli wished the While earthly friendships fade and taken'rooms In the Chisholm Block Lilla, Kinsman acted as brides. their home in North Daloota, after road south of Wingliani towards 13el- cease, Everything that is next to Hamilton's drug store where every man to a rope. At the word maid and wore a gown of blue silk or- spending two months with relatives grave pub In such a State of repair that Dear Pathe], inity you enjoy sweet ' thy will conduct a Dress and Mantle "Got" the axes descended, And the gaudy. The groom was sup and friends. they can have access to Wingliam at peace, ' making business; satisfaction guaran- Mo ported by 1111 Seasons of the year, as In sp, ill- it Anil fellowship, which ,e'er shall end, Pore and Fresh in 11111V our patronage respectfully lister steamer slid down the thnbers Heber Thornton of Berlin, The home Rqftble foi some tit'e. Ilic With our unchanging heavenly Friend fled tfully MW, 11. Kinsman of Lansing, Miell" � i is I IIP,t r. Jun. Law ,and son, Robert, a so I I 11 solicited. - and then dropped ten feet to the water, was beautifully decorated with ferns, 1 I Till life's dark day is changed to light, - splashing the water fifty feet high and Misses Gerbrudo and Ed th NVadland County Council cominittee bave In t - - - . palma and flowers. After the core. of Sarnia attended the wedding of speooled the road ,and report that And faith 18 lost in perfect sight, ,e perched on mony, which was performed by Rev. Miss Ella, Kinsman to Mr. Wadland of i ,ed, This i -;:e 490001hk I drenching many who were $12 0 would be required. When Precious ones now gone before 0 ,a " b.,. 11,ql�i� W Talent Secured. buildings, fences, etc. She careened a Dr, Gandy, a, sumnLuous repast was Sarnia, on Wednesday. borne by the county and n1a", e meet again on life's bright shore. The Secretary of the Fair informs few times and then straightened up in - palities interested, 14*tit.ther May be us that the talent hits been secured for full view of an admiring crowd. Jack partaken of by a large number of rela. ___ heard of the matter at next Council I 1. .1 the Concert of tile eventi,n Lives and guests from Lansing, St. Von S,tTx.--A house find lot in trietting. L;rugs and �fr,Zlh. tried various plans to got on board for Thomas, Sarnia, Berlin and other Whitechurch, also a, second-hand The inatter of the purchase of the For a cheap Baggy, go to Glover's ., 4� Miss McGill of London Me- �, Lead, comic, singer, will be the enter• the launch but did not succeed. The places. The very large number of use- buggy and 9, set of iron harrows (near" Electric Light plant came up for con. Implement a lop, cley must be sold tanners , particulars later., customary bottle of wine wits broken ly new). Mart be sold at once, bar* sideration. After considerable discus• to make room for fall stock. Ertl and costly presents received, show gains. -JAS. FOUND, Whitechurch. ' t was moved by Coun, Bell, see- Attseball. over her bow as she slid in and the the esteem in which the bride was held" MoNT.Y To LoAx-Ab 41 per cent. on o8'tone'ol' by Conn. MvIndoo-That. the Dans SHOES. -We have the dainti- name given-Alldlarid King. The vels. The going away gown was of a pretty improved farms, Easy terms of re- 101c" est creatioils known to aboo builders A in last week's Issue we inadvertent- . monster for take traMe; ov . k Prepare a by-latv for the put-. ,over novelty goods with hat to maLell. Mr. tayrnent; expenses light. A chase of the U lectric Light system antl and we believe society women know 6 L. ���____mitoly reversed figures In the report- it Bel Is a nXply A.mhould bavo boon -score 18 to 3' in 800 men were employed in building her, And Mrs, Wadland left art t ultnage Real Estate an g in a. now Waterworks plant, it, for most of theni collie to us for a :Loan � , I lie after. PlItlin l3v-law for a Sewerage systoll), t favor of the clerks, On Thursday, the Agent, Yent Diock. also a heir footwear. -W. J. Greer. clerks and firemen Played , Victory for GRAIN WANTUM-Farmers, bring noon train for Toronto, Niagara and to be submitted 'to this Council at a 1poli, S,�Lr�.__Iu the to of Wing. .L the firemen by 16 to 8, The WhiRbam along your wheat, oats, peas and bar• Other Points, after which they will ,st spe6d meeting to be called by the ham, lots 4. and 5 on the West side of - . It Pianos and Organs from the be Wh DRUGGIST makers may be had on reasonable Mayor as soon as a, report can I Josephine Jt„ on %Vlliell is Situated a 13A8eball team Xittyed the Irish Nino at ley to Gregory '$ Storehouse, Which Will Lake up their residence in Sarnitt, ternt, at D, Bell's. fuoin tile 14"tigineer its to cost of)", eider mill With all equipments. Will W I X, G, 1-1 A. Al Lnean on Alon ay. The weather was be open every business day, where We alt',L�r� very unfavorable, and the game was Will pay highest market prices for all TelogrAins of congratulation were re. MOTHERS I -Bring our 130ys and ations In the Waterworks systerti- be sold very cheap. p. not pl&yed quit; ,vietoty ,remained kinds of grain,-SR,kvohTu Ult,-LING celved from Barn Iii and Lmising, Uich. Girl, here for the,,, &T1001 Shoeg, you carried. ) ea Alply to, (17. J. Maguire, Real Estate gent, Wing. I with thi Irish Nine. Co. The Abyatice extends congratulations, can't do better, FV, J. Greer, I Council Adjourned, I hana,