HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-03, Page 8THE WINCx'H,A,M ADVANCE September 3, 1`903
Belgrave, Morris.
FRUITSP•l "RSON-A„L Jno, Stewart of Blyth spent Sunday Township Council will meet on Men -
at his home here, day, Sept. 14th, e
Mrs. D. A1oDonald is (siting I4iilton Aire, A. Perdue of alifTord Sunday. L. J. Williams received the sad in- Brill -log
t 0 the
AND JARS friends. ed at her dome here, telligonce this week.o£ the death of his Uggs
Mr, and Mrs, H. H, Chisholm are in Quite a number from here talk of father, at Merthyr Tydvil, South.
Toronto this week, taking in the Toronto Exhibition this wales.
We handle
Mrs, Wm. Nicholson and family are week, Da Roo is, home from Philadelphia "Anchor
Anchor House ' !
the best grades visiting Listowel friends, on a short vIeft. He is a welcome
Mr. Jno,. Anderson of Detroit is at
Miss Jean Straughan of Sault $to, present visiting his mother, Mrs, T. visitor. The. Dr. is doing well we are
Only. Marie is visiting in town. Bell. s pleased to hear.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0U, Bant sun-. D
� Anderson. .
The Crawford Peaches are clay with Clinton friends,,BP Mr. Penfold of St, Thomas, was a
Mrs. Davies and daughter, Mrs. (r,) visitor at James Sharp's 5th line, for a
now in and are choice. We Sell W. H. Kerr of the Brussels post. Ferguson, of ]Ethel visited at D, few days. He was here for the good p'
! p was in town last Saturday, Sproat s last week. We're Pays rig i 5c a Doi for them,
them at 25c 50c and 7S�c per of his health.
Miss Dolly Baeker of Brussels is the Mr, Frank Wheeler who has been
basket., guest of Miss Hazel Johnston, sick for some time is improving slowly Mrs Ill
Jas, tt pier, 6th lino, who has
You had better secure what Miss Kew of Whitechurch spent we are glad to report, been Ill for he past two weeks: with
Sunday with friends in town, bronchitis and pneumonia, is improv -
Fruit Jars you'll need now, Misses Jessie and Jennie Gannett D. Sproat has placed a granolithic Ing nicely now we are pleased to state.
while the low price is on. were visiting in Goderich last week. sidewalk in front of the store, which
adds very much to the appearance, Last. Monday morning Basil Wal.
Special deliver during the Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Porter of Owen lace a lad of 12 or 14 years of age was
11 y g Sound are Visiting at Alex. Porter's, Mrs. Wm, Newcombe, who has been attacked by three dogs at Andrew
fruit season, whfch enables US Robt. Cornyn of Stratford is renew• visiting friends for the past month, Laidlaw's and was bitten on the legs
to get your orders out just Ing acquaintances In town this week, left for her home In Newark, N. J., on and arms,
Harry Ansley took a trip to Bramp. Wednesday. LAD S •
when you want them. ton, Toronto and other places this We are sorry to hear that Milton
week. Don't forget the Garden Party next Jermyn, a young man of IS years of
Tr Us. Mrs. A. Fleming and master Elliott, Tuesday evening, Sept. 8th, at the age, of the 2nd line, is not in the en -
spent , last week visiting Lucknow Methodist Parsonage; nothing is joyment of good health, He caught
r friends, being spared to make it an enjoyable cold at a picnic and it has settled on We have the swellest Suitings In town,
We'll Treat You Right. g P
Mrs. Jack of Proton and Mrs. Hen- evening, his lungs. His many friends hope a
Berson of Dundalk were in town on
' Wednesday. (Too late for last week.) cnhange for the better }viii speedily set an sue•�h dainty trimmings We have i he most
®��The Misses Rose of Mitchell are this Mise Maud Wray is visiting friends stylish1' all V oats that we have ever had the
week visiting their brother in town, at Goderich. Arthur Jackson, a former operator i
Walter Rose. John Corbett of London is visiting at Blyth station, and son of James pleasure of showing. Prices very low. 1'1' ��r a are '
Grocery and Crockery Store Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jeffrey of Lon- at his home here. Jackson, of Morris, is now Grand
desboro were guests of Mr. A. Tipling Trunk agent at Hamilton Beach. andmal�ing a specialty of Ladies'. goods.i
on Sunday lase. Mrs. Farrow of Calgary called on has entered upon his new duties. He
Miss M. E. Cornyn returned last friends in Belgrave last week• was laid off duty for five months, ow-
THE MARKETS week from a six weeks visit with Mrs. Wm. Newcombe of Newark. N. ing to illness and a bad leg. The
friends in the West.
wINGHA3i MARKETS friends is visiting at W. K. Whaley'e this greater part of his lay-off was spent in
W. B. Ballantyne of Emerson, Man„ week, Hamilton hospital, where his leg was
Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 25 was in town last week, W. B. was a amputated three times, the last time
Fall wheat per bash new 68 to 90 former Brussels boy. Mr. and Mrs. dD.r Sproat and Mr, and GORDON
Oats per bush.......... , 0 27 to 0 28 Mrs. Percy Hili left this (Thursday) Mee, Jno, Scandrett spent Sunday in at the hip.
Barley per bush........ 0 35 to 0 40 morning on a visit to friends in Toron- Atwood. Dr
Peas per bush ......... • 060 to 0 60 to and Niagara Falls,
Bran ...................18 00 to 19 00 Dr, and Mrs, MCAsh and children Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER
Shorts ..................19 00 to 21 00 Rev. E. A. Shaw and family of Kip- are spending a few days g
Chop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 115 to 125 Pen, formerly of Belgrave, were in P g y visiting
Hay , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , .... 7 00 to 7 00 town on Wednesday, friends at Brucefield. HURON COUNTY W. C. T. U.
Butter per lb...... ..... 0 15 to 0 16 Mr. P. D. Laver of Manafield, Ohio, Mrs. Thos. Scandrett and daughter CONVENTION.
11 gga • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 14 to 0 15 is visiting Mrs. Laver's parents, Mr. Edna, also Mrs. A. Proctor, are spend- Lard .......... . ......... 0 12 to 0 13 and Mrs, G, P. Wells. FARM FOR SALE. EXECUTORS'
Potatoes per bush (new) 0 40 to 40 ing a couple of weeks with -friends at .,
A ppies er ba 0 35 to 0 40 Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Mertens of Tor- Brampton. The sixth annual convention of the The north half of Lot 32, Con. 10, +NI�I!�+wow OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN
Hipdas per 100 lbs, , ...... 6 00 to 650 onto are visiting Mre. M's parents, + THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS.
Mr, and Mra, D. Rush, Mr. Robt. Stonehouse has the ex. Huron County Women's Christian East Wawanosh. Situated near
Lamb skins , ... , ....... 0 30 to 0 40 churches and school 'and not far from f -
Dressed hogs......... , . ? 00 to 7 50 Miss M. L. Brock returned on Mon- terior of his residence veneered with Temperance Union was held in the vii- post office. Intending purchasers We're Wide Pursuant to the power vested in the under.
Live ho hogs.. 5 50 to 600 da after spend the holidays at la a of Zurich on Tuesday and aped- d signed as the Executors of the last will of
g y+ g Y galvanized tin, which adds very much g Y please call before the nil dle of Sept. James Maxwell,late of the township of Morris,
Tallow, per lb........... 05 to 51 her home in Sundi•idge. to the appearance, nesday, Aug. 25.26. The meeting open- A�rd�{e in the county of Huron farmer, deceased, there
Wool ............... • .... 16 to 18 will be ofrered for sale {3
ed on Tuesday afternoon with a conse- y public auction, by F.
Mr. and Mrs. Fulsome of Waterloo, y S. Scott, Auctioneer, At the Brunswick hotel,
N. Y., are visiting the latter's parents, cration service, conducted by Mrs. G. St. Augustine. in the town of Wingham. on Saturday, sept -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pattison. , i 12th, 1903, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, the
TORONTO STOCK MARKET, Acheson provincial secretary, of God- The icnic held last week at Donn TO Your Interests.
, p y, P y' following valuable farm property, viz:—North
Miss Josle Cuyler of Purple Grove erich, and Mrs, (Rev.) Greene, Clinton. brook under the auspices of the Catho- halt of lot 17, in the let concession of the said
For full and accurate market re- spent a couple of days in town last HOWIck. township of Morris, containing 50 acres of land
ports see second page. At 2:20 the convention was called to lie Church at St. Augustine was a more 01• less. This farm is situate about two
week, the guest of Mrs. G. C. Man. Council meets on September 16th in order b the resident, Mrs. E. P. pronounced success. Notwithstand- OUR FURNITURE is easily miles from at th co n one of ro best farm.
ners. y p sold because of the OOOD 'VALUE ing sdistrictsrel a the county of Huron; about 44
Gerrie. Paulin of Dashwood. Tile roll of Ofii- ing the threatening weather, the acres are cleared and in a good state of cults -
Greta and Willie Pilgrim returned there is in every article, See vation, and the balance is hard.wood bus}
to Hamilton on Tuesday, after spend- Mr. Amos Willis, of the 9th con., core and superintendents being called, people came far and wide to enjoy our MEDIUM PRICE Bedroom Th r eIs also a very orchard. -There aro -
To Tie Publicsing their vacation with hire. Herds• has a thorobred Yorkshire sow which the corresponding secretary and the themselves and partake of the choice barn and outbuildings, Buil house, a fence
Suites at $11.50, $14.76, $15.15. oo rick n s and fences
man. during the last 18 months has given treasurer presented their reports, the eatables and delicacies prepared by in good repair. Possession will ee given to do
Wallace Stewart left on Tuesday birth to 75 pigs. This is a record latter showing a balance of $15.88 after the skilful ladies of the congregation For Sideboards the are so fall ploughing.
Y Terms of Sale, -10%
of purchase money on
-- for Toronto. Wallace is a steady, in- which will be hard to beat. meeting all demands of the year, of St. Augustine Church, The CONVENIENTLY made, that you day of sale, and the balance within thirty de s
dustrious youngroan, and we wish , thereafter. The property will be put up sub.
him succes. A terrific thunder storm Next came the President's address various booths were well patronized, wont wonder at their popular- 'cot to a reserve price. Further particulars
Having purchased the inter- passed and conditions of sale will be made known on
eat and coed -will of Mr, Mrs. R. G. Maguire (nee Annie Fyfe) over this section on Tuesday morning which was brimful of encouragement and liberal quantities of ice cream, ity. Dont oily without seeing to daythe of sale, or may be had on application
�' and children of Rydal Bank, Algoma, about 4 o'clock. Mr. Robt. Peel's barn regarding the past, and full of hope soft drinks, fruits, candies, etc., were our $1+5.00 and $17.75 Boards.
Ames, I am now the Wing- are visiting at the home of her parents, was struck by lightning. but fortunat- for the future. The election of officers dispensed. A large platform was COUCHES !—Just ask your Hra� RosMAXWELL
B uEymi Wingham] Exor u -
ham ac ant for the World- Mr. and Mrs. L. Fyfe, y g was then roceeded with, resulting as erected for dancing and the music for neighbor about her $7,00 or Dated this.2lst day of August, 1903, JJ
r, e] not much damage was done, P g g
A. K. Gifford left Monde to pursue follows ;—=President, Mrs. E. P. Paulin, the occasion was sweetly rendered bq
renowned Massey -Harris Co. e $s.00 Conch.
his medical studios at the extern. John'Hamilton and R. G, Nay sold re-elected by an overwhelming major!- the already famous St. Columban or- ,
and wish to advise the public University, London. Mrs. Gifford ac a sucking colt to Veterinary Perdue ty; vice-president, Mrs. G. Acheson, chestra, specially trained by the ltev. FA
companied her husband. The fit. Col- BROSI
that I will keep in Steele a full of Clifford for $50 each. Both were Goderich•recording secretarq, Mra H. Pastor Father McKeon, B�,LL line of this Company's make Miss E. Wilson of Shuter street has young Derby colts and Dr. Perdue Hooper; Exeter; corresponding secre- umban orchestra contains the follow- The undersigned gone to Clinton, where she will assist would buy half a dozen more if they tar 'Miss B. M. Steinbach, Zurich - ing instruments; -1st violins (4) second choice farm within five miles ois for l tate
of unequalled Implements, the Principal of the Public School p+ .
whileengaged in Model School work, were for sale. treasurer, Mrs. J. G. Searle, Clinton. violins (2) cello-de•gambo; double bass, town of Wingham, consisting of 100
etc. Also agent for Kent's slide trombone, cornet, clarionet and UNDERTAKING - acres, 80 of which are cleared and in a
Stewart Button went to Guelph on Mr, John McLeod, south of Gerrie The public meeting on Tuesday even- flute. Another feature of the musical Residence—Patrick good state Of cultivation ; 15 acres of
20th century Manure Distri- Tuesday to attend High school; his has purchased Mr. John Galbraith's ing was one of very great interest; the of Hamiltons Drug good hardwood bush and the balance
butor, and the Waterloo En- brother Ernest has a situation there in farm on the 9th con. Mr, Galbraith pastor of the church, Rev. W. J, Yeag- 'program was the playing of the mill- girt colts well timbered with cedar and bass.
Store. Ni
a hardware store ; we wish them both Lary bagpipes by Mr. McKay of Luc- receive prompt at- wood. On the premises are erected a
gines and Separators. A few success. has purchased Mr. John Weirs farm er, occupied the chair and expressed tentton. new brick house, and bank barn. For
know, which was greatly appreciated.
of the Wm. Gray & Son's Mr. Mallough is visiting' friends in stand
the thaBelt
M e road. We also under- his great pleasure in meeting with the Miss Mabel MacDonald captivated the further particulars apply to
celebrated Buggies were Hamilton and other cities this week; stand that Mr. Chas. Irwin has pur- W. C. T. U. workers, welcoming them
gg audience by heg. ALF, GLOVER,
he expects to call on Rev, J. W. Pat- chased Mr. Acheson Laird's farm on cordially to the village and church, r clever dancing. The \,/ VER,
bought at rock-botton prices terson, formerly of Wingham, but the 10th con., and that Frank Clegg, One of the trustees read a very suita- following clergy were present—Rev. Wingham.
and must be sold to make now of Buffalo, who has disposed of his farm on the ble and touching address of welcome, Father West, Goderich; McKeon, St.
Miss Houghton is holidaying in 13th con., has purchased the Fallaha which was responded to, in a most Columban ; Corcoran, Teeswater ; C.
HAMILTON room for fall stock. P y P Noonan, Dublin ; Mc- o . .
Toronto; her nephew and netts ex- property P y P Gehl, Formosa; j �,
•� company her, Miss Houghton ex -and will move to town in the comprehensive address b Mrs. Hooper Cormack, Kingsbridge; Pinneoneault, AUCTIONEER ! �
A�1 Glover Pects to return and resume her classes near future. Mrs. Newell bas sold her of Exeter. Then came a solo entitled Clinton. Letters were received from _
about Sept. 15th. farm on the 16th con, to Mr. Samuel "Won't you sign our pledge," by Mas- Dominion Exhibition Toronto
• many prominent people regretting BLYTH i)NT. r
Mrs. H. Winfield. Miss Maude and Ferguson. ter Percy Paulin, after which the ad- 30 years experience. I have conducted over $3.65 Wingham to Toronto and return. .
Masters Ivan and Edwin Winfield of dress of the avenin moss luso b Rev. their unavoidable absence, such as R. 3000 successful Auction Sales in the Count Tioketa on sale daily until So t. u: $2.70, 001
Agent — Wingham Chicago, and Mrs, E. Winfield of There died in Clifford on Wednes- R Hobbs of Strath oy. Rev. Mr. Hen- M. P. sell to bett and ens rOrdere left atpADVANcurd, going I,return on or beforolStickets valig f�
Holmes, M.P ; M. Cameron,
Whitechurch, were the guests of Mrs, day evening, 19th August, Mrs, Isaac P, Mr. Mitchel, Editor of the Star Office, Wingham, will receive prompt atten• Sept. 15th.
J. Fleut on Wednesday. Gowd a ed 38 ears, 9 menthe, and derson of Hensall, was advertised for tion. T Phnno or telegrapSatisfaction
at mgction guar
Gowdy, p• y+ g Y Goderich; Mr. Lewis, (Goderich. The Labor Day, Sept. 7th.
Mr. R. Holmes has returned from an 19 days, The deceased had been a suf- the occasion but at a late hour found gold watch was won by W. Gibbons, SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP.
NOTICE.—The . question is how can upper Lake and Mackinac Island trip. ferer with tllbercolosis for five that it was impracticable for him to be St. Augustine, and the organ b Mr. Good going Sept. 5th, Gth and 7tit, valid for
Root. McIndoo loan his money so Ile and leis family will spend the two present. Mr. Hobbs on very short g g y return until Sept, 8th, between all stations in
cheap on notes and mortgages. Call y P months. The disease was acquired Cummins of Westfield. Refreshments Canaaa on Grand Trunk Ry„ also to and from
and see. ROBT, McINDOO. weeks si the Exhibition at their Lake- from the effects of a bad cold, Mrs, notice came to the rescue and delivered supplied b Wm. Scott, and. Percy Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Suspension
aide residence, Toronto, returning at one of his telling lectures. He gave PP y Bridge and Bufralo, N. Y.
the close of the Exhibition. Gowdy was a daughter of Samuel Hill of Wingham, and Jas. Broph, St.
the testimony of the jail inspector for ��
Mr. Jas, Fleury returned on Saturday Nay, of Clifford, and lead for nearly Augustine, The tables were directed � ��` Western Fair, London.
-tfrom Southampton, where he had been all her lifetime lived in the township Ontario to the effect that of all the by J. Redmond of Westfield, Pre- Sept, xxth to :9th.
assisting his son, W. J., editor of the of Howick, at and near Lakelet. Her male prisoners, nine -tenths, and of the sident, and Mrs, M. Cummins, See. �j,� 0.95 winglham to Lton4on and return. {.food
M,a Beacon for several weeks past. South p g P females, nineteen --twentieths, were Treae. On the whole, the day was "•i•` going Sept. #aih a a $gti,.1'i1Ail xlekg} o'c Lpx
P husband about a year ago disposed
amptori is a bright village, and has there through and by the drink. He retnpn lintil �9 t. 20 p
quite a reputation as a pleasant sum- of his blacksmith shop in Lakelet. and very gratifying to the pastor, Rev. J. ►' 1'd• 4994
�,�;•, r' also gave statistics to show that 4,000
i ' mer resort, moved to Clifford. The deceased was Hanlon. Total proceeds, about $500. H r est Expur 1pn
o down to death annual] in Canada �e t p y...--�
Mr. Y. Metcalfe has returned from an exemplary Christian woman and g y l 1 T2s 4Q �4R
alone, and in the United States 70,000 i' to
his tri to the scenes of his youth in mother, whose whole aim in life ap- point in Mallitoba, Assinihoia, .Aborti,
7 s:, through drunkenness. He closed his and Sas atchowan. Good goi g Sept, lit 1,
the Old land, lie reports a very plea- peered to be a true helpmeet to her West Wawanosh. valid returntng until Nov. 20•x'; goo of
/ ✓� sant journey and happy meeting with husband and devoted mother to her address with a stirring temperance sept. 29th, Vaud for return until Nov,t+ 'p
the friends of dave past. He looks as Bolo, entitled "Let Canada be free." Richard Ryan had a large bee draw- For further information at d ttckov. apply to
d though English climate and fare and children, in pressed ha to Goderich on Satur- We have on hand 1+ AAROW. AgonG.
t �.A the sea air agreed with him. Wednesday forenoon and afternoon g p y
was taken up with routine work re- day; he delivered about 25 tone, a number of J. D. 14icDONALD
Iports of county superintendents, re- Mr. Jno. Wilford of Blyth took the (�' }� District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
—Some 05 horses were sold at the re -Grey commendations and resolutions. service at Westfield last Sunday in
V i
pository in Toronto on Sept. lat. A Misa Clara McQuarrie returned froill The closing meeting on Wednesday the absence of Rev. T. Coupland.
large number of these were Mexican evening was most inspiring,
a very pleasant trip to Detroit on Sat- gthe Thomas Begley threshed for Henry • . l
/�/ -., ;.••. �_%/
ponies (unbroken) and these sold at urday. She went by boat from If;in- cYurch beinK yell filled. The chair Kers last neck and turned out 1000 6 �� •;
$13 to $26 each. General purpose hot- was occupied b the resident who
cardine. P y P bushels of oats and 120 bags of barley
ses weighing 1,300 to 1,350 pounds was in her happiest mood. Prayer off 21. acres. dip p n
brought $100 to 102,50. A few heat/ Mrs. Root. McAllister spent a few E. Paulin and the �ar 1 Gat Excursions
{,, r g $ y was offered by Mr, 1;
Everybody Loves horses weighing 1,400 to 1,500 pounds days of last week with friends in Tien- Scripture lesson read by the pastor. Mra. Wm. Mitchell and Miss Mabel, (These are Beautiful
sold at $150 to $185. Some second. sell, Clinton and Seaforth; she reports Mr, Rannie, jr. rendered a beautiful also Mr, and Mrs. Grierson all of Goods, and cheap.) Will be run on SEPTEMBER 13th and
class drivers went at $80 to $100 each. a pleasant trip driving all the way. solo, after which Mrs. Acheson, in her Wingham have been visiting friends 2i til; and eninrespectively, untilVaMB3 R
- The School Boy = We are pleased to state that John clear and expressive manner, gave a in this vicinity of Dungannon. Advance Office
with his bright and happy face, his - Fraser, who has been laid up o4 late, sketch of the origin, design and pro- The new church at Nile is progress -
Blyth, the results of being thrown from a: grecs of the work of the association. ing finely; the roof is now on and the
Winnipega, ...." ttcgtna.,,.,.
_ original speech, his genial manner, Wnskada..,,, MooseJaly„1$30
-his smile, his whistle, his cheerful A number of our citizens are taking waggon, is able to be around again and A short but eloquent address by Rev. floor in, and now Jae Elliott is putting Estevan ,...., Yorkton,,,,.
will soon be all right, J. Greene, was followed b a speech in the cement floor in the basement, Arcola .
disposition, and eve business man - in the Toronto exhibition this week, y P Arcola..,,,,, Pr, Atbort... �35
P g by R, W. Knowles, of Crediton, who Moosomin.,,, - QQ Macleod.,,,,
is glad when holidays are over and Rev. Mr. Burwash of Wingham Mr. Sam Shines, 3rd con., has sold Mr. Geo. Howett has purchased Mr, wawanesa.,r, $28 Calgary.....
Preached in the Methodist church last his farm to Mr. Gilbert Stevens of Ie a forcible and eloquent speaker; he David Wilson's old homestead of 25 Jamestown. Bins arch.....
boys and girls are seen making their P Grandrth w_ Rod Deep... �40
Sunda , in a moat logical utanner showed the
” way to and from school chatting and y Turnberrp. While we are sorry to acres and brick house. Mr. Wilson Messr73. Dugald and Jas. Strachan Grand View., strnthcona..
whistling awe the ha The Presbyterian Sabbath school lose Mr. Shines, yet we welcome Mt,
illegality of legalizing the li tlor tra 111clfng a pew hot}se on his spent Sunday with friends in Oran• swan ]River.,, 1
g y happiest days of y g y g g 1' intends bt --
held their annual Stevens to our community. fie on the grounds that it is the funs- other farts. brood. From an �toints in Canada, Azilda, Sault
their life. It is our business to hole picnic in Potters y tion of law to matte it easy to do right Ste, Marie tVindsor and cast, apply nearest
scholars make school days pleasant grove on Friday, Tho Harvest Home and Thanks iv and difficult to do wrong,Harvesting is almost corlhplete in lir. borne Mc obey of 13arriaton Cahadian l'aolAo dgont to'r pamphlet,
and profitable b seenrin books and g, r sent 'rickets not good oil "IniIMW ;imi ed::
Helps of all kinds and also the most - The new Principal of our Public ing services and supper at Roes The meeting was brought to a close this part, and Mr. Ryan is round with P 9unrjt}y tinder Itis parental 1, , l• ,
school is Mr. Summers of Winchester; church will be held on Sept, 20th and „ his threshing outfit, and he does It roof. A. FI. t . MAN
attractive supplies we can secure. P by singing God be with you till we .4eeletu;}tG}olli NI? espn era t
Just how well we have succeeded he entered. on his duties with his efii- 21st. The committees are endeavoring meet again." At both evening meet- with neatness and despatch. The Mr, S. Cr'earer and the Misses Me. f Goner
t s rs gpo
maybe aeon by our shelves and conn• eient staff of teachers on Tuesday, to make this one of the most profitable Hing �i 0t, Q aHiR.
toga the pledge card was circulated, blower attached to his Sarnia machine Arter of Brussels visited Miss Maude +'
tera. We claim to be in a better - Mr. W. J. Haines, who has been and entertaining' evenings of the sea- and a nutgber of si natures obtained, makes a complete rig. The grain is McKelvey last Sunday, � l' -
position to supply your wants than g
other stores. Try us and. see.. foreman of the Blyth glove works for son. On account of the place of meeting be• turning out Well—oats from 45 to 50 Misses Berva Bryane and Bessie
Strong manilla book covers free the past year, left on Thursday morn- We understand that Mies Stella Mc- ing somewhat out of the way, and the bushels and barley from 40 to 50. Moses started last Tuesday to Brussels
with all school books, ing for Georgetown. where he has Be- Quarrie, pupil of S, S. leo. 4, has been the weather on Tuesday morning be- On Wednesday of last week, Geo, Public School to continue their %P Drunkenn-ass
cured it lucrative position with Arnold awarded the silver medal for taking Ing showery, many were prevented Beadle, of Auburn, threshed 25 acres studies; the wish them every success, THE
Bros, of that town,
the second highest marks in the coon. from ,attdnding., notwithstanding It o4 Marley for Mr. Root, Medd of this Rev. Mr. Paul of Brussels conducted 1• '
Mr, B. Masan has been sick the past ty at the recent Entrance examination, was one of the most profitable ;pet township, The machine commenced the service in the Bali on Sunday ePmgusing
COOPER & two menthe and unable to do any We must congratulate Miss Stella, on held, and we have reason to believe work at one o'clock and at four O'clock evening instead of Mr. W. H. Kerr,�
Co. work, he left on. Monday for a course her success also her teacher, Mr. Robt, that the influence upon those who at• stopped half an hour for slipper, com- who was to have done so, but was
Cher 30t),OOd)
p PP r t'orree. CURES
Successors to Alex. Ross of treatment in St. Joseph hospital, Weir, this being the first time that tended, upon the place where held, mencing again at 4,30 and quitting at slightly Indisposed. l tr. Ill. Pearson 1P'ad' ,Address
London. Ben has y either medal or honors have been Ob- and upon the society generally, will six. Turing that thne 545 bags Of of Victoria College, Toronto, will :terlc•tlr K#Sloy IasttSt.tute
barle ci.nfild. 7Ni T6I44N1`n itNY
i r sincerely ]lope for his tecovery, ds who I gained tit this school, prove lasting tend helpful, y were threshed. preaelf next Sabb, th svcning